RMBridgeE UGUIDE Structure
This manual is split into three parts. The first part documents the assumptions on which the software is based,
and gives some general explanations. The second part explains the individual input procedures for RM Bridge -
prepared in the same logical order as the main input screen. The third part gives application examples of the
software for typical bridge engineering projects. A referencing system provides logical links between these three
parts. Cross-references between the three parts should ensure that related information could be tracked. Conventions
Navigation within the program functions is described using the following symbols:
• Menu navigation is represented by menu labels separated with a “>” symbol between menu levels (e.g.,
Structure > Elements > Cross Sections
Reference to various input functions is made using the following symbols:
• General function buttons are printed in bold (e.g., Insert)
• Keystrokes are represented by the key name within angled brackets (e.g., press <Ctrl+S> to save changes)
Unless otherwise noted, numeric values are displayed using a decimal, “.”, as the separation from ones and
tenths. A comma, “,” is used to separate steps of 103 (i.e., thousands, millions, etc.) for clarity.
RM Bridge is a product of the Bentley program generation. A program folder is established during the
installation process. The installation procedure generates a folder named RM Bridge as a subfolder of the
selected installation path. All program components including documentation and default data are stored in
folders and files beneath this RM Bridge subfolder. Additional authorization files that act together with a
specific hardlock security device are necessary for using the program. The installation procedure and the
authorization procedure for RM Bridge are described in detail in the Installation Guide.
Archive files
Model description Results (*.TCL)
Automated reports
Input into this database can be made via the Graphical User Interface (GUI), via script language (*.TCL) and via
interface functions to other software (e.g., *.XLS, *.DXF, *.CSV). If a structural analysis is performed then the
results of this analysis are stored in the binary database as described above. These results can be further
processed and output into alphanumeric text files (*.lst) and graphic files (*.pl), and for further processing in
other software products. The inclusion of calculation results into reports can be automated to a high degree
using the Bentley Document Format (*.TDF).
1.3.1 General
The main program window (following figure) consists of a screen for viewing the active structural 3D-model,
toolbars, the menu bar for calling the main program functions and a status bar containing detailed runtime
information. The main program window may be resized using the windows functions. Resizing is not possible if
any input pad is open in the program window.
Menu bar
Main 3D-View
3D-view toolbar
3D-view orientation
The name and path of the current project and the version number of RM Bridge are displayed in the title bar as
shown in the following figure.
Project name
The status bar at the bottom of the main window contains three lines with general information on the left hand
side and an action log in the center, as shown in the following figure. The small graphic window on the right
hand side shows the view direction of the graphic presentation in the main graphics window. The three
information lines contain descriptive texts of objects when viewed in input pads, the set of units currently used,
and licence information. All actions performed by RM Bridge are logged and shown in the status bar. The history
of logging information may be viewed by clicking the log button in the main toolbar.
Text Editor Open and edit text files from the current project
Open Plot File Open and view plot files from the current project
The menus are structured in groups of functions. The first level of the menu-bar is given in the following table.
General File general settings and file operations (see 3 File Menu)
Structural Modeling Properties view and edit structural properties (see 5 Properties
Post-processing Results view, filter and print results (see 8 Results Menu)
a) b) c)
Common functions (tools) are used to edit and insert data in tables
Tool Description
insert before
Tool Description
insert after
Opens a list of internal variables (in Properties > Variables, see Properties Variables
(on page 76)), or a list of user defined plot variables (in Results > Plot > Plot
Containers, see Graphical Result Presentation (on page 230))
Input pads are usually available for modifying existing table entries. Groups of objects can be identified in these
tables using a From/To/Step syntax.
1.3.5 3D Views
The graphic screen is, by default, split into three views: two graphic views and one window showing the eye-
position of the active view (as shown Main program window of RM Bridge (on page 14)). All views show
orthogonal or perspective projections of the three-dimensional structural model. The zoom-factor, eye position,
and the type of projection and other view settings may be changed for each of the visible views individually. The
active view is marked by a small square in its lower left corner (see the following figure). All view settings (View
menu) apply to this active view, as well as a special freehand zoom function (see Functions for Zoom and Eye
Position (on page 21)).
marker for
active view
Fit All
Pan Left
Pan Right
Pan Up
Tool Description
Pan Down
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Rotate Down
Rotate Up
Rotate Right
Tool Description
Rotate Left
Default View
Reset View Zoom
Changes in magnification can be made either using the 3D View toolbar as described above or by using freehand
symbols. Freehand symbols are drawn directly onto the screen view while pressing the <Ctrl> key and the left
mouse key. Zoom and pan functions are available to be used. The following freehand symbol is provided for
examining a detail in any place in the active view (marked by a small square):
Zoom view
A range of options for the active (current) view may be set in the view settings. For example the types of objects
to be shown depending on their activation state, drawing of cross sections and element bodies and further
settings can be activated. View settings are made in the View menu or reached via the context menu that is
opened by clicking the right mouse button in any view.
Note: The best results for reports are obtained with the background color set to white (View > Colour Profile >
White Background).
To… Press…
Show element properties of the element indicated by the mouse cursor <Ctrl+E>
Show node properties of the node indicated by the mouse cursor <Ctrl+N>
To… Press…
To… Press…
To… Press…
To… Press…
To… Press…
To… Press…
To… Press…
Switch on/off the CFD calculation flag for the current line <C>
2.2 Units
You can freely choose the units for data input and output. Any combination of unit systems is possible. The unit
system used internally in RM Bridge for the calculation and data storage in the binary database is a modified SI
system (SI = Système International d’Unités). All input values entered into the program are transformed
internally into this system and all output values are transformed from this system into the output units before
completing the output action
The internal unit system is as follows:
• Meters [m] for the lengths
• Kilo-Newton [kN] for forces
• Degrees centigrade [°C] for the temperature definitions
• Seconds [s] for the time definitions
• Directly derived (consistent) other units (e.g., m/s2 for accelerations or kN/m2 for stresses)
Although you are free to work in an arbitrary unit system, it is recommended that a consistent system of units be
used to ensure a clear understanding of the calculation results. Account must be taken of any inconsistent unit
system used when interpreting the results!
The local X-axis XL is oriented in the direction from element begin to element end. The angle α2 (angle in plan) is
defined as the angle between the global XG-axis and the normal projection of the element on the XG-ZG-plane
(plan). The angle α1 (angle of elevation) is defined as the angle between the XG-ZG-plane and the element axis XL.
α1 is positive if the local X-axis XL has a positive YG-component (left-hand turning), α2 is positive when measured
from XG-towards ZG (right-hand turning). A 3rd angle, denoted b, describes the deviation of the principal inertia
planes from the default. The local coordinate system may be derived from the global system by applying three
rotations in the correct order (a2, a1 and b).
The default orientations (Y'L, Z'L) of the local axes YL and ZL are calculated in accordance with the following
• For deck elements (predominantly horizontal) the axis Y'L is allocated to a plane parallel to the global YG axis
and the local XL axis.
• For pier elements (predominantly vertical) the axis Z'L is allocated to a plane parallel to the global ZG axis and
the local XL axis.
α1 and α2 are automatically derived from the location of the element begin and end defined in the input. The
orientations of the local axes YL and ZL (forming the 1st and 2nd principal inertia planes with XL respectively) are
defined by the angle β. The input for the β-angle must be given by the user if the default axes Y'L, Z'L are not
suitable. The definition of the angle β for deck elements and pier elements respectively is shown below. The
angle ß is positive if turning to the left around the xL axis.
Note: The angle b is an element parameter describing the principal inertia planes being constant over the whole
element length. An average value must be entered whenever the principal inertia planes of the element cross-
sections differ from one end to the other. Refer to 6.3.7, Elements > Length and Angles for further details.
Rigidly clamped piers can be modelled by specifying the node ‘0’ (rigid node without DOF’s) for the start node
(or end node) of the respective beam element. The length and orientation of the element is in this case not
implicitly defined. Therefore, the element length and the angles α2 and α1 have to be defined by the user in order
to allow the program for calculating the appropriate local coordinate system and stiffness matrix.
+ +
+ +
(a) deck ZL (b) pier
Figure 10: Definition of β-angle for girders and piers (viewed in the negative XL direction!)
the element start and end. (E.g., the point of the spring is the centre of the bearing and eccentric connections are
defined to the respective nodes of the superstructure and substructure). However, RM Bridge assumes zero
length of spring elements even if the eccentricities are not defined properly.
Therefore, the local coordinate system of spring elements cannot be derived from the element axis and needs to
be defined by the user by directly specifying the appropriate angles α2, α1, and β, unless the local axis directions
are the global directions (default setting). Dependent on α2 and α1, the default local system for β=0 is created in
accordance with the above described deck element convention.
Special care should be taken to ensure that the local coordinate system matches the sequence of connecting
nodes, in order to avoid a misleading result interpretation with respect to the sign of internal forces. Therefore,
positive axis directions should approximately match the hypothetical local axes of a beam element connecting
the 2 nodes without eccentricities, as shown in Figure 2 3 below:
Figure 11: Node sequence dependency of local axes definition of spring elements
section coordinate axes, the second moments of inertia Iz ad Iy are, by default, also computed about the cross-
section system axes. The respective off-diagonal terms of the inertia tensor are neglected.
In the standard case (symmetric cross-section, no eccentricities, cross-section normal to the element axis) the
cross-section coordinate system translated to the gravity center will be identical to the local coordinate system
of the beam element.
Note: If the cross-section consists of more than one cross-section part (see 5.4.3), the cross-section coordinate
system is translated into the gravity center of the respective cross-section part for calculating the moments of
With respect to the axis directions, the cross-section values describing the shear resistance are also related to
the cross-section coordinate system. With respect to the origin of the calculation coordinate system, they are
however related to the shear center, and not to the center of gravity. In accordance with the basic assumptions of
the statics of beams, the program assumes without any further checks, that the shear center and the center of
gravity coincide (one unique element axis being the reference axis for all internal force components). I.e., the off-
diagonal terms of the inertia tensor arising due to any offset between gravity and shear center are neglected like
those arising from deviations of the principal inertia planes.
Cross-sections can also be rotated in order to match the cross-section axes with the principal axes (see 5.4.8,
Translating and Rotating Cross-Sections). The cross-section properties are re-calculated for the modified system
after the rotation/translation. Depending on the actually used sub-function, the β-angles of the elements with
this cross-section can be updated by the user or are automatically updated, so that the orientation of the cross-
section in the global system remains the same.
Cross-section plane viewed Cross-section plane viewed in
in local ZL-direction. negative local YL-direction.
The cross-section plane is, by default, perpendicular to the element axis connecting the centers of gravity at the
element begin and element end. In some cases, it might be advantageous to define the cross-section in a different
plane. RM Bridge allows for defining the cross-section in any plane. However, the cross-section properties are
calculated in this plane and used in the stiffness calculations without any transformation. However, the plane
specification influences the position of stress points and tendon points in the tendon geometry calculation
process and in the design checks.
2.5.1 General
Different element types are used for different purposes in structural analyses. A brief summary of the element
types currently available in RM Bridge and their structural properties is given below:
• Beam elements – Beam
• Internal and external prestressing tendons – Tendon, TndExt
• Cable elements – Cable
• Spring elements (various types) including:
• linear spring elements – Spring
• friction spring elements – SFrict
• contact spring elements – SCont
• compression-only spring elements – SCompr
• tension-only spring elements – STens
• track interaction springs – SBilin
• hydro-dynamic springs – SHydro
• Stiffness matrix – Stiff
• Flexibility matrix – Flex
• Special elements for dynamic analysis including:
• viscous damper elements – VDamp
• Kelvin-Voigt damper springs – SDamp
• Maxwell dampers – Maxwell
• Friction Pendulum System – FPS
Elements are bounded by nodes and their orientation is defined as being from the start node to the end node -
Refer to Coordinate System (on page 28) together with sign conventions in Eccentric Connections (on page
As a general convention, a node with number ‘0’ may always be referred to as a rigid node as described in 9.2.5
(on page 246).
The basic assumptions of beam theory must be considered when modeling a structural system using beam
elements. General modeling issues resulting from these requirements are addressed in Section 9.2 (on page
244). Geometry
The exact 3-D geometry of a beam element is derived from its length, direction, eccentric connections ( Eccentric
Connections (on page 39)), and angle of twist β (Local Coordinate System for Beam Elements (on page 28)).
This information is either automatically generated in the RM Modeler (formerly GP) or can be entered and/or
modified in RM Bridge. As a minimum, the structural nodes at the beginning and at the end of the element must
be defined (the nodes at the beginning and end of a beam element must not be identical in coordinates). Cross-Sections
Cross-section properties must be assigned to the start and end of each beam element; the average of these two
values is used in the stiffness calculation.
A library of predefined cross-sections is provided as part of the software package. This library can be managed
and extended using the Modeler (GP). Cross-section properties are automatically computed using a Finite
Element (FE) approach. The method implemented in RM Bridge is a general algorithm that ensures that no
distinction between thin-walled and thick-walled or closed and open cross-sections needs to be made by the
user. A consistent FE-mesh is a pre-requisite for the calculation of cross-section properties. It is best to generate
complicated cross-section geometries using the RM Modeler (GP).
Two-dimensional 9-noded isoparametric elements (Lagrange elements) are used for the FE-calculation of the
cross-section values. The quadratic shape function used for these elements guarantees good behavior even with
rather coarse meshes. It may be generally stated that one element over the thickness of the different cross-
section parts is sufficient for hollow-sections whereas three elements over the thickness should be used for the
solid cross-sections to obtain accurate results for the shear flow in the cross-section (see also 5.4.7 and the
Modeler Manual).
Alternatively, cross-section properties can be entered directly without having to define the actual geometry of
the cross-section. This approach is sufficient for section forces and displacements results but precludes the use
of automated design checks, calculation of stresses, and many other procedures.
Tendons can be defined in their exact 3-D geometry. Friction losses due to stressing, wedge slip, or releasing are
computed accurately taking into account the given specifications for friction coefficient (and wobble factor for
internal tendons). Once an internal tendon is defined as grouted, the cross-section properties of the referenced
beam elements are updated accordingly.
component Fx. The stiffness for the XL-direction and for the rotations about XL, YL, ZL is described by the
spring constants Cx, CMx, CMy, CMz. The shear forces in the local YL and ZL directions are limited for negative
Fx, and set to zero for positive Fx. The limits for negative Fx are |Fy| ≤ μy × |Fx| and |Fz| ≤ μz × |Fx|. The
friction coefficients μy and μz are additional input values besides Cx, CMx, CMy, CMz.
apply if Fx > 0 and F < 0, or if Fx < 0 and F > 0. An appropriate interpolation of the spring constants is applied
between the two regions, and the “unloaded” parameter-set is used if F = 0.
Additionally, limit forces Fy, Fz, defining a bilinear behavior, can be prescribed for the translational stiffness in y
and z direction, as it is described for friction elements (see Friction Elements (on page 35)). These values are
absolute values valid for positive and negative forces in y and z directions. A graphic presentation of the stress-
strain laws described by track interaction springs is given in the following figure.
Unloaded Fx
Figure 15: Stress-strain diagrams of track interaction springs for F<0 and F>0
The Hydro-dynamic spring is simulating the interaction between structure and submerged floater and it is used
for dynamical time response calculation of floating bridges. Interaction is modeled as participation of radiation
wave damping R(t) and infinite added mass Mhydro imported via excel file. Hydrostatic stiffness Khydro is diagonal
matrix and it should be modeled as zero spring that connects floater with zero node of surrounding fluid.
Radiation damping and added mass are modeled as fully coupled 6X6 matrices. Members of added mass matrix
are symmetric and members of frequency dependent damping matrix are non-symmetric. Excel data are
transformed from AQWA (right hand) to RM (left hand) coordinate system. More details about input and
calculation can be found in the Analyzer User Guide under chapter Hydro-dynamic spring.
Fully coupled dynamic equation with added mass, radiation damping and hydrostatic stiffness:
K´ +eZ
XG General
In continuum mechanics, the internal stress state is described by the stress tensor at any point inside the
structure. Beam theory however assumes cross-sections remaining plane, resulting in a linear strain distribution
over the sections. The integrals of the stresses over the cross-sections are called internal forces and moments.
These values are, besides the nodal displacements and rotations, the primary result values of RM Bridge.
With respect to the result values describing the strain state of the structure, we differentiate between nodal
results and element results. Nodal results are usually only deformation values defined in the global coordinate
system. Nodes with node supports will additionally yield support forces as internal force results. Deformations
The deformation vector contains the following components:
• vx displacement in global X direction
• vy displacement in global Y direction
• vz displacement in global Z direction
• rx rotation around the global X direction
• ry rotation around the global Y direction
• rz rotation around the global Z direction
For sign conventions refer to Sign Conventions (on page 42).
Element results are deformations and internal forces at the element ends and any subdivision points. The
deformation vector contains the same components as the nodal deformation vector, but the values are related to
the start and end points on the element axis rather, than to the maybe eccentrically connected nodes. The
internal force vectors are primarily related to the local coordinate system.
• Primary forces, describing the arising internal forces under the assumption of free deformability, and the
• Secondary forces, describing the internal force state due to the support reactions constraining the free
deformation of the system.
Splitting into a primary and a secondary part is in RM Bridge performed for the following load cases (load types).
• Prestressing, where the primary part is also called V×e-state
• Creep and shrinkage, where the primary part defines the strain constraint due to the grouted prestressing
steel, and
• Nonlinear temperature distribution; the primary part describes the differential state between the actual
temperature distribution, and the equivalent linear distribution inducing structural deformations.
The function for result presentations allow for presenting the different parts separately or in total (options
Total, Primary, and Secondary, see Results Load Cases (on page 228)). Stresses
In RM Bridge, stresses are not calculated in the primary calculation functions, but if necessary in later post-
processing or output functions. The calculation is done with using the internal forces or strains respectively.
Stresses are not stored in the database and therefore not presented in the GUI result value tables.
The calculation of longitudinal stresses is only performed for stress points, which are related to the cross-sections
and gathered in so-called reference sets (see Cross-Sections Reference Sets (on page 65)). Lists and graphical
presentations of longitudinal stresses in the different stress points are created via RM-Sets (see Properties RM
Sets (on page 83)), or in the respective checking actions (Fib…, see and Fiber Stress Check (on page 340)).
Graphical presentations may also be created in the other functions for graphical result presentation (see
Graphical Result Presentation (on page 230)).
The calculation of shear stresses is performed in the checking functions PrincLc or PrincSup respectively (see
and Shear Stresses (on page 343)). It is also done for the stress points specified in the appropriate reference
sets. Apart from the evaluation of shear stresses in the directions of the cross-section axes, the functions PrincLc
and PrincSup can also be used for calculating and listing principal stresses and equivalent stresses in the stress
points. The graphical presentation of the distribution of anyone of these stress values can be performed with
using the functions for graphical result presentation (see Graphical Result Presentation (on page 230)).
Figure 17: Sign conventions for nodal forces, moments, displacements and rotations
Displacements are positive in the positive axis directions and rotations are positive in the clockwise direction
(right-hand turning) as shown in the previous figure. Nodal support reactions are positive, if the related
displacements and rotations are positive. External node forces and moments given in the global coordinate
system follow the same sign conventions viewed from the origin of the system. Local element forces and
moments follow the same sign conventions in the sense of the local coordinate system.
+N +Qz
XL +Mx
ZL +tensile fibre My
begin +tensile fibre Mz
Internal forces and moments are related to the local element coordinate system. The sign conventions are shown
in the previous pair of figures. These conventions define tensile stresses as being positive and compressive
stresses as being negative. Shear stresses are positive, if the positive element edge (element end) is moved into
the positive transverse direction.
Moments are defined as positive if the so-called “tensile fiber” in the cross-section is tensioned. The “tensile
fiber” for the transverse My moments is on the positive z-side, but the tensile fiber for the Mz moments is
situated on the negative y-side. This is in contradictions to the standards used in the theory of elasticity, but it
ensures compatibility with common engineering assumptions where a moment causing tension on the bottom
side is defined to be positive, and a moment causing tension on the topside is negative. The torsion moment is
defined as positive when it acts in the clockwise direction at the element end. The following table lists the sign
conventions again for the element begin and end.
RM Bridge also offers the possibility to transform internal forces and moments from the local element
coordinate system or into global directions. Note that the signs of such transformed result values are not
meaningful any more. They are determined for the local values in accordance with the above-described rules,
and a standard mathematical direction transformation is then applied to get the “global” values.
Change Work Directory This function is used to directly change the project directory by browsing
directories, starting from the current project directory. If the newly selected
directory contains a valid input database, it is read in, otherwise an empty project
is initialized.
Initialize Current Initialization of the current project will lead to an empty database with a loss of all
Project existing project data.
Open RM Bridge Project A list of previous projects is provided on selecting this item. Any of the existing
projects may be opened (Continue project); a new project may be created
automatically by giving a new directory name and selecting the option Start a new
project. Furthermore, directories may be selected as described in 3.1.1.
The option Import TCL project data is a shortcut to TCL script import, executed
subsequent to opening the project (see TCL Operations (on page 47)). Similar,
the option Demo examples is a shortcut for starting a demo example as given in
Import TCL Project Data Import from a TCL file may be either done as a complete project or only as partial
project, added to the existing project database. The TCL-file may be selected from
any directory.
Run TCL File (RunTCL) Run TCL is used to run a script file in the result-scope of TCL. This is used for
scripts that access results from the database. Unlimited possibilities lay in these
types of TCL-scripts, such as conversion of data, performance of additional
calculations such as user defined design checks from existing results and many
To call a TCL-script, the file name is given as input1. If the script writes text to an
output file (LIST command), the filename is given as output.
Open TCL File OpenTCL offers a way to organize TCL-procedures in a TCL-library and call them
(OpenTCL) from a list of previously registered procedures. The principles of 3.2.3 apply to
these scripts, but they are managed in the TCL-library.
Export TCL Project Data The export to a TCL file may be done either for the complete project or only for
parts of the project. The parts to be exported can be selected in the related input
pad. All parts are per default selected.
Each of the library files consists of a number of procedures that have to be registered as given in Table 3 2.
3.3 Defaults
File Menu item Description
Specify directories This function is used for specifying the directories, where the material database
and any cross-section database to be used as default project database are located.
Reload Default Database The default database is originally stored in the script file rm9.rmd and translated
to a binary database the first time RM Bridge is run. Generally the binary default
database keeps unchanged. Nevertheless, it may be necessary to reload in some
cases the binary data from the script file (e.g., if it has been overwritten or deleted).
Load Default Properties This function has been provided for allowing for copying materials, cross-sections
and variables from a source database into the current project database. The source
database is per default the default-database automatically created in the program
directory after the very first start of RM Bridge after the installation. This database
contains the proprietary material tables for all implemented design codes as well
as the variable sets describing the related creep and shrinkage models. Any other
existing database can be allocated as source database. Cross-sections can be
transferred if any exist in the source database.
To import predefined properties from the default database, one of the design codes
may be selected from the list as filter criterion. The objects to be transferred are
then marked in total by using the mark all button (all pre-filtered objects are
copied), or individually by using the <Space> key. The marked objects are then
copied to the current project database by using the copy button.
Reload Project CS RM Bridge uses the definitions of the Modeler (GP) cross-section catalogue (files
Catalogue gpcata#.gp9). This catalogue is transferred to the RM project directory
(db-cat-##.rm9) when the project is initialized.
If the Modeler (GP) project data has been changed, the catalogue has to be
reloaded in order to update the cross-section catalogue of the current RM Bridge
project. Please be aware of changes. Catalogue cross-sections are always
considered as references to the catalogue, with settings of cross-section sizes only.
Therefore the project data (also the TCL export file) depends on the cross section
catalogue (db-cat-##.rm9) and is sensitive to changes of the catalogue.
Note: The report may also be automatically created by placing the appropriate script action in the action table of
the respective schedule variant.
Create/edit structure This function can be used for creating the structure of a report document
(dialogue mode `CNF1´) (arrangement of the different presented objects such as texts, tables, figures, ...) in
dialogue mode. The define structure can also be stored as TCL file for later re-use.
Details are described in the appendix of the user manual.
Create Structure (TCL A default report script is generated in the project directory and opened with a text
Interface ‘CNF-TCL’) editor. This file can be edited and can be used as source for creation of own
Edit Template Pages A template page may be created using the TDF-editor. Views have to be defined
according to the appendix for successful report generation.
However, the default TDF-Template will serve sufficiently in most cases.
Write TDF Report (from When the TDF-report is assembled, the report-TCL-script is processed collecting
‘CNF’ or ‘CNF_TCL’ all structural input and results from the database and plot-files from project
structure) directories to create a layout report.
The report (*.tdf) is viewed with the TDF-viewer directly after successful report
assembly (yes button). If the TDF-Viewer is opened once with the desired report
file, it is not necessary to open it again.
The text size is changed with using the buttons in the 3D View toolbar ( Functions for Zoom and Eye Position (on
page 21)).
Property groups
Note: The reference numbers of the stress limit pairs used in a certain design check action shall be the same for
steel and concrete materials (only one number can be specified as action parameter).
PHI(t) is the variable representing the creep–coefficient. This variable describes the ratio between the
creep strain and the corresponding elastic strain. All parameters used in this function have to be
specified for accurate results (for details see Long Time Behavior - Creep, Shrinkage, Relaxation (on
page 253) and the Appendix of this Guide).
EPS(t) is the variable representing the shrinkage–strain. This variable is used to describe the development
of the shrinkage (or swelling) strain within a certain time interval. All parameters used in the
functions have to be specified for accurate results (for details see Long Time Behavior - Creep,
Shrinkage, Relaxation (on page 253) and the Appendix of this Guide).
EMOD(t) describes the variation of the young’s modulus over time. All parameters used in the functions have
to be specified for accurate results (see Stages Schedule Actions (on page 161) on UpdEmod-
REL(t) governs relaxation losses of steel stresses depending on the stress level and time.
The safety factors defined in the material table are not necessarily directly related to material strength values,
but often to strength and resistance values used in a certain context (e.g., in the shear capacity check, see
Required Material Parameters (on page 370)). The “Ultimate” safety factor is used in the shear check for
calculating the ULS strain plane (see Required Material Parameters (on page 370)); it is not used for the
ultimate load check itself for scaling the stress strain diagrams. The final design values must be entered for this
purpose (see Stress-Strain Diagrams (on page 61)).
Note: The RM Bridge safety factors are the reciprocals of the “resistance factors” as specified in different design
codes (e.g., AASHTO).
The sum Amin,total = Amin + Amin,fact×ACS is at minimum created in the reinforcement design module UltRein,
but only if a reinforcement is at all required.
Note: Minimum reinforcement due to design code or design-engineering requirements shall always be element-
wise specified as predefined reinforcement (in Structure > Elements > Checks).
5.4.1 General
The definition of cross-section properties is essential for any structural model. Three different possibilities of
defining cross-sections are provided in the RM Modeler (GP) and RM Bridge package:
• The general approach is to describe the geometry of the cross-section in the RM Modeler (GP) by interactive
graphic input, and transferring it to RM Bridge as database object of the cross-section table. Any cross-section
may consist of several cross-section parts. The cross section geometry is then used to calculate all cross-
section values (if the calculation option cross section calculation is set in Recalc). These cross-sections —
respectively cross-section parts— are later assigned to structural elements (Structure > Elements > Cross
Sections) by referencing their names and part numbers. This method of cross-section modeling is useful for
automatic calculation of cross-section related data and is essentially required for the calculation of stresses
and automated design checks.
• A cross-section library is available in RM Bridge. Templates from this library can be loaded and the default
settings for the parameters describing these cross-sections can be modified.
• The cross-section values can also be directly entered (in Structure > Elements > Cross Sections) in order to
being subsequently used for the stiffness calculation. This method is sufficient when only internal forces and
displacements are required as results.
The GUI function Properties > Cross-Sections is provided for defining and managing geometrically fully
described sections in accordance with the first two definition possibilities mentioned above. In this case, the
required cross-section properties are automatically calculated in RM Bridge. These are area, second moments of
inertia, center of gravity, shear areas in Y- and Z-directions, torsion moment of inertia and shear center. Note
that the program uses a consistent approach based on the Finite Element Method, allowing for using the same
algorithm for all different cross-section types (see Beam Elements (on page 33)).
The input pad for Properties > Cross-Sections shows an upper table (cross-section table) containing the cross
sections. Each cross section is part of a property group as mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. The name
of the cross section is used as reference. The name of the catalogue-origin (in case of a takeover from the cross-
section library), the number of parts and a descriptive text are also given in this table. New cross-sections may
be created be taking the over from the cross-section library and appropriately modifying the parameters (see
Cross-Sections FE Mesh (on page 69)). Cross-sections, which have been created in the RM Modeler (GP), and
cross-sections taken over from other projects, are entered with the standard import functions (see TCL
Operations (on page 47) File > Import TCL Project Data and Defaults (on page 48)).
The Modify button on top of the cross-section table can be used for changing the descriptive text of the
respective section. A detailed list of the finite element mesh elements and nodes is displayed on selecting the
Info button. Using this button allows —in the same manner than with using the function Cross-sections > FE
Mesh (see Cross-Sections FE Mesh (on page 69))—RM Modeler for modifying the element mesh. The icon
Cross-section manipulation (icon with 2 cross-sections sketches ) is used for translating or rotating the cross-
section with respect to the cross-section coordinate system (see 5.4.8 (on page 69)).
If the cross-sections have not been created in the RM Modeler (GP) and transferred to the RM project database,
the user can use the Insert button to define cross-sections directly in RM Bridge. This function is restrained to
predefined catalogue cross-section with certain parameters describing the actual dimensions (see Cross-
Sections Catalog (on page 69)). These catalogue cross-sections are arranged in groups. After selecting the
Insert button, two selective lists will be displayed: the list of groups with catalogue cross-sections top left, and
the list of the cross-sections of the selected group bottom left.
The graphics window top right contains a schematic view of the selected cross-section, and the bottom right
frame contains a button Apply for transferring the selected cross-section into the project database. A group
name and cross-section name valid in the RM project database can be assigned. Default values are primarily
taken for the parameters describing the actual dimensions. They must be later changed to actual values by
modifying the cross-section in Cross-Sections > Catalogue (see Cross-Sections Catalog (on page 69)).
variants only for composite sections, because only values of inhomogeneous cross sections depend on the
material values of their single parts.
Connection points Points, used for the connectivity to Piers, used only
internally in the Modeler (GP)
Stress check point Stress calculation in RM Bridge. The points are named.
They are directly referenced by this name (no
assignment of an attribute set required). The
calculation of stresses is always performed for the
material of the allocated structural element (the
material definition of any assigned attribute set is
Steel slender parts Slender metal sheets for checking the local buckling
hazard in steel design check.
Unlike the longitudinal reinforcement types, where the position of the reinforcement is directly defined with the
reference points, shear reinforcements require additional geometry data being not directly related to the
position of the reinforcement itself. These are in principal
• for torsion the definition of a closed polygon characterising the relevant perimeter line,
• for reinforcement due to shear force the definition of the center line of each web with 2 reference points,
• for longitudinal reinforcement due to shear force the definition of the web region with 2 border lines and
• for shear transfer into the flanges the definition of the respective flange area with 2 border lines, the first line
being the investigated section line.
Details on the required geometry definitions in the reference sets for describing for shear reinforcements
(torsion and shear force stirrups, longitudinal reinforcement for shear) are given in chapter 15, Design Code
Checks (on page 340) (15.5, Shear Capacity Check (on page 360)).
The symbols on top of the table of reference sets may be used for inserting new reference sets or modifying the
type and the attribute set assignment (details on attribute sets see Stress-Strain Diagrams (on page 61)). In order
to ease the interpretation of the reinforcement results, which are printed in the appropriate list files and stored
as element results under the related attribute set name, it is recommended to use in the same or a similar name
for the reference sets and assigned attribute sets.
The individual reference sets are – as mentioned above – usually defined with the same name in different cross-
sections, if they characterise the same entity. Our example has one cross-section, which is constant over the
complete structural system. The reference sets ‘Rei1’, ‘Fib1’, ‘Fib2’ and ‘Temp’ are therefore defined in all points
of the girder. Consequently, the attribute set ‘RBOT’ assigned to the reference set ‘Rei1’ is also valid for all cross-
sections of the structural system, as shown in the following figure.
Attribute Sets
This function has been provided for viewing, checking and modifying the Finite Element mesh, being used for
calculating the section values of the current cross-section part. The current element mesh is graphically
presented in the graphics window, if specified with element and node numbers. The cross-section element table
is displayed below the graphics window, showing the 9 nodal points of each element and further element
parameters. The cross-section node table with the node coordinates in the cross-section coordinate system is
shown on the right side.
A modification of the values is in principal possible, and performed with using the respective icons on top of
these tables. However, it is tedious and seldom meaningful. Preferably, changes are made in the RM Modeler
(GP) and afterwards again transferred to RM Bridge. Note that cross-sections from the cross-section library can
only be changed via modifying the geometric parameters of the respective template. Direct changes in the FE-
mesh are overwritten in the cross-section value calculation function, because the template is again evaluated for
creating the related FE mesh (see Cross-Sections Catalog (on page 69)).
Using this tool performs the procedure described above in closed sequence for all previously marked cross-
sections in the cross-section table. The principal inertia planes are automatically calculated and entered in the
element table as β-angles, and the principal moments of inertia are entered as relevant cross-section values in
the element table.
5.5.1 Basics
This pad is used to define aerodynamic cross section classes. These classes describe the forces actually acting on
the structural elements due to across-wind impact.
The arising forces are generally governed by the shape of the cross-section. They include force components in
wind direction (drag) as well as normal to it (lift), and a moment around the element axis (twist). The wind
impact itself (velocity, direction, turbulence intensity, spectra) is specified as a wind profile in the function
Schedule > Load Definition > Wind (see Specification of Wind Profiles - Wind Load (on page 147)).
These forces are usually related to the dynamic pressure (which is a quadratic function of the wind speed) and
to a characteristic length (e.g., the depth of the cross-section). These related values are called “aerodynamic
coefficients” and denoted CD (drag coefficient), CL (lift coefficient), and CM (moment coefficient).
Y Moment
L Drag
Figure 23: Drag force, lift force, and twisting moment for wind in approximate zL-direction
These coefficients are commonly gained from wind tunnel tests. However, performing such tests for many
different cross-sections is very expensive and therefore only performed in cases of very big bridges. For
standard structures, they are often roughly estimated, taken from literature or calculated with a CFD
(computational fluid dynamics) code.
Y Moment
L Drag
Figure 24: Drag force, lift force, and twisting moment for wind in approximate negative zL-direction
These aerodynamic coefficients are generally dependent on the “attack angle α” (angle between the deck surface
plane (in RM Bridge the cross-section z axis and the wind direction). In order to allow for performing dynamic
analyses with varying wind direction and torsion of the structure, it is necessary to specify diagrams defining the
dependency of the coefficients from the attack angle α. The following three figures show typical diagrams of the
CD, CL, and CM coefficients respectively.
The defined aerodynamic cross-section classes are listed in the upper table. They are identified by their number.
They contain multiplication factors for effects due to wind from any of the three global directions relative to the
cross-section plane. The dependency of each of the effects on width (b) or depth (h) is selected and a factor is
given for each wind direction.
The second table is used to define drag, lift and moment coefficients. Coefficients for both, the local Z and the
local Y direction, are required for Drag, Lift and Moment. The angle alpha is zero in direction of the actual wind
vector, positive in anti-clockwise and negative in clockwise direction.
Only one shape factor (DragX) exists for the wind component in longitudinal direction. This value cannot be
interpreted as a classical drag factor of the cross-section, but subsumes different longitudinal resistances, such
as effects due to inclined soffits, wind on cross girders, bracings or vehicles on the bridge. The eccentric position
of the wind action is herein neglected.
The components in lateral direction (local z-direction) and vertical direction create forces in wind direction
(drag forces) as well as forces in perpendicular direction (lift forces) and overturning (twisting) moments.
Accordingly, the wind components in the local y- and z-directions require the definition of shape coefficients for
the force in wind direction (DragY, DragZ), for the force in perpendicular direction (LiftY, LiftZ) and for the
overturning moment (MomentY, MomentZ). For details, see Specification of Wind Profiles - Wind Load (on page
147), - Wind.
The table of aero-classes (upper table in the GUI) contains all defined aero-classes. The coefficients gained from
wind tunnel tests are usually related to a characteristic dimension (depth or width of the cross-section). It is
therefore possible to specify a related length value to the defined coefficients (b: characteristic dimension is the
cross-section width, h: characteristic dimension is the cross-section depth). For the moment coefficient the
characteristic dimension is adopted quadratic. The characteristic dimensions valid for the different coefficients
are indicated in the table by the respective flags (FlDx, FlDz, FlLz, FlMz, FlDy, FlLy, FlMy). If no characteristic
dimension is selected, the program assumes, that the dimension is already included in the coefficients, i.e., they
are not given in dimension-less terms, but in terms of a length or area (in [m] or [m2]). Any differing user
defined length unit is not considered.
The coefficients themselves must be entered in the lower table. A single value is specified for coefficients being
constants. In case of a dependency on the attack angle alpha, the diagram is defined with pairs of values
(maximum 12). Different tables are defined for the three components (drag, lift, moment) and for the local z- and
y-directions. They are activated with the appropriate buttons. If the option Non-symmetric is set, then the
effects of winds in positive and negative axis directions are different. In this case, the coefficients for the negative
axis directions must be additionally defined.
In case of specifying a diagram, the abscissa value (attack angle alpha) has to be entered in terms of the current
user defined angle unit. The diagram must cover the whole range of possible deviations of the attack angle (e.g.,
–10° - +10° for bridge superstructures). The angle is counter-clockwise positive.
The Info button on top of the individual tables is used to check the table definitions graphically. The correct
order of the table data is important. The program does not automatically change the order.
As an additional function (licence extension required), RM Bridge offers the possibility to perform CFD
calculations for arbitrary cross-sections and to store the resulting coefficients in the table of aerodynamic
coefficients of the respective Aero Class, provided the respective cross-section geometry has been defined in the
table of cross-sections and related as reference cross-section (Ref.CS) to the aero class. Calculating and storing
the table of aerodynamic coefficients is done with the schedule action Aero (see Aero in However, in
order to get a preliminary insight in the aerodynamic behavior of the cross-section, the CFD calculation can also
be started locally here in the Properties > Aero Classes window.
Pressing the Info button on top of the table of aero-classes opens a pad for performing an individual CFD
calculation for the currently selected aero-class. This pad offers the possibility to manually entering the
calculation parameters. During calculation, it displays time histories of the CD, CL, and CM coefficients and
shows an animation of the airflow around the cross section. A Discrete Vortex Method is applied in the
calculation. For details, see CFD Calculation of the Airflow Around Cross-Sections (on page 338).
The main calculation parameters are the direction (Alpha) and velocity (v-ref) of the oncoming flow. The
direction can either be entered numerically in the corresponding textbox, or alternatively, one of the four main
directions Wind+Z (0°), Wind+Y(90°), Wind-Z (180°), and Wind-Y (270°) can be selected in the first line of the
panel. The default values are for wind in +z direction with a velocity corresponding approximately to a Reynolds
number of 105. The Suggest button causes the other parameters below the button and the animation view-port
being updated in accordance with the current velocity.
The time integration is controlled by the time-step (dt) and the number of steps (Iter). To define the spatial
resolution of the calculation, the number of surface panels along the cross section contour (Nr. of panels) and
the size of the vortex particles (Core size) must be specified.
Attention: It is not sufficient to increase the number of panels, if cross sections with rounded corners are
considered. The resolution is limited by the finite element mesh of the cross section!
The number of particles in the simulation can be controlled to some extent by modifying the circulation carried
by each particle (gam-max).
During calculation, an animation of the airflow is displayed in the central graphic window. By using the freehand
symbols, zoom and view-port of this view can be modified. Optionally, the animation can be exported to an AVI
file by selecting Create Movie. The resolution and file name of the movie can be specified with Options.
The calculation is started by pressing the Recalc button at bottom right of the CFD pad. The time history of the
aerodynamic forces drag, lift, and moment, divided by the dynamic pressure, is shown in the three diagrams at
the top of the panel. The following information is given in these diagrams:
Red line mean value of time history excluding the first 16% of data.
White line 16% marker
The mean values of the aerodynamic coefficients – calculated from the time history with excluding the first 16%
of data - are printed in the textboxes below the diagram.
Note: These values are not related to any specified characteristic length value. This fact is indicated by the
appendix “(No)”.
Press Pause or the <Space> key if you want to pause the calculation. When the calculation is paused, the
freehand-symbols can be used to modify the view. By pressing Continue or the <Space> key again, the
calculation continues. Cancel or the <Esc> key aborts the calculation. A special auto-pause modus is activated by
pressing the <A> key. If this modus is active, the calculation is paused after each time-step.
Note: If a movie is created, any change of the view during the calculation will also affect the movie.
5.6.1 General
Variables in RM Bridge are used to describe constant values, mathematical expressions, or functions or tables of
value pairs.
They are named database objects. The names of the variables (maximum 16 characters) are not case-sensitive
and must be unique over all property groups (capital letters are used in this user guide for better
understanding). RM Bridge checks every newly entered variable name in order to avoid multiple definitions.
These variables can be user-defined or internally created and can be referenced during the analysis in many
different circumstances. They may also depend on each other. Typical applications for variables are the
definition of creep and shrinkage models or the specification of nonlinear spring elements (see Nonlinear Spring
Elements (on page 36)). Sets of variables may hold functions that depend on internal variables, such as the age of
elements (T0) or the time (T), which change the value throughout the structural analysis.
Attention: Note that values of internal variables used for evaluating user-defined variables are always in default
units (kN, m, …, see Name Conventions (on page 27)).
Evaluation of variables is always done recursively. Therefore, variables need not be defined in a certain order.
Names of internal variables are reserved names and must not be used for user-defined variables.
The variables are requested from the program at appropriate places. They are not intended for entering their
names instead of digital numbers in numeric input fields.
Attention: Note that the values of variables passed to the program for being used in the analysis process, are
assumed to be given in default units (kN, m, …, see Name Conventions (on page 27)).
dirac() diract()
eps eps1 eps2
1 (a) 1 (b)
0 0
b a b a
It is strongly recommended not to use these names and the string tabA (see Table 5 8) for user defined
variables, because the user definition might be destroyed during the analysis process.
Values of internal variables used for evaluating user-defined variables are always in default units (kN, m, sec,
days) as specified in Name Conventions (on page 27). In no case are they converted to user set units before being
passed to the variables processing function. However, the current value is presented in user-defined units in the
internal variables presentation pad in the GUI (see below).
T0 [days] Age of the considered element (material) at the application time of the active
load case. Used only for the evaluation of creep coefficients.
TS [days] Age of considered element (material) when shrinkage theoretically starts (not
equal to the start of shrinkage consideration). Used only for the evaluation of
the shrinkage strain.
TSTART [days] Start time of the current action on the global time axis.
E28 [kN/m2] Young’s modulus of considered element. For concrete, this value represents
the modulus of elasticity at an age of 28 days.
FC28 [kN/m2] Compressive strength of considered elements (usually for concrete at an age of
28 days).
UIN [m] Length of the inside perimeter of considered elements (hollow box cross
RH [%] Average relative humidity at the construction site for considered elements.
OMEGA Natural (or angular) frequency for dynamic calculations [omega = (2π)/
period ].
CECO [kN/m³] Cement content in concrete (Cement weight per concrete volume)
QLEN [m] Effective length of UDL traffic loading for the considered result point. Used in
the evaluation of influence lines for defining the line load value of load trains
as a function of the loaded length (e.g. British Standard).
IQVAR [-] Variable used in connection with variable distributed loads of type ‘QVAR’ (see
RPR [-] Product of the reinforcement content (As/Ac) and the ratio of the moduli of
elasticity (Es/Ec) – equivalent to the ratio of the normal force stiffness of steel
and concrete (As*Es/Ac*Ec). Used for creep analysis in Hong-Kong and British
RelCl Relaxation class of steel. RelCl =1 for cold formed wires with normal
relaxation, RelCl=2 for cold-formed strands with low relaxation, RelCl=3 for
hot-rolled steel. Note that most prestressing steels have class 2. Class 2 is
therefore the default setting. Many predefined relaxation laws have only the
curve for class 2 defined and do not support class 1 and 3.
RelSig [%] Prestressing force utilization level (actual prestressing force as a percentage of
the allowable force (100*ratio pr/allow-pr), where allow-pr = SigRef.
Used for steel relaxation analysis
RES_M [kNm] Resultant absolute value of the moment (My / Mz) of the current internal force
Fyd [kN/m2] Design value of the tensile strength of the current reinforcement steel
Fcd [kN/m2] Design value of the compression strength of the current concrete
CS_YZ [m] Width or depth of the current cross-section related to the current bending
direction (My or Mz respectively)
CS_D [m] Effective depth of the current cross-section related to the weakt bending
direction (My or Mz respectively)
CS_IYZ [m4] Moment of inertia of the current cross-section related to the current bending
direction (My or Mz respectively)
BUCK_L [m] Currently effective buckling length (for current bending direction (as defined
IMP_NY [-] Current imperfection factor (for the current bending direction (as defined in
CS_RG [m] Relevant radius of gyration (used for pier dimensioning for Chinese code)
CS_H [m] Relevant cross-section depth as defined in RM Set PIERDIM for Chinese code
CS_H0 [m] Effective cross-section depth as defined in RM Set PIERDIM for Chinese code
All internal variables can be listed by pressing theInternal Values button in the Properties > Variables pad,
each with its name, current value, unit, and description. The Modify button allows to change internal variables
for verification of dependent user defined variables. Such modifications do not affect the database or any
calculation results because all values are initialized and recalculated in the analysis process.
returns VarB by interpolation between two points defined in the table. VarA is listed in the first column, VarB in
the second column. In the third column, an interpolation rule for the section between two points is given. VarA,
the abscissa, has to be defined strictly monotonically decreasing or increasing. In the following figure a table
definition, and the function it represents, is given as an example for the possible types of interpolation rules.
Members of tables can also be mathematical expressions referencing either numbers or other existing variables.
VarA VarB Interpol
0.0 1.0 const
1.0 1.0 linear
2.0 1.5 par.T0
3.0 2.5 par.T1
4.0 5.0 par.T2
5.0 7.0 –
Par T2
VarA A
+0.0 +1.0 +2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0
Figure 29: Example of a Table definition with the mathematical function it represents
In the example below, a table q(x) is generated which complies with the following set of mathematical rules:
q(x) = q1(x) for 0 < x < a
q(x) = q2(x) for a < x < l
A special variable can be created for this purpose, using tabA (indicating the current abscissa value) as
argument passed to the table when calling the table with q(x).
Note that the values of variables passed to the program for being used in the analysis process, are assumed to be
given in default units (kN, m, …, see Name Conventions (on page 27)). They are not transformed if any deviating
units as specified in 2.1 (on page 27) are used. In no case are they converted to user set units before being passed
to the variables processing function. However, the current value is presented in user-defined units in the
internal variables presentation pad in the GUI (see below).
Units may be chosen from existing unit-systems by clicking the pull-down arrow next to the input field of the
unit. You may arbitrarily specify units for length and force with a given unit name and a factor relating this new
unit to the respective default unit. All units given in the preceeding table may be changed for input and output in
RM Bridge.
|LCS|, the cross-section length unit only influences:
Cross-section lengths used as input values for the cross-section definition macros, such as width, depth,
thickness of cross-section components.
Coordinates of the nodes of the cross-section elements.
Computed Cross sectional areas and moments of inertia.
Tendon areas, duct areas.
|Lstr|, the structural length-unit influences all other derived length units. This also applies to eccentricities of
cross-section centroids with respect to system lines and surface loads related to the cross-section depth or
Quantity Default
Units given in the previous table are fixed and may not be changed. All other units are derived from the set of
standard units and cannot be changed. The following table shows examples of some derived units.
5.8.1 General
RM Sets are data sets containing lists of structural objects and further definitions for use in different functions
(actions) within the RM Bridge Schedule. When an RM Set is addressed in a certain function, then all relevant
data is taken from the data set. Additional data in the data set, which are not used in the current function, are
ignored. This offers a multifunctional use of RM Sets.
The major application of RM Sets is for post processing purposes, such as the creation of list files, creation of
tables in TDF reports and graphic result presentation. Furthermore, some actions may simply be called with an
RM Set as an alternative for directly defining all necessary parameters. Some design code checks are more
conveniently performed with RM Sets containing all required information.
For better administration the RM Sets may be grouped in accordance with their purpose. Generally, RM Sets are
generated interactively with corresponding input-pads (GUI). Internally —and in TCL backup files— they are
stored as a list of lines containing the type of the line and the respective parameters. Their contents may be
viewed and edited manually line by line. TDF-Reports
RM-Sets are referenced for table creation in TDF reports. As given in the Appendix, the Table is prepared first
(TCL command CNF_RMSET) and placed in the report later (TCL command CNF_TABLE).
Note: Spring elements are preferably used instead of node supports (see Boundary Conditions (on page 246)),
in order to obtain detailed support results.
The default orientation of the assigned set of spring constants is the global coordinate system. User defined
orientations may be defined with Node Support Directions. The sub-function Node Support Eccentricities is
used to specify eccentric supports with a certain offset to the node.
Slave for defining slave nodes in the context of the FEM calculation option
Each of the element data tables contains a list of elements with their numbers, types and other data. All
definitions may be viewed and edited element per element by using the Info button.
Elements are first defined by their nodal connectivity using the Insert button. Additional element data is defined
by the Modify button in the table containing the respective data.
On general conventions refer to Local Coordinate System of Beam Elements.
User Defined Elements > Cross-Sections:Select Stiff in the modification menu to stiffness matrix
Stiffness Matrix definition with the sub matrices K11, K12, K21 and K22. Because of symmetry reasons, only
the values in and above the diagonal are needed for K11 and K22. K12 and K21 are mirrored.
Values entered in K12 will overwrite the corresponding values in K21 and vice versa. It is
convenient to use an exported TCL-script for definition of stiffness data.
Note: The coefficients are entered in user defined length and force units, but Radians must
be used for rotation terms.
User Defined Elements > Cross-Sections:Select Flex in the modification menu leads to an input similar to
Flexibility stiffness matrix input as given above.
The Young’s Modulus and the Poisson coefficient or the shear modulus must essentially be defined for any
structural analysis, the temperature coefficient and the specific weight are used for describing some loading
conditions. Poisson coefficient and shear modulus depend on each other due to the intrinsic assumption that the
material behavior is isotropic (G-Mod = E-Mod / (1.0 – 2×Poiss)). The shear modulus is automatically adapted
when the Poisson coefficient is modified, and vice versa. EccType
This parameter refers to the cross-section eccentricity as described below and shown in the following figure.
The below used term CS reference point is either the origin of the cross-section coordinate system, or —if a
cross-section part is allocated— the reference point of the respective cross-section part as specified in the RM
Modeler (GP).
YlZl The distance from the centroid to the CS reference point is considered as CS eccentricity (in both, the y
and z directions). I.e., user-defined eccentricities are measured from the CS reference point.
YlZo Only the y component of the distance from the centroid to the CS reference point is considered. The z-
component is not considered, i.e., the user-defined z-eccentricity is measured from the plane built by the
element axis and the yL-axis.
YoZl Only the z component of the distance from the centroid to the CS reference point is considered. The y-
component is not considered, i.e., the user-defined y-eccentricity is measured from the plane built by the
element axis and the zL-axis.
YoZo The distance from the centroid to the CS reference point is not considered. User-defined eccentricities
are measured directly from the cross-section centroid.
coordinate YlZl YoZo
YlZo YoZl
system YL
Figure 30: “Cross-section Eccentricity Codes” for the centroid position relative to the node (or start point of any user
defined eccentricity vector)
Further information on eccentricities is given in 6.3.8 (on page 95), Elements > Eccentric Connections. Aero
This parameter is used for dynamic wind analyses, which are usually performed for major bridges exposed to
dynamic wind excitation.
It can also be used for static wind calculation with using wind profiles as described in Specification of Wind
Profiles - Wind Load (on page 147). An Aero Class is a numbered database object defined in Properties > Aero
Classes (see Properties Aero Classes (on page 71)), representing a set of coefficients describing the drag forces,
lifting forces and overturning moments acting on a cross section due to wind in different directions.
These coefficients are usually extracted from wind tunnel tests and related to a certain cross section. However,
in RM Bridge, they are assumed constant over the element length and the aero classes are assigned as element
parameters. Aero classes with average values, valid for different elements or groups of elements, have to be
defined in case of superstructures with variable cross-sections. U, UIN
The perimeter lengths are used in the creep and shrinkage calculation for evaluating the creep and shrinkage
coefficients (in most design codes). They are internally extracted from the cross-section geometry if cross-
section types are assigned. You may be enter these if the direct specification of cross-section values is selected.
However, they must only be specified if creep and shrinkage is considered and the used design code specifies a
dependency of the coefficients from these values.
For special spring element types, these parameters may be differently used (see 2.5, Element Library (on page
When the Direction type is set to “Pier” the ZG axis will be used to calculate the local y axis (y'L = xL X ZG) and
the 2nd principal inertia plane perpendicular (z'L = y'L X xL). This is in fact the procedure applied in previous
RM versions (RM7, RM2000) for elements with the element axis coinciding with YG. In RM2004, RM2006 and RM
Bridge, this rule can also be explicitly assigned to elements, which are not exactly vertical.
When xL coincides with YG this rule will still also be applied when the Direction type is not explicitly set to “Pier”.
However, it is strongly recommended to set the Beta-Type for all vertical elements explicitly to “Pier” in order to
avoid problems in geometrically nonlinear calculations, where the rule might change in the course of the
analysis due to arising deviations from the vertical axis exceeding the tolerance value.
Note: In case of using cross-sections with cross-section eccentricity in accordance with EccType (on page 92),
any user-defined Beta angle defines a rotation around the cross-section reference point. I.e., the cross-section
eccentricity will be transformed and the position of the element axis in space is changed.
On selecting Elements > Hinges, the related part of the element table contains the information on jointed
connections (released DOF’s). The releases may be specified for the element begin and element end, and in the
element local coordinate system (see ) or in the global coordinate system. Accordingly, hinges are called to be
“global hinges” or “local hinges”. The presented table therefore contains 4 rows, each containing 6 markers for
the 6 DOF’s possibly released (pay attention to the fact that the notation “hinge” is in RM Bridge not only used
for the disconnection of rotation DOF’s, but also for translational DOF’s). The standard case (rigid connection) is
marked by a “=”, a jointed connection (released DOF) is marked by a “*”.
Note: In the case that eccentric connections are defined, the local hinges are always between the rigid link and
the element end, whereas global hinges are always between the rigid link and the node.
The specified element end release does not affect any other element connected to the joint, i.e. all other elements
connected to that node will remain rigidly connected to the node. Note that element end releases may cause
system instabilities (see Unstable End Releases). The program does not check in the input phase the stability
conditions. Therefore, the user has to take care for a correct input. Unstable conditions will be detected when the
equation system is solved, resulting in an error message indicating a negative pivot element or a division by
The first five parameters are used in creep and shrinkage calculations (as specified in the used creep model). Age
and ts are cross-linked with the respective input values of the activation menu in Stages > Activation (see
Stages Activation (on page 160)).
The parameters Alpha and Beta are the so-called Rayleigh coefficients for describing a linear damping behavior
by using a damping matrix created as a linear combination of the mass and stiffness matrices (see Definition of
Damping Behavior (on page 326)). They are used in dynamic time stepping analyses (TInt). Global values
specified in Recalc > Dynamic are used if no element related values are defined (see Dynamics Iterations (on
page 223)).
The parameter Damping is used in the earthquake analysis, if mode-dependent damping shall be considered.
The global value Xsi (see Dynamics Iterations (on page 223)) is used if no element value is specified. In case of
different damping behavior of different groups of elements, the participation of the different groups with respect
to the total deformation energy element is calculated in the Eigenvalue analysis for the different modes. The
correspondingly weighted average value is used in the response spectrum analysis as relevant damping value of
the actual modes.
It will be provided for specifying a fabrication shape deviating from the straight line (e.g., considering deviations
provided in order to compensate later deformations (pre-camber)).
The settings of the above switches are valid for the whole element, i.e., the element begin and end. There is
currently no possibility to perform checks only either at the element begin or at the end. All other check actions
are performed for all elements if called in the Schedule.
The switches NL-Mat and FEM are not related to design code checks, but to the mechanical analysis itself. NL-
Mat is only effective, if the respective option Material nonlinear is set in the Recalc-Pad. In this case, the
parameter NL-Mat allows for excluding the consideration of the nonlinear behavior for certain structural parts
or elements.
The option FEM can only be selected, if the licence for the FEM-calculation of structural parts is active (function
not included in the normal RM Bridge package!). A refined finite element mesh based on the specified Slave
Nodes (see Elements Slave (on page 99)) will be generated for the elements with FEM set to yes. This
substructure is assembled into the total system and allows for locally consider warping effects and nonlinear
strain distribution in the cross-section. However, for results evaluation and design code checks, the stresses in
the cross-section will be integrated, yielding the required internal forces and moments for the design code
Option Consider Resal effect will take into account influence of resal effect in addition to Shear Capacity check.
Resal effect considers the reduction of effective Shear force due to flange inclination of tapered beam. Basically a
switch between elastic and plastic resal effect is being performed. If tension stresses, both top and bottom, in
concrete cross section are bigger then zero, concrete is cracked and it will be calculated with plastic resal effect.
Else, elastic resal effect is considered.
Two further parameters —b-beg and b-end— may be used for defining a reduction of the web width in the
shear capacity check. Such a reduction is required in most design codes to consider the attenuation due to ducts
of prestressing tendons. b-beg and b-end represent the total width to be subtracted from the web width
calculated from the cross-section geometry. Specified values different to zero override in any case eventually
automatically calculated reduction values (an automatic calculation is performed if every tendon in the cross-
section is specified as a separate tendon profile, i.e., all tendon profiles consist of only one tendon, see Physical
and Material Properties of Tendon profiles (on page 100), and Shear Capacity Check (on page 360)).
An additional switch (Class) is provided for composite structures. Class may be set to “No tension” for elements
being a part of a composite element. The calculation action ReloadLC may be used for calculating the cross-
section internal redistribution of stresses, such that tensile stresses in “No tension” elements are eliminated. The
internal forces remain unchanged. The Class setting is irrelevant for all elements not being a part of a composite
Note that rounding is just performed locally in the stress calculation function. The stored bending moments,
which also shown in the GUI result tables and output listings, remain in any case original and will not be
modified. The reduction is always performed locally for stress calculation for presenting stresses in the GUI or
output listings, respectively using stresses in ensuing proof checks (e.g., fiber stress check). The reduction is
performed by assuming the support forces being uniformly distributed over the rounding length, thus the
calculated shear force acting in the center of the rounding length rather than at support position. The support
moment can therefore be reduced to:
Mz *Begin = Mz Begin − Qy Begin ⋅ 2
Mz *End = Mz End − Qy End ⋅ 2
It will be provided for specifying up to 8 slave nodes to be used in regions fully modeled with Finite Elements.
Parameters in the respective table:
Note: Grouping together several tendons essentially eases the input. This approach is obviously allowed if more
than one tendon with same geometry are arranged side by side in the cross-section and only vertical loading
occurs. It is however often sufficiently accurate to group also tendons arranged on top of each other. Tendon
geometry related to the centroid of the tendon group is used in this case and the moment of inertia of the group
with respect to the centroid is neglected.
The tendon table shown on selection of Structure > Tendons consists of two parts. The above table shows the
existent tendon profiles with the related parameters (physical and material properties) as described in Physical
and Material Properties of Tendon profiles (on page 100).
Three sub-functions are provided for viewing and modifying the tendon table:
The lower table shows —for the currently marked tendon profile of the tendon table— the parameters, which
are particularly related to the selected sub-function.
New tendons are created by using the Insert button, and the above parameters may be specified in the related
input pad or later on changed by using the Modify button (except Status and Grout, which are set when the
respective Schedule Actions are performed). Especially the number of tendons of the tendon profiles will often be
increased or decreased later in the tendon design process.
An effective way for creating new tendons is by using the copy function. The physical and geometry parameters
of a tendon can be copied to a new tendon at any time by selecting the appropriate line in the upper table and
clicking the Copy button. All currently existing data will be copied to the new tendon. Only a new start element
for the assigned element series has to be entered. This allows to move very efficiently identical tendon profiles
e.g., from one span to the next span.
However, this function is also applicable when some of the geometry parameters are different. The values to be
changed are simply adapted by using the Modify function after the Copy function. The Copy function may be
used either before or after the definition of the geometry data, depending on whether only the physical
parameters should be transferred or also the geometry parameters.
Using the Info button above the tendon table presents the currently active tendon profile graphically for
checking purposes. Type
RM Bridge distinguishes between three different types of prestressing tendons. The first two types (internal and
external) are related to post-tensioned tendons stressed against the structure. The third type (pre-tensioned)
defines tendons or strands which are stressed against the formwork or external fixing points prior to pouring
the concrete. They become effective when the formwork is removed and fastening is removed.
“Internal” prestressing The prestressing tendons are installed in ducts poured into the concrete cross-
section. They are post-tensioned after the concrete has hardened. Afterwards, the
gap between tendon and duct is grouted in order to establish full bond along the
whole tendon. Tendons of this type are allocated to a series of structural concrete
elements and are not modeled as separate structural elements. Internal post-
tensioned prestressing is the standard case and generally meant whenever the
term prestressing is used without an explicit reference to being external or pre-
“External” prestressing In this case the tendons are —at least in a big part— outside of the cross-section. In
the external sections the tendons are straight and cannot be grouted. In these
straight parts the program generates separate structural elements. Along the
deviator blocks the tendon is dealt like an internal tendon, i.e., it can be grouted to
form a composite section with the concrete.
“Pre-tensioned tendons” In this case the tendons respectively strands are stressed in the formwork prior to
pouring the concrete. When the formwork is removed the fastening of the strands
is cut and the prestressing becomes effective. Due to the flexibility of the concrete
the original stressing force will be reduced. We get initial prestressing losses and a
respectively reduced effective primary prestressing state. Master
RM Bridge allows for defining the tendon geometry for a master profile (e.g., for the whole super-structure), and
to assign this geometry to different tendons (e.g., segments stressed in different construction stages). The row
Master of the tendon table is empty, if the tendon geometry is directly defined (Tendon geometry “Normal”). It
contains the number of the master profile, if the geometry of the considered tendon is taken over (Tendon
geometry “Slave profile”), and it contains the string “Master”, if the considered tendon is itself a master profile. Mat
The material assigned to the tendon is selected in the pull-down menu from the material table. Assigning a
material is essentially required for each tendon.
The assigned material must have the material type “Prestressing steel” (see Material Types (on page 56)), and
the required parameters must be correctly set (see Mechanical Properties of Prestressing-steel Material Types
(on page 58)). Numb
Numb is the number of tendons in the tendon profile. Grouping together more than one tendon to tendon-
profiles essentially eases the input, but note that an automatic web width reduction in the shear capacity check
cannot be performed in this case.
However, you can specify a width value to be subtracted for this design check (see Elements > Checks (on page
97) , and Shear Capacity Check (on page 360)). At
Steel cross-section area for one tendon of the Tendon Profile. Ad
Duct cross-section area for one tendon of the Tendon Profile.
Note: Steel area and duct area are cross-section parameters and therefore measured in the unit [Length(CS)]2
and not in the unit [Length(Structure)]2 Beta
Accidental deviation angle value β (not K!) (in [angle unit per length unit]), describing the wobbling of the
tendon (for external tendons only for the region of the deviator blocks).
Attention: Details of the calculation of friction losses are given in Computing the Friction Losses (on page 297).
Note that in literature and design codes in the German world the accidental deviation angle β, measured in
[°/m], is commonly used to describe the wobbling of the tendons. New guidelines also use a value k denoted
“equivalent wobble factor”, which is the deviation angle in [rad/m] (here βrad).
If the wobble factor K = μ×βrad used in England and the USA is known, then the value β must be correctly
determined before entering it into the program database. If – as it is often the case – degrees are used as angle
unit, then the value of β to be entered will be βdeg = (K / μ) × (180. / π). A respective internal transformation
function is provided, however, take care that the entered value is in terms of the correct angle and length units. Frict
Friction coefficient μ (for external tendons only for the region of the deviator blocks) (tangent of the friction
angle). Status
The Status is Act if the tendon has already been stressed (calculation action Stress performed) and Dact if it has
not yet been stressed. Grout
Grout is Yes if the tendon has already been grouted (calculation action Grout performed) and No if it has not yet
been grouted. PT Force
This is the nominal prestressing force of pre-tensioned strands. In case of draped tendons, this value indicates
the force in those sections of the tendon, which are parallel to the straight connection between the start and end
points of the tendon. In skew sections the force is higher. The effective prestressing state (primary state of
concrete elements) is calculated in the schedule action PreTens. This state is stored as result value of the
specified load case.
The value PT Force is not used for post-tensioned tendons, where the stressing force and sequence are defined
in Schedule > Stages > Tendon Actions.
Note: In previous program versions where tendons of the type “Pre-tensioned” could not be directly defined,
these transfer lengths could be specified while modeling the stressing sequence in Schedule > Stages > Tendon
actions. The respective stressing actions are DEVLL (development length left) and DEVLR (development length
right) (see States Tendon Actions (on page 207)). Using this alternative is for compatibility reasons still possible
for tendons of the of the type “Internal”. Description
Descriptive text (optional)
Usually tendons start and end at start and end-points of structural elements. Tendons, starting or ending
somewhere between the start and end-point of an element, may be created by defining the first and last
constraint point of the tendon geometry (see Tendons > Geometry (on page 104)) accordingly.
1 the reference polygon is the sequence of straight lines connecting all tendon geometry constraint points of the
current tendon (see Tendons > Geometry (on page 104)).
Type Type of the tendon point (see Tendon Point Types (on page 294))
Elem Reference element
Rel Relation code for the point position (Elem, Node or CSP)
CS Pnt Name of the cross-section point (if Rel is set to CSP)
x/l Position within the element (in longitudinal direction)
ey y eccentricity of the point in the particular local system
ez z eccentricity of the point in the particular local system
RAlph Relation code for tendon direction (Elem, Node or CSP)
Alpha1 Tangent deviation from x in the x-y plane or “Free”
Alpha2 Tangent deviation from x in the x-z plane or “Free”
- Empty row in case of element related definition
Line Yes, if the point type is “Line” (see Type of a Tendon Point (on page 106))
NElem Structural element number (for external tendon segments)
Radius Curvature radius (if prescribed)
Deviating from the above, the global coordinates x, y, z are displayed instead of x/l, ey, ez for points specified as
Space points in terms of global coordinates (see Option: Element related or Space coordinates (on page 105)).
The direction vector dx, dy, dz is in this case displayed instead of Alpha1, Alpha2 and in the empty row behind
The input of these parameters is either performed by using the Insert button above the tendon point table, or in
a combined numeric-graphic pad activated by clicking the Info button. Using interactive graphics makes the
definition of the position of the constraint points easier. This option is described in Graphic Input Facilities (on
page 109).
The default setting is Structure element, and the here-described parameters are related to this setting. A
separate input pad is displayed when Space point is selected. The input parameters related to the definition in
global coordinates are described in Tendons > 3D (on page 108).
This basic specification switch cannot be later modified by using the Modify button. The rows Elem and Rel will
remain empty for points entered in global coordinates.
Figure 31: Reference points for the definition of the tendon point position Direction of the tangent in the tendon point (RAlph, Alpha1, Alpha2)
The direction of the tangent in a constraint point can be prescribed as a compulsory condition additionally to the
specification of the position.
This direction is specified by the angles Alpha1 (“vertical angle”) and Alpha2 (“horizontal angle”), being the
angles in the vertical plane and in the horizontal plane respectively. These angles are again related —governed
by the code RAlph— either to the element axis (Elem), the connection line of the cross-section origin points
(Node) or the connection line of the respective cross-section points (CSP). The favored reference axis is selected
with the switch “Elem”, “Node”, and “CS pnt” below the input fields Alpha1 and Alpha2.
Alpha1 “Vertical” angle between the respective reference axis and the tangent (in the plane built by the
reference axis and the cross-section y axis, positive from xL to yCS).
Alpha2 “Horizontal” angle between the respective reference axis and the tangent (in the plane built by the
reference axis and the cross-section z axis, positive from xL to zCS).
The specified angles Alpha1 and Alpha2 are only prescribed if also the related switch is set to “Value”. The
direction is automatically calculated if the switch is set to “Free”. The string Free is in this case displayed in the
tendon point table instead of the Alpha1 and Alpha2 values.
This presentation type is active if Tendons > 3D is selected. The related parameters are specified with selecting
Space point in the geometry definition pad. The parameters to be entered are the global coordinates (X, Y, Z) of
the tendon point and the components dx, dy, dz of the direction vector in this point.
The values X, Y, Z are presented in the tendon geometry table described in Tendons Geometry (on page 104)
instead of x/l, ey, and ez respectively. The values dx, dy, dz are presented instead of Alpha1 and Alpha2, and in
the otherwise empty row after Alpha2.
X, Y, Z are also presented in the tendon 3D table described below, the values dx, dy, dz are not shown in this
table. The parameters in the tendon 3D table are:
Type Tendon point type (see Tendon Point Types (on page 294))
Elem Reference element
Rel Relation code for the point position (Elem, Node, or CSP)
CS Pnt Name of the cross-section point (if Rel is set to CSP)
X Global x coordinate of the point
Y Global y coordinate of the point
Z Global z coordinate of the point
RAlph Relation code for the tendon direction (Elem, Node or CSP)
L-Ten Length of the tendon to the next tendon point
Alpha Angle between the tendon and structural element axis
Radius Curvature radius of the tendon in the respective tendon point
Line Yes, if the point type is “Line” (see Tendons Geometry (on page 104))
NElem Structural element number (for external tendon segments)
The definition of the position of constraint points via global coordinates in space is not very often used. This
option is only provided for special cases. Note that in this case the direction of the tangent must be entered for all
points. In this input mode it is not possible to set free the tangent direction of some constraint points, i.e., using
this input mode is only allowed if the tangent directions are known in all tendon points.
Selecting the Info button above the Tendon geometry table or the Tendon 3D table also displays a drawing
together with a table, presenting the 3D coordinates of the tendon position in all start and end cross-sections of
the assigned structural elements. This table contains additionally the deviation angles of the tangent from the
element axis (Alph1, Alph2), and the eccentricities ey, ez with respect to the element axis. This allows the user
to check the tendon geometry along the whole element series and to modify tendon points or inserting
additional ones where required.
Cross-section view:
<< Move the cursor to the extreme left side of the cross section
< Move to the left using the dz step for the cursor
> Move to the right using the dz step for the cursor
>> Move the cursor to the extreme right side of the cross section
Isometric view:
<< Move the cursor to the start point of the first assigned element
< Move the cursor in negative longitudinal direction (-X) using the dx step
> Move the cursor in the longitudinal direction (+X) using the dx step
>> Move the cursor to the end of the last assigned element
Note that temporary supports are currently treated like fix supports and activated in all launching steps created
in Recalc ILM. You may however delete the appropriate lines if the support is removed before the final system is
The segment table displayed on selecting ILM (Incremental Launching Method) > Segment Definition
contains the following parameters:
Segment name Name of the segment for reference (e.g., “A”, max 23 characters)
Type Type of the segment (see above)
Nose segment Name of the related nose segment (only for girder segments)
SegLength Segment length (Nose and Girder)
Spring/No1 Element number (ILM-support spring)
Node/No2 Node number (ILM-support spring)
NewNdNo Start no. for generated new nodes (Nose and Girder)
NewElNo Start no. for generated new elements (Nose and Girder)
Tolerance Only for support segments: tolerance value for the connection
Description Descriptive text for the segment (max. 127 characters)
The above parameters have to be entered in the Insert or Modify pad. The first segment must be the nose
segment. It is recommended to define afterwards the girder segments in the right order, and the support
segments at the end.
The table below the segment table displays the elements belonging to the current segment. The original values
entered are displayed when Segment Definition > Original Structure is active. New elements can be assigned
in this mode by using the Insert button. A pre-camber value (y-deviation) can be defined for the start and end
points of each element by using the Modify button after the elements have been initially assigned.
The program creates a refined superstructure system with new elements and new nodes if the position of ILM-
support elements does not coincide with nodes of the superstructure in any of the launching steps. The
numbering of these new elements and nodes is done automatically in the program. The user has however the
possibility for influencing the automatic numbering, by specifying a lower limit for the new node and element
numbers (NewNdNo and NewElNo).
For girder elements, the option Segment Definition > ILM Structure can be used to present the elements
created in the refinement process together with the coordinates of subdivision points. For ILM-supports, the
coordinates of the start and end are presented in this mode.
ILM-Support segments usually consist of one single support element connecting the node 0 with the (detached)
reference node Node (which will be connected in the launching process to the structural node being currently at
the position of the support element). However, you may also define groups of springs as ILM-Support-Segments,
where the start point of the ILM-spring is not the node 0, but the respective node of the related substructure
(e.g., a pier). The elements of this substructure are in this case defined to be a part of the same ILM-Support
segment. Note that the ILM-spring itself must always be the last element in the table of elements belonging to the
current support segment. If more than one ILM-spring is connected to the same substructure, the substructure
elements have only to be specified in one of the respective ILM-Support segments.
A Tolerance value has to be specified in the case that eccentric (in local z-direction) ILM supports are specified
at the same longitudinal location (eccentric bearings, one left and one right). All ILM springs with z-eccentricities
below this tolerance value will be connected in the launching process to the superstructure at the current
The advancing length for one step is in the Insert pad defined by the number of steps and the total moving
lengths, assuming that each step has the same advancing length. Differing advancing lengths may be specified
with inserting more than one step-series for the same segment. In the Modify pad the single step length has to
be entered even if a step series is modified. Modifying a step length does not automatically modify the
subsequent step to keep the total length constant.
The construction stage related to a launching step or a series of launching steps must have been previously
defined as an empty stage. It must essentially be assigned to the launching steps by specifying its number (Stage
No.). The function ILM (Incremental launching method) > Recalc ILM will then place all related actions in the
referenced construction stage. All launching steps of a particular segment are usually in the same construction
stage, but launching steps of different segments must be in different stages.
The loading information related to the launching steps (removal of previous ILM supports and activation in the
new position) will be assigned to the previously created empty load set and load case specified by the load case
no. LCase and the load set no. Load set. This load case and load set may be the same for all launching steps, or
different ones. Usually, all steps of one construction stage are related to the same load case and load set, but
different load cases and load sets are used for the different construction states. This keeps the final state of every
construction stage resident in the database and available for the result presentation functions.
When Schedule - Structure is active, the lower table shows —related to the currently marked launching step—
the active support segments (Pier Name) and the girder elements connected to them (elements (El-new) and
nodes (No-new) in the refined structure, elements (El-old) and relative position (x/l) in the original structure,
affected segment (SegName).
When Schedule - Action is active, the lower table displays the construction stage actions related to the current
launching step. The parameters are the same than in the standard action table described in Schedule Stages (on
page 161). Any additional actions can be inserted in this table (e.g., removing a temporary support).
bridge considering a set of various load trains passing the bridge with different velocities. Results are the
relevant maximum displacement accelerations during the train transits with different speeds.
Details of this functionality are described in a separate document online available as Rolling Stock User Guide
parameters (material, cross-section, etc.) are automatically transferred from the original element to the new
The original elements remain resident in the element table. You may activate later on either the original
elements (e.g., for a preliminary analysis), or the generated elements. Original elements and generated elements
do not exclude each other, i.e., you must take care not to activate both sets simultaneously.
The British Standard Traffic load macro generates the following:
• The live load trains for HA loading, HB loading & HA + HB loading
• The variable tables defining the load intensity against the loaded length
• Runs the different load trains over each lane on the bridge
• Calculates the most structurally critical traffic loading envelopes for:
1. Select the macro for British Standard Loading under Extras > Traffic and Load Macros
2. Choose between Load train generator and live load calculation (both are needed – order of choice is not
The loading trains for the three alternatives will be produced together with the variable table associated with
the HA loading curve that varies with loaded length. These data are stored in a TCL file (default name
bs-trains.TCL). This TCL file must be imported later as a partial project directly into the RM project database.
This is done with using the program function File > Import TCL Project Data > Add to the existing project.
The schedule for calculating the influence lines, applying all the possible live load & lane combinations and
creating the worst envelope for each of the ‘HA only load’, ‘HB only load’, and ‘HA + HB load’ will be generated
and stored in the form of a TCL file — called BS-LIVE.TCL. This TCL file must be imported into the RM project
database — in the same manner than bs-trains.TCL.
Each of the individual sup files can be referred to in the Combination table and factored as desired. The following
names are used by default:
Note: The term load train used above has nothing to do with the database object Load Train specified in Load
Definition > Load Trains.
A second table, displayed on the left side of the input pad, shows the series of elements or nodes affected by the
moving load train. Again, these values may be edited by using the modification buttons and input fields below
this table. The switches at center top of the input pad (Node Forces (FEX) if the forces are related to a node
series, Element Forces (FSGY) if related to an element series) govern, whether a node series or an element
series has to be entered.
An eccentric point of application of the forces is defined by the eccentricity values, specified at the top right side
of the pad. These values are related to the nodes (if Node Forces (FEX) has been selected), or to the cross-
section reference points (e.g., the top center point of the cross-section, if Element Forces (FSGY) has been
A lane number may be assigned to each node or element series in this table, indicating different main girders in
parallel, which are simultaneously loaded when the load train moves forward. Note that this lane number has
nothing common with the general lane definition in Load Definition > Traffic Lanes. The splitting of the load
train forces to the different lanes is governed by the Force Factors in the lane table below the table of node or
element series.
The parameters Ramp Begin and Ramp End in the lane table are approach and backlash distances from the
lane begin and end respectively, where an influence of approaching or departing forces on the first or last node
is given. It is recommended to always specifying suitable ramp lengths (maybe 1 to 3 times the element length)
in order to avoid inaccuracies and oscillations due to suddenly arising or vanishing loads.
Once the input data is complete, the user may use the Save/Restore button to save data in a TCL file
(mldia.TCL), allowing for an easy modification after the macro has been left. Using this button again, the data are
restored and may be modified before repeating the analysis.
Leaving the macro function by selecting the OK button creates a TCL file containing all data (variables, load sets,
load case) generated by the macro. The name of this TCL file is specified in the input field RM-input-file. This TCL
data must be imported afterwards as a partial project before the analysis can be performed. It is strongly
recommended to check the TCL file, before importing it into the database. The TCL file contains the following
Unit definitions: Variables
V Load train velocity (input value km/h)
Vm Velocity (calculation value in m/sec)
RBeg1 Ramp length at the begin of lane 1
REnd1 Ramp length at the end of lane 1
Tint Current time of the train position
Tpos Position at time Tint
m1(p,n) Influence function of the force p for the point n at time Tint (or for load train position Tpos
Ltotal Total length (From the start point of the begin ramp to the position of the first force when the last
force leaves the end ramp)
Duration Time elapsed when the last force leaves the end ramp
sload Distance table of the forces of the load train
sn1 Station table (nodes or elements) of lane 1
dp1 Distance table to the previous station
dn1 Distance table to the next station
6.6.5 Extras > Preprocessors > Preprocessor for Cable Stayed Bridge
This function supports the full nonlinear calculation of cable stayed bridges as described in 13.1.7 (on page
317). The procedure proposed there comprises of four steps,
1. Preliminary design calculation on the final system (without considering construction stages),
2. Calculation of the related cable geometry (cable sagging),
3. Adaptation of the system geometry (cable subdivision and adding the sagging values), and
4. Final analysis considering all construction stages and P-Delta effects
The first three of these steps are supported in this preprocessor function with the related sub-functions, which
are selected in the input pad displayed on selecting the preprocessor function. Each sub-function creates TCL
files containing the related data. These TCL files must then be imported into the database.
Final state LC Name of the load case, where all required load sets are collected
Outputfile loads Name of the TCL file to be written
Load manager final String indicating the treatment of the load case in the automatic superposition (see
state LC Load Management (on page 135), usually G1 in order to make sure, that the load
case is stored in the summation load case SumLC).
Load manager cable String indicating the treatment of the cable-stressing load cases in the automatic
LCs superposition (see Load Management (on page 135), usually CABLE).
Additional load sets The permanent loading accumulated in the summation load case SumLC is
for final state LC automatically considered in the analysis. Other permanent loads (or other loads to be
considered for the cable force design) may be included in the total load case by
specifying the load sets in this input field.
The table below the switch Reset All Cables contains the stressing information for all cables in the system. The
first row contains the numbers of the cable elements to be stressed. This information is taken from the element
table created in Element Data and Properties. Cables, which are —for any reason— inactive or not stressed,
may be deleted from the table.
The other rows contain the stressing information for the different cables, i.e., the load sets describing the self-
weight and any fix stressing force part (second row), and the load sets describing the variable unit stressing
force (seventh row). As a default, the self-weight loading gets the cable element number as load set name, and
the unit stressing forces get the element number increased by 1. These values may be edited by using the Edit
buttons below the different rows.
The specific weight used for creating the self-weight load sets is per default taken from the material specification
of the cable elements. A deviating value may be easily specified with modifying the values using the Edit button.
A fix part of the stressing force may be specified with using either the toad type LX0 (fifth row) or FX0 (sixth
row). Avoid specifying both values, they are both considered in the created load set and therefore superimposed
in the calculation.
A value of 100 kN is per default used for the variable unit stressing force. The names of the unit load cases are
per default assumed to be the same than the names of the related load sets.
The TCL file —with the specified name— containing the corresponding load set and load case information is
created on selecting the OK button. This TCL file may now be imported before the preliminary analysis is
performed. This is done with creating the required Schedule Variant (final state only) and selecting the Recalc
Parameter Description
NDiv Number of subdivisions (information from the element table, no direct modification,
specification done in ?Element Data and Properties)
Stage No. of the construction stage, where the cable is stressed (default 1, modification with
the Edit button)
Gamma LSet Name of the self-weight load set (taken over from the step 1 information, no direct
modification possible)
FX0/LX0 LSet Name of the fix stressing part load set (taken over from the step 1 information, no direct
modification possible)
LCase Name of the self weight and fix stressing part load case (default: name of the Gamma
LSet, modification with the Edit button)
AddCon LSet Name of the variable stressing load set (taken over from the step 1 information, no
direct modification possible)
AddCon LCase Name of the variable stressing load case (taken over from the step 1 information, no
direct modification possible)
First cable no. Start no. of the element series created in the subdivision process (default: no. of the
original cable + 1)
First node no. Start no. of the node series created in the subdivision process along the sagging line
(default: no. of the original cable + 1)
Note: The creation of new elements and nodes in the subdivision process does not get around existing element
or node numbers. The user has to take care, that the first numbers of the created series are specified such that
existing elements or nodes are not overwritten. It is recommended to apply sufficient space in the numbering
scheme of the original elements in order be able to use the default settings of this macro function (e.g., 7000,
7010, 7020, …original cable numbers, 7001, 7002, …, 7011, 7012, …generated elements and nodes)
The above-mentioned TCL files are created on selecting the OK button. Step3-sys.TCL and step3-load.TCL
must both be imported before the final nonlinear construction stage analysis may be performed.
below described functions, and then adapted to the actual needs. This adaptation work is much less, than
directly defining the whole Schedule data.
Submenu item
• Model geometry,
• Tendon geometry, and
• Reinforcement requirement data.
In Bentley Rebar, the model geometry and tendon (duct) geometry may directly be used as reference objects to
simplify geometry definition. The reinforcement requirement data are typically not directly related but
generalized data (totally required reinforcement amount) to be translated into actual bars (diameter, length,
shape) and spacings (see Reinforcement Detailing (Interface to Bentley Rebar) (on page 358)).
element table is the age of newly activated elements, while the age of elements activated in an earlier stage is
calculated automatically.
All actions and especially load case calculation actions are performed later in accordance with the defined
schedule and accessed by the RM Bridge load case pool, where load cases are listed in the order of the stage
calculation (see The Load Case Pool (on page 129)).
Import (or definition) of Variables for Creep, Shrinkage and Material, Cross-sections (defined in the
properties Properties menu)
Definition of the structural Nodes, Elements, Supports (defined in the Structure menu)
Definition of Loads Load cases (Load sets), load combinations and load manager definitions
have to be defined (in the Schedule Load definition pad).
Load Case Time 1 Time 2 SumX SumY SumZ Sum- Sum- Sum- ω Description
name MasX MasY MasZ
LC101 0 0 … … … … … … -
LC102 0 0 … … … … … … -
LC201 0 0 … … … … … … -
LC501 0 0 … … … … … … -
… … … … … … … … …
Time1 and Time2 are time-data from creep and shrinkage calculation. Time1 is the end time of the load case in
days along the project time axis from the beginning of the schedule. Time2 is a modified, fictitious time value for
the application time of the stress redistributions due to creep and shrinkage (calculated from the ageing factor
w2 given in the pad Recalc > C+S to Time2 = (Time1(current) + Time1(previous)) * w2).
In the previous table, a time dependent load case (LC601) was calculated in three (logarithmic) time steps
summed up to the final load case.
The load case pool can also contain eigenvectors besides normal static load case results. The row Omega (ω)
contains in this case the related eigenfrequency in terms of radians per second. Definitions
The term envelope is used in RM Bridge to denote sets of result values, which represent maximum and minimum
values of combinations of several load cases, which may act together or alternatively according to certain rules.
Each envelope consists of result value matrices related to all result points (element start and end points,
subdivision points). A matrix for a certain result point contains different result vectors containing deformation
and internal force values.
Each vector contains 12 components (6 deformation values, 6 internal force values), and represents the
maximum or minimum of a certain component (characteristic or leading value) with the related other result
components (concurrent or co-existent values). An envelope is identified with a user-defined name, which is
used as a filename for storing the related result values. The characteristic components used for evaluating
maximum and minimum vectors are specified in Recalc (options Max/Min Displ, Max/Min Forces). Thus, the
matrix for one result point contains up to 24 result vectors with 12 components, with one of these components
being a maximum or minimum value.
Note: Further allocated result components, such as the primary parts of prestressing or creep load cases, are
also stored in the envelope, but they cannot be used as characteristic components for the maximum/minimum
Envelopes are named objects, where the name is also the name of the file where the results values are stored.
You can freely define the name. However, it is recommended to always use the file extension .sup.
Envelopes are created by first initializing the appropriate superposition file (action SupInit) and then
superimposing load case results or other envelopes, using defined superposition rules. The superposition rules
are specified with operators (SupAdd, SupAnd, SupAndX, SupOr, and SupOrX). This operator forms the name
of the related schedule action together with a code, defining whether a load case should be superimposed (Lc) or
another envelope (Sup) (e.g., SupAddLc – unconditional superposition of a load case, SupAndSup – conditional
superposition of an envelope).
In addition to the explicit creation of envelopes with defining the different superposition actions in the schedule,
envelopes may also be created with simply invoking the action SupComb for combination regulations
previously specified in a combination table (see Combination Table (on page 134), Combination Table).
The different available superposition operators are described below. In addition to this operator, describing the
conditions for superimposing a load case ore envelope, RM Bridge also allows for the definition of factors used
for multiplying the values prior to being added. This procedure is typically stipulated in design codes for
ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states.
SupAdd The unconditional superposition operator SupAdd is used to superimpose different permanent
loads such as self-weight, prestressing, earth pressure etc.
The new values are directly added to the envelope as in a table (compare the following table).
SupAnd The conditional superposition operator SupAnd is used to superimpose results of live loads, such as
traffic loads or snow.
New values are added to existing minimum envelope values, if the characteristic component value
has a negative sign, and to existing maximum envelope values, if the characteristic component value
has a positive sign (compare the following table).
SupAndX The conditional superposition operator SupAndX is used to superimpose results of load cases that
may change the direction, like temperature and wind loads.
The superposition rule SupAnd is applied twice with new values of both signs. Consequently, with
this rule existing minimum envelope values are decreased by new values with negative sign and
maximum envelope values are increased by new values with positive sign (compare the following
SupOr The conditional replacement operator SupOr is typically used to find the envelope of exclusionary
load cases like heavy traffic load, positioned on different places along the structure.
New values replace existing minimum envelope values, if they are smaller, and existing maximum
envelope values, if they are greater (compare the following table).
SupOrX The conditional replacement operator SupOrX is used for load cases with changing sign.
The superposition rule SupOr is applied twice with new values of both signs. Consequently with this
rule existing minimum envelope values are replaced by the new value with negative sign if smaller,
and the maximum envelope values are replaced with the new value with positive sign, if greater
(compare the following table).
Problems often arise with zero result values of numerical load case calculations. They are mostly not exactly
zero, but oscillate between small positive and negative values. It is in this case pure hazard in conditional
superpositions, whether a load case is added to the maximum or to the minimum vector. It is not at all
considered if the characteristic component is exactly zero. This problem often occurs in pure bending girders,
where the bending moment diagram of vectors with the normal force as characteristic component may become
serviceability and ultimate limit state checks are created in a consistent way, when SupComb is performed for
the same combination in different construction stages. However, the names of the envelopes should be different
(e.g., Comb1_1.sup combination 1 for construction stage 1, Comb1_2.sup combination 1 for construction
stage 2, etc.), in order to keep all construction stage results resident for later references.
A further advantage of using combinations is that the configuration details are still known later on. This allows
for de-merging the individual parts in the design code check procedures (e.g., fiber stress check, see Demerging
of Fiber Stress Quota (on page 341)).
Note that —in the combination table— the load cases to be superimposed must be entered in the same order
they shall be processed in the action SupComb.
It is recommended to use a standard scheme for denoting the load case categories (see Recommended Labeling
Scheme for Load Cases (on page 257)).
Up to three load cases and three envelopes may be defined for each category, where all load cases of this
category are automatically superimposed. This allows for instance for creating a superposition load case, where
all G1 load cases are accumulated, another one, where all permanent weight load cases (G1+G2+G3) are
accumulated, and a third one containing all permanent load cases (e.g., G1+G2+G3+PT+CS).
The addition into the superposition load cases is performed unconditionally, i.e., the load case results are added
without considering, whether they act favourably or unfavourably. Multiplication factors may not be defined for
this automatic superposition. Only one part can be processed for load cases consisting of a primary and a
secondary part: you must select whether the primary or secondary parts or the total result values shall be
All superposition operators described in Load Case Envelopes (on page 130) can be used for automatically
superimposing load cases of a certain category into an envelope (selection in the pull-down menu). This allows
for instance for automatically excluding the load cases of the category WIND with each other, or for
automatically superimposing all load cases of any category LIVELOAD.
This superposition into an envelope may also be performed for another than the currently calculated load case.
This load case must in this case be specified by the user. Indeed, this option is very common, and advantageously
used for searching the most unfavorable state of the summation load case accumulated throughout the schedule.
The summation load case (e.g., LC1000) is in this case defined as the load case to be superimposed using the
superposition rule SupOr. The current contents of the summation load case is then compared with the contents
of the envelope, and replaced if necessary. Finally, the envelope will contain the worst state arising during the
whole schedule.
Table 31: Summation load cases as part of the load manager rules applying to a previous example
SW LC100 LC1000 –
DL LC200 LC1000 –
PT LC500 LC1000 –
CS LC600 LC1000 –
Load sets may be separately factorized when assigned to a load case (the load case factor only applies to the
directly entered load data!).
One load definition line contains a code characterising the load type (Kw), the loaded node or element range
specified by a From/To/Step-definition, a code (Proj) identifying the related element dimensions (element
length or projection of the element length, etc.), and 6 components of the load definition vector (Data1 to Data6).
The meaning of Data1 to Data6 is dependent on the particular load type. The exact meaning of the codes and
coefficients is described in the detailed description of the load types in the appendix of this document.
Load sets are defined in Load Set Definition in the same way than directly defined load cases. A new load set is
defined by pressing an Insert button and specifying the load set name and a description. The name should
preferably start with the prefix LS and contain the name of the load case where it will be used (e.g., LS501 for a
set used in LC501) (see also Recommended Labeling Scheme for Load Cases (on page 257)). Load sets may be
immediately —when being defined— assigned to a load case by selecting the Add to load case option. The
assigned load case may in this case be an existent one, or a new one to be created.
Every load case gets —besides its name and description— a code, describing whether the load case is a quasi-
permanent state (P for permanent), or load acting only for short periods (NP for not permanent). This code
governs the creep calculation, specifying whether the loading is creep inducing or not. It is moreover used for
nonlinear calculations, when permanent loads are accumulated for stiffness calculation (see Basic Settings (on
page 215)).
Additionally, a load case category can optionally be assigned for governing automatic superposition. This
category must have been created in the load management function Load Management together with the
appropriate superposition rules (see Load Management (on page 135))).
General information on the traffic loading analysis in RM Bridge can be found in section Automatic
Compensation of Deformations - Erection Control (on page 278), this section describes the required input
procedures for defining traffic lanes and load trains.
1 2 3 4
Lanes may have an arbitrary shape and position. The lane geometry may be defined as a straight parallel or skew
line, or even a curved line. The definition is done with specifying a series of lane points. You must define the
position of theses lane points in reference to the superstructure elements. In order to achieve a sufficient
accuracy it is necessary to define an appropriate number of lane points (at least 1 point per element, or
subdivision point when element subdivision is used). To include all possible discontinuities in influence lines,
lane points are normally defined at begin and end of all deck elements.
Unit force vectors must be defined for all lane points. These unit forces are used for calculating the influence
lines. In the influence-line evaluation, the results of these unit load calculations are multiplied by the respective
load intensities of the load trains, resulting in the actual envelope of deformations and internal forces.
Figure 36: Lane definition with Points defined relative to the elements and a load vector to each point
Lanes are defined in Schedule Load Definition Traffic Lanes. The upper table (lane table) contains the list of
lanes identified by a lane number. The output file name and influence line file name are automatically generated.
Furthermore —when the influence line calculation has been performed— the table contains the information
about the number of lane points Npos, the number of calculated influence lines Ninfl and the length of the lane.
The lower table (lane point table) displays the definitions for all lane points of the active lane. Two or more
lines are displayed for every lane point:
• The 1st line with parameters describing the position of the lane point, and
• The 2nd and any further lines with the unit force vector describing the direction of the loading related to this
influence line.
These 1st lines of the lane point table contain also the position parameters (x/l, eccentricities) under Data1 to
Data3, and a factor (Data7) used for multiplying all loads of this lane (revaluation for considering a dynamic
coefficient, devaluation of auxiliary lanes, partitioning if wheel loads are separately considered, etc.).
Second Line and Any Additional Lines of the Lane Point Definition
The following codes describe the definition of a unit force:
POSFG Eccentric force, defined in the global system
POSFL Eccentric force, defined in the local system
POSFRG Concentric force, defined in the global System
POSFRL Concentric force, defined in the global System
These 2nd lines and any additional lines contain under Data1 to Data3 the eccentricity of the loading (possibly
different to the lane point eccentricity) and under Data4 to Data6 the components of the load vector. In normal
case, we will have only one line and the eccentricity values will be the same than those specified in the 1st line.
The unit load will be 1.0. If an axle load is divided into wheel loads, one will have an additional 3rd line with
adjusted z eccentricity Data3 in the 2nd and 3rd line, and unit load 0.5 instead of 1.0 in Data4, Data5, or Data6.
The right sign of the loading may either be considered here by defining the correct unit load direction, or later in
the definition of the force intensities of the load train. However, lane definition macros always create unit load
vectors in positive axis directions. This has to be taken into account when specifying the force intensities of the
load train.
A “Y”or “Z”added to the above describes codes specifies that the cross-section eccentricity in the local YL or ZL
direction is considered additionally to the user-defined eccentricity.
The direct input of all lane points by using the above-described definitions is a tedious undertaking. RM Bridge
therefore offers macros, which allow for efficiently defining the whole lane point table by entering few data.
These macros generate the required lines of the lane point table for the most often arising cases (vertical traffic
load, braking load in local x-direction, centrifugal load in local z-direction). You can modify the created table with
entering additional lines or modifying the created lines.
zL xL
zL xL
x L
z x
x L
z x
The lane is related to a series of cross girders with the position of lane points defined by the relative ratio of x/ln
(ln = distance between start node and end node) or by a length value dx (distance from the start node), for both,
the first girder and the last girder in the cross girder series. x/ln or dx may be differently specified for the first
and the last cross-girder, with linear interpolation in the intermediate cross-girders. This allows for effectively
modeling skew lanes (e.g., for diverging lanes, etc.).
The distribution of the unit load to the longitudinal girders is done according to the relative position of the lane
between the centers of gravity of two longitudinal girders (weighting factors 1-x/lG and x/lG respectively, with
lG being the distance between the longitudinal girders.
For details of the definition of cross-section eccentricities, Ndiv and Phi see Macro1 (on page 140).
Macro4 contains a further option (orthogonal to lane) allowing for applying the unit loads on the intersection
points of the normal to the lane with the main girder rather, than applying them on the connection points of the
cross girders (see the following figure).
general 208
205 206
202 203
LANE dx-End
I 03 K
element eccentricity
LANE dx-End
Figure 41: Lane definition with Macro4 normal and orthogonal to lane
A set of traffic lanes can be combined to form an influence surface allowing for evaluating the influence of
surface loads or distributed concentrated loads like wheel loads rather than axle loads. This is done by assigning
a common surface name to the individual influence lines.
• Note that the intensity q of the uniform distributed load must currently be the same in all load sections
(except it is zero for modeling sections with point loads only).
• The first and the last section must essentially be defined with free length if they contain a mon-zero
uniformly distributed load.
When influence lines are evaluated (LiveSet and LiveL actions), the load train is automatically positioned to
obtain extreme (minimum and maximum) internal forces. The forces are calculated by multiplication of load
train intensities with load vectors specified at each lane point (the direction of the traffic load is defined by the
load vectors of the lane).
Section1 Section3
Figure 42: Load train with a distributed load and one point load Example 2: Distributed Load and Two Point Loads with Variable Distance
The following figure shows a more accurate definition of a distributed load on the whole lane with a single heavy
F0=0 F1 F2
(before and after)
Figure 43: Load train with distributed load and 2 point loads
The vehicle is modeled with axle loads. The distributed load is omitted in the area of the vehicle. In order to
define the distance of the first axle from the end of the distributed load, a separate section without load (F0 with
intensity 0, q=0) has to be specified. L-from, L-to and L-Step define any variable axle spacing.
The definition of load trains is done with Schedule > Load Definition > Load Trains. Load trains are identified
by numbers and listed in the upper table (load train table) containing load sections defined as items in the
lower table. When load trains are evaluated, fact-min and fact-max may be used to factorize the maximum and
minimum results separately. The variables function qlen and function Beta and the option Triangle f are
provided for the definition of complex load trains, where the load intensity is dependent on the loaded length.
Such complex traffic load definitions are required in the British Standard, and various design codes of the former
Commonwealth countries based on it (see Load Trains (on page 283)).
Further special parameters assigned to the whole load train, which are not displayed in the load train table, may
be viewed by using the Info button on top of the table. These parameters are tolerance values in the upper
displayed block (Eps1 to Eps12), and factors (Fac1 to Fac12), for differently factorizing the loads considered for
the evaluation of maximum and minimum values of the different result components (e.g., different factors for M
and Q required in the AASHTO code). The tolerance values are used for suppressing the influence line evaluation
in regions with small influence.
The section table of the current load train is displayed below the load train table. The individual lines of this
table contain for the different sections the intensity of the distributed load (under q), the intensity of the point
load at the section begin (under F) and the range of possible section lengths specified by l-from, l-to, and l-
The rows q-Flag and F-Flag indicate, whether the load is a block load acting in any case over the whole length
of the section (Fix), or if it acts only in the unfavorable parts of the section (Var or LRFD). The distributed load is
always assumed Var (acting only in regions where unfavorable). The simulation of distributed block loads (e.g.,
crawler type vehicles) requires transforming the block load into a series of point loads. The default setting for
point loads is Fix. Point loads, which only act when unfavorable, must be indicated by selecting the option LRFD.
It is also possible to model this with an appropriate variation of the section length between the two point-loads
(e.g., if a 2nd heavy vehicle can be in the same lane (minimum distance as required, maximum distance > lane
The option AASHTO indicates whether the respective point load should be placed a 2nd time unfavourably in
the neighbour span, when the most severe influence on the negative moments is evaluated. This proceeding is
required in the AASHTO code. The row q-free indicates start and end sections with free length.
The string 2D in the 11th row indicates, that the load train has been given in two dimensions (surface load and
lane width rather than as a line load). Concentrated loads are in this case defined as two separate surface loads
distributed over a defined rectangular area dl×dt (wheel contact area). In the input pad the values qu (surface
load intensity) and wu (lane width) are in this case specified instead of Q (line load intensity), with Q = qu×wu.
For concentrated loads, qc (contact pressure), wc (wheel distance), dl, and dt (longitudinal and transversal
length of the contact area) are specified instead of the force F, with F = 2×qc×dl×dt.
The described parameters are entered in the input pad displayed on selecting the Insert button. The defined
loads act always in the direction of the unit forces specified for the lanes. Attention must be paid to the fact, that
the lanes created by macros always have unit vectors in positive coordinate directions. Negative load intensities
of the load train are therefore required for the vertical loads, in order to let them act downwards.
The required input data for the above graphically presented load trains are shown below:
Example 1
Section1 Q: LITEM Q = -15 kN/m Free length
Section2 F: LITEM F = -300 kN L-from = L-to = L-Step = 0
Section3 Q: LITEM Q = -15 kN/m Free length
Example 2
Section1 Q: LITEM Q = -15 kN/m Free length
Section2 F0: LITEM F = 0 kN L-from = L-to = L-Step = 2.0 m
Section3 F1: LITEM F =-300 kN L-from = 3, L-to = 15, L-Step = 3 m
Section4 F2: LITEM F =300 kN L-from = L-to = L-Step = 3.0 m
Section5 Q: LITEM Q = 15 kN/m Free length
The table of earthquake events is presented in two parts on selecting the function Seismic: The upper table
contains the basic parameters of all defined earthquake events, whereas the lower table contains the related
ground motion parameters and the assigned response spectra. The upper table contains the following
The lower table contains one line with the vector of the ground motion (Vec-Vx, Vec-Vy, Vec-Vz), the damping
value (Damp-Fact), the name of the variable (table) representing the response spectrum (Var-Name(Graph))
and the type of the specified ground motion (Type) (displacement (d), velocity (v), or acceleration (a)). The
response spectra must be given in terms of the normalized values related to this type of excitation (Se/ag, Se/vg,
Note: An alternative input possibility would of course be to specify the vector of ground motion as normalized
direction vector and the response spectrum in terms of ground motion intensities Se.
In case of damping dependent response spectrum definition (see Damping Dependancy (on page 331)) the
specified damping ratio is understood as reference value for the validity of the specified response spectra. If only
one response spectrum is specified, the program assumes that this spectrum is unconditionally valid for the
structure, i.e., that the structural damping complies with the reference damping. The entered damping ratio is in
this case only used for calculating the correlation factors (only for combination rules DSC, CQC, see Earthquake
Analysis (Response Spectrum Method) (on page 328))
If several lines with different response spectra and the corresponding damping ratios are specified, a
dependency of the structural damping from the natural mode or natural frequency respectively can be
considered in RespS (see RespS (on page 178) and Damping Dependancy (on page 331)). Any values of the
ground motion and motion type given in the additional lines are ignored; the entries in the first line are valid.
load). However, calculating the loading values by hand is tedious and RM Bridge provides special load types
(load type group Wind Load (velocity)) for doing this automatically (load types Mean wind load (WINDM), Mean
wind load with gust factor (WINDG), Mean drag for longitudinal component (DRAGML), Mean drag (DRAGM),
Mean lift (LIFTM), and Mean pitch (PITCHM). A detailed description of these load types is given in the Appendix.
DRAGML, DRAGM, LIFTM, and PITCHM are simplified load types for defining the different components of the
wind loading directly, without defining wind profiles and aero classes. The basic parameters for calculating the
actual forces acting on the structure (shape coefficients, design wind data) are directly assigned to the affected
structural elements as parameter set of the respective load type. The total wind impact is separated into four
components, each of them separately defined with the appropriate load type: forces in longitudinal direction
(DRAGML), forces in lateral (zL) direction (DRAGM), forces in vertical (yL) direction (LIFTM), and moments
around the element axis (PITCHM). An angle α can be specified for winds not being completely horizontal.
Further parameters are the density of the air, the design velocity, the related shape factor (and derivative with
respect to α) and the appropriate reference width.
Note: The function Load Definition > Wind for specifying wind profiles is not needed as long as the above
described load types DRAGML, DRAGM, LIFTM, and PITCHM are used for wind analyses.
The application of these simplified load types is however restricted to standard cases (constant wind velocity, no
turbulences, constant shape functions, and derivatives etc).
WINDM is the general wind load definition function for describing complex situations. It uses wind profiles for
describing the wind impact (e.g. mean velocity as a function of the height above ground level, turbulence data for
dynamic impacts, etc) and aero classes (aerodynamic cross-section classes, see Properties Aero Classes (on page
71)) for describing the aerodynamic behavior of the structural elements (shape coefficients and derivatives).
VDDE Viscous drag damping element load is used for simulation of stream load on submerged floater and cables.
A variable stream over height is defined with the variable and it is applied in static and dynamic calculation.
Since structure is moving for time history calculation a relative velocity is considered for fluid drag force. Load is
possible to define static and dynamic component that are directly computed in time response calculation.
• Definition of the actual wind velocity and direction as parameters of the load type WINDM or WINDG (for
the static effect; see Appendix, Load Types WINDM and WINDG) and the schedule action WIND (for the
dynamic part; see , action WIND).
The parameters defined in Load Definition > Wind Load are:
• Basic calculation parameters (method, duration, mode combination rules, …)
• Distribution of the mean wind velocity over the height (law and related parameters)
• Turbulence parameters
• Gust factor
• Power spectrum-parameters
• Coherence data
The table of wind profiles is displayed on selecting Load Definition > Wind Load. It contains all defined wind
profiles (Wind No.) with the basic calculation Parameters. These wind profiles are references in the actual wind
load definition (load type WINDM or WINDG and schedule action WIND). The basic parameters of the wind
profiles as displayed in the table are:
The tables below contain the specific parameter of the currently selected wind profile. Note that default values
as described below are provided for all parameters.
Mean Wind - exponential
Wind fluctuation
General Parameters
Windd Density ρ of the air; the default value is 0.001226 t/m3. This default value is normally sufficiently
accurate for all locations on earth. The value is used for calculating the dynamic pressure q using q =
ρ×v2/2, with v = wind velocity. The mass unit is fix (1 ton), however, any user-defined length unit
(Length(Structure)) is considered in the GUI.
Note: The unit [t] is in this case a true mass unit, in contradiction to the force unit [t] available in the
units selective list. The latter specifies the weight of a mass of 1 ton.
Cc Local climate factor. The nominal wind velocity is multiplied with this factor prior to the calculation of
the dynamic pressure.
Y0 Y-coordinate of the zero level of the wind profile (ground level) in the RM Bridge coordinate system
Constant Distribution
Vc Nominal wind velocity. The actual velocity v, used for calculating the dynamic pressure, is calculated with
using v = Cc × Vc.
Exponential Distribution
Vref Reference wind velocity at the level Yref above ground level
T Duration for calculating the mean value (purely informative, not used in the program)
Alpha Exponent for describing the velocity increase with height
Yref Reference height (above ground level), where the reference wind speed occurs
The actual velocity vy used for calculating the dynamic pressure at level y (in the RM Bridge coordinate system)
is calculated using:
v y = Cc ⋅ vr ⋅ ( ) yg
yg = y-Y0 ≥.0
Note that the lowest point of the bridge (base of the highest pier) must be specified as ground level Y0, if the
wind impact on the piers is to be considered.
Logarithmic Distribution
Ckt Surface factor
Vb Nominal wind velocity
Alpha Exponent for describing the velocity increase
fy Height dependency factor
Yr Roughness of the ground surface [dimension Length (structure)]
The actual velocity vy used for calculating the dynamic pressure at level y (in the RM Bridge coordinate system)
is calculated using:
v y = v10 = α ⋅ Ckt ⋅ vb ⋅ ln ( )+ f
yr y ⋅ y ≥ 0.0
yg = y-Y0 ≥.0
The actual velocity vy used for calculating the dynamic pressure at level y (in the RM Bridge coordinate system)
is calculated using:
v y = v10 ⋅ 1 +
( )
= Ckt ⋅ vb ⋅ ln ( )⋅ 1+ ( )
≥ 0.0
yr yr
Constant Turbulence
Exponential Turbulences
The “friction” of the wind close to the ground is usually greater than the “friction” further away from the ground.
Therefore, turbulences near to the ground are often higher. The previous figure shows a typical diagram for the
height dependency of the turbulence intensity. In order to allow for this fact, again different types of turbulence
intensity distributions can be selected.
You can switch between:
• Constant distribution (Constant)
• Inverse velocity distribution (Inverse prop. to velocity)
• Distribution according to Swedish design code (Sweden)
• Inverse logarithmic distribution (Inverse logarithmic)
General Parameters
w-length Turbulence intensity in wind longitudinal direction (vRMS / V) (velocity deviations related to the
mean wind speed).
w-vert Turbulence intensity in vertical direction (normal to the mean wind direction) (vvert,RMS / V)
(velocity component in vertical direction (RMS-value) related to the mean wind speed).
w-lateral Intensity in lateral direction (normal to the wind direction) (vvert,RMS / V) (velocity component in
lateral direction (RMS-value) related to mean wind speed).
Constant Distribution
No further parameters; the default values 0.145, 0.0777, 0.1121 indicate, that the wind velocity in mean wind
direction varies by ±14.5%, and the components in vertical and lateral directions are ±8% or ±11%, respectively,
of the mean wind speed.
The actual intensity values at level y (above ground level) are calculated with the formulas:
T Iu = Iu ⋅ vy
≥ 0.0
T Iv = Iv ⋅ vy
≥ 0.0
T Iw = Iw ⋅ vy
≥ 0.0
The actual intensity values at level y (above ground level) are calculated with the formulas:
TIu = 1.00·f·TI
TIv = 0.75·f·TI
TIw = 0.50·f·TI
The actual intensity values at the level y (above ground level) are calculated with formulas:
T Iu = ≥ 0.0
ln ( )
T Iv = ≥ 0.0
ln ( )
T Iw = ≥ 0.0
ln ( )
Gust Factor
Some design codes require the consideration of a peak value as static design equivalent rather than the mean
wind. I.e., the dynamic pressure of the mean wind is to be multiplied by a gust factor for calculating design values
of aerodynamic forces. In accordance with Eurocode (EN 1991-1-4, section 4.5) this factor is
F = [1.0 + 7.0×Iv(z)]
Iv(z) = turbulence intensity in height z above ground
The program allows to select the constitutive law (1.0 + f×Iv(z)). In addition the factor f for the turbulence
intensity can be specified (value 7.0 in Eurocode). The gust factor is only used in the load type WINDG.
S (Spectrum)
General Parameters
I-length Base value of the spectral density of the turbulence intensity in wind longitudinal direction
I-vert Base value of the spectral density of the turbulence intensity in vertical direction perpendicular to
the mean wind direction
I-lateral Base value of the spectral density of the turbulence intensity in lateral direction perpendicular to the
mean wind direction
Kaimal Spectrum
This type of spectra was originally proposed by Kaimal., et al (1972). It defines the spectral density as a function
of the frequency f (in Hz), the mean wind speed v, the height above ground level (y) and an exponent Eps. The
base values of the spectral density are here denoted as reference lengths Lu, Lv, Lw. Kaimal uses a value of 300
m above ground as reference value of the height. In the program, this value is defined as an internal constant.
This cannot be modified.
Eps Exponent for the calculation of the height dependency (Default value 0.37)
(TI u ⋅ v)2 v
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L u ⋅ ( )
y eps
PSD u = ×
1 + 1.5 ⋅
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L u ⋅ ( )
y eps 5/3
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L v ⋅ ( )
f y eps
(TI v ⋅ v)2 300
PSD v = ×
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L v ⋅ ( )
f f y eps 5/3
1 + 1.5 ⋅
v 300
(TI w ⋅ v)2 v
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L w ⋅
y eps
( )
PSD w = ×
1 + 1.5 ⋅
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L w ⋅
( )
y eps 5/3
Swedish Spectrum
The Swedish spectrum is a modified Kaimal spectrum without any height dependency. One integral length scale
L is used to define the spectral densities in the three directions according to the formulas given below. As a
default value a length scale L = 150 m is proposed.
(TI u ⋅ v)2 6.8 ⋅ ⋅ L
PSD u = ×
( 1 + 1.5 ⋅ 6.8 ⋅
⋅ L
(TI v ⋅ v)2 1.9 ⋅ ⋅ L
PSD v = ×
( 1 + 1.5 ⋅ 1.9 ⋅
⋅ L
(TI w ⋅ v)2 0.55 ⋅ ⋅ L
PSD w = ×
(1 + 1.5 ⋅ 0.55 ⋅
⋅ L
Karman Spectrum
This type of power spectrum was proposed by von Kármán (1948). Similar to the Kaimal spectrum, it defines the
spectral density as a function of the frequency f (in Hz) and the mean wind velocity v, but without height
dependency. The base values of the spectral density are here denoted as reference lengths Lu, Lv, Lw.
(TI u ⋅ v)2 4⋅ ⋅ L u
PSD u = ×
1 + 70.8 ⋅
⋅ Lu
2 5/6
(TI v ⋅ v)2 4⋅
⋅ L v ⋅ 1 + 755 ⋅
⋅ Lv
( )
PSD v = ×
1 + 283 ⋅
(⋅ Lv
2 11/6
(TI w ⋅ v)2 4⋅
⋅ L w ⋅ 1 + 755 ⋅
⋅ Lw
( )
PSD w = ×
1 + 283 ⋅
⋅ Lw
2 11/6
Norwegian Kaimal Spectrum (NS 3491)
The Norwegian code uses a modified Kaimal spectrum. The default base values are the same than in the original
Kaimal spectrum (300 m, 75m, 100m, Eps=0.37). However, the reference height is 200 m instead of 300 m.
(TI u ⋅ v)2 v
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L u ⋅
y eps
( )
PSD u = ×
1 + 1.5 ⋅
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L u ⋅
y eps 5/3
( )
(TI v ⋅ v)2 v
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L v ⋅ ( )
y eps
PSD v = ×
1 + 1.5 ⋅
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L v ⋅ ( )
y eps 5/3
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L w ⋅ ( )
f y eps
(TI w ⋅ v)2 200
PSD w = ×
⋅ 6.8 ⋅ L w ⋅ ( )
f f y eps 5/3
1 + 1.5 ⋅
v 200
(TI w ⋅ v)2 ⋅ Lw ⋅ y
PSD w = ×
(1 + 1.5 ⋅
⋅ Lw ⋅ y
Kaimal Messina Spectrum
The proposal for the design of the Messina Bridge between Italy and Sicily is also a modified Kaimal spectrum.
The reference height is 200 m as it is in the Norwegian spectrum. The base values for the turbulences in wind
direction and vertical direction are the same than in the original spectrum, but the density of the lateral
turbulence is much smaller (ca 1/3). The exponent is 0.5, i.e., higher than proposed by Kaimal. Furthermore, the
constant factors used in the formulas are different.
(TI u ⋅ v)2
6.868 ⋅
( )
⋅ Lu⋅
y eps
PSD u = ×
1 + 10.302 ⋅
( )
⋅ Lu⋅
y eps 5/3
⋅ Lv ⋅( )
f y eps
(TI v ⋅ v)2 9.434 ⋅
PSD v = ×
⋅ Lv ⋅( )
f f y eps 5/3
1 + 14.15 ⋅
v 200
⋅ Lw ⋅( )
f y eps
(TI w ⋅ v)2 6.103 ⋅
PSD w = ×
⋅ Lw ⋅( )
f f y eps 5/3
1 + 9.155 ⋅
v 200
(TI u ⋅ v)2 4⋅
⋅ Lu⋅( )y 0.45
PSD u = ×
{ 1 + 70.8 ⋅
⋅ Lu⋅( ) }
y 0.45 2 5/6
Full Coherence
All coefficients are zero in this case, i.e., the maximum spectral density can occur everywhere in the structure at
the same time.
Coherence Type 1
The decay functions are exponential functions dependent on the decay coefficients C11, C12, C13, C21, C22, C23,
C31, C32, C33.
f 2 2 2
− (C11⋅dx) +(C12⋅dy) +(C 13⋅dz)
COH u = e
f 2 2 2
− (C21⋅dx) +(C 22⋅dy) +(C23⋅dz)
COH v = e
f 2 2 2
− (C31⋅dx) +(C32⋅dy) +(C33⋅dz)
COH w = e
The non-dimensional decay coefficients are usually determined in field measurements. The default values are:
• for the spectral density of the longitudinal turbulence (C11, C12, C13): 2, 8, 8
• for the spectral density of the vertical turbulence (C21, C22, C23): 4, 8, 4
• for the spectral density of the lateral turbulence (C31, C32, C33): 4, 8, 4
These default values are based on recommendations found in literature.
7.3.1 General
The concept of the schedule with a number of stages is described in General (on page 126). In stages, structural
elements may be set active or inactive and schedule actions may be defined, leading to a time scheme (see The
Project Time Axis (on page 126)), pursued later when the calculation is performed. Actions in stages apply only
to active elements. Required definitions to perform actions are given in Requied Definitions (on page 127).
On selecting Stages, all stages are listed in the stage table (upper table in the dialog). Each stage is identified by
its name. Additionally a status code and description is shown. The Status is either empty (if the stage has not yet
been calculated), Ok if calculated successfully, or Skip, if it has been marked to be to be skipped in the schedule
analysis. The specification that one or more stages shall be skipped may be made by using the Renumber
button, or —for individual stages— directly when they are created with one of the Insert buttons, or when they
are modified by using the Modify button.
The code Make camber is set to Yes, if the option Make camber for this stage has been selected, when creating
or modifying the respective stage. If this option is set, the intermediate deflection sum at the end of the
respective stage (as described in Control of Intermediate States (on page 276)) will be automatically stored
under the load case name #Stage_name#end. Performing the action DoCamber at the end of the stage analysis
with specifying the label end will then create a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet with the camber values of the
specified nodes at the end-points in time of the respective stages (see DoCamber (on page 199)).
The timeframe information is created with using the respective data of the actions defined in this stage. The total
Schedule may be related to the actual site construction schedule by entering the start date (Constr. start) in
Recalc (see Output Parameters (on page 224)). The start date of each construction stage is then presented
under Date. The row Time presents the start time of the respective stage in days related to the origin of the
global time axis of the project. Duration indicates the length in time of the stage (compare The time axis of an
example with 4 stages (on page 127)).
The table below the stage table is the activation table of the current construction stage (if Activation is
selected) or the related action table (if Actions is selected). The table of prestressing actions, presented on
selecting Tendon, is not related to the construction stage. It will replace both, the upper and lower table in the
Note: Individual partial elements of composite elements shall remain active when the elements representing the
composite state are activated. However, any previously active intermediate composite elements must be
deactivated in order to avoid them staying active for the stiffness matrix calculation process (see Construction
Stages and Stage Activation (on page 304))
The elements with changed activation settings are shown in the activation table in ascending order, without
considering the input sequence. As far as possible, consecutive elements with same parameters are presented in
one line with a from/to/step specification. Attention must be paid to the fact, that it is not possible to remove
elements from the table by using the Modify button, because the From/To/Step entries of the modify function
are not directly related to the respective line in the activation table. Deleting elements specified by mistake must
be done with using the Delete button.
Age and ts are start values of the current elements for creep and shrinkage calculation, where age is the element
concrete age at activation time (time of first load application to the elements) and ts is the concrete age when
shrinkage starts. The activation time is normally the point in time when the prestressing occurs. This
corresponds to the assumption that the self-weight is automatically activated with prestressing. With respect to
shrinkage it is usually assumed, that shrinkage starts immediately after the first hardening phase (few hours
after the pouring process), i.e., ts is zero. This implies that a certain amount of the total shrinkage strain has
already occurred before activation, and does therefore not give stresses.
The values Age and ts are directly cross-linked to the values in the table of Structure > Elements > Time for
automatic mutual update. Changes in the element table are considered in the activation table, and vice versa.
Attention must be paid to the fact, that the correct values must essentially be entered in the activation input
window, because the values of the element table are not taken as default values. On the contrary, the values in
the element table are overwritten by the specified values in the activation input. See Concrete Age (on page 311)
for the age definition of composite elements.
The parameter Action of the activation table is ACT for elements being activated, and DACT for elements being
deactivated in this construction stage.
The activation of elements may be checked visually by using the function Schedule > Stage Simulation. General
The action table (lower table displayed on selecting Schedule > Stages > Activation) contains all actions of the
stage currently selected in the stage table. When the calculation is performed, all actions of the schedule are
handled in the defined order. Therefore Insert Before and Insert After buttons are used to insert actions at he
desired position.
Actions are always defined by selection from a list of available actions. Different related parameters are entered
in accordance with the actually selected action. The definition of a descriptive text (description) is common to
all actions. Up to three lines (Input-1, Input-2, Input-3), with up to three parameters each, are entered for
governing the performance of the action. Further two input lines (Output-1, Output-2) are provided for
entering file names for binary and ASCII output of results. For output list-file names, an asterisk (“*”) is replaced
by a default file name and no output list is generated if the field is left empty.
For time dependent load cases, the duration of the load case in days, delta-t is defined. With the Renumber
button actions may be set for being skipped, either individually or in multiple lines. The Renumber button is
also used for skipping marked lines or lines with a specific action filter.
Available actions are for instance:
• Calculation actions – static
• Calculation of static load cases
• Handling of pre stressing actions (stressing, calculation and grouting)
• Calculation of creep, shrinkage and relaxation load cases
• Live load calculations (influence line calculation and evaluation)
• Buckling and failure calculation
• PushOver calculation
• Calculation actions – dynamic
• Time history calculation
• Calculation of natural modes (eigenvectors)
• Wind and earthquake dynamics with response spectra analysis
• Checking actions
• Fiber stress calculation and checking (states I and II)
• Tendon stress calculation and checking
• Reinforcement calculations
• Other design code checks
• PushOverD analysis demand check
• Load case and envelope actions
• Preparation and initialization of superposition load cases and envelopes
• Superposition functions
• Post processing actions
Static load case calculation
The definition of load cases is required (Schedule > Load Definition). The load case is calculated and the results
are listed and stored in the database (accessed in the load case pool, see The Load Case Pool (on page 129)). If a
load manager definition is assigned to the load case, the load manager will be processed for automatic
superposition after calculation.
Details of the applied calculation method depend on the options set in the Recalc pad (see Basic Settings (on
page 215) ).
Prestressing – Tendon stressing
Input1 -
Input2 Stress Label
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
a. Tendon definition (Structure > Tendons)
b. Stress label definition (Schedule > Stages > Tendon Actions)
Primary internal forces of the tendons will be calculated by applying the tensioning actions of a stress label step
by step (calculation of friction losses). The actual calculation of the prestressing load case (calculation of
secondary forces) is not included; it must be performed with the action Calc. The final step in calculation of
prestressing is the Grout action (for internal tendons only).
Related Links
• Stages Tendon Actions (on page 207)
Calculation of effective prestressing of pretensioned girders
a. “Pretensioned” tendons must have been defined (Structure > Tendons)
b. All precast girders containing the specified pretensioned tendons or strands must be activated in the model
and statically determinately supported.
This action allows for calculating the effective prestressing forces (primary state in concrete) of pretensioned
tendons. Dependent on the cross-section and material parameters the program calculates the initial prestressing
losses due to elastic shortening (i.e., reduction of the original prestressing force). The calculated primary state is
directly stored in the load case pool under the specified load case. It is not necessary to have an empty load case
defined. Because we have no secondary forces due to cutting the strands from the stressing bed, there is no
ensuing action Calc required. The action Grout is also included. The Factor for EMod allows for considering the
reduced concrete stiffness when strands are cut befrore concrete has reached its nominal stiffness.
Prestressing – Grouting of ducts (end of prestressing)
No further definitions are required other than for the Stress action above.
As a final step of prestressing of internal tendons, ducts are grouted with this action. The respective composite
cross-sections are established. They consist of the original concrete cross section + tendon steel area – duct area
+ fill area and are updated in accordance with the calculation settings (see Extended Settings (on page 220)).
The updated cross-section values are only used for stress-calculation and have no influence on the structural
behavior, as all beam elements are always calculated with the concrete section as defined. No system reactions
are calculated with this action.
Creep & Shrinkage – Time stop for element series
This action is used to “freeze” creep, shrinkage, and relaxation for elements. It is used to simplify modeling of
structures with a number of similar independent stages, such as balanced cantilever bridges. Different piers are
actually build at different times but in the same sequences and are therefore modeled in the same stages
together. TStop is used to bring the time of individual parts in line with the actual construction time. A
considerable amount of input effort can be saved using this action, as the number of required stages is greatly
No system reactions are calculated with this action.
Creep & Shrinkage – Calculation
Creep and shrinkage models, imported or user defined (Properties > Variables), are required. Alternatively,
creep and shrinkage may be calculated by using the models directly embedded in the RM Bridge program code
by using the option C+S calculation (internal formulas) in the Recalc options (see Basic Settings (on page
215)). Furthermore, the specified load case must have been created as an empty load case in the load definition
Each time step is calculated as an internal load case. The differences of the time step load cases are summed up
to the resulting creep and shrinkage load case and may be viewed in the load case pool (see The Load Case Pool
(on page 129)). The time is split into either linear or logarithmic steps (as defined in Creep and Shrinkage (on
page 222)).
Taking into account prestressing steel relaxation requires the definition and assignment of the appropriate
relaxation law, as well as specifying the relevant stress state as summation load case LcSum in the Recalc pad.
Primary and secondary system reactions are calculated.
Update Young’s Modulus and correct the results
To use this action, a material has to be defined with an assignment to a function for the variable E-Modulus
Emod(t) and the definition of this function in Properties Variables. The Young’s modulus will temporarily be
updated for all materials with an Emod(t) definition. The given load case is calculated with the modified Young’s
Modulus and the correction values will be stored in the output load case.
Note, that the action does not perform a new calculation of the load case, but only evaluates correction values
with respect the previous results.
• The input load case must therefore be previously calculated with Calc
• The output load case must not be the same than the input load case, and
• Both load cases must be taken into account in the case of accumulation of results into a superposition load
• If the new correction load case should be considered in the automatic load case superposition with Load
Management, it must be created in the load definition menu as an empty load case in order to allow for
assigning the appropriate load case category label.
Cable sagging (correction of Young’s Modulus by a factor)
Input2 Factor
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
A virtual modulus of elasticity of cables may be used to take into account the effects of nonlinearity due to the
sagging of the cables. The virtual modulus —also known as Ernst-Modulus, E*— is calculated by multiplying the
E-modulus of the material with a factor. The required factors are not calculated by the program and there you
must specify them. They depend on the tension in the cable (σ), the length (l0 is the horizontal projection length)
and the specific weight (γ) and is given in relevant literature and in the following figure.
Alternatively, nonlinearity of stay cables may be taken into account by using the option stay cable nonlinear in
the Recalc options (see ). In those cases, a transverse cable load (e.g., self-weight of the cable) and internal cable
subdivision (n ≈ 8) in Structure > Elements > Element Types and Nodes) are required for accurate results.
E E* = E·f
( )
f =
γ 2 l02 E
12σ 3
Live loads – Influence line calculation
Requirement for the calculation of influence lines is the definition of traffic lanes (Schedule > Load Definition >
Traffic Lanes). A reference load case may be optionally defined in order to take into account the stress state of
the structure prior to the occurrence of the traffic loading. This is only used in nonlinear calculations for
calculating current tangential stiffness matrix. Mostly this reference load case will be the summation load case
SumLC accumulated in the construction stage analysis.
Results are a list file, giving a protocol of the used unit loads, and a set of influence lines (stored in binary files
*.inf) used for the influence line evaluation with the LiveL action, and for calculating the most unfavorable
position of the load train in the action LiveSet.
Live loads – evaluation of influence lines
Required are the definition of a traffic lane and calculation of its influence line (Infl), and the definition of a load
train to be put on the lane for evaluation with the influence line. Furthermore the specified superposition file has
to be initialized before.
The position of a result point (either an element begin, element end, or a subdivision point) may optionally be
specified (ELEM:NPoint). In this case, the position of the load train is calculated only for the given result point
position. The results of all other elements are corresponding results with the same position of the load train.
In all other cases, when no element is given, the load positions are always calculated to obtain extreme MIN and
MAX results for each element (see the following figure and table).
Result Load train position used, if no position is Load train position used, if the result point
specified position P1 is specified
Live loads – calculation of the load train position for a certain result value
Required are the definition of a traffic lane and calculation of its influence line (Infl), and the definition of a load
train to be put on the lane for evaluation with the influence line.
The position of a result point (either an element begin, element end or a subdivision point) and the considered
result component (DOF) must be specified (ELEM:NPoint:Force). The position of the load train is calculated
according to the influence line of the specified result value. The result is a load arrangement of the load train and
is stored to a load set.
The calculated load may be added to an existing load set. The option (Init) may be used for creating a new load
set before adding the calculated loads.
Temperature – nonlinear temperature distribution
Input1 AttrSetName
Input2 -
Input3 -
Output1 Load set
Output2 List-File
Required is the definition of temperature points in the RM Modeler (GP) as reference sets (see Cross-Sections
Reference Sets (on page 65)). The reference sets of the different cross-sections have to be related to an attribute
set (e.g., ‘TMP1’) (see Stress-Strain Diagrams (on page 61) on the definition of attribute sets in Properties >
Groups / Attribute Sets). Further, an empty load set has to be defined (Schedule > Load Definition).
This action will handle all elements that are related to the given attribute set (via the cross-sections containing
related reference sets) and will, as a result, put load definitions into the specified empty load set.
The action TempVar only calculates primary stresses and the equivalent loading. Primary stress may be stored
in arbitrary user-defined stress points to be considered in the fiber stress check. In order to calculate the
secondary part (constraint forces) a Calc action must be performed for a load case containing the specified load
set. The action TempVar is performed for all elements which have cross-sections assigned where the specified
reference set is defined. The option 3D/2D allows for neglecting one of the bending parts. The option Gradient
only allows for neglecting the constant part.
In order to consider the primary stresses in the result presentation the option Include Primary TempVar
effects must be set in the Recalc pad. Note that the option Primary state must be set to Stress. Otherwise the
old procedure will be active (used prior to version; July 2011), where fictitious primary forces were
calculated such that in 2 points (top and bottom edge, center plane) the deviation of the stresses from the
equivalent stresses of the linearized strain distribution is reproduced. These fictitious primary forces are
however disturbing the result presentations and superposition possibilities of internal forces.
Buckling analysis – calculation of buckling load factors
Output2 List-File
The reference load case must essentially be defined in Schedule > Load Definition > Load Case Definition. It is
not allowed to specify a superposition load case created with LcAddLc or Load Management. The reference
load case may either be defined by direct load definitions or by the use of load sets (in their turn containing load
definitions). The definition via load sets must essentially be used, when the buckling factor should only apply to
some of the loads, while others stay constant (e.g. the dead loads should remain constant and the factor for
increasing the live load only should be determined). The option Var in Input-3 is used to specify this case.
If the option Var is set, only the load sets with the option Load set increased set in the load case definition in
Schedule > Load Definition > Load Case Definition, are increased. Without the Var option, all loads are
increased by the buckling factor. Loads directly defined in the load case are always increased.
The calculation of the reference load case itself is included in Buckle, the load case need not be calculated with
Calc before. If the option Linear calculation is set in Recalc, the reference load case must be a total state, i.e.,
contain all current impacts on the structure.
The contents of the summation load case SumLc is additionally taken into account if the option Accumulate
stiffness is set. The sum of SumLc and the reference load case will be increased if the option Var is not set. If the
option Var is set, the internal forces stored in SumLc will be used, but not increased. The calculated factor is
then related to the respective increasable load sets of the reference load case alone (e.g., a certain live load). In
this context, attention has to be drawn to the fact, that the reference load case itself must not have been
previously stored in SumLC (e.g., by calculating it with Calc when an automatic superposition is done) in order
to avoid that it is doubly considered.
With Accumulate Permanent Loads selected, the load definition data of the load cases previously calculated
and defined as permanent load cases (see Load Set Definition, Load Case Definition (on page 136), duration code
P), will be fully included in the reference load case. The calculated factor is therefore related to the total state
containing all accumulated load cases and the reference load case additionally. Therefore, the reference load
case itself must not be previously calculated with Calc if it is a permanent load case. The Accumulate
Permanent Loads option also allows for defining the reference load case as an empty load case, if the buckling
factor shall be related to the total of the permanent load cases previously accumulated.
RM Bridge calculates buckling shapes not only for the lowest failure mode, but also for a user-defined number of
natural modes (buckling modes). This allows e.g., for estimating the increase of safety due to preventing the
lowest mode failure, or to get the relevant safety factor for different, not or only weakly coupled, structural parts
(e.g., the different piers of a free cantilever bridge before closing the gaps) with one single Buckle action.
The eigenvalues and eigenforms will be stored in a file with the name composed from the name given in Start
output load case and the number of the current mode, separated by the sign ‘#’ (e.g., LcBuckleA#1). The
buckling factor λ is viewed in the list-file.
Buckling analysis linearly determines the stability divergence point of the structural system according to second
order theory (compare the following figure (on page 171)), independent of whether the option for P-Delta
effects is set in the Recalc pad, or not (see Basic Settings (on page 215)).
Buckling analysis – failure calculation
Output1 Output LC
Output2 List-File
With respect to the reference load case, Failure has the same restrictions as Buckle.
In Failure, the reference load case is increased by a factor in a similar way than in Buckle. However, Failure
performs a full geometrically nonlinear analysis in accordance with the specified calculation options (see the
following figure). I.e., the loading data are multiplied with factors between Factor from and Factor to, and
the modified reference load case is recalculated, until a state is reached, where the loading is within the specified
tolerance value below the failure load (buckling of the displaced system). The specified output load case contains
forces and displacements of this state before failure. If Factor to is below the failure load, this state will be
output. In this case, the program does not report information about the failure load.
Cracked concrete – Reload considering cracked tension zones
Output1 -
Output2 List-File
The action ReloadLC is applicable to composite structures (see Composite Structures (on page 303)). It
performs stress redistribution due to cracking of no-tension elements. The respective partial elements (see
Nodes and Elements of the Sructural System (on page 303)) must be designated as no tension elements in
Structure > Elements > Checks (parameter Class, see Elements Checks (on page 97)).
The function transforms the strain planes related to the internal force values and stored in the load case pool to
make zero positive normal forces in the respective elements. Structural effects (constraint) due to this
redistribution on cross-section level are not calculated.
The redistribution only affects the calculation of longitudinal (fiber) stresses, because these result values are
always recalculated with using the strain plane. The internal forces in the composite element are not influenced
by the redistribution, and the redistribution is currently not considered in the calculation of internal forces of
partial elements with the function Split.
Cracked concrete – Reload considering cracked tension zones
Output1 -
Output2 List-File
The same principles, described in the action ReloadLC above, are applied to envelopes instead of load cases.
Script – run procedures from the TCL-libraries
Output2 List-File
Run a TCL procedure out of the TCL-libraries. For details on the TCL-Library see TCL Operations (on page 47).
Script – run TCL-script files
Run a TCL script file that has to be created in the project directory (see TCL Operations (on page 47)).
Restart the project with corrected load factors
Output1 -
Output2 List-File
This action is used to perform AddCon calculations and restarts the schedule with modified variable load
factors to meet the desired constraints. The definition of additional constraints is required (see Schedule
Additional Constraints (on page 209) for definition and further requirements). All constraints defined in the
given constraint number are checked. If all constraints meet the given tolerance Tol, RM Bridge will continue
with the next schedule action defined in the schedule. If the constraints do not meet the tolerance, AddCon is
used to calculate new factors for variable load sets and the schedule is repeated for an iterative process.
Specifying a label can be used to avoid performing the restart from the very beginning, but starting from a
certain state previously stored with the action Store (see below).
The option Ignore is used to write the factors to the list file without changes and Update may be used to
calculate new factors (one step in the iteration) without restarting the calculation.
Calculation of capacity of the structure in Pushover analysis. A reference load case containing the definition of
load case and RM-Set for plotting the capacity curve must be specified.
Note: With the default '*', the name PushOver.lst will be automatically used. If the field remains
empty, no list file will be created
The pushover action in RM is also referred to the load-stepping method and as the name suggests it applies to
loads in steps. Each step of analysis is performed using Newton-Raphson procedure and considers the analysis
state from end of previous step. A new action pushover is implemented to define the load-stepping for a
reference load case. The reference load case may define a pattern of load subjected on the structure. A pattern of
load is also automatically generated by the program as a load-set in cases where optional parameters (Mass/
Modal file) and (Mode/Phi=1/Phi=f) are provided by the user. The (Mass/Modal file) specification provides
access to the distributed mass of the structure and its corresponding Eigen values and vectors. The (Mode/
Phi=1/Phi=f) option provides information about the shape of the load which is used in combination with
structural mass to compute the load pattern. In addition, when these optional parameters are defined program
also calculates equivalent single degree of freedom mass and transformation factor (shape factor). The
equivalent single degree of freedom mass and transformation factor are relevant for PushOverD action where
we compute performance point using demand capacity curves for various standards. The automatic load pattern
is saved in the seismic lateral load set as defined in the action and when no name is defined then program
defaults to a hardcoded name string “lat-perform#”. These generated load-sets are also automatically added to
the reference load case. The cases where they are already present are not overwritten i.e. their factors are not
modified. The applied loads in pushover analysis can either be force controlled, that is, pushed to a certain
defined force level, or they can be displacement controlled, that is, pushed to a specified displacement. User can
select force or displacement control in type of increment. The displacement control option requires additional
parameters to be defined in the diagram RM-Set of the action. The “Number of steps” in action dialog defines the
stepping for loads or displacement at the control node. The sub-stepping option is currently only relevant for
force-controlled analysis when a given step load fails to converge. This action dialog also requires a new
Diagram RM-set definition as input for plotting pushover diagrams and saving results for response quantities.
This is discussed in more detail in the RM-Set Diagram section. The list file name is optional and in case it is not
specified list files with “Pushover-Reference Load Case Name.lst” is automatically generated. In models where
accumulate stiffness or erection control options are selected in Recalc pad then some of the loads considered in
the pushover analysis may also be coming from the summation load case as defined by the user. This is no
different than how summation load case is used in any other analysis in the past. Also, the Pushover action
description above is tailored for lateral seismic analysis, however the use of load-stepping and study of
structural response is also possible in the other directions as well.
Store the calculation for later restart at the label
This action is used to store the current state of the database into another directory in order to perform a later
restart. The default target directory has the name of the label.
Time History Calculation
Input2 Delta-t
Input3 RM-Set
Output1 Output file (*.sup)
Output2 List-File
This action performs a time history calculation using direct time integration (Newmark scheme). The calculation
is performed over the given time interval (Delta-t in seconds), using time steps (dt in seconds) defined in the
calculation settings as given in . The current time is stored during calculation in the internal variable t, and can
be used as dependency variable for user-defined dynamic loading. To get the time value relative to the start time
of the current TInt action, a function Tint = t – tstart may be used. The initial state at tint=0 is always a static
state (all velocities and accelerations are zero).
The time step size is crucial to obtain reliable results and depends on the loading, structural behavior and
damping (see Time Interval and Time Steps (on page 334)).
Dynamic loads and system masses are both applied with the specified load case (Input1). Dynamic loads are
defined as standard load sets that are multiplied by a time dependent variable in the load case. These variables
have to be set up as tables or functions depending on the internal time variable t. All masses on the structure are
given in load sets, which are applied with constant factors in the load case.
During calculation, certain degrees of freedom (DOF) are plotted and logged to the given list file. All of these
DOFs have to be listed in an RMSet with the syntax given in the following pair of tables.
Node 6 6 Vx ALL
Node 7 7 Vy ALL
Maximum and minimum values of displacements and internal forces, arising at any time in the given time
interval, are stored in an envelope if an envelope name is specified in Output1. An envelope of velocities and
accelerations can currently not be created. It is however possible to create a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet
containing the devolution in time of the DOF’s specified in the RM-Set for graphical presentation in the graphics
window (limited availability; contact Bentley Support before using this facility). Maximum and minimum values
can then be determined with the standard spreadsheet functions.
All static and dynamic load definitions are listed in the list file, the state of the structure before the time history
calculation is documented, and the extrema of node displacements, velocities and accelerations are given as well
as and the time devolution of the specified DOF’s.
Calculation of natural modes of the structure
Input3 (Subspace)
The action Eigen iteratively calculates the required number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the structure,
starting with the lowest mode. The reference load case must include all mass definitions. In Eigen, the reference
load case is at first calculated as a static load case. If the option Linear calculation is set in Recalc, the results of
this reference load case are used as the initial state; otherwise, the results stored in SumLc are additionally
taken into account for calculating any geometrically nonlinear tangent stiffness matrix. Any mass definitions of
load cases stored in SumLc are additionally considered, if the option Accumulate permanent loads is set.
RM Bridge uses a subspace iteration algorithm for detecting the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in a very efficient
way. The size of the subspace matrix (number of iteration vectors), and the initial iteration vectors, are
automatically chosen in the program in accordance with suggestions found in literature. These default settings
will mostly allow for calculating all required eigenvalues in a very efficient way. However, special conditions of
the mathematical model may occur, where not all required eigenvalues are found. In order to overcome such a
problem, the user may increase the default number of subspace iteration vectors by a given value (Input3
(Subspace)), accepting a higher computation time (e.g., 10).
Eigenmodes are stored in the given output-file (*.mod) and results are listed in the specified list file. The list file
contains the load definitions (masses), the results of the static calculation of the reference load case, the
calculated eigenvalues (frequencies in Hertz) with the related participation factors, and a list with the diagonal
terms of the mass matrix (nodal masses).
An alpha-numeric printout of the eigenvectors may be created with the action ListMod (see List/plot actions (on
page 198)). This list also contains the eigenvalues in rad/sec (Omega) and in Hertz, together with the reference
DOF (Node, DOF) being maximally excited (maximum value of the eigenvector being normalized the value “1.0”).
Further presented data are the parameters used in the modal analysis.
After the calculation, the eigenvectors are stored like static load cases, and the calculated number of load cases
(n) can be accessed from the load case pool (named ‘Outputfilename#n’, with n being the eigenmode, e.g.,
Eigen01#3.mod). The load cases contain normalized eigenvectors as displacements and can be used later on for
graphical presentations.
Modal analysis with response spectrum evaluation
This action performs a modal analysis with evaluating a given response spectrum (see Earthquake Analysis
(Response Spectrum Method) (on page 328)).
In this method, the relevant natural modes are multiplied by so-called mass participation factors and
superimposed in a suitable manner. Thus, calculating the relevant natural modes is a prerequisite for
performing this action.
Input1 denotes the number of the calculated earthquake event of the respective table defined in Schedule >
Load definition > Earthquake Load (see Seismic Events Earthquake Load (on page 146)). The relevant
parameters are there defined. These are the modal file (*.mod) containing the natural modes and participation
factors, the superposition rule to be used and the response spectrum, which has to be defined before RespS can
be started.
The defined response spectrum is valid for a certain damping ratio (e.g., standard spectrum for 5% damping in
most design codes). As the effective damping is dependent on the material and structural details, it can therefore
be different for different natural modes. Therefore, RM Bridge allows for working with different response
spectra valid for different damping ratios. This is done by assigning several response spectra with the
corresponding damping ratios in Schedule > Load definition > Earthquake Load, and defining a damping table
in Properties > Variables, where the dependency of the structural damping from the natural mode or natural
frequency is described (see Damping Dependancy (on page 331)). This table can be assigned in Input3 to the
calculation function. If no table is assigned, the program assumes that the first defined response spectrum is
unconditionally valid.
The results of this action are stored to the given superposition file and are extreme forces and displacements. As
the superposition rules are statistic, only leading values may be obtained. With the use of a special algorithm,
called “RM Superposition method” (set in the Recalc option as given in RM mode superposition method), it is
possible to obtain affiliated results in the superposition file.
The list file holds the complete spectrum definition and the response factors of the individual eigenmodes.
Fourier transformation of a given table. This action transforms a time dependency diagram (defined as a table
with the name assigned in Input1, e.g., Table1) into the frequency domain (to be used as a response spectrum).
The input table can be given in terms of displacements or in terms of accelerations, and the output table can be
specified as diagrams of either displacements, velocities or accelerations (ordinate values) dependent on either
the period (in [sec]), the frequency (in [Hz]) or the angular velocity (in [1/sec]).
Random analysis for excitation spectra
Performing a modal analysis for an excitation spectrum; the direction and base intensity are taken from the
specified load case, the variation in time from the specified spectrum (must be given in terms of angular velocity
(1/sec) as abscissa values. The damping constant is the logarithmic decrement in % as specified in Definition of
Damping Behavior (on page 326), Definition of the Damping Behavior. The evaluation is confined to the
previously calculated eigenforms stored in the specified *.mod file.
The output data (amplitudes of internal forces and deformations) is stored in the specified envelope
(superposition file).
Calculation of wind turbulence with aerodynamic effect
This action performs the wind buffeting analysis for the specified wind profile (Wind No.). The damping
constant and the direction vector of the mean wind are specified in Input2. The modal answer is calculated for
the eigenforms stored in the specified *.mod file.
The output data (amplitudes of internal forces and deformations) is stored in the specified envelope
(superposition file).
CFD calculation of the drag, lift, and moment coefficients of the specified Aero Class
The action Aero performs a CFD calculation for getting the required aerodynamic coefficients for the wind
buffeting analysis and the static wind analysis with using the load type WINDM (mean wind load). A reference
cross-section must have been assigned to the specified Aero Class. The program investigates the turbulent
airflow around this cross section, and calculates the drag, lift and moment coefficients with the respective
derivatives for the wind components in the local z- and y-axes. If the reference velocity v-ref is not given, a
velocity yielding a Reynolds number of approximately 105 is chosen.
Power Spectrum calculation using Fast Fourier Transformation
Input2 Delta-t
Input3 Area
FibLc, FibSup
Fiber stress check for a load case, or Fiber stress check for an envelope, respectively
Input3 -
Output1 -
The actions FibLc and FibSup perform fiber stress checks for the defined stress points (see Standard Fiber Stress
Check (Uncracked) (on page 340)). The internal force state used for calculating the stresses is entered in
Input1. The number of the stress limit pair (defined in the material table) used for comparison of the actual
stresses in order to detect stresses exceeding of the allowable level, is specified in Input2.
Fiber stress check for combinations of the combination table
Input3 -
Output1 -
The action FibRpt performs a fiber stress check with detailed evaluation of the contributions of the different
load cases and envelopes to the total stress value (see Demerging of Fiber Stress Quota (on page 341)). The
internal force state used for the stress evaluation must in this case be a combination of the combination table
(see Combination Table (on page 134)). The number of the considered combination is entered in Input1. The
number of the stress limit pair (defined in the material table) used for comparison of the actual stresses in order
to detect stresses exceeding of the allowable level, is specified in Input2.
TndFibLc, TndFibSup
Stresses in Tendons for a load case or envelope, respectively
Output1 -
This action gives a list of stresses in the tendons for two states (e.g., for t = 0 and t = ∞).
TndChkLc, TndChkSup
List of maximum/minimum stresses in tendons for a load case or envelope, respectively
Output1 -
This action evaluates for all elements and tendons the maximum and minimum tendon stresses for a load case or
envelope, respectively.
Tendons – Control list of distances
Output1 -
This action calculates the distances between tendons. It is placed in the Check actions (LC) menu, although it is
independent of load cases or envelope data. The specified tendons (defined either with an RM-Set or with “from,
to, step”) are investigated. The distances to the five nearest other tendons are output, and the values below the
control distance Distance1 are marked with *. The optional value Distance2 allows for excluding tendons
with a distance greater than this value.
The value D-step defines the length of the steps in longitudinal direction for performing the check. If omitted,
the start and end-points of the structural elements are investigated.
FibIILc, FibIISup
Fiber stress check (cracked state) for a load case or envelope, respectively
The actions FibIILc and FibIISup perform a fiber stress check for a cracked concrete section (see Fiber Stress
Check for Cracked Concrete Sections (on page 341)). The relevant internal force state is specified in Input1. It is
used for checking if the cross-section is cracked, and —if necessary— for calculating the stresses in the cracked
section. In FibIISup, it is possible to specify different envelopes for checking if the section is cracked (1st
envelope) and for calculating the stresses in the cracked state (2nd envelope).
The number of the stress limit pair (defined in the material table) used for comparison of the actual stresses in
order to detect stresses exceeding of the allowable level, is specified in Input2. A second stress limit pair (may
be the same) must be specified for performing the equilibrium calculation in the cracked section (only the
compression limit used, the tensile limit is always set to zero in this context). The prestressing load case must be
specified if the relevant primary state is not included in the summation load case or considered envelope.
If the option Rein is set, a reinforcement design procedure will be performed if necessary, i.e., if no equilibrium
can be achieved without additional reinforcement. The detailed printout of the equilibrium forces is not given in
this case. The program gives all points only the required amount of additional reinforcement, or indicates that no
additional reinforcement is required.
UltLc, UltSup
Ultimate load check for a load case, or for an envelope respectively
Input3 RM-Set
These actions perform ultimate load capacity checks (see Ultimate Load Capacity Check (on page 344)) and
bending reinforcement design procedures (see Reinforcement Design (on page 352)) for all elements indicated
in Structure > Elements > Checks. The specified load case (or envelope respectively) contains the relevant
internal force state (ultimate load state).
The entries of Input2 specify on the one hand, whether an ultimate load check or a reinforcement design (option
Rein) shall be performed, and on the other hand, whether the corresponding strain state shall be determined for
the current internal force combination, or the respective bearing capacity of the cross-section shall be calculated
(see Performing the Ultimate Load Capacity Check (on page 350)). The prestressing load case must be specified
if the relevant primary state is not included in the summation load case or considered load case or envelope.
The definition of the RM-Set refers to the ultimate load checks for columns, where deviations from the
theoretical geometry (unintentional eccentricities) have to be considered. This RM-Set must be one of the type
PIERDIM (see Properties RM Sets (on page 83)). This RM-Set does not specify the elements to be considered for
performing the check or the reinforcement design. These are defined by the respective flag in the element table
as specified in Structure > Elements > Checks.
In the case that an ultimate load check with calculation of the bearing capacity is performed, an Output-
Superposition-File can be defined, allowing for storing the calculated bearing capacities for later use. The
specified list file gives a protocol of the results.
ShearLc, ShearSup
Shear check for a load case, or for an envelope respectively
Output2 List file
The actions ShearLc and ShearSup perform the shear capacity check (see Shear Capacity Check (on page 360))
for all elements indicated in Structure > Elements > Checks. The design load case or envelope is specified in
The specification of the prestressing load case is required for design codes, where the primary internal forces
are considered as additional resistance (see Design Forces in Prestressed Structures (on page 363)). It must be
specified if the relevant primary state is not included in the summation load case or the considered load case or
Depending on the selected design code, additional data (e.g., prestressing class in BS or stress limit in IRC) might
be required. This information has to be input in Input3.
In addition to the standard list file (specified in Output2), a very detailed listing containing intermediate values
for tracing the checking procedure can be created for individual elements by selecting ‘DetLst’ in Structure >
Elements > Checks. The respective list file has the same name than the standard list file, but with
extension ...X.lst.
CrackLc, CrackSup
Cracking check for a load case, or for an envelope respectively
Output1 -
These actions perform crack width checks for all elements indicated in Structure > Elements > Checks.
The relevant design load case or envelope is specified in Input1. The 2nd envelope file is an optional input in
case of DIN-FB standard, where a minimum cracking reinforcement is evaluated where the edge stresses exceed
a certain limit (1 N/mm2) for this 2nd combination (i.e., rare combination).
The allowable crack width has to be defined in Input2. The specification of the prestressing load case is required
for design codes, where the primary internal forces are considered as additional resistance (see Design Forces in
Prestressed Structures). It must be specified if the relevant primary state is not included in the summation load
case or the considered load case or envelope.
The checkboxes in Input3 will allow for selecting linear stress-strain behavior (“cracked concrete”) (Diagram
“linear”) and for switching off the evaluation of minimum cracking reinforcement (Crack Min Reinf.)
A standard list file (Output2) gives the evaluated amount of cracking reinforcement.
RobuLc, RobuSup
Robustness check for a load case, or for an envelope respectively
Lc1000 or Check.sup
Input2 (Prestressing load case)
Output1 -
These actions perform robustness checks for all elements indicated in Structure > Elements > Checks.
The relevant design load case or envelope is specified in Input1. The prestressing load case must be specified if
the relevant primary state is not included in the summation load case or the considered load case or envelope.
The checkbox in Input3 will allow for selecting linear stress-strain behavior (“cracked concrete”) (Diagram
Fatigue check for an envelope
Input3 -
Output1 -
This action performs a fatigue check for all elements indicated in Structure > Elements > Checks (only for
envelopes). The relevant envelope is specified in Input1. It must contain the range stress range, i.e., the
differences between maximum and minimum values.
PrDinSLc, PrDinSSup
Principal stress check in accordance with DIN (serviceability limit state) for a load case or envelope, respectively
Input3 -
Output1 -
This action performs a principle stress check for the serviceability limit state in accordance with the
requirements of the German code DIN 1045 for all elements indicated in Structure > Elements > Checks.
The relevant design load case or envelope is specified in Input1. The specified RmSet must contain additional
information such as limits for principal tensile and compression stresses, shear stresses due to shear force,
torsion and shear+torsion, etc. (see Input of RM Sets (on page 84)).
PrincLc, PrincSup
Calculation of principal and equivalent stresses for a load case or envelope, respectively
Input3 -
Output1 -
This action calculates alternatively principal stresses (option Princ), equivalent stresses (options Mises, Shear)
or shear stresses (options Shear-Qy, Shear-Qz) for a load case or envelope and writes a respective list file.
The relevant design load case or envelope is specified in Input1. The specified stress limit allows for comparing
the calculated stresses with the respective limit values.
Calculation of demand of the structure in Pushover analysis. A reference load case containing the definition of
load case and RM-Set for plotting the demand curve must be specified.
Input3 RM-Set
This is the Diagram RM-Set where diagrams and other Pushover input is defined.
Output1 Performance point load case.
This is the name for storing performance point load case results.
Output2 List file
List file name to list load case results.
Note: With the default '*', the name PushOverD.lst will be automatically used. If the field remains
empty, no list file will be created.
The PushoverD analysis in RM Bridge performs computation of performance point for a given capacity curve and
response spectra input. The capacity curve is assumed to be derived from the specified reference loadcase and is
used in computing the performance point load case. This action is shown in Figure 2. The action dialog provides
user control for procedure input, response spectra name and type of response spectra. Three approaches have
been implemented in RM Bridge for calculating the inelastic displacement demands for a given representation of
ground motions. These are (1) FEMA 440: Displacement Modification (Improved Capacity-Spectrum method of
ATC-40), (2) FEMA 440: Equivalent Linearization (Improved Coefficient method of FEMA-356), and (3) Euro
Code 8 (EC 8): N2 Method. Based on the project requirement, user can select either of three procedures while
defining. The implementation of these procedures is derived from FEMA 440 and Euro Code 8. User can refer to
these documents for more mathematical details. The computation of performance point using these procedures
require more input information and is inputted via the Diagram RM-Set input which is described in section 5.
Response spectra input requires reference to a variable "table" which is representative of elastic response
spectra. If the type is defined as time series then this variable "table" is assumed to represent ground
acceleration data in the units of g. This action dialog also requires a new RM-set Pushover definition as input
which is presented in next section. The list file name is optional and in case it is not specified, list file with
"PushoverD-Reference Load Case Name.lst" is automatically generated.
Initialization of the reinforcement area A2
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
This action initializes the variable reinforcement areas for a certain attribute set (if specified) or for all attribute
sets (if Input1 omitted). User-defined areas A1 are not changed.
Initializing a superposition load case (result data)
This action initializes the result data of a superposition load case. The data in the load case pool are set to zero, if
no load case to be copied is specified, or they are copied from a previously calculated load case, multiplied by two
factors (Factor1 for the primary part, Factor2 for the secondary part!). Default: Factor2 = Factor1, and Factor1
= 1.0 respectively.
Adding a load case to a superposition load case
Output2 -
Adding a load case (multiplied by a given factor); the sum is written to the output superposition load case if it is
specified, otherwise the original superposition load case will be overwritten.
Deleting a load case from the load case pool
Input2 -
Input3 -
Output2 -
The specified load case will be deleted from the load case pool (only result data).
Initializing a Load-Set
This action initializes the load set specified in Output1 either with zero data or with the data of the existing load
set specified in Input1. The new load set can also be created in another Schedule than the current on, if
specified in Input2.
Updating a load set simulating the removal of structural elements
This action creates a loading data simulating the removal of structural parts. The removed elements are defined
via specifying an appropriate RM-Set or an element series. The stressing state prior to the removal is taken from
the specified summation load case. The corresponding loading definitions are written into the specified
(existing) output load set, which can be used in a subsequently calculated load case.
This action and the subsequent actions LsCorB and LsCorE are usually only used for simulating incremental
launching procedures (ILM). LsDemo is used for simulating the removal of the ILM-springs from their position
at the begin of the launching step, and LsCorB or LsCorE respectively simulate the reinstallation of these springs
at the new position after the launching step. It is not recommended using these schedule actions for other
Updating a load-set for compensating the deformation at element begin after the removal of structural elements
This action creates loading data simulating the compensation of the deformations of removed structural parts
when they are re-installed at another position. The deformation compensation is applied at the element begin
(used e.g., for ILM-springs defined top to bottom). The removed elements are defined via specifying an
appropriate RM-Set or an element series. The stressing state prior to the removal is taken from the specified
summation load case. The corresponding loading definitions are written into the specified (existing) output load
set and can be used subsequently.
Updating a load-set for compensating the deformation at element end after the removal of structural elements
Output2 -
Similar to LsCorB, but the compensation of deformations is done at the element end (used e.g., for ILM-springs
defined from bottom to top).
Updating a load-set for compensating the deformation at element end after the removal of structural elements
This action creates loading data for compensating deformations. The elements, where the deformations are
compensated, are defined via specifying an appropriate RM-Set or an element series. The deformation state to be
compensated is taken from the specified summation load case. The corresponding loading definitions are
written into the specified (existing) output load set for subsequent usage.
Superposition – File initialization
Initialize a superposition file as zero state or as copy of an existing file with a factor. The file is initialized if no
Input superposition file is given, otherwise the values are copied and multiplied by the factor (see Load Case
Envelopes (on page 130)).
Superposition – Add load case result
Output2 -
Unconditionally superimpose load case results (refer to Load Case Envelopes (on page 130) on Superposition
operators and rules). The sum is written to the output superposition file if it is specified, otherwise the input
superposition file will be overwritten.
The factor1 is used in case of a favorable effect, the factor 2 in case of being unfavorable.
Superposition – Add envelope (signed)
Output2 -
Unconditionally superimpose an envelope (refer to Load Case Envelopes (on page 130) on Superposition
operators and rules). The sum is written to the output superposition file if it is specified, otherwise the input
superposition file will be overwritten.
The factor1 is used in case of a favorable effect, the factor 2 in case of being unfavorable.
SupAndLc, SupAndXLc
Superposition – Conditionally (if unfavorable) adding load case data, Superposition – Adding load case data with
the unfavorable sign
Conditionally superimpose load case results (refer to Load Case Envelopes (on page 130) on Superposition
operators and rules). The sum is written to the output superposition file if it is specified, otherwise the input
superposition file will be overwritten.
SupAndSup, SupAndXSup
Superposition – Conditionally (if unfavorable) adding envelope data, Superposition – Adding envelope data with
the unfavorable sign
Conditionally superimpose an envelope (refer to Load Case Envelopes (on page 130) on Superposition operators
and rules). The sum is written to the output superposition file if it is specified, otherwise the input superposition
file will be overwritten.
If a certain result component in a certain point is specified with Element:NPnt:Force, then this value will be
the characteristic value, used for superimposing all result values.
SupOrLc, SupOrXLc
Superposition – Conditionally exchange with load case results, Superposition – Conditionally exchange with load
case results (+/-)
Output1 (Superposition file name)
Output2 -
Conditionally superimpose load case results (refer to Load Case Envelopes (on page 130) on Superposition
operators and rules). The new state is written to the output superposition file if it is specified, otherwise the input
superposition file will be overwritten.
SupOrSup, SupOrXSup
Superposition – Conditionally exchange with envelope, Superposition – Conditionally exchange with envelope
Conditionally superimpose an envelope (refer to Load Case Envelopes (on page 130) on Superposition operators
and rules). The new state is written to the output superposition file if it is specified, otherwise the input
superposition file will be overwritten.
Superposition – Calculate square roots of all values
Calculate square roots of all values in the envelope and store to the new superposition file given or overwrite the
existing file, if no new file is given. The factor is applied to the input values before the square root is calculated.
Superposition – Calculate the square of all values
Input2 Factor
Output1 (Superposition file name)
Output2 -
Calculate square of all values in the envelope and store to the new superposition file given or overwrite the
existing file, if no new file is given. The factor is applied to the input values before the square is calculated.
Superposition – Use a combination table
Input2 -
Output1 Superposition file name
Output2 List-File
Create an envelope in accordance with the rules specified for a certain combination of the combination table.
The previous definition of the combination table is required (see Combination Table (on page 134)).
Superposition – Evaluate an impact factor
Output1 Impact factor
Output2 List-File
Evaluation of impact factors (ratio between result values of two envelopes). The maximum and minimum ratios
and the point, where they occur, are determined and stored in the list file. A classical application field is the
comparison of result values of a dynamic analysis with those of an equivalent static analysis.
Superposition – Transformation to a 2D superposition file
Input2 -
Output1 (Optional: Output superposition file name)
Output2 -
The term 2D superposition is used for an envelope, where all values resulting from a displacement in z-direction
are zero. The action Sup2D deletes (sets to zero) all respective result components of a general (3D) envelope
(Qz, Mx, My, vz, rx, ry), i.e. the complete vectors with the mentioned components being the characteristic
component governing the superposition process, and the mentioned components of the other vectors. The
values, which are related to the displacement in the vertical plane (N, Qy, Mz, vx, vy, rz), remain unchanged, i.e.,
no transformation is applied if the local system does not coincide with the global coordinate system. The new
state is written to the output superposition file if it is specified, otherwise the input superposition file will be
ListLc, ListSup
Creating a results list for a load case, or for an envelope respectively
Output1 -
These actions create a result listing of internal forces of a load case or envelope. ListLc gives lists of deformed
positions of nodes, node deformations, deformations of element ends, primary and total internal forces, tendon
forces and stresses. ListSup gives only tables of element results as stored in the envelope file (deformations and
internal forces (only total).
ListInf, ListMod
Creating a results list for a influence line file (*.inf), or creating a results list for a modal file (*.mod)
Input2 -
Output1 -
These actions create a listing of influence values. For all result points a table of influence values for loading along
the specified lane is written. It is a big amount of data and in general a graphical presentation should be made
instead of using this function.
Creating a report file
Input1 RM-Set
Input2 -
Input3 -
Output1 -
Creating a list of shear stresses in the cross-section
Input1 Cross-section
Create a plot file
Make a TDF report by TCL commands
Input2 -
Input3 -
Store an intermediate deformation state and create a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet of required camber values.
Input1 Label
Input2 RM-Set // -
Input3 -
Output1 *.xls // -
Output2 -
The action DoCamber creates a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet with the required camber values of the specified
nodes at the ends of the different stages in the schedule, or at other intermediate points in time in the
construction schedule. The latter are referenced by a label.
In order to calculate the values at the ends of the individual stages, the option Make camber for this stage has
to be selected for the required stages, when creating or modifying them in Schedule > Stages (see Schedule
Stages (on page 159)). The intermediate deflection sum at the end of the respective stage (as described in
Control of Intermediate States (on page 276)) will in this case be automatically stored under the load case name
#Stage_name#end. Performing the action DoCamber at the end of the stage analysis with specifying the label
“end”, an RM-Set with the required nodes and the name of the Excel file to be created, will create a Microsoft®
Excel® spreadsheet with the required camber values of the specified nodes at the different points in time.
Intermediate summation states at points in time within the respective stages can be stored by using the action
DoCamber with specifying a specific label and without specifying an RM-Set and an output file name. In this case,
the action stores the respective state under the load case name #Stage_name#label. E.g., for getting the
camber table for all states after applying the wet concrete within the different stages, DoCamber can be started
with the label WC after the individual wet concrete load case within the stages. Starting once more DoCamber at
the end, with the label “WC” and with the RM-Set and the Excel® spreadsheet file name specified, will then create
Excel® spreadsheet with the camber values of the specified nodes after the concrete pouring processes.
Plotting a cross-section
Input3 -
Drawing the creep and shrinkage curves
Input1 Element
Input2 (Tendon)
Input3 -
Drawing influence lines
Input3 Elem/Part
Drawing the tendon geometry
Input2 -
Input3 -
Drawing tendon actions and tendon forces of several load cases
Input1 Tendon
Input2 RM-Set
Input3 -
Drawing the start and end cross-sections of an element with all tendons
Input3 -
Drawing the wind property diagrams
Input1 Wind-No.
Input2 -
Input3 -
Drawing and printing the ultimate check diagram
Input3 -
Drawing the cross-section shear stresses
Input3 -
Start of the TDF-report
Input2 -
Input3 -
Diagram plot from RMSets
Input1 RMSet
Output1 Plot file name
The given RMSet is used to create one or more diagram plots. If the plot-file name is defined as ‘*’, a default name
is created automatically as Dgm-MySet.pl.
More than one plot files are created if different results are given in the set with extended filenames as given in
Application of RM Sets (on page 86).
Start a plot file
Input2 -
Input3 -
Copy file
Output2 -
Displaying a plot on the screen
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
Deleting a file
Output2 -
Rename a file
Output1 New file name
Output2 -
Interrupt the calculation for a certain time interval
Input2 -
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
Set environment variable
Input2 Value
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
ElemNdB, ElemNdE
Changing the start node of an element, or changing the end node of an element
Input1 Element
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
ElRot, ElTran
Rotating elements about a certain axis, or translating elements in a certain direction by a specified amount
Output1 -
Output2 -
ActOn, ActOff
Activating an element series, or deactivating an element series
Input2 -
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
These actions can be used for activating or deactivating elements within construction stages rather than at the
beginning of the respective stage. Note that other than in the Stage Activation function, the required action is
performed without error notice, i.e., activating already active elements will not remove the previous activation,
and deactivating already inactive elements will not cause any error message. The direct specification of the
concrete age and shrinkage time is not possible in ActOn. The respective values of the element table will be
taken, if ActOn is applied to concrete elements.
Factor for element related stiffness (Ax, Iy, Iz, etc.)
Input3 -
Output1 -
Output2 -
This action allows for individually factorizing the different stiffness terms (areas, moments of inertia, spring
constants) of the specified elements (changing the stiffness during construction time). For application limits and
details, press <F1> to open the respective help topic.
Related Links
• Stress (on page 162) Stress-Label
A label is assigned to every stressing action. This “Stress-Label” is referenced in the calculation action for
calculating the respective load case. Using this reference, the program identifies which tendon actions are
related to the current prestressing load case.
The input pad displayed on selecting one of these buttons allows entering these data. Each stressing action is
related to only one tendon profile. However, the stressing sequence applied to the tendons is often similar or the
same for all for all tendons in the structure. The Copy button may advantageously be used for taking over
stressing actions from one tendon to another one.
Note that the specified sequence of tendon actions with the same Stress-label defines the sequence actually
applied in the calculation action Stress. The sequence of the actions with different Stress-label is arbitrary.
7.4.1 General
The AddCon function (started by the calculation action Restart) is a very powerful tool for general optimization
problems such as
• formfinding of the loaded state geometry and the related stressfree state geometry
• determination of prestressing for keeping allowable stress limits of elements
• cable optimisation.
It is applicable to linear and nonlinear analyses. A more detailled information on the application possibilities and
limitations of this function is given in Additional Constraints (on page 259) and Cable Stayed Bridges (on page
Additional constraints are numbered objects and specified in Schedule > Additional Constraints. They consist
of a set of constraint conditions (defined in Schedule > Additional Constraints > Elements) and a set of
associated variable load cases (defined in Schedule > Additional Constraints > Loads) factorized in the
AddCon function (see Additional Constraints (on page 259)) such that the constraint conditions are fulfilled.
The constraint conditions are prescribed values of internal force and/or deformation components at specified
points of the structure in a certain stressing state due to fix and variable load cases. In order to achieve these
values, the variable load cases of this stressing state are appropriately factorized. In order to obtain a set of
equations with an equal number of knowns and unknowns, the number of freedoms (variable load cases) and
constraint conditions must be the same for a successful use of the AddCon-function. An iteration process after
the primary solution of the equation system allows for using the AddCon-module also in nonlinear analyses and
for inequality conditions (≤, ≥, etc.).
Note: The compliance of the numbers of constraint conditions and variable load cases is not checked in the input
phase. An error message will in this case be displayed in the Restart action.
The linear combination of the load cases is factored with one variable:
VAR1 × (f1×LC201 + f2×LC202 + f3×LC203)
Note that the number of unknown variable factors is the number of lines with the End of linear combination
option set to yes.
The data From, To, Step, and x/l define the position(s) in the structure, x/l being only relevant for element
Constraint conditions may be equations or inequality relations, where the specified result value is multiplied
with a Factor (giving the value Val) and compared with a given value (Val-min) (or two values Val-min and
Val-max). The valid relation is described by the Operator, which may be
Similar to the variable load cases the option End of linear combination may be used for considering linear
combinations of result values instead of the values specified in the current line (e.g., the difference between two
cable forces must not exceed a certain value). The values of a line with the option set to no will not be compared
but added to the values of the next line. The values Operator, Val-min and Val-max of such lines are irrelevant.
The respective data of the first ensuing line with the option set to yes are then used for comparing the sum of all
these result values. Any factorization is naturally considered (e.g., –1.0 if the difference between two values shall
be created). A simple example is given in the following pair of tables.
f1×N(C501) != 1000,
f2×N(C502) != 1000
C501 N - 1.0 No
Note: Apparently only linear combinations of result values of the same type make sense (e.g., only Moments in
different points, only normal forces of different elements). The program does not check whether the data are
consistent, therefore you must make sure that the data make sense. Also a from/to/step-definition is not
meaningful for the definition of linear combinations, each line in the table should in this case be related to only
one result point.
Numerical problems may arise in the solution process if the specified values Wmin and/or Wmax are exactly
zero. Therefore, it is recommended to work with small values different from zero instead of entering exact zero
values (e.g., 1E-8).
Attention: Influence lines are generally system data and therefore directly stored in the project directory, and
not in the variant-subdirectory (*.inf files). Envelopes are mostly related to the final system (traffic loads, wind
loads, earthquake loads acting on the final structure) and independent from the Schedule. The envelope files
(*.sup) are therefore also directly stored in the project directory. It is therefore necessary to give different
names to envelopes in different Schedule Variants containing schedule dependent results.
7.7 Recalculate
Different options for calculation may be set for each of the individual schedule variants. The active variant is
shown at the top left corner of the Recalc pad window.
RM Bridge automatically opens the Recalc window for Basic Settings of schedule variant currently active in
program. Different variants may be selected from a list which is hidden behind the arrow at the top left corner of
this window. After choosing wanted variant it is possible to proceed with defining the options for it and it is also
possible to set if chosen schedule variant will be calculated or skipped. This can be done by clicking on the name
of variant with the right mouse button. Green mark clearly shows that variant will be calculated.
Click the << button to choose additional options for calculation — Extended Settings, Dynamics/Iterations,
Output Parameters, and Summary. All calculation options are described in the following sections. Calculation
Cross-section • Checked (Default): Cross-section-values will be calculated for defined cross-sections
• Unchecked: Existing cross section-values will be used, if present in the database
Structure check • Checked (Default): Accuracy of input data (connectivity of elements, support
definitions, assignment of material-data and cross-section data) will be checked and
the structure initialized.
• Unchecked: No check of the input data and no initialization will be made. Used for
post-processing and checking actions.
Stage calculation • Checked (Default): Activation of elements will be performed as defined in the stages
and the respective schedule actions will be performed
• Unchecked: All element-activations will be skipped and the current activation state is
Skipping this option is only appropriate for post-processing of structures, already
calculated successfully. Design checks and post-processing actions will be performed
using the results from the database. Structure check has tbe turned off to avoid
initializing of the structural system and calculation actions have to be skipped.
Initialize Load • Checked: The summation load cases automatically accumulated in the load
Manager management facility will automatically be initialized at the very beginning.
Influence lines • Checked: Influence lines must be calculated at least once to enable the traffic loading
calculation calculation.
• Unchecked: If influence line results (*.inf files) already exist and lane definitions
remain unchanged, this step may be skipped.
Time effects (C+S) • Checked (Default): Include creep & shrinkage effects in calculation
(see actions Creep
(on page 164), Import (or definition) of creep, shrinkage, and relaxation models is required.
TStop (on page • Unchecked: If not selected, creep & shrinkage calculation (including steel relaxation)
164)) will be skipped
Include Steel • Checked (Default): Steel relaxation is taken into account in addition to the creep &
Relaxation shrinkage effects if the required relaxation model has been assign in the material
definition pad. For considering the steel relaxation the relevant loading state must be
specified as summation load case SumLc. In simple analyses without construction
stages and creep load cases, the option has to be deselected or a dummy summation
load case must be specified.
• Unchecked: If not selected, the relaxation calculation will be skipped
LC by LC Default; Load cases are always applied to the unloaded structure. The option can be applied
analysis in linear calculations, or for nonlinear calculations with one single load case.
Accumlate Nonlinear calculation of structures, starting with an initial internal force state accumulated
stiffness (Stage) from results of previous load cases. This option also applies to structurally variable systems
with changing element activations in different construction stages, if construction kinks are
ignored in the erection process (adaptation of the fabrication shape).
initial state for load case
Figure 50: Initial state by stiffness calculation from SumLC results (accumulated stiffness)
The calculation of load cases is done with an initial stressing state of the structure
determined from SumLC). The values stored in the SumLC (see Basic Settings (on page 215)
for Recalc options) are used for calculating the current stiffness matrices (the normal forces
of SumLC influence the overall stiffness when P-Delta effects are considered.
This procedure is less restrictive than Accum. Perm. Loads (Stage) because adding up
element forces calculated in different construction stages mirrors the equilibrium of the
respective parts of the total stressing state related to the previously active structural
systems. However, displacements arisen in previous construction stages are not considered
in linear analysis. They are often not meaningful because structures are built with pre-
camber or similar measures compensating the arising displacements. Usually, the geometry
of the structure corresponds at the end of the stage-wise construction approximately to the
design geometry.
Therefore, calculating geometrically nonlinear effects of additional loading like traffic or
temperature changes with neglecting previous displacements is usually a more accurate
approach than with considering them. However, by selecting the Large displacement
option, the program also assumes that pre-camber is properly modeled and displacements
of previous construction stages are relevant and therefore considered.
The previous load case results required to be taken into account have to be added into the
summation load case SumLC, either by using the appropriate superposition actions, or
automatically, with the load manager.
Accum. Perm. Nonlinear calculation of structures with considering all previously calculated permanent
Loads (Stage) loads. This option can only be used when the static system is not changed during the
construction stages, or when any construction kinks are compensated by forcing the total
structure into the ideal design shape. Applying the total loads on the final system yields also
a loss of the time information, therefore the option is not applicable if creep load cases are
considered. It can also not be applied in composite structures, because later completion of
the cross-section is a change of the structural system where the discontinuous strain
distribution in the cross-section (comparable to a construction kink) can never be
compensated by external forces.
current LC
permanent loads
1 2 3 4 current Displacement
u* Total
uPERM u incremental
If this option is selected, the calculation of load cases is always done with the sum of
permanent load cases calculated earlier (Duration Type P, see Load Set Definition, Load Case
Definition (on page 136)) in addition to the current load case (LC in Table 7 17). The initial
state is the unloaded structure. At first, the results of this total loading state (u*) are
calculated internally with taking into account the nonlinear behavior. In order to obtain the
actual load case results (Δu), the results previously accumulated in the summation load case
SumLc are subtracted. These differential values (Δu=u*-uPerm) are stored in the load-case
pool as results of the load case LC, and must be —if the load case is a permanent one—
superimposed in SumLC.
Table 39: Load case calculation with accumulate permanent loads if SumLC≡LCPERM
LCSUM = 0.0
Erection The newly activated elements are arranged in the deformed system. A construction kink will
control (Stage) generally arise between the previously active structure and the connected new element
group. This construction kink is considered as a frozen (inbuilt) kink like an eccentric
connection, unless the option construction kink is selected (see Automatic Compensation
of Deformations – Erection Control (on page 278)). In principle the function works in the
same way than Accumulate stiffness (Stage) with the difference, that deformations of
previous construction stages are always taken into account, even if the Large displacement
option is not selected.
With When checked, construction kinks arising due to stage-wise erection will be automatically
construction compensated. This option is only applicable in the in the context of erection control
kink calculation (see Automatic Compensation of Deformations – Erection Control (on page
Unchecked by default.
Note: The options Erection control and Construction kink require a special Licence term
for being executable.
P-Delta effect • Checked: Nonlinear calculation (2nd order theory) with using the given SumLC.
• Unchecked (Default): No p-delta effects considered.
Note: The actions Buckle (on page 169) and Failure (on page 170) do not
necessarily need the p-delta option selected.
Large • Checked: Nonlinear calculation with large displacements (large displacement, small
displacements strain). Note that this option should not be used without also selecting the option P-
• Unchecked (Default)
Nonlinear stay • Checked: Consideration of nonlinear behavior of cables due to cable sagging
A transverse load case (e.g., self weight of the cable) and an internal subdivision of
cable elements (n ≈ 8) has to be defined.
Cable sagging may also be considered manually, by using the action CabSag (on page
• Unchecked (Default)
Nonlinear material • Checked: Nonlinear material properties are considered by using the stress-strain
diagram definition from the materials (Properties > Material Data, Nonlinear,
Values). The calculations are not compatible with creep and shrinkage calculations
• Unchecked (Default)
Nonlinear springs • Checked: Consideration of nonlinear springs like contact springs or bilinear springs.
• Unchecked (Default)
Nonlinear • Checked: Consideration of linear or nonlinear dampers like viscous dampers. The
Dampers damper-elements have to be defined.
• Unchecked (Default)
SumLC is used in different actions for nonlinear calculations. It holds accumulated
results created by superimposing several calculated load cases by means of general
superposition functions or the load management function Load Management.
SumLC must be specified in different situations. First if the option Accumulate stiffness
(Stage) or Erection control is selected. In this case, the result values stored in SumLC
are used for creating the stiffness matrices for considering the geometrically nonlinear
behavior of the structure. The summation load case SumLc is also used for the
calculation of steel relaxation (other than for creep and shrinkage where the previously
calculated permanent load cases are directly considered.
SumLC needs not be specified if one of the options LC by LC Analysis or Accum. Perm.
Loads (Stage) is selected, or in the case of a purely linear analysis.
Include Primary • Checked: Primary stresses due to nunlinear temperature distribution will be
TempVar effects considered in the stress calculation (see TempVar (on page 169))
Note: Since version, July 2011 it is possible to store primary stresses in
arbitrary stress points and to consider them in the stress calculation. For
compatibility reasons the function Include Primary TempVar effects is not set as
default. When working with stored primary stresses, the function can now always be
used without negative effects on the internal force results if the higher computation
time and considerably higher storage requirement is accepted.
Attention: If the option “Primary state” in the action TempVar is not set to “Stress”,
the program will work as before July 2011 with fictitious primary internal forces
yielding the correct stresses only in the top and bottom fiber. These fictitious forces
are also not meaningful in further proof checks bases on internal forces and in load
case combination procedures.
• Unchecked (Default): Primary effects due to variable temperature loading are not
considered. Prestressing
Update CS Values : When checked (default), tendon steel area is taken into account when calculating new
(+) Tendon Areas cross-section values after grouting (see action Grout (on page 163)). Updated cross-
section values only affect stress calculations and design code checks. In the basic
structural analysis, the beam element stiffness is always calculated with the original
concrete section.
Update CS Values :(-) When checked,
Duct Areas
Unchecked by default.
When checked, the duct area is subtracted from the updated cross section after
grouting (see action Grout (on page 163)). The updated cross-section values are used
as stated above.
Unchecked by default.
Update CS Values : When checked, the area between duct and tendon is taken into account when
(+) Grouted Areas calculating updated cross-section values (see action Grout (on page 163)). The
updated values are used as stated above.
Unchecked by default.
Include Elastic • Checked: Changes in the normal force of tendons (Nx) due to an elastic elongation of
Compression Losses the surrounding concrete are calculated for all un-grouted tendons in the same
for Un-grouted manner than for grouted tendons.
• Unchecked (Default): Losses in un-grouted tendons are not considered.
Ext. tendon (Prim. + • Checked: External tendons are treated like internal tendons with respect to
Sec. throughout) separating the total stress state into a primary and a secondary part
• Unchecked (Default): Total tendon forces in the free part of external tendons are
stored as secondary effects (exact).
The principal difference between the two approaches is that —in the first approximate
approach— the basic assumption of beam theory that cross-sections remain
undeformed applies to the total cross-section including structural element and
tendons. I.e., tendons cannot change their position in the cross-section of the structural
element. This constraint has no major effect in load-cases with external loads only,
because equilibrium with external forces must exist on the total cross-section
including the tendons. However, strain load cases with differential strain between
tendon and structural element (particularly creep and shrinkage) will be affected
considerably by this approximation (curvature of the structural elements along the
free stretch of the tendons will be constraint by the tendons). Therefore it is not
recommended to use the approximate calculation in stage analyses with considering
creep and shrinkage.
Store slave tend. • Checked: Tendon geometry is stored in absolute 3D-coordinates.
geom. as 3D points
• Unchecked (Default): Tendon geometry is stored relative to element points.
Print creep and When checked, the program creates an Excel sheet with the creep and shrinkage factors for
shrinkage all loading components and elements (action Creep (on page 164)).
Unchecked by default.
C+S calculation Optionally it is possible to perform C+S calculation internally in the code. All creep &
(internal shrinkage models as given in the appendix are implemented directly into the RM Bridge
formulas) code, bypassing the variable definitions and thus increasing the processing speed of these
• Checked: In the normal case, the respective variables defined in Properties > Variables
are used for the creep and shrinkage calculation. Optionally, by selecting this function, it
is possible to perform C+S calculation internally in the code. All creep & shrinkage
models as given in the appendix are implemented directly into the RM Bridge code,
bypassing the variable definitions and thus increasing the processing speed of these
functions. Note that this option is only applicable if one of these intrinsic creep laws is
used without change.
• Unchecked (Default): The respective variables defined in Properties Variables are used
for the creep and shrinkage calculation.
Use full CS for The following parameters are governing the internal process for calculating creep and
creep shrinkage load cases (integration over the creep interval).
Linear and logarithmic time stepping may be set. This switch is related to calculations
with subdivision of the creep period into several regular parts, where this subdivision is
done on a linear or logarithmic scale.
Aging factor w2 is the factor for calculating the application time of the stress
redistributions due to creep and shrinkage within a time step. Interpolation with w2 is
always done linearly. Dynamics
These parameters govern dynamic analyses.
Tol (mi/ki) the tolerance use in the eigenvalue calculations (schedule action Eigen (on page
177)). Further information on this topic is given in chapter 14 (on page 324).
RM mode superposition When checked, A special mathematic algorithm is used to obtain corresponding
method results to leading values calculated with the stochastic superposition in response
spectra analysis (RSA). See RespS (on page 178) for further details.
Unchecked by default.
• Deflect. factor Factor for output of displacement and rotation values (in addition to any unit factor).
Default: 1.0; i.e. in the standard case displacements are presented in mm.
Force Factor Factor for output of internal forces and moments (in addition to any unit factor).
Default: 1000; i.e. in the standard case internal forces are presented in original units.
7.7.5 Summary
All chosen definitions for schedule variants are listed here. They can be reviewed and it is also possible to
change some definitions directly here by double-clicking the field.
Active DOF The active degrees of freedom are shown. In addition to the DOF’s excluded due to
the selected structure type, the user can exclude further DOF’s.
Max/Min. Displacement components to be used in the superposition process as characteristic
Displacements (leading) components (see Load Case Envelopes (on page 130)).
Max/Min Forces Internal force components to be used in the superposition process as characteristic
(leading) components (see Load Case Envelopes (on page 130)).
Struct.lst Structure
Structure geometry, node supports, element assignments and complete geometry,
cross-section values and assignment, material properties and assignment,
connections, element time definitions, reinforcements etc.
Cross.lst Cross-Sections
Detailed listing of cross-section data.
Material.lst Materials
Detailed listing of material data.
Stress.lst Prestressing
Detailed listing of all prestressing actions (individual tendon forces and
Calculation Action Logs and Results Time dependent material properties and influence lines are not
automatically logged. They are viewed and plotted as given in Resutls Plot Creep/Shrinkage Curves (on page
240) and Results Influence Lines (on page 240).
Tendon strains are presented instead of displacements if the button Displacements is selected. The option
Global gives strains in tendon-tangential direction and the option local gives the tendon strain components in
the local element directions.
Schedule > Load Definition > Wind Presentation of the altitude dependency of the mean wind and the
turbulence intensity, of the power spectrum, the standard
deviation, and the coherence data.
Schedule > Stages > Tendon Actions Presentation of the stressing force diagram
Results > Plot > Creep/Shrinkage Curves Presentation of creep and shrinkage coefficients, time
dependency of the Young’s modulus (see Resutls Plot Creep/
Shrinkage Curves (on page 240)).
Results > Influence Lines Presentation of influence lines and load train positions (see
Results Influence Lines (on page 240)).
The pad is split into two lists to the left and a graphical view with a ruler. The upper list shows existing plot
containers with the type designation as given above. The lower list contains plot-profiles, or plot files. The
selected item of the lower list is viewed in the graphics screen to the right.
The graphical processor Crt is called with the Info button and can be used to view multiple plot files and to
convert RM plot files to other graphic formats, if desired (see Graphical Result Presentation (on page 230)). Container Type RMSET - Plot Profiles for Creating Diagram Presentatoins
Diagrams are in RM Bridge plots, where the presented elements are arranged along the x-axis, and the required
result values are plot as ordinate against this line. The governing parameters for creating diagrams are specified
in Properties > RM-Sets, and stored in the database as RM-Sets.
The created diagrams may be viewed in this function Results Plot Plot Containers with using the Info button.
The presentation is identical to the one displayed in Properties > RM-Sets, where the governing parameters
may be modified. The button Plot can be used for immediately producing the new plot file in accordance with
the modified parameter set. Another possibility for creating the plot file is using the Create Plot tool (right-most
icon in the tool bar on top of the table of plot-profiles, see ).
appropriate *.rm file is created on clicking the Macro button when a plot container of the type PLSYS is
selected. Clicking the Macro button is disabled for the container types PL and RMSET.
The following standard plots can be created with the function Macro.
• Plot of the structural model
• Structural model with deformations for a load case
• Structural model with internal force diagram lines for a load case
• Structural model with stress diagram lines for a load case
• Structural model with deformations for an envelope
• Structural model with internal force diagram lines an envelope
• Structural model with stress diagram lines for an envelope
Printed sheet
Plot Margins
Plot - Page definition
Figure 52: A Printed sheet containing a plot with plot size and origin
The plot file interpreter Crt (Crt tool) allows presenting several plot files on one common sheet, either side-by-
side or overlapping. Such composed pictures may be printed or plotted like a single plot file. A plot origin X0, Y0
can be defined for any individual page in order to support this facility. This value is used for arranging the pages
on the common sheet, if more than one plot files are together presented in Crt (see the following figure).
Printed sheet
PlotA - Page definition PlotB - Page definition
(X0/Y0) (X0/Y0)
Figure 53: Two plots with different origin on one printed sheet (CRT)
So-called views are arranged within each plot file on the page in the useable plot area (see the following figure).
They can be placed side by side, overlapping, or one upon the other. These views contain the actual graphic
objects (complex objects and simple objects). Simple objects may also be directly related to the page.
Useable Plot Area
View ‚ViewA’
Margins reducing the effective size are also defined for the individual views. The program differentiates between
margins defining the usable view area (Marg.), and clipping borders, where objects reaching beyond the borders
of the usable view area are clipped (Clip.).
View ‚ViewA’
View Area
BOTTOM (fit to view)
The usable view area is used for calculating the scaling factor for the case that the option Fit into view has been
selected (see the previous figure). Only the basic geometry items (elements and nodes) are considered for this
scaling calculation, i.e., additional objects, like cross-sections, and result lines, may reach beyond this frame.
These object parts are clipped along the clipping border (see see the following figure).
View ‚ViewA’
Figure 57: Orthogonal projection of the views coordinate systems (αX, αY, αZ, FX, FY, FZ)
The plot editor has been provided for creating RM plot profiles interactively. The plot editor is called with
selecting the respective plot profile in the table of plot profiles of the selected container (container type plot),
and clicking the Info button. New profiles must be previously created with the Insert buttons.
The plot editor window displayed after selecting the Info button contains the following buttons and input fields:
on top a horizontal bar with four selection and modification functions, and on the right border a vertical tool bar
for inserting views and graphic objects.
The input block Transformation is used for specifying the required projection data. The button Suggestion
allows for selecting between plan view, elevation view, side elevation view and a general isometric view. On
selecting a general isometric view the user can define an arbitrary presentation direction for every global
coordinate axis (angle from the horizontal axis in anti-clockwise direction). A distortion factor can also be
individually specified for the different coordinate directions (default 1.0 for all axes).
The scaling of the view is set in the bottom block. Separate scaling factors may be defined for the x and y
directions. The scale values are not used when the option Fit into view is selected. Four different scaling options
can be selected in total:
Adjust to Fit The dimensions the view will be adapted to allow for the presentation of the structure
with the given scale.
Fit into view Set the scale for the structure to fit into the view.
Scale and position Let both, view size and scale as defined. The structure will be centerd to a given 3D Point
(X, Y, Z), parts exceeding the clipping borders will be clipped.
Scale and center Let both, view size and scale as defined. The structure will be centerd to the center point
of the structure. Parts exceeding the clipping borders will be clipped.
Variable Contents
Variable Contents
A printed page may contain one or more plots with a given offset, as given in Two plots with different origin on
one printed sheet (CRT) (on page 234). A number of plots is displayed using the graphical interface CRT (in the
main Toolbar).
The Variables button may be used for viewing and editing the existent user defined plot variables of the current
plot container. User-defined plot variables are identified by their names (e.g., LC = “LC1000”). A new value can
be assigned to a variable later on in the action DoPlot creating the actual plot file (e.g., DoPlot
PlotContainer1:PlotA LC='LC0100').
Note that plot variables are not mathematical expressions like the global variables, but replacement characters,
which may get a new value when they are used (see above). This allows for used the same plot profile for
creating several plot files. Plot variables are referenced in the profile by placing the between angle brackets.
They can be selected in the pull-down menu if they have been previously defined.
The Create a New View tool is used for inserting a new view on the current page.
The same input window is presented as when changing the view dimensions (see Selection function Current).
The help pad contains detailed information about how to define the position and contents of the object. Plot
variables may be used for specifying texts. Inserting Elements, Nodes, Tendons, and Result lines (complex objects)
This is done by using the tools:
Details are given in the help system. Plot variables can be used for various items (load case, envelope, scale, RM-
Set). Within the editor, these complex objects are presented symbolically with rectangles, and short texts
indicating the type and contents of the object.
RMPLOT ‚ContainerA’
DFILE ‘(DPLOT)(LC1).pl’ Individual
… Plot definition
DFILE ‘(DPLOT)(LC1).pl’ Individual
… Plot definition
select Structure > Element to define the structural tructural elements (beam, spring, cable, …),
eccentricities, hinges, beta angle etc.…
select File > Import to import values.
5. Either:
select Structure > Element > Material and Structure > Element > Cross Section to assign material
properties and cross sections to the elements
select File > Import to import values.
6. Either:
select Structure > Element > … to define additional element attributes if required, (e.g., reinforcement,
creation time, ….)
select File > Import to import values.
7. Either:
select Structure > Tendon > Geometry to define PRESTRESSING TENDON geometry and assign properties
to the tendons
select File > Import to import values.
Note: All elements should have “reasonable” dimensions. Very short elements (compared with the cross-section
dimensions) will cause numerical problems in the solution process. They should be avoided. “Eccentric
connections” (see Eccentric Connections (on page 39)) should rather be used instead of small fictitious
connection elements.
The above criteria for the subdivision of the structure into elements are in principle sufficient for standard static
analyses of frames, because the stiffness matrices and nodal forces for beam elements are calculated “exactly” in
accordance with the deformation method. An additional subdivision to get a better approximation as usually
required for Finite Element procedures – is not necessary. This is applicable even if results (displacements and
internal forces) in intermediate points between start and end are desired.
However, there are some functions, which use approximations on the element level or are available only for
nodal points. An appropriate subdivision in order to get accurate answers is required in such cases. Such
situations are for instance:
• Varying cross-sections (stiffness matrices based on mean cross-section values)
• Dynamic analyses (approximate calculation of mass matrices)
Fixing the numbering and element scheme is therefore the most important primary task in every modeling
process. It has to be done very thoroughly, considering all requirements regarding accuracy as well as amount
and density of results. Practical modeling hints for typical bridge structures will be found in chapter 10,
Modeling Bridge Structures (on page 260).
Note: No warping DOF’s are currently considered in the program, therefore flexibility terms due to warping
effects of the cross-sections cannot be taken into account.
These six displacement components are known as the degrees of freedom (DOF’s) of the node. Each DOF in the
structural model is one of the following types:
A restriction of the available degrees of freedom has advantages with respect to computation time and support
definition requirements. It may be applied to true 2D structures with in-plane loading or pure loading normal to
the plane. Examples are frames or trusses in the x-y plane or grids in the x-z plane. A plane truss in the x-y plane
only needs vx and vy; a plane frame vx, vy, and φzs, and a grid in the x-z plane needs vy, φx, and φz.
The degrees of freedom that are not specified as being active are called unavailable degrees of freedom. Any
stiffness, loads, mass, restraints, or constraints that are applied to the unavailable degrees of freedom are
ignored in the analysis.
9.2.4 Elements
The elements are described by their start and end nodes, and further by element properties like material, cross-
sections, connection details, etc.
The definition of elements is done in the function Structure > Elements. Different element types are provided as
given in 2.5 (on page 33).
A local coordinate system xL, yL, zL is built for every element. For elements with two nodes this system is per
default based on the element axis (possibly different from the system axis due to eccentric connections). For
elements with only one node, the directions of the default local system are identical to the global directions. The
rules for establishing the local axes are described in detail in and Elements Lengths and Angels (on page 94)
(Structure > Elements > Length and Angles). Input data, such as external loadings may be related to this local
system, and results like internal forces and stresses are usually evaluated in this system.
This local coordinate system characterising the principal axes describes together with the related cross-section
data the element geometry. The standard cross-section values (cross-section area, moments of inertia around
the principal axes) are sufficient for normal static analyses with evaluation of internal forces only (see 6.3.4
Structure > Elements > Cross Sections; switch CS Values).
Detailed stress analyses require the full geometric definition of reference sets ( Cross-Sections Reference Sets
(on page 65)). These cross-sections are assigned to the element begin and end points respectively. A small
deviation of the cross-section plane from the normal to the element axis is allowed. The respective restrictions
and approximations are described in .
Note: The translational and rotational spring constants defining the support are per default in the global
coordinate directions. They may however be transformed to a local system by assigning a set of angles α1, α2,
and β to the node in the function Structure > Node data and properties > Beta (see Node Data Node Support
Directions (on page 88)).
Another transformation of the spring tensor is possible with respect to an eccentric position of the spring. An
eccentric position of the support spring is defined with Structure > Node Data > Node Support Eccentricities
as given in Node Data Node Support Eccentricities (on page 88).
Center of gravity
HINGE (Local)
Any release (disconnection) of one or more of the element degrees of freedom may be made between the
element end and the node. The releases may be specified in the element local coordinate system or in the global
coordinate system. Accordingly, hinges are called to be “global hinges” or “local hinges”. Pay attention to the fact
that the notation “hinge” is not only used for disconnected rotation DOF’s, but also for translational DOF’s. Note,
that hinges may also be modeled by spring elements with the respective spring constants set to zero, but most
release conditions in practical structures can be simulated element end releases.
Only cases, where two or more rigidly connected elements are partially connected to another group of rigidly
connected elements essentially require the spring element approach. In this case, two different nodes with the
same coordinates have to be defined. These nodes have to be connected by spring elements whose spring
constants are 0 for the released DOF’s. Modeling jointed connections with spring elements may however also be
used in standard situations (e.g., for directly getting the forces transmitted in the spring directions).
(by SPRING – Element)
30 m 60 m 60 m 30 m
End of Creeping
Pier 2 finished
Pier 1 finished
Close Span 3
Close Span 2
Close Span 4
For simplicity, creep and shrinkage behavior in the erection phases is approximated and the phases are divided
into only three creep intervals, the 1st one with 80 days, comprising the pier construction and 1/3 of the
cantilever segments, the 2nd and 3rd with 60 days, comprising the erection of the 2nd and last third of the
cantilever segments respectively. I.e., this bridge will have 13 construction stages as shown in the following
PIER1-C 140 -200 Erection of pier 1 and 3rd third of cantilever segments
PIER2-A 200 -280 Erection of pier 2 and 1st third of cantilever segments
PIER2-B 280 -340 Erection of pier 2 and 2nd third of cantilever segments
PIER2-C 340 -400 Erection of pier 2 and 3rd third of cantilever segments
PIER3-A 400 -480 Erection of pier 2 and 1st third of cantilever segments
PIER3-B 480 -540 Erection of pier 2 and 2nd third of cantilever segments
PIER3-C 540 -600 Erection of pier 2 and 3rd third of cantilever segments
TIME, Pier 1
0 200 400 600 days
200 days 200 TIME, Pier 2
0 200 400 days
400 days TIME, Pier 3
0 200 200 days
0 200 400 600 days
The previous figure shows the required time scheme for the previous example if TStop is used. The construction
of all three piers plus cantilevers is first defined as happening at the same time (between day 0 and day 200).
Using TSTOP, Pier 2 plus cantilever is then assigned a 200 day time delay (i.e., construction is between day 200
and day 400) and Pier 3 plus cantilever is assigned a 400 day time delay (i.e., construction is between day 400
and day 600).
At best, the required pre-camber values and other geometry correction measures are calculated and forwarded
to the construction engineering team in order to allow for applying the respective measures on site (e.g., setup of
the formwork). The effects of these measures on the force distribution and stressing state remain mostly
unconsidered. This is in fact often justified; however, in big projects with a lot of construction stages the
influence may be considerable.
Note: This approach yields for sure some inconsistency in linear construction stage calculations with
considering p-delta effects (displacements due to the actual load case are implicitly considered but those of
previous load cases are not). Deformation compensation measures are always related to the final state; in
intermediate states we will in general have geometry different to the design geometry. However, the most
important cases where nonlinear behavior must be considered are investigations of the influence of additional
impacts (traffic, temperature) applied on the final structure. These cases are properly covered by the chosen
approach if —as it is mostly the case— the structure has the design shape under permanent loads.
When the option Accum. Perm. Loads (Stage) is selected, the program always applies all loads on the
undeformed active system of the respective construction stage. I.e., it is assumed, that in all cases the design
geometry is the stress-less geometry. This corresponds to the site procedure variant (b), where all
construction kinks are compensated by appropriate constraint forces. Because this site procedure variant is a
rare exception and implicit shape adaption is adopted in most cases, this option must usually not be applied in
construction stage analyses, where the active static system changes from construction stage to construction
stage. However, in cases where prefabricated elements are successively assembled in the structure, the option is
conditionally (no creep loading allowed) appropriate for simulating the erection procedure. Note also that
completing a cross-section to a composite cross-section is equivalent to construction kinks with implicit shape
adaptation. Therefore, Accum. Perm. Loads (Stage) is never applicable to composite structures.
A typical example is the form finding process of suspension bridges. The preliminary design usually starts from
the final structural system where the deformation state due to permanent loads is calculated. The stress-less
design geometry is then appropriately modified, if pre-cambering is required. The finally defined stress-less
design geometry can then be used for performing a detailed construction stage analysis with using the option
Accum. Perm. Loads (Stage). This allows for calculating the stressing state and geometry of the structure for all
construction stages. Option Erection Control (Stage) Together with Option With Construction Kink
If the option With construction kink is selected in addition to the option, activating new structural parts means
connecting them to the predeformed previously active structure without construction kink.
I.e., the construction kink is closed without changing the stress-less shape of the new elements. If the new
section has no other boundary conditions (e.g., a new segment of a cantilever), this section is moved to the
displaced connection point and tangentially connected. Constraint forces will arise if the new section has
boundary conditions and any nodes of the moved and rotated structural part does not fit into the boundary
conditions. These forces will enforce the required shape. This also applies if the new structural part is connected
in more than one point (e.g., the key segment of a free cantilever bridge).
The rules, which have been established internally in by the RM Bridge team are recommended to be followed by
all licensees. This eases and accelerates essentially the response time and support by the Bentley RM Bridge
supporters in case of problems and inquiries. Such a recommendation is: Superstructure
• Single beam Element and node numbers: 101, 102, …
• Longitudinal girders of a grid: 101, 102, …; 201, 202, …; 301, 302, …; etc.
• Cross girders of a girder grid: higher numbers, e.g. 2001, …
• Composite girder: number composite elements and partial elements synchronously! Composite elements
with the lowest series, e.g.:
Composite elements 101, consist of partial elements 201,… and 301,…
• Several parallel composite girders: continue with step 100 Substructure
• Springs for simulating the rigid ground: 1000, 1100, 1200, etc.
• Abutments and Piers: 1001, …; 2001, …; 3001; …
• Piers normally numbered from bottom to top
Formwork traveller,
Wet Concrete,
Scaffolding TR-BA
Prestressing PS-BA
Subtotal summation load-case PS-SUM, Stg1-SUM … Sum of all prestressing load cases,
sum of all permanent loads in Stage
Settlement Settle-{no}
Temperature Temp-{no}
Wind Wind-{no}
In RM Bridge, load cases are identified by names (not numbers) as text string. Therefore, a naming scheme is
possible in addition to the suggested numbering scheme. The benefit of load case names also lies in easier
insertion of additional load cases with ending letters (e.g., LC501a).
For clearness, calculation actions, proof checks, and list and plot actions for the final state are often arranged in
different schedule stages. It is recommended to give them self-explaining names, e.g., Traffic, SLS-Checks, ULS-
Checks, Graphics, etc.
Narrow T-beam bridges with one single web or 2 webs with small distance may often also be modeled as bridges
with only one main girder. This is also true for narrow plate bridges.
The following figure shows a part of a bridge with one single main girder and a recommended typical
subdivision of the superstructure into beam elements.
Thick Solid Line Stiff (rigid) connection
Dashed line Element Centroid
Dot Nodal point
Main girder 1:
e.g.: element 101-130
The connection between the two main girders by the upper flange plate is modeled by fictitious cross beams, the
beam stiffness being equivalent to the plate stiffness. A greater or smaller part dependent on the stiffness of the
connecting plate - of the load acting on one of the main girders will be redistributed by the cross beams to the
other girder.
The previous figure shows a detail of a double T-beam super-structure modeled as a grid of beam elements. The
two main girders are connected with transverse cross-girders.
In order to do this it is possible to cut out a strip of the cross-section and to model this strip as a plane frame.
The particular parts of the cross-section (upper plate, webs, bottom plate) are modeled as beams with
rectangular cross-section. For analysing a strip along a support line (above the bridge bearings), the support
elements may be used in the same way than for the longitudinal model. For investigating a mid-span cross-
section, the elastic indirect support must be simulated in a suitable way (e.g., fictitious support elements in the
center of the webs).
Figure 66: Beam model for transverse analysis (hollow box cross-section)
The preceeding and following figures show typical models for analysing the transverse bearing behavior by
modeling a cross-section as a plane frame. Note that such an analysis is performed in addition to the standard
longitudinal analysis on a separate model.
The bearing configuration at a typical connection is normally either a Single or Double bearing connection
depending on the overall structural stability and on the torsion capacity of the bridge deck. The Double bearing
configuration provides torsion fixity. It is typically provided at the ends of the bridge deck and even at certain
internal piers on long viaduct type bridges. The double bearings are usually placed under a stiff diaphragm (in
box girder bridges) so their position is not constrained by the positions of the webs.
Given below is a series of sketches that depict the recommended modeling of these Typical Connections for a
Bridge deck diaphragm (typically in a concrete box girder) to a single Column connection. All the bearing
connections between the deck and the substructure are modeled with spring elements.
• The spring elements do not actually have any dimension.
• The spring elements are located at the actual position of the bearings in space.
• The spring elements are connected to the sub-structure and the superstructure with rigid connections. These
rigid connections are called “eccentric connections” and are arranged between the ends of the elements and a
node (see Eccentric Connections (on page 39) and Elements Eccentric Connections (on page 95)).
Referring to the following figure (bearing arrangement taken to be 0.5 m from top of pier to the soffit of the
• The column – (or abutment) element no. 103 is connected to the ground (Node ‘0’)
• Spring element no. 101 (Left bearing) is connected to the node at the top of the column:
• Z-Direction eccentricity (Spring element 101 to node 100) + 2.500m
• Y-Direction eccentricity (Spring element 101 to node 100) – 0.250m
• Spring element no. 101 (Left bearing) is connected to the node at the top of the deck:
• Z-Direction eccentricity (Spring element 101 to node 1) + 2.500m
• Y-Direction eccentricity (Spring element 101 to node 1) + 3.000m
• Spring element no. 102 (Right bearing) is connected to the node at the top of the column:
• Z-Direction eccentricity (Spring element 102 to node 100) - 2.500m
• Direction eccentricity (Spring element 102 to node 100) – 0.250m
• Spring element no. 102 (Right hand bearing) is connected to the node at the top of the deck:
• Z-Direction eccentricity (Spring element 102 to node 1) - 2.500m
• Y-Direction eccentricity (Spring element 102 to node 1) + 3.000m
Figure 68: Modeling the bearings and abutment by eccentrically connected spring elements
When allocating the cross section to the element the node at the top of the deck is automatically connected to the
centroid of the section with an Eccentric connection (see 2.6 (on page 39)).
Figure 69: Modeling the bearings and abutment for a double T beam
The type of the bearing —rigid, multi-directional, or uni-directional— is modeled by defining the releases for
the individual spring elements (Vx, Vy, Vz, φx, φy, φz). A typical value for a rigid connection is a spring constant
of 1E10. Therefore a multidirectional bearing allowing free rotation in all directions and movement in the
global X and Z directions would be given the following values in the global coordinate system: 0, 1E10, 0, 0,
0, 0. However, spring elements are usually oriented in vertical direction (xL = YG) in order to get the support
forces as normal forces in the output listings. In this case, the appropriate set of spring constants will be 1E10,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0.
A uni-directional bearing restricting transverse movement but allowing full rotation in all directions would be
given the following values: 0E10, 1E10, 1E10, 0, 0, 0. Note that the spring elements have in this case to be
oriented in the direction of the superstructure elements, if this direction deviates from the global XG direction.
Thick Solid Line Stiff (rigid) connection
Dashed line Element Centroid
Dot Nodal point
10.3.2 Substructure Type B — piers with bearings supporting the super structure
The following two figures show typical examples of piers with bearings on the top face for supporting the
Pier with cross beam with two bearings „ Solid pier with two
Single wall
„0“ „0“
„0“ „0“
„0“ „0“
„0“ „0“
The basic principle is to superimpose throughout the whole schedule all permanent load cases, which should be
compensated. An appropriate automatic superposition is achieved by adopting the respective definitions in
Schedule > Load Definition > Load Management. It is recommended to use the load case LC1000 for this
summation process (see Deformation Behavior in Stage-Wise Erection (on page 253)).
Any loading state can be used for the pre-camber calculation, however, usually all the permanent loads on the
structure are considered, e.g., dead load (G1, G2), prestressing (PT), creep& shrinkage (CS), etc. Sometimes, only
a percentage of the total permanent loads must be compensated. Some national design codes also call for a
certain percentage of the live loading effects to be included in the precamber calculations.
The applied factor is 1.0 when the whole deflections of the summation load case shall be compensated, but will
be different if only a part of the deflections must be compensated or an over-compensation is required. Different
factors for different load cases require a more complicated proceeding: the factors must be considered already
in the superposition process. This requires using the direct superposition tools (superposition actions in the
schedule) instead of using the automatic superposition with Load Management.
The camber line (red) and the deflection lines of a 2 span bridge erected in 2 steps are shown in Figure 10 15.
The camber line is discontinuous at the points, where a new part is connected to the previously active already
deformed structure. This discontinuity describes the displacements of the connection point arising in the
previous construction stage. By pre-cambering the girder, the position of node 13 at the end of stage 1 is E
(instead of F), the discontinuity value C-E is identical to the 1st stage deflection D-F.
he deflection of node 13 due to stage 2 loading is D-B (= 3.368 + 2.48), which is equal, but with opposite sign, to
the pre-camber position value E. After applying stage 2 loading, node 13 will therefore be at position D.
Figure 73: Deflections due to the loads of the 1st construction stage
Figure 74: Deflections due to the loads of the 2nd construction stage
Figure 76: Shape after the first construction stage when precamber has been applied
For example, LC1000 is copied to LC1001 at the end of the 1st construction state, to LC1002 at the end of the
2nd construction stage, and so on. At the end of the schedule it is now possible to calculate the target lines (e.g.,
LC2001, LC2002, LC2003, …) by superimposing the final camber line (e.g., LC2000) and the individual deflection
sums (LC1001, LC1002, LC1003, …).
In RM Bridge, the above-described procedure is supported by the program. The storage of the intermediate
states is done automatically, if the option Make camber for this stage (see Schedule Stages (on page 159)) is
selected when creating the respective stages. In this case, copying with LcInit is not necessary anymore, the
state at the end of the respective stage will be automatically copied to the file #Stage-name#end for further use.
In addition, the action DoCamber can be used for storing intermediate states within the individual construction
stages (see DoCamber (on page 199)). A label is specified, characterising the point in time of the intermediate
state (e.g., WC for the wet concrete state). This label is used for building the name of the respective deformation
summation file, which is #Stage-name#label.
If the intermediate states have been stored, the action DoCamber can be used for creating an Excel sheet with
the camber values at the end of the individual construction stages for selected nodes. The camber values for the
stage ends are hereby created by specifying the label end, the values at label-specified intermediate times by
specifying the respective label.
Different procedures may be applied in RM Bridge to take into account the pre-cambered shape in a nonlinear
analysis. Apparently, the user may —in a first step— perform a linear analysis calculating the camber line as
described above. Performing a recalculation after modifying the node coordinates by adding the calculated
camber values will give a better, and mostly sufficient, approximation. Performing a new modification and
recalculating will further improve the result. However, no discontinuities —essentially arising in stage-wise
analyses— can be modeled with this procedure. Any discontinuities must be additionally specified with applying
element end displacements.
Changing coordinates by hand is a tedious process. Therefore, RM Bridge offers the possibility to take over the
results of the camber line calculation to be used as stress-free pre-deformations of the system. An external load
case, containing only the factorized deformations and no internal forces, has to be created instead of —or
additional to— the standard load case LC2000 described above. This load case can be copied into the summation
load case SumLC at begin of the schedule, in order to be considered as stress-free pre-deformations in the
nonlinear analysis.
Note: The modification of node coordinates will also influence a linear calculation, whereas pre-deformations
are only considered in nonlinear analyses.
• Traffic lane geometries related to the superstructure elements are defined (Lane).
• Load trains are specified (LTrain) for being automatically placed along the lane according to influence lines.
• Influence lines are calculated with Infl- actions (all lanes and load trains must have been previously defined)
• All envelope files used for the evaluation of influence lines must be created and initialized (actions SupInit).
• Influence lines are evaluated in the schedule by using LiveL- actions.
• All result envelopes of different lanes and/or load trains are combined to obtain overall envelopes
(combination actions SupOr, SupAnd, etc.).
• Optionally, the action LiveSet may be used for determining the most unfavorable loading position for some
characteristic result values, and stored as load sets (see also Nonlinear Calculation of Traffic Load Cases
(LiveSet) (on page 281))
With respect to the preparation of input data, basic elements are the definition of (traffic) lanes in Schedule >
Load Definition > Traffic Lanes, and of load trains moving along these lanes in Load Definition > Load Trains
(see Traffic Lanes, Load Trains (on page 137)).
Structural model
1 2 3 4
Influence Line
calculation and evaluation
‚Mz’, Element 101
Traffic envelope Mz
Point forces of 1 kN are applied in these unit load cases in a series of points along one or more lines over the
whole superstructure. These lines are called traffic lanes or simply lanes. The definition of these traffic lanes is
described in Traffic Lanes, Load Trains (on page 137). The influence lines created by collecting the results of the
unit load cases of such a lane are also called related influence lines, because they are related to the lanes.
However, within this document they are for simplicity only called influence lines.
Note: The internally used point load for calculating the influence lines is 1 KN. The influence line values have the
dimension [result_unit per force_unit], therefore, the point load shown in the lane table in the GUI has no
dimension. The force dimension is assigned to the load trains.
This special influence line definition has been chosen because the traffic loading generally moves along lanes,
which are eccentric or even skew with respect to the system line or element axis. This general load application
condition cannot be taken into account in the classical influence line approach. The disadvantage of this
procedure is that it is impossible to calculate one single influence line for a special point. A simultaneous
calculation of all influence lines for all points of the lane is required, and, in order to get sufficiently accurate
results, a sufficient amount of lane points must be specified (generally all element start and end points).
The evaluation of the influence lines is done by placing a predefined traffic load set such that the influence on the
result is a maximum. These traffic load sets are called load trains. The definition of these load trains is described
in Traffic Lanes, Load Trains (on page 137).
In this case, the stiffness matrix used for the traffic load analysis is the tangent matrix based on the deformed
shape under dead loading. This approximation is suitable when the traffic loads are small compared to the dead
load. Assuming linear behavior under traffic loading, and using the tangent matrix for calculating the influence
lines, is automatically performed in the program if one or more nonlinearity options are set in the Recalc menu.
However, sometimes a full nonlinear calculation of traffic loads is required (e.g., if the behavior is highly
nonlinear or the traffic load is an important part of the total load). This is done by calculating traffic load cases
directly like any other load case, with creating load cases and load sets in the related database tables by using the
standard load types provided in the RM Bridge.
The effort for directly defining the load sets describing complex load trains moving on arbitrary lanes may
however be considerable, especially if the most unfavorable position of the load train for a certain internal force
component has to be considered. The action LiveSet has therefore been provided in order to support this task.
This action generates —by using the influence lines— a load set describing the loading due to a load train acting
at the most unfavorable position with respect to a (user-defined) characteristic result value (internal force or
deformation component, maximum or minimum). This set is assigned to a load case, and a fully nonlinear
calculation may be performed for this case.
Note: This process is based on the assumption that the relevant position of the load train is not affected by the
nonlinearity, i.e., in general, that the zero-crossings of the influence lines do not considerably move due the
Determining the relevant position of a load train is sometimes also of interest in linear calculations, and the
action LiveSet may certainly be used in this case. The input parameters for the action LiveSet are described in ,
Calculation actions (Static).
Such a fully nonlinear calculation will usually only be performed for a restricted number of characteristic max./
min. values in order to avoid an exploding calculation effort. However, proceeding in this manner often allows a
very good estimation of the influence of nonlinearity by comparing for some values the nonlinear results with
the results of the influence line evaluation process.
Any lane is positioned relative to the members of the structural model, usually the beam elements forming the
bridge deck. We distinguish between 2 basic types:
• Longitudinal elements (main girder elements)
• Transverse elements (cross girder elements)
For details of the definition of the position, refer to Traffic Lanes, Load Trains (on page 137). Two or More Heavy Vehicles with Variable Distance in One Lane
This situation is modeled by defining between the two vehicles a section with variable length by using L-from, L-
to, L-Step. L-from represents the minimum distance (e.g., the length of the vehicle), L-to is usually the length of
the lane (the 2nd vehicle may also be outside the bridge). The parameter L-Step defines, which intermediate
positions will be investigated (thus influences the accuracy of the result but also the computation time).
The special case, that a 2nd vehicle must only be placed on the lane for calculating the negative moments
(AASHTO-Code) is covered by the option AASHTO. Only one heavy vehicle will be defined in this case in the load
train. This vehicle is unfavorably placed a 2nd time in the adjacent span on the lane.
0 45.602 Const
20 336/(TabA)^(2/3) Const
50 36/(TabA)^0.1 Const
F 45.602
0 20 50 QLEN
The loaded length is the total length of the distributed load on the lane. It is automatically varied in the program
in order to get the most severe influence. In this variation process the different regions of the influence line with
unfavorable influence (sections between the zero-points of the influence line) are considered individually and in
any combination.
In order to avoid taking into account large sections with very small influence (and thus underestimating the total
influence due to much too small load intensity) tolerance values may be defined (see Traffic Lanes, Load Trains
(on page 137)). Regions, where the influence is below these values are not taken into consideration for the
calculation of qlen. Another effect of defining reasonable tolerance values is a reduction of computation effort. Reducing Loaded Length in Highly Cusped Influence Lines (option Lb=Min(L, 2*A/
This reduction must be performed (e.g., in acc. with BS5400), if the total influence is becoming worse. The area A
below the influence line between two zero-points is calculated, and the loaded length is calculated such, that a
triangular shape of the influence line gives the same area (lred = 2×A/Ymax) (see the following figure). This
modification will give an increase of the loaded length in regions without cusp, therefore the program uses the
smaller value of the original and modified loaded length (lb = min (L, 2×A/Ymax) if Lb=Min(L, 2*A/Ymax is
A = ½ · Ymax · L
Lb = min(L, 2·A/Ymax)
EMod The basic elasticity modulus is used for computing the composite cross-section after grouting and
determining the tendon stresses due to load cases applied after grouting.
EMODP A reduced modulus is often used for computing the cable extension in the stressing process. The
additional flexibility counts for considering lateral deviations of the tendon within the duct and
effects due to differential displacements between the strands etc.
SIGP The allowable stress value is a reference value used in the stressing actions for limiting the tension
force at the end of the stressing process (see Stages Schedule Actions (on page 161)). It is used if the
tension force is not directly specified, but as a factor of an “allowable tension force”, defined as the
product of SIGP with the cross-section area of a single tendon.
YS Yield strength of the prestressing steel.
YSD Design value of the yield strength.
COF The adhesion coefficient COF indicates that the adhesion behavior between concrete and steel is used
in the crack propagation check in accordance with Austrian code ON B4750.
Related Links
• Mechanical Properties of Prestressing-steel Material Types (on page 58)
applied to internal tendons, where the geometry is specified by tendon points of the type Normal. The
procedure for external tendons segments is different.
The part of a tendon between two tendon points is called tendon segment. The straight connection between two
tendon points forms a beam element (spare beam). The reference polygon is considered of a sequence of such
fictitious beam elements. The constraint conditions are applied as loads on this girder, and the resulting
deflection shape is taken as actual geometry of the tendon.
The following figure shows an example for user-defined constraint conditions (P1, P3, P2, P4, P5, F1, F3). In this
example, the tangent vectors at points P2, P4, and P5 are Free, i.e., not prescribed.
P2 F2=Free P4 F4=Free
F1 L3, E3 L4, E4
L1, E1 L2, E2
P1 P3 P5
i = No. of the constraint (tendon) point
Li = Length between two constraint points
Ei = Fictitious E-Modulus of the fictitious “tendon members”
Pi = Constraint points
Fi = Prescribed tangent vectors with fixed angles at a specified constraint
Figure 80: Reference polygon for tendon geometry calculation
For calculating the actual tendon geometry, the program performs the following:
• Determination of the stiffness matrices [kTMj] of the different segments and calculation of the fixed end
forces of the different spare beams {pj}= [kTMj] × {dj}
• Specification of the additions stiffness terms [kZi] for the points with prescribed tangent direction and
calculation of the equivalent forces: {pz,i}= [kZi] × {Δvi}
• Assembling the element stiffness matrices to the total matrix [K], considering the additional stiffness at the
points, where the tangent direction is prescribed.
• Solving the equation system: {p} + [K]⋅(Δα) = 0
• Adding the calculated transversal deflections to the reference polygon
A straight part between two specified constraint points is enforced by applying additional tangent rotation
constraints in the direction of the segment between the respective constraint points, and by increasing the
stiffness of this segment. Attention has to be drawn to the fact that two straight segments must not be arranged
immediately back-to-back, and that the tangent direction in the straight part cannot be prescribed because it is
unconditionally determined by the direction of the connection line.
Note: These elements are automatically activated when used in a Stress action in Stages > Schedule Actions.
You do not activate them. They are however listed in the element table in Structure > Element data and
properties, but they cannot be modified there
The geometry definition of external segments of internal tendons is done in the same manner, than for internal
tendons, except that a tendon point of the type Line (see Tendon Point Types (on page 294)) is used for
specifying the begin of the straight part, and a new structural element number is assigned.
External Tendons are also in the curved parts located outside of the cross-section. They are in these sections
however assigned to structural concrete elements for transmitting deviation and frictions forces. However, it is
assumed that the contact line is outside of the cross-section (along a deviator block). These tendons cannot be
grouted, and they will never contribute to a net or composite cross-section.
An external tendon always requires after a straight segment at least one ensuing structural element simulating
the deviator block. Folds in the tendon geometry are not allowed. Each deviator block requires at minimum 1
structural element between two straight parts. Two elements are required if also the summit of the curve should
be defined. Note that begin and end of the deviator block should already be considered in the modeling process
of the structural system (nodal points approximately at the begin and end of the deviator), in order to guarantee
a proper transmission of the deviation forces to the structure.
The straight segments (with a start tendon point of the type Line) are defined as external segments, i.e., separate
structural elements simulating the tendon are created. These elements are connected to the structural system at
begin and end points. No friction calculation is performed in these segments.
Note: It is formally possible to treat straight parts of external tendons with respect to friction and tendon force
calculation in the same manner than internal tendons. This is done by not setting the switch in the constraint
point definition menu to external and not assigning a new element number. They are however not considered
for the calculation of net and composite cross-section values.
Due to the high friction and the high deviation forces it may be assumed, that along the deviator block external
tendons may be treated like internal tendons (rigidly connected to the structural element). The friction
calculation is therefore performed in these sections in the same manner than for internal tendons. The
accidental deviation angle should be zero in order to avoid wrong additional friction forces, if there are straight
(or nearly straight) parts within the deviator region.
also necessary (or at least strongly recommended) to allocate all concrete elements alongside straight external
The reason for doing this is the treatment of internal forces due to prestressing, which are separated in a
primary and secondary part for all elements allocated to the currently stressed tendon(s). I.e., in alongside
concrete elements, which are not allocated, the internal forces due to stressing will be stored as secondary
On the other hand, for allocated elements, the intersections of the tendon with the cross-section planes at the
element begin and end will be calculated. The tendon force together with the eccentricity values of these points
will be used for calculating a fictitious primary state, containing the tendon force as a negative normal force, and
the respective bending moments as primary moments. This convention allows for performing all design code
checks in the standard manner as required for internally prestressed structures.
The overall procedure adopted for external tendons is also the same than for internal tendons: at first, the Stress
action is performed, calculating the friction losses along the deviator sections. Then, the respective prestressing
load case is calculated with Calc.
Note that, after calculating the prestressing load case, the action Grout must also be used for external tendons,
because it not only establishes bond along the deviator sections, but also activates the additional structural cable
elements automatically created by the program for modeling the free external sections of the tendon.
Attention: Note that it is not allowed to mix up the two geometry definition types 1 and 2, i.e., you must not
specify some deviators via tangent intersection points and others by defining the start- and end-points of the
straight sections.
“Line point” on the right side, x/l is assumed 1.0, if the specified element starts at ISP (deviator block consists of
2 elements) or at the free point before ISP (deviator block consists of 1 element). Otherwise, x/l is assumed 0.0.
Calculation direction
de .
to to o no no
) L< L> thto
th t de de
noe no
n e
de de n
) o )
Min. 1 or 2 structural element(s)
d for eachodeviator!
Figure 81: External tendon geometry via tangent intersection points
Two subsequent sections between the tangent intersection points form a plane, defined by three tendon points
(see planes 1, 2, 3 in the previous figure). The curve representing the tendon geometry between the straight
sections is then calculated as 3rd order parabola, with the positions and tangent directions of the start and end
points (F and L), and the specified Radius as curvature radius at the vertex, are constraint conditions.
Note: The resulting 3rd order curve in the deflection plane is somehow different to the form straight line circle
straight line. The size of the deviation may be controlled by a suitable choice of the vertex curvature too small
radii yield opposite curvature at start and end points, too large radii may yield begin and end points of the
curved part outside the predefined deflection region. A better approximation can be achieved by defining
additional free points (see below).
A much better approximation can be achieved by defining additional “Free points” between the tangent
intersection point and the start and end-points of the curved section (see points (F) in the previous figure). The
position of these points is calculated by the program by fitting a circle with the specified radius into the angle
between the two straight connection lines forming the tangents. The 3rd order curve is now calculated between
these theoretical new points. Straight pieces are then arranged between these new points and the start- and end-
points of the internal section. The resulting shape in the curved area is now much closer to the exact circular
Attention: “Line (free Z)” has to be used for defining the elevation geometry, “Line (free Y)” for the plan
geometry. The type “Line” must not be used for program internal reasons even not when the point is already
located in the right plane.
Calculation direction
Plane 3
Plane 1
Plane 2
to Deviator to to
no to no
th th el th th
de)L< . L> th de)
e e e e
no to e
de th no
de de de
) ) e ) )
n )
Min. 1 or 2 structural element(s) for each deviator!
Figure 82: External tendon geometry via straight segments
Three tendon points (P1, P2, P4), specified by the user, build a plane (e.g., plane 1, see the previous figure). The
final position of point P3, describing the transition point from the curved internal section to the subsequent
straight segment, is calculated by the program. The condition, that this point is in the plane built by P1, P2 and P4,
must be fulfilled. Dependent on whether the Y or the Z coordinate should be adapted to pull the point into the
defined plane, P3 is specified as Tendon Point of the type “Line (free Y)” or “Line (free Z)”.
If no further free points are defined besides the start and end points of the “straight segments”, then the curve
between the two points describing the begin and the end of the curved region automatically becomes a 2nd order
parabola with prescribed tangents at the start and end points. The curvature radius at the vertex can in this case
not be defined by the user, but will be an implicit result of the calculation. If a certain curvature radius should be
prescribed for the vertex point, then the user has the possibility to insert the tangent intersection point as “Free
point with radius” (ISPF). The calculation is then performed in the same manner as described in Geometry
Definition via Tangent Intersection Points (Type 1) (on page 290) (inserting a 3rd order curve with prescribed
curvature radius at the vertex). Again, opposite curvatures within the deflection region may arise and
additional Free Points may be defined in order to get a better approximation.
If the additional free points are omitted, then the cubic parabola is fitted between the start and end-point of the
deflection area and, in consequence, the approximation is worse (the resulting geometry is more inaccurate).
The parabola deviates in both cases more or less from the circular shape (curvature radius at the vertex is
smaller than at the transition points). Therefore, the radii listed in TENDON.LST are not equal to the prescribed
Cubic Spline
Straight F F Straight
Exact circle ( R)
Normal The type “Normal” specifies fixed points, where an internal or external tendon has to pass
through. The tangent at this point can be free or constraint (value). Elevation and plan are
separately calculated, i.e., it is possible to prescribe the direction in the elevation and to let it
free in the ground plane or vice versa. This type is default and used for the definition of
internal tendons for all points except the start points of straight sections (for the correct use
of this function for external tendons see External Prestressing (on page 288)).
Line This type defines a start point of a straight tendon section. This might be the begin of a
straight part of an internal or external tendon. The tendon direction is automatically defined
by the positions of this point and the next point. If the type “Line” is used in the external
tendon definition for defining the start of a straight section after a tangent intersection point,
then the entered position in the cross-section is not used, but the intersection point of the
straight connection line between the tangent intersection points and the cross-section plane.
Line (free Y) This type also defines the beginning of a straight tendon part, but in this case for start points
after a straight section and a subsequent curved segment. The next and the two previous
segments are assumed to be in a common plane. Therefore, RM Bridge calculates the plane
built by the two previous points and the subsequent point, and changes the Y coordinate of
the actual point such that the point lies in the prescribed plane.
Line (free Z) Same as “Line (free Y)”, but the Z coordinate is adapted instead of the Y-coordinate.
Intersection This type defines an intersection point of two tangents (or a fix tendon point like “Normal”),
point e.g. tangent intersection points of a deviator block or end-point of an external tendon).
Free node at The type “Free node at the element” defines a point of the tendon with variable position. The
element exact position will be calculated using the specified constraints (e.g. transition of a straight
external part to the internal part in the region of the deviator or intersection point of the
straight part to the curved deviator block).
Intersection An intersection point (free) can be used if the position of this point should be calculated by
point (free) the program such that it becomes a point of the plane defined by three tendon points.
Pretensioned tendons dont have any friction (see Pretensioning of Precast Girders (on page 295)).
I.e., the wobble factor represents the accidental deviation times μ(K = μ×β).
The tendons stressed in an individual prestressing load case are specified in the related input pad, when the load
type Stressing has been selected in Load Definition > Load Set Definition or Load Definition > Load Case
Definition. The action Stress must have been performed for the affected tendons before they can be assigned to
a prestressing load case. Separate load cases have to be created for all stressing sequences applied at different
times in the schedule
When tendons are stressed in two or more steps in different stages, this is considered by assigning different
Stress-labels to the stressing sequences applied at different times. The action Stress with the Stress-label of the
first stressing sequence must in this case be called before the Calc action for the related prestressing load case,
then the action Stress with the Stress-label of the next sequence before Calc for the next related prestressing
load, and so on.
The option Increment-Force / Total-Force is also related to this case of stressing tendons more than once in
the schedule. The option Increment-Force indicates, that any previous stressing state shall be considered and
only the differential forces between the new and the previous state shall be applied. The option Total-Force
indicates, that —for whichever reason— the previous state is not considered and the forces due to the current
stressing sequence are fully applied. Using this option is dangerous. You must take care that the previous
stressing case has not been accumulated in the summation load case or has been subtracted before the new
“total” case is applied. Otherwise, the first stressing part will be doubly considered.
The general usage of the term stressing force is capable of being misunderstood. On the one hand it is used for
describing the force in the tendon applied in the stressing process (see Scheduled Stressing Sequence (on page
297)), and on the other hand —related to the concrete cross-section— for describing the prestressing state of a
structural element. In statically determined structures, the two forces are in equilibrium and therefore
equivalent. The respective internal force state is called “primary state” or “V*e-state”. However, the tendon force
will not be fully applied to the structural concrete element if the system is constrained (especially in longitudinal
direction). The initial prestressing state of the structural element will in this case deviate to some extent from
the V*e state. These “initial prestressing losses” are not considered as primary effects, but as secondary forces.
These secondary internal forces are treated like those due to any other external loadings applied after grouting
the tendons, although they are acting on the net cross-section and do partly change the internal equilibrium
Most design codes do not clearly define, whether the term stressing force is related to the tendon force or to the
force in the prestressed structural element. Therefore, there are often found different perceptions on what is
meant by the terms (pre)-stressing force and (pre)-stressing force losses. In order to avoid this definition
problem, the term (pre)-stressing force is in RM Bridge only used for describing the force, which arises in the
tendons in the stressing actions. With respect to internal force results in the structural elements and tendons, we
strictly use the terms tendon forces, describing the total force in the tendon. Individual loadings applied after the
stressing process yield tendon force changes, which include all changes of the total tendon force (arising before
and after grouting).
Our design code interpretation is, that the term stressing force losses characterised a reduction of the
prestressing state, i.e. of the forces acting on the concrete section due to prestressing. Following the above
described convention characterising the V*e state as initial prestressing state and neglecting initial prestressing
losses, stressing force losses are related to the primary state of the internal force state only. Losses in this sense
are therefore the primary parts of internal forces arising in later load cases. I.e., such stressing losses only arise
due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation, and due to any stressing actions in stressed but not grouted sections of
the structure. (Temperature load cases do not yield primary parts, because it is generally assumed, that the
temperature expansion coefficients of concrete and prestressing steel are identical.) Therefore, whenever
national design codes require stressing forces and stressing force losses being separately considered in checking
procedures, RM Bridge uses the primary parts of the respective load cases. Any initial losses due to longitudinal
constraints are treated like external load case results. Therefore, in RM Bridge, the stressing forces and stressing
force losses are the primary parts of the tendon forces and tendon force changes.
section). After grouting the ducts, the cross-section is strengthened with respect to the original one (composite
It is generally not necessary to adapt the cross-section for the standard static analysis for determining the
internal force state, because the internal forces do not vary very much with stiffness changes. It is however most
often required to use the correct cross-section values for calculating the concrete stresses, because the
deviations of the stresses may be essential.
In order to perform the required cross-section adaptations for the concrete stress calculation RM Bridge offers
three options in the Recalc menu (Special settings):
• Update CS Props.:(+) Tendon Areas
• Update CS Props.:(-) Duct Areas
• Update CS Props.:(+) Grouted Areas
Update CS If this option is set, then the tendon steel area factored by n = Es/Ec is taken into account for
Props.:(+) calculating the composite cross-section to be used for evaluating the concrete stresses. Usually
Tendon selecting this option is only meaningful together with the option for subtracting the duct area
Areas described below. Otherwise, the concrete stiffness in the tendon steel area would be taken into
account additionally to the steel stiffness.
If no duct exists (prestressing in a prestressing bed), then it is recommended nevertheless to
define a duct area (equal to the steel area) in order to get the correct composite cross-section.
The calculated composite cross-section is used for the stress evaluation for all load cases
applied after grouting (action Grout).
Update CS If this option is set, then the net cross-section values (cross-section weakened by the duct
Props.:(-) holes) are used for evaluating the concrete stresses due to all load cases applied before
Duct Areas grouting of the tendons. The net cross-section by subtracting all specified duct holes. After
grouting, the respective steel area is again added if the above described option Update CS (+
tendon steel area) is selected.
Update CS This option governs the treatment of the grout material in the calculation process of the
Props.:(+) composite cross-section. If the option is set, then for the grout material the full area between
Grouted the tendon and the duct is considered with the Young’s modulus of the structural concrete.
Areas Some design codes do not allow to take into account the longitudinal stiffness of the grout
material, in this case the option must not be set. A possibility for partially considering this
stiffness is currently not provided in RM Bridge.
Note: Theoretically —and in the program accepted— the different element series may also be allocated to
different node series. However, the user has in this case to take care, that the correct geometric relations remain
preserved, and that the different element series get the same support conditions allocated.
Attention: In case of multiple stage composite structures, this is not valid for any previously active intermediate
composite elements. These elements must be de-activated when they are replaced by the new composite
elements. Otherwise, they will remain active for the stiffness matrix calculation together with the new composite
However, the basic static analysis also works, if the belonging partial elements are not explicitly activated. In this
case, the program does not allocate the respective result terms in the load case pool. Therefore, no result values
related to the partial elements are presented (e.g., element end displacements), and no further evaluations can
be performed for the partial elements (e.g., function Split (see Option Joined (on page 307)), or fiber stress
checks with the action FibChk).
I.e., they cannot be applied on partial elements belonging to an active composite element, independent of
whether they have been additionally activated or not. This applies to all load types, except the special self-weight
definition types related to partial elements (GPA, GPA0, GPAM, GPI, GPI0, GPIM). Special rules also exist for the
load types “Temperature” and “Prestressing”.
12.4.1 Self-Weight
Using the standard self-weight types (G, G0, GM) for composite elements, you must take into account, that the
specified specific weight is multiplied by the cross-section area Ax of the composite section, which is a fictitious
weighted value.
As described in the Appendix of this manual (Self weight (load and/or mass), load types G, G0, GM), the program
takes the specific weight from the element table, if no value is directly specified. The value stored in the element
table is usually taken over from the material assigned to the element.
In the most common case – composite section consisting of a steel and concrete part, with the concrete material
assigned to the composite element – the calculation of the fictitious cross-section area is performed by
increasing the steel part by a factor of 6.0 to 8.0 (ratio of the Young’s modulus values). However, the ratio of the
specific weights of steel and concrete is only approximately 3.0. In this case, the self-weight of the composite
element is overestimated, i.e., using the standard definitions is on the save side. Depending on the amount of the
contribution of the steel part to the total weight, the user may neglect the deviation, or compensate it by
specifying an accordingly adapted specific weight value. However, calculating fictitious specific weight values for
the composite element may be a tedious process, especially if the ratios between steel and concrete cross-
section areas vary largely along the superstructure.
In order to overcome this shortage, special load types have been provided, allowing for applying the self-weight
on the partial elements rather than on the composite elements. The load types GPA, GPA0, and GPAM can be
used for applying the self-weight of active partial elements on the corresponding composite elements. E.g., the
self-weight of the concrete part can be specified with the specific weight of concrete and that of the steel part
with the specific weight of the steel. For both load definitions a corresponding UDL will be calculated internally,
and applied on the active composite element the partial elements are active parts of.
A 2nd group of special self-weight load types allows for applying the self-weight of partial elements before they
are active (load types GPI, GPI0 and GPIM for applying the elf-weight of inactive partial elements). These types
are typically used for specifying the wet concrete load of the new cross-section parts acting on the active system
before becoming structurally active. Similar to GPA, GPA0, and GPAM, a corresponding UDL will be calculated,
and applied on the active composite elements the specified partial elements will join later on to become a new
composite element.
12.4.2 Temperature
Considering the temperature impact, we must differentiate between a linear and a nonlinear temperature
distribution over the cross-section.
In the case of a constant or linear temperature loading (load type T), it must be taken into account, that this
impact —although being itself linear— causes a nonlinear stress state in the composite cross-section if the
temperature expansion coefficients of the different materials are different. This effect is not automatically
considered in the program, i.e., the program uses the specified expansion coefficient, or the one of the element
table (in accordance with the material assigned to the composite section). You have to enter the temperature
distribution as a nonlinear temperature diagram, if the different temperature expansion coefficients should be
correctly considered. However, it is common use to neglect the temperature expansion differences between steel
and concrete.
For considering nonlinear temperature distributions over the cross-section, the program also uses a common
temperature expansion coefficient. However, you have the possibility to weight the temperatures in the specified
reference set in accordance with the deviations of the coefficient of the respective cross-section part from the
one in the element table. E.g., the temperatures in the steel part may be multiplied by 1.2, if the expansion
coefficient of the concrete is 1.0E-5 1/°C, and the steel value is 1.2E-5 1/°C. The calculation of the equivalent
strain loading is then performed with using the schedule action TempVar (see , schedule action TempVar), in
the same manner, than for ordinary beam elements.
12.4.3 Prestressing
Further details on how to model the prestressing of composite girders are given in Prestressing of Composite
Girders (on page 310). In principle, in Structure > Tendons > Element Assignment, the tendons geometrically
assigned to the partial elements representing the cross-section part where the tendons are located. The
corresponding composite element (or intermediate composite element) is automatically used for preparing the
respective loading (primary state V*e), when the prestressing load case is calculated after the composite element
has been activated.
The function Split is also provided for shear terms. A “reasonable” engineering solution based on the
assumption that shear forces are the dominating terms and torsion moments play a minor role has been
implemented. I.e., Shear forces are split in accordance with “effective” shear areas calculated by integrating the
shear flow in the composite section over the individual parts. The torsional moment of these split shear forces
around the CG of the composite section is used to reduce the calculated torsional moment, and the remaining
part of the torsional moment is then split in accordance with effective torsional moments of inertia of the
different parts. For most practical situations this approach is reasonably accurate.
Due to possibly inaccurate split forces, the program does not use the split internal forces for calculating the
stresses in stress checking routines and —if required— in ultimate load calculations. The contributions of the
different parts may only be used for a general result evaluation, allowing the user for getting a deeper insight in
the internal state of the structure. However, RM Bridge stores additional information in the database (strain
diagrams) allowing for performing correct stress calculations in the checking modules.
Apart from Results > Load Cases and Results > Envelopes, the switch for calling the function Split and
presenting split results is also available in the following functions and schedule actions:
• Properties > RM-Sets (all function and actions using RM-Sets can use the split results)
• Action PlSys (Value default command PLSPLT)
• Actions ListLc, ListSup (Generating output lists of results)
• Computation of shear key forces (see Computation of Shear Key Forces (on page 308))
• Schedule > Additional Constraints > Elements (Constraints for determining the stressing sequence of stay
cables of a cable stayed bridge may be split results)
However, the validity of this formula is limited (connection face parallel to the element axis, constant cross-
section, etc.).
A more general approach is therefore used in RM Bridge. The shear stresses in the connection face must
correspond to the change of the normal force ( dN / dx ) transmitted in that part of the composite element,
which is separated by the considered connection face. These normal forces are available for all partial elements
if the above described function Split has been used. Only the normal force difference between the start and the
end of a partial element has to be calculated to get the total shear force being transmitted by the pins over the
element length. This process avoids the restrictions of the above shear stress formula and the result is consistent
to all other system modeling assumptions.
However, there is another problem arising because the load case superposition of traffic loads and other life
loads does not yield the maximum values for normal force differences, but only for the normal forces. This
problem is solved by using so called combination elements.
RM Bridge allows you to define arbitrary linear combinations of basic element results as results of “combination
elements”. These linear combinations may for instance be displacement differences or, as used in the above
described context, normal force differences between start and end of the element. The required linear
combinations are built in RM Bridge when a load case is calculated, and the results are stored for the
combination element in the same way than the basic results for the structural elements.
An element number different to the numbers of the structural elements has to be defined for every “combination
element”. But this number does in this case not identify a real structural element, but is related to another
(structural) element, whose additional result values are stored under this element number.
The “combination elements” must be activated in Schedule > Stages > Activation, and are then taken into
account in all functions of load case superposition, and influence line calculation. Thus, these elements also allow
for calculating and evaluating influence lines for the shear key forces of a composite element, and for
determining the maximum forces in the shear keys for complex traffic load combinations.
RM Bridge supports the use of “combination elements” for the calculation of shear key forces by automatically
identifying their nature when they get the prescribed element number. The elements must be defined as
standard spring elements with numbers 10000 + element number of the respective partial elements of
composite elements in the database. Additional data such as spring constants or directions are ignored. The
node numbering of these elements must match the node numbering of the respective structural elements.
12.7.1 Examples
• The steel girder of a composite bridge is numbered from 101 to 150
• The automatically established related combination elements get the numbers 10101 to 10150.
However, it is also possible to relate the combination elements to the other set of partial elements,
e.g. elements 10201 to 10250 if the concrete part elements are 201 to 250.
Note: Currently, input facilities for directly defining “combination elements” are not provided. Therefore, spring
elements with the above described numbering scheme must be defined.
The elements must however be specified in the activation list of the construction stage where the shear keys
become active and the transmission of shear forces starts. Results of these combination elements are shear
forces related to unit length. They are displayed in the row “normal force” of the result list if the option Split is
selected. The results are stored as secondary forces, although they are internal constraints.
The design codes of several countries also claim an ultimate load check in addition to the described shear key
calculation for the ultimate serviceability state.
The German code (DIN) requires for instance, that the “Plastic moment” of the composite cross-sections has to
be calculated and the related “total compression forces” in the concrete part - and the related tension forces in
the reinforcement of the cracked zone respectively - be determined. The maximum value of these compression
and tension forces is determined for different sections of the girder (mid-span region, support region) and the
chosen shear key amount must be able to transmit these forces. However, these maximum forces may be
reduced using the ratio between the actual “Ultimate load moment” (moment times safety factor) and the
“Plastic moment”. This reduction factor must not be less than 0.5.
RM Bridge gives the values of the “Ultimate load moment”in the result listing of the computation of the ultimate
moment of the composite cross-section. The “Plastic moment”of the composite cross-section is calculated by
performing the ultimate moment calculation for a zero internal force combination. This is created by initializing
a load case ( LCINIT ) and assigning it without superimposing any calculated load cases to the ultimate moment
calculation action.
Stay cables are generally stressed against the structure. This procedure is modeled by the load type FCAB.
However, FCAB may only be used for doing a linear analysis, where the final stressing force is already known.
This load type performs manipulations on the structural system, which are not compatible with the iterative
process performed in nonlinear analyses or in the AddCon function for calculating the required stressing forces
to achieve the specified additional constraints.
Therefore, FX0 — orequivalent LX0— are generally used to model the stressing process of stay cables. The fact,
that the specified FX0 values are not the true stressing forces, is no disadvantage, because the stressing forces
are generally entered as “unit forces”, and the required stressing forces are a result of the design calculation.
Considering cable sagging requires the self-weight (and any additional load acting on the cable) being
additionally applied apart from the stressing force. This transverse loading must be applied in a separate load
case, in order to avoid factorizing the self-weight together with the unit stressing force. However, the sagging
calculation might be unstable for a loading without longitudinal stressing, therefore the stressing is usually split
into two parts, one fix part applied together with the self-weight, and a 2nd part applied in the load cases, which
are factorized in the AddCon function Restart.
Applying the Cable Subdivision function in the Extras > Structure Manipulation menu creates new partial
elements to be used in the analysis instead of original ones, and simultaneously establishes rigid rotational
constraints (Node supports 1.E10 kNm/rad) at all created intermediate points. It is theoretically also possible to
define subdivided cables directly in the original structure modeling process (e.g., in the RM Modeler), but the
user must be aware, that rotational constraints have to be applied at all intermediate nodes connected to no
other structural members than cable elements.
Note: Considering the P-Delta effects is not automatically included, when the option ”Large displacements” is
selected. I.e. in case of “Large displacement”, the option p-delta must essentially be selected in additionally for
getting correct results.
The basic requirement of all nonlinear calculations is, that total loads always have to be used in the solution
process. However, RM Bridge provides special techniques allowing the schedule with incremental loading being
applied even in nonlinear analyses (see Schedule Options (on page 216)). Two different approaches may be
• The accumulate load method (option Accumulate permanent load in Recalc, see Schedule Options (on page
216)), or
• The accumulate stiffness method (option Accumulate stiffness (SumLC) in Recalc, see Schedule Options (on
page 216))
Both methods require establishing a summation load case (SumLC) by respective superposition techniques,
usually by automatic superposition of permanent load cases governed by Load Management. One of the two
options has essentially to be selected in any nonlinear analysis (except when calculating only one total load
Table 47: Use of RM Bridge calculation functions for cable stayed bridges
Proce Classification P-Delta Cable (non- III rd Order Shear Compression E-modulus
dure lin) displacement compensation (Ernst)
1 Smaller ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Final System
2 Smaller ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
3 Larger ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
10 - 20% 10 - 20% 10% 3 - 7% 10%
Final System
% diff in
4 Larger ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Note: Smaller structures can be understood to be structures with a relatively high girder stiffness where effects
such as P-Delta, Cable sagging etc do not have a significant effect on the structural behavior. These effects will
have a high influence for larger structures.
In principal both methods are equivalent, except that the accumulate load method always assumes conservative
loading, whereas the accumulate stiffness method implicitly assumes an unconservative loading. However,
restrictions of the applicability are given in special cases, and this has especially to be considered in the context
of cable-stayed bridges:
• The accumulate load method (without applying special construction stage constraints) cannot be applied in
construction stage analyses
• The accumulate load method cannot be applied if special loadings, such as prestressing, creep & shrinkage,
element removal occur.
• The accumulate load method cannot be applied if composite elements occur.
• The accumulate stiffness method has none of these restrictions. However, using the nonlinear stiffness
matrix does not cover all nonlinearity effects. E.g., the fact that the mostly fundamental weight loading is
conservative, is not considered. Therefore, when large displacements have to be considered, better results
will often be achieved by performing the analysis on an initially deformed system and using only the option
P-Delta effect.
Design OK ?
no .
restore original
node supports
Figure 84: Proposed procedure for using nonlinear cable elements in construction stage analysis Step 3: Input the New Cable Elements (Second State System)
The original cable elements with the full cable length are replaced in this step by the series of shorter cable
elements related to the defined subdivision. The node coordinates must be created by using the results of the
step 2 cable geometry calculation.
Note that the intermediate nodes must get rigid rotational restraints in order to avoid an unstable system (cable
elements do not have a bending and torsion stiffness). When using the macro Extras > Structure Manipulation
> Subdivision of cable elements, or the step 3 macro of Extras > Pre-Processors > Preprocessor for cable-
stayed bridges, the created TCL file will automatically contain the required commands for defining the rotation
When using the macro Extras > Structure Manipulation > Subdivision of cable elements, the original system
will be subdivided and new elements created. The sagging curve has to be created “by hand” by changing the
coordinates of the created points by the amount of the previously calculated deflections. The new elements are
then activated instead of the original ones, and the load sets simulating the stressing have to be related to the
new elements.
Using the step 3 macro of Extras > Pre-Processors > Preprocessor for cable-stayed bridges performs the
same subdivision process and additionally automatically adds the deformations of the specified load case,
activates the new cable elements instead of the old ones and relates the stressing loads to the new elements.
Note: The calculation time will considerably increase with each additional nonlinear effect considered.
In any case, cable sagging and creep and shrinkage effects should be considered in every analysis (creep makes
the analysis nonlinear because the cable stressing loads influence the creep behavior).
Note: The final support springs are not used in the ILM data preparation function. Therefore, ILM springs have to
be defined also where final supports exist.
A special macro function (Structure > ILM (Incremental launching method)) has been provided in RM Bridge
in order to support these special requirements (see Structure ILM (Incremental Launch Method (on page 111)).
The application of this function is restricted to the following conditions:
• The road alignment in plan view must be straight or circular.
• The road alignment in elevation is supposed to be straight.
• The cross section depth should be constant.
• Different cross section depths are possible, but – in order to allow for subdividing the superstructure
elements – the cross-sections must be element-wise constant. I.e. only sudden cross-section changes at
element ends are allowed.
• The bridge deck’s structural nodes need to be allocated along a straight system line (most frequently at top of
the cross section). This is also valid for the launching nose!
• The specific ILM – supports (spring elements in addition to the ‚ordinary’ supports) must be allocated along
the same system line.
• These springs (and nodes) are preferably defined in the RM Modeler (GP). Elements located outside the
structure (e.g. the casting yard) can of course be directly defined in RM Bridge.
• The spring constants of the ILM supports should be specified as follows:
Cx = 1e10, Cy, Cz, Rx, Ry, Rz = very small in order to avoid constraints, but providing for a stable system.
• Prestressing (Tendon definition, stressing sequence, etc.) as well as Creep & Shrinkage is defined in the usual
Important: As a rule, each span of the superstructure should be subdivided into at least 10 elements to get a
sufficiently good answer for the dynamic behavior. High piers have also to be subdivided, if the mass of the pier
has a considerable influence.
Other additional structural requirements may concern the boundary conditions or admissibility of model
simplifications, such as for instance calculating a six or seven span bridge instead of a 30 span bridge with
constant span lengths. You have to check from case to case whether the chosen the model assumptions allow a
sufficiently accurate solution of the required dynamic analysis.
Attention: Masses are generally scalar values, acting in the same manner in all possible acceleration directions.
Thus, the definition of masses as force vectors requires entering the same value for all three force-components.
RM Bridge does not set zero force components automatically equal to the non-zero value (except for the self
weight masses). This enables the user to take into account special effects (e.g., to exclude or reduce the vibration
in a certain direction, considering hydrodynamic masses etc.), but requires being careful and specifying all three
components in the standard case.
Note: Rotational mass inertia values can only be entered in terms of moments of mass inertia. The definition in
terms of radii of mass inertia is not possible.
Note: The specified factors will be applied to the complete specified Load Set or set of directly defined loads.
That means, that masses and loads will be factorized in the same manner, if they are in the same load set.
Because the masses (or at least the greatest part) are constant in time, the rolling masses and loads must usually
be placed in different Load Sets.
Note that Const-Fac and Var-Fac will be applied in parallel in dynamic time stepping analyses; i.e., Var-Fac
refers to the deviation of the loading from a constant level. That means, the load set will be multiplied by the sum
of Const-Fac and Var-Fac (LS × [Const-Fac + Var-Fac]).
Once the load case for the dynamic analysis has been specified, it will be assigned in the function Schedule >
Stages > Schedule Actions to the required schedule actions (e.g., TInt, Eigen, RespS, …).
The modal analysis function works with an overall valid damping degree Xsi, which is specified in Recalc >
Dynamic. Element-wise varying damping is in contradiction to the modal analysis theory.
In addition to the list created by the schedule action Eigen itself, the action ListMod can be used to create a
more detailed output listing. This listing contains at begin a table with all found natural frequencies with several
additional governing parameters of the natural modes. The following table shows an example.
1 9.266 1.4747 122 Vy 0.2211E+02 0.1262E+03 0.1083E+05
2 9.266 1.4747 122 Vz 0.2211E+02 0.1262E+03 0.1083E+05
3 30.024 4.7785 135 Vy 0.2230E+02 0.1257E+03 0.1133E+06
4 30.024 4.7785 135 Vz 0.2230E+02 0.1257E+03 0.1133E+06
5 62.636 9.9688 140 Vy 0.2276E+02 0.1257E+03 0.4932E+06
6 62.636 9.9688 140 Vz 0.2276E+02 0.1257E+03 0.4932E+06
7 107.090 17.0439 143 Vy 0.2367E+02 0.1272E+03 0.1459E+07
8 107.090 17.0439 143 Vz 0.2367E+02 0.1272E+03 0.1459E+07
9 163.373 26.0016 144 Vz 0.2440E+02 0.1268E+03 0.3384E+07
10 163.373 26.0016 144 Vy 0.2440E+02 0.1268E+03 0.3384E+07
Omega is herein the angular frequency in [rad/sec], Hertz the frequency in Hz (rotations/sec). The
next row shows the node which gives the relevant displacement or rotation, with the respective
degree of freedom under DOF. PHI*PHI is the square (scalar product) of the respective mode vector.
The value PHI*M*PHI is known as generalized mass and PHI*K*PHI as generalized stiffness of the
respective mode.
Rule Description
Adding the absolute values of all individual contributions ( Rtot = Σ | Ri | )
Pythagorean addition (the individual modes are completely uncorrelated) ( Rtot = Σ Ri2 )
DSC (Double Sum Combination), [Rosenblueth and Elorduy, “Responses of Linear Systems to Certain
Transient Disturbances”, 4th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago de Chile, 1969],
and [Newmark/Rosenblueth, Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1971]).
Rule Description
This rule takes into account a correlation between the contributions of the individual modes
n n
Rtot = Σ Σ ρij Ri R j
i=1 j=1
ρij =
1+ ( ωi ′ − ω j ′
ξi ′ ωi + ξ j ′ ω j
2 −1
This sign adjustment is also applied in the DSC rule. By this means the results of DSC and CQC are
essentially between the ABS rule results as upper bound and SRSS results as lower bound.
Note: The damping ratio ξi used in DSC and CQC for calculating the correlation factors ρij is dependent
on the earthquake duration value (Duration) and the basic value (Damp-Fact ξ0) entered in Schedule
> Load Definition > Earthquake Load. The formula is ξi = ξ0 + 2 / (ωi × Duration).
CQCX Variant of the CQC rule. CQCX is the original CQC as described in literature (without sign adjustment).
Sign adjustment corresponds to limiting phase shift considerations to 180° whereas the original CQC
essentially considers phase shifting constraints over 360°. Using this approach effects in fully
considering any mass damper effects, i.e. the result values can drop down below SRSS results.
Note: Due to scientific discussions in 2012 we came to the conclusion that CQCX is the correct
approach and the CQC solution with sign adjustment is too conservative.
The combination rule to be used must be specified together with the vector of ground motion and the respective
type (motion in terms of displacements, velocities or accelerations) in Schedule > Load Definition >
Earthquake Load. This function is used to specify different seismic events, which can be referenced in the
dynamic calculation action RespS (see ) provided for performing the earthquake analysis.
Attention: The ordinate values of the response spectrum are dimensionless amplification factors of the
characteristic motion amplitude defined in Schedule > Load Definition > Earthquake Load. The spectrum can
of course contain actual motion values if the vector of characteristic motion is given as a normalized vector. Example
We assume that the variable describing the response spectrum were named RESP.
The variable will now have the form
RESP may be related to a displacement-amplitude, velocity-amplitude or acceleration-amplitude. This
property is assigned in Schedule > Load definition > Seismic and not specified in the variable
definition function.
However, in the case of the ordinate value not being directly related to the specified vector of the
ground motion (e.g. if the vector is given in ag/g with ag being the ground acceleration and g the
gravity constant) additional transformation has to be used to describe the spectrum. This can be
performed with introducing an additional variable ORDINAT.
If e.g., the spectrum is entered in terms of factors of g, the appropriate formulation will be:
RM Bridge uses internally the angular velocity ω [rad/sec] available as internal variable OMEGA as
abscissa value. It is necessary to establish the relationship between this internal variable and the
actually used abscissa value. When the spectrum is given in terms of angular velocities, the
appropriate variable definition for assigning OMEGA will simply be:
For spectra given in terms of Hertz or the Period T, the appropriate variable definition is
Similarly, for spectra given in terms of logarithms of Hertz or the Period T, the appropriate variable
definition is
ABSCISSA = f (OMEGA) = log (OMEGA/2π) or
ABSCISSA = f (OMEGA) = log (2π/OMEGA).
the different structural parts contribute to a different extent to the deformation shape of the structure.
Therefore, the requirement arises, that different response spectra can be assigned to different natural modes.
RM Bridge offers the possibility to assign in Schedule > Load definition > Earthquake load several response
spectra to each earthquake event. These different spectra are valid for different damping ratios (e.g., Resp1 for
2% damping, Resp2 for 5% damping, Resp3 for 10% damping). In order to allow the function RespS for using
the respective values in the calculation, an additional variable (table) must be defined, which describes the
damping ratio as a function of the mode number or the natural frequency. The valid damping ratio for the
individual natural modes is then evaluated in Schedule > Stages > Schedule actions RespS. The relevant
spectral value is calculated by interpolation, i.e., the spectral values of the spectra related to the next lower and
the next higher reference damping-ratio are determined and the actual spectral value is calculated by
interpolating between these reference values.
In practice, the engineer will in the first step calculate the natural modes. With analysing the shapes of these
modes he can estimate, to which extent the different structural parts are participating to the deformation, i.e.
which percentage of the total energy can be assigned to the different structural parts. This allows for defining an
approximate effective damping ratio for each natural mode. These values can then be specified in Properties >
Variables in the damping dependency table. This table can then be assigned in Schedule > Stages > Schedule
actions RespS for calculating the answer of the structure.
The problem with damping of the foundation is especially addressed in this context, because it remains often
unconsidered. Generally, it is implicitly assumed that the deformation of the foundation is much smaller than the
deformation of the structure. Although this is often justified, there can indeed cases arise, where structures are
weakly supported and the lowest natural modes have a considerable rigid body movement part, which has a
much higher damping than the bending of the structure.
1. A response spectrum (Properties > Variables) is defined as a variable (or several response spectra for
different damping ratios).
2. The seismic loading (name and type of the response spectrum or spectra, direction vector) is defined
(Schedule > Load definition > Earthquake load).
3. Natural modes have been calculated before (Properties > Variables in the damping dependency table. This
table can then be assigned in Schedule > Stages > Schedule actions Eigen).
4. Initialization of the superposition file, which will contain the results (Schedule > Stages > Schedule actions
5. (Optional) In Properties > Variables definition of the dependency table between natural mode or natural
frequency and damping ratio, if different response spectra shall be considered for different natural modes.
6. Calculate the seismic forces with the action RespS using the specified response spectrum
7. Create the list file and/or graphic in order to view the results
† The user-defined spectrum is internally transformed into an equivalent displacement spectrum in order to
allow for using it for factorizing the calculated shape. If the specified spectrum is given in terms of velocities, the
value will be divided by the angular velocity ω to give the equivalent displacement value. If the specified
spectrum is given in terms of accelerations, the values will be divided by the square of the angular velocity ω2.
In the above example, the response spectrum has been defined in terms of the vibration period T and as related
to the ground accelerations. The second eigenvalue of ω = 1.534 corresponds to a period T = 4.1. The entered
table contained the value 0.781 for T = 4.0 and 0.752 for T = 4.2. The interpolation value for T = 4.1 is 0.767.
Dividing this value by ω2 we get the shown response value of 0.326.
The mode participation factor is the multiplier for the respective mode shape to give the actual contribution of
this mode to the total response of the structure. This factor is calculated by multiplying the displacement
response value Sw with the mass participation factor related to the direction of the ground motion Li divided by
the generalized mass Mi. (Li = {φi}T×{M}×v, Mi = {φi}T×{M}×{φi}, Vector of ground motion {v}={vx,vy,vz,0, 0,
Thus the formula for calculating the shown mode factor is Factor = Li/Mi×Sw.
The time interval to be investigated is specified as a parameter of the dynamic calculation action TInt
performing the time history analysis (parameter Delta-t (Inp2), given in seconds). The action related time axis
(tint) —presented as abscissa in the time diagrams of result values— is locally defined and does not influence the
global time of the schedule. I.e., the definition range is zero to Delta-t for each TInt action.
The time step (dt) for the numerical integration scheme is specified in Recalc > Dynamic (see Dynamics (on
page 223)). The default value is 0.01 seconds, a reasonable value for bridge structures, where the relevant
natural frequencies are between 1 and 10 Hz, corresponding to periods of 1 to 0.1 seconds. One tenth of the
lowest relevant period is indeed a limit value for getting passably accurate results, and smaller time steps have
to be used if eigenvalues above 10 Hz give a considerable contribution. With respect to moving loads, the default
value 0.01 seconds stands —in the case of a maximum speed of 100 m/sec (360 km/h)— for moving the load
train by 1 m in one time step.
The global schedule time t is calculated in the TInt action by using t = tstart + tint although it is not directly used.
It is reset to tstart at the end of the action in order to avoid influencing the schedule. However, it is available to be
used for defining the time dependency of the loads and masses.
load application
using ‘f1’
Elem1 Elem2 Elem3 Elem4 Elem5 Elem6
load application
using ‘f2’
Elem1 Elem2 Elem3 Elem4 Elem5 Elem6
load application
using ‘f3’
Elem1 Elem2 Elem3 Elem4 Elem5 Elem6
load application
using ‘f4’
The internal function to be used for modeling this triangular influence shape is diract (see Operators and
Available Mathematical Functions (on page 77)). Note, that the action related time value is not directly available
as internal variable, i.e., you have to define time tint by creating a user-defined variable (e.g., Tint) as a function
of the internal variables t and tstart (Tint = t – tstart). This variable can then be used in the diract function to
describe the time dependency of the loads and masses.
Even when restricting the moving load and mass definition to nodal point loads and masses, generating all
required variables and load sets is a tedious process. Therefore, a preprocessor macro has been provided in
Extras > Pre-Processors to generate these data. This macro Pre-processor for moving load creates a TCL file
containing all these variables and load sets from few input data like the load train definition (axle loads and
spacing) and the velocity (see Extras Preprocessors Preprocessor for Moving Loads (on page 119), Extras > Pre-
Processors > Preprocessor for Moving Load).
Note: The design wind speed is in most design codes given as a direction independent value, although the
maximum speed is in reality often distinctly different for different directions.
Displacement Peak
Note: In many design codes the design value q is directly given instead of the design speed, as a function of the
level above the ground surface.
In RM Bridge, the definition of the shape coefficients is performed by specifying “aero classes” assigned to the
different structural elements. Details on the specification of these aerodynamic cross-section classes are given in
Properties > Aero Classes . RM Bridge also offers the possibility to calculate the shape coefficients with an
inbuilt CFD code based on the Discrete Vortex Method (see ).
The basic wind parameters like direction, speed and density are entered in the load definition part, either
directly in the static wind load-types Mean drag (DRAGM), Mean lift (LIFTM), and Mean pitch (PITCHM), or via
specifying a dynamic wind profile as described below (numbered database object). This wind profile is assigned
with using the load type Mean wind load (WINDM) (see and ).
2. Entering a time stepping loop with time step dt for MaxIterations iterations
3. Enforcing the boundary conditions (conservation of total circulation, fixed oncoming flow with velocity
Velocity and direction Angle) and computing aerodynamic loads
4. Convection of the free vortex particles (second term of left hand side in equation above)
5. Diffusion of the free vortex particles (right hand side in equation above)
6. Creating new vortex particles at the cross section surface
7. Performing housekeeping (delete particles which entered body, move body, etc.)
8. Proceeding to next time step if necessary
Typical values for the number of panels are between 300 and 500. Two strategies can be applied for choosing
the time-step dt. They are either related to the panel length by
dt = C ⋅ U
C = a constant of order one
Δs = the panel length
U = the wind velocity
or defined as a fixed non-dimensional time-step
dt * = dt ⋅ ℓ
dt* = the fixed non-dimensional time-step (e.g., 0.025)
U =
ℓ = a characteristic length (e.g., depth of cross section)
The number of iterations is typically chosen such that the duration of the time integration is 30 non-dimensional
time-units (i.e., 1200 if a non-dimensional time-step of 0.025 is used).
Usually the core size of the vortex particles is determined according to
σ = hq
h = the typical spacing of the particles along the surface (in general
between Δs/10 and Δs/5)
q = an exponent between 0.5 and 0.75
For further reading:
1. Spalart, P.R, Vortex Methods for Separated Flows, NASA TM 100068, NASA, 1988.
2. Walther, J.H., Discrete Vortex Method for Two-Dimensional Flow past Bodies of Arbitrary Shape Undergoing
Prescribed Rotary and Translational Motion, PhD Thesis, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 1994.
3. Morgenthal, G., Aerodynamic Analysis of Structures Using High-resolution Vortex Particle Methods, PhD Thesis,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 2004.
15.1.1 General
Most design codes require checking the fiber stresses in the extreme points of the cross-section, and to compare
them with allowable stresses. The points where RM Bridge calculates fiber stresses, are the reference points of
the type stress point, as defined in the cross-section specification process (see Cross-Sections Reference Sets (on
page 65)). These points must be specified, when the cross-section is defined (preferably in the RM Modeler
(formerly GP)).
For comparing the actual stresses with the allowable values, the user must have defined stress limits. These
limits are material parameters, allocated to the respective material of the structural elements (see Material
Table (on page 55)). Up to six stress limit pairs (limits for negative and positive stresses) may be defined in the
material parameter table. You specify in the checking action which of these pairs shall be used in the current
The material tables provided in the default database of RM Bridge do partially contain stress limit pairs, which
may be used in different design code checks. However, with respect to stress limits, there is no claim of
completeness in the default data, and no systematic implementation of stress limit pairs has been provided. You
must check in any application whether the required stress limit pairs are defined and whether any defined
default values match the current needs.
values, or zero, if the sign of the stress value is different for different internal force vectors of the envelope. The -
MAX and -MIN values are identical in checks for a load case. Values exceeding the limits are marked with #.
A graphic presentation of fiber stress diagrams with the related stress limits (diagrams of stresses of a certain
stress point along a group of elements) can be performed with using RM-Sets and the related plot action DgmSet
(see DgmSet (on page 203)), or with the other functions for graphic result presentation (see Graphical Result
Presentation (on page 230)).
or zero (=unlimited) stresses in the stress limit pair definition. (Apparently, it would also be possible to delete all
attribute sets related to bending reinforcement).
In the iteration process, the concrete stresses are always assumed to be zero in the tension zone, independent of
any other tensile stress limit specified in the assigned stress limit pair. This assumption is in accordance with the
perception, that —after occurrence of an initial crack at the concrete surface— the crack will in any case
propagate to the neutral axis in the cross-section. Therefore, it is possible to use the same stress limit pair for
both, the detection of cracked sections (1st stress limit pair) and the iteration process (2nd stress limit pair),
without assuming, that the tensile stresses below the specified limit also act in the cracked section.
Linear elasticity is assumed in this check for the prestressing and the reinforcement steel as well as for the
compression zone of the concrete. This can be considered as being allowed due to the fact, that this check is
usually performed for the ultimate serviceability state. Any nonlinear stress-strain diagrams defined in the
material table for describing a nonlinear material behavior are not considered, in contradiction to the ultimate
load check according to Ultimate Load Capacity Check (on page 344). The iteration is only performed within the
specified limits (allowable compression stress and strain in the concrete, allowable stress and strain in
prestressing and reinforcement steel).
The load case containing the initial strain of the prestressing steel may be specified in this check, as it is also
required in the ultimate load check. However, this definition is irrelevant in this context, because the check is
only performed for the linear elastic material behavior region (the initial strain is only used for establishing the
correct stress-strain relationship of the prestressing steel in the strain iteration process).
If the option Rein is not set, then the data describing the equilibrium state, found for points where the tensile
stress limit is exceeded, is written to the list file. The listing is equivalent to the one created with the ultimate
load check (sub-function Ult, see Performing the Ultimate Load Capacity Check (on page 350)). For points,
where no equilibrium can be achieved within the specified limits, question marks are presented instead of the
internal reaction force rates, only the acting forces and the primary strain of the tendons are accurately output.
If the option Rein is set, a bending reinforcement design (see Reinforcement Design (on page 352)) is
performed for all points, where no equilibrium can be found with the current prestressing and reinforcement
contents. I.e., using this option required the appropriate reference sets (see Cross-Sections Reference Sets (on
page 65)) and attribute sets (see Stress-Strain Diagrams (on page 61)) being defined. The required additional
reinforcement is output in the list file. The option is not an additional, but an alternative option, i.e., if it is set, no
printout of the found equilibrium state is performed for points, where no additional reinforcement is required.
15.2.1 General
The calculation of shear, principal and equivalent stresses is also related to the stress points (see Cross-Sections
Reference Sets (on page 65)) defined for the cross-sections of the beam elements. It is performed with using the
checking action PrincLc or PrincSup respectively.
By selecting the appropriate option, it is possible to calculate and output either shear stresses, principal stresses,
or equivalent stresses. The output listing contains for every result point the relevant internal force vector, the
longitudinal stress value, and the shear stresses in y- and z-directions due to torsion Mx and the shear forces Qy
and Qz (separate values). Dependent on the selected option, either the principal stresses, or the equivalent
stresses or the total shear stresses are additionally output.
When calculating the stresses for an envelope (PrincSup), the maximum vectors and minimum vectors are
separately grouped. The program searches for each group the internal force vector giving the most unfavorable
considered stress value (principal stress, equivalent stress, or shear stress). The stress results due to this
internal force vector are output.
Note: The evaluation of shear stresses and derived principal and equivalent stress values may require a finer FE-
mesh, than required for the calculation of cross-section values. In any case, the unit stresses of the cross-section
calculation should be thoroughly checked, and defining stress points should be avoided for locations, where
stress peaks arise due to insufficient mesh refinement.
The resulting shear stresses in y and z directions are both output under SumT if one of the options Shear stress
y-direction or Shear stress z-direction is selected. The difference between the two options is related to
whether the shear stress in y direction or in z direction shall become a maximum or minimum value.
The calculated equivalent stress value is in both cases output under SigI. The negative equivalent stress value is
given under SigIII, indicating, that the related impact may also predominantly consist of compression stresses.
The value SigII is not used in the printout of equivalent stresses (always zero).
15.3.1 General
The ultimate load capacity check proves that the required safety against failure due to longitudinal stressing
(normal force and bending) is given. The principals are the same in all modern design codes. The extreme
internal force state is multiplied by safety factors as specified in the design code. Different safety factors must in
general be applied for different types of impacts. This factorized internal force state is called the ultimate limit
state. The aim is to prove, that the structure does not fail under these loading conditions, i.e., that the strains
remain within the allowable limits. The internal equilibrium is calculated with taking into account the nonlinear
stress-strain relationship of the materials, but any internal force redistribution due to this nonlinearity is not
The ultimate load capacity check is performed in RM Bridge with using the schedule action UltSup —if the
ultimate limit state is an envelope— or UltLc if it is a load case (see Check actions (LC) and Check actions (SUP)).
A selection of elements for performing the check, or for excluding it, can be done Structure > Elements >
The following presumptions exist for performing the check action:
• The relevant internal force state (ultimate limit state) must be available as an envelope or as an individual
load case in the load case pool.
• The required material properties must be defined in the material table (stress-strain diagram for ultimate
load check).
• The respective reinforcement groups must be defined if the structure is not prestressed or if – in addition to
the prestressing tendons - any reinforcement shall be considered. The position of this reinforcement is
defined by cross-section related reference sets (see Cross-Sections Reference Sets (on page 65)), and the
related physical parameters by attribute sets (see Properites Groups / Attributes Sets (Reinforcement
Properties) (on page 61)).
• Any prescribed reinforcement amount to be considered must be defined in the element table (definition of a
fix amount in Structure > Elements > Checks, or storing the required variable reinforcement by performing
the respective reinforcement design action (see Reinforcement Design (on page 352)).
• Definition of the prestressing tendons for prestressed structures
Envelopes characterising the ultimate limit state are usually created with using the combination table (see
Combination Table (on page 134)) and the schedule action SupComb. The combination table contains in the
different rows the factors for the different loading categories to be used in the different design code checks.
We recommend using the first 10 rows for specifying the combination rules for the design code checks for the
serviceability state (fiber stress checks), and from row 11 onwards the rules for the ultimate limit states. Many
design codes require investigating different combinations with different sets of safety factors, e.g., the German
code DIN the quasi-permanent state, the ordinary extreme state and an extra-ordinary state, where very seldom
and improbable impacts like earthquakes are included.
For prestressed structures, the prestressing load cases must be included in the relevant limit state. The
secondary part of the internal forces due to prestressing is treated like any other external loading. The primary
part is treated separately (see Performing the Ultimate Load Capacity Check (on page 350)). The initial strains
of the tendons (primary part of the tendon strains) are taken from the summation load case SumLc specified in
the Recalc pad if no separate Initial strain load-case is specified. Specifying a “*” (general code for “default”)
causes the current ultimate limit state combination to be taken. However, this must not be applied if the current
ultimate limit state combination contains prestressing multiplied with a safety factor which shall not be applied
to the initial strain definition.
Some design codes require factorizing also the prestressing load-cases. In this case, the user has to check if the
same factorization is required for both —primary and secondary— parts, or if different factors must be applied.
Special requirements arise, if the factors are different. RM Bridge supports this case by e.g. allowing for
generating load cases, where secondary forces and primary forces are differently factorized. This possibility is
given in the schedule action LcInit (see , action LcInit). This load case can be used instead of the original
prestressing load case for creating the envelope representing the relevant ultimate limit state.
Note: The diagrams must be specified with the correct sign in monotonously ascending order. They must be
defined in the tensile and in the compression domain.
Note that the entered stress-strain diagram also specifies the ultimate limit strain state, i.e., the strain value of
the first line characterises the strain limit for compression, and the strain value of the last line the respective
limit for tension. That means, it is not possible to define a general diagram for the whole domain with separately
specifying the allowable limits.
Presuming plane strain over the cross-section, and a nonlinear stress-strain diagram of the materials, a stress
distribution as schematically shown in the previous figure will occur. The internal forces will be calculated by
integrating the concrete stresses and the stresses in the reinforcement steel. Any reinforcement in the
compression zone will also be considered.
The basic task (option Ult) of the ultimate load capacity check is the determination of the strain distribution,
where the forces gained by integrating the nonlinear stress distribution are in equilibrium with the
computational ultimate limit state. The required safety against failure is given, if an equilibrium state can be
found within the specified strain limits.
The computational ultimate limit state will in general yield a strain state, where the ultimate strains are not
reached —neither in the concrete compression zone (εc,ult) nor in the reinforcement steel (εs,ult)— provided the
capacity is not exceeded. In many cases it is indeed required to calculate also the capacity of the cross-section. In
RM Bridge, this is done by incrementing the individual components of the ultimate limit state until the ultimate
strain is reached either in the extreme fiber of the concrete compression zone or – as in most cases – in the
critical reinforcement bar.
These ultimate states are called limit states of the bearing capacity, capacity limit states, or ultimate load
capacities of the cross-section. The individual components are in RM Bridge separately increased, hence yielding
the limit state of the normal force capacity and ultimate moment capacities for the lateral moment My and the
main bending moment Mz. The latter is often simply called the ultimate moment capacity.
The previous figure shows the context for calculating the ultimate moment capacity: starting from the ultimate
limit state Nx and Mz, the bending moment Mz is increased until —with maintaining the condition Nx = C + P
— either the limit compression strain is reached in the concrete compression zone, or the limit tensile strain is
reached in the critical reinforcement bar. The figure shows the standard case, where the tensile limit strain εs,ult
in the reinforcement is decisive. In this case, the tension force P will be the maximum allowable force Pult. The
corresponding ultimate capacity moment Mult is Mz+ΔMz.
For prestressed structures, the situation is a little more complex. The internal force state due to prestressing
consists of an internal equilibrium state (primary state or V*e-state) and a secondary part (constraint part),
which must be treated like any other forces resulting from external loadings. The only difference is that maybe
other safety factors are required than for other external load cases. However, the primary part has to be
considered differently, because increasing this part will possibly increase the bearing capacity.
Because the primary part is an internal equilibrium state, it can theoretically be omitted in the equilibrium
calculation. This is recommended in different textbooks. However, the total strain must in any case be
considered for calculating the internal forces, therefore it might be more suitable to perform the iteration
directly with total forces. It is clear that the initial strain of the prestressing tendons must be considered
additionally to the strains of the cross-sections being varied in the iteration process.
We consider a simply supported beam with internal prestressing, as shown in the following figure. In (a) we see
the strain and stress distribution due to prestressing. Applying external loads (e.g., self-weight) yields —with
assuming linear behavior— a strain and stress distribution as presented in (b).
Strain Stress
(a) Prestressing εc,top
εp,0 Nx,0
The example presumes that assuming linearity the ultimate limit state yields tensile stresses on the bottom edge.
The actual resulting stress when considering nonlinearity will be similar to the one presented in (c) for the
ultimate moment capacity state. In the basic proof check (option Ult, calculation of the strain state
corresponding to the given ultimate limit state) the total forces (primary + secondary) have to be considered in
the strain calculation. I.e., for evaluating the tendon forces, the initial strain of the tendons has to be taken into
account in addition to the corresponding iterated strain value of the cross-section.
When calculating the capacity, the primary part is neutral. The utilization level is given by comparing the
capacity value without primary state with the ultimate limit state without primary part. However, for calculating
the internal forces, both, the initial strain of the tendons and the primary state of the concrete section have to be
2D / If 3D is selected, the check is performed for simultaneous bending in two directions, i.e., My and Mz act
3D always together on the cross-section. If 2D is selected the check is performed for unidirectional
bending, separately for Nx + My and/or Nx + Mz.
Ult RM Bridge calculates the equilibrium state between nonlinear internal forces and the given ultimate
limit state forces. This is done by iterative variation of the strains, with calculating the internal forces
by using the nonlinear stress-strain diagrams. UltSup calculates the equilibrium for all result vectors
of the envelope. However, only the most critical cases are output in the list file.
Nx RM Bridge calculates the ultimate normal force capacity of the cross-section. The given normal force
Nx is increased without changing the bending moments My and Mz until the bearing capacity is
reached. The resulting internal force vector is called the ultimate normal force capacity of the cross-
section. This state can be stored for later usage by specifying an output superposition file.
My RM Bridge calculates the ultimate moment capacity of the cross-section for the horizontal bending
moment My. The bending moment My is increased without changing the normal force Nx and the
moment Mz until the bearing capacity is reached. The resulting internal force vector is called the
ultimate lateral moment capacity of the cross-section. This state can be stored for later usage by
specifying an output superposition file.
Mz RM Bridge calculates the ultimate moment capacity of the cross-section for the vertical bending
moment Mz. The bending moment Mz is increased without changing the normal force Nx and the
moment My until the bearing capacity is reached. The resulting internal force vector is called “ultimate
moment capacity” of the cross-section. This state can be stored for later usage by specifying an output
superposition file.
104 C_45 | -5810.28 -5279.88 7799.34 | 9.5114 1.3423 -0.9087
R-B GRADE_| 400.00 0.00 822.79 | 0.0010 -2.0570 0.0000
R-T GRADE_| -16.42 -9.01 22.05 | 0.0010 1.3430 -0.5490
101 PT 1 | 5426.70 -0.35 10354.01 | 0.0096 -1.9080 0.0001
TOTAL ULT | 0.00 -5289.24 18998.19 |
Block 2:
104 C_45 |-470568.33 -5268.03 24369.17 | 9.5114 0.0518 -0.0112
R-B GRADE_| -268.23 -6.04 -551.74 | 0.0010 -2.0570 -0.0225
R-T GRADE_| -389.22 -15.35 522.73 | 0.0010 1.3430 -0.0394
101 PT 1 | -2799.82 0.18 -5341.98 | 0.0096 -1.9080 0.0001
TOTAL MIN-NX|-474025.59 -5289.24 18998.19 |
Each block consists of a table with the forces of the individual components and with relevant geometric
parameters, and a table with maximum and minimum values of the strains. A 3rd table with integral forces (sum
of compression forces, sum of tension forces etc) is output if there is a big amount of tendons in the cross-
section. The printout of the tendon values is in this case restricted to the tendons with maximum and minimum
total strain.
The first block shows the internal state, being in equilibrium with the given ultimate limit state, and the 2nd
block the ultimate moment capacity for Mz. The row under “Part” contains
The forces Nx, My, Mz on the left side are the internal forces of the different components with respect to the
center of gravity of the cross-section. The tendon force values are here the secondary parts. The primary parts of
the tendon forces are given on the right side.
The 2nd table shows the stresses and strains:
EPS-MIN min. strain [in per mil] resp. total strain for tendons
SIG-MIN min. stress resp. total stress for tendons
AX cross-section area of the cross-section component
EPS-MAX max. strain [in per mil] resp. initial strain for tendons
SIG-MAX max. stress resp. primary stress for tendons
The 3rd table contains integral forces, the first line the sum of compression forces. These are usually the concrete
compression force and the forces of reinforcements and tendons in the compression zone (secondary part). The
second line contains the sum of tensile forces, the third line the total forces. In the first block (option Ult), they
are identical with the total internal force state. In the second block they represent the respective ultimate state
of the bearing capacity.
15.4.1 General
The bending reinforcement design is done in RM Bridge in the context of the ultimate load capacity check
(schedule action UltSup or UltLc respectively, see Ultimate Load Capacity Check (on page 344)) by selecting the
option Rein. If this option is selected, the required bending reinforcement is calculated for all points, where the
required safety is not given when considering the fixed reinforcement and/or prestressing tendons only. The
program determines the necessary reinforcement to raise the bearing capacity to the required value.
For points, where no additional reinforcement is required, the text “No additional reinforcement required” is
written into the list file. Otherwise, the output contains the relevant internal force state (Nx, My, Mz), the name
of the Attribute Set representing the respective reinforcement and the amount (section area) of the required
reinforcement. A1 is the fix amount prescribed by the user and A2 is the calculated additional amount. IT gives
the number of iterations the program needed for determining the appropriate equilibrium state.
function of the slenderness, i.e., the relevant buckling length and cross-section dimension. The parameters used
for the calculation of the additional eccentricity are code dependent.
In RM Bridge the consideration of such additional eccentricities may be performed by defining an RM Sets of the
type “PIERDIM”, which can be referenced in the actual ultimate limit design of the reinforcement (actions
UltChk with option Rein). This RM Set contains a list of elements where such an additional eccentricity shall be
calculated and taken into account in the design calculations.
The calculation of this additional eccentricity is performed by assigning a set of RM variables which is evaluated
by using internal variables as specified in Table 5 6 (on page 78) and Table 5 7 (on page 79). Some of these
variables are directly available in the database and some of them are specified in the RM Set.
Some design codes —like the Chinese code JTG D62 and the Russian code SP 35.13330.2011— require
additionally the reduction of any concentric compression force capacity by use of stability factors. These factors
are evaluated by a second set of variables, which is used in the normal force capacity calculation of RM Bridge
(UltChk with option Nx).
RM Bridge provides in the Default database the relevant sets of variables for some design codes:
The value for the effective cross-section depth is not prescribed in the code and must be defined by the user in
accordance with the position of the relevant tensile reinforcement. The value 0.85*CS_HD is used as default
value, like in the DIN FB 102 approach.
Other than in the previous approaches the Eurocode uses an effective creep coefficient as additional paramer for
calculating the relevant curvature. This value is per default assumed 2.0, because the values in the database have
too many dependencies to be reasonably used in this context. However, the effective creep coefficient may be
defined by the user.
The minimum eccentricity is in Eurocode defined as 1/30 of the cross-section depth, but minimum 2 cm in
cross-sections with less than 60 cm depth. The user may factorize this value by defining FAKT_YZ in the RM-Set.
The set of variables available in the default database for this code is:
SP_etot (SP_ec+BUCK_L/400)*SP_eta Total eccentricity
SP_ec abs(RES_M/RES_N) calculative eccentricity
SP_deltam 0.5-0.01*BUCK_L/CS_HD-0.01*abs(fcd)*(-1) Delta min
SP_delta max(SP_ec/CS_HD,SP_deltam) Delta
SP_M_l RES_N0*(SP_ec+BUCK_L/400) Permanent Load Moment
SP_phi_l 1+SP_M_l/(RES_M+1e-99) Phi l
SP_sigbp RES_N0/Ax Sigma from inital strain
SP_phi_p 1+12*abs(SP_sigbp/fcd)*SP_ec/CS_HD Phi p
SP_fac CS_IYZ/SP_phi_l*(0.11/(0.1+SP_delta/SP_phi_p)+0.1) Ncrit factor
SP_Ncr hleft(abs(SP_phi_l),1e90)*6.4*E28/BUCK_L/BUCK_L*SP_fac Ncritical
SP_NNcr min(abs(RES_N)/(SP_Ncr+1e-99),0.7) N devided through N critical
SP_eta min(1/(1-SP_NNcr),1.2) Effective enhancement factor
In addition the code specifies a stability factor φ.
The set of variables available in the default database for calculating this factor is:
SP_Wcompr CS_IYZ/CS_YZ12 section moudulus in compression
SP_r SP_Wcompr/Ax Wred/Ared, core distance
SP_lami BUCK_L/CS_RG Slenderness
SP_recc SP_ec/SP_r Relative eccentricity
SP_NP abs(RES_NP)*(-1) Primary part of ULS (if prestressed)
• Longitudinal reinforcement
• Transverse reinforcement
• Each of them may comprise several types of reference sets.
If the longitudinal reinforcement is split with respect to its purpose (bending, cracking, robustness rather than
longitudinal) the required total additional reinforcement A2 in a certain point of the structure will be the
• maximum of Bending, Cracking and Robustness requirement,
• plus Shear longitudinal and Torsion longitudinal requirements
Other than for longitudinal reinforcement, the reference sets for transverse reinforcement do not directly
describe the position of the reinforcement in the cross-section, but are reference entities for calculating the
required reinforcement. Therefore, there is just one reference set defined for each purpose. I.e. we have for each
web exactly one reference set of the type “Shear reinforcement for web” and for the total cross-section one
reference set of the type “Torsion reinforcement”.
Torsion Reinforcement
The points of the reference set describe the effective perimeter of the cross-section. The result values denote the
required reinforcement to be arranged along this perimeter.
In practice there are seldom separate circumferential stirrups arranged, but torsion reinforcement is covered by
the shear reinforcement in the web and —in case of hollow boxes— by separate transverse reinforcement in the
the sign is in fact irrelevant, as long as the influence of inclined bottom and top flanges (shear force component
due to bending) is neglected.
accumulation of the ‘shear-flow’ in the individual parts of these components, and uses them for performing the
check. General
The calculation of the shear resistance is quite different in the various national codes, therefore only basic
formulas are given below. We differentiate between the shear resistance in the narrower sense, which is related
to the shear force, and the torsional resistance related to torsion moments.
Based on the truss model, we always get two resistance values, one related to tensile failure (Vr(1)), which can be
influenced by increasing the shear reinforcement, and the other related to concrete crushing in the compression
strut (Vr(2)), which is an absolute maximum value for the given cross-section. In most design codes, Vr(1) is split
in two parts, one part related to the tensile strength of the concrete (Φ×Vc), and the other part related to the
strength of the reinforcement steel (Φ×Vs). The calculation of the characteristic (or nominal) strength values Vc
and Vs is based on characteristic geometry data of the cross-section (see Required Geometric Data (on page
366)) and characteristic material parameters of the concrete and steel respectively (see Required Material
Parameters (on page 370)). The factor ϕ denotes a strength reduction factor, in RM Bridge being defined in the
material table (see Required Material Parameters (on page 370)) as reciprocal value (material safety factor).
Some design codes (e.g. OENORM and DIN) do not allow taking into account the concrete tensile strength Vc;
except in minor structures, where no shear reinforcement is arranged.
Prestressing is in some codes treated as an additional resistance. In this case, Vp denotes the shear component of
the effective tendon force. Note that in RM Bridge Vp can also decrease the design strength, if it increases the
design shear force in the considered cross-section.
very much different in the different codes, but most rules specify like AASHTO a dependency on the amount of
existing longitudinal reinforcement (see Consideration of Existing Longitudinal Reinforcement (on page 366)).
The effective width is the minimum value of web widths in the considered sector of the current web (see
Definition of Web Sections (on page 367)), reduced at duct levels by full or partial diameter(s) of the
appropriate ducts, dependent on whether they are grouted or not. The reduction value is automatically applied
only for tendon profiles with one single tendon (as shown in the following figure), and you must specify this
value if there exist any tendon profiles with more than one tendon (see Elements Checks (on page 97)) in the
current cross-section. However, any user-defined reduction values b-beg, b-end other than zero will always
override the automatically calculated values.
ζ bw,z bw =bw,ζ
y bw,eff,i =min(bw-Δdh,tend)
bw,i = min(bw)
z bw,eff,i =bw,i-Δbw,input·bw,i/Σbw,i
Note that the user-defined reduction values b-beg, b-end are related to structural elements and thus to the total
cross-section. They are apportioned to the individual webs as proportionally to the minimum web widths. The
user-defined width reduction is applied at any investigated level within the considered sector of the current
web, independent on whether any tendon profiles exist at this level. This may be a very conservative approach in
webs with variable width, if the tendons only occur at the maximum width level. (E.g., hollow boxes with vertical
inner and inclined outer web faces, support region with tendons in the upper part).
The incline of the concrete compression strut considerably influences the calculated strength value. Older design
codes often take a constant value of 45°, being a conservative value leading to a maximum amount of required
transverse shear reinforcement and a minimum utilisation level of the compression strut. This constant value is
often not directly specified in the codes, but implicitly contained in constant factors in the respective formulas.
Modern codes (e.g., those based on Eurocode) allow a variation of the inclination angle within certain limits,
mostly between approxrimately 25° and 45° (prestressed members) or between 30° and 45° without
prestressing. This allows for reducing the shear reinforcement, if the concrete compression strut has enough
free bearing capacity.
The actual resistance value used in the basic equations comparing impact and strength is different in the
individual design codes: most codes use for checking pure torsion an overall resistance (Tr), which can be
directly compared with the acting torsion moment (Tu). However, for checking a combination of shear force and
torsion, either a nondimensional formulation must be used (Tu/Tr + Vu/Vr ≤ 1), or a shear force due to torsion
(Vu,(v+t)) must be calculated. This value can be added to the design shear force allowing for being compared with
the standard shear resistance as described above. Some design codes also use a formulation based on shear flow
values or shear stress values.
Pure torsion will never be controlling for compression failure, however, the most unfavorable result vector of
the design envelope may be one where both the torsion and the shear force are not maximum values. With
respect to tensile failure, the required torsional reinforcement is always governed by the maximum torsion
The most unfavorable combination of shear and torsion may require less total reinforcement, than the sum of
the required amounts for pure shear and pure torsion. The transverse reinforcement for shear force can in this
case be reduced to the difference between the total amount and torsion amount (see also Shear Reinforcement
(on page 373)). Therefore, both values, the required amount for pure shear and for shear plus torsion, are
output in the result listing.
In some design codes, especially in the English-speaking world (e.g., BS5400), the shear resistance with respect
to compression failure is not directly related to the strength of the compression strut in the truss model, but
defined in terms of maximum shear stresses (e.g., v+vt ≤ vtu in BS5400).
Note that the torsional resistance is generally governed by the minimum width of the effective hollow box.
However, in RM Bridge, the different web and flange sections (see 15.5.4, Sections of Cross-sections (on page
366)) are separately investigated. The maximum required shear reinforcement of all defined sections is finally
stored in the relevant attribute set (see Shear Reinforcement (on page 373)). Cross-section parts, where no
sections are defined, are not investigated. This might be a problem in bottom plates of hollow box sections, which
are usually very thin, and where the check with respect to longitudinal shear is often omitted. In the case of
essential torsion (e.g., at skew end supports), the capacity with respect to concrete crushing may there be
Note: A corresponding reference set of type Shear longitudinal reinforcement is always required if a reference
set of type Shear reinforcement for web exists in a cross section.
bWeb R
bWeb M
bWeb L ,W
Web M: Median Line
vert. reinf. “WEB_M“
As shown in the previous figure, this reference set has to contain two points defining a straight line within the
web representing the respective web. However, the specified line must always be within the web, because the
program searches the next boundary line on the left and on the right side for calculating the proper web width.
The actual incline of the line does not influence the results, but it is used for deciding, whether the check is
performed for the shear force Qy (vertical web) or Qz (horizontal web, e.g., in piers). Webs with web directions of
more than 45° from the horizontal plane (z-axis) are assumed being vertical webs, and Qy is used for the shear
check. Qz is used for all webs with directions of less than 45°. I.e. performing the vertical shear capacity check is
not possible for hollow box cross-sections with very flat webs, if the reference set describing the web direction
follows the median line of the web. However, the user may define a steeper web direction deviating from the
median line, with the restriction that the region, where cuts across the web are investigated, is limited to the
sector, where the defined direction line lies within the web.
The shear check for the individual webs requires an additional reference set being specified, defining the total
sector in the cross-section, where cuts across any webs should be investigated (see the previous figure). This
reference set is of the type Shear longitudinal reinforcement, and not related to the individual web sections,
but to the total cross-section. It is also used for storing the required additional longitudinal reinforcement due to
shear force.
This reference set must contain two lines, defining the upper and lower bound of the sector, where cuts across
the webs will be checked. All webs must lie within this sector. Note that these lines do not describe the position
of the required longitudinal shear reinforcement, although the allocated attribute set is used for storing this
reinforcement amount.
Note that individual web sections must essentially be defined for all webs, even those where —e.g., for symmetry
reasons— no results are required. The total design shear force will be apportioned to the web sections defined
as described in Design Values of the Shear Resistance (on page 364), and in case any webs are not defined as
sections, the shear forces acting on the defined ones will be much too high.
Two separate groups of reference sets must be defined if the shear capacity check should be performed for both
shear force directions, one group with vertical webs and horizontal flanges, and the other group with horizontal
webs and vertical flanges. Results are given for both groups, and the user must decide, how to handle all
requirements for shear reinforcement (maximum value or sum). Definitions of Flange Sections (Only Considered for OENORM and DIN)
Flange sections must be defined for two purposes:
• for checking longitudinal shear forces vEd in critical cuts across flange elements, and
• for checking torsional effects in flange parts being parts of the effective hollow box (see Effective Hollow Box
for calculating the Torsional Resistance).
Flange sections are defined with reference sets of the type Shear reinforcement for flange (Qy) or —in case of
performing the check for horizontal shear force— with sets of the type Shear reinforcement for flange (Qz).
These reference sets are defined by two straight lines, specifying the borders of the current section (see the
following figure).
1st line of flange “tor”
= junctions to the web
The first line defines the cut across the flange, where the longitudinal shear flow is checked. The second line
marks the cut, where the longitudinal shear stress is assumed zero (e.g., the end of a cantilever slab or the
symmetry line of the intermediate slab of a hollow box cross-section). Note that this sequence is essential, i.e.,
the line definitions of the different sections of a flange must not be uniformly made from the left to the right or
vice versa.
Attention must also be paid to the fact, that the sedond line must always be the zero stress cut, i.e., the flange
sections always define the whole area dropped out. For instance, two flange sections of a cantilever slab —
defined because two cuts might be critical— do not complement one another, but are overlapping section, both
reaching from the investigated cut to the free end. The same restriction is valid for slabs between two webs, and
it is also not allowed to define only one flange segment reaching from one web to the other.
Note that the longitudinal shear check is only performed for flanges under compression. However, the check
with respect to torsion is performed for all flange sections, which are parts of the effective hollow box as
described below. There is no possibility to omit in such sections either the longitudinal shear check or the
torsional check.
Centre-Line of
Effective Cross Section
Perimeter uk “Torsion reinf.“
,W tw,R
Effective Cross Section
Figure 94: Effective single cell hollow box cross-section for torsion
The same perimeter line is used for the calculation of both, the shear resistance of the concrete and the shear
resistance of the torsion reinforcement. In the case of hollow box cross-sections, where the torsion reinforcement
is usually placed on both sides of the affected webs, the perimeter line will mostly be placed along the center
lines of the actual web and slab parts forming the effective hollow box. The effective thickness of the effective
hollow box is not specified by the user, but automatically determined as being twice the distance from the
perimeter line to the section outline. I.e. the actual thickness of the affected and defined web and flange sections
will be used, if the perimeter line is defined as being the center line of these sections.
A thickness reduction due to ducts will not be made in the torsion check. You may however, if such a reduction
must be taken into account, move the affected lines further to the outside face of the webs (at least locally, where
the ducts are arranged), in order to get the reduced thickness automatically. With respect to the torsional
strength of the concrete, moving the perimeter line outwards will always be on the conservative side, because
the influence of the thickness decrease is greater, than that of the increase of the enclosed area.
For solid cross-sections most design codes give recommendations or prescriptions on how to define the
equivalent effective hollow box. When deviating from these rules, you must find a reasonable assumption to
minimise torsion reinforcement without too much reducing the capacity of the fictitious concrete compression
material parameters, although they are currently related to the different design code checks and not necessarily
to material strength values. I.e., the reciprocals of any resistance factor values specified in national codes must be
defined as safety factors in the material table.
Table 48: Concrete material parameters used in the shear capacity check
National Code AASHTO AS 5100 BS 5400 Chinese DIN IRC Norway NZS ON B4200
Some codes do (partially) use reduced material strength values for calculating the design resistance, rather than
calculating the nominal resistance and reducing it afterwards. However, because the material strength always
linearly influences the resistance, equivalent safety factors may be derived by dividing the characteristic
material strength values (stored in the material table and available for the checking procedure) by the design
values specified in the code. These factors must be specified by the user in the material table, unless they are
already predefined in code related standard material tables.
The shear capacity check in RM Bridge uses only the factor Shear (for all design codes), and —for codes using the
ULS strain plane for the resistance calculation (like DIN, …)— the factor Ultimate (see Material Safety Factors (on
page 60)).
Note: The factor Ultimate is not used in the Ultimate Load Check, i.e., it can be defined without restrictions for
being used in the shear capacity check.
Table 49: Reinforcement material parameters used in the shear capacity check
National Code AASHTO AS 5100 BS 5400 Chinese DIN IRC Norway NZS ON B4200
Table 50: Tendon material parameters used in the shear capacity check
National Code AASHTO AS 5100 BS 5400 Chinese DIN IRC Norway NZS ON B4200
The material stiffness and strength parameters used in the individual national codes are tabulated in in the
previous tables).
The lines marked with a “†” contain design code values, which are not directly stored in the material table, but
internally recalculated from appropriate other material parameters (given in italic letters). Note that RM Bridge
stores strains instead of stresses; therefore the shear capacity check needs the appropriate stiffness parameter
(elastic modulus) being defined, if the respective formulas use the stress state in the cross-section.
γc,shear =1/ΦV
γc,ULT =1/ΦM
γc,shear =1/Φ
Up to five prescribed and five calculated values, describing existing or required reinforcement amounts and
other related result values (such as capacity factors, see Results of the Shear Capacity Check (on page 375)), are
stored in the corresponding element table (Structure > Element data and properties > Checks) for the
assigned attribute sets for begin and end-cross-sections of the relevant structural elements.
Attribute sets of the type Shear reinforcement for web contain the additionally to any prescribed amount
(presented as Input value) required transverse reinforcement in the individual web sections. The calculated area
values specify the total (additional) cross-section area of the transverse reinforcement (i.e. of all vertical bars in
the respective web) per unit length. The following values are calculated in the shear capacity check and stored as
Output value:
Aq Required transverse reinforcement for shear without torsion
Aqt Required transverse reinforcement for shear + torsion
CF(Q) Capacity factor shear without torsion
CF(Q+T) Capacity factor shear without + torsion
A(Deg) Angle of assumed compression strut
It is possible to assign the same attribute set to all reference sets defining individual web sections. The maximum
value of all individual webs will in this case be stored, not —as it is the case for bending reinforcement— the
sum! This can be used to limit the amount of results (e.g., for symmetric hollow box cross-sections).
Attribute sets of the type Shear reinforcement for flange contain the required transverse reinforcement in the
relevant (first) vertical cut of the respective flange sections. The calculated values are the same, than defined
above for the transverse reinforcement of webs. The same attribute set can be used for all specified flange
sections. The maximum value of required reinforcement amounts and capacity factors in the different vertical
cuts through the flange will then be stored in this attribute set.
Reference sets of the type Shear longitudinal reinforcement are related to the total cross-section of the
structural element, therefore, the calculated reinforcement amounts stored in the related attribute sets refer to
the total cross-section of the structural member, and not to the individual webs. The stored values are:
Al+M Required additional longitudinal reinforcement due to shear, on the cross-section side, where positive
moments yield tension (bottom side for Qy).
Al–M Required additional longitudinal reinforcement due to shear, on the cross-section side, where negative
moments yield tension (top side for Qy)
The values are total reinforcement section areas for one side of the element cross-section. The distribution of the
reinforcement along the respective edge is not determined, and must be made in accordance with constructional
Reference sets of the type Torsion reinforcement are related to the effective hollow box. However, the required
torsional reinforcement is separately calculated for the different defined web and flange sections, and the
maximum values are stored in the assigned attribute set. The required torsional reinforcement is not very much
influenced by the thickness of the different sections along the effective hollow box, therefore, omitting the
definition of any flange sections will hardly be a problem for the reinforcement calculation. However, the
maximum capacity factor can be underestimated (see Resistance with Respect to Torsion (on page 365)). The
stored values are:
At is the maximum reinforcement area (per unit length in longitudinal direction), arranged in cuts across the
sections of the effective hollow box. I.e., in actual hollow box cross-sections for cuts across the considered web
and flange sections, and in solid cross-sections for one side of the web section. Al is an integral value for the
complete effective hollow box, calculated by multiplying the maximum length related value with the length of
the perimeter line of the hollow box. Usually, Al will be linearly distributed along the perimeter line.
For detailing shear reinforcement requirements see Transverse Reinforcement (on page 359).
In the standard list file, the result data are related to the specified web and flange sections rather than to the
individual attribute sets. The first line contains — besides the element number (ELEM) and position within the
element (POS), the capacity factors for pure shear force (CF(Q)), shear + torsion (CF(Q+T)) and pure torsion
(CF(T)) (maximum of all considered sections). The numbered lines below contain the design internal force
vectors, being decisive for any maximum reinforcement or capacity factor value with the primary part of the
initial strain load case subtracted where appropriate (see Design Forces in Prestressed Structures (on page
363)). Qp is the relevant shear component of the prestressing force.
The subsequent lines, with —in the first row— the names of the reference sets describing the individual sections,
contain the required transverse reinforcement for pure shear (A1), shear + torsion (A2) and pure torsion (A3).
The corresponding values of the element table are Aq and Aqt of the respective attribute sets, and (A3) the value
At of the attribute set Torsion reinforcement, related to the respective section. The last line (AL) contains the
longitudinal reinforcement values Al+M, Al-M of the attribute set Shear longitudinal reinforcement (A1, A2),
and Al of the attribute set Torsion reinforcement (A3).
The row LINE indicates, which design force vectors have been relevant for calculating the values A1, A2, A3 and
CF(Q), CF(Q+T), CF(T) respectively.
An extended list file (name of the standard list file with extension X.lst) may be created for testing purposes
for all elements with option DetLst selected in Structure > Elements > Checks. This file contains a sequence of
intermediate results allowing for tracing the whole calculation procedure in detail. However, this file will contain
a huge amount of data, and it is recommended to use this output option only for checking few elements.
For detailing shear reinforcement requirements see Transverse Reinforcement (on page 359). General
The term Resal effect indicates the influence of the inclination of the chords of a girder on the effective design
shear force. When the chords of a girder are inclined (beam cross-section variable), then the respective
longitudinal forces in the chords due to normal force and bending have a component perpendicular to the
element axis which increases or reduces the shear force.
In most common situations (girder haunches above supports) the shear force will be reduced, i.e., neglecting the
Resal effect is on the conservative side when performing the shear check. However, in some cases where the
girder depth at midspan is higher than at supports the relevant design shear force may also be increased, and in
these case the consideration of this effect is recommended and demanded in some design codes. For an effective
dimensioning the consideration is however also often wished in cases where the design shear force is reduced.
A bunch of scientific papers dealing with the calculation of shear stresses in beams with variable cross-section
depth have been published in the past decades, but a consistent scientific solution for arbitrary cross-sections
cannot be reasonably implemented in standard computer programs in practice. Therefore also RM Bridge offers
a practical approximate solution as proposed in different codes (e.g., Eurocode EN 1992-1-1, 6.2.1). In the
following we also use the Eurocode notation in the document.
As already described in Design Forces (on page 362), the basic equations vor the shear check are:
VEd ≤ VRd
VEd ≤ VRd,max
In order to avoid influencing the actually different shear check procedures in accordance with the different
design codes the consideration of the Resal effect is performed in RM Bridge independent of the individual codes
on the impact side. I.e., the sum of the calculated shear force (here called VEd0) and the contributions of the
chords is used (VEd = VEd0 – Vccd - Vtd) and the actual check is performed with the modified design value VEd ≤
VRd and VEd ≤ VRd,max.
Vccd is in this context the shear force component of the compression chord and Vtd the component of the tension
The modified shear force is distributed to the individual webs of the cross-section in the same manner than
without consideration of the Resal effect. I.e., the program does not take into account the case that the individual
webs have different chord inclination, or inner lever arm respectively. The calculation of Vccd and Vtd is always
done with average values valid for the total cross-section.
tensile side. Therefore we assume in the calculation of the chord forces that we have a cracked state. An
approximative approach is chosen for defining the relevant strain plane.
In this procedure we assume that the neutral axis of the cracked cross-section coincides with the center of
gravity. The COG of the reinforcement on the tensile side is assumed to be also the COG of the tension chord. An
approximatve assumption must be used for determing the position of the compression chord, because an exact
calculation is not possible. In order to avoid a dependency of this position from the actual loading state, and
nevertheless beig reasonably accurate, RM Bridge calculates in the Structure Check the weighted centers of
gravity of the cross-section parts below and above the GOG. The respective point on the comression side is used
as center point of the compression force. The weighting procedure assumes a linear increase of the compression
stress from the neutral axis to the compression edge.
We want to point tot he fact that in principle the influence oft he exact definition of center of chord forces is very
small, due to the fact that —when varying the center points— we have effects in opposite directions which
partly abolish each other: increasing the inner lever arm z reduces the chord force (Fcd = M/z), but the
inclination angle φ is at the same time increased and thus also the shear component (Vccd = Fcd × tanφ = M ×
values are used and updated if necessary. Longitudinal reinforcement areas calculated in prior calculation
actions will therefore be included in the calculations and altered if necessary.
For crack width check calculations to be performed properly, cross-section reinforcement geometry must be
correctly defined. By default, design calculations are performed for bending about the Z-axis, considering
longitudinal reinforcement that is effective in bending about the Z-axis (reinforcement with larger dimension in
Z direction and offset from the cross-section center in Y direction). Internal forces Mz then lead to fiber stresses
at ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ fibers of the cross-section.
If additional cracking reinforcement is defined for bending about the Y-axis (reinforcement with larger
dimensions in Y direction of the cross-section), crack width design calculations are also performed for bending
about the Y-axis. Internal forces My then lead to fiber stresses at ‘left’ and ‘right’ fibers of the cross-section.
left right
Figure 97: Points for fiber stress calculation and reinforcement definition for bending about the Z-axis
In the crack width check all reinforcement layers of the types cracking reinforcement and longitudinal
reinforcement are considered (type bending reinforcement is not considered). The dimension of the
reinforcement is used to assign the reinforcement to either bending about the Z- or bending about the Y-axis.
Reinforcement layers with large dimension in Z-direction and small dimension in Y-direction are assigned to
cracking reinforcement for bending about the Z-axis; layers with large dimension in Y-direction as cracking
reinforcement for bending about the Y-axis.
The minimum edge distance of reinforcement is always calculated in the direction perpendicular to the bending
axis the reinforcement is assigned to (in Y-direction for reinforcement at top and bottom and in Z-direction for
reinforcement at left and right).
For further computation in crack width design, the outermost reinforcement layer near the fiber in tension is
selected. Reinforcement layers with a “variable” reinforcement definition (Structure > Elements > Checks) are
However, for stress and strain calculation all in the section existent longitudinal reinforcement areas (also type
“bending”, user-defined A1 as well as any previously calculated A2) —and also grouted prestressing tendons—
are considered. Like in UltChk, the initial strain of the tendons is taken from the specified summation load case,
if the initial strain load case is not specified as input parameter of the action CrackLc, CrackSup.
A further parameter used in some design codes is the factor C1 of reinforcement material. This factor governs
the bond conditions and is per default 1.0 for ribbed steel. It must be given a higher value for wires or bars
without ribs (e.g., 1.4 in Chinese code).
For calculating the cracking moment in minimum reinforcement computation the mean tensile strength value
fctm is used.
reference set which has been used for the check. MAX D is the respective value of the Attribute set taken as the
relevant limit bar diameter.
The value SIGMA shows the relevant stress in the cracking reinforcement in the intersection point with the
respective principal axis. In case of performing the check for a load combination, the stress is calculated for all
rows of the matrix and the worst case is taken for the further calculations for getting the required reinforcement
content Aload. The last but one column shows which row has become relevant (Max or Min, N, Mz, etc.).
The column A shows any already existent reinforcement content, either user-defined values or calculated in
other previously performed design check calculations (UltRein, etc.). The column A-MIN contains the calculated
minimum reinforcement As,min for codes, where this value must be proofed. A zero is printout if this calculation
is skipped.
The value A-LOAD is the required reinforcement amount for limiting the crack-width under the defined internal
force vector (relevant row of the specified envelope). A-RED defines the reduced A Load due to considering any
prestressing tendons. All these values A-MIN, A-RED, A-LOAD are totally required reinforcement amounts
without considering any previously already existing amount.
Reinforcement due to the limitation of crack width (DIN)
Superposition/loadcase: Comb11.sup
Crack width: 0.2
Units: reinf.(CM2), stress(KN/M2), MAX-D(MM)
xs = distance from CG to the tension fiber (in relevant direction)
h = total cross height (measured in checked direction)
N = permanent axial force (positive for tension)
Ac = gross area of concrete section
fctm = mean tensile strength of the concrete
Note: This is equivalent to calculating the strain due to the cracking moment of the un-cracked section with
considering permanent normal forces (including primary part of prestressing, see ON B4750, 11.5 (5)).
If the height of the tension zone is smaller than the surface distance of the selected reinforcement group, the
check is skipped, i.e., minimum reinforcement for compression members is not covered by this function.
The factor kc accounts for the influence of any permanent compression force in the section.
0 ≤ kc = 1 +
≤ 1.0 (ON B4750 eq.(34))
kh × Ac × f ctm
kh = 1.5×h > 1.5 (total cross-section depth h in [m])
The factor fN accounts for the influence of the concrete strength and is defined in accordance with the last
sentence in ON B4750, 11.5 (8) respectively ON B4700, (1).
ρt = ratio in percent (%)
The code is related to get for a given ratio ρt the required maximum bar diameter with taking into account
certain reductions of ρt to a calculative value ρtr for evaluation of given tables defining the maximum bar
diameter as a function of ρtr and the design crack width. RM Bridge works the other way round and uses the bar
diameter given in the attribute set of the cracking reinforcement for getting the required ρtr and the required
In the design code, tables 8a and 8b define the relation between the calculative maximum bar diameter dsr and
the calculative ratio ρtr for the design crack widths 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm respectively. The relevant table for the
specified design crack width is calculated in the program by linear interpolation. Evaluating this table with the
calculative bar diameter gives the relevant value ρtr for calculating the minimum reinforcement.
Table 51: Tables 8a and 8b of ON B4700, 4.2.2 for crack widths 0.3 and 0.15 mm respectively
ρtr % 0.18 0.24 0.27 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.50
dsr mm 3 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24 32
ρtr % 0.25 0.31 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.59 0.64
dsr mm 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 24
In accordance with B 4700, 4.2.2 (5) the relevant ratio may be reduced by a factor fnl = 0.8 for sections with h ≤
0.3 m and by a factor of 0.6 for sections with h ≥ 0.8. Thus ρt=ρtr×fnl. The factor fnl is interpolated between
section depths of 0.3 m and 0.8 m.
Note: There seems to be an error in the original document using a factor of 0.5 for depths ≤ 0.3 m. Also, 4.2.2.(5)
states that this reduction is just allowed for solid rectangular sections.
ON B 4700, 4.2.2 (4)) requires that the limiting diameter be reduced for concrete grades with the cube strength
fcwk > 30. The reduction factor will be fmat = 30/fcwk. A further factor k is related to the type of cracks (bending
or tensile), dependent on the ratio between the depth of the tensile zone (h or ht resp.) and the surface distance
h1 of the cracking reinforcement. RM Bridge takes the formula for tensile stressing if ht > h.
5 × h1
≥ 1, ht < h
10 × h 1
≥ 0.5, ht ≥ h
I.e., the relevant limit diameter for evaluating tables 8a and 8b will be dsr = dsg/fmat/k
appropriate tables (table 9 and 10 of ON B 4700 for crack widths 0.3 mm and 0.15 mm respectively) to get the
required reinforcement ratio ρt and the required Aload.
Tables 9 and 10 contain the required calculative diameters dsr dependent on the reinforcement ratio ρt and the
design stress σsD in the reinforcement. Appropriate iteration and interpolation techniques allow for calculating
the appropriate pairs of ρt and σsD such that the given value dsr is met.
During one iteration step, the following calculations steps are made:
• Select a reinforcement area to check (As,load)
• Calculate nonlinear state using the forces from the combination to be checked
• Get maximum nonlinear stress for chosen reinforcement group
• Get dsr out of table 9 and table 10 for selected crack width, σsD and ρt
• Calculate maximum allowable diameter ds,max = dsr×k
• If ds,max > dsg --> no additional reinforcement required
• If max. diameter equals user-given max. diameter SIGMAtot equals the maximum available stress out of table
20 -> finished.
• ELSE: add reinforcement and do the check again
As All longitudinal reinforcement layers between the cross-section CG and the fiber in tension are summed up
to the existing reinforcement area.
In 11.2.2 (5), the design equation for the minimum reinforcement area As,min is given:
As,min = kc×k×fct,eff×Act/σs (DIN 1045-1, 11.2.2 (5))
kc = factor for change of internal lever arm due to cracking
k = factor for nonlinear tension concrete stress distribution
k = 0.8 - 0.6×(h - 0.3), where 0.5 ≤ k ≤ 0.8
fct,eff = effective tensile strength of concrete at considered time. May be set
to fctm average tensile strength
Act = Concrete area in tension right before first cracking occurs
σs = allowable reinforcement stress as function of the limit diameter ds*.
The height of the tensile zone is calculated from a linear stress distribution with tensile concrete strength at the
tension fiber and a calculated stress at cross-section CG (see the following figure).
Y stresses
equivalent width of tensile zone: b
Figure 98: Calculation of tension area and tension height at state before first cracking occurs
With a user-defined limit diameter ds a modified limit diameter ds* is calculated from eq.(129) below as input
vale for Table 20 of the code.
kc × k × h t f ct ,eff f ct,eff (129)
ds = ds* × 4(h − d )
× f ct ,0
≥ ds* × f ct,0
ds* = limit diameter value from Table 20 (below)
ds = limit diameter given as ‘maxD’ value in the RM Bridge attribute set.
fct,0 = tensile concrete strength in accordance with table 20,
Equation (131) is used to calculate a reinforcement Area AsII with the reinforcement stress σsII being below the
value given in Table 20 depending on the limit diameter and the desired crack width. As this calculation has to
be performed for cracked state (state II), the solution has to be found by the following iteration loop:
1. a starting value for the reinforcement area A II is set
2. Equilibrium is calculated for the given load combination at cracked state with resulting maximum
reinforcement stresses σsII
The initial strain of prestressing tendons is taken from the primary component of the summation load case
results as defined in the Recalc pad.
Equation (132) is applied to account for differences in composite behavior of reinforcement and prestressing
steel. This applies to grouted tendons that are within 30 cm distance of the reinforcement layer (the reduced
reinforcement area Ared is listed in the output list file).
eff ρ = reinforcement degree including differential composite effects
ρtot = geometric reinforcement degree
For computation of equation (132) a concrete area of reinforcement influence is required (Figure 53 of the
design specifications). The effective height heff is 2.5 times the minimum reinforcement cover d (limited by half
the height of the cross-section). The area of reinforcement influence is the gross area in the range of heff. For
further details please refer to the design code specifications.
1. (Cont. from previous steps) The limit reinforcement diameter ds* is taken from Table 20 with reinforcement
stress σsII and crack width limit as input parameters and the modified diameter ds calculated from eq. (131)
f ct ,eff
ds = ds* × f ct,0
2. If the calculated limit diameter ds exceeds the user-defined limit diameter ‘max D’ the iteration is finished.
3. Else the reinforcement area A II is increased and the iteration is restarted at step 2.
The calculated reinforcement area AsII is compared to the existing longitudinal reinforcement As. Additional
reinforcement is added to the outermost tension reinforcement layer if the existing reinforcement is less than
AsII . General
The Eurocode allows two different approaches for checking the crack width limitation:
a. Control without direct calculation as described in 7.3.3, and
b. Calculation of crack widths as described in 7.3.4.
The procedure described in 7.3.3 is very similar to the previous Austrian and German rules as described in the
preceding chapters. RM Bridge offers both procedures as alternatives to be selected in the call of the action
CrackLc or CrackSup.
160 40 32 25
200 32 25 16
240 20 16 12
280 16 12 8
320 12 10 6
360 10 8 5
400 8 6 4
450 6 5 -
360 100 50 -
The code also demands a maximum bar spacing. This is not considered in the crack check in RM Bridge. You
must evaluate table 7.3N and define the maximum bar spacing to be used. General
The Chinese code JTG D62 for reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges defines a cracking check in clause 6.3
and the crack width limitation rules in clause 6.4. The “Cracking Check” as required in clause 6.3 is not a
minimum reinforcement requirement for avoiding brittle failure as in the European codes. It covers longitudinal
stress limitation and principal stress limitation. These functions are performed in RM Bridge by the fiber stress
actions FibLc, FibSup, FibIILc, FibIISup and the principal stress actions PrincLc, PrincSup.
Therefore a minimum reinforcement As,min to avoid brittle failure is not calculated in the JTG variant of the
crack check actions CrackLc and CrackSup.
This formula directly allows recalculating the required reinforcement ratio ρ when the relevant bar diameter d,
the crack width Wfk, the reinforcement stress σss and the factors C1, C2, C3 are known.
The different parameters are defined in RM Bridge as follows:
C1 = surface shape factor of reinforcement steel to be taken as 1.0 for
ribbed bars and 1.4 for plain bars. In RM Bridge the factor is user-
defined as material parameter of the reinforcement material.
C2 = influence factor of action of long term effects. The formula C2 =
1+0.45×Nl/Ns relates to the ratio between long term and short term
forces in the element. The program takes the ratio between the
linearly calculated tensile stress into account (C2 = 1+0.45×σt,l/σt,s,
but limited to the range of 1.0 to 2.0). In case of crack width check for
a load case or if no second envelope is specified, the long time effects
will be assumed same as short time and C2 set to 1.45.
C3 = The factor C3 accounts for the influence of stress property of the
section. It should be 1.0 for standard flexural members. For plates a
C3=1.15 should be used, for axial tension members a value of C3=1.2
and for eccentric tension members C3=1.1. For eccentric
compression members a reduction to C3=0.9 is allowed.
RM Bridge uses the top and bottom stresses (respectively left and
right stress) to decide whether we have tension or compression
members. Basically all cross-sections are classified as standard
flexural sections; the plate condition is not checked. Prestressed
sections are always classified as eccentrically compressed. Sections
with tensile stresses on both sides are classified as eccentric tension
The term bh0+(bf - b)×hf of this formula defines the relevant concrete area. Whereas all other codes relate the
reinforcement ratio ρt to the concrete area in tension Act, JTG D62 has a unique formulation where for the web
part the effective depth h0 is used instead of the depth in tension ht.
In RM Bridge we assume that the depth in compression is not much higher than the surface distance of the
cracking reinforcement, so that we can use h0 = ht with sufficient accuracy. Also, the effect of the web part is
usually small compared to the effect of the box girder flanges in tension. Therefore RM Bridge uses the more
accurate standard FibII procedure for calculating the area in tension Act to be used in calculating the required
reinforcement As.
Formula 6.4.3-2 also implies that any areas of prestressing tendons may be fully taken into account as effective
reinforcement for crack width limitation. Compared to other codes this is very unconservative, and our
interpretation is that the code was derived with having in mind that we have only tendons with the same bond
quality than mild reinforcement and that all tendons are near the tensile edge of the cross-section.
In order to be more conservative we check in this context the positions of the tendons like for other codes, and
take into account just those tendons which are within 30 cm distance from the tensile edge (area Apt of relevant
tendons in the tension zone).
Thus the formula for calculating the required reinforcement As is
As = ρ×Act - Apt
Therefore, and due to the fact that in bridge engineering smooth reinforcement is never used, RM Bridge does
not use in this context the material value COF and performs the calculation in all cases with the second formula
ψ1 = ψ2 = 1.5×√Rr .
Note: Above formula is not consistent in dimensions. R2 must be given in [cm] and the resulting coefficient ψ1 or
ψ2 is also interpreted in [cm].
The “radius of reinforcement” Rr defining the characteristic distance between cracks is a function of the bar
diameter and the ratio between the steel area As and the area of the interaction zone between reinforcement
and concrete Ar.
Rr = Ar / ∑4β
Due to the mutual dependencies, the actual crack width check is an iterative process. In the first step the
program calculates the crack width with assuming user-defined reinforcement plus calculated minimum
reinforcement as existing reinforcement in the cross-section. No further calculation is required if the calculated
crack width acr is smaller than the limit value Δcr. The program will give the message that no additional
reinforcement is required.
If the condition of eq. 7.93 is not fulfilled, the program will use the equation σ/E×ψ ≤ Δcr to find the required ψ
and σ values to match the requirement.
In principle, this goal can either be reached by improving the bond conditions (reducing the bar diameter) or by
increasing the reinforcement amount (reducing the steel stress σ). However, RM Bridge has no functionality for
automatically varying the bar diameter. If this is required, you must change the Dmax value of the respective
Attribute Set, and repeat the check.
The iteration procedure in RM Bridge therefore aims in increasing the reinforcement area until the required
crack width limit is reached. The iteration procedure is performed in the following way:
1. The previously determined coefficient ψ is used in the reformulated equation 7.94 to calculate the required
stress value σ.
2. The crack width is calculated by using equation 7.93
3. If the crack width is higher than the limit value the program calculates the new ψ value the new value σ until
the crack width is below the limit.
A.1.1 General
Composite Standard
T-Beam Box Trapezoid
T-Beam I-Profile Square-hollow
T-Beam Ind1 Rectangle-hollow
T-Beam Ind2 Circle
T-Beam Ind3 Circle-hollow
T-Beam Ind4 Rectangle
SCleft SCright
SCtop 1 1 1 1 ttop
1 1
1 1
SCbottom 1 1 1 1 tbottom
x1 w_half
t2Flange 1 RC2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
t1Web t1Flange
1 1 h
1 1 1 1 1
ro ri
b_half a_half s ro ri
a_half s ro ri
A.1.12 I-Profile
Standard profiles or variable with definition of depth h, half value w_half of the width, half value s_half of the
web thickness, flange thickness t, and transition radius r.
Standard profiles:
IPE 80→600
IPN 80→550
HE-A 100→1000
HE-AA' 100→1000
HE-B 100→1000
HE-M' 100→1000
h w_half s_half t r ey
User-definition of ey is ignored.
ey t 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
A.2.1 Overview
The following creep & shrinkage models have been prepared as predefined sets of variables of the default
database to be imported into the project database. There, the user if needed can also modify them. Most of them
are also internally coded in the program. If the option for using the internal functions is selected, a user
modification is not possible, i.e. any user modification of the corresponding variable sets will not be considered.
• American Standard AASHTO 1996 (based on CEB/FIP 90)
• Australian Standard AS 5100
• Austrian Code ON B4750
• British Standard Model (BS5400/1990 Part 4)
• CEB/FIP Model Code 78
• CEB/FIP Model Code 90 (Standard = Product Model)
• CEB/FIP Model Code 90 (Improved Summation Model RMS)
• Chinese Highway Code
• German Code DIN 1045/I
• Hong Kong Standard Model (based on BS5400/1990 Part 4)
• Hungarian Model (modified CEB90) (HUNG-UT2/13)
• Japanese Standard
• LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) (American Code)
• New Zealand Standard NZS 3101
• Norwegian Model (modified CEB90) (NS 3473)
• Portuguese Standard (based on CEB/FIP 90)
• Swedish Standard
The variables or (identical) names of internal sub-programs defining the creep and shrinkage coefficients have
to be assigned to the creep parameter PHI(t, t0,…) and the shrinkage parameter EPS(t, t0, …) of the used
material. However, the last assigned value is used for all concrete materials, i.e. is automatically transferred to all
other materials. The parameters are listed below.
A.2.3.1 Overview
The parameters influencing the creep and shrinkage behaviour are related to the following:
• Material
• The environment of the construction site, especially the climatic conditions.
• The cross-section geometry and reinforcement content
• The casting time.
All parameters, except the material parameters, are element properties, related to the structural elements and
constant over the element length. This also applies also to the cross-section parameters, which are average
values related to a characteristic intermediate cross-section if the cross-section is not constant over the element.
Material Parameters
Emod (E28) Modulus of Elasticity
CS (Fc28) Design value for the concrete compressive strength.
CCF Fresh concrete consistency parameter.
WCR Water/cement ratio
HCF Cement hardening parameter.
CECO Cement content (Cement weight per concrete volume)
Time Parameters
AGE Age of the concrete at the element activation time (measured in days)
ts Start time for shrinkage relative to the casting time (i.e., it is not necessarily relative to the activation
time) measured in days.
The following tables give a reference on the usage of the different parameters. The character “-” indicates, that
the respective parameter is not used in that model, “+” indicates, that it is used.
AS96 - - -
BS5400, HS5400 - - -
CEB78, CEB90 - - +
DIN1045, OE4750 - - -
RSM90 - - -
Norway, Sweden - - +
Hungary, Portugal - - -
Australia, NZS
China, Japan
AS96, CEB78 - - -
BS5400, HS5400 - - -
CEB90 + + +
DIN1045, OEN4750 + + -
RSM90, Norway + + -
Hungary, Portugal - - -
Australia, NZS
China, Japan
CF Description
Note: Fractional numbers between 1 and 3 may be entered, the related coefficients will then be determined by
interpolation procedures using the table values for 1, 2, and 3.
AS96 - -
BS5400, HS5400 - -
CEB78 + -
CEB90, RSM90 - -
DIN1045, OE4750 + -
Norway, Hungarian - -
Australia, NZS
China, Japan
HZF Description
Note: Fractional numbers between 1 and 3 may be entered, the related coefficients will then be determined by
interpolation procedures using the table values for 1, 2, and 3.
AS96 - -
BS5400, HS5400 - -
CEB78 - -
CEB90 + +
RSM90 + -
DIN1045 + -
OE4750 + +
Norway, Sweden + +
Hungary, Portugal - -
Australia, NZS
China, Japan
AS96 - -
BS5400, HS5400 + +
DIN1045, OE4750 - -
Norway, Sweden + +
Hungary, Portugal + +
Australia, NZS
China, Japan
AS96 - -
BS5400, HS5400 + +
DIN1045, OE4750 - -
Norway, Sweden + +
Hungary, Portugal + +
Australia, NZS
China, Japan
These parameters are used for the calculation of the “notional member size” or “notional thickness”, which
influences the time development of the creep and shrinkage functions which themselves are dependent on the
speed of drying. However, they normally do not influence the final value of the C&S coefficients.
These parameters (except RPR) need not and cannot be entered by the user; they are automat-ically calculated
for the cross sections of the respective elements. Average values will be taken, if the cross sections at the
element begin and end are different.
AS96 - -
BS5400, HS5400 + +
DIN1045, OE4750 - -
Norway, Sweden + +
Hungary, Portugal + +
Australia, NZS
China, Japan
Time Parameters
The below described time parameters are used in all creep and shrinkage models for calculating the values of
the creep and shrinkage coefficients.
AGE (Day) Age of the concrete at the element activation time (difference between the time of casting and the
time of activation) measured in days.
ts (Day) Start time for shrinkage relative to the casting time (i.e., it is not necessarily relative to the
activation time) measured in days.
The time t=0 of the creep model is the time that the concrete for that element is cast (casting time). The creep
curve diagram starts at time = 0 (days) even though the element only starts to creep when load is applied to it.
—i.e., at activation time— this is when the formwork is removed or the pre-stressing is applied (self weight will
act on the concrete plus pre-stressing and construction loading where applicable.)
The parameter AGE is used to locate the casting time on the global time axis. Therefore AGE is the time (in days)
on the creep curve before the element activation time TG,A.
Some C&S models allow the starting time of shrinkage to be different from the starting time of creep. The
starting time for shrinkage is defined by the parameter tS.
tS is the age of the concrete when the shrinkage process starts, i.e., shrinkage will start at the time TG,A – AGE +
tS = TS (in days). tS = 0 means, that shrinkage starts immediately after casting. It is assumed, that the
shrinkage amount between the start of the shrinkage process and the activation of the element occurs without
static effects and without yielding any stresses.
My Mz
Load type F
Fy Fz
ZG Node
B.2.1.3 Single element load with force – load types FSG, FSGY, FSGZ, FSL, FSLY, FSLZ
These load types define concentrated forces acting at the position x/l relative to the start point of an element.
The loading is specified by defining the 3 force components in the local (L) or global (G) coordinate directions
(Fx, Fy, Fz), the location in the element (x/l), and any eccentricity of the application point in the local y or z
direction (Ey, Ez).
Figure 101: Single element load defined in terms of components in global coordinate directions
Figure 102: Single element load defined in terms of components in local coordinate directions
Application example: This load type will be typically and advantageously used in the case, where
horizontal structural eccentricities exist, and the given horizontal load eccentricity is related to the
connection line of start and end nodes rather, than to the centroid line.
Figure 105: Concentrated element load (force and moment) in the global coordinate system.
Figure 106: Concentrated element load (force and moment) in the local coordinate system
Figure 107: Application of the “wet concrete weight” of an element series (force and moment)
Note that a positive value of Gam will yield a force in the negative global Y-direction. The definition of the
eccentricity ECC2 is currently obsolete, i.e. the moment due to the eccentric loading will be applied as nodal
moment at the specified node Nod. In order to allow for applying the wet concrete load as a pair of vertical loads
acting at the anchor points of the traveller carrying the falsework, the below described load types FSEGB and
FSEGE have been provided.
B.2.1.6 Single element load as nodal load at begin of segment – load type FSEGB
B.2.1.7 Single element load as nodal load at end of segment – load type FSEGE
Figure 109: Application of the “wet concrete weight” as pair of concentrated forces (load type FSEGE)
The load types FSEGB and FSEGE have been provided to improve the original wet concrete load definition
facility FSY. FSEGB and FSEGE allow for applying the wet concrete load of new elements as a pair of vertical
loads acting at the anchorage points of the traveller rather than as load plus moment acting at an appropriate
structural node.
The input values From, To, Step specify the range of elements, where the load application points can be located.
Using the input values E-from (or E-to respectively) and Ecc2 as shown in Figure 1-10 and Figure 1-11, the
program searches in this range the element where the self-weight of the new element (ElInac) is applied. An
eccentric location of the load application points can be considered by specifying the appropriate eccentricity
value Ez in local z direction. The eccentricities of the two load application points must essentially be the same.
The element range definition From, To, Step must be given in positive local x-direction. The load type FSEGB
must be used, when the new element is connected to the start node of the “From” element, and FSEGE must be
used, when the new element is connected to the end node of the “To” element. Therefore, the “From” (in FSEGB)
or “To” element (in FSEGE) must essentially be the elements, where the new element is connected, even if the
distance of the 1st load application point is greater than the element length.
The weight of this element is calculated with using the specified specific weight value (Gam) and the geometric
parameters stored in the database. The value Gamma of the material table is used, if Gam is not specified.
The location of the center of gravity of the new element is calculated automatically, i.e. the program is able to
calculate the appropriate traveller anchorage forces and to apply them at the specified load application points as
“concentrated load in element”.
Note that a positive value of Gam will yield a total force in negative global Y-direction, resulting in a downward
load at the 1st and an upward load at the 2nd load application point.
Projected loads load intensity related to the projection of the element (option Projection)
Surface loads load intensity related to an area (length × width or (options Load mult. by CS width
depth) and Load mult. by CS depth)
Nodal loads transformation to the start and end nodes without (option Nodal load)
Option Description
Projection Projected loads are related to the length of projection of the element normal to the load
direction rather, than to the real element length. This can for instance be used for defining
distributed snow or wind loads, where the load intensity is measured per unit length of the
element projection. The intensity would be the depth of snow or the dynamic pressure of the
wind; the projected element length is measured in a plane perpendicular to the direction of
Load mult. by The entered load intensities Qx, Qy, Qz are surface loads related to the product of the element
CS width length and the cross-section width (defined as the sum z1+z2 of the cross-section properties
z1 and z2). Note that in this context the unit [Length(structure)] is considered for the cross-
section width, although z1 and z2 are given in the GUI in [Length(CS)]. The unit of the surface
load will therefore always be the force unit divided by the square of the length unit specified as
Load mult. by The entered load intensities Qx, Qy, Qz are surface loads related to the product of the element
CS depth length and the cross-section depth (defined as the sum y1+y2 of the cross-section properties
y1 and y2). Note that in this context the unit [Length(structure)] is considered for the cross-
section depth, although y1 and y2 are given in the GUI in [Length(CS)]. The unit of the surface
load will therefore always be the force unit divided by the square of the length unit specified as
Note: When cross-section widths or depths at the two element ends differ, the respective line
load values will be evaluated, and the average value will be used as uniformly distributed over
the element length.
Note that any lateral eccentricity of the surface loading – due to either y1 and y2 or z1 and z2
being different – is not automatically considered. The entered load intensities Qx, Qy, Qz are
Option Description
surface loads related to the product of the element length and the cross-section width or depth,
assumed acting concentrically on the elements if no eccentricities are specified by the user.
Nodal Load An UDL specified as nodal load will be transformed into two equivalent point loads acting on
the start and end points of the element. This means, that the rigid constraint moments
theoretically arising at the element ends will not be taken into account. Any nodal moments
arising due to eccentric connections between element ends and node will however be
considered. This option is not applicable for Surface loads.
QL Uniformly distributed concentric element load defined in terms of components (Qx, Qy, Qz) in the local
element coordinate system and acting over the whole element length.
B.2.2.2 Uniform eccentric element load – load types QEXG, QEXL, QEYG, QEYL, QEZG,
QEXG Eccentric UDL (global) - Uniformly distributed
eccentric element load in terms of components in
global coordinate directions and acting over the whole
element length. The eccentricity is defined in the local
system with reference to the cross-section centroid
(from the centroid to the load application line).
QEYG and QEYL are similar to QEXG and QEXL respectively, but the specified load eccentricity in Y-direction
(Ey) is not related to the element axis but to the connection line between the two cross-section reference points.
The Y-component of the cross-section eccentricity is automatically added internally. Ez remains related to the
element axis.
Note: Per default, load eccentricities are defined in the local coordinate system with the origin
in the cross-section centroid (QEXG, QEXL). Using the load types QEYG, QEYL allows for relating
the y-component of the load eccentricity being related to the cross-section reference point (the
z component remains related to the element axis). For the load types QEZG, QEZL this applies
analogously in local z-direction.
QEZG and QEZL are similar to QEXG and QEXL, but the specified load eccentricity in Z-direction (Ez) is not
related to the element axis but to the connection line between the two cross-section reference points. The Z-
component of the cross-section eccentricity is automatically added internally. Ey remains related to the element
These load types use the cross-section area Ax for creating the corresponding line load intensities and/or
distributed mass intensities respectively. The input value Gam specifies the specific weight to be considered. The
material parameter Gamma of the element material is used if no value Gam is specified (Gam=0.0). The entered
direction vector (Rx, Ry, Rz) is internally normalized and characterizes the load direction.
The corresponding mass terms are calculated by dividing the load intensity value Ax×Gam by the gravity
constant g specified in Recalc > Dynamic. The direction vector is not used for calculating the self-weight mass
terms (same value for all 3 directions).
Note: The average cross-section area is taken if the cross-sections at the element start and element end differ.
This average area is multiplied by the specific weight, giving the actual UDL value.
Figure 115: Modeling earthquake loading with load type Self-weight acting in horizontal directions
Loadset1 - Static earthquake in longitudinal direction: Rx=1.00, Ry=0, Rz=0 density g=25kN/m3
(100% of the self-weight in x-direction); Loadcase1 with Loadset1 and constant factor of 0.05 (5% of
Load Set 2 in x-direction)
Loadset2 - Static earthquake in transversal direction: Rx=0, Ry=0, Rz=1.00 density g=1.25kN/m3 (5%
of the self-weight in z-direction), Loadcase2 with Loadset2 and with a constant factor of 1.00.
B.2.2.4 Self-weight of active part of composite elements – types GPA, GPA0, GPAM
These load types are related to composite structures only. In principle, GPA, GPA0 and GPAM calculate the self-
weight of the considered elements like G, G0 and GM respectively (being considered as loading and mass, only as
loading, or only as mass; see load type self weight).
For normal elements without composite cross-section, GPA, GPA0 and GPAM will be equivalent to G, G0 and GM
respectively. For composite elements, these load types allow for applying the self-weight on the individual parts
rather, than specifying it for the active composite element characterizing the current structural stiffness. This
allows for instance for using the material parameter Gamma (specific weight) rather than a specific user
specified fictitious specific weight Gam of the composite element.
B.2.3.1 Concentric partial uniform element load – load types QTG, QTL
QTG Concentric partial UDL - Uniformly distributed concentric element load defined in the global coordinate
system and acting over a part of the element length. Input parameters are the load intensity components
in global directions (QX, QY, QZ), and the start and end point of the loaded length either in terms of
proportions of the element length (option Relative: A/L, C/L), or in terms of distances from the element
begin (option Length: A, C).
Figure 116: Concentric partial uniform element load in terms of global directions
QTL Uniformly distributed concentric element load defined in the local element coordinate system and acting
over a part of the element length.
Figure 117: Concentric partial uniform element load in terms of local directions
B.2.3.2 Eccentric partial uniform element load - QTZG , QTZL, QTYG, QTYL, QZZG, QYYG
For all eccentric partial uniform element loads, the definition of the start and end points is currently restricted to
be done in terms of distances (A, C) from the element begin.
QTZG Eccentric partial UDL, acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY, QZglobal,distances A,
C,local z-eccentricity Ecc).
QTZL Eccentric partial UDL acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY, QZlocal,distances A,
C,local z-eccentricity Ecc).
QTYG Eccentric partial UDL acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY,
QZglobal,distances A, C,local y-eccentricity Ecc).
QTYL Eccentric partial UDL acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY, QZlocal,distances A,
C,local y-eccentricity Ecc).
QZZG Eccentric partial UDL, acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY, QZglobal,distances A,
C,local z-eccentricity Eccrelated to the cross-section reference point rather than to the centroid);
the z-component of the cross-section eccentricity is automatically added internally.
QZZL Eccentric partial UDL, acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY, QZlocal,distances A,
C,local z-eccentricity Eccrelated to the cross-section reference point rather than to the centroid);
the z-component of the cross-section eccentricity is automatically added internally.
QYYG Eccentric partial UDL, acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY, QZglobal,distances A,
C,local y-eccentricity Eccrelated to the cross-section reference point rather than to the centroid);
the y-component of the cross-section eccentricity is automatically added internally.
QYYL Eccentric partial UDL, acting over a part of the element length (parameters QX, QY, QZlocal,distances A,
C,local y-eccentricity Eccrelated to the cross-section reference point rather than to the centroid);
the y-component of the cross-section eccentricity is automatically added internally.
Note: Eccentric partial element loads can only have either a y-eccentricity or a z-eccentricity. Load vectors with
both, a y- and a z-eccentricity, have to be split into 2 parts (e.g. a vector in z-direction with y-eccentricity and a
vector in y-direction with z-eccentricity).
QTZG global X, Y, Z z No
QTZL local x, y, z z No
QTYG global X, Y, Z y No
QTYL local x, y, z y No
TL Trapezoidal LDL Local - Linearly variable distributed concentric element load, specified by the load
intensity components in local directions at the element begin (Qxb, Qyb, Qzb) and element end (Qxe, Qye,
QMG Linearly variable distributed moment load, specified by the intensity values about global directions at
the element begin (QMx-b, Qmy-b, QMz-b) and element end (QMx-e, QMy-e, QMz-e).
QML Linearly variable distributed moment load, specified by the intensity values about local directions at the
element begin (QMx-b, Qmy-b, QMz-b) and element end (QMx-e, QMy-e, QMz-e).
B.2.4.3 Partial trapezoidal element load – PTXG, PTXL, PTYG, PTYL, PTZG, PTZL
These types are used to define distributed loads with linearly variable intensity between a start and end point in
an element. The start and end points are specified in terms of distances (A, C) from the element begin (currently
no definition in terms of length related distances A/L, C/L).
PTXG global X no
PTXL local x no
PTYG global Y no
PTYL local y no
PTZG global Z no
PTZL local z no
DREIL Triangular element load (Local) – distributed concentric element load defined in the local coordinate
system, with the load intensity raising linearly from 0 to Qx, Qy, Qz from both element ends to the
element center.
B.2.4.5 Variable load along element – QVARNG, QVARNL, QVARLG, QVARLL, QVARXG,
These load types are used to specify line loads arbitrarily distributed along an element or a series of elements.
They have been provided for simulating wave loads acting on pile groups. Such wave loads have a special,
partially curved, dependency on the depth below the water surface. However, these load types can be
advantageously used for many other purposes, such as hydrostatic loading, earth pressure etc.
The direction of the loading is specified by entering the direction vector (DX, DY, DZ). This is either done in
terms of global coordinate directions (option Global, load types QVARNG, QVARLG, QVARXG, QVARYG,
QVARZG) or in terms of local directions (option Local, load types QVARNL, QVARLL, QVARXL, QVARYL,
QVARZL). Note that the direction vector DX, DY, DZ is internally normalised to a length of 1.0 before being
multiplied with the respective load intensity.
The options Real length and Projection can be used for relating the load to either the real element length or the
projection of the element length as described for UDL.
The distribution of the load intensity must have been specified as an RM Bridge Variable (table!). This table is
assigned in the GUI in the field Table. This table contains the load intensity as a function of an abscissa value,
whose meaning is defined by selecting the appropriate option on the right side of the input pad:
• Option Element-normalized length the abscissa value is the normalized distance from the element begin
• Option Element length the abscissa value is the actual distance from the element begin (local x
• Option Element global X axis the abscissa value is the global x coordinate.
• Option Element global Y axis the abscissa value is the global y coordinate.
• Option Element global Z axis the abscissa value is the global z coordinate.
Such a table can also contain sections with curved shape, defined either by using a parabola interpolation or by
specifying as ordinate value an expression dependent on the abscissa value tabA, as shown in the User Guide
chapter 5.6.4, table 5-8. These arbitrary, maybe curved, distributions are modeled as piecewise linear, internally
using the partial trapezoidal load types described in the preceding sections. In order to increase accuracy or to
decrease computing time, the user can change the number of linear pieces per element (parameter Ntel) being
per default set to 16.
Special applications may require using a cover function for assigning different tables to different elements. This
cover function will be a table containing the actual distribution table names as ordinates, dependent on an
internal variable IQVAR as abscissa value (e.g., IQVAR=1→TableA, IQVAR=2→TableB, etc.). The name of the
cover function will be specified in the input field Table, and depending on the current value of IQVAR the
appropriate distribution table will be taken.
The parameters I-Var1 and I-Var2 are used for calculating the variable IQVAR for the nth element in the specified
element series as function n: IQVAR = I-Var1 + (n-1)×I-Var2.
B.2.5 Masses
Self-weight masses can be defined by using the UDL load type “Self-weight” (G or GM). Additional mass
definitions are defined with the herein described load types. All masses defined with these types are specified as
forces (weights), but only used in dynamic calculations as accelerated masses. They must separately be defined
with the appropriate static load types, if they should also be considered as loads in static analyses.
ELMASE Eccentrically acting uniformly distributed masses, specified by the mass components g×mx, g×my,
g×mz; the mass moment of inertia around the local x direction, and the eccentricity components ey,
ez (local direction, from the start and end nodes to the gravity centre of the line mass).
Note that all element masses are uniformly distributed over the whole clear element length. Any specified
eccentricities are related to the node points, i.e. the cross-section eccentricity is automatically considered. For
creating the mass matrices, the distributed masses (and inertia terms around x-local) are lumped to the start
and end nodes without generating rotational inertia terms around the local y- and z-axes. Therefore, in order to
get accurate results, a suitable subdivision into small elements has to be made for beams subject to dynamic
impacts. The lumped torsional mass moment of inertia is added to any terms g×my×ez2 and g×mz×ey2 due to
eccentric mass application. After transforming this value into global directions, it is directly applied as nodal
mass moment of inertia without further eccentricity transformation.
B.2.6 Stressing
This load type specifies the tendons to be stressed in the current load case. The scheduled stressing scheme
must have been specified prior to calculating this load case. Details on how to model pre-stressing in the
schedule are given in the User Guide, chapter 7.5.4 and 11.5.3.
The options Increment-Force and Total-Force refer to tendons partially stressed in different construction
stages, indicating whether the current stressing force is an initial load fully acting on the structural elements
(Total-Force), or whether it is the final state after re-stressing previously stressed tendons (Increment-Force).
The load type FCAB simulates the physical process “Cable tensioning” fully force related. The results will be
exact for simple linear analyses.
The stressed elements are separated from the system and the force Fx is applied instead of it on the remaining
structural system (direction = undeformed cable direction). The resulting internal forces and deformations of
the remaining system are computed, then the element is again installed in the un-deformed structural system
and the normal force in the element is set to Fx. No displacements are assigned to the element.
This load type can be used to stress the force directly into the system, if the cable force at the end of the stressing
process is known,. Other than in the case of using e.g. FX0, the normal force in the stressed element will be
exactly the applied force.
Attention: This load type shall not be used for complex, nonlinear calculations! Analysis considering P-Delta
effects (2nd order theory), large displacements, or nonlinear cable elements are not compatible with the load
type FCAB. The related cable elements are not active, therefore the nonlinear effects (direction changes) cannot
be considered. In nonlinear analysis, it is recommended to use another load type instead (e.g., LX0, FX0).
Note: Since the stressed elements are separated from the system when the respective load case is calculated, the
load type FCAB cannot be combined in one load case with other loads acting either on the separated elements or
on the intact system.
Note: The program does not offer the possibility to enter an initial temperature (i.e. the temperature
characterizing the initial stress-less state). All temperature values such as DT-G or the temperatures assigned to
cross-section Temperature Points are therefore not absolute values but differences with respect to the initial
temperature of the structure. The average environment temperatures assigned to the elements in Element Time
are not considered for the calculation of the temperature loading (only for creep and shrinkage).
The variation of the temperature load in longitudinal direction (over the element length) is always assumed
constant over the whole element length. A suitable subdivision of the structure into small elements with
constant temperature must be made to simulate essentially varying temperatures in beam longitudinal
Input parameters:
Alpha Temperature expansion coefficient to be used. In the case of no input, the according values are taken
from the material table. The value is approximately 1.0E-5 [1/°C] for all steel and concrete types, but
some design codes require slightly different values to be used.
Note: In the case of reinforced or pre-stressed concrete analyses it is always assumed, that steel and
concrete have the same expansion coefficient and no internal primary stresses occur due to constant
or linearly distributed temperature changes. The coefficient value assigned to the reinforcement or
pre-stressing steel material is therefore never used, except for external sections of pre-stressing
tendons treated like structural elements.
DT-G DT-G Temperature change with respect to the stress-less or a previous state, which is constant over
the cross section and produces only axial strains.
Example: DT-G = +20°C and DT-Y = 0°C
The temperature gradients (TGy, TGz), and consequently the related strain gradients (κy) and (κz), are specified
by value pairs of temperature difference and related length or width (DT-Y, H-Y and DT-Z, H-Z respectively).
DT-Y, H-Y Temperature difference DT-Y and related height H-Y, describing the temperature gradient TGy=
DT-Y/H-Y in the local y-direction, producing only bending strains in the X-Y plane.
DT-Z, H-Z Temperature difference DT-Z and related height H-Z, describing the temperature gradient TGz=
DT-Z/H-Z in the local z-direction, producing only bending strains in the X-Z plane.
Note: Temperature gradients are specified as the change in temperature per unit length. The related
temperature difference is positive if the temperature increases in the positive direction of the local axis. The
related temperatures are assumed zero at the cross-section centroid.
Example 1
(T TOP − T BOT )
DT − G = T BOT + H −Y
Example 2
(T TOP − T BOT )
DT − G = T BOT + H −Y
Two cases have usually to be investigated: a temperature increase and a temperature decrease. The required
variations for these two cases generally differ and two separate Load Cases have therefore to be investigated.
A summary of the different demands of the above-mentioned Design Codes is given below:
BS 5400 Code
Australian Standard
Figure 125: Temperature distribution across cross sections as required in the Australian Standard
Figure 126: Temperature distribution across cross sections as required in the AASHTO Code
Korean Standard
Figure 127: Temperature distribution across cross sections as required in the Korean Standard
The input parameters related to the bending part are the normal force and the 2 bending moments at the start
and end points of the elements. The represent the longitudinal strain εs in the center of gravity and the bending
strains χy and χZ (gradients of longitudinal strains in y and z directions).
The shear part is specified by the torsional moment and the 2 shear forces, representing the respective shear
strain components.
Both, bending and shear part may be separated in a “secondary part”, which causes reactions of the structural
system, and a “primary part”, which characterizes the non-linearity of the strain distribution over the cross-
section. The related internal forces (stress integrals over the cross-section) are internally in equilibrium on the
cross-section level.
The load type TB describes the secondary part of the bending strain. Loading definitions of this type with the
respective parameters are automatically generated in the schedule action TempVar in case of calculating the
effects of a non-linear temperature loading. They are written into the corresponding load sets and can be viewed
in the GUI after this schedule action has been successfully performed.
Using the load types TB, TB0, TS, TS0 for directly defining equivalent strain states requires a deeper insight and
is not recommended in practical applications.
Both load types LX0 and FX0 correspond physically to the installation process of a pre-stressed cable stressed in
a pre-stressing bed (not against the system). (The load type FCAB simulates stressing against the system). This
pre-stressed element is installed in the actual system. The actual distance between the connection points
characterises the length in the fully (with Fx) pre-stressed state. LX0 is the length arising in the case that the
connection to the system is dropped. The calculation process simulates removing the pre-stressing bed. The pre-
stressing forces are then acting on the system at both connection points. The system will give way and the
resulting force in the cable will be (more or less, depending on the system stiffness) smaller than the specified
fixed end value Fx.
B.2.8.1 Element End Displacement – load types DGB, DGE, DLB, DLE (formerly VGA, VGE,
The load types “Element end displacement” do not prescribe a global displacement value to the point, where it is
assigned, but it induces a displacement difference between the specified element end and the nodal point to
which it is connected. I.e. a gap or overlapping distance between the element end and the appropriate node is
prescribed. The global deformation behavior is calculated as a reaction of the structural system to this
This load type is for instance typically used for simulating support settlements. In this case, an element end
displacement in the vertical direction will be applied on the support element (typically a spring element with
one node fixed). The respective node will be moved by the specified amount in relation to the elastic element
end. When the node is fixed, the specified movement will result in a movement of the elastic element end in
opposite direction.
Figure 128: Modeling a support settlement with the load type DGB or DLB
Example: This example describes a 5 mm downward support settlement (displacement) of a bridge pier. This
settlement is simulated by an element end displacement in the global Y direction applied at the element begin of
the support element (e.g. spring element 501). By applying a global element end-displacement (DGB) Vy or a
local element end-displacement (DLB) Vx of +0.005 m the program will try to move the start node upwards by
that amount. But as the start node is restrained the element begin will be moved downwards by 5 mm instead.
If these load types are applied to an element of the superstructure, the resulting deformations will represent an
influence line for the respective internal force at the regarded point.
The Element end displacements may be specified at the begin (DGB, DLB) or end (DGE, DLE) of an element, and
they may be defined either in the global (DGB, DGE) or in the local (DLB, DLE) coordinate system. In case of
eccentric connection, any element end deformations defined in the local direction system are applied at the
position of the elastic element end, whereas deformations defined in terms of global direction components are
applied in the position of the node. This is analogous to the convention for hinge definition.
Mind the sign conventions: The element end displacements are defined as vectors from the element end to the
displaced node in the regarded coordinate system, i.e. the node is moved away from the element end by the
specified amount. This convention applies also to rotations, where the node is rotated right hand turning in
relation to the original position at the element end.
Note: The global deformations and the internal forces resulting from these prescribed deformations are
dependent on the various constraint conditions (typically from the supports). Whenever the DOF’s of the node,
to whom the element end displacement is applied, is restrained, the element end will move in the opposite
direction than specified for the node.
DGB (VGA) End-displacement (global – at the start node) – Prescribed displacements and/or rotations (right-
hand turning) of the start node with respect to the element begin, defined in the global coordinate
DLB (VLA) End-displacement (local – at the start node) – Prescribed displacements and/or rotations (right-
hand turning) of the start node with respect to the element begin, defined in the local coordinate system.
DGE (VGE) End-displacement (global – at the end node) – Prescribed displacements and/or rotations (right-
hand turning) of the end node with respect to the element end, defined in the global coordinate system.
DLE (VLE) End-displacement (local – at the end node) – Prescribed displacements and/or rotations (right-
hand turning) of the end node with respect to the element end, defined in the local coordinate system.
B.2.8.2 Element End Displacement without Static Effect – load types DSPLA, DSPLE
DSPLA The input for applying a displacement to the beginning of the element is prepared with this load type.
DSPLE The input for applying a displacement to the end of the element is prepared with this load type.
These load sets cause no internal forces in the structure (no static effects).
The load sets are used for incremental launching method and later for nonlinear calculation.
normal rules of static analysis. This case must be considered as a normal load case and must be combined
with all other previous load cases to get the total result.
Note: This Load Type is usually only used for highly sophisticated wind dynamics analyses, because no shape
coefficients are mostly available for standard cases due to missing wind tunnel tests. The wind loads are in these
cases commonly modeled by standard distributed loads as described in chap. UDL (on page 436).
Usage and correct application of this Load Type “Wind Load” are described in detail in the User Guide.
The following special Types are available for describing the wind loading:
B.2.10.1 Assign normal force directly (just stiffness) – load type PDFOR
PDFOR Direct assignment of a user defined normal force intensity to an element series
This load type allows for assigning arbitrary user defined normal forces to any elements of the structural system
(Fx internal normal force in kN). These normal forces are not applied as a loading inducing deformations of the
structural system, but as initial values influencing the stiffness of the respective elements in calculations taking
into account P-Delta effects. This allows for performing geometrically nonlinear analyses also for differential
load cases.
B.2.10.2 Assign normal force from LC (just stiffness) – load type PDFLC
PDFLC The normal force is read from the load case results pool and assigned to the appropriate element
This load type allows for assigning normal forces due to previously calculated load cases to any elements of the
structural system. These normal forces are not applied as a loading, inducing deformations of the structural
system, but as initial values influencing the stiffness of the respective elements in calculations taking into
account P-Delta effects. This allows for performing geometrically nonlinear analyses also for differential load
1 . 1 Node table
Node coordinates
Node x y z
[m] [m] [m]
101 18.0000 -17.4000 0.0002
102 18.0000 -14.4000 0.0002
103 18.0000 -11.4000 0.0002
104 18.0000 -8.4000 0.0002
105 18.0000 -5.4000 0.0002
106 18.0000 -2.4000 0.0002
Description: 1 Demonstration example for creating an automatic report with TDF Project No.
1 . 1 Node table
Demo.tdf Page: 1
C.3.1.1 TDVTPL
Used to address program internal templates such as fixed logos.
Return the path\res\templates\ from the Program directory at installation.
Used to address user templates such as user logos.
Return the path \etc\templates\ from the program directory at installation.
Set the name of the page-format template to be used for the report document.
for fixed-template:
CNF_PAGETEMPLATE MARGINS { top bottom left right | DEFAULT }
By default the Template CNF_TDV is used. User-defined templates may be created with the TDF-Editor and
exported from there to a TCL-File. The new Template is installed by inserting a procedure as follows:
proc CNF_USER3 {} {
tcl-script for template-definition
For the default Page-template Page-Size and Page-Margins may be set with the keys PAGESIZE and MARGINS as
given above.
Set the filename of the logo placed into the View CNF_LOGO. If no file is given, or file could not be found, RM-
Logo is used.
Use [TDVTPL]filename for Files from \res\templates\ in the RM Bridge-Program directory
Use [USERTPL]filename for Files from \etc\templates\ in the RM Bridge Program directory
CNF_LOGOFILE "myLogo.bmp"
C.3.3.2 CNF_PDESC1
Set the contents of View CNF_PDESC1.
The default is the contents of the first header of the actual page. Usually, the view is placed in the footer.
CNF_PDESC1 "New Description to be put on next page"
C.3.3.3 CNF_PDESC2
Set the contents of View CNF_PDESC2.
The default is the contents of the actual subheader1. Usually, the view is placed in the footer.
CNF_PDESC2 "New Description2 to be put on next page"
C.3.3.4 CNF_PDESC3
Set the contents of View CNF_PDESC3.
The default is the contents of the actual subheader2. Usually, the view is not used.
CNF_PDESC3 "New Description3 to be put on next page"
Set the contents of View CNF_SETUSER1.
The default is the name-field of the RmBridge-Licence.
Set the contents of View CNF_SETUSER2.
The default is the address-field of the RmBridge-Licence.
CNF_SETUSER2 "Somewhere else in Graz, Austria"
Set the contents of View CNF_SOFTWARE.
The default is a standard text for RM Bridge.
CNF_SOFTWARE "Special Software-Version used"
Set the contents of View CNF_PROJECT.
The default is empty.
Set the contents of View CNF_PROJECTNUMBER.
The default is empty.
C.3.3.10 CNF_DATE
Set the contents of View CNF_DATE.
The default is the RM-Project Date.
CNF_DATE "3.4.2014"
Set the contents of View CNF_SECTION.
CNF_SECTION { text | "" }
The default is empty.
Set new number for section numbering.
Only displayed, if Section-text is defined and the according view exists.
Set the contents of View CNF_FILENAME.
The default is at generation-time.
CNF_FILENAME "D:\work\project1\report1.tdf"
Set the number of master columns for display of tables.
By default, the table is displayed using the available page width. If master columns are set to 2, the table is
shown in two columns side by side, with a width of half the available page width each.
Prepare a Table from an RM-Set.
CNF_RMSET RMSetName tablename
For additoinal information on RMSet, see the Analysis User Guide on Properties > RM-Set.
The table is generated with this command and ready to be used in the report with CNF_TABLE. The reference
name is tablename or RMSetName, if no tablename is given.
CNF_RMSET "MyRMSet" "Table1"
CNF_STRUCTTABLE Tablename Objecttype Key Objectlist
Objectlist is one of the following:
empty = ALL
a list of objects
[SERIE 1 100 1]
Create a table with data about load definitions for later use in the report and placement by using CNF_TABLE
CNF_LOADTABLE Tablename Objecttype key
Objecttypes (and keys) are:
COMB Combination Table
LMANAGE Load Manager Information
LMANAGELC Load Manager SumLoadcase - information
LCASE lcname Load Case Information for given LC
Create a table with data about stage definitions for later use in the report and placement by using CNF_TABLE
CNF_STAGETABLE Tablename Objecttype key
Objecttypes (and keys) are:
Must be executed at the beginning (BEGIN) and at the end (END) of a Report-Script session.
The previously set or default page-format template is applied at the beginning.
Start with new Header.
The numbering of headers starts with 1 by default and is increased automatically. The left indent in the report is
increased automatically.
CNF_HEADER "Results"
Will create a header of “ 1. Results ”
Set the number for the next header.
Start with new Sub-Header (leve 2).
The numbering of headers starts with 1 by default and is increased automatically. The left indent in the report is
increased automatically.
CNF_SUBHEADER1 "Loadcase 1"
Will create a header of “ 1.1. Loadcase 1 ”
Set the number for the next sub-header (level 2).
Start with new Sub-Header (level 3).
The numbering of headers starts with 1 by default and is increased automatically. The left indent in the report is
increased automatically.
Will create a header of “ 1.1.4 Stresses ”
Set the number for the next sub-header (level 3).
Start with new Sub-Header (level 4).
The numbering of headers starts with 1 by default and is increased automatically. The left indent in the report is
increased automatically.
CNF_SUBHEADER3 "Reinforcement"
Set the number for the next sub-header (level 4).
C.3.5.10 CNF_TEXT
Put one or more lines of text.
CNF_TEXT { text | line1 line2 … }
CNF_TEXT "All …"
Set text styles for next call of CNF_TEXT.
Styles are:
Set text size for next call of CNF_TEXT.
The default size is 0.45 cm.
Insert an empty paragraph.
Insert a number of empty paragraphs.
Sets the scale-factor for the following plots.
Requirement: 0.0 < factor ≤ 1.0; the default is 1.0. A scale of 1.0 means, that the maximum available space is used.
This command may be used to set the plot alignment.
If the plot scale is smaller than 1.0, this command may be used to set the plot alignment to LEFT, CENTER, or
Searches for any action that produces a plot of the type given.
The procedure returns the file name if found or "" if not.
Known typesare:
set fname [CNF_STAGEPLOT TENDON $tnd]
Sets a frame to be placed around the plot-file.
The string key may be ON or OFF, or one of the following line thickness specifications:
0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50
C.3.5.19 CNF_PLOT
Insert one graphics file (EMF, BMP, or PL).
CNF_PLOT graphics-file text
The space used will be the useable width and the height depending on the aspect ratio of the File.
Text is optional and will be placed as subtitle to the graphics.
Plot files are located in subdirectories of the different construction schedule variants. To address a plot file
accordingly, the specific subdirectory has to be given. If no subdirectory is defined, then the file is searched for in
the active variant first and all variants subsequent.
The path separator is either a double backslash ‘\\’ or a single ‘/’.
For the use in TDF-Reports, the diagram frame may be changed by adding the item ‘FRAME’ to the RM-Set with
the option ‘TDF’ in column1. In TDF-Reports, plots are normally automatically scaled to the available size,
nevertheless size settings may be useful for better readability of fonts in the diagram. In such cases, the item
‘PAPER’ is added to the RM-Set with the options ‘FREE’ in column1, width [cm] and height [cm] in columns 3 and
CNF_PLOT "pltfile1.pl" "Moment-Diagram"
CNF_PLOT "pltfile1.pl" {"Moment-Diagram" "Second line"}
CNF_PLOT "(Earthquake)\\pltfile1.pl" "M-Earthquake"
C.3.5.20 CNF_PLOT90
Insert one graphics file (EMF, BMP, or PL) rotated.
CNF_PLOT90 graphics-file text
The space used will be the useable width and the height depending on the aspect ratio of the File.
Text is optional and will be placed as subtitle to the graphics.
CNF_PLOT90 "pltfile1.pl" "Moment-Diagram"
CNF_PLOT90 "pltfile1.pl" {"Moment-Diagram" "Second line"}
C.3.5.21 CNF_2PLOT
Insert two graphics files (EMF, BMP, or PL).
CNF_2PLOT graphics-file1 graphics-file2 text1 text2
The space used will be the useable width and the height depending on the aspect ratio of the bigger of the files.
Texts are optional and will be placed as subtitle to the graphics.
CNF_2PLOT "pltfile1.pl" "pltfile2.pl" "Moment-Diagram" "Normal-Forces"
C.3.5.22 CNF_2PLOT90
Insert two graphics files (EMF, BMP, or PL) rotated.
CNF_2PLOT90 graphics-file1 graphics-file2 text1 text2
The space used will be the useable width and the height depending on the aspect ratio of the bigger of the files.
Texts are optional and will be placed as subtitle to the graphics.
CNF_2PLOT90 "pltfile1.pl" "pltfile2.pl" "Moment-Diagram" "Normal-Forces"
C.3.5.23 CNF_3PLOT
Insert three graphics files (EMF, BMP, or PL).
CNF_3PLOT graphics-file1 graphics-file2 graphics-file3 text1 text2 text3
The space used will be the useable width and the height depending on the aspect ratio of the bigger of the files.
Texts are optional and will be placed as subtitle to the graphics.
CNF_3PLOT "pltfile1.pl" "pltfile2.pl" "pltfile3.pl" "Moment-Diagram" "Normal-
Forces" "Shear-Forces"
C.3.5.24 CNF_3PLOT90
Insert three graphics files (EMF, BMP, or PL) rotated.
CNF_3PLOT90 graphics-file1 graphics-file2 graphics-file3 text1 text2 text3
The space used will be the useable width and the height depending on the aspect ratio of the bigger of the files.
CNF_3PLOT90 "pltfile1.pl" "pltfile2.pl" "pltfile3.pl" "Moment-Diagram"
"Normal-Forces" "Shear-Forces"
# This line is used for demonstration purposes only.
# Please delete for user defined report.
# Settings
# Page Format Template
# set Contents
# (Replace [TDVTPL] with any directory. The path seperator has to be written as '\\')
# Report begin
# Prepare Tables from RMSETS
# Table names are case-senitive
# Settings
# Commands for Report-Assembly
# Title Page
#delete [TDVTPL] for Your own report
CNF_PLOT "[TDVTPL]screenshot1.bmp"
# Report-Pages start here
CNF_HEADER "First Header"
CNF_TEXT "Headers are added by CNF_HEADER \"First Header\" ."
CNF_SUBHEADER1 "Subheader"
CNF_TEXT "Subheaders are added by CNF_SUBHEADER \"Subheader\" ."
CNF_TEXT "This Report is a Template Report, that was assembled by running a TCL-Script."
CNF_TEXT "Please add TCL-commands to the script to assemble Your own report. The template used"
CNF_TEXT "with this Report is called 'CNF_DIN-ZTV-K' and may also be adressed as DEFAULT"
CNF_TEXT "it is part of the German ZTV-K (Additional Technical Regulations for civil engineering "
CNF_TEXT "structures) published in Paper 504 by the german ministery of transportation."
CNF_TEXT "This template may adapted by changing margins, sizes and contents of views as given in"
CNF_TEXT "the Userguide. Furthermore, user-defined templates may be generated with the TDF-Editor"
CNF_TEXT "and used as Part of the TCL-Script."
CNF_TEXT "Examples for adding plotfiles to the report are:"
CNF_TEXT "CNF_PLOT Filename {\"Text line1\" \"Text line2\" \"Text line3\" ...}"
CNF_TEXT "CNF_2PLOT90 Filename1 Filename2 {\"Text 1\" \"Text 1b\" } {\"Text 2\" \"Text 2b\"}"
CNF_TEXT "Tables are generated in RM2004 and later inserted into the Report:"
CNF_TEXT "to import Tables: CNF_SOURCE CNF_Tables.tcl"
CNF_TEXT "Please refere to the User Guide for details about TCL-Commands."
# Report End