Small Animal Clinical Nutrition
Small Animal Clinical Nutrition
Small Animal Clinical Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition
Philip Roudebush
Timothy A. Allen
Bruce J. Novotny
Practitioners should know how to determine risks and benefits
of nutritional regimens, including for nutritional care, and
counsel pet owners accordingly. Currently, veterinary medical
education and continuing education are not based on rigorous
assessment of evidence for or against particular management
options. Journals and textbooks, even those designed to rapidly
access decisions while patients are in a clinical situation, may
not help determine specific risks and benefits of nutritional
management. Consequently, veterinarians have often had to
rely on clinical experience and judgment, aided by opinions of
colleagues and consultants who practice similarly. Evidencebased medicine (EBM) represents a major, but still untested,
intellectual advance when making clinical decisions and determining patient care (Geyman, 2000; Keene, 2000; Moriello,
2003). This chapter will apply the basic elements of EBM to
veterinary clinical nutrition and provide a statistical primer to
help veterinarians interpret available information.
EBM and its associated concepts were first advanced by a group
at McMaster University Health Sciences Centre in Canada.
The first publications emerged in the early 1990s (EBM
Table 2-1. Guidelines for quality of evidence that can be used for veterinary clinical nutrition.
Evidence grade
Evidence guidelines
Evidence obtained from at least one properly
randomized, controlled, clinical study that used
the nutritional product in the target species with
animals that had developed the disease naturally.*
Evidence obtained from randomized, controlled,
clinical studies conducted in a laboratory setting
that used the nutritional product in the target
species with animals that had developed the
disease naturally.*
Evidence obtained from one or more of
the following:*
At least one appropriately designed clinical
study without randomization.
Cohort or case-controlled analytic studies.
Studies that used acceptable models of disease
or simulations in the target species.
Case series.
Dramatic results from uncontrolled studies.
Evidence obtained from one or more of
the following:
Opinions based on clinical experience
(textbooks, monographs or proceedings).
Descriptive studies.
Studies conducted in other species.
Pathophysiologic justification.
Reports of expert committees.
*Data published in peer-reviewed journals is preferred.
ence; however, it does provide another dimension to the decision-making process that also considers the patients and
owners preferences (Forrest and Miller, 2002). Evidence-based
clinical nutrition (EBCN) attempts to efficiently integrate
medical and nutritional research with clinical practice.
Figure 2-1 is a conceptual model for evidence-based clinical
decisions (Hayes et al, 1996). Analysis reveals that the best evidence-based clinical decisions are made when clinical expertise,
research evidence, owner or patient preferences and available
resources overlap. This model can be easily adapted to veterinary clinical nutrition in which assessment of the patient, food
and feeding method lead to a comprehensive feeding plan
based on the best current evidence (Thatcher et al, 2000).
Clinical expertise is needed to obtain a dietary history and
assess a patients nutritional and health status. This assessment
must often include other pets in the household. Clinical and
nutritional expertise provides individualized care for a specific
patients needs. Owners exercise their preferences for medical
and nutritional care by seeking second opinions, choosing alternate treatments, exercising economic constraints and adhering
(or not) to recommended feeding or therapeutic plans. Today,
more clinical and nutritional information is available to pet
owners than ever before. Pet preferences are most commonly
recognized in veterinary clinical nutrition through palatability
choices for certain types of foods.
Integrating clinical expertise with current best evidence from
medical and nutritional research is complex. Veterinarians usually attempt to base their decisions on the best evidence available. This evidence often represents extrapolations of patho-
Scientific evidence is the product of appropriately designed and
carefully controlled research. A single study does not constitute
evidence; rather, it contributes to knowledge derived from multiple studies that have investigated the same scientific question.
Unfortunately, no central repository for clinical nutrition information exists nor is there a system for establishing quality evidence. Several classification schemes are useful for establishing
rules of evidence for recommendations about clinical nutrition.
One method is to use a pyramid to rank clinical evidence
(Figure 2-2) (Forrest and Miller, 2002; SUNY, 2003).
Traditional sources of evidence include textbooks, personal
Many activities veterinarians perform in clinical medicine and
nutrition have not been subjected to suitably designed scientific studies. Randomized, controlled studies are the reference criterion standard for therapeutic and nutritional interventions;
however, these studies are imperfect and do not apply to studies of cause, diagnosis and prognosis (Sackett, 1993; Berg,
2000). Randomized, controlled studies are often not conducted
on patients similar to those encountered in practice, and many
clinical and nutritional interventions will never be subjected to
such investigations. For example, randomized, controlled studies are often not conducted on patients with naturally occurring
disease and many clinical and nutritional interventions will
never be subjected to such investigations due to ethical or other
reasons. Nonetheless, evidence from randomized, clinical studies currently is most likely to predict results in clinical practice.
Randomized, clinical studies also serve as a scientific entry
point for discussions with owners about therapeutic and nutritional options.
Several questions can be used to decide the applicability of
evidence from clinical studies to nutritionally manage a specif-
Owner or
controlled studies
Epidemiologic studies
(cohort, case-controlled)
Models of disease
Case series
Case reports
Pathophysiologic rationale
Ideas, editorials, opinions
In vitro research
Figure 2-2. The evidence pyramid. The level of evidence for use of
a diagnostic or therapeutic intervention increases as one progresses
up the pyramid. (Adapted from SUNY Downstate Medical Center.
Guide to research methods: the evidence pyramid. Medical
Research Library of Brooklyn Web site. Available at Accessed on November 2, 2003.
Reprinted with permission.)
EBM involves making clinical decisions by carefully identifying, evaluating and applying the most relevant information. In
EBM, the first step is to identify and define the medical problem to learn what additional information is required. After the
need for additional information is identified, it must be
retrieved and evaluated to ensure validity. After the information
is judged valid, it is next necessary to apply it to the care of your
patient. This brief section will focus on how to evaluate information about treatment after it has been retrieved and conclude
with a few general comments about applying treatments to
individual patients.
The first step in making good treatment decisions is to
decide whether the patient requires treatment or not and to
identify the specific goals of treatment. Potential treatment
goals include eliminating or decreasing current clinical signs,
preventing recurrence of disease, slowing progression of disease
and curing the disease. After the treatment goals have been
identified and treatment has been initiated it is important to
periodically assess progress toward these goals and to make
changes as appropriate.
After the decision to treat has been made and the treatment
goals identified, the next step is to decide on the specific treatment modality or modalities (pharmacologic agents, surgery
and nutrition) that will achieve the treatment goals.
Experienced clinicians make treatment decisions based on their
own uncontrolled clinical experience. Clinicians judge the efficacy of a treatment by comparing current clinical impressions
with clinical impressions before the new treatment was available. Unfortunately, this approach can lead to erroneous conclusions. Part of human nature is to remember our successes
and either forget our treatment failures or attribute them to
other factors (e.g., poor owner compliance). Another risk when
judging the efficacy of a treatment based on clinical impressions
is that neither the clinician nor the pet owner is masked to
treatment so there is increased potential for bias in subjective
assessments (placebo effect).
ly is high, this should be taken into consideration when evaluating the results of the study.
The references for Chapter 2 can be found at
CASE 2-1
Lethargy and Inappetence in a Scottish Terrier
Philip Roudebush, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Hills Scientific Affairs
Topeka, Kansas, USA
Patient Assessment
A six-year-old intact male Scottish terrier was examined for lethargy of several days duration and mild inappetence. The dog
weighed 9.5 kg (20.9 lb), and had a normal body condition score (3 on a 5-point scale). Several peripheral lymph nodes were
enlarged and splenomegaly was diagnosed. Results of per rectal palpation and ocular fundic examination were normal. Analysis of
a hemogram revealed mild normocytic, normochromic, nonregenerative anemia. Results of a serum biochemistry analysis were
within reference ranges, except for mild increases in hepatic enzyme activity. Thoracic radiography revealed sternal lymphomegaly.
Abdominal ultrasonography revealed mesenteric lymph node enlargement; however, the liver and spleen appeared normal.
Microscopic examination of a fine-needle aspirate obtained from a peripheral lymph node revealed a homogenous population of
immature lymphoid cells consistent with high-grade lymphoma.
The tentative diagnosis and treatment options were discussed with the owner, who selected chemotherapy. The owner wanted to
know whether nutritional therapy or dietary supplements would be appropriate for the dog.
As the attending veterinarian, you must answer the following question: In dogs with lymphoma, do dietary supplements or therapeutic foods influence survival or quality of life when used in conjunction with standard treatments such as chemotherapy?
A literature search revealed two, randomized, controlled clinical studies in which clinicians used single-agent chemotherapy (i.e.,
doxorubicin) and a therapeutic food in dogs with lymphoma. One of these studies was published in a peer-reviewed journal, whereas the other was a research abstract at a major veterinary meeting. Both studies indicated that dogs with lymphoma that consumed
a therapeutic food supplemented with fish oil and arginine, combined with doxorubicin therapy had a significantly longer diseasefree interval, longer survival time and improved quality of life, compared with dogs eating a standard food while receiving similar
chemotherapy. These published data are Grade 1, which is the highest quality of evidence for recommending nutritional management for dogs with lymphoma. The patient described in the case is similar to dogs enrolled in the published studies, and the food
used in those studies is identical to a commercially available therapeutic food.a
Another literature search did not reveal published clinical studies in which nutritional supplements were effective in dogs with
multicentric lymphoma. Any recommendations for use of supplements should be made on the basis of expert opinions, clinical
experience, studies in other species or pathophysiologic justification. These are Grade 4 evidence, which is the weakest form of evidence for making a nutritional recommendation.
a. Prescription Diet n/d Canine, Hills Pet Nutrition Inc., Topeka, KS, USA.
Ogilvie GK, Fettman MJ, Mallinkrodt CH, et al. Effect of fish oil, arginine and doxorubicin chemotherapy on remission and survival time for dogs with lymphoma. Cancer 2000; 88: 1916-1928.
Ogilvie GK, Fettman MJ, Mallinkrodt CH, et al. Effect of fish oil, arginine and doxorubicin chemotherapy on remission and survival time for dogs with lymphoma: A double blind, randomized placebo controlled study (abstract). Proceedings. Annual Meeting,
Veterinary Medical Forum 2000; 18: 766.
CASE 2-2
Polydipsia and Polyuria in a Male Domestic Shorthair Cat
Philip Roudebush, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Hills Scientific Affairs
Topeka, Kansas, USA
Patient Assessment
A 12-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat was examined for routine health maintenance. The cats body weight was 3.4
kg (7.5 lb) with a normal body condition score (3 on a 5-point scale). The owners reported a recent increase in water consumption
and frequency of urination. Results of physical examination were unremarkable, except for mild periodontal disease. Laboratory tests
performed included a hemogram, urinalysis and serum biochemistry profile. Azotemia was detected, with an increase in serum creatinine concentration (2.5 mg/dl; reference range, 0.4 to 1.8 mg/dl) and a urine specific gravity of 1.018. Results of other laboratory tests were within reference ranges. Subsequent microbial culture of a urine sample yielded negative results. The tentative diagnosis was naturally developing, Stage 2 chronic kidney disease.
As the attending veterinarian, you must answer the following question: For cats with chronic kidney disease, does dietary management delay the onset of uremic crises, reduce the risk of future uremic crises or delay death?
A literature search found a randomized, controlled clinical study that evaluated the effect of dietary modification for treatment of
cats with naturally developing chronic renal failure. Analysis of that study indicated that a food formulated for renal conditions benefited cats with uremic crises and decreased mortality in those with mild to moderate naturally developing chronic kidney disease,
compared with results attained with an adult maintenance food. Cats fed the therapeutically formulated food had reduced mortality compared with cats fed the adult maintenance food.
The study represents Grade 1 evidence, which is the highest quality. Your patient is similar to cats enrolled in a published clinical study, and the food used in the study is a commercially available therapeutic food that is readily available and economically feasible.a Based on this evidence, use of the therapeutically formulated food and other tenets of conservative medical management
should be recommended for your patient, providing owner and patient preferences are satisfied.
a. Prescription Diet k/d Feline, Hills Pet Nutrition Inc., Topeka, KS, USA.
CASE 2-3
Severe Halitosis and Reluctance to Eat in an Irish Setter
Philip Roudebush, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Hills Scientific Affairs
Topeka, Kansas, USA
Patient Assessment
A seven-year-old, 30-kg (66-lb) male Irish setter was examined for severe halitosis and reluctance to eat dry food. Abnormal findings during examination of the oral cavity included moderate accumulations of plaque and calculus on both dental arcades, periodontitis, exposure of the furcation of tooth roots and loss of attachment; these findings were most prominent around the caudal
mandibular premolars and molars. Results for the remainder of the physical examination were unremarkable. The dog was given
antibiotics to help control infection of oral tissues while further diagnostic evaluations were performed. Results of a hemogram,
serum biochemistry analysis and urinalysis were within reference ranges.
The dog was anesthetized, and supragingival scaling followed by root planing and subgingival curettage was performed. Severe
periodontal disease was found around the left mandibular teeth (fourth premolar and first molar). These teeth were extracted. An
osseopromotive bioactive materiala was placed into the sockets, and extraction sites were sutured. The remaining teeth were polished. Oral antibiotics and a canned recovery-type food were dispensed. Two weeks later, the extraction sites were healed, and the
owner commented that the dog is more active.
As the attending veterinarian, you must answer the following question: For dogs treated to correct dental plaque and calculus, gingivitis and oral malodor, does dietary management delay the onset or reduce the severity of further dental disease?
A literature search revealed a number of randomized, controlled clinical studies that evaluated the effect of dietary modification for
dogs with plaque and calculus accumulation, gingivitis and oral malodor. Those studies were conducted in a laboratory setting and
involved use of a nutritional product in dogs with naturally developing oral disease. Analysis of results of those studies revealed a
significant reduction of plaque, calculus, gingivitis and oral malodor when feeding a therapeutic food specially formulated for dogs
with dental conditions, compared with feeding a typical dry food. This constitutes Grade 2 evidence, or the second highest quality of evidence. This patients condition is similar to that of dogs used in the published studies; the food used was a commercially
available therapeutic foodb that is readily available and economically feasible. Based on this evidence, use of the therapeutic food
specially formulated for dogs with dental conditions should be recommended for patients, providing owner and patient preferences
are satisfied.
a. Bioglass, Nutramax Laboratories Inc., Baltimore, MD, USA.
b. Prescription Diet t/d Canine, Hills Pet Nutrition Inc., Topeka, KS, USA.