Work Immersion Program

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Humanities and Social Sciences
March 8, 2021
Grade 12 HUMSS Freud

Class Adviser
Work Immersion Culminating Activity
Creative Portfolio

1. Portfolio Element
2. Timeline
Other Related Matter
Culminating Activity

 Thissubject is designed to provide students

the opportunity to integrate their learning in
the different learning areas of the humanities
and social sciences through a creative
culminating activity. It focuses on the
exhibitions/exhibits of authentic products and
performances as evidence of their learning in
the humanities and social sciences.
Culminating Activity
 In consideration of the current limitations, the
following maybe undertaken:
1. Teachers must program the activities of learners
where they can perform the learning
competencies within the confines of their home.
2. Since the subject’s performance standard is to
produce a creative portfolio that will integrate
their learning in specialized learning areas under
humanities or social sciences, learners can be
asked to:
Culminating Activity
a. Create a plan to maker their portfolio including its
timeline, process involved, and key concepts;
b. Write a concept paper that will encapsulate their
learning in humanities or social sciences;
c. Write insights after each part of portfolio has been
d. Compile all outputs to include in their portfolio; and
e. Write an overall reflection and learning based on the
evaluation of their teachers which will be given based
on the condition of the locality.
First Quarter
Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an
understanding of key
concepts, principles, and
processes of humanities and
social sciences.
First Quarter
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to
produce a creative portfolio that
will integrate their learning in
specialized learning areas under
humanities and social sciences.
1. The students are to create an action
1. Formulate a plan that plan proposal on community engagement
will demonstrate the key and/or civic involvement. Students in
concepts, principles, and localized groupings may choose to make a March 22 – April 5, 2021
processes of humanities plan for a coastal or anti-dengue clean-up
and social sciences. drive, feeding program, or project-based
2. The students are required to attach a
2. Write a concept
proposal letter justifying the necessity,
anchored on a prepared April 5 – 19, 2021
practicability, and beneficiality of the
3. Generate comments,
feedbacks, and 3. The students are expected to produce a
observations on the questionnaire specifically designed to
April 19 – May 3, 2021
feasibility, elicit varied responses from potential
appropriateness, and stakeholders of the program or plan.
relevance of concept.
4. Synthesize
4. The students are to
insights from the
synthesize insights from the
responses using a SWOT
comments, and May 3 – 17, 2021
(Strengths, Weakness,
Opportunities and Threats)
of peers and/or
Analysis graphic organizer.
Second Quarter
Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an
understanding of key
concepts, principles, and
processes of humanities and
social sciences.
Second Quarter
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to
produce a creative portfolio that
will integrate their learning in
specialized learning areas under
humanities and social sciences.
5. Examine the 5. The students assess their program
preparedness and proposal using a Checklist Tool which
completeness of the is specifically designed to evaluate the
output based on the key comprehensiveness of their plan. The May 17 – 31, 2021
concepts, principles, and tool may be provided by the teacher. A
processes of humanities reflection paper is also required to
and social sciences. analyze the results of the said tool.
6. The students are required to submit
6. Showcase their
a Creative Portfolio accompanied by a
understanding of the key
scheduled Oral Group Presentation of
concepts, principles, and June 7 – July 5,
its content. This is in lieu of an
processes of humanities 2021
exhibition of outputs which can be
and social sciences
more challenging in implementing
through an exhibition.
health protocols.
 Creative Portfolio
1. Use long size bondpaper.
2. Margin should be one-inch on each side.
3. Use Arial font style of font size 12.
4. The groupings will follow and it will be according to barangay.
5. Each group will consist of minimum of 3 members and maximum of 5 members.
6. Designing your output is a must for better quality and grades.
7. Every element of your output will be checked and will return to you after
8. Late passing of output of the designated time/date means diminished of grades.
9. NO output/portfolio element, NO grade!
10. Rubrics to be followed for your guidance.

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