Decoding Pet Food Full Report

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Decoding Pet Food

Adulteration, Toxic Ingredients, and the Best Choices for Your Companion Animals

A Report by The Cornucopia Institute | November 2015

This report was made possible by financial support from:


Forrest and Frances Lattner Foundation

And the thousands of family farmers and their consumer allies who fund our work with their generous donations.

The Cornucopia Institute is dedicated to the fight for economic justice for the family-scale farming community. Through
research and education, our goal is to empower farmers and their customers in the good food movement, both politically
and through marketplace initiatives.

Cornucopia’s Organic Integrity Project acts as a corporate and government watchdog assuring that no compromises to
the credibility of organic farming methods and the food it produces are made in the pursuit of profit. We actively resist
regulatory rollbacks and the weakening of organic standards, to protect and maintain consumer confidence in the organic
food label.

The Cornucopia Institute

P.O. Box 126
Cornucopia, WI 54827
608-625-2000 voice
866-861-2214 fax
[email protected]

Report design and layout: Draft Horse Studio |

Cover photos (from left): Thinkstock (photos 1, 2, 4, and 5), Dollar Photo Club (photo 3)

Shopper’s guide design and layout: Papertree Design |

Copyright © 2015, The Cornucopia Institute

Dedication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Section I: Pet Food Industry Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section II: Pet Food Ingredients to Avoid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Section III: Organic Pet Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Section IV: Homemade Pet Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


In Memoriam: Moe Kastel
ABOUT 10 YEARS AGO, I adopted a large gray cat from the Humane Society in Madison, Wisconsin. I named
him Moe. I used to call him “the sweetest cat in the world.” He was very large, but incredibly gentle.
About five years ago, Moe had a crisis with a urinary tract that was loaded with carrageenan!
blockage. This is not unusual for male cats, and being over-
weight and eating a dry diet are risk factors. Sadly, there was no way to save Moe from intestinal lym-
phoma. As a mascot here at Cornucopia, he is still missed
After a brief hospitalization, Moe was put on a canned pre- by me, my fellow staff members, and his adopted sister,
scription diet that was higher in fiber and lower in calo- Grete. I might add that Moe is missed by his many friends
ries, and he never had another blockage. He lost weight as well—pretty much everyone he enthusiastically encoun-
and looked good, but I was concerned about putting him tered. His closest friend said, “I think everyone who ever
on conventional (non-organic) food. met him loved him.”

Then, ironically, just as The Cornucopia Institute began the This report is dedicated to Moe’s memory. Thanks to the
research for our report profiling the risks of carrageenan in efforts of Cornucopia Food and Farm Policy Analyst Dr.
human diets, Moe began having gastrointestinal problems. Linley Dixon, who authored this report, Decoding Pet Food
He lost his appetite and, finally, pretty much quit eating. It will help other people provide the best quality and saf-
was hard to get an exact diagnosis. I looked at his food at est food for their pets. Together, our cumulative activism
that point and discovered it was loaded with carrageenan! and patronage will spur changes in the pet food industry,
providing more options for those seeking the very best for
We now know that, based on peer-reviewed, published their companion animals.
research, food-grade carrageenan is a potent inflamma-
tory agent that can cause colitis, irritable bowel syndrome,
inflammatory bowel disease, and even cancer. (Cornuco-
pia’s report Carrageenan: How a “Natural” Food Additive Is
Making Us Sick is available at
Mark Kastel
One of the things the veterinarians wanted to do at that Co-founder
point was to put Moe on a bland prescription diet specifi- The Cornucopia Institute
cally designed for gastrointestinal problems—and even

Moe, beloved Cornucopia mascot Moe snoozing with his adopted sister, Grete


Executive Summary
PET FOOD QUALITY VARIES SIGNIFICANTLY, and all too often pet food brands include dangerous chemical addi-
tives. In many cases consumers get what they pay for, but price doesn’t always indicate high quality. The
good news is that, with the publication of this report, discriminating shoppers now have a new tool to help
them weed through product labels and separate the good from the bad.
The Cornucopia Institute’s research into the pet food ■■ The chase for convenience when feeding our pets has
industry reveals that many complete diet products stray resulted in continuous, repeat exposure to potentially
from the natural, wild diets of cats and dogs in terms of harmful ingredients.
protein, fat, and carbohydrate percentages. The majority ■■ Different brands are all owned by a few multination-
of both dog and cat food product formulations contain too al corporations, and nearly identical food is merely
many grains and starches, including corn, wheat, rice, oats, packaged differently.
peas, and potatoes. In addition, many products contain
questionable and/or unnecessary ingredients. ■■ Many premium pet food marketers do not own any
production facilities, instead they contract with “co-
As with people in the U.S., the most common causes of packers” that produce many low-quality foods as well.
death for both cats and dogs include diseases associated ■■ The desire to maximize profit margins drives mon-
with poor diet, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, gas- ey into advertising and packaging rather than high-
trointestinal diseases, and cancer. quality ingredients.
Our research into the pet food industry resulted in a few ■■ Legislation and regulatory oversight for pet food is
broad conclusions: aimed at the feed industry – pet food regulations are
lumped in with animal feed.


Your companion animals deserve the very best food. This report will show you which ingredients to avoid when purchasing
pet food.


■■ Pet food is highly processed, resulting in hidden and

questionable ingredients.
■■ An inherent conflict of interest arises when veteri-
narians get a commission on the sale of food in their
veterinary offices.
■■ Ingredient labeling can be confusing. Often, the first
ingredient listed does not make up the majority of the
food. A high-quality protein should be the first, sec-
ond, and ideally third ingredient in a carnivore’s food,
not a carbohydrate.
The pet food industry is no different than leading market-
ers of processed human food when it comes to cheap sub-
stitutes and false health claims. When it comes to our own
health, as humans, many of us choose to look for the USDA
organic seal to ensure acceptable quality and safety.

The following report dives into the specifics of how the pet
food industry is regulated and specific ingredients to avoid.
It details the massive pet food recall in 2007, and instructs
how to better feed your pet by choosing wisely at the pet
food store and/or preparing their meals at home.

Also included is a web-based buyer’s guide depicting what

to watch for when companies get creative with marketing
ploys and deceptive labeling. Together, these tools are a
helpful catalyst to ensure a healthy diet for your companion.

Cornucopia’s online shopper’s guide can help you choose

the best, most nutritious brands of pet food.

Section I: Pet Food Industry Regulations
PET FOOD IS A $72 BILLION INDUSTRY, the majority of which is controlled by the following leading pet-food
manufacturers/marketers: Colgate-Palmolive (Hill’s Pet Nutrition), Del Monte (9Lives, Gravy Train,
Milk-Bone, and Meow Mix), Mars (Pedigree and Whiskas), and Procter & Gamble (Iams), all based in the
U.S., along with Affinity Petcare (Spain), Nestlé (Switzerland), Nutriara Alimentos (Brazil), Royal Canin
(France), and Saturn Petcare (Germany).
overseen by two organizations, the Association of Ameri-

can Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). AAFCO is responsible for writing
all regulations that pertain to animal feed and pet food,
including those that govern allowable ingredients, labeling
laws, and nutrient requirements. Members of AAFCO are
voluntary representatives of local, state, and federal agen-
cies, including the Department of Agriculture; however, it
is not a regulatory authority. Each year, AAFCO publishes
an updated version of recommended pet food regulations
in what is known as the “Official Publication.”2

One of the most worrisome regulations within the “Official

Publication” is AAFCO Regulation PF7: Nutritional Ade-
quacy, which states, “The label of a pet food or specialty pet
food which is intended for all life stages of the pet or spe-
cialty pet may include an unqualified claim, either directly
or indirectly” (emphasis added).

In other words, anything written on a label can be entire-

ly meaningless. For example, words such as “premium,”
“healthy,” “optimal health,” and “promotes a long and
healthy life” do not have to be backed by scientific data.
High-quality protein should be the first ingredient in your
pet’s food. Also of concern is AAFCO Regulation PF5 requiring that
“[a] reference to quality or grade of the ingredient does not
appear in the ingredient statement.” This regulation makes
The top four importers of pet food are Japan, Canada, the it illegal for the highest-quality pet food manufacturers to
European Union, and the U.S. At the same time, the U.S. is differentiate their ingredients from those of poorer qual-
the second-highest exporter of pet food globally. The lead- ity on the label. For example, human-grade ingredients are
ing exporter of pet food is China, which supplies over half USDA-approved cuts of meat, whereas “feed grade” may
of the U.S. import market.1 One might wonder why the include meat that is expired, diseased, or contaminated
U.S. imports so much pet food from China while acting as with drugs. By law, a company that purchases only human-
a leading global exporter. China also supplies ingredients grade meat (rather than feed grade), cannot state so on the
that go into pet food made in the U.S. and Canada, includ- ingredient label (although they can state so on other parts
ing pea protein, soy protein, vitamins, and minerals. This of the label). It is clear this regulation protects the interests
begs the question: Do cheaper imports result in a lower- of companies that use lower-quality ingredients.
quality product at the cost of our pets’ health?
Baffling pet food regulations also exist within the FDA.
A better understanding begins by taking a look at how pet Section 402 of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C
foods are regulated. The pet food industry in the U.S. is Act), which regulates both human and pet food, provides


A 1998 report on feed safety from the United States Ani-

mal Health Association (USAHA) states, “Over the years

CVM [Center for Veterinary Medicine] has received spo-
radic reports of tolerance to pentobarbital in dogs.”6 Ani-
mal fat and meat and bone meal (MBM) are the ingredi-
ents in pet food most likely to correlate with the presence
of sodium pentobarbital.

Another cause for concern surrounding pet food contain-

ing “animals that have died otherwise than by slaughter”
is the introduction into pet food of cat and dog meat from
animal shelters. The pet food industry denies that this hap-
pens; however, there are many verbal and written testimo-
nies to the fact that cats and dogs are rendered and used
in pet food.7, 8 In fact, the two largest companies that pick
up carcasses from shelters and clinics, D&D Disposal, Inc.
and Koefran, Inc. are both owned by rendering companies
(West Coast Rendering and Reno Rendering, respectively).
Reports from numerous shelters and investigations con-
clude that deceased animals are in fact picked up and taken
FDA testing has revealed euthanizing drugs in pet food. to rendering plants.9 The temperatures at which rendering
occurs destroys DNA, making it impossible to determine the
the definition of adulterated food as: “(a) Poisonous, unsan- animal species present in pet food from the product itself.
itary, or deleterious ingredients (a)(5) if it is, in whole or
in part, the product of a diseased animal or of an animal Individual state regulations also allow for road kill, restau-
which has died otherwise than by slaughter” (emphasis rant grease, and spoiled meat to enter rendering facilities.
added). This is a clear regulation stating that federal law For example, Michigan’s “Bodies of Dead Animals Act”
does not allow poisonous, unsanitary, or deleterious ingre- provides regulations governing how to transport animal
dients, or animals that have died otherwise than by slaugh- carcasses, including road kill, to rendering facilities.10 Since
ter, into human or pet food. Unfortunately, the Compliance these materials are processed at very high temperatures,
Policy Guides (CPG) for the FD&C Act override the above their nutritional value is degraded compared to fresh meat
law with respect to pet food. that would qualify for human consumption. Research has
demonstrated that carcinogenic heterocyclic amines and
Regarding “Canned Pet Food,” CPG Section 690.300 states: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are formed when muscle
“The pet food canning industry utilizes undecomposed meat is cooked at high temperatures.11
animal and marine tissues from various sources. These
include products of the rendering industry such as various The use of meat from “animals that have died otherwise
meat, poultry, and bone meals; meat scraps and offal from than by slaughter” in pet food raises concerns over the pos-
packing house waste, freshly boned-out animals; and occa- sibility of spreading transmissible spongiform encepha-
sionally meat from animals that may have died otherwise lopathy (TSE) agents. TSE agents include prions (misfold-
than by slaughter” (emphasis added). ed proteins) that cause degenerative neurological diseases,
and they are known to survive rendering processes. Ren-
The exception for pet food in CPG Section 675.400 also dered MBM was the ingredient found to cause recent out-
reads: “No regulatory action will be considered for animal breaks in bovine spongiform encephalopathy, more com-
feed ingredients resulting from the ordinary rendering monly known as mad cow disease.12 Cats are known to
process of industry, including those using animals which be susceptible to a form of TSE called feline spongiform
have died otherwise than by slaughter, provided they are encephalopathy.13
not otherwise in violation of the law.”
Effective April 2009, the FDA restricted body parts of
Are there reasons for concern that animals that “have died ruminants that are at high risk for TSE, also known as
otherwise than by slaughter” are allowed in pet foods? specified risk materials (SRMs), from entering animal
Cornucopia believes there are. For one, the FDA has found feed. These restrictions apply to the brains and spinal cords
sodium pentobarbital, the drug used to euthanize animals, of select cows, generally 30 months of age or older.14 How-
in pet food.3 Sodium pentobarbital remains intact through- ever, this is only enforced for SRMs of ruminants, rather
out the rendering process and has been found in at least than all animals entering the rendering process, including
30 different pet foods. Testing is not required and rarely cats and dogs.
done.4 The long-term effects of consuming sodium pento-
barbital are unknown; however, short-term feeding studies Despite the final ruling prohibiting SRMs in animal feed
show liver damage at low doses.5 and pet food, it is clear that the FDA Compliance Policy

Guides allow for a legal work-around, neglecting regula- Changing our farming practices to preventatively reduce
tions for non-ruminant animals. Susan Thixton, pet food the number of dead and downed animals would have a
expert and author, states, “The FDA allows pet foods that huge impact on the amount of adulterated waste material
contain illegal ingredients sourced from diseased animals produced in the first place. It is well documented that prop-
or animals that have died otherwise than by slaughter erly maintained pasture systems have fewer sick animals
(labeled by FDA as ‘suitable for use in animal feed’) to be when compared to concentrated animal feeding opera-
marketed/sold to unknowing pet owning consumers as tions (CAFOs), commonly referred to as “factory farms” or
‘premium’, ‘choice’, and a long list of pleasing terms.”15 “feedlots.” The USDA National Organic Program (NOP)
states that, “Pasture-based systems have been shown to
The allowance of “adulterated” ingredients into pet food reduce hock lesions and other lameness, mastitis, veteri-
can be seen throughout FDA legal jargon clearly specify- nary expenses, and cull rates.”22
ing certain food unfit for “people food” or “human food,”
but not unfit for animal food. For example, the FDA web-

site states, “Cows that are unable to walk or that show oth-
er signs of disease are not used to make food for people.”
But, the Compliance Policy Guides clearly allow for these
potentially diseased animals to enter pet food.16

The primary reason why “adulterated” ingredients from

dead and downer animals have not been prohibited from
pet and animal feed in the U.S. is economic. Due to the
cost of their disposal, and the environmental and human
health risks of improper disposal, there is economic incen-
tive for the use of these materials. Economic analyses by
independent entities estimate that lost sales by the ren-
dering industry would total approximately $192 million if
dead and downer cattle were restricted from animal food.17

Should dead and downer cattle be prohibited from enter-

ing the animal food chain, the cost of landfilling this mate-
rial would fall on the livestock producers, amounting to Concerns exist about the allowance of meat from sickly
approximately $100 per ton for landfilling, in addition to “downer” cows in even the most premium pet foods. Foods
the costs associated with transportation and labor. Garth containing rendered products that are not species specific,
Merrick of Merrick Pet Food wrote a letter to the FDA in such as “meat meal” or “meat and bone meal,” are
defense of the use of dead stock in animal feed stating, “Our problematic for many reasons.
country is looking at the enormous challenge of annually
disposing of billions of pounds of cattle.”18
The Cornucopia Institute hopes that increased consumer
According to a report prepared for the National Render- awareness about the rendering process and its impact on
ing Association, there is a potential environmental impact pet food will lead to market impacts, more informed choic-
associated with alternative methods of disposal.19 The risk es in the grocery aisles, and, ultimately, a call on producers
of environmental contamination with disease organisms to abstain from using these contaminants in their products.
(Campylobacter, E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Bacillus antha- Our pets deserve food that is free of drugs and microbial
cis, Leptospira, and Yersinia) and hazardous agents such as toxins from adulterated food, not the byproducts of conve-
methane, disinfectants, dioxins, and particulates greatly nience measures taken to dispose of waste products from
increases when this material is buried, composted, and our conventional, unsustainable farming practices.
incinerated, as opposed to rendered.20 Without the render-
ing industry, it would be necessary to discard or dispose of
animal byproducts and mortalities in community landfills,
compost piles, burial sites, incinerators or, worse, left in
illegal dumping places, causing a potential public health

There is no denying that there are environmental chal-

lenges surrounding the disposal of SRMs, and dead and
downer animals. But putting this material into animal
food to increase the profitability of rendering plants, live-
stock producers, and pet food companies is clearly not an
ethical solution to the problem.


Section II: Pet Food Ingredients to Avoid
WHILE MOST OF US CARE DEEPLY for our four-legged friends, we may or may not be accustomed to carefully
reading ingredient labels on the food we feed them from day to day. And, even if we do consider ourselves
conscientious consumers, we may not realize that our pets’ food often contains some of the same chemi-
cals we try to avoid in human food products.
While this section does not cover all dangerous and/or poor
quality ingredients, it is an extensive list of the potentially


harmful additives currently found in pet food brands across
the spectrum, from the cheaper brands to those advertised
as “premium.” Familiarize yourself with these toxic addi-
tives so you can avoid products containing them the next
time you purchase pet food.

You may be unknowingly harming your pets by feeding
them wet food, even from the most expensive, “premium”
brands — despite care taken to find formulations high in
the best-quality animal-based proteins, low in carbohy-
drates, and even USDA certified organic.

Many of these brands, even including some prescription

diets designed for pets that are suffering from gastrointes-
tinal disease, contain carrageenan. Carrageenan is a common ingredient in canned pet
food. Certain types of carrageenan are used to induce
Carrageenan is a non-nutritive food additive extracted
inflammation in laboratory animals. Alarmingly, this
with alkali from different red seaweed species (Rhodophy-
inflammatory type is also present in varying percentages in
ceae). It is used as a thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier in
food-grade carrageenan.
some dairy products, sandwich meats, infant formulas,
dairy substitutes (e.g. almond and soy milk), frozen pizza
dough, and wet pet food, among other products. There is much misinformation surrounding the safety of
carrageenan, largely generated by its manufacturers and
Cornucopia’s research found that more than 70% of canned the processed food companies that use it. Low molecular
pet foods contain carrageenan. Extensive peer-reviewed weight carrageenan, known as poligeenan, is classified by
and published research indicates that food-grade carragee- the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a “pos-
nan causes intestinal inflammation with the potential to sible human carcinogen” (Group 2B). Poligeenan is widely
lead to cancer, even in small doses. used in cancer research to give test animals inflammation
cancer, for testing cancer treatments and anti-inflamma-
Carrageenans are highly sulfated polysaccharides with tory drugs.
different molecular structures. The most common types
added to food are kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenans, While poligeenan has well-documented inflammatory
which are found in varying combinations in different red and carcinogenic properties, food-grade carrageenan was
seaweeds and during different life stages of the various red thought to be “high molecular weight” and safe to eat.
algal species. The types of carrageenan differ in “degree of However, the viscosity requirement to qualify carrageenan
sulfation, extent of branching, solubility, cation binding, as food-grade does not exclude the presence of low-molec-
and ability to form gels under different conditions.”23 ular-weight poligeenan. In fact, the carcinogenic low-


molecular-weight poligeenan is found naturally, in varying

percentages, in all food-grade carrageenan, and exposure
to heat, acid, digestive enzymes, and bacteria (i.e., diges-
tion) increases the amount of poligeenan detected.24 Mean-
while, industry-funded propaganda often fails to point out
that food-grade carrageenan does in fact contain danger-
ous poligeenan in varying amounts, usually around 5%.

The European Commission requires that carrageenan

for use in food must not contain more than 5% poligeenan
(more specifically, 5% molar mass with molecular weight
less than 50,000 Da).25 However, the industry’s own studies
show a failure to reliably measure amounts of poligeenan.26
The fact that food-grade carrageenan contains poligeenan
in any amount should be enough to ban its use in both
human and pet food, considering its well-documented car- Adulterated ingredients and nutritional imbalances can
cinogenic properties, even at small doses.27 lead to inflammatory bowel disease, and worse, in cats and
For over 20 years, independent research has demonstrated
that food-grade carrageenan increases free radicals, dis- mice, indicating that it is likely to cause a similar reaction
rupts insulin metabolism, and induces inflammation, a in all mammals, including cats and dogs.
precursor to cancer. Studies funded by the American Dia-
betes Association have linked the consumption of food- The mechanism by which food-grade carrageenan contrib-
grade carrageenan to insulin resistance and glucose intol- utes to colon carcinogenesis is also well documented.31, 32
erance.28 Meanwhile, industry-funded studies assure that Carrageenan interrupts a homeostatic signaling pathway
it is safe.29 that enables uncontrolled proliferation and tumorigenesis
to occur, with the potential to lead to polyp formation and
colorectal cancer in mouse and human colonic epithelial
cells. The research concludes that “because carrageenan is

a common food additive, widely used in the Western diet,

the current studies may be highly relevant to disease, and
exposure to carrageenan may be a risk factor for develop-
ment of colorectal cancer.”

Pets that eat primarily wet food containing carrageenan

will consume daily doses in amounts known to cause
inflammation and cancer.33 In fact, inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD) in cats is the most common cause of vomit-
ing and diarrhea.34 Dr. Joanne Tobacman, M.D., associate
professor of clinical medicine at the University of Illinois
at Chicago, states, “It is likely that carrageenan exposure
in pet food can cause inflammation and contribute to ill-
ness, since carrageenan is well-known to cause inflamma-
tion.” Unfortunately, policy changes are often years behind
Reading ingredient labels is important to avoid the latest scientific research due to corporate lobbying and
carrageenan. While both of these formulas are USDA industry-funded studies that conflict with independent
certified organic, the formula on the right contains research.
carrageenan while the one on the left does not.
Veterinary doctors agree. “If one does a PubMed search
of carrageenan, they will find many references to ‘carra-
Independent research at the Jesse Brown Veterans geenan-induced inflammation’, disturbing in light of how
Administration Medical Center in Chicago, using both common IBD is in cats,” states Dr. Lisa A. Pierson, DVM.
human and mouse epithelial cells, further demonstrates “Animal studies have repeatedly shown that food-grade
the mechanism by which inflammatory responses occur carrageenan causes gastrointestinal inflammation and
after exposure to food-grade carrageenan in doses less than cancer at lower doses than the average daily intake. Giv-
the anticipated average daily intake (50 mg/30 g mouse vs. en the high rates of colon cancer in both dogs and cats, I
250 mg/60 kg person).30 This research confirms that carra- highly recommend removing carrageenan from your pet’s
geenan-induced inflammation occurs in both humans and diet,” says Dr. Michael Dym, DVM.

The frequency of inflammatory bowel diseases in cats and


dogs raises concerns about conventional pet food and its
effect on the gut, including changes in the gut microbio-
ta.35, 36 Dr. Ron Hines states that “IBD is probably a group
of diseases with similar symptoms but a variety of causes.
Like a complex computer program, anything that causes
your cat’s immune system to make an error and get out
of whack is a possible cause. Scientists and veterinarians
speculate that perhaps sensitivities to food ingredients, the
chemical products of harmless intestinal bacteria, or tox-
ins in the pet’s environment could all be responsible. The
high carbohydrate/grain content of most commercial cat
foods may also be involved.”

Some pet food brands are now advertising that they do

not include carrageenan, such as Zignature dog food and Avoid synthetic preservatives in pet food such as BHA, BHT,
Weruva cat food. Meanwhile, Hill’s Science Diet contains ethoxyquin, and propylene glycol.
carrageenan despite the label stating the brand is “veteri-
nary recommended.” Many brands contain some formula-
tions with carrageenan and others without it, so it is impor-
Synthetic Preservatives
tant to check the label. Carrageenan can easily be replaced Synthetic preservatives approved for use in commercial
by safer alternatives in pet foods, including tomato paste, pet foods include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and
guar gum, potato starch, pea starch, tapioca, and garbanzo butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), propyl gallate, propylene
bean flour. glycol, and ethoxyquin. Due to the addition of these preser-
vatives, the shelf-life of some pet foods is up to 25 years—
If your pet’s canned food contains carrageenan, call the longer than the life of your pet!
manufacturer and ask to see the independent, peer-
reviewed science (not that which is funded by the carragee- BHA and BHT are waxy solids used as preservatives in
nan industry) proving the safety of the ingredient. Write to food, packaging, animal feed, medicine, cosmetics, rubber,
The Cornucopia Institute and let us know what they say. and petroleum products. They are added to fats to prevent
rancidification. The National Institute of Health reports
For an independent review of the scientific literature on that both BHA and BHT are carcinogens, based on animal
food-grade carrageenan, please see Cornucopia’s report, experimentation. When administered in high doses, both
Carrageenan: How a “Natural” Food Additive Is Making Us compounds impair blood clotting. BHA causes papillomas
Sick, under the Reports tab at and squamous cell carcinomas of the fore-stomach, and
BHT causes tumors in the liver. In contrast to BHA and
BHT, vitamin E, which is structurally similar and also acts

as a preservative, is not carcinogenic.37 Although research

indicates that the doses at which humans and pets are
exposed to BHA and BHT in their diet likely do not cause
harm, vitamin E is a safer alternative.

Ethoxyquin, developed and manufactured by Monsanto

Company (USA), is used to prevent lipid peroxidation, a
process by which free radicals degrade lipids and dam-
age cells.38 Despite tests done by Monsanto demonstrating
the safety of ethoxyquin, harmful effects in animals and
humans occupationally exposed to it were observed. It has
been associated with liver, kidney, and thyroid damage,
as well as allergic reactions, skin and hair abnormalities,
reproductive dysfunction, embryonic mutations, and carci-
nogenic effects.39 The carcinogenicity of ethoxyquin is con-
nected to its ability to induce reactive oxygen radicals that
cause DNA damage.
Weruva promotes some formulas as “carrageenan free”
while selling others that contain the additive. Keeping track of whether or not your pet food contains
ethoxyquin is difficult, because it is often added as a com-
ponent of an ingredient and therefore is not required to
be on the label. It is most often used to preserve fish meal.


Ethoxyquin is not permitted for use in human food (except
to preserve the color of spices such as chili powder and
Rendered Meat Byproducts
paprika), but it can pass from feed to farmed fish, poultry, Livestock that are dead, diseased, disabled, or dying (the
and eggs, so humans can be exposed to it at low levels.40 four Ds) are often rendered and used in pet food. Render-
ing is a process that simultaneously dries whole animal tis-
Naturox (produced by Kemin Products) is a natural preser- sue and separates the fat from the bone and protein. The
vative containing a mix of naturally occurring tocopherols resulting byproducts, to be avoided in your pet food, are list-
and is an FDA-approved alternative to ethoxyquin. If the ed in the ingredient label as meat and bone meal (MBM),
food you are feeding your pets contains fish meal, chances animal fat, animal digest, and/or blood meal.
are it contains ethoxyquin. Because it is impossible to know
from the label what preservative is used in individual pet Pet food manufacturers don’t advertise the fact that pet
food ingredients, the only option is to call up your pet food food is composed primarily of food industry waste, which
company and hope they tell you the truth about what their is not problematic in itself. However, animal fat and MBM
suppliers are using. not specified as belonging to a particular animal species
are low-quality pet food ingredients. They are also often
Propylene glycol is another preservative and humectant, products of rendering a mix of different animal species,
used to help retain water, in soft, moist pet foods. It was some which did not die by slaughter. Potentially harm-
FDA approved for use in human and animal food, but has ful ingredients in rendered MBM include expired grocery
since been prohibited in cat food because it causes Heinz store meat, animals that died of unknown causes on the
body formations (clumps of proteins) within red blood cells. farm, and restaurant scraps, including used grease from
These altered red blood cells have reduced survival time deep-fat fryers.
and are more susceptible to oxidative damage. This preser-
vative is still allowed in dog food, despite the fact that dogs In addition, animal fat and MBM are the ingredients in pet
are more sensitive to propylene glycol than other animals food most likely to correlate with the presence of sodium
(LD50 of 9mL/kg for dogs compared to LD50 of 20mL/kg). pentobarbital, the drug used by veterinarians and shelters
The Environmental Working Group has ranked propyl- for euthanasia. These ingredients may contain fungal and
ene glycol at the highest level of concern with regard to its bacterial toxins, pathogens that are not destroyed in the
effects on blood; consumption on a regular basis should be rendering process (such as prions), and carcinogenic free
avoided by both humans and pets.41 radicals commonly found in used oil.

While funneling food industry waste into pet food provides

one solution to major environmental contamination, sure-

ly there must be better ways to recycle these potentially

harmful waste products than feeding them to our pets.
Meat and bone meal should be avoided when shopping for
pet food. Instead, look for meals from a specific animal spe-
cies to avoid these issues.

Bisphenol A (BPA)
BPA is a synthetic chemical used to make plastics and
epoxy resins. Because of their poor solubility in water,
epoxy resins containing BPA are used to line the inside of
food cans, including wet cat and dog foods. BPA is leached
from the lining of cans into food.42, 43, 44 Due to the molecu-
Rendered MBM can include expired grocery store meat, lar similarity of BPA to estradiol, the primary female sex
animals that died of unknown causes on the farm, and hormone, BPA exhibits hormone-like properties, mim-
restaurant scraps. icking the effects of natural estrogen. Low-dose BPA
exposure in lab animals contributes to changes in cell
proliferation and apoptosis (cell death), thereby contrib-
When reviewing pet food labels, look for natural antioxi- uting the development and progression of cancer. BPA
dants including tocopherols, vitamin C, and flavonoids. is involved in multiple cancer-related signal transduc-
These are better choices over synthetic preservatives such tion pathways, including STAT3, MAPK, and PI3K/AKT.
as BHT, BHA, propylene glycol, and ethoxyquin. When it Specifically, BPA is associated with hormone-associated
comes to avoiding synthetic preservatives in pet food, the cancers such as breast, ovary, and prostate cancer. BPA
best choice is a certified organic product, in which many exposure has also been linked to cardiovascular disease
of these materials are banned or their prohibition verified and diabetes.45, 46, 47
under the auspices of the USDA.

Sodium Selenite


Selenium is an essential trace element used by animals
for antioxidant defense, fertility, thyroid hormone metabo-
lism, immune response, and muscle development. Fish,
meat, poultry, whole grains, and dairy are common sourc-
es of this essential nutrient. Grains used in pet food natu-
rally contain varying levels of selenium, depending on the
amount of selenium in the soil where the grain was grown.
Likewise, different meat ingredients contain varying lev-
els of selenium based on differing selenium levels in grass
and feed.

Selenium deficien­cies occur in pets (and humans) because

they are not eating high quality grass-fed meats. In fact,
“white muscle disease” is a degeneration of muscle in cat-
tle foraging on selenium-depleted soils. Keshan disease
is a cardiac muscle degeneration disease in humans with
selenium deficiencies. In the 1980s, the lack of selenium
in artificial feeding solutions caused patients on long-term
artificial feeding to die from cardiomyopathy.49 In addition,
there is an inverse correlation between soil selenium, sele-
nium intake, selenium blood levels, and cancer incidence.50
Choose BPA-free cans when possible and contact
Supplementation is beneficial if the amount of selenium
companies directly to find out if they use BPA-free linings.
that occurs naturally in an animal’s diet is deficient. Sele-
More than 2 billion pounds of BPA is used annually in the nium is added to pet food primarily in the form of inor-
U.S., placing it on the High Production Volume Chemicals ganic sodium selenite, rather than a naturally occurring,
list produced by the international Organization for Eco- organic form. AAFCO and the FDA approved sodium sel-
nomic Cooperation and Development (OEDC). Because of enite for use in animal feed and pet foods because “only the
its widespread use in plastics, linings, and inks, humans inorganic selenium salts (sodium selenite and sodium sel-
and animals experience continuous low-level exposures enite) were available at a cost permitting their use in ani-
through diet and contact. mal feed,” according to the Journal of the American College
of Nutrition.51
In 2006, 38 BPA experts reviewed several hundred studies
and issued the Chapel Hill Consensus Statement, which However, selenium toxicity can also occur. The maximum
stated “BPA at concentrations found in the human body safe single oral dose of selenium is suggested as 0.05 mg
is associated with organizational changes in the prostate, Se/kg body weight. Selenium toxicity can cause severe
breast, testis, mammary glands, body size, brain structure gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms, respiratory
and chemistry, and behavior of laboratory animals.” They issues, heart attack, hair loss, muscle tenderness, tremors,
also concluded that the average BPA levels measured in lightheadedness, facial flushing, kidney failure, and, in
humans are above those which cause harm in laboratory rare cases, death.
animals, and that BPA has the potential to bioaccumulate


during pregnancy, and in semen. Neural and behavioral
effects raised the most concern, in addition to accelerated

The canning processes for both human food and pet food
often involve heating the food after it is canned to high tem-
peratures, allowing greater quantities of BPA to leach into
the food from the lining. PET (polyethylene terephthalate)
is a safer, BPA-free alternative laminate used to line alumi-
num and steel cans. Some pet food companies have made
the switch to BPA-free; however, BPA-free cans have only
recently become available larger than 5.5 ounces, so most
dog food cans still present a threat. If you feed your pets
canned food, be sure to check for BPA-free linings. Selenium is an important mineral for optimum health.
However, too much from the wrong sources can be toxic.


In cases of excess selenium in the diet, inorganic sources summarizes scientific literature that raises concerns over
of selenium, such as sodium selenite, have shown to be their safety.55 Following is a list of these compounds and
more toxic than organic sources, such as selenium yeast.52 their alarming effects on health:
An independent researcher at the Centre for Nutrition and
Food Safety, School of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, ■■ Red 40 is the most commonly used dye. It is associat-
University of Surrey concludes, “Of about one dozen sup- ed with immune system tumors in mice, allergic re-
plementation studies, none has shown evidence of toxic- actions, and hyperactivity in children.56 Amaranth is
ity [from selenium yeasts] even up to an intake level of 800 a natural source of red dye (red 2) and is not affiliated
microg Se/d over a period of years. It is concluded that sele- with hyperactivity.57
nium yeast from reputable manufacturers is adequately ■■ Yellow 5, the second most commonly used dye, is per-
characterized, of reproducible quality, and that there is no mitted to contain mercury, arsenic, and lead.58 Yellow
evidence of toxicity even at levels far above the EC tolerable 5 causes an allergic reaction in some individuals and
upper intake level of 300 microg Se/d.”53 is associated with hyperactivity in children.59, 60

Since pet foods do not test basal selenium levels in their ■■ Yellow 6 also causes an allergic reaction in some indi-
product, excess selenium from supplementation is pos- viduals and is associated with adrenal tumors in ani-
sible. The federal government’s 2010 Dietary Guidelines mal testing.61,62
notes, “Nutrients should come primarily from foods. Foods ■■ Blue 2 has been correlated to a statistically significant
in nutrient-dense, mostly intact forms contain not only the increase in brain tumors when compared to controls.63
essential vitamins and minerals that are often contained
The majority of safety testing on food dyes is done for each
in nutrient supplements, but also dietary fiber and other
dye separately, despite the fact that food is often consumed
naturally occurring substances that may have positive
with a mixture of dyes and could have compound, interac-
health effects.”54 Many pet foods have sodium selenite in
tive effects. Dye mixtures have been associated with aller-
them. When shopping for your pet, keep in mind that he/
gic reactions, hyperactivity, organ damage and cancer.64, 65
she would benefit the most from a high-quality, naturally
occurring diet. Food dyes are used only to please the consumer—they have
no appeal to a cat or dog. Given the questionable safety of
many of the dyes, there is no reason to choose pet food that
is colored. As with synthetic preservatives, the best way
Food Dyes to avoid artificial colors is to choose certified organic prod-
ucts, where their prohibition is verified by the USDA.

Grains and Carbohydrates

Many brands of pet food contain one or more fillers (e.g.
corn, wheat, corn gluten meal, soybean meal, and brewers
rice) with little to no nutritional benefit. Though grains
need not be avoided completely in pet food, cats and dogs
are carnivorous and should be given diets primarily based
on meat.

Ingredients are listed in decreasing order by weight. This

can be deceptive, however, as different types of cereals and
grains can be listed separately. Grains may be listed after a
meat ingredient, but still make up the majority of the food.
For example, an ingredient label containing chicken meal
Pet treats made with synthetic food dyes should be avoided
first, followed by ground corn and corn gluten meal, may
due to their health risks.
contain more corn than chicken meal, even though chick-
en meal was listed first. When the corn ingredients are
Food dyes are often added to pet foods to imitate the color combined, they may constitute a greater part of the food
of fruit, vegetables, and meat. Commonly used food dyes than the first ingredient.
in dry kibble include red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6, and blue
2. Dyes are not individual chemicals; rather, they are com- Like meat byproducts, grains which may no longer be fit for
posed of multiple impurities from manufacturing. human consumption are still allowed in pet food. Consum-
ing moldy grains is arguably the most detrimental health
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has hazard in pet food ingredients, due to the toxins produced
provided an in-depth review of each of these dyes, and by the molds. Mycotoxins, including aflatoxins (produced

by Aspergillus species of fungi), and fumonisins (produced of pet food rather than adding meat, eggs, or dairy, all of
by Fusarium species of fungi), are among the most carci- which are complete proteins.
nogenic substances known. Many of the more than 300
mycotoxins known to exist are commonly found on corn, Pea protein powder is a candidate for adulteration with
sorghum, wheat, rye, barley, oats, and nuts. melamine or other protein-boosting contaminants. Differ-
ent extraction processes, including physical and enzymatic
The presence of mycotoxins is among the most common extractions, cause the final product to vary in quality and
causes of pet food recalls.66 Though the FDA has proto- composition.68 The leading pea protein manufacturers
cols for monitoring mycotoxin presence, the frequency of are located in China, including Axiom, Nutri Pea, Cosu-
recalls due to mycotoxin presence is not worth the risk of cra, Roquette, and Jianyuan Foods. Pea protein is often
buying dog food containing grains, especially considering produced in facilities that are not owned by the pet food
grains are not necessary in your cat’s or dog’s diet.67 manufacturers.

Even if companies have learned their lesson from the

widespread recalls from past protein adulteration scan-
Pea Protein Meal dals, highly processed ingredients are still suspect and far
less nutritious than their whole food counterparts. Whole
Pea protein is a powder that is used to boost the protein
foods contain all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
content of a food without adding the carbohydrate of the
naturally present, while avoiding the residues and chemi-
pea. While high in the amino acids lycine and arginine, it
cal changes that result from extraction processes. Eggs,
is not a complete protein. Pea protein in combination with
dairy, meat, or whole peas are all better choices for protein
rice protein does provide a complete amino acid profile.
sources than pea protein powder.
Pea protein is a cheaper way to boost the protein content


The largest pet food recall in history,
which began on March 16, 2007,
involved more than 100 pet food
companies and millions of pounds of
food. As many as 18,000 dogs and
cats died as a result of the adultera-
tion of wheat flour, due to the use
of inexpensive melamine and other
compounds, such as cyanuric acid,
ammeline, and ammelide. Several
Chinese companies sold what they
claimed to be wheat gluten, rice pro-
tein, and corn gluten, but which actu-
ally proved to be wheat flour adulter-
As many as 18,000 dogs and cats died due to the adulteration of wheat flour
ated with compounds used to inflate
in the pet food that was ultimately recalled. Mold-induced mycotoxins are
the apparent protein content.
among the most common causes of pet food recalls.
The combination of melamine and
cyanuric acid is more toxic than either Mulligan’s Stew, Natural Balance, and On average, there is one pet food or
of the individual compounds alone Nutro, among others.69 pet treat recalled every three or four
and causes kidney failure. The brands The widespread reliance on ingre- months, usually for bacterial contami-
thought to contain the tainted wheat dients from China in the pet food nation, the presence of toxins caused
flour included 109 dog food brands industry, and increasingly in conven- by the use of moldy grains, or high
and 91 cat food brands, and involved tional and organic food for human levels of lead or diethylene glycol.70
many top-selling brands, such as Iams, consumption, is disturbing. A few Given the limited testing, it is wise to
Eukanuba, Purina, and Hill’s (the mak- manufacturers represent their prod- avoid pet foods that potentially con-
ers of Science Diet). The recall also ucts as being made exclusively from tain melamine-tainted ingredients
applied to premium brands specifical- U.S. ingredients; however, many vita- such as wheat, rice, corn, and other
ly marketed as “natural,” such as Blue mins and minerals come exclusively powdered forms of protein.
Buffalo, Champion Pet Food, Evolve, from China, such as vitamin C.


concern because they play an integral role in the health
Forage Fish of marine ecosystems, and make up the diet for larger fish
“Forage fish,” also called “bait fish” or “prey fish,” are small like tuna, swordfish, cod, and marine birds and mammals.
fish that feed on plankton and swim in schools in the open
water. They include sardines, herring, anchovies, and cap- Forage fish are sold to the U.S., and around the world, for
elin. Forage fish populations are in decline, a matter of canned cat and dog food or as feed for poultry, pigs, and
farm-raised fish. Eighty percent of the forage fish caught is
marketed for animal consumption, and 2.5 million tons of

forage fish catch is consumed by the global cat food indus-

try annually.71

The number of forage fish has continued to decline since

the 1970s, and research indicates that even if fisheries are
sustainably managed, forage fish populations will never
recover to previous numbers.72 Some argue that the premi-
um pet food industry should be restricted to the use of the
byproducts of the fish filleting industry rather than using
forage fish.73

Much of the forage fish catch comes from the waters off
Thailand, where slavery in the fishing industry has been
documented, as reported by the New York Times.74 The
report details horrific violence and punishments that
include isolation below deck, murder by casting overboard,
and beheadings.
While foods with whole fish on the ingredient label likely Given the need for greater oversight in the protection of
contain forage fish that are not sustainably harvested, marine resources and human rights, choosing pet food
foods with fish meal byproduct may contain the carcinogenic with fish meal byproduct instead of whole fish is the better
preservative ethoxyquin. Calling your pet food company option as long as it doesn’t contain ethoxyquin.
is the only way to verify whether their fish meal contains
ethoxyquin or naturally occurring preservatives such as

Section III: Organic Pet Food
MUCH LIKE THE HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES we make for ourselves, organic options exist for your animal com-
panion. Whether it’s an effort to avoid particular allergens, carcinogens, inflammatory ingredients, or to
reduce your pet’s risk of consuming recalled foods, organic brands offer quality foods made to meet the
highest standards available. This section offers a brief history of organic pet food, as well as tips on what
to watch out for when reading the labels of your favorite brands.

tioned the NOP to approve the inclusion of these essential

A Brief History vitamins and minerals to ensure organic pet foods remain
on the shelf.77 In 2013, the NOSB passed a motion to list
The USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) announced
taurine on section 205.603 of the National List for use in
in 2002 that pet food could be certified organic. The first
organic pet food, but not the other synthetic amino acids.
organic pet food, Organix by Castor & Pollux, was intro-
This decision was based on the fact that the complete diet
duced in 2003.
requirement for amino acids other than taurine
The National Organic Standards Board could be met with organic agricultural ingre-
(NOSB) is the 15-member citizen advisory dients.78
board Congress mandated to decide
which ingredients are allowed in
organics and to advise the Secretary of
Agriculture. In 2005, the NOSB rec-
Marketing Ploys
ommended that an Organic Pet Food Pet food offerings are changing all the
Task Force be established to develop time, and new formulations such as
recommendations on the labeling of grain-free and USDA-certified organ-
organic pet food.75 ic offerings are constantly increas-
ing to meet demand. There are no
The industry-dominated Organic Pet exclusively organic brands, and many
Food Task Force, chaired by Brian companies use deceptive labeling to
Connolly, co-founder of Castor & Pol- disguise their non-organic formulas
lux Pet Works, included represen- when marketing both.
tatives from AAFCO, the FDA, the
At this time, there are no exclusively Perhaps one of the more dubious mar-
NOSB, the Pet Food Institute (the U.S.
organic brands of pet food. Look for keting techniques some companies
trade association for the makers of cat
the organic label on certain formulas to use is to mimic the USDA Organic
and dog food), and other pet food man-
ensure you are buying the best, most logo when the product is, in fact, not
ufacturers. Recommendations were
submitted in the fall of 2006 and were nutritious food for your pet. organic. For example, Party Animal
approved by the NOSB in late 2008; has a “Made with Love” label that
they have yet to be adopted by the NOP. 76 looks nearly identical to the “USDA
Organic” seal on their non-organic formulas, strategically
In January 2010, the NOP advised certifying agencies that placed in the same position (see next page). Such mislead-
the vitamins and minerals required by AAFCO for the ing labeling can lead to a lack of trust in a company.
production of complete diet pet foods were not allowed
in certified organic pet food, despite their presence on the Many organic brands sell “natural” product formulas that
National List of materials approved in organics. The NOP’s are not certified organic. The products labeled “natural”
rationale for this statement was that the National List con- without the USDA Organic seal can contain ingredients
tains items approved for human use, but not necessarily for that were grown or raised with pesticides, GMO grains, or
pets. In response, the Organic Pet Food Task Force peti- antibiotics.



The word “Organic” is in bold on certified Cocolicious

products (two cans on right) while other marketing terms,
such as “Wild Caught,” are in bold in the same place on
non-organic products (can on left). Multiple circular labels
help to hide the fact that the circular USDA label is missing
from some products.

Organic foods should be a safe haven from chemical resi-

dues, antibiotics, and questionable synthetic ingredients.
Yet many high-end pet foods labeled “natural” and USDA
Organic contain carrageenan, including some formula-
tions of Newman’s Own, Castor & Pollux Organix, and
Party Animal products display the “Made with Love” label in Natural Planet Organic. Pet owners need to pay extra
the same spot on the can as the USDA Organic label on the attention to avoid this ingredient in their pet’s food because
organic formulas. the same brand may sell formulas both with and without
Other potentially misleading marketing tactics include the
“Made with Organic” label. In this case, generally the only Fortunately, there are a few USDA certified organic wet
meat ingredient that is actually organic is the first ingredi- dog food formulas that do not contain carrageenan, such
ent. The second and third ingredients are often broth, liver, as Castor & Pollux Organix and Cocolicious. At the time of
or meal from non-organic meat sources. Alternatively, the this report’s publication, Evanger’s and PetGuard are the
second and third ingredients are organic grains, resulting only USDA-certified organic cat food brands that do not
in too many carbohydrates in the finished product. Look use carrageenan in at least one of their flavors, although
for brands with the USDA Organic label containing meat not all their formulas are certified organic. Organix cat
as the first ingredient. food shredded chicken flavors, for example, contain car-
rageenan, although the majority of the brand’s flavors do
Some pet food brands advertise that their products are not. It is important to read each product label, rather than
“GMO-free” or “made with naturally GMO-free ingredi- shop for particular brands.
ents.” For example, in 2013, Wellness Natural Pet Food
announced that all their dry dog foods and dry cat foods
Many companies
were GMO-free. However, the feed given to the meat ani-
advertise that their
mals used to produce these pet food products is almost
products are “GMO-
certainly GMO.
free,” misleading
More than 90% of the soybean and corn currently produced customers into
in the U.S. is GMO. Though pet foods can test to be GMO- thinking the animals
free, this does not mean that the meat animals were fed they source were
GMO-free grain throughout their life. The USDA Food not fed GMO grain.
Safety Inspection Service has only recently approved a However, the
non-GMO label for meat, allowed only if that producer is presence of the
USDA Organic and can prove all the animal feed required USDA Organic label
to feed the number of animals owned is GMO-free.79 The is the best way to
USDA Organic label is currently missing from all Wellness ensure that animals
brands, despite GMO-free claims. Only the presence of the were not fed GMO
USDA Organic label reliably ensures that meat animals grain.
were fed GMO-free grain.

Organix formulas contain pea protein, rather than whole Most of Newman’s Own products are not certified organic,
peas. Some Organix recipes, such as the grain-free but rather “made with organic” ingredients, such as the
shredded chicken formulas, contain other unnecessary formulas above. Therefore, the word “Organics” in the
ingredients such as powdered cellulose, glycine and brand name on the right may be deceptive. Both of these
dextrose (sweeteners), salt, and carrageenan. formulas contain carrageenan.

label category means that as much as 30% of a product’s

ingredients may contain non-organic ingredients.
For example, some varieties of Newman’s Own cat food
start out with certified organic chicken. That’s good. But
the second-largest ingredient is (conventional) chicken
meal. That’s bad. And it gets even worse: the formulas also
use conventional liver, the primary detoxification organ,
known to accumulate toxic agrichemicals.
The Cornucopia Institute filed formal legal complaints
against a number of companies with “organic” or “organ-
ics” in their trade name whose product lines were not
actually certified organic and therefore qualified to carry
the USDA Organic seal. The law prohibits using the word
“organic” overtly on the front label unless the ingredients
are 95% to 100% certified organic, as required by the fed-
After aggressive legal challenges by The Cornucopia eral regulations.
Institute, the USDA finally relented, forcing Newman’s
Own, and other companies, to remove the word In one case Cornucopia pursued, “Organic Bistro” dodged
“organic” from labels on products that do not meet federal enforcement actions by changing their name to
“Artisan Bistro.” Another company, Oski Organics, also
certified organic standards. Previously, many formulas
changed their name, dropping the “O-word.” But the USDA
marketed by Newman’s Own Organics were not certified
took no enforcement action against Newman’s Own. They
organic, but rather only “made with organic” ingredients.
simply closed the case.
Some labeling abuses still exist in the marketplace, so
consumers should exercise caution. However, more than a year later, the USDA issued a policy
memorandum warning that the agency will start enforcing
the law and companies using the word “organic” in their
One of the more cynical approaches to marketing “organ- trade name, for products that are not certified organic, will
ic” pet food is exemplified by the brand Newman’s Own need to change their labeling.
Organics. For Newman’s Own, this means they will need to use 95%
Although they now have a few SKUs (stock keeping units) to 100% organic ingredients or they will have to change
that are indeed certified organic (95% to 100% meat/no their brand name on pet food products. As this report goes
grain varieties), for most of the brand’s history all of their to press, it appears Newman’s is phasing in the labeling
products have been “made with organic” ingredients. This change. However, other companies have yet to take action,
so consumers should stay vigilant.


Section IV: Homemade Pet Food
ONE WAY TO ENSURE A HEALTHY DIET for your companion animals is to prepare their food yourself. Many chronic
problems such as allergies, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin issues can be solved with homemade meals. The
goal is to provide most, if not all, of the nutrients your pet needs in whole-food form. Like people, pets have
different optimal nutritional requirements at different stages of their lives, and recipes can be customized
based on the specific needs of your pets. Making your own pet food allows you to control the quality of
ingredients, and often saves a lot of money. Fresh, real food ensures that your pets’ food is lower in artifi-
cial and toxic additives.
and fruits is slightly higher than what wild cat and dog rel-

atives may eat, the extra fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants
in fruits and vegetables has been shown to be beneficial for
long-term health. For cats, who are completely carnivorous
in the wild, the best balance of ingredients is 88% meat,
organs and bone, and 12% vegetables and fruit.81

Theoretically, the breakdown should be fairly similar

among all animals within the same species. However, the
last 200 years of “line breeding” (breeding with relatives
to perpetuate specific traits) has created dietary needs spe-
cific to certain breeds, particularly for dogs. For example,
the hyperactive nature of pointers may require more car-
bohydrates than other breeds in order to maintain proper

Cats have a harder time switching from dry food, or “kib-

ble,” to homemade food. The high salt and fat content of
kibble becomes addictive, requiring a transitional weaning
process to a homemade diet over a longer period of time.
It is important to follow a dietary plan that a veterinar-
ian recommends to ensure that you are getting the proper
nutrients to your pet. There are several good books avail-
able to help provide recipes and recommendations for sup-
plementation, including calcium and fatty acids.82, 83

Talk to your veterinarian. If he or she is not able to help

guide you through the process, you might want to consider
Preparing your pet’s food at home may be the best way to finding a veterinarian who is. Nutrition is not emphasized
ensure they are getting clean, healthy, and whole diets. in veterinary school, and it often isn’t covered beyond the
occasional visits from pet food representatives. There are
some ingredients that should be avoided entirely, including
Dogs and cats have different nutritional requirements, garlic and onions (for cats), macadamia nuts, grapes/rai-
and the best homemade diets for your pets are based on sins, avocados, spinach, chocolate, caffeine, milk, and salt.
research and an understanding of the diets of wild rela- Other concerns involve the dangers of exposure to cooked
tives of cats and dogs. In general, the best balance of ingre- bones. Pet owners should consult web resources for a com-
dients for dogs is 75% meat, organs, and bones, and 25% veg- prehensive list.
etables and fruits.80 Though this percentage of vegetables


OVERALL, THE PET FOOD INDUSTRY is failing its customers as a provider of nutritious, wholesome food for our
dogs and cats. As a whole, it could be viewed as a waste disposal vehicle for human food manufacturers,
exhibiting disregard for the health of its customers. Cheap substitutes and false health claims seem to be
the norm. And, unlike humans, who may vary their diets with each meal, dogs and cats are typically fed
the same food on a continuous basis, meal after meal, every day for a lifetime. Cumulative exposure to
controversial ingredients becomes even more worrisome.


It is important for every pet owner to protect the well-
being of their loved ones by learning to recognize low qual-
ity ingredients and to avoid purchasing products made
with questionable materials. Empower yourself by reading
labels and choosing high-quality ingredients. The Cornu-
copia Institute’s pet food shopper’s guide, available at cor-, can help you.

Cornucopia’s pet food shopper’s guide can help you choose

the very best brands for your companion animals. You can
view it at under the Scorecards tab.


1 International Agricultural Trade Reports. February 2013. 24
6 United States Animal Health Association. October 7, 1998. u-s-food
Report of the USAHA Committee on Feed Safety.
31 Ibid.
8 Thixton S. 2011. Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies and Truth
about Pet Food. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
9 National Renderers Association, Disposal (Rendering) of
Deceased Animals from Los Angeles Country Animal Shelters . 34
Fact Sheet, April 8, 2004;
california/ci_14359793 35

10 36
239-of-1982.pdf PMC4248192/#B48

11 Jägerstad M, Skog K. 2005. Genotoxicity of heat-processed 37

foods. Mutation Research 574(1–2):156–172 38
12 39
uk/20130123162956/http:/ 0026261535&origin=inward&txGid=DEDF7478BC1425862F8
controls-eradication/causes.html 8BE26426E17B2.WeLimyRvBMk2ky9SFKc8Q%3a10
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1180.htm 42
15 Thixton S. 2011. Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies and Truth
about Pet Food. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 43
alHealthLiteracy/ucm136222.htm 44

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18 47
aug04/081304/04n-0264-c00033-vol7.pdf S0303720706002292
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20 Ibid.
21 Ibid. micronutrient
22 51
PRDC5102526 term+@rn+@rel+10102-18-8


52 Spallholz, JE and Raftery A. 1987. Nutritional, chemical toxi- 65 McCann D, Barrett A, et al. 2007. Food additives and hyper-
cological evaluation of high selenium yeast. The International active behavior in 3-year old and 8/9-year old children in the
Symposium of Se in Biology and Medicine 516- 52 community: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled
trial. Lancet 370: 1560-1567
56 Borzelleca JF, Olson JW, et al. 1989. Lifetime toxicity/carci- sNaturalToxinsPesticides/ucm077969.htm
nogenicity study of FD&C Red No. 40 (allura red) in Sprague-
Dawley rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology 27(11)
57 Ward NI. 1996. Assessment of chemical factors in relation ing-sanity-into-the-heavy-metals-debate
to child hyperactivity. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental
Medicine 7: 333-342
Yellow 5 is permitted to contain the following: 4,4’-[4,5-Di- 71
hydro-5-oxo-4-[(4-sulfophenyl)hydrazono]-1H-pyrazol-1,3-diyl] ing_Wasted_As_Animal_Feed_999.html
bis[benzenesulfonic acid], trisodium salt, not more than 1%;
72 Alder J, Campbell B, Karpouzi V, Kaschner K, and Pauly D.
4-[(4’,5-Disulfo[1,1’-biphenyl]-2-yl)hydrazono]- 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-
2008. Forage Fish: From Ecosystems to Markets. Annual
1-(4-sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid, tetrasodium
Review of Environment and Resources 33: 153–166. doi:
salt, not more than 1%; Ethyl or methyl 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-
ylate, disodium salt, not more than 1%; Sum of 4,5-dihydro- 73
5-oxo-1-phenyl-4-[(4-sulfophenyl)azo]-1H-pyrazole- 3-carboxylic tfoodindustryputs-pressure-fish-stock.pdf
acid, disodium salt, and 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-4-(phenylazo)-1-(4-
sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid, disodium salt, not 74
more than 0.5%;4-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt, thailand-fishing-sea-slaves-pets.html?hp&action=click&pgtype
not more than 0.2%; 4,5-Dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-1H- =Homepage&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.
pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid, disodium salt, not more than nav=top-news&_r=1
0.2%; Ethyl or methyl 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-1H- 75
pyrazole-3-carboxylate, sodium salt, not more than 0.1%; PRDC5058828
4,4’-(1-Triazene-1,3-diyl)bis[benzenesulfonic acid], disodium
salt, not more than 0.05%; 4-Aminoazobenzene, not more than 76
75 parts per billion (ppb); 4-Aminobiphenyl, not more than 5 PRDC5074516&acct=nosb
ppb; Aniline, not more than 100 ppb; Azobenzene, not more 77
than 40 ppb; Benzidine, not more than 1 ppb; 1,3-Di- phenyltri- PRDC5096918
azene, not more than 40 ppb; Lead (as Pb), not more than 10
parts per million (ppm); Arsenic (as As), not more than 3 ppm; 78
Mercury (as Hg), not more than 1 ppm. PRDC5103816

59 Ward, NI. 1996. Assessment of chemical factors in relation 79

to child hyperactivity. Journal of Nutritional and Environmental compliance/labeling/claims-guidance/procedures-nongeneti-
Medicine 7: 333-342 cally-engineered-statement

60 Borzelleca JF and Hallagan JB. 1988. Chronic toxicity/carcino- 80 Taylor B and Becker KS. 2013. Dr. Becker’s Real Food for
genicity studies of FD&C Yellow No. 5 (Tartrazine) in rats. Food Healthy Dogs and Cats: Simple Homemade Food. Natural Pet
and Chemical Toxicology 26(3): 179-87 Productions

61 Gross PA, Lance K, et al. 1989. Additive allergy: allergic gas- 81 Ibid.
troenteritis due to yellow dye #6. Annals of Internal Medicine 82 Ibid.
111(1): 87-8
83 Taylor-Laino B. 2013. The Healthy Homemade Pet Food Cook-
62 Trautlein JJ and Mann WJ. 1978. Anaphylactic shock caused book: 75 Whole-Food Recipes and Tasty Treats for Dogs and
by yellow dye (FD&C No. 5 and FD&C No. 6) in an enema (case Cats of All Ages. Fair Winds Press
report). Annals of Allergy 41(1): 28-9
63 Borzelleca, JF, Hogan GK, et al. 1985. Chronic toxicity/carcino-
genicity study of FD&C Blue No. 2 in rats. Food and Chemical
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64 Bateman B, Warner JO, et al. 2004. The effect of a double
blind, placebo controlled, artificial food colourings and
benzoate preservative challenge on hyperactivity in a general
population sample of preschool children. Archives of Disease
in Childhood 89: 506-511

This report is meant to be an informational guide
to assist pet owners in finding high quality pet
food.  It is not intended to assist in diagnosing
illness nor preventing specific disease.  Please
consult your veterinarian or animal nutritionist
for specific dietary recommendations.


Also published by The Cornucopia Institute:

Culture Wars: How the Food Carrageenan: How a “Natural” Cereal Crimes: How “Natural” Scrambled Eggs: Separating
Giants Turned Yogurt, a Health Food Additive is Making Us Sick Claims Deceive Consumers and Factory Farm Egg Production from
Food, into Junk Food Undermine the Organic Label—A Authentic Organic Agriculture, 2nd
Look Down the Cereal and Granola edition.

Maintaining the Integrity of Replacing Mother—Imitating Behind the Bean. The Heroes
Organic Milk: Showcasing ethical Human Breast Milk in the Labora- and Charlatans of the Natural and
family farm producers, exposing tory. Novel oils in infant formula Organic Soy Foods Industry
the corporate takeover — factory and organic foods: Safe and
farm production valuable functional food or risky
marketing gimmick?

THE CORNUCOPIA INSTITUTE is engaged in research and educational activities supporting the ecologi-
cal principles and economic wisdom underlying sustainable and organic agriculture. Through research and
investigations on agricultural and food issues, The Cornucopia Institute provides needed information to family
farmers, consumers, stakeholders involved in the good food movement, and the media.

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