Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Euclidean Space
After studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to:
Understand the meaning of a vector.
Define basic operations on vectors.
Kuow fundamental properties of vector addition and scalar muliplication.
Understand the meaning of linear combinations of vectors.
Define the dot product of two vectors in R
Know the basicproperties of dot product of vectors in R".
Know that the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequaliy and the Triangle Inequaliy hold for vectors
in R"
Define the angle between two vectors in R
Define projection vector of one vector onto qnother vector in R
Express any yector in R" as the sum of two component vectors such that one(if non-zero)
is parallel o a given vector x, and the
other is orthogonal to x.
Calculate the work done by a véctor force acting on an object
in this section, we introduce vectors and define two fundamental
and scalar multiplication. We use the notation
operations on vectors: addition
R to denote the set of all real numbers.
defined to be
(definition of vector addition) lx| = Vaf +x t .+
=(* +y) +
0. Now,
In R<we know that the vector to define "direction" in higher-dimensional
0 and show that is negative. This motivates us
let us assume that c *
direction opposite to x when c
To prove the result,
each i
0 = cx,= 0 for coordinate systems.
0 for each i (: c 0)
[0, 0, 0] =
0. DEFINITION Direction of Vectors in R
4,-10,-2, 0 =-2-2, 5, 1, 0]
is called a unit vector.
A vector eR" such that |x|| =
Forexample,thevector 0 is a unit vector in R, because +0+I +0 =1. (a) [6, 3, -5] (b) [1, 0,-2,4 t
Similarly. in R" the vectors ?
e [ 1 . 0. 0 . . 0). e = [0. 1, 0, . 0), e , = [0, 0, 0, . 1]
3. Which of the following pairs of vectors are parallel
(a) [8, -12], (6, -9] (6) -1, 4, 2). (-2, 3, 1] (c) [1, -2, 0, 2. 3]. [O, -3, 2, -1, -
are unit vectors. called the standard unit vectors.
4. Ifx (-1,4, 2] y - [2, 3, 1], and z = [2, 5, -3], find the following.
Given any non-zero vector x in R", we can always find a unit vector in the same direction as r,
given by (a) 2x (6) 3y ()x+y
(d) y-z () 3y-4x 2x+3y- 4:
5. State, giving reasons, whether the following statements are True or False.
Such a process of obtaining a unit vector in the same direction is called normalizing the vector. (a) The length of x , XziXg, *,) is f + + * +*
(6) For any vectors ax, y, zin R", (r+ y) tz =tt (y+).
EXAMPLE 2 Find a unit vector in the same direction as the
vectorx =
[-1, 2, -3.
(c) [2,-1, 0] is a linear combination of [1, 0, 0] and [0, 1, 0.
SOLUTION First we need to compute the nom
ofx: (d) The vectors [2, 4, 1] and [4, -8, 3] are parallel.
(e) Let x e R", and let c be a scalar, If cx = 0, and c * 0, then x =0.
ila|= -1) +2+ (-3} =14 ) If two non-zero vectors in R" are.parallel, then they are in the same direction.
Therefore, a unit vector x in the same direction as r is
j-12-3= 1. (a) 5
(6) 30 c)3
DEFINITION Linear Combination of Vectors 2.
Let , be vectors in R. We say thatthevectorvis alincar combination of
if there are scalars c, C2 C5uch that 21
3. (a) Parallel (b) Not Parallel
EXAMPLE 3 The vector y =[-6, -7] is a
linear combination of the vectors v,(3, -2] (c) Not Parallel
24.1}, because
(a)-2, 8, 4) (6) -6, -9, -3] (c) [I, 7, 3]
(d) [0,-2, 4 () [10, -7, -5] O4-3, 19]
The zero vector is also a linear combination of v and v2, since 0
0 v +0 v. In fact, the zero 5. (a) F (6) T T () F
vectorin R is always a linear combination ofany collection of vectors , n R Also, (e) T ()F
every vector .x Xgs ,in
can beexpressed linearcombination of
as a the standard unit 1.3 DOT PRODUCT
vectors e=[I,0,.0), e, =[0, 1, 0, . 0, = [0, 0, 0 , 1), since in this section we shall discuSs an
important algebraie operation on . called the dot prodiuct ol
two vectors. The dot
product acts like multiplication in a lot of ways and enjoys many ot e
x[1, 0, ., 0] +z,[0, 1, 0, .., 0] +...
+,[0, 0, ..,0, 1] familiar algebraic properties of real numbers.
EXERCISE 1.1 Letr 1nd D i be tiwo vectors in R'The dotor inne
product of and y, denoted byx is dcfined as
of the following vectors:
1. Compute the length of each
(c) [-1, -1, 2, -3, 4]
() -4, 3) (b)-5, 1, 2
Linear Algebra Euchidean Space
Note thai the dot product ot fwo vectors in R" is a scalar, not a vector.
1]. then
( - ) ( 2 ) + (4x) - (2-4) (0M-1) = -6
(Cx)y (C7)); * - (C
Recall that the norm of a vector x =
[r. ]
i. e
R is defined as
[cr, CX C r}
Note Notice that we can interpret the square ot the nom of the vector as a dot product, since Simlarly, c(x ) = r (cy)
5. (a)
Because of this connection berween nomm and dot product, we can often reduce computations
invoving nomm to simpler computations involving dot products
= (r ) + r )
Properties of Dot Product
The following theorem contains some useful properties of dot product. (b) Left as an exercise for the reader.
Note The above properties help us in simplifying expressions involving dot p:roducts just as in
THEOREM14 Properties of Dot Produet
elementary algebra.
Letx V ] be any vectors in R, and let c
and 2 EXAMPLE5 Simplifythe expression : (2r-5y) (-4x+ 3y).
be any scalar Then the following properties of dot product on R hold.
: Conniutatinvin of Dot Product SOLUTION We have
(2-5y) - 4 r - 3r) = [ ( 2 - 5 - (-4r)] - { r -S y ) r )
Relationship beineen Do:Prounet and Norm
(20)(- (-iy)- (-] - (2)-1n--5) (r)
0 =-S(x ) 20(r ) +6(
3. x * =
0 if and only if r =
)- ISr y
4. c(r ) =(cx) y =r (cy) Relationship benween Scalar Muliplication and Dot Product -S 26(r ) -1
The following example shows thatthe Cancellation Law of Algebra does not hold for the dot
5. () (+)=xy+* : Distribuiive Lays of Dot Product,.0ver
Addition product
6)(r+)=r EXAMPLE 6 Show that the Cancellation Law of Algebra does not hold for the dot product, that
Proof 1. By definition, is, show that there exist vectorsx, J, t in R', with = 0 such thatx : =y:: but x*y.
SOLUTION Consider a = [1, 0]. y = [0. 1), and: =[1,. 1] Then
*[1, 0] [1 1]=(1)(1)+(0)(1) = 1
y:= [0. 1] [1, 1]= (0)(1)+ ()() = 1
*=y': but.r *y.
THEOREM 15iCuchy Schwarz Incgualiy
Let andy be vectors in R Thenvl
= 0
IDelhi Uni. GE-2, 2016)
. . X, = 0
Linear Algebra Euclidean Space
assume that both x and y are non-zero vectors. We need to prove that
) + (r y) +0 x) +F y)
(a )-(a b) - (b a)+ (b b) 2 0
-2a b)+ ||bË (: a b=b a) (x x)+2(x y) +(y 3)
l 20
l+2x y)+ ly*
2(a b)+120 (:ll Ilb|| =
a bl ..(1)
Further, lt us consider s l+2|1|ly|+| by the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality)
(a b ) (a + b) = la + bf20
a a) + (a b) + (b a) + (b b) 20
l |2ab) +|b||2 20 Taking square roots of both sides of the above inequality gives the desired
(: 1la|l = 1 b|| = 1)
1+2(a b)+1 20
Corollary 17 Let aand ybe vectors in RiThen for any scálars c de R lcr+dy|S m(lrl|
a b2-1 .(2) D where m maxlebd}
Combining (1) and (2), have -1 -b<1.This
we sa completes the proof. Proof By the Triangle
Inequality, we have
EXAMPLE 7 Verify the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality for the vectors x =
[4, 2, 0,-3, -1] lcx +
dyl s lcx| + |ldy|l = lel||x|| +
1d|lF|l e
m|x| +
m|lyl S m(l*| +
y=[1, 4, -1, 0, 2] in RS
THEOREM 1:8 Reverse TriangleInequality
sOLUTION We have
xy =4- 8 +0+0-2 =-6 **yl6 ..(1)
Letx and yare vectons an R Then 111 1
Proof Consider
Also, llxV16+4+0+9+1 =V30
Ill i+16+1+0+4 = V22 by the Triangle Inequality)
From (1) and (2), it follows that lr yls a| |Isl. Similarly, it can be seen that
The next result, called the Triangle Inequality (or Minkowski's Inequality), has the geometric
each side of a triangle is less than the sum of the lengths of the
interpretation that the length of i.e.
other two sides. .2)
Euclidean Space 1.13
Linear Algebra
1.12 Proof We have
From (1)
and (2), it followsthat ||1-»l| s |x+v|l lx+ l = (* t y) (x *y)
X *tx y +y Xty:y
THFOREM 1.9 Let andy be non-zero vectors in R Ifxiy2 0, then + l > l»l
I x | + 2(x y) + | | y =y:X)
x is a non-zero vector, we have x + = |a|2+ 2x y) +lyl
Proof Since i.e.
Similarly, it can be shown that
l+2(x y) 0 >
lx- = lx|P - 2(r y)+ lIy
lr+2xy) +|>|*> I»F x +plP |lx -vP (x|
= + 2(x y)+ l>) -(x|- 2(x y) + |lvl) 4(x y)
Now, consider two non-zero vectors x and y in R< and place them in the plane, so that their initial
FIGURE 1.3 points are same. Let 6 (0 s0s r) be the angle between these vectors. Consider the vector x - y
that has its tail at the terminal point of y and head at the terminal point of x(see Fig. 1.5).
E 21
add arc vectors in R, thenrty
Proof We have
(x +y)+(r-y) (-v)
-plk (* +y) lplP -(r y) -(
lx++ lx +
x P + I p R + (* y)+( )
2(| |P+y)
norms of vectors.
as desired. using the
can be defined
The next result shows that
dot product in R"
THEOREM 1:11 PolarizationIdentity Now we can use the law of cosines to see that
Lerand ybe vector$ in Delhi Univ.
GE-2, 2017
Euclhdean Space
Linear Algebra between vectorsX
12, 0, -S, 4, -1] and y =|-4,, -1La
-1.0, 1,2)
EXAMPLE8 Find the angle 0
lx -Fl= x| l -
Note In the definition above, the order ofthe vectors does not matter, becausc x y =0 ifand only
ify x= 0. Instead of saying that x andy are orthogonal, sometimes we say that x is orthogonal to y.
The following result is an immediate consequence of the last definition.
- *=***** *****
The zero vector 0 is orthogonal to every vector in R°.
FIGURE 1:6 The zero vector is the only vector in R that is orthogonal to itself.
Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality,
two non-zero vectors x andy in R", then by the
Ifwe consider any EXAMPLE9 The vectors x = [2, 4,-2] and y = [5,-3,-1) are orthogonal in R, because
it follows that
xy =(2)(5) + (4)(-3) + (-2)(-1)= 10 - 12 +2 0
But the vectors u = (2, 1, 1] and v = - 1 , 3, -2] are not orthogonal, because
c(0) +
c,(0) =
x(c yt c2 z)
Theorem to R. the angle between x and y. We wish to find the projection vector of r ontu . To do this we drop
to the straigh! line i containing the vector
aperpendicular line segment from the terminal point of y
THEOREM 1.13 Pythagorean Theorem *as sihown in Figure 1.8 Suppose this dropped perpendicuiar
line segnie:i meeis the line I at C.
itand only if 0 .
Given twovectors r andy in Ri wehave +y B
Delhi Uni. GE-2, 20171
Proof We have
lx+ = ( r +y) (* +y) PA
( x)+ (r y) + 0:) + ( y)
ix|+2(r y) + Iwk
l +yl= lx+2r )
it follows that oty onto xis then defined to be the vecton i o 2tp1s in the same
From the last equation, The projection vector p
l +l= lx+ lyP ifand only
tirectu, r : i b u s e (see Fig.
direction as .xif Gis acute (see Fig. 1.8(a) and in the oppos1ue
are perpendicular, then the
shows that if the diagonals ofa parallelogram 1.8(6).
The following example denote the unt vecha ia the direction of
parallelogram is a
rhombus (See Fig. 1.7). To derive a formula for the projection vector fp, we
see that when 8 is acute
the vector x. Then u =
From trigonomelry, we
and is un the same drectior! as the unit vector
i.e., O s8< U2), the vector p has length ly|cost
Thus, in this case
+y p ilylcos8) i = (lylcost) |x
P = lylcosbx
0 ift
proj,y =
0 iff iff x y
0,iff y x
=0 iff =
projx =0.
Proof We have
DEFINITION Projection Vector y proj,y+(0-proj,y)
Let x andy be vectors in Ri, with x # 0. Then the projection vector of y onto x, denoted
byproi, , is defined as where proy, is the
projection vector of y onto x. If proj,y * 0, then obviously it is
SOLUTION The decomposition of the vector y into two component vectors is given by
and y non-zero, we have
SOLUTION Since the vectors x are
y proj,y +-
Linear Algehra
Lilerl Sit
is the component of y in the direction othogonal to x. Now ( y X)
is orthogonal to x. If we let c
lyl- 2alx|lyl +
c*|x| (*y=
where proj,y= and y -proj,y
be expressed as
Hy-proj,y, then y can
= 0
Hw=0 =0.
where w is orthogonal to x, completing
the proof of the i.e.
in R. Then x |rlly|ifand only THEOREM117 Letx andy be non-zero vectors in R. Then tr+yi= lxi +ifandonly
THEOREM 1:16 Letr and y be non-zero
yar for some c >0.
is apositive scalarmulipleofx Delhi Univ. GE-2,2016] Delhi U'niv. GE-2, 2017
-s 2-10 2-1.0
Therefore, the work done by the force is
0 (by Theorem...)
= Cx for some c
Conversely, suppose that y
cx for some c> 0. Then W=F.d= 2 )2-1.0 4)292 Joules
(by Theorem.)
1. In each of the following cases, verify the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
(a)x [2,-1, 4), y = [-3, 0, 2]
(b) x = |2, 3, -1, 1). y= [1, 2,-1, 3]
( Each side is non-ncgative)
(c) *=[,-2. 0, 2, 3). y= [0,-3, 2. -1. -1
This completes the proof.
2. In each of the following cases, verify the Triangle Inequality.
The unit of work is Newton meter (Nm), since force is measured in Newtons () and displacement (a) x = (4, 0, -3], y= [3, 1, -7]
S measured in meters (m). Most commonly, work is written in units of Joules (U), an SI unit. (6) x = [1, 5, 2], y = [4, -3, 1]
SOLUTION We have (6) Let x [-1,2, 1] and y =[3, -2, 6]. Decompose
= -
2 - F lcos0
FIGURE 1.10 8. Give
lcx-dy| S m(llx +
direet proof
that, if x
m= max{lel.ld|}
vectors in R", then
and y are
||3x +
5y|l s S(|.x| *
24 Linear Higebra
9. Caii a: tin iai or vned by a force f {3, 2. -i jiNewton) on an object which
1,2, 2
(a; Cos 12
3. (a Vi3vo6 )90 (c) 180
4. (a) proj,y =
05(h)projproj,y 10
(c) proy*
20 30 40 94 88 l65
5. (a) Parallel orthogonal
29 29 29 29 29 29
(h) Parallel:
orthogonal6 36.
9. 12 Joules. 10. 258.4 Joules.