OBE Syllabus AgriFishery
OBE Syllabus AgriFishery
OBE Syllabus AgriFishery
A premier higher education institution that develops locally responsive, globally competitive and innovative professionals and life long learners.
The OMSC exists to produce intellectual and human capital by developing excellent graduates through outcome-based instruction, relevant research, responsive
technical advisory services and sustainable production.
The College of Teacher Education is committed to develop future teachers who will help mold students to become enlightened, efficient, and productive citizens.
Wee Desired Course Content Textbooks/ References Teaching/ Resource Assessment
k Learning Learning Materials
Outcomes Activities
1-2 1. Internaliz I.INTRODUCTION College Code Oral OMSC Essay about
e the Revisit, Re OMSC Files Recitation Handboo the
Vision, orient the Student Manuals Teacher- k relationship of
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
S- Service
I- Integri
ty and
A- Accountab
Relevance of
the Course
3-4 1. Analyze II.IMPORTANCE Bureau of Agricultural Research BAR Lecture Book Essay about
the OF AGRI- Digest Vol. III 2002 Brainstor s the
importanc FISHERY ARTS I The Agriculture and Fisheries ming Journ importance of
e of the *Importance of the Modernization Act of 1997 : A Interactive als Agri-fishery
philosoph subject to the youth Collective Approach to discussion Inter Portfolio of
y of the today Competitiveness: Aquino, A., et al Video net Collage
subject in *Principles and Presentatio surfin pictures
the concept of Agri- n g showing the
society Fisheries based on Lapto comparison of
based of Agriculture and p the
Agri Fisheries based on Proje importance of
Fishery Agriculture and ctor sustainability
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
ruminants production
, swine "The progress of farming in Medieval Research
and large Europe". History of Agriculture. paper about
ruminants University of Reading. Retrieved 28 the different
raising May 2017. safety
2. Identify platform on
basic Webster, John (2013). Animal animal
requireme Husbandry Regained: The Place of production
nts of Farm Animals in Sustainable Research
animal Agriculture. Routledge. pp. 4–10. ISBN proposal on
productio 978-1-84971-420-4. how to
n based improve
on the animal
standard production
policy related to
3. Categoriz system,
e feeding,
different breeding,
safety animal health
platform Portfolio
on animal about the field
productio visitation
n showing the
4. Familiari problems
ze about encounter
the during the
systems, activity and
feeding, giving the
breeding, suggested
animal answers.
range of
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
related to
5. Describe
in Animal
8-9 1. Familiari IV.AQUACULTUR "History of Aquaculture". Food and Lecture Books Soft binded
ze with E Agriculture Organization, United Brainstor Journals document
the tools *Tools and Nations ming Internet showing the
and equipment use in Global Aquaculture Production Fishery Interactive surfing use and
equipmen aquaculture farming Statistical Collections, FAO, Rome discussion Laptop pictures of
t use in * Aquaculture McCann, Anna Marguerite (1979). Projector different tools
aquacultu activities "The Harbor and Fishery Remains at and
re * Fish nursery Cosa, Italy, by Anna Marguerite equipment use
farming * Shrimp and Crab McCann". Journal of Field in aquaculture
2. Explain production Archaeology. 6 (4): 391–411. farming
pre- Written
operation examination
, about pre-
preparatio operation and
n and maintenance
maintena of aqua
nce of culture
aquacultu activities
re Written
activities examination
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
978-0-19-863121-7. about
^ Mueller, Ulrich G.; Gerardo, Nicole hydrophonics
M.; Aanen, Duur K.; Six, Diana L.; and land
Schultz, Ted R. (December 2005). "The cultivation
Evolution of Agriculture in Insects". Written
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, examination
and Systematics. 36: 563–595. about solid
doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.36.102003 and waste
.152626. management
^ Jump up to:a b "Definition of
Agriculture". State of Maine.
dos Santos, J. D.; et al. (2013).
"Development of a vinasse nutritive
solution for hydroponics". Journal of
Environmental Management. 114: 8–
ISSN 0301-4797. PMID 23201600.
Zhang, He; Asutosh, Ashish; Hu, Wei
(2018-11-27). "Implementing Vertical
Farming at University Scale to Promote
Sustainable Communities: A Feasibility
Analysis". Sustainability. 10 (12):
4429. doi:10.3390/su10124429. ISSN
Douglas, J. S. (1975). Hydroponics
(5th ed.). Bombay: Oxford UP. pp. 1–3.
Dunn, H. H. (October 1929). "Plant
"Pills" Grow Bumper Crops". Popular
Science Monthly: 29–30.
15- 1. Compreh VII.FISH F.T.D. Website (2013) Fishing Tips Lecture Books Written
16 end CAPTURE and Techniques Brainstor Journals examination
deckhand *Deckhand Skills Catelle, W. R. (1457). "Methods of ming Laptop about
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
skills aboard a fishing Fishing". The Pearl: Its Story, Its Interactive Projector different
aboard a vessel Charm, and Its Value. Philadelphia & discussion fishing
fishing *Loading and London: J. B. Lippincott Company. p. techniques
vessel Unloading goods/ 171. Written
2. Explain cargo examination
the *Assembling and about loading
importanc Repairing damaged and unloading
e of netting goods/ cargo
proper Written report
loading about latest
and trends/ issues
unloading regarding
of goods/ loading and
cargo unloading
3. Interpret cargo/ goods
g and
17- 1.Demonstrate VIII.FISH Zohar I, Dayan T, Galili E and Spanier Lecture Books Written
18 different fish PROCESSING E (2001) "Fish processing during the Brainstor Journals examination
processing *Fish Products early Holocene: a taphonomic case ming Laptop about
products Processing study from coastal Israel" Journal of Interactive Projector different fish
2. Differentiate *Fish Products Archaeological Science, 28: 1041– discussion processing
fish products Packaging 1053. doi:10.1006/jasc.2000.0630 product and
packaging such FAO: Processing fish and fish products methods
as vacuum Fisheries and aquaculture department, Written
packing, ploy Rome. examination
bagging, bottling FAO: Handling of fish and fish about
and canning products Fisheries and aquaculture different fish
department, Rome. packaging
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01
^ Chantrell, Glynnis, ed. (2002). The Oxford Dictionary of Word Histories. Oxford University Press. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-19-863121-7.
^ Mueller, Ulrich G.; Gerardo, Nicole M.; Aanen, Duur K.; Six, Diana L.; Schultz, Ted R. (December 2005). "The Evolution of Agriculture in Insects".
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 36: 563–595. doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.36.102003.152626.
^ Jump up to:a b "Definition of Agriculture". State of Maine.
dos Santos, J. D.; et al. (2013). "Development of a vinasse nutritive solution for hydroponics". Journal of Environmental Management. 114: 8–12.
doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.10.045. ISSN 0301-4797. PMID 23201600.
Zhang, He; Asutosh, Ashish; Hu, Wei (2018-11-27). "Implementing Vertical Farming at University Scale to Promote Sustainable Communities: A
Feasibility Analysis". Sustainability. 10 (12): 4429. doi:10.3390/su10124429. ISSN 2071-1050.
Douglas, J. S. (1975). Hydroponics (5th ed.). Bombay: Oxford UP. pp. 1–3.
Dunn, H. H. (October 1929). "Plant "Pills" Grow Bumper Crops". Popular Science Monthly: 29–30.F.T.D. Website (2013) Fishing Tips and Techniques
Catelle, W. R. (1457). "Methods of Fishing". The Pearl: Its Story, Its Charm, and Its Value. Philadelphia & London: J. B. Lippincott Company. p. 171.
Zohar I, Dayan T, Galili E and Spanier E (2001) "Fish processing during the early Holocene: a taphonomic case study from coastal Israel" Journal of
Archaeological Science, 28: 1041–1053. doi:10.1006/jasc.2000.0630
FAO: Processing fish and fish products Fisheries and aquaculture department, Rome.
FAO: Handling of fish and fish products Fisheries and aquaculture department, Rome.
Ananou1 S, Maqueda1 M, Martínez-Bueno1 M and Valdivia1 E (2007) "Biopreservation, an ecological approach to improve the safety and shelf-life of
foods" Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine In: A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.) Communicating Current Research and Educational Topics and Trends in
Applied Microbiology, Formatex. ISBN 978-84-611-9423-0.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS Module on assigned topic( per group)
Portfolio during field visitation
Soft copy of assigned presentations
2. Three (3), not necessarily consecutive, tardiness without further notice is equivalent to one (1) absence.
Incomplete Grade:
1. Students who were not able to take the midterm/final examinations will receive an incomplete grade.
2. Incomplete grade should be complied within one year.