Data Driven Remaining Useful Life Prediction Via M
Data Driven Remaining Useful Life Prediction Via M
Data Driven Remaining Useful Life Prediction Via M
ISA Transactions
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Research article
• A new deep long short-term memory (DLSTM) model is constructed for accurate remaining useful life (RUL) prediction.
• Proposed DLSTM model fuses multi-sensor signals for enhanced RUL prediction performance.
• The proposed method is very suitable for multisensory scenario which is validated by two multisensory experiments.
article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: Remaining useful life (RUL) prediction is very important for improving the availability of a system and
Received 4 April 2019 reducing its life cycle cost. This paper proposes a deep long short-term memory (DLSTM) network-
Received in revised form 26 June 2019 based RUL prediction method using multiple sensor time series signals. The DLSTM model fuses
Accepted 2 July 2019
multi-sensor monitoring signals for accurate RUL prediction, which is able to discover the hidden
Available online xxxx
long-term dependencies among sensor time series signals through deep learning structure. By grid
Keywords: search strategy, the network structure and parameters of the DLSTM are efficiently tuned using
Remaining useful life an adaptive moment estimation algorithm so as to realize an accurate and robust prediction. Two
Deep long short-term memory (DLSTM) various turbofan engine datasets are adopted to verify the performance of the DLSTM model. The
neural networks experimental results demonstrate that the DLSTM model has a competitive performance in comparison
Deep learning
with state-of-the-arts reported in literatures and other neural network models.
Sensor data fusion
© 2019 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0019-0578/© 2019 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),
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Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),
J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al. / ISA Transactions xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
but also shares with other neurons. For DLSTM model, the num-
ber of LSTM layers and the neuron number in LSTM layer are vital
to model performance. Hence, these two important parameters
are optimized by grid search strategy in this paper, which is
detailed in Section 2.3.
A fully-connected dense layer is adopted as the output layer,
where LSTM layer output are sent into it and multi-sensor data
are eventually fused to the RUL values. The mean squared error
function, as a commonly used loss function in machine learning,
is adopted for minimizing the error between the predicted RULs
and the RUL labels. During the testing stage, online sensor data is
sequentially sent into the trained DLSTM and predicted RULs will
be acquired.
Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),
4 J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al. / ISA Transactions xxx (xxxx) xxx
model is shown in Fig. 3. In this schematic, red circles are the Both the Score and R are used to assess the difference between
neurons in hidden layer which are temporarily discarded from
the forecasted RULs and the actual RULs. And a small Score or R
the network according to a certain probability during the training
value represents a good predictive effect. However, there exists a
process of DLSTM. Since the discards occur randomly, different
subtle difference between the two indicators. As shown in Fig. 5,
networks are trained in each mini-batch. Hence, Dropout can
the Score penalizes late prediction more than the early prediction.
effectively alleviate the data overfitting problem of DLSTM. It
The indicator RUL error range represents the margin of error
should be pointed out that dropout only works during the train-
ing process and is disabled during the testing process, which for all RUL prediction values. A smaller RUL error range reflects
means all hidden neurons are working during the testing process. the higher effectiveness and stability of the prediction method.
In this paper, all candidate dropout values are tested, and the
optimal values are finally applied to DLSTM.
3.3. Multiple sensor data preprocessing
3. Experiment analysis
3.3.1. Sensor data smoothing
3.1. Dataset description Multiple sensor data obtained from the turbofan engines
present a large random fluctuation and noise jamming, which
The datasets used for evaluating the proposed method are might affect the performance of RUL prediction. The exponential
the NASA turbofan engine datasets, which are produced by the smoothing algorithm is adopted to remove the noise and weaken
CMAPSS platform [35]. Different operational settings containing the random fluctuation in the sensor data, which is expressed as
fuel velocity and pressure are variably input for the simulation of
x′t = α xt + (1 − α) x′t −1 ,
if t ≥ 2
different faults and degradation process in the turbofan engines. (16)
During the experiments, the turbofan engines begin to run in x′1 = x1 , if t = 1
good condition and some faults are developed which generates where xt is the actual measurement of sensors at t time, x′t repre-
degradation until a failure happens. sents the smoothed value at t time and x′t −1 holds the smoothed
The C-MAPSS platform offers four datasets: FD001∼FD004. In
value at t − 1 time, α indicates the smoothing coefficient.
each dataset, both training and testing sets are included. The
The value of α directly decides the smoothing effect of en-
training sets hold the signal of the whole life time while testing
gine sensor data which indirectly affects the accuracy of RUL
sets only contains multiple sensor data terminated at some time
prediction. Fig. 6 shows the preprocessed sensor data of sensor 2
before engine failure and the RUL need to be predicted. Both the
training sets and the testing sets consist of a series of cycles and with different α compared with raw sensor data in FD001. Three
each cycle contains 26 columns which respectively indicate the different α values are used for the sensor data smoothing which
ID of engine, cycle index, three operational settings and 21 sensor are 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. As illustrated in Fig. 6, the fluctuations
measurements. of smoothed sensor data are reduced compared with raw sensor
Two groups of the datasets, that is FD001 and FD003, are data and the smoothed sensor data can well reflect the trend of
adopted in this paper since the engine has obvious and clear the raw sensor data. In addition, it is found through a series of
health degradation process. FD001 has only one failure mode comparative experiments that the preprocessed sensor data with
while FD003 has two failure modes. In addition, both FD001 and α value of 0.25 has smaller fluctuations which means the data
FD003 contain 100 training engines and 100 testing engines. smoothing effect is better. So, α is set to 0.25 in this experiment.
Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),
J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al. / ISA Transactions xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),
6 J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al. / ISA Transactions xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 7. (a) Sorted CSC values of sensors in FD001; (b) Sorted CSC values of sensors in FD003.
3.3.3. RUL label randomly chosen for the DLSTM model training and the rest of
Noted that the label value has a significant impact on the pre- 10 engines are used to verify the model’s effectiveness.
diction performance. Several papers have proved that piecewise Next, considering the characteristics of monitoring signals in
linear labeling of CMASS engine degradation data is effective and datasets, the proposed DLSTM model for RUL prediction is con-
beneficial [20,38]. In other words, RUL label is assumed to be structed as well as its parameters will be determined optimally.
constant in the initial period and degrades linearly afterwards. The model is trained by the grid search method for exploring
According to the literature [20,38], sample points in the early an optimal DLSTM structure. A two-dimensional grid is formed
stage is labeled with a constant RUL value, which is set to 125 by the LSTM layer number and the neuron number in each
in this paper. layer form, and each node parameter in the grid is verified as a
candidate parameter. Considering the time constraints and com-
putational complexity, the LSTM layer number is set from 1 to 6
3.4. Case one and neuron number in each LSTM layer is set from 50 to 300. In
this grid, each two-parameter combination is used to construct
Dataset FD001 is analyzed for validation of the proposed a new DLSTM. The 10 validation engines are adopted to verify
method. First of all, the selected sensor data of 100 engines each model structure and RMSE are utilized for comparing model
are used to build the training datasets after the preprocessing training results. Fig. 8 shows the training result of DLSTM with
of multiple sensor data is completed, in which 90 engines are different layer numbers and neuron numbers. It can be seen
Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),
J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al. / ISA Transactions xxx (xxxx) xxx 7
Fig. 8. Training of DLSTM with different layer numbers and neuron numbers.
Table 1
Training results of DLSTM in the case of partial parameter combination.
No. LSTM layer Neurons number RMSE Training
number in each layer time (s)
1 2 150 20.40 34804.87
2 3 200 20.35 69720.27
3 3 250 18.56 98679.69
4 4 250 20.52 153776.33
5 5 100 18.43 56994.93
6 5 300 18.70 260307.16
Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),
8 J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al. / ISA Transactions xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 12. Real RUL versus predicted RUL for 100 engines.
Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
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Fig. 13. The boxplots of predicted RUL error for five models.
Table 5
Performance comparisons of five models on the dataset FD003.
Methods Score R RUL error Training Online average
range time (s) calculation time (s)
DRNN 1358 26.12 [−73,44] 81503.25 0.11
DGRU 1105 20.86 [−48,45] 296997.23 0.15
BDLSTM 980 19.48 [−54,67] 234484.16 0.28
BDGRU 967 19.94 [−52,67] 449436.09 0.36
DLSTM 828 19.78 [−44,38] 346454.71 0.18
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Please cite this article as: J. Wu, K. Hu, Y. Cheng et al., Data-driven remaining useful life prediction via multiple sensor signals and deep long short-term memory neural
network. ISA Transactions (2019),