Ec6504 - MPMC
Ec6504 - MPMC
Ec6504 - MPMC
Prepared by,
1. Define microprocessor?
A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, register –based electronic device that reads
binary instructions from a storage device called memory . Accepts binary data as input and processes data
according to instructions, and provides result as output.
2. Explain the function of ALE in the 8085 architecture? (or) How address and data lines are
The ALE signal goes high at the beginning of each machine cycle indicating the availability of the
address on the address bus, and the signal is used to latch the low-order address bus(A0-A7) by demultiplexing the
address/data bus(AD0-AD7),which are multiplexed.
7. If a 6Mhz crystal is connected with 8085, how much is the time taken by 8085 to complete opcode
fetch cycle and memory read cycle?
10.Specify the five control signals commonly used by the 8085 MPU.
1. RD-Read signal
2.WR- Write signal
3.READY- Ready signal
4.ALE- Address Latch Enable
5.CLK OUT –Clock Out Signal
The microprocessor has to fetch (read) the date from memory or input device for processing and
after processing , it has to store (Write ) the data to memory or output device. Hence the data bus is
bi-directional. i.e. data flow from the MPU (microprocessor unit )to peripherals or peripherals to
16.What is fetch and execute cycle?
The fetch cycle is executed to fetch the opcode from memory.
The Execute cycle is executed to decode the instruction and to perform the work instructed by the instruction.
18.What is an interrupt?
Interrupt is a signal send by an external device to the processor so as to request the processor to perform
a particular task or work.
23. How many machine cycles are needed to execute LHLD and XCHG instructions?
LHLD : 5 machine cycles (16 T states)
XCHG : 1 machine cycle (4 T states)
30.Compute the execution time of instruction LDA 2050H if the T state duration is 2 μ s?
For LDA, Number of T-state =13
Execution Time is = 13 Χ2 μ s = 26 μ s .
32.Let accumulator content is 9AH and CY=1. What will be the content of CY after RRC instruction
is executed?
Before execution 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
After execution
1 10 0 0 0 1 0 0
Example: CMP B
2.CMP data (compare accumulator with immediate data)
Example: CMP 24H
37. What is an ALU?
The operations performed by ALU of 8085 are Addition, Subtraction, Logical AND, OR, Exclusive OR,
Compare Complement, Increment, Decrement and Left I Right shift
38. If the 8085 adds 87H and 79H, specify the contents of the accumulator and the status
of the S, Z, and CY flag?
The sum of 87H and 79H =100H. Therefore, the accumulator will have 00H, and the flags will be S =0, Z = 1,
CY = 1.
1. (i)Explain the internal hardware architecture of 8086 microprocessor with neat diagram? (ii) Write
short note about assembler directives?
2. Explain the various addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor with examples?
3. (i) Explain Data transfer, arithmetic and branch instructions ?
(ii)Write an 8086 ALP to find the sum of numbers in the array of 10 elements?
4. Explain modular programming in detail?
5. Write a note about stack, procedures and macros?
6. Define interrupt and their two classes? Write in detail about interrupt service routine?
7. Explain byte and string manipulation with examples?
8. Write in detail about instruction formats and instruction execution timing?
9.Write an ALP to find the largest number and smallest number in the array?
10.Write a short note about
(i)Loop, NOP and HLT instructions
(ii) Flag manipulation, logical and shift& rotate instructions?
1. What is pipelining?
Fetching the next instruction while the current instruction executes is called pipelining.
2. What are the signals involved in memory bank selection in 8086 microprocessor?
Entire memory is divided into two memory banks : bank0 and bank1. Bank0 is selected only when A0 is zero and
Bank1 is selected only when BHE is zero .A0 is zero for all even addresses. So bank0 is usually referred as even
addressed memory bank.BHE is used to access higher order memory bank , referred to as odd addressed memory
3.How clock signal is generated in 8086? What is the maximum internal clock frequency of 8086?
The crystal oscillator in 8284 generates a square wave signal at the same frequency as the crystal . The
maximum internal clock frequency of 8086 is 5Mhz
It is used to operate the microprocessor in two operating modes i.e. maximum and minimum mode. The
minimum mode is used for small systems with a single processor and maximum mode is for medium size to
large systems, which include two or more processors.
5. How many data lines and address lines are available in 8086?
Address lines= 20 bit address bus
Data lines= 16 bit data bus
11.Write the size of physical memory and virtual memory of 8086 microprocessor.
Physical addresses are formed when the left shifted segment base address is added to the offset address. The
combination of segment register base addresses and offset address is the logical address in memory.
Size of physical memory=2 =1MB
Size of virtual memory=2 =64 KB
1. Explain Minimum mode and maximum mode of operation in 8086 in detail.
2. Explain in detail about the system bus timing of 8086/8088.
3. Write notes on the following
a. Programmed I/O
b. Interrupt I/O
4. Explain in detail about block transfers and DMA.
5. Explain in detail about closely coupled configurations.
6. Explain loosely coupled configurations in detail.
7. Explain the following in detail
a. Process Management &iRMX86
b. Memory Management
c. Virtual Memory
8. Explain Numeric data Processor in detail.
9. Explain in detail about I/O Processor.
10. Explain the following
a. Multiprocessor system(4)
b. Coprocessor(4)
c. Multiprogramming(4)
d. Semaphore(4)
1.Mention the function of SI and DI registers.
SI: Source Index
It is used to hold the index value of source operand (data) for
string instructions. DI: Destination Index
It is used to hold the index value of destination operand (data) for string instructions .It is used for
single stepping through a program.
22.What is operation carried out when 8086 executes the instruction MOVSB ?
MOVSB – Move String Byte
[[DI]] [[SI]]
Move 8 bit data from memory location addressed by SI segment in DS location to addressed by DI in segment
1. What is the purpose for the 8255 PPI?
The 8255A is a widely used, programmable, parallel I/O device.It can beprogrammed to transfer data
under various conditions, from simple I/O to interrupt I/O.
3. Specify the bit of a control word for the 8255, which differentiates between theI/O mode and the BSR
BSR mode D7= 0, and I/O mode D5 = 1
9.What is USART?
USART is an integrated circuit.It is a programmable device ;its functionand specifications for serial I/O can
be determined by writing instructions in itsinternal registers .
10.Define Baud?
The rate at which the bits are transmitted is called Baud
♦Read/Write control
logic ♦Three buffer
registers ♦Data register
♦Control registertransmission
receiver ♦Data bus buffer
♦Modem control
1. Explain the architecture of 8051 with its diagram.
2. Explain the I/O pins ports and circuit details of 8051 with its diagram.
3. Write an 8051ALP to create a square wave 66%duty cycle on bit3 of port 1.
4. With example explain the arithmetic and logic instruction of 8051 microcontroller.
5. With example explain the different instruction set of 8051 microcontroller.
6. Write a program based on 8051 instruction set to pack array of unpacked BCD digits.
7. Explain the different addressing modes of 8051
8. Write a program to bring in data in serial form and send it out in parallel form using 8051
9. Explain the data types and assembler directives of 8051
Explain about the register banks and special function register of 8051
1.What is Microcontroller?
Microcontroller incorporates all the features that are found in microprocessor with the added features of in-built
ROM, RAM, Parallel I/O, Serial I/O, counters and clock circuit to make a micro computer system on its own.
4.If a 12 Mhz crystal is connected with 8051, how much is the time taken for the count in timer 0
to get incremented by one?
Baud rate = oscillator frequency/12 = (12 Χ 10 ) / 12
=1 Χ 10 Hz
T = 1/f
= 1 /(1 Χ 10 )
= 1 μ sec
10.Name any 4 additional hardware features available in 8051 when compared to microprocessor.
ROM ,RAM ,Parallel I/O , Serial I/O , Counters, and a clock circuit are available.
TMOD (timer mode) register is used to set the various timer operation modes . TMOD is dedicated to the
two timers (Timer0 and Timer1) and can be considered to be two duplicate 4 bit registers, each of which
controls the action of one of the timers
M1 M0 Mode
0 0 0 (13 bit Timer Mode)
0 1 1 (16 bit Timer Mode)
1 0 2 (8 bit auto reload)
1 1 3 (split Timer Mode)
GATE: Gating control when set
C/T : Timer or counter selection ; 1= counter , 0= Timer.
SWAP instruction works only on the accumulator (SWAP A) . It swaps the lower nibble and higher nibble
.The lower 4 bits are put into the higher 4 bits and the higher 4 bits are put into the lower 4 bits.
E.g.- SWAP A
Before 1111 0000 execution :
After 0000 1111 execution :
1. Draw the diagram to interface a stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller and explain also
write an 8051 ALP to run the stepper motor in both forward and reverse direction with delay.
2. Explain how interrupts are handled in 8051.
3. Write short notes on LCD interface.
4. Write notes on 8051 serial port programming.
5. Explain about external memory interfacing to 8051
6. Write notes on 8051 timer and counter programming.
7. Draw and explain the ADC interfacing using 8051.
8. Draw and explain the DAC interfacing using 8051.
9. Explain the keyboard interfacing using 8051
10. Explain the sensor interfacing using 8051