Heavy Symmetric Top

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© aHeavy symmubitcal top: ith pt. Stahonaas pe Polahe about 2 ol on) 6 ~ Awlaton + Ul) Chang. Pr Tlehon Of 2 about 2° ¢ Assume: IyeT, #1, and fry Ood + Legtangon: wee To KA (abaios + YTS (Selle), = kX (Paves 67) + 4h (be posel can Pee Coes Note: ody Fred a teTv. ve dovipabe ee © pad ph om une porque te along nodal fine Space fixed system 5D Pye Mp = Tghg @ Comant = Ta -o® 42. 3 Pp = Mad = Ti peito + 1, (papase)aso = (4,snto+ 15080) f+ Jgyi eso = 7,8 -D a= baetanh +6 ony, + Bnegy is Conk of michen ‘pe: Aes Grek = Bo ht (Santos a) 4% (dt penetamgless Boros + Tao tree Fret mlagral have been fund: £,2, be for 9 Ife ]a~- 1.6089 pttis in @D f, sero Pt Facto 4 Jacse -1,08% $ .1,b 2 = braces. acs 8 af 8 - — —se _ ae I, 7 S08 B © JE Olt) 1s knpan then pb and Yr is known and om be inde; 5, Gesed ete - fom Gut > £- LT = 8’ e £3,674 4 Mg cos le ow e84, pe Mas, ae tih, | be MA, Boe Loe Taine ot may bE negate below 2 (b-a ose)” +P mot a8 — _—=—sem WP + (b- anf r(Be-< 0-8) 20 oh 2 te exept Bp ult) => ol) 6 Gow eer Do -1 Re polir@) - (b-aeF cab polynersial, 3 a pub (Cu a)ie + (eab- Bu a(x-8) uate og FW rd om ns -o 9 Fly ot f(-t) = - (bray £4) = = (b-a)™ fle) = (a #) ” oy 6 FIGURE S9 The posible shapes fr the Joes ofthe Hate axis onthe Me We. f. bu ateso Cad Yer 9 pro 2@ ae aint flr) ¢ bu) = Vane Ce earciet (Cb) ble) <0 = 4 are pln) re Gong. bale 9 © Bla,)=0 ce ah 9 Bef 9 Hal co

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