Plaxis 3d Cev22.01 2-Reference
Plaxis 3d Cev22.01 2-Reference
Plaxis 3d Cev22.01 2-Reference
The Input program is a pre-processor, which is used to define the problem geometry, to create the finite
element mesh and to define calculation phases.
The Output program is a post-processor, which is used to inspect the results of calculations in a three-
dimensional view or in cross sections, and to plot graphs (curves) of output quantities of selected geometry
The contents of this Reference Manual are arranged according to the sub-programs and their respective options
as listed in the corresponding modes and menus. This manual does not contain detailed information about the
constitutive models, the finite element formulations or the non-linear solution algorithms used in the program.
For detailed information on these and other related subjects, users are referred to the various chapters and
papers listed in the Scientific Manual and the Material Models Manual. Additional information can be found in
Bentley Communities (Bentley Communities).
Symbol for features offered as a Technology Preview.
• Features (subsections in the manual) with no identification but that are within a bigger capability (identified
with [ADV] or [ULT]) inherit the licencing of the later (e.g Added mass (on page 116) inherits [ULT] since it is
under Dynamic loading [ULT] (on page 107)).
• Features using consolidation, steady-state ground water or steady-state thermal flow analysis require
minimum an [ADV] licence. Features using dynamics, transient flow or fully coupled analysis require
minimum an [ULT] licence.
2.1.1 Units
It is important in any analysis to adopt a consistent system of units. At the start of the input of a geometry, a
suitable set of basic units should be selected. The basic units comprise a unit for length, force and time. These
basic units are defined in the project properties inside the Input program (go to File menu > Project Properties
> Model; see Input program - General overview (on page 17)).
The default units are meters [m] for length, kilonewtons [kN] for force and days [day] for time, seconds [s] for
dynamics time.
Given below an overview of all available units, the [default] settings and conversion factors to the default units.
All subsequent input data should conform to the selected unit system and the output data should be interpreted
in terms of the same unit system.
From the basic set of units, as defined by the user, the appropriate unit for the input of a particular parameter is
generally listed directly behind the edit box or, when using input tables, above the input column. In all of the
examples given in the PLAXIS manuals, the standard units are used.
1 mm 0.001 m
1 cm 0.01 m
1m 1m
1 km 1000 m
1 in (inch) 0.0254 m
1 ft (feet) 0.3048 m
1 yd (yard) 0.9144 m
1N 0.001 kN
1 kN 1 kN
Force 1 MN 1000 kN
1 day 1 day
For convenience, the units of commonly used quantities in two different sets of units are listed below:
[psi]=[lbf/in2] or
Young's modulus [kN/m2]=[kPa]
• The user can change the default PLAXIS units in the Project properties window. This will automatically
convert, in the input program, the defined input values (e,g. geometry data, loads, and prescribed
displacements) .
• PLAXIS supports the combination of model properties with different units systems (e.g Forces in [KN] while
Length in [ft]). Therefore, the user needs to ensure the consistent selection of these unit systems.
The generation of a 3D finite element model in PLAXIS 3D is based on the creation of a geometry model. The
geometry model involves a composition of volumes , areas, lines and points. Multiple vertical boreholes can be
defined to determine the soil stratigraphy at different locations. In between the boreholes the soil layer positions
are interpolated. Soil layers and ground surfaces may be non-horizontal.
With the file requester, it is possible to search for files in any admissible folder of the computer (and network)
environment. The main file used to store information for a PLAXIS 3D project has a structured format and is
named <project>.P3D, where <project> is the project title. Besides this file, additional data is stored in multiple
files in the sub-folder <project>.P3DAT. It is generally not necessary to enter such a folder because it is not
possible to read individual files in this folder.
1. The Soil and Structures tabsheets are known as Geometry modes.
2. The Mesh, Flow conditions and Staged construction tabsheets are known as Calculation modes.
If you need to change the licence configuration, e.g. if you have to add some modules, click Configure licences.
In the configuration dialog, see Figure 4 (on page 18), you may select the modules that you want to use.
1- The licence configuration is also available from the menu Windows > Programs and from the menu Help >
Licence configuration.
2- If you change the license configuration while PLAXIS 3D is open, you have to restart PLAXIS 3D for the
changes to take effect.
The licence administrator grants access to software licences. If you miss licences in this list, contact the licence
administrator of your company.
For more information on the Product activation wizard and the Licence management tool, see this info on
Bentley communities: Info on Product Activation/License Management.
When you have chosen the licences to use, click Continue to start using PLAXIS 3D.
At the start of the Input program the Quick select window appears in which a choice must be made between the
selection of an existing project and the creation of a new project (Figure 5 (on page 19)).
Project properties
1. Project
The title, folder and the file name of the project are available in the Project group box available in the Project
The defined title appears as a default name for the file of the project when it is
Company The company that holds the licence for this software.
The address to the folder where the project is saved is displayed. For a new
project, there is no information shown.
The name of the project file is displayed. For a new project, no information is
File name
The Comments box in the Project tabsheet gives the possibility to add some extra comments about the
3. Company logo
Clicking the Company logo box in the Project tabsheet will open a file requester from which the desired file
can be selected. This logo can be included in the output plots.
1. Gravity
By default, the earth gravity acceleration, g, is set to 9.810 m/s2, assuming the default basic length unit is [m].
The direction of gravity coincides with the negative z-axis. Gravity is implicitly included in the unit weights
given by the user (Material properties and material database (on page 180)). In this way, the gravity is
controlled by the total load multiplier for weights of materials, ΣMweight (General phase parameters (on
page 337)).
In dynamics calculations, the value of the gravity acceleration, g, is used to calculate the material density, ρ,
from the unit of weight, γ ( ρ=γ/g).
2. Unit weight of water
In projects that involve pore pressures, the input of a unit weight of water is required to determine the
effective stresses and pore pressures. The water weight (γwater) can be entered in the Model tabsheet of the
Project properties window. By default, the unit weight of water is set to 10.00, assuming the default basic
units of [kN] and [m] are used.
3. Units
Units for length, force, time, temperature, energy, power and mass to be used in the analysis need to be
specified. These basic units are entered in the Model tabsheet of the Project properties window.
The default units, as suggested by the program, are m (metre) for length, kN (kilonewton) for force and day
for time. The corresponding units for stress and unit weights are listed in the box below the basic units.
In a dynamics analysis, the time is usually measured in [seconds] rather than the default unit [days]. In
PLAXIS 3D Time and Dynamics time are different parameters. The time interval in a dynamics analysis is
always the dynamics time and PLAXIS 3D always uses seconds [s] as the unit of Dynamics time.
4. Contour
At the start of a new project the user needs to specify the contours of the geometry model. The initial setting
of the xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax parameters set the outer horizontal boundaries of the geometry model. The
initial view of the drawing area is such that the model dimensions are fully visible within the drawing area.
The aforementioned parameters are entered in the Model tabsheet of the Project properties window. The
contour of the geometry can also be modified in the drawing area when the Soil mode is selected.
1. Title bar
The name of the program and the title of the project is displayed in the title bar. Unsaved modifications in the
project are indicated by a '*' in the project name.
2. Menu bar
The menu bar contains drop-down menus covering the options available in the Input program.
3. Mode tabs
The mode tabs are used to separate different workflow steps. The following tabs are available:
To define the mesh properties and generation of the finite element mesh from the
geometry model.
To define water- and thermal conditions through for instance water levels and
Flow conditions
boundary conditions.
To define the construction phases of the project and calculate the project.
Note: The first two modes (Soil and Structures) are referred to as the Geometry modes, whereas the latter
three modes (Mesh, Flow conditions and Staged construction) are referred to as the Calculation modes.
For a more detailed description of the modes in the Input program see Input program structure - Modes (on
page 32).
4. General toolbar
The general toolbar contains buttons for general actions such as file operations, printing and model display
arrangement. It also contains a button to start the Output program.
Note: If the mouse is moved over a button in a toolbar, a hint about the function of this button is displayed.
5. Explorers
Information about the model and the project is given in the explorers. The availability and the functionality of
the explorers depend on the active mode.
The explorers available in the input program are:
Displays the properties of the selected geometry objects and the features assigned to
Selection explorer them. Additionally it gives the possibility to hide/show, activate/deactivate these
objects ( Selection explorer (on page 46)).
Displays the properties of all the geometry objects and the features assigned to them
Model explorer in the entire model. Additionally it gives the possibility to hide/show, activate/
deactivate these objects ( Model explorer (on page 40)).
Displays the list of the calculation phases, allowing to add, insert, delete and modify a
Phases explorer calculation phase as well as the dependencies of all calculation phases ( Phases
explorer (on page 46)).
Note: Selection explorer and Model explorer are referred as Object explorer
6. Side toolbar
The buttons of the features available in the active mode are located in the side toolbar. A hint on the function
of the button is displayed when the pointer is hovered over it for a few seconds. The side toolbar also
contains options to select one or more objects in the drawing area.
7. Command line
PLAXIS 3D enables to carry out actions using keyboard input by typing the corresponding commands in the
command line. On the other hand, most of the actions carried out using the mouse are translated into
commands. All the commands executed in the project are displayed when the Model history tab is clicked,
whereas only the commands executed in the active session together with the program's feedback are
displayed when the Session tab is clicked.
Information about the available commands is provided when the Command reference option of the Help menu
is selected.
8. Drawing area
The drawing area is the workspace on which the geometry model is created and modified. The geometry
model can be created by means of the mouse and using the buttons available in the side toolbar. The buttons
in the side toolbar vary according to the active mode. A more detailed description on the drawing area is
given in Model in the drawing area (on page 33).
9. Status bar
The status bar displays information about the location of the mouse cursor in the drawing area, the model
object it is located on and a hint on snapping when a drawing tool is selected.
New project To create a new project. In case of a new project, the Project properties window is
automatically displayed to define its properties.
Save project To save the current project under the existing name. If a name has not been given before,
the file requester is presented.
Save project as To save the current project under a new name. The file requester is displayed.
Packing a project
(on page 507) To compress the current project.
Bentley Cloud
Services [GSE] (on To access to the different cloud services.
page 510)
Commands [GSE] To integrate PLAXIS projects with ProjectWise for infrastructure design collaboration.
(on page 511)
Structural Modelling
(ISM) [GSE] (on page To create or update a (new) iTwin Analytical Synchronizer repository.
Exporting geometry
[GSE] (on page 509) To export the current project. Available in Soil and Structures modes only.
Project properties To activate the Project properties window ( Project properties (on page 20)).
Undo To restore a previous status of the geometry model (after an input error).
Copy screen image To quickly open one of the most recent projects. To copy the model image to the
Windows clipboard.
Pan camera To move the view in the drawing area. Note that the model is not relocated.
Rotate camera To rotate the view in the drawing area. Note that the model is not reoriented.
To zoom into a rectangular area for a more detailed view. After selection, click on the
location to zoom in, or indicate the zoom area using the mouse. Click the left mouse
Zoom in button at a corner of the zoom area; hold the mouse button down and move the mouse
to the opposite corner of the zoom area; then release the button. The program will zoom
into the selected area. The zoom option may be used repetitively. Alternatively, the
mouse scroll wheel may be used for zooming.
Zoom out To zoom out of the current view, proportionally to the drawn square size.
Default views To change the orientation of the model to the views defined by the program.
Explode To virtually disassemble the components of the project geometry. This option is
available only in the Calculation modes.
Implode To virtually re-assemble the components of the project geometry. This option is
available only in the Calculation modes.
Select To select boreholes and volumes in the model (Selecting geometry components (on page
Select multiple To select boreholes and volumes in the model located in the region defined using the
objects tool (Selecting geometry components (on page 69)).
Show material To open the material data base with material data sets.
Show movement To open the Movement functions window, see Moving loads [ULT] (on page 118) for
functions more info.
Select To select entities in the model. The feature is described in Selecting geometry
components (on page 69).
Select multiple To select entities in the model located in the region defined using the tool Selecting
objects geometry components (on page 69).
Move object To move or rotate structural entities in the model (Move object (on page 70) and
Rotate object (on page 70)).
Extrude object To extrude a selection of entities (Extrude object (on page 71)).
Create array To create multiple copies of a selection of entities (Copy object - Array (on page 74)).
Create point To create a point in the model (Create point (on page 76)).
Create line To create a line in the model (Create line (on page 77)).
Create surface To create a surface in the model (Create surface (on page 84)).
Has sub-menus: the menu Creat polycurve to create a single continuous curve
Start designer composed of lines and arcs in the model (Definition of tunnel cross section geometry (on
page 141)) and the menu Creat tunnel to start Tunnel designer ( Tunnels [GSE] (on
page 140)).
Create load To create a load in the model (Loads (on page 99)).
Create prescribed To create a prescribed displacement in the model (Prescribed Displacements (on page
displacement 103)).
Create hydraulic To create hydraulic conditions in the model (Hydraulic conditions [ADV] (on page
conditions 165)).
Import [GSE] Sub-menus to import predefined structures composed of volumes and surfaces or to
import point clouds.
Show materials To open the material data base with material data sets.
Select multiple To select entities in the model located in the region defined using the tool Selecting
objects geometry components (on page 69).
Reset local To reset the fineness factor of the mesh locally to the default value.
View mesh To display the generated mesh for the defined geometry.
Select To select entities in the model Selecting geometry components (on page 69).
Select multiple To select entities in the model located in the region defined using the tool (Selecting
objects geometry components (on page 69)).
Move object To relocate a user water level in the model (Move object (on page 70)).
Import water To import predefined water levels. More information on importing geometry is available
levels [GSE] in Importing geometry [GSE] (on page 92).
The Flow conditions menu is available only in the Flow conditions mode.
Show materials To open the material data base with material data sets.
The Phases menu is available only in the Flow conditions and Staged construction modes.
Show cursor
location To show the cursor location in the drawing area.
Show local axes To show or hide local axes. Note that different colours are used to differentiate the local
axes. Red, green and blue indicate the local axis 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Visualization To modify visualisation settings. The settings of the visualization of the program may be
settings changed in the Visualization settings window.
Display numbers
using To select the Significant digits for the project.
[GSE] To activate or deactivate the autocomplete function in the command line.
information To switch on or off showing the licence information at startup.
To modify and run macros. Macros can be defined and indexed in the Macro library
Macro library window, displayed as the corresponding option is selected in the sub-menu. To run a
macro click the corresponding option in the sub-menu.
To configure remote scripting server and open python script to run them (Appendices
Run Python script Python HTTP REST API wrapper [GSE] (on page 569) and HTTP REST API [GSE] (on
page 595)). Visit Plaxis Remote Scripting Interface [GSE] (on page 505) for more
Run Python tool To configure remote scripting server and run python scripts (Appendices Python HTTP
REST API wrapper [GSE] (on page 569) and HTTP REST API [GSE] (on page 595)).
Configure remote To specify an available port and open it for connections by local or remote clients
scripting server (Appendices Python HTTP REST API wrapper [GSE] (on page 569) and HTTP REST API
[GSE] (on page 595)).
PLAXIS Coupling
Tool [GSE] (on page To start the coupling tool to integrate the structural FEM package STAAD.Pro into
Suction Bucket To couple PLAXIS 3D and SACS for the design of offshore structures with suction
Analysis [GSE] (on buckets.
page 530)
View files To display the contents of the (binary) files used in the current project.
reference To display information about commands in the program.
Scripting reference To open a Jupyter notebook with examples of PLAXIS commands using the Python
scripting capabilities
Instruction movies To reach the Bentley communities website where instruction movies are displayed.
configuration... To view, configure and update licences.
About Information about the program version and licence are displayed.
The soil stratigraphy, the general water levels and the initial conditions of the soil layers
are defined in the Soil mode. The features required to define the soil material and
Soil stratigraphy in the geometry are available. A detailed description on modelling soil
stratigraphy is given in Material properties and material database (on page 180). Note
that the model contour and soil stratigraphy can only be edited in this mode.
The geometric entities as well as the structural elements and forces in the project are
Structures defined in the Structures mode. Note that features, such as structures (plates, beams),
interfaces or loads, can be assigned to geometric entities only in the Structures mode.
geometry entities. However, the properties of the defined features (material dataset, load values) can be
The Calculation modes are:
The geometry model is discretised and a finite element mesh is generated in the Mesh
Mesh mode. The geometric configuration cannot be modified in this mode. The mesh should
be regenerated whenever the geometry of the project is modified.
Water levels for a simple hydrostatic pore pressure distribution as well as boundary
Flow conditions conditions for a groundwater flow analysis can be defined. Furthermore, boundary
conditions for a thermal flow analysis can be defined in the Flow conditions mode.
Staged Parts of the geometry model can be activated/deactivated and properties can be
construction modified. The project is calculated in the Staged construction mode.
Note: The Flow conditions and Staged Construction modes are known as Phase definition modes.
To zoom in and out of the view, scroll the middle button (wheel) of the mouse. The location of the mouse cursor
is the centre of the zoom. Other options for zooming are available in the View menu or in the toolbar.
To define a local zooming rectangle, click the Zoom in button. The zoom area must be indicated using the
mouse. Click the left mouse button at a corner of the zoom area; hold the mouse button down and move the
mouse to the opposite corner of the zoom area; then release the button. The program will zoom into the
selected area. The zoom option may be used repetitively.
To zoom out from the current view, click the Zoom out button or select the corresponding option in the
View menu.
To restore the original view, click the Reset zoom button.
Note: Right-clicking can be used to select entities in the model. After right-clicking an entity or a multiple
selections of entities either in the drawing area or explorers, a menu appears displaying the name of the
selection and different options depending on the selection. Clicking the name of the object in the menu copies it
to clipboard. The copied name can be used in the command line ( General information on command line (on page
Note: The Visualization settings window is displayed as the corresponding option is selected in the Options
View options
The display of the supporting tools (symbol, grid, global axes, etc.) in the view and their presence in the drawing
area is defined in the Visualization settings window in the Options menu.
Symbol size: The size of the symbols is defined in the Symbol size dialog box. The default values are as shown
in Figure 9 (on page 35). These values can be used as a reference to get the preferred display.
Grid: The grid spacing and the number of intervals are available in the Grid dialog box. To display the grid and
ruler select the corresponding option in the Options menu. Points indicating the grid are shown in the rulers
which are displayed at the mouse cursor when a drawing tool is selected.
Global axes: The availability, the display and the origin of the global axis in the drawing area are defined in the
Global axes box.
3D view: The view of the model can be arranged according to the selected option in the Visualization settings
window. The options available are:
The perspective view of the model is displayed only when the corresponding option is
Most applicable selected as default orientation (Model View - Orientation (on page 36)). For the other
default view options the objective view of the model is displayed.
The perspective view of the model is displayed regardless of the options selected as
Always perspective default orientation (Model View - Orientation (on page 36)). The perspective view
mimics real life such as closer objects appear larger than far away objects, and parallel
lines vanish toward the horizon.
Always orthogonal The model will always be displayed such that two same-size objects will appear the
same size no matter how far apart they are from each other or from the camera.
Default visibilities: The default visibility of the objects in the model can be defined in the Visibility tabsheet
(Figure 10 (on page 36)).
The Movement limitation window pops up as one of the default views, except the first (Perspective view), is
selected. The movement limitation simplifies defining three dimensional geometry. The movement limitation is
cancelled by clicking on the Perspective view button. Definition of geometry is described in detail in Drawing in
3D (on page 37).
∙ View states...
The user can save the current camera orientation under the specified name.
Click the View states... button to save the state view or to see the saved views.
∙ Non-default views
The model in the drawing area can be panned or rotated using the left and the middle mouse buttons. The
options are available either as buttons in the general toolbar or as options in the View menu.
Click the Pan camera button to pan holding the left mouse button pressed. To rotate the view, keep the
Ctrl key pressed while dragging the view.
Click the Rotate camera button to rotate holding the left mouse button pressed. To pan the view, keep the
Ctrl key pressed while dragging the view.
3.5.5 Drawing in 3D
Defining 3D geometry using mouse input is a difficult task considering the fact that the location in the direction
perpendicular to the view cannot be precisely defined. This part of the manual introduces the tools used in
PLAXIS 3D to enable drawing in 3D. The drawing procedure is illustrated with an example.
The drawing tools available in the side toolbar of the Geometry modes enable defining the geometry of the
model. When one of the drawing tools is selected, the location of the mouse cursor in the drawing area is
displayed in the status bar.
(x/y/z)-coordinate The location of the plane in the axis perpendicular to it should be defined in the
is fixed Movement plane box. As the value is defined, the coordinate will be fixed at that value
while moving in the drawing area. The coordinate is added in the Available drop-down
menu. More than one location in the perpendicular axis can be defined.
Shift moves in the The movement will be restricted to the perpendicular direction when the Shift key is
x/y/z-direction pressed while moving in the drawing area.
The movement limitation can be reset to default by clicking the Free movement (default) button in the
Movement limitation window or by clicking the Perspective view button in the general toolbar.
The drawing process in 3D is illustrated in the following example:
• Create a new project.
• Activate the Structures mode by clicking the corresponding tab in the Modes menu.
Click the Create line button in the side toolbar of the Structures mode.
• Click at (0 0 0) in the drawing area to define the first point.
• Move the mouse cursor in the drawing area. Note that only the x and y coordinates change in the cursor
position indicator. Click at (0 10 0) to define the second point.
Click the Back view button in the general toolbar. The model view will be re-oriented showing the back
side of the model. The Movement limitation window pops (Figure 12 (on page 39)). Note that the y-
coordinate is fixed to 10.
• Click at (0 10 4) to define the third point.
Click the Left view button in the general toolbar. The model view will be oriented showing the left side of
the model. The Movement limitation window pops. Select the SHIFT moves in x-direction option. Keep the
Shift key pressed while moving in the drawing area. The values corresponding to y and z do not change.
• Release the Shift key at x = 12 and click at (12 0 4).
Click the Perspective view button in the general toolbar. The Movement limitation window is closed.
• Click at the commandline. Note that the first point in the current line segment is already defined. Type 0 0 0
to define the last point and press Enter.
• Right-click to finalize the process. The resulting geometry is shown in Figure 13 (on page 39).
Note: The Movement limitation window can be closed by selecting the Perspective view option of the default
3.6 Explorers
Explorers display information about the physical model, the calculation phases and their configuration.
Model explorer Information related to all the objects in the physical model is given.
Information related to the object (or group of objects) selected in the drawing area is
Selection explorer
given. From a group selection, only the information valid for all the objects in the group.
A list of the calculation phases defined in the project is displayed. The Phases explorer
Phases explorer is available only in Calculation modes (on page 32). However, as phases are defined only
in the Phase definition modes (see notes of Calculation modes (on page 32)), it is greyed
out in the Mesh mode.
Note: The Model explorer and the Selection explorer are referred to as Object explorer.
Figure 14: Layout of the Model explorer in different modes: Structures Mode
Figure 15: Layout of the Model explorer in different modes: Staged construction Mode
The information displayed in the Object explorers varies according to the active mode. Information related to
geometry, such as location coordinates, is given in all modes, however it can only be edited in Geometry modes.
The visibility of the model components is indicated and can be modified in the Object explorers in all the modes
of the program. However, activation/deactivation is possible only in the Staged construction mode.
The information displayed in the Object explorers depends on the active mode. The information is grouped under
different categories.
Attributes library:The Attributes library contains global attributes that have been defined and that have been
(can be) assigned to individual objects. An example of such an attribute is a material data set with properties.
Other types of attributes are functions that describe time-dependent conditions, such as Dynamics multipliers or
Flow functions. These functions can be assigned to dynamic loads and hydraulic boundary conditions,
respectively, in order to describe the variation of a condition with time. Finally, the Attributes library contains
the set of water levels that have been created from the information in the boreholes, the soil clusters and the
user-defined water levels.
Dynamics multipliers All the displacement and load dynamics multipliers defined in the project are listed
[ULT] under Dynamics multipliers.
All the flow functions (Head functions and Discharge functions) defined in the project are
Flow functions [ULT]
listed under Flow functions.
All the material sets assigned to the entities in the model are listed under Materials. The
identification and the colour representing the material data set are displayed.
Since these attributes are Global, any change in such an attribute will affect the model as a whole. If it is the
intention to change an attribute only in a particular calculation phase, it is advised to duplicate the attribute
using the corresponding option in the right-hand mouse menu, and make the change in the copy.
Stratigraphy: The soil layers and boreholes created in the model are listed under Stratigraphy. This section
displays Borehole information such as coordinates, head, pore pressure values, etc. and the associated soil
layers, information that is especially beneficial for remote scripting in PLAXIS 3D. The user can view the data
stored in an entity by right-clicking on the same and clicking on the tabulate option. Stratigraphy information
consists of Soil layer and Boreholes information that provide the following details:
Zones are the vertical positions of layer boundaries in the boreholes. For every zone the
Zones top and bottom of the layer is given as well as the thickness and the borehole
corresponding to this zone.
Pore pressure Includes information about pore pressure per layer and borehole.
Boreholes Includes all boreholes information: coordinates, head and field data.
Geometry: All the geometric entities created in the model are listed under Geometry. Note that when a
geometric entity is created, its sub-entities are automatically created by the program. When a line is created, the
first (start) point and the second (end) point are automatically created. New geometric entities are also
automatically created when a geometric entity is decomposed.
The available sub-groups :
The points created in the model are listed. For each point, the coordinates of its location,
the features assigned and their properties are given. Features such as Point load, Point
prescribed displacement and Fixed-end anchor can be assigned to points. More
information on points is given in Create point (on page 76).
The lines created in the model are listed. For each line the coordinates of its first and
second points, the features assigned and their properties are given. Features such as
beam, embedded beam, line load, line prescribed displacement and node-to-node anchor
can be assigned to lines. More information on lines is given in Create line (on page 77).
The surfaces created in the model are listed. For each surface the coordinates of its
reference point, the local coordinate axes, the features assigned and their properties are
given. The flat surfaces created by either using the Create surface tool or by
Surfaces decomposing imported volumes or surfaces are listed as polygons. The imported
surfaces are listed as surfaces. Features such as plates, surface loads or surface
prescribed displacements can be assigned to surfaces. More information on surfaces is
given in Create surface (on page 84).
The volumes created or imported in the Structures mode are listed. For each volume the
coordinates of its reference point and the material data set assigned to it is given. Note
that the Import structural volume option is available only for GSE. More information on
volumes is given in Create volume (on page 87).
The soil volumes generated according to the soil layers in boreholes or imported in the
Soil mode (Material properties and material database (on page 180)) and the material
Soil volumes
data sets assigned are given. Note that the Import soil volume option is available only for
The polycurves created in the model are listed. For each polycurve the sections
composing it and their properties as well as the components of the vectors defining the
Direction axes of the polycurve are given. More information on polycurves is given in
Create polycurve (on page 78).
Note: In the Geometry modes, coordinates indicating the location of geometric entities are in the Model explorer.
It is possible to relocate the points by changing these coordinates. Note that this is not possible in the Calculation
modes, where geometry modifications are impossible ( Input program structure - Modes (on page 32)).
Note: In the Calculation modes, the Coarseness factor is given indicating the local refinement of the mesh at the
geometric entity. The mesh can be refined or coarsened locally by modifying this value.
Connections : All the connections created explicitly by the user in the Staged construction mode are listed. This
option is available in the Model explorer only in the Phase definition modes.
Beams: All the beams created in the model are listed. Information about the assigned material is given for each
Embedded beams: All the embedded beams created in the model are listed. Information about the assigned
material and the connection type is given for each embedded beam.
Soils: All the soils created in the model are listed. Information about the assigned material, volumetric strain and
water conditions is given for each soil.
Plates: All the plates created in the model are listed. Information about the assigned material is given for each
Geogrids: All the geogrids created in the model are listed. Information about the assigned material is given for
each geogrid.
Surface loads: All the surface loads created in the model are listed. The distribution and the values of the load
components can be defined.
Contractions: All the contractions created in the model are listed. The distribution and the values of the
contractions can be defined.
Surface prescribed displacement: All the surface prescribed displacements created in the model are listed.
The distribution and the values of the prescribed displacement components can be defined.
Line loads: All the line loads created in the model are listed. The distribution and the values of the load
components can be defined.
Line prescribed displacement: All the line prescribed displacements created in the model are listed. The
distribution and the values of the prescribed displacement components can be defined.
Point loads: All the point loads created in the model are listed. The values of the load components can be
Point prescribed displacement: All the point prescribed displacements created in the model are listed. The
values of the prescribed displacement components can be defined.
Interfaces: All the positive and negative interfaces created in the project are listed. Either the material of the
adjacent soil or a new material can be assigned. Permeability condition can be specified.
Node-to-node anchors: All the node-to-node anchors created in the model are listed. Information about the
assigned material is given for each node-to-node anchor.
Fixed-end anchors: All the fixed-end anchors created in the model are listed. Information about the assigned
material is given for each fixed-end anchor. The components and the equivalent length can be defined for each
fixed-end anchor.
Surface groundwater flow BC's [ADV]: All the surface groundwater flow boundary conditions created in the
model are listed. Information about the assigned behaviour (Seepage, Closed or Head), is given for each boundary
condition. The assigned behaviour can be changed by selecting the option in the Behaviour drop-down menu.
Wells [ADV]: All the wells created in the model are listed. The behaviour (Extraction, Infiltration), the discharge
(|qwell|) and the minimum head (hmin) can be defined for each well.
Surface drains [ADV]: All the surface drains created in the model are listed. The head can be defined for each
surface drain.
Line drains [ADV]: All the line drains created in the model are listed. The head can be defined for each line
Model conditions: The general boundary conditions of the model as a whole for each calculation phase can be
specified in the Model conditions subtree in Model explorer. The conditions at the extremities of the model are
considered. This makes it possible to make a quick selection of general boundary conditions that apply to the
model as a whole. The Model conditions subtree is available in the Calculation modes in the Input program.
Modification of the information given in the Model conditions subtree is possible only in the Flow conditions and
Staged construction modes. Note that any change in the model boundaries is applied only to the phase selected in
Phases explorer.
A set of general fixities is automatically applied to the boundaries of the geometry model
for the selected calculation phase. More information on default fixities is given in Model
Deformations conditions (on page 372). The default general fixities are removed when the
corresponding option is set to False. In that case it is required to set the appropriate
boundary conditions manually.
The model conditions for a dynamics analysis can be defined at the extreme boundaries
of the model. The options available are None, Viscous, free-field, compliant base. Besides
Dynamics [ULT] the boundary conditions, the relaxation coefficients (C1 and C2) can be defined for each
phase. For more information on boundary conditions for Dynamics calculations see
Model conditions (on page 372).
The model conditions for a steady state groundwater flow calculation or a consolidation
Groundwater Flow -
analysis can be defined at the extreme boundaries of the model. The options available
steady state [ADV]
are Open and Closed.
The model conditions for a transient groundwater flow calculation or fully coupled flow-
Groundwater Flow -
deformation analysis can be defined at the extreme boundaries of the model. The
transient [ULT]
options available are Open and Closed.
This option can be used to specify a general vertical recharge or infiltration (q) due to
weather conditions to all boundaries that represent the ground surface. Other types of
Precipitation [ADV]
flow boundary conditions can be defined using the corresponding feature in the
Structures mode (Hydraulic conditions [ADV] (on page 165)).
This option can be used to specify a global acceleration to model dynamic forces in a
pseudo-static way. The input values of the x- and y-acceleration components are
expressed in terms of the normal gravity acceleration g
g r r r
PseudoStatic [ADV] r
(r = resulting direction)
Figure 16: Resulting force direction r due to combinations of gravity and pseudo-static
The global water level for a selected calculation phase can be assigned in the Water
Water subtree under Model conditions in Model explorer. More information of the usage of the
global water level is given in Global water level (on page 331).
Note: The reference level, href, is likely to coincide with the ground surface, but may also be taken above or below
the ground surface. In case href is below the ground surface, the temperature at the ground surface is set equal to
the reference temperature, as defined in the Constants tabsheet of the Project properties window ( Project
properties (on page 20)). The temperature distribution from the ground surface to href is then obtained from a
steady-state thermal flow calculation, whereas the temperature distribution below href is obtained from Tref and
the earth gradient.
A command consists of a command name, followed by a number of parameters. Together, they constitute the
signature of the command. The number and type of parameters depends on the particular command, and can be
zero or larger.
Commands can be divided into two types:
Have a global scope (like the project or the geometry) that are not necessarily named in
Global commands
the command, and may or may not have parameters. An example is the undo command.
Have a local scope restricted to the selected (target) objects, such as geometric entities
Target commands
and materials. An example of such command is the set command.
Command names consist of a simple string. Many commands have a short name in addition to the standard,
explicit long name (for example point and pt). Any command name can be prefixed with one underscore in
order to distinguish it from any objects bearing the same name (the commands undo and _undo are identical).
The application will always generate the commands with an underscore prefix. It is safe to omit the prefix in
hand written code. There are also commands that start with two underscores. These are mostly intended for
debugging, troubleshooting or advanced automation purposes. The underscores in those cases are not optional.
Command parameters can be of two different types:
References to objects Represented by strings containing the name of an object. The names of such objects may
not start with an underscore (_).
Can be of many data types, such as strings, integers, floating point numbers,
enumerations and booleans.
String value parameters must be between single (') or double (") quotes, and may start
and end with either one, two or three of these quotes. Examples of valid string value
parameters are: "hello", "hello 'world'!", "Young's "modulus"".
Floating point numbers must always use the dot decimal notation, even on systems that
Value normally use comma as decimal separator.
Enumerations may be represented either by a string value, or by the corresponding
integer index of that value.
Booleans are represented as True or False.
In most cases where a value is expected, a property of that type is also allowed - this is
indicated by a trailing single quote. For example when trying to set the x coordinate of a
point, this can be done asset point_1.x 5.2 or as set point_1.x point_2.x.
In some cases it is allowed to place parameters between parentheses, which is indicated by a trailing single
quote in the parameter signature of a command. For example a point can be made with the command point 1
2 3 or as point (1 2 3). The parentheses are optional and are mostly useful for legibility, but may in some
cases be necessary in order to distinguish between different types of calls to a given method.
In PLAXIS 3D, a global command is included that shows information on the commands that can be executed: cms.
This command lists the signatures of all commands available in PLAXIS 3D.
As an example, the signature for the delete command is shown here:
delete (del)
<1,...: Feature'>'
Object x y z
Point_1 1 2 0
Point_2 5 1 0
Point_3 5 3 0
Point_4 4 7 0
Note that the program indexes the entities in the order they are created. The indexing of features such as soil,
structural elements, loads or prescribed displacements, is NOT done according to the order of their assignment
to geometry but according to the order of creation of the geometric entities they are assigned to.
To create a borehole click Create borehole and click on its location in the drawing area. The Modify soil
layers window pops up (Figure 19 (on page 52)). Boreholes and soil layers can be modified in this window.
Note: A warning message appears in the Modify soil layers window when multiple boreholes are located at the
same position.
Select The boreholes to be displayed in the Modify soil layers window are selected.
Invert visibility The view of the Modify soil layers can be inverted to selected or unselected boreholes.
Sort by The appearance order of the boreholes in the Modify soil layers window can be
arranged according to the Creation order, Name and Position.
Graphs of all boreholes with indication of their locations, water head, layer boundary
Soil column
levels and soil material.
Soil layers tabsheet Table showing the boundaries and the materials of the soil layers.
Table showing the water conditions in every layer and the top and bottom pressure
Water tabsheet
values per borehole in each layer boundary.
Initial conditions Table showing the name, material model and the initial stress ratio, K0x and K0x, for all
tabsheet soil layers.
Table where pre-overburden pressure (POP) can be defined.
Surfaces tabsheet This tabsheet enables the import of predefined top and bottom soil surfaces.
This tabsheet enables the import of CPT measurements. More information on the usage
Field data tabsheet
of CPT logs to generate the soil stratigraphy is given in Generating soil stratigraphy from
CPT logs [GSE] (on page 62).
Buttons to add, select, visualize or sort boreholes, to open the material database and to
Bottom buttons
accept (Ok) the soil layers. Pressing Ok closes the Modify soil layers window.
Add To add a new layer below the lowest layer in the model.
The thickness of the new layers is zero length units by default. The thickness of the top soil layer in a borehole
can be changed by modifying its Top and Bottom boundaries. The top boundary of an underlying layer is defined
by the lower boundary of the overlying layer. To change the thickness of such a layer, the user can alter the
Thickness option in the Zones of the soil layer under Stratigraphy tree in the Model explorer or simply by
changing the bottom boundary of this soil layer.
If a new borehole should contain a layer that does not exist yet, this additional soil layer may be added using the
Add or Insert buttons. In principle, this action creates a new soil layer in all existing boreholes, but the new layer
has a zero thickness in all the boreholes that have been defined earlier to ensure that existing layer distributions
are not influenced by this action. In the current borehole the layer thickness can be modified according to the
description given in the previous paragraph.
An existing layer may be removed by right-clicking it, either in the tabsheet or in the Soil column, and select the
option Delete in the appearing menu. It should be noted that the layer will be deleted in all the boreholes of the
project. If a layer is selected and the Delete button is clicked, the Delete soil layer window will appear (Figure
22 (on page 56)).
related to the creation of boreholes, which forms the basis for a direct generation of pore pressures. In situations
where groundwater flow occurs, the pore pressure distribution is not necessarily a priori known, and it may be
required to perform a groundwater flow calculation in order to generate the pore pressures in the soil. More
details on groundwater flow calculations and the definition of hydraulic boundary conditions are given in
Hydraulic conditions [ADV] (on page 165). The current section deals with the definition of water conditions in
boreholes for a direct generation of pore pressures.
The water conditions of the soil layers can be defined for each borehole in the Water tabsheet by selecting one
of the options available in the drop-down menu for each soil layer. There are two columns for each borehole
showing the values of the pore pressure distribution at the top (ptop), and the bottom (pbottom) of each soil layer.
Note that pressure is considered to be negative.
The pore pressures are generated according to the specified head (phreatic level or
water level) in each borehole. The generated pore pressure distribution is visualised in
Head the soil column of the borehole. A head level lower than the top level of the layer, is
indicated by a positive value (suction) at the top (ptop). However, positive pore stresses
are not shown.
The pressure value at the top boundary of the soil layer is to be defined. The program
Hydrostatic will calculate the pore pressure distribution in the soil layer accordingly, taking into
account the unit weight of water.
It enables linear vertical interpolation of the pore pressure distribution of the layer from
Interpolate the pressure at the boundary with the layer above to the pressure at the boundary with
the layer below the current layer.
To remove water pressures from a soil layer select the Dry option. The value of pore
pressure at the upper level of the layer (ptop) and the value of the pore pressure at the
bottom level of the layer (pbottom) will be zero and no pressure will be generated in the
Positive and negative values can be assigned to the top and bottom levels of the soil
layer. The pore pressure distribution in the soil layer is interpolated linearly from these
values. However, in the borehole only negative pressure values will be visualised. Note
that PLAXIS 3D can deal with positive pore water stresses (suction) in calculations.
Defining a positive value at the top of the layer and a negative value at the bottom means
that there is a phreatic level in the layer.
The program generates water levels according to the information provided in the Water tabsheet. Water levels
can represent external water levels as well as phreatic levels in the soil. The water level created according to the
Head levels in the boreholes is automatically assigned as Global water level in the calculation phases. A more
detailed description is given in Flow conditions (on page 356).
By default, positive pore water stress (suction) in the unsaturated zone above the phreatic level is ignored.
However, PLAXIS 3D can deal with suction in calculations. This requires the selection of an appropriate soil
water retention curve in the material data set (Groundwater tabsheet (on page 242)). It also requires that
suction is allowed during the calculations (Flow control parameters [ADV] (on page 354)).
Figure 24: Initial conditions tabsheet of the Modify soil layers window
The initial stresses in a soil body are influenced by the weight of the soil, the water conditions and the history of
its formation. This stress state can be generated using either the K0 procedure or Gravity loading. The generation
of initial state stresses is described in Initial stress generation (on page 310).
If the K0 procedure is used, proper K0 values need i.e. the initial ratio between horizontal effective stress and
vertical effective stress needs to be specified for all layers. Two K0 values can be specified, one for the x-direction
and one for the y-direction.
4.3.4 Preconsolidation
The way to generate initial preconsolidation stress is defined in the Preconsolidation tab in the Modify soil
layers window. It is on the POP or OCR data provided in the Initial tab in the material data set (Figure 25 (on
page 59) and Initial tabsheet (on page 262)). Preconsolidation is most relevant when using advanced
constitutive models that include preconsolidation pressure as a state parameter to distinguish between primary
loading behaviour and unloading or reloading behaviour. In addition, preconsolidation may also be used to
initialise a state parameter σ'1,max that is later used to account for the stress history to (re)initialise other (state)
parameters. This is, for example, the case with SHANSEP type models, which are available as user-defined soil
models in PLAXIS.
The POP values for each stress point are used for the initialisation of the preconsolidation stress ( σ'1,max), which
is initialised in the initial phase and kept updated over all calculation phases as a general state parameter). In the
SHANSEP NGI-ADP and the SHANSEP MC models, the undrained shear strength is calculated according to the
preconsolidation stress. In the Hardening Soil model, Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, Soft Soil
model, Soft Soil Creep model, Modified Cam-Clay model and Sekiguchi-Ohta model, the yield surface is defined
consistently with the defined stress history of the soil. The POP (or OCR) is used to calculate the σ'1,max at the end
of the Initial phase calculation. In the subsequent calculation phases, σ'1,max is compared to the current σ'1,max
and updated if exceeded.
The two POP values are defined From material (Figure 26 (on page 60)), which means the preconsolidation
stress is calculated based on the information (OCR or POP) as defined in the material data sets.
Figure 26: The Preconsolidation tabsheet of the Modify soil layers window
• All soil layers defining POPtop and POPbottomfor one borehole result in a POP variation only in vertical
• All soil layers defining different POPtop and POPbottom for multiple boreholes result in a POP variation both
vertically and horizontally.
By default, the ground level surface and the bottom layer of the soil are modelled using the information provided
by boreholes, as indicated by the From boreholes option in the Surfaces tabsheet (Figure 27 (on page 61)). The
surface level between two boreholes is linearly interpolated. Alternatively, predefined surfaces can be used to
define the top and bottom surfaces of the soil volume using a single borehole.
In order to use predefined surfaces, in the Surfaces tabsheet the Custom option is selected. Next by clicking on
the button Import a window appears named Import (top/bottom) soil surface from which the desired surface
can be selected.
For the importing of top and bottom surfaces PLAXIS supports the following formats: *.step, *.stp, *.dxf, *.brep,
*.stl, *.obj, *.ifc.
Once the surface is imported, it can be further converted into a NURBS surface, by selecting the checkbox Convert
to NURBS. The purpose of this option is to enable the conversion of a triangulated surface consisting of multiple
triangles into an effective parametric surface that is described as a NURBS surface (Non-uniform Rational B-
spline). The NURBS surface is an approximation and it is generated along a grid. The user provided surface is
sampled along a grid and B-spline curves are generated in both directions along the grid. From the B-spline
curves the NURBS surface is generated. The grid points may be changed in both direction if the resulting surface
is not satisfactory.
Note: The soil stratigraphy in a borehole can be specified using available CPT logs that can be loaded in PLAXIS
3D. More information on the required format is given in Import CPT data: required file format [GSE] (on page
Robertson Method
The Robertson classification is based on the non-normalised cone resistance which allows to identify 9 different
areas with different behaviour. A simplified approach to assign the SBT to each measurement point consists of
calculation of the index ISBT. This index allows to identify only the soil layers with SBT from 2 to 7 (Figure 29 (on
page 63)).
To simplify the application of the CPT charts, the cone resistance and the friction ratio can be used to calculate
the SBT index, ISBT, where the index is the radius of the concentric circles that represent the boundaries between
the zones. Based on predefined ranges, it is possible to determine the SBT zone for each point.
The index ISBT is given by the following equation:
I SBT = 3.47 - log ( ))
+ (log (R f ) + 1.22)2
Eq. [1]
qc = Cone resistance
Rf = Friction ratio (=fs/qc)
fs = CPT sleeve friction
pa = Atmospheric pressure.
Figure 29: SBT chart based on cone resistance (qc/pa) and friction ratio Rf, showing contours of ISBT (after
Robertson et al., 1986)
• CPT data can be loaded in PLAXIS 3D in the form of simple text files. These files need to be constructed
following the format (e.g. header and units) illustrated in Import CPT data: required file format [GSE] (on
page 545).
2.60 < ISBT < 2.95 4 Silt mixture: clayey silt and silty
2.05 < ISBT < 2.60 5 Sand mixtures: silty sand to sandy
1.31 < ISBT < 2.05 6 Sands: clean sand to silty sands
ISBT Colour
Figure 30: Colour scheme adopted in PLAXIS 3D representing different layers for different ISBT
Click the expansion button next to the borehole.
• Select the data to be considered from the Field data drop-down menu.
• Select the Interpretation method, either the Robertson option or the CUR 3 layers method. The CUR 3 layers
criteria are shown in Figure 30 (on page 64)
• Enter the minimal layer thickness (Minimal thickness option) to be considered in layer generation to avoid
multiple thin layers. The expanded Modify soil layers window is shown in Figure 32 (on page 65).
• Click Apply layers to subdivide the soil cluster into the layers shown in the borehole.
qc [MPa]
Figure 31: Layering criteria for CUR 3 layers methodCUR 3 layers method
• When soil stratigraphy is generated from CPT logs the created layers will be applied to the whole model.
Boreholes can be used to modify the layer thicknesses at their location.
• However only one CPT log can be used in a project. Generation of layers resulting from a new CPT log will
overwrite the existing ones.
• For more information about the importing process of CPT data please visit Bentley Communities.
Before importing *.dxf files, the INSUNIT global variable should be set to the desired unit Table 1 (on page 67).
Unitless 0
Inches 1
Feet 2
Miles 3
Millimeters 4
Centimeters 5
Meters 6
Kilometers 7
Microinches 8
Mils 9
Yards 10
Angstroms 11
Nanometers 12
Microns 13
Decimeters 14
Decameters 15
Hectometers 16
Gigameters 17
After selecting the file, the Import soil volumes window pops up (Figure 33 (on page 66)), where the geometry
can be modified. It is possible to import only volumes by keeping the corresponding option checked in the
Import soil volumes window.
Note: The units of imported DXF and STEP files will be automatically converted into the predifined PLAXIS
project units. However, for other formats such as BRep no conversion is executed. Therefore, the user needs to
ensure that the units of the external file are consistent with the PLAXIS project units before importing.
Otherwise, PLAXIS importer will interpret these external files as if they were already in the PLAXIS project units.
4.4.1 Scaling
The imported geometry can be scaled by defining a factor for scaling in all directions.
Source vertical axis It enables reorienting the imported geometry such that the vertical axes of the imported
geometry and the program coincide. The source vertical axis enables axis
transformation according to the right hand rule of rotation. Note that the vertical
direction in PLAXIS 3D is the z-axis.
Mirror y-axis The geometry will be transformed such that the values of y coordinates will be changed
to -y; coordinates (effectively in the xz-plane).
Swap x-axis and y- The geometry will be transformed such that the values of x coordinates will be changed
axis to y coordinates and vice versa.
Minimum of The insertion point is automatically chosen as the minimum value of the model
imported model boundaries.
Maximum of The insertion point is automatically chosen as the maximum value of the model
imported model boundaries.
Custom The user can enter a specific value for the insertion point.
Redefining the location of the insertion point will relocate the reference point.
• Material properties of volumes or surfaces are not imported and need to be created in the material data base.
• A description of the feature and an instructional movie is given in Bentley Communities (https://
When the Selection tool is active, a geometry component may be selected by clicking once on that component
in the geometry model. Multiple selection is possible by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while
selecting the desired components.
In addition to selecting geometry components one by one by using the Selection tool, several geometry
components can be selected at once by using the Select multiple objects tool. A rectangle can be drawn in the
drawing area by clicking on the first corner of the desired rectangle and moving the cursor while holding down
the mouse button. After release of the mouse button, all visible geometry components in this rectangle will be
The order in which the rectangle is created influences the selection type. When you select from left to right, it
selects items completely within the box. When you select from right to left, it selects every item crossing the box
It is also possible to select multiple geometry components of one type (for example points, lines or surfaces) or
multiple structural elements of one type (for example node-to-node anchors, beams or plates) at once by
selecting the desired sub-tool from the menu that appears when the Select rectangle button is clicked.
Right-clicking can be used to select entities in the model. After right-clicking an entity or a multiple selections of
entities either in the drawing area or explorers, a menu appears displaying the name of the selection and
different options depending on the selection. Clicking the name of the object in the menu copies it to clipboard.
The copied name can be used in the command line ( General information on command line (on page 46)).
A selection can be rotated over a global axis around a rotation point. The Rotate object button is active only after
one or more objects have been selected.
To rotate a selection:
Click the Rotate object button. The Rotate selection window pops up. Note that the name of the window
varies according to the selection.
• Define the coordinates of the rotation point. The default rotation point is the object reference point. The
rotation point can be relocated by dragging it in the drawing area.
For cases where the rotation point is not visible, it is possible to drag the rotation point by clicking the
Drag point button in the Rotate object window and dragging it in the drawing area.
• Define the rotation angles. The rotation angles are positive for counterclockwise rotation. Alternatively, the
rotation may be defined by dragging one of the points on one of the circles.
In the drawing area, the circle defined by rotation over the x-axis is marked in red colour. The circle defined by
rotation over the y-axis is marked in green colour. The circle defined by rotation over the z-axis is marked in
blue colour.
Figure 35: Rotation point and rotation axis for a selected line
Note: Note that the options to rotate or pan camera do not change the orientation of the objects in the model but
only the view.
Points, lines and surfaces can be extruded to create lines, surfaces and volumes respectively. The Extrude object
button is activated only after the selection of one or more such geometry entities.
The graphical definition of the extrusion is possible by dragging the entity. The coordinates defining the
direction of extrusion and its magnitude will change accordingly as the entity is dragged in the drawing area.
Note that the selected entity can only be dragged in the direction defined by its normal. Holding the Shift key
pressed while moving the mouse enables lateral movement. For a group of selections the dragging direction is
defined by the normal of the geometry entity clicked before dragging.
The extrusion of points, lines and surfaces can be defined in the Extrusion tabsheet in the Extrude object
window. As an example, the extrusion of a line is described.
To extrude a line:
• Select a line in the drawing area.
Click the Extrude object button. The Extrude window pops up as shown below.
• Define the components of the extrusion vector. The length of the extrusion vector is automatically calculated.
• If the length of the extrusion vector is redefined, the vector components are automatically recalculated
according to their previous values and the new length.
This option enables defining the extrusion by entering the skew components in the first and second local axis
and the height of the extrusion in the direction of the third local axis
Note: In case of revolution of a surface, then the axis of revolution should be in the same global plane as the
surface itself.
Multiple copies of a selection, arranged in a rectangular or rotated pattern, can be created in the Structures
• Select the source object(s) in the model. Multiple selections can be copied.
Click the Create array button. Note that the Create array button is active only after the selection is made.
The Create array window pops up where the pattern of the array can be defined.
• It is possible to choose a Rectangular or a Polar array pattern.
• For Rectangular array pattern, select the necessary option in the Shape drop-down menu. Enter the total
number of rows (or columns) after copying and define accordingly the distances between adjoining copies.
• For Polar array pattern, select the necessary option in the Plane drop-down menu. Enter the coordinates for
the center point, total number of items after copying, total angle over which the items are distributed equally
and whether the objects are to be rotated.
Note: Note that when Array is used to create copies, besides the geometry entity itself, the assigned features and
properties are copied as well. Hence, it is advised to first assign the features and properties before copying
geometric entities.
A geometric entity can be relocated by selecting it first using the Move tool in the toolbar or by changing the
coordinates location can be changed in the Object explorers.
There are two options of deleting entities in the model. To delete a geometric entity and all the features assigned
to it, right-click it and select the Delete option from the appearing menu. To delete only features assigned, right-
click it, click on the feature you want to delete in the appearing menu and click Delete.
Note: Note that using the Delete key, deletes the geometric entity and all the features assigned to it.
One of the basic input items for the creation of a geometry is a point. To create a point click the Create point
button in the side toolbar and then click at the location of the point. A Point load, Point prescribed displacement
and Fixed-end anchor feature can be assigned to a point.
Note: A node-to-node anchor or an embedded beam cannot be assigned to a line to which other features are
Note: The general coordinates of the Insertion Point are displayed and can be modified in the Selection Explorer
(outside the polycurve designer window).
The emerging Polycurve designer window consists of a toolbar with two tabsheets (General and Segments)
where the properties of the polycurve are defined. The Preview window displays the created polycurve.
1. General tabsheet
The general settings of the polycurve are defined in the General tabsheet of the polycurve designer
window(see Figure 44 (on page 79)) taking into account the following considerations:
• The Offset to begin point can be used to specify the distance between the origin of the local polycurve
axes "1" and "2" (the insertion point of the polycurve) and the starting point of the first segment of the
polycurve. By default the offset values are zero, which means that the starting point of the first segment is
equal to the insertion point. However, by setting the offset values it is possible, for instance, to make the
center point of the polycurve the insertion point.
• The Orientation axis 1 and the Orientation axis 2 define a plane in which the polycurve is drawn.
The general properties of the polycurve in the model are defined using the options available in the General
2. Shape tabsheet
The segments of a polycurve can be defined in the Segments tabsheet of the Polycurve designer window.
A new circular shape is created by clicking the Make circle button. Once this button is selected, insert
the radius of the circle in the emerging window.
A new square shape is created by clicking the Make square button. Once this button is selected,
insert the edge length of the square in the emerging window.
A new segment is added to the last segment in a polycurve by clicking the Add segment button
available in the toolbar. The last point of the last segment in the polycurve is the first point of the newly
added segment. The newly created segment is displayed in the segment list shown below.
Note: A segment can be selected from the displayed segment list or by clicking the segment in the
Preview area.
Figure 46: Segment list displaying the segments composing the polycurve
A new segment is inserted before a selected segment in a polycurve when the Insert segment button
is clicked. The last point of the newly inserted segment becomes the first point of the previously selected
segment. The indices of the segments are updated according to their position in the list.
A selected segment in a polycurve is deleted when the Delete segment button is clicked. The indices
of the segments are updated according to their position in the list.
To extend the polycurve to the axis of symmetry click the Symmetry axis button. A new segment is
added connecting the last point of the polycurve to the axis of symmetry.
To close the polycurve by mirroring the existing segments, click the Symmetric close button . This is
only possible when one half is completed up to the symmetry axis.
To close the polycurve click the Close button. A new segment is created connecting the last point of
the polycurve to the first one.
• General properties of segments
Type To define the type of the segment. The options available are Line and Arc. For a Line
segment the length of the segment should be specified. For an Arc segment the
radius and the segment angle should be specified as depicted below.
When specifying a negative radius for an Arc segment, the arc will be mirrored in the line described by the
tangent vector.
Note: When the Make a circle option is selected, the created polycurve consists of two Arc segments with
a Segment angle value of 180°.
Relative start angle To define the value of the angle between the start tangent of the next segment and
the end tangent of the previous segment as shown below.
Radius Arc only. The value of the radius for an arc segment.
Segment 2
Segment 1
Start angle The value of the angle between the start tangent of the segment and the global
Δ1 The increment of the line in the local "1" direction formed by the start and end
point of the segment. Δ1 is in the local polycurve space (defined by the orientation
axes), not the global model space.
Δ2 The increment of the line in the local "2" direction formed by the start and end
point of the segment. Δ2 is in the local polycurve space (defined by the orientation
axes), not the global model space.
Note: When modelling arcs using derived parameters Δ1 and Δ2, there will often be two solutions for the
same absolute x or y value. In those situations, program will always take the shortest segment. To design
those ambiguous cases correctly, use the remaining parameters.
3. Modification of polycurves
Modification of a polycurve is possible in the Model explorer after closing the Polycurve designer window.
When a polycurve is right-clicked (RMB) either in the Model/ Object explorer or in the drawing area, a
menu is displayed (See Figure 51 (on page 84)) with different options:
Note: Complex geometries can be created by extruding a polycurve or a polygon along a predefined path
(Extrude object (on page 71)).
The third basic input item for the creation of a geometry is a surface. To create a surface click Create surface
and then on the locations of the points that define the surface.
The first point defined in the surface is the reference point of the surface. After the first point is created, the user
may draw a line by entering another point. After the first line is created, the user may draw a surface by entering
another point. As the third surface point is defined, the Surface points window pops up.
• The plane of the created polygon is displayed in the model as the third point is defined. The program allows
creation of new points located only in this plane by clicking.
• To add new points out of the plane, right-click the points in the Surface points window and select either the
Insert point or the Add point option.
The points defining the surface and their coordinates are listed in the Surface points window. Crossing lines are
indicated in the Plane state option. Existence of crossing lines indicates that no valid surface can be created.
When there are no crossing lines, the condition of the Plane state is OK. The options to define the plane of the
surface are:
The first three points in the Surface points window define the surface plane. Values in
First points
the error column indicate whether the surface is in or out of the defined plane.
Best fit of surface points is considered to define a plane surface that fits the best to the
Best fit
defined points. The error column is not applicable.
The points defining the surface can be projected to the plane of the surface by clicking Project points to plane in
the Surface points window. The creation of a surface is finished by clicking on the selection tool in the side tool
• Note that the points and the lines defining a surface are not shown in the Model explorer.
• The points and lines defining the surface can be added to the model by selecting the Decompose into outlines
option from the right mouse button menu.
A Plate, Geogrid, Interfaces, Surface load, Surface prescribed displacement, Contraction, Surface groundwater flow
boundary condition and Surface drain can be assigned to a surface (either created or imported).
Modification of surfaces
The points defining surfaces can be modified using the options available in the menu that appears when the
point ID is right-clicked in the Surface points window. Using these options a point can be added, inserted or
The points defining the surface can be relocated by changing their coordinates in the corresponding cells in the
Surface points window.
Note that the options to modify the points defining a surface are available in the Create surface submenu and
they are selectable after the surface to be modified is double clicked first.
For the Automatic axis function, the first and second local axes lie in the plane of the surface, whereas the third
axis is perpendicular to the plane of the surface (Material data sets for plates (on page 273) of the Material
Models Manual). The first axis is automatically assigned as follows:
• If the normal is parallel to the global z axis, the first axis points the global x-axis direction.
• If the normal is not parallel to the global z axis, the first axis is then Axis1= n × z (cross product of the unit
vector of z pointing upwards and the normal).
When the Manual option in the Axis function drop-down menu in the Object explorers is selected, the user has to
define the direction of the first axis. The third axis is determined by the normal and the second axis is
determined as Axis2= n × z. The coordinate system does not have to be orthogonal.
Note: In case of a straight tunnel it is convenient to use the direction of the tunnel as the direction of the first
axis. The direction of the second axis is determined automatically from the first and third axis according to the
right hand rule.
Imported surfaces
Predefined surfaces can be imported in the Structures mode (Importing geometry [GSE] (on page 92)). The
geometry of an imported surface can be modified after being decomposed into outlines.
Note: Volumes can be created by extruding a polygon along a predefined path created using the Polycurve or
NURBS curve feature (Extrude object (on page 71)).
Note: The surfaces and the outlines defining a volume created or imported in the Structures mode can be added
to the model by selecting the Decompose into surfaces or Decompose into outlines option respectively from the
right mouse button menu.
Soil and interfaces material data sets, Volumetric strain and Water conditions can be assigned to volumes.
Note: Multiple entities can be selected by keeping the Ctrl key pressed while clicking on the entities.
Beam Plate
• Note that Volume strain can be assigned to soil clusters only in the Phase definition modes.
• If an embedded beam or a node-to node anchor is assigned to a line in the model, no other features can be
assigned to it.
Invert normal
The Invert normal option is available for surfaces in the right mouse button menu. Note that the location of an
interface relative to the surface to which it is assigned depends on the type of the interface (positive or negative)
and the normal of the surface. If the normal of a surface is inverted, the assigned interface will automatically be
applied to the other side of the surface.
• Using the buttons in the side toolbar
• Assigning the feature to an existing geometric entity
• Using the command line
• Boreholes cannot be merged.
• Features that are sensitive to local axes need to be checked by the user after the merging.
• If an embedded beam or a node-to node anchor is assigned to a line in the model it cannot be merged to
equivalent lines to which other features are assigned.
Drawing imperfections such as disconnected or overlapping geometric entities can lead to intersection or
meshing difficulties. The Snap feature enables the correction of such imperfections in a range of 0.001 length
units. The default value of snapping distance can be temporarily modified when snapping is performed using the
corresponding command (see Command reference).
The Decompose option enables decomposing the selected geometric entity into lower entities. A surface is
decomposed into outlines and a volume is decomposed into surfaces. An example of decomposition of a surface
into outlines is given in the chapter Loading of Suction Pile of the PLAXIS 3D Tutorial Manual.
A multiple selection of geometric entities can be combined (merged/fused together) by selecting the
corresponding option in the right-click mouse menu (RMB). The figure below displays two volumes before and
after combining. After combining different entities into one new entity, the original entities do not exist
The Group option in the right mouse menu enables creating groups of entities in the model. The created group
will be listed under the Groups subtree in the Model explorer. Grouping enables modification of the common
properties of the group at the same time. After grouping different entities into a group, the original entities still
Figure 57: Creating a surface between two polycurves using Loft polycurves option
In the Structures mode, the geometry of the soil can be imported by clicking the Import structures button
available in the side toolbar under the Import... button or by selecting the option available in the Structures
Note that only surfaces and volumes can be imported. A detailed description on how geometry is imported is
given in Importing soil layers [GSE] (on page 66). When importing a geometry file, a list of possible file
extensions are shown. The supported file types are:
Wavefront 3D Object files [Technology Preview]
Stereolithography files [Technology Preview]
Note: The units of imported DXF and STEP files will be automatically converted into the PLAXIS project units.
However, for other formats no conversion is done (e.g BRep);the user needs to ensure the file units are
consistent with the PLAXIS project units before the import. Otherwise, PLAXIS importer will interpret these
external files as if they were already in the PLAXIS project units.
After selecting the file, the Import structures window pops up, where the geometry can be modified. It is
possible to import some of the geometry entity types by keeping the corresponding options checked in the
Import structures window.
The user can import surfaces using the point cloud feature available in GUI. The supported file type is .txt (a
plain text file). The program detects a best-fit plane as the reference plane.
The NURBS surface is generated with default generation parameters. After the import, the surface can be
selected and the generation properties can be changed. Changing any property will trigger the regeneration of
the surface. Selection explorer shows the following properties for a NURBS Surface.
The minimum/maximum degree of the polynomials. This concerns the polynomials that
Min/Max degree join the points (setting both min and max values to 1 only allows for linear functions,
and if set between 1 and 3, it allows for lines, parabolas and cubic functions).
Number of grid
The number of grid rows where the point cloud is sampled.
points rows
The number of grid columns where the point cloud is sampled. The rows and columns
Number of grid refer to the underlying grid used to define the NURBS surface. The more rows and
points columns columns you use, the more control you have over the surface and the more flexible your
surface will be, but the heavier and thus less workable your surface will become.
The importpointcloud command can be used from the command line too with more parameters to fine tune
how the import is done. For more information on how to use this command, see Command Reference.
The user can also import Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data using files with .ifc extension. It is possible to
import data using Import structures... tool in the side toolbar of the Structures mode .
To change filtering properties and import, for example, only walls included in the IFC file, the user can use
command importifc.
The supported types are:
• ifcroof
• ifcslab
• ifcfooting
• ifcpile
• ifcbeam
• ifcplate
• ifcwall
• ifccolumn
Examples of using importifc command:
importifc "structures" "C: directory #imports only wall data into a project
\3.ifc" "ifcwall"
importifc "structures" "C: directory #imports only roof data into a project
\3.ifc" "ifcroof"
Note: When using incorrect types or trying to import the structures that do not exist in a file, the program shows
warning messages.
For more information on the importifc command please visit the Input command Reference for PLAXIS 3D (see
Help menu (on page 31)).
The user can import triangulated surfaces either through .obj or .stl files. These file types support surface
descriptions that are represented by a triangle mesh. PLAXIS assumes the triangle mesh to represent a smoothly
varying surface. This means that sharp edges will not necessarily be reflected as a sharp edge in the Finite
Element mesh that is generated from this surface.
Note that closed surfaces are not supported and surfaces that are nearly closed or periodical, such as a cylinder
surface, are not suitable without cutting the surface up into multiple surfaces. Such surfaces are not suitable
because they cannot be "folded/pressed onto a flat plane" without overlap and with minimal distortion of the
The success of importing triangulated surfaces into PLAXIS depends strongly on the quality of the input data.
Issues with quality of the input data are not always visible to the human eye. Factors that determine the quality:
• Number of triangles; less is better.
• Quality of individual triangles; more regular is better, needle-like, sharp angled is worse.
• Ratio between the longest and the shortest triangle edge; smaller is better.
• Small details; triangles or triangle edges smaller than the scale that matters for the Finite Element analysis
should be avoided.
• Clean surface borders; no extra triangles that are not really part of the intended surface, showing a clearly
deviating normal compared to their neighboring triangles.
• Triangle connectivity; no small gaps between triangles or vertices, but exact alignment of coordinates.
• Proximity of the model to the origin at the time of export; exporting a geometry that is far from the origin
relative to its own size to .obj or .stl, typically leads to loss of accuracy.
When cutting surfaces into multiple surfaces or importing multiple surfaces that otherwise are supposed to align
or connect, always try to ensure that the coordinates are identical to a high precision. Small gaps or overlaps will
likely lead to intersection or meshing issues.
Clean-up and simplification of the source triangle mesh before export will make the import easier and failure to
import less likely. In case of failure the import log may help you to understand the issue better as it may show
additional details. Some typical errors and warnings that PLAXIS may report during import are:
• Import error: Non-manifold surface.
This means that the triangle connectivity does not suit the description of a surface, for example there might
be three triangles sharing a single edge, see Figure 63 (on page 98).
5.4 Loads
Loads are features that can be assigned to geometric entities. Loads can be assigned to existing geometric
entities by right-clicking the entity and selecting the corresponding option in the appearing menu. Alternatively,
the options available in the Create load menu can be used. To assign loads to existing geometry entities:
Select the button corresponding to the load from the menu appearing when the Create load is selected
Figure 65 (on page 99).
• Drag the tool (keep the left mouse button down) and drop it on the geometric entity.
A geometric entity can be created and a load can be assigned to it simultaneously using the options available in
the menu displayed as the Create load button is selected in the side toolbar. This provides a faster definition of
loads. Instead of creating the geometric entity and then assigning a load to it, the process is completed in one
step. The process is similar to the creation of a geometric entity with the difference that the load is assigned to it
as well.
Although the input values of loads are specified in the Structures mode, the activation, deactivation or change of
loads may be considered in the framework of Staged construction (Changing loads (on page 367)).
On a part of the geometry where both fixities and loads are applied and active, the fixities have priority over the
loads during calculations. Hence, it is not useful to apply loads on a fixed geometric entity. However, it is possible
to apply a load in the free directions.
The Load subtree in the Object explorers consists of two parts where the static and the dynamic components of
the load can be defined respectively.
1. Static load
The distribution and the components of the static load are assigned in the first part of the Load subtree. Note
that the Distribution option is not available for Point loads.
The distribution and the components of the dynamic load is assigned in the second part of the Load subtree.
Note that the Distribution option is not available for Point loads. Besides the Distribution and the components
of the load, Multipliers can be defined for each of the load components separately. One of the available
multipliers defined in Attributes library (Definition of multipliers (on page 107)) can be selected from the
drop-down menu. The view of the dynamic load in the Object explorers is given in figure below.
Note: Note that a bending moment value can be specified only for Point loads.
A point load can be created using the Create point load button. The input values of a point load are given in
the unit of force. The default value of point loads is one unit in negative z-direction. The x-, y- and z-components
of a point load as well as an optional bending moment can be defined or modified in the Object explorers. If a
different magnitude value is assigned to the absolute load, the program calculates the individual components
accordingly, assuming the initial load direction.
• Bending moments can only be applied to plates, beams or embedded beams.
• Bending moments applied to nodes that do not belong to the plates, beams or embedded beams are not
included in the calculation.
• Plates and soil elements do NOT sustain torsion.
• If torsion is applied to beams/embedded beams, users should ensure that the attached elements have the
ability to sustain torsion as well. As an example, if torsion is applied to the start point of a beam, the end point
should be connected to a beam or an embedded beam and NOT a plate or the surrounding soil.
A line load can be created using the Create line load button. The input values of a line load is given in the unit
of force per length per length of out-of-plane. The default value of a line load is one unit in negative z-direction. If
a different magnitude value is assigned to the absolute load, the program calculates the individual components
accordingly, assuming the initial load direction.
A linearly varying line load is created by defining the components and the magnitude of
the force at the start and at the end points of the line representing it.
A surface load can be created using the Create surface load button. The input values of a surface load are
given in the unit of force per area (for example kN/m2). Surface loads may consist of a x-, y- and/or z-component.
The magnitude is automatically calculated by the program. If a different magnitude value is defined, the
components are calculated accordingly.
Vector aligned
To create a linearly distributed load varying in a specified direction.
To create a load perpendicular to the surface varying in the direction of gravity (-z) by
defining the components and the magnitude of the load at the reference point and its
vertical increment
increment in the negative z-direction.
entity and selecting the corresponding option in the appearing menu. Alternatively, the options available in the
Create prescribed displacement menu can be used. To assign prescribed displacements to existing geometry
Select the button corresponding to the prescribed displacement from the menu appearing when the
Create prescribed displacement button is selected.
• Drag the tool (keep the left mouse button down) and drop it on the geometric entity.
Although the input values of prescribed displacements are specified in the Structures mode, the activation,
deactivation or change of values may be considered in the framework of Staged construction (Changing
geometry configuration (on page 365)).
On a geometric entity where both prescribed displacements and loads are applied and active, the prescribed
displacement has priority over the load during calculations. If both prescribed and fixed displacement are
assigned to a line, the fixed displacement will be taken into consideration. However, when not all the
displacement directions are fixed, it is possible to apply a load in the free directions.
Note: Prescribed displacements should be interpreted as specified total displacements at the end of the phase
instead of additional (incremental) phase displacements. If no prescribed displacement increment should be
applied in a phase, the value assigned to the prescribed displacement should be equal to the one in the previous
phase. Assigning 0 to the value will implicitly apply an incremental prescribed displacement with the same value
but in the opposite direction resulting in a zero displacement at the end of the phase.
The Prescribed displacement subtree in the Object explorers consists of two parts where the static and the
dynamic components of the prescribed displacement can be defined respectively.
A point prescribed displacement can be created using the Create point prescribed displacement button. The
input of point prescribed displacements in the geometry model is similar to the creation of points (Create point
(on page 76)).
The default point prescribed displacement is free in x and y directions and it has a prescribed value of -1 unit in
the z-direction. The options for the components of point prescribed displacements are Free, Fixed and Prescribed.
These options can be selected and the displacement value can be defined if the Prescribed option is selected in
the Object explorers..
In order to define prescribed displacements, the Create line prescribed displacement option should be
selected from the menu appearing as the Create prescribed displacement button is clicked.
The default line prescribed displacement is free in x and y directions and it has a prescribed value of -1 in z-
direction. The options for the components of line prescribed displacements are Free, Fixed and Prescribed. These
options can be selected in the Model explorer. Either a uniform or a linearly varying prescribed displacement can
be assigned to a line. When the Linear option is selected in the Distribution drop-down menu, the displacement
value at the start of the line (the first point) and at the end of the line (the second point) can be defined.
In order to define surface prescribed displacements, the Create surface prescribed displacement option
should be selected from the menu appearing as the Create prescribed displacement icon is clicked.
The Distribution options to define a surface prescribed displacement are:
x-aligned increment A linearly distributed surface prescribed displacement varying in x-direction is defined.
y-aligned increment A linearly distributed surface prescribed displacement varying in y-direction is defined.
z-aligned increment A linearly distributed surface prescribed displacement varying in z-direction is defined.
Vector aligned A linearly distributed surface prescribed displacement varying in a specified direction is
increment defined.
Free increment A general surface prescribed displacement varying in all the directions is defined.
In order to define a contraction on surfaces, the Create surface contraction, the Create line contraction
option should be selected from the menu appearing when the Create prescribed displacement icon is clicked in
the side toolbar. Surface contraction may also be defined directly in the Tunnel designer.
Surface contraction should be interpreted as specified total contraction at the end of the phase instead of
additional (incremental) phase contraction. If no contraction increment should be applied in a phase, the value
assigned to the contraction should be equal to the one in the previous phase. If a contraction was already applied
in the previous phase, assigning 0 to the value will implicitly apply a contraction with the same value but in the
opposite direction resulting in a zero contraction at the end of the current phase.
• For tunnels, the applied contraction is equal to the tunnel contraction to simulate small volume loss ( ≈3%
volume contraction).
• When contraction is used to simulate the volume loss around a tunnel, the value of surface contraction to be
applied is equal to the volume loss as a percentage of the tunnel volume.
• In geogrid elements, a negative contraction can be used to simulate thermal expansion.
Constant A constant contraction is defined. The contraction is applied in the local Axis2-direction.
A linear contraction varying in the local Axis1-direction is defined (Figure 73 (on page
107)). The Axis1-direction is defined for each slice as shown in Figure 73 (on page
Axial increment 107) . The value of the contraction is then applied in the local Axis2-direction. When
applied in the tunnel designer, the reference value is taken from the front of each slice.
For all other cases, the reference value is defined according to the global axis.
Rear Front
Figure 73: Definition of Axis1 while using Axial increment during surface contraction in tunnel slices, while using
the tunnel designer
The type of the signal can be assigned. The options available are Harmonic and Table.
More information on definition of a harmonic multiplier and definition of the multipliers
in a table is given in Harmonic signal (on page 108) and Signal from table (on page 109)
The options Displacements, Velocities and Accelerations are available. Note that the Type
Type drop-down menu is available only for displacement multipliers. For Load multipliers the
type does not need to be specified.
It is used to correct the displacement drift. Due to the integration of the accelerations
and velocities, a drift might occur in the displacements. When selected, the displacement
Drift correction
drift is corrected by applying a low frequency motion from the beginning of the
calculation and by correcting the acceleration accordingly.
in which:
M^ : Amplitude multiplier
^ : Input value of the load
ω : 2πf with f Frequency in Hz
ϕ0 : Initial phase angle in degrees
(M ^ is the amplitude of the dynamic load).
Note: A dynamic load can also suddenly be applied in a single time step or sub step (block load). In case of a
Harmonic load multiplier, a block load can be modelled by setting the Amplitude multiplier equal to the
magnitude of the block load, the Frequency to 0 Hz and Initial phase angle to 90° giving the relation F = M^F ^ . In
case of a Load multiplier from data file, a block load can directly be defined.
Figure below shows the Multipliers window where a Harmonic signal is defined and plotted.
Figure 75: Definition and display of a Harmonic signal in the Dynamics multipliers window
Note: PLAXIS assumes the data file is located in the current project directory when no directory is specified in
the Dynamic loading window.
A signal, either defined in a table or received from a file and modified, can be saved using the Save button in
the toolbar enabling the usage of the signal in other projects or validating the effect of the modifications in the
current project.
A signal, either defined in a table or received from a file and modified, can be copied using the Copy button in
the toolbar.
Copied data from other applications (using Ctrl+c) can be imported by using the Paste button. The Import
data window appears as shown below. The starting row of the data to be imported can be defined in the From
row cell. The data can be parsed as Plain text files or Strong motion CD-ROM files (SMC). The data and the plot is
displayed in the Dynamic multipliers window after pressing OK.
ASCII file
An ASCII file can be created by the user with any text editor. In every line a pair of values (Dynamic time and
corresponding multiplier) is defined, leaving at least one space between them. The time should increase in each
new line. It is not necessary to use constant time intervals.
If the time steps in the dynamics analysis are such that they do not correspond with the time series given in the
file, the multipliers at a given (Dynamic) time will be linearly interpolated from the data in the file. If the Dynamic
time in the calculation is beyond the last time value in the file a constant value, equal to the last multiplier in the
file, will be used in the calculations.
SMC file
In addition, it is possible to use earthquake records in SMC-format as input for earthquake loading. The SMC
(Strong Motion CD-ROM) format is currently used by the U.S. Geological Survey National Strong-motion Program
to record data of earthquakes and other strong vibrations. This format uses ASCII character codes and provides
text headers, integer headers, real headers, and comments followed by either digitised time-series coordinates
or response values. The header information is designed to provide the user with information about the
earthquake and the recording instrument.
Most of the SMC files contain accelerations, but they may also contain velocity or displacement series and
response spectra. It is strongly recommended to use corrected earthquake data records, i.e. time series, that are
corrected for final drift and non-zero final velocities. SMC files should be used in combination with prescribed
boundary displacements at the bottom of a geometry model.
The strong motion data are collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and are available from the National
Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Information on NGDC
products is available on the World-wide Web at
Note: The time value in dynamic multipliers always refers to the global dynamic time (in seconds) in the whole
list of calculation phases, rather than to the time interval of an individual phase. This means that in series of
continuing dynamics calculation phases each phase will only use its consecutive part of the dynamic multiplier.
Note: Note that if the model is created using the Command line, the user must make sure to transform the
multiplier, otherwise the transformed multiplier values will not be taken into account during calculation.
The input multipliers can be transformed by specifying a value. Click to get the newly
Scaling factor
transformed multipliers.
A desired maximum value of the multiplier can be specified. Click to get the newly
transformed multipliers. The scaling factor is calculated as the ratio between the desired
Maximum multiplier
maximum value and the maximum value of the multiplier (in absolute value). All the
multipliers are then multiplied by this resulting scaling factor.
A user should click on the Transform* button as shown below, after modifying a value for either the Scaling
factor or Maximum multiplier. PLAXIS then computes the transformed multiplier, and a new column is generated
Transformed multiplier.
In the table, the column Transformed multiplier contains the transformed multiplier values. If the table is
modified, the multiplier should be transformed again, as the transformation is not updated automatically. The
asterisk * after Transform indicates that the table was modified after the last transformation action.
Note: Note that the Transformed multiplier only contains the values obtained by applying the scaling factor and
not the drift correction.
When the input data type is Accelerations, the signal can be viewed as Accelerations, Velocities or
Displacements, by selecting the corresponding option in the drop-down list below the graph. The input
accelerogram signal can be visualised in the lower panel in different representative charts: Fourier spectra,
Response spectra and Arias intensity. The original multiplier is displayed in grey, and the transformed multiplier
is displayed in blue. Both the original multiplier in grey and transformed multiplier in blue are displayed in the
Signal tab.
Fourier spectra
In this tab, the input multiplier can be visualised as a Fourier amplitude spectrum (default) or a power spectrum
using the drop-down menu. The spectra are created using the transformation in Hz, starting from the time -
acceleration multiplier.
Response spectra
In this tab, the input multiplier can be visualised as a PSA (default) and Relative displacement response spectrum.
It is possible to set these parameters while using this tab :
• Damping ratio is expressed in %, has a default value of 5.000 % and a range of [0, 100].
• Max. period is expressed in s, has a default value of 10.00 s and a range of [0.1, 1000].
The signal can be viewed with a logarithmic x-axis by clicking on the check box.
Arias intensity
In this tab, the input multiplier can be visualised as Arias intensity. It is possible to view it in percentage by
clicking on the check box Show Arias intensity in percentage.
If a project contains a large body of water, for instance a reservoir or a lake, this body of water may also be
subjected to the dynamic load. The movement of the body of water due to the dynamic load may then by itself
cause a hydrodynamic load on the soil surface. A good example of this is the behaviour of a dam under a seismic
load, where the earthquake will cause the water in the reservoir to move. As a consequence, the water pressure
of the reservoir acting on the dam will no longer be hydrostatic, but hydrodynamic as shown in Figure 83 (on
page 116).
Figure 83: Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pressures acting on the dam during a seismic event
There are two possibilities in PLAXIS to model a body of water that can be subjected to seismic loads:
1. Model the body of water using finite elements and assign a constitutive (soil) model representing the water.
In PLAXIS a special Fluid model is available to do so.
2. Model the effect of the body of water using a special Added mass boundary condition on the boundary
between soil and water. The Added mass boundary condition used in PLAXIS is the so-called Zangar
formulation, which is an improvement of the well-known Westergaard added mass formulation.
The Added mass boundary condition can be found under the Line option in the side bar (see Figure 84 (on page
117). By selecting the option an Added mass boundary can be drawn where needed. The boundary allows for the
use of added mass on either side of the line where it is applied. In order to distinguish on which of the line the
mass is applied one side of the line is indicated as the "negative" side and the other side as the "positive" side
similar to the naming as used for interface elements.
Both sides of the added mass conditions can be activated and deactivated independently. However, the added
mass is only taken into account if no soil is present on the activated side of the boundary condition. Additionally,
the bottom level of the water body must be specified. This bottom level is called the Water Base Level (WBL) and
it is the y-coordinate of the lower level of the water to be taken into account for added mass. So in short, all
water in between the WBL and the phreatic level is taken into account as added mass. Typically the WBL is
chosen as the bottom of the reservoir or lake.
The figure below shows the simple geometry of a dam with the applied Added mass boundary on the left
boundary. In the box on the right of the geometry the settings for the Added mass boundary are shown as can be
seen in for instance the Selection explorer. The figure shows that the negative side, which is the reservoir side, is
activated whereas the positive side, the soil side, is deactivated. As the bottom of the dam and thus the bottom of
the lake is situated at y=10m the WBL specified is 10m.
5.7.1 Path
A Path is necessary for defining moving loads. A path is a predefined line, over which a line load or point load can
have a movement function applied (see figure below).
The buttons available under the movement functions can be used to add new functions or to delete the selected
function in the list. When a new movement function is added, the options to define it are displayed.
Signal The type of the signal can be assigned. The options available are Harmonic, Table and
Linear. More information on definition of a harmonic function, definition of a function in
a table and definition of a movement function is given in Harmonic signal (on page 119),
Signal from table (on page 120), Linear (on page 122).
In the lower panel, it is possible to view the Signal as both a Velocity and the relative Position of the load (Figure
88 (on page 120)).
V 0 Initial velocity
Besides a harmonic signal there is also the possibility to define a signal by specifying the values in the table that
appears when the corresponding option is selected in the Signal drop-down menu. The table consists of Time
and Velocity columns where Time relates to the Dynamic time in the project. The buttons in the toolbar can be
used to modify the table.
Click the Add row button in the toolbar to add a new row in the table.
Click the Insert button to insert a new row before the selected row in the table.
Click the Delete button to delete the selected row in the table.
The values can be defined by clicking the cell in the table and by typing the value.
Importing data for signals
Besides defining the signal in the table, there is also the possibility to read data from a .txt file with a
digitised signal using theOpen button in the toolbar.
A signal, either defined in a table or received from a file and modified, can be saved using the Save button in
the toolbar enabling the usage of the signal in other projects or validating the effect of the modifications in the
current project.
A signal, either defined in a table or received from a file and modified, can be copied using the Copy button in
the toolbar.
Copied data from other applications (using Ctrl+C) can be imported by using the Paste button. The Import
data window appears (Figure 90 (on page 121)). The data and the plot is displayed in the Movement functions
window after pressing OK.
Clicking the Open .txt file button on the right hand side of the window will open the Open window where the
file can be selected. The file can be created with any text editor. For every line a pair of values (time and
corresponding velocity) must be defined, leaving at least one space between them. Note that PLAXIS 3D only
supports the English notation of decimal numbers using a dot. The resulting graph of the input data is shown in
the Velocity tabsheet of the Movement function window.
5.7.5 Linear
This option can be used to describe a linear movement in time. For a linear variation of velocity, the input of the
following parameters are required:
Initial velocity This parameter is the initial velocity, specified in unit of length per time. Hence, together
with the acceleration this parameter determines the rate of the velocity increase or
Acceleration This parameter represents the acceleration for the movement function, expressed in
unit of length per unit of time, squared.
Figure 91: Linear signal for velocity for the movement function
Note that the assignment of structures to existing geometric entities is possible by right-clicking the geometric
entity either in the drawing area or in the Object explorers and selecting the corresponding option in the
appearing menu. Assignment of materials to structures is described in Assigning material data sets to geometry
components (on page 299).
Structures can be activated, de-activated or the assigned material data sets can be modified in calculation
A fixed-end anchor is a point element that is attached to a structure at one side and fixed 'to the world' at the
other side. Fixed-end anchors can be used to simulate piles in a simplified way, i.e. without taking into account
pile-soil interaction. Alternatively, fixed-end anchors can be used to simulate anchors or props to support
retaining walls. The length of the plotted T is arbitrary and does not have any particular physical meaning.
The creation of a fixed-end anchor is similar to the creation of a geometry point (Create point (on page 76)). The
default direction is (1, 0, 0), which is in positive x-direction. The direction of the fixed-end anchor is defined
starting from the fixed-end anchor connection point in the fixed-end anchor direction. The user may enter the
fixed-end anchor direction by specifying the individual x-, y- and z-components. The length defined by the
individual components is defined as the equivalent length of the fixed-end anchor.
The Equivalent length parameter of a fixed-end anchor is defined as the distance between the anchor connection
point and the fictitious point in the longitudinal direction of the anchor where the displacement is assumed to be
zero. For example: In the case of a symmetric excavation that is supported by a propped retaining wall, a fixed-
end anchor may be used to stimulate the prop. In this case, the equivalent length of the fixed-end anchor is half
the excavation width. The direction and equivalent length of a fixed-end anchor may be changed in the Object
explorers. Changing the equivalent length will change the individual direction components while retaining the
anchor direction.
Only one fixed-end anchor can be created at a single geometry point, which means that this point can only be
supported in one direction. In the case that more support directions in a single point are required, the following
options exist:
• If the point is to be supported in both horizontal and vertical direction, a fixed-end anchor (spring support)
can be used in one direction whereas a point fixity can be applied at the same point to fix the other direction
(while the anchor direction is set free). Disadvantage of this solution is that the anchor features (spring
support, pre-stressing, resulting force, etc.) are not available for a point fixity.
• If the point is to be supported in two arbitrary directions, a node-to-node anchor may be used instead of a
second fixed-end anchor, provided that the node-to-node anchor is at the other node connected to a model
boundary that is fixed in the anchor direction. This may not necessarily lead to the right equivalent anchor
length. Hence, the anchor stiffness EA needs to be adjusted such that the ratio EA/L gives the required value.
Example (see Figure 93 (on page 124)): The basement corner is to be supported by spring supports in x- and
y-direction, considering fixed-end anchors, both with an equivalent length of 2m. Since only one fixed-end
anchor can be used for a single geometry point, the vertical support is modelled by means of a node-to-node
anchor that is connected to the bottom of the model (which is fully fixed). However, the length of the node-to-
node anchor is 4m in this case, which is twice as large as the desired equivalent length of 2m. That means that
a new anchor material data set needs to be created for the node-to-node anchor in which the anchor stiffness
EA is increased by a factor 2 in order to have the same EA/L as for the fixed-end anchor.
Node-to-node anchors can be used to model a spring connection between two points. Typical applications
include the modelling of a cofferdam.
The creation of a node-to-node anchor is similar to the creation of a geometry line (Create line (on page 77)).
Since a node-to-node anchor is a line-based entity rather than a point-based entity, different node-to-node
anchors can be connected to the same geometry point, provided that they do not fully coincide.
Anchor material properties
The material properties of node-to-node anchors are contained in Anchors material data sets and can be
conveniently assigned using drag-and-drop, using the Object explorers or the right hand mouse button menu in
the drawing area (Assigning material data sets to geometry components (on page 299)).
Note: A node-to-node anchor cannot be assigned to a line to which other features are assigned.
5.8.3 Beams
Beams are structural objects to model slender (one-dimensional) structures with a significant flexural
rigidity (bending stiffness) and an axial stiffness. The creation of a beam is similar to the creation of a geometry
line (Create line (on page 77)).
Beam elements
After meshing beams are composed of 3-node line elements (beam elements) with six degrees of freedom per
node: three translational degrees of freedom (ux, uy and uz) and three rotational degrees of freedom ( φx, φy and
φz). The beam elements are based on Mindlin's beam theory (Bathe, 1982 (on page 538)). This theory allows for
beam deflections due to shearing as well as bending. In addition, the element can change length when an axial
force is applied. Element stiffness matrices are based on the properties as defined in the material data sets and
numerically integrated from the four Gaussian integration points (stress points) along the length of the element
and numerically integrated from the 4 (2x2) Gaussian integration points over the cross section of the element.
These 4 stress points are located at a distance 6
in the local 3-direction of the beam and at a distance of
in the local 2-direction of the beam, where:
deq3 = 12 A
Eq. [4]
deq2 = 12 A
Details about the element formulation are given in the Scientific Manual.
When a beam element is connected to another structural element, they share all degrees of freedom in the
connected node, which implies that the connection is rigid (moment connection) unless a (custom) Connection is
defined (Definition of connections (on page 367)).
When a beam extends to the model boundary, additional boundary conditions for the rotational degrees of
freedom are automatically applied (Model conditions (on page 372)).
Beam material properties
The material properties of beams are contained in Beams material data sets (General properties (on page 283))
and can be conveniently assigned using drag-and-drop, the Object explorers or the right hand mouse button
menu in the drawing area (Assigning material data sets to geometry components (on page 299)).
An embedded beam is a structural object (such as a pile, rock bolt or grout body) composed of beam elements
that can be placed in arbitrary direction in the sub-soil and that interacts with the sub-soil by means of special
interface elements. The interaction may involve a skin resistance as well as a foot resistance. The skin friction
and the tip force are determined by the relative displacement between the soil and the pile. Although an
embedded beam does not occupy volume, a particular volume around the pile (elastic zone) is assumed in which
plastic soil behaviour is excluded. The size of this zone is based on the (equivalent) pile diameter according to
the corresponding embedded beam material data set. This makes the pile behave almost like a volume pile.
However, installation effects of piles are not taken into account and the pile-soil interaction is modelled at the
centre rather than at the circumference.
Note: The embedded beams are suitable for pile types that cause a limited disturbance of the surrounding soil
during installation. This may include some types of bored piles (e.g. displacement screw piles), but not most of
the technologies for replacement piles or displacement piles. The installation effect has a significant influence on
the soil stress ratio (K0) and the pile skin resistance (Tskin). In such a case, it's necessary to properly evaluate
these factors in order to simulate the pile installation effect.
The creation of a pile is similar to the creation of a geometry line. The point of connection of the pile to the
surrounding geometry and the type of the connection can be specified in the Object explorers.
The behaviour options available for Embedded beam are:
Depending on the Embedded beam behaviour for Pile and Rock bolts, the connection point may be indicated as:
In the case the Embedded beam is a Pile, the connection point from the drop-
down menu can be specified in the Selection explorer as Top or Bottom. Top
refers to the point on the embedded beam that has the highest z-coordinate in
Top/Bottom the model. In the rare case of an exactly horizontal embedded beam defined as a
Pile, Top refers to the point with the minimum x-coordinate. In case z-coordinate
and x-coordinate are the same, the point that has the minimum y-coordinate is
considered the Top.
In the case the Embedded beam is a Rock bolt, the connection point from the
drop- down menu can be specified in the Selection explorer as First or Second.
First/Second First refers to the first point of the corresponding geometry line, as listed in the
Selection explorer when the embedded beam is selected, whereas second refers
to the second point of the corresponding geometry line.
In the case of the pile connection point coinciding with soil elements, the connection behaviour is as follows:
The Connection point is free to move and rotate relative to the surrounding soil.
Free The pile and the surrounding soil interact only through the special interface
The displacement at the connection point of the pile is directly coupled with the
displacement of the soil element in which the pile connection point is located,
which means that they undergo exactly the same displacement. However, their
rotation may be different.
The displacement and rotation at the pile connection point are both coupled with
the displacement and rotation of the soil element in which the pile top is located,
Rigid provided that this element has rotational degrees of freedom. This option only
applies if the pile connection point coincides with structural elements like plates
or beams.
In the case of the pile connection point coinciding with structural elements (without interface elements) the
connection behaviour is as follows:
The Connection point is free to move and rotate relative to the surrounding soil
and the structural element. The pile interacts with the surrounding soil and the
Free structural elements only through the special interface elements. Note that the
structural elements are not free to move and rotate relative to the surrounding
The displacement at the connection point of the pile is directly coupled with the
displacement of the structural element and/or the surrounding soil in which the
pile connection point is located, which means that they undergo exactly the same
The displacement and rotation at the pile connection point are both coupled with
Rigid the displacement and rotation of the structural and/or soil element in which the
pile top is located.
In the case of the pile connection point coinciding with structural elements which interaction with the
surrounding soil is modelled using interfaces, the connection behaviour is as follows:
The Connection point is free to move and rotate relative to the surrounding soil.
The pile interacts with the surrounding soil and the structural elements only
Free through the special interface elements. In the same way, the structural element
interacts with the surrounding soil through the defined interface elements. This
is the default option in the program.
The displacement at the connection point of the pile is directly coupled with the
displacement of the structural element in which the pile connection point is
Hinged located, which means that they undergo exactly the same displacement. Note
that the structural element interacts with the surrounding soil through the
defined interface elements.
The displacement and rotation at the pile connection point are both coupled with
the displacement and rotation of the structural element in which the pile top is
located. Note that the structural element interacts with the surrounding soil
through the defined interface elements.
The options specified for the embedded beam in the Object explorers are valid for the connection of the anchor-
pile connection to the surrounding soil.
When an anchor is present in the model, the user can select the option Grout body for the behaviour of
embedded beams. At the position of an embedded beam connection point, the anchor will be automatically
connected to the embedded beam connection point and not to the corresponding point in the soil element. The
connection type is intrinsically set to Free (i.e. free from the surrounding soil volume).
• When embedded beams penetrate a volume cluster with linear elastic material behaviour, the specified value
of the shaft resistance is ignored. The reason for this is that the linear elastic material is not supposed to be
soil, but part of a structure. The connection between the pile and the structure is supposed to be rigid to
avoid, for example, punching of piles through a concrete deck.
• An alternative option for this is between an embedded beam and a volume cluster structure, the beam could
be elongated into the structure for a certain length. To avoid mesh-dependent results for the internal forces
of the embedded beam (linked to the elongation length), the user could insert an elastic plate at the volume
cluster side where the connection with the embedded beam takes place. The beam can be now linked to the
plate without elongating it in the volume cluster structure.
5.8.5 Plates
Plates which are actually shell elements are structural objects used to model thin two-dimensional
structures in the ground with a significant flexural rigidity (bending stiffness). The creation of a plate is similar
to the creation of a geometry surface (Create surface (on page 84)).
Plate elements
After meshing plates are composed of 6-node triangular plate elements with six degrees of freedom per node:
three translational degrees of freedom (ux, uy and uz) and three rotational degrees of freedom ( φx, φy and φz).
The plate elements are based on Mindlin's plate theory (Bathe, 1982 (on page 538)). This theory allows for plate
deflections due to shearing as well as bending. In addition, the element can change length when an axial force is
applied. Element stiffness matrices are based on the properties as defined in the material data sets and
numerically integrated from the three pairs of Gaussian integration points (stress points). Within each pair,
stress points are located at a distance 6 d above and below the plate centre-line.
It is important to note that a change in d will change the distance separating the stress points. If this is done
when existing forces are present in the plate element, it would change the distribution of bending moments,
which is unacceptable. For this reason, d must remain unchanged. Details about the element formulation are
given in the Scientific Manual.
Plate properties
The material properties of plates are contained in Plates material data sets (General properties (on page 274))
and can be conveniently assigned using drag-and-drop, the Object explorers or the right hand mouse button
menu in the drawing area (Assigning material data sets to geometry components (on page 299)).
Structural forces are evaluated at the plate element integration points (Scientific Manual) and extrapolated to
the element nodes. These forces can be viewed graphically and tabulated in the Output program. Details about
the material properties are given in the Material Models Manual - - Structural behaviour - 3D Embedded beam.
5.8.6 Geogrids
Geogrids are slender structures with an axial stiffness but with no bending stiffness. Geogrids can only
sustain tensile forces and no compression. These objects are generally used to model soil reinforcements.
Geogrid elements
After meshing, geogrids are composed of 6-node triangular surface elements with three translational degrees of
freedom per node (ux, uy and uz). Element stiffness matrices are based on the properties as defined in the
material data sets and numerically integrated from the three Gaussian integration points (stress points). The
element can change length when a tension force is applied. Details about the element formulation are given in
the Scientific Manual. When a geogrid element is connected to another structural element, they share the
translational degrees of freedom in the connecting node(s).
Geogrid elements
The basic material parameter is the axial stiffness EA. In addition the tension force can be limited to allow for the
simulation of tension failure. Axial forces can be viewed graphically and tabulated in the Output program. Details
about the material properties are given in General properties (on page 279) and Reference Manual.
When using geogrid elements in PLAXIS 3D for modelling of true geogrids, note that most such applications
require the use of updated mesh calculations to take membrane effects into account. Most applications also
require the use of anisotropic properties to avoid unrealistic shear deformations.
5.8.7 Interfaces
Interfaces are joint elements to be added to plates or geogrids to allow for a proper modelling of soil-structure
interaction. Interfaces may be used to simulate, for example, the thin zone of intensely shearing material at the
contact between a plate and the surrounding soil. Interfaces can be created next to plate or geogrid elements or
between two soil volumes.
An interface can be created using the Create interface option available in the menu displayed when the
Create structure button in the side toolbar is clicked. The creation of an interface is similar to the creation of a
surface (Create surface (on page 84)). In this case a surface with an interface assigned to it will be created. When
the geometric entity (surface) is already available in the model it is advised to assign an interface to it without
recreating the geometry in order to prevent the model from being unnecessarily large and unwieldy. Assignment
of features to existing geometric entities is described in Advanced geometric modelling options (on page 87).
Distinction is made between a positive interface (the side of the surface at the positive local z-direction) and a
negative interface (the side of the surface at the negative local z-direction).
Note: The sign of an interface is only used to enable distinguishing interfaces at either side of a surface, but it
does not affect its behaviour.
Interfaces can be activated or de-activated in calculation phases using Staged construction as Loading input.
Interface properties
The interfaces created in the model are listed in the Interfaces subtree in the Object explorers. Properties such as
Material mode, permeability condition and Virtual thickness factor, available for each interface in the Object
explorers can be assigned to an interface in the model (Figure 95 (on page 131)).
Material mode
The material properties of an interface can be assigned according to the mode specified in the selected interface
subtree in the Object explorers. As an example, consider a typical application of interfaces such as the interaction
between a diaphragm wall and the soil, which is intermediate between smooth and fully rough. The options
available are:
From adjacent soil The roughness of the interaction is modelled by choosing a suitable value for the
strength reduction factor (Rinter) specified in the Interface tabsheet of the material set
assigned to the surrounding material. Optionally, a residual strength (Rinter,residual) can
be specified if the interface strength is reached. This factor relates the interface strength
(wall friction and adhesion) to the soil strength (friction angle and cohesion). Note that
by default the From adjacent soil option is selected for the Material mode parameter. For
detailed information on the material properties of interfaces see Interfaces tabsheet (on
page 255).
Custom A material dataset can be assigned directly to an interface when the Custom option is
selected. Note that the strength reduction factor of the selected material is by default set
to one.
By default structural elements such as Plates and Geogrids are fully permeable. A certain permeability can be
introduced by assigning an interface geometric entity to the soil besides the structural element.
In principle the permeability types of interfaces (Cross permeability and Drainage conductivity explained in
Groundwater flow through interfaces (on page 260)) are defined in the corresponding material data set (See
Interfaces tabsheet (on page 255)> Groundwater). However, notice that by selecting the interface geometric
entity, in the Selection Explorer a checkbox is available to make the interface either Active in flow or Inactive in
flow (see Figure 96 (on page 132)). This has consequences for the actual interface permeability being used in a
selected calculation phase (Table 4 (on page 132)).
Note: For more information about permeability on interfaces please visit Groundwater flow through interfaces
(on page 260) or Bentley Communities.
No input value
Infinite cross
- Infinite cross No output of
resistance (or
Impermeable permeability flow qn
(or zero available.
Note: In Flow only calculations no structural element needs to be assigned to the geometric entity as
deformations will not be taken into account. Thus, it is sufficient to use only interfaces to block the flow. Note
that the end points of an interface are always permeable.
Interface elements
After meshing, interfaces are composed of 12-node interface elements. Interface elements consist of pairs of
nodes, compatible with the 6-noded triangular side of a soil element or plate element. In some output plots,
interface elements are shown to have a finite thickness, but in the finite element formulation the coordinates of
each node pair are identical, which means that the element has a zero thickness.
The stiffness matrix for triangular interface elements is based on the properties as defined in the material data
sets and obtained by means of Gaussian integration using 6 integration points. The position of these integration
points (or stress points) is chosen such that the numerical integration is exact for linear stress distributions. For
more details about the element formulation reference, see Scientific Manual.
stress points
Figure 97: Distribution of nodes and stress points in interface elements and their connection to soil elements
At interface ends interface element node pairs are 'degenerated ' to single nodes. Also when structural elements
are connected perpendicular to each other (for example, a plate is connected to a beam), interface element node
pairs are locally 'degenerated' to single nodes to avoid a disconnection between both structural elements.
Figure 98: Inflexible corner point, causing poor quality stress results
Figure 99 (on page 134) shows that the problem of stress oscillation may be prevented by specifying additional
interface elements inside the soil body. These elements will enhance the flexibility of the finite element mesh
and will then prevent non-physical stress results. However, these elements should not introduce an unrealistic
weakness in the soil. Therefore special attention should be made to the properties of these interface elements (
Interfaces tabsheet (on page 255)).
At interface ends, interface element node pairs are 'degenerated' to single nodes. When an interface exists on
only one side of a structure, the interface end node is collapsed to the corresponding structure node. As a result,
there exists only one node at that location. When interfaces are assigned on both sides of a structure the end
nodes of the interfaces are collapsed, however the collapsed node is not the corresponding structure node. As a
result, there exist two nodes at that specific location, the structure node and the node shared by both interfaces.
The interactions between the structure and the surrounding soil at that node is controlled by a combined effect
of both interfaces. Also when structural elements are connected perpendicular to each other (for example, a
plate is connected to a beam), interface element node pairs are locally 'degenerated' to single nodes to avoid a
disconnection between both structural elements, connecting them rigidly. A description on how to define a non-
rigid connection is given in Definition of connections (on page 367). Additional theoretical details on this special
use of interface elements is provided by Goodman, Taylor & Brekke (1968) (on page 539) and Langen &
Vermeer (1991) (on page 540) .
5.8.8 Discontinuities
Rock mass consists of a rock material matrix and fractures of different types and scales that represent breaks in
the mechanical continuum. These fractures commonly known as Discontinuities describe any separation in the
rock mass having zero or low tensile strength. In this way, Discontinuities are the collective term for the majority
of joints, weak bedding planes, weak schistocity planes, weakness zones, shear zones and faults found in the rock
mass (ISRM, 1978 (on page 539) and Priest, 1993 (on page 539)).
Discontinuities can be modelled using discrete elements when the discontinuities play a major role in the overall
rock mass behaviour and thus the assumption of purely equivalent continuum approach cannot be assumed.
The simulation of Discontinuities as discrete elements can be performed using Interfaces (on page 130).
However, to address more efficiently this simulation the Create discontinuity feature is introduced inside the
Structures mode.
Discontinuity element
Discontinuities are composed of discontinuity elements that are embedded in the rock mass(see Figure 100 (on
page 135)a)) whcih is different from soil-structure interaction that represents a disturbance at the separation
between 2 different materials. Similar to interfaces, discontinuities are defined by five pairs of nodes when using
15-node elements, and three pairs of nodes when using 6-node soil elements (Figure 100 (on page 135)b)).
Discontinuity elements are generally used to simulate rock joints, fractures or faults, while Interface elements
are commonly used for soil structure interaction.
Note that in Figure 100 (on page 135) b) discontinuities are represented as if they have a finite thickness,
however in the finite element formulation the coordinates of each node pair are identical, which means that the
element has a zero thickness.
stress point
a) b) node
Figure 100: Discontinuity element. a) Concept of discontinuity implementation b) Discontinuity element with 6-
node distribution
Discontinuity elements also have the characteristic that they work as independent features acting as separate
cluster with their own material and water condition.
The use of discontinuity elements have the following restrictions:
• Other structures, loads, displacements and groundwater boundary conditions are not allowed in the
• Discontinuities cannot be activated on an active boundary (e.g discontinuity at the boundary of an
Creating a Discontinuity
A discontinuity can be created in the Input program inside the Structures mode using one of the following
• On the side toolbar go to Create Structure > Create discontinuity.
Once theCreate discontinuity option is selected, a surface can be drawn on the rock mass (previously defined in
the Soil mode).
Alternatively, in PLAXIS 3D a discontinuity can be created by drawing a surface in the rock mass, then on the
new element Right-click and from the popup menu select Create > Discontinuity.
The discontinuities are displayed as shown in Figure 101 (on page 136).
Discontinuity properties
By selecting a discontinuity in the model, its properties appear in the Selection explorer > Discontinuities.
Properties such as the Material model, Apply strength reduction and Active in flow can be adjusted (Figure 102
(on page 137)).
1. Material:
The material properties of a discontinuity involve both the strength and the deformability parameters of the
rock fracture. When this option is selected a window opens to create the discontinuity material and to define
its properties. Once the material has been created, it is automatically assigned to the selected discontinuity
Note: For more information in the creation of Discontinuity Materials and Property definition please see
Material data sets for discontinuities (on page 269)
2. Apply strength reduction:
Enables the reduction of the strength parameters of the discontinuity element in a Safety Analysis.
3. Active in flow:
Discontinuities always have infinite cross permeability, except when the material Drainage type is non-
porous. When Active in Flow option is deselected, longitudinal flow (flow along the discontinuity) is blocked
(zero permeability) whereas when this option is selected, the longitudinal flow is governed by the
Transmissivity parameter (see Groundwater properties (on page 272)).
When modelling soil-structure interaction problems, the structures are usually much stiffer and stronger than
the soil. In many situations it is still relevant to model structures with their actual stiffness and strength
properties in order to calculate realistic deformations and structural forces in those structures. Moreover,
contact stresses between soil and structures are influenced by their relative stiffnesses; for example contact
stresses behind a soil retaining wall can vary from 'passive' (Kp) to 'active' (KA), depending on the stiffness of the
wall and the stiffness of wall supports (struts, anchors).
In situations where deformations of structures and structural (internal) forces are not supposed to be relevant
in output data, these structures may simply be modelled as 'stiff' structures, with an arbitrary stiffness that is
sufficiently large compared to the stiffness of the soil. However, considering an arbitrarily large stiffness may
deteriorate the condition of the global stiffness matrix, and should therefore be used with care. As an alternative
to this, PLAXIS 3D provides the option to create so-called 'rigid body' objects based on predefined geometry
components (surfaces and volumes).
Examples where rigid bodies may be used are the following:
• Rigid foundation plate (footing, mud mat)
• Rigid wall
• Bucket foundation
• Spud can (foundation for jack-up platform legs)
To create a rigid body object in the Structures mode, create the required geometry components first; then
(multi-) select the corresponding surfaces and volumes that are to be included in the rigid object, and select the
Create rigid body option from the context menu. Multiple rigid bodies may be created in this way in a PLAXIS 3D
model. The rigid bodies will appear in the Model explorer. Each rigid body has a Reference point associated to it
and it should be given a combination of forces / moments and/or displacements / rotations in x, y and z-
direction (Figure 103 (on page 138)), in order to apply external forces and to set its boundary conditions.
The reference point of a rigid body can be an arbitrary point (independent from existing geometry points),
defined by its three coordinates (x y z). Upon mesh generation, this point will NOT appear as mesh node.
However, during calculations, the reference point is associated with six independent degrees-of-freedom (ux, uy,
uz, φx, φy, φz) and six corresponding force components (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz) in the global system of equations.
During calculations, all stiffness components related to any of the nodes involved in the rigid body's surface(s)
and volume(s) will be transformed into stiffness components related to the movement of the rigid body
reference point, while the original nodal degrees-of-freedom are linked to the movement of the rigid body
reference point. In a similar way, during dynamics calculations, mass components related to any node of the
rigid body will be transformed into mass components related to the rigid body reference point. In this way, the
rigid body itself will not deform (it will move, but not deform) and therefore it is not possible to calculate
internal stresses and structural forces. On the other hand, contact stresses and forces between the rigid body
and the soil are properly calculated, as long as there are interface elements between the rigid body and the soil.
Since the reference point involves separate degrees-of-freedom that are independent from the rest of the finite
element model, boundary conditions need to be specified for all six degrees-of-freedom of a rigid body. These
boundary conditions may involve a Force condition (Force or Moment) or a Displacement condition (Displacement
or Rotation). It is possible to add dynamic boundary conditions to rigid bodies by adding multipliers when the
Translation Condition is selected as Displacement. This is only possible in Dynamic calculation phases. Note that
the Moment and Rotation conditions refer to a moment or rotation around the corresponding axis, where a
positive value corresponds to a clock-wise rotation when looking into the axis positive direction. The type of
condition for each of the degree-of-freedom must be selected by the user. The user is responsible for selecting
rigid body conditions that are compatible with the boundary conditions of the full finite element model.
Instead of or in addition to conditions in the reference point, external loads (point loads, line loads or distributed
loads) may be defined at a rigid body in the geometry. Considering half a symmetric model of a rigid plate, while
the y=0 plane is the symmetry plane (Figure 104 (on page 139)), the plate can only move in x- and z-direction
and rotate around the y-axis. Hence, in this case the user has to make sure that uy=0, φx=0 and φz=0 are specified
as conditions for the rigid body, while the remaining three components can be set as desired.
The rigid body element in PLAXIS 3D is an advanced feature. The user has to be aware of the limitations of this
feature and is responsible for setting the right conditions to ensure the consistency of the model.
Incompatibilities in the conditions of the rigid body are not checked by the PLAXIS 3D user-interface. In addition
to the aforementioned example where appropriate symmetry conditions have to be applied at the rigid body
reference point, there are some other limitations related with the use of rigid bodies during calculations.
• Note that prescribed displacements that are applied on nodes as a part of an active rigid body, are not taken
into account during the calculation. Instead, prescribed displacements that need to be applied to a rigid body
have to be specified as Displacement conditions at the rigid body reference point.
• In case a rigid body is used in dynamics calculations, the user has to ensure that the location of its reference
point coincides with the centre-of-gravity of the rigid body, considering all mass components of the nodes
involved. If the reference point does not coincide with the centre of gravity, out-of-balance forces might
develop which may not be solved during the calculation. Note that if a rigid body is directly connected to the
surrounding soil (i.e. it shares the same nodes in the boundary between the rigid body and the soil), the
boundary nodes of the rigid body contain weight components of the surrounding soil elements, and it might
be difficult to identify the exact location of the centre-of-gravity. In that case it is recommended to add
interface elements around the rigid body to ensure that only weight components of the rigid body itself are
• Note that it is not possible to undo/redo actions carried out to define a tunnel cross-section when the Tunnel
designer window is closed.
• The Tunnel designer window can be reopened by right-clicking on one of the available tunnels in the Object
explorers and selecting the Edit option in the appearing menu.
Warning: The Tunnels feature in PLAXIS 3D licence allows users to create a tunnel geometry and use other tools
such as Tunnel trajectory, Tunnel sequencing etc . However, to generate the tunnel in the model a GSE
entitlement needs to be active.
Once the Create tunnel button is clicked in the side toolbar, the user needs to select the tunnel insertion point in
the geometry. After that, the Tunnel designer window appears.
It contains the File menu that enables loading predefined tunnels as well as saving newly
Tunnel menu
created ones.
It contains buttons that enable loading predefined tunnels, saving new tunnels and
Main toolbar
arranging the view in the display area.
It contains two separate modes where the cross-section is defined and properties are
Mode bar
assigned to its components.
It displays the defined geometry and it indicates the assigned properties. The slice is
automatically updated after any change done in the modes in the left side. The
Display area
supporting tools under the display area can be used to simplify the definitions and
modification of the slice.
Feedback panel It provides feedback on the quality of the defined cross section.
The design of a tunnel cross section is done in two separate modes, Cross-section and Properties. The geometric
shape of the tunnel cross-sections can be defined in the Cross-section mode, whereas in the Properties mode
features can be assigned to existing cross-section elements.
Free Allows to create a tunnel cross section composed of lines and arc segments.
Template Allows to split tunnels into separate tunnels (Tunnel splitting tool (on page 156)).
Whole or half
Allows to create a whole tunnel or a half one.
Layout of the tunnel in the model: The general properties of a tunnel in the model are defined using the
options in the General tabsheet.
• The coordinates of the insertion point can be defined in the Object explorers. By default the coordinates of
the location clicked in the model before the Tunnel designer window is displayed are shown. As the
coordinates are changed, the tunnel will be relocated.
• By default the insertion point is the starting point of the first segment of the tunnel cross section. The
Offset to begin point group can be used to specify offset distances from the orientation axis when the
insertion point (origin of the orientation axis) and the starting point of the first segment of the cross
section do not coincide.
• The Orientation axis 1 and the Orientation axis 2 define the orientation of the tunnel in the model.
2. Definition of segments
The segments of a cross section can be defined in the Segments tabsheet of the Tunnel designer window
(Figure 106 (on page 143)).
A new segment is added to the last segment in a tunnel cross-section by clicking the Add segment button
available in the side toolbar. The last point of the last segment is the first point of the newly added segment.
The newly created segment is displayed in the segment list Figure 106 (on page 143).
Note: A segment can be selected by clicking it either in the list or in the display area. A selected segment is
highlighted in the list and in the display area.
A new segment is inserted before a selected segment in a tunnel cross-section when the Insert segment
button is clicked. The last point of the newly inserted segment becomes the first point of the previously
selected segment. The indices of the segments are updated according to their position in the list.
A selected segment in a cross-section is deleted when the Delete segment button is clicked. The indices of
the segments are updated according to their position in the list.
In the Subsections tabsheet, the points and segments can be right-clicked and the suitable option to create a
subsection turns on in the side bar. This feature allows to create a new subsection starting from the end point
and angle of the selected elements.
When a point is selected, it generates an horizontal straight line. When a point is selected, the option Add
subsection from point is also available right-clicking in the Slice drawing area.
When a point and a segment are selected, it generates a straight line with a start angle equal to the
tangent of the selected segment in the selected point. When a point and a segment are selected, the option
Add directed subsection from point is also available right-clicking in the Slice drawing area.
When two points are selected, it generates a straight line connecting the chosen points. When two points
are selected, the option Add subsection between points is also available right-clicking in the Slice drawing area.
The options available are Line and Arc. For a Line segment the length of the segment
Segment type should be specified. For an Arc segment the radius and the segment angle should be
specified (Figure 107 (on page 144)).
The value of the angle between the start tangent of the next segment and the end
Relative start angle
tangent of the previous segment (Figure 108 (on page 145)).
Radius Arc only. The value of the radius for an arc segment.
The value of the angle between the start tangent of the segment and the global
Start angle
The horizontal increment of the line formed by the start and end point of the segment.
Δ1 Δ1 is in local polycurve space (defined by the orientation axes), not global model
The vertical increment of the line of formed by the start and end point of the segment.
Δ2 Δ2 is in local polycurve space (defined by the orientation axes), not global model
Note: When modelling arcs using derived parameters Δ1 and Δ2, there will often be two solutions for the
same absolute x or y value. In those situations, PLAXIS will always take the shortest segment. To design those
ambiguous cases correctly, use the remaining parameters.
When specifying a negative radius for an Arc segment, the arc will be mirrored in the line described by the
tangent vector. Note that when the Circular shape option is selected, the created cross-section consists only
of one Arc segment with a Segment angle value of 360° or 180°, depending on whether the whole tunnel or
only half of it is being defined.
Tangent to segment 2 Tangent to segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 1
To extend the cross-section to the symmetry axis click the corresponding button in the toolbar. A new
segment is added connecting the last point of the cross-section to the axis of symmetry.
To close the cross-section by mirroring the existing segments, click the Symmetric close button in the
toolbar. This is only possible when one half is completed up to the axis of symmetry.
To close the cross-section click the corresponding button in the toolbar. A new segment is created
connecting the last point of the cross-section to the first one.
3. Definition of tunnel sub-clusters
The subdivision of a tunnel cross-section into different subsections can be subdivided in the Subsections
tabsheet. In this way the various subsections for a NATM tunnel or a sequential excavation tunnelling process
can be defined (e.g. top heading, bench, invert, side drift). Essentially the geometric properties of the lines
and arcs as well as the buttons in the side toolbar are the same as in the Segments tabsheet. There is no
closure requirement for the geometry defined in the Subsections tabsheet. A sub-section may conveniently
start from an existing geometry point, but sub-sections may also be defined independently.
To intersect the defined geometry:
• Select the geometric entities to be intersected.
Click the Intersect button.
Delete the redundant parts after the intersection.
To define thick tunnel lining:
Click the Generate thick lining button in the side toolbar in the Subsections tabsheet. The Generate
thick lining window pops up.
• Specify the thickness of the lining in the appearing window. A positive value will give an extra line outside
of the current geometry contour. The reverse is true for a negative thickness value. Note that when the
tunnel is included in the geometry model, a subcluster will be created for the thick lining. A proper
material should be assigned to it, as it is done for the soil clusters.
Existing tunnel geometry can be imported in the Segments tabsheet in the Cross section mode of the
Tunnel designer window. The program supports *.dxf, *.step, *.stp and *.brep files. The geometry to be
imported must meet the following criteria:
• It must contain a polycurve (consisting of lines and arcs), or circle, defining the outer boundary of the tunnel
(called the segment path). This may consist of segments of both line and arc types. The components of the
outer boundary will be listed as segments.
• The geometry objects should be defined parallel to the XY plane.
On selecting the file to be imported, the imported cross section geometry appears in the Import tunnel cross
section preview window (Figure 110 (on page 147)).
In the imported geometry, possible segments and subsections are automatically detected and indicated by blue
and black lines respectively.
The side toolbar has the following buttons:
The Select button can be used to select any segments and subsections in the preview pane.
Note: To delete a segment or subsection, use the Select button to select the desired segment(s) or
subsection(s), right click anywhere on the Preview pane , and click on the delete option that appears.
Alternatively, the delete key on a keyboard can also be used.
Add or remove path segment button can be used to add or remove individual parts to the main segment
of the cross section.
Detect path button can be used to select the longest path of the segments.
Select path start point can be used to indicate the start point of the segments path.
General Tab sheet has the following options:
• Merge points tolerance:
The segments are merged based on Merge points tolerance that can be specified in the General tab sheet
panel. Gaps are eliminated based on simple geometrical translation of lines/arcs. The last line/arc is modified
if it is necessary to close the selected segment path.
• Dimensions:
Dimensions shows the width and the height of the bounding box of the imported model. Note that the
absolute coordinates of the bounding box are not relevant in the tunnel designer import.
• Automatically intersect segments and subsections during import:
If the Automatically intersect segments and subsections during import checkbox is checked (which is the
Default setting), the imported segments/subsections will be automatically intersected during import into the
tunnel designer.
The trajectory (path) of the tunnel in the model can be created in the corresponding tabsheet in the Tunnel
The general shape settings of a tunnel trajectory are defined in the General tab of the Trajectory tabsheet.
Layout of the trajectory in the model: The general properties of the trajectory of a tunnel in the model are
defined using the options in the General tabsheet.
• The coordinates of the insertion point can be defined in the Object explorers. By default the coordinates of the
location clicked in the model before the Tunnel designer window is displayed are shown. As the coordinates
are changed, the tunnel will be relocated.
• By default the insertion point is the starting point of the first segment of the tunnel cross section. The Offset
to begin point group can be used to specify offset distances from the orientation axis when the insertion point
(origin of the orientation axis) and the starting point of the first segment of the cross section do not coincide.
• The Orientation axis 1 and the Orientation axis 2 define the orientation of the trajectory in the model.
The number of segments the Trajectory must contain is defined in the Segments tabsheet.
Definition of segments: The segments of a cross section can be defined in the Segments tab of the Trajectory
tabsheet (Figure 112 (on page 150)).
A new segment is added to the trajectory of a tunnel by clicking the Add segment button available in the
side toolbar. The last point of the last segment is the first point of the newly added segment. The newly
created segment is displayed in the segment list.
A new segment is inserted before a selected segment to the trajectory of a tunnel as the Insert segment
button is clicked. The last point of the newly inserted segment becomes the first point of the previously
selected segment. The indices of the segments are updated according to their position in the list.
A selected segment in a trajectory is deleted as the Delete segment button is clicked. The indices of the
segments are updated according to their position in the list.
Import a polycurve to define the trajectory of the tunnel. The polycurve can only contain lines and arcs
positioned on the XY-plane. The program supports *.dxf, *.step, *.stp and *.brep files (Importing geometry
[GSE] (on page 92)). On selecting the file to be imported, the imported cross section geometry appears in the
Import Tunnel Trajectory Preview window. The options available in this window are similar to Import
Tunnel Cross section Preview window explained in Import tunnel geometry (on page 146).
The number of slices for the tunnel trajectory may be defined in the Slices tab of the Trajectory tabsheet.
Definition of slices: A new slice is automatically created when a segment is added to the trajectory.
Slicing method: The available types for slicing methods are:
Length Allows to create slices based on Slice length. This can be done by setting a particular
value to the length. The slicing can start from the beginning or the end of the segment,
which can be selected from the dropdown menu of Starting from.
To merge specific slice groups, multi-select consecutive slice groups of interest and then click on the
button Merge slice groups on the left side of the drawing panel. The merged slicing group now has properties
which have been copied from the first slice group.
To merge all slice groups click on the button Merge all slice groups. The resulting slice group has
properties which have been copied from the first slice group. This action is possible only if all the slicing
group have similar properties with respect to slicing method and slice length.
To reset all slicing for every slice group of the segment click on the button Reset slicing on the left side of
the drawing panel. It removes all properties and resets them to the original state.
To unmerge slice groups, click on the button Unmerge slice groups on the left side of the drawing panel.
5.9.5 Properties
Features can be assigned to the tunnel segments and subsections in the Properties mode by right-clicking the
segment and selecting the corresponding option in the appearing menu.
The features available in the Slice panel are:
Create surface load To assign a surface load to the selected segment (or subsection).
Create surface
prescribed To assign a surface prescribed displacement to the selected segment (or subsection).
Create surface
To assign a surface contraction to the selected segment (or subsection).
Create surface drain To assign a surface drain to the selected segment (or subsection).
Create plate To model a tunnel shield or a shotcrete lining using the Plate feature.
Create geogrid To model a temporary support or a shotcrete lining using the Geogrid feature.
To model the interaction of the tunnel lining with the surrounding soil (rock) in the
selected segment.
Groundwater flow
boundary conditions To assign boundary conditions for flow to the selected segment (or subsection).
To assign a beam to the line or polycurve between two adjacent segments. This feature
Create beam can be used to define girders (ribs, wailings etc.) along the perimeter or around the
cross section of a tunnel at slice boundaries.
A linearly varying distributed load is created by defining the components and the
Linear magnitude of the force at the start and at the end points of the tunnel segment (or
subsection). The start and end points are determined by their order of definition.
To create a load perpendicular to the selected segment varying with depth by defining
the components and the magnitude of the load at the reference point with respect to the
global system of axes (z-axis) and its increment with depth. The values of the reference
vertical increment
load ( σn,ref) and the load increment ( σn,inc) as well as the reference vertical coordinate
need to be specified.
Reinforcements can be added to tunnels as Rock bolts or Umbrella arches. They are modelled by means of
embedded beams. They can be added to tunnels in the Properties tabsheet of the tunnel designer. This can be
done by following these steps:
• Click on the Reinforcements tab of the Properties mode.
In the drawing area, (multi) select the required segments and click on the Define reinforcement on the left
panel to add a reinforcement. Alternatively, right-click on the selected segments and select the Create
reinforcement option (Figure 113 (on page 153)). By default, the option is set to Rock bolt. In the lower left
panel, the created reinforcement can be viewed and the properties can be assigned.
• The configuration of a reinforcement may be set to Rock bolt or Umbrella arch.
• For more information about material properties of rock bolts refer General properties (on page 289).
It is possible to delete a reinforcement, by clicking on the Delete button in the drawing area.
Rock bolts are drawn in a counter clockwise direction from the starting point at the beginning of the segment (or
subsection). It is possible to reverse this direction, by clicking on the check box Reversed in lower left panel. Note
that the Offset and Spacing are also reversed accordingly.
Input parameters required when the configuration is set to Rock bolts are Material, Apply strength reduction and
the following as described below:
Length of rock bolt Length of the rock bolt perpendicular to the tunnel contour.
Offset from segments Each rock bolt can have an offset from the tunnel contour. This is particularly useful
when the tunnel has a thick lining.
Distribution Rock bolts can be added in both breadth and depth of a tunnel trajectory. The
distribution of these rock bolts is possible by choosing Number, Spacing or Custom from
a drop down menu. When the option Custom is selected, both spacing and offset
parameters can be specified.
Offset Distance from the first tunnel point to the first rock bolt along the tunnel contour.
Input parameters required when the configuration is set to Umbrella arch (Figure 114 (on page 154)) are
Material, Apply strength reduction and the following as described below :
Length of rock bolt Length of rock bolts. Rock bolts can be created perpendicular to the tunnel contour or
with an angle.
Offset from segments Umbrella arch rock bolts can have an offset from the tunnel contour.
Angle Angle of rock bolts in an umbrella arch with respect to the out of plane direction. The
angle of rock bolts for an umbrella arch can have values greater than 0° and lesser than
Distribution Rock bolts can be added in both breadth and depth directions which correspond to
latitudinal and longitudinal directions respectively. The distribution of these rock bolts
is possible by choosing Number, Spacing or Custom from a drop down menu. When the
option Custom is selected, both spacing and offset parameters can be specified.
Number Number of rock bolts in breadth or depth of a tunnel trajectory (Figure 116 (on page
Offset Distance from the first tunnel point to the first rock bolt along the tunnel contour.
Note: Rock bolts for tunnels may also be added using the Embedded beam feature and Polar array in Input.
However, it is suggested to create it in the Tunnel designer for more accuracy.
A tunnel can be split into multiple separate tunnels using the Splitting tool. For example in NATM tunnels, they
can be split into crown, base and invert (base). Once they are split into separate tunnels, they can have their own
sequencing definition to create the separate (sub)parts of the tunnel (Sequencing (on page 161)). This can be
done by first creating a complete tunnel and then using the splitting action as described below.
The splitting tool can be accessed by first choosing the option Template for Shape type in the General tabsheet of
the tunnel designer. When the Template shape type is selected, the Properties and Sequencing mode tabs are
removed, leaving the Geometry modes of Cross-section and Trajectory. If a cross-section has already been defined,
it will remain but any specified properties and sequencing definition will be reset.
A new mode is now introduced as Splitting mode.
In the Splitting mode different tunnel parts can be created which will represent separate parts of a split tunnel.
Each of these tunnel parts will be shown in the corresponding tree in the left panel. Each tunnel part will contain
one or more references to curves in the cross-section. Curves can be added or removed from tunnel parts. New
tunnel parts can be created using the buttons on the right hand drawing panel.
To add a new tunnel part, click on the Add tunnel part (including selected parts) button.
To delete a tunnel part, click on the tunnel part in the left panel and then click on the Delete tunnel part
Curves can be added to an already created tunnel part(s) by first selecting curve(s) in the left panel and
then clicking on the Add curve(s) to tunnel part button.
Curves can be deleted from an already created tunnel part(s) by first selecting curve(s) in the right panel
and then clicking on the Delete curve(s) from tunnel part button. Some tunnel part curves can be part of
multiple tunnel parts. Then, a user will have to select a tunnel part, then select a number of tunnel part
curves, and then press delete curve from tunnel part button.
If a Tunnel part is selected in the left hand input panel, then all the cross-section curves in the tunnel part will be
highlighted in the visualisation panel.
If cross-section curve(s) are selected in the right hand visualisation panel, then the Add tunnel part (including
selected curves) is activated and can be then used to make a new tunnel part.
Note: When a cross-section curve which is not a part of a Tunnel part is selected, it is then possible to select an
existing Tunnel part without losing the selection. Now, the Add curve (s) to tunnel part button is activated and
can be used to add the curve to the selected tunnel part.
• A tip is displayed in the right hand panel of the splitting tool when some of the cross-section curves have not
been assigned to a tunnel part. However it is still possible to split tunnel.
• Note that only curves which are not yet in the Tunnel part will be added.
• It is recommended to define the geometry of trajectory before the splitting action is performed to have an
efficient workflow.
The Feedback panel displays all the errors, hints and warnings. All errors must be solved before proceeding to
split a tunnel. Hints and warnings do not block the process of splitting a tunnel.
A tunnel can be split by clicking the Split tunnel button on the right bottom of the tool. If changes are made to the
template (parent) tunnel, these changes will be regenerated towards the split-off (child) tunnels, once the split
tunnel command is executed again (e.g. by pressing the split tunnel button).
Each individual split tunnels still needs to get a proper definition for the properties (e.g. interfaces, plate
elements, loads, etc), trajectory with slicing and tunnel sequencing, and then needs to be generated before it
actually appears in the geometry of the model. Using the tunnel splitting tool, it is possible to create more
complex tunnel excavations than the default tunnel designer, since the user can control the sequencing and
progression in staged construction separately for each individual part.
5.9.7 Sequencing
The construction of a tunnel can be regarded as a 'train' of construction steps ('tunnel train') that is advancing as
a continuous process or in sections of a certain length. In the numerical modelling of tunnel construction, the
advancement of the construction process always has to be discretised in sections. Therefore, the Tunnel Designer
allows for a division of the full tunnel path (Trajectory) into sections, which are called 'slices'.
In order to simplify the definition of calculation phases in Staged Construction to account for the advancement of
the 'tunnel train', the Tunnel Designer includes facilities to define the necessary steps. These steps can be defined
in the Sequencing tabsheet of the Tunnel Designer.
The Sequencing tabsheet consists of a left panel, in which various steps can be defined, and a right panel showing
a graphical section of the model with different tabs for the 'Rear' (Plane Rear) cross section, the 'Slice' (= volume
section), and the 'Front' (Plane Front) cross section. The 'Slice' tab can be used to define operations on volumes
and surfaces in the tunnel advancement direction, whereas the 'Rear' and 'Front' tabs can be used to define
operations on surfaces and lines in cross sections perpendicular to the tunnel advancement direction. The
buttons in the middle are used to select one or more objects in the right panel, or to create and delete steps in
the left panel.
Excavation method
The General settings of the Sequencing tabsheet allows to choose the Excavation method. There are two available
options: TBM and NATM.
TBM: The front of the tunnel moves forward during each advancement step.
NATM: The front of the tunnel can be fixed or delayed for a specified number of steps:
Slices in active scope Slices in active scope works similar to a 'caterpillar '. It allows to fix the front for the
defined number of steps while the back moves forward.
Delayed steps Allows to delay the advancement from moving into the next slice for the defined number
of steps.
Definition of steps
In principle, 'steps' are associated with the subsequent sections of the tunnel train, numbered from the first
section in the front towards the back of the tunnel train.
Click the Add tunnel phase step button to create a first step (Step_1_1). While this step is selected in the left
panel, make the necessary settings in the right panel to model the changes that are required when the first
section of the tunnel train is entering into the soil. This can involve, for example, a combination of
• some excavation (de-activation of soil volume in the slice)
• a TBM or tunnel lining to be installed (activation of plate in the slice)
• and optionally a face pressure applied at the tunnel heading (surface load in the front plane).
If the tunnel train consists of more construction steps, click the Add tunnel phase step button again to
introduce the next step (Step_1_2). Initially, the settings of this step are copied from the previous step. This is OK
if the situation as defined in the first step persists for another section length (or more). However, if the next step
(section) involves changes with respect to the previous step (section), the required changes shall be made in the
right panel.
The process of defining steps shall be continued until the full tunnel train has been defined.
A step can be deleted by clicking on the Remove tunnel phase step button on the left panel of the drawing
Click the Add tunnel phase routine button to add a new routine (Step_2_1).
Initially, the settings of this routine are copied from the previous routine. Routines can deal with differences in
the configuration of a same step.
A routine can be deleted by clicking on the Remove tunnel phase routine button on the left panel of the
drawing canvas.
NATM examples
In order to model a sequential excavation tunnel in which the 'tunnel train' consists of six sections of equal
Note: It is highly recommended to start tunnel advancements in a phase subsequent to the Initial Phase, as
otherwise the staged construction process may be disrupted. Particularly, during tunnel sequencing, the Initial
Phase is referred to as the initial state, and it may not be possible to revert modifications after the initial state
has been modified.
The creation of a hydraulic condition is similar to the creation of a geometric entity. The options available in
the menu displayed as the Create hydraulic conditions button is selected in the side toolbar (Figure 125 (on page
165)), provide a faster definition of conditions.
Instead of creating the geometric entity and then assigning a hydraulic condition to it, the whole process is
completed in one step. To assign hydraulic conditions to existing geometry entities:
• Right-click the geometric entity either in the drawing area or in the Object explorers.
• In the appearing menu point to Create and select the hydraulic condition by clicking on the corresponding
Note that the assignment of hydraulic conditions is also possible by right-clicking the geometric entity either in
the drawing area or in the Object explorers and selecting the corresponding option in the appearing menu.
Although the input values of hydraulic conditions are specified in the geometry model, the activation,
deactivation or change of values may be considered in the framework of Staged construction (Changing
geometry configuration (on page 365)).
In addition to the specific boundary conditions as considered here, global model conditions for the model as a
whole in terms of 'open' and 'closed' boundaries as well as precipitation conditions can be defined for each
calculation phase in the Model conditions subtree in the Model explorer (Model conditions (on page 372)). Note
that specific hydraulic conditions have priority over global model conditions.
Note: For transient groundwater flow and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis, hydraulic conditions can be
defined as a function of time using so-called Flow functions (Flow functions [ULT] (on page 174)) which are
available with an Ultimate licence.
5.10.1 Well
In order to define a well, the Create well option should be selected from the menu appearing as the Create
hydraulic conditions button is clicked. The creation of a well in the geometry model is similar to the creation of a
line (Create line (on page 77)). Wells are used to prescribe lines inside the geometry model where a specific flux
(discharge) is extracted from or infiltrated into the soil. The properties of a well can be modified in the Selection
explorer (Figure 126 (on page 166)).
The behaviour of the well needs to be specified. The available options are Extraction
(taking water from the ground) and Infiltration (bringing water into the ground).
The minimum possible head in the well. When the groundwater head reduces below the
hmin hmin level no further extraction will occur. As a habit, hmin may be set equal to the bottom
level of the well in the ground.
This option is only relevant for groundwater flow calculations and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis.
Wells can be activated or de-activated in calculation phases.
• When a well intersects multiple soil layers the prescribed flux for each soil layer is a function of the saturated
permeability and the intersected depth.
• Note that the saturated permeability is specified in the Groundwater tabsheet of the material dataset.
In order to define a line drain, the Create line drain option should be selected from the menu appearing as
the Create hydraulic conditions button is clicked. The creation of a drain in the geometry model is similar to the
creation of a geometry line (Create line (on page 77)). Line drains are used to prescribe lines inside the geometry
model where (excess) pore pressures are reduced.
Together with the creation of a line drain, the input of the properties of the drain is required. This option is only
relevant for consolidation analysis, groundwater flow calculations or fully coupled analysis. In such calculations,
the pore pressure in all nodes of the drain is reduced such that it is equivalent to the given head. If the drain is a
Normal drain, pore pressures lower than the equivalent to the given head are not affected by the drain. If the
drain is a Vacuum drain, the Head parameter can be used to define an 'underpressure' in the ground, equivalent
to the process of vacuum consolidation. Drains can be activated or de-activated in calculation phases. The
properties of a line drain can be modified in the Object explorers (Figure 127 (on page 167)).
The input required for a drain depends on the option selected in the Behaviour drop-down menu. The options
available are:
When the Normal option is selected for the drain behaviour, the input of a groundwater
head (h) is required. This option is only relevant for groundwater flow calculations or
fully coupled analysis. In such calculations, the pore pressure in all nodes of the drain is
reduced such that it is equivalent to the given head. Pore pressures lower than the
equivalent to the given head are not affected by the drain. In consolidation analysis,
drains reduce the excess pore pressure to zero and the specified head is ignored.
When the Vacuum option is selected for the drain behaviour, the input of a groundwater
head (h) is required. The Head should be used to define the 'underpressure' in the
ground due to the process of vacuum consolidation. This option is only relevant for
Vacuum consolidation analysis, groundwater flow calculations or fully coupled analysis. In such
calculations, the pore pressure in all nodes of the drain is reduced such that it is
equivalent to the given head. Note that in contrast to Normal drains, pore pressures
lower than the equivalent to the given head ARE affected by the Vacuum drain.
Drains can be activated or de-activated in calculation phases. The properties of a line drain can be modified in
the Object explorers.
In order to define a surface drain, the Create surface drain option should be selected from the menu
appearing as the Create hydraulic conditions button is clicked. The creation of a drain in the geometry model is
similar to the creation of a surface (Create surface (on page 84)). Surface drains are used to prescribe surfaces
inside the geometry model where (excess) pore pressures are reduced.
Together with the input of the properties of the drain is required. This option is only relevant for consolidation
analysis, groundwater flow calculations or fully coupled analysis. In such calculations, the pore pressure in all
nodes of the drain is reduced such that it is equivalent to the given head. Pore pressures lower than the
equivalent to the given head are not affected by the drain. Drains can be activated or de-activated in calculation
phases. The properties of a line drain can be modified in the Object explorers (Figure 128 (on page 168)).
The input required for a drain depends on the option selected in the Behaviour drop-down menu. The options
available are:
When the Normal option is selected for the drain behaviour, the input of a groundwater
head (h) is required. This option is only relevant for groundwater flow calculations or
fully coupled analysis. In such calculations, the pore pressure in all nodes of the drain is
reduced such that it is equivalent to the given head. Pore pressures lower than the
equivalent to the given head are not affected by the drain. In consolidation analysis,
drains reduce the excess pore pressure to zero and the specified head is ignored.
When the Vacuum option is selected for the drain behaviour, the input of a groundwater
head (h) is required. This option is only relevant for consolidation analysis, groundwater
flow calculations or fully coupled analysis. In such calculations, the pore pressure in all
nodes of the drain is reduced such that it is equivalent to the given head. Note that in
contrast to Normal drains, pore pressures lower than the equivalent to the given head
are affected by the Vacuum drain.
In order to define a surface flow boundary condition, the Create surface groundwater flow boundary
condition option should be selected from the menu appearing as the Create hydraulic conditions button is clicked.
The creation of a surface flow boundary condition in the geometry model is similar to the creation of a surface
(Create surface (on page 84)).
The behaviour of the surface flow boundary conditions can be specified by selecting the corresponding option in
the Selection explorer (Figure 130 (on page 169)).
Figure 130: Options for the behaviour of Surface groundwater flow boundary conditions
• The boundary conditions at the extremities of the model can be conveniently specified in the Model
conditions subtree in the Model explorer. By default the bottom of the model is set to Closed, preventing flow
across it, whereas the three remaining boundaries are set to Open (Seepage).
• In a calculation phase the hydraulic conditions defined using the Surface flow boundary conditions feature
always prevail over the Model conditions. As an example, if a surface flow boundary conditions is placed on
the top surface and precipitation is specified in Model conditions only the behaviour specified for the surface
flow boundary condition will be considered, ignoring the precipitation.
• In a fully coupled analysis the water conditions assigned in any internal geometry are taken into account at
the calculation step 0 (i.e beginning of the calculation). In the subsequent calculation steps, PLAXIS ignores
the specified water conditions settings and performs the flow calculation based on the outcome of the
previous step.
• The Closed condition is always applicable only on the external boundaries of the model. If a Closed condition
is applied on an internal geometry, PLAXIS 3D ignores it.
A Seepage boundary is a boundary where water can flow in or out freely. It is generally used at the ground
surface above the phreatic level or above the external water level (in the case of an inclined surface, such as a
dam or a dike).
If a surface flow boundary is set to Seepage and is completely above the (external) water level, then the seepage
condition applies to this boundary. This means that water inside the geometry may flow freely out of this
If a boundary is Seepage and completely below the (external) water level, the free boundary condition
automatically turns into a groundwater head condition. In that case the magnitude of the groundwater head in
each boundary node is determined by the vertical distance between the boundary node and the water level.
The pore pressure is zero where a (external) water level crosses a geometry boundary surface. The part of the
geometry surface above the transition line is treated as a boundary above the water level, whereas the part of
the geometry surface below the transition line is treated as a boundary below the water level. Hence, different
conditions can apply to such a geometry boundary surface. This is possible because, in general, a
geometrysurface consists of many nodes and the actual information on boundary conditions as used by the
calculation program is contained in the boundary nodes rather than in geometry surfaces.
Note: Note that a boundary that is explicitly set to Seepage will NOT automatically turn into an Infiltration
boundary when precipitation is specified.
When the Closed option is assigned to a boundary, no flow can occur across it. Flow, in this case, refers to
groundwater flow (in groundwater flow calculations and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis) as well as
dissipation of excess pore pressure (in consolidation calculations).
Note: The Closed condition is always applicable only on the external boundaries of the model. In case it's
required an impermeable surface inside the soil (e.g. the cut-off of a dam), an appropriate interface element
should be inserted.
In addition to the automatic setting of hydraulic conditions based on the general phreatic level in Model
conditions (Flow boundary conditions [ADV] (on page 362)), a prescribed groundwater head may be entered
manually to the Groundwater flow boundary conditions defined by the user in the model. If a groundwater head is
prescribed at an outer geometry boundary, external water pressures will be generated for that boundary. The
deformation analysis program will treat external water pressures as traction loads and they are taken into
account together with the soil weight and the pore pressures. Figure 131 (on page 171) shows the options
available for the definition of head in Object explorers.
The options available for variation of head along the boundary are:
Uniform A uniform value of the head (href) is specified along the boundary.
A linear variation of the head along the boundary is specified. The parameters required
to specify a linear variation are:
• href: The reference head value at the specified reference level.
Linear • hinc,z: Increment value specifying the change of the head with depth.
• zref: The reference value for which the reference head value is specified. If this value
is lower than the top of the boundary, the head value below this level is changed
according to the hinc,z value (h = href + zref - zhinc,z).
The options available for Time dependency of Head assigned to a surface flow boundary condition are:
Constant The head in the boundary does not change with time.
The head in the boundary varies with time. This option is only available for transient
Time dependent flow and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis. The flow function representing the
[ULT] time dependency can be selected from the drop-down menu. Information on Flow
functions is available in Flow functions [ULT] (on page 174).
Inflow to the model through a boundary can be specified by selecting the corresponding Behaviour option in the
Selection explorer. Figure 132 (on page 172) shows the options available for the definition of inflow.
The options available for the distribution of the inflow discharge along the boundary are:
Uniform A uniform value of the discharge (|qref|) is specified along the boundary.
A linear variation of the head along the boundary is specified. The parameters required
to specify a linear variation are:
• | qref | : The reference discharge value at the specified reference level.
Linear • qinc,z: Increment value specifying the rate of variation of discharge along the
• zref: The reference value for which the reference head value is specified. If this value
is lower than the top of the boundary, the discharge value below this level is changed
according to the |qinc,z| value.
The discharge in the boundary varies with time. varies with time. This option is only
Time dependent available for transient flow and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis. The flow
[ULT] function representing the time dependency can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Information on Flow functions is available in Flow functions [ULT] (on page 174).
Outflow from the model through a boundary can be specified by selecting the corresponding option for
Behaviour in the Selection explorer Figure 133 (on page 173).
The options available for the distribution of the outflow discharge along the boundary are:
A uniform value of the discharge is specified along the boundary. The value is assigned
to the |qref| parameter.
A linear variation of the discharge along the boundary is specified. The parameters
required to specify a linear variation are:
• | qref | : The reference discharge value at the specified reference level.
Linear • qinc,z: Increment value specifying the rate of variation of discharge along the
• zref: The reference value for which the reference head value is specified. If this value
is lower than the top of the boundary, the discharge value below this level is changed
according to the |qinc,z| value.
The options available for variation of discharge with time are (Time dependency):
The discharge in the boundary varies with time. varies with time. This option is only
Time dependent available for transient flow and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis. The flow
[ULT] function representing the time dependency can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Information on Flow functions is available in Flow functions [ULT] (on page 174).
Apart from the automatic generation of infiltration boundary conditions from precipitation (Flow boundary
conditions [ADV] (on page 362)), infiltration conditions may also be specified manually for geometry
boundaries above the water level. Infiltration boundary condition is a conditional inflow. The parameters
required for an infiltration boundary are:
Recharge (infiltration), specified in the unit of length per unit of time. Negative values
can be used to model evapotranspiration (evaporation + transpiration).
Maximum pore pressure head, relative to the elevation of the boundary, specified in the
unit of length (default 0.1 length units).
Minimum pore pressure head, relative to the elevation of the boundary, specified in the
unit of length (default -1.0 length units).
The options available for variation of discharge with time (Time dependency) are:
Constant The head in the boundary does not change with time
The discharge in the boundary varies with time. varies with time. This option is only
Time dependent available for transient flow and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis. The flow
[ULT] function representing the time dependency can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Information on Flow functions is available in Flow functions [ULT] (on page 174).
Flow functions can be assigned to Water levels or Groundwater flow boundary conditions. Note that time-
dependent conditions can be defined for all behaviour options except for Seepage and Closed.
Functions can be defined in the corresponding window that pops up when the Flow functions subtree is right-
clicked and the Edit option is selected in the appearing menu. The window consists of two tabsheets, i.e Head
functions and Discharge functions, where the functions applicable to head and discharge can be defined
respectively as shown in Figure 136 (on page 175).
The buttons available under the function tabs can be used to add new functions or to delete the function selected
in the list. When a new function is added, the options to define it are displayed.
The type of the signal can be assigned, The options available are Linear, Harmonic and
The options available in the Signal drop-down menu are described in the following sections.
5.11.1 Harmonic
This option can be used when a condition varies harmonically in time. The harmonic variation of the water level
is generally described as:
y (t ) = y0 + Asin (ω0t + ϕ0) with ω0 = 2π / T Eq. [5]
in which A is the amplitude (in unit of length), T is the wave period (in unit of time) and φ0 is the initial phase
angle. y0 is the centre of the harmonic variation, not necessarily equal to the water level at the end of the
previous phase ( y'0). In fact the later is equal to:
y ′ 0 = y0 + Asin (ω0) Eq. [6]
Figure 137 (on page 176) shows the Flow functions window where a Harmonic signal is defined and plotted.
Figure 137: Definition and display of a Harmonic signal in the Flow functions window
Besides defining the signal in the table, there is also the possibility to read data from a file with a digitised
signal using the Open button in the toolbar.
Note: PLAXIS 3D assumes the data file is located in the current project directory when no directory is specified.
A signal, either defined in a table or received from a file and modified, can be saved using the Save button in
the toolbar enabling the usage of the signal in other projects or validating the effect of the modifications in the
current project.
A signal, either defined in a table or received from a file and modified, can be copied using the Copy button in
the toolbar.
Copied data from other applications (using Ctrl+c) can be imported by using the Paste button. The Import
data window appears (Figure 138 (on page 177)). The starting row of the data to be imported can be defined in
the From row cell. The data and the plot is displayed in the Flow functions window after pressing OK.
Clicking the Open .txt file button on the right hand side of the window will open the Open window where the
file can be selected. The file must be an ASCII file that can be created with any text editor. For every line a pair of
values (actual time and corresponding water level value) must be defined, leaving at least one space between
them. Note that PLAXIS 3D only supports the English notation of decimal numbers using a dot. The resulting
graph of the input data is shown in the Graph tabsheet of the Time dependent condition window.
5.11.3 Linear
This option can be used to describe the increase or decrease of a condition linearly in time. For a linear variation
of groundwater head, the input of the following parameters are required:
This parameter, specified in unit of length, represents the increase or decrease of the
water level in the time interval for the current calculation phase. Hence, together with
the time interval this parameter determines the rate of the water level increase or
This parameter represents the time interval for the calculation phase, expressed in units
t of time. Note that the time interval specified for a function does not effect the duration of
a phase as defined in the Phases window.
For a linear variation of discharge infiltration, inflow or outflow the input of the following parameters are
required for the discharge in the corresponding tabsheet:
This parameter, specified in unit of volume per unit of time, represents the increase or
decrease of the specific discharge in the time interval of the current calculation phase.
Note: The time value in flow functions always refers to the global time in the whole list of calculation phases
rather than to the time interval of an individual phase. This means that in a series of consecutive flow
calculations each phase will only use its corresponding part of the flow function.
The condition of the boundary in the current phase is a continuation of the state reached
Constant value from
at the end of the previous phase and it will not change during the calculation of the
previous phase
The condition of the boundary in the current phase is equal to the state reached in the
Maintain function previous phase. PLAXIS 3D enables continuity of the state at the boundary according to
from the previous the flow function assigned to the boundary in the previous phase. The accumulated time
phase from the previous phases is used as an offset to enter the flow function for the current
Figure 139: Options for boundary condition behaviour in Phase definition modes
When this option is selected a new water level is created at the position reached at the
Create the reached
end of the previous phase. The location of the water level will be constant in the current
water level
When this option is selected a new water level is created at the position reached at the
end of the previous phase. The location of the water level in the current phase will
Create the reached
change from that point on according to the flow function assigned to the original water
water level and
level in the previous phase. PLAXIS 3D ensures the continuity of the flow function,
whereby the accumulated time from previous phases is used as an offset to enter the
flow function for the current phase.
The material database can be opened by selecting the option Show materials in the Soil menu of the Soil
mode or in the Structures menu of the Structures mode. Another way to activate the material database is by
clicking on the Show materials button available in the Soil, Structures and Staged construction modes. As a
result, the Material sets window appears showing the contents of the project material database. The window
can be expanded to show the global database by clicking the Show global button in the upper part of the window.
The Material sets window displaying the material defined in the current project and the ones available in a
selected global database is shown in Figure 140 (on page 180).
Figure 140: Material sets window showing the project and the global database
The database of a new project is empty. The global database can be used to store material data sets in a global
folder and to exchange data sets between different projects.
At both sides of the window (Project materials and Global materials) there are two drop-down menus and a
tree view. The Set type can be selected from the drop-down menu on the left hand side. The Set type parameter
determines which type of material data set is displayed in the tree view (Soil and interfaces, Discontinuities,
Plates, Geogrids, Beams, )Embedded beams, Anchors).
The data sets in the tree view are identified by a user-defined name. The data sets for Soil and interfaces can be
ordered in groups according to the material model, the material type or the name of the data set by selecting this
order in the Group order drop-down menu. The None option can be used to discard the group ordering.
The small buttons between the two tree views can be used to copy individual data sets from the project database
to the selected global database or vice versa.
• To copy the selected project material set to the global database.
• To copy all the project material sets of the specified type to the global database.
• To copy the selected global material set to the project database.
The location of the selected global database is shown below its tree view. The buttons below the tree view of the
global database enable actions in the global database.
Delete To delete a selected material data set from the selected global database.
By default, the global database for soil and interface data contains the data sets of all the tutorials and it is
contained in the file 'Soil.matXdb'. This file is compatible with other PLAXIS 3D database files for soil and
interfaces and is stored in the installation folder of PLAXIS 3D. Material data sets for structural elements will be
contained in separate files. Similarly, the global databases for Discontinuities, Plates, Geogrids, Beams,
Embedded beams and Anchors are contained in the files 'Discontinuity.matXdb', 'Plate.matXdb',
'PlateMat2D.matdb', 'Beam.matXdb', 'Geogrid.matXdb', 'EmbeddedBeam.matXdb' and 'Anchor.matXdb'
A new global database can be created by clicking the Select button, defining the name of the new global database
and clicking Open.
The project data base can be managed using the buttons below the tree view of the project database.
To create a new data set in the project. As a result, a new window appears in which the
material properties or model parameters can be entered. The first item to be entered is
New always the Identification, which is the user-defined name of the data set. After
completing a data set, it will appear in the tree view, indicated by its name as defined by
the Identification.
Edit To modify the selected data set in the project material database.
To perform standard soil lab tests. A separate window will open where several basic soil
tests can be simulated and the behaviour of the selected soil material model with the
given material parameters can be checked ( Simulation of soil lab tests [GSE] (on page
Copy To create a copy of a selected data set in the project material database.
Delete To delete a selected material data set from the project material database.
In a Material dataset window (Material properties and material database (on page 180)) it is possible to go
through the options with arrows and/or Enter. When a property such as Material model or Drainage type, is
reached, the drop-down menu can be activated by pressing the Space key. Arrows and /or letters can be used to
make a selection, that is finalised by pressing Enter.
Material model
Soil and rock tend to behave in a highly non-linear way under load. This non-linear stress-strain behaviour can
be modelled at several levels of sophistication. Clearly, the number of model parameters increases with the level
of sophistication. PLAXIS 3D supports different models to simulate the behaviour of soil and other continua. The
models and their parameters are described in detail in the Material Models Manual. A short discussion of the
available models is given below:
Linear elastic model: This model represents Hooke's law of isotropic linear elasticity. The linear elastic model
is too limited for the simulation of soil behaviour. It is primarily used for stiff structures in the soil.
Mohr-Coulomb model (MC): This well-known linear elastic perfectly-plastic model is used as a first
approximation of soil behaviour in general. It is recommended to use this model for a first analysis of the
problem considered. A constant average stiffness is estimated for the soil layer. Due to this constant stiffness,
computations tend to be relatively fast and a first estimate of deformations can be obtained.
Hardening Soil model (HS): This is an advanced model for the simulation of soil behaviour. The Hardening Soil
model is an elastoplastic type of hyperbolic model, formulated in the framework of shear hardening plasticity.
Moreover, the model involves compression hardening to simulate irreversible compaction of soil under primary
compression. This second-order model can be used to simulate the behaviour of sands and gravel as well as
softer types of soil such as clays and silts.
Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness (HSsmall): This is an elastoplastic type of hyperbolic model,
similar to the Hardening Soil model. Moreover, this model incorporates strain dependent stiffness moduli,
simulating the different reaction of soils from small strains (for example vibrations with strain levels below 10-5)
to large strains (engineering strain levels above 10-3).
Modified Cam-Clay model (MCC): This well-known critical state model can be used to simulate the behaviour
of normally consolidated soft soils. The model assumes a logarithmic relationship between the void ratio and the
mean effective stress.
Hoek-Brown model (HB): This well-known elastic perfectly-plastic model is used to simulate the isotropic
behaviour of rock. A constant stiffness is used for the rock mass. Shear failure and tension failure are described
by a non-linear strength curve.
Jointed Rock model (JR): This is an anisotropic elastic-perfectly plastic model where plastic shearing can only
occur in a limited number of shearing directions. This model can be used to simulate the anisotropic behaviour
of stratified or jointed rock.
NGI-ADP model (NGI-ADP): The NGI-ADP model may be used for capacity, deformation and soil-structure
interaction analysis involving undrained loading of clay-type materials. Distinct anisotropic shear strengths may
be defined for different stress paths.
[ADV] Soft soil model (SS): This is a Cam-Clay type model that can be used to simulate the behaviour of soft
soils like normally consolidated clays and peat. The model performs best in situations of primary compression.
[ADV] Soft Soil Creep model (SSC): This is a second order model formulated in the framework of
viscoplasticity. The model can be used to simulate the time-dependent behaviour of soft soils like normally
consolidated clays and peat. The model includes logarithmic primary and secondary compression.
[ADV] UDCAM-S : The UDCAM-S model is a derived NGI-ADP model to deal with undrained soil behaviour and
degradation of the strength and stiffness in cyclic loading of clay or very low permeable silty soils. It implements
a pre-processing procedure called Cyclic accumulation and optimisation tool ( Cyclic accumulation and
optimisation tool [ADV] (on page 227)) to obtain the degraded parameter set based on the type of analysis.
[ADV] Concrete model: The Concrete modelis an advanced elastoplastic model for concrete and shotcrete
structures. It simulates the time-dependent strength and stiffness of concrete, strain hardening-softening in
compression and tension as well as creep and shrinkage. The failure criterion involves a Mohr-Coulomb yield
surface for deviatoric loading, which is combined with a Rankine yield surface in the tensile regime.
[ULT] UBC3D-PLM : This is an advanced model for the simulation of liquefaction behaviour in dynamics
applications. The model includes accumulation of irreversible strains during cyclic loading. In combination with
undrained behaviour it accumulates pore pressures, which may eventually lead to liquefaction.
[ADV]/[ULT]+[GSE] User-defined Soil Models (UDSM): With this option it is possible to use other constitutive
models than the standard PLAXIS 3D models. For a detailed description of this facility, reference is made to the
Material Models Manual. Links to existing UDSM as well as all models are available on the PLAXIS Knowledge
Drainage type
In principle, all model parameters in PLAXIS 3D are meant to represent the effective soil response, i.e. the
relationship between the stresses and the strains associated with the soil skeleton. An important feature of soil
is the presence of pore water. Pore pressures significantly influence the (time-dependent) soil response. PLAXIS
3D offers several options to enable incorporation of the water-skeleton interaction in the soil response. The
most advanced option is a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis. However, in many cases it is sufficient to
analyse either the long-term (drained) response or the short-term (undrained) response without considering
the time-dependent development of pore pressures. In the latter case (undrained), excess pore pressures are
generated as a result of stress changes (loading or unloading). The dissipation of these excess pore pressures
with time can be analysed in a Consolidation calculation.
The simplified water-skeleton interaction, as considered in a Plastic calculation, a Safety analysis or a Dynamics
analysis, is defined by the Drainage type parameter. PLAXIS 3D offers a choice of different types of drainage:
Drained behaviour: Using this setting no excess pore pressures are generated. This is clearly the case for dry
soils and also for full drainage due to a high permeability (sands) and/or a low rate of loading. This option may
also be used to simulate long-term soil behaviour without the need to model the precise history of undrained
loading and consolidation.
Undrained behaviour: This setting is used for saturated soils in cases where pore water cannot freely flow
through the soil skeleton. Flow of pore water can sometimes be neglected due to a low permeability (clays)
and/or a high rate of loading. All clusters that are specified as undrained will indeed behave undrained, even if
the cluster or a part of the cluster is located above the phreatic level.
Distinction is made between three different methods of modelling undrained soil behaviour. Method A is an
undrained effective stress analysis with effective stiffness as well as effective strength parameters. This method
will give a prediction of the pore pressures and the analysis can be followed by a consolidation analysis. The
undrained shear strength (su) is a consequence of the model rather than an input parameter. It is recommended
to check this shear strength with known data. To consider this type of analysis, the Undrained A option should be
selected in the Drainage type drop-down menu.
Method B is an undrained effective stress analysis with effective stiffness parameters and undrained strength
parameters. The undrained shear strength su is an input parameter. This method will give a prediction of pore
pressures. However, when followed by a consolidation analysis, the undrained shear strength (su) is not
updated, since this is an input parameter. To consider this type of analysis, the Undrained B option should be
selected in the Drainage type drop-down menu.
Method C is an undrained total stress analysis with all parameters undrained. This method will not give a
prediction of pore pressures. Therefore it is not useful to perform a consolidation analysis. The undrained shear
strength (su) is an input parameter. To consider this type of analysis, the Undrained C option should be selected
in the Drainage type drop-down menu.
More information about modelling undrained behaviour can be found in Modelling undrained behaviour (on
page 265) and the Material Models Manual.
Non-porous behaviour: Using this setting neither initial nor excess pore pressures will be taken into account in
clusters of this type. Applications may be found in the modelling of concrete or structural behaviour. Non-porous
behaviour is often used in combination with the Linear elastic model. The input of a saturated weight is not
relevant for non-porous materials or intact rock.
In a consolidation analysis or a fully coupled flow-deformation analysis it is the permeability parameter in the
Flow tabsheet that determines the drainage capacity of a layer rather than the drainage type. Still, the drainage
type has influence on the applied compressibility of water in a consolidation analysis or a fully coupled flow-
deformation analysis. For more information see Appendix C.
The Drainage type setting is only considered in a Plastic calculation, a Safety analysis or a Dynamics analysis.
When a Consolidation analysis, a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis or a Dynamics with Consolidation
analysis is performed, the Drainage type is ignored and the soil response is determined by the Permeability of the
current pore water pressure is zero (pwater = 0). This means that during a fully coupled flow-deformation
analysis the position of the phreatic level and hence the material weight can change.
For non-porous material only the unsaturated weight is relevant, which is just the total unit weight. For porous
soils the unsaturated weight is obviously smaller than the saturated weight. For sands, for example, the
saturated weight is generally around 20 kN/m3 whereas the unsaturated weight can be significantly lower,
depending on the degree of saturation.
Note that soils in practical situations are never completely dry. Hence, it is advisable not to enter the fully dry
unit weight for γunsat. For example, clays above the phreatic level may be almost fully saturated due to capillary
action. Other zones above the phreatic level may be partially saturated. PLAXIS 3D can deal with partially
saturated soil behaviour above the phreatic level. However, the unit weight of soil is always defined here by
γunsat, irrespective of the degree-of-saturation.
Weights are activated by means of Gravity loading or K0 procedure in the Calculation mode, which is always the
first calculation phase (Initial phase) (see Initial stress generation (on page 310)).
Despite the considerable amount of research work in the field of dynamics, little has been achieved yet for the
development of a commonly accepted procedure for damping parameter identification. Instead, for engineering
purposes, some measures are made to account for material damping. A commonly used engineering parameter
is the damping ratio ξ. The damping ratio is defined as ξ = 1 for critical damping, i.e. exactly the amount of
damping needed to let a single degree-of-freedom system that is released from an initial excitation u0, smoothly
stop without rebouncing.
Considering Rayleigh damping, a relationship can be established between the damping ratio ξ and the Rayleigh
damping parameters α and β:
Critically damped(ξ=1)
Figure 142: Role of damping ratio ξ in free vibration of a single degree-of-freedom system
Solving this equation for two different target frequencies and corresponding target damping ratios gives the
required Rayleigh damping coefficients:
ω1ξ2 − ω2ξ1 ω1ξ1 − ω2ξ2
α = 2ω1ω2 and β = 2 2 2 Eq. [9]
ω12 − ω22 ω1 − ω2
For example, when it is desired to have a target damping of 8% at the target frequencies f = 1.5 Hz and 8.0 Hz, the
corresponding Rayleigh damping ratios are α = 1.2698 and β = 0.002681. From Figure 143 (on page 188) it can
be seen that within the range of frequencies as defined by the target frequencies the damping is less than the
target damping, whereas outside this range the damping is more than the target damping.
In order to calibrate the frequencies corresponding to Target 1 and Target 2, different procedures can be found
in literature. In particular, Hudson, Idriss & Beirkae (1994) (on page 539) and Hashash & Park (2002) (on page
539) suggest to select the first target frequency as the first natural frequency of the soil deposit f1, while the
second target frequency is the closest odd integer larger than the ratio fp/f1, i.e. the predominant frequency of
the input motion (that can be determined from the input Fourier spectrum) over the natural frequency of the
soil. The natural frequency of the soil deposit of thickness H is related to its geometry and stiffness according to
the following equation:
f1 = 4H
Eq. [10]
where vs is the shear wave velocity in the soil deposit, that is a function of the shear stiffness modulus G.
Amorosi, Boldini & Ellia (2010) (on page 538) suggest to consider the frequency interval characterised by the
highest energy content that can be evaluated by plotting the Fourier spectrum at different depths of the soil
deposit and the amplification function between the surface and the base level. It has been demonstrated that this
procedure overcomes the errors that can occur with the previous procedure for increasing values of the ratio
fp/f1 and of the soil deposit thickness.
More generally, the two frequencies are identified through an iterative procedure.
It is suggested not to use the simplified Rayleigh formulation, i.e. the small strain viscous damping effects are
assumed to be proportional only to the stiffness of the soil deposit:
C = β K (not recommended) Eq. [11]
where β = 2 ξ/ω1 and ω1 is the angular frequency of the first natural mode of the soil column. It has been noticed
that the simplified Rayleigh formulation may lead to an underestimation of the site response, especially when
the natural frequency of the soil deposit and the predominant frequency of the input motion are far from each
other, resulting in overestimation of damping in the high-frequency range.
When the Rayleigh damping Input method is set to SDOF equivalent, the damping parameters (α and β) will be
automatically calculated by the program when the target damping ratio (ξ) and the target frequencies (f) are
specified. The panel displayed in the General tabsheet when one of the cells corresponding to the damping
parameters is clicked. Figure 144 (on page 189) shows the damping ratio as a function of the frequency.
Alternatively, if the Input method is set to Direct the damping parameters α and β can be directly specified by
the user.
During the input for the Linear Elastic model the values of the shear modulus G and the oedometer modulus Eoed
are presented as auxiliary parameters (alternatives).
• Optional drainage types when the Linear Elastic model is selected are: Drained, Undrained A, Undrained C,
and Non-porous.
• In the case of Undrained A or Non-porous drainage types, the same parameters are used as for drained
• In the case of Undrained C drainage type, an undrained Young's modulus (Eu) and undrained Poisson's ratio
(νu) are used.
Figure 145: Mechanical tabsheet for the Linear Elastic model(drained behaviour)
Note that the alternatives are influenced by the input values of E' and ν'. Entering a particular value for one of
the alternatives Gref or Eoed results in a change of the Young's modulus E'ref.
It is possible for the Linear Elastic model to specify a stiffness that varies linearly with depth. Therefore, the
increment of stiffness per unit of depth, E'inc, can be defined. Together with the input of E'inc the input of zref
becomes relevant. For any z-coordinate above zref} the stiffness is equal to E'ref. For any z-coordinate below zref
the stiffness is given by:
E ′ (z ) = E ′ ref + ( zref − z ) E ′ inc ; z < zref Eq. [12]
The Linear Elastic model is usually inappropriate to model the highly non-linear behaviour of soil, but it is of
interest to simulate structural behaviour, such as thick concrete walls or plates, for which strength properties
are usually very high compared with those of soil. For these applications, the Linear Elastic model will often be
selected together with Non-porous type of material behaviour in order to exclude pore pressures from these
structural elements.
When embedded beams penetrate a volume cluster with linear elastic material behaviour, the specified value of
the shaft resistance is ignored. The reason for this is that the linear elastic material is not supposed to be soil, but
part of the structure. The connection between the pile and the structure is supposed to be rigid to avoid, for
example, punching of piles through a concrete deck.
[ULT] As a second alternative for the stiffness parameters of the soil, the velocities of wave propagation in soil
can be defined in the Mechanical tabsheet of the Soil window when the Dynamics module of the program is
available. These velocities are:
where ρ = γ / g.
As the wave velocities are influenced by the input values of E' and ν', entering a particular value for one of the
wave velocities results in a change of the Young's modulus.
• Velocities of wave propagation in soil can be defined only for models with stress independent stiffness.
Figure 146: Mechanical tabsheet for the Mohr-Coulomb model (drained behaviour)
• Optional drainage types when Mohr-Coulomb model is selected are: Drained, Undrained A, Undrained B,
Undrained C, and Non-porous.
• In the case of Undrained A or Non-porous drainage types, the same parameters are used as for drained
• In the case of Undrained B drainage type, φ = φu = 0, ψ = 0 and the undrained shear strength su is used instead
of the effective cohesion (c').
• In the case of Undrained C drainage type all parameters are undrained. i.e. Eu, νu and su as undrained Young's
modulus, undrained Poisson's ratio and undrained shear strength respectively, and φ = ψ = 0.
Instead of using the Young's modulus as a stiffness parameter, alternative stiffness parameters can be entered.
These parameters, the relations and their standard units are listed below:
Note that the alternatives are influenced by the input values of E'ref and ν. Entering a particular value for one of
the alternatives Gref or Eoed results in a change of the Young's modulus E'ref.
Stiffness varying with depth can be defined in Mohr-Coulomb model by entering a value for E'inc which is the
increment of stiffness per unit of depth. Together with the input of E'inc the input of zref becomes relevant. For
any z-coordinate above zref} the stiffness is equal to E'ref. For any z-coordinate below zref the stiffness is given by:
E ′ (z ) = E ′ ref + ( zref − z ) E ′ inc ; z < zref Eq. [13]
The strength parameters for the Mohr-Coulomb model are:
A cohesion varying with depth can be defined in Mohr-Coulomb model by entering a value for c'inc which is the
increment of effective cohesion per unit of depth. Together with the input of c'inc the input of zref becomes
relevant. For any z-coordinate above zref the cohesion is equal to c'ref. For any z-coordinate below zref the
cohesion is given by:
c ′ (z ) = c ′ ref + (zref − z )c ′ inc ; z < zref Eq. [14]
In some practical problems an area with tensile stresses may develop. This is allowed when the shear stress is
sufficiently small. However, the soil surface near a trench in clay sometimes shows tensile cracks. This indicates
that soil may also fail in tension instead of in shear. Such behaviour can be included in a PLAXIS 3D analysis by
selecting the Tension cut-off option. When selecting the Tension cut-off option the allowable tensile strength may
be entered. The default value of the tensile strength is zero.
[ULT] As a second alternative for the stiffness parameters, the velocities of wave propagation in soil can be
defined in the Mechanical tabsheet of the Soil window. These velocities are:
where ρ = ν / g.
The wave velocities are influenced by the input values of E' and ν', hence entering a particular value for one of
the wave velocities results in a change of the Young's modulus.
• Velocities of wave propagation in soil can be defined only for models with stress independent stiffness.
• Optional drainage types when Hoek-Brown model is selected are: Drained and Non-porous.
• The same parameters are used for both Non-porous drainage type and for drained behaviour.
Figure 147: Mechanical tabsheet for the Hoek-Brown model (drained behaviour)
Where Gref is an alternative input for the rock mass Young's modulus Erm.
The strength parameters have been divided in 4 subcategories: the Uniaxial compressive strength, the Hoek-
Brown parameters, the Rock mass parameters and the Dilatancy.
For the Hoek-Brown and Rock mass parameters the user has the choice how to enter them by setting the
Determination option. When this option is set to Derived, the user is asked to specify these well-known
engineering parameters:
D Disturbance factor which depends on the degree of disturbance to which the rock [-]
mass has been subjected
When any of these parameters is selected, a side panel opens to supports the selection of the parameters.
However, when Determination is set to Direct it becomes possible to specify the Hoek-Brown parameters
• Optional drainage types when Jointed Rock model is selected are: Drained and Non-porous.
• The same parameters are use for both thef Non-porous drainage type and drained behaviour.
Et Young's modulus for rock as a continuum, i.e. in 'Plane 1' direction [kN/m2]
νnt Poisson's ratio for rock as a continuum, i.e. in 'Plane 1' direction [-]
ci Cohesion [kN/m2]
In some practical problems an area with tensile stresses may develop. This is allowed when the shear stress is
sufficiently small. However, the soil surface near a trench in clay sometimes shows tensile cracks. This indicates
that soil may also fail in tension instead of in shear. Such behaviour can be included in a PLAXIS 3D analysis by
selecting the Tension cut-off option. When selecting the Tension cut-off option the allowable tensile strength may
be entered. The default value of the tensile strength is zero.
• Optional drainage types when Hardening Soil model is selected are: Drained, Undrained A, and Undrained B.
• In the case of Undrained A drainage type, the same parameters are used as for drained behaviour.
• In the case of Undrained B drainage type, φ = φu = 0 , ψ = 0 and the undrained shear strength su is used
instead of the effective cohesion (c').
Figure 149: Mechanical tabsheet for the Hardening Soil model(drained behaviour)
Instead of entering the basic parameters for soil stiffness, alternative parameters can be entered. These
parameters are listed below:
In addition, stress dependent stiffness can be defined through a power law with the following parameters:
pref Reference stress for stiffnesses (default pref = 100 kN/m2) [kN/m2]
The strength parameters of the Hardening Soil model coincide with those of the Mohr-Coulomb model:
Dilatancy is generally dependent on the density of the soil: a loose soil shows less dilatancy than a dense soil. In a
shearing test it can be observed that if a dense material is sheared the effective dilatancy angle reduces with the
increase of volume strain, hence with reducing void ratio. On the other hand, in case of negative dilatancy, the
soil can only continue to reduce volume until the maximum density, hence the minimum void ratio, is reached.
PLAXIS 3D does not offer the possibility to take into account full void ratio dependent dilatancy, but it does have
the option to only calculate dilatancy if the void ratio is between certain limits while the dilatancy is considered
zero outside these limit values of the void ratio.
Dilatancy To be selected when dilatancy should only be considered within the void ratio [-]
cut-off range between emin and emax.
In some practical problems an area with tensile stresses may develop. This is allowed when the shear stress is
sufficiently small. However, the soil surface near a trench in clay sometimes shows tensile cracks. This indicates
that soil may also fail in tension instead of in shear. Such behaviour can be included in a PLAXIS 3D analysis by
selecting the Tension cut-off option. When selecting the Tension cut-off option the allowable tensile strength may
be entered. The default value of the tensile strength is zero.
Finally, there are some Miscellaneous parameters to be defined that are not directly related to either stiffness or
strength. It is recommended to leave these values to their default values:
• Optional drainage types when Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness is selected are: Drained,
Undrained A, and Undrained B.
• In the case of Undrained A drainage type, the same parameters are used as for drained behaviour.
• In the case of Undrained B drainage type, φ = φu = 0, ψ = 0 and the undrained shear strength su is used instead
of the effective cohesion (c').
Figure 150: Mechanical tabsheet for the Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness model (drained
All other parameters, including the alternative stiffness parameters, remain the same as in the standard
Hardening Soil model. In summary, the input stiffness parameters of the Hardening Soil model with small-strain
stiffness are listed below:
Parameters for stiffness:
pref Reference stress for stiffnesses (default pref = 100 kN/m2) [kN/m2]
G0ref Reference shear modulus at very small strains (ε < 10-6) [kN/m2]
Dilatancy To be selected if a zero dilatancy angle should be used when the void ratio falls [-]
cut-off outside the limits defined by emin and emax.
Miscallaneous parameters:
In some practical problems an area with tensile stresses may develop. This is allowed when the shear stress is
sufficiently small. However, the soil surface near a trench in clay sometimes shows tensile cracks. This indicates
that soil may also fail in tension instead of in shear. Such behaviour can be included in a PLAXIS 3D analysis by
selecting the Tension cut-off option. When selecting the Tension cut-off option the allowable tensile strength may
be entered. The default value of the tensile strength is zero.
Hysteretic damping
The elastic modulus ratio is plotted as a function of the shear strain (γ) in a side pane when specifying the small-
strain stiffness parameters (Modulus reduction curve). The Hardening Soil model shows typical hysteretic
behaviour when subjected to cyclic shear loading. In dynamics calculations this leads to hysteretic damping. The
damping ratio is plotted as a function of the cyclic shear strain γC. Details are given in Brinkgreve, Kappert &
Bonnier (2007) (on page 538).
Note that the Modulus reduction curve and the Damping curve are based on fully elastic behaviour. Plastic strains
as a result of hardening or local failure may lead to significant lower stiffness and higher damping.
• Optional drainage types when Modified Cam-Clay model is selected are: Drained and Undrained A.
• In the case of Undrained A drainage type, the same parameters are used as for drained behaviour.
Figure 152: Mechanical tabsheet for the Modified Cam-Clay model (drained behaviour)
The Modified Cam-Clay model has an implicit relation between the ratio of horizontal and vertical stresses in
primary loading, K0NC, and the strength and stiffness parameters. Therefore in the Miscellaneous block the value
of K0NC resulting from the given stiffness and strength parameters is shown, but cannot be changed directly. If
independent control over the strength and stiffness parameters as well as K0NC is required, it is recommended to
use the Soft Soil model instead of the Modified Cam-Clay model.
NGI-ADP model
The NGI-ADP model may be used for capacity, deformation and soil-structure interaction analysis involving
undrained loading of clay-type materials. The Mechanical tabsheet for the NGI-ADP model is shown in Figure
153 (on page 207).
The only drainage type available when the NGI-ADP model is selected is Undrained C.
Gur/su,incA Ratio unloading/reloading shear modulus over the (plane strain) active shear [-]
su,incA Increase of (plane strain) active shear strength with depth [kN/m2/m]
zref Reference level for active, passive and DSS shear strength [m]
suC,TX/suA Ratio triaxial compressive shear strength over (plane strain) active shear strength [-]
(fixed at 0.99)
suP/suA Ratio of (plane strain) passive shear strength over (plane strain) active shear [-]
suDSS/suA Ratio of direct simple shear strength over (plane strain) active shear strength [-]
γfC Shear strain at failure in triaxial compression (|γfC = 3/2 ε1C|) [-]
Miscellaneous parameters:
τ0/suA Ratio initial mobilized shear over (plane strain) active shear strength (default = [-]
• Optional drainage types when Soft Soil model is selected are: Drained and Undrained A.
• For both Drained and Undrained A drainage type the same parameters are used.
Figure 154: Mechanical tabsheet for the Soft Soil model (drained behaviour)
In some practical problems an area with tensile stresses may develop. This is allowed when the shear stress is
sufficiently small. However, the soil surface near a trench in clay sometimes shows tensile cracks. This indicates
that soil may also fail in tension instead of in shear. Such behaviour can be included in a PLAXIS 3Danalysis by
selecting the Tension cut-off option. When selecting the Tension cut-off option the allowable tensile strength may
be entered. The default value of the tensile strength is zero.
Miscellaneous parameters (use default settings):
The parameter M is the inclination of the line passing through both the leftmost and topmost points of the ellipse
forming the hardening cap of the Soft Soil model. The value of M is derived from the value of K0nc and is given
here for comparison with the value MCSL of for instance the Modified Cam-Clay model (MCC) (on page 205).
• Optional drainage types when Soft Soil Creep model is selected are: Drained and Undrained A.
• For both Drained and Undrained A drainage type, the same parameters are used.
Figure 155: Mechanical tabsheet for the Soft Soil Creep model (drained behaviour)
In some practical problems an area with tensile stresses may develop. This is allowed when the shear stress is
sufficiently small. However, the soil surface near a trench in clay sometimes shows tensile cracks. This indicates
that soil may also fail in tension instead of in shear. Such behaviour can be included in a PLAXIS 3D analysis by
selecting the Tension cut-off option. When selecting the Tension cut-off option the allowable tensile strength may
be entered. The default value of the tensile strength is zero.
Miscellaneous parameters (use default settings):
The parameter M is the inclination of the line passing through both the leftmost and topmost points of the ellipse
forming the hardening cap of the Soft Soil Creep model. The value of M is derived from the value of K0nc and is
given here for comparison with the value MCSL of for instance the Modified Cam-Clay model (MCC) (on page
The UDCAM-S model can only be used with the drainage type Undrained C.
Gmax/τC Ratio unloading/reloading shear modulus over (plane strain) active shear strength [-]
τincC Increase of degraded cyclic shear strength in triaxial compression with depth [kN/m2/m]
Ratio of degraded cyclic triaxial extension shear strength over degraded cyclic
triaxial compression shear strength
Ratio of degraded cyclic direct simple shear strength over degraded cyclic triaxial
τDSS/τC [-]
compression shear strength
Miscellaneous parameters:
Available drainage types when Concrete model is selected are: Drained, in case of semi-permeable walls, and
Non-porous, which is the general approach for concrete structural elements.
aduct Increase of peak strain εcp with the increase of mean effective stress p [-]
Ratio of the Young's modulus after 1 day curing over the Young's modulus at full
E1 / E28
Strength development function for the first 24 hours of curing
Ratio of the compressive strength after 1 day curing over the compressive strength
fc,1 / fc,28 [-]
at full hydration
To be selected if shrinkage should be taken into account
t50 Time for 50% of shrinkage strains [day]
To be selected if creep should be taken into account
t50 Time for 50% of creep strains [day]
• When simulating shotcrete the tensile strength is essential for tunnel stability. Neglecting or considering low
values for tensile strength could result in unrealistic failure.
• The creep history is adjusted for the stress state at first activation of the concrete cluster, such that no creep
strains are produced by initial stresses. The state variables are taken over if the previous material was also
defined with the Concrete model, in which case creep will also continue. If a reset of state variables is desired,
a nil step with a different material (e.g. linear elastic) is required.
When an available model is chosen PLAXIS 3D will automatically read its parameter names and units from the
DLL and fill the parameter table below. For a detailed description of this facility, reference is made to the
Material Models Manual.
Available drainage types when user-defined soil model is selected are: Drained, Undrained A and Non-porous.
Available drainage types when UBC3D-PLM model is selected are: Drained and Undrained A.
The implicit Poisson's ratio that is defined based on keB and keG is suitable for dynamics calculation, but it does
not generate a proper initial stress state if the initial stress condition is established by gravity loading procedure.
In such a case the user should define another material set for the stress initialization step with proper
c Cohesion [kN/m2]
The model requires a single parameter from field data in order to model the effects of densification:
Advanced parameters:
By default, the solid material of the soil (i.c the grains) is supposed to be incompressible (αBiot = 1) and the
equivalent undrained Poisson's ratio is taken as 0.495. This is the default behaviour. Alternatively, one can select
to define the equivalent undrained Poisson's ratio through the Skempton's B-parameter and Kw,ref/n is calculated
accordingly. In the most advanced option, Biot effective stress concept, the compressibility of the solid material is
considered and one can select αBiot together with Kw after which νu,equivalent, Skempton B and Kw,ref/n are
calculated accordingly.
Skempton-B A parameter that determines which portion of a change in mean stress is carried [-]
by the pore water
Kw,ref / n The corresponding reference bulk stiffness of the pore fluid [kN/m2]
• Analysis: shows the Hoek-Brown failure envelope in the plane of principal effective stresses σ'3 - σ'1, in order
to visualise the effects of changing of rock mass parameters on the failure envelope. For more information
about the Hoek-Brown modeland its formulation, refer Material Models Manual.
• The second tabsheet is specific to determine the selected parameter.
Only chipping is possible with a geological Chert, diabase, fresh basalt, gneiss,
|σci| ≥ 250
hammer granite, quartzite
Table 6: Values of the constant mi for intact rock (Marinos & Hoek (2001), Wyllie & Mah (2004))
The GSI charts allows only integer values. If a higher accuracy is required, a decimal value can be manually put in
the Input tabsheet of the material set.
Description D
Tunnel excavation by hand or using a mechanical process rather than blasting, in poor quality
rock. There are no squeezing problems leading to floor heave, or these are mitigated using a 0.0
temporary invert
Tunnel excavation by hand or using a mechanical process rather than blasting, in poor quality
rock. There are unmitigated squeezing problems leading to floor heave
Tunnel excavation using blasting of very poor quality, leading to severe local damage 0.8
Description D
Slope created using controlled, small scale blasting of good quality 0.7
Slope in very large open pit mine, created using mechanical excavation in softer rocks 0.7
Slope in very large open pit mine, created using heavy production blasting 1.0
Table 9: Damaged thickness T, guidelines for bench blasting in open pit mines and civil engineering slopes
Description T
Large production blast, confined and with little or no control 2.0 to 2.5 H
Production blast with no control but blasting to a free face 1.0 to 1.5 H
Production blast, confined but with some control, e.g. one or more buffer rows 1.0 to 1.2 H
Production blast with some control, e.g. one or more buffer rows, and blasting to a free face 0.5 to 1.0 H
cyclic loading experiences different behaviour following different stress paths. For a general stress path, the
behaviour may be interpolated between triaxial compression (TxC), triaxial extension (TxE) and direct simple
shear (DSS) conditions.
The Cyclic accumulation and optimisation tool offers the possibility to check the effect of a specified input load
history for a specific soil type and, through an accumulation and interpolation procedure, it provides stress-
strain curves for the different characteristic stress paths. The UDCAM-S model parameters are optimised in
order to match the stress-strain curves.
The tool is suitable only for clay and low permeable silts in undrained condition since the effect of drainage is
not taken into account. The accumulation procedure is based on the cyclic shear strains.
In addition to the cyclic shear strain accumulation procedure, the pore pressure accumulation and average shear
strain accumulation procedures can be found in literature. The reason for using different procedures is that the
development of one of these parameters may be more prominent than the others, depending on soil type, static
and cyclic shear stresses, etc. (Andersen, 1991 (on page 538)). The cyclic shear strain accumulation procedure
has been extensively used for clays, while the pore pressure accumulation procedure has been used for sands
since drainage is likely to occur during the complete load history (even though not within each cycle) in this type
of soils. In principle, the pore pressure accumulation procedure could also be used for clays. In practice,
however, accurate laboratory measurement of pore pressure is harder to perform in clays than in sand. Since
drainage is not likely to occur during the cyclic load history in clays, it is preferable to use the cyclic strain
accumulation procedure (Andersen, 2004 (on page 538)).
The first blue tabsheet, Cyclic accumulation, gives information regarding the input load history and the soil type.
The second blue tabsheet, Stress-strain curves, gives information about the stress-strain curves for different
stress paths. The orange tabsheet Parameter optimisation, allows the user to optimise the UDCAM-S model
Above the tabsheets there are Load and Save buttons (see Figure 163 (on page 229)) to load or save the app
state. Saving and loading the app state is useful when running the same or similar calculations again, after the
project has been closed and reopened. Also, similar calculations in different projects can be done more easily by
loading a previously saved state.
The state is saved in the JSON file format with the .json extension. All the settings and data on the tabsheet, like
table values and graph data are saved and can be loaded back into the tool.
Cyclic accumulation
In the design process of offshore structures, the design load is often a storm which can be transformed or
idealised into packages or parcels. Each parcel corresponds to a number of cycles at a load constant amplitude.
The maximum cyclic load and the number of cycles at each load level are determined from a time record of loads.
The counting procedure to obtain the number of cycles can be done following different methods (e.g. the
rainflow-counting algorithm (Matsuishi & Endo (1968) (on page 539))) or the recently developed method, for
more information see Noren - Cosgriff, Josatd & Madshus (2015) (on page 539)).
The effect of the design storm on the soil deposit can be described through the equivalent number of cycles Neq
associated to the last applied normalised load amplitude F/Fmax and the soil cyclic contour diagram. The
equivalent number of cycles Neq is calculated at failure for capacity calculations. If it is found to be conservative,
the same value may also be used in stiffness calculations.
It is assumed here that Neq is representative for all the elements in the selected soil volume. Even though this
assumption may underestimate the effect of the stress redistribution and progressive failure, it has been shown
that the results are in good agreement with the ones from the model tests (Andersen, Puech & Jardine, 2013 (on
page 538)) and can certainly be used for stiff shallow foundations like offshore structures, while for monopiles
and piles this is generally not correct.
The cyclic contours (Figure 164 (on page 230)) are a set of curves where each of them represents the locus of
points characterised by the same cyclic shear strain. They can be visualized in a chart with the number of cycles
on the x-axis (in a logarithmic scale) and τcyc/su on the y-axis. Each point of the contour is then characterised by
a certain number of cycles and a normalised shear stress that induce a defined cyclic shear deformation in the
soil. The contours are defined for DSS tests with the average stress τa equals to 0 (for Drammen clay).
Figure 164: Contour diagram for DSS test for Drammen Clay with OCR = 4
• Each contour line starts with a point at N equal to 1 and an ending point at N equal to the number of cycles
above which all the contours are assumed to become horizontal (i.e. τcyc is constant). This leads to two
vertical boundaries, N = 1 and N = Nmax.
• The first contour is always defined at zero stress level, i.e. the contour line at the base where τcyc/su is equal
to zero and γcyc = 0%.
• The last contour represents the locus of points corresponding to γ equal to the cyclic shear strain at failure
(typically 15%).
Contour diagram data
The cyclic behaviour of clays depends on OCR, as well as the other index properties such as Plasticity Index, clay
content, water content, etc. NGI has extensively studied the cyclic behaviour of Drammen clays, realizing contour
diagrams from DSS tests. These contour data for Drammen clay with OCR equal to 1, 2, 4, 10, 20 and 40 are
available in the tool and can be selected from the drop-down menu.
In the case of other clays, it is possible to upload custom contours. In general, the contours can be determined by
different tests at different average shear stress levels, τa. For Drammen clay, Neq was found to be relatively
independent of τa and the type of test (Andersen, Kleven & Heien, 1988 (on page 538)) and the shear strain at
failure was taken as 15%.
Note: When uploading custom contours, a specific data format has to be used. For more information, see Cyclic
accumulation Tool - Contour File Formats [ADV] (on page 547).
By moving the mouse over any line in the contour chart, a hint box appears showing the value of γcyc that
describes that contour and the corresponding Ncycles and τcyc/su values.
• The shear strain at a given degree of shear strength mobilisation, τ / su, increases with increasing OCR,
meaning that the normalised secant modulus, G/su, decreases with increasing OCR for a given degree of
strength mobilisation. However, the absolute value of the stiffness will increase with increasing OCR for given
consolidation stress and strength mobilisation but significantly less than the increase in shear strength
(Andersen, 2015 (on page 538)).
• Even though in most cases the strength of the soil under cyclic loading may be reduced compared to the static
value, because of the degradation process, the cyclic shear strength can also be higher than the static shear
strength (i.e. τcy / su > 1) for a low number of cycles in some cases. The reason for this is that the clay strength
is rate dependent. Since the cyclic tests are typically run with a load period of 10 seconds and the monotonic
tests are brought to failure in about 2 hours, the cyclic strength may thus be higher than the static shear
strength (Andersen, 2007 (on page 538)).
( )
su max
= χF
Eq. [15]
where χ is the scaling factor automatically calculated during the strain accumulation procedure. At the end of the
accumulation procedure, the maximum stress ratio τ/su is displayed in the corresponding column in the Figure
165 (on page 232) .
The buttons in the toolbar can be used to modify the Figure 165 (on page 232).
Figure 165: Input table for load parcels of the cyclic accumulation and optimisation tool
Click the Add row button in the toolbar to add a new row in the table.
Click the Insert button to insert a new row before the selected row in the table.
Click the Delete button to delete the selected row in the table.
The values can be defined by clicking the cell in the table and by typing the value. A maximum of 100 load
parcels can be entered. The load ratio can be defined as any positive value larger than zero; its maximum value is
1. The number of cycles is a positive integer larger than zero.
As soon as a parcel is specified in the table, the graph "Load ratio vs N cycles'' at the bottom of the same tab will
be updated. There is an option to choose for a logarithmic representation on the y-axis. See an example of where
a series of parcels were defined in Figure 166 (on page 233).
If the data for the load parcels exists in a file, it can be loaded by clicking the Open file. Any delimited
tabular text file or an excel spreadsheet file can be loaded. When the selected file is opened, a window pops
up where the user can choose the columns to extract the data from, see Figure 165 (on page 232). Also, the
field separator (delimiter) and start row can be defined. A preview of what is going to be imported is shown.
A load history, defined in the table, can be copied using the Copy button in the toolbar.
Copied data from other applications (using Ctrl+c) can be imported by using the Paste button.
Figure 166: Automatic update of Load ratio graph when specifying parcels
If a load parcel is characterized by a number of cycles larger than the maximum value represented in the
contours diagram, it is advised to decompose it into two or more load parcels with slightly different load ratios
and lower number of cycles such that their sum is equal to the initial total Ncycles.
To start the strain accumulation procedure, click the Calculate button. Prior to the calculation, the tool performs
some consistency checks on the input data to ensure that both the load parcel table and the contour diagram are
At the end of the calculation, the box of the equivalent number of cycles Neq is updated with the value resulting
from the strain accumulation procedure. The last accumulation up to failure is now visible in the contour
diagrams together with the locus of the end points for each accumulation (i.e. for all scaling factors used in the
Cyclic accumulation tab possible errors
The errors that may occur in the Cyclic accumulation tab are listed in Calculation warning and errors in PLAXIS
(on page 613).
Stress-strain curves
The Stress-strain curves tabsheet allows to determine the stress-strain curves for different stress paths. The
curves are determined based on contour diagrams for different laboratory test types at a given equivalent
number of cycles. It is possible to choose among several Drammen clay contours (for OCR = 1, 2, 4, 10, 20 and
40) or to upload custom diagrams.
Note: When uploading custom contour diagrams, a specific data format has to be used. Please see Cyclic
accumulation (on page 547) for more information
The Drammen clay contours have been built as result of a large DSS and triaxial cycling testing programme
(Andersen et al, 1988 (on page 538)). Each point in the diagram is described by the average and cyclic shear
stresses, τa and τcyc, under which the tests were run, normalised with respect to the static undrained shear
strength in triaxial compression suC, together with the number of cycles and the corresponding value of the
average and cyclic shear strain at failure. For Drammen clay, failure is considered to be reached when either γa
or γcyc is equal to 15%. The total maximum shear stress τf, cyc that can be mobilized is given by the sum of the
average and the cyclic shear stress. In each diagram, the cyclic shear strength is determined for a case with a
constant cyclic shear stress during the cyclic load history. In reality, during a storm, the cyclic shear stress varies
from one cycle to the next one. The value of Neq is therefore essential to use these diagrams. By grouping the test
results for selected number of cycles, it has been established contour diagrams for N = 1, 10, 100, 1000. The
Stress-strain curves tabsheet automatically interpolates the contours for the desired Neq, representative of the
real cyclic load history.
Figure 168: Stress-strain curves tabsheet, with contour diagrams for Drammen clay with OCR = 4.
By default, the equivalent number of cycles is copied from the Cyclic accumulation tabsheet. The contour
diagrams for DSS and triaxial tests are selected to be consistent with the chosen ones to perform the strain
accumulation procedure. If a custom contour has been chosen, it is necessary to upload a custom contour for the
strain interpolation procedure (describe format of the file). This can be done by setting Neq determination>
Manual. Then the option Contour diagrams will enable to Select contour diagrams by selecting Custom contours
from the drop-down list.
For an advanced use of the tool, it is possible to select the Manual option from the Neq determination drop-down
menu. This allows to manually enter a value for Neq or to modify the existing one, as well as selecting another
contour diagram from the list in the corresponding drop-down menu.
If the Soil behaviour is Anisotropic, i.e. the stress-strain curves are determined both for DSS and for triaxial tests,
it is generally expected that the anisotropy ratios τDSS/τC and τE/τC are different from 1. On the contrary, when
choosing the Isotropic option in the corresponding drop-down menu, the strain interpolation is performed for
the DSS test only and the anisotropy ratios are all equal to 1.
Two different scaling factors can be used to scale the y-axis of the DSS and triaxial diagrams, respectively.
The stress-strain curves are determined by specifying the ratio of the cyclic shear stress to the average shear
stress for each test condition (DSS, TXC, TXE) according to the desired failure mode and loading condition. When
a stress ratio different from zero is defined, the path line is automatically updated in the corresponding chart.
Note that the starting point of the path line is always on the x-axis (τcyc/suC and γcyc equal to zero) but it does not
always coincide with the origin of the diagram: it is represented by the intersection point between the x-axis and
the contour line that corresponds to γa = 0%. For the DSS test, when the average strain is equal to zero also
τa/suC is equal to zero, while for the triaxial tests, the intersection generally occurs at τa/suC different from zero.
In fact, it corresponds to the initial in situ mobilization τ0/suC.
The contour diagram shows that the maximum cyclic shear strength is mobilized when large cyclic shear strains
occur and when the average shear stress is small. On the contrary, the maximum average shear strength is
mobilized when the average shear stress approaches the static shear strength and large average shear strains
occur. For average shear stresses between zero and the static shear strength, the failure mode is a combination
of average and cyclic shear strains.
The stress ratios should be defined such that (Δτcyc / Δτa)DSS is representative of the failure mode or, in case of
difference between the application direction of the cyclic and average load (e.g. one acts mostly in the horizontal
direction and the other one mainly in the vertical), it is advised to calculate τcyc/τa as the ratio between stresses
representative for the boundary value problem. The stress ratios for the triaxial stress may be chosen in order to
have strain compatibility with the DSS test, i.e. similar average and cyclic shear strains must be reached. As
shown in the chart, since each stress ratio represents the inclination of the corresponding stress path line, a
negative value must be entered for (Δτcyc/Δτa)TXE and a positive one for the others.
For establishing stress-strain curves, it is possible to choose among three load types:
• Cyclic load: the calculation follows the actual ratio between τcyc and τa (inclined path), but only the
relationship between τcyc and γcyc is considered.
• Average load: the calculation follows the actual ratio between τcyc and τa (inclined path), but only the
relationship between τa and γa is considered.
• Total load: the calculation considers the total strength, (τcyc + τa) and the total shear strain, (γcyc + γa).
To start generating stress-strain curves, click the Calculate button. Prior to the calculation, the tool performs
some consistency checks on the input data to ensure that both a valid equivalent number of cycles (larger than
0) and a contour diagram have been selected.
The Target curves chart shows the stress-strain curves for all tests (e.g. only DSS if the isotropic behaviour has
been chosen) and for the selected load type. On the x-axis the shear strain γ is plotted in percentage, while the y-
axis corresponds to the normalised shear strength τ / suC. The curves are used as input to the third and last
tabsheet Parameter optimisation.
Parameter optimisation
In the Parameter optimisation tabsheet (Figure 170 (on page 238)) the UDCAM-S model optimised parameters
can be determined by simulating undrained DSS, TxC, and TxE tests on one material point. The optimisation
procedure is based on the Particle Swarm Algorithm that allows to find the parameter values resulting in a
stress-strain curve that matches the target one. The laboratory test conditions are determined based on the
Static properties table.
suC / σ'yy Ratio of the undrained compression shear strength over the current vertical [-]
effective stress
The initial mobilization is determined based on the contour diagrams in the Stress-strain curves tabsheet: it
corresponds to the value of τa / suC at the intersection point between the x-axis (γcyc = 0%) and the contour line
for γa equal to 0%.
The K0 determination option is set by default to automatic. This means that the value of K0 used to determine the
initial stress condition of the test is determined based on the following equation:
K0 = 1 − 2
τ0 suC
suC σ ′ yy
) Eq. [16]
If in the Stress-strain curves tabsheet the user has selected the Cyclic load type, the initial mobilisation and the
undrained shear strength normalised by the vertical effective stress cannot be modified and are equal to 0 and 1,
In the Parameter ranges table it is required to define the minimum and maximum value that should be
considered for each parameter during the optimisation procedure. The ranges can be estimated based on the
target charts.
Double-clicking on one of the graphs opens the selected chart in a bigger window (Figure 171 (on page 239)).
This window shows the selected diagram, the table of the data points that are used to plot it as well as the
tangent and the secant values of the plot. Note that the point to be taken into consideration for the calculation of
the tangent and the secant values can be determined by clicking on the plot. The secant and the tangent are
useful for the back-calculation of stiffness parameters from stress-strain diagrams. The corresponding secant
and tangent values are indicated below the table. The graph or the data can be copied to the clipboard by
selecting the corresponding option in the drop-down menu displayed when the Copy button is clicked. The
diagram can be zoomed in or out using the mouse by first clicking and holding the left mouse button in the
diagram area and then moving the mouse to a second location and releasing the mouse button. Moving the
mouse from the left upper corner to the right lower corner zooms the diagram to the selected area, whereas
moving the mouse from the right lower corner to the left upper corner resets the view. The zoom action can also
be undone using the Zoom out option on the toolbar. The wheel button of the mouse can be used for panning:
click and hold the mouse wheel down and move the diagram to the desired position.
Figure 171: Chart displaying target, optimised, secant and tangent curves, and corresponding table of values.
Parameter ranges:
Gmax/τC Ratio of the initial shear modulus to the cyclic compression shear strength [-]
τC/suC Ratio of the cyclic compression shear strength over the undrained static [-]
compression shear strength
τE/suC Ratio of the cyclic extension shear strength over the undrained static compression [-]
shear strength
The initial shear modulus defines the tangent value of the stress strain curves at the initial shear stress
(Anderson, 2004 (on page 538)). For high loading levels, the area where G is equal to Gmax is very limited and
therefore not governing. For most problems, Gmax/suC has to be chosen to fit the stress-strain curve in the actual
strain range of interest. In the case of isotropic behaviour, γfC and γfE are set equal to the optimised γfDSS, while
the ratios τDSS/τC and τE / τC are equal to 1.
To run the optimisation procedure, click the Calculate button.
The results are shown both in the Parameter ranges table and in the charts. The optimum values of the
parameters used to obtain the best fit to the test data are shown in the Optimal value column of the table. If the
optimum value is equal to the minimum or maximum value, it might be that the best value lies outside the
specified range. The last column of the table shows the sensitivity of each parameter. A sensitivity of 100%
means that the parameter has a high influence on the simulated test results, whereas a low sensitivity values
means that the parameter has a low influence on the simulated test results.
The optimised curves are shown in the corresponding test graph. As explained above, each chart can be opened
in a larger window by double-clicking it. Also for the optimised curve the table with the data points and the
possibility to draw the secant and tangent lines are available.
The optimal values are used to determine the optimised parameters used in the UDCAM-S model and shown in
the Optimised parameters table (Figure 170 (on page 238)).
Figure 172: Optimised Parameters for Cyclic accumulation and optimisation tool
Gmax/τC Ratio of the initial shear modulus to the cyclic compression shear strength [-]
τE/τC Ratio of the cyclic extension shear strength over the cyclic compression shear [-]
τDSS/τC Ratio of the cyclic DSS shear strength over the cyclic compression shear strength [-]
For more information about the parameters of the UDCAM-S model , reference is made to Material Models
Manual - UDCAM-S.
To copy the Optimised parameters table to the material database, click the Copy parameters.
Although the predefined data sets have been created for the convenience of the user, the users remain at all
times responsible for the model parameters that they use. Note that these predefined data sets have limited
Figure 173: Groundwater parameters for Standard data set (Wösten, Lilly, Nemmes & Bas, 1999)
2. Hypres:
The Hypres series is an international soil classification system (Wosten, Lilly, Nemmes & Bas, 1999 (on page
540)). The hydraulic models available for Hypres data set are the Van Genuchten model and the Approximate
Van Genuchten (see Material Models Manual - Hydraulic Models).
A distinction can be made between Topsoil and Subsoil. In general, soils are considered to be subsoils. The
Type drop-down menu for the Hypres data set includes Coarse, Medium, Medium fine, Fine, Very fine and
Organic soils.
Only soil layers that are located not more than 1 m below the ground surface are considered to be Top soils.
The selected soil type and grading (particle fractions) is indicated in the soil texture triangle. As an
alternative, the user can also select the type of soil by clicking one of the sections in the triangle or by
manually specifying the particle fraction values (Figure 174 (on page 244)).
Figure 174: Groundwater parameters for Hypres data set (Wösten, Lilly, Nemmes & Bas, 1999)
The predefined parameters for both the Van Genuchten model as well as the Approximate Van Genuchten
model are shown in Table 10 (on page 244) and Table 11 (on page 245).
Table 10: Hypres series with Van Genuchten parameters (Wösten, Lilly, Nemmes & Bas, 1999)
3. USDA:
The USDA series is another international soil classification system (Carsel & Parrish, 1988 (on page 539)).
The hydraulic models available for USDA data set are the Van Genuchten model and the Approximate Van
Genuchten (see Material Models Manual).
The Type drop-down menu for the USDA date set includes Sand, Loamy sand, Sandy loam, Loam, Silt, Silt loam,
Sandy clay loam, Clay loam, Silty clay loam, Sandy clay, Silty clay and Clay. The selected soil type and grading
(particle fractions) are different from the Hypres data sets and can be visualised in the soil texture triangle. As
an alternative, the user can also select the type of soil by clicking one of the sections in the triangle or by
manually specifying the particle fraction values (Figure 175 (on page 246)).
Figure 175: Groundwater parameters for USDA data set (Carsel & Parrish, 1988)
The parameters for the Van Genuchten and the Approximate Van Genuchten models are shown in Table 12 (on
page 246) and Table 13 (on page 247) .
Table 12: USDA series with Van Genuchten parameters, gl = 0.5 (Carsel & Parrish, 1988)
In Table 10 (on page 244) to Table 12 (on page 246)the symbols θr and θs stand for the residual and the
saturated water content correspondingly. Based on van Genuchten (1980) (on page 540), the effective
degree of saturation is calculated as Seff = (θ-θr)/(θs- θr), in which θ is the water content.
In PLAXIS 3D, the effective degree of saturation is calculated as Seff = (S- Sr) / (Ss-Sr) (see Conventional and
unsaturated soil behaviour in PLAXIS (on page 554)) , in which S is the degree of saturation, Sr the residual
degree of saturation and Ss the saturated degree of saturation. Considering that S = θ / n and under the
assumption that Ss = θs / n = 1, Sr could be derived from Table 10 (on page 244) to Table 12 (on page 246) as
Sr = θr / θs.
4. Staring:
The Staring series is a soil classification system which is mainly used in The Netherlands (Wosten, Veerman,
DeGroot & Stolte, 2001 (on page 540)). The hydraulic models available for Staring data set are the Van
Genuchten model and the Approximate Van Genuchten (see the Material Models Manual - Hydraulic Models ).
Figure 176: Groundwater parameters for Staring data set (Wösten, Veerman, DeGroot & Stolte, 2001)
A distinction can be made between Topsoil and Subsoil. In general, soils are considered to be subsoils. The
Type drop-down menu for the Staring series (Figure 176 (on page 248)) contains the following subsoils
(Wosten, Veerman, DeGroot & Stolte, 2001 (on page 540)):
Non-loamy sand (O1), Loamy sand (O2), Very loamy sand (O3), Extremely loamy sand (O4), Coarse sand (O5),
Boulder clay (O6), River loam (O7), Sandy loam (O8), Silt loam (O9), Clayey loam (O10), Light clay (O11), Heavy
clay (O12), Very heavy clay (O13), Loam (O14), Heavy loam (O15), Oligotrophic peat (O16), Eutrophic peat
(O17) and Peaty layer (O18), and the following topsoils: Non-loamy sand (B1), Loamy sand (B2), Very loamy
sand (B3), Extremely loamy sand (B4), Coarse sand (B5), Boulder clay (B6), Sandy loam (B7), Silt loam (B8),
Clayey loam (B9), Light clay (B10), Heavy clay (B11), Very heavy clay (B12), Loam (B13), Heavy loam (B14),
Peaty sand (B15), Sandy peat (B16), Peaty clay (B17) and Clayey peat (B18).
The selected soil type and grading (particle fractions) are different from the Hypres and the USDA data sets.
The parameters of the hydraulic model for the selected soil type are displayed in the Soil tab at the right side
of the Groundwater tabsheet and are summed up in the tables below.
Only soil layers that are located not more than 1 m below the ground surface are considered to be Topsoils. In
the tables below the notation "B" corresponds to Topsoils; and the notation "O" indicates Subsoil.
Table 14: Staring series with Van Genuchten parameters (Heinen, Bakker & Wösten, 2001)
B1 -1.87 -1.35
B2 -2.32 -0.79
B3 -3.37 -2.18
B4 -3.81 -2.36
B5 -1.31 -0.56
B6 -4.51 0.70
O1 -1.48 -1.15
O2 -1.79 -1.51
O3 -2.46 -1.93
O4 -3.22 -2.30
O5 -1.11 -0.48
O6 -4.50 -1.18
O7 -9.76 -0.98
B7 -4.72 -1.14
B8 -7.03 -1.46
B9 -9.61 -2.33
O8 -4.78 -1.74
O9 -5.89 -2.07
5. User-defined:
The user-defined option enables the user to define both saturated and unsaturated properties manually.
Please note that this option requires adequate experience with unsaturated groundwater flow modelling. The
hydraulic models available are:
This well-known and widely accepted model requires direct input of the residual
Van Genuchten saturation Sres, the saturation at p = 0, Ssat and the three fitting parameters gn, ga and
gl (see Material Models Manual- Hydraulic models).
The Spline function requires direct input of the capillary height ψ (in unit of length),
the relative permeability Kr (-), and the degree of saturation Sr (-). Data for the Spline
function can be entered by clicking the Table tab. The degree of saturation at
Spline saturated conditions Ssat equals the value assigned to Sr at ψmax (e.g. -ψ = 0 m) and the
residual degree of saturation Sres equals the minimum value assigned to Sr at ψmin (e.g
-ψ = 20 m). During the calculations, the flow calculation kernel employs 'smooth'
relationships based on a spline function between Kr-ψ and Sr-ψ.
When the Saturated option is selected, no extra data input is required. During the
Saturated calculations, PLAXIS 3D will continuously use the saturated permeabilities for soil
layers where a Saturated data set was assigned.
From data set The values of kx, ky and kz are obtained from the selected data set.
From grain size The values for kx, ky and kz are obtained from particle size distribution as explained
distribution above. The value for θsat is calculated internally using the equation, θsat = e / (1+e).
In real soils, the difference in permeabilities between the various layers can be quite large. However, care should
be taken when very high and very low permeabilities occur simultaneously in a finite element model, as this
could lead to ill-conditioning of the flow matrix. In order to obtain accurate results, the ratio between the highest
and lowest permeability value in the geometry should not exceed 105.
Note that the input field for permeabilities are greyed out when the drainage type of the material is either Non-
porous or Undrained C.
In case of a Standard, Hypres or USDA data set, values for the permeability can be automatically set by either
selecting the From data set option or From grain size distribution.
When a predefined soil data set is chosen or the user specifies the individual particle fractions manually,
assuming the soil has a log-normal function of particle size distribution, then the geometric mean particle
diameter dg and a geometric standard deviation σg can be calculated as:
d g = exp (mcl ln (dcl ) + msi ln (dsi ) + msaln (dsa)) Eq. [17]
3 3 2
σg = exp ∑ mi ln (di )2 − ( ∑ mi ln (di )) 2 Eq. [18]
i=1 i=1
where mcl, msi and msa are particle fractions for clay, silt and sand ; dcl, dsi and dsa are the particle size means for
clay, silt and sand respectively (i.e. dcl = 1μm , dsi = 26 μm, dsa = 1.025mm)
According to Aukenthaler, Brinkgreve & Haxaire (2016) (on page 538) The Specific surface area (SSA) can be
approximated using the geometric mean particle diameter in mm:
SSA = 3.89d g −0.905
From the above, the hydraulic conductivity of saturated soils (permeabilities) can be obtained from the soil
texture and porosity of the soil using the following relation:
k x = k y = k z = K sat
b = d g −0.5 + 0.2σg
θsat = volumetric water content of saturated soil which is equal to the porosity
of the soil ( n ( n = e / ( 1 + e )) .
dg = the geometric mean particle diameter.
σg = the geometric standard deviation.
log ( )=
Eq. [20]
where Δe is the change in void ratio, k is the permeability in the calculation and k0 is the input value of the
permeability in the data set (= kx and kz). Note that a proper input of the initial void ratio einit, in the General
tabsheet is required. It is recommended to use a changing permeability only in combination with the Hardening
Soil model, Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, Soft Soil model or the Soft Soil Creep model. In that
case the ck-value is generally in the order of the compression index Cc. For all other models the ck-value should
be left to its default value of 1015.
degree of saturation (Smin) is guaranteed (Figure 178 (on page 255)). It is used to limit the relative permeability
Kr and degree of saturation for high unsaturated zones.
By default a very large value is assigned to ψunsat (= 104). This value is only an indication that the unsaturated
zone is by default unlimited.
With the option Stiffness determination the user can choose to either have the interface stiffness Derived from the
soil parameters, or to have a Direct input of the interface stiffness.
Derived: by default, stiffness is set to Derived. The shear and compression moduli are related by the
1 − νi
Eoed ,i = 2Gi 1 − 2ν
2 Eq. [21]
Gi = RinterGsoil ≤ Gsoil
νi = 0.45
When using user-defined material model, the user inserts the interface stiffness in the form of a power law
formulation with Eoedref along with UD-pref and UD-Power.
Direct: this option allows to directly specify the kn and ks values.
In case of the Linear Elastic model, the Mohr-Coulomb model, the Hardening Soil model, the Hardening Soil
model with small-strain stiffness, the UBC3D-PLM model, the Soft Soil model, the Soft Soil Creep model, the
Jointed Rock model or the Hoek-Brown model, the interface strength is defined by the parameter Rinter. The
interface strength can be set using the following options:
Rigid: This option is used when the interface should not have a reduced strength with respect to the strength in
the surrounding soil. For example, extended interfaces around corners of structural objects (Figure 98 (on page
134)) are not intended for soil-structure interaction and should not have reduced strength properties. The
strength of these interfaces should be assigned as Rigid (which corresponds to Rinter = 1.0). As a result, the
interface properties, including the dilatancy angle ψi, are the same as the soil properties in the data set, except
for Poisson's ratio νi (see further).
Manual: The value of Rinter can be entered manually if the interface strength is set to Manual. In general, for real
soil-structure interaction the interface is weaker and more flexible than the surrounding soil, which means that
the value of Rinter should be less than 1. Suitable values for Rinter for the case of the interaction between various
types of soil and structures in the soil can be found in the literature. In the absence of detailed information it may
be assumed that Rinter is of the order of 2/3. A value of Rinter greater than 1 cannot be used.
When the interface is elastic then both slipping (relative movement parallel to the interface) and gapping or
overlapping (i.e. relative displacements perpendicular to the interface) could be expected to occur.
The magnitudes of the interface displacements are:
σn σn ti
Elastic gap displacement = kn
= Eoed ,i
Eq. [22]
Elastic slip displacement = ks
= Gi
Eq. [23]
where Gi is the shear modulus of the interface, Eoed,i is the one-dimensional compression modulus of the
interface, ti is the virtual thickness of the interface generated during the creation of interfaces in the geometry
model (Interfaces (on page 130)), kn is the elastic interface normal stiffness and ks is the elastic interface shear
Note that a reduced value of Rinter not only reduces the interface strength, but also the interface stiffness.
It is clear from these equations that, if the elastic parameters are set to low values, the elastic displacements may
be excessively large. If the values of the elastic parameters are too large, however, this can result in numerical ill-
conditioning of the stiffness matrix. The key factor in the stiffness is the virtual thickness. This value is
automatically chosen such that an adequate stiffness is obtained.
Manual with residual strength: When the limit value of the interface strength as defined by Rinter is reached,
the interface strength may soften down to a reduced value as defined by Rinter,residual. Definition of the Rinter,residual
is possible when the Manual with residual strength option is selected for the interface strength.
Interface reduction factor (Rinter): An elastic-plastic model is used to describe the behaviour of interfaces for
the modelling of soil-structure interaction. The Coulomb criterion is used to distinguish between elastic
behaviour, where small displacements can occur within the interface, and plastic interface behaviour when
permanent slip may occur. For the interface to remain elastic the shear stress τ is given by:
| τ | < − σn tan (φi ) + ci Eq. [24]
where φi and ci are the friction angle and cohesion of the interface. The strength properties of interfaces are
linked to the strength properties of a soil layer. Each data set has an associated reduction factor for interfaces
Rinter. The interface properties are calculated from the soil properties in the associated data set and the strength
reduction factor by applying the following rules:
ci = Rintercsoil
Eq. [26]
tan (φi ) = Rintertan (φsoil ) ≤ tan (φsoil )
In the Hardening Soil model, the Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness and the UBC3D-PLM model,
φsoil is always referred to the failure-peak value of φ chosen as input parameter.
In addition to Mohr-Coulomb's shear stress criterion, the tension cut-off criterion, as described before (see
Mechanical tabsheet (on page 189)), also applies to interfaces (if not deactivated):
σn < σt,i = Rinterσt ,soil Eq. [28]
The interface property is calculated from the soil property in the associated data set and the strength reduction
factor Rinter by applying the following rule:
su,i = Rintersu,soil Eq. [31]
when su,i is the undrained shear strength of the interface and su,soil is the undrained shear strength of the soil.
The tension cut-off criterion applies as in calculation with effective parameters for strength.
In the NGI-ADP model (and UDCAM-S model), su,soil is equal to suDSS (and τDSS), taking the increase with depth
into account. For more information about the NGI-ADP model, reference is made to the Chapter 13 of the
Material Models Manual.
Residual interface strength (Rinter, residual): When the Manual with residual strength option is selected the
parameter Rinter, residual can be specified. The interface strength will reduce to the residual strength as defined by
(Rinter, residual) and the strength properties of the soil, as soon as the interface strength is reached.
Consider gap closure: When the interface tensile strength is reached a gap may occur between the structure
and the soil. When the load is reversed, the contact between the structure and the soil needs to be restored
before a compressive stress can developed. This is achieved by selecting the Consider gap closure option in the
Interfaces tabsheet of the Soil window. If the option is NOT selected, contact stresses will immediately develop
upon load reversal, which may not be realistic.
Interfaces using the Hoek & Brown model : When using the Hoek-Brown model as a continuum model to
describe the behaviour of a rock section in which interface elements are used, equivalent interface strength
properties φi, ci and σt,i are derived from this model. The general shear strength criterion for interfaces as well
as the tensile strength criterion are still used in this case:
Starting point for the calculation of the interface strength properties is the minor principal effective stress σ'3 in
the adjacent continuum element. At this value of confining stress the tangent to the Hoek-Brown contour is
calculated and expressed in terms of φ and c:
f̄ ′
sin(φ) = 2 + f̄ ′
Eq. [34]
1 − sin(φ )
2cos (φ )
( f̄ + 2σ ′ 3sin (φ )
1 − sin (φ )
f̄ = σci mb
−σ ′3
+s ) a
Eq. [35]
f̄ ′ = (−σ ′3
amb mb σ
+s ) a−1
and a, mb, s and σci are the Hoek-Brown model parameters in the corresponding material data set. The interface
friction angle φ'i and adhesion c'i as well as the interface tensile strength σt,i are now calculated using the
interface strength reduction factor Rinter:
tan (φi ) = Rintertan (φ )
ci = = Rinterc
Eq. [36]
σt,i = Rinterσt = Rinter m
For more information about the Hoek-Brown model and an explanation of its parameters, reference is made to
the Material Models Manual.
Interfaces using the Modified Cam-Clay model If the Modified Cam-Clay model is selected in the General
tabsheet to describe the behaviour of the surrounding soil, the following parameters are required to model the
interface behaviour:
When the interface is elastic then both slipping (relative movement parallel to the interface) and gapping or
overlapping (i.e. relative displacements perpendicular to the interface) could be expected to occur.
The magnitudes of these displacements are:
σn σn ti
Elastic gap displacement = kn
= Eoed ,i
Eq. [37]
Elastic slip displacement = ks
= Gi
Eq. [38]
where Gi is the shear modulus of the interface, Eoed,i is the one-dimensional compression modulus of the
interface and ti is the virtual thickness of the interface, generated during the creation of interfaces in the
geometry model (Interfaces (on page 130)). kn is the elastic interface normal stiffness and ks is the elastic
interface shear stiffness. The shear and compression moduli are related by the expressions:
3 (1 − νi ) σn
Eoed ,i = λ (1 + νi ) (1 + e0)
νi = 0.45
1. Cross permeability, defined by means of the Hydraulic resistance, where water can flow through the
The cross permeability can be set using the following options (see Figure 160):
• Impermeable [No user input required]: This is the default option. This option sets the interface to have a
zero cross permeability (infinite cross resistance), provided the interface is active in flow as defined by the
interface settings in the Selection explorer (see Table 4 (on page 132)). Note that there is no output of
groundwater flow qn available.
• Semi-permeable: In this case the interface has a specific non-zero hydraulic resistance, expressed in the
unit of time (hydraulic delay), provided the interface is active in flow as defined by the interface settings in
the Selection explorer (see Table 4 (on page 132)). The output program will show the amount of
groundwater flow qn crossing the interface.
Hydraulic resistance (d/k): The hydraulic resistance defines the permeability through the interface
(perpendicular to the interface longitudinal direction). Considering a semi-permeable wall with a
thickness d and permeability (or hydraulic conductivity) k, the hydraulic resistance is defined by d/k,
expressed in the unit of time.To determine d/k, one needs to measure the average discharge q through a
wall (per unit of area) for a given head difference Δh, so d/k = Δh/q.
• Fully permeable [No user input required]: In this case the interface has an infinite cross permeability (zero
cross resistance), irrespective whether it is active in flow as defined by the interface settings in the
Selection explorer (see Table 4 (on page 132)). Note that there is no output of groundwater flow
available when choosing this option.
2. Drainage conductivity [dk], where the interface acts as an additional flow "channel". The drainage
conductivity defines the permeability in the interface longitudinal direction parallel to the local axes
(drainage capacity), provided the interface is active in flow as defined by the interface settings in the
Selection explorer (see Table 4 (on page 132)). The drainage conductivity is expressed in the unit of volume
(water volume that is transported in the interface longitudinal direction) per unit of time per unit of width in
the out-of-plane direction. The default value is zero, which means that there is no drainage capacity in the
Considering a semi-permeable gap with a thickness d and permeability k between two impermeable media,
the drainage conductivity is defined by the product of d and k (dk), expressed in the unit of volume per unit of
time per unit of width in the out-of-plane direction. This quantity defines the total amount of water that is
transported through the gap (drain) per unit of time per unit width. In order to determine dk, one needs to
measure the total discharge Q/b through the gap (per unit of width in the out-of-plane direction) for a given
head difference Δh and a given length of the gap L, such that dk = (Q/b) (L/Δh).
Note: Notice that, neither for the hydraulic resistance nor for the drainage conductivity, the actual thickness d
and permeability k really matter.
Practical remarks: The interface elements are generally at both sides of a wall: for example, in the case of an
excavation where the wall is to some extent permeable. In such a case it is suggested to assign the appropriate
interface permeability to the 'outside' (soil side) of the wall, whereas the interface at the 'inside' (side that is
excavated) is made fully permeable, even along the embedded part of the wall below the excavation. Similarly
for a semi-permeable tunnel lining: the appropriate interface permeability should be given to the interface at the
outside of the tunnel lining, whereas the interface at the inside (which will be excavated) should be fully
permeable. Hence, this requires an additional material data set to be defined which should be assigned directly
to the interface.
elements. This can be done by right-clicking the interface in the drawing area and selecting the corresponding
soil data set from the Set material options in the right mouse button menu.
The K0-values can be defined automatically by selecting the option Automatic in the K0 determination drop-down
box or manually by selecting the option Manual.
In general, two K0-values can be specified, one for the x-direction and one for the y-direction:
K 0,x = σ ′ xx / σ ′ zz K 0, y = σ ′ yy / σ ′ zz Eq. [40]
The checkbox can be used to set the K0,y value equal to the K0,x value.
The default K0-values are then in principle based on Jaky's formula:
K 0 = 1 − sin (φ ) Eq. [41]
For advanced models (Hardening Soil model, Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, Soft Soil model,
Soft Soil Creep model, Modified Cam-Clay model) the default value is based on the K0nc model parameter and is
also influenced by the OCR-value and POP-value in the following way:
K 0nc POP − POP
νur 1 − νur
K 0,x = K 0, y = K 0nc OCR − (OCR − 1) + Eq. [42]
1 − νur
| σ ′
The POP-value will result in a stress-dependent K0 value within the layers and thus the K0-values are hidden
when automatic K0 determination is chosen (e.g. Figure 182 (on page 263)).
Figure 182: Soil window (Initial tabsheet of the Hardening Soil model
Be careful with very low or very high K0-values, since these values might bring the initial stress in a state of
failure. For a cohesionless material it can easily be shown that to avoid failure, the value of K0 is bounded by:
1 − sin (φ ) 1 + sin (φ )
1 + sin (φ )
< K0 < 1 − sin (φ )
Eq. [43]
It is also possible to specify the initial stress state using the Pre-Overburden Pressure (POP) as an alternative to
prescribing the overconsolidation ratio. The Pre-Overburden Pressure is defined by:
These two ways of specifying the vertical preconsolidation stress are illustrated in Figure 183 (on page 264).
The preconsolidation stress σp is used to compute the equivalent preconsolidation pressure ppeq which
determines the initial position of a cap-type yield surface in the advanced soil models. The calculation of ppeq is
based on the principal stress history (σ'1,max, σ'2, σ'3). The actual determination of ppeq depends on the
constitutive model being used.
The principal stress history is initialised in the Initial phase (K0-procedure or Gravity loading) based on the
Cartesian effective stress components and the pre-overburden pressure (POP) or overconsolidation ratio (OCR)
defined in the boreholes or data set. From this, Cartesian preconsolidation stress levels are calculated based on
the following equations:
where K0nc is the K0-value associated with normally consolidated states of stress. K0nc is a model parameter in
advanced constitutive models and estimated in simple models (K0nc= 1-sinφ). Models that do not have φ as input
parameter use K0nc=0.5 (φ=30°).
The Cartesian stress components (σ'xx,c, σ'yy,c, σ'zz,c, σ'xy,c) are transformed to principal stress components
(σ'1,max, σ'2, σ'3) and the maximum major principal stress, σ'1,max, is kept as a general state parameter which is
available for succeeding phases. In subsequent phases, σ'1,max is updated if the major principal stress is larger
than the current one.
If, in later calculation phases, the soil behaviour is changed to an(other) advanced material model, the equivalent
preconsolidation pressure ppeq is initialised according to the current (updated) principal stress history (σ'1,max,
σ'2, σ'3).
Material Model K0
The Drainage type setting is only considered in a Plastic calculation, a Safety analysis or a Dynamic analysis.
When a Consolidation analysis, a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis or a Dynamic with consolidation analysis
is performed, the Drainage type is ignored and the soil response is determined by the saturated permeability of
the material that is specified in the Groundwater tabsheet of the material datase.
The modelling of undrained soil behaviour is even more complicated than the modelling of drained behaviour.
Therefore, the user is advised to take the utmost care with the modelling of undrained soil behaviour.
Before considering the consequences of a particular selection of the drainage type parameter for undrained soil
behaviour, first a general description is given of the various modelling possibilities:
1. Undrained effective stress analysis with effective stiffness parameters
A change in total mean stress in an undrained material during a Plastic calculation phase gives rise to excess
pore pressures. PLAXIS 3D differentiates between steady-state pore pressures and excess pore pressures, the
latter generated due to small volumetric strain occurring during plastic calculations and assuming a low (but
non-zero) compressibility of the pore water. This enables the determination of effective stresses during
undrained plastic calculations and allows undrained calculations to be performed with effective stiffness
parameters. This option to model undrained material behaviour based on effective stiffness parameters is
available for all material models in the PLAXIS 3D. The undrained calculations can be executed with effective
stiffness parameters, with explicit distinction between effective stresses and (excess) pore pressures.
2. Undrained effective stress analysis with effective strength parameters
Undrained effective stress analysis can be used in combination with effective strength parameters φ' and c' to
model the material's undrained shear strength. In this case, the development of the pore pressure plays a
crucial role in providing the right effective stress path that leads to failure at a realistic value of undrained
shear strength (cu or su). However, note that most soil models are not capable of providing the right effective
stress path in undrained loading. As a result, they will produce the wrong undrained shear strength if the
material strength has been specified on the basis of effective strength parameters. Another problem is that
for undrained materials effective strength parameters are usually not available from soil investigation data.
The advantage of using effective strength parameters in undrained loading conditions is that after
consolidation a qualitatively increased shear strength is obtained, although this increased shear strength
could also be quantitatively wrong, for the same reason as explained before.
3. Undrained effective stress analysis with undrained strength parameters
Especially for soft soils, effective strength parameters are not always available, and one has to deal with
measured undrained shear strength (cu or su) as obtained from undrained tests. Undrained shear strength,
however, cannot easily be used to determine the effective strength parameters φ' and c'. Moreover, even if
one would have proper effective strength parameters, care has to be taken as to whether these effective
strength parameters will provide the correct undrained shear strength in the analysis. This is because the
effective stress path that is followed in an undrained analysis may not be the same as in reality, due to the
limitations of the applied soil model.
In order to enable a direct control on the shear strength, PLAXIS 3D allows for an undrained effective stress
analysis with direct input of the undrained shear strength (Undrained B).
6.2.1 Undrained A
The Drainage type Undrained A enables modelling undrained behaviour using effective parameters for stiffness
and strength. The characteristic features of method Undrained A are:
• The undrained calculation is performed as an effective stress analysis. Effective stiffness and effective
strength parameters are used.
• Pore pressures are generated, but may be inaccurate, depending on the selected model and parameters.
• Undrained shear strength su is not an input parameter but an outcome of the constitutive model. The
resulting mobilised shear strength must be checked against known data.
• Consolidation analysis can be performed after the undrained calculation, which affect the shear strength.
Undrained A drainage type is available for the following models: Linear Elastic model, Mohr-Coulomb model,
Hardening Soil model, Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, UBC3D-PLM model, Soft Soil model, Soft
Soil Creep model, Modified Cam-Clay model and UDSM.
6.2.2 Undrained B
The Drainage type Undrained B enables modelling undrained behaviour using effective parameters for stiffness
and undrained strength parameters. The characteristic features of method Undrained B are:
• The undrained calculation is performed as an effective stress analysis.
• Effective stiffness parameters and undrained strength parameters are used.
• Pore pressures are generated, but may be highly inaccurate.
• Undrained shear strength su is an input parameter.
• Consolidation analysis should not be performed after the undrained calculation. If consolidation analysis is
performed anyway, su must be updated.
Undrained B drainage type is available for the following models: Mohr-Coulomb model, Hardening Soil model,
Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, and UDCAM-S model. Note that when using Undrained B in the
Hardening Soil model or Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, the stiffness moduli in the model are
no longer stress-dependent and the model exhibits no compression hardening.
6.2.3 Undrained C
The Drainage type Undrained C enables simulation of undrained behaviour using a total stress analysis with
undrained parameters. In that case, stiffness is modelled using an undrained Young's modulus Eu and an
undrained Poisson ratio νu, and strength is modelled using an undrained shear strength cu (su) and φ = φu = 0°.
Typically, for the undrained Poisson ratio a value close to 0.5 is selected (between 0.495 and 0.499). A value of
exactly 0.5 is not possible, since this would lead to singularity of the stiffness matrix. The disadvantage of this
approach is that no distinction is made between effective stresses and pore pressures. Hence, all output
referring to effective stresses should now be interpreted as total stresses and all pore pressures are equal to
zero. Note that a direct input of undrained shear strength does not automatically give the increase of shear
strength with consolidation. The characteristic features of method Undrained C are:
• The undrained calculation is performed as a total stress analysis.
• Undrained stiffness parameters and undrained strength parameters are used.
• Pore pressures are not generated.
• Undrained shear strength su is an input parameter.
• Consolidation analysis should not be performed after the undrained calculation. If consolidation analysis is
performed anyway, su must be updated.
Undrained C drainage type is available for the following models: Linear Elastic model, Mohr-Coulomb model,
NGI-ADP model and UDCAM-S model.
For Undrained B and Undrained C an increased shear strength with depth can be modelled using the advanced
parameter su,inc.
of water and Soil-Water retention curve (see Table 21 (on page 562)). This fluid bulk modulus usually is
much smaller than the water bulk modulus of water.
• If Ignore suction is chosen, the suction effect is neglected, and soil behaves like a saturated soil. Excess pore
pressure is only governed by the compressibility of water in a similar way as saturated soil and is generally
much higher than the case of considering suction. This might probably result in a stiffer undrained volume
change behaviour, but a lower shear strength due to a higher pore pressure build-up. This is certainly
dependent on the constitutive model used.
The behaviour of unsaturated soil is more realistic but also more complicated than saturated soil. The user is
advised to take the utmost care with the modelling as well as Soil-Water retention curve input parameters.
Several data sets may be created to distinguish different discontinuities. As displayed in Figure , the material
data set includes the following options:
A user may specify any identification title for a discontinuity data set. It is advisable to
Identification use a meaningful name since the data set will appear in the database tree view by its
Two options allowed Drained and Non-porous. Discontinuities can be open or filled with
certain porous materials (for instance quartz, calcite or sand) which can be considered
Drainage type as Drained. However, if the infill is considered non-porous (for instance rock grouting
for impermebilisation techniques), the discontinuity element can also be considered
Colour can be used as a distinction tool in the model. The default color for a
discontinuity is orange.
Comments A user may write down comments related to the material data set.
• 1Currently only the Mohr-Coulomb material model is available for the modelling of discontinuity elements.
The required parameters for the strength and stiffness of discontinuity are defined in the Mechanical tabsheet
of the material properties definition as shown in Figure 185 (on page 271).
Two distinct material stiffness can be assigned to discontinuities kn and ks.
Defines the strength parameters of the material in the discontinuity according the material model available (see
General properties (on page 269)). Two strength methods are available: Peak and Peak and Residual.
This is the default method. The strength parameters represent the peak strength and no material softening
occurs when the peak strength is reached.
Consider When tensile stresses are applied to a discontinuity, the discontinuity will open, -
gap closure creating a gap in the element. When the load is reversed, the contact between
either sides of the discontinuities needs to be restored before a compressive stress
can develop
Figure 186: Mechanical properties of discontinuities with peak and residual strength
Groundwater flow parameters are required when dealing with the hydraulic conditions of discontinuities
specifically when drained behaviour is addressed. For this reason, to enable the use of groundwater hydraulic
parameters the Drainage type of material needs to be set as Drained (see General properties (on page 269)).
When drained conditions are selected, the Groundwater tabsheet is displayed as in Figure 187 (on page 273).
It is important to mention that under drained conditions the discontinuity behaves as Fully permeable (the
discontinuity has an infinite cross permeability or zero cross resistance), and the Transmissivity represents the
drainage conductivity in the longitudinal direction of the fracture. .
Note: If Drainage type defined in General properties (on page 269) is set as Non-porous the Transmissivity (T) is
Material set
The material data set is defined by:
A user may specify any identification title for a data set. It is advisable to use a
Identification meaningful name since the data set will appear in the database tree view by its
There are two available options, describing the material type of a plate. These options
Material type are Elastic and Elastoplastic. The availability of the parameters defined at the Mechanical
tabsheet depends on the selected material type.
Comments A user may write down comments related to the material data set.
Unit weight
Additionally, the unit weight of the plate must be specified:
Rayleigh damping[ULT]
For dynamic behaviour, the Rayleigh α and Rayleigh β damping parameters can be specified either directly or
through Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) equivalent parameters.
For more information on Rayleigh damping and how to specify the parameters, see Rayleigh damping [ULT] (on
page 186).
Prevent punching: In reality vertical loads on walls for example, as a result of vertical components of anchor
forces are sustained by the shaft friction and the tip resistance. A certain amount of resistance is offered by the
soil under the tip, depending on the thickness or the cross section area of the tip.
Slender walls are often modelled as plates. Due to the zero thickness of the plate elements vertical plates (walls)
have no end bearing. The effects of end bearing can still be considered in the calculation when the Prevent
punching option is selected in the material data set. In order to consider end bearing at the bottom of plates, a
zone in the soil volume elements surrounding the bottom of the plate is identified where any kind of soil
plasticity is excluded (elastic zone). The size of this zone is determined as D = 12EI / EA.
It is not the idea that this end bearing represents the true end bearing capacity of the wall. It just prevents
unrealistic vertical movement of penetration of the wall into deeper layers. The value of end bearing cannot be
prescribed by the user, and it is neither theoretically determined by PLAXIS 3D.
Note that sheet pile walls have very little end bearing, considering that the thickness of the steel is much less
than Deq, when modelling them as plates. Hence, the Prevent punching option shall not be used for sheet pile
Stiffness properties
Plate stiffnesses are linear elastic, though PLAXIS 3D does allow for orthotropic as well as anisotropic material
behaviour in plates, which is defined by the following parameters:
These parameters appear in the following (approximate) relationships for structural forces:
N1 E1d ν12E 2d ε1
= Eq. [47]
N2 ν12 E 2d E 2d ε2
3 3
E1d ν12 E2d
M 11 12 12 κ11
ν12E2d3 3
M 22 = 0 κ22 Eq. [49]
12 12
M 12 κ12
0 0
Where k represents the modification factor to the shear modulus and is taken equal to 5/6.
Figure 189 (on page 277) visualises the plate's local system of axes and the major quantities. The local system of
axes in a plate element is such that the first and the second local axis lie in the plane of the plate whereas the
third axis is perpendicular to the plane of the plate.
If the Isotropic option is checked the input is limited to E1 and ν12, where as E2 = E1 and G12 = G13 = G23 = E / 2(1 +
2 3
N1 E1 ε1 N 2 E 2 ε2
Figure 189: Definition of positive normal forces (N), shear forces (Q) and bending moments (M) for a plate based on
local system of axes
Strength properties
Elastoplastic plates are defined by the following parameters:
Yield stress σy,11 Yield stress parameter in first axial direction. [kN/m2]
Yield stress σy,22 Yield stress parameter in second axial direction. [kN/m2]
If the Isotropic box is checked, then σy,11 = σy,22 and W11 = W22.
In order to obtain the plastic axial forces Np, the equivalent yield stresses are calculated:
σ y,11,eq = σ y,11 / 3 Eq. [50]
The resulting yield surfaces are a diamond shape in the N1-M11 plane and in the N2 - M22 plane. The two
directions are treated separately.
1. If the plate is primarily subjected to bending moments (or it is expected to fail in bending), the plastic
bending moment Mp is the most important parameter and it should be properly evaluated using the real σy
and W values as input parameters. In this case, the plastic axial force Np is calculated based on the equivalent
/ / / /
yield stress σy,eq and will not match the real Np of the plate: N N p,eq = ( N Np) ( 3d 2 ) (6W ) (Figure
190 (on page 278)).
2. If the plate is primarily subjected to axial forces (or it is expected to fail in tension/compression), the plastic
axial force Np should be properly evaluated by scaling the yield stresses such that Np,eq will be equal to the
real Np of the plate cross section. In this case, the plastic bending moment resulting from this operation Mp,eq
will not match the real plastic bending moment Mp of the plate: M / M p,eq = (M / Mp) / ( 3d 2 ) / (6W )
(Figure 6.59).
Figure 190: Plate primarily subjected to: bending moments (on the left) and axial forces (on the right)
A user may specify any identification title for a data set. It is advisable to use a
Identification meaningful name since the data set will appear in the database tree view by its
Comments A user may write down comments related to the material data set.
There are four available options, describing the material type of a plate. These options
are Elastic, Elastoplastic, Elastoplastic (N-ε) and Visco-elastic (time-dependent). The
Material type
availability of the parameters defined at the Mechanical tabsheet depends on the
selected material type.
Different stiffness and strength in orthogonal directions may be considered. If this is not the case, the Isotropic
option may be selected to ensure that the stiffness in both directions is equal.
Stiffness properties
For elastic behaviour, the axial stiffness EA should be specified. PLAXIS 3D allows for orthotropic as well as
anisotropic material behaviour in geogrids, which is defined by the following parameters:
The axial stiffness EA is usually provided by the geogrid manufacturer and can be determined from diagrams in
which the elongation of the geogrid is plotted against the applied force in a longitudinal direction. The axial
stiffness is the ratio of the axial force F per unit width and the axial strain (Δl/l where Δl is the elongation and l is
the original length):
EA = Δl / l
Eq. [56]
If the Isotropic option is checked the input is limited to EA1 where as EA2 =EA1 and GA = EA1 / 2.
Visco-elastic (time-dependent)
The parameters are based on a visco-elastic perfectly-plastic Kelvin-Voigt model in each direction, which allows
for time-dependent behaviour.
Figure 192: Force versus displacement showing EAshort and EAlong
Considering one Kelvin-Voigt element (see Figure 193 (on page 280)),
E A0 = E Ashort
1 1 1
E A0
+ E A1
= E Along
1 Eq. [57]
E A1 =
( 1
E Along
E A0 )
η = E A1 × Retardation time
where η is viscous damping, EA0 and EA1 are internal stiffness used in the geogrid material model.
Retardation time can be obtained from a creep test in which a force F is applied, using the following equations
(see Figure 194 (on page 281)):
tretardation = E1
E Ashort = ushort
E Along = E Ashort
Eq. [58]
ushort = E Ashort
ulong = E Along
The short-term and long-term stiffnesses can be obtained from the same creep test by measuring the
corresponding displacement u at the short and long time, respectively.
Parameters which are required for time dependent visco-elasticity are (Figure 195 (on page 282)):
EA1,long Elastic stiffness during (infinitely) long strain increment in 1-direction. [kN/m]
EA2,long Elastic stiffness during (infinitely) long strain increment in 1-direction. [kN/m]
Retardation time The time where a linear extrapolation of the initial creep rate intersects [day]
the long-term displacement line.
Strength properties
Strength parameters are required in case of elastoplasticity:
The maximum axial tension force Np is specified in units of force per unit width. If Np is exceeded, stresses are
redistributed according to the theory of plasticity, so that the maxima are complied with. This will result in
irreversible deformations. Output of axial forces is given in the nodes, which requires extrapolation of the values
at the stress points. Due to the position of the stress points in a geogrid element, it is possible that the nodal
values of the axial force may slightly exceed Np.
If the Isotropic option is checked the input is limited to Np,1 where as Np,2 =Np,1.
Elastoplastic (N-ε)
A non-linear N-ε diagram may be specified in case of elastoplasticity (N-ε):
The user can add both N-ε diagrams, by specifying values as a table or importing a text file containing values
(Figure 196 (on page 283)). The axial tension force is specified in units of force per unit width. The first part of
the N-ε diagram is used to calculate the EA value.
If the Isotropic option is checked the input is limited to N1 -eps1 where as N2-eps2 =N1-eps1.
Material set
The material set properties are defined by:
A user may specify any identification title for a data set. It is advisable to use a
Identification meaningful name since the data set will appear in the database tree view by its
There are two available options, describing the material type for beams. These options
Material type are Elastic and Elastoplastic. The availability of the parameters defined on the
Mechanical tabsheet depends on the selected material type.
Comments A user may write down comments related to the material data set.
Unit weight
Additionally, the unit weight of the plate must be specified:
The unit weight is the unit weight of the material from which the
γ [kN/m3]
plate is composed.
• In a finite element model, beams are superimposed on a continuum and therefore 'overlap' the soil.
Especially for Solid structures, to calculate accurately the total weight of soil and structures in the model, the
unit weight of the soil should be subtracted from the unit weight of the beam material. For partially
overlapping beams the reduction of the unit weight should be proportional.
• Please note that when reducing the unit weight, the axial forces in the beam may not be realistic.
Rayleigh damping[ULT]
For dynamic behaviour, the Rayleigh α and Rayleigh β damping parameters can be specified either directly or
through Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) equivalent parameters.
For more information on Rayleigh damping and how to specify the parameters, see Rayleigh damping [ULT] (on
page 186).
Geometric properties
A beam requires several geometric parameters used to calculate additional properties:
Cross section type Either a Predefined or a User-defined type can be selected. [-]
Figure 198: Height is measured in local direction 2 and Width in local direction 3, for a Solid rectangular beam
Alternatively, a user-defined type may be defined by means of the beam cross section area, A, and its respective
moments of inertia I3 and I2:
The cross section area is the actual area (in the unit of length
squared) perpendicular to the beam axis. For beams that have a
A [m2]
certain profile (such as steel beams), the cross section area can be
found in tables that are provided by steel factories.
( ab )2 + 1ab 3
J = 12 1.2
Eq. [59]
J For Solid circular cross sections where D is the cross section [m4]
J = 32
πD 4 Eq. [60]
Note: The torsion moment of inertia, J, is not an input parameter but is automatically calculated for the PLAXIS
When a predefined cross section type is chosen, the cross sectional area and moment of inertia are automatically
determined as follows:
I3 π × diameter4/64
I2 π × diameter4/64
A width × height
I2 height × width3/12
A beam elements requires a single stiffness parameter:
The strength of a beam is determined by the yield stress of the material and the section modulus.
The yield stress parameter σy makes no distinction between compression and extension.
When a predefined cross section type is chosen the section moduli are automatically determined by:
W2 π × diameter3/32
Solid circular beam
W3 π × diameter3/32
W2 height × width2/6
Solid rectangular beam
W3 width × height2/6
The definition of various quantities according to the beam's local system of axes are visualised in Figure 199 (on
page 288) .
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1
I2 M2 κ2 ENε
Figure 199: Definition of moment of inertia (I), positive bending moment (M), positive curvature (κ) and stiffness
(E) for a horizontal beam based on local system of axes
Based on the input parameters A, I2, I3 and σy, the equivalent properties are calculated:
h 2,eq = 12 A
I2 Eq. [62]
h 3,eq = 12 A
Aeq = h 2,eq h 3,eq
W 2,eq = 6
Aeq h 2,eq
Eq. [63]
W 3,eq = 6
Aeq h 3,eq
σ y,eq = σ y W If local direction 2 is selected Eq. [64]
σ y,eq = σ y W If local direction 3 is selected Eq. [65]
More information about the behaviour and structural forces in beams can be found in the Material Models
Manual - Chapter 18 - 3D beam.
In contrast to what is common in the Finite Element Method, the bearing capacity of an embedded beam is
considered to be an input parameter rather than the result of the finite element calculation. The user should
realise the importance of this input parameter. Preferably, the input value of this parameter should be based on
representative pile load test or pull out test data. Moreover, it is advised to perform a calibration in which the
behaviour of the embedded beam is compared with the behaviour as measured from the test. When embedded
beams are used in a row, the group action must be taken into account when defining their bearing capacity.
Material set
The material data set is defined by:
A user may specify any identification title for a data set. It is advisable to use a
Identification meaningful name since the data set will appear in the database tree view by its
There are two available options, describing the material type for embedded beams.
Material type These options are Elastic and Elastoplastic . The availability of the parameters defined on
the Mechanical tabsheet depends on the selected material type.
Comments A user may write down comments related to the material data set.
Unit weight
Additionally, the unit weight of the embedded beam must be specified:
The unit weight is the unit weight of the material from which the
γ [kN/m3]
embedded beam is composed.
• In a finite element model, embedded beams are superimposed on a continuum and therefore ' overlap' the
soil. Especially for Solid structures, to calculate accurately the total weight of soil and structures in the model,
the unit weight of the soil should be subtracted from the unit weight of the embedded beams material.
• Please note that when reducing the unit weight, the axial forces in the embedded beams may not be realistic.
A list of predefined types (Solid circular beam, Circular tube, Solid square beam). After
Predefined cross
entering the required data, the parameters A, I3, I2, W3 and W2 are filled automatically
section type
(Table 18 (on page 293) accordingly to the material type).
The embedded beam diameter is to be defined for Solid circular beam and Circular tube
predefined embedded beam types. The embedded beam diameter determines the size of
the elastic zone in the soil around the embedded beam in which plastic soil behaviour is
excluded. This makes the embedded beam behave almost like a volume pile.
The embedded beam width is to be defined for a Solid square beam predefined beam
type. The embedded beam width is recalculated into an equivalent diameter.
Thickness The wall thickness needs to be defined for a Circular tube predefined beam type.
Alternatively, a user-defined type may be defined by means of the embedded beam cross section area, A, and its
respective moment of inertia I3 and I2:
The cross section area is the actual area (in the unit of length
squared) perpendicular to the embedded beam axis (direction 1)
A where embedded beam material is present. For embedded beams [m2]
that have a certain profile (such as steel beams), the cross section
area can be found in tables that are provided by steel factories.
An embedded beam has only a single stiffness parameter:
Yield direction In user-defined beam type, the yield direction can be either in [-]
Local direction 2 or Local direction 3
The yield stress parameter σy makes no distinction between compression and extension.
Depending on the predefined cross section type the section moduli are automatically calculated as:
W2 ϖ × diameter3/32
Solid circular beam
W3 ϖ × diameter3/32
W2 height × width2/6
Solid rectangular beam
W3 width × height2/6
Based on the input parameters A, I2, I3 and σy, the equivalent parameters for the plastic properties are calculated
as reported in Material data sets for beams (on page 283).
The definition of various quantities according to the embedded beam's local system of axes are visualised in
Figure 202 (on page 293). More information about the behaviour and forces in embedded beams can be found
in the Material Models Manual -Chapter 18-3D Beam.
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
1 1 1 1
I2 M2 κ2 ENε
Figure 202: Definition of moment of inertia (I), positive bending moment (M), positive curvature (κ) and stiffness
(E) for a vertical user-defined beam type (beam profile) based on the local system of axes
The input for the shaft resistance is defined by means of the axial skin resistance Fskin and the base resistance
Fmax. Using this approach the total pile bearing capacity, Npile, is given by:
N pile = F max + F skin Eq. [70]
The skin resistance Fskin can be defined in three ways: Linear, Multi-linear and Layer dependent. The base
resistance Fmax can be entered directly (in the unit of force) in the embedded beam material data set window.
The base resistance is only mobilised when the pile body moves in the direction of the base (example: with a
load on top).
For rock bolts, the bearing capacity may be defined in a similar way, although rock bolts generally do not have an
end bearing (Fmax = 0):
N rockbolt = F skin Eq. [71]
In order to ensure that a realistic bearing capacity as specified can actually be reached, a zone in the soil volume
elements surrounding the beam is identified where any kind of soil plasticity is excluded (elastic zone). The size
of this zone is determined by the embedded beam's diameter D or equivalent diameter Deq. The elastic zone
makes the embedded beam almost behave like a volume element. Installation effects are not taken into account
and the embedded beam-soil interaction is modelled at the centre rather than at the circumference.
In addition to displacement differences and shear forces in axial direction along the embedded beam element,
the beam can undergo transverse forces, t⊥ , due to lateral displacements. The lateral displacements can be
induced by a transverse force applied at the top of the pile or as a consequence of the transverse distributed load
induced by the lateral displacement field of the surrounding soil. In the first case, the overall behaviour may not
show fully realistic results. In the second case, although embedded beam elements are not meant to be used as
laterally loaded piles, they show reasonable results and the overall behaviour is quite realistic. For more
information about the modelling techniques for embedded structures, see the Appendix of the Material Models
The transverse forces are not limited in the special interface element that connects the pile with the soil but, in
general, they are limited due to failure conditions in the surrounding soil itself outside the elastic zone.
More details about the way the shear and transverse forces are calculated on the basis of displacement
differences between the embedded beam element and the surrounding soil element are described in the
Material Models Manual.
where Lpile is the pile length. Tskin,start,max and Tskin,end,max are measured at the pile top and the bottom of the pile
For rock bolts, the bearing capacity may be defined as follows:
N rockbolt = 2
L rockbolt (T skin,start ,max + T skin,end ,max ) Eq. [73]
where Lrockbolt is the rock bolt length. Tskin,start,max and Tskin,end,max are measured at the first point of the geometry
line and the second one respectively.
The Multi-linear option can be used to take into account inhomogeneous or multiple soil layers with different
properties and, as a result, different resistances. The skin resistance, Tmax, is defined in a table at different
positions along the pile, L, where L is measured from the pile top (L=0) to the bottom of the pile (L= Lpile). Using
this approach the total pile bearing capacity, Npile, is given by:
n−1 1
N pile = F max + ∑ 2 ( L i+1 − L i )(T i + T i+1 ) Eq. [74]
where i is the row number in the table and n is the total number of rows.
For rock bolts, the bearing capacity is defined as follows:
n−1 1
N rockbolt = ∑ 2 ( L i+1 − L i )(T i + T i+1 ) Eq. [75]
where L is measured from the first point of the corresponding geometry line (L=0) to the second one (L=
Layer dependent
The Layer dependent option can be used to relate the local skin resistance to the strength properties (cohesion c
and friction angle φ) and the interface strength reduction factor, Rinter, as defined in the material data set of the
corresponding soil or rock layers ( Interfaces tabsheet (on page 255)) in which the pile or rock bolt is located:
τi = ci + σ ′ n tan φi
ci = Rintercsoil Eq. [76]
tan φi = Rintertan φsoil
where τi is the local shear stress resistance of the interface, φi and ci are the friction angle and the cohesion of
the interface, φsoil and csoil are the friction angle and cohesion of the correspondent soil layer, Rinter is the
strength reduction factor associated to the soil layer, σ'n = (σ'2 + σ'3 ) / 2 is the normal stress. Using this approach
the pile/rock bolt bearing capacity is based on the stress state in the soil, and thus unknown at the start of a
calculation. The special interface in the embedded beam behaves similar as an interface along a wall, except that
it is a line interface rather than a sheet.
In case of advanced soil material models, the calculation of φi and ci is as described in Interfaces tabsheet (on
page 255). For user-defined Soil Models, φi and ci are based on direct input specified by the user.
The skin resistance, Ti, as a force per unit of depth, is defined as:
T i = 2πReq τi Eq. [77]
The embedded beam-soil interaction parameters in the embedded beam material data set involve only the
bearing capacity (skin resistance and base resistance). Note that the material data set does NOT include the
stiffness response of the pile in the soil (or p-y curve). The stiffness response is the result of the pile length,
equivalent radius, stiffness and bearing capacity as well as the stiffness of the soil layers in which the beam is
Lateral resistance
The lateral resistance is unlimited in PLAXIS 3D.
Base resistance
The base resistance Fmax is the maximum foot force of the embedded beam, hence the end-bearing capacity. Note
that the base of the embedded beam can only sustain a compressive force and no tensile force.
Anchors can be prestressed in a Staged construction calculation. In such a calculation the prestress force for a
certain calculation phase can directly be given in the Object explorer. The prestress force is not considered to be
a material property and is therefore not included in an anchor data set.
Several data sets may be created to distinguish between different types of anchors. Figure 203 (on page 297)
shows the General tabsheet of the Anchor window. The material data set is defined by:
A user may specify any identification title for a data set. It is advisable to use a
Identification meaningful name since the data set will appear in the database tree view by its
There are three available options, describing the material type of an anchor. These
options are Elastic, Elastoplastic and Elastoplastic with residual strength. The availability
Material type
of the parameters defined on the Mechanical tabsheet depends on the selected material
Comments A user may write down comments related to the material data set.
An anchor requires only one stiffness parameter:
If the material type is selected as Elastoplastic, two maximum anchor forces can be entered:
The Force-displacement diagram displaying the elastoplastic behaviour of the anchors is given in Figure 204 (on
page 298).
Figure 204: The force-displacement diagram displaying the elastoplastic behaviour of anchors
In the same way as the stiffness, the maximum anchor forces are divided by the out-of-plane spacing in order to
obtain the proper maximum force in a plane strain analysis.
The Force-displacement diagram displaying the elastoplastic behaviour with residual strength of the anchors is
given in Figure 204 (on page 298).
Figure 205: The force-displacement diagram displaying the elastoplastic behaviour with residual strength of the
If, during a calculation, the maximum anchor force is reached, the maximum force will immediately reduce to the
residual force. From that point on the anchor force will not exceed the residual force anymore. Even if the anchor
force would intermediately reduce to lower values, the defined residual force will be its maximum limit.
Note: If the anchor has failed (in tension, compression or both) the residual force will be valid in the following
calculation phases where the anchor is active. If the anchor is deactivated in a phase and reactivated in the next
phase, the maximum anchor force will be restored, assuming that the anchor has been replaced by a new anchor.
6.9.2 Structures
Regarding structures (fixed-end anchors, beams, node-to-node anchors, embedded beams, plates, geogrids and
interfaces), there are three different methods of assigning material data sets.
• The first method is based on an open Material sets window, showing the created material sets in the project
database tree view. The desired material set can be dragged (select it and keep the left mouse button down)
to the drawing area and dropped on the desired component. It can be seen from the shape of the cursor
whether or not it is valid to drop the material set.
• The second method is to select the desired structure in the drawing area or the Model explorer and select the
desired material set from the Set material of the right hand mouse button menu.
• The third method is to select the desired structure in the drawing area or model explorer and use the
Material drop-down menu in the explorer to define the material data set.
automatic generation of finite element meshes. The mesh generation process takes into account the soil
stratigraphy as well as all structural objects, loads and boundary conditions.
7.1.1 Elements
The basic soil elements of the 3D finite element mesh are the 10-node tetrahedral elements (Figure 206 (on page
S1 S3
In addition to the soil elements, special types of elements are used to model structural behaviour.
• For beams, 3-node line elements are used, which are compatible with the 3-node edges of a soil element.
• For plates and geogrids, 6-node plate and geogrid elements are used to simulate the behaviour.
• For soil-structure interaction, 12-node interface elements are used to simulate the behaviour.
The element formulations are given in the Scientific Manual.
To generate the mesh, click the Generate mesh button in the side toolbar of the Mesh mode or select the
corresponding option in the Mesh menu.
The Mesh options window pops up where the general mesh properties can be defined (Figure 207 (on page
302)). The options are explained in Global settings (on page 303), Local refinement (on page 304) and
Enhanced mesh refinements (EMR) (on page 304).
The mesh is generated by clicking on the OK button in the Mesh options window. After the mesh was generated,
the number of generated elements is displayed in the Session tab of the Command line.
To view the generated mesh click the View mesh button in the side toolbar.
Note that if meshing failed, the Session tab of the Command line might display the cause of the meshing failure,
where in the geometry this occurs and what needs to be done to overcome this. Even when the meshing
succeeds, the session history can still show some warnings on poor geometry and how this can be improved.
where the Relative element size factor (re) is derived from the Element distribution. There are five global levels.
By default, the Element distribution is set to Medium but the user may select one of the other levels to make the
mesh globally finer or coarser.
The predefined values of the parameter re (Element distribution) are:
Element distribution re
Coarse 1.5
Medium 1.0
Fine 0.7
Note that the Relative element size (re) does not correspond in value to the parameter value which is displayed in
the command line.
The exact number of elements depends on the shape of the geometry and optional local refinement settings.
As an alternative to the Element distribution, the mesh can be defined using Expert settings.
Relative element The relative element size factor (re) as defined above. The default value is 1.0 (medium).
The user specifies either the Relative element size or the Element dimension and the other one is then generated
automatically as described above.
To locally refine the mesh either click the Refine mesh button and select the geometry entity (volume,
surface, line or point) where a finer mesh is required or right-click the geometry entity and select the Finer mesh
option from the appearing menu.
To locally coarsen the mesh by a factor of √2 click the Coarsen mesh button and select the geometry entity
(volume, surface, line or point) where a coarser mesh is required or right click the geometry entity and select the
Finer mesh option from the appearing menu.
To reset the local refinement in a geometry entity right click it either in the drawing area or in Selection
explorer and select the corresponding option from the appearing menu.
• In the Mesh mode, the colours indicating the material data sets are turned off and the whole model is shown
in gray. However, refined and coarsened objects are displayed in green and yellow respectively.
• The more the object is refined, the lighter the shade of green in which it is displayed.
• The more the object is coarsened, the lighter the shade of yellow in which it is displayed.
Global scale factor This parameter can be used to set the element size smaller. For example, if it is set to
0.25, this means that all EMR calculated element sizes will be 25% of what they would
normally be, i.e. instead of generating one element along a line, four elements will be
generated. This will scale to 16 times more elements in 2D and even 64 times more
elements in 3D. Note that this scaling will only be notably visible in the mesh when EMR
is determining the size. Also note that this won't be taken into account for surface
curvature on a closed surface if this value is higher than 1, e.g. for a full cylinder you
don't want to have less refinement as required here to have ~6 elements around the
shaft of the cylinder) as otherwise it is not possible to create the mesh at all.
Minimum element This parameter sets the lower limit for any coarseness. No element size will be smaller
size factor than the minimum element size factor multiplied by the bounding box diagonal, except
when the coarseness comes from a surface curvature on a closed surface to ensure a
The minimum allowed element size is Minimum size factor (see Enhanced mesh refinements (EMR) (on page
304)) multiplied by Bounding box diagonal of the geometry being meshed.
The third parameter is the proximity factor, which can be set only from the command line, by adding this
parameter value to the arguments of the mesh command.
_mesh 0.02 256 True 1.2 0.005 2.0
In this example the last value (2.0) is the proximity factor. Please see Help > Command reference for further info
on the arguments.
The Proximity factor affects the coarseness due to the length of edges, small distances in surfaces and small
distances in volumes.
The automatic refinement considered can be turned off by unchecking the Enhanced mesh refinements option in
the Mesh options window (Figure 207 (on page 302)).
meshing. Note that neighboring swept meshable volumes should have the same coarseness to ensure consistent
number of mesh slices along the trajectories. If not this will cause some volumes not being swept meshed despite
being topologically perfectly suited for such a meshing technique.
For more information visit t Bentley Communities - Swept Meshing in PLAXIS 3D.
Note that for a new project the initial phase is automatically added. It cannot be deleted. More information on
the initial phase is given in Initial stress generation (on page 310).
The buttons in the toolbar enable introducing new phases, removing phases and accessing the Phases window
where the settings of phases are defined.
To introduce a new calculation phase (a child phase), select a reference phase (parent phase) in the list and
click the Add phase button. A new phase is added under the parent phase.
To insert a new calculation phase before a selected one, click the Insert phase button. The inserted phase will
be the new parent phase for the phase selected before the insertion, whereas the original parent phase will
become the parent phase of the inserted phase.
The user has to define the new settings for the inserted phase in a similar way as defining a new phase at the end
of the phase list. The phases have the settings of the parent phase unless they are defined differently. In this case
it is required that the next phase is fully redefined, since the start conditions have changed. This may also have
consequences for the phases thereafter.
To delete a calculation phase, select it and click the Delete phase button. Before deleting a phase it should be
checked which of the subsequent phases refer to the phase to be deleted. The parent of the deleted phase will be
automatically the new parent phase. Nevertheless, it is required that the modified phases are redefined, since
the start conditions have changed.
To define the phase settings either select the phase and click the Edit phase button or double click the phase.
The Phases window pops up (Phases window (on page 308)).
The Copy button enables copying to clipboard general information about the phase.
Besides the buttons available in the Phases explorer, the right mouse button menu can be used to modify the
phases in the model (Figure 209 (on page 307)).
Figure 209: The expanded view of the right mouse menu of Phases explorer
Phase identification
The ID of the phases is displayed in the Phases explorer. The ID of the phase consist of the caption and the name
(part inside the square brackets). The name of the phases is determined consecutively by the program and it can
not be modified by the user. The user may redefine the caption part of the ID of the phase in the Phases window
(General phase parameters (on page 337)).
Special cases
In some special cases, the order of calculation phases is not straightforward. Examples of such cases are:
• The Initial phase may be selected more than once as reference if different loadings or loading sequences are
to be considered separately for the same project.
• For a certain situation, a load is increased until failure to determine the safety margin. When continuing the
construction process, the next phase should start from the previous construction stage rather than from the
failure situation.
• A third example where the phase ordering is not straightforward is in calculations where safety analysis for
intermediate construction stages is considered. The calculation type in this case is Safety. In general, such a
phase results in a state of failure. When continuing the construction process, the next stage should start from
the previous phase rather than from the results of the safety analysis. Alternatively, safety analyses for the
various construction stages can be performed at the end of the calculation process. In that case, the reference
phase selected in the Start from phase drop-down menu should refer to the corresponding construction stage.
The information in the Phases window is displayed in three separate panels (Figure 210 (on page 309)). In
the left panel the Phases explorer is displayed giving an overview of all the phases in the model and the relation
between them. The middle panel displays information regarding the selected phase in the Model explorer. The
right panel displays log info for the last calculation of the selected phase and provides space to write comments.
The Spreadsheet view displays all the calculation information in a spreadsheet form (Figure 211 (on page
309)) to facilitate a comparison of parameters for different phases. Parameters can be added or removed from
the view by right-clicking on the bar with column header.
In the Phases window, users need to select at least the Calculation type and the Loading type for each new phase.
PLAXIS 3D provides convenient default values for most calculation control parameters, but the user can change
these values. A description of the calculation types and control parameters is given in the next section.
initial phase to generate the initial stress state of soil. The Flow only option can be used if only groundwater flow
analysis will be performed. For deformation analysis options such as Plastic, Consolidation, Safety, Dynamic,
Dynamic with consolidation and Fully coupled flow-deformation are available.
In PLAXIS 3D, initial stresses may be generated by using the K0 procedure, the Gravity loading or the Field stress
option. Note that these options are available in the Calculation type drop-down menu only for the Initial phase. It
is recommended to generate and inspect results from initial stresses first before defining and executing other
calculation phases.
The K0 procedure differs from the Gravity loading as stress field equilibrium is not checked at the end of the
initial phase. The K0 procedure is particularly suitable in cases with a horizontal surface and with all soil layers
and phreatic levels parallel to the surface. In such a case, the equilibrium is systematically satisfied (vertical
stresses = gravity weight, horizontal stresses = lateral reaction forces along the model boundaries). For all other
cases, the use of the K0 procedure may lead to out-of-balance forces.
The initial stress state may involve pre-loading or overconsolidation. In particular, advanced soil models may
take the effects of overconsolidation into account. This requires information about the overconsolidation ratio
(OCR) or the pre-overburden pressure (POP). Such information may be provided in the material data set of the
corresponding soil layer.
As part of the initial stress generation, the principal stress history parameter σ'1,max is initialised. The principal
stress history (σ'1,max, σ'2, σ'3) is used to calculate the equivalent preconsolidation pressure ppeq, which is used in
advanced soil models to initialise a cap-type yield surface.
For more information about the calculation of σ'1,max, see Initial tabsheet (on page 262).
K0 procedure
K0 procedure is a special calculation method available in PLAXIS 3D to define the initial stresses for the
model, taking into account the loading history of the soil. The parameters required in the initial stresses
development procedures are defined in the Initial tabsheet of material data sets for soil and interfaces (Initial
tabsheet (on page 262)).
Two K0 values can be specified, one for the x-direction and one for the y-direction.
K 0,x = σ ′ xx / σ ′ zz K 0, y = σ ′ yy / σ ′ zz Eq. [79]
In practice, the value of K0 for a normally consolidated soil is often assumed to be related to the friction angle by
Jaky's empirical expression:
K 0 = 1 − sin φ Eq. [80]
In an overconsolidated soil, K0 would be expected to be larger than the value given by this expression.
For the Mohr-Coulomb model, the default value K0-value is based on Jaky's formula. For the advanced models,
(Hardening Soil model, Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, Soft Soil model, Soft Soil Creep model,
Modified Cam-Clay model), the default value is based on the K0nc parameter and is also influenced by the
overconsolidation ratio (OCR) or the pre-overburden pressure (POP) (see Initial tabsheet (on page 262) and the
Material Models Manual):
K 0nc POP − POP
νur 1 − νur
K 0,x = K 0, y = K 0nc OCR − (OCR − 1) + Eq. [81]
1 − νur
| 0
Using very low or very high K0-values in the K0 procedure may lead to stresses that violate the Mohr-Coulomb
failure condition. In this case PLAXIS 3D automatically reduces the lateral stresses such that the failure condition
is obeyed. Hence, these stress points are in a plastic state and indicated as plastic points. Although the corrected
stress state obeys the failure condition, it may result in a stress field which is not in equilibrium. It is generally
preferable to generate an initial stress field that does not contain Mohr-Coulomb plastic points.
The plot of plastic points may be viewed after the presentation of the initial effective stresses in the Output
program by selecting the Plastic points option from the Stresses menu (see Plastic points (on page 443)).
For a cohesionless material it can easily be shown that to avoid Mohr-Coulomb plasticity, the value of K0 is
bound by:
1 − sin φ 1 + sin φ
1 + sin φ
< K0 < 1 − sin φ
Eq. [82]
When the K0 procedure is adopted, PLAXIS 3D will generate vertical stresses that are in equilibrium with the
self-weight of the soil. Horizontal stresses, however, are calculated from the specified value of K0. Even if the
value of K0 is chosen such that plasticity does not occur, the K0 procedure does not ensure that the complete
stress field is in equilibrium, since it does not generate shear stresses. Full equilibrium is only obtained for a
horizontal soil surface with any soil layers parallel to this surface and a horizontal phreatic level. Therefore, the
K0 procedure is not recommended when dealing with non-horizontal surfaces, which require shear stresses to
form an equilibrium stress field. Examples of non-horizontal surfaces, and non-horizontal weight stratifications
If the stress field requires only small equilibrium corrections, then these may be carried out using the K0
procedure followed by a Plastic nil-phase (Plastic nil-phase (on page 315)). If the stresses are substantially out of
equilibrium, then the K0 procedure should be abandoned in favor of the Gravity loading procedure.
At the end of the K0 procedure, the full soil weight is activated (when ΣMweight = 1.0).
Field stress
In addition to K0-procedure and Gravity loading there is another method to introduce an initial stress field in
the model, which is called Field stress. This option is available only for the Initial phase and can be selected as a
Calculation type in the phases window.
Field stress allows for setting up a homogeneous initial stress state in the model, taking into account a rotation of
principal stresses. This might be relevant for applications in deep soil or rock layers where the formation of
these layers in the geological history has caused a rotation of principal stresses (shearing).
In addition to the selection of Field stress as Calculation type for the initial phase, the user needs to define the
magnitude of the three principal stresses σ1, σ2, σ3, as well as the orientation of the principal stress directions
(Axis1 and Axis2), see Figure 212 (on page 312). Axis2 internally will be adjusted to create an orthogonal
reference frame: (Axis1, Axis2, Axis3). Axis3 is perpendicular to Axis1 and (adjusted) Axis2. All axes are internally
set to unit length.
The principal stresses do not need to be ordered in the sense that σ1 is the major principal stress and σ3 is the
minor principal stress. Moreover, the (x,y and z) coefficients of the orientation axis do not need to form a vector
of unit length.
As an alternative to the global definition of the field stress in the Model conditions, the user may define local
field stress conditions in each soil polygon (cluster). To do so, in Soil mode, right click on the soil polygon. From
the context menu choose Soil_n > Create > Create field stress. Selecting this option displays ClusterFieldStress in
the selection explorer. Here the user needs to define the magnitude of the three principal stresses σ1, σ2, σ3, as
well as the orientation of the principal stress directions (Axis1 and Axis2) for the respective cluster. This option
of defining different stress states to individual clusters might be relevant for applications in rock layers with
disturbance zones where the weaker material may have a different initial stress state than the rock mass outside
the disturbance zone.
Note that, after applying the Field stress initial calculation the user will still need to apply nil-phase in order to
solve any unbalance in the model to get the correct initial stress state.
The calculation type Field stress does not consider the increase of stresses with depth due to gravity. Therefore,
the ΣMweight multiplier is always set to zero in the case that the initial stress state is generated using the Field
stress option. Still, nonzero unit weights may be defined in material data sets that are used in the soil/rock
clusters. A proper unit weight may be required in order to generate the right mass and inertia in the case of
dynamics calculations. Note that calculation phases that follow after a Field stress calculation should also have
ΣMweight = 0 in order to prevent a sudden unbalance from occurring.
Besides the input of field stresses, all model boundaries need to be fully fixed. Therefore, the user must manually
set all global model boundaries (BoundaryXMin, BoundaryXMax, BoundaryYMin, BoundaryYMax, BoundaryZMin
and BoundaryZMax) to Fully fixed in the Deformations section of the Model explorer. Note that the Field stress
option may generate shear stresses, which cannot be supported by the default boundary conditions; this is why
the model boundaries must be fixed.
The result of a field stress calculation is a stress state according to the predefined principal stresses and the
orientation of the principal stress directions according to the Axis1 and Axis2 parameters (Figure 213 (on page
313)). This stress state is not only generated in volume elements, but a corresponding stress state is also
generated in interface elements, if applicable. Note that the Field stress option does not affect structural
elements, and it will not take into account external loads and boundary conditions, just as the K0-procedure.
Hence, structural elements and external loads should be inactive in the Initial phase.
Gravity loading
Gravity loading is a type of Plastic calculation (Plastic calculation (on page 315)), in which initial stresses
are generated based on the volumetric weight of the soil. If Gravity loading is adopted, then the initial stresses
are set up by applying the soil self-weight in the first calculation phase. This is achieved by setting ΣMweight =
1.0. In this case, when using an elastic perfectly-plastic soil model such as the Mohr-Coulomb model, the ratio of
horizontal effective stress over vertical effective stress, K0, depends strongly on the assumed values of Poisson's
ratio. It is important to choose values of Poisson's ratio that give realistic values of K0. If necessary, separate
material data sets may be used with Poisson's ratio adjusted to provide the proper K0-value during gravity
loading. These sets may be changed by other material sets in subsequent calculations (Reassigning material data
sets (on page 370)). For one-dimensional compression an elastic computation will give:
K0 = 1−ν
Eq. [83]
If a value of K0 of 0.5 is required, for example, then it is necessary to specify a value of Poisson's ratio of 0.333. As
Poisson's ratio must be lower than 0.5, it is not straightforward to generate K0 values larger than 1 using Gravity
loading. If K0 values larger than 1 are desired, it is necessary to simulate the loading history and use different
Poisson's ratios for loading and unloading or use the K0 procedure.
When advanced soil models are used, the resulting K0-value after gravity loading corresponds to the K0nc
parameter in the material data set.
• To make sure that Gravity loading results in initial effective stresses in situations where undrained materials
are used, the parameter Ignore undrained behaviour should be selected.
• Once the initial stresses have been set up using Gravity loading, the displacements should be reset to zero at
the start of the next calculation phase. This removes the effect of the initial stress generation procedure on
the displacements developed during subsequent calculations, whereas the stresses remain.
• The OCR and POP parameters are ignored in Gravity loading.
In some cases plastic points will be generated during the Gravity loading procedure. For cohesionless soils in
one-dimensional compression, for example, plastic Mohr-Coulomb points will be generated unless the following
inequality is satisfied:
1 − sin φ ν
1 + sin φ
< 1−ν
<1 Eq. [84]
Plastic nil-phase
If the K0 procedure generates an initial stress field that is not in equilibrium or where Mohr-Coulomb plastic
points occur, then a plastic nil-phase should be adopted. A plastic nil-phase is a plastic calculation phase in which
no additional load is applied (Plastic nil-phase (on page 323)). After this phase has been completed, the stress
field will be in equilibrium and all stresses will obey the failure condition.
If the initial K0 procedure generates a stress field that is far from equilibrium, then the plastic nil-phase may fail
to converge. This happens, for example, when the K0 procedure is applied to problems with very steep slopes.
For these problems, the Gravity loading procedure should be adopted.
It is important to ensure that displacements calculated during a plastic nil-sphase (if it is applied immediately
after generating the initial stresses) do not affect later calculations. This is achieved by selecting the Reset
displacements to zero parameter in the subsequent calculation phase (Deformation control parameters (on page
A Plastic calculation is used to carry out an elastic-plastic deformation analysis in which it is not necessary
to take the change of pore pressure with time into account. If the Updated mesh parameter has not been selected,
the calculation is performed according to the small deformation theory. The stiffness matrix in a normal plastic
calculation is based on the original undeformed geometry. This type of calculation is appropriate in most
practical geotechnical applications.
Although a time interval can be specified, a plastic calculation does not take time effects into account, except
when the Soft Soil Creep model is used (see Material Models Manual). Considering the quick loading of saturated
clay-type soils, a Plastic calculation may be used for the limiting case of fully undrained behaviour using the
Undrained (A), Undrained (B) or Undrained (C) option in the material data sets. On the other hand, performing a
fully drained analysis can assess the settlements on the long term. This will give a reasonably accurate
prediction of the final situation, although the precise loading history is not followed and the process of
consolidation is not dealt with explicitly.
An elastic-plastic deformation analysis where undrained behaviour (Undrained (A) or Undrained (B)) is
temporarily ignored can be defined by checking the Ignore undr. behaviour (A, B) parameter. In this case the
stiffness of water is not taken into account.
Note that Ignore undrained behaviour does not affect materials of which the drainage type is set to Undrained (C).
When changing the geometry configuration (Geometry configuration - Staged Construction mode (on page
364)) it is also possible (for each calculation phase) to redefine the water boundary conditions and recalculate
the pore pressures (Flow conditions (on page 356)). For more details on theoretical formulations of a plastic
calculation reference should be made to the Scientific Manual.
In a Plastic calculation loading can be defined in the sense of changing the load combination, stress state, weight,
strength or stiffness of elements, activated by changing the load and geometry configuration or pore pressure
distribution by means of Staged construction. In this case, the total load level that is to be reached at the end of
the calculation phase is defined by specifying a new geometry and load configuration, and/or pore pressure
distribution, in the Staged construction mode (Geometry configuration - Staged Construction mode (on page
The options for Pore pressure calculation type for a Plastic phase are:
• Phreatic
• Use pressures form previous phase
• Steady state groundwater flow
More information on Pore pressure calculation type is given in Water pressure calculation (on page 329).
A Consolidation calculation is usually conducted when it is necessary to analyse the development and
dissipation of excess pore pressures in a saturated clay-type soil as a function of time. PLAXIS 3D allows for true
elastic-plastic consolidation analysis. In general, consolidation analysis without additional loading is performed
after an undrained plastic calculation. It is also possible to apply loads during a consolidation analysis. However,
take care when a failure situation is approached, since the iteration process may not converge in such a
A consolidation analysis requires additional boundary conditions on excess pore pressures (Flow conditions (on
page 356)).
• In PLAXIS 3D, pore pressures are divided into steady-state pore pressures and excess pore pressures. Steady
state pore pressures are generated according to the water conditions assigned to the soil layers for each
phase, whereas excess pore pressures are calculated as a result of undrained soil behaviour (Undrained (A)
or Undrained (B)) or consolidation. A Consolidation calculation in PLAXIS 3D only affects the excess pore
• Rather than considering the drainage type settings Undrained (A) or Undrained (B), a Consolidation
calculation considers the corresponding permeabilities as defined in the Groundwater tab of the material
data set instead.
• A Consolidation calculation does not affect Undrained (C) materials since such materials do not allow (excess)
pore pressures to be generated.
Consolidation and simultaneous loading in the sense of changing the load combination, stress state, weight,
strength or stiffness of elements, activated by changing the load and geometry configuration by means of Staged
construction. It is necessary to specify a value for the Time interval parameter, which has in this case the meaning
of the total consolidation period applied in the current calculation phase. The load is linearly increased to the
specified level within the time interval. The applied first time increment is based on the First time step parameter
in the Numerical control parameters subtree. The Staged construction option should also be selected if it is
desired to allow for a certain consolidation period without additional loading.
Consolidation without additional loading, until all excess pore pressures have decreased below a certain
minimum value, specified by the Minimum excess pore pressures parameter. By default, the Minimum excess pore
pressures is set to 1 stress unit, but this value may be changed by the user. Please note that the Minimum excess
pore pressures parameter is an absolute value, which applies to pressure as well as tensile stress. The input of a
Time interval is not applicable in this case, since it cannot be determined beforehand how much time is needed
to fulfill the minimum excess pore pressure requirement. The applied first time increment is based on the First
time step parameter in the Numerical control parameters subtree.
Consolidation without additional loading, until a desired degree of consolidation, specified by the Degree of
consolidation parameter, is reached. By default, Degree of consolidation parameter is set to 90.0 %, but this value
may be changed by the user. The input of a Time interval is not applicable in this case, since it cannot be
determined beforehand how much time is needed to fulfill the degree of consolidation requirement. The applied
first time increment is based on the First time step parameter in the Numerical control parameters subtree.
Although the degree-of-consolidation is officially defined in terms of target settlement over final settlement, in
PLAXIS 3D it is defined as the target minimum excess pore pressure over the maximum initial excess pore
pressure pmax/pmax,initial.
A Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis is conducted when it is necessary to analyse the simultaneous
development of deformations and pore pressures in saturated and partially saturated soils as a result of time-
dependent changes of the hydraulic boundary conditions. Examples where a fully coupled flow-deformation
analysis may be required include draw down of the reservoir level behind a dam, embankment dams subjected
to tidal waves and partially drained excavation and dewatering of a building site. In contrast to a consolidation
analysis, which primarily affects the excess pore pressures, a fully coupled flow-deformation analysis directly
operates on the total pore water pressures, i.e. the sum of steady-state and excess pore pressures. Still, in order
to be consistent with other calculation types, steady-state pore pressures are calculated based on the hydraulic
conditions at the end of the calculation phase, which enables the back-calculation of excess pore pressures from
the total pore water pressures.
A fully coupled flow-deformation analysis takes into account unsaturated soil behaviour and suction in the
unsaturated zone above the phreatic level. This is the most advanced and realistic type of analysis that considers
a reduced permeability and degree of saturation in unsaturated zone. For this reason, the Ignore suction option
is not available in Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis.
In principle, a fully coupled flow-deformation analysis takes into account unsaturated soil behaviour and suction
in the unsaturated zone above the phreatic level. However, positive pore stresses in the unsaturated zone may
be restricted by using the Ignore suction option.
It is not possible to use Updated mesh in a fully coupled flow-deformation analysis.
The Safety calculation type is an option available in PLAXIS 3D to compute global safety factors. This option
can be selected as a separate Calculation type in the General tabsheet.
In the Safety approach the shear strength parameters tan φ and c of the soil as well as the tensile strength are
successively reduced until failure of the structure occurs. The dilatancy angle ψ is, in principle, not affected by
the phi/c reduction procedure. However, the dilatancy angle can never be larger than the friction angle. When
the friction angle φ has reduced so much that it becomes equal to the (given) dilatancy angle, any further
reduction of the friction angle will lead to the same reduction of the dilatancy angle. The strength of interfaces, if
used, is reduced in the same way. Optionally, the strength of structural objects like plates and anchors can also
be reduced in a Safety calculation (Enhanced safety analysis (on page 319)).
The total multiplier ΣMsf is used to define the value of the soil strength parameters at a given stage in the
tan φinput cinput su,input Tensile strength
ΣMsf = tan φreduced
= creduced
= su,reduced
= Tensile strength
Eq. [85]
where the strength parameters with the subscript 'input' refer to the properties entered in the material sets and
parameters with the subscript 'reduced' refer to the reduced values used in the analysis. Σ Msf is set to 1.0 at the
start of a calculation to set all material strengths to their input values.
A Safety calculation is performed using the Load advancement number of steps procedure (Load advancement -
Number of steps (on page 335)). The incremental multiplier Msf is used to specify the increment of the strength
reduction of the first calculation step. This increment is by default set to 0.1, which is generally found to be a
good starting value. The strength parameters are successively reduced automatically until all Additional steps
have been performed. By default, the number of steps is set to 100, but a larger value up to 10000 may be given
here, if necessary. It must always be checked whether the final step has resulted in a fully developed failure
mechanism. If that is the case, the factor of safety is given by:
available stregth
SF = stregth at failure
= value of ΣMsf at failure Eq. [86]
The principal results of a Safety calculation are the failure mechanism and the corresponding ΣMsf, which is the
safety factor. The ΣMsf-value of a particular calculation step can be found in the Calculation information
window displayed as the corresponding option is selected in the Project menu of the Output program. It is also
recommended to view the development of ΣMsf for the whole calculation using the Curves option (Curves (on
page 461)). In this way it can be checked whether a constant value is obtained while the deformation is
continuing; in other words: whether a failure mechanism has fully developed. If a failure mechanism has not
fully developed, then the calculation must be repeated with a larger number of steps.
The numerical parameters defined in the Numerical control parameters subtree are not supposed to have
significant influence on the principal results of the Safety calculation. However, in Safety calculations involving
safety factors close to 1, other outputs (e.g. internal forces of the structures) could be sensitive to the numerical
parameters, especially to the Desired min number of iterations and the Desired max number of iterations.
To capture the failure of the structure accurately, the use of Arc-length control parameter is required. The use of
a Tolerated error of no more than 1% is also required. Both requirements are complied with when using the
default iteration parameters (Numerical control parameters (on page 343)).
• When performing Safety calculation without Arc-length control, the reduction factor ΣMsf cannot go down
and an overestimation of safety factor can occur.
• To capture the failure of the structure accurately, a sufficiently fine mesh is required.
When using Safety calculation in combination with advanced soil models, these models will actually behave as a
standard Mohr-Coulomb model, since stress-dependent stiffness behaviour and hardening effects are excluded
from the analysis. In that case, the stiffness is calculated at the beginning of the calculation phase based on the
starting stresses and kept constant until the calculation phase is complete.
• In case of the Jointed Rock model the strength on all the planes will be reduced by ΣMsf.
• In the case of the NGI-ADP model and UDCAM-S model, all undrained strength parameters are reduced by
• Strength in the Modified Cam-Clay model is not reduced in Safety analysis.
• When using the Modified Cam-Clay model the strength is not reduced at all since this model does not have a
cohesion or friction angle as model parameter. In other the reduction of the parameter values need to be
explicitly defined in their code.
The strength reduction method, as adopted in a Safety calculation, gives similar safety factors as obtained from
conventional stability analysis based on the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) slip-circle analysis. For a more
detailed description of the strength reduction method (formerly called phi-c reduction) you are referred to
Brinkgreve & Bakker (1991) (on page 538).
A more realistic value of the safety factor will be obtained for a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis when
suction is considered. This value is generally higher than a conventional safety factor ignoring suction.
Therefore, be careful when interpreting this value.
In general, it is not recommended to perform a Safety analysis in combination with structural elements in which
a residual strength is used. During a safety analysis in which structural elements are present in the model, there
is a redistribution of the stresses and forces, generally leading to an increase in structural forces. When the
strength of a structure is reached, and the structure has a residual strength lower than the normal strength, the
structural force will reduce to the residual strength. This may lead to an unstable situation and, as a result, an
unrealistic reduction of the factor of safety.
• Surficial soil clusters along a slope can be excluded from the strength reduction procedure to avoid
unrealistic shallow failure mechanisms.
• Along with the soil clusters, all structures can be selected for strength reduction, provided these structures
behave as elastoplastic and have a limit strength.
• Enhanced safety analysis can be performed for a deliberate manual selection of certain soil clusters or
structures for different phases.
Regarding structures, note that strength reduction can be applied only to Elastoplastic structures. Make sure that
realistic mechanisms are not prevented in this way.
Soil clusters that have been excluded from the strength reduction procedure are indicated in grey in the
Connectivity plot, provided that the Hide items without strength reduction in the View menu has been selected
(Connectivity plot (on page 429)). Moreover, if this option has been selected, results are not shown in these
By performing a standard Safety calculation, unrealistic surficial mechanisms can be detected. An Enhanced
safety calculation can be performed by de-selecting the surficial clusters.
f̄ red =
η (
−σ ′3
+s ) a
Eq. [88]
( ∑ Msf
2 )
− 1 f̄ ′
η= 2
(∑ Msf (2 − f̄ ′ ) 1 + + f̄ ′ ) Eq. [89]
(2 − f̄ ′ )2
f̄ ′ =
∂ f̄
∂σ ′ 3
= − amb mb ( −σ ′3
+s ) a−1
Eq. [90]
More details and a derivation of the above equations can be found in Benz, Schwab, Vermeer & Kauther (2007)
(on page 538).
Note that the safety factor obtained for Hoek-Brown material does not correspond to the safety factor obtained
for Mohr-Coulomb material with equivalent strength properties.
Updated mesh
The geometry of the model considered in a Safety calculation depends on whether the Updated mesh option is
selected or not. If Updated mesh is selected, the resulting safety factor will be from the deformed (updated)
Please note that during a safety calculation the mesh is not updated at the beginning of each load step even if the
Updated mesh option is selected for the Safety phase. Hence, the Updated mesh mesh option in a Safety analysis
only determines whether it starts from an updated mesh or not.
The Dynamics option should be selected when it is necessary to consider stress waves and vibrations in the
soil. Dynamic loads can come in various types such as machine induced loads, impact loads, blast load, moving
vehicle load or as earthquake loads. With PLAXIS 3D it is possible to perform a dynamics analysis for these types
of loads after a series of plastic calculations. It is possible to apply dynamic loads through displacement
multipliers or load multipliers. They can be defined as harmonic or as input table. The applied dynamic load is
the product of the input value of the defined dynamic load and the corresponding dynamic load multiplier.
Besides the activation of the dynamic load or dynamic prescribed displacement, special absorbent boundary
conditions can be defined for a Dynamics calculation. For a more detailed description of the boundary
conditions, see Model conditions (on page 372). A Dynamics time interval can be defined to specify the
calculation duration and an automatic time stepping scheme (see Automatic time stepping (Dynamics) [ULT] (on
page 337)) takes care of the best combination of Max steps and Number of sub-steps, based on the estimated
time steps.
Earthquake Analysis
This section provides an overview of the Geotechnical earthquake modelling and analysis capabilities of PLAXIS.
A variety of nonlinear native and UDSM models for earthquake analysis are offered in PLAXIS. In general, all
native models offered in PLAXIS can be used in combination with Dynamics analysis. However, the user is
expected to know the limitations of each of the models being used. Here are some models which are often used
in combination with Seismic analysis. HSsmall and its UDSM version GHS can simulate strain dependency of
stiffness and hysteretic damping. UBC3D-PLM (native) and PM4Sand (UDSM) are liquefaction models available
in PLAXIS for which the parameters can be estimated from SPT or CPT data in the absence of lab tests.
Processing and modification of input accelerograms are a key component of earthquake analysis. Options are
available in the dynamics multiplier tab ( Input accelerograms (on page 112)) to scale the signal to the required
PGA. Furthermore, the input accelerograms can be easily transformed and visualized as Fourier amplitude
spectrum, Power spectrum, PSA as well as Arias Intensity. A drift correction to correct the displacement drift
due to instrument noise or background noise can also be applied automatically during a dynamics calculation.
Special boundary conditions (Model conditions (on page 372)) are required for earthquake motion in order to
minimize wave reflection at model boundaries. The compliant base boundary condition for the bottom boundary
ensures that reflected waves from layers above are absorbed and allows direct application of an input (upward
propagating) accelerogram. Free field boundary conditions for lateral boundaries impose free-field motion at the
sides, additionally it absorbs the reflected secondary waves. Tied degrees of freedom connects the nodes on the
same elevation at left and right boundaries, which can be used to simulate one-dimensional wave propagation.
Energy dissipation due to vibrational or cyclic loading can be defined through Damping. PLAXIS offers both
hysteretic and viscous material damping, as well as numerical damping. Hysteretic damping is inherent to the
HSsmall model, whereas, Rayleigh damping is a numerical feature to simulate viscous material damping, which
can be applied in each individual material data set. Numerical damping can be imposed by changing the default
Newmark alpha and beta parameters (Dynamics control parameters [ULT] (on page 354)). Dynamics
calculations can be conducted as drained, undrained or as Dynamics with consolidation. Automatic time
stepping (Automatic time stepping (Dynamics) [ULT] (on page 337)) scheme allows for a proper selection of the
time step to accurately model wave propagation and reduce the numerical error due to integration of time
history functions. The user can also control the number of steps using the semi-automatic or Manual option for
accurate modelling.
Curves in Dynamics calculations [ULT] (on page 467) explains output curves generation options for dynamics
analysis. It is possible to transform the generated curves from the time domain to the frequency domain
automatically using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). From FFT, Power Spectrum and Fourier Amplitude
Spectrum(FAS) can be plotted for each acceleration component. From output curves it is possible to produce
PSA spectrum to determine the predominant period as well as Relative displacement response spectrum,
Amplification factor that displays the magnification of the response at a point with respect to the given
excitation, and Arias intensity to determine the strength of a ground motion. Furthermore, plots can be
generated for extreme accelerations, velocities and displacements for dynamics phases.
• Note that steady-state pore pressures in a Dynamics calculation are always taken from the steady-state pore
pressures generated in the parent phase (see Calculation type (on page 330)).
• It is possible to calculate excess pore pressures in undrained soil layers in a dynamics analysis. However, the
accuracy at which pore pressures are predicted depends on the capabilities of the soil models being used.
• A standard dynamics calculation may involve the generation of excess pore pressures, but not the dissipation
of excess pore pressures. If the latter is required, a Dynamics with consolidation calculation should be
Updated mesh
During a dynamics calculation, large deformation effects and changes of the geometry can be taken into account
by selecting the Updated mesh option. See Updated mesh analysis (on page 324) for more information about
Updated mesh calculations.
In a Dynamics calculation loading can be defined in the sense of applying a predefined combination of
external loads as dynamic forces using dynamics multipliers activated in the Staged construction mode.
Dynamics calculations can also deal with moving loads.
The Dynamics with consolidation option should be selected when the dynamic generation and subsequent
dissipation of excess pore pressures in a short time domain is to be considered. This calculation type is based on
the mixed u-P formulation (where u is displacement and P is excess pore pressure and can be used when
partially drained soil conditions are present during a dynamics calculation. The applied dynamic load is the
product of the input value of the defined dynamic load and the corresponding dynamic load multiplier.
A Dynamics with consolidation calculation requires the input of soil permeabilities and appropriate flow
boundary conditions.
Besides the activation of the dynamic load or dynamic prescribed displacement, absorbent (viscous) boundary
conditions can be defined for a Dynamic with consolidation calculation. For a more detailed description of the
boundary conditions see Model conditions (on page 372).
In a Dynamics with consolidation calculation loading can be defined in the sense of applying a predefined
combination of external loads as dynamic forces using dynamics multipliers activated in the Staged
construction mode.
The Staged construction loading type is used to perform a plastic nil-phase to solve existing out-of-balance
forces. No changes in the geometry, load level, load configuration and water pressure distribution should be
By default the Updated mesh option in Phases window is unchecked.
When large deformation theory is included in a finite element program some special features need to be
considered. Firstly it is necessary to include additional terms in the structure stiffness matrix to model the
effects of large structural distortions on the finite element equations.
Secondly, it is necessary to include a procedure to model correctly the stress changes that occur when finite
material rotations occur. This particular feature of large displacement theory is usually dealt with by adopting a
definition of stress rate that includes rotation rate terms. Several stress rate definitions have been proposed by
researchers working in this field although none of these are wholly satisfactory. In PLAXIS 3D the co-rotational
rate of Kirchhoff stress (otherwise known as the Hill stress rate) is adopted. This stress rate would be expected
to give accurate results provided that the shear strains do not become excessive.
Thirdly, it is necessary to update the finite element mesh as the calculation proceeds. This is done automatically
within PLAXIS 3D when the Updated mesh option is selected.
It should be clear from the descriptions given above that the updated mesh procedures used in PLAXIS 3D
involve considerably more than simply updating nodal coordinates as the calculation proceeds. These
calculation procedures are in fact based on an approach known as an Updated Lagrangian formulation (Bathe,
1982 (on page 538)). Implementation of this formulation within PLAXIS 3D is based on the use of various
advanced techniques that are beyond the scope of this manual. More details can be found in (van Langen, 1991
(on page 540)).
The three basic types of calculations (Plastic, Consolidation and Safety) can optionally be performed as an
Updated mesh analysis, taking into account the effects of large deformations. Therefore, the Updated mesh
parameter should be selected. The Updated mesh option cannot be used in a fully coupled flow-deformation
Please note that an updated mesh calculation cannot be followed by a 'normal' calculation. Reversely, a normal
calculation can be followed by an updated mesh calculation, provided that the option Reset displacements to zero
is used (Deformation control parameters (on page 339)).
It should be noted that an updated mesh analysis takes more time and is less robust than a normal calculation.
Hence, this option should only when really necessary.
Note that water conditions at the mesh boundary and pore pressures in stress points are not updated as the
mesh is updated.
Distributed loads
Distributed loads on deformed boundaries are taken into account as if those boundaries were not deformed.
This is to ensure that the total force involved does not change when the boundary stretches or shrinks. This also
applies to axisymmetric applications where the radius changes as a result of deformation.
Calculation procedures
In order to carry out an updated mesh analysis the Updated mesh checkbox in the Deformation control
parameters subtree in the Phases window should be selected (Deformation control parameters (on page 339)).
Updated mesh calculations are carried out using iteration procedures similar to the conventional calculation
options as described in preceding sections. Therefore an updated mesh analysis uses the same parameters.
However, because of the large deformation effect, the stiffness matrix is always updated at the beginning of a
load step. Due to this procedure and to the additional terms and more complex formulations, the iterative
procedure in an updated mesh analysis is considerably slower than that for conventional calculations.
Safety calculations
The geometry of the model considered in a Safety calculation depends on whether the Updated mesh option is
selected or not in the parent phase. If the mesh is updated, the resulting geometry at the end of the parent phase
will be considered in the safety calculations.
During a safety calculation the mesh is not further updated at the beginning of each load step even if the Updated
mesh option is selected for the Safety phase.
Practical considerations
Updated mesh analysis tends to require more computer time than an equivalent, conventional calculation. It is
recommended, therefore, that when a new project is under study a conventional calculation is carried out before
an updated mesh analysis is attempted.
It is not possible to give simple guidelines that may be used to indicate when an updated mesh analysis is
necessary and where a conventional analysis is sufficient. One simple approach would be to inspect the
deformed mesh at the end of a conventional calculation using the Deformed mesh option in the Output program.
If the geometry changes are large (on a real scale) then significant importance of geometric effects might be
suspected. In this case the calculation should be repeated using the updated mesh option. It cannot definitely be
decided from the general magnitudes of the deformations obtained from a conventional plasticity calculation
whether geometric effects are important or not. If the user is in any doubt about whether updated mesh analysis
is necessary then the issue can only be resolved by carrying out the updated mesh analysis and comparing the
results with the equivalent conventional analysis.
In general, it is not appropriate to use an updated mesh calculation for gravity loading to set up the initial stress
field. Displacements resulting from gravity loading are physically meaningless and should therefore be reset to
zero. Resetting displacements to zero is not possible after an updated mesh analysis. Hence, gravity loading
should be applied in a normal plastic calculation.
Changing from a 'normal' plastic calculation or consolidation analysis to an updated mesh analysis is only valid
when displacements are reset to zero, because a series of updated mesh analyses must start from an
undeformed geometry. Changing from an updated mesh calculation to a 'normal' plastic calculation or
consolidation analysis is not valid, because then all large deformation effects will be disregarded, resulting in a
large force unbalance.
Note that the Loading type drop-down menu is NOT available for Flow only calculation type.
The Staged construction loading type enables the user to specify a new state that is to be reached at the end
of the calculation phase. The water pressure distribution, the geometry, the input values of loads and the load
configuration in the Flow conditions and Staged construction mode can be modified. The Staged construction
option may also be used to perform plastic nil-phases to solve existing out-of-balance forces. In this case, no
changes in the geometry, load level, load configuration and water pressure distribution should be made.
Before specifying the construction stage, the Time interval of the calculation phase should be considered. The
Time interval is expressed in the unit of time. A non-zero value is only relevant in the case of a Consolidation
analysis, a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis or if a time-dependent soil model (such as Soft Soil Creep
model) is used.
Since staged construction is performed using the Load advancement ultimate level procedure (Load
advancement - Ultimate level (on page 334)), it is controlled by a total multiplier (ΣMstage).This multiplier
starts at zero and is expected to reach the ultimate level of 1.0 at the end of the calculation phase. Note that the
maximum number of additional steps as defined by the Max steps parameter will not be reached if ΣMstage
criterion is met before.
In some special situations, however, it might be necessary to split the staged construction process into more
than one calculation phase and to specify an intermediate value of ΣMstage. This can be done by assigning a
value lower than 1.0 to the ΣMstage parameter in the General subtree in the Phases window which is only
available for a Plastic calculation. However, care must be taken with an ultimate level smaller than 1.0, since this
is associated with a resulting out-of-balance force. Such calculations must always be followed by another staged
construction calculation.
Without specifying a value for ΣMstage, the program always assumes an ultimate level of ΣMstage = 1.0. Before
starting any other type of calculation the ΣMstage parameter must first have reached the value 1.0. This can be
verified in the Reached values subtree in the Phases window (Reached values (on page 355)).
where fapplied is the load that has actually been applied, f0 is the load at the beginning of the calculation phase (i.e.
the load that has been reached at the end of the previous calculation phase) and fdefined is the defined load
A reduced ultimate level of ΣMstage may be reduced repetitively. In the case of multiple subsequent phases with
ΣMstage < 1, it should be realised that ΣMstage starts at 0 in every phase. For example, if three phases are
defined, where in phase 1 ΣMstage = 0.5; in phase 2 ΣMstage = 0.5 and phase 3 ΣMstage = 1.0 (without additional
changes), it means that:
• At the end of phase 1: 50% of the unbalance is solved.
• At the end of phase 2: 50% of the remaining unbalance (= 75% of the initial unbalance) is solved.
• At the end of phase 3: 100% of the remaining unbalance (= 100%of the initial unbalance) is solved.
The Minimum excess pore pressure option in the Loading input drop-down menu is a criterion for
terminating a consolidation analysis. The calculation stops when the maximum absolute excess pore pressure is
below the prescribed value of |P-stop|. Note that the maximum number of steps as defined by the Max steps
parameter will not be reached if the |P-stop| criterion is met before. For example, when the maximum excess
pore pressure has reached a certain value during the application of load, the user can make sure that the
consolidation process is continued until all nodal values of excess pore pressure are less than |P-stop|, provided
the value of Max steps is sufficient.
The Minimum excess pore pressure loading type is available only for Consolidation calculations.
The option Degree of consolidation is an alternative criterion for terminating a consolidation analysis. The
calculation stops when the degree of consolidation, as defines herein, is below the value of Degree of
consolidation. The degree of consolidation is an important indication of the consolidation state. Strictly, the
degree of consolidation, U, is defined in terms of the proportion of the final settlement although the term is often
used to describe the proportion of pore pressures that have dissipated to at least (100-U)% of their values
immediately after loading. The Degree of consolidation option may be used to specify the final degree of
consolidation in any analysis.
In this case the Minimum excess pore pressure parameter (see above) is set to a value as defined by the maximum
excess pore pressure in the previous phase and the defined Degree of consolidation (U):
Minimim pore pressure = (100 − U )Pmax Eq. [92]
where Pmax is the maximum excess pore pressure reached in the previous phase which can be found in the
Reached values subtree in the Phases window (Reached values (on page 355)). The calculation stops when the
maximum absolute excess pore pressure is below this calculated value of Minimum excess pore pressure. Note
that the maximum number of steps as defined by the parameter Max steps will not be reached if the Minimum
excess pore pressure criterion is met before.
The Degree of consolidation loading type is available only for Consolidation calculations.
Reduction of the soil and interface strength towards a target value of the total multiplier ΣMsf. The program
first performs a full safety analysis until failure (Incremental multipliers (on page 329)) and then it recalculates
the last step before the target value of ΣMsf in order to reach the target exactly.
The Target ΣMsf loading type is available only for Safety calculations.
The Incremental multipliers loading type enables the user to perform a Safety analysis using the Load
advancement number of steps procedure (Incremental multipliers (on page 329)). The incremental multiplier Msf
is used to specify the increment of the strength reduction of the first calculation step. This increment is by
default set to 0.1, which is generally found to be a good starting value. The strength parameters are successively
reduced automatically until the value assigned to the Max steps parameter has been reached. By default, the
maximum number of steps is set to 100, but a larger value up to 1000 may be given here, if necessary. It must
always be checked whether the final step has resulted in a fully developed failure mechanism. If that is the case,
the factor of safety is given by:
available strength
SF = strength at failure
= value of ΣMsf at failure Eq. [93]
The ΣMsf-value of a particular calculation step can be found in the Calculation Information window of the
Output program. It is also recommended to view the development of ΣMsf for the whole calculation using the
Curves option (Curves (on page 461)). In this way it can be checked whether a constant value is obtained while
the deformation is continuing; in other words: whether a failure mechanism has fully developed. If a failure
mechanism has not fully developed, then the calculation must be repeated with a larger number of steps.
The Incremental multipliers loading type is only available for Safety calculations.
pressure, and may also include suction (positive pore water stress). In general, the steady-state component of
water pressure (both the 'external' and 'internal' part) is considered to be input data and supposed to be known
at the beginning of a deformation analysis, whereas excess pore pressure is the result of undrained loading or
consolidation. This section deals with the calculation of steady-state water pressure as input for a deformation
analysis, which can be generated according to the options available in the Phases window.
• If the Global water level is used to define the hydraulic boundary conditions (groundwater head), the global
water level will be replaced by the results of the groundwater flow calculation. In general, this will result in
the same 'external' part of the global water level, but the 'internal (phreatic)' part will most likely change.
• If no groundwater flow boundary conditions are defined, the hydraulic boundary conditions for a steady-
state groundwater flow calculation are taken from the Global water level, which means a prescribed hydraulic
head below the water level and seepage above.
• The Steady state groundwater flow option is available for K0 procedure, Gravity loading, Flow only, Plastic and
Consolidation calculation types.
Steady-state pore pressure may include suction in the unsaturated zone above the phreatic surface. If it is
desired to exclude suction from the steady-state pore pressure, as input for a deformation analysis, the option
Ignore suction may be used.
Note that the Flow only option is available only for the initial phase. When this option is selected for the initial
phase, it will be automatically assigned for the following (child) phases as well and it will be grayed out,
indicating that no change is possible.
The Global water level for a selected phase can be specified in the Water subtree under the Model conditions in
the Model explorer. The drop-down menu displays the available water levels in the model (Borehole water levels
or User water levels). More information on water levels is given in Water levels (on page 358).
The automatic load stepping procedure is controlled by a number of calculation control parameters (Numerical
control parameters (on page 343)). There is a convenient default setting for most control parameters, which
strikes a balance between robustness, accuracy and efficiency. For each calculation phase, the user can influence
the automatic solution procedures by manually adjusting the control parameters in the Numerical control
parameters subtree in the Phases window.
In this way it is possible to have a stricter control over step sizes and accuracy. Before proceeding to the
description of the calculation control parameters, a detailed description is given of the solution procedures
The size of the first load step in a calculation phase is automatically determined by performing trial calculations,
taking into account the Tolerated error (Numerical control parameters (on page 343)). When a new load step is
applied (first step or later steps), a series of iterations is carried out to reach equilibrium. There are three
possible outcomes of this particular process. These outcomes are:
Case 1: The solution reaches equilibrium within a number of iterations that is less than the Desired minimum
control parameter. By default, the Desired minimum number of iterations is 6, but this value may be changed in
the Numerical control parameters subtree in the Phases window (Numerical control parameters (on page 343)).
If fewer iterations than the desired minimum are required to reach the equilibrium state then the calculation
step is assumed to be too small. In this case, the size of the load increment is multiplied by two and further
iterations are applied to reach equilibrium.
Case 2: The solution fails to converge within a Desired maximum number of iterations. By default, the Desired
maximum number of iterations is 15, but this value may be changed in the Numerical control parameters subtree
in the Phases window (Numerical control parameters (on page 343)). If the solution fails to converge within the
desired maximum number of iterations then the calculation step is assumed to be too large. In this case, the size
of the load increment is reduced by a factor of two and the iteration procedure is continued.
Case 3: The number of required iterations lies between the Desired minimum number of iterations and the
Desired maximum number of iterations in which case the size of the load increment is assumed to be satisfactory.
After the iterations are complete, the next calculation step begins. The initial size of this calculation step is made
equal to the size of the previous successful step.
If the outcome corresponds to either case 1 or case 2 then the process of increasing or reducing the step size
continues until case 3 is achieved.
Prescribed ultimate state not reached; Soil body collapses: A collapse load has been reached. In this case, the
total specified load has not been applied. Collapse is assumed when the applied load reduces in magnitude in X
successive calculation steps (where X is the maximum number of unloading steps; see Numerical control
parameters (on page 343)) and the current stiffness parameter CSP is less than 0.015 (see Automatic error
checks (on page 390) for the definition of CSP). It is also possible that the problem is failing but due to switched-
off arc-length control, the program is not allowed to take negative step sizes. The user should check the output of
the last step and judge whether the project is failing or not. In case of failure, recalculating the project with a
higher Max steps parameter is useless.
Prescribed ultimate state not reached; load advancement procedure fails. Try manual control: The load
advancement procedure is unable to further increase the applied load, but the current stiffness parameter CSP is
larger than 0.015. In this case the total load specified has not been applied. The user can now attempt to rerun
the calculation with slight changes to the iterative parameters in Numerical control parameters subtree in the
Phases window, in particular turning off the Arc-length control type parameter.
Prescribed ultimate state not reached; Not enough load steps: The maximum specified number of load steps
have been applied. In this case, it is likely that the calculation stops before the total specified load has been
applied. It is advised to recalculate the phase with an increased value of Max steps or to add a similar subsequent
calculation phase in which no changes in geometry configuration or water pressures are defined.
Cancelled by user: This occurs when the calculation process is terminated by clicking Stop in the Active tasks
Prescribed ultimate state not reached; Numerical error: A numerical error has occurred. In this case, the
total specified load has not been applied. There may be different causes for a numerical error. Most likely, it is
related to an input error. Careful inspection of the input data, the finite element mesh and the defined calculation
phase is suggested.
Severe divergence: This is detected when the global error is increasing and has reached huge values. This error,
for example, can be caused by very small time steps in a consolidation phase. The program scales down the step
size when the tolerated error cannot be reached, resulting in small time steps. One of the reasons can be that a
failure situation is reached. As for consolidation the arc-length procedure is not used, the program cannot really
detect failure.
File xxxx not found: Such a message appears when a file that ought to exist does not exist.
Messages may indicate errors related to the iterative solution algorithm or the matrix condition. In the case of
'floating' elements (insufficient boundary conditions), one could get a message indicating that the matrix is
nearly singular. Checking and improving the defined calculation phase usually solves the problem.
Another problem related to the solution process can occur due to insufficient direct computer memory (RAM). In
such cases, the iterative solver cannot store the minimum amount of data necessary to have sufficient accuracy.
As a result, the iteration process converges very slowly, or does not reach the accuracy condition. To solve this
problem, either the problem size should be reduced, or internal memory capacity should be increased.
A list of warning and error messages appearing in PLAXIS 3D is available in Calculation warning and errors in
PLAXIS (on page 613).
A list of warning and error messages appearing in PLAXIS 3D is available in Appendix H.
7.7.4 Automatic time stepping (consolidation [ADV] and fully coupled analysis
Note: For analysis involving consolidation an [ADV] licence level is required. For fully coupled analysis an [ULT]
licence is necessary.
When the Calculation type is set to Consolidation, the Automatic time stepping procedure is used. This procedure
will automatically choose appropriate time steps for a consolidation analysis. When the calculation runs
smoothly, resulting in very few iterations per step, then the program will choose a larger time step. When the
calculation uses many iterations due to an increasing amount of plasticity, then the program will take smaller
time steps.
The first time step in a consolidation analysis or a fully coupled analysis is generally based on the First time step
parameter. This parameter is, by default, based on the advised minimum time step (overall critical time step) as
described in Numerical control parameters (on page 343). The First time step parameter can be changed in the
Numerical control parameters subtree in the Phases window when the Use default iter parameters checkbox is
not selected. However, be careful with time steps that are smaller than the advised minimum time step.
During a Consolidation calculation or a Fully coupled analysis, arc-length control is always inactive.
Phase identification
The ID of the phase consists of the caption and the name (in square brackets). The name of the phases is
determined consecutively by the program and it can not be modified by the user. The user may redefine the
caption of the phase in the Phases window.
Calculation type
The calculation type of the selected phase can be defined in the corresponding drop-down menu in the Phases
window. The options available are:
K0 procedure
Field stress
Gravity loading
• Flow only
Fully coupled flow-deformation
Dynamic with consolidation
A description of the different analysis types available in PLAXIS 3D is given in Types of analysis (on page 309).
Loading type
The options available for the Loading type parameter are:
Staged construction
Incremental multipliers
Target SumMsf
Minimum excess pore pressure
Degree of consolidation
A description of the different loading types available in PLAXIS 3D is given in Loading type (on page 326).
ΣMstage is the total multiplier that controls the staged construction process. It is associated with the reduction
of the out-of-balance forces that are to be solved in a staged construction calculation. By default, its target value
is 1.0. The lowest allowed input value is 0.001. If ΣMstage is lower than this value, the load is considered to be
negligible and no calculations take place. A value larger than 1.0 is not possible. By entering the default value of
1.0, the staged construction procedure is performed in the normal way.
In general, care must be taken with an ultimate level of ΣMstage smaller than 1.0, since this leads to a resulting
out-of-balance force at the end of the calculation phase. Such a calculation phase must always be followed by
another staged construction calculation. If Σ Mstage is not specified by the user, the default value of 1.0 is always
adopted, even if a smaller value was entered in the previous calculation phase.
ΣMweight is the total multiplier for the material weight. For ΣMweight = 1, the material weight as specified by the
unit weights in the material data sets is applied. In general, ΣMweight remains at its default value of 1, but there
are situations in which ΣMweight may be changed:
• In the case of modelling simplified soil tests by means of finite element models, self weight of the material
may be disregarded since the stresses are dominated by external loads rather than material weight. This can
either be achieved by using zero unit weights in the material data set or by using ΣMweight = 0 during the
calculations. Note that in the former case (γ = 0) the material has no mass, which has consequences for a
dynamics calculation.
• In the case of overconsolidated material in situations where the K0 procedure cannot be used (for example
slopes), gravity loading can be used in the initial phase with an increased value of ΣMweight equal to the
overconsolidation ratio. In this way, the preconsolidation stress is properly initialised, at least when using
advanced soil models. In the subsequent phase, Σ Mweight should be set back to 1.0 in order to have realistic
initial soil stresses whilst the preconsolidation stress (in advanced models) will memorize the
overconsolidated stress level.
• In the case of modelling a centrifuge test, ΣMweight may be used to simulate the increased amount of gravity.
Hence, in order to simulate a centrifuge test at 100 g, ΣMweight should be set to 100.
Time interval
A non-zero value for the time-related parameters is only relevant when a transient groundwater flow
calculation, a consolidation analysis, a fully coupled flow-deformation analysis or a dynamics analysis is
performed or when using time-dependent material models (such as the Soft Soil Creep model).
To define the total time period considered in the current calculation phase, expressed in
Time interval
the unit of time as defined in the Project properties window.
Dynamic time To define the total time period considered in the current dynamics calculation phase,
interval expressed in seconds [s].
A dynamics analysis uses a different time parameter than other types of calculations. The time parameter in a
dynamics analysis is the Dynamic time, which is always expressed in seconds [s], regardless of the unit of time as
specified in the Project properties window. In a series of calculation phases in which some of them are
dynamic, the Dynamic time is only increased in the dynamic phases (even non-successive), while the Dynamic
time is kept constant in other types of calculations (whether before, in-between or after the dynamic phases).
The Dynamic time is not affected by the regular time parameter. Reversely, the regular time parameter includes
the Dynamic time.
Gravity loading of undrained materials will result in unrealistic excess pore pressures. Stresses due to the self-
weight of the soil, for example, are based on a long-term process in which the development of excess pore
pressures is irrelevant. The Ignore undrained behaviour option enables the user to specify the material type from
the beginning as undrained for the main loading stages and to ignore the undrained behaviour during the Gravity
loading stage, at least for data sets defined as Undrained A or Undrained B.
The Ignore undrained behaviour option is not available for a Consolidation analysis, Fully coupled flow-
deformation analysis or a Dynamics with consolidation analysis, since these calculation types do not consider the
Drainage type as specified in the material data sets, but use the material permeability instead.
By default, this parameter is switched on, which means that newly activated clusters will essentially behave as
drained materials, irrespective of their drainage type setting.
This option does not affect already active clusters.
When the parameter Reset displacements to zero is selected, then automatically the check box for Reset small
strain is selected. Hence if only the displacements is to be disregarded, then the box for Reset small strain should
be unchecked.
Reset time
The Reset Time option can be used in calculation phases to reset the Time parameter to zero. This applies to the
regular Time as well as to Dynamics Time. As a result, the new phase will start from t = 0 [days]. Resetting the
time does not have consequences for existing stresses, deformations or dynamic motions, and it does not
influence time-dependent processes like consolidation or creep. Resetting time mainly affects history curves
where Time or Dynamics Time is used on one of the axes.
As an example of where this option might be used is if the Soft Soil Creep model is used to set up the initial stress
state using Gravity Loading (with a non-zero time interval). Similar as for the option Reset displacements to zero,
it might be desired to reset time to zero and to start the new project at t = 0 [days]. This will give a clear history
curve that starts from zero.
Table 17: The material models and the corresponding reset parameters
Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness Strain history tensor reset to zero
Note that resetting the OCR only adjust the preconsolidation pressure and not the current stresses. Therefore
the user should be aware that, after resetting the OCR, the current stress state (particularly the ratio between
horizontal and vertical stresses) may not be representative for the new OCR.
Updated mesh
This option must be selected when the calculation should be performed as a large deformation analysis
according the Updated Lagrange formulation. For a more detailed information see Updated mesh analysis (on
page 324).
Ignore suction
When steady-state pore pressures are generated by the phreatic level option or by a groundwater flow
calculation, tensile pore water stresses (suction) will be generated above the phreatic level. Although suction is a
realistic phenomenon, the use of suction in a deformation analysis may lead to an increased shear strength when
effective strength parameters are used for the soil. In order to avoid this, suction can be cut off by selecting the
Ignore suction option. Note that the Ignore suction option does not affect the excess pore pressures generated in
undrained soil layers, except in the case of a fully coupled flow-deformation analysis. The default setting is such
that Ignore suction is selected.
When Ignore suction is selected, soil below the phreatic level is considered to behave fully saturated, whereas
soil above the phreatic level is considered to behave as dry soil, although excess pore pressures may still occur
here. Positive values of steady-state pore stresses will be set to zero. However, any excess pore pressure above
the phreatic level, both positive and negative, will be taken into account. This requires the effective degree of
saturation, Seff, to be set to 1. Hence, positive excess pore stresses will always be taken into account to their full
extent until the cavitation cut-off is reached, except in the case of a consolidation analysis.
When Ignore suction is NOT selected, suction is allowed and included in the pore water stresses (both steady
state and excess pore stresses). In this case the effective degree of saturation, Seff, determines the proportion of
the suction that is included in the active pore stresses. This depends on the soil-water retention curve as defined
in the material data set of the soil layer.
Cavitation cut-off
In case of unloading of undrained materials (undrained A or B) tensile excess pore stresses may be generated.
These excess pore stresses might give rise to tensile pore water stresses. In case the cavitation cut-off option is
activated, excess pore pressures are limited so that the tensile pore water stress is never larger than the
cavitation stress. By default, the cavitation cut-off option is not activated. If it is activated, the default cavitation
stress is 100 kN/m2. The Cavitation cut-off option is not available for a consolidation analysis or a fully coupled
flow-deformation analysis.
Solver type
In PLAXIS 3D the assembly and solution of sparse linear equation systems is carried out by solvers. The available
solvers are:
Picos (multicore It stands for Plaxis Iterative Concurrent Solver. Picos is an efficient iterative solver that
iterative) solves the system of equations in parallel on multi-core processors. It is generally the
fastest way to perform calculations.
Pardiso (multicore It stands for Parallel Sparse Direct Solver. Pardiso is a direct solver that solves the system
direct) of equations in parallel on multi-core processors. It is generally the most robust way to
solve equations, but it has also the highest memory consumption (Schank & Gärtner
(2006) (on page 540) and Schank, Wächter & Hagermann (2007) (on page 540)).
Classic (single core This is the iterative solver that has been used in previous PLAXIS 3D versions. It solves
iterative) the system of equations using only a single core on the processor.
• For PLAXIS 3D - licence the max core usage is limited to 1.
• For PLAXIS 3D - [ADV] or [ULT] licence the max number of cores can be adjusted up to 256.
The calculation control parameter and the 'Interval' depend on the type of calculation which is described in table
below (Figure 221 (on page 345)).
If a calculation phase does not finish successfully, as indicated by a red cross in front of the phase, then up to 50
steps of that phase will be stored. This enables a stepwise evaluation of the cause of the problem.
When it is intended to create animations of the results (e.g. in the case of transient calculations), the Max number
of steps stored parameter should be set to a higher value.
Max steps
This parameter specifies the maximum number of calculation steps (load steps) that are performed in a
particular calculation phase.
If Plastic, Consolidation or Fully coupled flow-deformation is selected as the calculation type, then the Max steps
parameter should be set to an integer number representing the upper bound of the required number of steps for
this calculation phase. In this case the defined value is an upper bound to the actual number of steps that will be
executed. In general, it is desired that such a calculation is completed within the defined number of steps and
stops when either the prescribed ultimate state is reached or the soil body collapses. If such a calculation
reaches the maximum number of steps, it usually means that the ultimate level has not been reached. By default,
the Max steps parameter is set to 1000, but this number can be changed within the range 1 to 10000.
If Safety or Dynamics is selected as the calculation type, then the number of steps is always exactly executed. In
general, it is desired that such a calculation is completed within the defined number of steps and stops when
either the prescribed ultimate state is reached or the soil body collapses. If such a calculation reaches the
maximum number of steps, it usually means that the ultimate level has not been reached. By default, the Max
steps parameter is set to 100 for both Safety and Dynamics calculations which is generally sufficient to complete
the calculation phase. However, this number may be changed within the range 1 to 10000.
Figure 222: Dialog box displaying the retrieved value for the First time step parameter
To retrieve the value suggested by the program click the cell next to the First time step parameter. The value is
displayed when the Retrieve button is clicked. The value is used when the Apply button is clicked and the Time
step determination.
In general, the total number of steps, which is the product of the values defined for the Max steps and Number of
sub steps parameters, should be the same as the total number of data points used in the dynamics calculation. If
the Time step determination is set to default option Automatic, PLAXIS 3D automatically calculates the proper
number of steps and sub steps based on the material, mesh and number of data points in all active time history
function (dynamics multipliers). In this case, the Number of sub steps parameter is automatically calculated in the
kernel. When the option Semi-automatic is selected, the Number of sub steps will be automatically calculated
inside the kernel, based on the Max steps as given by the user. When the Manual option is selected, both Max
steps and Number of sub steps will not be automatically calculated inside the kernel but must be provided by the
To be able to see and change these two parameters, the user has the possibility to retrieve them by pressing the
Retrieve button. By pressing the Apply button, these values will be applied and will be used by kernel without
any change. It should be noted that PLAXIS 3D always tries to find the closest number of steps to the Max steps
that the user specifies (in case of using the default option, the number of steps will be the closest number to 100
as shown in Figure 223 (on page 348)).
Figure 223: Dialog box displaying the retrieved value for the Number of sub steps parameter
Tolerated error
In any non-linear analysis where a finite number of calculation steps are used there will be some drift from the
exact solution, as shown in Figure 224 (on page 349). The purpose of a solution algorithm is to ensure that the
equilibrium errors, both locally and globally, remain within acceptable bounds (Automatic error checks (on page
390)). The error limits adopted in PLAXIS 3D are linked closely to the specified value of the Tolerated error.
Within each step, the calculation program continues to carry out iterations until the calculated errors are smaller
than the specified value. If the tolerated error is set to a high value then the calculation will be relatively quick
but may be inaccurate. If a low tolerated error is adopted then computer time may become excessive. In general,
the standard setting of 0.01 is suitable for most calculations.
numerical solution
exact solution
Figure 224: Computed solution versus exact solution
Be careful when using a tolerated error larger than the default value of 0.01, as this may give inaccurate results
which are not in equilibrium.
If a calculation gives failure loads that tend to reduce unexpectedly with increasing displacement, then this is a
possible indication of excessive drift of the finite element results from the exact solution. In these cases, the
calculation should be repeated using a lower value of the tolerated error. For further details of the error
checking procedures used in PLAXIS 3D see Automatic error checks (on page 390).
Most Validation examples have been performed with a tolerated error lower than the default settings.
Over-relaxation factor
To reduce the number of iterations needed for convergence, PLAXIS 3D makes use of an over-relaxation
procedure as indicated in Figure 227 (on page 353). Over-relaxation is a deliberate over-estimation of the
equilibrium error under the assumption that by just solving the exact unbalance, the next iteration is still far
from equilibrium. The purpose of this is to reduce the number of the iterations in order to speed up the
calculation. The parameter that controls the degree of over-relaxation is the over-relaxation factor. The
theoretical upper bound value is 2.0, but this value should never be used. For low soil friction angles, for
example φ < 20°, an over-relaxation factor of about 1.5 tends to optimise the iterative procedure. If the problem
contains soil with higher friction angles, however, then a lower value may be required. The standard setting of
1.2 is acceptable in most calculations.
over relaxation = 1 over relaxation > 1
displacement displacement
that are too large to give a smooth load-displacement curve. This is often the case where soils with very low
friction angles are modelled. To generate a smoother load-displacement response in these cases, the calculations
should be repeated with smaller values for these parameters, for example:
Desired minimum = 3 Desired maximum = 7
If the soil friction angles are relatively high, or if high-order soil models are used, then it may be appropriate to
increase the desired minimum and maximum from their standard values to obtain a solution without the use of
excessive computer time. In these cases the following values are suggested:
Desired minimum = 8 Desired maximum = 20
In this case it is recommended to increase the Maximum iterations to 80.
Arc-length control
The Arc-length control procedure is a method that is by default selected in PLAXIS 3D to obtain reliable collapse
loads for load-controlled calculations. The iterative procedure adopted when arc-length control is not used is
shown in Figure 226 (on page 351) for the case where a collapse load is being approached. In the case shown,
the algorithm will not converge. If arc-length control is adopted, however, the program will automatically
evaluate the portion of the external load that must be applied for collapse as shown below.
load load
step 3 step 3
step 2 step 2
step 1 step 1
displacement displacement
Arc-length control is activated by selecting the corresponding check box in the Numerical control parameters
subtree. The arc-length control procedure should be used for load-controlled calculations, but it may be
deactivated, if desired, for displacement-controlled calculations.
Setting the Arc-length control type parameter to Auto enables the procedure only when the CSP (current stiffness
parameter) is less than 0.5. In this way arc-length is only used when the material exhibits significant plastic
For iteration i in a certain calculation step, the displacements are found using the Newton-Raphson iteration:
ui = ui-1 - f(ui-1)/f'(ui-1)
If the stiffness matrix K is stress dependent, it should be recalculated for every iteration in order to get the most
accurate results and this is exactly what the traditional Newton-Raphson method does. However, making a new
stiffness matrix is quite time consuming, which makes the traditional Newton-Raphson method quite slow.
The modified Newton-Raphson method on the other hand only determines a new stiffness matrix at the
beginning of new calculation step without updating it per iteration. This considerably speeds up the calculation,
but if during 1 calculation step the stress or strain state changes a lot due to strong non-linear behaviour, the
solution reached in the iterations can deviated from the real solution which then will result in slower
convergence and thus undoing the positive effect of the modified Newton-Raphson method.
Scott & Fenves (2010) describe a new accelerated Newton-Raphson algorithm that is based on the modified
Newton-Raphson algorithm. In this accelerated algorithm, for every iteration the results are additionally
improved by using the displacement increments from a limited number of previous iterations. The effect of the
acceleration is the largest for those nodes that had the largest incremental displacements in the previous
iterations, which are the nodes that had the highest non-linearity. Hence, the acceleration procedure has the
most effect on those nodes that would have the largest deviation from the real solution in a modified Newton-
Raphson iteration.
The calculation gathers the displacement increment vectors from previous iterations in a special matrix that is a
so-called "Krylov subspace", hence the name Subspace acceleration.
The amount of previous iterations that is taken into account for the acceleration is the Subspace size parameter.
Taking into account more results from previous iterations improves the accuracy of the results which then
reduces the amount of iterations needed, but on the other hand the acceleration procedure itself also requires
memory and calculation time and so there is a balance between how much the acceleration procedure can
improve the convergence vs the calculation time for the acceleration procedure itself. In order to reduce the
memory and calculation time needed, the Subspace size is usually chosen in the range of 3 - 6. Based on
experience, PLAXIS uses a default value of 3, which means the displacements increments from the last 3
iterations are used to accelerate the current iteration.
In PLAXIS subspace acceleration can be successfully applied to solve nonlinear equations of geotechnical
problems especially for computationally challenging situations when there are strong non-linearities involved
such as drastic changes in the load-resisting characteristics of the geotechnical model components like
development of local failure mechanisms, soil freezing/thawing, liquefaction and complex couplings among
different physics.
Note: Subspace accelerator is not available for calculation types K0 and field stress.
It is a numerical procedure, which is automatically used in PLAXIS 3D if applicable, when a certain loading that
was applied in the previous calculation step is continued in the next step. In this case, the displacement solution
to the previous load increment can be used as a first estimate of the solution to the new load increment.
Although this first estimate is generally not exact (because of the non-linear soil behaviour), the solution is
usually better than the solution according to the initial stress method (based on the use of the elastic stiffness
matrix) (See Figure below).
load load
displacement displacement
After the first iteration, subsequent iterations are based on the elastic stiffness matrix, as in the initial stress
method (Zienkiewicz, 1977 (on page 540)). Nevertheless, using Extrapolation the total number of iterations
needed to reach equilibrium is less than without extrapolation. The extrapolation procedure is particularly
useful when the soil is highly plastic.
Iterative procedure
Groundwater flow, optionally coupled with thermal flow, involves extra parameters to control the iterative
procedure to solve the corresponding system of equations. For Steady state flow calculations two extra
parameters are available, namely Tolerated error and Over-relaxation factor. For Transient flow a higher number
of parameters are required to define the iterative procedure.
Max steps
This parameter specifies the maximum number of calculation steps that are performed in a phase in which the
Pore pressure calculation type is set to Steady state groundwater flow or Transient groundwater flow or the
Thermal calculation type is set to Steady state thermal flow or Transient thermal flow. By default, the Max steps
parameter is set to 1000.
Tolerated error
Similar to the Tolerated error option in deformation analyses (Numerical control parameters (on page 343)), the
Tolerated error option in flow calculations is used to check if the result is accurate enough. In the case of
unsaturated groundwater flow, checking the local error (error which occurs in a few elements) is also needed. In
this case, due to the fact that the permeability can change significantly, it is possible to have isolated water in
some elements in unsaturated zones. The specified Tolerated error is used for checking both the global flow
error and local errors. PLAXIS 3D used higher Tolerated error to check the local flow errors (usually 10 times
larger). If both global and local errors are less than the Tolerated error, the groundwater flow calculation is
Over-relaxation factor
Since the unsaturated flow analyses may be highly non-linear, PLAXIS 3D uses an over-relaxation factor to speed
up the steady state calculations and to decrease the number of steps needed. This factor is by default 1.5. For
confined flow analyses which are linear a factor of 1 is enough. In case of highly non-linear analyses for which
PLAXIS 3D needs more steps, higher values than 1.5 might result in faster convergence. The maximum possible
value is 2.0.
For an average acceleration scheme you can use the standard settings (α = 0.25 and β = 0.5). Using a higher β-
value and corresponding α-value results in a damped Newmark scheme (e.g. α = 0.3025 and β = 0.6).
Mass matrix
In dynamics calculations, PLAXIS 3D uses, by default, a lumped mass matrix, i.e. a mass matrix that contains only
diagonal terms in which the contributions of the off-diagonal terms are incorporated. This provides an efficient
dynamics calculation process, but it may lead to slightly inaccurate results. For example, results of block waves
in soil columns may show small oscillations as well as some dispersion. This can be improved by using a
consistent mass matrix instead of a lumped mass matrix.
The Mass matrix parameter can be used to distinguish between a lumped mass matrix (Mass matrix parameter =
0) and a consistent mass matrix (Mass matrix parameter = 1). In fact, any intermediate value between a lumped
mass matrix and a fully consistent mass matrix can be entered for dynamics calculations (0≤ Mass matrix ≤ 1),
allowing for a mixed matrix to be used.
Reached total time It is the actual accumulated time at the end of a finished calculation phase.
It is the relative stiffness parameter calculated at the end of the phase, which is a
CSP - Relative measure for the amount of plasticity that occurs during the calculation (Automatic error
stiffness checks (on page 390)). A value of 1.0 means that the full model is elastic; a value close to
zero indicates that failure is approached.
They are the component of the resulting reactions on the nodes where non-zero
Reached total force
prescribed displacement is applied.
It is the value of the maximum pore pressure that has been actually reached at the end of
Pmax - Reached max a calculation phase. This value corresponds to the maximum excess pore pressure for a
pp Consolidation analysis, the steady state pore pressure for a groundwater flow analysis
and the maximum active pore pressure for a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis.
ΣMstage - Reached It is an indication of the proportion of the unbalance solved in a phase where the Staged
phase proportion construction loading type is applied (Staged construction (on page 326)).
ΣMweight - Reached It is an indication of the total proportion of the material weight applied in a calculation
material weight (General phase parameters (on page 337)). A reached value of 1.00 means that the
proportion specified weight of soil and structural materials is fully applied.
ΣMsf - Reached It is the resulting value of the ΣMsf parameter in a Safety phase (Safety calculation (phi/c
safety factor reduction) (on page 317)).
Active pore pressure (pactive) is defined as the effective saturation, Seff, times the pore water pressure, pwater.
pactive = Seff ⋅ pwater Eq. [95]
Pore water pressure differs from active pore pressure when the degree of saturation is less than unity. PLAXIS
3D can deal with saturated soil below the phreatic level, as well as with partially saturated soil above the
phreatic level. More details about partially saturated soil behaviour are provided in Groundwater tabsheet (on
page 242).
In the pore water pressure a further division is made between steady state pore pressure, psteady, and excess
pore pressure, pexcess.
pwater = psteady + pexcess Eq. [96]
Excess pore pressures are pore pressures that occur as a result of stress changes in undrained materials. In this
respect, changes in stress may be a result of loading, unloading, a change in hydraulic conditions or
consolidation. Hence, excess pore pressures are a result of a deformation analysis. In a Plastic calculation, a
Safety analysis or a Dynamics analysis, excess pore pressures can occur in clusters for which the Drainage type is
set to Undrained A or Undrained B. In Consolidation analysis, Dynamics with consolidation analysis and Fully
coupled flow-deformation analysis, excess pore pressures can occur in any material (except Non-porous
materials), depending on the permeability as defined in the corresponding material data set. In the case of a Fully
coupled flow-deformation analysis, excess pore pressure is calculated by subtracting the steady-state pore
pressure, psteady, from the pore water pressure, pwater.
Steady-state pore pressures are pore pressures that represent a stable state. Since steady-state pore pressures
are not supposed to change during a deformation analysis, they are considered input data. There are various
ways to define and generate steady-state pore pressures. The way to indicate how pore pressures are generated
for a particular calculation phase is indicated by means of the Pore pressure calculation type parameter in the
Phases window. In contrast to other deformation calculation types, a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis
does not allow for the selection of the Pore pressure calculation type, because in this case total pore water
pressures, pwater, are calculated together with displacements. To enable a division in steady-state pore pressures
and excess pore pressures, the steady-state pore pressures, psteady, are automatically calculated on the basis of a
preliminary steady-state groundwater flow calculation using the hydraulic boundary conditions at the end of the
calculation phase. This enables the calculation and output of excess pore pressures, pexcess, in all steps:
pexcess = pwater − psteady Eq. [97]
The definition of water conditions is needed to generate pore pressures in the soil and to generate external
water pressures, if applicable. The definition of water conditions can be divided into the creation of water levels
and assigning water conditions to volume clusters. These features will be described in more detail below.
Note: Analysis involving consolidation analysis, steady-state groundwater flow or changes in hydraulic
conditions the minimum required is an [ADV] licence. For dynamics analysis, transient flow or fully coupled
calculations an [ULT] licence needs to be active.
The continuity of the flow functions assigned to water levels in consecutive phases can be maintained by using
the options available in the pop up menu displayed when the water level is right-clicked. These options are:
Create the reached When this option is selected a new water level is created at the position reached at the
water level end of the previous phase. The location of the water level will be constant in the current
Create the reached When this option is selected a new water level is created at the position reached at the
water level and end of the previous phase. The location of the water level in the current phase will
continue change from that point on according to the flow function assigned to the original water
level in the previous phase. PLAXIS 3D ensures the continuity of the flow function,
whereby the accumulated time from previous phases is used as an offset to enter the
flow function for the current phase.
A non-horizontal water level can be created by defining more points in the geometry, while the Create water
level option is still active. The creation of water levels is basically the same as the creation of surfaces (Create
surface (on page 84)). If necessary, the point coordinates or the pressure increment with depth (Pinc) may be
changed in the table. Unlike surfaces, user water levels can only be moved in vertical direction by dragging them
with the mouse. A new user water level may also be created by duplicating an existing water level and modifying
it afterwards. To duplicate an existing water level, right-click it and select Duplicate from the appearing menu.
User water levels can be deleted by right-clicking them and selecting the Delete option from the appearing menu.
Time dependency can be specified for horizontal User water levels. The time dependent behaviour can be
specified by selecting the corresponding flow function.
• The Borehole water levels cannot be deleted.
• A time-dependent flow function cannot be assigned to water levels that are non-horizontal.
Water conditions defined by the Global water level (default).The Global water level is
Global level
defined in the General group in the Phases window.
Custom level Another predefined water level is selected to set the water conditions.
A reference level, reference pressure and pressure increment with depth are defined to
set the water conditions.
Water pressures are linearly interpolated (in vertical direction) between the volumes
cluster above and the volumes cluster below.
A saturation level is defined to set the water conditions to partially saturated. The
Unsaturated resulting pore stress (suction) will be calculated according to the hydraulic model as
defined in the material data set.
Global level
When the Global level option is selected, the pore pressure distribution in the soil layer is generated according to
the global water level of the phase considered. The resulting pore pressure distribution in the soil layer is then
hydrostatic. This does not mean that the pore pressure distribution in the soil as a whole is hydrostatic, since
other soil layers may have other hydraulic conditions.
Custom level
When the Custom level option is selected in the Water conditions drop-down menu, a further selection should be
made from the list of available water levels (Borehole water levels and User water levels). The resulting pore
pressure distribution in the soil layer is then hydrostatic.
The Head option is a quick alternative for the generation of hydrostatic pore pressures based on a horizontal
water level. After selecting the Head option in the Water conditions drop-down menu, a reference level (zref)
should be defined, indicating the level where the pore pressure will be zero.
• The multi-select option may be used to efficiently set water conditions for multiple soil layers at once.
• When a non-horizontal water level is used to generate a hydrostatic pore pressure distribution, this
distribution may not be fully realistic, since in reality a non-horizontal water level would be the result of a
groundwater flow process in which case the pore pressure distribution may be non-hydrostatic.
If the pore pressure distribution is linear but not hydrostatic, the User-defined option should be selected in the
Water conditions drop-down menu. Subsequently, values for the reference level (zref), the reference pressure
(pref) and the pressure increment (pinc) should be entered. Note that pressure is entered as a negative value.
It is possible to generate pore pressures in a soil volumes based on the pore pressures of the adjacent soil
volumes (above and below) by selecting the Interpolate option in the Water conditions drop-down menu. This
option is, for example, used if a relatively impermeable layer is located between two permeable layers with a
different groundwater head. The pore pressure distribution in the relatively impermeable layer will not be
hydrostatic, so it cannot be defined by means of a phreatic level.
On selecting the option Interpolate the pore pressure in that soil volumes is interpolated linearly in vertical
direction, starting from the value at the bottom of the soil volumes above and ending at the value at the top of
the soil volume below. The Interpolate option can be used repetitively in two or more successive soil volumes
(on top of each other). In the case that a starting value for the vertical interpolation of the pore pressure cannot
be found, then the starting point will be based on the Global water level.
In addition to the global water pressure distribution it is possible to remove water pressures from individual
groups of volumes in order to make them 'dry'. Deactivation of water can be done independent from the soil
itself. Hence, if the soil is deactivated and the water level is above the excavation level, then there is still water in
the excavated area. If it is the user's intention to simulate a dry excavation, then the water must be explicitly
deactivated. Please note that the water pressure in adjacent soil volumes is not affected and may need to be
changed manually.
The Dry clusters behave as non-porous materials. As a result, neither initial nor excess pore pressure is taken
into account and flow is not possible through the cluster.
It is possible to generate pore stresses (suction) based on an explicit value of initial saturation in a soil volumes,
by selecting the Unsaturated option from the Water conditions drop-down menu. The Saturation value has to be
in the range 0.1 and 0.99. The saturation is uniform throughout the soil cluster. The resulting pore stess
(suction), will be calculated according to the hydraulic model and parameters as defined in the material dats set.
In order to be able to use this suction during calculations, the option 'ignore suction' must be de-selected.
It is recommended to preview the water pressures in order to check that the generated pressures are
satisfactory. This can be done by clicking the Preview phase button in the side tool bar. After the water pressures
have been generated and written to data files, the Output program is started, showing the active mesh for the
phase considered. The various types of pore pressures can be previewed by selecting the desired option from
the Stress menu. The phreatic level or external water level can be seen when the Phreatic level option is active in
the Geometry menu. If the Loads option is also active and the water level is outside the active mesh, external
water pressures can be seen.
Water pressures for phases that are selected for calculation are also generated at the start of the calculation
process, just before the execution the finite element calculation itself. The results of the water pressure
generation are also included in the output steps with computational results, and can be viewed after the
calculation has finished.
to define the hydraulic head at 'open' boundaries. By default, the hydraulic head is implicitly defined by the
Global water level, but this can be overwritten by using the Create groundwater flow boundary conditions feature
in the Structures mode (Surface flow boundary conditions (on page 169)). The parts of an 'open' boundary
above the level defined by the hydraulic head are considered to be 'seepage' boundaries whereas the parts
below are assigned the given hydraulic head as a boundary condition.
Constant value from The water level reached at the end of the previous phase will be kept constant during
previous phase the current phase.
The water level in the current phase will continue to vary according to the flow function
Maintain function
assigned to the boundary in the previous phase. The accumulated time from previous
from previous phase
phases is used as an offset to enter the flow function for the current phase.
• Note that when both Precipitation and a groundwater flow boundary conditions is created at the top
boundary of the model, the condition specified for the boundary condition is taken into account ignoring
• The Precipitation model condition is displayed on the Model explorer for PLAXIS 3D licence, however, this
feature is only useful for [ADV] and [ULT] licences.
Recharge (infiltration), specified in the unit of length per unit of time. Negative values
can be used to model evaporation.
Maximum pore pressure head, relative to the elevation of the boundary, specified in the
unit of length (default 0.1 length units). When the groundwater head increases above
this level, the infiltration discharge changes into the corresponding head to simulate run
Minimum pore pressure head, relative to the elevation of the boundary, specified in the
ψmin unit of length (default -1.0 length units). When the groundwater head decreases below
this level, the evaporation discharge changes into the corresponding head.
At horizontal ground surface boundaries, the full precipitation as specified by the value of q is applied as a
recharge. At inclined ground surface boundaries (slopes) under an angle α with respect to the horizon, a
recharge is applied perpendicular to the inclined boundary with a magnitude q cos(α).
If the resulting pore pressure head at a certain point of a boundary where a positive precipitation has been
prescribed is increased such that it reaches the value y + ψmax (i.e. the water level comes above the ground
surface at a depth of ψmax) then the water is supposed to run-off. As a result, a constant head boundary condition
equal to y + ψmax is applied instead.
If the resulting pore pressure head at a certain point of a boundary where a negative precipitation
(evapotranspiration) has been prescribed is below a value y + ψmin (i.e. the upper part of the ground has become
unsaturated), then the evapotranspiration is supposed to stop. As a result, a constant head boundary condition
equal to y + ψmin is applied instead.
For transient groundwater flow calculations and fully coupled flow-deformation analysis, a variation of the
precipitation in time can be specified resulting in time-dependent boundary conditions. This can be done by
selecting the Time dependent option in the Precipitation subtree. The corresponding flow function describing the
variation of the discharge with time can be selected from the drop-down menu. More information on Flow
functions is available in Flow functions [ULT] (on page 174).
To activate elements in a selected mode in Phases explorer, click the Activate button and click the objects to
be activated in the drawing area. All the elements assigned to the geometry selected after clicking Activate will
be activated.
To deactivate elements in a selected mode in Phases explorer, click the Deactivate button and click the
objects to be deactivated in the drawing area. All the elements assigned to the geometry selected after clicking
Deactivate will be deactivated.
The right mouse button menu or the Object explorers can be used in cases where not all features should be
deactivated. Note that in the right mouse button menu, besides the geometry entity, the features assigned to it
are listed as well. To deactivate a feature, point that in the right mouse button menu and select the Deactivate
Entities and the features assigned to them can be activated or deactivated in Object explorers by clicking on the
square in front of them (See Figure 234 (on page 366)).
• Not active object or group of objects.
• Active object or group of objects.
• Partly active group of objects.
The activation or deactivation of soil volume clusters or structural objects or change of properties can introduce
substantial out-of-balance forces. These out-of-balance forces are solved stepwise during the staged
construction calculation process.
• The option to activate or deactivate objects should not be confused with the option to show or hide objects. A
hidden object (invisible) may still be active.
• The visibility of deactivated objects is defined in the Visibility tabsheet of the Visualisation settings
plates) and point hinges (between a plate and a beam), as well as dilation joints (displacement discontinuities)
between two plates and between a plate and a beam.
A connection consists of:
The Reference part (or the 'parent object') This is the object to which another object (a 'child
object') is connected.
The Custom part (or the 'child object') This is the object that is connected to the 'parent
A connection requires the presence of interface elements (Interfaces (on page 130)). Interfaces are features that
can only be assigned to surfaces. Interface elements are composed of pairs of nodes in which the nodes in a pair
have the same coordinates (Scientific Manual - Chapter 5). This ensures that extra nodes are available for the
extra degrees of freedom that are associated with the creation of a hinge or dilation joint.
When an invalid connection is defined a warning message appears before calculating the project (Figure 235 (on
page 368)). If a connection is defined on a node where no interface is applied, the problem can be overcome by
defining interfaces larger than the reference plate, defining interfaces on both sides of the reference plate or by
assigning interfaces to both of the connected plates. Note that a Beam cannot be the Reference part of the
connection as interface elements cannot be assigned to beams.
A connection is active when both parts are active in a calculation phase. Modifications done in connections are
valid for all the phases where the connection is active. It is not possible to assign different properties to a
connection in different phases.
If a connection has been defined, by default, the rotation degree of freedom of the 'child's' node(s) involved in
the connection is disconnected (free) from the corresponding degree of freedom in the 'Parent's' node(s),
whereas the translational degrees of freedom are tied (fixed). This means that the default connection is a hinge.
The user can modify a connection by defining for each 'child' degree of freedom whether it is free or fixed.
Distinction is made between rotation around the first local axis and translation in the three individual local
directions. In order to define a dilation joint, at least one translational degree of freedom should be set free.
• Right click the model and select the Create custom connection option from the appearing menu. The newly
created connection is indicated by a yellow line in the model. The local axes of the connections are displayed
if the Show local axes option is selected in the Options menu. A new connection is listed in the Connections
subtree of the Model explorer (Figure 236 (on page 369)).
• Right-click on the model and select the Create custom connection option from the appearing menu.
To create a line hinge between two plates:
• Set the required option for rotation to Free.
To create a dilation joint between two plates:
• Set the required option for translation to Free.
• The order of selection effects the part of the connection assigned to each plate. The first selected plate will be
assigned as the Custom part of the connection whereas the second selected part will be assigned as the
Reference part of the connection.
• The role of the parts of the connection can be interchanged by right clicking the connection in the Object
explorer and selecting the Invert connected part option from the appearing menu.
• The order of selection is not important in a plate-beam connection. In that case the plate will always be the
reference part of the connection.
The change of certain properties, for example when replacing peat by dense sand, can introduce substantial out-
of-balance forces due to a difference in unit weight. These out-of-balance forces are solved during the staged
construction calculation process.
Values can be defined for the three strain components in x-, y- and z-direction and for volumetric strain. A
positive value of the strain component represents an expansion, whereas a negative value represents a
shrinkage in that direction.
In contrast to other types of loading, volumetric strains are not activated with a separate multiplier. Note that
the imposed volumetric strain is not always fully applied, depending on the stiffness of the surrounding clusters
and objects.
If a previously entered prestress force needs to be 'reset' to retain a standard active anchor without prestressing
but with existing anchor force, this should be done by de-selecting the Adjust prestress parameter in the Object
explorer. It is generally NOT correct to set a prestress force to zero, since this will result in a zero anchor force.
Advancement step
In the Model explorer expand Tunnels and then expand the corresponding Tunnel. Scroll down the Model explorer
until the option Advancement step is displayed. The number of advanced steps can be manually set. The 'tunnel
train' advances to the chosen step regenerating the whole tunnel accordingly to the defined sequencing. All the
changes previously performed to the part of the model that is not affected by the advancement are overwritten
accordingly to the defined sequencing. The regeneration of the advancement regards only the current phase.
PLAXIS 3D automatically imposes a set of standard fixities to the boundaries of the geometry model. These
conditions are generated according to the following rules.
Soil volume:
• Vertical model boundaries with their normal in x-direction (i.e. parallel to the yz-plane), are fixed in x-
direction (ux=0) and free in y- and z-direction.
• Vertical model boundaries with their normal in y-direction (i.e. parallel to the xz-plane), are fixed in y-
direction (uy = 0) and free in x- and z-direction.
• Vertical model boundaries with their normal neither in x- nor in y-direction, are fixed in x- and y-direction (ux
= uy = 0) and free in z-direction.
• The model bottom boundary is fixed in all directions (ux = uy= uz = 0).
• The 'ground surface' is free in all directions.
The options available for the model boundaries are (defaults in square brackets):
BoundaryXMin Free, [Normally fixed], Horizontally fixed, Vertically fixed, Fully fixed
BoundaryXMax Free, [Normally fixed], Horizontally fixed, Vertically fixed, Fully fixed
BoundaryYMin Free, [Normally fixed], Horizontally fixed, Vertically fixed, Fully fixed
BoundaryYMax Free, [Normally fixed], Horizontally fixed, Vertically fixed, Fully fixed
BoundaryZMax Free, Normally fixed, Horizontally fixed, Vertically fixed, [Fully fixed]
BoundaryZMin [Free], Normally fixed, Horizontally fixed, Vertically fixed, Fully fixed
In the case that the model has no vertical model boundaries and/or no horizontal bottom boundary, prescribed
displacements need to be defined in order to set the displacement boundary conditions.
Structures: Structures that extend to the model boundary (XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax, ZMin, ZMax), where at least
one displacement direction is fixed, obtain at least two fixed rotations in the points at the boundary.
• At vertical model boundaries with a normal in x-direction: φy=φz=0 (φx=free).
• At vertical model boundaries with a normal in y-direction: φx=φz=0 (φy= free).
• At vertical model edges and at the bottom boundary: φx=φy=φz=0.
• At the 'ground surface': φx=φy=φz= free.
• Note that the standard displacement fixities (Model conditions (on page 372)) apply to soil volumes and
• User-defined prescribed displacements always prevail over the automatically defined fixities.
When a Dynamics calculation is defined, the boundary conditions can be defined for the phase by selecting the
proper options displayed when the Dynamics subtree is expanded under Model conditions in the Model explorer
(Figure 240 (on page 375)).
The options available for the model boundaries are (defaults in square brackets):
All nodes fixities [None], Fixed in x-direction, Fixed in y-direction , Fixed in z-direction
Only the standard fixities are applied to this boundary. In earthquake analysis, this
option can be used at the base of the geometry model in combination with a line
None prescribed displacement to simulate the boundary of two layers with a very high
impedance contrast, for instance a soft soil layer over a rigid bedrock. This results in a
full reflection of downward propagating waves.
Viscous boundaries absorb the outgoing wave energy. This boundary condition
corresponds to a situation in which viscous dampers are applied in the x and y direction
along the boundary providing a resistant force in the normal and tangential direction at
the boundary that is proportional to the velocity in the near-boundary material. The
Viscous Viscous boundary condition has been introduced by Lysmer & Kuhlmeyer (1969) (on
page 539). This option is suitable for problems where the dynamic load source is inside
the mesh. If a Viscous boundary is selected at the base of the model for a seismic analysis,
the required input has to be a load history. The Relaxation coefficients C1 and C2 need to
be considered (see Scientific Manual - Model Boundaries).
The Free-field boundary condition is only available for the lateral boundaries (i.e. xmin
and xmax) and simulates the propagation of waves into the far field with minimum
reflection at the boundary. Free field elements can be modelled at both sides of the main
domain and are characterised by the same properties as the soil layers inside the mesh.
The free field motion is transferred from the free field elements to the main domain by
applying equivalent normal and shear forces. Two dashpots are added, in the normal
and shear direction, at each node of the lateral boundary, to adsorb the waves reflected
from the internal structures (Figure 241 (on page 376)). This option requires the
creation of interface elements along the vertical model boundaries in the Structures
mode. The interface elements must be added inside the model, else the Free-field
boundary condition will be ignored. If this option is selected for one of the vertical
model boundaries, it must also be selected for the opposite vertical model boundary.
This option is preferred for earthquake analysis, where the dynamic load input is
applied along the model bottom boundary. The input motion is then also applied at the
base of the free-field elements.
The Compliant base boundary condition is only available for the base (ymin) of the model
and simulates the continuation of waves into the deep soil with minimum reflection at
the bottom boundary. The compliant base (Joyner & Chen (1975) (on page 539)) is
made up of a combination of a line prescribed displacement and a viscous boundary. The
input signal (i.e. a displacement, velocity or acceleration time history) is transferred to
the main domain by applying equivalent normal and shear forces. The viscous boundary
consists of a series of dashpots, in the normal and shear direction, at each node of the
base, to adsorb downward propagating compressive and shear waves. Note that only
upward propagating waves should be considered in the signal applied at a compliant
base boundary. In the case of a bedrock layer, this can be defined by taking only half of
the input value of the corresponding prescribed displacement (e.g. 0.5 m instead of 1.0
m), together with the bedrock outcropping motion as dynamics multiplier. The
Compliant base
combination of a load history and a viscous boundary allows for input of an earthquake
motion while still absorbing outgoing waves. In earthquake analysis, this option can be
used for site response analysis as well as for dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis
where the model bottom boundary is within a homogeneous layer of soil or bedrock
with a high shear wave velocity. In the case of a bedrock layer, it is recommended to
include 1 m (3 ft) of bedrock at the base of the model below which the compliant based
boundary is applied. Downward propagating waves from the main domain are free to
propagate to the underlying layer which is not included in the finite element mesh. The
equivalent forces are calculated taking into account the soil layer at the base. This option
requires the presence of interface elements along the bottom boundary in the Structures
mode. The interface elements must be added inside the model, else the Compliant base
boundary condition will be ignored.
• Viscous boundaries do not consider additional forces from structural elements. Hence when using viscous
boundaries, do not use structural elements at these boundaries.
• In case the soil in the main domain is characterised by undrained behaviour (Undrained A or Undrained B),
Free-field and Compliant base require a small layer or column of soil with drained soil behaviour near the
model boundaries. The reason is that Free-field and Compliant base boundary conditions are only defined for
drained soil behaviour.
• By default, Free-field or Compliant base elements are not displayed in the Output program. In order to be able
to visualise the movement in the Free-field or Compliant base, a (inactive) geogrid or plate element can be
added at these boundaries. Note that during calculations such a plate or geogrid must remain inactive.
The Relaxation coefficients C1 and C2 are used to improve the wave absorption on the viscous boundaries. C1
corrects the dissipation in the direction normal to the boundary and C2 does this in the tangential direction. If
the boundaries are subjected only to waves that come in perpendicular to the boundary, relaxation is not
necessary (C1 = C2=1). When there are waves in arbitrary direction (which is normally the case), C2 has to be
adjusted to improve the absorption. The standard values are C1=1 and C2=1.
Note that the Compliant base condition requires the manual creation of interface elements along the full model
boundary, which enable the creation of a so called node pair. Between the two nodes of a node pair a viscous
damper is created which allows to transfer the input motion and absorb the incoming waves. In the Output
program only the parameters related to one side of the node pair can be visualised, i.e. the motion in these nodes
is not equal to the input motion. To be able to see and to explicitly check the input motion, it is possible to create
a so called 'dummy plate', i.e. a plate at the bottom line of the model, characterised by very low stiffness
parameters so that it does not influence the results. A node has to be selected on the plate to be able to compare
the motion in this node with the input signal. There is no specific need to activate the dummy plate during the
Field stress
The Field stress conditions option can be used when using the calculation type Field stress for initial phase
calculation. This is used to specify rotated principal stresses as the initial stress conditions. This option can be
selected in the Model conditions subtree in the Model explorer (See Figure 242 (on page 378)).
• Note that the calculation is considered with ΣMweight as zero
• Water weight is not considered when performing this type of calculation, but external loads may be applied if
• All model boundaries must be set to Fully fixed to ensure shear stress condition is simulated.
Refer to Initial stress generation (on page 310) for a more elaborate description of the Field stress option.
Such boundary conditions are required for a groundwater flow calculation, a consolidation analysis or a fully
coupled flow-deformation analysis. More information regarding the flow boundary conditions is available in
Flow boundary conditions [ADV] (on page 362).
Precipitation [ADV]
The Precipitation subtree in the Model explorer (Figure 244 (on page 380)) can be used to specify a general
vertical recharge or infiltration (q) due to weather conditions. This condition is applied at all boundaries that
represent the ground surface. More information on Precipitation is available in Precipitation [ADV] (on page
Pseudo-Static [ADV]
Dynamic forces can be considered in a pseudo-static way by specifying a global acceleration (Figure 245 (on
page 381)). A specified global acceleration is taken into consideration in Gravity loading, Plastic, Consolidation
and Safety calculation type. Note that in a Safety analysis the settings of the parent phase are considered. It is
possible to perform a safety analysis of a pseudo-static parent phase, however a change of global accelerations
cannot be specified for the Safety phase itself.
When performing a groundwater flow calculation, the specified global accelerations are composed with the
gravity affecting the unit weight of water used in the calculation of the pore water pressures.
The global water level in a calculation phase can be defined in the Water subtree (Figure 246 (on page 381)).
More information on Global water level is available in Assigning water conditions to soil volumes (on page 360).
phase based on the value of this parameter. The Special option parameter does not affect standard PLAXIS
When a construction stage is fully defined, a view of the situation can be presented by pressing the Preview
phase button in the side toolbar. This enables a direct visual check before the calculation is started. The active
part of the model is presented in the Output program.
See Output program - General overview (on page 393) for more details on the inspection of models in the
Output program. After the preview, press the Close button to return to the Calculation mode.
After the project geometry is defined and the mesh is generated, some points may be selected by the user for
the generation of load-displacement curves or stress paths by clicking the Select points for curves button .
Nodes should be selected to plot displacements, whereas stress points should be selected to plot stresses and
strains. Selection of points is described in detail in Selecting points for curves (on page 461).
calculation phase to be executed is determined and all selected calculation phases in the list are subsequently
executed, provided that failure does not occur.
Parallel calculation is possible on multi-core computers when phases have the same parent phase.
Kernel information
Start time The time indicating the start of the calculation is displayed.
Indicates the portion of the defined load applied in the current phase. In PLAXIS 3D this
ΣMloadA value is always 1 since load is applied as a staged construction process changing the
input value of the load rather than the multiplier.
Indicates the total proportion of the material weights applied in a calculation. Its value is
ΣMweight 0 at the beginning of the calculation and changes to 1.000, indicating that all the
materials weight is applied.
This parameter is related to the Safety analysis. It is defined as the ratio of the original
strength parameters and the reduced strength parameters at a given stage of analysis.
ΣMsf Its value is 1.000 at the beginning of an analysis. The increment of the strength reduction
of the first calculation step is described in Safety calculation (phi/c reduction) (on page
It gives the completed proportion of a plastic calculation. Its value is always 0 at the start
ΣMstage of the calculation and it will be 1.000 at the end of a successful calculation. For other
analysis types (Consolidation and Safety) it is always 0.
It represents the maximum excess pore pressure in the mesh, expressed in the units of
Pexcess,max stress. Pexcess,max is available in the deformation calculation tabsheet of the Active task
window for the Plastic, Consolidation, Safety and Dynamic calculation types.
It represents the maximum active pore pressure in the mesh in Fully coupled flow-
deformation analysis, expressed in the units of stress.
It represents the maximum steady state pore pressure in the mesh, expressed in the
units of stress. Psteady is only available for Flow only calculation types.
It indicates the proportion of the total area of soil clusters in the geometry model that is
currently active.
It indicates the proportion of the total volume of soil clusters in the geometry model that
is currently active. If all soil clusters are active, then the value is 1.000.
These parameters indicate the reaction forces corresponding to the non-zero prescribed
ΣFx, ΣFy , Σ Fz
The Stiffness parameter gives an indication of the amount of plasticity that occurs in the
calculation. The Stiffness is defined as:
Δε ⋅ Δσ
Stiffness Stiffness = ∫
ΔεD e Δε
When the solution is fully elastic, the Stiffness is equal to unity, whereas at failure the
stiffness approaches zero. The Stiffness is used in determining the Global error. See
Automatic error checks (on page 390) for more details.
The current time within the specified time interval of the loading input for the calculated
phase, defined in the General subtree in the Phases window.
The current dynamic time within the specified time interval of the loading input for the
Dyn. time
calculated phase, defined in the General subtree of the Phases window.
Calculation progress
A small load-displacement curve for one of the pre-selected nodes for curves is shown in the Calculation progress
group box. By default, the curve is shown for the first selected node. Curve for other pre-selected nodes is shown
when the node is selected in the drop-down menu. The presented graph may be used to roughly evaluate the
progress of the calculation.
For a plastic analysis the development of the ΣMstage parameter is plotted against the
Plastic analysis
Consolidation In case of a Consolidation analysis, the maximum excess pore pressure, Pexcess,max is
analysis plotted against the logarithm of time.
Fully coupled flow- In case of a Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis, the maximum active pore pressure,
deformation analysis Pactive,max, is plotted against the logarithm of time.
Safety analysis In case of Safety analysis, the development of Σ Msf is plotted against the displacement.
Dynamic analysis In case of Dynamic analysis, the displacement is plotted against the dynamic time.
Dynamic with
In case of Dynamic with consolidation analysis, the displacement is plotted against the
dynamic time.
Steady state In case of Steady state groundwater flow, the maximum steady pore pressure, Psteady,max,
groundwater flow at steady state is plotted.
Transient In case of Transient groundwater flow, the maximum steady pore pressure, Psteady,max, is
groundwater flow plotted against the logarithm of time.
Iteration Indicates the number of the iterations in the current calculation step.
The value of this error is an indication of the global equilibrium error within the
Global error calculation step. As the number of iterations increases, its value tend to decrease. For
further details on this parameter see Automatic error checks (on page 390).
Max. local error in The value of this error is an indication of possible entrapment of water in saturated
flow regions in the current calculation step. The tolerated value is 0.05.
Indicates the last step number of the current calculation phase according to the Max
Max. step steps parameter defined in the Numerical control parameters subtree in the Phases
The value of Maximum iteration steps for the calculated phase, defined for the Iterative
Max. iterations
procedure in the Numerical control parameters subtree in the Phases window.
This value indicates the maximum global equilibrium error that is allowed. The value of
the tolerance corresponds to the value of the Tolerated error in the settings for the
iterative procedure. The iteration process will at least continue as long as the Global
error is larger than the Tolerance. For details see Automatic error checks (on page 390).
Calc. time Indicates the calculation time of the current calculation step.
Plastic interface
The total number of stress points in interface elements that are in plastic state.
This value indicates the number of plastic stress points in soil elements and interface
elements respectively, for which the local error exceeds the tolerated error.
This value indicates the maximum number of inaccurate stress points in soil elements
Tolerated and interface elements respectively that are allowed. The iteration process will at least
continue as long as the number of inaccurate points is larger than the tolerated number.
A Tension point is a point that fails in tension. These points will develop when the
Tension points Tension cut-off is used in any of the material sets in the model. This parameter indicates
the total number of points that fail in tension.
A Cap point occurs if the Hardening Soil model, Hardening Soil model with small-strain
stiffness, Soft Soil model or Soft Soil Creep model are used and the stress state in a point
is equivalent to the preconsolidation stress, i.e. the maximum stress level that has
previously been reached (OCR≤1.0). A Hardening point occurs if the Hardening Soil
model or Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffnessmall is used and the stress
state in a point corresponds to the maximum mobilised friction angle that has previously
been reached.
These are special plastic points where the allowable shear stress is zero. The iterative
procedure tends to become slow when the number of plastic apex points is large. Apex
Apex points
points can be avoided by selecting the Tension cut-off option in the material datasets for
soil and interfaces.
Calculation status
The calculation status indicates what part of the calculation process is currently being executed. The following
processes are indicated:
Forming pre-
Forming the pre-conditioner for the iterative solution procedure.
Solving equations... Solving the global system of equations to obtain the displacement increments.
Calculating the strain increments and constitutive stresses.
Reaction forces... Calculating the reaction forces and the out-of-balance force.
The results of the intermediate calculation steps can be used in curves as well. When a curve is created, the
newly calculated steps can be included in the plot by using the Regenerate button available in the Settings
window (Regeneration of curves (on page 483)).
Note that when the calculation of the phase is completed, a warning will appear indicating that the intermediate
results are no longer available. A more detailed description on how to display the results of a calculated phase is
given in Selecting calculation phases for output (on page 389).
Modification of geometry
When the geometry is slightly modified (small relocation of objects, slight modification of their geometry or
deleting objects) in the Geometry modes, the model is automatically regenerated in the Calculation modes. The
projects should be re-meshed. Note that the phases in the Phases explorer are marked for calculation
automatically. The deleted geometry entities will not be any more available in the calculation phases. However,
the program preserves the definition of the phases. If significant changes in the geometry are made then all
settings need to be redefined, since PLAXIS 3D is not able to properly regenerate the settings automatically.
In the determination step by definition the properties of the target feature in the target phase are included. The
properties of the target feature are examined in all child phases of the target. If the properties of target feature in
a given child phase are identical to those in target phase, those properties will be included in the regeneration,
and the process will repeat for all child phases of the child phase. Otherwise, the properties of target feature in
the child phase will not be included in the regeneration process.
When establishing the new values, the properties of target feature in the parent phase of the target phase are
examined. If the parent phase is the initial phase (which has no previous phase), the properties as defined in the
geometry will be taken as source. These properties are then applied to everything that was selected in the
determination process.
Note that the regeneration process is implicitly applied when switching from the Geometry modes to the
Calculation modes, in order to maintain staged model integrity even if the geometry was modified. This
procedure is mainly useful for quick propagation of staged construction changes to child phases.
where the Out-of-balance nodal forces are the difference between the external loads and the forces that are in
equilibrium with the current stresses, the Active loads are the load difference between the actual calculation and
the previous calculation phase (when Σ Mstage = 0 the Active loads are equal to the Out-of-balance nodal forces)
and the Inactive loads are the active loads from the previous calculation phases.
CSP is the current value of the Stiffness parameter, defined as:
Δε ⋅ Δσ
Stiffness = ∫ Eq. [99]
ΔεD e Δε
which is a measure for the amount of plasticity that occurs during the calculation. See the Material Models
Manual - Preliminaries on material modelling - Elastic strains for more information on the stiffness parameters.
When the solution is fully elastic, the Stiffness is equal to unity, whereas at failure the Stiffness approaches zero.
In the latter case the global error will be larger for the same out of balance force. Hence, it will take more
iterations to fulfill the tolerance. This means that the solution becomes more accurate when more plasticity
where max ||Out of balance structure nodal moments|| is the maximum out-of-balance moment of the structure
nodes and max ||Structure nodal moments|| is the maximum bending moment from the stress integration of all
structures. In case of elastic structures, the max ||Out of balance structure nodal moments|| is equal to 0.
For embedded beams, an additional error check (AEC) is defined for the skin friction:
Σ Out of balance nodal forces
AEC for skin friction = Eq. [101]
Σ Nodal forces
equilibrium stress
constitutive stress
At the end of each iteration, two important values of stress are calculated by PLAXIS 3D. The first of these, the
'equilibrium stress', is the stress calculated directly from the stiffness matrix (e.g. point A in Figure 248 (on page
391)). The second important stress, the 'constitutive stress', is the value of stress on the material stress-strain
curve at the same strain as the equilibrium stress, i.e. point B in Figure 248 (on page 391).
The dashed line in Figure 248 (on page 391) indicates the path of the equilibrium stress. In general, this
equilibrium stress path depends on the nature of the stress field and the applied loading. For the case of a soil
element obeying the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, the local error for the particular stress point at the end of the
iteration is defined:
σe − σc
Local error = T max
Eq. [102]
In this equation the numerator is a norm of the difference between the equilibrium stress tensor, σe, and the
constitutive stress tensor, σc. This norm is defined by:
When the stress point is located in an interface element the following expression is used:
where σn and τ represent the normal and shear stresses respectively in the interface. To quantify the local
accuracy, the concept of inaccurate plastic points is used. A plastic point is defined to be inaccurate if the local
error exceeds the value of the user specified tolerated error (Numerical control parameters (on page 343)).
Termination of iterations
For PLAXIS 3D to terminate the iterations in the current load step, all of the following four error checks must be
satisfied. For further details of these error-checking procedures, see Vermeer & van Langen (1989) (on page
Maximum global error ≤ Tolerated error
No. of plastic soil points
No. of inaccurate soil points ≤ 3 + 10
No. of plastic interface points Eq. [106]
No. of inaccurate interface points ≤ 3 + 10
No. of plastic structure points
No. of inaccurate structure points ≤ 3 + 10
where Maximum global error is the maximum between the Global error, the Additional error check for skin
resistance and the Additional error check for structures. The Maximum global error is the only one displayed
during calculations.
When a particular project is selected, the file requester displays the corresponding list of calculation phases from
which a further selection should be made. If it is desired to select an intermediate calculation step, then a single
mouse click should be given on the plus icon (+) at the left of the desired phase. As a result, the calculation list
expands a list with all available step numbers for this phase, from which the desired step number can be
Please note that the number of the individual steps available depends on the value assigned to Max steps saved in
the Parameters tabsheet of the Phases window.
Once an output step of a particular project has been opened, the combo box in the toolbar will contain a list of
available output steps, indicated by the step number and corresponding phase number.
4. Model explorer 5. Side toolbar 6. Command line 7. Plot area 8. Status bar
8.1.3 Toolbars
Buttons for different features in the Output program are located above and at the left side of the plot area. A hint
about the function of each tool is given as the cursor is located on it.
8.1.7 Explorers
Information about the model and the project is given in the explorer.
It displays the properties of all the geometry objects and the features assigned to them
Model explorer in the model and gives the possibility to hide/show, activate/deactivate these objects,
see the Model explorer (on page 40).
part of the Output menu. When displaying a basic 3D geometry model, the menu consists of the File, View,
Project, Geometry, Mesh, Deformations, Stresses, Tools, Window and Help menus. Note that the availability of the
menus in the bar depends on the type of data that is presented on the output form.
Work directory Set the default directory where PLAXIS 3D project files are stored.
Export to Paraview
To export PLAXIS results to the visualization tool Paraview
To export the information displayed, depending on the information type, to a text file
Export to file
(for results in tables) or image file (for plot).
Create an animation from selected output steps. The Create animation window is
Create animation
(List of recent
A list of the five most recent projects.
To change the viewpoint of the 3D projection of the model. This allows the input of a
particular viewpoint or a selection from several predefined viewpoints.
To save the current view (image or table). The saved views can be included in a report of
Save view
the project.
To modify the range of values of the presented quantity in contour line plots and plots
Legend settings...
with shadings.
To change the scan line for displaying contour line labels. After selection, the scan line
must be drawn using the mouse. Press the left mouse button at one end of the line; hold
Scan line
the mouse button down and move the mouse to the other end. A contour line label will
appear at every intersection of the scan line with a contour line.
To reduce the numerical noise resulting from the extrapolation of the results obtained in
Use result
stress points (e.g. stress, force) to nodes. This option is available for plots and tables.
Note that the option is by default selected in plot presentation of the results.
Title To toggle the display of the title of the active plot in the caption.
To toggle the display of the global x- and y-axes in the active plot (displayed in the lower
right corner).
Command line To toggle the command line situated the bottom of the window.
Shrink To shrink the soil volumes in the model. This option is available in the Model view.
Expand To expand the structures in the model. This option is available in the Model view.
To disassemble the components of the project geometry. This option is available in the
Model view.
To assemble the components of the project geometry. This option is available in the
Model view.
To set various graphical attributes, such as object and background colours, symbol size,
font size and diffuse shading.
Principal directions* To display the principal stress directions in each stress point of the soil element.
To project the results perpendicularly to the structure, creating a distribution line for
beams, embedded beams and anchors.
Wireframe To project the results perpendicularly to the structure, creating a wireframe distribution
distribution* line for beams, embedded beams and anchors.
Distribution To project the envelope of all the phases results perpendicularly to the structure,
envelope* creating a distribution line for beams, embedded beams and anchors.
To project the envelope of all the phases results perpendicularly to the structure,
creating a wireframe distribution line for beams, embedded beams and anchors.
Center principal To display the principal directions of stresses and strains at the center of each soil
directions* element.
Coloured principal To display the principal directions in each stress point of the soil element. Colours are
directions* used to distinguish the principal directions.
Coloured center To display the principal directions of stresses and strains at the center of each soil
principal directions* element. Colours are used to distinguish the principal directions.
• Menu options indicated with an asterisk (*) are only available for specific plot types.
• Distribution envelope and Wireframe distribution envelope show the whole history of the selected structures
but the results (e.g. maximum and minimum value) correspond to the current phase and active part of the
Load information View the table of the active loads and bending moments in the current step.
Water load View the table of the external water loads on the geometry boundaries in the current
information step.
Virtual interface
View the table of the virtual interface thickness.
View the boundaries of the soil polygon, the total area of soil and the area of each cluster
Volume information
in the project.
Material information
View the material data of all load cases.
(all load cases)
Material information
View the material data of the current load case.
(current load case)
View the calculation information of the presented step.
Structures per phase View the active structures per calculation phase.
Rigid body
View the rigid body configurations.
Connection axes Toggle the display of the connection axes in the model.
Filter Filter the nodes displayed in the model according to a defined criteria.
A signed inverse condition number to check the quality of the elements. This parameter
takes into account the intermediate nodes for quality measurement hence it gives a
Quality SICN better understanding of the quality for higher order elements. For soil elements the
displayed mesh elements in the model vary according to the quality value selected as the
yellow bar is dragged through the legend.
Table of quality View the table of the quality of the soil or plate elements according to different criteria.
Table of element
View the table of the distribution of the volumes of the soil elements.
Connectivity plot View the connectivity plot (Connectivity plot (on page 429)).
Cluster borders Toggle the display of the cluster borders in the model.
Element contours Toggle the display of the element contours in the model.
deformation Toggle the display of the deformed element contours in the model.
Material set
Toggle the display of the material set numbers in the soil elements.
Structure material
Toggle the display of the material set numbers of the structural elements.
set numbers
Toggle the display of the group numbers. Groups are created according to the material
Group numbering
setsand and the assigned design approaches.
Cluster numbers Toggle the display of the cluster numbers in the soil elements.
Node numbers Toggle the display of the node numbers. Only possible when nodes are displayed.
Stress point Toggle the display of the stress point numbers. Only possible when stress points are
numbers displayed.
Selection labels Toggle the display of the labels of the selected nodes or stress points.
(on page 430)). These quantities can be viewed for the whole analysis (total values), for the last phase (phase
values) or for the last calculation step (incremental values). In principle, displacements are contained in the
nodes of the finite element mesh, so displacement related output is presented on the basis of the nodes, whereas
strains are usually presented in integration points (stress points).
To enable selection of nodes and stress points to be considered in curves. All the nodes
Select points for and stress points in the project are displayed enabling selection by clicking on them. The
curves Select points window is activated, where the location of interest can be defined and the
appropriate nodes or stress points can be selected form the list.
To activate the Mesh selection window. This option is active when the Select points for
Mesh point selection
curves has been previously selected and the Select points window is closed.
Curves manager To activate the Curves manager (Curves (on page 461)).
Table To open a new form with a table of numerical values of the presented quantity.
To select a user-defined cross section with a distribution of the presented quantity. The
Free cross section cross section is defined by specifying three points in the corresponding window. The
cross section is presented on a new form.
To define a line on which the distribution of the presented quantity is displayed. The line
Line cross section is defined by specifying two points in the corresponding window. The results on the
defined line are presented on a new form.
To compute the forces in a structure which is modeled using soil with the material
Structural forces in properties of the structure (e.g. concrete), after the calculation has already been
volume piles finished. More information on the usage of this option is given in Structural forces in
volume piles (on page 454).
To display a plot of the results along the cross sections. The values in the x-axis in the
Cross section curves
plot are the distances of the points from the first point in the cross section.
To display a hint box with information in individual nodes or stress points (if nodes or
Hint box
stress points are displayed).
To display the points defining the cross section. These points are displayed as greyed out
Cross section points in the Cross section points window. Their location can not be modified. This option is
valid only when the Cross section view is active.
To measure the distance between two nodes in the model both for the original mesh as
well as the deformed mesh. This option is valid in the Model view only when nodes
and/or stress points are displayed in the plot (Miscellaneous tools (on page 415)).
To remove the annotations either partially (current view) or completely from the plots
Remove annotations
displayed in the output.
8.2.12 Options
[GSE] To select the Significant digits for the project.
information To switch on or off showing the licence information at startup.
To modify and run macros. Macros can be defined and indexed in the Macro library
Macro library window, displayed as the corresponding option is selected in the sub-menu. To run a
macro click the corresponding option in the sub-menu.
To open and use Interpreter, Editor, Command prompt and to run python scripts
Python (Appendices Python HTTP REST API wrapper [GSE] (on page 569) and HTTP REST API
[GSE] (on page 595)).
To configure remote scripting server and open python script to run them (Appendices
Run Python script Python HTTP REST API wrapper [GSE] (on page 569) and HTTP REST API [GSE] (on
page 595)).
To configure remote scripting server and run python scripts (Appendices Python HTTP
Run Python tool
REST API wrapper [GSE] (on page 569) and HTTP REST API [GSE] (on page 595)).
To specify an available port and open it for connections by local or remote clients
Configure remote
(Appendices Python HTTP REST API wrapper [GSE] (on page 569) and HTTP REST API
scripting server
[GSE] (on page 595)).
Duplicate model
To duplicate the active view.
(List of recent
A list of the output forms.
Instruction movies To reach the Bentley communities website where instruction movies are displayed.
To view and configure licences.
About Information about the program version and licence are displayed.
Graphics card Gathers your computer's graphics card information to be sent to our support
information department, if requested.
The generated mesh can be displayed by clicking the View mesh button in the Mesh
The generated mesh
mode in the Input program.
The element configuration and pore pressure distribution in the in the Phases explorer
Pore pressures can be displayed by clicking the Preview phase button in the Flow conditions and
Staged construction modes in the Input program.
The Connectivity plot displays the distribution of the finite elements in the mesh and the
nodes and stress points available. The Connectivity plot is displayed when the Select
Connectivity plot
point for curves button is selected in the Calculations program. A more detailed
description is given in Connectivity plot (on page 429).
The calculation results of a project are displayed in the Output program by selecting a calculated phase in the
Phases explorer and clicking the View calculation results button in the Staged construction mode in the Input
While the Output program is already active, the results of other projects can be accessed either by clicking
the Open project button or by selecting the corresponding option in the File menu (File menu (on page 396)).
Copy to clipboard
Data as displayed in output forms may be exported to other programs using the Windows clipboard
function. When clicking on the Copy to clipboard button, the Copy window appears in which selections can be
made of the various plot components that are to be included in the copy (Figure 251 (on page 406)).
Hardcopies of graphs and tables can be produced by sending the output to an external printer. When the
Print button is clicked or the corresponding option is selected in the File menu, the Print window appears, in
which various plot components that are to be included in the hardcopy can be selected (Figure 252 (on page
When pressing the Setup button, the standard printer setup window is presented in which specific printer
settings can be changed. When the Print button is clicked, the plot is send to the printer. This process is fully
carried out by the Windows® operating system.
When the Copy to clipboard option or the Print option is used on a plot that shows a zoomed part of the model,
only the part that is currently visible will be exported to the clipboard or the printer.
Data in output forms may be exported to files. When the Export to file button is clicked, the Export window
appears. Note that a text scaling factor can be defined.
Instead of the PLAXIS 3D logo in the frame, it is also possible to insert a company logo. This logo has to be
provided as a bitmap and can be selected in the Print window after clicking on the logo.
The views in the Output program can be saved to be used when reports are generated by clicking on the
Store the view for reports button. The Save view window pops up as the button is clicked. Description can be
given to the view in the Figure 254 (on page 408) window which can be beneficial when the report is generated.
Report generation is described in detail in Report generation (on page 422).
When this button is clicked, the plot will be relocated (moved) by clicking on the plot area and dragging it
while keeping the left mouse button pressed.
When this button is clicked, the model will be rotated by clicking on the plot area and dragging it while
keeping the left mouse button pressed.
The viewpoint changes as the model is moved or rotated. The location of the viewpoint can be defined by
selecting the Viewpoint option in the View menu (View menu (on page 396)). When the option is selected, the
Viewpoint window pops upFigure 255 (on page 409). A viewpoint can be set by either defining it in the
Viewpoint window, or by selecting one of the default viewpoint options.
Whenever the results are indicated by length entities such as Arrows, Distribution, Axis, etc. (Display type of
results (on page 411)), the Scale factor button can be used to receive a better overview. When the button is
clicked or the corresponding option in the View menu is selected, a window pops up where the factor can be
defined. Note that this option is also available in the right mouse click pop-up menu.
• The default value of the Scale factor depends on the size of the model.
• The Scale factor may be used to increase or reduce the displayed (virtual) thickness of interfaces in the
Connectivity plot.
8.4.8 Tables
The tabular form of the results given in the plot can be obtained by clicking on the Table button or by
selecting the corresponding option in the menu. Note that this option is also available in the right mouse click
pop-up menu.
The table of displacements may be used to view the global node numbers and corresponding coordinates of
individual elements.
Displaying of tables
By default, a table is presented in ascending order according to the global element number and local node or
stress point. However, a different ordering may be obtained by clicking on the small triangle in the column
header of the desired quantity on which the ordering should be based. Another click on the same column header
changes the ordering from ascending to descending.
The options available in the right click pop-up menu are:
Select for curves To select the right clicked point in the table to be considered in curves.
Create chart To create a chart from the values presented in the table.
To find a soil element with a specified ID in the table when the results are displayed for
Find soil element
soil elements.
Find structural To find a structural element with a specified ID in the table when the results are
element displayed for structures.
The values in the tables contain the most accurate information, whereas information in plots can be influenced
or be less accurate due to smoothing or extrapolation of information from stress points to nodes.
For (enhanced) safety calculations, results are NOT shown in soil clusters that are excluded from the strength
reduction procedure as long as the Hide items without strength reduction option in the View menu has been
The availability of the display type buttons in the toolbar can be toggled on/off by selecting the corresponding
options in the View menu.
To quickly view structures inside the 3D model, the Materials option may be deselected from the Geometry.
Output for structures and interfaces can be obtained by clicking the Select structures button and then double
clicking the desired object in the 3D model. As a result, a new form is opened on which the selected object
appears. At the same time the menu changes to provide the particular type of output for the selected object.
Another option of selecting structural elements in the output is by clicking on the Select structures in a
rectangle and drawing a rectangle in the model. As a result, the structures in the rectangle will be selected.
To clear the selection, press Esc. Only structural elements of the same type can be selected at the same time. For
example, if a beams is selected, only other beams can be added to the selection and no embedded beams, plates
or geogrids .
Visible model components are indicated by an open eye, whereas invisible ones are indicated by a closed eye. By
clicking on the button, the view of the components (individual and/or groups) can be toggled from being visible
to being invisible and vice versa. A group is expanded by clicking on the + sign in front of the group. Clusters that
have been set inactive in the framework of staged construction are always invisible and cannot be made visible.
The user will be able to show/hide clusters in the Model explorer under the option of Soils based on the materials
assigned to them.
The cluster numbers are activated by selecting the Cluster numbers option in the Mesh menu.
The information in the Model explorer can be narrowed according to the filtering criteria specified at the
corresponding cell.
The Show all option will make all the object active in the selected phase visible. The Hide all will revert the
action. The Invert selection option will toggle all visible elements invisible and all invisible elements visible. The
Deselect all button will set all elements to invisible. On pressing the Close button the Partial geometry window
is closed without further changes.
Apart from the Model explorer, individual volume elements or entire clusters of volume elements can be made
invisible by holding down the Ctrl key, the Shift key or both keys at the same time, respectively, while clicking on
an element in the 3D model. These elements can be visible again by clicking the corresponding check boxes in
the Model explorer.
Clicking the Hide soil button in the side bar menu enables hiding parts of the soil. To hide soil elements, click
the Hide soil button first and hold the Ctrl key pressed while clicking on the soil elements. To hide soil clusters,
click the Hide soil button first and hold the Shift key pressed while clicking on the soil clusters.
Clicking on the Hide soil in the rectangle button enables hiding the soil in the rectangle drawn in the model.
The drawing order of the rectangle effects the resulting hidden soil elements.
To hide only the soil elements that fall completely in the defined rectangle, first click the Hide soil in the rectangle
button. In the model, click at the point defining the upper left corner of the rectangle, drag the mouse to the point
defining the lower right corner of the rectangle and click again.
To hide all the soil elements that are intersected by the defined rectangle, first click the Hide soil in the rectangle
button. In the model, click at the point defining the lower right corner of the rectangle, drag the mouse to the
point defining the upper left corner of the rectangle and click again.
The user may define vertical cross sections by clicking on the Vertical cross section button in the toolbar or
by selecting the corresponding option from the View menu. Note that this option is also available in the right
mouse click pop-up menu. Upon selection of this option, the 3D model is presented in top view with the x-axis
pointing to the right and the y-axis pointing upwards. The cross section can be specified precisely by clicking on
one end of the cross section line in the plot and moving the cursor to the other end while holding down the
mouse button. Cross sections exactly in x- or y-direction may be drawn by holding down the Shift key on the
keyboard while drawing the cross section. Alternatively, both cross section coordinates can be entered precisely
in the Cross section points window that appears at the upper left hand corner.
In addition to the vertical cross section, the user may define horizontal cross sections by clicking on the
Horizontal cross section button in the toolbar or by selecting the corresponding option from the View menu.
Upon selection of this option, the Cross section height window pops up in which the z-coordinate can be
Free cross sections can be defined by clicking on the Free cross section button in the toolbar or by selecting
the corresponding option from the View menu. Upon selection of this option, the Cross section points window
pops up in which the three cross section coordinates can be defined.
A line cross section can be defined by clicking the Line cross section button in the side button bar or by
selecting the Line cross section option in the View menu. Upon selection of this option, the Cross section points
window pops up in which the two cross section coordinates can be defined.}
After the cross section has been selected, a new form is opened in which the distribution of a quantity is
presented on the indicated cross section. At the same time, the menu changes to allow for the selection of all
other quantities that may be viewed on the indicated cross section.
The distribution of quantities in cross sections is obtained from interpolation of nodal data and may be less
accurate than data presented in the 3D model.
Multiple cross sections may be drawn in the same geometry. Each cross section will appear in a different output
form. To identify different cross sections, the end points of a cross section are indicated with characters in
alphabetical order. The points defining the cross section can be viewed by selecting the Cross section points
option in the Tools menu.
In addition to the output quantities that are available for the 3D model, a cross section allows for the display of
cross section stresses, i.e. effective normal stresses σ'N, total normal stresses σN, vertical shear stresses τs and
horizontal shear stresses τt.
It is possible to move a cross section in the direction of its normal while the presentation of results is updated
for the new location of the cross section.
• Using the Ctrl+- and Ctrl++ keys will move the cross section 1/100 times the diagonal of the geometry model.
• Using the Ctrl+Shift+- and Ctrl+Shift++ will move the cross section 1/1000 times the diagonal of the geometry
The Original and Deformed coordinates for the first node/stress point and the second
node/stress point.
Δx The Original and Deformed x-component of the distance between the nodes.
Δy The Original and Deformed y-component of the distance between the nodes.
Δz The Original and Deformed z-component of the distance between the nodes.
The difference between the original vector and the projection of the deformed vector
onto the original vector (Figure 259 (on page 417)). Hence, Elongation does not
Elongation consider the rotation of the line between the two points. If the Updated mesh analysis is
performed, Elongation is the difference in distance between the original and deformed
Distance The Original (v) and Deformed (v') distance between the points.
The angle between the measurement line and the horizontal (XY) plane.. Orientation is
positive if the vector describing the line points upwards (Z>0) and negative if it points
downwards (Z<0). The Orientation is calculated for the undeformed and deformed
measurement line.
|Δ u| The change in the distance between the selected points before and after deformation.
The deformation in the direction perpendicular to the original line between the selected
Δ uperpendicular
The difference between the deformed orientation and the original orientation (Figure
259 (on page 417)). This angle is always between 0 ° and 180 °.
The ratio of the deformation in the direction perpendicular to the line between the
selected points, Δ uperpendicular, to the original distance between the selected points, v, ()
Tilt given both as ratio and percentage:
Tilt = tan (αTilt) = v
• A normal vector to the measurement line is used to calculate the Rotation, Tilt and Δ uperpendicular.
• If the original measurement line is nearly vertical (i.e. an angle with the vertical of +/- 5 degrees or 180 +/- 5
degrees), then the normal vector N is defined as the vector product between the y-axis and the original vector
formed by the two selected points.
• Otherwise, the original measurement line is considered mostly horizontal. The normal vector N is defined as
the vector product between the original vector formed by the two selected points and the vector Nplane. Nplane
is defined as the vector product between the z-axis and the original vector obtained by the two selected
Draw scanline
When the Contour lines option is selected for the plot in cross sections or plates, a distribution of the values
can be displayed by clicking on the Draw scanline button in the side toolbar and drawing a line on the regions of
interest. Note that this option is also available in the right mouse click pop-up menu.
The icon in the title bar indicates the view in which the results are displayed. A more detailed description on
Views is given in View menu (on page 396).
8.5.1 Legend
The Legend is available for the display options where a variation in colour describes the variation in the
displayed result values. It is activated by selecting the corresponding option in the View menu.
When the Legend is double clicked, the Legend settings window pops up, where the scaling and the colouring can
be defined (Figure 260 (on page 419)). Note that this option is also available in the right mouse click pop-up
menu. Automatic, Manual or Logarithmic options are possible for scaling of results.
The distribution of values in the legend can be locked by clicking the Lock the legend button. When the
legend is locked, the value distribution will not change as the Ctrl++ or Ctrl+- keys are used to move the cross
section through the model or when similar result of other calculation phases or projects are displayed.
Symbol size To modify the size of the symbols in the display for nodes, forces, etc.
To make the appearance of the 3D model even more realistic, the Diffuse shading option
may be used. Using this option, object surfaces that have the same colour by definition
(such as soil elements with the same material data set) appear 'brighter' or 'darker',
Diffuse shading depending on their orientation with respect to the viewer. Object surfaces appear the
brightest when the normal to the surface points in the direction of the viewer. The
surfaces become darker the more the normal deviates from this direction. The contrast
can be set to the desired magnitude using the slide bar.
To select a convenient anti aliasing method from the options available in the drop-down
Anti aliasing
To select a convenient rendering method from the options available in the drop-down
Rendering method
The displaying colours can be arranged in the Colours tabsheet of the Settings window (Figure 262 (on page
The function of the left and the middle mouse buttons can be defined in the Manipulation tabsheet of the
Settings window (Figure 263 (on page 421)).
The display of particular results can be toggled on/off in the Results tabsheet of the Settings window (Figure
264 (on page 421)).
The default visibility of Nodes, Stress points and Disabled structures can be toggled on/off in the Default
visibilities tabsheet of the Settings window (Figure 265 (on page 422)).
In the Model view the results are displayed in the whole model. This is the default display of results.
When a structure (or multiple structures) is selected and double clicked, the variation of the result is
displayed in the Structures view.
Step 2: Select the phases for which results will be included in the report (Figure 267 (on page 423)).
Step 3: Select general information sets to be included in the report. Note that the selection can be saved as a new
set besides All and None sets (Figure 268 (on page 424)).
Step 4: Select model view sets to be displayed in the report. Note that the selection can be saved as a new set
besides All and None sets (Figure 269 (on page 424)).
Step 5: Select structure view sets to be displayed in the report are selected. Note that the selection can be saved
as a new set besides All and None sets (Figure 270 (on page 424)).
Step 6: Select saved views to be included in the report (Figure 271 (on page 425)). For more details on saved
views, see Store the view for reports (on page 408).
Step 7: Select generated charts to be included in the report (Figure 272 (on page 425)).
Step 8: A summary of the number of rows and the number of figures in the report is given (Figure 273 (on page
425)). The report is created as the Export button is clicked. A progress bar appears displaying the number of the
remaining rows and images.
After selecting the Export ParaView option a new window is displayed with the results that can be exported at
level of nodes and stress points (See Figure 277 (on page 428) ). Finalize the process by selecting the necessary
results and click in Export.
For (enhanced) safety calculations, results are NOT shown in soil clusters that are excluded from the strength
reduction procedure as long as the Hide items without strength reduction option in the View menu has been
9.2 Deformations
The Deformations menu contains various options to visualise the displacements and strains in the finite element
model. By default, the displayed quantities are scaled automatically by a factor (1, 2 or 5) ·10n to give a diagram
that may be read conveniently.
The scale factor may be changed by clicking the Scale factor button in the toolbar or by selecting the Scale
option from the View menu. The scale factor for strains refers to a reference value of strain that is drawn as a
certain percentage of the geometry dimensions. To be able to compare plots of different calculation phases or
different projects, the scale factors in the different plots must be made equal.
9.2.1 Elevation
The height of the soil volume is displayed when the Elevation option is selected in the Deformations menu.
Figure 279: Settlement profile of an embankment on a stiff foundation layer: a. Phase displacement results; b. Sum
phase displacements results (5 construction layers); c. Sum phase displacements results (10 construction layers)
Note that, if displacements are set to zero in intermediate phases, the Sum phase displacements results may (at
some point) be larger than the total displacements.
Considering structural elements, the Sum phase displacements actually applies to the displacements of the
corresponding nodes as long as they are active. This means that when a structural element (like a plate) is
activated in Phase (i) whereas the corresponding nodes are already active from the initial phase, the Sum phase
displacements in Phase (i+j) includes displacements of the corresponding nodes before the structure itself was
the Deformations menu. A further selection can be made among the six individual Cartesian strain components
Δεxx, Δεyy, Δεzz, Δγxy, Δγyz and Δγzx.
The individual strain components may be presented as Contour lines, Iso surfaces or Shadings by clicking the
appropriate button in the toolbar (Display type of results (on page 411)).
εq =
(ε xx - 3
) (ε
εv 2
+ yy - 3
) (ε
εv 2
+ zz - 3
εv 2 1
+ 2 (γxy2 + γ yz2 + γzx2 ) Eq. [109]
• The void ratio is calculated as:
e = e0 + (1 + e0)εv Eq. [110]
Deformations menu. A further selection can be made among the volumetric strain (Δεv) and the deviatoric strain
9.3 Stresses
Various options are available to visualise the stress state in the finite element model. The Stresses menu also
contains options to display the results of groundwater flow and thermal flow calculations.
By default, the stresses developed in non-porous materials are not displayed in the plot. To display them select
the Show stress for nonporous material option in the Results tabsheet of the Settings window (Modifying the
display settings (on page 419)).
Hence, σ'1 is the largest compressive (or smallest tension) principal stress and σ'3 is the smallest compressive
(or largest tension) principal stress.
The Mobilised shear strength τmob is the maximum value of shear stress (i.e. the radius of the Mohr stress circle
or half the maximum principal stress difference).
The Relative shear stress τrel gives an indication of the proximity of the stress point to the failure envelope, and is
defined as:
τrel = τmax
Eq. [112]
where τmax is the maximum value of shear stress for the case where the Mohr's circle is expanded to touch the
Coulomb failure envelope while keeping the center of Mohr's circle constant.
σ ′ 1+σ ′ 3
τmax = − 2
sin φ + ccos φ Eq. [113]
Particularly when the soil strength has been defined by means of effective strength parameters- Undrained (A)-
it is useful to plot the mobilised shear strength τmob in a vertical cross section and to check this against a known
shear strength profile.
When using the Hoek-Brown model to describe the behaviour of a rock section, the definition of the maximum
shear stress τmax is slightly modified. Starting from the Hoek-Brown failure criterion:
f HB = σ ′ 1 − σ ′ 3 + f̄ (σ ′ 3) = 0 Eq. [114]
τmax =
2 (
f̄ (σ ′ 3) where f̄ (σ ′ 3) = σci mb
−σ ′3
+s ) a
Eq. [115]
The ratio between the actual shear modulus and the unloading reloading stiffness
G/Gur : The ratio between the actual shear modulus G and the unloading reloading stiffness Gur is only available
in the Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness.
for the Soft Soil model, Soft Soil Creep model and
peq = p ′ − Modified Cam-Clay model. For the Modified Cam-Clay
M 2 ( p ′ − ccot φ ) model, the cohesion c is defined as 0 kN/m2.
More information about this parameter for each model can be found in the Material Models Manual
overconsolidation ratio. However, for elastic and elastic-perfectly plastic models, such as the Linear Elastic,
Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown models, there is no memory of preconsolidation and so the maximum major
effective principal stress is just a maximum value that occurred and not a preconsolidation pressure. Hence, for
these models OCR1 is not a real overconsolidation ratio.
The overconsolidation ratio on major principal stress OCR1 is mostly used for the SHANSEP models.
Note that all the effective and total stresses are tensorial quantities. Then pore pressure should be also
understood as a diagonal tensor (pore pressure only applies to normal stress components).
Active pore pressures are defined as the effective saturation, Seff, times the pore water pressures, pwater.
pactive = Seff ⋅ pwater Eq. [118]
Pore water pressure differs from active pore pressure when the degree of saturation is less than unity, which is
usually the case above the phreatic level. Below the phreatic level pactive and pwater are generally equal. For more
details, refer Appendix D.
As an alternative to the pore water pressure, pwater, the groundwater head, h, can be viewed:
h =z− γw
Eq. [119]
where z is the vertical coordinate and γw is the unit weight of water. In the pore water pressure a further
distinction is made between steady state pore pressure, psteady, and excess pore pressure, pexcess.
pwater = psteady + pexcess Eq. [120]
where steady-state pore pressure is the steady-state or long term part of pore pressure, which is supposed to be
input data for a deformation analysis.
Excess pore pressure is the result from undrained behaviour (Undrained (A) or (B), or low-permeable materials),
and is affected by stress changes due to loading or unloading, a (sudden) change in hydraulic conditions and
Below an overview is given of the various pore pressure related quantities that are available in the Stresses
menu of the PLAXIS 3D Output program. Most quantities can be presented as Contour lines, Shadings or Iso
surfaces. Although pore pressures do not have principal directions, the Principal stresses presentation can be
useful to view pore pressures inside the model. In that case the colour of the lines represents the magnitude of
the pore pressure and the directions coincide with the x-, y- and z-axis.
Groundwater head
The groundwater head is an alternative quantity for the pore water pressure, equivalent to the top level of a free
water column.
of the calculation phase. Excess pore pressure may show positive values (suction) as a result of undrained
unloading, even when the option Ignore suction has been selected.
Note: For Steady-state groundwater flow analysis a [ADV] licence is required (as minimum) . For fully coupled
calculations an [ULT] licence needs to be active.
Any positive value (tension) in the pore water pressure. Suction can be a result of capillary action (included in
the steady-state pore pressure if the option Ignore suction has NOT been used) or undrained unloading (included
in the excess pore pressure).
Effective suction
The net effect of suction on the soil stresses taking into account the degree of saturation. Hence, the effective
suction is the suction times the effective degree of saturation. The occurrence of effective suction results into an
increase of effective stresses, which may lead to an increased strength of the soil.
The PlaxFlow module within PLAXIS 3D may be used to calculate a pore pressure distribution for confined as
well as for unconfined flow problems. The determination of the position of the free phreatic surface and the
associated length of the seepage surface is one of the main objectives of an unconfined groundwater flow
calculation. In this case a relationship is used between the pore pressure and the degree of saturation. Both
quantities are calculated in a groundwater flow calculation and are made available in the Output program.
The degree of saturation is generally 100% below the phreatic level and it reduces to the residual saturation
within a finite zone above the phreatic level. Note that the residual saturation value is equal to zero when
suction is ignored. The saturation can only be presented as Contour lines or Shadings.
The Plastic points option shows the stress points that are in a plastic state, displayed in a plot of the
undeformed geometry. Plastic points can be shown in the 3D mesh, or in the elements around the work planes
or in the elements around a cross section.
The Plastic point history option in the Stresses menu enables displaying in the model all the points that have been
plastic in any step in the calculation history (depending on the specified criteria, Failure, Tension cut-off, etc.)
generated up to the current calculation phase.
The plastic stress points are indicated by small symbols that have different shapes and colours, depending on the
type of plasticity that has occurred:
• A red cube (Failure point) indicates that the stresses lie on the surface of the failure envelope.
• A white cube (Tension cut-off point) indicates that the tension cut-off criterion was applied.
• A blue upside-down pyramid (Cap point) represents a state of normal consolidation (primary compression)
where the preconsolidation stress is equivalent to the actual stress state. The latter type of plastic points only
occurs if the Hardening Soil model, the Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness, the Soft Soil model,
the Soft Soil Creep model or the Modified Cam-Clay model is used.
• A brown diamond (Cap+Hardening point) represents points that are on the shear hardening and cap
hardening envelope. Such plastic points can only occur in the Hardening Soil model or the Hardening Soil
model with small-strain stiffness.
• A green pyramid (Hardening point) represents points on the shear hardening envelope. Such plastic points
can only occur in the Hardening Soil model, the Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness and the
UBC3D-PLM model.
• A purple inverted triangle (Liquefaction point) represents a stress point which is liquefied, characterised by
the pore pressure ratio Ru > 0.95. Such plastic points can occur only in the UBC3D-PLM model and User-
defined Soil Model. When viewed in the Table view (Table of Cartesian effective stresses), the Status shows as
In case the Concrete model is adopted, the symbols have different meanings:
• A red cube (Failure point) indicates that the stresses lie on the Mohr-Coulomb peak surface or the Mohr-
Coulomb softening surface.
• A white cube (Tension cut-off point) indicates that the stresses lie on the failure envelope in tension,
including the intersection between the Rankine surface and the Mohr-Coulomb surface.
• A green pyramid (Hardening point) represents points on the Mohr-Coulomb shear hardening envelope.
The failure points are particularly useful to check whether the size of the mesh is sufficient. If the zone of
plasticity reaches a mesh boundary (excluding the symmetry plane in a symmetric model) then this suggests
that the size of the mesh may be too small. In this case the calculation should be repeated with a larger model.
When Plastic points is selected in the Stresses menu the Plastic points dialog is shown (Figure 283 (on page 444)).
Here the user can select which types of plastic points are displayed. When the Stress points option is selected, all
other stress points are indicated by a purple diamond shape . For details of the use of advanced soil models, the
user is referred to the Material Models Manual.
By default both accurate and inaccurate plastic points are displayed in the model. Only the inaccurate plastic
points are displayed as the corresponding check box is selected in the Plastic points window. Inaccurate plastic
points are points where the local error is larger then the tolerated error (Automatic error checks (on page 390)).
When the results are displayed with the Table option, an asterisk appears on the status column to identify the
inaccurate plastic points.
The plastic stress points are indicated by small symbols that can have different shapes and colours, depending
on the type of structural element.
For elastoplastic beams:
• A red cube (Plastic point) indicates that the stress has reached the plastic value.
For elastoplastic plates:
• A red pyramid (Plasticity in local 1 direction only) indicates that the stress reached the plastic value only in
first axial direction.
• A gray upside-down pyramid (Plasticity in local 2 direction only) indicates that the stress reached the plastic
value only in second axial direction.
• A purple diamond (Plasticity in local 1 and 2 direction) indicates that the stress reached the plastic value in
both directions.
For plates, the user can select which types of plastic points are displayed. For instance, if only plasticity in local 1
direction is checked, points that are plastic in 1 and 2 direction are not shown, since they represent two different
type of plasticity.
Conventions used for Plastic point information with Paraview Export [GSE]
If plastic point information is exported from PLAXIS 3D to ParaView (see Paraview Export [GSE] (on page 427)),
the point information will have associated different status described in Conventions used for Plastic point
information with Paraview Export [GSE] (on page 445).
1 or -1 MC accurate
6 Liquefaction accurate
11 or -11 MC inaccurate
16 Liquefaction inaccurate
Output for structures and interfaces can be obtained by clicking the Select structures button and then
double-clicking the desired object in the 3D model. As a result, a new form is opened on which the selected
object appears. At the same time the menu changes to provide the particular type of output for the selected
All objects of the same type with the same local coordinate system are automatically selected. When multiple
objects or multiple groups of objects of the same type need to be selected, the Shift key should be used while
selecting the objects. The last object to be included in the plot should then be double clicked. When all objects of
the same type are to be selected, select one of the objects while pressing Ctrl-A simultaneously. If it is desired to
select one or more individual elements from a group, the Ctrl key should be used while selecting the desired
Another option of selecting structural elements in the output is by clicking the Drag a window to select
structures button and drawing a rectangle in the model. As a results, the structures in the rectangle will be
ΔL L − L 0
Cref = L0
= L0
Eq. [121]
The formulation above does not only apply to a circular surface but to all closed surfaces.
where τmax is the maximum value of shear stress according to the Coulomb failure envelope for the current value
of the effective normal stress.
• It is strongly recommended to select only one interface, to view discharge results. If double interfaces (for
example, in the case of interfaces on both sides of a retaining wall) are selected, the results for discharge
through these interfaces can be misleading.
• This option is not viable in case of fully permeable interface elements as Darcy's law cannot compute
discharge for these scenarios. A workaround in such a case can be to use a semi-permeable interface and
assign a very low hydraulic resistance (d/k) in case of fully permeable interfaces.
where τmax is the maximum value of shear stress according to the Coulomb failure envelope for the current value
of the effective normal stress.
The Bending moment M11 is the bending moment due to bending over the second axis (around the second axis)
(Figure 286 (on page 451) (b)). The Bending moment M22 is the bending moment due to bending over the first
axis (around the first axis) (Figure 286 (on page 451) (c)).
The Torsion moment M12 is the moment according to transverse shear forces (Figure 286 (on page 451) (a)).
a) 1 b) c)
2 3
N1 E1 ε1 N 2 E2 ε 2
Figure 284: Positive axial forces in plates and geogrids. a) Local plate directions, b) Axial force N1, c) Axial force N2
a) b) c)
a) b) c)
Figure 287: Sign convention for axial forces in beams and plates
The Structure axes option from the View menu may be used to display the beam's local system of axes (1,2,3).
The first direction is always the axial direction. The second and third axis are always perpendicular to the beam
The Axial force N is the force in the first (axial) direction (Figure 288 (on page 452) (b)). An axial force is
positive when it generates tensile stresses, as indicated in Figure 287 (on page 451).
a) 1 b) c) d)
Nε Q12 Q13
Figure 288: Positive axial force and shear forces in horizontal beams Axial force and shear forces. a) Local axes. b)
Axial force N. c) Shear force Q12. d) Shear force Q13
a) b) 1
2 2
I3 M3 κ3 I2 M2 κ2
Figure 289: Positive bending moments in beams. a) Bending Moment M3, b) Bending Moment M2
The Shear force Q12 is the shear force over the second beam axis (Figure 288 (on page 452) (c)), whereas the
Shear force Q13 is the shear force over the third beam axis (Figure 288 (on page 452) (d)).
The Bending moment M3 is the bending moment due to bending around the third axis (Figure 289 (on page 452)
(a)), whereas the Bending moment M2 is the bending moment due to bending around the second axis (Figure 289
(on page 452) (b)). The Bending moment M1 is the Torsion (bending around the first axis).
The Axes option from the View menu may be used to display the pile's local system of axes (1,2,3). The first
direction is always the axial direction. The second direction is perpendicular to the pile axis with a component in
the global x-direction and the third direction is also perpendicular to the pile with a component in the global z-
The pile-soil interaction forces are obtained from the special interface that is automatically applied between the
embedded beam elements and the surrounding soil volume elements. The Skin force Tskin, expressed in the unit
of force per unit of pile length, is the force related to the relative displacement in the pile's first direction (axial
direction). This force is limited by the skin resistance as defined in the embedded beam material data set
(General properties (on page 289)).
The interaction force Tlat relates to the relative displacement perpendicular to the pile in the pile's second
direction whereas the interaction force Tlat2 relates to the relative displacement perpendicular to the pile in the
pile's third direction. These quantities are expressed in the unit of force per unit of pile length. Note that Tlat and
Tlat2 are not limited. In fact, when these forces become very large, plasticity will occur outside the elastic zone in
the surrounding soil volume elements.
The maximum shear stress Tskin,max is the limit defined for the material dataset. The relative shear stress Tskin,rel
gives an indication of the proximity of the stress point to the failure envelope.
The pile foot force Ffoot, expressed in the unit of force, is obtained from the relative displacement in the axial pile
direction between the foot or tip of the pile and the surrounding soil. The foot force is shown in the plot of the
Axial force N. The foot force is limited by the base resistance as defined in the embedded beam material data set
(General properties (on page 289)).
Symbol Name
φ Rotations
Symbol Name
Pφ Phase rotation
Δu Incremental displacement
Δφ Incremental rotation
The Prescribed displacements tab contains input values of displacements and rotations as follows.
Symbol Name
In case a displacement/rotation is prescribed in the reference point (both 0 or non-zero), the total reaction force
is based on ALL forces involved, i.e. stresses in soil and interfaces, forces in structural elements, as well as
external loads and body forces (self-weight of the rigid body). In case a force/moment is prescribed in the
reference point (both 0 or non-zero), the result of the calculation is a displacement (as listed in the Deformations
tab) as well as a reaction force (i.e. the sum of stresses external loads and body forces, as listed in the Forces tab).
The Forces tab sheet contains the resulting forces and bending moments that have been applied to the rigid
bodies or are the result after applying displacements / rotations. They are shown as total values, together with
their input value as follows.
Symbol Name
The Structural forces in volume piles feature is available in the toolbar or as an option in the Tools menu in
the Output program (Tools menu (on page 401)). Using this feature, it is possible to visualise structural forces
(bending moments M, shear forces Q and axial forces N) in a regular structure (rectangular or tapered) that is
composed of volume elements in which only stresses have been calculated. In this way it is possible, for example,
to display the structural forces in a wall structure that is composed of volume elements with an assigned data set
with concrete properties.
• Note that the structural forces are calculated by integrating the results in the stress points along the region
perpendicular to the cross section line. Special care is required when the structural forces in the region of
connection of the subparts are evaluated.
• The generation of the structural forces may take awhile if the generated mesh has many elements.
Hide the clusters which are not of interest for generation of the structural forces, using the toggle in the
Model explorer. Select the Line cross section button in the side toolbar, the Cross section points window pops up.
A cross section line needs to be drawn along the structure which is of interest. The points defining the section
composing the cross section line can be defined either by directly clicking on the model or by defining the
coordinates of the location in the Cross section points window. The process of cross section line definition must
be completed by clicking the OK button in the Cross section points window. The Local axes window pops up
with approximated values. This can be accepted by clicking the OK button. Then the structural forces are
computed on-the-fly and visualised along the created line (Figure 290 (on page 456)).
Importing a centerline
When selecting the Structural forces in volumes piles option, it is also possible to import a centerline of a cylinder.
Select the Import centerlines button in the side toolbar. The Select centerlines to import window pops up
(Figure 291 (on page 457)). The specific volumes can be selected for which structural forces need to be
displayed. Note that importing is only possible for whole cylinders.
By clicking the Structural forces in volume piles button, the Automatic center lines wizard pops up (Figure
292 (on page 458)). This can now be used to generate center lines specifically only for volume piles.
A user can use the tabsheets as described below to generate center lines using the automatic center lines wizard
Criteria In the Criteria tabsheet (Figure 292 (on page 458)), it is possible to select the materials
whose center line is required for calculation of structural forces. Individual volume
clusters can be specified in the right-hand panel by clicking on the checkbox Specify
clusters and selecting or deselecting specific soil volumes. The clusters can be: multi-
selected (Ctrl), selected all (Ctrl+A) and selected in a range (Shift+Arrowkeys or Shift
Since structures can be modelled as a half or even a quarter of the complex structure (considering planes of
symmetry in the model), it is important for a proper visualisation of the structural forces to indicate if such
symmetry planes exist.
Symmetry This blue tabsheet (Figure 293 (on page 459)) allows users to select which horizontal
and / or vertical planes should act as a symmetry plane. This can be done, by selecting
anyone of the following checkboxes, xmin, xmax, ymin or ymax. The user may skip this
tabsheet if no symmetry plane is desired.
Once the Criteria and Symmetry have been selected, the user may then proceed to click on the button Detect in
order to generate the center lines.
In this orange tabsheet (Figure 294 (on page 460)), the results for the center lines are
Center lines shown. Here it is possible to select specific center lines of interest. Each center line can
easily be toggled to show or hide it.
The structural forces are computed by integrating the stresses along the cross sections which are perpendicular
to the centerlines which have been generated in the previous step. Automatic local axes determination is based
on aligning the local axes with the global axes. For inclined piles, the automatic local coordinate system will be
rotated such that the axes remain parallel to the Global XZ and Global YZ planes. In the case of symmetry, the
axes will put on the applicable symmetry plane(s).
In order to specify points to be considered in curves, the Select points for curves option should be selected. In
the Input program, this button is available in the side toolbar of the Mesh and Staged construction modes.
Selecting this option will open the Output program displaying the Connectivity plot and the Select points
Nodes and stress points can be selected in the Output program either by clicking the Select points for curves
button in the side toolbar or by selecting the corresponding option in the Tools menu. More information on
selecting procedure is given in Mesh point selection (on page 461).
It is important to consider the differences in selecting the points before or after starting the calculation process.
A more detailed description is given in Pre-calculation points (on page 462) and Post-calculation points (on
page 463).
The amount of visible nodes and stress points can be decreased using the Partial geometry option in the
Geometry menu or by clicking the Hide soil button in the side toolbar. In addition, the tabsheets corresponding to
the predefined work planes can be used to select nodes or stress points at the work plane levels.
In the Select points window (Figure 295 (on page 462)), the coordinates of the location of interest can be
specified. The program lists the number of the nearest node and stress points at the lower part of the window
when the Search closest button is clicked. The nodes and stress points can be selected by defining their ID as
well. The displayed nodes or stress points are selected as the corresponding button at the right of the cell is
checked. The selections are listed in the upper part of the window.
Selected nodes can be deselected by selecting the point in the list and pressing Delete or by clicking the point in
the model.
When the Select points for curves option is selected but the Select points window is closed, it can be displayed by
selecting the Mesh point selection option in the Tools menu.
If the finite element mesh is regenerated (after being refined or modified), the position of nodes and stress
points will change. As a result, previously selected nodes and stress points may appear in completely different
positions. Therefore nodes and stress points should be reselected after regeneration of the mesh.
Pre-calculation points provide detailed information related to stress and strain at those points. However,
information about structural forces and state parameters is not provided.
In generating curves, the user can use pre-calculation selected points and post-calculation selected points.
However, with structural forces, this can be done only using post-calculation selected structural nodes.
The information available for selected points (nodes or stress point) depends on the view in which they have
been selected in the Output program.
The points selected in the Model view, can be used to generate curves related to displacements, stresses,
strains and state parameters in soil elements. The Model view is the default view in the Output program.
The points selected in the Structure view, can be used to generate curves related to resulting structural
forces. The points should be selected after selecting the structure first (Select structures (on page 413)). The
Structure view is displayed when structures are selected and double clicked.
The type of the active view is indicated by the corresponding icon under the plot.
As a next step to generate curves, the New button should be pressed while the Charts tabsheet is active. As a
result, the Curve generation window appears, as presented in Figure 297 (on page 465).
Two similar groups with various items are shown, one for the x-axis and one for the y-axis of the curve. The x-
axis corresponds to the horizontal axis and the y-axis corresponds to the vertical axis. For each axis, a
combination of selections should be made to define which quantity is plotted on that axis. First, for each axis a
selection should be made whether the data to be shown is related to the general project (Project) or a particular
selected node or stress point. The tree in the Curve generation window will then show all quantities which are
available depending for this type of data. The tree can be expanded by clicking the + sign in front of a group. The
Invert sign option may be selected to multiply all values of the x-quantity or the y-quantity by -1. When both
quantities have been defined and the OK button is pressed, the curve is generated and presented in a chart
The combination of the step-dependent values of the x-quantity and the y-quantity forms the points of the curve
to be plotted. The number of curve points corresponds to the available calculation step numbers plus one. The
first curve point (corresponding to step 0) is numbered as 1.
• When curves are generated from points selected after the calculation, only information of saved steps can be
considered. The number of the saved steps for each calculation phase is defined by the Maximum number of
steps stored option in the Numerical control parameters subtree in the Phases window (Numerical control
parameters (on page 343)).
• All the calculation results are available for the pre-selected points.
Another quantity that can be presented in a curve is the Pore pressure. This quantity is available for selected
nodes as well as stress points. In the Pore pressures subtree of the Stresses tree pactive, psteady or pexcess can be
selected. Pore pressures are expressed in the unit of stress.
When non-zero prescribed displacements are activated in a calculation, the reaction forces against the
prescribed displacements in the x- and y-direction are calculated and stored as output parameters. These force
components can also be used in the load-displacement curves by selecting the option Project and then selecting
one of the forces in the Forces subtree.
according to the selected soil model. Since soil behaviour is stress-dependent and soil models do not take all
aspects of stress-dependency into account, stress paths are useful to validate previously selected model
First a stress point should be selected before the desired quantity can be selected in the Stress or Strain tree. The
selection must be completed with the selection of the type of stress or strain. As a stress quantity all scalar
quantities available in the Stresses menu can be selected (Stresses (on page 435)). However, the State
parameters option is only available for stress points selected after the calculation Post-calculation points (on
page 463)). As a strain quantity all scalar strain quantities available in the Deformations menu can be selected
(Deformations (on page 430)).
See the Scientific Manual for a definition of the stress and strain components. The phrase 'in absolute sense' in
the description of the principal components is added because, in general, the normal stress and strain
components are negative (compression is negative). Stress components are expressed in the units of stress;
strains are dimensionless. A definition of the stress and strain components is given in the Material Models
In generating curves, the user can use pre-calculation selected points and post-calculation selected points.
However, with structural forces, this can be done only using post-calculation selected structural nodes. For more
information, see Post-calculation points (on page 463).
PSA spectrum
During an earthquake, the soil vibration causes forced vibrations on the overlying structure. The structure can
be idealised as a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system, i.e. a simple model characterized by a mass m,
concentrated in a point, a stiffness k and a damping ratio ξ. The dissipation, due to structural elements, is
simulated through viscous actions depending on the velocity (See Figure below).
where u , u̇ and ü represent the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the mass with respect to the base,
respectively, c is a damping coefficient and ü g is the input motion. The relationship between c and ξ is expressed
by the following equation:
ξ= Eq. [126]
2 km
The solution u(t) of a SDOF system subjected to an earthquake is given by Duhamel's integral and its maximum
value is used to plot the relative displacement response spectrum. In general, the response spectrum is the locus
of the maximum response of SDOF systems characterised by different k and subjected to the same earthquake,
for a given damping ratio. The maximum response can be calculated in terms of displacements, velocities or
accelerations. The relative displacement response spectrum SD is given by:
S D = | u | max Eq. [127]
The relative pseudospectral velocity PSV and the absolute pseudospectral acceleration PSA are related to the
relative displacement response spectrum according to the following equations:
PSV = ω0 ⋅ S D Eq. [128]
where ω0 represents the natural angular frequency of the structure, ω0 = k / m . PSV and PSA are
indicated as pseudo quantities because, in a damped system, they do not coincide exactly with the maximum
relative velocity ( | u̇ | max ) and the maximum absolute acceleration ( | ü + ü g | max ).
The maximum response is plotted on the y-axis of the response spectrum, while the natural period T is
represented on the x-axis, which contains the information about the structure stiffness k and mass m, as shown
in the following equation:
2π m
T = ω0
= 2π k
Eq. [130]
By varying k, it is possible to obtain the response of all the possible SDOF systems for that specific seismic signal
for a given damping ratio ξ. For typical structures in reinforced concrete where the damping is mainly due to non
structural elements such as partition walls, ξ is generally set equal to 5%. Higher values may be used in other
specific cases, for instance when the structure is isolated at the base with dampers, which results in lower y-
values in the response spectrum.
Considering the PSA spectrum, the value that can be read on the Y-axis corresponding to the natural period of
vibration of the overlying structure allows to calculate the maximum shear stress at the base of the structure,
equal to the maximum inertial force of a structure with mass m subjected to an acceleration given by the
selected PSA value (Figure 294 (on page 470)):
F max = m ⋅ PSA = g
w Eq. [131]
An example of a pseudo-acceleration response spectrum determined at the foundation level at the end of a site
response analysis is shown in the figure below.
Based on the PSA diagram, it is possible to determine the predominant period, i.e. the period related to the peak
PSA value. In the PSA diagram in Figure 295 (on page 470), this is equal to 0.4 s. If the natural period of the
structure corresponds to the predominant period, the structure, subjected to the selected earthquake and in that
specific soil condition, is in resonance, i.e. the system oscillates with very high amplitudes which can cause great
damages in the building.
Once the PSA spectrum has been generated, it is possible to display the relative displacement response spectrum
by selecting Settings under the Format menu. The Settings window opens and it is possible to select the Chart
tabsheet and the Relative displacement response spectrum option (Figure 296 (on page 471)).
The corresponding chart (Figure 295 (on page 470)) shows the maximum relative displacement that can occur
in the structure, characterised by a natural period of vibration T and subjected to an earthquake, for a given
damping ratio ξ.
The product of the maximum relative displacement and the stiffness k represents the maximum equivalent static
force, i.e. the static force that causes the same maximum deformation induced by the earthquake:
F max = k ⋅ S D Eq. [132]
By comparing the PSA spectrum with the Relative displacement response spectrum, it can be seen that at low
periods, that characterize rigid structures, the displacement is close to zero. Ideally, in an undamped perfectly
rigid structure (T = 0) subjected at the base to an acceleration ü g ( t ) , the mass moves together with the soil, i.e.
there is no relative displacement of the mass ( | u | max = 0 ) and the pseudo spectral acceleration coincides
with the maximum absolute acceleration at that level and so, with the maximum acceleration of the soil
( | ü + ü g | max = | ü g | max ).
By increasing the period, both the PSA and the relative displacement increase. For very high periods, the
maximum response in terms of acceleration tends to decrease and reaches values even lower than the maximum
acceleration at the selected level. The relative displacement tends to the absolute displacement of the soil.
Ideally, in an undamped highly flexible structure (T = ∞) subjected at the base to an earthquake, the relative
displacement of the mass coincides with the absolute displacement of the soil.
Reinforced concrete structures are generally characterised by periods of vibration corresponding to an
amplification of the acceleration of the soil.
The Amplification tabsheet enables obtaining the plot which shows the ratio of the acceleration response of any
point (Top) to the acceleration response of another point (Bottom) which is preferably the point where input
load is applied (“Figure 298 (on page 473)”). This gives the magnification of the response at one point with
respect to given excitation.
A quantity plotted in the time domain can be transformed into the frequency domain through the Fast-Fourier
Transform (FFT), which contains both the amplitude and the phase information of the signal. From the
computed FFT, the user can plot the Power Spectrum and the Fourier Amplitude Spectrum(FAS) for each
acceleration component.
Arias intensity
The Arias intensity, Ia (length/dyn. time) is used to determine the strength of a ground motion (intensity of
shaking). It is calculated based on the time history acceleration, a(t), in a node:
π Td 2
Ia = ∫
2g 0
a (t ) dt Eq. [133]
where g is the gravity acceleration and Td is the duration of the motion (i.e. maximum dynamics time in the time
history acceleration).
The Arias Intensity has the dimension of velocity (Figure 300 (on page 475)). In the Chart tabsheet, the user can
choose to represent Ia in percentage of the maximum Arias intensity.
In the top toolbar, two options are available for specifying conditions for the Arias Intensity curves. Clicking the
Arias duration button, the user can specify the minimum and maximum value of Ia in order to perform the
calculation of the effective duration (based on Ia in length/dyn. time) or the significant duration (based on Ia as a
percent) (Figure 302 (on page 476)). Clicking the Extreme values button, the user can view the Extreme values
for the curve (Figure 301 (on page 475)).
Figure 308: Significant duration (left) and Effective duration for Arias intensity curves (right)
where ω is the Angular Frequency, f is the Standard Frequency, T is the Wave Period.
Upon clicking on the OK button the existing time curve will be transformed into a spectrum. The original curve
can be reconstructed by de-selecting the frequency representation in the Chart tabsheet.
The Settings window is displayed by right clicking the chart and selecting the corresponding option in the
appearing menu or by selecting the option in the Format menu.
File menu
The File menu is basically the same with the one available in the Output program. For a more detailed
description see File menu (on page 396).
Edit menu
Note that Edit menu is only available when the curves are displayed. The options available can be used to include
curves in the current chart. These options are:
To export the chart to other programs using the Windows clipboard function. This
feature is described in detail in Exporting output data (on page 406).
• The added curves are redefined using the data from either the current project, another project or clipboard.
It is not possible to mount a generated curve to the current chart.
• It is possible to add a curve to the active chart using the Add curve option in the corresponding option in the
right mouse click pop-up menu.
View menu
The display of the results in the window is arranged using the options available in the View menu. These options
To display the data series in a table. More information on tables is given in the Editing
curve data in table (on page 479).
To toggle the display of information about the points in the curves when the mouse
Value indication
pointer is located on them.
• For a more detailed view of particular regions in curves, press the left mouse button at a corner of the zoom
area; hold the mouse button down and move the mouse to the opposite corner of the zoom area; then release
the button. The program will zoom into the selected area. The zoom option may be used repetitively.
The zoomed view can be reset by clicking the corresponding button in the toolbar as well.
Format menu
The Format menu contains the Settings option, selecting which displays the corresponding window where the
layout of the chart and curves can be modified.
Update chart To update chart according to the modifications made in the table.
By default, a title is given to the x-axis and the y-axis, based on the quantity that is
selected for the curve generation. However, this title may be changed in the Title edit
Titles boxes of the corresponding axis group. In addition, a title may be given to the full chart,
which can be entered in the Chart name edit box. This title should not be confused with
the Curve title as described in above.
By default, the range of values indicated on the x- and y-axis is scaled automatically, but
the user can select the Manual option and enter the desired range in the Minimum and
Scaling of x- and y- Maximum edit boxes. As a result, data outside this range will not appear in the plot. In
axis addition, it is possible to plot the x- and/or y-axis on a logarithmic scale using the
Logarithmic check box. The use of a logarithmic scale is only valid if the full range of
values along an axis is strictly positive.
Grid lines can be added to the plot by selecting items Horizontal grid or Vertical grid. The
grid lines may be customised by means of the Style and Colour options.
The option Orthonormal axes can be used to ensure that the scale used for the x-axis and
the y-axis is the same. This option is particularly useful when values of similar quantities
Orthonormal axes
are plotted on the x-axis and y-axis, for example when making diagrams of different
displacement components.
The option Exchange axes can be used to interchange the x-axis and the y-axis and their
Exchange axes corresponding quantities. As a result of this setting, the x-axis will become the vertical
axis and the y-axis will become the horizontal axis.
Flip horizontal or Selecting the option Flip horizontal or Flip vertical will respectively reverse the
vertical horizontal or the vertical axis.
The Settings window contains for each of the curves in the current chart a tabsheet with the same options
(Figure 312 (on page 482)).
A default title is given to any curve during its generation. This title may be changed in
Title the Curve title edit box. When a legend is presented for the active chart in the main
window, the Curve title appears in the legend.
When multiple curves are present within one chart, it may be useful to hide temporarily
one or more curves to focus attention on the others. The Show curve option may be
Show deselected for this purpose. It is possible to select the check boxes for Min values and
Max values to display the minimum and maximum values in the chart with an orange
The Phases button may be used to select for which calculation phases the curve has to be
Phases generated. This option is useful when not all calculation phases should be included in
the curve.
To draw a smooth curve, the user can select the Fitting item. When doing so, the type of
fitting can be selected from the Type combo box. The Spline fitting generally gives the
most satisfactory results, but, as an alternative, a curve can be fitted to a polynomial
using the least squares method.
Various options are available to customise the appearance of the curve lines and
Line and marker
markers. It is possible to Mark start of phase by clicking on the checkbox, which shows a
distinction for the start of a new phase in the chart.
Arrow buttons The arrow buttons can be used to change the order of the curves in the legend.
The Add curve button may be used to add new curves to the current chart (Multiple
Add curve
curves in one chart (on page 484)).
When multiple curves are present within one chart, the Delete button may be used to
erase a curve.
Figure 313: Material sets window showing the project and the global database
Once the SoilTest option has been selected, a separate window will open (Figure 314 (on page 486)). This
window contains a menu, a toolbar and several smaller sections. The various items are described in more detail
Menu bar Toolbar
1. Main menu
File To open, save and close a soil test data file (*.vlt).
Test To select the test that will be simulated. The options available are Triaxial,
CycTriaxial, Oedometer, CRS, DSS, PMT,CDSS, and General.
Kernel Kernel used for calculation (3D always for PLAXIS 3D and 2D for PLAXIS 2D).
2. Toolbar
The toolbar allows for loading, saving and running of soil test results and opening the PLAXIS SoilTest -
Settings window to set the configuration of the results. It also contains the parameter optimisation feature
(Parameter optimisation (on page 497)). The soil test calculation kernel is a reduced version of the finite
element kernel. They, however, share the same constitutive model implementations, i.e. the same stress
3. Material properties
The Material properties box displays the name, material model and parameters of the currently selected
data set. Transferring of material parameters to and from the material database is possible. To copy the
modified parameters to the material database:
Click the Copy material button in the Material properties box.
• In the program open the Material sets window and either select the corresponding material set or click
In the Soil window click Paste material button. The parameters will be copied in the material
database. In the same way it is also possible to copy material from material database to soil test.
4. Test area
The type of test and the testing conditions are defined in the test area. The test options available are Triaxial,
CycTriaxial, Oedometer, CRS, DSS, CDSS, PMT and General. As one of these options is selected by clicking the
corresponding tab, the testing conditions can be defined in the tabsheet. A more detailed description of the
tests is given in the following sections.
5. Run
The Test configurations button can be used to add and manage different soil test configurations. A test
configuration contains information about the test type and the values of test input parameters. To save a test
configuration select the Save option in the menu displayed as the Test configuration button is clicked. The
Manage option can be used to manage the test configurations available. When the Manage option is selected,
the Manage configuration window pops up. Note that the name of the window indicates the test to which
the configuration belongs (Figure 315 (on page 487)).
The name and the location of the configuration file is indicated in the Filename and Path respectively in the
Manage configurations window.
7. Set as default
The Set as default button saves the current input parameters as the default parameters. These will be
initialised as such the next time the SoilTest window is opened.
8. Loaded tests
When previously saved tests of the current type have been opened from the File menu, the Loaded tests
window lists all these tests within each tabsheet. The results of all loaded tests are shown together with the
results of the current test. The Delete button can be used to remove the selected test from the list of loaded
tests. It does not remove the soil test file (*.vlt) from disk.
9. Results
The results of the test are displayed in the predefined diagrams in the results area.
Triaxial In the former case the axial load is increased; in the latter case the axial load is
compression / decreased.
triaxial extension
Isotropically In the latter case the K0-value (ratio of lateral stress over axial stress) can be specified to
consolidated / K0- set the initial stress state.
consolidated test
Initial effective The absolute value of the isotropic cell pressure at which the sample is consolidated,
stress entered in units of stress. This sets the initial stress state. In the case of a K0-
consolidated test, this value represents the initial lateral stress, σxx'; the initial vertical
stress, σyy', is defined as σxx' / K0
Maximum strain The absolute value of the axial strain that will be reached in the last calculation step.
Duration Time increment (only relevant for time-dependent models; consolidation is not
Number of steps The number of steps that will be used in the calculation.
|vertical precons. The vertical preconsolidation pressure to which the soil has been subjected. If the soil is
stress| normally consolidated this value should be set equal to the initial stress state, i.e. zero.
From the vertical preconsolidation stress the program calculates the isotropic
preconsolidation stress based on the K0nc loading path (see the Material Models Manual -
Preliminaries on material modelling - The initial preconsolidation stress in advanced
models). This option is only available for the advanced soil models.
Mobilized relative The option to activate the mobilized relative shear strength is only available for the
shear strength Hardening Soil model and Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness to set the
initial shear hardening contour. This option can be deactivated (isotropic stress state) or
deactivated (failure state).
During a laboratory consolidated undrained triaxial test (CU test) a backpressure is applied to make sure that
the sample is fully saturated. Then the sample is consolidated by using a constant cell pressure and back
pressure. Note that the value assigned to the Initial effective stress in the SoilTest should be the effective stress at
the start of the test, which is equal to the cell pressure minus the back pressure at the start of the test.
Isotropically In the latter case the K0-value (ratio of lateral stress over axial stress) can be specified to
consolidated / K0- set the initial stress state.
consolidated test
|Vertical precons. The vertical preconsolidation pressure to which the soil has been subjected. If the soil is
stress| normally consolidated this value should be set equal to the initial stress state, i.e. zero.
From the vertical preconsolidation stress the program calculates the isotropic
preconsolidation stress based on the K0nc loading path (see the Material Models Manual -
Preliminaries on material modelling - The initial preconsolidation stress in advanced
models). This option is only available for the advanced soil models.
Mobilized relative This option is only available for the Hardening Soil model and Hardening Soil model
shear strength with small-strain stiffness to set the initial shear hardening contour. This value must be
between 0 (isotropic stress state) and 1 (failure state).
Initial effective The absolute value of the isotropic cell pressure at which the sample is consolidated,
stress entered in units of stress. This sets the initial stress state. In the case of a K0-
consolidated test, this value represents the initial lateral stress, σxx'; the initial vertical
stress, σyy', is defined as σxx' / K0
Initial axial stress After applying the initial cell pressure, it is possible to use an axial stress increment
increment (negative for compression or positive for extension) before performing the cycles
(Figure 316 (on page 491)). This is applied in one calculation phase.
Duration Time increment (only relevant for time-dependent models; consolidation is not
Number of cycles This defines the number of load cycles for the test. Each cycle gives a total of 3
calculation phases (applying +1 × amplitude, -2 × amplitude, +1 × amplitude).
Number of steps per This defines the number of steps per quarter cycle. The total number of steps applied in
quarter cycle the whole calculation process is: (1 + 4 × number of cycles) × number of steps per
quarter cycle.
Test control This option allows the user to define whether the test is stress-controlled or strain-
controlled. In the case of strain-control (which is the default), the user needs to specify a
strain amplitude, whereas in the case of stress- control, the input of a stress amplitude is
Axial strain Δεyy / The user needs to specify a value for the axial strain or axial stress amplitude (Figure
Axial stress Δσyy 316 (on page 491)), depending on the test control.
• During a consolidated undrained triaxial test (CU test) in a laboratory, a backpressure is applied to make sure
that the sample is fully saturated. Then the sample is consolidated by using a constant cell pressure and back
pressure. Note that the value assigned to the Initial effective stress in the SoilTest should be the effective
stress at the start of the test, which is equal to the cell pressure minus the back pressure at the start of the
• Unlike the triaxial test, the option for the load direction (compression or extension) is not available since the
stress/strain increment is applied in both directions.
axial stress
amplitude ∆σxy
duration per cycle
|Vertical precons. The vertical preconsolidation pressure to which the soil has been subjected. If the soil is
stress| normally consolidated this value should be set equal to the initial stress state, i.e. zero.
From the vertical preconsolidation stress the program calculates the isotropic
preconsolidation stress based on the K0nc loading path (see the Material Models Manual -
Preliminaries on material modelling - The initial preconsolidation stress in advanced
models). This option is only available for the advanced soil models.
Mobilized relative This option is only available for the Hardening Soil model and Hardening Soil model
shear strength with small-strain stiffness to set the initial shear hardening contour. This value must be
between 0 (isotropic stress state) and 1 (failure state).
Phases Lists the different phases of the oedometer test. Each phase is defined by a Duration (in
units of time), a vertical Stress increment (in units of stress) and a Number of steps. The
initial state is always assumed to be stress free. The given stress increment will be
reached at the end of the given duration in the given number of steps. The input values
can be changed by clicking in the table. A negative stress increment implies additional
compression, whereas a positive stress increment implies unloading or tension. If a
period of constant load is desired, enter the desired duration with a zero stress
Remove Removes the currently selected phase from the Phases list.
11.1.4 CRS
The CRS tabsheet contains facilities to define a constant rate-of-strain compression test. The following settings
can be defined:
|Vertical precons. The vertical preconsolidation pressure to which the soil has been subjected. If the soil is
stress| normally consolidated this value should be set equal to the initial stress state, i.e. zero.
From the vertical preconsolidation stress the program calculates the isotropic
preconsolidation stress based on the K0nc loading path (see the Material Models Manual -
Preliminaries on material modelling - The initial preconsolidation stress in advanced
models). This option is only available for the advanced soil models.
Mobilized relative This option is only available for the Hardening Soil model and Hardening Soil model
shear strength with small-strain stiffness to set the initial shear hardening contour. This value must be
between 0 (isotropic stress state) and 1 (failure state).
Phases Lists the different phases of the CRS test. Each phase is defined by a Duration (in units of
time), a vertical Strain increment (in %) and a Number of steps. The initial state is always
assumed to be stress free. The given strain increment will be reached at the end of the
given duration in the given number of steps. The input values can be changed by clicking
in the table. A negative strain increment implies additional compression, whereas a
positive strain increment implies unloading or tension. If a period of zero strain is
desired, enter the desired duration with a zero strain increment.
Remove Removes the currently selected phase from the Phases list.
11.1.5 DSS
The DSS tabsheet contains facilities to define a direct simple-shear test. Before specifying the test conditions, a
selection can be made between different test options.
DSS - Options
Drained / undrained In the latter case, undrained soil conditions and zero drainage are assumed (similar as
triaxial test when the Drainage type has been set to Undrained (A) or Undrained (B), see Modelling
undrained behaviour (on page 265)), irrespective of the drainage type setting in the
material data set.
Isotropically In the latter case the K0-value (ratio of lateral stress over axial stress) can be specified to
consolidated / K0- set the initial stress state.
consolidated test
DSS - Conditions
The following settings can be defined:
|Vertical precons. The vertical preconsolidation pressure to which the soil has been subjected. If the soil is
stress| normally consolidated this value should be set equal to the initial stress state, i.e. zero.
From the vertical preconsolidation stress the program calculates the isotropic
preconsolidation stress based on the K0nc loading path (see the Material Models Manual -
Preliminaries on material modelling - The initial preconsolidation stress in advanced
models). This option is only available for the advanced soil models.
Mobilized relative This option is only available for the Hardening Soil model and Hardening Soil model
shear strength with small-strain stiffness to set the initial shear hardening contour. This value must be
between 0 (isotropic stress state) and 1 (failure state).
Initial stress |σyy| The absolute value of the initial vertical stress at which the sample is consolidated,
entered in units of stress. In the case of an isotropically consolidated test, the initial
lateral stress is equal to the initial vertical stress. In the case of a K0-consolidated test,
the initial lateral stress is equal to K0σyy.
Duration Time increment (only relevant for time-dependent models; consolidation is not
Number of steps The number of steps that will be used in the calculation.
Maximum shear The maximum value of shear strain (entered in reached in the last calculation step.
strain |γxy|
11.1.6 CDSS
The CDSS tabsheet contains facilities to define a cyclic direct simple-shear test. Before specifying the test
conditions, a selection can be made between different test options.
CDSS - Options
Drained / undrained In the latter case, undrained soil conditions and zero drainage are assumed (similar as
triaxial test when the Drainage type has been set to Undrained (A) or Undrained (B), see Modelling
undrained behaviour (on page 265)), irrespective of the drainage type setting in the
material data set.
Isotropically In the latter case the K0-value (ratio of lateral stress over axial stress) can be specified to
consolidated / K0- set the initial stress state.
consolidated test
CDSS - Conditions
The following settings can be defined:
|Vertical precons. The vertical preconsolidation pressure to which the soil has been subjected. If the soil is
stress| normally consolidated this value should be set equal to the initial stress state, i.e. zero.
From the vertical preconsolidation stress the program calculates the isotropic
preconsolidation stress based on the K0nc loading path (see the Material Models Manual -
Preliminaries on material modelling - The initial preconsolidation stress in advanced
models). This option is only available for the advanced soil models.
Mobilized relative This option is only available for the Hardening Soil model and Hardening Soil model
shear strength with small-strain stiffness to set the initial shear hardening contour. This value must be
between 0 (isotropic stress state) and 1 (failure state).
Initial stress |σyy| The absolute value of the initial vertical stress at which the sample is consolidated,
entered in units of stress. In the case of an isotropically consolidated test, the initial
lateral stress is equal to the initial vertical stress. In the case of a K0-consolidated test,
the initial lateral stress is equal to K0σyy.
Initial static shear The initial static shear defines an initial shear stress component, leading to an initial
σxy principal stress rotation, which will form an offset to the shear stress increments that
result from cyclic loading. The initial static shear is applied as a first calculation phase in
the test. Irrespective of the test option (drained or undrained), this first phase is always
applied under drained conditions.
Duration Time increment Δt as indicated in Figure 317 (on page 495) (only relevant for time-
dependent models; consolidation is not considered).
Number of cycles This defines the number of load cycles for the test. Each cycle gives a total of 3
calculation phases (applying +1 × amplitude, -2 × amplitude, +1 × amplitude, Figure 317
(on page 495)).
Number of steps per This defines the number of steps per quarter cycle. The total number of steps applied in
quarter cycle the whole calculation process is: (1 + 4 × number of cycles) × number of steps per
quarter cycle.
Test control This option allows the user to define whether the test is stress-controlled or strain-
controlled. In the case of strain-control (which is the default), the user needs to specify a
strain amplitude, whereas in the case of stress- control, the input of a stress amplitude is
Shear strain Δγxy / The user needs to specify a value for the shear strain or shear stress amplitude,
Shear stress Δσxy depending on the test control. In order to apply a particular cyclic stress ratio, CSR =
amplitude Δσxy / σyy , the user needs to define the appropriate Initial stress σyy , set the Test control
to Stress, and input the Shear stress amplitude as Δσxy = CSR σyy.
Time ∆t
shear stress
amplitude σxy
Figure 317: Cyclic DSS test conditions
Note that cycle boundaries and phase boundaries do not match except when t = 0 and t = Δt
11.1.7 General
The General tabsheet contains facilities to define arbitrary stress and strain conditions. The following settings
can be defined:
Type of test The type of the test, whether Drained or Undrained can be specified.
|Vertical precons. The vertical preconsolidation pressure to which the soil has been subjected. If the soil is
stress| normally consolidated this value should be set equal to the initial stress state, i.e. zero.
From the vertical preconsolidation stress the program calculates the isotropic
preconsolidation stress based on the K0nc loading path of the Material Models Manual -
Preliminaries on material modelling - The initial pre-consolidation stress in advanced
models. This option is only available for the advanced soil models.
Mobilized relative This option is only available for the Hardening Soil model and Hardening Soil model
shear strength with small-strain stiffness to set the initial shear hardening contour. This value must be
between 0 (isotropic stress state) and 1 (failure state).
Phases Lists the initial stress conditions and the stress/strain conditions in the subsequent
phases of the test. In the initial phase it should be indicated for each direction whether a
stress increment or a strain increment is defined for that direction (applies to all
phases). Each phase is defined by a Duration (in units of time) and a Number of steps,
followed by the applied stress or strain increments. The given stress or strain increment
will be reached at the end of the given duration in the given number of steps. The input
values can be changed by clicking in the table. A negative stress or strain increment
implies additional compression, whereas a positive stress or strain increment implies
unloading or tension.
Remove Removes the currently selected phase from the Phases list.
11.1.8 Results
The Results window shows several predefined typical diagrams to display the results of the current test in
terms of stress and strain quantities. Double-clicking one of the graphs opens the selected diagram in a larger
window (Figure 318 (on page 497)). This window shows the selected diagram, the table of the data points that
are used to plot this diagram as well as the tangent and the secant values of the plot. Note that, the point to be
taken into consideration for the calculation of the tangent and the secant values can be determined by clicking
on the plot. The diagram or the data can be copied to the clipboard by selecting the corresponding option in the
drop-down menu displayed when the Copy button is clicked.
• The failure line is indicated by a dashed line in the plot.
• In plots where deviatoric stress q is considered, the failure line is always shown for the compression point.
The diagram can be zoomed in or out using the mouse by first clicking and holding the left mouse button in the
diagram area and then moving the mouse to a second location and releasing the mouse button. Moving the
mouse from the left upper corner to the right lower corner zooms the diagram to the selected area, whereas
moving the mouse from the right lower corner to the left upper corner resets the view. The zoom action can also
be undone using the Zoom out option on the toolbar. The wheel button of the mouse can be used for panning:
click and hold the mouse wheel down and move the diagram to the desired position.
The secant and the tangent are useful for the back-calculation of stiffness parameters from stress-strain
diagrams. The corresponding secant and tangent values are indicated below the table. The secant and the
tangent can be computed interactively on the chart:
• By clicking one point, a line is drawn from the origin of the curve to the point.
• By pressing Ctrl and clicking a second point: a line is drawn between the first and second point. The secant
determines the inclination of the line. The tangent is determined with respect to the second point.
• By keeping Ctrl pressed, the user clicks the third point: the first point is deselected and a new line is
drawn between the second and the third point.
• By pressing Shift and clicking the third point: the second point is deselected and a new line is drawn
between the first and the third point.
• By clicking any point in the proximity of the curve without pressing Ctrl, any selected point is deselected and
a new line is drawn according to the current behaviour (from the origin to the point).
Click the Parameter optimisation button in the toolbar. The Parameter optimisation window will appear,
showing different colour tabs according to the various steps to follow in the parameter optimisation process
(Figure 319 (on page 498)). The first tab (Select parameters) is active.
Note that it is possible to optimise parameters for both native and User-defined Soil Model.
Select parameters
The Select parameters tab shows the parameters of the selected material data set that could participate in the
optimisation process. Click on the square in front of the parameter(s) that need(s) to be optimised (Figure 320
(on page 499)). The more parameters are selected, the more time the optimisation process will take. For the
selected parameters, minimum and maximum values need to be specified. The optimisation algorithm will
search for optimum values within this range. If the optimised value turns out to be equal to the minimum or
maximum value, it might be that the best value lies outside the specified range.
Note that parameters may influence only specific parts of a test. For example, consider an oedometer test with a
loading and unloading part, modelled with the Hardening Soil model. The loading part will be dominated by the
parameter Eoedref, whereas the unloading part will be dominated by the parameter Eurref. In order to obtain a best
fit, the optimisation may be performed in separate runs; one to optimise Eoedref based on the loading part and
one to optimise Eurref based on the unloading part of the test.
Select curves
The Select curves tab enables selection and uploading of real soil lab test data and corresponding test conditions.
Alternatively, synthetic test data may be used in the form of other PLAXIS 3D soil test results. In this way it is
possible to optimise, for example, parameters of the Mohr-Coulomb model against simulated tests using the
Hardening Soil model.
Initially, the window shows a tree with the five standard test types (Triaxial, CycTriaxial, Oedometer, CRS, DSS,
CDSS, and General). For each test type, different test conditions can be defined, which can be taken into account
in the optimisation process. By default, the Current model test is available as test conditions for each test type.
The Current model test contains the test conditions as previously defined for that test (Figure 321 (on page
Figure 321: Selection of the test curves in the Select curves tabsheet
New test conditions can be defined by selecting the New test configuration option from the tool bar. This
will introduce a new test under the selected test, for which the test conditions can be defined in the right-
hand panel (Figure 322 (on page 500)).
All test data can be saved, by clicking on Save to file button. The test data will be saved to an XML file with
a default file extension of *.vlo.xml.
In both cases (Current model test and a new test) corresponding test data need to be selected and
uploaded using the Import curve option. Another possibility is to upload test conditions together with the test
data in case it is stored in the format of a PLAXIS 3Dsoil test project (<test>.vlt).
Hence, there are different ways to define test conditions and to select the external test data. The possibilities are
summarized below:
• If the test data corresponds to one of the Current model test conditions, the corresponding line should be
selected in the tree and the Import curve option should be used to upload the test data (Figure 323 (on page
501)). The test data are assumed to be stored in a text file (<data>.txt) and should contain two columns,
separated by a Space, Tab, Comma, Colon (:), Semicolon (;) or arbitrary character. The separator is to be
indicated at the top of the Import test data window. The meaning of the values in each column has to be
selected from the drop down list below the column. Here, a selection can be made amongst various stress and
strain quantities. Moreover, the basic units of the test data quantities need to be selected from the drop down
lists in the Units group. By pressing OK the data is read and visualised in a diagram, and the curve is listed in
the tree under the Current model (test) conditions.
current model parameters to synthetic data previously produced in the PLAXIS soil test facility and stored in
<test>.vlt format.
• When a line representing test conditions is selected in the tree, the corresponding test conditions are shown
on the panel at the right-hand side.
• When a line representing test data is selected in the tree, the corresponding curve is visualised in the
diagram, and a table of corresponding data points is shown at the right-hand side of the diagram.
• A sub-set of test data to be used in the optimisation process can be selected in the table at the right-hand side
by clicking on the corresponding cells, using the standard multi-select convention (using Shift for ranges and
Ctrl for individual values). The selected values are indicated as 'thick' lines in the curve whereas non-selected
values are indicated as 'thin' lines.
• Always select all data corresponding to a complete phase of the test (for example, if it is the user's intention to
optimise parameters based on the unloading phase in an oedometer test that involves both loading and
unloading, select the full range of unloading test data).
• A line in the tree (either test conditions or test data) can be removed by selecting that line and clicking the
red cross in the toolbar.
All test data to be used in the optimisation process need to be selected in the tree by clicking the square in front
of the corresponding line (if not already selected). The corresponding test conditions are automatically selected.
Multiple phases
In the case of an Oedometer, CRS or General test, the SoilTest facility allows for multiple phases. However, the
parameter optimisation facility can only deal with one complete phase at a time. Therefore, after importing the
test data, the desired calculation phase needs to be selected from the drop down list above the test data curve,
together with the corresponding part of the test data in the column at the right-hand side. Note that the full
range of data corresponding to this test phase is selected. In this way it is possible, for example, to optimise a
primary loading stiffness against the first (loading) phase in an oedometer test and the unloading stiffness
against the second (unloading) phase. Note that the test data needs to be selected for each phase.
The Settings tab enables the accuracy selection of the optimisation process (Figure 326 (on page 503)). Three
levels of search intensity are available: Coarse and quick, Moderate, Thorough. In addition, the relative tolerance
of the search algorithm can be selected. The default value is 1E-3. Note that a more rigorous optimisation may
give more accurate results, but also requires more calculation time. The calculation time also depends on the
number of parameters to be optimised, as selected in the first tab. The optimisation process is based on a
'particle swarm' algorithm. This algorithm can overcome local minima in the optimisation process.
Resulting parameters
The Resulting parameters tab shows the optimum values of the parameters used to obtain the best fit to the
selected test data in addition to the minimum and maximum values and the reference values in the material data
set (Figure 327 (on page 503)). If the optimum value is equal to the minimum or maximum value, it might be
that the best value lies outside the specified range. Finally, the table shows the sensitivity of the selected
parameters. A sensitivity of 100% means that the parameter has a high influence on the simulated test results,
whereas a low sensitivity means that the parameter has a low influence on the simulated test results. Note that a
low sensitivity also means that the test may not be suitable to optimise that parameter and, as a result, the
suggested optimum value may not be accurate. Therefore it is better to do separate optimisations for different
parameters based on relevant sections of test data curves rather than one optimisation with multiple
parameters based on the full data curves.
A button is available to copy the optimised parameters to the material data set. This should only be done
after it has been properly validated that the optimised parameters are indeed better than the original
parameters, considering the use of the material data set in the finite element model.
Note that the parameters optimised for soil lab tests may not be the best parameters for the practical application
as considered in the finite element model.
Resulting charts
The Resulting charts tab shows the results of the selected tests (Figure 328 (on page 504)).
For each test, three curves are visible:
Optimisation results This curve represents the simulated test with optimised parameters.
Reference This curve represents the simulated test with original parameters. It has no meaning in
simulation the optimisation process, but just shows how good or bad the existing material data set
would fit the uploaded test data for the selected test conditions without optimisation.
The Parameter optimisation facility should be used with care. Note that parameters optimised for soil lab tests
may not be the best parameters for the practical application as considered in the finite element model. This is
because the application may involve stress levels, stress paths and strain levels which might be significantly
different from the ones that occur in the soil lab tests.
Furthermore, the parameter optimisation facility has the following limitations:
• The experimental curve should be given in the order where the first column is a prescribed value, and the
second is the computed one.
• It is not possible to automatically optimise test data curves that consist of multiple phases (for example
loading and unloading phases). Such curves need to be uploaded for each phase and the corresponding part
of the curves (phase) needs to be selected in order to perform the optimisation.
• The optimisation process itself is a numerical procedure which may involve numerical errors. The user
remains responsible for validating the outcome of the optimisation process and the use of optimised model
parameters in applications. The parameter optimisation is based on curve fitting. It is not possible to fit
envelopes such as the failure line in a p-q diagram. As a consequence, it is not possible to find the optimised
friction angle or cohesion from a p-q diagram.
• Target
The target is the object for which the method is to be implemented. It can be an object (group of objects, list),
global object, etc.
Python examples:
g_i.gotomesh() #the target is a global environment
• Parameter
Parameters represent the extra information passed to a command when it is called. In programming terms,
they are arguments to a method. In the Command line the parameters are listed after the target. In Python
scripting, parameters are supplied between the parentheses after the command's name. Some commands
may not need a parameter, and some may require one or more parameters.
Python examples:
The project to be compressed and the archive can be located using the Browse button. The options available in
the Purpose box are:
All the files in the project are included in the compressed project as well as the mesh
Backup information, phase specification and the results of all the saved calculation steps. The
extension of the project file, indicating in which program it was created, and the archiving
date are included in the archive name.
Support Selecting this option enables including all the information required to give support for the
project at hand. Note that support is only provided to GSE users.
Custom The user can define the information to be included in the archive.
The options for compression and volume size are available in the Archive options window (Figure 332 (on
page 509)), displayed by clicking the button in the Purpose box.
The Content box displays the options for the information to be included in the archive is shown. The options
available are:
Mesh The information related to geometry is included when the Mesh option is selected.
The results to be included in the archive can be selected. The options available are:
• All steps: The results of all the calculation steps are included in the archive.
Results • Last step only: The results of only the last calculation step of each phase are included in
the archive.
• Manual: The results of specific calculation steps can be selected by the user.
Note that when the Backup or the Support option is selected, the Content options are automatically selected by
the program.
The file can be saved as a *.step (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) or *.dxf (Drawing Interchange
Format) file. The file contains the entire generated geometry in one file (not the cut geometry). This means items
such as boreholes, top soil surface and tunnel designer data are excluded, only the entities generated from those
are included (e.g. generated soil volumes, generated tunnel slices, lining, rock bolts lines). The data is purely
geometric, not annotated with features, and not divided in layers.
Bentley Cloud Services can be accessed from the File menu, or from the icons in the menu bar. This menu
contains the following four options:
Associate project: this opens a separate window listing the available Bentley projects. The user can
select any of them. This will store into "Project.ConnectedProjectInfo" (available from the command line as
read-only properties) the GUID and the name of this cloud project. This property is not reset when using
"Save as", i.e. a "saved as" project will also carry this project association.
Disassociate project: when there is a project association, this item removes the association between the
current PLAXIS project and the Bentley project (i.e. it resets the content of "Project.ConnectedProjectInfo").
Personal portal: This can be used at any time to open the personal Bentley portal of the user in the
default web browser.
Project portal: When a Bentley project is associated to the current PLAXIS project, this opens the project
portal in the default web browser.
Except the Disassociate project functionality, the other three requires the user to be logged in with the
Connection Client.
To add the current PLAXIS 3D to aProjectWise repository, use the following procedure:
You must have a PLAXIS project open.
Either select File > ProjectWise > Add to ProjectWise or select the Add File to ProjectWise icon in the toolbar
If you have not previously logged into a ProjectWise datasource, then the ProjectWise Log in dialog opens.
Provide the Datasource and required user credentials and then click Log in.
Select a Wizard dialog appears, as shown in Figure 335 (on page 512). Select any of the options - No Wizard
or Advanced Wizard.
Selecting No Wizard opens Save Document As window (Figure 336 (on page 512)). Select the target folder.
Fill in Document name and Description. Format type should be Packed PLAXIS 3D Project.
On selecting Advanced Wizard, Advanced document creation window appears. Click Next, Select Target
folder dialog appears. Select folder, and click Next. Document Properties window appears. Fill in Document
name, Description, Version. Save as Type format should be Packed PLAXIS 3D Project. Click Next, Create a
Document window appears. Confirm the document properties and click Next. Provide the Datasource and
required user credentials and then click Log in. In the next dialog enter comments describing the document or
later the changes you have made.
Note: These comments will be visible in the Audit Trail tab in the ProjectWise Properties window.
A progress bar is displayed during the data transfer indicating the file content transfer status.
Add to ProjectWise dialog appears (Figure 337 (on page 513)), where the user can choose the corresponding
files in the project to be compressed and uploaded to ProjectWise .
The uploaded PLAXIS project is now checked out from the ProjectWise datasource. This means that you have
exclusive access to the project. Others can only open it as 'read-only'. PLAXIS now recognizes that the current
model is linked to ProjectWise with a '[PW:Checked Out]' text appearing in the project title, and allows the File >
ProjectWise > Properties commands to become active.
To open a PLAXIS file stored in a ProjectWise repository, use the following procedure:
1. Either select File > ProjectWise > Open from ProjectWise or select the Open from ProjectWise tool
from the toolbar. If you have not previously logged into a ProjectWise datasource, then the ProjectWise Log
in dialog opens, allowing you to log into a ProjectWise datasource. After logging in to the datasource, the
Open from ProjectWise dialog (Figure 338 (on page 514)) is displayed, allowing the user to browse/
search the datasource contents and select the document to open.
To update the ProjectWise server copy of the file with the latest changes that have been made to the local copy of
the file, use the following procedure.
When a PLAXIS model is either opened from a ProjectWise datasource or has been added to a ProjectWise
datasource , this functionality is active.
Select File > ProjectWise > Save to ProjectWise or the Save to ProjectWise icon from the toolbar.
The model that is currently open in PLAXIS is checked for changes. If the model has been edited since the last
save, a message is displayed asking if these changes should be saved before updating the file server copy.
2. Click Save.
3. Refer to Add File to ProjectWise (on page 511) for further steps.
A Progress bar is displayed during the data transfer indicating file content transfer status.
To review or edit the ProjectWise properties and metadata associated with the current PLAXIS model, use the
following procedure.
1. Select File > ProjectWise > Properties.
The ProjectWise Document Properties dialog opens.
2. Edit the ProjectWise properties and metadata as necessary.
Note: The 'Audit Trail' tab shows the edit history and the comments entered while saving changes.
3. Click Save.
Bentley's Integrated Structural Model (ISM) is a technology for sharing structural engineering project
information among structural modelling, analysis, design, drafting, and detailing applications. ISM is similar to
Building Information Modelling (BIM), but focuses on the information that is important in the design,
construction, and modification of the load bearing components of buildings, bridges, and other structures.
PLAXIS 3D can exchange structure information with Bentley Integrated Structural Model (ISM) repositories.
New From ISM Repository. Creates a new PLAXIS 3D model from an existing ISM repository. This is used
to transfer model data from other tools used in the workflow.
Update ISM Repository. Will coordinate changes made to the model in PLAXIS 3D and coordinate some or
all of those changes with an existing ISM repository.
Update From ISM Repository. Allows the user to update a PLAXIS 3D model with some or all of the
changes which have been made to the ISM repository.
To choose the repository, click the ellipsis button (...) and browse for the folder and file.
Once the repository is set, click the Run button to create or update a repository. Whenever necessary, the
Structural Synchronizer will open in a new window.
When running a tool from the ISM synchronizer, the Structural Synchronizer will be opened.
The program provided by ISM for accepting or rejecting model data changes is called "Structural Synchronizer".
Structural Synchronizer provides the user with a powerful set of tools for moving data between the applications
used in a daily workflow. Even relatively small structural models have enormous amounts of data and ISM
allows this data to be re-used with ease. Care must be taken that only desired data is transferred between
When accepting changes made by client applications to an ISM Repository, some attention must be paid to what
changes are actually being made. A small change in a client application can have unintended repercussions, if
accepted. A repository is intended to represent the data that is common to all the client applications. Some client
application models will use only a subset of the repository data but changes made to them can affect the entire
repository if these changes are accepted when a repository update action is performed.
Note: This brief overview is not intended as a sufficient description on using the full capabilities of Structural
Synchronizer. Please refer to the Structural Synchronizer product documentation for more detailed information.
Infrastructure problems that involve superstructures and soft soils require special attention to the effects of this
interaction on the analysis of the entire system. A common approach to address these soil-structure interaction
problems is the use of linear and uncoupled springs to assess the structural response in the construction system.
However, this approach can be inconvenient because it can be innacurate and conditions such as compatibility of
deformations cannot be easily achieved.
• To help overcome these problems PLAXIS 3D introduces the Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) interface tool that
allows to import structural linear finite element models into PLAXIS as a Super Element, connected to the
PLAXIS soil model through the shared domain. Subsequently, the system response is solved using a fully
coupled nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) analysis where the superstructure stiffness matrix is
incorporated in the PLAXIS finite element analysis.
To generate the connection, the super-element is associated with the created shared domain (or interface). This
shared domain, primarily built on the PLAXIS geometrical objects, is the common geometry between the soil and
structural model. These shared components can be points, lines, surfaces or any combination of these.
Finally, in the proposed method a fully coupled soil-structure model would consist of:
• Soil, modelled by PLAXIS with eventually some deep foundations structural elements (pile-raft).
• A layer of PLAXIS interface elements, that are always used to model soil structure interaction along the
shared domain. However, this interface element layer is strictly optional.
• Structure, modelled by an external structural program and imported as a Super Element and
• A mortar constraint that "glues" the top faces of PLAXIS interface elements and the structure.
PLAXIS Interface elements
Mortar coupling
PLAXIS Interface elements
2. Once the Import super element window appears, please upload a super element file. This file contains the
mesh discretisation of the super structure, stiffness matrixes and load vector information generated in a
third-party structural package.
Note: To import super-elements ensure that third party files are provided in json or binary formats.
To check if the import was successful, please go to the Model explorer and in the Soil-structure subtree >
Super elements > and check that a SuperElement_# was created as displayed in Figure 344 (on page 522)
3. To create a representation of the super element inside PLAXIS 3D, in the Model Explorer look for the
imported SuperElement_#, and proceed as follows:
Right-click > Create > Create structural model (see Figure 345 (on page 522))
The newly created object can be seen in Model Explorer > Structural Models. As displayed in Figure 346
(on page 523), the structural element contains the shared domain, which is generated automatically by
4. Subsequently, it is necessary to define the elements which will be considered inside the shared domain for
the soil-structure interaction calculations. To do this, please draw in the drawing area a group of geometries
that represent the elements that will be shared by the structural model and PLAXIS 3D soil model. These
geometries, as already mentioned, can be structural beam tips, beam shafts, plate elements, plate element
edges or volume elements. points, lines, surfaces or any combination of these.
Figure 347 (on page 524) displays a surface surrounded by lines that may represent a raft foundation and a
wall footing, respectively.
In cases as the displayed in Figure 347 (on page 524) that different geometries are involved, it is necessary to
join those entities as a group in the first place. This can be performed by selecting all the elements in drawing
area followed by pressing Right-click > Group.
5. To add the geometry group to the shared domain (as displayed in Figure 348 (on page 524)), please run the
following command in the Command line:
add <name of structural model>.SharedDomain <name of the group>
6. With the geometries assigned the shared domain, the SSI interface creation is finalized. Proceed to create the
PLAXIS soil model (If this was not performed before the SSI interface creation).
The PLAXIS Coupling Tool enables users to integrate the structural FEM package STAAD into PLAXIS 3D.
Mostly, the superstructure (above ground level) is modeled in structural FEM software by structural engineers
and the substructure (below ground level) is modeled by PLAXIS 3D, and that way the flow of information
between systems is decoupled.
As a consequence, simplifying assumptions are made to be able to handle the interaction calculations between
super- and substructure. While this works for simple cases, more complicated cases require a coupled analysis.
The PLAXIS Coupling Tool performs an iterative analysis, which will converge to a solution that satisfies
boundary conditions in both models (super- and substructure). The assumption for this type of analysis is that
the user has modeled the superstructure in a structural FEM package (STAAD.Pro) which provides an API, and
the substructure is modeled in PLAXIS 3D.
determined, you have to check if each of them has a corresponding point load. The point loads are shown in the
table on the right.
The tool will detect all of the point loads in the stages mode of PLAXIS 3D. If there are missing point loads, these
point loads with their coordinates will be presented in the table on the right, and there are two options. You can
create the missing point loads in PLAXIS 3D and click the Refresh button. Alternatively let the Coupling tool
create them by clicking the Auto create button.
Note that, using the first option, you have control over the mesh. For the second option, PLAXIS 3D automatically
add the points and mesh the model again.
At any point during the model setup, if you try to proceed to the Analysis tab, the tool will check whether the
load conditions and interaction elements are complete. If they are not complete, a dialog with information on
missing settings is shown and progressing to the Analysis tab is prevented. If the checks are ok, the tool will
automatically launch PLAXIS 3D output and proceed to the analysis tab.
Note: The pause or stop button will not stop calculations immediately, but wait until the iteration ends. This
could take a significant amount of time.
PLAXIS-SACS Suction Bucket Analysis application is solely meant to be used for the analysis and design of
offshore structures with suction buckets using both PLAXIS 3Dand SACS. The aims of the PLAXIS-SACS Suction
Bucket Analysis application are:
• Create automatically the suction bucket model geometry fully ensuring proper mesh compatibility between
the SACS mesh and PLAXIS 3D mesh of the suction buckets. Such mesh compatibility is essential for optimum
generation of equivalent non-linear spring stiffnesses in SACs.
• Take into account the structural and load contribution of the upper-structure (tripod, monopile) through a
user-defined element
• Once PLAXIS 3D calculation has been performed, generate the PLAXIS Bucket Interface data Files data.ifs.rr#
(where # is the PLAXIS 3Dphase number). These files are automatically generated by the PLAXIS calculation
kernel. They contain bucket interface nodal coordinates, elemental data, nodal displacement, and soil
stresses (soil pressure and skin friction) for the PLAXIS 3D interface elements. They will be used by SACS to
calculate the equivalent non-linear spring stiffness “equivalent” to the soil condition as modeled in PLAXIS
Note: For more information about the use of this functionality please visit Bentley Communities.
than the groundwater head in the area around the drain. As a result, one might expect that water will be flowing
from the drain into the ground, which is an artefact of the numerical modelling of vacuum consolidation.
20. Burd, H.J., Houlsby, G.T. (1989). Numerical modelling of reinforced unpaved roads. Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on
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21. Carsel, R.F., Parrish, R.S. (1988). Developing joint probability distributions of soil water retention
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26. Galavi, V. (2010). Groundwater flow, fully coupled flow deformation and undrained analyses in PLAXIS 2D
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27. Goodman, R.E., Taylor, R.L., Brekke, T.L. (1968). A model for mechanics of jointed rock. Journal of the Soil
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35. ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics) (1978) Suggested Methods for the Quantitative Description
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36. Jostad, H.P., Torgerstrud, Engin, H. (2015). A fe procedure for calculation of fixity of jack-up foundations with
skirts using cyclic strain contour diagrams. In The 15th International Conference: The Jack-up Platform.
37. Joyner, W.B., Chen, A.T.F. (1975). Calculation of non linear ground response in earthquake. Bulletin of
Seismological Society of America, 65, 1315–1336.
38. Lysmer, J., Kuhlmeyer, R.L. (1969). Finite dynamic model for infinite media. Engineering mechanics division
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39. Marinos, P., Hoek, E. (2001). Estimating the mechanical properties of heterogeneous rock masses such as
flysh. Bulletin of Engineering Geology, 92,60–85.
40. Matsuishi, M., Endo, T. (1968). Fatigue of metals subjected to varying stress. Japan Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Fukuoka, Japan, 68(2), 37–40.
41. Nagtegaal, J.C., Parks, D.M., Rice, J.R. (1974). On numerically accurate finite element solutions in the fully
plastic range. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 4, 153–177.
42. Noren-Cosgriff, K., Jostad, H.P., Madshus, C. (2015). Idealized load composition for determination of cyclic
undrained degradation of soils. In Proc., Int. Symp. on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics.
43. Owen, D.R.J., Hinton, E. (1982). Finite Elements in Plasticity. Pineridge Press Limited, Swansea.
44. Priest, S.D. (1993) Discontinuity Analysis for Rock Engineering. Chapman & Hall, London.
45. Rheinholdt, W.C., Riks, E. (1986). Solution techniques for non-linear finite element equations. In A.K. Noor,
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46. Robertson, P.K., Campanella, R.G., Gillespie, D., Greig, J. (1986). Use of piezometer cone data. In A.S. of
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47. Rowe, R.K., Ho, S.K. (1988). Application of finite element techniques to the analysis of reinforced soil walls. In
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51. Schikora, K., Fink, T. (1982). Berechnungsmethoden moderner bergmännischer bauweisen beim u-bahn-bau.
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52. Sloan, S.W. (1981). Numerical analysis of incompressible and plastic solids using finite elements. Ph.D. thesis,
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53. Sloan, S.W., Randolph, M.F. (1982). Numerical prediction of collapse loads using finite element methods. Int. J.
Num. Analyt. Meth. in Geomech., 6, 47–76.
54. Sluis, J. (2012). Validation of embedded pile row in PLAXIS 2D. Master’s thesis, Delft University of
55. Smith, I.M. (1982). Programming the finite element method with application to geomechanics. John Wiley &
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56. Song, E.X. (1990). Elasto-plastic consolidation under steady and cyclic loads. Ph.D. thesis, Delft University of
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57. van Genuchten, M.T. (1980). A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated
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conditions. Advances in Computational Nonlinear Mechanics I, 109–138.
Postmesher.exe Postmesher.exe
data.### The files having the extension ‘###’ are created by the calculation kernel. The
'###' is the step number; it is at least 3 digits but can be longer when there are
1000 or more steps 1).
data.h00 Initial settings generated after the mesh generation for the 3D mesh
data.nsl Information about the selected nodes and stress points (after Calculation)
p3dlog File File containing all the commands executed in the project
PLXML Files The PLXML file format is essentially a limited binary representation of XML,
tweaked for the needs of the Hierarchic Storages
S## Files Files containing all the monitored values for the integration points
data.w## The files having the extension ‘ W##’ contain the current groundwater
conditions. The ‘##’ stands for the phase number in which the groundwater
condition is first created. A project always has a ‘W00’ file for the initial
data.zms Project model data. Supplement to the MSH file. The ‘ZMS’ file is generated only
once; directly after generating the mesh. It contains all data concerning the mesh.
debug.d## Debug calculation logs generated by the kernel during the calculation2).
1)Three digit deformation calculation step number (001, 002,....). Above 999 gives an additional digit in the file
2)Two digit calculation phase number (01, 02, .....). Above 99 gives an additional digit in the file extension.
To create a copy of a PLAXISproject under a different name or in a different directory, it is recommended to open
the project in the Input program and to save it under a different name using the Save as option in the File menu.
In this way the required file and data structure is properly created.
During the creation of a project, before the project is explicitly saved under a specific name, intermediately
generated information is stored in the TEMP directory as specified in the Windows® operating system using the
project name Plaxis3DTemp.
X, Y, Z denote a number specifying the location and elevation of the starting point of the CPT. Missing coordinates
are set automatically to zero. Note that PLAXIS does not use this information for modelling purposes.
Following the coordinate specification, specifiers for the column content must be specified. The following
specifiers are supported:
d penetration depth
q tip resistance
f sleeve friction
u pore pressure
• Except for the 'x' character, column specifiers can occur only once. If a column specifier occurs more than
once, the double specifier and all successive specifiers are skipped.
• Units can be introduced inside square brackets ([<unit>]) next to the column specifier. The user can use any
combination of units as displayed in Unit conventions (on page 546).
• If units of specifiers are not inserted in the header, PLAXIS will assume that the input units are the same as
project units.
• The delimiter used to separate the data columns should be consistent with the one used in the header.
• The first number containing a decimal separator determines which decimal separator is used throughout the
1. 1. or .23 or 1.23 or 1.23E-5 renders using the decimal point for decimal separator.
2. 1, or ,23 or 1,23 or 1,23E-5 renders using the comma as decimal separator.
3. 1E-5 or 125 assumes the decimal point for decimal separator, the next number containing a decimal
separator decides on the format settings.
4. Thousand separators are not recognised.
• Comments can be added after '#'
Note: For combined units, the text file must have the following units format: [force/length2]. For instance,
After the file is loaded PLAXIS will automatically convert the input units into the project units.
The cyclic contours are charts with Ncycles on the x-axis and τcyc scu on the y-axis. The chart consists of a certain
number of curves. Each contour line represents the locus of points characterized by the same shear deformation
1. The first row is always disregarded. It is usually a title.
2. The minimum number of contours is 2. One is always defined at γ = 0 % for τ
cyc / scu = 0and the other one is
defined for another shear strain level γ (which corresponds to the shear strain at failure).
3. The maximum number of contours is 150.
4. The minimum number of points for each contour is 2.
5. The maximum value of Ncycles is 10.000.
6. Each contour is determined by a series of data points that are interpolated using linear interpolation.
7. The contours should be digitized along constant Ncycles values.
8. The contours data should be presented with increasing Ncycles values, decreasing τcyc / scu ratios and for
increasing cyclic shear strain levels.
9. The contours are limited by four curves:
a. The lower limit is given by the horizontal contour at the base for τ
cyc / scu = 0 and γ = 0 %
b. The upper limit is given by the contour for γ equal to the shear deformation at failure.
c. All the contours start with a point for Ncycles = 1 and an ending point for Ncycles equal to the number of
cycles above which all the contours become horizontal (i.e. τ is constant). This leads to two vertical
boundaries for Ncycles = 1 and Ncycles = Nmax.
An example of a custom contour file is shown below.
1. The contours data should be presented with increasing cyclic contour number.
2. The values are given as stress ratio, i.e. the cyclic and average shear strength τ and τ are divided by sc
cyc a u
both for triaxial and DSS tests.
3. The contours are defined by at least 4 curves for DSS and 5 for TX:
a. The first cyclic contours should always be given at γ = 0 % and τ
cyc /c
cyc su = 0 for both triaxial and DSS
b. For a DSS diagram, the first average contours is given at γ = 0 % and τ
a cyc /
sc = 0 u
c. For a DSS diagram, the maximum cyclic and the maximum average contours should be defined for the
maximum shear deformation at failure.
d. For a triaxial diagram, the maximum cyclic contour is defined for γ equal to the cyclic shear deformation
at failure, while for the average contours the maximum is defined for the maximum shear deformation at
failure for triaxial compression test, and the minimum (negative value) for the maximum shear
deformation at failure for triaxial extension.
e. For TX, the contour corresponding to γa = 0 % should always be given (as the starting point of the path
line is at the intersection between γcyc = 0 % and γa = 0 % )
4. If the behaviour is Anisotropic, define at least 4 contour diagrams:
a. One TX and one DSS for N < Neq
b. One TX and one DSS for N > Neq
5. If the behaviour is Isotropic, the TX contours can be neglected and at least 2 contour diagrams should be
a. One DSS with N < Neq
b. One DSS with N > Neq
The structure of the file for the given Drammen clay contours is the following and example charts for DSS and TX
tests are shown:
Table 20: File structure of 3D custom contours (Stress-strain curves tab). Example based on Drammen clay.
Line Column 1 Column 2 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Example Comments
1 - - - - - 8 8 diagrams are defined
Line Column 1 Column 2 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Example Comments
If an odd number is
assigned to the contour
number, it describes a
Number Number triaxial diagram, otherwise
of of cyclic it refers to a DSS diagram.
Contour average shear
3 - - - 1 11 7 11 contour lines are
number shear strain
strain contour defined for different
contours s gamma average values
7 contour lines are defined
for different cyclic shear
1 2 0 -5
5 -0.43312
. . . . . . . . Lines from 6 to 13
Line Column 1 Column 2 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Example Comments
Number Number
Cyclic Average
of the of the 2 1 0.1 -15 This is the first line of the
shear shear
15 cyclic average
strain strain
τa / scu τcyc / scu -0.49731 second cyclic contour at
shear shear 0.13065 γcyc = 0 %
(%) (%)
contour contour
after 3 + 11x7 lines, a new block starts to define the DSS test
Number Number
Cyclic Average
of the of the 1100
shear shear
cyclic average
strain( strain
τa / scu τcyc / scu 0.0000
shear shear 0.0000
%) (%)
contour contour
Different values
>1 1 Head 1 non-horizontal water level
per borehole
Different values
>1 1 Interpolate 1 non-horizontal water level
per borehole
Different values
>1 1 Dry 1 non-horizontal water level
per borehole
a) For hydrostatic cases, the situations different from the Head are considered. If the phreatic level in hydrostatic
condition is equal to Head, no extra water level will be generated.
b)The number of generated water levels for cases where more than one soil layer is available can be derived
Degree of saturation: S
Residual degree of saturation: Sres
Saturated degree of saturation: Ssat (usually 1.0)
• There is a relationship between the (effective) degree of saturation (S or Seff) and the suction in the
unsaturated zone, which depends on the selected soil-water retention curve in the material data set.
The term 'suction' is used to denote any positive value the difference between pore air and water pressures: pa -
In PLAXIS, a widely accepted hypothesis of constant atmospheric air pressure is assumed. The air pressure is
therefore taken zero since the atmospheric pressure can be taken as a reference value.
Suction is the tension component in pwater: Suction = Max(pwater, 0)
Atmospheric pressure: pa (100 kPa, but in PLAXIS 3D taken as the zero reference level)
Effective suction: Suctioneff = Seff Suction
• When multiplied by the tangent of the friction angle, this quantity gives a kind of 'artificial cohesion' in the
Effective stress: σ' (stress in the soil skeleton)
Total stress: σ = σ'+ pactive
Terzaghi's effective stress: σ'= σ - pactive
• Terzaghi's definition of effective stress applies to saturated soils
Bishop' s stress: σ' = σ - pa + χ (pa - pwater )
Effective stress coefficient: χ
In PLAXIS 3D, χ is supposed to be equal to Seff, so Bishop' s stress in PLAXIS 3D:
σ' = σ - Seff · (psteady + pexcess) = σ - pactive
• When the soil reaches full saturation (Seff = 1), Bishop's stress coincides with Terzaghi's effective stress.
• Using Bishop's effective stress as a basis for all calculations, distinction can still be made between
conventional calculations (fully saturated or dry materials) and calculations in which unsaturated soil
behaviour is taken into account
• The aforementioned distinction can be made by ignoring suction or allowing suction.
In the following, the consequences of ignoring or allowing suction are described.
Drainage type Zero pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained (C) and
Suction Possible when suction is allowed or in the case of large excess pore tension.
Included in active pore pressures, pore water pressures, saturation and relative
Zero permeabilities in some Material set with zero permeability found, but not allowed in this type of
soil clusters calculation.
Drainage type Zero pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained (C) and
Suction Possible when suction is allowed or in case of large excess pore tension. Included
in active pore pressures, pore water pressures, saturation and relative
Zero permeability in some Material set with zero permeability found, but not allowed in this type of
soil clusters calculation.
Note: Transient groundwater flow is ONLY possible in case of Flow only calculation.
E.9 K0-procedure
• Only possible as first (initial) calculation phase
• Does not consider external loads; only material weight
• Recommended for situations involving a horizontal ground surface and horizontal soil layering without
excavations or structures.
Drainage type No pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained (C) and Non-
porous; no generation of excess pore pressures.
Steady-state groundwater Possible, but not recommended since non-hydrostatic pore pressures may lead
flow [ADV] to non-equilibrium.
Cavitation cut-off Not possible, but also not relevant; undrained behaviour is ignored
Drainage type No pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained (C) and Non-
porous; no generation of excess pore pressures.
Cavitation cut-off Not possible, but also not relevant; undrained behaviour is ignored
Drainage type No pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained (C) and Non-
porous. Excess pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained
(A) and (B), except when using Ignore undrained behaviour (A,B)
Steady-state groundwater Possible (semi-coupled analysis). Note that in Undrained (A,B) soil clusters a
flow [ADV] change in steady-state pore pressures gives an opposite change in excess pore
Suction Possible when suction is allowed or in case of large excess pore tension. Included
in active pore pressures and pore water pressures.
Updated mesh Possible when starting from initial phase or when parent phase is also Updated
Updated water pressures Possible when Updated mesh selected (only in 2D)
Pore pressures are changed Note that a change in steady-state pore pressures will introduce extra excess
and undrained materials are pore pressures in Undrained (A,B) materials
present while Ignore
undrained behaviour (A,B) is
NOT selected
Drainage type No pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained (C) and Non-
porous. Excess pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained
(A) and (B), except when using Ignore undrained behaviour (A,B)
Steady-state groundwater Not possible (steady-state pore pressures taken from parent phase)
flow [ADV]
Suction Possible when suction is allowed or in case of large excess pore tension. Included
in active pore pressures and pore water pressures.
Updated mesh Possible when parent phase is also Updated mesh. Note that only deformations
from the parent phase are considered and that the mesh is not further updated
during the Safety analysis.
Updated water pressures Possible when Updated mesh selected. Note that only updated water pressures
from the parent phase are considered and that water pressures are not further
updated during the Safety analysis.
Using Updated mesh Note that the mesh is NOT further updated during a Safety analysis
Possible when suction is allowed or in case of large excess pore tension. Included
in active pore pressures, pore water pressures, saturation but not in relative
Suction permeability. In other words, relative permeability is always taken as unity in
Consolidation Analysis. This may induce a quicker dissipation of pore pressure.
Numerical convergence is also expected to be faster.
Steady-state pore pressures Note that a change in steady-state pore pressures will introduce extra excess
are changed pore pressures in Undrained (A,B) materials
No flow in clusters of the type Non-porous; other drainage types have no effect
Drainage type
on flow; drainage properties are defined by permeabilities, stiffness and time.
Updated mesh Not possible. Note that parent phase should NOT be Updated mesh
No pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained (C) and Non-
Drainage type porous. Excess pore pressures generated in soil clusters of the types Undrained
(A) and (B), except when using Ignore undrained behaviour (A,B)
Steady-state groundwater
Not possible (steady-state pore pressures taken from parent phase)
Undrained (pwater ≤ 0) Kw = 0
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ )
K wunsat =
Undrained (pwater > 0) Kw = 0 Kw ∂
1+ − S
Sw ∂ pw w
Drained (pwater ≤ 0) Kw = 0 Kw = 0
(*) ∂ p Sw is the derivative of saturation w.r.t pore water pressure (suction) i.e. the slope of water retention
curve. As saturation decreases when suction increases, this slope is always negative and equal to zero at full
Safety or
Type of
Consolidation and FC (0 < S < 1) dynamics Safety or dynamics (undrained)
(pwater ≤ 0)
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1+ν
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) Kw = 0
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1+ν
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ )
( )
K wunsat =
Undrained Kw 2 ⋅ G 1 + νu 1+ν ′ *
Kw = 0 Kw
(pwater > 0) n
= 3 1 − 2νu
− 1 − 2ν ′
** ∂
1+ − S
Sw ∂ pw w
(pwater ≤ 0)
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) Kw = 0 Kw = 0
(pwater > 0)
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) Kw = 0 Kw = 0
Safety or
Type of
Consolidation and FC (0 < S < 1) dynamics Safety or dynamics (undrained)
Cluster just
activated and
option 'force
behaviour FE Formulation K w = K wsat ⋅ 10 −8 Not relevant Not relevant
Non-porous or
Not relevant Kw = 0 Kw = 0
dry cluster
(**)Effect of S taken into account directly in the FE Formulation (Galavi (2010) (on page 539).
Undrained (pwater ≤ 0)
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) sat
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ )
Undrained (pwater > 0)
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) sat
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ )
Drained (pwater ≤ 0)
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) sat
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ )
Drained (pwater > 0)
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) sat
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ )
Cluster just been activated
2 ⋅ G
3 ( 1 + νu
1 − 2νu
1+ν ′
1 − 2ν ′ ) K w = K wsat ⋅ 10 −8
Ctrl - E Explode
Ctrl - Y Redo
Ctrl - Z Undo
Key Action
F1 Manuals
Ctrl + A Select all structures of selected type Model, Structure, Cross section
F1 Manuals All
Key Action
Press Select structures + Click on Select small group the structure Model, Cross section, Structure -
structure belongs to Resets current selection
Press Hide soil + Ctrl + Shift + Click Model, Forces - Won’t work if
Hides soil cluster
on soil structure is selected
Note: Note that when using Python and other modules, users must do so under the licensing conditions of those
modules. The user can check the Python version delivered by PLAXIS by launching the interactive interpreter
from the Expert menu.
3. Go to the Expert menu and select the Configure remote scripting server option. The corresponding window
pops up. Depending on your machine, the window may look slightly different.
4. Ensure you find an available port and then start the server.
5. A default password will have been generated to ensure a secure connection between the server and the
remote scripting interface. You can change this password if you want to, just be aware that leaving the text
box empty disables the encryption.
6. Information about ports currently in use can be retrieved in a Windows Command Prompt, with the
following commands (the second one may require administrator privileges):
netstat -a
netstat -ab
When using the remote scripting in an automated process, you can start the server without manual interaction
by launching your PLAXIS application with the AppServerPort command line parameter. For example in order to
start the server in PLAXIS 3D on port 21403:
C:\Program Files\Bentley\Geotechnical\PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V20
--AppServerPassword=mypassword --AppServerPort=21403
Changing the password can be done by using the AppServerPassword command line parameter. Passing the
password this way is optional and it will default to the generated one.
When the server is running, the main window of your PLAXIS application will reflect this information:
• Connect to the PLAXIS application (21403 is the port number, substitute yours as applicable):
s_i, g_i = new_server('localhost', 21403, password='yourpassword')
The variable s_i is bound to an object representing the PLAXIS application. It is now possible to control that
from the interactive Python prompt.
• Start a new project as follows:
Save this script somewhere on your hard drive. Make sure it ends with .py so SciTE correctly identifies it as a
Python script. Now we are able to run this script by going to Tools and then clicking on Go or by pressing F5
• A new project should now be visible in the PLAXIS application. If instead an error is returned, check the
following for the PLAXIS application you are trying to control:
• Is the application running?
• Does its title bar indicate that the server is active?
• Is the server active on the port you have specified when calling new_server? You can also try a different
• Is your firewall blocking communications to the application?
• Is the password given to new_server the same as the one in the ‘configure remote scripting server’
In the examples above, we have looked at possibilities for using the API interactively from a Python prompt.
While this is very useful for testing and finding out how things work, soon you will need the ability to save code
and run it again without having to retype it.
In the SciTE editor make a new text file by going to File > New or by pressing Ctrl+N. After that, you can type the
code, save and run it using Tools >Go. A Python script equivalent to the interactive session presented above
(using a 2D example) looks as follows:
from plxscripting.easy import *
g_i.lineload((3, 0), (7, 0))
output_port = g_i.selectmeshpoints()
s_o, g_o = new_server('localhost', output_port, password='yourpassword')
g_o.addcurvepoint('node', g_o.Soil_1_1, (5, 0))
phase1 = g_i.phase(g_i.Phases[0])
g_i.LineLoads[0].Active[phase1] = True
output_port = g_i.view(phase1)
s_o, g_o = new_server('localhost', output_port, password='yourpassword')
#In newer versions of the scripting layer it is possible to just write:
utot = g_o.getcurveresults(g_o.CurvePoints.Nodes.value[0], g_o.Phases[1],
It is possible to call new_server without any arguments, but in that case a script can only be executed from the
Expert menu in PLAXIS. Either choose Expert > Python > Run Script > Open to run your script or put it in one of
the pytools folders and choose Expert > Python > Run Script > Tools.
For some projects the overhead of updating the user interface may slow down the execution of the script quite
significantly. If you want maximum execution speed, launch your PLAXISapplication with the command
parameter --NO_CONTROLLERS. For example:
Plaxis2DXInput.exe --AppServerPort=21403 --NO_CONTROLLERS
The downside of this approach is that you will be unable to monitor progress or diagnose problems visually.
Instead, you will have to:
1. Stop the running script
2. Save the current project
3. Restart the application and open the saved project
If there is a need to write codes that are usable under both programs PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D, it is possible to
check the type and version of PLAXIS software. With s being a server-type object as returned by the
new_server(...) method, the following code must be valid:
>>> print(, s.major_version, s.minor_version, s.is_2d, s.is_3d)
PLAXIS 2D 2018 0 True False
>>> if s.major_version + s.minor_version / 10 > 2020: # i.e. both are numbers
... print('We come from the future')
We come from the future
>>> from .const import PLAXIS_2D, PLAXIS_3D
>>> if == PLAXIS_2D:
... print('This is PLAXIS 2D')
... elif s.is_3d: # indicates whether the application is 2D or 3D *capable*
# (not whether it's the 2D or 3D *product*; 2D MPM will have
... print('This is 3D or 3D MPM')
... else:
... print('Unknown application!')
This is PLAXIS 2D
The following also work:
from easy import * # must implicitly import the app type constants
s_i, g_i = new_server('localhost', 10000)
if == PLAXIS_3D:
print('Is PLAXIS 3D')
Drawing a rectangular/prismatic soil cluster in either 2D or 3D
def get_number(msg):
nr = nan
while isnan(nr):
nr = float(input(msg + ': '))
return nr
width = get_number('Width')
height = get_number('Height')
if s_i.is_3d:
# get the depth of the cluster
depth = get_number('Depth')
make_coords = lambda x, z: (x, 0, z)
make_coords = lambda x, y: (x, y)
All commands that are available in the PLAXIS command line are also available via the Python wrapper. For
more information, see the commands reference provided with your PLAXIS application. Note that private
commands in the application (i.e. commands starting with a double underscore, __) are spelled without the
double underscore when used from Python. Commands that conflict with Python keywords should be spelled
with an extra trailing underscore in Python (e.g. import becomes import_). Identifiers containing characters
that are not part of the ASCII character set will be stripped of those characters (e.g. °C becomes C).
• Start by connecting from Python to PLAXIS 2D as described above.
• Make sure that the folder where the scripting sample will be saved does exist (c:\data\).
• Execute the code displayed below. For the sake of completeness, the replies returned by the different
statements are included, but some of them are session-specific and will be different for you. It is helpful while
executing the Python code to keep an eye on the command line in the PLAXIS application, in order to gain an
understanding of how Python code maps to commands. Keep also in mind that Python, unlike the PLAXIS
command line, is case sensitive.
>>> g_i.SoilContour.initializerectangular(0, 0, 10, 10)
>>> g_i.borehole(0)
<Borehole {BB449552-2ABF-408D-8293-897B5939D764}>
>>> g_i.soillayer(10)
<GeneratedSoilVolume {859D7DB5-585E-4452-8C38-E700C398EF9C}>
>>> material = g_i.soilmat()
>>> material.setproperties("SoilModel", 1, "gammaUnsat", 16,
"gammaSat", 20, "Gref", 10000)
'Edited SoilMat_1'
>>> g_i.Soils[0].Material = material
>>> g_i.gotostructures()
>>> g_i.lineload((3, 0), (7, 0))
[<Point {AD9DB344-A82E-4ACD-93BB-A3C02369556B}>, <Point {9E140226-A968-46A1-
A2EA-5125EE83968F}>, <Line {F1E1AE01-C72A-44CD-A647-8EC39CA024D7}>, <LineLoad
>>> g_i.gotomesh()
>>> g_i.mesh(0.2)
Generated 181 elements, 374 nodes
>>> output_port = g_i.selectmeshpoints()
>>> s_o, g_o = new_server('localhost' , output_port, password="yourpassword")
>>> g_o.addcurvepoint('node' , g_o.Soil_1_1, (5, 0))
>>> g_o.update()
>>> g_i.gotostages()
>>> phase1 = g_i.phase(g_i.Phases[0])
>>> g_i.LineLoads[0].Active[phase1] = True
>>> g_i.calculate()
>>> output_port = g_i.view(phase1)
>>> s_o, g_o = new_server ('localhost', output_port, password="yourpassword")
>>> utot = g_o.getcurveresults(g_o.Curvepoints.Nodes.value[0],
>>> print(utot)
'Project saved as: c:\\data\\scripting_sample.p2dx'
• The command line history on the application side looks as follows (excluding the commands sent to Output):
0001> initializerectangular SoilContour 0 0 10 10
0002> borehole 0
0003> soillayer 10
0004> soilmat
0005> setproperties SoilMat_1 "SoilModel" 1 "gammaUnsat" 16
"gammaSat" 20 "Gref" 10000
0006> set Soil_1.Material SoilMat_1
0007> gotostructures
0008> lineload (3 0) (7 0)
0009> gotomesh
0010> mesh 0.2
0011> selectmeshpoints
0012> gotostages
0013> phase InitialPhase
0014> set LineLoad_1_1.Active Phase_1 True
0015> calculate
0016> view Phase_1
0017> save "c:\data\scripting_sample"
By default the server object (typically referred to as s in these examples) implements a caching system to reduce
the number of calls by the script to the PLAXIS application, thereby improving the overall performance of the
system. It can be switched off using:
s_i.allow_caching = False
Additionally, a logging system is available in order to monitor the communications between the Python script
and the PLAXIS application. It can be toggled on or off using the enable_logging() and disable_logging()
methods of the server object:
s_i.enable_logging() # will write to TEMP\PlaxisScriptLogs\
While using Python scripts to manipulate the state of your PLAXIS application, it is technically possible to
interact with the same application in other ways as well (e.g. by changing a project manually, or firing commands
separately in an interpreter while the main script is paused). This is very useful for troubleshooting.
In particular situations it may however lead to problems, in that internal data structures built on the Python side
have become obsolete due to actions outside of the script. The main culprit is (re)opening a project while the
script already has some internal state/variables. Errors can look like this:
plxscripting.plx_scripting_exceptions.PlxScriptingError: Unsuccessful command:
GUID does not refer to object in registry: {F00F9FB0-B903-42BE-AE1F-C7B8E200885D}
If you encounter such an error, simply stop the execution of your script and restart it.
When the server is started, it is possible to optionally set an error handling mode by using the error_mode
option. The error_mode consists of a behaviour and optionally one or more modifiers.
The error_mode option influences the behaviour of in-request exceptions, as well as out-of-request exceptions.
In-request exceptions are raised during execution of a request and out-of-request exceptions occur outside an
HTTP request. An example of the latter is if repainting the UI leads to a crash after the command has been
executed and returned to the scripting client.
The error_mode is always a tuple consisting of none, one or more of:
1. Behaviour RAISE [default; empty error_mode means RAISE]: raises an exception.
2. Behaviour INTERPRETER: upon exception, fires an interactive Python interpreter for troubleshooting, if the
server is not currently in an interactive interpreter mode already.
3. Modifier RETRY: tries the same API call again with a delay of 200 ms.
4. Modifier PRECONDITION: checks (and clears) the exception stack prior to making another API call.
5. Modifier NOCLEAR: ensures that when an out-of-request exception is retrieved, it is not cleared from the
If the user specifies RAISE, INTERPRETER as combo behaviour in the new_server call, INTERPRETER wins.
1. Setting the error handling mode:
s_i, g_i = new_server('localhost', 10000,
error_mode=(INTERPRETER, RETRY))
2. Manual API calls
It's useful to be able to manually request information about out-of-request failure state, particularly when
using NOCLEAR or using the interactive interpreter to troubleshoot issues.
# raise a Python exception including the cleaned madExcept info, because this is an
in-request failure
# as above, but does clear the exception information from the server
# equivalent to clear=True
When the user wants to install a third-party package that is not already available in the PLAXIS Python
distribution we deliver, then you can do so by opening the command prompt from Expert > Python >
Command prompt in PLAXIS Input or Output program.
As this requires administrator rights on your PC, you first need to launch PLAXIS Input or Output as
Administrator. This can be done by click with RMB on the PLAXIS shortcut and selecting Run as Administrator.
In the Command prompt, you can install new packages by using pip. For example, if you want to install the
dropbox package you would type:
For example, if you want to install the dropbox package you would type:
python -m pip install dropbox
If you want to install the cffi (C foreign function interface) package you would type:
python -m pip install cffi
H.13 Tokenizer
The Python API allows parsing a command line string into the separate tokens.
• The server object has a tokenize method. This method returns a Tokenizer object. This object may be in a
fully valid state, or a partially valid state. It always contains one list of Token objects, but depending on the
success of the action, this list may be available only as Tokenizer.partial_tokens or as both
Tokenizer.tokensand Tokenizer.partial_tokens simultaneously - see the example below for more
The list of tokens contains Token objects.
partial_tokens contains the successfully parsed tokens, which may or may not be all tokens in the string.
• There are subclasses of the Token class to match the types of tokens from the HTTP REST API, see HTTP
REST API [GSE] (on page 595)
• The Token classes have properties as specified for the HTTP REST API (see HTTP REST API [GSE] (on page
595)). The only exception is the type property: this one will be absent in Python, since it is implicitly
encoded in the Token subclass.
from plxscripting.easy import *
s, g = new_server("localhost", 10000)
tokens = tokenizer.tokens
print(len(tokens)) # prints 6
token = tokens[0]
print(token.position) # prints 0
print(token.length) # prints 8
print(token.end_position) # prints 7
# error conditions
tokenizer = s.tokenize("abc ?")
tokens = tokenizer.tokens # raises an exception about Unrecognized token
print(tokenizer.success) # prints False
print(tokenizer.error) # prints 'Unrecognized token' (w/o quotes)
print(tokenizer.error_position) # prints 4
print(len(tokenizer.partial_tokens)) # prints 1, since the first token is OK
This section contains a few simple tasks that highlight different aspects of the Python scripting wrapper. It is
assumed PLAXIS 3D is running and the necessary connection boilerplate code has been executed already.
Opening a project, removing all lines containing beams and saving again'c:\data\lines_with_plates.p2dx')
lines = [b.Parent for b in g_i.Plates]
# alternatively (look at the difference in the command line):
# g_i.delete(lines)
Reporting all points that are not used by lines and that have no features
points_in_lines = set()
for line in g_i.Lines[:]:
for point in line:
points = set(g_i.Points)
points_no_lines = points - points_in_lines
points_to_report = []
for p in points_no_lines:
if len(p.UserFeatures.value) == 0:
for p in points_to_report:
Creating an array, storing the results and performing actions on the diagonal
# Code will work in any project, as it operates only on its own local results,
regardless of what else is present in the project.
point = g_i.point(0, 0)
added_points = g_i.arrayr(point, 6, (1, 0), 6, (0, 1))
diagonal_points = []
for p in added_points:
if abs(p.x - p.y) < 1E-4
def get_bottom_point(line):
first, second = line.First, line.Second
delta = second.y - first.y
if abs(delta) < 1E-4: # horizontal line
return None
if delta > 0: # Second point is higher -> move First down
return first
else: # First point is higher -> move Second down
return second
def lengthen_embedded_beams(extra_depth):
# start by selecting the lines which have embedded beam rows
pile_lines = [pile.Parent for pile in g_i.EmbeddedBeams[:]]
Making all plates in all phases have identical settings in staged construction
refplate = g_i.Plates[0]
otherplates = g_i.Plates[1:]
for phase in g_i.Phases:
if refplate.Active[phase] is None: # phase not yet initialized
for otherplate in otherplates:
otherplate.Material[phase] = refplate.Material[phase]
otherplate.Active[phase] = refplate.Active[phase]
def phase_to_string(phase):
return "{} [{}]".format(phase.Identification, phase.Name)
def phase_to_string_with_error_code(phase):
return "{} [{}]. LogInfo: {}".format(
phase.Identification, phase.Name, phase.LogInfo)
def report_phases(phases_list):
successful_phases = []
failed_phases = []
uncalculated_phases = []
for phase in phases_list:
if phase.ShouldCalculate:
elif phase.LogInfo == '0':
report_lines = []
report_phases_by_kind(report_lines, successful_phases,
'Successful', phase_to_string)
report_phases_by_kind(report_lines, failed_phases,
'Failed', phase_to_string_with_error_code)
report_phases_by_kind(report_lines, uncalculated_phases,
'Skipped', phase_to_string)
return '\n'.join(report_lines)
def calculate_with_report():
phases_to_calculate = []
res = g_i.calculate()
report = [
'Title: {}'.format(g_i.Project.Title),
'Location: {}'.format(g_i.Project.Filename),
'Command feedback:',
return '\n'.join(report)
message = calculate_with_report()
## import os
## f = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
## f.write('\n'.join(['bh 0', 'sl 2', 'plate 0 0 1 1']))
## filename =
# Run one command at a time and have the wrapper handle the response
# for you - not much extra control.
for command in commands:
# Run one command at a time and handle the response yourself. The
# response now consists of Python primitives representing the
# JSON communication rather than comfortable objects.
for command in commands:
# input parameters
nr_pilerows = 4 # must be > 1
total_angle_deg = 180 # over which to distribute the piles, must be > 0 and <= 360
pilerow_length = 10
pilerow_inclination_deg = 15
array_center = (5, 0)
array_radius = 10
# calculations
def rel_coords_to_absolute(rel_coords, radius, offset):
coords = [radius * coord for coord in rel_coords]
return [p[0] + p[1] for p in zip(coords, offset)]
pilerow_inclination_rad = radians(pilerow_inclination_deg)
array_bottom_radius = array_radius + \
pilerow_length * sin(pilerow_inclination_rad)
array_bottom_center = (array_center[0], array_center[1] - pilerow_length *
pilerow_coords = []
for i in range(nr_pilerows):
angle = radians(total_angle_deg * i / (nr_pilerows - 1))
rel_coords = [cos(angle), sin(angle), 0]
top_coords = rel_coords_to_absolute(
rel_coords, array_radius, array_center)
bottom_coords = rel_coords_to_absolute(
rel_coords, array_bottom_radius, array_bottom_center)
pilerow_coords.append((top_coords, bottom_coords))
Convert 2D to 3D
# This is a limited converter that will only work for a small subset of potential 2D
geometry configurations. We need to be careful about which environment variables
# live in (3D will not be able to accept as input objects that live in the 2D
environment and the other way around).
# For this reason we will append a 2 or 3 to each variable in order to indicate where
the object lives. Keep in mind that for this case both 2D and 3D need to
# be running simultaneously, and they must open different ports for the scripting
engine. Depending on which versions are in use, it may also happen that the scripting
# API is incompatible between the two, so additional effort will need to be undertaken
to load different versions of the API for 2D and 3D.
# connect to 2D
s2, g2 = new_server('localhost', 10002, password='yourpassword')
# connect to 3D
s3, g3 = new_server('localhost', 10003, password='yourpassword')
# Calling the view command while Input has a running server will also start
# Output with a server and return the port that the new server uses.
# The commands preview, view and viewmesh will behave similarly.
output_port = g_i.selectmeshpoints()
# Connect to the Output server the same way we connect to the Input one.
s_o, g_o = new_server('localhost', output_port, password='yourpassword')
# Select a history point and close Output with the update command.
g_o.addcurvepoint('node', g_o.Soil_1_1, 0, 0)
import math
last_phase = g_i.Phases[-1]
ux = g_i.getresults(last_phase, g_i.ResultTypes.Soil.Ux, 'node')
uy = g_i.getresults(last_phase, g_i.ResultTypes.Soil.Uy, 'node')
import math
step = 0.1
last_phase = g_i.Phases[-1]
result_type = g_i.ResultTypes.Soil.Utot
def get_displacement(coordinate):
result = g_i.getsingleresult(last_phase, result_type, *coordinate)
if result == 'not found':
return float('nan')
return float(result)
#Use simple hill climbing to get to the coordinate with the highest
def get_walk_direction(coordinate, utot):
coordinate_dx = (coordinate[0] + step, coordinate[1])
result_dx = get_displacement(coordinate_dx)
if math.isnan(result_dx):
return (0.0, 0.0, True)
result_dy = get_displacement(coordinate_dy)
if math.isnan(result_dy):
return (0.0, 0.0, True)
max_utot = 0.0
coordinate_at_max = (0.0, 0.0)
unit_length = g_i.GeneralInfo.UnitLength
print("Found coordinate ({0} {3}, {1} {3}). "
"With a displacement of: {2} {3}".format(
coordinate_at_max[0], coordinate_at_max[1], max_utot, unit_length))
newest_plot = g_o.Plots[-1]
newest_plot.ResultType = g_o.ResultTypes.Soil.Utot
newest_plot.PlotType = 'shadings'
newest_plot.Phase = g_o.Phases[-1]
from PIL import ImageFilter
pil_image = image_wrapper.image
new_image = pil_image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)"test.png")
except ImportError:
#Just save if we don't have Pillow"test.png")
The following code demonstrates a possible approach to building a model template class, that can be tweaked in
subclasses in order to create model variants without duplicating large amounts of code. Other examples in this
document will build upon this class. Make sure you save it as "simple\" in the same directory where
you save the examples that need it.
imoprt os
import subprocess
PLAXIS_PATH = r"C:\Program Files\Plaxis\PLAXIS 2D"
class SimpleProject(object):
Class that provides a way to quickly setup a project for example purposes.
def __init__(self, g_i):
from plxscripting.easy import new_server
self._new_server = new_server
def gather_results(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Override gather_results in subclass.")
def output_results(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Override output_results in subclass.")
def close_input(self):
def g_i(self):
return self._g_i
def add_soil_layers(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Override add_soil_layers in subclass.")
def apply_soil_material(self):
('MaterialName', 'Sand'),
('Colour', 10676870),
('SoilModel', 3), # Hardening soil
('DrainageType', 'Drained'),
('gammaUnsat', 17),
('gammaSat', 20),
('E50ref', 43000),
('EoedRef', 28000),
('EurRef', 129000),
('powerm', 0.5),
('cref', 1),
('phi', 34.0),
('psi', 4.0),
('nu', 0.2),
('Rinter', 0.7),
('KONC', 0.5),
('OCR', 1.0),
('POP', 0.0)
sand = self._g_i.soilmat(*SAND_PARAMETERS)
def add_structures(self):
pass # Not adding any plates is fine too.
def apply_plate_materials(self):
('MaterialName', 'Wall'),
('Colour', 16711680),
('Elasticity', 0), # Elastic
('IsIsotropic', True),
('IsEndBearing', True),
('EA', 12000000),
('EI', 120000),
('nu', 0.15),
('d', 0.34641),
('w', 8.3),
('Mp', 1000000000000000.0),
('Np', 10000000000.0),
('Np2', 10000000000.0),
('RayleighAlpha', 0),
('RayleighBeta', 0),
('Gref', 15061311)
diaphragm_wall_material = self._g_i.platemat(*DIAPHRAGM_WALL_PARAMETERS)
def mesh(self):
def select_curve_points(self):
pass # Not selecting any curve-points is fine too.
def configure_phases(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Override configure_phases in subclass.")
def make_project(self):
def run(project_class):
# Replace with the path to your PLAXIS installation.
project = project_class(r"c:\Program Files (x86)\Plaxis\PLAXIS 2DX")
import sys
import csv
class ExportCSVProject(SimpleProject):
def add_soil_layers(self):
self._g_i.SoilContour.initializerectangular(0, 0, 100, 30)
borehole = self._g_i.borehole(0)
self._g_i.setsoillayerlevel(borehole, 0, 30)
self._g_i.setsoillayerlevel(borehole, 1, 27)
self._g_i.setsoillayerlevel(borehole, 2, 15)
self._g_i.setsoillayerlevel(borehole, 3, 0)
borehole.Head = 23
def add_structures(self):
self._g_i.plate(40, 30, 40, 14)
self._g_i.plate(60, 30, 60, 14)
def select_curve_points(self):
output_port = self._g_i.selectmeshpoints()
s_o, g_o = self._new_server('localhost', output_port, password='yourpassword')
g_o.addcurvepoint('node', 40, 30, -1, 0)
def configure_phases(self):
self._g_i.activate(self._g_i.LineLoads, self._g_i.InitialPhase)
self._g_i.activate(self._g_i.Plates, self._g_i.InitialPhase)
self._g_i.activate(self._g_i.Interfaces, self._g_i.InitialPhase)
self._g_i.SoilPolygons[1], self._g_i.InitialPhase)
line_load = self._g_i.LineLoads[0]
current_phase = self._g_i.InitialPhase
line_load.qy_start[current_phase] = 0.0
def gather_results(self):
output_port = self._g_i.view(self._g_i.InitialPhase)
s_o, g_o = self._new_server('localhost', output_port, password='yourpassword')
self._results = []
def output_results(self):
# Prevent excess newlines.
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
file_kwargs = { 'mode': 'wb' }
file_kwargs = { 'mode': 'w', 'newline': '' }
# By default the csv writers will separate values with a comma and the
# period will be used as the decimal separator.
# However, this might be problematic when trying to import a csv file
# on a system that uses comma as the decimal separator.
# In these cases do the following:
# - import the locale modules and call: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
# - get the correct separator with: locale.localeconv()['decimal_point']
# - replace the period in the output results with the correct separator
# - use a different csv dialect (see Python docs) so the comma isn't used
# as the column separator.
with open("results.csv", **file_kwargs) as csv_file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=['phaseID', 'displacement'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
class ExportPlotProject(SimpleProject):
def add_soil_layers(self):
def add_structures(self):
self._g_i.plate(6, 0, 6, -2)
self._g_i.PointLoads[0].Fy = -10
def configure_phases(self):
self._g_i.activate(self._g_i.Plates, self._g_i.InitialPhase)
next_phase = self._g_i.phase(self._g_i.InitialPhase)
self._g_i.activate(self._g_i.PointLoads, next_phase)
def gather_results(self):
width, height = 800, 600
output_port = self._g_i.view(self._g_i.InitialPhase)
s_o, g_o = self._new_server('localhost', output_port, password='yourpassword')
g_o.Plots[0].Phase = g_o.InitialPhase
self._initial_phase_image = g_o.Plots[0].export(width, height)
g_o.Plots[0].Phase = g_o.Phase_1
self._phase_1_image = g_o.Plots[0].export(width, height)
def output_results(self):
# Get Pillow.Image objects.
inner_initial_image = self._initial_phase_image.image
inner_phase_1_image = self._phase_1_image.image
cropping_left = (0, 0,
inner_initial_image.width // 2, inner_initial_image.height)
left_image = inner_initial_image.crop(cropping_left)
cropping_right = (inner_phase_1_image.width // 2, 0,
inner_phase_1_image.width, inner_phase_1_image.height)
right_image = inner_phase_1_image.crop(cropping_right)
result_image =
inner_initial_image.mode, inner_initial_image.size)
result_image.paste(left_image, cropping_left)
result_image.paste(right_image, cropping_right)
default_font = ImageFont.load_default()
drawing_context = ImageDraw.Draw(result_image)
initial_phase_ID = self._g_i.Phases[0].Identification.value
drawing_context.text((200, 160), initial_phase_ID,
font=default_font, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))
phase_1_ID = self._g_i.Phases[1].Identification.value
after_text_size = default_font.getsize(phase_1_ID)
drawing_context.text((600 - after_text_size[0], 160),
phase_1_ID, font=default_font, fill=(0, 0, 0, 255))"plot_initial_vs_phase_1.png")
if __name__ == '__main__':
class CrossSectionProject(SimpleProject):
def add_soil_layers(self):
def add_structures(self):
self._g_i.lineload(5, 0, 7, 0)
def configure_phases(self):
self._g_i.activate(self._g_i.Plates, self._g_i.InitialPhase)
next_phase = self._g_i.phase(self._g_i.InitialPhase)
self._g_i.activate(self._g_i.PointLoads, next_phase)
def gather_results(self):
start = (0.0, -4.0)
end = (6.0, 0.0)
output_port = self._g_i.view(self._g_i.Phases[-1])
s_o, g_o = self._new_server('localhost', output_port, password='yourpassword')
# Assumes that start and end contain floats, will not work correctly
# with integers in Python 2.
step = [(e - s) / (SAMPLE_COUNT - 1) for e, s in zip(end, start)]
self._results = []
for i in range(SAMPLE_COUNT):
position = (start[0] + i * step[0], start[1] + i * step[1])
result_string = g_o.getsingleresult(g_o.Phases[-1],
g_o.ResultTypes.Soil.Utot, position)
# Check if position lies outside the mesh, it might make more sense
# to use 0 as the result for other result types.
if result_string == "not found":
raise Exception("Used getsingleresult for point outside mesh.")
def output_results(self):
pyplot.plot(range(len(self._results)), self._results, 'r')
if __name__ == '__main__':
/commands Fire regular PLAXIS command line commands and fetch any created objects
/exceptions Get information about exceptions that occurred outside the server requests
"ownerguid": <string>
"type": <string>
The server can recognise and retrieve information about objects contained within the PLAXIS project based on
that object's GUID. This means that, for example, a particular PLAXIS object can be created using the /commands
resource, and then later the values of that object's properties can be retrieved by sending that object's GUID in a
request to the /propertyvalues resource. The same GUID can be used in the creation of additional objects by
sending it in a request to the /commands resource. If the object is listable, sending the guid as part of a request to
the /list resource will enable access to the object's properties by index, and so on. The ownerguid is only
returned for objects that are intrinsic properties. It is the guid of the owning object.
"name": "close",
"filename": ""
Success responses
Code Reason
200 OK
Data parameters
*{1, ...}[<string>]*
Data parameters example
"point 1 2"
"embeddedbeamrow 4 4 {860C1FC5-BDE1-4887-98A2-8FE20B61FCD5}"
Code Reason
200 OK
"extrainfo": "Added Point_1",
"islistable": true,
"type": "Point",
"guid": "{860C1FC5-BDE1-4887-98A2-8FE20B61FCD5}"
"debuginfo": "",
"success": true,
"errorpos": -1
"command": "point 1 2"
"commands": [
"feedback": {
"extrainfo": "Added Point_3\r\nAdded Line_1\r\nAdded EmbeddedBeamRow_1",
"returnedobjects": [
"islistable": true,
"type": "Point",
"guid": "{92851C68-561A-4C21-9ACD-46F50905FD4E}"
"islistable": true,
"type": "Line",
"guid": "{7DB7DF8E-1FE4-4624-A3D2-F682DB9C8F18}"
"islistable": false,
"type": "EmbeddedBeamRow",
"guid": "{A678F396-C8F3-41EE-9A8E-5798BB0B6054}"
"debuginfo": "",
"success": true,
"errorpos": -1
"command": "embeddedbeamrow 4 4 Point_1"
Code Reason
200 OK
"extrainfo": "Command \"bad\" is not recognized as a global command.
Check the spelling or try specifying a target object.",
"debuginfo": "",
"success": false,
"errorpos": 1
"command": "bad"
Here the command returned an associative dictionary containing the 'ContentType'field. This will indicate what
the rest of the dictionary will contain. In this particular case where the 'ContentType'is 'image/png'the
dictionary will contain an additional 'data'field whose value is a base64 encoded PNG image.
The 'json'field does not necessarily have to be a dictionary, it can also be an integer or any other type allowed in
Error responses
Code Reason
Code Reason
200 OK
"queries": {
"{68A2C1A7-924B-46C3-89DF-F597DAADC359}": {
"extrainfo": "",
"success": true,
"properties": {
"z": {
"islistable": false,
"ownerguid": "{68A2C1A7-924B-46C3-89DF-F597DAADC359}",
"type": "Number",
"guid": "{5FCCF1CC-7576-4565-B931-DE54241EA21B}"
"y": {
"islistable": false,
"ownerguid": "{68A2C1A7-924B-46C3-89DF-F597DAADC359}",
"type": "Number",
"guid": "{D52CBED3-8C59-4967-A5BA-89ECE6E9BD94}"
"x": {
"islistable": false,
"ownerguid": "{68A2C1A7-924B-46C3-89DF-F597DAADC359}",
"type": "Number",
"guid": "{25DA6A75-4F25-42F3-9654-3672A93FCE1F}"
"Name": {
"islistable": false,
"ownerguid": "{68A2C1A7-924B-46C3-89DF-F597DAADC359}",
"type": "Text",
"guid": "{A4209590-9487-4B98-9966-34A6A58DBE2D}"
"Comments": {
"islistable": false,
"ownerguid": "{68A2C1A7-924B-46C3-89DF-F597DAADC359}",
"type": "Text",
"guid": "{9430592C-7D5D-4735-B572-2B29C87FBF1F}"
"commands": [
"commandlinename": "Point_1"
"queries": {
"{0D04D0CB-86BF-4430-882C-FA56E45DF7AB}": {
"extrainfo": "GUID does not refer to object in registry: {0D04D0CB-86BF-4430-882C-
"success": false
"queries": {
"bad": {
"extrainfo": "Supplied string is not a valid GUID: bad",
"success": false
Error responses
Code Reason
This resource provides the current values of particular properties of PLAXIS objects. If a property is itself an
object (such as the point properties of a line), then it is represented as a full object. If a property is a primitive
value type, then the relevant primitive value is returned.
There are two ways of calling this resource. One is to supply just a guid of the owner object, in which case all
properties of this object are represented in the response. The other way is to supply not just the owner guid, but
also a property name and an optional phase parameter. Such a structure is treated as a request for one single
property. If that property is staged, and the supplied phase guid is valid, then the value for that property and
phase is returned.
Method: POST
Data parameters
[*{1} GUID string*]
"owner": *{1} GUID string*
("phaseguid: *{1} GUID string*)
Data parameters example
"owner": "{D4981EA8-EC07-471D-A8C3-7510B4F74F25}"
"propertyname": "Active"
"phaseguid": "{C3581EA8-FB07-5344-A8C3-569359320603}"
Success responses
"queries": {
"{D4981EA8-EC07-471D-A8C3-7510B4F74F25}": {
"extrainfo": "",
"success": true,
"properties": {
"Second": {
"islistable": true,
"type": "Point",
"guid": "{A67959C9-C12D-41D6-8136-52C1E5711165}"
"Length": 6.92820323027551,
"First": {
"islistable": true,
"type": "Point",
"guid": "{4B889C3F-7F5C-4611-8D31-F4A39C71B11A}"
"Name": "Line_1",
"Comments": ""
"extrainfo": "",
"properties": {"Comments": ""},
"success": true
Error responses
Code Reason
features or geometric objects. This resource can also be used to retrieve unique representations of objects for
which the command line name is known, such as 'Point1'.
Method: POST
Data parameters
Example Request:
"namedobjects": ["Points"]
"namedobjects": ["Plate_1"]
Code Reason
200 OK
"namedobjects": {
"Points": {
"extrainfo": "",
"success": true,
"returnedobject": {
"islistable": true,
"type": "ModelGroup",
"guid": "{32871FF1-809C-470A-94B0-4B56B28BC67B}"
Code Reason
200 OK
"namedobjects": {
"Plate_1": {
"extrainfo": "",
"success": true,
"returnedobject": {
"islistable": false,
"type": "Plate",
"guid": "{C0C4EDA6-DFF7-4593-A280-A1EC20D5EADD}"
Code Reason
"guid": "{CF1DECEB-A28D-4609-B38C-8D3FF5E573A1}",
"methodname": "count",
"outputdata": 5,
"success": true}]}
{"listqueries": [{"extrainfo": "",
"guid": "{CF1DECEB-A28D-4609-B38C-8D3FF5E573A1}",
"methodname": "index",
"outputdata": [{"guid": "{81B754C8-1353-48BA-AD6E-5A6953F9CBE5}",
"islistable": true,
"type": "Point"}],
"success": true}]}
Error responses
Code Reason
Code Reason
200 OK
"queries": {
"{31AFFD41-0EB4-4A67-94F4-298642E17507}": {
"extrainfo": "",
"success": true,
"enumvalues": {
"hinged": 1,
"free": 2,
"rigid": 0
Code Reason
200 OK
"queries": {
"{0B4774CE-3307-4B86-B644-BFDE82CF3AAA}": {
"extrainfo": "GUID does not refer to object in registry:
"success": false
Code Reason
200 OK
"queries": {
"{C896C54E-1CBA-4B0F-9987-E1FF57A9131E}": {
"extrainfo": "Guid {C896C54E-1CBA-4B0F-9987-E1FF57A9131E} does not refer to
an enumeration intrinsic property type.",
"success": false
Error responses
Code Reason
Exceptions that occur during execution of a server request are automatically caught and returned as error result
in the response of that request. Exceptions however may also happen independently of the requests, e.g. because
a problem during repainting. In such situations, an exception message box may be displayed by the application.
This resource allows access to information about this type of exceptions.
The getlast variant will clear the last exception message on the server, while the peeklast variant will leave it in
Method: POST
Data parameters
"name": *1 <string> from {"getlast", "peeklast"}*
Data parameters example
"name": "getlast"
"name": "peeklast"
Success responses
Code Reason
200 OK
"exceptions": [
"date/time : 2015-04-17, 16:09:46, 750ms\r\ncomputer name : PC075\r\nwts client
name : ...etc..."
Error responses
Code Reason"/exceptions",
headers headers)
Allows parsing a command line string into the separate tokens according to the PLAXIS command line language.
A token is a sequence of one or more characters that together form a basic indivisible entity of source code.
Each token has the following properties:
• type: indicates what type of token it is (see list below)
• value: which is the parsed representation of the item (e.g. the token consisting of the characters 10 will
resolve to be of integer type with value 10).
• position: indicates the start position of the token in the original string (0-based)
• length: the number of characters the token consumed from the original string
The following types of tokens exist:
• identifier: something that will act either as command or as object identifier
• comment: a piece of comment, i.e. a sequence of characters starting with # up to the end of the string. The
value of the token includes the starting # sign.
• content: e.g. running in the case of #running
• externalinterpreter: a line that should be executed by an external interpreter, e.g. /output echo Points. The
value of the token includes the starting / sign. It has three additional properties:
• interpretername: e.g. output in the case of /output echo Points
• externalcommand: e.g. echo Points in the same case
• content: e.g. output echo Points in the case of output echo Points
• operand tokens:
• bracket: identifies a bracket type. Bracket tokens have additional properties:
• brackettype: can be round, square, curly for (), [], {} respectively
• bracketstate: can be open or close for ([{respectively )]}
• member: used to separate an object from its members (e.g. the . in Line\_1.Beam)
• comma, plus, minus, multiplier, divider, assign: currently unused, but they are the ,, +,-,*,/,=operands
• numerical tokens:
• integer: represents a number that can be represented by a 32-bit signed integer
• float: represents a number that can be represented as a floating point value
Method: POST
Data parameters
Data parameters example
"point 10"
"point 10", "point 8"
"a ?"
Success responses
Code Reason
200 OK
"tokens": [
{"position": 0,
"length": 5,
"type": "identifier",
"value": "point"},
{"position": 6,
"length": 2,
"type": "integer",
"value": 10},
"success": true,
"extrainfo": "",
"errorpos": -1
"tokenize": "point 10"
"tokens": [
{"position": 0,
"length": 1,
"type": "identifier",
"value": "a"},
"success": false,
"extrainfo": "Unrecognized token",
"errorpos": 2
"tokenize": "a ?"
Error responses
Code Reason
10 PICOS solver was used instead of PARDISO Install more RAM in your computer
due to lack of memory.
9 Different stress type was used in the In the previous phase, a different stress
previous phase. type (Terzaghi stress or Bishop stress) was
used. Please check your input.
6 Dynamic loads applied on free field base Dynamic loads that where applied on a free
elements are moved to main domain by field boundary will be applied directly on
kernel the elements inside the model.
5 One or more Tension of Mohr-Coulomb Inspect Output for the Initial phase (K0
points found procedure) and check the K0 values for the
materials in which the plastic points occur
as well
4 Static loads have been changed in a The value for a static load has been
dynamics analysis changed in a dynamics analysis. Please re-
check your load values if this was
2 Prescribed ultimate state fully reached. For this phase a Σ Mstage < 1 was defined.
Unfinished construction stage. Next The next phase should be staged
calculation must be staged construction construction.
No critical time step found; no draining Check boundary conditions. It could be that
boundaries all boundaries are closed.
K nc ≃ 0 in Sekiguchi-Ohta model, please Re-evaluate Sekiguchi-Ohta model material
correct. datasets.
Both left and right hand side free field Activate both sides of the free field
boundaries must be active. boundaries
Prescribed ultimate level Σ Msfsf not Increase the value assigned to the Max
reached steps parameter.
Picos_Dec: matrix type differs from initial Internal error. Please send the PLAXIS
type project to support.
Picos_Back: matrix type differs from initial Internal error. Please send the PLAXIS
type. project to support.
Programmer abort request. For more See the details in these files, or send your
details see the .Ixx or .Dxx file. <Params> project to support.
Complex error. For more details see See the details in these files, or send to
the .Ixx or .Dxx file. <Params> support.
Reference to non-existing material set. Redefine staged construction for this phase
Redefined staged construction phase. and check material assignments.
250 Mesh files does not exist. Missing mesh data. Regenerate the mesh.
Table 25: Errors that may occur in the Stress-strain curves tab
Table 26: Exit codes, message printed in Optimization_results.txt and message shown in the GUI
4 "hscapitr.dll" is corrupt
18 Aborted by user
For the errors mentioned in table above, please send your project to support.
Licence Level
PLAXIS 3D PLAXIS 3D Advanced [ADV] PLAXIS 3D Ultimate [ULT]
General deformation
analysis (Plastic ✓ ✓ ✓
calculation type)
Automatic centerline
✓ ✓ ✓
extraction tools
Licence Level
PLAXIS 3D PLAXIS 3D Advanced [ADV] PLAXIS 3D Ultimate [ULT]
Consolidation analysis
(Consolidation calculation - ✓ ✓
Pseudostatic analysis - ✓ ✓
Steady-state groundwater
- ✓ ✓
Transient groundwater
- - ✓
Generate Stratigraphy
✓ + [GSE] ✓ + [GSE] ✓ + [GSE]
from imported CPT Logs
Licence Level
PLAXIS 3D PLAXIS 3D Advanced [ADV] PLAXIS 3D Ultimate [ULT]
iTwin Analytical
✓ + [GSE] ✓ + [GSE] ✓ + [GSE]
Note: Soil models available in PLAXIS and their relation with licencing levels can be seen in the Appendices of
the Material Models Manual.