Fisheries Law Edit
Fisheries Law Edit
Fisheries Law Edit
Fishery development is a process towards achieving the full potential of the sector through
growth and improvement. Fishery development is also defined to include the expansion of
fishing effort, improvement in post-harvest technology, marketing and transportation of fishery
products as well as the provision of infrastructure and other related facilities.
In fisheries, development may be defined as a process of change through which sustainable and
equitable improvements are made to the quality of life for most or all members of the society
(Bailey and Jentoft, 1990). A fishery is being developed if:
i. The biomass is being reduced by fishing, rebuilt after depletion or enhanced to increase its
ii. The quality of the catch or its value improves, not necessarily increasing the harvest.
iii. Under an ecosystem approach to fisheries, development may be achieved through the
reduction of the negative environmental impact and/or increasing resilience of the system to
unexpected change, meeting broader societal objectives.
iv. Examples of fisheries development interventions include fish subsidy, fuel subsidy,
motorisation, credit, marketing infrastructure, improved post-harvest technology, promotion of
Goals of Sustainable Fisheries Development
The need for sustainability implies that improvements should be achieved without risk to the
long term stability of the ecosystem. The World Commission on Environment and Development,
1987 defined sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Sustainable development is also defined as the management and conservation of the natural
resource base and the orientation of technological and institutional change in a way and manner
to ensure the attainment and continued satisfaction of human needs for present and future
generations. Such development conserves land, water, plant and genetic resources, is
environmentally non-degrading, technologically appropriate, economically viable and socially
acceptable (FAO Committee on Fisheries, 1991).
The goals of sustainable fisheries development are:
i. To improve the welfare of stakeholders directly or indirectly in the fisheries sector as well as
the national productive system.
ii. To establish a more sustainable and optimal use of the available fisheries resources (FAO,
3.3 Issues in Fisheries Development in Nigeria
Neiland et al., (2002) identified four key issues in the management and sustainability of fisheries
in Nigeria’s inland waters.
a) environmental change
b) exogenous factors
c) fisheries management and
d) fisheries policy and implementation.
3.4 Environmental Changes and Exogenous Factors that Affect Water and Fisheries
Development in Nigeria
The environmental changes that have been found to affect both water and fisheries development
in Nigeria over the years include:
a) Droughts (e.g. in Lake Chad 1972/1974, early 80s).
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b) Changes in water quality due to pollution from oil exploration, exploitation and transporting
activities, mineral extraction, agricultural and deforestation activities, changing urban and rural
land uses.
c) Dam construction across rivers, e.g. Kainji, Shiroro, Tiga, etc.
The construction of dams has many controversial issues surrounding them such as flooding in
some areas of a water body and drought or less water supply in others.
d) Withdrawal of water for irrigation. There are several irrigation projects in Nigeria which have
direct and indirect effects on ground and surface waters.
The exogenous factors that affect fisheries include:
1. Human population pressure
2. Deforestation
3. Poverty
4. Demand for food.
3.5 Constraints to Sustainable Fisheries Development in Nigeria
1. There is inadequate knowledge of the fisheries resources and ecosystem based on low and
weak scientific data to update laws, other relevant information and policies.
2. There are little or no interactions between the government and stakeholders. This leads to low
stakeholder input in policy making and top-bottom approach is often used.
3. Low financial capability to meet specific needs. Minimal resources are invested in both
fisheries management and development activities.
4. Low capacity to police coastal zone to enforce existing laws. There is lack of strong political
will to enforce existing laws.
5. Many agricultural policies are not specific and may not include programmes or projects for
accomplishing set goals.
6. There are often inconsistencies in policies and programmes of governments.
7. Inadequate technical and extension services
8. Lack of monitoring and evaluation of programmes or projects
9. Inadequate supply of inputs to the artisanal fishermen
10. Changing nature of seasonal streams, rivers, pools and poor management of water bodies
lead to low productivity.
3.6 Methods of Achieving Sustainable Fisheries Development
Sustainable fisheries development can be achieved through responsible fishing. This involves
rational fisheries management objectives that address issues like the status of the resource, the
health of the environment, post-harvest technology, trade and other economic concerns, social
benefits, legal and administrative support. Caddy and Griffiths (1995) proposed the following to
achieve responsible fisheries:
a) Regulation of fishing efforts by avoiding financial incentives that contributes to excess fishing
b) Establishment of code of conduct for responsible fishing to guide management plan
c) Establishment and support of regional/international fishery commissions and organisations to
manage shared resources.
d) Regular consultation among harvesting countries
e) Set agreed management objectives and related reference points, incorporating a precautionary
f) Develop contingency plans
g) Develop mechanisms for resolving user conflicts
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h) Protect biodiversity and environment
i) Promote research
j) Optimise social and economic stability
Fisheries management is “The integrated process of information gathering, analysis, planning,
consultation, decision-making, allocation of resources, formulation and implementation, with
enforcement as necessary, of regulations or rules which govern fisheries activities in order to
ensure the continued productivity of the resources and the accomplishment of other fisheries
objectives” (FAO,1995; Cochrane, 2002). It is also the pursuit of certain objectives through
direct control such as minimum mesh size to regulate size of fish at capture, increase the
productivity of the resource; or a system of licenses to control entry and maximise economic
returns from the fishery. Indirect control involves creating an enabling environment by fisheries
authorities for fishermen to control the resource, providing opportunities and incentives for
communal control of the resource, e.g. community property rights for effective fishing effort or
some of its components. The main goal of fisheries management is to achieve long-term
sustainable use of the fisheries resources.
Fisheries management entails a set of tasks aimed at ensuring that optimal benefits are obtained
for users. Fisheries management draws on fisheries research, analysis and institutional processes
of advice.
According to FAO (1997), fisheries management can include:
1. Setting policies and objectives for each fishery or stock to be managed; taking into account the
biological characteristics of the stock; the nature of existing or potential fisheries and other
activities related to or impacting the stock; and the potential economic and social contribution of
the fishery to national or local needs.
2. Determining and implementing the actions necessary to allow managers, fishers and other
stakeholders to work towards set objectives. The actions required include: developing and
implementing management plans for managed stocks; ensuring that stocks and the ecosystem are
maintained in a productive state; collecting and analysing biological and fishery data necessary
for assessment, monitoring, control and surveillance; adoption and promulgation of laws and
regulations needed to achieve set objectives.
3. Consulting and negotiating with resource users and those in related activities or activities that
impact fisheries such as groups engaged in riverine, lake, or coastal zone. The interests of
fisheries should be considered and catered for in planning and integration of activities.
4. Working with users to regularly review the management
objectives and measures to be sure they are still appropriate and
5. Reporting to governments, users and the public on the state of
resources and management performance.
Approaches to Fisheries Management
There are several approaches to fisheries management. These include:
a) Fishing quotas, total allowable catch
b) Limits on number of fishing days and
c) Restrictions on number of fishing vessels.
These methods cannot be properly monitored. Other methods used in fisheries management
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i. Rights-based management of fisheries. This allows fishermen the right to determine the
quantity of fish harvest over a long time by methods such as individual transferable quotas
(ITQs) which can be traded.
ii. Landing fees paid by fishermen to a designated authority based on the amount of fish
caught. This removes the incentive for overfishing
iii. Capping licenses allocated to fishing vessels, limiting engine power or vessel size.
iv. Limited duration of fishing – Fishermen using available technology can still catch a
lot of fish in short periods.
v. Ban on destructive fishing methods - explosives, poisons, etc.
vi. Allocation of fishing rights to individuals or groups. Catch and effort are determined
by the individual or group reducing the cost of monitoring.
vii. Protected Areas are demarcated areas of water where all economic activities
including fishing are not allowed in order for fish stock to recover.
viii. Influencing consumers’ judgment through the work of agencies like the marine
stewardship council and Friends of the Sea which certify products based on some agreed criteria
(Schrӧder, T. World Ocean Review, 2013).
Fisheries Management Plan
This is a formal or informal arrangement between a fisheries management authority and
interested parties or stakeholders. It identifies the partners in the fishery, their roles, agreed
objectives for the fishery and specifies the management rules and regulations which apply to it
Fisheries Management Strategy
Fisheries management strategy refers to the sum of all the management measures selected to
achieve the biological, ecological, economic and social objectives of the fishery. Fisheries
management requires an investment of time and resources to gather the needed information
develop and agree on a management regime, to enforce regulations, and monitor the fishery. An
economically sound fishery should make acceptable returns on investments after accounting for
the costs of management.
The management of fisheries to achieve specific goals and objectives requires the development
and application of set rules to govern the conduct of fishers and the gear they use, those not
permitted in the fishery, and those without rights of access to certain parts of the fishery.
Fisheries practices should target conflict reduction among fisheries resources users and non-
fisheries users of resources.
Fisheries Management Measure
Fisheries management measure consists of any type of control implemented to contribute to
achieving the objectives of the fishery. Management measures are classified as technical
measures, input (effort) and output (catch) controls, and any access rights designed around input
and output controls.
Technical measures can be sub-divided into regulations on gear-type or gear design, closed areas
and closed seasons, minimum legal mesh size, a seasonal closure of the fishery, a total allowable
catch (TAC), a limit on the total number of vessels in a fishery, and a licensing scheme to
achieve the limit are all examples of management measures.
Fisheries Management Systems
a) Traditional management system refers to fisheries being managed by traditional government
administration through village heads, district heads or religious leaders.
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b) Modern management system involves administration by governments at local, state and
federal levels.
c) Mixed systems involve both governments and traditional institutions working together either
intentionally or inadvertently to manage fisheries.
The mixed system is dominant though the traditional management system is common in Nigeria
and is effective in regulating fishing activities.
d) Fisheries co-management involves institutional arrangements made that facilitate the
exchange of information and joint decision-making by state and resource users.
Fisheries Resources, Fisheries Management Unit, Fisheries Management Body&
Fisheries Management Tools
Fisheries management unit refers to the physical areas being managed while the management
body refers to the body managing the management unit. Fisheries management tools include all
the instruments to regulate the harvest of a fisheries resource. Several management tools can be
used in various areas such as taxes, permits, gear restriction, minimum sizes of catches, closed
Under intense exploitation, most fisheries experience the following sequence: undeveloped,
developing, fully exploited, over exploited, collapsed and with appropriate management
measures, rebuilding.
Underexploited fisheries refer to underdeveloped or new fisheries. This is believed to have a
significant potential for expansion in production. Moderately exploited fisheries are those that
are exploited with a low level of fishing. They have some limited potential for expansion in total
Fully exploited fisheries: The fishery is operating at or close to an optimal yield level with no
expected room for further expansion.
Overexploited fisheries: Fisheries are exploited at or above a sustainable level in the long term
with no room for further expansion and at a risk of collapse or stock depletion. Over exploitation
or overfishing is the removal of aquatic living resources to levels that cannot sustain viable
populations. Overexploitation can lead to resource depletion, threaten or endanger species of fish
or wildlife. Over exploitation affects fisheries directly and indirectly. Direct effects are
associated with target and by catch species.
Forms of Overfishing
According to the Community-Based Coastal Resource Management Centre (2003), there are
different forms of overfishing which include:
Economic overfishing - Increasing fishing intensity does not translate to more catch or profit.
There is a maximum level at which the environment can produce. When the limits of production
are reached, the catches begin to reduce. Increasing fishing intensity leads to dwindling catches.
If the fishing intensity is increasing, fishing cost such as labour, materials, capital and fuel
increases. If the catch is greater than the cost, there is a profit or resource rent (Total catch –
Total costs)
Recruitment overfishing occurs when fishing is so intense that the parent stock is reduced in
numbers and can no longer produce a normal stock in the next year. This is called recruitment
overfishing. This can be prevented by the provision of sanctuaries for such fish. This affects the
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ability of the species to replenish the population. Gears can physically disturb the habitats and
sediments, catch both target and non-target species.
Growth overfishing occurs when fish are caught at an uneconomic size; for instance, when a lot
of small-sized fish are caught in the absence of large fish. This form of overfishing occurs at the
species level.
Ecosystem overfishing occurs when several species are overfished. It is difficult to understand
when an ecosystem overfishing occurs because when one species is over fished, another one will
take over but eventually, the ones that take over may also become consumed. There are three
ways an ecosystem can be overfished:
a. Destruction of the primary producers such as the mangroves, coral reefs, sea grass beds
b. Decrease in secondary producers
c. Decrease in primary producers and decrease in biomass of the fisheries
Malthusian overfishing: Limited resources cannot support increasing populations. This implies
that fish is being harvested beyond the maximum sustainable yield.
Effects of Over-Exploitation
Indirect effects of over fishing or over exploitation include ghost fishing where a fishing gear left
or lost at sea continues to fish or restrict movement of fish causing starvation, laceration,
suffocation and infection. Indirect effects also cause atrophic cascading effects in which top level
predators are removed affecting the whole ecosystem.
Overfishing has decreased catches for many fisheries, negatively impacted ecosystem health and
the sustainability of stocks. Human food supplies are reduced due to reduction in catches.
Overexploited fisheries may be unable to meet the demand for fish oils.
Depleted fisheries have stocks with catches well below historical levels, irrespective of the
amount of fishing effort being exerted.
Recovering fisheries are those with increasing catches after being depleted. They are yielding
less than their maximum potential owing to excessive fishing pressure in the past. According to
FAO (2008), 2%,52%,19%, 8% and 1% of the fish stock were underexploited, fully exploited,
overexploited, depleted and recovering respectively.
Principles of Resource Exploitation (Sutherland, 2001)
i. Population increase can be exploited and population should be exploited at the rate they
increase (Caughley & Gunn 1995).
ii. Density dependence is essential. If due to density dependence, reduction in population causes
increase in breeding output or survival, then the resulting increase may be exploited. Density
dependence is central to sustainable exploitation (Ricker 1954, Schaefer 1954).
iii. Quantifying density dependence is difficult to measure because of sampling errors (Shenk et
al, 1998).
iv. Sustainable exploitation involves reducing population size and depends on a growing
population which can be achieved by reducing populations to take advantage of the density
dependent increase in survival or breeding output. Exploited populations must be lower, even
when exploited sustainably.
v. Sustainability has many conflicting definitions depending on the objectives.
vi. It is better to monitor the population than the harvest: It is easier to measure changes in
numbers of individuals exploited but determining changes in population sizes is better for
adjusting the exploitation level (Lande et al., 1997). It is the population size that really matters.
vii. Quotas are unstable. Populations fluctuate, estimates of a sustainable quota maybe faulty or
the quota exceeded. When the population declines, the quota becomes an increasing proportion
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of those remaining which can drive the population further downward. Monitoring can prevent
overexploitation. There is a natural variation in the population size. It is difficult to reduce
agreed quotas.
viii. Increasing effort is simple, reducing it is painful. Over exploitation of populations continues
even when reducing effort should produce greater long-term yield (Ludwig et al, 1993).
Measures Needed to Exploit Conservatively
i. It is better to restrict effort rather than quotas.
ii. Only exploit populations when they exceed a threshold size (Lande et al, 1997).
iii. Adopt rotational management in which areas are exploited for a period and then left (Myers
et al, 2000).
iv. Exclusion zones in which fishing is not allowed (McCullough, 1996).
v. Protection of gravid and juvenile individuals.
vi. Protection of water from pollution
vii. Inclusion of fisheries impact assessments in environmental impact assessment for activities
which impact fishery or other aquatic resources.
Methods for Assessing Exploitation Level
a) Surplus production method
This method determines how catch varies with effort. Data required are numbers or biomass
exploited per year and effort. This method has been used mainly for fisheries.
b) Yield per recruit method
This method considers recruitment in determining long term sustainable strategy. It is used
mainly for fisheries and forestry.
c) Robinson and Bedford model
This method entails calculation of maximum growth and yield if population is 0.6 of expected
population size. The data required average at first reproduction, annual birth rate, age at last
reproduction. This method is used when nothing is known about a species. It has been used
mainly for Tropical forest mammals and birds.
d) Linking yield to recruitment and mortality
Data required for this method are recruitment and mortality rates. No data are needed for trends
or effort. It does not apply to populations in equilibrium only to populations at sustainable
population sizes. The method is used occasionally for mammals
e) Adjusting to population changes
This method loosens and tightens regulations to adjust to population changes. It demands very
little data on population. It emphasizes population sizes but may be difficult to respond to
environmental changes.
f) Comparing demography across sites
This method relates exploitation intensity to density or population change. The data required are
exploitation level and population density (or population change at a range of sites). The method
focuses on populations and can be carried out in the short term without detailed ecological
studies. It is necessary to know whether results are affected by other interactions, e.g.
environmental factors
g) Reducing to a fixed fraction of exploited population size
This method maintains population at a proportion of (e.g. 60%) of unexploited population. Data
required are likely unexploited population size, current population size and the method can be
used with very little data. This method is useful for data-deficient populations. However, the
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method requires estimates of unexploited population and is difficult to use for variable
h) Full population model
Creates full model of major components of the population and examines consequences of
different harvest levels. It requires full data on strength of all density-dependent processes. It is
about the best method and can be used to examine the consequences of other changes.
i) Adaptive Management
This method uses models to determine where doubts occur and the consequences of these doubts.
Experiments are undertaken to reduce uncertainty. It involves continually improving knowledge
and management. Data from experiments are used. The main strength is that it continually
improves knowledge.
Definition of Fisheries Enhancement
Fisheries enhancement refers to production systems beyond extractive, unmanaged open access
and/or managed capture fisheries. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
defines ‘enhanced fisheries’ as “activities aimed at supplementing or sustaining the recruitment
of one or more aquatic organisms and raising the total production or the production of selected
elements of a fishery beyond a level which is sustainable by natural processes”.
Forms of Fisheries Enhancement
Forms of fisheries enhancement include (Welcomme and Bartley, 1998):
i. Introduction of new species to exploit underutilised parts of the food chain or habitat.
ii. Stocking of water bodies to improve recruitment.
iii. Fertilisation of the water to increase productivity.
iv. Engineering the environment to improve fish reproduction, migration, provide shelter and
food resources.
v. Elimination of predators and other unwanted species.
Traditional Fisheries Enhancement
Traditional fisheries enhancement systems or measures have the following characteristics in
1. A degree of management and intervention beyond traditional capture fisheries
2. Property rights which are defined more narrowly than in capture fisheries.
Areas of intervention in traditional fisheries enhancement include movement of fish stocks,
extent of water retention, water quality (fertility) and/or availability of fish feed. Enhancement
techniques may be associated with and/or combined with methods like the attraction or
confinement of fish. Fisheries enhancement systems depend on the same resources as capture
fisheries. They involve smaller water bodies which can be guarded and harvested more easily
than larger rivers and lakes. Unlike in capture fisheries, exclusive use rights over the enhanced
fisheries resources and enhancement facilities are usually necessary.
Fisheries enhancement systems or measures are usually in competition with other forms of
resource use such as capture fisheries. Traditional fisheries enhancement systems are based on
local knowledge and subject to traditional rules and regulations applicable to resource utilisation.
The traditional fisheries enhancement systems may be based on:
1. Habitat modification or fish shelter systems
By introducing structures which attract fish e.g. fish aggregating devices (FADs) in capture
fisheries; provide periodic shelter which improves stock recruitment, survival rates of juvenile
fish and/or natural food supply. These systems are referred to as shelter fisheries systems. Many
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fish species associate themselves with floating or drifting objects which provide shelter and
protection against predators. Fish aggregating systems exploit this behaviour to attract fish and
increase catches. These systems also improve fish habitats or provide additional feed thereby
enhancing the resource. An example of this system is the brush park. Brush parks are submerged
structures made up of wooden materials - brushes and branches which are usually fixed to the
bottom of a shallow water body. Brush parks are located in brackish water lagoons, but are also
found in freshwater lakes and rivers. They cover water areas ranging from few square metres to
several hectares. They are labourintensive to construct and operate. They:
i. Offer some fish species a protected environment for breeding, spawning and feeding
ii. Provide additional fish food in form of aquatic organisms attached to underwater substrates
and associated fauna which colonise the structures
iii. Attract fish.
2. Retention systems
The fish retention system is the traditional enhancement technique closest to aquaculture. They
involve the retention of water by physical structures such as weirs, flood depressions and ponds;
water management and some control over fish stocks. Fish can either be stocked or naturally
present in the retained water and their production is aided by feeding and/or fertilisation.
i. Permanent or semi-permanent barriers: Barriers and dams are made of reeds, grass, mud or
more solid materials across mall channels or used to raise natural embankments to control the
inflow and outflow of water and retain fish. Traps, baskets or nets are used for fishing while the
water is still in place, or by breaching the dam and releasing the water through nets or traps and
collecting the remaining fish when the bottom becomes dry.
ii. Fences and traps: A combination of fences and traps built from bamboo or palm fronds can be
used to exploit fish migration patterns. Fences and traps are closer to fish-catching devices than
to enhancement systems, when they do not involve additional management measures.
iii. Drain-in ponds: In floodplains and other seasonally inundated areas, naturally occurring
depressions are deepened or ponds are dug to prolong the retention of water and lengthen the
fish-harvesting season. These structures are known as drain-in ponds or fish holes. Fish enter
these ponds during the floods and are trapped as the waters recede. Drain-in ponds exploit the
annual cycle of flooding and drying. During the wet season, the rivers overflow their banks and
flood waters extend across the plains acquiring nutrients from terrestrial sources. Fish are able to
move freely in flooded areas taking advantage of increase in primary productivity and a seasonal
increase in fish biomass. Drain-in ponds become congested with vegetation during the dry season
and may become anoxic during high water temperatures. Management includes feeding of
retained fish mainly with agricultural wastes and by-products or fertilising the pond water.
Retention ponds can also be stocked with juvenile fish sourced from open waters.
Constraints of Traditional Fisheries Enhancements
Constraints on fish sheltering and retention systems include:
i. High financial and labour investments for the construction and maintenance of large fish
sheltering systems such as brush parks.
ii. Market constraints arising from the harvesting of larger sheltering systems which leads to bulk
supplies resulting in low market prices and low returns on investment.
iii. Environmental problems from large-scale construction and deforestation may require wood
purchase from long distances which may cause conflicts with local communities.
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iv. Resource use conflicts as fish retention systems require established user rights over a long
period. Conflicts occur where suitable sites for water retention are limited and other users are
excluded from the benefits of fish retention and resource use.
v. The productivity of traditional retention systems suffers due to poor water management. Fish
production in confined water bodies is reduced by low levels of oxygen, high concentrations of
wastes and low water exchange.
Reasons for Failures of Fisheries Enhancement Projects in Africa
a. Low returns on investment leads to loss of interest in fish farming and enhancement schemes.
b. Fish farming is labour-intensive and may divert attention from other farming activities. Many
aquaculture projects are not planned in collaboration with target groups and experts.
c. Production inputs such as agricultural land and water always have opportunity costs. The
availability and regular supply of fingerlings is also a constraint to long-term sustainability of
fish farming. Feed and fertilisers for fish farming also have other uses.
d. The specific skills and knowledge required for aquaculture are not part of traditional African
knowledge systems.
e. Comprehensive interventions in the rearing process of aquatic organisms and their
environment have no tradition in Africa.
f. African traditional institutions do not provide a context conducive to modern fisheries
enhancement and aquaculture because:
i. Modern fisheries enhancement and aquaculture require large investments and are viable
only if the benefits can be realised by those bearing the costs.
ii. Traditional land and water use rights are not always secure enough to justify
investments in facilities.
iii. Modern fisheries enhancement as culture-based fisheries in open waters is feasible
only if exclusive use rights are granted to investors which often contravene the traditional use
and access rights.
Definitions of Conservation
There are many definitions of conservation given over the years by individuals or groups (Olver,
et al.1995). A few of them are given here: “The use of the natural resources for the greatest good
of the greatest number of people for the longest time” (Pincot, 1947).
“Management of human use of the biosphere so that it may yield sustainable benefit to present
generations while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of the future
generations” (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources, 1980).
“Management of human use of organisms or ecosystems to ensure such use is sustainable.
Besides sustainable use, conservation includes protection, maintenance, rehabilitation,
restoration and enhancement of populations and ecosystems” (World Conservation Union,
United Nations Environmental programme and Worldwide Fund for Nature, 1991).
Principles of Conservation
The primary goal of fisheries management is to ensure the perpetuation of self-sustaining stocks
of indigenous aquatic species and where possible to allow their sustainable use. Aquatic
ecosystems should be managed to ensure long term sustainability of native fish stocks. The key
to conservation is sustainability of naturally producing wild stocks of native fish. Stocks are the
repository of genetic diversity within each species and are the building blocks of on which
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fisheries management is based. The sustainability of fish stocks requires maintenance of its
supporting native community. The sustainability of a fish stock requires the protection of the
specific physical and chemical habitats utilised by the individual members of the stock
population (Olver, 1995).
Objectives of Conservation
Several reasons have been given for the conservation of wild species of plants and animals.
Conservation is important for economic, medical, scientific, ecological, aesthetic and
recreational values of species.
a) Economic and medical importance of wild species - food crops and animals are sourced from
the wild. Existing wild stocks are needed for producing improved strains. Medicines from plant
and animal sources, e.g. plant extracts derived for drugs e.g. antibiotics from microorganisms
such as penicillin and tetracycline.
b) Wild species provide ecological services and are key factors in sustaining the earth’s
biodiversity and ecological integrity. They supply food, recycle nutrients, generate and maintain
soils, produce oxygen and other gases, absorb pollutants, moderate the earth’s climate, regulate
local climates and water supplies, reduce erosion and flooding, store solar energy, detoxify
poisonous substances, breakdown organic wastes, control potential pests and disease carriers,
make up the gene pool for future generations.
c) Aesthetic and recreational importance - They serve as sources of beauty and recreation.
d) Ethical importance - Species have rights to exist and each species has its intrinsic value
unrelated to its usefulness to man.
Causes of Declining Fish Stocks
i. Overfishing/overharvesting - The rate of fishing is greater than the ability of the stock to
replenish or replace itself.
ii. Habitat loss/destruction e.g. deforestation, sand filling of wetlands - swamps, mangrove
forests for construction purposes and destruction of coral reefs by dynamite fishing.
iii. Habitat fragmentation is a form of habitat destruction involving the removal or modification
of the original habitat leaving only patches. It causes degeneration of biodiversity, disruption of
life cycles, and isolation of some animals in islands of habitats.
iv. Introduction of species create major problems such as predation; uncontrolled breeding
because of lack of natural checks and balances, disruption of food chains, competition for space,
nutrition, mineral resources and changes in ecosystems.
v. Pollution (oil, industrial, etc.) of coastal areas and wetlands lowers habitat quality. Excessive
release of chemicals over extended periods will poison habitats and spread out into food chains;
cause loss of the aesthetic values of beaches due to unsightly oil slicks; damage to marine life,
ecosystem changes due to species mortality and changes in food chains; decrease in
fishery resources.
vi. Trawling for fish disturbs the benthos.
vii. Human population pressure.
viii. Poor agricultural practices, e.g. destruction of watersheds, clearing of river banks and other
critical areas cause silting of river beds and loss of water courses; excessive use of agrochemicals
cause problems of chemical persistence in the soil.
Biodiversity most Affected by Human Impacts
Human impacts on the environment such as habitat loss and pollution do not threaten all groups
of biodiversity equally. The most affected groups are the species with small population sizes,
species with slow rates of population growth. Groups most susceptible to extinctions include:
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i. Species at higher trophic levels such as large, rare animals with slow rates of population
growth. They are very susceptible to over exploitation and habitat loss.
ii. Local endemics which are species with restricted ranges and often threatened by habitat loss.
Water development, pollution or habitat alteration can easily drive these species to extinction.
iii. Species with small populations, e.g. many species at higher trophic levels have low
populations. Habitat restrictions or fragmentation may reduce their populations to very low
levels. Populations of species at very low trophic levels may also be very low in a habitat or
iv. Large species have high metabolic demands, require large habitats and occur in low densities.
The largest species within a group or of species sharing similar food sources (a guild) tend to be
at high risk of extinction.
v. Species with poor dispersal and colonization abilities: Groups with narrow habitat
requirements and species that cannot disperse easily to new habitats are at high risk of extinction.
vi. Species with colonial nesting habitats are very susceptible to over exploitation or loss of
breeding habitat.
vii. Migratory species depend on suitable habitat along the migratory routes and in different
seasons. Adverse habitat effects on migrant populations are very high and species with
specialized feeding habits will fluctuate greatly.
viii. Species with little evolutionary experience of human disturbance are more affected by
human-induced perturbations
Conservation Methods for Fisheries
i. Cultural practices: These include societal beliefs, norms, values, and ethics. These provide
checks and balances, e.g. attachment of some water bodies and their aquatic resources to certain
deities and other superstitious beliefs, taboos and fines to offenders both in cash and kind
ii. Legislation: Some legislation, e.g. Sea Fisheries Decrees (1971, 1972, 1992), Inland Fisheries
Act (Decree 108, 1992) ban the use of poisons, pesticides, explosives, some types of nets and
fishing gear such as fish fences.
iii. Conservation and consumer education using face-to-face interactions, radio/television
messages and advertisements. These create awareness on the needs to conserve fisheries.
Consumers should be educated to reject the consumption of fry, fingerling and juveniles
iv. Monitoring, control and surveillance: It is difficult to enforce laws, inland waters are not as
well policed as coastal areas.
v. Stock assessment: For proper conservation measures to be carried out there is a need for stock
assessment to know the available fish stocks.
vi. Aquaculture could be encouraged to reduce the pressure on wild stock or capture fisheries.
vii. Restocking operations (and other enhancement methods) can be explored to revive
overfished stocks. Provision of correct fishing inputs to discourage the use of faulty fishing gear
(Adeleye, 1993).
Conservation Legislation
International conventions on conservation with agreements ratified by Nigeria:
a) The United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea (ratified in 1986).
b) African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, (Algiers), 1968.
c) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954-62.
d) Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas, 1985.
e) Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matters,
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f) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982.
g) The RAMSAR Convention on the Conservation of Wetlands of International Importance,
especially as Waterfowl Habitat, 1971.
h) The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Culture and Natural Heritage, 1972.
i) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora, (CITES) 1973.
j) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 1973.
k) Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992.
Government’s Effort to Conserve Biodiversity
Efforts to conserve and sustainably use Nigeria’s coastal water and adjacent land include:
i. Government’s Action Plan on water pollution control and biological diversity conservation in
the Niger Delta area.
ii. Collaborative efforts in West African sub-region under the Gulf of Guinea Large Marine
Ecosystem (GOGLME) Project for monitoring coastal water for pollution and biological
diversity conservation. The activities carried out in this effort include:
iii. Reconnaissance survey of coastal areas in Lagos and Port Harcourt.
iv. Workshops and seminars to train officers of participating agencies.
v. Creating awareness among communities and non-governmental organisations through
environmental enlightenment campaigns.
vi. Studies on pollution and natural resources conservation by universities in the country in
plankton survey, mangrove study, coastal pollution, industrial pollution.
vii. Standards and legislation.
viii. Measurements of meteorological parameters over the Atlantic Ocean bordering the country
by relevant agencies.
ix. National Water Resources Master Plan (1995-2020) was designed to take care of water
resources assessment, promulgation of enabling decree, rehabilitation of dams and soil erosion
sites, establishment of water quality laboratories, development of a national water supply policy,
Production of the national rural water supply, Sanitation Sector Strategy and Action Plan, and
strengthening of national water quality monitoring networks. (First Biodiversity Report of
Nigeria, 2001).
The Regulatory Mechanisms to Promote Sustainable Consumption of Resources
(including Fisheries) in Nigeria
Several regulatory mechanisms are available in Nigeria aimed at promoting the sustainable use
of available resources which include fisheries. These are:
i. The Nigerian Constitution, 1999
ii. Sea Fisheries Decree 1971, as amended in 1992
iii. River Basin Development Authority Act, Cap 396 LFN 1990
iv. Lake Chad Basin Development Authority Act1985 and 1987
v. Land Use Act Cap 202 LFN 1990
vi. Exclusive Economic Zone Act, Cap 166 LFN 1990
vii. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Decree 86,1992
viii. Federal Environmental Protection Agency Decree No58 of 1988 as amended by Decree 59
of 1992
ix. Harmful Wastes (Special Criminal Provisions) Act Cap 165 LFN 1990
x. Inland Fisheries Decree No 108 of 1992
xi. The National Agricultural Research Project (NARP)
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xii. Nigerian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) (Policy and Legal Advocacy
Centre, 2012).
Agenda 21 and Constraints to its Implementation in Nigeria
Agenda 21 was established by the United Nations from the Earth’s summit (UNCED) in Rio de
Janeiro, 1992 as a non-binding voluntarily implemented action plan with regard to sustainable
development. It is an action agenda for the United Nations, other multilateral organisations and
governments around the world that can be executed at local, national and global levels. The
constraints to its implementation in Nigeria include:
i. Resistance to change, e.g. consumption patterns and values.
ii. Lack of involvement of the public in environment related issues and development, e.g. in
project design and implementation.
iii. Frequent changes in government, government policies, programmes; duplication of roles,
policies and laws.
iv. Weak database, e.g. inadequate data for policy formulation and poor inventory of natural
v. Lack of institutional capacity, inadequate co-ordination and communication among agencies
of Government working on similar projects or programmes.
vi. Poor enforcement of laws, standards and regulations because of inadequate policing, overlap
of functions of agencies, poor monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. Very low fines for
vii. High cost of funding Agenda 21 which will require assistance from international agencies.
viii. Inadequate trained manpower, awareness of environmental and natural resources concerns
and management.
ix. Inadequate technology (Federal Government of Nigeria, 1997, 1999; UNCSD, 1997).
Major Issues in Conservation of Fisheries
According to Shepherd (1993), there are several key issues in the conservation of fisheries such
i. Management and conservation of fish stocks are necessary because economic forces do not
usually lead to satisfactorily stable stocks. Fishing increases death rate of fish, reduces the size of
stock and lowers the catch per unit effort and the profitability.
An unregulated fishery will give poor profitability and stocks fall below the maximum
sustainable yield. There is also the risk of poor recruitment due to the small number of spawning
ii. Conservation measures are needed permanently not only while the stocks are in poor shape.
Conservation measures are designed to reduce the death of fish due to fishing. If discontinued
when the fishery recovers, fishing would increase again depressing the population again.
iii. Technical conservation measures, e.g. mesh size regulation are not usually enough but should
be used with direct conservation measures e.g. limits on catches and or fishing effort.
iv. Closure of fisheries during spawning is not very effective as a conservation measure. To be
effective, it is necessary to ensure that catches in the rest of the year in the other areas do not
increase to make up for the loss of catches in the closed areas. The total allowable catches and
national quotas should be reduced. Harvesting juvenile fish is more damaging than spawning fish
as more fish would be required to make up for the weight of catch.
v. Properly calculated total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas do not necessarily allow the
fishing all year, restrictions on the fishery do not mean that the scientific assessment must be
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vi. TACs and quotas are an indirect method for controlling fishing effort: direct limitation is
another way of achieving the same objective.
Fisheries Resource Base of Nigeria
Nigeria has a rich fishery resource base made up of:
a) Offshore waters (between 30 miles territorial limits and 200miles Exclusive Economic Zone
b) Coastal waters adjacent to the country’s 853km coastline;
c) Continental shelf varying in width between 2-12 miles off the coast from west to east;
d) River Niger Delta;
e) Inland water associated with rivers Niger, Benue, etc., their tributaries and floodplains;
f) Natural lakes and reservoirs; impoundments for irrigation water supply, hydroelectricity.
Fisheries in Nigeria are divided into:
a. Marine capture (industrial and artisanal) comprising of offshore, inshore industrial (targets
resources 5 nautical miles off the coast to the edge of the continental shelf and coastal and
brackish water artisanal fisheries
b. Inland capture (mainly artisanal) fisheries
c. Aquaculture (commercial and subsistence)
Fisheries Administration in Nigeria
The federal government is responsible for managing marine resources but shares responsibility
with States for inland water resources. Ministries (including agriculture) at the federal level are
controlled by Ministers and Ministers of State. The executive structure is similar at the state level
with Commissioners at the head. “Fisheries” is a Department in the Federal Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development under the control of the Director of Fisheries. State
Directors of Fisheries also head similar Departments in their respective Ministries of Agriculture.
Fisheries Management Institutions in Nigeria
The Federal Department of Fisheries (FDF)
The functions of the Federal Department of Fisheries include policy formulation, programme
development, regulations and quality control. FDF is structured into divisions namely:
i) Fisheries Resources Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) Unit
ii) Fish Quality Control and Assurance Service
iii) Fish Quarantine Service
iv) Lake and Lagoon Fisheries Management Unit.
The Nigerian Navy
The Nigerian Navy plays several roles among which are:
a. Military roles: This involves both projection of force and balance of power functions
b. Policing role:
i. The Navy’s policing role are concerned with the nation’s territorial waters and the
maintenance of law and order within this area.
ii. Coastguard duties
iii. Nation Building functions.
c. Diplomatic roles: Management of foreign policy - negotiations, manipulations and prestige.
Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1964 legally established the Nigerian Navy and charged it with the
following functions:
a. The naval defense of Nigeria
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b. Assisting in the enforcement of custom laws e.g. against illegal bunkering, fishery and
immigration laws of Nigeria at sea.
i. Training in Naval duties.
ii. Undertaking hydro graphic surveys: making of charts and coordination of all national
hydro graphic surveys; promoting, coordinating and enforcing safety regulations in the territorial
waters and EEZ.
iii. Any other duty as the President, with the advice of the National Assembly may from
time to time or such other direct.
The National Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC)
The NAFDAC Act was established by Decree 51 of 1993 as amended by Decree 19 of 1999 and
now the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control Act Cap N1 Laws of
the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. The Act mandates NAFDAC to regulate and control the
manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, advertisement, sale and use of foods, drugs,
cosmetics, chemicals, detergents, medical devices, and packaged water.
The Nigerian Ports Authority
The statutory duties of the Nigerian Ports Authority before the privatisation programme of the
Federal Government of Nigeria were to:
i. Develop, own and operate ports and harbours
ii. Provide safe and navigable channels
iii. Offer cargo handling and storage services
iv. Ensure safety and security
v. Develop and own property.
Some of the functions ceded by the NPA under the current privatized state are:
i. Ownership and administration of land and water limits within ports
ii. Planning and development of port operational infrastructure
iii. Leasing and concession of port infrastructure and setting bench mark for tariff structure
iv. Responsible for nautical harbour operations and hydro graphic survey
v. Marine incidents and pollution
vi. Maintenance of safety and security at the common user areas
vii. Enacting port regulations and by-laws as well as monitor and enforce them
viii. Day to day monitoring of operations and enforcement of relevant sections of respective
The private sector now takes care of:
i. Cargo handling, stevedoring, warehousing and delivery
ii. Acquisition of cargo handling and operations of related equipment
iii. Development and maintenance of port‘s superstructure
iv. Maintenance of safety and security within the terminals
v. Towage, mooring, bunkering, ship chandelling and repairs.
The Federal Ministry of Transport
a) Policy formulation and planning at national level of basic marine infrastructure
b) Legislation
c) International relations.
The Inland Water Ways Department
The Inland Waterways Department of Nigeria was established by Decree No. 13 of 1997 with
the mandate to manage Nigeria’s vast inland waterway resources. The inland waterways of
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Nigeria comprise the main river systems - Rivers Niger and Benue with the confluence at
Lokoja, creeks, lagoons, lakes, and intra-coastal waters.
The Department provides regulatory, economical and operational leadership in the nation’s
inland waterways system and develops infrastructural facilities for efficient inter-modal transport
in line with global best practices that is safe, seamless and affordable.
Departments of Fisheries at State Level
In Nigeria, the management of inland waters is regarded as the responsibility of the states to
which such water bodies belong. There are no uniform laws for inland water fisheries.
Research and Fisheries Training Institutions in Nigeria
Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR), Lagos
NIOMR has the responsibilities to conduct research into the resources and physical
characteristics of Nigerian territorial waters and the high seas beyond. The Specific mandates of
NIOMR are:
i. Abundance, distribution, biological and other characteristics of species of fish and other marine
forms of life and management measures for their rational exploitation and conservation.
ii. Improvement of brackish/marine waters aquaculture.
iii. Genetic characterization of marine and brackish water colorable fish species including the
development of improved strains of fish species culture.
iv. Effective and sustainable management of fisheries resources through improved post-harvest
preservation, utilization and storage using profitable technological processes.
v. Physical characteristics of the Nigeria’s territorial waters, the high seas beyond, topography of
the sea beds and deposits on/or under the sea beds.
vi. Effect of pollution on the health of Nigerian coastal waters and its prevention.
vii. The socio-economic challenges of exploitation of the resources of the sea and brackish water.
viii. Global climate change and sea level rise.
ix. The improvement of coastal and brackish water fishing and fish culture through the design
and fabrication of ecosystem friendly fishing gear types and fisheries implements
x. The nature of the coastal and marine environment including coastal erosion, monitoring
marine hazards, forecasting/prediction and the topography of the sea beds and deposits on or
under it.
xi. Extension research and liaison services.
xii. Provision of technical training in areas of mandate.
National Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute (NIFFR), New Bussa
The mandates of the National Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute, New Bussa are:
i. Genetic improvement of freshwater fishes and other aquatic resources in rivers and lakes
(natural and man-made).
ii. The abundance and distribution of freshwater fishes and other aquatic resources.
iii. Hydrological behavior of natural and man-made lakes.
iv. Limnology of surface and groundwater around natural and manmade lakes.
v. Rational exploitation and utilization of freshwater aquatic resources.
vi. Ecological and socioeconomic effects of the development of man-made lakes.
vii. Aquaculture.
viii. Improvement in aquaculture activities among fishing
communities and fish farmers
ix. Any other matter related to the above.
Additional functions of NIFFRI include:
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i. Extension research services, liaison services with the federal as well as state ministries,
primary producers, industries and other users of research results on matters of freshwater
fisheries and other aquatic resources in collaboration with NAERLS of Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria.
ii. Provision of technical and vocational training in freshwater fisheries and related fields leading
to the award of National Diploma Certificate.
iii. Provision of laboratory and other technical services to fish farmers, industries and others
concerned with fresh water fisheries problems.
iv. Collaboration with all relevant research institutes, universities and other organisations
including agencies in both public and private sectors.
Some Nigerian Universities and Colleges Involved in Training in Fisheries and
Some Nigerian Universities with full-fledged Departments of Fisheries and Aquaculture include
Universities of Ibadan, Lagos, Calabar, Abeokuta, Makurdi, Umudike, Akure, Minna and Yola.
Others are Ebonyi State University, Enugu State University, Federal University of Technology
Owerri, and Cross River State University of Technology. The Federal Colleges of Fisheries at
Lagos, New Bussa and Baga, Maiduguri and Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu.
Professional Fisheries Organisations in Nigeria Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON)
Fisheries Society of Nigeria is a non-Governmental organisation for the fisheries sub sector
which is committed to promoting the contribution of fisheries to the Nigerian economy, ensuring
food security through sustainable investments and livelihood; and improving fisheries Planning,
Research and Development through advocacy and optimal utilisation of the wealth and
experience of her professional members.
The objectives of the FISON include:
i. To promote the professional development of individual and corporate members involved in
aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development in Nigeria.
ii. To foster the interests in aquaculture and fisheries programmes at all levels of governance.
iii. To provide the necessary form/fora for the exchange of ideas and interaction of individuals
and corporate organisations involved in aquaculture and fisheries activities in Nigeria.
iv. To collaborate with organisations/societies having related interests both in Nigeria and other
parts of the world.
v. To support the training and teaching in aquaculture and fisheries in Nigeria and elsewhere for
national benefits.
vi. To promote research into the development of the fisheries resources and potentials in Nigeria.
vii. To disseminate fisheries knowledge through the organized activities such as conferences,
public lectures, seminars, symposia, films, exhibitions, workshops, etc. for national benefits.
viii. To consult with different tiers of governance - traditional, local, state and federal for the
progressive development of fisheries and aquaculture potentials in Nigeria (Fish Network, 2012).
Other professional organisations relating to fisheries in Nigeria include:
Nigerian Trawler Owners Association (NITOA)
Catfish Farmers Association of Nigeria (CAFAN)
Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association of Nigeria (TADAN)
Nigerian Union of Fishermen and Seafood Dealers (NUFAS)
Association of Fish Importers of Nigeria (AFIN)
Association of Ornamental Fish Exporters of Nigeria(AOFEN)
National Fisheries Development Committee (NFDC).
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National Fisheries Decrees and Regulations
1. Exclusive Economic Zone Decree No. 28 of 1978
This decree defines the exclusive economic zone of Nigeria as an area extending from the
external limits of the territorial waters of Nigeria up to 200 nautical miles seawards from the
baseline, according to the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Within this
zone, Nigeria exercises sovereign rights in areas of policing, exploration, conservation and
exploitation of the natural resources - minerals, plants, animals including fish and shell fish.
2. Sea Fisheries Decrees 1971 and 1972
The Sea Fisheries Decree of 1971 and 1972 were stipulated for:
1. The registration and licensing of fishing trawlers operating in the coastal waters of Nigeria.
2. The 1971 decree prohibited the use of explosives and poisons in catching fish.
According to the 1972 Sea Fisheries Decree:
a) Trawlers were not allowed in the first two nautical miles of the continental shelf to prevent
competition with small-scale artisanal fisheries.
b) The minimum cod end mesh size of trawl nets was put at 3.5 inches (or 76mm) for finfish and
1.75 inches (or 44mm) for shrimps.
c) Shrimp trawlers were prevented from operating within the inshore waters of the Lagos-West
fishing grounds to protect the juvenile croakers that were common in the area.
3. Sea Fisheries Decree No. 71 of 1992
The Sea Fisheries Licensing Regulation of 1992 stipulated the conditions for granting fishing
license for shrimp harvests and fishing.
This required application for pre-purchase assurance and submission of feasibility studies. It
provided that no person should operate or navigate any unregistered and unlicensed motorised
fishing boat for the purpose of fishing or a reefer vessel for the purpose of discharging frozen
fish within the territorial waters of Nigeria or its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). It recognised
the Minister responsible for fisheries as the licensing officer and ensured that the operation of the
motorised fishing boats in the territorial waters of Nigeria or its EEZ would not negatively affect
the interest of the sea fishing industry in Nigeria. Sea Fisheries (Licensing) Regulations of 1992
provided conditions for licensing, types of motor fishing boats approved for use in Nigeria’s
territorial waters; and the validity of a license.
The Sea Fisheries (Fishing) Regulations of 1992 had the following functions:
i. Provided guidelines on where not to trawl or navigate.
ii. Specification of trawl nets and fishing vessels.
iii. Landing of catch and size that could be displayed for sale.
iv. Powers of adjudication.
v. The decree made provision for the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research
(NIOMR), Lagos, to publish the minimum total length of different species.
4. Sea Fisheries (Fish Inspection and Quality Assurance) Regulations of 1995
This regulation was mainly to institutionalise fish inspection and quality assurance in Nigeria.
The emphasis was on the mode of transportation, handling, storage and sale of fish imported into
or exported from Nigeria.
5. Inland Fisheries Decree No. 108 of 1992
The inland fisheries decree was promulgated to harmonise the administration, management,
protection and improvement of inland water fisheries. The roles of the decree included:
i. Provision for licensing and identification of fishing craft.
ii. Restriction on the use of certain fishing gear.
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iii. Prohibition of obnoxious fishing methods.
iv. Prohibition of unauthorised export or import of live fish.
v. Protection of fish products from contamination and infection.
Commissioners of Agriculture in the States were to regulate the activities of the fisheries sector
in the inlands waters under this Act.
1. Inland Fisheries (Fish Quality Assurance) Regulations of
This regulation provided for the manner of transportation, handling, preservation and marketing
of fish caught from the inland waters of Nigeria.
2. Turtle Excluder Device Regulations of 1996
This decree provided conditions for the enforcement of application of by-catch reduction devices
to industrial fisheries.
3. Land Use Act (1978)
State Governors were empowered to grant statutory rights of occupancy to persons or
organisations for the use of land. The licensing system concerns the diversion, storage and use of
water on commercial basis for the construction, maintenance, operation, repair of hydraulic
works. No reference was made to aquaculture.
4. Aquaculture Legislation
According to FAO (2013), Nigeria has no legislation regarding aquaculture at national level. It is
not directly mentioned in the Sea Fisheries Decree (1971, 1992) but the Minister of Fisheries is
to determine whether the setting up of enclosures, pens, cages, should be subjected to license
International Laws and Legislation on Fisheries
1. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 which entered into
force in 1984 governs marine environment and their resources.
2. Convention on Biodiversity is a binding agreement and countries that are parties to the
Convention are obliged to implement its provisions which are
a. Conservation of biodiversity;
b. Sustainable use of the components of biodiversity;
c. Sharing the benefits arising from utilisation of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way.
3. FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
i. This is a voluntary agreement pertaining to fisheries adopted in 1995 by the Food and
Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
ii. It stipulates the principles and standards of responsible practices to ensure effective
conservation, management and development of aquatic resources, with adequate respect for the
ecosystem and biodiversity.
Nigeria also belongs to some international groups namely:
i. World Trade Organisation (WTO)
ii. The Bio Safety Protocol
iii. Convention on International trade in endangered species, wild flora and fauna.
iv. Revised Convention for the Establishment of Niger Basin Authority (Ndjamena,
1987) which replaced the Niger River Commission and the Convention and Statutes
concerning the development of the Chad Basin Commission.
Traditional Fisheries Management System
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Traditional fisheries management methods describe the self-regulation by communities based on
traditional practices with the aim of controlling fishery exploitation. Traditional fisheries
management systems are management systems operated by the traditional authorities such as the
Bulamas, Sarkin Ruwasor the village heads. This is effective at the community level. Ita (1993)
described two types of fisheries management systems as:
1. Inadvertent (unintentional), e.g. water tenure, ritual prohibitions, taboos and magic.
2. Intentional strategies, e.g. gear restrictions, closed seasons and floodplain intensification.
Traditional methods of managing fisheries are based on social agreements where individuals,
groups or communities have rights to resources. Property regimes determine the rights,
responsibilities of stakeholders and provide incentives to preserve or invest into the resource.
Property regimes, other prevailing norms and values, provide the framework for management of
the resource.
In the traditional system, the fisheries are classified as common property resources in that use-
rights for the resource are controlled by an identifiable group (e.g. local community who may
exclude others) and are not managed by government or the state. The objectives of the traditional
systems in Nigeria (Neiland et al.,1997) include:
i. The control of fishing rights and reduction of conflict.
ii. Generation of food and income for the community.
iii. Conservation of fish stocks.
The main method of management is the control of access. Local leaders or traditional authorities
or the community makes the rules although all users can have inputs into the process (“bottom-
up” approach), under some circumstances.
Features and Objectives of Traditional (or Community- Based) Fisheries
Management Systems
Fisheries activities are regulated by traditional rules, beliefs, customs and authorities based on
indigenous knowledge. This is easy where water has defined boundaries - lakes, floodplains,
lagoons and reservoirs. Those responsible for fisheries management are traditional rulers,
religious leaders, shore masters, fish watchers or chief fishermen. The whole community
observes and enforces compliance to set rules which are effective because of the acceptability
and legitimacy of local authorities (Olomola, 1993). The main objective of fisheries management
in the traditional system is to protect the interest of the community. In the traditional system:
i. Individuals within the community have access to the resource but
cannot sell or dispose of part or whole of the fishing ground temporarily or permanently.
ii. The village head and council of elders make decisions on behalf of the group and such
decisions are communicated to the people.
iii. This system is effective where population density is low and there is little internal and
external pressure on the resource.
iv. Access to resources, harvesting and consumption of fish are subject to socially determined
regulations and form part of resource management and allocation.
v. Traditional authorities control entrance into the fishing grounds, e.g. during fishing festivals.
Seasonal closures, acceptable gear and other regulations are set by traditional authority based on
vi. Traditional authorities have no licensing systems but fisheries management regulations are
rooted in the social concept of resource-sharing, allowing every member to benefit from
available resources.
vii. Sanctions include fines, seizure of gear and social sanctions.
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viii. Supernatural’ beings are often believed to set rules for resource utilisation and enforce rules.
Management Measures Used in Traditional Fisheries
Traditional fisheries systems exploit several management measures such as:
i. Access control-The most common traditional fisheries management measure is to restrict the
right of withdrawal in order to quantitatively limit fishing pressure. Access may also be granted
as a territorial use right.
ii. Ban on capture of immature fish.
iii. Restriction or ban of some fishing gears permanently or temporarily such as cast nets, pole
and lines.
iv. Prohibition of fishing in some water bodies regarded as sacred grounds (closed areas) and on
some festive days which inadvertently protects such fish stocks.
v. Prohibition of fishing with chemicals owing to health concerns.
vi. Prohibition of magical power in fish harvesting.
vii. Emphasis on rituals for replenishing fish stock. Sacrifices are offered for release of rain,
receding of floods and for permission to fish.
viii. Some fish species are not eaten and are taboos to some consumers and fishermen. Such fish
are not caught.
ix. Use of closed seasons allowing only short periods for fishing during fishing festivals.
x. Closure of sensitive areas during breeding seasons, e.g. mangrove swamps or other nursery
areas (Ita, 1993; Olomola, 1993; Neiland, et al, 1994).
Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Traditional Methods of Fisheries Management
i. Traditional knowledge is accepted in traditional fisheries management for example allowing
fingerlings to grow before harvest.
ii. The rules agree with traditional beliefs and customs or well established social systems like
kinship, language, etc.
iii. Easy detection and prompt sanctions for offenders.
iv. Policing of communal territorial waters.
Limitations of Traditional Authority
The dependence of traditional management on traditional authority has the following limitations.
i. The declining authority of traditional institutions due to changes to modern societies with
lower adherence to traditional rules, urbanisation and migration.
ii. Traditional authority over resources is limited to a defined territory. Where fishing grounds
fall into more than one traditional territory, proper management requires co-ordination between
the different authorities which often leads to conflict.
iii. The overlapping and conflicting roles of traditional and modern institutions undermine the
functioning of the traditional system.
iv. The taxation of fisheries by local or state governments could reduce offerings and weaken
traditional authorities
Modern System of Fisheries Management
Modern system of fisheries management includes those operated by the agents of the federal
government where fisheries regulations are enforced by officers of the Fisheries Departments
(Neiland et al. 1994a; Ovie & Raji, 2006). States’ control of fisheries exist alongside common
property and traditional management systems. Authority and control of fisheries resources lie
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with state, local and federal governments. The objective of fisheries management is sustainable
exploitation or revenue generation.
The federal government controls the natural resources in Nigeria including fisheries with state
and local governments having mandates to enforce licensing, catch and gear regulations,
designation of fish sanctuaries, closed seasons and other management measures. Traditional
jurisdiction over fisheries resources retain some power within this framework
Similarities between Traditional and Modern Methods of Fisheries Management
Most traditional fisheries management systems contain objectives similar to those found in
modern fisheries management. The objective of sustainable resource use and resource
conservation is a feature common to both traditional and modern fisheries management systems.
Equally common are objectives which reflect economic and social postulates: while aiming at
optimising resource utilisation, they still contain elements of resource sharing.
Mixed System of Fisheries Management
The leaders of traditional government (village and district heads) and the local government co-
operate in the control and licensing of fishing serious conflicts and that revenue is collected and
passed to the leaders of both the traditional and local governments. This arrangement of the
“mixed system” is a good example of how local-level fishery management arrangements can be
adapted to accommodate a new fishing system through the co-operation of both traditional and
modern governments.
Problem of Laws Enforcement
i. Governments lack the logistics such as personnel, funds, field vehicles to enforce fisheries
laws and regulations.
ii. Lack of strong political commitment by government. There is need for co-ordination of
activities of organisations involved in fisheries management, e.g. between the licensing authority
of The Federal Department of Fisheries and the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine
Research (NIOMR) in aspects of enforcement of number of boats to be registered (Amiengheme,
iii. The problem of low licensing fees. The primary objective of licensing vessels has been to
generate revenue while the control of effort was secondary and ineffective (Tobor, 1991).
iv. Wrong interpretation of decrees and other regulations by stakeholders.
v. Weak scientific data gives incomplete information and knowledge thereby producing wrong
vi. Absence of stakeholders’ input in policy formulation process. Most decisions are usually
derived using top-bottom approach (Neiland et al., 2002, Nwosu et al., 2011).
Fisheries co-management was introduced on Kainji Lake through technical assistance to the
Government of Nigeria (1993-2001) from German Ministry of Economic Co-operation and
Development (GTZ) has not become widely practiced.
Hydrology and Inland Water Resources of Nigeria
Nigeria is dominated by two main river systems - the Niger-Benue and Chad systems. The
climate of Nigeria is tropical with high temperatures and humidity. There are marked wet and
dry seasons. The rainfall reduces from the south to the north. There is a large expanse of
mangrove ecosystem with the largest area found in the Niger Delta Area, Ondo and Lagos states.
The total surface area of water bodies in Nigeria excluding deltas, estuaries and wetlands is
estimated at 14,991,900ha (about 15 % of total area).
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The major rivers in Nigeria are Niger, Benue, Anambra, Cross River, Imo, Qua Iboe, Ogun and
Osun. The main natural lake is Lake Chad.
Others lakes and reservoirs are man-made, e.g. Kainji, Jebba, Kiri, Bakalori, Lower Anambra,
Zobe, Oyan, Shiroro, Goronyo, Tiga, Chalawa Gorge, DadinKowa and Kiri. Other fresh water
bodies in Nigeria are Niger Delta fresh water, Niger/Sokoto basin, Niger/Kaduna basin, Benue
River flood plain, Hadejia-Komadugu –Yobe, Ogun/Osun flood plains, Imo River flood plains,
Qua Iboe, reservoirs and fish ponds.
Brackish waters include Shiroro, Goronyo, Tiga, Chalawa Gorge, DadinKowa, the Niger Delta,
Cross River Estuary, Imo and Qua Iboe estuaries (Ita, 1993).
Deltas and estuaries include the Niger Delta, Cross River Estuary, Imo and Qua Iboe Estuaries.
These have brackish water wetlands. Freshwater wetlands include Niger Delta freshwater, apex
of Niger Delta to Lokoja, Niger/Sokoto basin, Niger-Kaduna basin, Benue River floodplain,
Hadejia–Komadugu-Yobe, Ogun-Oshun flood plains, Cross River flood plains, Qua Iboe
Important Drainage Systems in Nigeria
Nigeria has four major drainage basin areas (Federal Ministry of Water Resources, 2003 a, b):
the lower Niger, the Chad basin, the river basin of Cross River, Imo and the south western
drainage basin.
i. The Niger River Basin drainage system has major tributaries which include Benue, Sokoto-
Rima, Kaduna, Gongola, Katsina- Ala, Dongo, Taraba, Hawal and Anambra Rivers.
ii. The Lake Chad inland drainage system comprising Kano, Hadejia, Jama'are, Misau,
Komadongou-Yobe, Yedseram and Ebeji Rivers.
iii. The Atlantic drainage system to the east of the Niger made up of the Cross, Imo, Qua Iboe
and Kwa Rivers.
iv. The Atlantic drainage system to the west of the Niger consisting of the Ogun, Osun, Owena
and Benin Rivers. Nigeria has surface and groundwater resources estimated at over 250
x109m3(Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2001).
Management of Water Resources in Nigeria
The variable regimes of the rivers make it necessary to store water for various uses. A total of
about 142 dams (60 large dams with height above 15 m) and 82 small and medium dams have
been constructed or are under construction. The large dams are mostly found (85%) in the
northern and central states for perennial storage of wet season runoff for use in the dry season for
The goals of water resource management in Nigeria are:
i. Provision of urban water supply
ii. Generation of hydropower
iii. Development of large-scale surface irrigation
iv. Navigation
Administrative Responsibility for Managing Water in Nigeria
In Nigeria, water is managed concurrently. This means that water is managed by the Federal,
States and Local Governments. The federal government is in charge of water resources
management and policy making while the States take care of urban water management and the
local governments are responsible for rural water supply though the capacity of local
governments to plan and carry out this activity is low.
The Federal Ministry of Water Resources was established in 1976 but later merged with
Agriculture to form the Federal Ministry of Agriculture.
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Federal Government
The Federal Ministry of Water Resources (a part of the Ministry of Agriculture until 2010), is
responsible for large water resources development projects, irrigation work, collection of
hydrological, hydrogeological data and provision of water in bulk to states and cities from dams.
The River Basin Development Authorities under the Ministry include Sokoto-Rima Basin,
Sokoto; Hadejia-Jama’are Basin, Kano; Lake Chad Basin, Maiduguri; Upper Benue Basin, Yola;
Lower Benue Basin, Makurdi; Cross River Basin, Calabar; Anambra-Imo Basin, Owerri; Niger
Basin, Ilorin, Niger Delta Basin, Port Harcourt; Benin- Owena Basin, Benin City; Ogun-Osun
Basin, Abeokuta.
The Federal Government of Nigeria through the river basin development authorities control and
maintain the water reservoirs and the sale of water for various uses. The presence of river basins
is less felt where there are no large dams.
The River Basin Development Authorities were set up by the Federal Government in 1976 to
harness Nigeria's water resources. Their major functions were to
a) Undertake comprehensive development of both surface and underground water resources for
multi-purpose use with particular emphasis on the provision of irrigation infrastructure
and the control of floods and erosion and for water shed management
b) To construct, operate and maintain dams, dykes, polders, wells, boreholes, irrigation, drainage
systems, navigation, hydroelectric power generation, recreation facilities, fisheries projects and
other works necessary for the achievement of the authority’s functions and hand over all lands to
be cultivated to the farmers.
c) To supply water from the Authority’s completed storage schemes to all users for a fee to be
determined by the authority concerned, with the approval of the minister.
State Governments
State Water Agencies (SWAs) or State Water Departments are responsible for urban potable
water supply in the 36 states. The SWAs are responsible to their state governments, through a
State Ministry of Water Resources for urban water supply, and in some states also for rural water
supply. The need for the promulgation and enforcement of has been highlighted as the first step
towards effective management of inland water fisheries in Nigeria (Ita et al. 1985).
The state governments are involved in the management of water through the water corporations
or boards who procure raw water from the river basins and make it available for use. Some water
corporations also have their own water reservoirs, e.g. Benin-Owena River Basin.
Local Governments
The Local Government Authorities (LGAs) are responsible for the provision of rural water
supplies and sanitation facilities in their areas but only a few have the resources to meet this
need. Only few LGAs have rural water supply divisions.
Foreign Partners and Non-governmental Organisations Involved in Water and
Sanitation Management in Nigeria
Some important external partners in the Nigerian water supply and sanitation sector are African
Development Bank, the European Union, Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA),
United Nation’s Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF), United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), the Non-governmental Organisation Water Aid and the World Bank.
Nigerian NGOs involved in water and sanitation programmes in Nigeria include the Benue NGO
Network (BENGONET), Society for Water and Sanitation in Nigeria (NEWSAN), Justice
Development and Peace Initiative (JDPI), Community Based Development - NGO (CBD-NGO),
Women Empowerment in Nigeria (WEIN) and the Bol Development Association (BOLDA)
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Lake Chad Management
Lake Chad is the largest lake in West Africa, with Nigeria controlling 25% of the lake. The rest
is shared by Cameroun, Niger and Chad. The lake is overseen by a Lake Chad Basin
Commission, formed by these countries, which Nigeria joined in 1962. The affluent of Lake
Chad within Nigeria consists of the Komadugu Yobe and the Ngadda and Yedseram systems.
Lake Chad provides natural storage of water and supports one of the main irrigation projects –
the South Chad irrigation project. It is a shallow lake with 1.5-5m depth. Almost 90% of the
inflow is contributed by the Chari-Logone river system outside Nigeria from the Central African
Republic and Adamawa highlands to the south. The lake fluctuates considerably in size
depending on rainfall. The lake is an important wetland situated in the semi-arid Sahel corridor.
Other than the agencies involved in the joint commission managing the affairs of the lake, the
only Federal Government presence in the lakeshore region is the Chad Basin Rural Development
Authority (CBRDA) which has made huge investments in the irrigation of the lakeshore (Krings
and Sarch, 2002).
Integrated River Basin Management
Integrated river basin management entails dealing with water in a more integrated way by
moving away from the sector by sector approach; looking for sustainable use of water, satisfying
the needs of both man and the environment and moving progressively away from centralized
management models in order to adopt increased stakeholder participation (Burton, 2003; Jaspers,
2003). In its bid to address the poor drinking water services and sanitation problems, and meet its
waterrelated millennium development goals (MDGs), Nigeria is undergoing a broad process of
reform of its integrated water resources management at basin level (Federal Government of
Nigeria, 2003).
“Integrated River basin management is the process of coordinating conservation, management
and development of water, land and related resources across sectors within a given river basin, in
order to maximize the economic and social benefits derived from water resources in an equitable
manner while preserving and where necessary, restoring freshwater ecosystems.”
Integrated River Basin Management rests on the principle that the functioning of the river basin
ecosystem, including accompanying wetland and groundwater systems are the sources of
freshwater. The Management of river basins include maintaining ecosystem functioning through
the use of ecosystem approach.
The seven key elements of IRBM are:
i. Long-term vision for the river basin agreed to by all the major stakeholders.
ii. Integration of policies, decisions and costs across sectoral interests such as industry,
agriculture, urban development, navigation, fisheries management and conservation, including
through poverty reduction strategies.
iii. Strategic decision-making at the river basin scale, which guides actions at sub-basin or local
iv. Effective timing, taking advantage of opportunities as they arise while working with strategic
v. Active participation by all relevant stakeholders in well-informed and transparent planning
and decision making.
vi. Adequate investment by governments, the private sector and the civil society organisations in
capacity building for river basin planning and participation processes.
vii. A solid foundation of knowledge of the river basin and the natural and socio economic forces
that influence it.
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Definition of Policy
Policy is defined as a course of action, proposed or adopted by those with responsibility for a
given area (in government) and expressed as formal statements or positions (e.g. the 1992
Nigeria Fisheries Decree, decisions and achieve rational outcomes. It may also be the process of
making important organisational decisions including identification of alternatives such as
programmes or priorities and choosing on the basis of impacts they have.
Nigeria’s Fisheries Policy
The major policy goal of the federal government is to ensure sustainable development of
Nigerian fisheries for national food security, self-sufficiency in fish production, optimum
resource utilisation and conservation; employment generation, wealth creation, poverty
alleviation and reduction in rural-urban migration in line with the National Economic and
Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) and the New Partnership for Africa's
Development (NEPAD) Initiatives (Federal Department of Fisheries, 2005; Federal Government
of Nigeria/Agenda 21).
Specific Objectives of Nigeria’s Fisheries Policy
i. Achievement of self-sufficiency in fish production and utilisation;
ii. Development and modernisation of means of production, processing, storage, marketing and
resources conservation;
iii. Promotion of export of shrimps and fish products as a means of earning foreign exchange
from non-oil sector;
iv. Improvement on the quality of life in fishing villages;
v. Provision and improvement of employment opportunities in the rural fishing communities
thereby reducing rural-urban drift, crime and criminalities;
vi. Acceleration of Research and Technology dissemination and adoption in all aspects of
vii. Ensuring rational exploitation of the nation's marine fisheries resources;
viii. Human capacity development through improvement and development of training
Institutions and facilities;
ix. Promotion of fisheries curricula in the institutions of higher learning;
x. Encouragement of private entrepreneurship in all aspects of fisheries;
xi. Ensuring total compliance with the FAO's Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.
xii. Conservation of fisheries resources for sustainable exploitation;
xiii. Improving technology application in artisanal and industrial fisheries as a means of
promoting growth of the sub sector;
xiv. Promotion of aquaculture.
Strategies Adopted for the Achievement of the Fisheries Policies
The strategies adopted to achieve the policy objectives of the Federal Government of Nigeria
i. The provision and maintenance of infrastructure such as jetties and fishing terminals for fish
landing, storage and processing.
ii. Provision of extension services to farmers.
iii. Monitoring and surveillance of the nation’s water bodies, fishing terminals and other landing
iv. Manpower development to manage the subsector.
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v. Restocking of bodies of water with fast-growing fish species.
vi. Involvement of stake holders in decision-making process, creation of environmental
awareness through public enlightenment and education.
vii. Promotion of information exchange among stakeholders.
viii. Instituting participatory procedures that allow all stakeholders to partake in decision-making
on the location, processes and products of projects (Federal Government of Nigeria, 1997).
Problems of Fisheries Policy in Nigeria
i. A top-bottom approach monopolised by government agencies and institutions rather than the
bottom-up approach were the end users of decisions should participate in decision making;
ii. Poor and weak government’s economic, political and institutional capacities make the
execution and monitoring of implementation of decisions difficult;
iii. Lack of adequate or relevant data, the policy process depends on a narrow information base
or inadequate knowledge;
iv. Lack of adequate logistical support such as funding, to involve more stakeholders in the
policy-making process;
v. Incomplete development narratives and strategies; narrow or illdefined policy narrative;
vi. Under-valued fisheries;
vii. Lack of stakeholder recognition and utilisation of non-formal institutions;
viii. Limitation of national policy-making and implementation processes;
ix. Lack of relevant data;
x. Low level of participation by available spectrum of stakeholders in policy and decision
xi. Absence or weakness of the interconnections between local and national levels of authority
(Neiland et al, 2002; Ovie & Raji, 2006).
All levels of government in Nigeria are involved in the regulation of fisheries operations in
The Roles of the Federal Government
The federal government plays its role in fisheries mainly through the Federal Department of
Fisheries. These roles include:
i. The supply of inputs to fishers and provision of fisheries extension services
ii. Enactment of laws, policies and guidelines
iii. Promulgation of decrees, e.g. the inland fisheries decree for inland fisheries, Sea Fisheries
Decree of 1971 and 1992 for coastal marine areas.
iv. Registration and licensing of fishermen
v. Mesh size regulation: Large mesh size excludes fry, fingerlings and juveniles from capture. A
mesh size of 7.5 was recommended for all inland water bodies in Nigeria (Ita, 1985).
vi. Gear size regulation: The objective in regulation of fishing gear is to control fishing effort.
Catch quota can also be introduced for the same reason.
vii. Prohibition of the use of poison and explosives which kill all aquatic organisms within their
reach without discrimination.
viii. Fishing with electricity: This prohibition may not be applicable in Nigeria where such
technology may not be available to the local fishers.
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ix. Closed season and area: Areas to be closed should be important to such fisheries such as
spawning grounds - wetlands including mangrove forests, shallow floodplain areas of lakes,
reservoirs and rivers. These areas usually contain enough nutrients for growing fish. The water
body should be closely monitored before choosing areas to close.
x. The responsibility for updating the national fisheries statistics, resource monitoring, control
and surveillance rests with the Federal Department of Fisheries (FDF).
Role of States and Local Governments
Some States Fisheries Departments have enumerators in Local Government areas who should
undertake accurate statistical collection.
Each state is expected to set up a surveillance unit to enforce different aspects of the fisheries
edicts such as licensing, mesh and gear size regulations.
Each state is supposed to have an Inspectorate Unit of Fishery Guards for the enforcement of the
edict through a Resource Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System. Inspectorate Zones are
to control an Area Fisheries Guard and an Assistant Guard per unit number of fishermen in
each zone or Local Government Area. These are to be supervised by Area/Block Fisheries
Supervisors who would report offences directly to the Zonal Fisheries Officers. In states that
have promulgated their Fisheries Edicts, field extension staff is used to enforce them, collect
licensing fees as well as fisheries statistics records. Extension duties are often concerned with
fishery development efforts by way of demonstration and training of fishermen.
Promulgation and Enforcement of Fisheries Edicts in the States
Some states such as Sokoto, Niger, Kwara, Benue, Plateau, Lagos, Delta/Edo, Ondo and Oyo
States have had Fisheries Edicts (Ita, 1985).
A typical State Fisheries Edict in Nigeria reads:
i. No fisherman shall:
a. Catch any of the freshwater fish species below the size specified in Schedule I of this
b. Fix stationary fishing structures across the river for the purpose of cultivating,
culturing or propagating fish.
ii. No person shall take from or destroy any fish within the water bodies by any of the following
a. The use of any explosive substance or electricity
b. The use of any poisonous or noxious matter
c. The use of gillnet or draw net of less than 3 inches or 7.62 cm mesh size
d. The use of clap net, cast net or any webbing traps of less than 2 inches or 5.1 cm mesh
e. Lift net of not less than 1.5 inches or 3.8 cm mesh size.
iii. No person shall:
a. Preserve fish by use of insecticide or other toxic chemical
b. Transport, display or sell fish under unhygienic conditions.
iv. No person shall fish within the territorial waters of the State unless he obtains a licence so to
The edict elaborates on the licensing procedures and fees, penalties for committing any offence
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