Vision 3d 4.1 User Manual en

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Marsoft Vision 3D
Version 4.1

Art.Nr. : 7041685
Publisher Mahr Multisensor GmbH

Wendelstrasse 90
66787 Wadgassen

Tel.: +49 (0) 6834/9411-0

FAX: +49 (0) 6834/48785

Email : [email protected] , Internet :

First Issued Feb-02

Revised Apr-09 (Version 4.1 Build 332)

Copyright © Mahr Multisensor GmbH 2002 - 2009

All rights reserved.The copyright in this document is vested in Mahr Mul-

tisensor GmbH. The document must not be reproduced in whole or in part,
or used in tendering or manufacturing purposes, except with consent of
Mahr Multisensor and then only on the conditions that this notice is in-
cluded in any such reproduction.
Information contained within this document is believed to be accurate at the
time of publication but no liability whatsoever can be accepted by Mahr
Multisensor GmbH arising out of any use made of this information.
Mahr Multisensor reserves the right to change specifications or any infor-
mation contained in this document without notice.
1 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Welcome to Vision 3D .......................................................................... 1

1.1 Installing Vision 3D ................................................................................. 2

1.2 Contact Mahr Multisensor ....................................................................... 3

2 Subdivision of the Screen.................................................................... 4

2.1 DualView option...................................................................................... 6

2.2 Program Tree.......................................................................................... 7

2.2.1 Moving and Copying Tree Elements.................................................................. 8
2.2.2 Properties of a Tree Element............................................................................. 9

2.3 Editor register ....................................................................................... 10

2.4 Graphics register .................................................................................. 14

2.5 Contour register .................................................................................... 17

2.5.1 Option MarContour .......................................................................................... 21 Calculate Bestfit ........................................................................................................ 21 Derive nominal elements........................................................................................... 22 Scale measuring values ............................................................................................ 22
2.5.2 Creating a geometric element.......................................................................... 23

2.6 Machine status...................................................................................... 24

2.7 Location of the actual coordinate system.............................................. 27

2.8 Result output......................................................................................... 28

3 Creating a measuring program.......................................................... 30

3.1 Instructions ........................................................................................... 30

3.1.1 Alignment of the part........................................................................................ 30
3.1.2 Measurement of geometric elements .............................................................. 30 The wizard................................................................................................................. 30 Option MarCAD 2D ................................................................................................... 32 Option MarCAD 3D ................................................................................................... 33 The editor .................................................................................................................. 33
3.1.3 Evaluation of the geometric elements.............................................................. 33

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1 Table of Content

3.2 Measuring with the Camera .................................................................. 34

3.2.1 Administrating the Cameras ............................................................................ 37 Adding a new Camera ........................................................................................... 38 Calibrating a Camera............................................................................................. 39 Measuring with more than one Camera ................................................................ 40 Editing Camera Data ............................................................................................. 41 Deleting a Camera................................................................................................. 43 Selecting a Camera ............................................................................................... 43
3.2.2 Adjust the Light ................................................................................................ 45
3.2.3 Measuring Function ......................................................................................... 48
3.2.4 Selecting a Measuring Window ....................................................................... 49
3.2.5 Setting the Crosshair ....................................................................................... 53
3.2.6 Naming a Camera Measurement..................................................................... 53
3.2.7 Focusing .......................................................................................................... 55
3.2.8 Testing the Adjustments .................................................................................. 57
3.2.9 Creating a Measuring Value ............................................................................ 57
3.2.10 Building a Geometry ..................................................................................... 59
3.2.11 Hardware specific hint .................................................................................. 60
3.2.12 Automatic measurements with the Camera.................................................. 61 Contour tracing.......................................................................................................... 61 Automatic line............................................................................................................ 63 Automatic circle ......................................................................................................... 65
3.2.13 Tips and Tricks ............................................................................................. 68

3.3 Measuring with the Probe ..................................................................... 69

3.3.1 Administrating the Probes................................................................................ 71 Adding a new probe-module ................................................................................. 73 Deleting an existing probe-module........................................................................ 73 Adding a new Probe .............................................................................................. 74 Changing a Probe.................................................................................................. 75 The SP25 and the probe magazine FCR 25 ......................................................... 82 Assembly of the probe magazine .......................................................................... 85 Calibrating Standard Probes ................................................................................. 87 Manual Calibration................................................................................................. 88 Programmable Calibration..................................................................................... 89 Calibrating a PH9/10 Probe ...................................................................................... 90 Calibrating a SP25 .................................................................................................... 90 Making a Probe Referencing to a Camera ........................................................ 91 Editing Probe Data............................................................................................. 95 Deleting a Probe ................................................................................................ 96 Selecting a Probe............................................................................................... 96
3.3.2 Position List ..................................................................................................... 97
3.3.3 Position Graphic .............................................................................................. 98
3.3.4 Measuring with the SP25................................................................................. 99

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3.3.5 Automatic measurements with the Probe ........................................................ 99 Automatic line measurement................................................................................... 100 Automatic circle measurement................................................................................ 102 Automatic plane measurement ............................................................................... 104 Automatic cylinder measurement............................................................................ 106 Automatic sphere measurement ............................................................................. 108 Automatic cone measurement ................................................................................ 111

3.4 Measuring with the Laser.................................................................... 114

3.4.1 Administrating Laser configuration files ......................................................... 115 Adding a new laser configuration ........................................................................ 116 XY-Offset of the laser .......................................................................................... 117 Z-Offset of the laser............................................................................................. 119 Editing a laser configuration ................................................................................ 120 Deleting a laser configuration.............................................................................. 121 Selecting a laser .................................................................................................. 122
3.4.2 Setting the Measuring Function ..................................................................... 122
3.4.3 Setting the Measuring Parameter .................................................................. 122
3.4.4 Testing the Adjustments ................................................................................ 123
3.4.5 Creating a Measuring Value .......................................................................... 125
3.4.6 Showing the Measuring Results .................................................................... 125
3.4.7 Automatic measurements with the Laser....................................................... 125 Automatic plane measurement ............................................................................... 126 Automatic cylinder measurement............................................................................ 128 Automatic sphere measurement ............................................................................. 130 Automatic cone measurement ................................................................................ 132

3.5 Measuring with the CWS .................................................................... 134

3.5.1 Administrating CWS configuration files.......................................................... 135 Adding a new CWS configuration........................................................................ 137 XY-Offset of the CWS.......................................................................................... 137 Z-Offset of the CWS ............................................................................................ 140 Dark adjustment .................................................................................................. 142 Editing a CWS configuration................................................................................ 142 Deleting a CWS configuration ............................................................................. 143 Selecting a CWS ................................................................................................. 144
3.5.2 Setting the Measuring Function ..................................................................... 145
3.5.3 Setting the Measuring Parameter .................................................................. 145
3.5.4 Testing the Adjustments ................................................................................ 146
3.5.5 Creating a Measurement ............................................................................... 148
3.5.6 Showing the Measuring Results .................................................................... 148
3.5.7 Automatic measurements with the CWS ....................................................... 148 Automatic plane measurement ............................................................................... 149 Automatic cylinder measurement............................................................................ 151 Automatic sphere measurement ............................................................................. 153 Automatic cone measurement ................................................................................ 155

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1 Table of Content

3.6 Measuring with the IWS ...................................................................... 157

3.6.1 Setting the Measuring Parameter .................................................................. 158
3.6.2 Set measuring position .................................................................................. 159
3.6.3 Set scan area................................................................................................. 159
3.6.4 Showing the Measuring Results .................................................................... 161

3.7 Geometric Functions........................................................................... 162

3.7.1 Tolerances ..................................................................................................... 163 Description of a DIN-File ......................................................................................... 165
3.7.2 Showing Properties........................................................................................ 168
3.7.3 Selecting Geometries .................................................................................... 169
3.7.4 Listing all Geometric Elements ...................................................................... 170
3.7.5 Connecting Geometric Elements ................................................................... 173
3.7.6 Output ............................................................................................................ 173
3.7.7 Processing of measuring values.................................................................... 176
In the processing tab dialog you have the possibility to influence the processing of
measuring values before computation in the geometry. You can choose a filter or save
the (filtered) measuring values to file. ......................................................................... 176
3.7.8 General Information for geometric elements ................................................. 178

3.8 Tolerances of Form and Location ....................................................... 179

3.8.1 Tolerances of Form........................................................................................ 180 Input of Protocol Data ............................................................................................. 181 Graphical Output ..................................................................................................... 182 Straightness ............................................................................................................ 183 Circularity ................................................................................................................ 184 Flatness................................................................................................................... 185 Cylindricity ............................................................................................................... 186 Line profile............................................................................................................... 187 Surface profile ......................................................................................................... 188
3.8.2 Tolerances of Location .................................................................................. 189 Evaluation method and limitation ............................................................................ 190 Parallelism............................................................................................................... 192 Perpendicularity ...................................................................................................... 193 Angularity ................................................................................................................ 193 Position.................................................................................................................... 194 Concentricity and Coaxiality.................................................................................... 196 Symmetry ................................................................................................................ 196 Circular Runout ....................................................................................................... 196 Total Circular Runout .............................................................................................. 197 Plane Runout........................................................................................................... 197 Total Plane Runout ................................................................................................. 197
3.8.3 Maximum Material Condition ......................................................................... 198

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3.9 Structures ........................................................................................... 200

3.10 XYZ Alignment assist.......................................................................... 202

3.11 Coordinate Systems ........................................................................... 203

3.11.1 Initializing.................................................................................................... 204
3.11.2 Alignment.................................................................................................... 205
3.11.3 Rotation ...................................................................................................... 205
3.11.4 Offset .......................................................................................................... 206
3.11.5 Selecting a Coordinate System .................................................................. 207

4 Running a Measuring Program........................................................ 210

4.1 Session ............................................................................................... 210

4.2 Pause ................................................................................................. 211

4.3 Error Handling..................................................................................... 213

4.4 Running user defined measuring programs ........................................ 215

4.5 Visualization of the program run ......................................................... 216

5 Saving, Opening, Closing a Measuring Program........................... 217

5.1 Save ................................................................................................... 217

5.2 Save As .............................................................................................. 217

5.3 Open................................................................................................... 218

5.4 Close .................................................................................................. 219

5.5 Opening of Several Measuring Programs ........................................... 220

5.6 Creation of a New Measuring Program............................................... 220

6 Programming with the Basic ........................................................... 221

6.1 Variables............................................................................................. 221

6.2 Arrays ................................................................................................. 222

6.3 Assignments and Expressions............................................................ 223

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1 Table of Content

6.4 Main Program and Subroutines .......................................................... 224

6.5 Functions ............................................................................................ 227

6.6 Variables in Subroutines ..................................................................... 229

6.7 Transfer of Variables to a Subroutine ................................................. 229

6.8 Comments .......................................................................................... 230

6.9 Program Structures............................................................................. 230

6.10 User-Defined In-/Output...................................................................... 232

6.11 In-/Output to the Screen ..................................................................... 232

6.12 Printing................................................................................................ 234

6.13 In-/Output to a File .............................................................................. 234

6.14 Standard Functions for Character Strings........................................... 236

6.15 Mathematical Standard Functions ...................................................... 237

6.16 Online-Help......................................................................................... 237

6.17 Constructing and Defining a Protocol Header..................................... 239

7 Settings.............................................................................................. 241

7.1 Settings Before Starting ...................................................................... 241

7.1.1 Hardware Settings ......................................................................................... 242 Video Processor Unit .............................................................................................. 243 CNC......................................................................................................................... 245 Power Board............................................................................................................ 246 PH9/10 Probe.......................................................................................................... 248 WLI ....................................................................... Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert. CWS ........................................................................................................................ 250 Serial ....................................................................................................................... 251 Joystick.................................................................................................................... 253 Motorzoom .............................................................................................................. 255 Probe Changer ........................................................................................................ 256 Machine................................................................................................................... 257 Speed ...................................................................................................................... 259
7.1.2 Software Settings........................................................................................... 261 File Path .................................................................................................................. 262 Output...................................................................................................................... 263 Printer...................................................................................................................... 264 Protocol Report ....................................................................................................... 266

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1 Table of Contents Statistics .................................................................................................................. 269 Security ................................................................................................................... 271 View......................................................................................................................... 272
7.1.3 Compensation................................................................................................ 274 Temperature............................................................................................................ 274 Geometrical Compensation..................................................................................... 275 Linear ...................................................................................................................... 276
7.1.4 Language....................................................................................................... 277
7.1.5 Debug Settings .............................................................................................. 278 Creating a bug report .............................................................................................. 278
7.1.6 Dongle Settings ............................................................................................. 280

7.2 Settings After Starting......................................................................... 281

7.2.1 Machines Home Reference ........................................................................... 281
7.2.2 Calibration of Measuring Devices .................................................................. 281

8 Index .................................................................................................. 283

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1 Table of Content

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1 Welcome to Vision 3D

1 Welcome to Vision 3D

Vision 3D is a comfortable and user-friendly 32-Bit Software to generate and execute

measuring programs for your coordinate measuring machine.
Using the interface of Windows NT/2000/XP all functions of Vision 3D are easy to find
via the usual menus and dialogs with keyboard or mouse. Numerous icons, Drag &
Drop, Online-Assistance and many other elements are integrated in Vision 3D to
make the operation as intuitive and easy as possible.

Vision 3D traces all steps during the measurement of a work piece and shows these
steps as elements of a tree structure. In parallel to this tree structure there is an
additional window that displays the measuring program in a programming language.
This programming language contains all usual elements of a BASIC oriented language
plus specific functions to control the measuring machine.
A measuring program, that is manually generated with all necessary settings, can be
executed either in an automatic run or in a single step mode. All steps that were car-
ried out in the tree structure or the editor will be executed automatically. You can
measure and tolerate 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional work pieces and display the
results on screen or printer graphically or as text.
This manual describes the use of all functions of Vision 3D, so you are able to oper-
ate the measuring machine and generate and execute programs. You get additional
information for all commands of the Vision 3D programming language by pressing
the “F1”-key within the application.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 1

1 Welcome to Vision 3D

1.1 Installing Vision 3D

Vision 3D is usually factory pre-installed. If for any reason you want to install Vision
3D at your computer for the very first time we recommend the following procedure:

1. Start Windows NT/2000 with administrator-rights.

2. Attach the dongle provided into the parallel printer interface of your com-
3. Now insert the installation CD-ROM "VISION 3D SETUP" into the CD-ROM-
4. Open the Windows Explorer and select the CD-ROM drive.
5. Start the program Vision 3D.EXE. You will get some information to install Vi-
sion 3D. In every dialog box click on the button <Next> to reach the following
dialog. The directory "C:\KMESS" is suggested to be used for the installation
of Vision 3D. You can change this suggestion at will. In another dialog box you
can type your name and your company name into the respective panels. Vi-
sion 3D will now be installed.
6. After the setup some new windows are created on the desktop for Vision 3D.
Additionally you can find Vision 3D via the taskbar in the menu "Programs".
Start Vision 3D from its window or via the taskbar. You obtain further guid-
ance to operating Vision 3D by opening its online help.
7. The programs CONFIG and STATISTIC are also installed during setup. Using
the program CONFIG you are able to set the hardware and software settings
for Vision 3D. The program STATISTIC allows you to make statistical evalua-
tions. After installing you can run the statistic-program in a demo-mode. The
full-version is available as an additional option.

Please note: If you have installed an earlier version of Vision 3D you should NOT
uninstall this version. If you want to update the installation, it is recommended to
start the setup-program and to follow the steps mentioned above.
If you want to uninstall the software, click on "Settings" in the taskbar and then
"Control Panel". The dialog box "Add/Remove Programs Properties" appears after
double clicking on "Add/Remove Programs". In the tab "Install/Uninstall" search for
Vision 3D in the list and mark it. Then click on "Add/Remove". Your installed version
of Vision 3D will be uninstalled.

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1 Welcome to Vision 3D

1.2 Contact Mahr Multisensor

After clicking the menu item "Help" within the main menu, select the menu item
"About ..." and the following dialog will appear:

Beside the information about connected modules, the free space on drive c and the
free memory, you find up to three telephone numbers in the section "Telephone" that
you can use to contact the service, hotline and sale.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 3

2 Subdivision of the Screen

2 Subdivision of the Screen

The Vision 3D screen consists of the following components:

1. Menu bar: The menu bar displays all menus available. After a menu item has
been selected the respective function is executed.
2. Toolbar: The toolbar offers quick access to frequently used functions. One
click on an icon will execute the corresponding function. In addition, all func-
tions are accessible via menus. The icons have the following meanings:

Symbol Action Menu

Creates a new measuring program The item New in the menu
Calls a dialog to load a measuring program The item Open in the menu
Saves the current measuring program The item Save in the menu

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

Prints the content of the selected register on The item Print in the menu
the right side File
Starts the current measuring program The item Start program in
the menu Run
Terminates the current measuring program The item Stop program in
the menu Run
Interrupts the flow of the current measuring The item Pause in the menu
program Run

3. Program Tree: This window displays the program tree that contains the ele-
ments of a measuring program. If you click the right mouse button while you
are in this window you get a popup menu. Here you can set the program
tree’s appearance to small or large icons. You can also execute an element in-
dividually or start from its current position and execute the program to the
end. You can also change the program measuring sequence by moving the
element icon with the mouse pointer (drag and drop). Be aware that only ad-
vanced users should change the program measuring sequence, because modi-
fying the sequence could lead into a collision of the measuring machine!
4. Wizard: The wizard is used to help creating new measuring programs. Select
the element type and take the measuring values. Once enough values are col-
lected you see the results of the calculation in the wizard preview window.
5. Register: The picture above shows the register "Editor". In parallel to the
program tree, the editor window displays the program in text format using the
Vision 3D programming language. The commands for the currently selected
element are shown. You can edit existing commands or add new commands
directly within in this window. Both windows will be updated automatically.
Clicking the right mouse button within this window displays additional editing
functions. Additional registers that can be shown in this area will be explained
6. Machine status: Displays the machine position and the current coordinate
system. Additionally you can select the options for the joystick.
7. Result output: In this window the results of a measurement in X-,Y-,Z-
coordinates and angles are displayed in tabular form. Use the right mouse
button for new output options. To output results on the printer, select the
item "Print" in this popup menu. If you want to print the protocol choose the
menu item "Protocol print".
8. Status bar: The status bar offers information on the currently selected ele-
ment or a program’s status.

The size and the appearance of the Vision 3D windows are stored while leaving the
program and set to the same values when starting Vision 3D again.

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

2.1 DualView option

If the option "DualView" is available on your system and two monitors are connected
to your machine, you can enable Vision3D for running on both monitors. Using the
DualView mode you have quicker access to particular features, a better overview and
you can for example display the video picture maximized for a better level of detail:

Beside the main window a further window called "DualView window" will be dis-
played. You can arrange the pages on both windows whereas the sensor pages
(Camera, Laser, ...) all together are displayed in the main window or the DualView
window. For assigning the pages to one of both windows, open the Config program
and select "Software". Choose the page "View" to configure the DualView mode.

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

2.2 Program Tree

At the beginning of a new measurement program, the tree consists of the icon for
the main program merely. So to speak, this is the root of the tree.

Element Description Editor Command

Main Program: The main program is INIT
the program tree`s root. END

All measuring routines are located under the symbol for the main program.

The example above shows three measured circles. The tree is expanded on "Circle1".
You can see that the circle is generated through the measuring values of "Picture1".
These values are taken by the camera.
"Picture1" is a subroutine of "Circle1". "Circle1" is a subroutine of the main program.
All subroutines together build your measuring program. With the program tree you
can get an overview of the order and structure of the measuring program.
While creating your measuring program, use subroutines for better clarity.

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

2.2.1 Moving and Copying Tree Elements

You are able to move or copy elements to different positions in the tree. Click on and
hold down the left mouse button on the desired element and move to its new loca-
tion. Release the button and the element will be inserted.
The element is copied if you push the <CTRL> key additionally during the procedure.
You identify the copy progress with a small plus sign:

The element is moved into the target if you push the <SHIFT> key additionally dur-
ing the procedure. You identify the "Move Into" progress with a small arrow sign:

You can also combine the <CTRL> and the <SHIFT> key:

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

2.2.2 Properties of a Tree Element

If you double click a marked element in the program tree or if you use the key com-
bination <ALT> + <RETURN>, a dialog will appear displaying the properties of the
selected element.

The picture shows the properties of a circle. Using these property dialogs you can
change the properties of an existing element. For example, you might modify toler-
ances of a geometric element, vary camera settings or add auxiliary positions for the
machines positioning.
You can get further information about these settings in the respective chapters of
this manual.

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

2.3 Editor register

On the right side of the VisionD3D screen is a register window. Select the register
"Editor". The editor window shows a measuring program in a different way from the
tree structure. While the tree structure offers an overview of the general framework
and the program’s hierarchy, the editor window contains every command of a pro-
gram element in text format.
Every element of a measuring program consists of several single commands or com-
mand structures; these determine every step during a measurement. A variety of
functions is available to send commands to your machine. For example, you can exe-
cute calculations and adjust in-/output or use program structures. The editor window
lists these functions as command sequences using a BASIC-like language. Only the
command lines which belong to the highlighted element or subroutine in the program
tree are displayed in the editor window.

Clicking on a symbol in the programming-tree shows the corresponding subroutine in

the editor. The toolbar of the editor register contains different functions to change
the appearance:

Symbol Function
Cut: Deletes the selected text in the editor window and copies it to the
clip-board for inserting it at the cursor-position.
Copy: Copies the selected text to the clip-board for inserting it at the

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Paste: Inserts the text located in the clip-board at the cursor-position.

Erase: Deletes the selected text.

Find: Searches the measuring program including all subroutines for a

term specified in the standard search-dialog.
Find subroutine: Opens a dialog for searching a subroutine.

Auto format: Formats all program lines in the editor automatically by

indenting them.
Structure Test: Checks the program for syntax errors. Useful for ex-
perienced user.
Errors: Enables quick access to existing errors in the program.

Bookmark: Adds or removes a bookmark.

Breakpoint: Adds or removes a breakpoint.

Variable breakpoint: Adds or removes a variable breakpoint.

History: Enables quick access to edited subroutines.

Options: Opens the options-dialog for the editor-page.

When familiar with programming in Vision 3D Basic, you can enter, change or delete
commands in the editor window. Every entered command is checked for syntax. You
find a list of all commands available in the commands-catalogue (see list of com-
mands in the online-help). A possible error is indicated by a remark sign and an error
identifier during the entering of commands:

!*E* PICTUR Picture1

If you add or delete elements in the editor, the tree structure is updated simultane-
ously and vice versa. You can use the usual functions for editing and positioning pro-
gram code in the editor window. You will get further information about these stan-
dard features by using Windows Help. You may highlight lines by mouse or by key-
board. By clicking with your right mouse button you get a popup menu that offers a
selection of editing functions.
Note that modifications to a program line will only take effect when you leave the
corresponding line with the cursor!

You can easily check your program by the use of the structure test . It will
report you warnings for possible syntax errors and displays them in the dialog seen

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

In the first list you can see the found warnings. Possible reported errors are:

• the use of not declared variables

• the use of not declared functions
• the use of not declared subroutines
• control loops without end commands

I the second list all programmed subroutines witch are not used are listed.
By using the context menu (right mouse button) in the two lists it is possible to go to
the marked warning directly or to delete the unused subroutine.
Hint : Note that the structure test only reports warnings. The programer must decide
if the reported warning is an error or not and how to handle.

Click on the symbol "Options" to open the options dialog. In this dialog you can
modify all settings for the editor:

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

You can choose a font installed on your system and its size used for displaying the
measure program in the editor window. Within the section "Format text" you can
specify the count of blancs inserted in the editor by pressing the tabulator key. This
count will also be used when formatting the text clicking the funktion "Auto for-

mat" . Also you can define several colors by clicking on the colored buttons.
Within the opened dialog you can select a color for text elements, comments, key-
words, strings, methods, numbers and errors. Further options can be modified in the
"Advanced" section. There you can decide if you want to show line numbers, blanks,
indent lines or tips for commands. The editor can automatically complete commands.
If this option is enabled, a list will be opened while typing in the command, suggest-
ing all or only context dependend commands. After selecting a command in the list
with the cursor keys, you can press the enter key to apply this command into the
editor. The minimum word-length commands will be suggested for can also be speci-

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2 Subdivision of the Screen

2.4 Graphics register

Select the register "Graphic" on the right side of the screen. This register shows a
2D-graphic of the geometries, that are measured up to this time.

If the measured geometries are tolerated, they will be shown in green if in toler-
ance, and in red if out of the tolerance. A geometry with no tolerance is shown in
You can select a geometry with the mouse. To select multiple geometries, hold the
<CTRL> key while marking with the mouse. This marking can be used to build new
features in the wizard.
The toolbar of the graphic register contains different functions to change the appear-

Symbol Function
Mode pointer: Selects geometries of the graphic.

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Mode zoom: Zooms a desired part of the graphic.

Show all: Zooms the graphic in a way that all geometries are visible.

Coordinate system: Chooses a coordinate system that will be used for

displaying the geometries in the graphic.
Projection: Chooses a projection that will be used for displaying the
geometries in the graphic.
Measurement camera: Creates an automatic-routine for measuring a
selected element of a DXF-drawing with the camera (needs option Mar-
CAD 2D).
Measurement probe: Creates an automatic-routine for measuring a
selected element of a DXF-drawing with the probe (needs option Mar-
CAD 2D).
Measurement laser: Creates an automatic-routine for measuring a se-
lected element of a DXF-drawing with the laser (needs option MarCAD
Mirror Y-axis: Mirrors the graphic by the Y-axis.

Mirror X-axis: Mirrors the graphic by the X-axis.

Grid: Shows or hides a grid.

Ruler: Shows or hides ruler.

Enlarge text: Enlarges the height of the text.

Text smaller: Reduces the height of the text.

Load graphic: Opens the "Load"-Dialog and loads a DXF-drawing for

displaying in the graphic-page (needs option MarCAD 2D).
Save graphic: Opens the "Save"-Dialog and saves the current graphic
in the chosen directory.
Options: Opens the options-dialog for the graphic-page.

For selecting geometries with the mouse you must choose the mode "Marking". You
can use selected elements for building new features in the wizard. Therefore click on

the symbol . Drag a rectangle in the corresponding area of the graphic while
holding down the left mouse button. Then release the mouse button. All geometric
elements located in the rectangle will be selected. If you want to select only one ele-
ment you can click on it with the left mouse button. Hold down the <CTRL> key
while clicking on elements will select multiple geometries.
Alternative, if you want to select elements within a DXF-drawing (needs option Mar-
CAD 2D), you can click on the right mouse button to show a context menu. Choose
the menu item "Select nominal elements of one contour" for an automatic selection
of elements belonging to one contour.

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Click on the symbol to activate the "zoom"-mode. You can use the mouse to
select a rectangle within the graphic by holding down the left mouse button. After
this only the content of the rectangle will be displayed on the whole graphic window.
Alternative you can click on a position of your choice in the graphic. Then this posi-
tion will get the center point and the graphic will be enlarged by a constant incre-
ment. Holding down the STRG-key while clicking on a position of your choice, the
graphic will be reduced. Keep in mind that reducing the graphic will not modify the
center point. Pressing the right mouse button, the graphic will be reduced by a con-
stant increment.

By using the symbol , the following dialog will open to adjust settings for the
graphic :

Use the option "Show graphic" to decide, if you want to display all or only tolerated
elements within the graphic window. The option "Tolerance" enables you to display
results only in black. Also you can show results (and geometries) in red (out of toler-
ance) and green (inside tolerance). If you want to display measuring results only for
tolerated or all elements, you can choose the corresponding value in the "Measuring
values" option.

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2.5 Contour register

The register "Contour" enables you to evaluate contours or only parts of them. You
can load, show, edit and save contour-data. Also you can define nominal elements
for the measuring values. There are two different types of nominal elements, a
nominal line and a nominal arc. In addition you can use Vision 3D to calculate nomi-
nal elements automatically. Another feature of this register is that you can show the
measuring values scaled to the relating nominal elements. After selecting the desired
measuring values or nominal elements you can create geometric elements for further
evaluations supported by Vision 3D.

Hint: The number of actual selected and the number of all measuring values are
shown in the right bottom corner of the page.

Use the toolbar functions to modify the contour-data. The functionality of every
symbol is explained in the following table:

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Symbol Function
Mode pointer: Selects measuring values and nominal elements of
the contour.
Mode zoom: Zooms a desired part of the contour.
Show all: Zooms the contour-graphic in a way that the whole con-
tour is visible.
Coordinate system: Chooses a coordinate system that will be used
for displaying the measuring values and nominal elements.
Projection: Chooses a projection-plane that will be used for display-
ing the measuring values and nominal elements.
Build geometry: Builds a geometry of the currently selected meas-
uring values or nominal elements for further evaluations within Vision
3D. Available geometry-types are minimum, maximum, line, arc and
line profile.
Clear content: Deletes all measuring values and nominal elements
of the contour window.
Load values: Loads measuring values from a file.

Recall: Recalls geometric elements from memory.

Calculate bestfit: Moves the measuring values in a way that they
best fit into the nominal elements (needs option MarContour).
Load nominal-contour: Loads nominal elements from a file.

Save nominal-contour: Saves nominal elements to a file.

Derive nominal-contour: Derives nominal elements from existing
measuring values depending on the selected degree of accuracy
(needs option MarContour).
Create nominal element: Derives a nominal element of the type line
or circle. If measuring values are selected, the best possible nominal
element will be calculated. Otherwise, a dialog will be opened to
specify data for a nominal element by hand. Click on the arrow right
beside the icon for selecting the nominal element type.
It is also possible to create a nominal frequency polygon for the se-
lected measuring values. For this purpose a nominal element of the
type line will be created for every two neighboured measuring values.
Scale measuring values: Scales the measuring values in depend-
ence to their relating nominal elements. Measuring values without a
relating nominal element will not be shown (needs option MarCon-
tour). Clicking on the arrow right beside the icon enables you to ex-
port the scaled representation of measuring values in the CSV file
format (Comma Separated Value).
Options: Opens a dialog with different options for contour window.

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For selecting measuring values or nominal elements with the mouse you must choose

the mode "Marking". Therefore click on the symbol . You can select measuring
values by dragging a rectangle in the corresponding area of the graphic while holding
down the left mouse button. Then release the mouse button. All measuring values
located in the rectangle will be selected and displayed in red color. If the rectangle
contains both, measuring values and nominal elements, only the nominal elements
will be selected. If you want to select only one nominal element you can click on it
with the left mouse button. By pressing the <CTRL>-key you can add elements to
the active selection. For removing elements hold the <CTRL>+<SHIFT>-keys down.
An alternative for an automatic selection of elements belonging together is reachable
by context menu.

Click on the symbol to activate the "zoom"-mode. You can use the mouse to
select a rectangle within the graphic by holding down the left mouse button. After
this only the content of the rectangle will be displayed on the whole graphic window.
Alternative you can click on a position of your choice in the graphic. Then this posi-
tion will get the center point and the graphic will be enlarged by a constant incre-
ment. Holding down the STRG-key while clicking on a position of your choice, the
graphic will be reduced. Keep in mind that reducing the graphic will not modify the
center point. Pressing the right mouse button, the graphic will be reduced by a con-
stant increment.

Nominal elements will only be displayed in the projection where they were created. If

you change to another projection by using the symbol , this nominal elements
won't be displayed any longer. If you double click on a nominal element a dialog will
be opened for modifying the data of the nominal element.

By using the symbol , the following dialog will open to adjust settings for the
contour window:

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Use the "scale-factor for contour" to specify the degree of the scale factor when scal-
ing the measuring values related to their nominal elements. In addition to the prede-
fined factors 20:1, 50:1, 100:1, 500:1, 1000:1, and 2000:1 you can declare a user
defined factor. Within the section "Show" you can decide if you want to display only
the measuring values, only the nominal elements or all. Use the section "Print" to set
the layout for printing. You can print the whole contour on one page, one nominal
per page or four nominals per page. Also you can set a tolerance for all nominal ele-
ments that will describe the nominal element's volume of tolerance. All measuring
values lying inside the volume of tolerance will be shown green - if lines of tolerance
are drawn - and the values that are lying outside the volume of tolerance will be col-
ored red. If the option "Draw lines of tolerance" is not active, the contour will be
drawn in blue, independent of the position of the measuring values in relation to the
volume of tolerance. The option “Connect measuring values” separates between
drawing only points and drawing points with connecting lines. The range for search-
ing (unit is mm) describes the range that is used by nominal elements for searching
measuring values. Measuring values lying within this range are counted to the nomi-
nal element, those who are lying outside will be rejected. For the vertical axis in the
contour register you can set a scale-factor. The default value 1 displays the contour
in the original size. Values greater than 1 will jolt the contour and values less than 1
will stretch it in the vertical axis. Also you can invert the vertical axis by activating
the corresponding option.

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By changing the form deviation mode it is possible to change the evaluation from all
nominal separately to contour or a combination of both of them. Contours are de-
scribed by an set of connected nominal elements. Each contour will be shown with an
own background color.

2.5.1 Option MarContour

The option MarContour offers three additional functions within the contour-register:

1. Calculate Bestfit,

2. Derive nominal elements and

3. Scale measuring values. Calculate Bestfit

Mentioned in the beginning of this topic, the contour-register is used to evaluate con-
tours or only parts of them. Measuring values of the contour will be used for the
evaluation-process. First you have to create a geometry and in the next step you can
evaluate it. Because mostly, only parts of the contour's measuring values are needed
for calculating the geometry, nominal elements are used to determine these values.
A nominal element provides only the measuring values for calculating a geometry
that are lying very close to itself. If no measuring values are lying close to the nomi-
nal element, the geometry can not be calculated. The bestfit is used to translate the
measuring values in a way that the nominal elements and measuring values match
each other. Executing the bestfit leads to the fact that every nominal element can
provide measuring values for calculating a geometry. Selecting the bestfit in the out-
put-window after executing the measuring-program results in displaying the nominal
elements and measuring values in the bestfit-coordinate-system in the contour-
register. So you can for example create further prints or build new geometric ele-

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 21

2 Subdivision of the Screen Derive nominal elements

Deriving nominal elements is used for generating nominal elements to given measur-
ing values automatically. Use this function if there is no CAD-drawing or nominal
element-file available for the part you want to measure. Nominal elements will be
used to provide the measuring values for calculating a geometry. There are three
degrees of accuracy possible: smart, medium and rough. Scale measuring values

Represents scaled measuring values in dependence to their relating nominal ele-
ments. measuring values without a relating nominal element will not be shown. Use
the scaled representation to see if deviations of measuring values to their relating
nominal element are lying outside the demanded tolerance or not. measuring values
that are lying outside the tolerance are marked by red lines, values within the toler-
ance by green lines. The minimum and maximum deviation per nominal element are
shown in the graphic. You get more informations to a nominal element and the relat-
ing measuring values by moving the mouse pointer over the corresponding nominal
element. Now stop moving and a window will appear.

The window shows the name of the nominal element, the tolerance, maximum devia-
tion in both directions, the form deviation, the standard deviation and the number of
measuring values. As described above, it is possible to receive the information
(maximum1, maximum2, form deviation, etc) of each contour by changing the form
deviation mode to "contour".

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2.5.2 Creating a geometric element

Within the contour-page you can use measuring values to create geometric elements
of the type line, circle (arc), minimum or maximum. The created elements will be
inserted in the program-tree and can be used like all other geometric elements for
further evaluations. To create a geometric element in the contour-page you have to
follow these steps:

1. Open a measuring-value-file (extension .XYZ) by clicking on the symbol

or use the symbol to recall measuring values from measured features of

a part.
2. Case 1: You have a nominal-file for the part: you can open the nominal-file

by clicking on the symbol . If you have the option MarCAD 2D you also
can import DXF-drawings. Only circles, arcs, lines and polylines will be read
from the DXF-drawing because you can only create geometric elements of the
mentioned types.

Case 2: You haven't a nominal-file for the part: Vision 3D can automatically
calculate nominal elements for existing measuring values. Therefore you need
the option MarContour. Select all or parts of the measuring values you want to
compute nominal elements for. The selected measuring values are displayed

in red color. Now click on the symbol to derive nominal elements from
the selected measuring values. If you don't have the option MarContour, you

can select parts of the measuring values. Then use the symbols and

to create nominal lines or nominal arcs. Using these symbols without se-
lected measuring values a dialog will be opened to specify data for the nomi-
nal element by hand.
3. Execute a bestfit to make sure that the nominal elements and measuring val-

ues match each other (needs option MarContour). Click on the symbol to
calculate and set a coordinate system that translates the measuring values in
the described way.
4. Now choose a nominal element you want to use to create a geometric ele-
ment. Depending on the type of the nominal element the symbol in the tool-
bar will change. For example if you want to create a geometric element of the

type line you have to click on the symbol . A dialog, where you can spec-
ify further data for the geometric element, will be opened. After clicking the
OK-button of the dialog the line will be inserted in the program-tree.

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2.6 Machine status

You can move the measuring machine with the joystick. The parameters to control
the connection between joystick and measuring machine are set within the program
CONFIG. The machine speed is proportional to the amount of joystick deflection.
You can choose between three speed settings for the joystick. Click the Button on the
upper left side of the machine status panel. The speedometer can accept three
speed-steps (slow=green, normal=yellow and fast=red). The first step is the lowest
and the third is the fastet step.

If you want to move the machine only in one direction while keeping the other axes
constant, you can fix these axes by clicking on the "X", "Y" or "Z" button. If an axis is
fixed, it is shown red, otherwise it is shown black.

If you push the button directly on the right side of the speedometer, you can choose
between displaying measuring values in machine-coordinates or the coordinates of
your measurements (probe, laser or camera).
The additional button on the right side enables you to choose one of all coordinate
systems defined in your measuring-program. The chosen coordinate system will get
the current one for further geometrics.
The coordinates of the machine's position can be displayed by using the unit inch or
millimeter. You can change the unit by clicking one of the three buttons called "mm"
or "in".
Hint : Note that only the unit for displaying positions changes and not the unit of the
measuring program!

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By clicking one of the three coordinate-values with the left mouse button, you can
specify a new value for this axis. By pressing the "Tabulator"-key you can edit the
value for the next axis and so on. Changed values will be shown yellow. Adding the
prefix "++" or "--" to the left side of the new value will force the machine to move
incremental. In this case the specified value will be added or subtract to the current

Pressing the "Enter"-key, after you modified all desired values, a dialog will be dis-
played for moving the machine to the specified position.
Attention : After pressing the "Enter"-key and confirming the moving-process, the
machine will move by using the current speed. Please verify the speed settings to
avoid damaging your machine! Pay attention that the emergency-switch is not out of

If you want to cancel moving to the new position, press the "Cancel"-button. Start
moving the machine by using the "Start"-button. The "Start"-button will turn into a
"Stop"-button which can be used to stop the machine from moving immediately.
If a rotary- or swivel-table is connected to your machine, the machine status window
looks like this:

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In addition to the standard axes the angle-position of the rotary- and swivel-table is
displayed too. For fixing the angle-positions you can click on the corresponding but-
ton. If an angle-position is fixed, it is shown red, otherwise it is shown black. Below
the button for choosing a coordinate system you can see, if the rotary- or swivel-
table is activated or not. An activated table is characterized by a green checkmark.
Clicking the right mouse button in the machine status window will display the follow-
ing context menu:

Use this menu to switch the position display from cartesian (X,Y,Z) to polar (for ex-
ample Polar XY -> R,W,Z):

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2.7 Location of the actual coordinate system

In order to check or get an overview of the actual coordinate system you can use this

There are two graphics to help you to understand the current location of the coordi-
nate system axes, easily.

• Left graphic:
It shows the axis as you see it standing in front of the machine and looking
straight forward.

• Right graphic:
It shows the same coordinate system as you can see it standing in front of
the machine but looking downwards on the table from above.

Hint: There is only the alignment of the coordinate system visualized, the offset have
no effect in this page.

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2.8 Result output

The results of all elements are output in the current coordinate system. The results
window contains the element name and up to seven values. Only the parameters
needed to describe the specific element are displayed; the other fields remain empty.
The contents of the window are deleted each time the program is run.

Double click on a line in the results window to display the property dialog of the sub-
routine corresponding to the output geometric element.
The columns X/R, Y/A and Z contain the element’s position. If polar output is
switched on, the radius is displayed in column X/R while the angle is displayed in
column Y/A. The panels A1, A2 and A3 of the table display angles, which are formed
by an element’s vector to the axes of the coordinate system. For line representing
elements, one of the result panels A1, A2 or A3 is always empty. Herewith, the co-
ordinate axis X, Y or Z is indicated, which is closest to the resulting line vector. The
vector’s projection angles are displayed in the other panels (W1 = YZ-plane, W2 =
XZ-plane, W3 = XY-plane).

Example: The vector with the direction (2,1,0) is next to the X-axis of the coordi-
nate system. Therefore the panel A1 is empty after the output. The vector
is transformed into the planes next to the X-axis: the XY-plane and the
XZ-plane. In these two planes the angle to the X-axis is calculated. In the
XY-plane the vector has an angle of 26.565 degree and in the XZ-plane
the vector has an angle of 0 degree.

Depending on the measured geometric element the output panel LAD displays length
(in millimeter/inch), angle (in degrees) or diameter (in millimeter/inch).
Many functions are reachable by a context menu:

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3 Creating a measuring program

3 Creating a measuring program

3.1 Instructions

Generally a measuring-program consists of the following three components:

1. Alignment of the part
2. Measurement of geometric elements
3. Evaluation of the geometric elements

3.1.1 Alignment of the part

The first component of a program is the alignment of a part, which needs the follow-
ing steps:
1. Plane alignment
2. Rotation
3. Offset

The section "Coordinate systems" describes these steps in detail.

3.1.2 Measurement of geometric elements

Vision 3D provides different ways to measure and create geometric elements.
• the wizard, if no CAD-file is available,
• MarCAD 2D (Option), if you have a CAD-file in the DXF-format,
• MarCAD 3D (Option), if you have a CAD-file in the STEP-/IGES-format and
• the editor for advanced users. The wizard

If you don’t have the options MarCAD 2D/3D or no CAD-drawing is available, the wiz-
ard helps you to create new measuring programs. It is subdivided into three areas:
1. A register with toolbars for the geometry and form- and location-tolerances.
2. A tree structure, to show the new element and the parts it is build from.
3. A preview window, to show the results of the new element.

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3 Creating a measuring program

You need only a few steps to measure a geometry or a form- and location tolerance.
First choose the geometry or form- and location tolerance you want to measure in
the toolbar. The toolbar contains the following functions:












Cone height

Cone diameter







Next, start measuring values (such as camera or touch probe values) or recall exist-
ing geometries (e.g. two or more circles for building a connection distance):

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3 Creating a measuring program

To generate a new measuring value, select one of the registers with the desired
measuring tool on the right side of the screen. For more detailed information about
generating a value, see the description of the different measuring tool registers.
Different ways are available to select an already existing geometry. If you push the

recall-button , you get a list of all existing geometries. There you can select one
or more items.
For building a new geometry you can also use measuring values that have been

saved in the "XYZ"-format. Therefore you can push the load-button .

Another possibility is the selection of the geometry in the graphic register or in the
result window. The selection is copied in the tree structure of the wizard. If you want

to input a point or axis, use the input-button .

If there are enough values or geometries to calculate the geometry, a result is shown
in the preview window. With a double click in the preview window you get a dialog for
input the tolerances and further parameters. Features that are out of tolerance are
shown with a red symbol. If it is in tolerance it is shown with a green symbol.
Another way to change the parameters for the new geometry is a double click on the
symbol of the geometry. If you only want to change the name of the geometry, sim-
ply use the function key <F2> on the selected item.
If you setup all parameters the way you want, push the OK-button. The new meas-
uring instructions you build are copied to the program tree. The tree structure of the
wizard is cleared for the next measuring.
You can also check and measure tolerances of form and location with Vision 3D (for
more information see "Tolerances of form and location"). Option MarCAD 2D

MarCAD 2D is an additional option for Vision 3D. With MarCAD 2D you can create
components of the program by using a CAD-drawing in the DXF-format(DXF-Format).
This option includes a program called DXF-Edit that can be used for cleaning up DXF-
drawings. Follow these steps:

1. Use DXF-Edit to prepare a DXF-drawing for measuring a part. You can modify
a DXF-drawing by removing all elements that don't belong to the part and you
can choose an element of type point, circle or arc as new zero-point of the
drawing. Alternatively, you can specify a zero-point for the drawing manually.
Finally, save the modifications. For more information see the online-help for
DXF-Edit. (Pay attention that the zero-point and the alignment of the part are
corresponding to the zero-point and the alignment of the DXF-drawing.)
2. Now open the graphic-page in Vision 3D.

3. Click on the symbol and select the desired DXF-drawing. The drawing
will be imported and displayed in the graphic-page.

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3 Creating a measuring program

4. Choose the coordinate system for the graphic-page that you created in step

one "Alignment of the part" by clicking on the symbol .

5. After choosing the coordinate system, the measured features match with the
corresponding elements of the DXF-drawing. Now you can continue creating
the measurement program. Select a feature (line, circle or arc) in the DXF-
drawing, you want to measure, with the left mouse button. An alternative for
an automatic selection of a whole contour is reachable by the context menu
(right mouse button). The selected feature will be drawn in red color. Depend-

ing on the selected feature you can click on the symbols , or to

create a subroutine for measuring the feature automatically with one of the
sensors camera, probe or laser. The created subroutine will be inserted in the
program-tree and is available for further evaluations. After running the meas-
uring-program, the results will be displayed in the output-window and in the
Remark: Vision 3D pre-selects the possible sensors for measuring the se-
lected feature. Sensors that are not suitable for measuring the feature will be
deactivated. The corresponding symbol will be displayed in grey color an can
not be clicked. Between the remaining sensors the user has to decide what
sensor is used best for measuring the feature.
Attention: Vision 3D cannot test, whether the feature can be measured. For
this the user is responsible. Please make sure, when according to the measur-
ing program, the sensor automatically moves from one feature to the next,
that no object lies between these features. Otherwise the sensor could collide
with this object! Option MarCAD 3D

Also MarCAD 3D is an additional option. It enables you to create components of the
program by using a CAD-drawing in the STEP-/IGES-format. The functionality is de-
scribed in a separate manual. The editor

Advanced users can use the editor to create components of the measuring-program
manually. This requires the user to be familiar with the programing-language of Vi-
sion 3D. See the chapter "Programming with the Basic" on how to program in the
editor. The programming-language of Vision 3D also allows the user to program

3.1.3 Evaluation of the geometric elements

Creating the component of the measuring-program for evaluating measured geome-
tries is described in the section "Geometric Functions".

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2 Measuring with the Camera

By using a camera to measure parts optically, you can ascertain characteristics of

parts that cannot be touched. Camera measurements are fast and precise in the mi-
cro domain; elastic parts like rubber or foils can be measured.
Select the register "Camera" to get this picture:

Hint : To get a more detailed view there is the possibility of zooming. Zooming is
available by using the control on the lower right hand of the video picture:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The slider enables you to set a zoom level. The enhanced area shown in the video
picture is displayed within the control by a red frame. With the mouse over the frame
you can offset the frame by holding the left mouse button down and moving the
mouse to the target position. Click the button "1:1" to annul the zoom level.
Alternative you can control the zoom by using the keyboard or mouse:

Action Keyboard Mouse

Zoom in „+“ – Key Click the left mouse button
outside the measuring window
and keep it pressed, move
zoom region and release the
mouse key
Zoom out „–“ – Key Double-click the left mouse
key outside the measuring
Move zoom-view NUM_PAD_1 - NUM_PAD_9 Keep middle mouse key
(Except NUM_PAD_5) pressed and move mouse
Standard zoom NUM_PAD_5 (see zoom out)

The following steps are necessary to take a measuring point with the camera:

Push the camera symbol to get a list of all defined and calibrated cameras. If
necessary, define new cameras or calibrate an already existing one (see also
3.2.1 Administrating the cameras). Select the wanted camera with the arrow on
the right of the camera symbol.
Switch the lamps on and adjust the brightness. The arrow on the right of the lamp
symbol shows you a list of predefined settings for the lamps like Toplight, Back-
light or Ringlight. For user defined settings push the lamp button (see also 3.2.2
Adjust the light).
Select the measuring function and choose the scan direction (see also 3.2.3
Measuring function).
Adjust the size and position of the measuring window and the crosshair (see also
3.2.4 Selecting the Measuring window and 3.2.5 Setting the Crosshair).
Select a focus to adjust the sharpness in the Z-axis (see also 3.2.7 Focusing).

If necessary adjust more parameters for the measuring.

Test your adjustments (see also 3.2.8 Test the adjustments).

Create a new measuring value that is shown in the wizard ... (see also 3.2.9 Cre-
ating a measuring value)
... or create a measuring value and build directly a geometry in the program tree
(see also 3.2.10 Build a geometry).
You can reposition the machine by specifying the position with the video function
crosshair. The machine will directly move to the new position.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Save the currently visible video picture with or without overlay.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.1 Administrating the Cameras

To administrate cameras in Vision 3D click on the symbol "Choose Camera" in the symbol-
bar of the register "Camera". On the left side of Vision 3D the following dialog appears:

Within this window you can use the following functions to administrate a camera:

Symbol Action
Add a new camera.

Calibrate an existing camera.

Calculate the offset of a camera in reference to

another camera.
Edit the properties of a camera.

Delete a camera in Vision 3D.

Choose a camera for the current measuring


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3 Creating a measuring program Adding a new Camera

Clicking on the symbol "New" in the symbol-bar a dialog will be opened to spec-
ify data for a new camera:

"Camera" indicates the name of the camera you want to create. This name has to be
unequivocal. Pay attention when you specify the name for the camera because the
characters \ / : * ? " < > | are not allowed to be used for the name. Use the option
"Channel" to declare the port or channel of the VPU, the camera is connected to. The
selection <Standard> does not modify the current channel. Use this option if your
machine has only one camera. The option "resolution" describes the resolution of the
selected camera, which is calculated automatically by the calibration-process. It de-
scribes the relation between pixel and microns. A camera offset cannot be specified
in this dialog. Use the Offset-function in the camera-list-dialog to calculate the offset
of this camera in reference to another camera automatically. Also you can specify an
offset by hand within the edit-dialog.

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3 Creating a measuring program Calibrating a Camera

You can calibrate the selected camera by clicking on the symbol "Calibrate" in
the symbol-bar of the camera-list-dialog. The following dialog will be opened:

The calibration diameter will be used for calculating the resolution of the camera.
After the calibration-process, the system displays the camera resolution, that de-
scribes the relation of pixels to microns. If you change this parameter for an already
calibrated camera, the calibration-results will be lost and you have to calibrate the
camera again. The parameter "Runs" determines how often the calibration-circle will
be measured. The checkbox "Pixel scale" enables or disables the computation of spe-
cial factor depending on the pixel size. By activating "Brightness automatic" the
lamps will be regulated automatically. The option "Focus" enables you to focus along
the Z-axis by using an edge-focus before the calibration-process starts. Additionally
you can select the focus mode (see 3.2.7 Focusing). After the camera was calibrated
for the first time, you can use the button "Move to" to automatically position the
camera for calibrating. If the position of the calibration-normal changes, you have to
move the camera to the calibration-position by hand and recalibrate the camera, be-
fore you can use the button "Move to" again. Clicking on the button "OK" will initial-
ize the calibration-process.
Hint : After calibrating a camera or after changing a lens, you have to restore the
relationship between the other sensors.
Hint : For calibrating a camera you can also read the information in the separate
manual "Zoom".

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3 Creating a measuring program

Hint : For best results the calibration circle will be positioned automatically in the
center of the camera view.
Hint : If the dialog is closed the light settings will be saved in the camera configura-
tion. When showing the dialog again the saved light settings will be restored. Measuring with more than one Camera

If you want to measure with two or more cameras you have to define one of the
cameras as the reference-camera. Next you need to measure the offset for every

camera in the system to the reference-camera. Clicking the symbol "Offset" in

the symbol-bar, the following dialog appears:

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3 Creating a measuring program

By activating "Brightness automatic" the lamps will be regulated automatically. The

option "Focus" enables you to focus along the Z-axis by using an edge-focus before
the measuring-process starts. Additionally you can select the focus mode (see 3.2.7
Focusing). On the left side of the dialog the selected camera is listed. Within the edit-
field "Runs" you can specify the count of measurements. Pressing the button "Meas-
ure" below will force the camera to measure the selected circle. Afterwards you can
choose a reference-camera on the right side of the dialog. Now you must press the
button "Measure" below for measuring the same circle with the reference-camera.
After this you can see the measured circles in the tables. They are used to calculate
the offset for mathematically displacing the selected camera. The offset is written to
the table called "Offset". The offset-value will automatically be applied to the camera-
properties after closing the dialog by clicking the "OK" button. Editing Camera Data

Clicking on the symbol "Edit" in the symbol-bar or double clicking with the
mouse on a camera in the list, a dialog will open that enables you to edit the proper-
ties of the desired:

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3 Creating a measuring program

"Camera" indicates the currently selected camera you want to modify. Use the option
"Channel" to declare the port or channel of the VPU, the camera is connected with.
The option "resolution" describes the resolution of the selected camera, which is cal-
culated automatically by the calibration-process. It describes the relation between
pixel and microns. Also you can displace the camera by specifying an offset. The off-
set of the selected camera in reference to a reference-camera can be calculated by
using the dialog "Camera offset".
If you have a digital camera, it is possible to modify the settings for contrast, bright-
ness and gamma and to change the evaluation channel. You can check these setting
by clicking the <Test> button. If you have a USB color camera, you can also per-
form a white balance.

Clicking on the "OK"-button after editing the camera-data, the data will be saved.

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3 Creating a measuring program Deleting a Camera

If you want to delete a camera you can do this by clicking on the symbol "De-
lete" in the camera-list-dialog.

The selected camera will be deleted after confirming the deletion-process in the ap-
pearing dialog. Selecting a Camera

In Vision 3D you can easily select a camera as your current measuring device. Select
the camera you want to make your current measuring device in the list of all avail-

able cameras by clicking the corresponding entry. Now click on the symbol "Se-
lect" in the symbol-bar. The camera is marked with a check-mark. This check-mark
indicates that the camera is your current measuring device. Pay attention that the
camera you want to select must be calibrated before. Otherwise Vision 3D will refuse
selecting the camera.
If a camera connected to a zoom objective with motor adjustment is selected, you
can use the slider on the right side of the video window to setup the magnification of
the objective.

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3 Creating a measuring program

You can see the current magnification in percent above the slider. The magnification
is setup correctly when the feature of the part you want to measure is displayed as
large as possible in the video window.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.2 Adjust the Light

To make out an object in the video image you have to set a suitable illumination.
You may make these settings by clicking the symbol "Light" within the symbol-bar of
the register "camera" or the lamp symbol in the upper right corner of the video pic-
ture. Now the light dialog appears. Click again on the corresponding symbol to close
the dialog.
Alternative the dialog will appear automatically when you move the mouse over the
lamp symbol in the video picture. The dialog will be closed automatically after setting
the parameters if you move the mouse pointer out of the dialog content.
Depending on the machine type, up to six lamps can be installed. Lamps can be
switched on/off and regulated separately. You get to know about the allocation of
numbers to the present lights from the documentation of your machine. According to
special use, the lights can illuminate an object differently. So a top-light or a back-
light can be selected and a ring-light, if available, or four lights for a four-quadrant
illumination. The two lights, which are available at every machine, are top-light and
back-light; they illuminate the object of measurement from the top and from below,

The left side of this dialog represents the ring-light or the four lights for a four-
quadrant illumination. On the right side you can see the top- and back-light. Press
the icon at the top of the sliders for a lamps to switch it on or off. By default the
brightness of every light is set to zero percent. You change the brightness of a lamp
by altering the corresponding slider. Also you can enter a value in the unit percent
within the corresponding edit-field at the bottom of the slider. You can regulate all
sectors of a ring-light separately or all four lights of a four-quadrant illumination at
the same time by clicking first the lock icon in the middle of the dialog. After clicking
it again, all sectors or quadrants have to be set separately.

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3 Creating a measuring program

If your machine is equipped with a rgb color light you will not have the four-quadrant
illumination. You can click on the color button to select the wanted color in a win-
dows typical dialog:

While teaching in a geometric element within the video page you can activate an
automatic adjustment of the light. The brightness of the roi-window will be saved and
in the program run the software tries to condition the brightness in the same way.
You can activate this automatism by selecting the option "Brightness automatic" in
the submenu of the lamp symbol. Then the state will be displayed in the lower right
corner of the lamp symbol.

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For already measured geometry elements it is also possible to activate the automatic
adjustment of the light. To activate the automation you have to check the “Auto-
matic”-Item. The light value will be changed from the percent strength of the lamps
to the percent value of the brightness (0%=black, 100%=white). By pressing the
“TEST”-Button you can test the automatic light adjustment.

Command Description
LAMPS Switches on/off lamps 1 to 6 for camera measurements
BRIGHTNESS Sets the brightness of lamps 1 to 6 for camera meas-
AUTO_BRIGHTNESS Automatic setting of one lamp

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.3 Measuring Function

There are different functions to select the evaluation mode of the camera. The func-
tion which must be selected depends on the requirements of the measurement.

Symbol Description Command

Intersection with edge: An edge of the part has to be READ_EDGE
within the measurement window. Then the video proces-
sor computes the very point that results in scan direction
from the intersection of the parts edge and the line of the
Intersection with line: A line of the part has to be within READ_LINE
the measurement window. Then the video processor
computes a best fit line from it. This line is intersected in
scan direction with the line of the crosshair.
Intersection with a circle: A circle or circle sector of the READ_ICIRCLE
part has to be within the measurement window. Then the
video processor computes a best fit circle from it. This
best fit circle is intersected in scan direction with the line
of the crosshair.
Bestfit line: An edge of the part has to be within the READ_LINE
measurement window. Then the video processor com-
putes a best fit line from it.
Bestfit circle: An edge of the part has to be within the READ_CIRCLE
measurement window. Then the video processor com-
putes a best fit circle from it.
Maximum: A parts edge has to be within the measure- READ_MAX
ment window. Then the video processor determines the
point that is in scan direction the farthest from the window
Minimum: A parts edge has to be within the measure- READ_MIN
ment window. Then the video processor determines the
point that is in scan direction closest from the window
Centroid black: The video processor computes the black READ_BLACK
pixels center of gravity from all surfaces within the meas-
urement window.
Centroid white: The video processor computes the white READ_WHITE
pixels center of gravity from all surfaces within the meas-
urement window.
Crosshair position: The topical position of the cross- READ_CROSSHAIR
hairs center is taken as measured value.
Manual measurement: You can move the measuring
device and the crosshair during the manual pick-up of READ_MAN
measure values. By finishing the manual measuring pick-
up the topical position of the crosshairs center is taken as
measured value. If the manual circle measurement is
selected, you can define the circle by using the mouse
pointer. Then the circle geometrie will be applied as re-

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Contour: The result are all pointis ofthe contour inside READ_OUTLINE
the measuring window.
Contour tracing: The video processor tries to trace a READ_AUTO_CONTOUR
contour by movements of the machine. All values will be
collected and merged.
Automatic Line: Creates a subroutine of the type VIDEO_LINE
VIDEO_LINE for measuring a line automatically by using
the given parameters.
Automatic Circle: Creates a subroutine of the type VIDEO_CIRCLE
VIDEO_CIRCLE for measuring a circle automatically by
using the given parameters.

You can select the measuring functions on two locations. If the toolbar for the "Video
functions" is active (see if the menu-item "Video functions" is checked in the menu
"Window"), you have direct access to the different functions by pushing one of the
buttons. Additionally, you can use the arrow on the right of the symbol for the meas-
uring function in the above toolbar.
Whenever you select a new measuring function, the measuring window and the scan
direction will automatically be adjusted.

3.2.4 Selecting a Measuring Window

A measuring window (also known as the "Region of interest" or ROI) is the part of
the video image in which measurement values are taken. Anything outside this win-
dow is ignored.
The window area is bordered by a colored line with crosshair positioned inside.
The available types of windows are shown in the following table:

Function Description Command

Standard Window: The standard window is rectan- WINDOW
gular and is positioned at 0°. It is defined by clicking SCALE_WINDOW
the mouse at the top left and the bottom right cor-
Rectangle Window: The only difference from the WIN_RECT
standard window is the possibility to rotate it around SCALE_RECT
the center. A new window is defined by clicking two
points on a line to the left and right of the required
position. The width of the window is a default value,
which can be changed in the window parameter list.
Circle Window: The circle window is defined by WIN_CIRC
three points which are lying on the circle. SCALE_CIRCLE
Ring Window: The ring window is located between WIN_CIRC
the inner and outer circle. The window is defined by SCALE_CIRCLE
three points lying on the mid circle. The width of the
window is a default value that can be changed in the
parameters section.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Sector Window: The sector window consists of a WIN_CIRC

start angle and a sector angle. To state the start an- SCALE_CIRCLE
gle you begin counting with zero degrees at "twelve
o'clock". A new window is defined by two points at
the edge and another point lying anywhere on the

You can vary size, location and form of a measuring window with the mouse. Click
inside the area to move the window. You are now in the "Move mode". On the margin
of the window will appear 8 track points. Move the mouse to one of the points until
an arrow symbol is shown. Push the left mouse button and move the mouse, so that
the window is the right size. Release the left mouse button.
With a second click inside the area of the window you switch to the "Rotation mode".
Now 4 rotation symbols are shown on the edge of the window. Analogous to the
"Move mode", you can rotate the window.
With another click inside the window you switch back to the "Move mode".

In the toolbar there are some additional functions to adjust the measuring window:

Function Description Command

Maximize standard window: Enlarge the standard- or rec- MAX_STD_WINDOW
tangle-window to the maximal size.
Center window: Bring the midpoint of the window to the cen- CENTER_WINDOW
ter of the video screen.
Rotate window: Rotate the window 45° in clockwise direction.

In addition to the graphical input, you can set all parameters of the measuring win-
dow numerically.

Push the property symbol to get the following dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

You can specify the parameters for the measuring window in the unit pixel (screen-
points) or mm by selecting the corresponding unit in the control right beside the X-

Hint : In coordinate systems it is useful to select "mm".

There is also a third method for setting a measuring window: Move the mouse cursor
to the contour to be measured, press the right mouse button and keep it pressed.
The software shows you the found contour (green points) and offers you a measuring

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3 Creating a measuring program

Moving the mouse, an actualized window close to the mouse position is shown. If you
agree with the found measuring window, stop pressing the right mouse button and
the last window will be valid.

Hint : This procedure works well at good contours with exact edges.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.5 Setting the Crosshair

The crosshair is located within the measurement window and is marked with two col-
ored lines.
At the beginning of a measurement the crosshair is always centered within the meas-
urement window. The crosshair is adapted to the selected window type so that the
crosshair is circular within a circular window or is rotated together with a rectangular

For graphical input, use the mouse. Move the mouse to the center of the crosshair.
Push the left mouse button and move the mouse to the right position. Release the
left mouse button.
The numerical input of the crosshair position is in the parameter dialog. Push the

property button in the toolbar.

See also the commands: CROSSHAIR and SCALE_CROSSHAIR

3.2.6 Naming a Camera Measurement

The tab General of the dialog Picture contains general information. Vision 3D sug-
gests a name for every camera measurement that is made. This name is adopted to
the measuring program as subroutine name of the camera measurement. You can
change the name if desired

Command Description
DEFINE PICTURE Declaration of a subroutine to measure by
camera that must be followed by its chosen

The two panels below offer the name of the measuring program author and the date
of the measuring program`s creation.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.7 Focusing
A camera can be positioned within the z-axis automatically so that the object in an
image is displayed as sharply as possible.
To focus, select one of the following symbols in the toolbar:

Function Description Command

No Focus: Default when starting the program.

Edge focus: Run the focus on an edge in the measuring win- EDGE_FOCUS
Surface focus: Run the focus on a surface in the measuring SURFACE_FOCUS
Laser Focus: Run the focus with the laser (If a laser exist in LASER_FOCUS
the system).

Depending on your requirements, you can focus very fast or very exactly. For this
purpose three different modes of focus-speed are available. The base-speed for these
modes is calculated by dividing the resolution of the corresponding camera in µm by
the factor 0.01s. Within the focus-menu the modes are called Normal, Fast and
Very Fast. With the arrow in the right of the focus symbol you can select one of the
focus modes:

Focusmode Description
Normal Slow and very exact focus with two runs.
Fast Fast focus with two runs
Very fast Fastest focus with only one run. The focus will be calculated with a poly-

If all parameters are adjusted, push the symbol for the focus. If you have selected
the Edge or Surface focus, a diagram with the result of the focus will be shown. The
blue line shows the result of the first run. The red line is for the second run. The
value of the focus is also shown in the graphic.

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It is possible to stop the focus by pressing the button <Cancel>.

The dialog will close automatically when you build a measuring value.

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3.2.8 Testing the Adjustments

To test whether all parameters are adjusted correctly, push the Symbol for the "Test"
in the toolbar:

It appears an overlay in the lower left edge of the video screen with the results.

Alternatively, there is the possibility of an automatic testing of the settings. In this

case, a permanent measurement will be performed. This mode will be finished by
creating the geometric element and will be started again by changing the roi position
or the measuring function.

You can switch between the manual and the automatic mode by using the menu right
beside the “Test”-Symbol:

3.2.9 Creating a Measuring Value

After adjusting and testing all parameters, you can create a measuring value:
Push the button "Measure" in the toolbar of the register "Camera", which shows you

the actual measuring mode:

Pushing the button causes the camera to take a picture. The measuring value will be
found and created. Furthermore, a subroutine PICTURE, which contains all parame-
ters, is created and inserted in the tree structure of the wizard.

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3 Creating a measuring program

If you want to change any parameter at this time, double click on the icon for the
picture. The property dialog of the picture with all parameters will appear.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.10 Building a Geometry

After creating one or more measuring values and inserting them in the tree struc-
ture, you can adjust the parameters (e.g. tolerances) for the geometry. Double click
in the tree structure of the wizard on the symbol for the geometry to change the pa-
To build the geometry push the <OK> button in the wizard.
The parameter, which are once adjusted for one geometrical type are automatically
keeped for the next measure.
There is a second method to build a geometry quickly. Push the button "Measure and

build geometry" in the toolbar:

This function is a combination of the functions "Create measuring value" and the
<OK> button in the wizard. Use this function if you want to measure many geome-
tries of the same type.
There are three different geometries to build directly with the camera:

Function Description
Measure and build a Point directly.

Measure and build a Line directly.

Measure and build a Circle directly.

Measure and build a Contour directly.

With the arrow on the right of the symbol you can select the geometry you want. The
measuring function and the measuring window are adjusted automatically if a new
geometry is selected.

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3.2.11 Hardware specific hint

A few commands for handling the camera measurement need specific hardware com-
ponents. The following table describes which command is supported by what kind of














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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.12 Automatic measurements with the Camera

Within the register "Camera" you can teach in automatic measurements. Normally
these measurements will be used if the feature you want to measure does not com-
pletely fit into the video picture. The following automatic measurements are avail-

• Contour tracing: The video processor tries to trace a contour by movements

of the maschine.
• Automatic line: Creates a subroutine of the type VIDEO_LINE for measuring
a line automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic circle: Creates a subroutine of the type VIDEO_CIRCLE for meas-
uring a circle automatically by using the given parameters. Contour tracing

If the measuring function contour tracing has been selected, you have to teach in the
start- and endposition using the mouse pointer within the video picture. If a complete
contour has to be measured, click again where you specified the startposition for de-
fining the endposition. After the start- and endposition are defined, the following dia-
log will be opened:

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3 Creating a measuring program

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Scan direction
To this direction the contour will be traced in the beginning.

• Point density
Number of points to create the best fit line.

• expected positioning
This is a parameter (in per cent) which describes how far the following posi-
tion will be placed to a position where the contour is expected to be next.

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• Range for searching

This parameter describes the tolerance region around the endposition. Default
value are 2 pixel of the actual camera.

• Manual help
By activating this checkbox it is possible to help the video scan in case of fail-

• Startposition
Startposition of the contour tracing. Click on the button "Test" to test the cur-
rent parameters. Use the button "Manual" to redefine the startposition by us-
ing the joystick. Click on the button "Move to" for moving the machine to the

• Endposition
Endposition of the contour tracing. Use the button "Manual" to redefine the
endposition by using the joystick. Click on the button "Move to" for moving
the machine to the endposition.

• complete contour
This parameter enables or disable a complete contour scan.

• Show graphic
Shows the video scan contour in the contour page. If this option is active, you
can also define if the content of the contour page should be deleted before
showing the video scan contour. Automatic line

If the measuring function automatic line has been selected, you have to teach in the
start- and endposition of the line using the mouse pointer within the video picture.
Afterwards the following dialog will be opened:

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3 Creating a measuring program

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. Because the camera has no scan-
ning abilities, only the mode "Single point" is available.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition of the line. Click on the button
"Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to redefine the

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3 Creating a measuring program

start- and endposition by using the joystick.

• Measure length
The measuring region between start- and endposition can be shorten without
modifying both positions. Therefor you can define distances in the unit of the
measuring program or in percent relating to the start- and endposition. The
new start- and endposition resulting from these settings are displayed below
the controls for entering the distances.

• Point density
Number of points in percent to create the line. The point density only refers to
the measuring function "Outline".

• Points
Number of intersection points with the best fit line. This option only refers to
the measuring function "Intersection with bestfit line".

• Trim
This parameter describes, how many percent of the line will be trimmed, be-
ginning at the margins. This option only refers to the measuring function "In-
tersection with bestfit line".

• Window height
Specifies the height of the measuring window in the unit pixel.

• Scan direction
Describes the scan direction of the used camera function.

• Measuring
Use this option to define the function used for measuring the line with the
camera. The line can be measured with the following functions:
- Standard
- Intersection with edge
- Intersection with bestfit line
- Outline
- Whole contour Automatic circle

If the measuring function automatic circle has been selected, you have to teach in
the start-sector, the end-sector and afterwards the sector-middle of the circle using
the mouse pointer within the video picture. Look out for specifying the three points
equidistant on the circle if you want to measure a full circle and try not setting the
end-sector to close to the start-sector. When measuring a full circle the measure-
ment begins at the start-sector. After all positions are defined, the following dialog
will be opened:

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3 Creating a measuring program

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. Because the camera has no scan-
ning abilities, only the mode "Single point" is available.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the center-position and the radius of the circle. Click on
the button "Test" to test the current parameters. If you are measuring with
the camera, you see an additional button called "Find". This function tries to
measure the center-position and the radius automatically. Therefore an edge
of the circle must be visible in the video picture and the measuring window
must be aligned over the edge. Use the button "Manual" to redefine the cen-

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3 Creating a measuring program

ter-position and the radius by using the joystick. Therefore you must state
three positions lying on the circle's edge. If a circle arc is selected, the first
and second position will be used to determine the angle and sector.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the circle.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the circle.

• Point density
Number of points in percent to create the circle. The point density only refers
to the measuring function "Outline".

• Points
Number of intersection points with the best fit circle. This option only refers to
the measuring function "Intersection with bestfit circle".

• Trim
This parameter describes, how many percent of the circle will be trimmed, be-
ginning at the margins of the sector. This option only refers to the measuring
function "Intersection with bestfit circle".

• Window height
Specifies the height of the measuring window in the unit pixel.

• Scan direction
Describes the scan direction of the used camera function.

• Measuring
Use this option to define the function used for measuring the circle with the
camera. The circle can be measured with the following functions:
- Standard
- Intersection with edge
- Intersection with bestfit circle
- Outline
- Whole contour

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full circle or a circle arc will be measured. For measuring a full
circle the sector angle will be ignored.

• Cut values
If this option is active, measuring values that are lying inside the specified
angles will be cut at the beginning and the end of the measuring value list af-
ter the measurement has been executed.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.2.13 Tips and Tricks

By pressing the middle mouse button you get information about the brightness value
of the actual pixel and its position in pixel and in the unit of the program.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.3 Measuring with the Probe

By using a probe of your measuring system you can measure characteristics of com-
plex, three-dimensional parts, which are impossible or very difficult to measure by
Before you start measuring with a probe, you have to determine diameter and posi-
tion of the probe that you want to use. You may achieve this by executing the addi-
tional program for probe calibration.
Select the register "Probe" on the right side of the screen to generate measuring val-
ues with the probe. These measuring values are displayed within a table. Above the
table you can see the name of the current probe and the current probe module. Addi-
tionally the measuring values are drawn in the window on the right side of the regis-
ter where you can choose between different views (see also 3.3.3 Position graphic).

To generate measuring values with the probe, the following steps are necessary:

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3 Creating a measuring program

With the arrow on the right of the probe symbol, select the needed probe. You get
a list of all calibrated probes to select (see also 3.3.1 Administrating the probes).
Opens a dialog for a manual touch. The dialog will automatically be closed after
touching by using the joystick.
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a line with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a circle with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a plane with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a cylinder with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a sphere with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a cone with the currently selected
If necessary, change the probe head with the probe changer (see also
Changing a probe).
Ensure the probe is active. If the probe is not active, the automatic collision pro-
tection is also not active.
Warning! If you touch with an inactive probe, the probe can be damaged!
If the probe is inactive a red warning message is displayed.
Turn on the graphical display for the safety positions and touches (see also 3.3.3
Position graphic).
Create safety positions with the "Safety pos." button or with a button on your joy-
stick. For every touch a safety position will be generated automatically and in-
serted directly before the touch.

If your machine is equipped with a PH10 probe, you can display the options of the

PH10 by clicking the symbol . The following dialog will be opened:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The PH10 moves to the "Park position" after removing the probe to the probe
changer, if no further probe will be changed in. The Z axis of the machine will be
moved to the "Minimum Z position" when changing probes before start swiveling.
The PH10 moves to the "Safety swivel position" after getting a probe from the probe
changer. The swivel process starts after the location is reached. Also you can define
"Exclusion zones". Within these zones the PH10 is not allowed to swivel.

3.3.1 Administrating the Probes

To administrate probes in Vision 3D click on the symbol "Probes" in the symbol-

bar of the register "Probe". On the left side a dialog appears, that displays all probes
for the currently selected probe-module.
A probe-module is used in Vision 3D to group the different probes. Every probe can
be assigned to a module. If a probe isn't assigned to a module, it is listed in the
module named "General". This module is the standard-module in Vision 3D and can-
not be deleted.

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3 Creating a measuring program

In the upper part of the window you can execute operations relating to the probe-
modules. Use the module-list-control on the left side to choose a probe-module. In
addition you can use the following functions :

Symbol Action
Add a new probe-module.

Delete an existing probe-module including all

belonging probes.

Below the symbols for managing the probe-modules, you find the symbols for admin-
istrating probes :

Symbol Action
Add a new probe.

Change a probe.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Calibrate an existing probe.

Calculate the offset of a probe in reference to a

Edit the properties of a probe.

Delete a probe in Vision 3D.

Choose a probe for the current measuring de-

vice. Adding a new probe-module

If you want to add a new probe-module, click on the symbol "New module".A
dialog will appear that asks you for the name of the new probe-module:

After clicking on the "OK"-button, the new probe-module will be created and selected
as the current module. Pay attention when you specify the name for the module be-
cause the characters \ / : * ? " < > | are not allowed to be used for the module
name. Blanks are allowed. Deleting an existing probe-module

If you want to delete an existing probe-module you can do this by clicking on the

symbol "Delete module" in the probe-list-dialog.

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3 Creating a measuring program

The selected probe-module will be deleted after you confirmed the deletion-process
in the appearing dialog. Pay attention that all probes relating to the module will be
deleted, too. It is not possible to delete an active probe. Adding a new Probe

If you want to add a new probe to the currently selected probe-module, click on the

symbol "New" within the symbol-bar of the probe-list-dialog. The following dia-
log will appear:

The first parameter to specify is the name of the new probe. This name has to be
unequivocal. Pay attention when you specify the name for the probe because the
characters \ / : * ? " < > | are not allowed to be used for the name. Use the option
"Type" to specify the type of the probe. If you want to use a specific probe-type that
does not correspond to one of the five standard-types you can use one of the follow-
ing types to calibrate it:

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3 Creating a measuring program

the manual type: requires manual touching of the calibration sphere with the
the programmable type: requires also a single manual touching of the calibra-
tion sphere, but here the calibration is saved as a program simultaneously
and may be reused later.

Declare the radius of the probe in the corresponding edit-field. The offset of the
probe in reference to a camera can be calculated automatically by using the function
"Offset" within the probe-list-dialog. Also you can edit the offset manually in the edit-
dialog for this probe. If the probe is of the type PH9/10, you must activate the option
"PH9-Probe". If the probe is a scanning probe SP25, you have to activate the option
Hint: If a PH10 probe is connected with the angle A unequal to zero, the type will
automatically be set to "Programmable" for the new probe configuration.
Hint: The settings "PH9/PH10" and "Scan" are only editable when adding a new
probe configuration! Changing a Probe

If your machine is equipped with an automatic probe changing system, you may
switch between several probe combinations during a measurement without needing
to do it manually and without needing to calibrate them afterwards. Click on the

symbol "Change probe" to change the current probe.

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3 Creating a measuring program

In dependence on your probe-magazine there are several positions available to get a

probe from. Choose one of these positions and click on the button "Change". Now the
machine moves to the desired position and gets the probe.
Hint: If a PH10 is changed in, the probe moves to a safety swivel position before
start swiveling. You can define this position within the options of the PH10.
If a probe is already connected to the machine, you can remove it by choosing a free
position and clicking on the button "Remove".
Within the section "Settings" you can enable or disable the probe by clicking the
symbol "Enable probe".
Unter "Einstellungen" können Sie den Taster aktivieren oder deaktivieren, indem Sie
das Symbol "Taster aktivieren" betätigen.
If no position is available, you have once to measure the probe-magazine. Among
the SCR200 and MCR20 model from Renishaw, Vision 3D supports the probe changer
PAC. Use the "Hardware"-section in the configuration program "Config" to set up the
corresponding probe changer type.
If you want to measure a MCR20 probe-magazine from Renishaw, the following dia-
log appears after pressing the "Measure" button :

At first you have to specify the start-number of the first position for the probe-
magazine you want to measure. If there are more than one probe-magazine, you
have to count the positions form the first probe-magazine to the magazine you want
to measure. Also you must enter the number of positions for the probe-magazine.
After pressing the "OK" button this dialog will be shown:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Here you can align or measure the probe-magazine. If you measure the probe-
magazine for the first time, you have to align the magazine first by pressing the
"Align" button. Touch the two positions described in the graphic:

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3 Creating a measuring program

If the difference between the x-coordinates of the measured positions is greater than
0.2 mm you have to slightly rotate the magazine to the direction displayed in the
dialog. Then you must measure the two positions again. Repeat these steps until the
difference is smaller than 0.2 mm. Now the magazine is aligned and you can meas-
ure it.
After pressing the "Measure" button, follow the instructions shown in the dialog:

After touching all the desired positions and confirming the dialog for saving the re-
sults, the probe-magazine is measured and all the positions are available to remove
and get probes. Use the same way to align and measure the probe-magazine
SCR200 from Renishaw.
Measuring the probe-magazine PAC: depending on the amount of probes your ma-
chine offers more than one magazine, each one equipped with up to three positions.
All positions are numbered consecutively. Click on the button "Measure ..." to meas-
ure a probe-magazine. The following dialog will be opened:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Choose the desired magazine you want to measure and click on the button "OK" to
go on to the next dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Now fix the alignment tool to the probe head. Move the probe like shown in the dia-
log to the front corner of the magazine. The alignment tool must be parallel to the
plane of the magazine. Click on the button "OK".

Remove the alignment tool and fix the probe adapter to the probe head. Move the
machine in z-direction to the top of the magazine. The probe adapter must touch the
surface. After clicking on the button "OK" and confirming to save the magazine-data,
the magazine is measured and the positions are available to remove and get probes.
Click on the button "Status" for receiving information to all measured positions:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The section "Current touch probe configuration" enables you to administrate the
touch probe connected to the machine. Depending on the settings in the configura-
tion program "Config" a TP20 or TP200 is available.
If your machine is equipped with a scan probe (SP25), the section "Current SP25
configuration" describes the name of the module and stylus that is currently con-
nected to your machine. Modules and styluses of the scan probe can only be re-
moved and changed to positions of the probe-magazine FCR 25. See the next section
for further information to the scan probe.
The table shows all measured positions. The probe-magazine model for every posi-
tion is displayed in the column "Rack". The column "Type" describes if the position
can hold a module or a stylus of the SP25. This information is only relevant and ad-
justable for positions used by the scan probe. Finally the column "Occupied" shows if
the position contains a probe (for MCR, SCR or PAC) or a module/stylus of the SP25
(for FCR).

Command Description
PAC_GET Fetching of a new probe combination from a magazine at the stated
position. If you call this instruction and a probe is installed in the
probe receiver already, this probe will be removed first
PAC_REMOVE Removing of a probe combination to its designated magazine posi-
PAC_POS Allocation of an unused position number in the magazine to the
currently installed probe combination

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 81

3 Creating a measuring program The SP25 and the probe magazine FCR 25

Beside the standard probe head your machine can be equipped with an additional
probe head for a scanning probe from Renishaw called SP25. This probe can be used
for scanning contour elements. It is composed of a module and a stylus. The module
matches one of the types

• SM25-1,
• SM25-2 or
• SM25-3

and the stylus can be a

• SH25-1,
• SH25-2 or
• SH25-3

with different stylus-length. The styluses are assigned to corresponding modules. A

SH25-1 stylus belongs to a SM25-1 module, the SH25-2 to a SM25-2 and a SH25-3
stylus to a SM25-3 module. The module and also the stylus can be separately re-
moved. Therefor a probe-magazine called FCR 25 will be used. It has to be measured
with the SP25 probe. According to this, the MCR, SCR and PAC has to be measured
with corresponding probes/adapters in the standard probe head.
For measuring the FCR probe-magazine, choose an existing scanning probe in the

probe-list-dialog by clicking the symbol "Select". Open the probe-changer-

dialog with the symbol "Change probe". After pressing the button "Measure",
the following dialog appears:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Beside the start-number and the number of positions you must also specify the mod-
ule that is currently connected to the probe head of the SP25 probe. The length of
the stylus can be read in the comment above. It is important that all modules, sty-
luses and adapters have been removed from the probe-magazine. After specifying all
data, press the button "OK". If you measure the probe-magazine for the first time,
you have to align the magazine first by pressing the "Align" button:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Touch the positions with the SP25 probe like shown in the graphic. The further pro-
cedure accords to the MCR. After pressing the "Measure" button, you can see the
following window:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Touch all the desired positions with the SP25 probe and follow the instructions shown
in the dialog. Except for automatically measuring every single position, the meas-
urement accords to the MCR procedure. After applying the positions, a list with all
measured positions is displayed for defining the position type. Choose for every posi-
tion if it can contain a module or a stylus.

The section "Current SP25 configuration" displays the module and stylus that has
been used for measuring the probe-magazine. Press the button "OK" to apply all
properties. Corresponding to the definitions in the list you must fix the adapters for
the styluses in the positions of the probe-magazine. Assembly of the probe magazine

After measuring the probe-magazine successfully, its positions will be displayed in
the probe changer dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Now you can assembly the certain positions. If you measured a MCR, SCR or FCR
probe-magazine, a probe is already connected to the machine. In case of a PAC you
must first remove the probe adapter from the probe head and then insert the first
probe manually in the probe head. Now choose the first free position under "Remove
probe from head" where you want the probe connected to the machine to be re-
moved to. If your machine is equipped with a scanning probe, pay attention that this
probe can only be removed to a FCR-position with a corresponding definition and vice
versa all other probes only to MCR-, SCR- or PAC-positions! After clicking the button
"Remove" the probe will automatically be removed to the stated position.
Attention: Please verify your input to avoid damaging your machine! Pay attention
that the emergency-switch is not out of reach.
After the first probe has been removed successfully, you can manually insert the next
probe in the probe head, select the next free position and repeat the described steps
until all probes have been removed to the corresponding positions.
Important: After inserting a touch probe in the probe head of the machine, you
must open the Status-dialog and update the entries in the section "Current touch
probe configuration". After inserting the next module and stylus of a SP25 probe in
the probe head for the scanning probe, you must open the Status-dialog and update
the entries in the section "Current SP25 configuration". Now you can go on with
choosing the next free position.
Attention: If your machine is - beside the standard probe head - equipped with a
probe head for the scanning probe SP25, the scanning probe must always be inserted
to the probe head of the SP25 and all other probes always to the standard probe

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3 Creating a measuring program Calibrating Standard Probes

To calibrate one or several standard probes you must click on the symbol "Cali-
brate" in the symbol-bar of the probe-list-dialog. The following dialog will be opened:

First the name and the type of the probe are listed. A ceramics calibration-sphere
with a well known diameter - that is mounted on the measuring-table - is used to
calibrate a probe. Before calibrating you have to specify this diameter in the edit-field
"Calibration-diamter". The parameter "Runs" determines how often the calibration-
sphere will be measured. The calibration-sphere will be measured one time more
than declared by the parameter, because in the first run the position of the sphere is
approximated so that further runs can measure more exactly. Calibration-diameter
and runs are saved in a configuration-file after finishing the calibration-process and
will be restored every time you open this dialog.

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3 Creating a measuring program

If you calibrate a probe for the first time, you have to position the probe above the
north pole of the calibration-sphere manually, like shown in the dialog's graphic. If
the probe is already calibrated, you can use the button "Move to" to position the
probe automatically. If the position of the calibration-normal changes, you have to
move the probe to the calibration-position by hand and recalibrate the probe, before
you can use the button "Move to" again. After clicking on the button "OK" the calibra-
tion-process starts.
Depending on the count of runs the calibration-sphere will be measured several
times. During the first run the calibration-sphere is measured with slow speed, be-
cause the positions on the calibration-sphere have to be searched by the calibration-
program. After calibrating a probe, Vision 3D wants you to confirm saving the cali-
bration-results for the probe. Now you can select the probe to measure parts.
Hint : After calibrating a probe, you have to restore the relationship between the
other sensors.
Hint : If the position of the calibration-normal changes, you have to calibrate all
probes again!
Hint : Note that setting the touch speed to another value (e.g. by using the com-
mand TOUCH_SPEED) the error of measurement will increase! Manual Calibration

Calibrating manually begins like calibrating a standard-type probe with the calibra-
tion-dialog. You have to specify the diameter of the calibration sphere and the count
of measurements once. After positioning the probe above the north pole of the cali-
bration sphere and clicking on the button "OK", the following dialog will be shown:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The dialog box prompts you to measure the reference sphere. You must sample at
least five points. The coordinates of the center of the touching sphere are registered
to the list in the dialog box. After you have sampled the required minimum number
of points, you can end the calibration with "OK" or you can sample further points at
will. If you want to remove a touch from the list, select it and push the "Delete" but-
ton. After you finished the calibration-process, a bestfit sphere is computed by using
all touches of the list. After confirming, all results are saved for the probe similar to
the standard calibration.
Hint : In genaral a manual calibration is inferior to the automatic calibration. Programmable Calibration

As with manual calibration, you use the programmable calibration to calibrate probes
which are not equivalent to one of the five standard probes. You execute this kind of
calibration by hand as well. Unlike the manual calibration, every step is recorded si-
multaneously and is stored as a calibration program of this probe afterwards. Thus
you are able to repeat the whole process of calibration at any time automatically.

Start the calibration of the selected probe as usual by clicking on the symbol
"Calibrate" within the symbol-bar of the probe-list dialog. You have to specify the
diameter of the calibration sphere and the count of measurements once. After posi-
tioning the probe above the north pole of the calibration sphere and clicking on the
button "OK", the following dialog will be shown:

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 89

3 Creating a measuring program

On the left side of the screen you can see which step has to be executed next to
measure the calibration sphere and determine the steps for the calibration-program.
To avoid collisions when running the calibration-program later, you can define actual
positions by clicking on the button "Actual position" of the dialog when you want to
move the probe to another position. Between two touches you have to define at least
one actual position! Also you have to touch the calibration sphere with the probe at
least five times. All touches and actual positions are listed in the dialog.
After you have touched the required minimum number of points, you can end the
calibration with "OK" or you can sample further points at will. If you want to remove
a touch from the list, select it and push the "Delete" button. After you finished the
calibration-process, a bestfit sphere is computed by using all touches of the list. After
confirming, all results and the calibration-program are saved for the probe. If you
want to calibrate the probe later again, Vision 3D will execute the calibration-
program and calibrate the probe automatically. Calibrating a PH9/10 Probe

The swiveling PH9/10 probe can be calibrated in different positions. For every posi-
tion of the PH9/10 probe, which is needed to measure a part, a separate calibration
must be executed. On this occasion a PH9 probe can be positioned like one of the
five standard probes and in any other position as well.
The rest of the calibration-process for a PH9/10 probe is equivalent to the describe
standard-method. If you select a PH9/10 probe for measuring parts, it will automati-
cally be rotated to the position it had while calibrating.
Additional to the internal calibration of PH9/10 probes we offer a powerful calibration-
program. If you are interested in the program, call our support-line. Calibrating a SP25

In case of a scanning probe (SP25), depending on the machine settings, the calibra-
tion will be done on two spheres. After the scanning calibration on the first sphere a
dialog will be shown to move the probe to the second sphere.

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3 Creating a measuring program Making a Probe Referencing to a Camera

To get comparable results when measuring parts with camera and probe, the probe
has to be set in reference to the camera. This is accomplished by measuring the posi-
tion of a ring gauge with the camera and the probe. After this an offset will be calcu-
lated. Pay attention that the probe has to be of standard-type one, because only a
probe of this type can measure the inner ring of the ring gauge. You open the dialog

for calculating the offset between probe and camera by clicking the symbol
"Offset" in the symbol-bar:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Before you can calculate the offset of a probe in reference to a camera you have to
specify some data in relation to the ring gauge. Click the button "Options" to open
the following dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

First you have to specify the nominal diameter of the inner ring of the ring gauge.
Next you must input the coordinates of a point that has to be located on the ring
gauge surface relative to the center of the ring gauge. The diameter and the coordi-
nates have to be declared by using the unit millimeter. Clicking on the button "OK"
will close the dialog and save the data to a configuration-file. Therefor you have only
once to specify the ring gauge data except you want to use another ring gauge.
Hint : Please pay attention that the ring gauge surface is clean at the coordinates of
the points, because stickers or imprint letters influence the measuring result in a
negative way!
Within the edit-field "Runs" of the camera-probe-offset-dialog you can specify the
count of measurements.

Hint : First you have to measure the ring gauge with the camera and secondly with
the probe!
Choose a reference camera and the mode for the edge-focus (see 3.2.7 Focusing).
Click on the corresponding button "Measure". Equivalent to the probe a dialog is
shown to position the camera above the ring gauge:

Make sure that the top-light is switched on so that the surface structure of the ring
gauge is good recognizable. Move the camera above the ring gauge so that the sec-
tion shown in the graphic of the dialog, becomes visible in the video window. The
most right lying point of the inner ring has to be located nearly in the middle of the
window and the edge must be displayed as sharp as possible. The height of focus is
important because you have to focus the upper edge of the ring and not the lower
one. If the ring gauge has already been measured by the camera you can position
the camera above the ring gauge automatically by clicking on the button "Move To".
After positioning the camera, click on the button "OK" to start measuring the ring
gauge. Equivalent to measuring the ring gauge with a probe the radius and center
point of the ring gauge are measured by using a bestfit-algorithm. If the ring gauge
is measured several times the results will be averaged. The ring gauge center point
will be shown in the dialog.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 93

3 Creating a measuring program

Now you can measure the ring gauge with the probe. On the upper left side of the
dialog you can select the desired probe. Use the button "Change" if you want to
measure the offset for another probe of standard-type one (for further information
on how to change a probe see the section "Changing a probe"). If you want to start
measuring the ring gauge with the probe, you have to click on the button "Measure".
The following dialog will appear:

Now move the probe to the center of the ring gauge like shown in the graphic of the
dialog. If the ring gauge has already been measured by the probe you can center the
probe within the ring gauge automatically by clicking on the button "Move To". Cor-
rect the position manually to ensure the probe touching the ring gauge on highest
position. After positioning the probe, click on the button "OK" to start measuring the
ring gauge. The inner ring of the ring gauge will be measured several times depend-
ing on the count of measurements and a bestfit-circle will be calculated. The results
of the measurements are averaged. The z-coordinate of the center point is derived
from the measured point located on the ring gauge surface. After measuring the cal-
culated center point will be shown in the dialog.
The offset between the measuring devices is determined by subtracting of both cen-
ter points and can be read in the offset table.
If you want to measure the offset to the camera for more than one probe, click the
button "Apply" for saving the offset data in the probe calibration file. The camera
measurement is valid furthermore. Now select the next probe, repeat the measure-
ment and apply the offset, until all probe offsets are measured.
After clicking on the button "OK" the offset for the selected probe will be saved and
the dialog for the camera-probe-offset-dialog will be closed. The probe is now refer-
enced to the camera. Therefor you can measure and compare values taken with both
measurement devices.

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3 Creating a measuring program Editing Probe Data

Clicking on the symbol "Edit" in the symbol-bar or double clicking with the
mouse on a probe in the list, a dialog will open that enables you to edit the proper-
ties of the desired probe before or after calibrating:

If you change the type or radius of an already calibrated probe, the results of the
calibration-process get lost and you have to calibrate the probe again. For a cali-
brated probe you can see the form-deviation, the point-deviation and the date of
calibration. The form-deviation describes the range between the minimum and
maximum deviation of the measuring values to their bestfit sphere for a calibration
run. The maximum form-deviation of all calibration runs will be displayed in the dia-
log. The point-deviation informs about the range between minimum and maximum
deviation of a certain measuring value to the bestfit sphere for all calibration runs.
The form-deviation is displayed for the measuring value with the greatest deviation.
The offset of a probe in reference to a camera can be specified manually within the
offset edit-fields, what is not recommended. It's better to determine the offset of a
probe in reference to a camera automatically by using the offset-function. The set-
tings "PH9/PH10" and "Scan" display the state, the user selected while creating this
probe configuration. These properties can not be modified.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 95

3 Creating a measuring program Deleting a Probe

If you want to delete a probe you can do this by clicking on the symbol "Delete" in the pro-

The selected probe will be deleted after confirming the deletion-process in the appearing dialog. Selecting a Probe

In Vision 3D you can easily select a probe as your current measuring device. Select
the probe you want to make your current measuring device in the list of all available

probes by clicking the corresponding entry. Now click on the symbol "Select" in
the symbol-bar. The probe is marked with a check-mark. This check-mark indicates
that the probe is your current measuring device. Pay attention that the probe you
want to select must be calibrated before. Otherwise Vision 3D will refuse selecting
the probe.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.3.2 Position List

In the position list on the left side of the probe screen, you can see the X-, Y- and Z-
coordinates of safety positions and touches. If your machine has a rotary or swivel
table, the coordinates B and C are also shown additionally.
To get to a sensing point, move to one or more safety positions. This usually avoids
collisions of the probe with the part. These positions have to be used during a later
automatic run of the complete program as well.
Each line with a safety position is marked with the symbol . Each line with a touch
starts with the symbol .
To insert a safety position, push the button "Safety pos." Depending on your machine
type, the same function is integrated on your joystick.
To change positions of the list, double click on the line you want to change. The fol-
lowing dialog to input the positions appears:

To delete a line in the position list, select it and use the <DEL> key.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.3.3 Position Graphic

To see the safety positions and touch positions graphically, click on the symbol .
The position graphic shows all safety positions with yellow cubes and all touch posi-
tions as red spheres. The spheres diameter is equal to the diameter of the probe that
is used for touching.

The position graphic enables you to check your touching strategy from different
points of view. You can select a plane for showing the graphic with the buttons "XY",
"XZ" and "YZ". Also you get a 3D-view by clicking on the button "3D". Using the 3D-
view you can rotate the graphic by holding the left button down and moving the
mouse from left to right or opposite. With this graphical display you can find out
quickly if there are missing safety positions for measuring your part.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.3.4 Measuring with the SP25

The usability of a SP25 is user friendly integrated in the user interface.
For the additional option of a scanning measurement you have to switch the meas-
urement mode in the touch dialogs to a scanning mode.

Hint: If the measurement quality of a scanning process is lower a minimum criteria

you have to confirm a displayed warning message to continue the measurement.

3.3.5 Automatic measurements with the Probe

Within the register "Probe" you can teach in automatic measurements. The following
automatic measurements are available:

• Automatic line: Creates a subroutine of the type TOUCH_LINE for measuring

a line automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic circle: Creates a subroutine of the type TOUCH_CIRCLE for meas-
uring a circle automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic plane: Creates a subroutine of the type TOUCH_PLANE for meas-
uring a plane automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic cylinder: Creates a subroutine of the type TOUCH_CYLINDER for
measuring a cylinder automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic sphere: Creates a subroutine of the type TOUCH_SPHERE for
measuring a sphere automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic cone: Creates a subroutine of the type TOUCH_CONE for measur-
ing a cone automatically by using the given parameters.

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3 Creating a measuring program Automatic line measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic line" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
- Scan actual contour (by defining the axis X,Y,Z for tracking)
For the SP25 probe there are all options available. Otherwise only the mode
"Single point" can be used.
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition of the line. Click on the button
"Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to redefine the
start- and endposition by using the joystick.

• Measure length
The measuring region between start- and endposition can be shorten without
modifying both positions. Therefor you can define distances in the unit of the
measuring program or in percent relating to the start- and endposition. The
new start- and endposition resulting from these settings are displayed below
the controls for entering the distances.

• Points
Number of touches for the automatic line measurement.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Clear distance
Defines the distance that will be moved backward of the part after a touch be-
fore moving to the next touch position. For scanning measurements it de-
scribes the distance in normal direction to the part, moved to before and after
the scan.

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3 Creating a measuring program Automatic circle measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic circle" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
- Scan actual contour (by defining the axis X,Y,Z for tracking)
For the SP25 probe there are all options available. Otherwise only the mode
"Single point" can be used.
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the center-position and the radius of the circle. Click on
the button "Test" to test the current parameters. If you are measuring with
the camera, you see an additional button called "Find". This function tries to
measure the center-position and the radius automatically. Therefore an edge
of the circle must be visible in the video picture and the measuring window
must be aligned over the edge. Use the button "Manual" to redefine the cen-
ter-position and the radius by using the joystick. Therefore you must state
three positions lying on the circle's edge. If a circle arc is selected, the first
and second position will be used to determine the angle and sector.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the circle.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the circle.

• Points
Number of touches for the automatic circle measurement.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Clear distance
Defines the distance that will be moved backward of the part after a touch be-
fore moving to the next touch position. For scanning measurements it de-
scribes the distance in normal direction to the part, moved to before and after
the scan.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full circle or a circle arc will be measured. For measuring a full
circle the sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer circle) or outer (inner circle)

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Cut values
If this option is active, measuring values that are lying inside the specified
angles will be cut at the beginning and the end of the measuring value list af-
ter the measurement has been executed. Automatic plane measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic plane" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
- Scan actual contour (by defining the axis X,Y,Z for tracking)
For the SP25 probe there are all options available. Otherwise only the mode
"Single point" can be used.
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Positions
Here you can specify three positions that describes and also limit the plane.
Click on the button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button
"Manual" to redefine the positions of the plane by using the joystick.

• Rows
Specifies the number of rows for the plane measurement.

• Columns
Specifies the number of columns for the plane measurement.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Clear distance
Defines the distance that will be moved backward of the part after a touch be-
fore moving to the next touch position. For scanning measurements it de-
scribes the distance in normal direction to the part, moved to before and after
the scan.

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 105
3 Creating a measuring program Automatic cylinder measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic cylinder" in the toolbar the following dialog will
be opened:

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
- Scan actual contour (by defining the axis X,Y,Z for tracking)
For the SP25 probe there are all options available. Otherwise only the mode
"Single point" can be used.
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition of the cylinder. Click on the
button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to re-
define the start- and endposition by using the joystick. Each position will be
calculated as the middle position of a circle defined by three points lying in an
intersection-plane of the cylinder.

• Radius
Specifies the radius of the cylinder.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the cylinder.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the cylinder.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the cylinder.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Clear distance
Defines the distance that will be moved backward of the part after a touch
before moving to the next touch position. For scanning measurements it de-
scribes the distance in normal direction to the part, moved to before and after
the scan.

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full cylinder or a part of the cylinder will be measured. For
measuring a full cylinder the sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer cylinder) or outer (inner cylin-
der) side.

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement. Automatic sphere measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic sphere" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

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3 Creating a measuring program

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
- Scan actual contour (by defining the axis X,Y,Z for tracking)
For the SP25 probe there are all options available. Otherwise only the mode
"Single point" can be used.
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 109
3 Creating a measuring program

• Nominals
Here you can specify the center-position and the radius of the sphere. Click on
the button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to
redefine the parameters by using the joystick. The first touch defines the pole
of the sphere. The following three touches must be lying in an intersection
plane of the sphere. If a circle arc is selected, the first and second position of
the intersection plane will be used to determine the horizontal angle and sec-

• Angle
Specifies the horizontal start-angle of the sphere (angle in the intersection

• Sector
Specifies the horizontal sector-angle of the sphere (sector in the intersection

• Angle
Specifies the vertical start-angle of the sphere.

• Sector
Specifies the vertical sector-angle of the sphere.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the sphere.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Clear distance
Defines the distance that will be moved backward of the part after a touch be-
fore moving to the next touch position. For scanning measurements it de-
scribes the distance in normal direction to the part, moved to before and after
the scan.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if the corresponding intersection plane will be measured completely
with 360 degree or as sector. of the sphere will be measured. For measuring
a full sphere the horizontal sector angle will be ignored.

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer sphere) or outer (inner sphere)

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern used while measuring. Automatic cone measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic cone" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 111
3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
- Scan actual contour (by defining the axis X,Y,Z for tracking)
For the SP25 probe there are all options available. Otherwise only the mode
"Single point" can be used.
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition including the corresponding
radius of the cone. Click on the button "Test" to test the current parameters.
Use the button "Manual" to redefine the start- and endposition by using the
joystick. Each position will be calculated as the middle position of a circle de-
fined by three points lying in an intersection-plane of the cone.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the cone.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the cone.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the cone.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Clear distance
Defines the distance that will be moved backward of the part after a touch be-
fore moving to the next touch position. For scanning measurements it de-
scribes the distance in normal direction to the part, moved to before and after
the scan.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full cone or a part of the cone will be measured. For measuring
a full cone the sector angle will be ignored.

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer cone) or outer (inner cone)

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.4 Measuring with the Laser

If your machine is equipped with a laser, you can measure laser points or laser lines.
With the laser you can measure features in the Z-axis of the machine.
Select the register "Laser" on the right side of the screen to generate measuring val-
ues with the laser.

The following steps are necessary to take measuring values with the laser:

Push the laser symbol to get a list of all defined and calibrated laser configuration
files. If necessary define a new laser or calibrate its offset before measuring.
Select the wanted laser with the arrow on the right of the laser symbol (see also
3.4.1 Administrating laser configuration files).
Switch the lamps on and adjust the brightness. The arrow on the right of the lamp
symbol shows a list of predefined settings for the lamps like Toplight, Backlight or
Ringlight. For a user defined setting push the lamp button (see also 3.2.2 Adjust
the light). The light is independent of the measuring with the laser. It is only useful
for control.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Select the measuring function. You can decide between a laser point and a laser
line (see also 3.4.1 Setting the Measuring Function).
Adjust if necessary additional parameter for measuring (see also 3.4.2 Setting the
Measuring parameter)
Test your adjustments (see also 3.4.3 Test the adjustments).

Create a measuring value. In the case of the laser point the measuring value is
inserted in the tree structure of the wizard (see also 3.4.4 Creating a measuring
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a plane with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a cylinder with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a sphere with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a cone with the currently selected
You can reposition the machine by specifying the position with the video function
crosshair. The machine will directly move to the new position.

3.4.1 Administrating Laser configuration files

To administrate laser configuration files in Vision3D click on the symbol

"Choose Laser" in the symbol-bar of the register "Laser". On the left side of Vision3D
a dialog containing all laser configurations will appear. The standard configuration
"Laser" is always available and can not be deleted.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Within this window you can use the following functions:

Symbol Aktion
Add a new laser configuration.

Calculate the XY-offset of the laser in refer-

ence to a camera.
Calculate the Z-offset of the laser in refer-
ence to a camera.
Edit the properties of a laser configuration.

Delete a laser configuration in Vision3D.

Load a laser configuration and select it as the

current measuring device. Adding a new laser configuration

Clicking on the symbol "New" in the symbol-bar a dialog will be opened to spec-
ify data for a new laser configuration:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Specify the name of the laser configuration you want to create. This name has to be
unequivocal. Pay attention when you specify the name because the characters \ / : *
? " < > | are not allowed to be used. XY-Offset of the laser

For optimized results you can also calculate a XY-Offset between the auto focus laser
and a reference camera. In contrast to the X- and Y-coordinate, the Z-coordinate of
the offset varies depending on the surface of the part. Therefor the offset is sepa-

rated into XY-Offset and Z-Offset. Clicking the symbol "Offset XY" in the sym-
bol-bar, the following dialog appears:

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3 Creating a measuring program

First select the reference camera. You can set the number of measurements with
each sensor in the edit field "Runs". Now press the button "Measure" and follow the
instructions on the screen:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Move the camera to a reflecting area on the chrome normal that completely fits into
the video picture. If this is not the first time you want to measure into this area with
the selected camera, you can click the button "Move to" for automatically moving the
camera to the position. After clicking the button "OK", the measurement with the
camera and the laser starts.
After measuring you can see the XY-offset in the table called "Offset". The offset-
values will automatically be applied to the laser configuration after closing the dialog
by clicking the "OK" button. Z-Offset of the laser

Depending on the surface of the part you can create miscellaneous laser configura-

with a constant XY-Offset, but different Z-Offset. Clicking the symbol "Offset Z"
in the symbol-bar, the following dialog appears:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The Z-Offset between the laser and the reference camera will be determined on the
surface of the part. Therefor select the reference camera. By activating "Brightness
automatic" the lamps will be regulated automatically. The option "Focus" enables you
to focus along the Z-axis by using an edge-focus before the measuring-process
You can set the number of measurements with each sensor in the edit field "Runs".
After clicking the button "Measure" the following dialog appears:

Use the joystick to move the camera to the material of the part where you want to
measure the Z-offset. If this is not the first time you want to measure at this location
with the selected camera, you can click the button "Move to" for automatically mov-
ing the camera to the position. After clicking the button "OK", the camera measure-
ment starts.
After measuring the result will be displayed in the calibration dialog. Decide within
the laser area if you want to execute the single value measurement "Point" or the
scanning measurement "Line". Selecting the single value measurement the laser fo-
cuses a point on the surface. When selecting the scanning measurement two crossing
lines in the viewing field of the camera are scanned and the average z-value is used
for calculating.
After measuring the result will be displayed in the calibration dialog. You can see the
Z-offset in the table called "Offset". The offset-value will automatically be applied to
the laser configuration after closing the dialog by clicking the "OK" button. Editing a laser configuration

Clicking on the symbol "Edit" in the symbol-bar or double clicking with the
mouse on a laser configuration in the list, a dialog will open that enables you to edit
the properties of a laser:

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3 Creating a measuring program

"Laser" indicates the currently selected laser configuration you want to modify. You
can change the offset from the laser to the reference camera manually in the section
"Offset". The offset of the selected laser configuration in reference to a camera can
be calculated by using the offset functions (XY-Offset, Z-Offset) in the laser list dia-
log. Deleting a laser configuration

If you want to delete a laser configuration you can do this by clicking on the symbol

"Delete" in the laser-list-dialog.

The selected laser configuration will be deleted after confirming the deletion-process
in the appearing dialog.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 121
3 Creating a measuring program Selecting a laser

In Vision3D you can easily select a laser as your current measuring device. Select the
laser you want to make your current measuring device in the list of all available laser

by clicking the corresponding entry. Now click on the symbol "Select" in the
symbol-bar. The laser is marked with a check-mark. This check-mark indicates that
the laser is your current measuring device.

3.4.2 Setting the Measuring Function

With the laser you can select two different ways of taking measuring values.

Function Description Command

Laser point: The laser focuses on the actual position READ_LASER
of the machine and builds a measuring value which is
inserted in the tree structure of the wizard.
Laser line: You must mark a start and an end posi- SCAN_TO
tion. The laser moves from the start position to the
end position with the scan speed, which you can
change in the parameters (See also: "Setting the
Measuring parameter"). During the move the laser
follows in the Z-axis the contour of the part. In an
adjustable distance are taken measuring values and
saved. The result is a laser line, which consists of a
few laser points.
If you select the graphical output in the measuring
parameters, you can select a part of the laser line to
build a geometry.
In this mode a symbol will not be inserted in the tree
structure of the wizard. A subroutine LASER is directly
inserted in the program tree.

To define the start and end position for the laser line, use the symbols and

3.4.3 Setting the Measuring Parameter

To adjust the parameter for measuring with the laser, use the symbol in the
toolbar. The following dialog appears:

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3 Creating a measuring program

By the use of the filter-option, it is possible to filter the scan data. The following fil-
ters are available: Average, Gauss, Median and Lowpass.

3.4.4 Testing the Adjustments

You can test the adjusted parameters to examine the result. Push the "Test" button
in the toolbar:

Another possibility for testing the parameters is to bring up the dialog for the meas-

uring parameters. Call the dialog with the button with the symbol .
Select the register "Parameter" and use the button "Test".

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 123
3 Creating a measuring program

Intensity describes the intensity of the laser-beam in dependence of the workpiece-

surface. The range-parameter will be used by the laser while focusing. To adjust
sharpness while recording measuring values, the positions of the laser will be inter-
rogated. If the last two positions are lying in this range, the measuring value will be
accepted. The default value for range is 0.002 mm. Timeout is the longest time in
milliseconds that the laser will wait before it begins focusing. The default value for
this option is 2000 milliseconds. The distance between two consecutive measuring
values is called resolution and can also be modified.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.4.5 Creating a Measuring Value

After adjusting all parameters push the symbol to create measuring values.
When measuring with a laser point, the measuring value is inserted in the tree struc-
ture of the wizard. The laser line is copied directly to the program tree.

3.4.6 Showing the Measuring Results

The results of measuring with a laser are called "contour" within Vision 3D. You can
have a look at a measured contour by selecting the contour-register. There you can
for example build geometries. For further information on how to evaluate a contour,
see section 2.4.

3.4.7 Automatic measurements with the Laser

Within the register "Laser" you can teach in automatic measurements. The following
automatic measurements are available:

• Automatic plane: Creates a subroutine of the type LASER_PLANE for meas-

uring a plane automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic cylinder: Creates a subroutine of the type LASER_CYLINDER for
measuring a cylinder automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic sphere: Creates a subroutine of the type LASER_SPHERE for
measuring a sphere automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic cone: Creates a subroutine of the type LASER_CONE for measur-
ing a cone automatically by using the given parameters.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 125
3 Creating a measuring program Automatic plane measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic plane" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Positions
Here you can specify three positions that describes and also limit the plane.
Click on the button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button
"Manual" to redefine the positions of the plane by using the joystick.

• Rows
Specifies the number of rows for the plane measurement.

• Columns
Specifies the number of columns for the plane measurement.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 127
3 Creating a measuring program Automatic cylinder measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic cylinder" in the toolbar the following dialog will
be opened:

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition of the cylinder. Click on the
button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to re-
define the start- and endposition by using the joystick. Each position will be
calculated as the middle position of a circle defined by three points lying in an
intersection-plane of the cylinder.

• Radius
Specifies the radius of the cylinder.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the cylinder.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the cylinder.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the cylinder.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full cylinder or a part of the cylinder will be measured. For
measuring a full cylinder the sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer cylinder) or outer (inner cylin-
der) side.

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 129
3 Creating a measuring program Automatic sphere measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic sphere" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Nominals
Here you can specify the center-position and the radius of the sphere. Click on
the button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to
redefine the parameters by using the joystick. The first touch defines the pole
of the sphere. The following three touches must be lying in an intersection
plane of the sphere. If a circle arc is selected, the first and second position of
the intersection plane will be used to determine the horizontal angle and sec-

• Angle
Specifies the horizontal start-angle of the sphere (angle in the intersection

• Sector
Specifies the horizontal sector-angle of the sphere (sector in the intersection

• Angle
Specifies the vertical start-angle of the sphere.

• Sector
Specifies the vertical sector-angle of the sphere.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the sphere.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if the corresponding intersection plane will be measured completely
with 360 degree or as sector. of the sphere will be measured. For measuring
a full sphere the horizontal sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer sphere) or outer (inner sphere)

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern used while measuring.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 131
3 Creating a measuring program Automatic cone measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic cone" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

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3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition including the corresponding
radius of the cone. Click on the button "Test" to test the current parameters.
Use the button "Manual" to redefine the start- and endposition by using the
joystick. Each position will be calculated as the middle position of a circle de-
fined by three points lying in an intersection-plane of the cone.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the cone.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the cone.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the cone.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full cone or a part of the cone will be measured. For measuring
a full cone the sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer cone) or outer (inner cone)

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.5 Measuring with the CWS

If your machine is equipped with a chromatic white light sensor (CWS), you can
measure points or scan lines differing in the Z-direction of the measuring machine.
Select the register "CWS" on the right side of the screen to generate measuring val-
ues with the CWS.

Right beside the video picture you can adjust frequently used parameters for the
measurement process. Clicking on the sensor buttons you can decide if you want to
use the light spot of the CWS directly on the part to define measuring positions or
the camera with the video picture.
Attention: If you use the camera to define measuring positions, the CWS will move
to the teached in positions before the measurement starts.
Also you can set the intensity used while mesuring and the scan rate in the unit Hz.
The "Threshold" describes the minimum limit for the intensity. All values that have an
intensity below the minimum limit, will be discard.

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3 Creating a measuring program

The bar graphic below the parameters shows the measured distance between the
CWS and the part's surface depending on the calibrated Z-offset. The graphic dis-
plays the whole measuring range of the CWS. The exact measured distance is also
shown below the bar graphic.
The following steps are necessary to take measuring values with the CWS:

Push the CWS symbol to get a list of all defined and calibrated CWS configura-
tion files. If necessary define a new CWS or calibrate its offset before measuring.
Select the wanted CWS with the arrow on the right of the CWS symbol (see also
3.5.1 Administrating CWS configuration files).
Switch the lamps on and adjust the brightness. The arrow on the right of the lamp
symbol shows a list of predefined settings for the lamps like Toplight, Backlight or
Ringlight. For a user defined setting push the lamp button (see also 3.2.2 Adjust
the light). The light is independent of the measuring with the CWS. It is only use-
ful for control if measuring positions are defined by using the camera.
Select the measuring function. You can decide between a single point and a scan
line (see also 3.5.2 Setting the Measuring Function).
Adjust if necessary additional parameter for measuring (see also 3.5.3 Setting the
Measuring parameter)
Test your adjustments (see also 3.5.4 Test the adjustments).

Create a measurement that will be inserted in the tree structure of the wizard
(see also 3.5.5 Creating a measurement).
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a plane with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a cylinder with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a sphere with the currently selected
Opens a dialog for automatically measuring a cone with the currently selected
You can reposition the machine by specifying the position with the video function
crosshair. The machine will directly move to the new position.

3.5.1 Administrating CWS configuration files

To administrate CWS configuration files in Vision3D click on the symbol "Choose

CWS" in the symbol-bar of the register "CWS". On the left side of Vision3D a dialog
containing all CWS configurations will appear. The standard configuration "CWS" is
always available and can not be deleted.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 135
3 Creating a measuring program

Within this window you can use the following functions:

Symbol Aktion
Add a new CWS configuration.

Calculate the XY-offset of the CWS in refer-

ence to a camera.
Calculate the Z-offset of the CWS in refer-
ence to a camera.
Execute a dark adjustment with the CWS.

Edit the properties of a CWS configuration.

Delete a CWS configuration in Vision3D.

Load a CWS configuration and select it as the

current measuring device.

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3 Creating a measuring program Adding a new CWS configuration

Clicking on the symbol "New" in the symbol-bar a dialog will be opened to spec-
ify data for a new CWS configuration:

Specify the name of the CWS configuration you want to create. This name has to be
unequivocal. Pay attention when you specify the name because the characters \ / : *
? " < > | are not allowed to be used. The measure range of the CWS can be read
within the corresponding edit field. "Distance" describes the distance to the zero loca-
tion calculated by the Z-Offset function. Also you can adjust the head number of the
CWS. XY-Offset of the CWS

For measuring with the CWS and one or more cameras you have to define one of the
cameras as the reference-camera. Then an offset can be calculated between the ref-
erence camera and the CWS. This offset is necessary to be able to compare values
measured with the CWS and the camera. In contrast to the X- and Y-coordinate, the
Z-coordinate of the offset varies depending on the surface of the part. Therefor the

offset is separated into XY-Offset and Z-Offset. Clicking the symbol "Offset XY"
in the symbol-bar, the following dialog appears:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The XY-Offset between the CWS and the reference camera will be determined on the
chrome normal by measuring an arbitrary circle with both sensors. The CWS scans
from the center in radial direction to the edge of the circle and calculates the inter-
section point. State the number of intersection points in the edit field called "Points".
The measurements will be uniformly distributed on 360 degrees. The resulting inter-
section points are used to calculate the center of the circle.
First select the reference camera. By activating "Brightness automatic" the lamps will
be regulated automatically. The option "Focus" enables you to focus along the Z-axis
by using an edge-focus before the measuring-process starts.
You can set the number of circle measurements with each sensor in the edit field
"Runs". Use the edit field "Diameter" to specify the nominal diameter of the circle.
Now you must press the button "Measure" within the camera area:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Move the camera to the three o'clock position of the circle on the chrome normal by
using the joystick. If this is not the first time you want to measure the circle with the
selected camera, you can click the button "Move to" for automatically moving the
camera to the position. After clicking the button "OK", the camera measurement
After measuring the circle successfully the result will be displayed in the calibration
dialog. Now start the CWS measurement by clicking the button "Measure" within the
CWS area:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Move the CWS to the center of the circle measured by the camera. If this is not the
first time you want to measure the circle with the selected CWS, you can click the
button "Move to" for automatically moving the CWS to the position. After clicking the
button "OK", the CWS measurement starts.
After measuring the result will also be displayed in the calibration dialog.
Now you can see the XY-offset in the table called "Offset". The offset-values will
automatically be applied to the CWS configuration after closing the dialog by clicking
the "OK" button.
Hint: Always execute a darkment adjustment before determining the XY-offset for
retrieving a most accurate result. Z-Offset of the CWS

Depending on the surface of the part you can create miscellaneous CWS configura-

with a constant XY-Offset, but different Z-Offset. Clicking the symbol "Offset Z"
in the symbol-bar, the following dialog appears:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The Z-Offset between the CWS and the reference camera will be determined on the
surface of the part. Therefor select the reference camera. By activating "Brightness
automatic" the lamps will be regulated automatically. The option "Focus" enables you
to focus along the Z-axis by using an edge-focus before the measuring-process
You can set the number of measurements with each sensor in the edit field "Runs".
After clicking the button "Measure" the following dialog appears:

Use the joystick to move the camera to the material of the part where you want to
measure the Z-offset. If this is not the first time you want to measure at this location
with the selected camera, you can click the button "Move to" for automatically mov-
ing the camera to the position. After clicking the button "OK", the camera measure-
ment starts.
After measuring the result will be displayed in the calibration dialog. Decide within
the CWS area if you want to execute the single value measurement "Point" or the
scanning measurement "Line" where two crossing lines are scanned and the average
z-value is used for calculating.
Before measuring the CWS has to be moved to the camera position:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Select "Yes" for automatically moving the CWS to the camera position or "No" if you
want to move the CWS manually with the joystick.

After the CWS position is valid, use the joystick to regulate the z-axis to the desired
distance. You can see the current distance in the bar-graphic of the register "CWS".
Click the button "OK".
After measuring the result will be displayed in the calibration dialog.
The control "Distance" within the CWS area shows the calculated distance. You can
see the Z-offset in the table called "Offset". The distance- and offset-value will auto-
matically be applied to the CWS configuration after closing the dialog by clicking the
"OK" button.
Hint: Always execute a darkment adjustment before determining the Z-offset for re-
trieving a most accurate result. Dark adjustment

When executing the dark adjustment the CWS determines noise while measuring.
Later this noise will be considered for each measured value. After clicking on the

symbol "Dark adjustment", the machine moves in z-direction to the zero posi-
tion and executes the dark adjustment with the CWS. Editing a CWS configuration

Clicking on the symbol "Edit" in the symbol-bar or double clicking with the
mouse on a CWS configuration in the list, a dialog will open that enables you to edit
the properties of a CWS:

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3 Creating a measuring program

"CWS" indicates the currently selected CWS configuration you want to modify. The
measure range of the CWS can be read within the corresponding edit field. "Dis-
tance" describes the distance to the zero location calculated by the Z-Offset function
and can be modified. You can change the offset from the CWS to the reference cam-
era manually in the section "Offset". The offset of the selected CWS configuration in
reference to a camera can be calculated by using the offset functions (XY-Offset, Z-
Offset) in the CWS-list-dialog. Also you can adjust the head number of the CWS. Deleting a CWS configuration

If you want to delete a CWS configuration you can do this by clicking on the symbol

"Delete" in the CWS-list-dialog.

The selected CWS configuration will be deleted after confirming the deletion-process
in the appearing dialog.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 143
3 Creating a measuring program Selecting a CWS

In Vision3D you can easily select a CWS as your current measuring device. Select the
CWS you want to make your current measuring device in the list of all available CWS

by clicking the corresponding entry. Now click on the symbol "Select" in the
symbol-bar. The CWS is marked with a check-mark. This check-mark indicates that
the CWS is your current measuring device.
Attention: The CWS you want to select should be offset calibrated to the camera.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.5.2 Setting the Measuring Function

With the CWS you can select two different ways of taking measuring values.

Function Description Command

Single point: The CWS focuses on the actual position READ_LASER
of the machine and builds a measuring value which is
inserted in the tree structure of the wizard.
Scan line: You must mark a start and an end posi- SCAN_TO
tion. The CWS moves from the start position to the
end position with the scan speed, which you can
change in the parameters (See also: "Setting the
Measuring parameter"). During the move the CWS
follows in the Z-axis the contour of the part. In an
adjustable distance are taken measuring values and
saved. The result is a scan line, which consists of a
few single points.
If you select the graphical output in the measuring
parameters, you can select a part of the scan line to
build a geometry.

To define the start and end position for the scan line, use the symbols and

3.5.3 Setting the Measuring Parameter

To adjust the parameter for measuring with the CWS, use the symbol in the
toolbar. The following dialog appears:

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 145
3 Creating a measuring program

By the use of the filter-option, it is possible to filter the scan data. The following fil-
ters are available: Average, Gauss, Median and Lowpass.

3.5.4 Testing the Adjustments

You can test the adjusted parameters to reconfirm the result. Push the "Test" button

in the toolbar . If the settings does not satisfy your needs click on the symbol

to show the property dialog. Select the page "CWS", modify the parameters
and test again:

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3 Creating a measuring program

The operating mode describes the method used by the CWS for measuring. Currently
the operating mode can only be set to distance measurement. The intensity thresh-
old specifies the minimum limit for the intensity. All measuring values that have an
intensity below the minimum limit while measuring, will be discard. The value aver-
aging describes the number of values used to calculate an average value. While
measuring with the CWS average values will be calculated automatically. Only these
average values will be transferred from the sensor to Vision3D for further evalua-
tions. Finally the measure rate can be set automatically or in the unit Hz. The dis-
tance between two consecutive measuring values is called resolution and can also be

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 147
3 Creating a measuring program

3.5.5 Creating a Measurement

Push the symbol after adjusting all parameters to create the measurement.
After measuring with the CWS, the created subroutine will be inserted in the tree
structure of the wizard an the measured values are available for further evaluations.
Choose the desired geometry within the wizard and click on the button "OK" to apply
the geometry including the measurement subroutine to the program tree.

3.5.6 Showing the Measuring Results

The results of measuring with a CWS are called "contour" within Vision 3D. You can
have a look at a measured contour by selecting the contour-register. There you can
for example build geometries. For further information on how to evaluate a contour,
see section 2.4.

3.5.7 Automatic measurements with the CWS

Within the register "CWS" you can teach in automatic measurements. The following
automatic measurements are available:

• Automatic plane: Creates a subroutine of the type CWS_PLANE for measur-

ing a plane automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic cylinder: Creates a subroutine of the type CWS_CYLINDER for
measuring a cylinder automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic sphere: Creates a subroutine of the type CWS_SPHERE for meas-
uring a sphere automatically by using the given parameters.
• Automatic cone: Creates a subroutine of the type CWS_CONE for measuring
a cone automatically by using the given parameters.

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3 Creating a measuring program Automatic plane measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic plane" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 149
3 Creating a measuring program

• Positions
Here you can specify three positions that describes and also limit the plane.
Click on the button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button
"Manual" to redefine the positions of the plane by using the joystick.

• Rows
Specifies the number of rows for the plane measurement.

• Columns
Specifies the number of columns for the plane measurement.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

Page 150 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
3 Creating a measuring program Automatic cylinder measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic cylinder" in the toolbar the following dialog will
be opened:

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 151
3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition of the cylinder. Click on the
button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to re-
define the start- and endposition by using the joystick. Each position will be
calculated as the middle position of a circle defined by three points lying in an
intersection-plane of the cylinder.

• Radius
Specifies the radius of the cylinder.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the cylinder.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the cylinder.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the cylinder.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full cylinder or a part of the cylinder will be measured. For
measuring a full cylinder the sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer cylinder) or outer (inner cylin-
der) side.

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

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3 Creating a measuring program Automatic sphere measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic sphere" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 153
3 Creating a measuring program

• Nominals
Here you can specify the center-position and the radius of the sphere. Click on
the button "Test" to test the current parameters. Use the button "Manual" to
redefine the parameters by using the joystick. The first touch defines the pole
of the sphere. The following three touches must be lying in an intersection
plane of the sphere. If a circle arc is selected, the first and second position of
the intersection plane will be used to determine the horizontal angle and sec-

• Angle
Specifies the horizontal start-angle of the sphere (angle in the intersection

• Sector
Specifies the horizontal sector-angle of the sphere (sector in the intersection

• Angle
Specifies the vertical start-angle of the sphere.

• Sector
Specifies the vertical sector-angle of the sphere.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the sphere.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if the corresponding intersection plane will be measured completely
with 360 degree or as sector. of the sphere will be measured. For measuring
a full sphere the horizontal sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer sphere) or outer (inner sphere)

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern used while measuring.

Page 154 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
3 Creating a measuring program Automatic cone measurement

After clicking the button "Automatic cone" in the toolbar the following dialog will be

All necessary parameters for the measurement are available in this dialog:

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 155
3 Creating a measuring program

• Measuring mode
This option describes the measuring mode. The following modes can be used:
- Single point
- Scan nominal contour
ATTENTION: If no scanning licence is found, you can only choose the mode
"Single point" for all sensors.

• Nominals
Here you can specify the start- and endposition including the corresponding
radius of the cone. Click on the button "Test" to test the current parameters.
Use the button "Manual" to redefine the start- and endposition by using the
joystick. Each position will be calculated as the middle position of a circle de-
fined by three points lying in an intersection-plane of the cone.

• Angle
Specifies the start-angle of the cone.

• Sector
Specifies the sector-angle of the cone.

• Points
Number of points lying on one intersection plane.

• Planes
Number of intersection planes for measuring the cone.

• Scan lines
Defines the number of lines for scanning.

• Resolution
Used resolution of the sensor while scanning.

• Scan speed
Used speed of the sensor while scanning.

• Full circle/Circle arc

Describes if a full cone or a part of the cone will be measured. For measuring
a full cone the sector angle will be ignored.

• Material
Specifies if the material is on the inner (outer cone) or outer (inner cone)

• Path type
Describes the moving pattern depending on the number of rows and columns
while measurement.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.6 Measuring with the IWS

If your machine is equipped with a interferometric whitelight sensor (IWS) you can
measure contour values in XY and Z-direction of the measuring machine. Select the
register "IWS" on the right side of the screen to generate measuring values with the

While measurment the IWS moves slowly in Z-direction and stores images continu-
ously. During the movement you can see interferometric fringes on the measuring
object. The stored image stack is used to generate measuring values with XY- and Z-
coordinates for each camera pixel.

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3 Creating a measuring program

The following steps are necessary to take measuring values with the IWS:

Use the joystick to move slowly to the measuring position until interfer-
ometric fringes will appear.
Switch the lamps on and adjust the brightness. The arrow on the right of
the lamp symbol shows a list of predefined settings for the lamps like Top-
light, Backlight or Ringlight. For a user defined setting push the lamp but-
ton (see also 3.2.2 Adjust the light).
Adjust if necessary additional parameter for measuring (see also 3.5.3
Setting the Measuring parameter)
Configure the scan area and create a measurement that will be inserted in
the tree structure of the wizard (see also 3.5.5 Creating a measurement).

3.6.1 Setting the Measuring Parameter

To adjust the parameter for measuring with the IWS, use the symbol in the
toolbar. The following dialog appears:

In these dialog you can set the measuring window and the point step size. Step size
1 means that for eyery pixel a measuring value will be created. For a camera resolu-
tion of 782 x 582 = 455124 measuring values are produced. At step size 2 only
every second pixel in vertical and horizontal direction will be taken. In this case, you
will get just a quarter of the measuring values!

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3 Creating a measuring program

Hint: A large number of measuring values will reduce the PC performance and in-
crease the use of RAM.

3.6.2 Set measuring position

Move the machine by joystick to the place on the part where to measure and perform
a focus. Then change the Z-position (set slow joystick speed) until interferometric
fringes appear. Adjust the top light brightness to maximize the contrast at the area
of the interferometric fringes.

3.6.3 Set scan area

After configuring all parameter, click on to go to the scan area settings.

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3 Creating a measuring program

In this dialog you can set the scan speed. 1µm/s normally leads to good results. To
reduce the measuring time you can increase the speed.
By use of the joystick the position is changed until no interferometric fringes are visi-
ble any longer. Apply this position for the start position.
Now move to the opposite direction until no interferometric fringes are visible any
longer, too. Apply this position for the end position.
The area of visible interferometric fringes is between the start and end position.
You can verify the teach-in with the buttons “Move to”.
The assumed measuring time will be computed regarding start position, end position
and scan speed and displayed on the right side of the dialog.
After clicking „OK“ the scan will be started immediately.
The machine will scan the specifed area of interferomtric fringes between start and
end position to compute the Z-coordinate of the measuring values.
After measuring with the IWS, the created subroutine will be inserted in the tree
structure of the wizard and the measured values are available for further evaluations.
Choose the desired geometry (contour, plane, point) within the wizard and click on
the button "OK" to apply the geometry including the measurement subroutine to the
program tree.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.6.4 Showing the Measuring Results

The results of measuring with a IWS are called "contour" within Vision 3D. You can
have a look at a measured contour by selecting the contour-register. There you can
for example build geometries. For further information on how to evaluate a contour,
see section 2.4.

It is also possible to save the measuring values as a profile file (*.prf). These files
can be used with the program MarWin.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.7 Geometric Functions

Various geometric functions are available to evaluate a part. The parameters of a

geometric element can be computed on as many measured values as you like by us-
ing geometric best fit and iteration methods. The computed geometric elements like
points, lines or circles can be connected with each other to further geometric ele-
ments like distance or angle.
To measure a new geometry, first select the type of geometry you want to measure
in the geometry register of the wizard.

Then create measuring values with the existing measuring tools (Camera, Probe,
Laser). Each geometric element needs a minimum number of measuring values. If
the minimum number of values is measured, the result is shown in the preview win-

The features that are in tolerance are marked in green, those who are out of toler-
ance are marked in red. (See also Input Tolerances).
To obtain additional properties and parameters of the geometric element, double
click on the symbol for the geometry in the tree structure.
If all parameters are adjusted, push the "OK" button to move the geometry from the
tree structure to the program tree.

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3.7.1 Tolerances
Executing a double click with the mouse on the preview window of the assist a dialog
will be opened where you can enter nominal values, upper and lower tolerances for
features of a geometric element:

The results of the geometric elements or connecting elements may be tolerated in

the relevant output panels, i.e. seven panels at maximum. A nominal-value, upper
and lower limits of tolerance can be specified. By choosing the menu item <EXTRAS-
>DIN-TOLERANCES> there is a possibility to assign the tolerance values with val-
ues read from a file (file-describtion).
Output panels that are not used for the respective element cannot be used to set
limits of tolerance. For example, the geometric element Point can only be tolerated in
the output panels X/R, Y/A and Z.
Using the option "Evaluation of tolerance" you are able to define if the evaluation of
tolerance is relating to

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• the nominal value or

• the middle of tolerance.
"Global setting" means that the setting within the register "Output" of the main pro-
gram properties will be used.

If limits of tolerance have been stated, the deviation from the nominal to the meas-
ured value is either fed into the respective panel of the output window or printed out
after every geometry computation. This happens during the flow of the measuring
program. Besides an assessment is output. The assessment is displayed as follows:

The measured value is within the limits of tolerance and is greater than the
nominal value:
Between one and four plus signs are read in the respective panel according to
the percentage deviation between nominal and measured value.
+ : The deviation amounts between 0% and 25%
++ : The deviation amounts between 25% and 50%
+++ : The deviation amounts between 50% and 75%
++++ : The deviation amounts between 75% and 100%

The measured value is within the limits of tolerance and is less than the
nominal value:
Between one and four minus signs are read in the respective panel according
to the percentage deviation between nominal and measured value.
- : The deviation amounts between 0% and 25%
- - : The deviation amounts between 25% and 50%
- - - : The deviation amounts between 50% and 75%
- - - - : The deviation amounts between 75% and 100%

The measured value is outside the limits of tolerance: The value, by whom
the limits of tolerance have been exceeded, is read in the respective panel.

With the program CONFIG you can setup, if the output of values out of the tolerance
are shown in red color (using color printers) or inverted (using black/white printers)

Command Description
TOL_X Setting of a tolerance range in X/R for a geometric element
TOL_Y Setting of a tolerance range in Y/A for a geometric element
Tol_Z Setting of a tolerance range in Z for a geometric element
Tol_A1 Setting of a tolerance range in A1 for a geometric element
Tol_A2 Setting of a tolerance range in A2 for a geometric element
Tol_A3 Setting of a tolerance range in A3 for a geometric element
TOL_LAD Setting of a tolerance range in LAD for a geometric element.
DISPLAY_MODE Setting of the output mode for the result`s output on screen
=1 Output of all results
=2 Output of all tolerated results only
=3 Output of results beyond the limits of tolerance only Presetting:

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PRINTER_MODE Setting of the output mode for the result`s output at printer
=1 Output of all results
=2 Output of tolerated results only
=3 Output of results beyond the limits of tolerance only Presetting:

The following table shows the output panels that can be tolerated for the available
geometric elements:

Geometric element X Y Z A1 A2 A3 LAD

Point + + + - - - -
Line + + + - - - +
Circle + + + - - - +
Plane + + + + + + +
Ellipse + + + + + + +
Cone - - - + + + +
Cylinder + + + + + + +
Sphere + + + - - - +
Intersection + + + + + + +
Perpendicular + + + + + + -
Distance + + + + + + +
Angle - - - + + + +
Symmetry + + + + + + +
Cone height + + + - - - +
Cone diameter + + + - - - + Description of a DIN-File

A DIN-file is an ASCII-file which ends with *.DIN and consists of two parts. The first
part is the header [GENERAL] and describes general information, the name and the
number of tolerance sections, for example:


The second part describes the tolerance sections. The number of sections must be
equal to the number given in the header (LINES). Each section describes the nominal
value (NOM) and the upper (OTOL) and lower limit (UTOL), for example:

NOM= 6.0000

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OTOL= .4000
UTOL= -.4000

Following a complete example:

NOM= 6.0000
OTOL= .4000
UTOL= -.4000
NOM= 10.0000
OTOL= .6000
UTOL= -.6000
NOM= 18.0000
OTOL= .8000
UTOL= -.8000

If the DIN-tolerance is activated, upper and lower limit will be set automatically from
that tolerance section of the file where its nominal value (NOM) is the smallest one
which is greater than the nominal value entered, for example:

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3.7.2 Showing Properties

To show the properties of a geometric element, double click on the symbol of the
geometry in the tree structure. The property dialog of the geometry appears. The
dialog is different for each type of geometry.

The picture shows a property-dialog for a circle. One of three types can be selected
for measuring a circle. The bestfit circle is calculated by the least-square method.
The wrap circle is the smallest outside circle. No parts of the workpiece are lying out-
side the circle. The fold circle is the biggest inside circle. No parts of the workpiece
are lying inside the circle. Measuring a circle-sector with this type requires the circle-
sector to be at least 180 degrees. If you want the circle to be projected in a specified
projection-plane before evaluating, you must choose a projection-plane. Use the op-
tion "Show arc" to decide if an arc or a circle will be drawn for the element in the

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3.7.3 Selecting Geometries

To build new geometries with already existing geometries (like building the distance
of two circles), you must select the existing geometries. There are three ways for
1. Push the button "Recall" in the wizard and get a dialog to select the geometry
out of a list.
2. Select the geometry in the result list.
3. Select the geometry in the register "Graphic"

In all cases a small recall arrow is shown on the symbol in the tree structure of the
wizard. This arrow indicates that the geometry will not be measured. Instead the
result of a geometry will be recalled. Internally a new measuring value is built of the
The way of building a measuring value depends on the resulting geometry. If, for
example, you recall three circles to build a new circle, the center points of the three
circles are converted into a measuring value.
If you only recall on circle, it is converted into a measuring circle. This function is
useful if you want to transform an already existing geometry into a new coordinate

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3.7.4 Listing all Geometric Elements

A certain minimum number of measured values are required for every geometric
element. An error message is displayed if fewer measured values are sampled than
required. A best fit element is computed if more measured values are sampled than
required. You get more precision by using more measured values. The following table
lists all basic elements available.

Element Description Command

Point: You may create the geometric element point POINT
with one or several measured values. If you pick up
several measured values, the focal point of the
measured values is computed. The result is dis-
played in the output panels X, Y and Z.
Line: To create a line, at least two measured values LINE
are required. A line is computed in a 3D-space. One
point of the line is displayed in the panels X, Y and
Z, the vector of direction is displayed in the angle
panels and the lines distance from the origin of co-
ordinates is displayed in the LAD panel.
Circle: To create a circle at least three measured CIRCLE
values are required. A circle is computed in a 3D-
space. The circles center is displayed in the panels CIRCLE_TYPE
X, Y and Z and its diameter is displayed in the LAD
By default setting a best fit circle will be computed.
This setting can be changed with the function CIR-
CLE_TYPE and a fold circle or wrap circle will be
computed. Therefore at least four measured values
are required. If a fold circle has to be computed you
have to guarantee that the measuring values de-
scribe a circle-section of more than 180 degree.
Ellipse: To create an ellipse, at least five measured ELLIPSE
values are required. The ellipse is calculated in the
plane only. Yet the points to compute the ellipse are
projected into the nearest plane of the current coor-
dinate system. The center of the ellipse is displayed
in the panels X, Y and Z; the length of the major
axis is displayed in panel A1 and the length of the
minor axis is displayed in panel A2. The LAD panel
displays the angle between the major axis of the
ellipse and the nearest coordinate axis.
Plane: To create a plane, at least three measured PLANE
values are required. A plane is computed in a 3D-
space. One point of the plane is displayed in the
panels X, Y and Z, the vector of direction is dis-
played in the angle panels and the planes distance
from the origin of coordinates is displayed in the
LAD panel. The point of the plane is determined,
that is nearest to the origin of coordinates, to get
the plane point.

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Cylinder: To create a cylinder, at least five meas- CYLINDER

ured values are required. A cylinder is computed in a
3D-space. One point of the cylinder is displayed in
the panels X, Y and Z, the direction of the cylinder’s
axis is displayed in the angle panels, and the cylin-
der’s diameter is displayed in the LAD panel. The
point of the cylinder is determined, that is nearest to
the origin of coordinates, to get the cylinder point.
The touch-strategy for measuring a cylinder is very
important. You can for example create a cylinder by
measuring two circles. Measuring the same cylinder
with three circles however leads to a more stable
Hint: If possible create a cylinder by measuring
three circles. For every circle touch four measuring
values on the surface of cylinder that have a dis-
tance of 90 degree to each other. Vary the distance
of the circles dependent on the situation. For more
information see the table below.
Cone: To create a cone, at least six measured val- CONE
ues are required. A cone is computed in a 3D-space.
One point of the cone is displayed in the panels X, Y
and Z, the direction of the cones axis is displayed in
the angle panels and the half cone angle is displayed
in the LAD panel. The point of the cone is deter-
mined, that is nearest to the origin of coordinates,
to get the cone point.
The touch-strategy for measuring a cone is in the
same way very important like it is for measuring a
cylinder. For more information see cylinder descrip-
tion and the table below.
Sphere: To create a sphere, at least four measured SPHERE
values are required. A sphere is computed in a 3D-
space. The sphere’s center is displayed in the panels
X, Y and Z and its diameter is output in the LAD

Beside the minimum mathematical number of points, there exists a minimum num-
ber of points for measurement technology. It is relevant for the goodness of the
measuring results, especially for the geometric elements cone and cylinder. If you
measure these elements without a special measuring strategy, you can receive
wrong measuring results. The following table shows the measuring strategy and the
minimum number of points to use for calculating bestfit elements:

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minimum number
Minimum mathe-
Geometric ele- of points for measuring strat-
matical number of
ment measurement egy
Touch at least three
Line 2 3 different points with
a big distance.
Touch four points
that are lying on the
Plane 3 4
corners of a rectan-
Touch at least four
points that are lying
Circle 3 4
uniformly distributed
on the circumference.
The six points
should be located
uniformly distrib-
Sphere 4 6
uted on the equator
and both poles of
the sphere.
Touch at least two
circles with a big
Cylinder 5 8 distance, each
measured with at
least four points.
Touch three circles
Cone 6 12 or better a big count
of points on a helix.

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3.7.5 Connecting Geometric Elements

By using two geometric basic elements an additional geometric element can be com-
puted. For example an intersection can be created by using two lines. The result is
either another geometric element, e.g. a point (of intersection), or it is a value. Re-
sults can be tolerated just as results of geometric elements.
To build a connecting geometric element, select the corresponding function. For a
connecting element you always have to select two existing geometric elements.

Element Description Command

Intersection: An intersection can be constructed by two INTERSECTION
geometric elements. The result is another geometric ele-
Perpendicular: A perpendicular can be dropped from a PERPENDICULAR
point on a line or a plane. The result is another geometric
element (line).
Symmetry: A symmetry element is determined between SYMMETRY
two elements of the same kind. The result is another geo-
metric element.
Distance: The distance between two geometric elements DISTANCE
can be computed. The result is displayed in the respective
output panels. The distance is measured as well and dis-
played in the LAD panel. The result is not a geometric
Angle: The angle between two geometric elements can be ANGLE
computed. As result the value of the angle (in degrees) is
displayed in the LAD panel. The result is not a geometric

3.7.6 Output
In the tab dialog Output you have the option to set modes individually for the result
output of a geometric element. You can enter an output name for the actual element
in the dialog field <Output name>. The default name is the name of the correspond-
ing subroutine. You can change the actual coordinate system to display the results
with the dialog field <Coordinate system>. By default all results are displayed in ab-
solute coordinates within a cartesian coordinate system. You may switch to incre-
mental output; with it the positions of a geometric element are displayed relative to
the geometric element measured before. A switch to polar output causes the follow-
ing. The positions of a geometric element are displayed in polar coordinates relating
to the current part coordinate system. That is, the position is projected into the XY-
plane of the part coordinate system. The distance to zero (radius) and the angle in
the XY-plane are displayed. The position’s Z-value is maintained.

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Command Description
NAME$="..." Setting the element name for output
INCREMENTAL Switching on/off measuring results incremental output
POLAR Switching on/off measuring results polar output
COORSYS Selection of a coordinate system

The form deviation can be applied to all geometric elements (except for the ellipse)
which were measured with more points than necessary for the determination. If you
measure a geometric element with only the minimum number of points, the geomet-
ric element will be exactly determined and the form deviation will be always zero.
Otherwise the element will be calculated with a bestfit algorithm. With the function
form deviation the perpendicular distance between each point and the bestfit element
will be calculated and the difference between minimum and maximum values will be
displayed in the section LAD.
To select or deselect the option <Display form deviation> choose the tab dialog
<Output> in the dialog of the actual geometric element and click at the respective

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Command Description
FORM_DEVIATION Function to determine the form deviation
of a geometric element

The function has to be called inside the body of a subroutine, which determines a
geometric element.


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3.7.7 Processing of measuring values

In the processing tab dialog you have the possibility to influence the processing of
measuring values before computation in the geometry. You can choose a filter or
save the (filtered) measuring values to file.


If the type "Scan line" is used, you can set a filter for filtering the measured
data. The following filters are available:

• Average-Filter: Depending on the given filter-size, there will be calculated

the average of the actual measuring value and the neighboured measuring
values. For example, if the filter-size is set to "5", two direct neighbour-values
on the left side and two direct neighbour-values on the right side will be taken
to the actual measuring value to determine the average-value.

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• Gauss-Filter: The gauss-filter executes the "Average-filter" several times

in dependence to the number of runs, entered in the "Runs"-edit-field.
• Median-Filter: The median-filter is used for calculating the median-value.
In dependence to the filter-size, the neighboured measuring values are
sorted form the smallest to the biggest one. The value in the middle of the
sorted list will be taken as the median-value.
• Lowpass-Filter: The lowpass-filter filters the high frequencies out of the
measuring-curve. The low frequencies are passed through. You have to
specify a kc-coefficient who describes the proportion between the limiting-
frequency and the sampling-frequency. The valid range for the kc is 0 < kc
<= 1. The other parameter you need to define is the gradient of the low-


• Save to file
Activating this option you can save the geometric-data to a file. If a filter
is in use, the filtered data will be saved! Enter the name of the file to the
edit-field on the right side by using quotation marks.

• Type
If MarWin-Software is installed it is possible to save the values in a PRF-
format instead of XYZ-format.

• Append
Decide if you want to append the geometric-data to an existing file.

• Part coordinate system

Decide if you want to save the values in part coordinate system or in ma-
chine system.

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3.7.8 General Information for geometric elements

By default every element gets a name by Vision 3D. You may change this name by
using the General tab dialog. Additional information like the name of the author and
the date of an element’s creation are displayed if the element is created.

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3.8 Tolerances of Form and Location

Tolerances of form and location describe geometric demands of a part, which are for
example marked in CAD-designs. With Vision 3D you can check and measure these
The following tolerances of form are available:

Symbol Description Command Element

Straightness STRAIGHTNESS Line

Circularity CIRCULARITY Circle

Flatness FLATNESS Plane

Cylindricity CYLINDRICITY Circles, Axes,

Line profile LINE_PROFILE MarCAD-3D elements

Surface profile SURFACE_PROFILE MarCAD-3D elements

The following list contents the available tolerances of location:

Symbol Description Command Elements

Parallelism PARALLELISM Line,Cylinder,Cone
or Plane with
Line, Cylinder or
Perpendicularity PERPENDICULARITY Line,Cylinder,Cone
or Plane with
Line, Cylinder or
Angularity ANGULARITY Line,Cylinder,Cone
or Plane with
Line, Cylinder or
Tolerance of position POSITION Point, Intersec-
tion or Circle
with Point or Cir-
Concentricity CONCENTRICITY Cir-
or Cone with Cir-
cle, line or Cyl-
Symmetry SYMMETRY_TOL Plane with Line,
Cylinder or Plane
Circular runout CIRCULAR_RUNOUT Line,Cylinder or
Cone with Circle

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Total circular runout TO- Line,Cylinder or

TAL_CIRCULAR_RUNOU Cone with Cylinder
Plane runout PLANE_RUNOUT Line,Cylinder or
Cone with Circle
Total plane runout TOTAL_PLANE_RUNOUT Line,Cylinder or
Cone with Circle
Coaxiality COAXIALITY Cir-
or Cone with Cir-
cle, line or Cyl-

You find these functions in Vision 3D in the wizard on the left side of the screen: Ge-
ometry and the Form and Location.

Hint: In Vision 3D the result of the tolerances of form and location will be shown in
the display table in the LAD panel. The resulting computed form deviation will be
listed, besides the difference between nominal tolerance form deviation and an

3.8.1 Tolerances of Form

Analogous to measuring a geometric element you have several possibilities to take
the measuring values. You can either take measuring values with the camera, probe
or laser, you can measure a further geometric element, of which the measuring val-
ues can be taken to compute the form tolerance, or you can input the coordinates of
a measuring point manually. You can also recall a geometric element which you have
measured before. Select one of the buttons to take the measuring values.
To input the tolerance range, double click on the symbol in the tree structure of the
wizard and select the tab dialog <Tolerance>. Additional you can choose, whether
you want a graphical output on display or printer.

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Command Description
TOLERANCE Specification of the tolerance range
DEVICE Selection of the output medium: display, printer or any output. Input of Protocol Data

The printer output of a form tolerance contains protocol data. The protocol texts,
belonging to the protocol header, have to be set with the program CONFIG. In Vision
3D you can input data to the protocol texts by calling the function INPUT_PROTOCOL.
This function must be executed before you call and print a form tolerance.

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3 Creating a measuring program Graphical Output

After you have taken all measuring values, input tolerance and output medium, you
can finish the dialog with <OK>. Afterwards the form tolerance will be computed and
shown on the display or printer. The graphic of the form tolerance contains the fol-
lowing elements:

• Form deviation With all measuring values a geometric bestfit element will be
computed (line, circle, plane or cylinder). The geometric elements line and cir-
cle will be transformed in a plane. The graphic will show the deviation of each
measuring values to the best element (with red lines). If you have taken less
than 14 measuring values, the deviations of the single points will be shown as

• Tolerance range Depending on the chosen form tolerance, the tolerance

range is equivalent to the range between two parallel lines or planes
(straightness and flatness), two concentric circles (circularity) or two coaxial
cylinders (cylindricity). The upper and lower lines of the diagram limit the
nominal range. The additional line marks the position of the computed best

• Maximum and minimum deviation The maximum and minimum deviation

to the best element will be marked in the diagram with a green (maximum)
and blue (minimum) circle. The coordinates of the measuring points, belong-
ing to the maximum and minimum, are also displayed.

• Incidence The incidence located in the lower right of the graphic shows the
percentage distribution of the deviations from all measuring values to the
bestfit element. The range between minimum and maximum deviation is sub-
divided into six classes. Every class is presented by a bar that states how
much percent of all deviations are lying in this class.

• Coordinate system In the left upper corner the graphic contains a coordi-
nate system that shows the measuring plane of the part coordinate system.
For the evaluation of straightness and circularity the geometric elements line
and circle are transformed in this plane.

• Standard deviation This parameter is the same as used in statistical formu-


• Actual deviation The actual deviation is equivalent with the difference be-
tween smallest and highest deviation.

• Filter (only at circularity and straightness) Information about the filter

parameters used in the form elements

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3 Creating a measuring program Straightness
The straightness in Vision 3D can be limited in only one direction. Therefore, the tol-
erance zone is the area between two parallel planes, which have a distance from
each other of the nominal tolerance.
To compute and show the straightness a plane will be determined, in which all meas-
uring values will be transformed. With the transformed measuring values a bestfit
line will be computed and the deviations will be defined. The coordinate system in the
upper left corner will show the plane of the part coordinate system, in which the
measuring points are transformed. You must take at least three points to measure
the straightness. The graphic also contains the X-, Y- and Z-coordinates of the start
and end value, and of the two points, which belong to the maximum and minimum

Symbol Geometric element Command


Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 183
3 Creating a measuring program Circularity
Circularity shows whether all measured values are located between two concentric
circles, which have a distance from each other of the given nominal tolerance.
To compute and show the circularity a plane will be determined, in which all measur-
ing values will be transformed. With the transformed measuring values a bestfit circle
will be computed and the deviations will be defined. The coordinate system in the
upper left corner will show the plane of the part coordinate system, in which the
measuring points are transformed. You have to take at least four points to measure
the circularity.

Symbol Geometric element Command


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3 Creating a measuring program Flatness
Flatness shows whether all measured values are located between two parallel planes,
which have a distance from each other of the given nominal tolerance. With all meas-
uring values a bestfit plane will be computed. The deviations of the measuring values
are shown as vertical lines, beginning with the bestfit plane. You have to take at least
four points to measure the flatness.
The graphic is represented by a plane with isometric dimensions: The orientation of
the plane is fixed with two angles: an angle of 15 degrees and an angle of 45 de-

Symbol Geometric element Command


Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 185
3 Creating a measuring program Cylindricity
You can use geometric elements of the type circle, line or cylinder to compute the
cylindricity. A cylindricity can be created for at least two or more circle and/or lines.
If you want to compute the cylindricity for a cylinder you can't choose more elements
than the cylinder. The cylindricity checks if all measuring values of the chosen geo-
metric elements are located between two concentric cylinders with a radius-
difference of the nominal-tolerance.

Symbol Geometric elements Command

Circles, Axes, Cylinder CYLINDRICITY

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3 Creating a measuring program Line profile

You can only use geometric elements generated by MarCAD 3D or nominal element
contours of MarCAD 2D to compute the line profile. The line profile computes the dif-
ference between the measuring values and the nominal data. The line profile checks
if all measuring values of the chosen geometric elements are located between two
lines enveloping circles of a diameter set by the given tolerance. The center points of
the circles are positioned on the theoretic exact line.

Symbol Geometric elements Command


Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 187
3 Creating a measuring program Surface profile

You can only use geometric elements generated by MarCAD 3D to compute the sur-
face profile. The surface profile computes the difference between the measuring val-
ues and the nominal data. The surface profile checks if all measuring values of the
chosen geometric elements are located between two planes enveloping spheres of a
diameter set by the given tolerance. The center points of the spheres are positioned
on the theoretic exact surface.

Symbol Geometric elements Command


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3.8.2 Tolerances of Location

To evaluate a tolerance of location you have to measure two geometric elements:

a reference element and

an actual element.

The reference element has to be measured first. Based on this element the tolerance
of location of the actual element will be computed. You must define a nominal toler-
ance, which determines the range for the tolerated actual element. You can input this
value in the tab dialog <Tolerance> of each dialog of location tolerances.

To compute the result of the form location the deviation of each measuring value of
the actual element to the reference element will be determined. Of these deviations
the maximum and minimum deviation will be displayed in the output table of Vision
3D, together with an evaluation. A graphic output to display the tolerances of form is
not possible.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Note that you can't measure every type of geometric elements. To measure the ref-
erence element and the actual element only certain types of geometric elements are
allowed. The following sections describe all available location tolerances and the al-
lowed geometric elements. Evaluation method and limitation

Some tolerances of location can handle two different evaluation methods:

1. Measuring values (Standard)

The measuring values of the actual elements are used for evaluation.
2. Geometry
The measuring values of the actual elements are used for evaluation.

It is also possible to specify a limitation for the evaluation. These are the steps:

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3 Creating a measuring program

1. Activate the limitation by the checkbox

2. Input of start distance s of limit area
(This distance is valid on the coordinate system axis which is closest to refer-
ence element, in case of planes to the first dimension (x before y before z))
3. Input of length l of limit area
(This length is valid on reference element, in case of planes to the first dimen-
sion (x before y before z))
4. Input of s and l of the second dimension (in case of reference planes).

The following example visualizes the circumstances by the use of a reference line l1
and and actual line l2. The start distance s is valid on the coordinate system axis.
Then the limitation length l defines on the reference line l1 an area (visualized by the
two vertical black lines) which limits the measuring values (measuring values evalua-
tion) or the line of best fit (geometric evaluation).

Hint: Because of the start distance s depending of a coordinate system axis, it is

strongly recommended to align the part coordinate system before using the limita-

Command Description
LIMIT Definition of the limitation.

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3 Creating a measuring program Parallelism
Dependent on the reference and actual element, you can choose one of maximum
three kinds of tolerance ranges. The following table shows an overview of all combi-
nations, where "Axis" can be one of the types line, cylinder or cone:

Reference element Actual element 1-dim. Tol. 2-dim. Tol. zyl. Tol.
Axis Axis

Axis Plane

Plane Plane

Plane Axis

If the measured reference and actual element are in each case an axis, you can
choose whether the tolerance range is limited in one direction, in two directions, or
has a cylindrical form. For all other combinations you can only select a tolerance
range in one direction.
If a tolerance range in one or two directions will be used, the directions are deter-
mined as follows: an internal coordinate system between the reference and actual
element is created, that may not match with the local part coordinate system, de-
pending on the location of the elements. For a reference element axis and an actual
element axis a perpendicular is dropped from the centroid of the actual elements
measuring values to the reference axis. This perpendicular axis is used for the first
direction. The axis resulting from the cross product between the perpendicular axis
and the reference axis is used for the second direction. For a reference element plane
you can only select the tolerance range in one direction, where the direction is de-
fined by the plane normal vector.
If the tolerance range is limited in one direction, this range is defined as the area
between two parallel planes with a distance from each other of the given nominal
tolerance, in which the tolerated element should lie.
If the parallelism is limited in two directions, the tolerance range is defined as a cube
with a cross-section of the two tolerance values. The tolerance cube is parallel to the
reference axis.
To measure the parallelism from cylindrical elements, the tolerance range is often a
cylinder with the diameter of the given tolerance value. The tolerance cylinder is par-
allel to the reference axis.

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

line, line, PARALLELISM
cylinder, cylinder,
cone, cone,
plane plane

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3 Creating a measuring program Perpendicularity
In the same way as the parallelism, you can choose one of maximum three kinds of
tolerance ranges, depending on the reference and actual element. The following table
shows an overview of all combinations, where "Axis" can be one of the types line,
cylinder or cone:

Reference element Actual element 1-dim. Tol. 2-dim. Tol. zyl. Tol.
Axis Axis

Axis Plane

Plane Plane

Plane Axis

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

cylinder, cylinder,
cone, cone,
plane plane Angularity
For computing the angularity you can only choose the tolerance range in one direc-
tion for all combinations of the reference and actual element. The following table
shows an overview of all combinations, where "Axis" can be one of the types line,
cylinder or cone:

Reference element Actual element 1-dim. Tol. 2-dim. Tol. zyl. Tol.
Axis Axis

Axis Plane

Plane Plane

Plane Axis

To measure an angularity tolerance you have to define a nominal angle of inclination.

You can input this angle in the tab dialog <Tolerance> of the dialog <Angularity>.
The tolerance range is equal to the area between two planes, which have the given
nominal angle of inclination to the reference element.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

line, line, ANGULARITY
cylinder, cylinder,
cone, cone,
plane plane Position
For the position tolerance you can measure a reference element, but it is not obliga-
tory. If the reference element is missing, the position of the actual element will be
determined relative to the origin of the coordinate system, including the offset in X
and Y, which were input in the fields X and Y of the dialog.

Command Description
TOL_X Nominal position in X
TOL_Y Nominal position in Y

For measuring the position tolerance of only one element, the actual element has to
be a point or circle. If you want to measure the position tolerance between two ele-
ments, the reference- and actual element have to be either point and point, point
and circle, circle and circle, circle and point, plane and plane or axis and axis. To de-
fine the actual element, click with the mouse on the arrow next to the dialog field
<Actual element> and decide whether you want to measure a new element or recall
a measured element.
Depending on your application you can choose the tolerance range: The position tol-
erance can be limited in one or in two directions or can be cylindrical. By clicking on
the symbol of the dialog you can determine the tolerance range. If you select the
tolerance range in two directions, you must input two values.
If you want to measure or recall a reference element, click with the mouse on the
arrow next to the dialog field <Reference element>.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

Position point, intersection, POSITION

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3 Creating a measuring program Concentricity and Coaxiality

The tolerance "Concentricity" relates only to centers of circles, whereas the tolerance
"Coaxiality" relates to axes (line, cylinder or cone). For both tolerances the same
symbol is used.
The following is valid for the concentricity: The position of the tolerated circle has to
be located inside a circle with the diameter of the given nominal tolerance. This toler-
ance circle is concentric to the position of the reference element.
The tolerance range for the coaxiality is equal to a cylinder with the nominal toler-
ance as diameter. This cylinder is coaxial to the reference axis. The tolerated actual
axis must be located inside this tolerance cylinder.

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

circle circle CONCENTRICITY

line, line, COAXIALITY

cylinder, cylinder
cone Symmetry
The tolerance zone of the symmetry tolerance is equal to the area between two
planes, which are parallel to the reference plane and which have a distance from
each other of the given nominal tolerance.

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

plane line, SYMMETRY_TOL
plane Circular Runout

The tolerance zone of the circular runout is equal to the plane between two concen-
tric circles of the respective measuring area. The diameters of the two circles have a
difference from each other of the given nominal tolerance.
The circular runout is limited by the circularity and the coaxiality.

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

line, circle CIRCULAR_RUNOUT

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3 Creating a measuring program Total Circular Runout

The tolerance zone of the total circular runout is equal to the area between two cyl-
inders which are coaxial to the reference axis. The diameters of the two cylinders
have a difference from each other of the given nominal tolerance.
In contrast to the circular runout, the total circular runout does not determine the
deviation separately for each measuring position. That means that the limits with the
total circular runout are not only set by the circularity and the coaxiality, but also by
deviations of the straightness and the parallelism of the cylinder with the reference
axis. So the total circular runout consists of the circular runout and the cylindricity of
the tolerated element.

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

line, Cylinder TO-
cone T Plane Runout

The tolerance zone of the plane runout is equal to the plane between two coaxial cir-
cles with a certain distance to an axis.
The plane runout does not restrict the flatness deviation and in most cases the per-
pendicularity deviation will not be restricted, either.

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command

line, circle PLANE_RUNOUT
cone Total Plane Runout

The tolerance zone of the total plane runout is equal to the space between two paral-
lel planes with a certain distance and a perpendicular position to the referenced axis.
The total plane runout consists of the two tolerances plane runout and flatness of the
tolerated head plane.

Symbol Reference element Actual element Command


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3 Creating a measuring program

3.8.3 Maximum Material Condition

Where a geometric tolerance is applied on an MMC basis, the specified tolerance is
independent of the size of the considered feature. The tolerance is limited to the
specified value if the feature is produced at its MMC limit of size. Where the actual
size of the feature has departed from MMC, an increase in the tolerance is allowed
equal to the amount of such departure.
In Vision 3D you can use the MMC by opening the tab dialog MMC, which is included
in all dialogs of the tolerances of form and location.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Choose a reference element, which you want to use as counterpart, by clicking with
the mouse on the list box on the left side under the table. Afterwards select one of
the panels of the reference element with the next list box. It is important that the
chosen panel of the reference element is tolerated. During the execution of the
measurement it will be examined, if the measured value of the reference element
falls short of the given tolerance limit. In this case it is allowed that the tolerance of
the actual element can be expanded with the respective difference. After clicking on
the button <Add> the selected element with the panel will be added to the table. The
Low-Material-Condition is only available as a command in the editor and can not be
used via Dialog.

Command Description
MMC Activates the Maximum Material Condition with a given element name
and with the given tolerated panel of the reference element.
LMC Activates the Low Material Condition with a given element name and
with the given tolerated panel of the reference element.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.9 Structures

In addition to building geometric elements and testing for different form- and loca-
tion-tolerances Vision 3D enables you to define structures.

The system distinguishes two different types of structures. The first structure is a
subroutine and the second a programmable loop. Press the corresponding button :

Icon Description Command

Define a new subroutine SUBROUTINE

Define a new loop LOOP

A dialog for entering data corresponding to the structure you selected appears by
double clicking the item below the structure-window with the left mouse button. For
a subroutine the following dialog will be opened :

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3 Creating a measuring program

Here you can specify the name of the subroutine. If your structure is a programma-
ble loop, the following dialog appears for entering data :

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3 Creating a measuring program

Use the "Loop"-register for creating loops that work like certain patterns. Two differ-
ent patterns can be created. Those are a moving-pattern and a rotation-pattern.
While taking measuring values, the machine moves like described by the chosen pat-
tern. You can choose the type of the loop. It can be a moving- or a rotation-pattern.
Also you can set the projection-plane where you want to use the pattern. Possible
planes are the XY-, XZ- und YZ-plane. Use the number-field of the "column"-section
to specify the number of moves related to the column for the corresponding pattern.
If you have chosen the moving-pattern, you must declare the offset in the unit
"mm". Otherwise you must define the angle in degree. If the moving-pattern was
chosen, you also must specify the number of moves and the offset in the unit "mm"
for the row within the "row"-section.
Hint : Don't use coordinate systems within loops! Guarantee, that the correct coordi-
nate system has been chosen before entering the loop!

3.10 XYZ Alignment assist

Use the XYZ alignment assist to create a coordinate system depending on the loca-
tion of your part. After the part coordinate system has been calculated and applied to
the program, you can use it to measure the desired feature:

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3 Creating a measuring program

Two different types of alignment methods are available. The first is called RPS align-
ment and the second is a bestfit alignment:

Icon Description Command

Load a coordinate system from file COORSYS_LOAD

Save a coordinate system to file COORSYS_SAVE


Bestfit alignment BESTFIT

3.11 Coordinate Systems

The measuring machine’s coordinate system is described by three axes perpendicular

to one another and a point of zero. The three axes are labeled X, Y and Z. At the be-
ginning of a measurement all position statements and result output relate to the ma-
chine coordinate system. This machine coordinate system is defined by the loca-
tion of the measuring platform and by the reference position of the machine as origin
of coordinates.
Usually a part coordinate system is determined by a part’s blueprint. It is not pos-
sible to align a part by hand to the axis of a measuring machine. Therefore a part
alignment can be determined in Vision 3D for the positioning at a part and for the
output of results; thus position statements and results can be converted.
By using the functions Offset, Rotation and Align you are able to define a part co-
ordinate system. You find these functions either via the submenu Coordinate sys-
tem in the menu Geometry or via the toolbar.
The topical part coordinate system is reset after an initializing and the machine sys-
tem is the topical coordinate system again.

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3 Creating a measuring program

The toolbar contains the following icons to determine a part alignment:

Icon Description Command

Offset of the origin of coordinates OFFSET

Rotation of a coordinate system ROTATION

Plane alignment ALIGN

The following procedures are necessary to perform an alignment:

Plane alignment: First, the part’s position in the space is determined by

measuring a plane. The vector, which is perpendicular to this plane, becomes
the new Z-axis of the part coordinate system.
Rotation: Next, the coordinate system may be rotated by measuring an edge
or by inputting an angle of rotation, so that the nearest axis of the coordinate
system matches the measured edge. With it the X-axis of the part coordinate
system is determined. Consequently the direction of the third axis results
from being perpendicular to the two other axes.
Offset: The coordinate system’s zero is set either by input of the respective
coordinates or by measurement of a single point. For example, it makes sense
to set the zero at the point where three part edges met perpendicularly to
each other.

3.11.1 Initializing
At the beginning of a measurement all positions and result outputs are related to the
machine coordinate system. To start always a measuring program under the same
conditions, the function INIT has to be called at the start of the measuring program.
Thus, all coordinate systems that have been created so far are reset, and the topical
coordinate system is identical with the machine system. At the same time the mem-
ory of geometric elements is deleted, so you cannot recall geometric elements meas-
ured so far any more.

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3 Creating a measuring program

Command Description
INIT Initializing of a coordinate system and
measuring values

3.11.2 Alignment
By performing a plane alignment, you can select a new direction of the part coordi-
nate system’s three coordinate axes. For that purpose you have to measure a geo-
metric element that is defined by a direction vector or by a perpendicular vector:
When measuring a plane or a circle, the Z-axis of the part coordinate system
is determined by the perpendicular vector of the plane or circle.
When measuring a line, a cylinder or a cone, the Z-axis is determined by the
direction of this geometric element.

The following steps are necessary to measure an alignment:

1. In the wizard select the symbol for the alignment .

2. Create at least three measuring values which are lying in a plane, or select a
geometry that follows the above requirements. The result is shown in the pre-
view window of the wizard.
3. If necessary, change the name of the alignment. Use the F2 key on the se-
lected symbol or double click the alignment symbol.
4. Push the "OK" button in the wizard. The alignment will be moved from the
wizard to the program tree. Additionally a new coordinate system is automati-
cally created with the given name.

3.11.3 Rotation
By using the function Rotation the part coordinate system will be rotated round a
fixed axis. Usually a rotation is executed after a plane alignment so that finally all
three axes of a part coordinate system are defined.
The following steps are necessary to measure an alignment:

In the wizard select the symbol for the rotation .

Create at least two measuring values, which build an axis, or select a geometry, that
follows the above requirements. The result is shown in the preview window of the
If necessary, change the name of the rotation. Use the F2 key on the selected
symbol or double click the alignment symbol.
Push the "OK" button in the wizard. The rotation will be moved from the wizard to
the program tree. Additionally a new coordinate system is automatically created with
the given name.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.11.4 Offset
The origin of a part coordinate system is set by using the function Offset. A complete
coordinate system is defined after a plane alignment, a rotation and an offset have
been performed. For the offset, one measuring value or a point is needed.
The following steps are necessary to measure an offset:

1. In the wizard select the symbol for the offset .

2. Create a measuring value, or select a geometry that has a position (like point,
circle or sphere). The result is shown in the preview window of the wizard.
3. If necessary, change the name of the offset. Use the F2 key on the selected
symbol or double click the alignment symbol.
4. Normally all axes are moved at once with the function offset. If you do not
want all axes moved at once, double click on the offset-symbol, select the
register "Axis" and choose the axis you want.
5. Push the "OK" button in the wizard. The offset will be moved from the wizard
to the program tree. Additionally a new coordinate system will be automati-
cally created with the given name.

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3 Creating a measuring program

3.11.5 Selecting a Coordinate System

Every time you create a new coordinate system with the offset, rotation or align-
ment, this system will be chosen automatically as the current part coordinate sys-
tem. All following results and positions are converted in this system.

To select another coordinate system for the positions to move, click to the register
"Positions", which is found in each property dialog of measuring values. There you
find a list of all coordinate systems that have been created. If you select another co-
ordinate system, all positions for moving are converted in the new system.

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3 Creating a measuring program

To show the results in another coordinate system, select the register "Output", which
exist in all geometric elements. There you can select a coordinate system from a list.
The default adjustment is "No change". In this case, the results are shown in the
same coordinate system as the measuring values.

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3 Creating a measuring program

The commands in the editor to select a new coordinate system are:

Command Description
COORSYS Select a coordinate system with its name
SELECT_COORSYS Select a coordinate system with a string variable

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4 Running a Measuring Program

4 Running a Measuring Program

If you want to run a measuring program, click in the toolbar on the icon Start pro-
gram or select this function from the menu Run to get a program started in the
automatic mode. If you want to run a program command line by command line, se-
lect the function Step program.

Symbol Action Description

The topical loaded measuring program
Start program in
gets started. It is carried out automati-
automatic mode
The automatic flow of a measuring pro-
gram gets stopped after processing the
Stop program
actual command. Afterwards Vision 3D is
in recording mode again.
Automatic program flow is interrupted
after processing the actual command;
program flow can be resumed at the very
command line.
Use an existing session with values from
Replay session
hard disk instead of real measurement.
Start program as usual but with saving
Record session
data to session.
Append an existing session. First, all found
data of the session will be used and sec-
Append session
ond, the program will be switched to “real”
measurement with appending the session.

While you run a measuring program in step mode every command line is displayed
on screen before its execution.

Attention: In case of emergency use the EMERGENCY STOP instead of the

STOP – Button.

4.1 Session

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4 Running a Measuring Program

A session is a collection of data, which represent all required measuring values to

replay a program without the maschine and „real“ measurement. In order to create a
session you have to switch to the Record-Mode. An unsaved program will be asked
for saving. The name is required for the session.
Existing sessions can be replayed and/or appended. The actual state is visualized by
the start program – icon.
By the menu item <Configure> it is possible to get a dialog to change the configura-
tion of sessions.

Additional information is also readable in the status bar.

Hint: A fast way of changing session modes is given by the drop-down arraow right
beside the start program – icon.

4.2 Pause

You can temporarily stop a program before executing the next command by pushing

the symbol in the toolbar or by the command "PAUSE". In both cases the pause
dialog appears:

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4 Running a Measuring Program

The dialog shows the subroutine of the program that is currently running. In addi-
tion, the command line which will be next executed is shown. When double-clicking
on this line, the editor shows the current subroutine and selects this line.
You can execute this command line by pushing the button <Step F11> of the dis-
played dialog box or pressing the function key F11 on the keyboard. The command
line is executed and the following line is displayed.
By pushing the <Subroutine step F7> button or pressing the function key F7, the
topical subroutine that contains the displayed command line is executed automati-
cally. VISION3D is in step mode again after realization.
Pressing the button <Subroutine end F8> or the function key F8 will execute the
subroutine automatically to its end and then interrupt the program again.
By pushing the <Automatic F5> button or the function key F5, a program is run in
automatic mode from the topical command line until its end.
You can prevent the current line form being executed by clicking the button <Skip
F6> or pressing the function key F6.
The function <Cancel ESC> or the key ESC on the keyboard aborts executing the
measure program.
Beside the variables defined in the measure program, you can also show or hide the
protocol variables using the option <Protocol variables>.
You can use the pause dialog to modify all variables by double-clicking on the corre-
sponding variable. If you want to modify the values of a field variable, the following
dialog displays the field content:

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4 Running a Measuring Program

A further double-click on the line you want to change opens the common dialog for
modifying the content of a variable:

4.3 Error Handling

An error might arise while a meauring program is running that requires the program
to be aborted. After you have repaired the error you can either continue the measur-
ing program at the fixed spot or restart the measuring program.

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4 Running a Measuring Program

If an error occurs an error message with a comment is displayed at the screen.

Click on the button <Error report> to append a report in a file called ErrorRe-
port.log within the debug directory of Vision3D. The error report contains the error
message, the calling stack of the subroutines and the state of the variables at the
time when the error happened.
To locate the spot in the measuring program where the error has occurred, push the
button <Debug> to get into the pause dialog. The following table offers examples of
error messages and possible responses :

Error Correction
Not enough measuring values to calculate Measure additional values for the respec-
the geometry tive geometric element until you have ob-
tained the minimum number of values.
No geometry element found No geometric element has been measured
to be used for a certain function. Measure
or add the respective geometric element.
Sphere not possible The stated geometric element could not be
computed. Check the measured values,
add further values or replace measured
values by new ones.
Variable "xxx" not found Declare variable as REAL or STRING before
you use it.
Error while opening the file "xyz" Before you can open a file, make a query if
it exists (Function FILE_EXIST).
Probe not selected Before you start a measurement, select a
probe that you want to use.
Position out of range It is impossible to move to the stated posi-
tion. Correct the target position of the
move command.

Hint: It is not possible to continue when a cnc error has occurred.

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4 Running a Measuring Program

4.4 Running user defined measuring programs

In Vision3D you can also run user defined programs without closing the current
measure program. Click on the menu item "Programs" in the main menu. A popup
menu with all inscribed programs will be opened:

You can run one of these programs by clicking with the left mouse button on the cor-
responding menu item. All measure programs called "System Module x" in the figure
are programs that cannot be edited. These programs are always available. The pro-
grams called "User Module x" can be edited or changed in their order by clicking on

Click on "Move up" to move up the current program one line in the list. You can move

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4 Running a Measuring Program

down the selected program one line in the list by clicking the button "Move down".
Also you can add a measure program. Therefore you must click on "Add": a file dia-
log will be opened for selecting the desired measure program. Clicking the button
"Delete" deletes the currently selected program.

4.5 Visualization of the program run

Within the program tree the currently running subroutine is highlightes as shown:

Also you can see the program run in a progress bar within the status bar:

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5 Saving, Opening, Closing a Measuring Program

5 Saving, Opening, Closing a Measuring Program

The commands explained in this chapter are probably already known from other ap-
plication programs. The commands Save, Open and Close of a Vision 3D measuring
program are executed in the same way as they are in other WINDOWS application.
You find these commands in the File menu and in respective icons in the toolbar.

5.1 Save

You can save the measuring program that is displayed on your screen so that you
can execute it or edit it at a later date. To save a measuring program, click on the
icon for Save in the toolbar or select this command from the menu. Your screen con-
tinues to display the measuring program. It is recommended to save a measuring
program several times even while editing. If Vision 3D is interrupted, e.g. by power
failure, still your entire measuring program will not be lost.

Icon Action Description

Saving of a measuring program The measuring program is
saved by using its filename.

5.2 Save As

If you save a measuring program for the first time with the command Save men-
tioned above, the dialog box Save as appears, where you may input a name for your
measuring program. The directory specified in the Vision 3D configuration is the de-
fault directory for this dialog.

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5 Saving, Opening, Closing a Measuring Program

You get the dialog box Save as by a command in the menu as well. Enter a name in
the panel <Filename> in the dialog box. Vision 3D saves the measuring program to
the stated directory and adds the extension .KMP automatically, unless you have
stated a different extension in the <File type> panel. Pushing the <OK> button
closes the dialog and saves the measuring program. The measuring program still
remains on your screen and you can continue working with it.

5.3 Open

You can work with an existing measuring program only if it is opened on the screen.
To open one of your favorite measuring programs exceptionally quickly you can se-
lect it from a file list in the menu File.
To open a measuring program, select the command Open in the menu File or click
on the respective icon in the toolbar.

Icon Action Description

Opening of a measuring pro- A measuring program is loaded
gram and displayed on the screen.

Using the dialog box that appears, you can choose the desired measuring program
from a file list. If you cannot find this measuring program you have to make sure the
correct directory is set. To see the current directory and to change it, if necessary,
open the list of directories at <Look in>. The directory specified in the Vision 3D con-
figuration is the default directory for this dialog. It is recommended to maintain the
file extension .KMP that is stated at <File type>.

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5 Saving, Opening, Closing a Measuring Program

5.4 Close

If you have finished your measuring program and you do not need it at the moment,
you may close it by the item Close in the menu File. If you have not saved the
measuring program before, a query appears to give you the possibility to save your
measuring program. Now the measuring program is not displayed on the screen any
longer. If you have opened no other measuring programs (it is possible to have
opened several measuring programs simultaneously), only the functions to open and
to create a measuring program are activated. The other functions are deactivated.

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5 Saving, Opening, Closing a Measuring Program

5.5 Opening of Several Measuring Programs

You might open further measuring programs without needing to close the currently
opened one. The menu Window contains two functions to get an overview of all
opened measuring programs. The item Cascade causes all measuring program win-
dows to appear slightly overlapping. The item Tile divides the screen horizontally and
allocates sections of the same size to every opened measuring program.

5.6 Creation of a New Measuring Program

To start the creation of a new measuring program, either select the item New in the
menu File or you click on the respective icon with your mouse.

Icon Action Description

Creating a new measuring Default settings are adopted
program but no further entries are
made in this measuring pro-

Afterwards the new measuring program is displayed on the screen. Default settings
as machine parameters, speeds or printer settings are maintained. Alignments and
measuring results are NOT adopted. If you did not close the measuring program,
which you have edited before you created the new one, both measuring programs
are opened simultaneously.

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6 Programming with the Basic

6 Programming with the Basic

The following chapter offers an overview of Vision 3D’s programming language. Vi-
sion 3D Basic contains language elements, which structure a program, as they are
contained in other programming languages as well. All language elements are intro-
duced with their syntax. The correct format of commands and functions has to be
observed while programming. These conventions are used in the online assistance
and in the index of commands as well.

6.1 Variables

Variables are place holders for values that are permitted to change during the execu-
tion of a measuring program. They have freely selectable names and a data type that
determines the kind of data that a variable is able to store. Values can be allocated
to variables during the flow of a measuring program; they can be changed and can
be used in expressions.
Two kinds of data types exist in Vision 3D: One data type for numeric variables
and one for string variables. Numeric variables may contain integers or decimal
numbers. The values of string variables always have to be limited by the dollar-sign
In Vision 3D every variable has to be declared specially by stating its name and data
type. Depending on the data type the variable’s declaration begins with the keyword
REAL for a numeric variable or with the keyword STRING for a string variable. Next,
a list of variable names follows separated by commas. The assignment of variable
names complies with the usual rules:

A name has to begin with at least one letter.

Spaces within a name are not permitted.
Names are case specific.
Reserved words must not be used.
A name of a STRING variable has to end with "$"!

Declarations can be made at will within a measuring program. However all variables
are usually declared at the beginning of a main program or subroutine respectively.

REAL var1, var2 ! Declaration of numeric variables

REAL result
STRING partName$ ! Declaration of a string variable

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6 Programming with the Basic

6.2 Arrays

An array can be used for a data sequence of the same kind. Whereas a variable is a
place holder for a single value, an array is a place holder for a freely determinable
number of values. An array has a data type (REAL or STRING) and a name like a
variable. An array name has to comply with the same conventions as a variable
An array declaration differs from a variable declaration by an array size statement
that follows the name. If you want to access a single value of an array, the array
name, followed by the respective number of the array element (array index) must be
declared. In Vision 3D there a 1- and 2-dimensional arrays possible.

REAL xValues[100] ! Declare a 1-dim. array for 100 REAL-values

REAL matrix[10,10] ! Declare a 2-dim. array for 10x10 REAL-values

FOR nr=1 TO 100
POINT Point1
xValues[nr]=X ! set the value to a specified element of the array

REAL sum
FOR nr=1 TO 100
sum=sum+xValues[nr] ! access to a specified element of the array

REAL row, col

FOR row=1 TO 10
FOR col=1 TO 10
matrix[row,col]=0 ! set all elements of the matrix equal zero

Please note that when you program arrays, an array index must not exceed its de-
clared array size while accessing an array element.

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6 Programming with the Basic

You can use arrays just in a routine but it is also possible to pass an array to another
routine. For this you have to insert a [*] right behind the name in the definition of

REAL vals[100]
CALL Test(vals)

SUBROUTINE Test(REAL values[*])


6.3 Assignments and Expressions

An allocation of a value to a variable consists of three components: the variable that

shall receive the new value, an equality sign and the value itself, which may be the
result of an expression as well.

REAL a ! Declaration of numeric variable a

STRING s$ ! Declaration of string variable s$
a=4 ! The value 4 is allocated to a
s$="This is text" ! Character string is allocated to s$

An expression is what you usually call a formula. It is a connection of numbers, char-

acter strings, variables or functions with operators. This connection has to be capable
of always providing a single result. Operators are distinguished as arithmetic op-
erators, logical operators and comparative operators.
Arithmetic operators: The following connections are realized as arithmetic opera-
tors in Vision 3D: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They are used to
calculate expressions using numeric variables and values. The addition operator (+)
can also be used to put together two character strings.

Syntax Description Example

+ Addition res=a+b
- Substraction res=a-b
* Multiplication res=a*b
/ Division res=a/b

Comparative operators: By using comparative operators the results of expressions

are compared with each other; and they are assessed as true or false.

Syntax Description Example

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6 Programming with the Basic

= Equal to 7=35 (false)

<> Unequal to 7<>6 (true)
< Less than 7<10 (true)
> Greater than 7>10 (true)
<= Less than or equal to 7<=7 (true)
>= Greater than or equal to 7>=8 (false)

Logic Operators: You can connect two or more expressions into a composite ex-
pression. To compose an expression the two most used logic operators are AND as
well as OR. The operator AND requires that all expressions of a composite expression
are true. If the operator OR is used, the composite expression is true if one of its
expressions is true.

Syntax Description Example

AND Logic AND 5>1 AND 6<10 (true)
OR Logic OR 1>2 OR 5<10 (true)

6.4 Main Program and Subroutines

A measuring program is divided into a superior main program and subroutines;

the latter execute smaller self-contained jobs. The subroutine technique enables an
easier overview of the program structure. Furthermore the program code can be
abridged, if necessary, because a subroutine can be called as often as you like.

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6 Programming with the Basic

Subroutines can be called by stating their subroutine name. After a call the subrou-
tine’s program steps are executed until the end of the subroutine; afterwards the
calling program will be continued behind the code line containing the call command.
By default your measuring program consists only of the main program at the beginning.

INIT ! Start of main program

END ! End of main program

Based on this main program you can add subroutines, which either have a Vision 3D-
defined function (standard subroutines) or contain command sequence defined by
yourself (universal subroutines).

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6 Programming with the Basic

Standard subroutines: Defined subroutines are used in Vision 3D for all geometric
functions, alignment functions and functions to pick-up measure values as well.
These subroutines contain all commands and settings which are necessary to execute
the respective subroutine. The desired function is executed during the program flow
after finishing the subroutine. The definition of a standard subroutine starts with the
code word DEFINE, followed by the function name of the desired Vision 3D function
and a subroutine name, which can be set at will. The subroutine is ended by the
statement ENDDEF. To call a subroutine you have to state the function name as well
as the selected subroutine name. The instructions of a subroutine are automatically
indented by two spaces as it is done in universal subroutines.

LINE line1 ! Call of subroutine line1

DEFINE LINE line1 ! Subroutine to measure a line

TOUCH touch1 ! Call of subroutine touch1
ENDDDEF ! End of subroutine

Universal subroutines: You may define a frequently used sequence of commands

as a subroutine. This subroutine can be called in a measuring program at will. A uni-
versal subroutine starts with the code word SUBROUTINE and is specified by a name
that can be set at will. A universal subroutine is ended by the statement SUBEND.
You call a subroutine by using the statement CALL as well as the subroutine’s name.

CALL sides_measure ! Call of subroutine

SUBROUTINE sides_measure ! Definition of subroutine

LINE leftside
LINE rightside
SUBEND ! End of subroutine

A universal subroutine can be left by using within the command SUBEXIT. The sub-
routine’s remaining instructions are not executed any further. Then the program flow
will continue next to the line beyond the subroutine’s call.
Every subroutine is included into the Vision 3D program tree as a new element and is
inserted into the corresponding spot. You will find further information on this subject
in the chapter called Program Tree.

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6 Programming with the Basic

6.5 Functions

Beside using subroutines you can also use functions within Vision 3D. In contrast to a
subroutine, a function returns a value to the calling programm.

Syntax Descripton
FUNCTION Defines a new function
RETURN Returns the function-value

You can insert a new function into your measuring-program by clicking on the menu-
item "Function" in the menu "Insert" of the main-menu. A dialog for specifying the
name of the function will appear:

Click on the button OK to insert the function in the subroutine-list of the measuring-
program. Choose the menu-item "Subroutine list" in the menu "Extras" of the main-
menu. A dialog listing all subroutines and functions will be opened:

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 227
6 Programming with the Basic

Choose the new created function in the list and click on the button "Find". The dialog
will be closed and the function-body is displayed in the editor. Now you can specify
the parameters and the function-values:


RETURN (v1+v2)/2

The function calculates the mean of two given values v1 and v2 and returns the re-
sult. Within the main-program you can call the function for calculating the mean as

REAL erg,key
DISP erg

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6 Programming with the Basic

6.6 Variables in Subroutines

Every subroutine has access to its own variables, which are independent from the
remaining program (local variables). These have to be declared in the subroutine.
In addition variables exist known everywhere (global variables). These are all vari-
ables declared in the main program.

REAL number ! Global variable
CALL sub1 ! Call of subroutine

REAL index ! Local variable

6.7 Transfer of Variables to a Subroutine

Variables of a calling program, which are needed in a subroutine for an evaluation,

can be transferred to the subroutine via a parameter list. A parameter list is a list
of variables (REAL or STRING) of which sequence and type are defined. The parame-
ter list’s variables are defined in the calling program component as usual. The pa-
rameter list must be specified at a call of a subroutine as well as at a declaration of a
subroutine. When you declare a subroutine you have to state the variables together
with their types.

CALL calculation

SUBROUTINE calculation
STRING term$
LINE line1(no,term$) ! Call of subroutine with parameter list

DEFINE LINE line1(REAL no, STRING term$)

FOR i=1 TO no

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6 Programming with the Basic


Also you can pass fields to subroutines. Therefor you have to add [*] to the corre-
sponding variable :

CALL Test(vals)

SUBROUTINE Test(REAL werte[*])



Frequently you find exclamation marks with some text following in many program
examples of this manual. These texts are comments which explain certain lines or
program sections. They may consist of any characters and are not checked syntacti-
cally. You should use comments to document your measuring program so that other
users can understand it with ease, too.

6.9 Program Structures

Program structures are instructions to control a program’s flow. A job, that depends
on made premises, can be executed in a measuring program by using a condition. By
using a loop, an instruction can be repeated by a given number. Within a program
structure, all instructions are indented to the right by two spaces, as usual. Extensive
measuring programs become clearer, shorter and more structured by using these
program structures.
Conditions: By using a conditional instruction a condition is checked during a meas-
uring program’s run; the following instruction is executed only if the condition has
been met. A conditional instruction compares values or expressions and assesses the
result either as true or as false. Conditional instructions may be nested, but you have
to consider that every extended IF instruction must be closed by an ENDIF instruc-

Syntax Description Example

IF cond THEN inst Single condition: If the con- IF n<>0 THEN res=z/n

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6 Programming with the Basic

dition is met the following

instruction will be executed.
IF cond THEN Extended condition: If the IF n<>0 THEN
inst1 conditionis met all following res1=a/n
inst2 instructions will be executed res2=b/n
IF cond THEN Extended condition: If the IF n<>0 THEN
inst1 condition is met the follow- res=z/n
inst2 ing instructions will be exe- ELSE
... res=0
ELSE cuted; if the condition is not ENDIF
inst3 met the instructions follow-
... ing ELSE will be executed.
IF cond1 THEN Extended condition: If IF sign>0 THEN
inst1 <cond1> is met <inst1> will value=1
... be executed, if <cond2> is ELSIF sign<0 THEN
ELSIF cond2 THEN value=-1
inst2 met <inst2> will be exe- ELSE
... cuted; otherwise <inst3> value=0
ELSE will be executed. ENDIF

Loops: During a program run you can repeat one or several lines of your measuring
program by using loops. The number of repetitions either can be stated by a fixed
value or can depend on a placed condition. Both loop versions are described in the
following examples.

Syntax Description Example

FOR var=a1 TO a2 The run variable is set to an FOR no=1 TO 10
inst1 initial value a1. The follow- POINT p1
inst2 ing instructions are executed MOVE (1)
... NEXT
NEXT until NEXT, and <var> is
raised by 1. This is repeated
until <var> has reached a
final value a2 or has ex-
ceeded a2.
FOR var=a1 TO a2 The run variable is set to an FOR NO=1 TO 10 STEP 2
STEP s initial value a1. The follow- POINT p1
anw1 ing instructions are executed MOVE (1)
anw2 NEXT
... until NEXT, and <var> is
NEXT raised by a step width <s>.
This is repeated until <var>
has reached a final value a2
or has exceeded a2.

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6 Programming with the Basic

Please note that a FOR-loop’s run variable must not be changed within the loop. The
initial value should be less than the final value; otherwise instructions within the loop
cannot be executed.
A different kind of loop is programmed if the number of repetitions is dependent on a
given condition. The REPEAT-UNTIL-loop belongs to that kind:

Syntax Description Example

REPEAT Instructions which follow a REAL VAR1
inst1 REPEAT-function are exe- VAR1=0
inst2 cuted until the next UNTIL- REPEAT
... READ_PROBE (10)
UNTIL condition function. Then the condition MOVE (1)
is checked by the UNTIL VAR1=VAR1+1
instruction. If the condition UNTIL VAR1=50
has not been met the in-
structions are repeated;
otherwise the next instruc-
tion outside the loop is exe-

6.10 User-Defined In-/Output

The following sections describe commands for In-/Output on the devices screen,
printer or file. You can use these commands, for example, to output string variables
or numeric variables, or to input values or strings.

6.11 In-/Output to the Screen

A special window is available in Vision 3D to display in- and outputs on screen. This
output window fades in automatically when the in-/output functions are executed.
The window is closed by using the function END at the end of the main program. You
can open and close the window via menu as well. Go to the Window menu and se-
lect the item User screen.
By using the function INPUT you can input via keyboard a variable (numeric or char-
acter) during a measurement. You may state a text optionally that is displayed on
screen during the function’s execution ("Prompt"). Text and variables are separated
by commas.

REAL v1, v2 ! Declaration of two numeric variables

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6 Programming with the Basic

STRING str1$ ! Declaration of string variable str1$

INPUT "> ",v1 ! Read in numeric variable var1
! As prompt is "> " defined
INPUT "Number: ",v2 ! Read in numeric variable var2
! As prompt is "Entry: " defined
INPUT str1$ ! Read in string variable str1$
! No prompt is defined

The example program above creates the following outputs on the user screen:

By using the INKEY function, your measuring program waits for the input of a single
character via keyboard. In contrast to the function INPUT your measuring program
does not wait for a line feed (<RETURN>) but will continue after the push of any key.
The result of the function equals the ASCII value of the input character. For instance,
the character “A” corresponds to the ASCII value 65 and “1” corresponds to the AS-
CII value 49.

REAL flag
DISP "(1) Evaluation"
DISP "(2) Graphic"
DISP "(0) End"
flag=INKEY ! Wait for key push
UNTIL flag=48 OR flag=49 OR flag=50
IF flag=49 THEN
ELSIF flag=50 THEN

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6 Programming with the Basic

The DISP function is available to output text, values or variables (numeric or string)
during a measuring program’s flow. By a single function call you may state as many
parameters as you like, which will be displayed in a line during an execution. The
parameters have to be separated by semicolons. A semicolon, set at the end of the
list of parameters, causes the suppression of the line feed.

REAL var ! Declaration of numeric variable var
STRING str1$ ! Declaration of string variable str1$

INPUT "Entry: ",var ! Read in numeric variable var

DISP "Var = ";var ! Output of text and variable
DISP str1$ ! Output of string variable

By using the CLEAR_DISPLAY command, the content of the user screen is deleted.

DISP "This is an example."

CLEAR_DISPLAY ! Erase user screen

6.12 Printing

Before you can execute self-defined outputs at a printer, you first have to switch on
the printer output function. Then the print instructions can be performed at a preset
printer; a layout can be preset via menu.

REAL res
PRINTER ON ! Enable printer output
PRINT "Result: ";res ! Output at printer
PRINTER OFF ! Disable printer output

6.13 In-/Output to a File

You have functions to open and to close a file at hand as well as to read and to
write from or to a file. State the name of a file and its extension when you open it.
Because it is possible to work with several opened files at the same time, every file
has to get a file number when it is opened. Also you can state a path name.

Writing to file:

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6 Programming with the Basic

To write data to a file it must be opened first by the appropriate function. If the
file does not exist yet it is created newly. If a file with the stated name does exist
already, its data will be overwritten! The file number that has been stated while
opening must be stated again at every writing instruction to this file. Afterwards
the file should be closed.

REAL resA,resB,resC
OPEN TO WRITE #1,"INFO.TXT" ! Open file to write to it
WRITE #1,"Result A: ";resA ! Write data to file
WRITE #1,"Result B: ";resB
WRITE #1,"Result C: ";resC
CLOSE #1 ! Close file

Read from File:

To read data from a file it must be opened at first. If the file does not exist, an er-
ror message is displayed, and the measuring program is interrupted. If several
files are to be opened at the same time, you have to assign, while opening, a dif-
ferent file number to each file. This file number has to be stated at every read in-
struction to this file. Afterwards the file should be closed.

STRING file$
REAL xValue,yValue,zValue
IF FILE_EXIST(file$)=1 THEN ! Query, if file exists
OPEN TO READ #2,file$ ! Open file to read from it
READ #2,xValue ! Read data from file
READ #2,yValue
READ #2,zValue
CLOSE #2 ! Close file
DISP "File does not exist!"

Add Data to an Existing File

If you want to add data to an existing file without overwriting present data, use
the function OPEN TO APPEND. Afterwards the new data is added to the existing

STRING file$
IF FILE_EXIST(file$)=1 THEN ! Query, if file exists
OPEN TO APPEND #3,file$ ! Open file to add data
WRITE #3,"More data..." ! Add data to file
DISP " File does not exist!"

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6 Programming with the Basic

6.14 Standard Functions for Character Strings

The names of all standard functions, which provide a character string as result, end
with the character ”$”. The following list contains all functions, which provide or need
a character string or a character variable either as result or as input parameter:

STRING text$, res$

REAL amount, no


! Standard functions for character strings

amount=LEN(text$) ! Length calculation of a character
! string; result: res = 7
no=VAL("1234") ! Transformation of a numeric value
! into a character string
! result: no=1234.0
res$=TOUPPER$(text$) ! Transformation of lower case letters
! into capital letters
! result: res$ = "ABCDEFG"
res$=LEFT$(text$,3) ! <n> characters are read from the
! left of an input string
! result: res$ = "abc"
res$=MID$(text$,3,2) ! <n> characters are read from an in
! put string starting at a given
! position; result: res$ = "de"
res$=RIGHT$(text$,2) ! <n> characters are read from the
! right of an input string
! result; res$ = "fg"
res$=CHR$(65) ! Transformation of an ASCII value
! into a single character
! result: res$ = "A"
res$=STR$(no) ! Transformation of a number into a
! character string
! result: res$ = "5"
res$=FSTR$("%%%.%",no) ! Formatting of an input number into a
! character string
! result: res$ = "12.1"
res$=TIME$ ! Insert current date and time
! into a character string

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6 Programming with the Basic

6.15 Mathematical Standard Functions

Several basic functions are available to compute mathematical formula. In the follow-
ing program example you might look at the function calls which are available in Vi-
sion 3D. A number, a numeric variable or a numeric expression must be stated as a
function parameter. The parameter may be the result of a numeric expression. The
result of a computation must be allocated to a numeric variable, too.

REAL var, res ! Declaration of numeric variables

! Trigonometric Functions
res=SIN(var) ! sine function
res=cos(var) ! cosine function
res=TAN(var) ! tangent function
res=ASIN(var) ! arc sine function
res=ACOS(var) ! arc cosine function
res=ATAN(var) ! arc tangent function

! Other mathematical functions

res=ABS(var) ! absolute value
res=SQR(var) ! square root
Erg=INT(var) ! integer number
Erg=LOG(var) ! natural logarithm
var=PI ! PI is the constant for p; i.e. ratio
! of circumference of a circle to its
! diameter ( ca. 3.1415926...)

6.16 Online-Help

The Vision 3D-Helpsystem includes an online-help, explaining all commands.

• To gain help for a desired command within the editor-window, click the com-
mand using your mouse or position the cursor beside the command using the
keyboard. After pressing the F1-key, a help-window with an explanation and
an example of the desired command will be displayed.

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6 Programming with the Basic

• In general you can use the help-button <help> for every dialog. A window
with a description for all elements of the corresponding dialog will open.

• Use the menu-item <Help Topics> in the sub-menu "Help" to get detailed in-
formation on several topics related to Vision 3D.

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6 Programming with the Basic

6.17 Constructing and Defining a Protocol Header

A printout of the results can be accompanied by a protocol header, which can include
information about the measurement, for example, a part number and the name of
the auditor of a program.
The construction or the protocol header is stored in an ASCII file with the extension
“.PDF“. It can include maximum nine numeric fields and nine text fields. Inside this
file a numeric input field is shown with the sign #, the number of the numeric field
(0-9) and the maximum length of the input field, which is specified with the respec-
tive number of the sign “_”. Example:

Part No.: #1__________

The text input field is shown with the sign $ and also with the number and the length
of the input field. Example:

Part Name: $1___________

The protocol header also can include the date. It is shown with the sign @. Example:

Date....: @___________

After installing Vision 3D you can find an example for a protocol file (PROTOCOL.PDF)
and a measuring program (PROTOCOL.KMP) in the subfolders c:\Vision 3D\protocol
and c:\Vision 3D\programs\example. These files demonstrate the use of a protocol
You can define different protocol headers, which are each stored in a file
<name>.PDF. In Vision 3D you can choose a protocol header with the command
PROTOCOL and the name of the file. Example:


If the measuring program includes this command, a dialog box appears during the
program run to allow you to input data in the defined input fields.
You can set default values or texts in the input fields, which are shown when the pro-
tocol header is called. You can change or leave these data. To set default data for the
input fields, there are protocol variables available. For the numeric values the vari-
ables PROT0 to PROT9 are used and for the text input the variables PROT$0 to
PROT$9. It is not necessary to declare these variables.

! Set a numeric protocol variable

! Set a text protocol variable

The protocol header can be called with the function

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After calling, a dialog box appears, which contains the input fields of the protocol
variables. You can input the specific data and finish the dialog with the <OK> button.
To print the protocol header you can use the function


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7 Settings

7 Settings

7.1 Settings Before Starting

When starting Vision 3D for the first time, various hardware and software parameters
are required. These are set during the installation of the measuring machine. It is
strongly recommended that you change these settings only on consultation with the
service engineers!
By calling the external supplementary program CONFIG, parameters can be changed.
All settings are stored permanently in a configuration file.

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7 Settings

7.1.1 Hardware Settings

Vision 3D allows only the administrator of the system to change settings in the har-
Click on the <Hardware> button to set machine parameters. A dialog box containing
several tabs appears on screen. The following sections explain these options.
After changing the desired parameters, the setting is adopted and the dialog box is
closed by clicking <OK>. Clicking on <Cancel> closes the dialog box without chang-
ing the parameters.

Page 242 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Video Processor Unit

The parameters of the Vpu tab are also machine specific. Settings within the array
<Communication> control the communication between the video processor unit of
your measuring machine and the computer. It is not recommended to change these
settings! The settings for the video processor should not be changed either. If a
video processor of the type "Sbip Typ3" or "WIPS" has been installed, you can switch
between binary image processing and gray scale processing; the latter is more pre-
cise. The other vpu types are capable of binary image processing only. If you have
set the VPU type to the type "WIPS", you can go to the dialog field <Display> to
choose whether the video picture is integrated in the Vision 3D display (1 Monitor) or
is shown on a separate monitor (2 Monitors).
By using the <Connected> option you declare whether a video processor is linked-up
to the computer. This option is switched off whenever you are working with Vision 3D
in off-line mode or if no video processor has been attached.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 243
7 Settings

You can switch the <Debug> option on and off. If it is switched on, all commands,
which are send between video processor and computer, are written to a file named
VPU.DBG. The file is created anew at the start of every Vision 3D session and is sent
to the subdirectory DEBUG. If this subdirectory does not exist, it will be created
automatically in the Vision 3D directory.
If the type of your camera is not listed in the <Cameratype> section, choose the
item "Other ...". Then you can specify a camera description file (dcf format) in the
control on the right side of the camera type control.
If you want to use a bitmap picture in the section <Grabber>, you can specify a pic-
ture file (bmp format) in the control on the right side of the grabber control.

Page 244 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings CNC

The parameters of the CNC tab are also machine specific. They affect linked-up con-
trol equipment as well as the communication between machine control and computer.
By using the <Connected> option you can indicate whether control equipment is
linked up to the computer. This option is switched off whenever you are working with
Vision 3D in off-line mode.
If the <DEBUG> option is switched on, all commands, which are send between ma-
chine control and computer, are written to a file named CNC.DBG. The file is created
anew at the start of every Vision 3D session and is sent to the subdirectory DEBUG.
If this subdirectory does not exist, it will be created automatically in the Vision 3D
By activating <Continuous Move> each new program will get the CONTINOUS_MOVE
– Command with the given radius parameter.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 245
7 Settings Power Board

The power board controls the illumination and the laser. Its specific parameters are
set with the Power board tab. It is not recommended to change these settings!
In the <Lamp channel> window numbers are allocated to the different lamps. The
top light’s lamp is usually number 1 whereas the back light’s lamp is channel number
2. You can also select, if you have a monochrome or color light. Optionally, there are
two user lights possible.
Using the <Connected> option you can indicate whether a power board is connected
to the computer. This option is switched off whenever you are working with Vision 3D
in off-line mode.

Page 246 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

If the <DEBUG> option is switched on, all commands, which are sent between power
board and computer, are written to a file named PWRBOARD.DBG. The file is created
anew at the start of every Vision 3D session and is sent to the subdirectory DEBUG.
If this subdirectory does not exist, it will be created automatically in the Vision 3D

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 247
7 Settings PH9/10 Probe

The PH9/10 is an optional rotating probe head that can be attached to your measure
machine. By using the PH9/10 Probe dialog tab the parameters are set to control
communication between the PH9/10 probe and your computer serial interface. It is
not recommended to change these settings!
By using the <Connected> option you declare whether a Ph9/10 probe has been at-
tached on your machine.
If the option <DEBUG> is switched on, all commands, which are sent between
PH9/10 probe and computer, are written to a file named PH9.DBG. The file is created
anew at the start of every Vision 3D session and is sent to the subdirectory DEBUG.
If this subdirectory does not exist, it will be created automatically in the Vision 3D

Page 248 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings IWS

Within the register IWS it is possible to configure the IWS. You can specify the
measuring speed and decide whether the IWS-measuring will use the actuator (if
exists) or not.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 249
7 Settings CWS

The parameters of the CWS tab affect linked-up control equipment as well as the
communication between the CWS and the computer.
By using the <Connected> option you can indicate whether control equipment of the
CWS is linked up to the computer. This option is switched off whenever you are
working with VISION3D in off-line mode.
If the <DEBUG> option is switched on, all commands, which are send between the
CWS control and the computer, are written to a file named CWS.DBG. The file is cre-
ated anew at the start of every VISION3D session and is sent to the subdirectory
DEBUG. If this subdirectory does not exist, it will be created automatically in the VI-
SION3D directory.

Page 250 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Serial

The parameters of the tab dialog Serial are set for the serial interface in the com-
puter specifically.
First select the port you want to change. Then change the communication parameter
Baudrate, Databits, Stopbits, Parity and Handshake.
In the section <End of Line> you set with <Send EOL> the character which is added
at each End of Line while sending. With <Read EOL> you set the character which
closes a line while reading. Select the character with <Read Over> which you want to
pass over (e.g.: If your line ends with <CR> <LF> select <LF> in <Read EOL> and
<CR> in <Pass Over>).

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 251
7 Settings

Furthermore you may switch on/off the option <Debug>. If this option is switched
on, all commands, which are sent between the serial interface of the computer, are
saved in a file named SERPORTx.DBG, where x is replaced by the port number (e.g.:
If you select COM3: the data is saved in SERPORT3.DBG in the subdirectory DEBUG.
After you have done your settings push the <save> button.

Page 252 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Joystick

Use the attached joystick to move the CNC in up to six axes. The joystick dialog tab
allows you to set the parameters to adjust the connection between the joystick and
Input: The joystick is either analog or it is connected via a serial interface.
Accordingly you must select one of the two options from the <Input> field.
The connection to a serial interface is only possible for one of the three
Communication: If you have chosen the <Serial interface> option, the pa-
rameters are set to control the communication between the joystick and the
CNC. This is not relevant to an analog joystick.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 253
7 Settings

Speed: Depending on the power with which you press the joystick, the CNC
will be moved with more or less speed. To limit the maximum speed, choose
the Vision 3D <Joystick Speed> dialog and set the maximum speed to a slow,
middle or fast speed. With the described tab dialog of CONFIG you can specify
the values of the slow and the fast speed.

Page 254 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Motorzoom

The parameters of the tab dialog Zoom are set for your zoom objective specifically.
They affect linked-up control equipment as well as the communication between ma-
chine control and computer.
It is possible to separate between the given zoomsystems.
By using the option <Connected> you are able to declare whether control equipment
have been linked-up to the computer. This option may be switched off whenever you
are working with Vision 3D in off-line mode.
Furthermore you may switch on/off the option <Debug>. If this option is switched
on, all commands, which are sent between zoom control and computer via the serial
interface, are read in a file named ZOOM.DBG. The file is created newly at every start
of Vision 3D and is sent to the subdirectory DEBUG. If this subdirectory does not ex-
ist yet, it will be created in the topical directory of Vision 3D at its first start.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 255
7 Settings Probe Changer

You can specify which type of probe changer is fitted and to which side it has been
attached to the machine by using the Probe changer tab. Among the standard
probe changer PAC, Vision 3D supports the SCR200, MCR20 and the FCR (for scan-
ning probes) model from Renishaw. It is not recommended to change the settings
after installation !
If no probe changer is fitted then these settings are ignored.
Here, it is also possible to edit a safety Z-position. This position is required for the
changement of a probe.
In the section speed, you can specify the movements speeds for the change action.

Page 256 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Machine

The parameters within the Machine tab are also set while installing the measuring
machine. It is recommended not to change these settings! They refer to the measur-
ing machine’s type and to the machine's axes resolution, which depends on the in-
tervals of the machine's scale.
Select here also the standard unit for your measuring programs.
At MCS you can select the standard maschine coordinate system. If <Rotated> is
activated a new coordinate system named “CMM” will be created for each new meas-
uring program automatically. This coordinate system has an offset on the maschine
table and a z-axis upturned. Note: These programs are not runnable on systems
without this option (danger of creash)!
An existing watchdog can be activated by the corresponding checkbox.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 257
7 Settings

After pressing the “Change” – Button the dialog to configure the homing sequence
will be opened.

Page 258 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Speed

You can adjust different positioning speeds for the measure machine. These speeds
can be entered as default settings in the Speed tab dialog. The following types of
speed are adjustable:

Positioning: The machine positions automatically during a measuring pro-

gram flow or a probe calibration. Adjust the positioning speed via the <Posi-
tioning> input panel. By using Vision 3D you can change this positioning
speed. However, after every restart of Vision 3D, the speed will be reset to
the value you have set in CONFIG’s <Speed> tab dialog.
Search: The touch points of a calibration sphere have to be searched first
during the automatic calibration of a standard probe. For that purpose you
may set a slower speed in the <Search> input panel.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 259
7 Settings

Maximum: The maximum permissible positioning speed in Vision 3D is set in

the <Maximum> input panel.
Slow, Fast: In addition speeds are adjustable to position the machine by joy-
stick or by Vision 3D’s manual move dialog. On the occasion the machine can
be moved with a fast and a slow speed. Both settings are made in the <Fast>
and <Slow> input panels. They can be changed in Vision 3D and are saved in
the configuration file.

Page 260 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

7.1.2 Software Settings

In the main dialog box for system configuration click the <Software> button to set
program and file parameter. Another dialog box appears, containing several tabs.
After changing the respective parameters the setting is adopted and the dialog box is
closed by clicking <OK>.
Clicking on <Cancel> quits the dialog box without changing the parameters.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 261
7 Settings File Path

The various data produced while working with Vision 3D are stored in files, so that
they are available at any time. Depending on the data type different files are used
with various file extensions.
During the installation of Vision 3D several subdirectories are created automatically,
in which the respective files are stored. The paths of the subdirectories are set in the
Path tab. You may change these settings. If you are looking for a new subdirectory
to store the respective files, click the <Browse> button.

Page 262 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Output

Within the register "Output" you can set the default number of decimals for output
on the display and on the printer. In the respective measuring program you can
overwrite these settings by opening the properties of the main program and modify-
ing the corresponding parameters in the register "Output". By default all new meas-
uring programs use the parameters entered here.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 263
7 Settings Printer

To format a printer output of a Vision 3D program you can set the following parame-

Company Bitmap: Your company logo can be printed on every page of the
results. The logo has to be available as a bitmap (.bmp file) and must be
stated with its name and path in the window <Bitmap>. In addition a magnifi-
cation factor can be input. If you don't want to print a company logo, leave
the window blank.

Page 264 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

Font: You can select the font as well as the size of characters. It is advisable
to choose one with "fixed-font", for example "Courier", so that tables are easy
to read.
Margin: You can set the margin size in the <Margin> window.

You can choose whether out-of-tolerance values are printed in red or inverted

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 265
7 Settings Protocol Report

To print measuring protocols and diagrams in Vision 3D you can prepare a protocol
header. This protocol header will be printed at the start of every page. The text in
this protocol header is variable and you can define the fields in the <Protocol> tab. It
is possible to define up to hundred fields. Additionally you can select the
<date/time> option to print the current date and time in the protocol header.

Page 266 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

The example in this figure shows the protocol fields the user can enter by the <Pro-
tocol> tab of the program CONFIG. In Vision 3D if you execute the IN-
PUT_PROTOCOL command you will get the following dialog box in which to input
your protocol data:

This information will be printed at the top of the first page after executing the Vision

The <Extended output> option of the Protocol tab selects whether all measuring re-
sults of Vision 3D should be printed at the print protocol, or only a part of them. If
this option is on, nominal value, tolerances and deviation are printed at the print pro-
tocol. The figure below illustrates a print protocol with extended output. In this ex-
ample the user has specified tolerances for the output panels X, Y, Z and LAD. Meas-
ured values outside the tolerance limits are highlighted.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 267
7 Settings

If the <Extended output> option is not selected, only the results of the geometric
elements are displayed. Nominal, tolerances and deviation are not printed. If the
user has specified tolerances, the measuring values outside the tolerance limits are

Page 268 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Statistics

Within Vision 3D you can set nominal values and tolerance limits for a part’s meas-
urement and receive actual values and deviations. These can be stored for statistical
evaluations and diagrams. Three formats to store data exist for that purpose. By us-
ing the Statistics tab dialog you can select the required format.
If you select the <INI-Format> option, data is stored using the format of WINDOWS
.INI files. The files get ".STA" extensions and are saved to the designated subdirec-
tory (see chapter File Path) for statistic files.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 269
7 Settings

If you use the program qs-STAT of Q-DAS company for statistical evaluation, select
the <QS-Stat> option. Data are saved to the designated subdirectory for statistic
files by using a specific format.
If you are using qs-STAT Version 3.x or qs-STAT ME, select the <QS-Stat3.0/ME>
option. All data is saved to the designated subdirectory for statistic-files by using a
specific format. Also you can assign a key for every protocol-variable that will receive
the value of the corresponding protocol-variable in the exported file. All required keys
are supported. You will get more informations to the requirement and meaning of
every key in the QS-STAT3.0-format-description called "Q-DAS ASCII Transferfor-
mat". You can download the description on the manufacturers homepage in the inter-
If the <INI-Format> option is selected, it is possible to save protocol data in the sta-
tistic file. The <Save protocol data> field allows you to select or deselect this option.
Select the <While creating the statistic> option if you want to store the protocol data
after creating the statistic file. If you select the <While each measuring> option, the
protocol data will be saved after each measuring of a work piece.

Page 270 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Security

You can restrict the operation of Vision 3D so that measuring programs can only be
loaded and started. In that case an operator cannot change a measuring program or
create a new one. These settings are made by using the Security tab.
Select the <All users change programs> option if all Vision 3D users are to have un-
restricted access to the graphical user interface. Otherwise, select the <Only the fol-
lowing users change programs> option if only certain operators are allowed to
change and create measuring programs. The list contains the user names of these
operators. This protects your measurement programs against access by unauthorized

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 271
7 Settings View

You can change the sequence of the pages in Vision3D on the right side of the main
window (Screen 1) and the DualView window (Screen 2, optional) by marking a row
in the list and clicking the buttons "Move up" and "Move down". Pressing the button
"Reset" will configure the default settings.
Checking a page in the column "Page" you decide to display the corresponding page.
Otherwise it will not be shown. Check "Screen 1" to view the page within the main
window of Vision3D or select "Screen 2" for showing the page within the DualView
window. For displaying pages in the DualView window you need a licence. Further-
more your machine must be equipped with two monitors.

Page 272 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

The option "Activate DualView" enables you to activate or deactivate the DualView
mode. If the DualView is deactivated, all pages checked under "Screen 2" will be dis-
played in the main window.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 273
7 Settings

7.1.3 Compensation Temperature

If a measuring machine is exposed to varying room temperatures, the results of a

part’s repeated measurements may differ. To offset these variations a temperature
compensation factor can be selected. The results are charged with a specific factor,
which is calculated using the parameters set in the Temperature dialog. Once en-
tered while installing the software, it is not recommended to modify these settings.
The expansion coefficients of the glass scales of every single axis have to be entered.
The positions of the individual axes, to which the glass scales are fixed, are set as
reference points.
Tip : Please note the respective terms of use !
You can also enter the temperature compensation manually. To do so you must
choose the desired axis and “Input” for the Channel. Then enter the current room
Under the section Deviation you can specify correction values.

Page 274 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings Geometrical Compensation

The deformation of a measure machine’s coordinate axes can be balanced by a ge-

ometry compensation. A table with correction data can be generated by using a sup-
plementary program for geometric compensation. Errors of axes can be compensated
by using this correction data table.
Data are saved to two files in the supplementary program - one file for one coordi-
nate system with the camera axis as Z-axis and one file for the probe axis as Z-axis.
The name and directory location of both files have to be entered into the Geometry

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 275
7 Settings Linear

For the linear correction of the measuring machine you can define the files, which
include the tables to correct each axis, with the Linear tab dialog. The files have to
end with the extension ".lin".

Page 276 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

7.1.4 Language

Use this dialog to select the desired language. To show the Asian languages correctly,
you have to install additional code pages in your operating system. For further details
look in the operating system manual.
Only menus and dialog boxes are changed to the selected language. Standard oper-
ating system dialogs, like the "Open dialog" remain in the operating system lan-
Hint : Changing the language will only affect to the graphical user interface of Vision
3D. The online help is only available in the language, you selected while installing
Vision 3D.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 277
7 Settings

7.1.5 Debug Settings

To monitor the proceeding during the running of Vision 3D it is possible to create

event log files, which continously hold messages and any errors that may have oc-
curred. The directory of these files can be set inside the <File Path> dialog of the
software settings. The files have the following names: KMESS.DBG, VALUES.DBG,
CNC.DBG, VPU.DBG, PWRBOARDF.DBG, ZOOM.DBG and PH9.DBG. These files will be
newly created at every start of Vision 3D! Creating a bug report

If you want to report an error, you can use a program called "BUGREPORT" that has
been installed with Vision 3D. For creating an informative bug report you are recom-
mended to activate all debug settings. Open the explorer and browse to the installa-
tion directory of Vision 3D. Now start the program:

Page 278 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

Follow the instructions on the screen and create the corresponding bug report step
by step.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 279
7 Settings

7.1.6 Dongle Settings

Within the dongle settings you can decide if VISION3D should use a dongle con-
nected to a local computer or to a server in the local area network. The driver for
using a dongle on the local computer will be installed automatically when you install
VISION3D. If you want VISION3D to use a dongle on server, you have to make sure
that the dongle is connected to the server and that the "Sentinel Protection Server" -
driver is installed on the server. You find the installation program "Sentinel Protection
Installer" in the installation directory of VISION3D in the subfolder called "Dongle".
For connecting to a server you can choose one of the following options:

• Search for server automatically: A broadcast over the local area network
will be performed to find the server. If there are more than one dongle-server
in the net, the first one who responses will be used. Pay attention that a
server in another sub-net can not be reached by using this option!
• Server-Name: By identifying the dongle-server by the name of the com-
puter, the server will be contacted directly. This option enables you also to
reach a server in another sub-net.
• Server-IP: By identifying the dongle-server by the ip-address of the com-
puter, the server will be contacted directly. This option enables you also to
reach a server in another sub-net.

Page 280 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
7 Settings

7.2 Settings After Starting

7.2.1 Machines Home Reference

A measuring machine has a fixed zero position, which is the point of reference whose
position can be repeated exactly. To guarantee precise positioning, a move to this
reference point has to be executed after switching on or changing machine parame-
ter. You find this Home function via the Machine menu. The following dialog box
handles the function.

If you select >Automatic< the procedure will run automatically. Selecting >Man-
ual<, a new dialog will appear where you can limit the machine home reference to
specified axis.

Command Description
HOME Move to reference position in all axes of the
measure machine

7.2.2 Calibration of Measuring Devices

If you want to measure with a probe or a camera you have once to calibrate the re-
spective measuring device.

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 281
7 Settings

While calibrating a camera the resolution of the camera will be determined. You can
calibrate a camera within the camera-list-dialog. Open it by clicking on the symbol

"Choose camera" in the symbol-bar of the register "camera". You get a list of
all cameras defined so far. There you can add a new camera for example. Use the
button "Calibrate" to determine the camera's resolution. For further informations on
how to setup a camera see the sub-chapter "Administrating the cameras".
If you want to measure with a probe, you have once to determine the radius of the
probe-sphere and the position of the probe-sphere's center. These values are calcu-

lated by calibrating the probe. To calibrate a probe click on the symbol "Probe"
in the symbol-bar of the register "Probe". A dialog listing all available probes will be
opened. There you can add a new probe. Use the button "Calibrate" to start calibrat-
ing the selected probe. For further informations see the sub-chapter "Administrating
the probes". In this chapter you will also find details on how to calculate the offset
between a camera and a probe so that you can compare measuring results taken by
probe and camera.

Page 282 Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Manual MarSoft Vision 3D
8 Index

8 Index

Alignment.............................................................................................................................. 202, 204, 205
All Geometric Elements ........................................................................................................................ 172
Allocations ............................................................................................................................................ 225
Angularity.............................................................................................................................................. 195
Appearance .......................................................................................................................... 215, 217, 218
Arrays ................................................................................................................................................... 224
Auto-derive nominal elements ................................................................................................................ 22

Basic..................................................................................................................................................... 223
Bearbeiten ............................................................................................................................................ 144
Bestfit...................................................................................................................................................... 21

Calibrate ....................................................................................................................... 119, 121, 139, 142
Calibration............................................................................................................................................. 280
Camera................................................................................................................................................... 35
Camera data ......................................................................................................................................... 123
Camera measurement ............................................................................................................................ 54
Character Strings.................................................................................................................................. 238
Standard Functions ......................................................................................................................... 238
Circular runout ...................................................................................................................................... 198
Close ............................................................................................................................................ 219, 221
Measure Program ........................................................................................................................... 219
Cnc ....................................................................................................................................................... 247
Coaxiality .............................................................................................................................................. 198
Comment .............................................................................................................................................. 232
Concentricity ......................................................................................................................................... 198
Configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 243
Connecting............................................................................................................................................ 175
Geometric Elements........................................................................................................................ 175
Construction.......................................................................................................................................... 241
Coordinate System ....................................................................................................................... 206, 207
Initializing ........................................................................................................................................ 206
Rotation........................................................................................................................................... 207
Copying..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Elements ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Creating a measuring program ............................................................................................................... 30
Creation ................................................................................................................................................ 222
New Measure Program ................................................................................................................... 222
CROSSHAIR .......................................................................................................................................... 54
Setting............................................................................................................................................... 54
CWS ..................................................................................................................................................... 136
CWS data ............................................................................................................................................. 144

Dark adjustment.................................................................................................................................... 144
Debug Settings ............................................................................................................................. 277, 279
Definition............................................................................................................................................... 241
Protocol header............................................................................................................................... 241
DXF-format ............................................................................................................................................. 30

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 283
8 Index

Edit ............................................................................................................................................... 123, 144
Editor ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Elements............................................................................................................................................... 8, 9
Copying............................................................................................................................................... 8
Properties............................................................................................................................................ 9
Error...................................................................................................................................... 215, 217, 218
Appearance..................................................................................................................... 215, 217, 218
Expressions .......................................................................................................................................... 225

In-/Output ........................................................................................................................................ 236
Flow ...................................................................................................................................... 215, 217, 218
Measure Program ........................................................................................................... 215, 217, 218
Form ..................................................................................................................................................... 181
Tolerances ...................................................................................................................................... 181

General Information .............................................................................................................................. 180
Geometric Elements ............................................................................................................................. 175
Connecting...................................................................................................................................... 175
Geometric Functions............................................................................................................................. 164
Geometrical compensation ................................................................................................................... 274
Graphical output ................................................................................................................................... 184

Hardware Settings ................................................................................................................................ 244

In-/Output.............................................................................................................................................. 236
File .................................................................................................................................................. 236
In-/Output on Screen ............................................................................................................................ 234
Initializing .............................................................................................................................................. 206
Coordinate System.......................................................................................................................... 206
INPUT................................................................................................................................................... 183
protocol data ................................................................................................................................... 183
Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 2
VISION3D ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
IWS....................................................................................................................................................... 159

Joystick ................................................................................................................................................. 252

Linear.................................................................................................................................................... 275
Location ................................................................................................................................................ 181

Machine ................................................................................................................................................ 256
Machines Home Reference .................................................................................................................. 280
Main Program ....................................................................................................................................... 226
MarCAD 3D ........................................................................................................................................... 33

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8 Index

MarCAD 2D ............................................................................................................................................ 32
MarContour............................................................................................................................................. 21
Mathematical Standard Functions ........................................................................................................ 239
Maximum Material Condition ................................................................................................................ 200
Measure Program ......................................................................................................... 215, 217, 218, 219
Closing ............................................................................................................................................ 219
Flow ................................................................................................................................ 215, 217, 218
Measuring Devices ............................................................................................................................... 280
Calibration....................................................................................................................................... 280
Measuring Window ................................................................................................................................. 50
Selecting ........................................................................................................................................... 50

Naming ................................................................................................................................................... 54
Camera measurement ...................................................................................................................... 54
New Measure Program ......................................................................................................................... 222
Creation .......................................................................................................................................... 222

Objektives ..................................................................................................................... 119, 121, 139, 142
Offset .................................................................................................................................................... 208
Open..................................................................................................................................... 219, 220, 222
Several Measure Programs ............................................................................................................ 222
Output........................................................................................................................................... 175, 236

Path ...................................................................................................................................................... 261
PH9 Taster ........................................................................................................................................... 249
Plane Alignment.................................................................................................................................... 207
Position................................................................................................................................................. 196
Power Board ......................................................................................................................................... 248
Printer ........................................................................................................................................... 236, 263
Probe ...................................................................................................................................................... 70
Probe Changer ..................................................................................................................................... 255
Program Structures............................................................................................................................... 232
Program Tree ................................................................................................................................... 7, 8, 9
Structure ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Properties ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Element............................................................................................................................................... 9
Protocol ................................................................................................................................................ 266
Protocol data......................................................................................................................................... 183
Input ................................................................................................................................................ 183
Protocol header .................................................................................................................................... 241
definition.......................................................................................................................................... 241

Rotation ................................................................................................................................................ 207
Coordinate System.......................................................................................................................... 207

Save ..................................................................................................................................................... 219
Save As ................................................................................................................................................ 219
Scale measuring-values.......................................................................................................................... 22
Security................................................................................................................................................. 270
Selecting................................................................................................................................................. 50
Measuring Window............................................................................................................................ 50
Setting .................................................................................................................................................... 54

Manual MarSoft Vision 3D Version 4.1 30.04.2009 Art.Nr. 7041685 Page 285
8 Index

Crosshair........................................................................................................................................... 54
Several Measure Programs .................................................................................................................. 222
Opening .......................................................................................................................................... 222
Software Settings.................................................................................................................................. 260
Speed ................................................................................................................................................... 258
Standard Functions............................................................................................................................... 238
Character Strings ............................................................................................................................ 238
Statistics ............................................................................................................................................... 268
STEP-/IGES-format ................................................................................................................................ 30
Structure ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Program Tree...................................................................................................................................... 7
Subdivision ............................................................................................................................................... 4
VISION3D Screen ............................................................................................................................... 4
Subroutines................................................................................................................................... 226, 231
Supplementary Program CONFIG ........................................................................................................ 243

Tolerances .................................................................................................................................... 165, 181
form................................................................................................................................................. 181
Total circular runout .............................................................................................................................. 199
Transfer ................................................................................................................................................ 231
Variables ......................................................................................................................................... 231

Variables....................................................................................................................................... 223, 231
Transfer........................................................................................................................................... 231
Video Processor Unit ............................................................................................................................ 245
VISION3D................................................................................................................................................. 2
Installation........................................................................................................................................... 2
VISION3D Screen..................................................................................................................................... 4
Subdivision.......................................................................................................................................... 4

Zoom ...................................................................................................................................................... 35

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