Research Methods: Dong A Univercity Faculy of Foreign Language
Research Methods: Dong A Univercity Faculy of Foreign Language
Research Methods: Dong A Univercity Faculy of Foreign Language
Research title: Method of learning speaking skills of final-
year students of English major at Dong A University.
1.1 Background:
Education is one of those, particularly important areas. Respectfully,
being concerned by the Party, State and the whole society; including
English training for students. In particular, speaking skills are one of the
most important skills when learning a foreign language, including
English. Especially, learning and teaching English in modern times in
Vietnam is increasingly popular. Speaking is one of the reflective skills,
helping learners to use foreign languages to express ideas, thoughts and
feelings to other people and listeners. Therefore, it can be said that the
main Speaking skills help you to perform the English communication
function by yourself. In addition, speaking skills also contribute to
improving listening skills of learners, help improve vocabulary and
practice skills related to functions. Therefore, many Vietnamese students
when learning English, you want to learn and practice a lot to improve
your speaking skills, which is useful for future learning and working.
However, students still have difficulty learning English, especially
speaking carefully when communicating in English. The paper analyzes
the current situation of English speaking skills of final year students of
Dong A University.
1.2. Rationale
The process of learning and mastering the skills of public speaking in
communication is an extremely stressful journey, but it is very
necessary. Whether for a career such as education, science, business ...
then presentation skills are always a powerful tool to bring success to
you. It is often said, speaking in public in communication is an
extremely important skill. However, there are not many schools that
teach this skill. Students nowadays spend most of their time studying
writing and grammar, while communication skills greatly affect their
academic achievement, impact on their careers, and later life.
=> Solution:
- First of all, you need to understand the basics of communication.
- You need to make the other person attractive.
- Use flexible and flexible terms.
- Turn your voice into a power of communication.
1.3. Aims of research
- To find out the last year students common problems in learning
speaking skills.
- To suggest solutions to these problems.
- Help students better understand the method of learning English
speaking skills.
1.4. Significance of the research
When communication skills are trained at higher levels, you can
completely improve your ability to persuade and create a strong
attraction with business partners thereby bringing the best results for his
Besides, good communication will increase your position in the eyes of
others. Since then, the words that they say themselves are always
weighty to people and rarely fall into the case of others who are satisfied
with them. Moreover, if we know how to capture the psychology of the
contacts, we will actively adjust flexibly to match the conversations and
always make the other person feel close to the problem. Their topic is
always in the interest of communication.
1.5. Research question
1. What do students think about speaking skills?
2. What are the difficulties when students encounter in speaking skills?
What are the potential causes of their problem?
3. What solution does the student apply to overcome difficulties in
speaking skills?
1.6. Research methodology
- Practice pronunciation
- Do not take grammar seriously when speaking
- Learn and learn phrases
- Practice speaking skills fluently
2.1 Definition of Speaking
There are many definitions of speaking that have been proposed by
some experts. Speaking is a productive language skill (Siahaan, 2008). It
means that speaking is a person's skills to produce sounds that exist at
the meaning and be understood by other people, so that able to create
good communication.
Furthermore, speaking is the use of language to communicate with
others (Fulcher, 2003). It means that this activity involves two or more
people in whom the participants are both hearers and speakers having to
react to whatever they hear and make their contribution a high speed, so
each participant has the intention or a set of intentions that he wants. So,
the English teacher should active the students speaking ability by
providing communicative language activities and interesting media in
the classroom and then giving them the opportunities to practice their
speaking skills as much as possible.
According to (Bailey, 2000), speaking is a process of interaction where
speakers intend to build meaning through producing, receiving, and
processing information.
From those theories, it can be concluded that speaking skill is related to
communication. Speaking is a to use a language appropriate to express
someone's ideas, opinions, or feelings in order to give or get information
and knowledge from other people who do communication.
2.2 The importance of speaking skill
The process of learning and mastering the skills of public speaking in
communication is an extremely stressful journey, but it is very
necessary. Whether for a career such as education, science, business ...
then speaking skills are always a powerful tool to bring success to you.
It is often said, speaking in public in communication is an extremely
important skill. However, there are not many schools that teach this
skill. Students nowadays spend most of their time studying writing and
grammar, while communication skills greatly affect their academic
achievement, impact on their careers, and later life.
2.3 Some experience in speaking skills of Pham Trong Tan with 8.0
speaking IELTS
2.3.1 Like to speak in english better than vietnamese
Out of the 4 skills, I think I am confident with the Speaking skill.
Sometimes I even prefer to speak English than Vietnamese, because it is
easier to express. I also like to speak English with foreign teachers and
often practice speaking at home by myself.
2.3.2 English language everywhere
English is my favorite, so sometimes I don't get too attached to
studying, I have to sit at the table, I have to study through books. I can
spend 1-8 hours daily learning English Through many different
activities, including doing homework, listening to music, watching
English programs, even playing games.
2.3.3 Considering english is a passion
I really like foreign languages so maybe I will pursue the term of
language or pedagogy. It could be learning another language, becoming
an English teacher in the future, or managing your own career. It might
be a few options. Besides, I also want to travel and explore the world so
a job that can be traveled a lot will be my choice. For example, traveling
around the world and teaching English for example.
Contribution a high speed, so each participant has the intention or a set
of intentions that he wants. So, the English teacher should active the
students speaking ability by providing communicative language
activities and interesting media in the classroom and then giving them
the opportunities to practice their speaking skills as much as possible.
2.4 Factor influence the progress of speak in language learning
2.4.1 Lack of Subject Matter
One common problem seen in the learners is that they think that they
have nothing to say on a particular topic.
In reality, they may be bored or feel that the topic is unrelated to
anything they know. If this is the case, they will have no motivation to
speak other than the fact that they should be participating in it actively.
2.4.2 Improper Listening Skills
Listening plays an extremely important role in the development of
speaking abilities.
Usually, one person speaks, and the other response through attending
by means of the listening process. In fact, during the interaction, every
speaker plays a dual role- both as a listener and a speaker. If one cannot
understand what is said, one is certainly unable to respond. So, speaking
is closely interwoven with listening skills.
ESL learners often have to search for an appropriate word. They don't
find one to fit into the context/content. This is because of the lack of
exposure to a variety of vocabulary.
This also leads to failing in communicating fluently in the English
Language, which again leads to losing confidence and a lack of
motivation to speak. As result learners make an excessive overuse of
fillers in their speech and conversation or give incomplete statements.
2.4.4 Anxiety
Speaking a Second/Foreign language in public, especially in front of
native speakers often leads to anxiety. Sometimes, extreme anxiety
results in the learners being tongue-tied or lost for words in an
unexpected situation leading to discouragement and a general sense of
failure in the learners.
Unlike children, adults are very cautious about making errors in
whatever they say. For them making errors would be a public display of
ignorance which would be an obvious occasion of losing face. This is
one of the major factors for the inability to speak in English.
3.1 Research method
3.1.1 Practice pronunciation
One of the things that make learners hesitate to communicate in English
is that their pronunciation is not good, they don't hear clearly and are
afraid to say wrong. For that reason, you should start practicing your
pronunciation very well if you want to listen to understand native
speakers and speak English well, very well. There are many ways for
you to practice, there are many books and software to assist you in
guiding students to pronounce English and American correctly, such as
listening to BBC channels, VOA news, listening to how to play.
pronunciation and reading the word over and over, ... so that the mouth
and the phonetics look like native speakers
You can also apply these lessons and practice yourself in the mirror
every day. Many people have responded that practicing pronunciation in
front of a mirror works really well.
3.1.2 Grammar should not be taken seriously when speaking
This rule may seem strange to many ESL students, but it is one of the
most important. If you want to pass the exam then you study grammar.
But if you want to become proficient in English, you should try to learn
English without learning grammar. Learning grammar will only make
you tangled and slow. You will think about the rules when creating
sentences instead of saying a sentence naturally like a native speaker.
Remember that only a fraction of English speakers knows more than
20% of all grammar rules. Many ESL students know grammar better
than native speakers.
3.1.3 Learn and learn Phrases
English is a language of the structure rather than a language of
vocabulary like other languages. If you know 1000 words, you will be
able to say 1 sentence correctly. But if you know a Phrase, you can say
hundreds of sentences correctly. If you know 100 Phrases, you will be
very surprised at how many correct sentences you can say. Finally,
when you know only 1,000 Phrases, you will almost be a native English
3.1.4 Practice Choking Technique!
Using the Chasing Technique - the best technique to practice speaking
English. It will help you have sensitive ears, a soft mouth, and fluent
3.2 Data collection instruments
3.2.1 The survey questionnaire
The difference between survey and questionnaire is that the latter
includes any written set of questions; while the former is both the set of
questions and the process of collecting, aggregating, and analyzing the
responses from those questions. In other words, “questionnaire”
describes the content, while “survey” is a broader term that describes the
content, method, and analysis.
3.2.2. Interview
An interview is carried out with 3 students of K18 in Faculty of Foreign
Languages at Dong-A University, this aim to collect students' ideas
about the factors affecting the English listening skill and suggestions to
improve it After the interview, the researcher based on the interview
results to annually the data. The interview results will be recorded
carefully. The interview data analysis will be presented with the
collected data from the questionnaire in each part.
3.3 Data collection procedure
Data collection in the study originated from students who were in their
last year at the Department of Foreign Languages. In order to collect
information on English-speaking students' problems of final-year
English major students at Dong-A University, they need the help of
students in the foreign language department.
When the data collection was accomplished, the data analysis was
initiated. The results of the survey questionnaires revealed students'
techniques they use in speaking skills.
River, W. M. and Temperley, M. S. (1986). A Practical Guide to the
Teaching of English as a Second or Foreign Language. Oxford
University Press.
Pattison, P. (1987). Developing Communicative Skills. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Lewis, M. and Hill, J. (1992). Practical Techniques for Langnage
Teaching London: Comercial Colour Press.
Dear everyone,
1. Name of student:
2. Class:
3. Age:
4. Gender: