Ge204 (Ethics) - Notes
Ge204 (Ethics) - Notes
Ge204 (Ethics) - Notes
or says.
Moral, from a Latin Word “mor” or
“mores” which means custom or a 5. Publicity
particular way and manner of acting or
behaving. It is synonymous to ethics - if they will serve as basis or guidelines
because they literally have the same of our actions, they must be made
meaning. It can be defined as the public for us to follow. Keeping them a
practical science of the morality or secret is defeating its purpose why they
human act or conduct and of good of are created. Moral standards are what
life. you think is good and noble, why keep
it a secret?
6. Practicability
1. Presceptivity
- Moral standards should be achievable
- refers to the practical, or action- guiding by human beings. It should not be a
nature of morality. It tries to influence burden for the people to follow.
the people on how to act according to a
certain rules of conduct. An example of NON-MORAL STANDARD
this are the injunction or imperatives: It refers to rules that are unrelated to
“Do not steal”, “Love thy neighbor”, moral or ethical considerations. This
“Do not kill” to name a few. includes rules of etiquette, fashion
2. Impartiality standards, rules in games, and various
house rules.
- it means that moral standards should
apply to everyone regardless of its Example:
status in life. Impartiality in morality - following or violating some basketball
are being equal to all. Self interest in rules may matter in basketball games
morality has no place. but does not necessarily affect one’s
3. Overridingness life or wellbeing.
5. Culture is dynamic
Material Culture