By Tej K. Zadoo, India.: Other Astrological Rules To Confirm

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Tej K. Zadoo, India.

n Indian society marriage is
considered to be the most sacred
institution. Marriage is a
sacrament and not an institution for
brute sense gratification. Everyone be

Dr. Tej K. Zadoo born on Deepawali day it a male or a female desire for a
happy married life. But when we
observe the present times it is seen
1948 at Srinagar, Kashmir in a Brahmin that many marriages fail. These
family. Got introduced to astrology in marriages are a failure even though
1966, mostly self study of classical texts, the horoscopes of the two partners
have been properly matched.
he has a Ph.D. degree in Physics, was In the present article we look
working in the education dept. of J&K into the combinations in a horoscope
that indicate that the native can
Govt. as a teacher and retired recently.
have a disturbed marital life and
Besides astrology he is interested in then use other astrological rules to
'Ramal' shastra and paranormal subjects. confirm whether he or she will be
separated/ divorced from his or her
He can read write Urdu, Hindi and
Sanskrit. His article BCP & Longevity In this context we refer to
was praised by senor astrologers as one of what the great astrologer Sh.H.N.
Katve has said in regard to
the finest articles ever to appear in any
1Shri H.N. Katve was an astounding astrologer. His scholarship
can only be gauged by reading his books. He writes about Mars
Saturn relationship in his book "Mangal Vichar". See the article
by Sh. Chandrashekhar Sharma entitled "Late H.N. Katve" in SA
Vol 8, page 822.
marriage and its stability :
"Sun and Mars should be studied when predicting about the husband of a woman.
 From Sun the longevity, education, status, direction from which he comes and the love he
gives to the woman should be predicted.
 From Mars one should predict about the power, energy, enthusiasm, respect, profession, rise
etc. of the husband.
 If Sun is afflicted by Saturn then husband may be much elder to the woman, may be
weak, diseased and cruel. But my observations are different. In such a case marriage is
delayed. At the time of marriage the father of the girl is poor or marriage takes
place after his death. But the husband is young and loves his wife.
 If Mars is afflicted by Saturn, by conjunction, being square to Saturn, being 2nd or
12th from Saturn or if Saturn is in 4th or 8th from Mars then bad results like
widowhood, separation, negation of progeny etc should be expected."

Giving due credit to Sh. H.N.Katve, we postulate as follows :

Rule A
a) If in a horoscope Mars is afflicted by Saturn then the native is likely to be prone to
major problems in his/her married life.
Here affliction means that
(1) Mars and Saturn are in conjunction
(2) Mars is under the aspect of Saturn
(3) Saturn is in 2nd or 12th from Mars
(4) Mars is 4th, 6th or 8th from Saturn.

So the first thing an astrologer will check whether Saturn and Mars have any
type of relation as postulated above. If there is a relation then the married life of
native may be unhappy.

Whether there will be divorce or separation, we will check the following two
aspects of a nativity :
For life partner one has to study both the UpPada and second from it. Refer to
the 4th chapter of 'Jaimini Sutras'.

" Tatra Papasya Papyogey Pravarjya Daarnaasho Va." Sutra 2

( If on UpPada or second from it there is an aspect, conjunction or position of a
malefic, then native is a Sanyasi or his wife dies.)

" Neechay Daar Nasha" Sutra 5

(If a Neecha planet is posited in UpPada or in second from it then the native loses
his wife.)

"Rahu Sanibhyam Apvaad Tyago Nasho Va " Sutra 12

(If Saturn and Rahu influence the UpPada or second from it then native deserts
his wife due to 'lok Apvaad').

" Sukra Ketubhyaam Rukht Pradrah" Sutra 13

(If UpPada or second from it has Venus or Ketu or their aspect the wife of the
native suffers from 'Leucorrhoea'.)

Thus we can conclude that UpPada and the second house from it should be
studied for the welfare of the partner.

Thus the second step will be to check the Jaimini UpPada3. Here we consider the 12th
lord from Lagna for calculating the UpPada and also check the second house from
the UpPada.

Rule B
b) If the UpPada and/or second house from the UpPada is afflicted by a malefic by being
posited there or by aspect then there will be complete marital disharmony leading to
divorce/ separation.

Here Ketu, Saturn, Mars, Sun and Rahu are taken as malefics. Rahu and Ketu are
aspecting 5th and 9th houses from them.
A few words about Pada and UpPada.4
The general principal for finding the Pada of a house is to find the Rasi where
lord of a house is posited. The Pada of that house will be so many Rasis distant
from that lord as the lord is from the Rasi signifying the house.
There are some exceptions5;
i) When any house lord falls in same house, then 10th house from the house
under consideration is the Pada for that house.

2 "Jaimini Sutram" by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra, Ranjan Publications. New Delhi.
3 See the article " Marital disharmony" by Sh. Shunny Nigam in ' Advanced techniques of Astrological Predictions' Vol 1
published by ' Bhartiya Prachya Evam Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan, New Delhi. Sh. Nigam has used UpPada and second
from it for studying marital disharmony. This book is available at SA book shop
4 "Morphology of the pada Asc." By Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra, SA Magazine, Prepublication article of Vol 9 of SA

5 The exceptional rules are those given by Sh. U.K.Jha in his article "Arudha and its Evaluation". SA Magazine, Pre

publication article in Vol 9.

ii) If any house lord falls in 4th from the house, consider the 4th itself as the
Pada for the house in question.
iii) If the lord of the house falls in 7th house then consider 4th house (and
not the 1st house) as Pada.
iv) If the lord of the house falls in 10th house consider the 10th itself as the
Pada and not the 7th.

 7th house is the house of marriage.

 12th house is the house of bed pleasures.
For studying the stability of the marriage we will have to study these two houses.

We postulate the rules for Step C

Rule C
c) In SarvaAshtakVarga ( SAV) chart if the 7th house and / OR the 12th house have less
than twenty five bindus ( benefic dots) then there will be divorce/separation.

So for marital disharmony these three rules a, b and c should be studied.

Before we illustrate the above rules by some examples a word of caution.

Astrology is meant to help a native and not to discourage him. If an astrologer
on checking a chart comes to the conclusion that the native has a possibility of a
failed marriage, it is astrologers duty to warn the native and guide him or her how
to overcome the shortcomings and flaws in his/her nature so that he/she can lead
a happy married life. Besides he/she should be advised to marry only after proper
matching of his/her horoscope by a competent astrologer. Remedial measures
should be prescribed, and he/she should be told that surrender to mother Goddess
TripurSunadri is a panacea for all evils. If properly advised and if proper measures
are taken then the native will enjoy a blissful married life.

The rules given above give an indication that a particular native can have
major problems in marriage. In real life the chart of the partner will play a major
role, and even though one or other chart may show problems, the two charts if
properly matched will complement each other and the duo will lead a blissful
married life. It is here where astrology comes to the help of a native.

6 Use of SarvaAshtakVarga is inspired by the books of Sh. C.S. Patel


Chart 1: Female Birth details: 18 Feb 1954 , 17:30 hours, Padra, Gujarat 22N 18, 73 E 18

Rule A Sub 3: Saturn is in 2nd or 12th from Mars

 Saturn in 4th house and Mars in 5th house, the two are DwirDwadush i.e in
2nd and 12th from each other. Thus the native is prone to major problems in her
married life. (Rule 'a' is satisfied).

Rule B
b) If the UpPada and/or second house from the UpPada is afflicted by a malefic by being
posited there or by aspect then there will be complete marital disharmony leading to
divorce/ separation.

 12th is Gemini (Mithun). 12th lord Mercury is in 8th house, which is 9th
house from 12th house. 9th house from position of 12th lord is the 4th
house, which becomes the UpPada. This house has Saturn posited therein.
 2nd from UpPada is 5th house, in which a natural malefic Mars is posited.
Both UpPada and second from it are under malefic influence So the Rule 'b' is
satisfied. Now let us look at the SarvaAshtakVarga chart of the native.

Rule C
c) In SarvaAshtakVarga ( SAV) chart if the 7th house and / OR the 12th house have less
than twenty five bindus ( benefic dots) then there will be divorce/separation.
 7th house has 23 bindus ( less than 25 bindus) and 12th has 30 bindus. Rule
'c' is also satisfied.
As both condition 'b' and 'c' are satisfied, the native will get separated from her
The native is married and has two daughters. Husband is not working and the two are

Chart 2: Female Birth Details: 5th May 1959, 12:04 Hrs, Ludhiana 75E52, 30 N 56

Rule A Sub 2: Mars is under the aspect of Saturn

 Retrograde Saturn from 6th house aspects Mars posited in 12th house.
Condition 'a' is satisfied indicating a turbulent married life. Mars is also

7Most of the charts given in the article, have been taken from various articles that have appeared in Saptarishis
Astrology magazine. SarvaAshtakVarga charts have been generated using "JaganNath Hora software" .
aspecting Saturn.

Rule B
b) If the UpPada and/or second house from the UpPada is afflicted by a malefic by being
posited there or by aspect then there will be complete marital disharmony leading to
divorce/ separation.

 12th lord Mercury is placed in 9th house, i.e. 10 houses displaced from the 12th
house. UpPada will be the 10th itself.
 It contains Ketu and second from it contains Sun. Condition 'b' is satisfied.

If we use the rule given by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra which states that when the lord of
a house is in 10th from it then UpPada will be 4th house from that house. Then UpPada
will be the 3rd house. This house contains Rahu and is aspected by Mars. No malefic influence
on second from UpPada . Rule 'b' is satisfied. Other school says that when house lord is in
10th from it then 10th house from the lord is the UpPada. In such a case 6th is UpPada
which has Saturn in it. 2nd from UpPada is 7th house, which is aspected by Mars ( 8th
aspect) and Rahu (5th aspect). Condition 'b' is satisfied.

Now we study the SarvaAshtakVarga chart.

Rule C
c) In SarvaAshtakVarga ( SAV) chart if the 7th house and / OR the 12th house have less
than twenty five bindus ( benefic dots) then there will be divorce/separation.

 7th house has 30 bindus and 12th house has only 21 bindus ( less than 25
bindus). Condition 'c' is also satisfied. The married life of the native will be
full of turmoil.
She is divorced.

Chart 3: Female Birth details: 14 Nov 1954, 10: 32 Hrs, New Delhi 77E13, 28 N 39

Rule A, Sub 4: Mars is 4th, 6th or 8th from Saturn.

 Saturn is in 11th house and Mars in 2nd house, Mars is in 4th from Saturn,
satisfying the condition 'a'; suggesting that married life will be in shambles.

Rule B
b) If the UpPada and/or second house from the UpPada is afflicted by a malefic by being
posited there or by aspect then there will be complete marital disharmony leading to
divorce/ separation.

 12th lord Mars is in 2nd house i.e. 3rd house from 12th house. 3rd from Mars
i.e. 4th house will be the UpPada. There is no malefic influence on the UpPada.
 2nd from UpPada is the 5th house which is under the aspect of Saturn and
Sun, Condition 'b' is satisfied.

Rule C
c) In SarvaAshtakVarga ( SAV) chart if the 7th house and / OR the 12th house have less
than twenty five bindus ( benefic dots) then there will be divorce/separation.
Study of SarvaAshtakVarga Chart indicates that there are 25 bindus in 7th and also
in 12th house, just satisfying the condition 'c'. Married life will be bad. Husband of the
native left her and remarried without formal divorce.

Chart 4 : Female Birth details : 10 Oct 1945, 22:30 Hrs, Sargodha 72E40, 32 N 05

Rule A, Sub 3: Saturn is in 2nd or 12th from Mars

 Mars is in Lagna and Saturn is in 2nd house, they being DwirDwadush to

each other satisfy postulate 'a'.
Rule B
b) If the UpPada and/or second house from the UpPada is afflicted by a malefic by being
posited there or by aspect then there will be complete marital disharmony leading to
divorce/ separation.

 Venus the 12th lord is in 4th position from the 12th house. 4th itself will be
the UpPada. i.e. 3rd house will be the UpPada, it is aspected by Ketu.
 Second from it will be the 4th house which is aspected by Mars and Sun is
posited there. Condition 'b' is satisfied.

According to other school of thought 7th from the 12th house will be the UpPada i.e. 6th
house will be the UpPada. There is no malefic influence on UpPada. 7th house will be the
2nd house from the UpPada, which is under the 7th aspect of Mars and Ketu is placed
there.. Condition 'b' is satisfied.

Rule C
c) In SarvaAshtakVarga ( SAV) chart if the 7th house and / OR the 12th house have less
than twenty five bindus ( benefic dots) then there will be divorce/separation.

 Looking at the SarvaAshtakVarga chart one can see that there are 22 bindus
in 7th house and 24 bindus in 12th house, both houses having less than 25
bindus. The marriage of native will not be stable.
She is divorced.
Chart 5: Female Birth details: 22 June 1966, 9:00 Hrs, New Delhi 77E13,28N39

Rule A, Sub 2: Mars is under the aspect of Saturn

 Saturn in 9th house aspects Mars placed in 11th house. Condition 'a' is
Mer the 12th lord is in Lagna, in 2nd place from 12th. 2nd from Mercury i.e. 2nd
house is the UpPada, which is aspected by Mars. 2nd from UpPada i.e. the 3rd
house is aspected by Saturn.
Condition 'b' is satisfied.

In SarvaAshtakVarga chart there are 26 bindus in 7th and only 22 bindus in 12th
house, fulfilling the postulate 'c'. Married life will be full of turmoil.
First marriage of the native ended in divorce. She remarried after performance of
remedial measures suggested to her.
Chart 6: Female Birth details: 19 Nov 1957, 8:00, Ambala, 76E50, 30N 22
(Exact time of birth not given, Lagna known so time taken tentatively as 8 am )

Saturn is 2nd from Mars satisfying postulate 'a'.

Venus the 12th lord is in 3rd from the 12th house. 3rd from Venus i.e. 4th house is
the UpPada. UpPada is under the aspect of Rahu. 5th house is the 2nd from UpPada.
There is no malefic influence on this house. Condition 'b' is satisfied.

Looking at the SarvaAshtakVarga Chart , 7th house has 22 bindus and 12th has also
22 bindus. Condition 'c' is satisfied. Marital happiness is denied.
First marriage ended in divorce and she married again, second marriage also failed.
Chart 7 : Female Birth details : 17 July 1974, 13:08 Hrs, Srinagar (J&K), 74 E 50, 34 N 12

Saturn from 9th aspects Mars by its 3rd drishti, fulfilling condition 'a'
12th lord Mercury is placed in 9th house, i.e. 10 houses displaced from the 12th
house. UpPada will be the 10th itself. It contains Saturn and second from it contains
Sun. Condition 'b' is satisfied.

If we use the rule given by Dr. SureshChandra Mishra which states that when the lord of
a house is in 10th from it then UpPada will be 4th house from that house. Then UpPada
will be the 3rd house. This house is aspected by Saturn. Ketu has influence on second from
UpPada . Rule 'b' is satisfied. Other school says that when house lord is in 10th from it then
10th house from the lord is the UpPada. In such a case 6th is UpPada which is aspected
by Mars, Saturn and Rahu.. 2nd from UpPada is 7th house, which has no malefic influence.
Condition 'b' is satisfied. However the lord of this house is under malefic influence of
12th house has 24 bindus, satisfying condition 'c'. Marriage will not be satisfying.
The native is a physician, married to a doctor. The two are living separately but
not divorced.

Chart 8: Female Birth details : 11 Aug 1961, 04:55 Hrs, Srinagar (J&K), 74 E 50, 34 N 12

Mars and Saturn are not related. So condition 'a' is not satisfied.
12th lord is Mercury. 2nd house becomes UpPada. Rahu is posited in 2nd house. 3rd
house is second from UpPada, which is afflicted by presence of Mars. Condition 'b'
is satisfied.

7th house has only 18 bindus and 12th has 22. Condition 'c' is completely fulfilled,
suggesting marital incompatibility.
A highly educated woman, she could not pull on with her husband because of his
rash temperament. She tried to save the marriage even though the husband was
incompetent and marriage was never consummated. She got divorced and she has
turned to spiritual pursuits where she has progressed a lot.

Chart 9 : Female Birth details : 28 April 1947, 05:15Hrs, New Delhi

Mars and Saturn are not related. Condition 'a' not satisfied. Jupiter is retrograde.
4th house is UpPada. This house has Saturn placed in it. Second from it is not
under any malefic influence. Condition 'b' is satisfied .
Her marriage is very successful and harmonious.
The SarvaAshtakVarga chart is as follows :
Both 7th house and 12th house have less than 25 bindus, satisfying condition 'c'.
The postulates given above do not hold good in this case.

The marriage of the native is very successful. Is it because UpPada has Moon placed in its
own rasi aspected by Jupiter and lord of the second from UpPada Sun is exalted ?

Above we have discussed some female charts. Now we discuss some male charts.

Chart 10 : Male Birth details : 25 June 1949, 16:18 Hrs, Baroda, 25 N 18, 73 E 12

Saturn from 11th is aspecting Mars posited in 8th, satisfying condition 'a'.
UpPada will be the 4th house which is under aspect of Ketu . Second from
UpPada i.e. 5th house is aspected by Saturn fulfilling condition 'b'. Marital
happiness is denied.
The SarvaAshtakVarga chart is given below :
7th house has 26 bindus and 12th house has only 21 bindus. Condition 'c' is also
satisfied. The native will have a disturbed married life.
The native separated from his wife after 15 years. He has two sons.

Chart 11: Male Birth details: 14 Oct 1954, 20:51 Hrs, Bombay, 72E50, 18N 55

Mars 4th from Saturn satisfying condition 'a'.

UpPada will be the 9th house which contains Mars. Second from it is under aspect
of Ketu, thus satisfying the condition 'b'.

According to other school UpPada will be the 6th house in which Saturn is placed and Ketu
is aspecting it. Second from UpPada i.e. 7th house has no malefic influence. Condition 'b' is
satisfied. Also 7th house is flanked by Saturn and Rahu and 6th lord is placed there.
In SarvaAshtakVarga chart both 7th and 12th house have less than 25 bindus.
Condition 'c' is satisfied. Marital bless is denied.
Divorced after about four months after marriage.

Chart 12 : Male Birth details : 10 April 1948, 04:03 hrs , New Delhi 77E13, 28 N 39

Mars and Saturn are conjunct satisfying condition 'a'.

12th lord Saturn is in 7th house from said lord. So the 4th house from 12th i.e. 3rd
house will be the UpPada which contains Rahu and is aspected by Saturn. 4th house
is second from UpPada. It has no malefic influences. Condition 'b' is fulfilled.
In SarvaAshtak Varga table 7th house has 24 bindus satisfying the condition 'c'.
The native is divorced.

Below we give some more examples. To save space, charts ( both rasi and
SarvaAshtakVarga ) are not given. However the birth details are given, so that
interested readers may generate the charts.

Chart 13: Male, 5th Sept. 1960, 16:43 Hrs , New Delhi
Saturn in 12th and Mars in 5th, the two are 6,8 to each other. UpPada has aspect
of Saturn . Second from UpPada is aspected by Ketu. Condition 'b' is fulfilled.
7th house has 28 bindus and 12th has 28 bindus. Condition 'c' is not satisfied.
The native is divorced.

Chart 14: Male, 1st Oct. 1959, 7:00 Hrs, New Delhi
Saturn in 4th and Mars in 1st, the two are 4,10 from each other. No malefic influence on
UpPada. Second from UpPada is under the influence of Ketu . Condition 'b' satisfied. 22
bindus in 7th and 20 in 12th. Native is divorced.

Chart 15: Male, 8th 0ct. 1951, 04:55, New Delhi

Saturn in 1st and Mars in 12th, they are 2, 12 from each other. UpPada aspected by Rahu.
Second from UpPada is aspected by Mars. 7th and 12th houses have 20 bindus each.
The native is divorced.

Chart 16: Female, 21 Jan.1963, 20:00 Hrs, New Delhi

Saturn in 6th and Mars in 12th, they are in opposition. UpPada aspected by Saturn. No
malefic influence on second from UpPada. Rule 'b' satisfied. 7th has 18 bindus and
12th has 24 bindus. She is divorced.

Chart 17: Female, 8 Oct. 1934, 17:30 Hrs, Agra (78E13, 27N17)
Saturn in 11th and Mars in 6th, they are 6,8, from each other. UpPada has no
malefic influence. Second from UpPada is under influence of Saturn and Rahu. 23 bindus
in 7th and 28 in 12th. She is separated from her husband.

Chart 18: Female, 7 Sept. 1959, 20:30Hrs, Delhi (77E17, 28N38)

Saturn in 9th and Mars in 6th, the two are 4,10 from each other. UpPada is
aspected by Ketu. Sun influences 2nd from Uppada. 7th has 28 bindus and 12th has
27 bindus. In this case condition 'c' is not satisfied. She is seperated from her

Chart 19: Female, 12 Sept. 1949, 13:42Hrs, Delhi (77E17, 28N38)

Saturn in 9th and Mars in 8th, the two are 2,12 from each other. UpPada has Rahu
in it. No malefic influence on second from UpPada. Rule 'b' satisfied. 7th house has 32
bindus and 12th has 23 bindus. She separated from her husband within three years of
her marriage.

Chart 20: Female, 28 June 1953, 15:20 Hrs, Bareilly (79E27, 28N22)
Saturn in 12th and Mars in 9th, the two are 4, 10 from each other. UpPada is
aspected bu Rahu. Ketu is in second from UpPada. 7th has 32 bindus and 12th has
27 bindus. Rule 'c ' is failing.
She is separated from her husband.

Chart 21: Female, 27 Sept. 1945, 00:30 Hrs, Bareilly (79E27, 28N22)
Saturn in 2nd and Mars in 1st, they are 2,12 from each other. No malefic
influence on UpPada. Ketu in 2nd from UpPada. 21 bindus in 7th and 24 in 12th. She
became a widow.

Chart 22: Female, 16 Oct 1956, 09:10 Hrs, Varanasi (83 E00, 25N18)
Saturn in Lagna and Mars in 4th, the two are 4,10 from each other. No malefic
influence on UpPada. Second from UpPada is under aspect of Rahu. 26 bindus in 7th
and 16 bindus in 12th. She was divorced within four months of her marriage.

C onclusions:
In the above illustrations it is seen that an adverse relationship between
Mars and Saturn is a potential threat for marital harmony. Again the
number of bindus in 7th and 12th play a crucial role. In above examples it is only in
two cases that this condition is not fulfilled. The UpPada and the second house from
the UpPada is also an indicator for marital disharmony.

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