Summary of The Article "The Shifting Business Strategy From Products To Customers" Written by Niraj Dawar, Which Dobbed in Harvard Business Review As "When Marketing Is Strategy."
Summary of The Article "The Shifting Business Strategy From Products To Customers" Written by Niraj Dawar, Which Dobbed in Harvard Business Review As "When Marketing Is Strategy."
Summary of The Article "The Shifting Business Strategy From Products To Customers" Written by Niraj Dawar, Which Dobbed in Harvard Business Review As "When Marketing Is Strategy."
Summary of the article “The Shifting Business Strategy: From Products to Customers”
written by Niraj Dawar, which dobbed in Harvard Business Review as “When Marketing
is Strategy.”
For decades, businesses have sought competitive advantage in “upstream” activities related to
making new products, building bigger factories, finding cheaper raw materials, improving
efficiency, and so on. Nevertheless, the author Professor Niraj Dawar in his article has driven a
new way for the marketers, and that is: how downstream, market-facing activities can impact a
company’s planning around designing and delivering successful solution offerings. In this
article, he argues that companies’ upstream activities – such as sourcing, production, and
logistics are being commoditized or outsourced while downstream activities aimed at shaping
consumers’ perceptions and reducing their costs and risks are emerging as the main sources of
competitive advantage. He mainly points out that downstream competitive advantage comes
from outside of the company, the customers, and other external stakeholders. Thus, he suggested
moving marketing strategy downstream towards the customers. The pace and evolution of
markets and now driven by customer’s shifting purchase criteria rather than by improvements in
products or technology only.
Nowadays, downstream activities are taking the reign in many industries, showing that valuing
the customer is the main source of competitive advantage. The strategic objective of the
downstream business is to impact how customers comprehend the importance of different
purchase criteria and introducing new criteria. Customers became the center of focus of most
industries; businesses are caring about their customers' needs more than their products and, it's
innovation; this is the main reason for customer loyalty and companies' success. Each industry
focuses on how to make its brand unique, not superior. For example, Volvo's heart is security
while, BMW's anchor is excitement. Alone, the innovation of the product is not enough for brand
positioning but is essential alongside the right communication and distribution. Technology
innovations are positioned among the greatest threats, companies may face, but such changes
may be dangerous only if they put downstream competitive advantage on the edge. Downstream
tilt helps different companies in creating customer value, building competitive advantage. Both
value and competitive advantage are found in the outside environment.
Therefore, I think, Marketing is not only the strategy and maybe, not only a concept in the world
of management, but marketing can give your product a purpose for customers to want it.