White Paper On Vertical Horticulture

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White paper on Vertical Horticulture

International overview of Vertical Horticultural Projects

White paper in the MeetingMoreMinds Series

on Feeding MegaCities
©Prof. dr. Annemieke J.M. Roobeek
July 2018
Smart Cities and Vertical Farming:
a Rational Combination based on Needs to Feed Citizens in Megacities
with Healthy Food and Fresh Produce

Prof. dr. Annemieke Roobeek

Professor for Strategy and Transformation Management at Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands
And CEO/Founder of MeetingMoreMinds, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]

Introduction: Re-thinking the dominant production paradigm in greenhouse horticulture

If the Dutch want to stay world-class they have to re-think the current way of producing vegetables,
plants and fresh produce in greenhouses. Notwithstanding the fact that the Dutch are the world
most advanced producers and traders in horticulture, floriculture and highly innovative in green
technology installations that support this clusters, the world is changing. But are the Dutch? And are
they in time?

In this research paper on Smart Cities and Vertical Farming we challenge the dominant paradigm in
horticulture and in the slipstream the ornamental plants and floriculture cluster. From thinking in
endless hectares of horizontal greenhouses we would like to open the conversation on re-thinking
the mainstream way of production towards vertical farming in the perspective of the steep rise of
megacities in the world. The future world consumption of fresh produce and plants is increasing.
Most of the world population will live in cities. Feeding the world means more and more securing
access to fresh food in megacities where 5 billion people will live in 2030. The governing bodies of
these cities will look for other solutions to feed their citizens than the traditional Dutch solution of
building horizontal greenhouses at a large distance from cities where land is cheap. From a
sustainability perspective the loss of often 30% or more of the harvested production due to
inefficient transportation and inadequate infrastructure is untenable, unsustainable and not
defendable in the light of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as proclaimed by the United
Nations in 2015.

While the dominant production paradigm in horticulture of horizontal greenhouses still leads to well
filled international order books for greenhouse builders and green tech installers and while the Dutch
growers in horticulture and floriculture are exporting to all parts of the world at all times records
high, now is the time to re-think the mainstream with a future perspective. If the Dutch want to keep
their world-class position in the decades to come it is necessary to take a closer look to what is
happening internationally in the field of urban farming, vertical and indoor farming.

The outsider view challenges the mainstream

As a professor for Strategy and Transformation Management at Nyenrode Business University,

Annemieke Roobeek lectures about innovation, ecosystems and clusters like the Dutch horticulture
and floriculture clusters. These two clusters in the Netherlands are great examples of clusters with
the typical characteristics of geographical proximity, mutual cooperation and dependence, of
innovation and competitiveness, of efficiency and international excellence. When teaching a
renowned Harvard flower case for the MBA students, she discovered that it sketched a terribly
outdated picture of the cluster and the suppliers. She found that it lacked dynamics and important
changes over time. Although horticulture and floriculture clusters in the Netherlands are almost
totally export-oriented with world class enterprises operating internationally, there is also a kind of
stubbornness in keeping a short-term view and getting stuck in the traditional way of doing business
while ignoring what innovators, start-ups and potential competitors from outside the industry are

Together with her team at MeetingMoreMinds she decided to do research into the driving forces
behind the changes in the horticulture and floriculture clusters. While doing interviews, numerous
working visits, technology reviews, and analytical data research Annemieke Roobeek came up with
an new international growth perspective for the Dutch export based on creating the collaborative
advantage in ecosystems. Having many specializing companies is great, but creating collaboration
between these super specialists in an emerging paradigm is even better.

The need for inter-industrial collaboration to get to the next level

In this international overview of Smart Cities and Vertical Farming is becomes clear and visible that
the traditional way of building greenhouses for horticulture is not the way forward in cities with
millions of inhabitants. The overview shows that in dozens of cities in the world all kind of
experimental initiatives are taken to explore new ways of producing fresh produce within cities.
These initiatives in urban farming, rooftop farming, indoor farming and vertical farming can be seen
as an innovative search for new ways to a healthy style of living in cities. Fresh produce forms a
crucial part of the complex puzzle to sustain and create an increasing population in cities with
millions of inhabitants. Access to fresh food is as necessary as access to electricity, internet, water,
education and work. Smart Cities are often identified by technology and in particularly in putting
digitalization strategies into action. A closer look at the more advanced forms of vertical and indoor
farming makes clear the blending of Smart Cities with Vertical Farming. It takes a lot of high tech to
create a successful indoor or vertical farm. Many green technologies, such as climate systems, LED-
lighting systems, water systems and growth protocols are all based on data and digitalization.

What will the integrated concept of advanced urban farming look like?

It is a data-driven, at distance monitored growth system where recipes for fresh produce secure
stable production through the year in climate controlled production settings. Selling an integrated
concept including advanced knowledge, combined information, construction and installation
processes and data surrounding horticulture is different from growing tomatoes and exporting the
products. The focus on systems does not mean giving knowledge away, but selling tailor made
knowledge for a specific location in the world together with sustainable production recipes for high
quality products. This results in a competitive advantage of the Dutch horticulture with higher

margins for all parties involved. In fact, in the concept we developed we combine clusters and
networks into larger ecosystems where collaboration is key. The Dutch world class position in
floriculture, horticulture and its specialized suppliers around the green house sector gives the entire
ecosystem an enormous competitive advantage. The focus for the new growth strategies is on the
world’s megacities. Growing fresh produce in the first place and later also flowers and plants in
advanced, climate-controlled greenhouses close to a city, wherever in the world this may be.
Because of the unique knowledge position of The Netherlands, knowledge can be aggregated and
put into data systems and the Dutch can fulfil a directing role in sustainable growth processes. You
can even see it as an advanced form of horticulture tailored to the demand of specific locations in
the world. It will result in creating trade on high tech production systems with a higher value and
more impact than just growing and transporting tomatoes or cucumbers all over.

Thinking big: high tech growth systems

Thinking big is difficult for many entrepreneurs. Most companies only look at their own part of chain.
There certainly are traditional growers and greenhouse builders who think this is a bridge too far.
Creating an international and sustainable ecosystem indeed is an enormous challenge that all
stakeholders in the horticulture sector need to commit to. However, not committing to this challenge
of taking urban farming as a serious gamechanger is a missed opportunity in the medium and long
term. With such an ecosystem around high tech growth systems in development, a real contribution
towards the World Goals (SDG’s) can be made.

A new generation is combining knowledge and technology

At any rate, the new generation looks differently at growing flowers and plants than the old
generation. It is not by chance that many sons and daughters of horticulturists now study informatics
and big data. They already see the potential of an international sustainable ecosystem and are ready
to anticipate on it. Amongst other things, they can do so with the experiential knowledge and know-
how of their parents and grandparents, which they can translate in bits and bytes into advanced
growing programmes. This inter-generational knowledge and know-how is key in the transformation
process and it will be applied with artificial intelligence and machine-learning. It will be used in
another way together with the dynamic innovations in installation technologies, robotics and drones.
Not so much the production of fresh produce, flowers and plants will be the head of the game, as the
knowledge for the systems to produce in stable, high tech climate controlled environments.

About this overview of vertical farms

The overview we show you in this White Paper is a snapshot of what can be found in public sources
until. We selected those vertical farms with a stable production track record. However, since this
industry is in flux, and many new vertical farms are set up, as are many going bankrupt as well, the
list does not pretend to be complete. It is much more a visual impression of how many serious
vertical farming projects set up in the past few years, particularly in smart cities with conscious
consumers and high tech savvy entrepreneurs at hand.

The Netherlands: Overview of vertical farming activities
Cities Name Description Image Type / Size Status Production
Dronten Fresh Care The first real vertical Vertical farm Opening in 300 tonnes
Convenience, farm in Europe, which 2018 vegetables per
Staay Food produces for retail. year (2017)

Amsterdam GrowX Small-scale vertical farm Vertical farm Active since 180 tonnes of
in Amsterdam, where 2016 salads and
vegetables are produced herbs per year
for restaurants. The (2016)
company has a focus on
sustainable logistics.

Den Haag The New Farm The New Farm is the Vertical farm, Active since
international hub for research 2017
food production within
the city. It is a place for
start ups to experiment
with new ideas. There
already exist a vertical
farm and a research field
Zwaagdijk Proeftuin Proeftuin Zwaagdijk is a Vertical farm, Active since
Zwaagdijk research institution to research 2012
optimize the impact of
LED light on the growing
process. Furthermore it
teaches trainees the
different facets of
growing vegetables. At
this moment they work
with a 3-level grow

Venlo Brightbox Brightbox is an expert Vertical Active since

centre on growing farming, 2015
vegetables without 192 square
daylight. Different parties meters
such as, Botany, Philips,
de HAS and the province
of Limburg work together
to innovate the process.

Innoveins Innoveins combines plants Indoor Active since
and technique to develop farming 2017
innovative ecosystems for
the market.

Eindhoven Philips Grow The research lab of Vertical Active since

Wise Center Philips test the impact of farming, 2015
LED lights on greens and 234 square
other vegetables. They meters
have designed a special
room where they test
precisely, which light
works for which
Beesel Deliscious Deliscious uses a 8 meter Vertical Active since
tall climate room, where farming 2016
it tests together with
Philips, which different
plants they can grow.

Poeldijk Certhon Certhon designs and Indoor Under

Innovation implements innovative farming, construction
Center and reliable technologies service,
that enable the 240 square
cultivation of meters
horticultural products
worldwide. Certhon
wants to improve its own
daylight-free cultivation
techniques in Poeldijk in
8 different growth cells
of a total of 240 square
Den Bosch PlantLab The head office of Indoor, vertical Active
PlantLab is located in the farming since 2008
heart of Den Bosch. The 5,000 m2
company focuses on the
various possibilities of
indoor farming. More
than 5.000m2 includes
high-tech breeding
rooms in which
cultivation recipes are
developed, under the
brand name Plant

Utrecht Wonderwoods The Wonderwoods plan Vertical gardens Concept,
includes two towers of 90 construction
and 70 meters high with starts 2019
room for living, working,
relaxation and
entertainment. The
highest tower looks like a
vertical forest, where the
planting is designed along
the balconies and on the
Vlaardingen Hoogendoorn Hoogendoorn, together Indoor farming, Active since
Growth with worldwide partners, service 1974
Management provides sustainable
automation solutions that
seamlessly harmonize all
processes and systems in
your horticulture
organization. The
modular software ensures
that the available raw
materials such as natural
gas, fertilizers and water
are used as efficiently as
Burgh- Vitro Plus Vitro Plus has extensively Vertical Commercial, Over 3 million
Haamstede industrialized the Farming Active since ferns a year
cultivation process of 1990 (2018)
greens with specially
designed growth
chambers. Currently,
VitroPlus focusses on
plants, but it is
investigating possibilities
for greens such as lettuce.

International overview of smart cities with urban & vertical farming

North America
Cities Name / Description Image Type / Size Status Production
Company capacity
United States of America
New York Gotham The company has Greenhouse RTF, commercial, 15 million heads
Greens built and operates 4 170.000 square active since of grean leafs
facilities of feet 2011 and 300.000
technological pounds of
advanced vegetables per
(hydroponics) year (over 4
Greenhouse Farms in facilities) (2018)
New York City and
Bowery Located in the centre Indoor farming Commercial,
Manhattan of Manhattan they Active since
produce food for 2017
local restauratns and
grocery stores. Unlike
other vertical farm
they experiment also
with other crops than
only leafy greens.
Bowery The company will Indoor farming To be build New York City-
New Jersey, build a new vertical in 2018 based startup
Kearny indoor farm in raised a $20
Kearny, New Jersey, million from
which will grow 30 investors
times more produce including
than its current General
indoor farm in NY. Catalyst, GGV,
The company has and GV (2018)
developed especially
a proprietary
software systems,
which they claim
makes the new
indoor farm the most
sophisticated in the

New York Sky Sky Vegetables Rooftop Farming, Commercial,
Vegetables develops and Hydroponic Active since
operates an 8000 8000 square 2008
square meters urban meters
hydroponic rooftop
farms as part of its
mission to grow fresh
and local produce

Brooklyn World's largest Open-Air RTF, commercial, 50,000 pounds

Grange rooftop soil-farm, 2 Farms in total active since of organically-
located on two roofs ca. 100.000 2010 cultivated
of NYC. Provides also square feet produce per
urban farming and year. (2018)
green roof consulting

AeroFarms Based in New York, it Vertical / Sky Research / 2 million

has its ninths and farming, commercial, pounds of fresh,
biggest vertical farm Over 100,000 active since leafy greens a
in Newark (New square feet over 2004 year (2016)
Jersey) to serve several locations
demand of locally
grown fresh
EdenWorks Brooklyn based Vertical / Indoor commercial, 50,000 pounds
vertical farm that Farming, active since of tilapia and
uses aqua and 10,000 square 2013 130,000 pounds
hydroponics. The feet of leafy greens
plants will be grown (2016)
in trays with LED
lighting stacked 20
feet high

Boston Freight Farms An original RFT / Indoor commercial, 2-4 tons

kickstarter initative Farming active since produce per
that sells selfs- 2010 year per
sustaining containers container
to would-be-farmers (2018)
in order to grow their
own fresh products
Green City Green City Growers Roof Top Farming benefit More than
Growers converts unused corporation 5,900 pounds of
commercial, active since fresh produce
municipal, education 2008 are harvested
and residential each growing
spaces into vibrant season (2018)
urban farms
anywhere the sun

Higher Ground Higher Ground Farm Greenhouse RTF commercial Higher Ground
Farm manages two rooftop 55,000 square active since Farm plans to
farms in Boston. One feet 2013 grow 50,000 or
is a commercial so pounds of
rooftop farm located fruits and
on the Boston Design vegetables each
Center in the Seaport year (2013)
District of Boston,
growing vegetables
for sale to Boston
restaurants. The
other is on Boston
Medical Center,
growing fresh
produce for the
hospital's patients,
staff, and visitors and
for their on-site food
Chicago Farmed Here Once the nation’s Vertical / Sky commercial,
largest vertical farm. farming, in-active:
It was also the first to 90.000 square closed 2017
be certified organic feet
by USDA. Closed in
January 2017 due
financial issues.

Metropolitan Metropolitan Farms’ Urban Farming, Commercial,

Farms mission is to grow Aquaponic Active since
fresh food in the city Farming 2015
where it is eaten.
They believe this will
result in a healthier,
more secure and
sustainable food
Chicago Green Sense The first indoor farm Vertical / Indoor Commercial, 1,500 cases of
Area Farms Chicago from Green Sense Farming, the active since greens a week
Farms. Their partners Chicago farm has 2014 (2016)
are Philips, Hortimax 30,000 square ft
and Rijkzwaan. This
farm has 7 grow
towers of 12 metres

Philadelphia Metropolis Starting the first solar Vertical/ Indoor Commercial, Metropolis
Farms powered indoor Farm, active since grow the
farm, making both 100,000 square ft 2016 equivalent of
the process of 660 outdoor
farming and creating acres worth of
sustainable energy. crops in less
than 100,000 sq
feet (2017)

Los Angeles Local Roots Local Roots uses Indoor vertical Commercial, 65,000 pounds
vertical hydroponic farm active since of lettuce a year
farming. Instead of 2013 (2016)
soil, the seeds lie on
trays with nutrient-
rich water, stacked
from the floor to the
ceilings inside the
shipping containers.
Seattle Farmbox Seattle’s first indoor Indoor Farming / commercial, Thousands of
Greens vertical farm to grow Vertical active since pounds of
produce micro 2011 greens annually
herbs. (2018)

San Plenty Plenty, an indoor Vertical Farming commercial, 4.5 million

Francisco agriculture company active since pounds of
based in San 2014 greens per year
Francisco, claims it (2017)
has found a way to
make vertical farming
scalable and
profitable. Plenty
operates a growing
warehouse in San
Francisco and plants
to build one outside
Seattle next year.

Montreal Lufa Farms Lufa Farms is a rooftop Rooftop farm, commercial, 700 pounds of
farm company. They 2 Farms in total active since produce a day
run 2 rooftop farms in ca. 75.000 square 2011 (2012)
Montreal, each feet
commercially active.

Vancouver VertiCrop VertiCrop is a highy Vertical / Sky Research

density fully farming Technology,
automated closed loop commercial,
conveyer hydroponic active since
vertical farming system 2009
designed to achieve
max output.

Alterrus On a parkade vertical Indoor / Vertical commercial,

farm was built with the Farm, in-active:
Verticrop technology. Greenhouse closed 2014
The farm failed to
adapt to the market
demands and closed
down in 2014.

Mexico City Greening The City promotes Open-air RTF, Ecological
Rooftops rooftop hydroponic Edible walls & City,
across gardens and installed balconies, Private
Mexico City beds of succulents on ca. 12.300 sq m in
public buildings to the city
tackle air pollution

Cities Name / Description Image Type / Size Status Production
Company capacity
Paris Vertical Farm French architecture Vertical Farm / Funds are
Romainville firm Ilimelgo have Greenhouse being raised,
designed a vertical 1000 square concept
farming complex in meters
the Parisian suburb
of Romainville. The
project integrates
production of
produce into the city
a greenhouse that
maximizes sunlight
and natural

United Kingdom
London Grow Up The farm combines Indoor / Vertical commercial, Projected
Urban farms two well-established Farm, 6000 active since annual
farming practices – square feet 2013 production of
aquaculture (farming 20 tonnes of
fish) and hydroponics greens and 4
in a recirculating tonnes of tilapia
system. (2016)
Growing The WWII shelter in Indoor Farming / commercial Currently the
Underground Clapham consists of Vertical active since subterranean
two large tunnels 2012 farm can
that were set to link produce up to
the London 60kg of herbs a
Underground. day (2016)
Instead, Steven Dring
and Richard Ballard
grow an array of
vegetables using
hydroponic growing

North Jones Food Current, powered by Vertical Farming Production Producing up to
Lincolnshire Company & GE (NYSE: GE) and starts 420 tonnes of
GE Jones Food Company autumn leafy greens per
Ltd. (JFC), today 2018 year across a
announced that growing area of
construction is 5120m2,
underway toward arranged in
building one of the racks rising to
world’s largest the height of
indoor farms. 11m. (2018)

Berlin InFarm A company that tries Indoor, vertical commercial
to eliminate the Farming (in every active since
distance between farm grocery store) 2012
and fork. Has a vision
to build an indoor farm
in every grocery store.
Stockholm Plantagon Plantagon develops, Indoor, research Research,
implements and farming Concept
operates innovative
Agritechture solutions,
creating green spaces
in urban environments
while adding value to
surrounding real

Cities Name / Description Image Type / Size Status Production
Company capacity
Sydney Green Camel An integrated Indoor farming, commercial, Capacity to
Farms aquaculture- 5,000 square active since produce over
horticulture system meters 2015 130,000 Kg of
that produces both fish herbs per year
and vegetables in a and 15,000 kg
symbiotic manner with Barramundi
zero pesticides. Green per year
Camel uses computer (2015)
controlled planting and
one staff to lay young
herb seedlings on
conveyer belts. This is
intensive food
production, whereas
on the storey above
conveyer belts of herbs
move slowly but grow
fast, in the regulated
warmth and sunlight.

Melbourne FarmWall Farmwall is a start-up Vertical Farm commercial
that designs and (start-up),
installs farmwalls in active sine
cafes and restaurants 2017
to grow fresh herbs
and greens

Cities Name / Description Image Type / Size Status Production
Company capacity
Beijing IEDA A vertical plant factory Vertical farming Commercial, With rows 10
Protected on top of the Chinese 800 square active since feet high, the
Horticulture Academy of meters 2002 indoor
Agricultural Sciences in patches yield
Beijing. between 40
and 100 times
more produce
than a typical
open field of
the same size.

Shanghai Sunqiao The city is planning a Vertical Farming Smart city,

Urban 250-acre agricultural / Smart City vertical farming
Agricultural district with vertical 753,000 square Concept
District farming, which will feet of vertical
function as a space to farms
work, live, shop, and
farm food. It will
include 753,000-
square-feet of vertical

Nanjing Vertical The tower has a plant Vertical gardens vertical garden
Forest covered facade that is Concept
Tower thought of to help
chinese cities to tackle
pollution and to absorb
up to 25 tons CO2 in a

Hong Kong Rooftop Rooftop Republic’s Roof top Community Runs 34 farms
Republic team has been farming building, (2018)
pioneering the urban active since
farming movement 2012
over the last five years.
They run several urban
(rooftop) farms in
Hong Kong

SCATIL With the passion in Indoor Vertical Commercial,
agricultural Farm Active since
development, our 2014
founders introduced
Japanese hydroponic
technology and an
indoor hydroponic
farming in 2014 as the
stepping stone.
Shenzhen Green Sense This is the second Indoor Vertical Commercial, 750,000 to 1
Farms vertical farm from Farm Active since million heads
Shenzen Green Sense Farms. 2016 of lettuce and
Their partners are, about 1.5
among others, Philips, million leafy
Hortimax and greens (2016)

Taipei Ting-Mao TingMao Agricultural Indoor farming, commercial,
Corp. Biotechnology was an Vertical farm, active since 2007
early pioneer, starting 3300 square
its plant factory in meters
2007, and today is the
leading producer of
LED-grown vegetables
in Taiwan
Agora tower A twisting, smog-eating Vertical vertical gardens,
tower with vertical Gardens in progress
gardens is nearly
finished in Taipei,
Taiwan. The
skyscraper’s facade,
roof, and balconies will
contain 23,000 trees
and shrubs – nearly the
same amount found
in New York’s Central
Park. Inside, it will hold
40 luxury condos. The
plants are projected to
absorb 130 tons of
carbon dioxide per

Yes Health Yes Health iFarm, in Indoor farming, Commercial and
iFarm Taoyuan’s Luchu Vertical farm, active
Township, is the 2645 square
largest indoor plant meters
producer in Asia,
currently employing
130 staff members. it
is a technology-
driven 14-story
vertical farm cover
2,645 square meters.

Tokyo Pasona The Headquarters of Vertical gardens vertical gardens,
Head- the Pasona Group active since
quarters blooms a garden in the 2010
sky that provides
Tokyo with a striking
display of foliage.

Kashiwa GE & Mirai Claims to be the Indoor farm commercial, 10.000 crops
world’s largest indoor 25,000 square active since lettuce a day
farm. The high-tech feet 2012 (2014)
indoor farm is
illuminated by 17.500
LEDs and is nearly half
the size of a football

Aizu Fujitsu A vertical farm, about Indoor vertical commercial, 12.000 crops
Wakamatsu 60 miles from the site farm, 1850 active since of lettuce a
(100km of the deadly 2011 square meters 2015 day (2016)
from nuclear disaster in
Fukushima) Fukushima prefecture,
inside a former silicon
chip manufacturing
facility owned by the
Japanese computer
company Fujitsu

Kyoto Spread Spread is Japan's Vertical / Sky commercial, More than

Factory largest vertical farm, a Farming, active since 20.000 crops
blend of agriculture 4.780 sqm 2006 of lettuce a
and industry. Spread day (2017)
grows and ships out
four varieties of

South Korea
Seoul Urban The Urban Skyfarm is a Vertical gardens vertical garden,
Skyfarm vertical farm design Concept
proposal for a site
located in downtown
Seoul, right adjacent to
the Cheonggyecheon
stream which is a
heavily populated
dense urban area.

Jakarta 2017 green Jakarta administration Food production, In progress
aisle plans to introduce a urban farming
program in program to grow
75 areas vegetables medicinal
plants and pot fruit
plants aiming to ensure
food security. The
administration has
allocated Rp 5 billion
(US$ 375,855) for the
Singapore Sky Greens Sky Greens is a private- Vertical / Sky commercial, 1000 kg
public project that farming active since vegetables a
endeavours to become 2012 day (2016)
the world leading
provider for integrated
agriculture technology.

Packet Through a multi Vertical / Sky commercial, 30 kg daily

Greens layered shelf design farming, 1,500 active since yield of
they are able to square feet 2014 vegetables
produce up to 30kg (2016)
vegetables daily to
meet Singapores self
sufficient food target.

Mumbai Terra Farms Terra Farms is the first Micro Farming / Commercial,
'Urban Vertical Farm' Sky Farming, Research,
in Mumbai based at active since
Malad. We aspire to 2012
bring the farm as close
to the city as possible

Khagaria Mega food The 70-acre food park Mega farm Commercial, On completion,
park will create immense in progress the park will
opportunities for have facilities
entrepreneurship and of 40,000
employment in the tonnes dry
state bestowed with warehouse,
huge agriculture 10,000 tonnes
production potential. It grain silos,
will benefit farmers, 5,000 tonnes
growers, food multi-products
processors and cold storage,
consumers in the state 10 tonnes per
of Bihar hour packing
house, two
tonnes per
hour IQF, 1,500
tonne deep
fridge, besides
having modern
testing labs
and reefer vans
100 cities Smart cities Smart Cities Mission is Smart city In progress 15 billion
across India mission an urban dollars has
renewal program by been made
the Government of available for
India with the mission the project
to develop 100 cities (2015)
across the country
making them citizen
friendly and
sustainable. It is a 5
year program, starting
2017, funded by the
government. One
criteria is to preserve
and develop open
spaces in order to
create more livable
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Dubai Badia Farms Badia Farms is starting Vertical Farming Commercial, Since
the GCC’s first indoor active since December
vertical farm. We have December 2017 2017, Badia
a growing reputation has been
for supplying the finest producing
micro-greens and 1,000 heads of
herbs to Dubai’s top lettuce and
restaurants, caterers, has over 30
and chefs clients across
the UAE.

Crop one Crop One Holdings and Vertical Farming Construction The 130,000
Holding Emirates Flight starts in square foot
Catering (EKFC), one of November, controlled
the world’s largest 2018 environment
airline catering facility will
operators, have produce three
announced a $40 US tons (6,000
million joint venture pounds or
(J.V.) agreement to 2,700 kg) of
build the world’s leafy greens.
largest vertical farming (2018)
facility in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates.

The information contained in this e-paper is for general information purposes only.

This e-paper may contain links to external websites that are not provided or maintained by or in any
way affiliated with MeetingMoreMinds.

Please note that MeetingMoreMinds does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or
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Documents and articles used for the investigation of Smart Cities & Urban Farming

Nederland / The Netherlands

Dronten Website: Fresh Care Convenience, Staay Food Group
Dronten krijgt zijn eigen verticale slafabriek. 2017. Boerenbusiness.

Amsterdam Website: GrowX

Vertical farming in Nederland: de stand van zaken. 2016 Verse Stad.

Den Haag Website: Urban Farmers

Vertical farming in Nederland: de stand van zaken. 2016 Verse Stad.

Website: The New Farm

Zwaagdijk Website: Proeftuin Zwaagdijk

Venlo Website Brightbox

Website: Innoveins

Eindhoven Website: Philips Grow Wise Center

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Europe’s Huge New Vertical Farm. 2017. SingularityHub

Beesel Website: Deliscious

Poeldijk Website: Certhon Innovation Center

Den Bosch Is PlantLab het best bewaarde geheim van vertical farming? 2017 Groentenieuws

Utrecht Plan Wonderwoods gekozen om te ontwikkelen op groene toplocatie. 2017. CU Utrecht.

Vlaardingen Website: Hoogendoorn Growth Management

Burgh- Website: Vitro Plus

Haamstede Zeeuwen dagen met hun plantenlab en ‘toverdozen’ traditionele telers uit. 2018. FD

United States
New York Website: Gotham Greens
Website: Browery
This startup is building the techiest indoor Farm in the world. 2018. Fortune.

Website: Sky Vegetables

Website: Brooklyn Grange

Website: AeroFarms
Inside the world’s largest vertical farm, where plants stack 30 feet high. 2016. Business Insider

Website: EdenWorks
This start up uses fish poop to grow fresh leafy greens inside a Brooklyn warehouse. 2016
Business Insider.

Boston Website: Freight Farms

Website: Green City Growers

Website: Higher Ground Farm

Getting Fresh: Higher Ground Farm to Open at Boston Design Center. 2013. Boston News.

Chicago One-time largest vertical farm shuts down. 2017. The Urban Vertical Farming Project.

Website: Metropolitan Farms

Chicago Website: Green Sense Farms

Area Vertical farming’s forefront at Green Sense. 2016. AG Web

Philadelphia Website: Metropolis Farms

Los Angeles Website: Local Roots

See inside this vertical farm where 65,000 pounds of lettuce grow each year in shipping
containers. 2016. Business Insider.

Seattle Website: Farmbox Greens

San Website: Plenty

Francisco This company wants to build a giant indoor farm next to every major city in the world. 2017.

Montreal Website: Lufa Farms

Vancouver Website: VertiCrop

Alterrus bankruptcy soils garden vision. Clean tech project touted by city folds after less than
two years. 2014. Vancouver Courier.

Mexico City The Green Roofs of Mexico City. 2016. Innovatedevelopment.

Paris Ilimelgo Reimagines Future of Urban Agriculture in Romainville. 2017. Archdaily.

United Kingdom
London Website: Grow Up Urban farms
Is urban farming only for rich hipsters? 2016. The Guardian.
Website: Growing Underground
Growing underground: the fresh herbs sprouting beneath Londoners' feet. 2016. The

North Current, powered by GE and Jones Food Company Partner to Launch Europe’s Largest Indoor
Lincolnshire Farm. 2018, BusinessWire

Berlin Website: InFarm
InFarm wants to put a farm in every grocery store. 2017. Techcrunch.

Stockholm Website: Plantagon

Sydney Website: Green Camel Farms
Future farming: hi-tech project growing hydroponic herbs and fish unveiled near Sydney.
2015. ABC News

Melbourne Website: FarmWall

Port Augusta Sundrop Farms

These farms use sun and seawater to grow crops in the arid Australian desert. 2016. Wired

Beijing ‘Plant factories’ Churn Out Clean Food in China’s Dirty Cities. Researchers build urban farms,
crop labs to combat contamination. 2017. Bloomberg News.

Shanghai Shanghai is getting an entire ‘farming district’ with towering vertical farms and seed libraries
2017. Business Insider.

Nanjing Website: Vertical Forest Tower

Hong Kong Website: Rooftop Republic

Website: SCATIL

Website Green Sense Farms


Taipei Taiwan expanding into indoor LED-lit, pesticide-free farms. 2015. PhysOrg.

A smog-eating twisting tower that features luxury apartments will soon open in Taiwan – take
a look inside. 2017. Business Insider.

Asia's largest vertical farm is located in northern Taiwan. Taiwannews.

Tokyo Pasona Urban Farm by Kono Designs. 2013. Dezeen

Kashiwa The Future of Agriculture? Indoor Farms Powered by LEDs. 2014. Ge Reports.

Aizu Vertical farming in Nederland: de stand van zaken. 2016 Verse Stad.

Kyoto Website: Spread Factory

Spread Factory. The future of farming: Japan goes vertical and moves indoors. 2017.

South Korea
Seoul Website: Urban Skyfarm

Jakarta Jakartans to see more urban farming. 2017. TheJakartaPost.

Singapore Website: Sky Greens
Vertical farms on the rise in land scarce Singapore. 2016. Singapore Times.

Website: Packet Greens

Website: Gardens by the Bay

Mumbai Website: Terra Farms

United Arab Emirates

Dubai Badia Farms: https://www.badiafarms.com/
Production: https://www.thenational.ae/uae/environment/gcc-s-first-commercial-vertical-

J.V. to build the world’s largest vertical farm. Hortibiz


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