The Factors Affecting The Purchased Intention of Beauty Products P.R 12
The Factors Affecting The Purchased Intention of Beauty Products P.R 12
The Factors Affecting The Purchased Intention of Beauty Products P.R 12
Chapter I
students of CCNHS main of study in all TVL students of Cauayan City National High School Main.
This first chapter shall focus on the background of study. Students today are constantly being
reminded of what is considered beautiful. There are thousands of advertisements that promote
this beautiful image to students of all ages, shapes, and sizes. By sets/packaging products,
beauty, which has led to feelings of insufficiency among students. Women today are constantly
because beauty products have become their daily necessities. We use cosmetics to cleanse,
perfume, protect and change the appearance of our bodies or to alter its odors. And According
to studies, the average student’s uses 12 personal care products a day containing 168 different
chemicals. This study first discuss the cause that focus on the students who purchasing beauty
products. The results will indicate that the CCNHS students are high users of cosmetics, are very
aware of the beauty products, and at the same time to know what is the reason of the students
of CCNHS regarding purchasing beauty products. The respondents of this study will be limited
to the Grade 12 HE-C students especially to the 50 girls. Because mostly girls /woman are
obsess with beauty products and with this study holds the power to shape and change women’s
perceptions of beauty.
Cosmetic is one of the top important needs for most women. The reasons to use
cosmetic, but also cosmetics are often implicated to look attractive. Therefore, using of
cosmetics is a way to support women appearance. Cosmetics is not just a make-up, product
that called body care is also used by women to treat their body. Cosmetics industry continues
to strive to satisfy of consumers with range innovative cosmetics products to meet the
demands and needs. Those demands and needs are different will trigger the industry to create
the best product with many variant that can fulfill the marker demand. The difference of
demographics will make the industry trying harder to fulfill the demand with a special
Statement of the problem
This study attempts to determine the effects of purchasing beauty products of students
in Cauayan City national high school main in the school year 2020-2021. This study aims to
identify the difference factors affecting the purchase intension of beauty product in the
students and its effects on it people every day living. These factors can individually or
collectively affect the buying decision of the consumer's the objective of the study is to
determine the perception of students teacher and school heads of Cauayan City national high
school about the factors affecting the purchase intention of beauty products among the grade
This research study covers about why the factors affecting the purchase intention of
beauty products and it causes many students buying beauty product to improve their physical
appearance. Trying to enhance and glow their faces, improving their skins to become brighter
and smooth. How beauty product affect the lifestyle of the students.
This study is only limited to the Grade 12 TVL HE-C students of CCNNHS. The researcher
will conduct an interview of the students. Each of the respondents are given questionnaires to
Students today are constantly being reminded of what is considered beautiful. There are
thousands of advertisements that promote this beautiful image to students of all ages, shapes,
has built up impossible standards of beauty, which has led to feelings of insufficiency among
students. Women today are constantly being reminded of what is considered beautiful. Almost
all modern students in this 21st century use some cosmetic products every day because beauty
products have become their daily necessities. We use cosmetics to cleanse, perfume, protect
and change the appearance of our bodies or to alter its odors. And According to studies, the
average student’s uses 12 personal care products a day containing 168 different chemicals. This
study first discuss the cause that focus on the students who purchasing beauty products. The
results will indicate that the CCNHS students are high users of cosmetics, are very aware of the
beauty products, and at the same time to know what is the reason of the students of CCNHS
regarding purchasing beauty products. The respondents of this study will be limited to the
Grade 12 HE-C students especially to the 50 girls. Because mostly girls /woman are obsess with
beauty products and with this study holds the power to shape and change women’s
perceptions of beauty.
In this study, survey research will use to obtain the data relevant to our study objectives
and research questions. The main tool/instrument for this data gathering will be questionnaires
that will be answered by Grade 12 HE-C students. After collecting the questionnaires the
This research could be source of information to the CCNHS and other girls/women’s in
which it will determine the affecting factors intention on purchasing beauty products. Especially
Students: This study will be good/great help for the students in order to determine the
Researchers: This study will help the researchers to determine the cause and effects of their
intention by purchasing beauty products. And to help them to understand them why they
Business Industry: This study will help them to improved their marketing strategies so that the
customer will purchase the products again in again. Quality with low or more affordable price,
and should deliver them with value added features. Consumer buying pattern differ when
Consumer purchase decision has now become a complicated process and is related to
the attitude, perceptions and behavior of consumers. Consumers considered purchase behavior
as a key point to access and evaluate specific product. Ghosh (1990) state that, to predict
buying behavior of consumers purchase intention is an effective tool. Due to the influence of
price, quality and value there is a possibility for changing purchase intention. Gogoi (2013) state
that, during the buying process consumers are influenced by external as well as internal
motivations. Kotler & Armstrong (2010) & Kawa et al (2013) talks about the six stages which
are: knowledge, awareness, preference, interest, persuasion and purchase that researchers
have proposed before planning or deciding to buy the product. Gogoi (2013) states that,
Customers have an intuition that products that are little known, low cost, and simple packaging
have a high chance of risk because the quality and value of these products is not trustable.
There are many factors that consumers will look for before buying a cosmetic product:
Brand, Quality, Labeling, Price, and Advertisement. Irshad (2012), shows that among customers
there is a significant relationship for purchase intention and brand equity. Kotler (2000) in his
study contends that brand is referred as a name, symbol, term, and design used to differentiate
the company’s products and services from their competitors. P. Priyanga1, Dr. R. Krishnaveni
(2016) states that, when a women consumer turns brand loyal it is due to the quality of beauty
care product. High quality cosmetics help to build and maintain the confidence of targeted
customers and convince them to purchase it. Customers are concerned about the quality of
cosmetic products before deciding to purchase them. To remain competitive among the
competitor’s cosmetic firms should increase and concentrate more on improving the quality of
products. Deng (2009), states that customers will look for the packaging style of food products.
The visual aspect of labelling and packaging has an important role in the food purchase process
and have a direct relation with customer and an effect on customer mind. Company always give
more attention and care to loyal customers and take necessary steps to retain them as they
bring more profit to the firm. Wickliffe & Pysarchik (2001), states that, product features (brand
and price) have an inherent impact on customer behaviour. If advertising is attractive, then
customers pays more focus on that and thereby creates a feeling towards the product and that
leads to the way of brand promotion. Those who have loyal feeling show a positive attitude
towards a brand.
processing making their buying decisions, since there are alternative products which compete
in the areas close proximity, relatively cheaper price, quality, etc. Brand, Quality and price are
one among the strong competing factors in the decision making process.
Chapter III
The research design means researcher presents the meaning of research design by
planning, creating the structure, framework or create solution to study and get the answer of
analysis and control the concept. The research design shows the path, research method, and
the association between variable or conceptual framework that it makes researcher more
understand in the research. The research design is similar to pattern or blueprint that it is make
The research designs used quantify to find the problem and generate numerical data
that can convert to statistics. It could evaluate the research from opinions, behaviors, and
attitudes. Quantitative Method in this research was collect by paper surveys and online surveys.
The result could help the researcher to evaluate and make decision to choose the best solution
This research design is using quantitative method. The quantitative method is use
number to answer the questions that relate to human behavior (DeFranzo., 2011). The research
method use numbers for making generalization about a phenomenon. The data will show as
the basis for explaining a phenomenon (A. Patrick & Regoniel, 2015).
The purpose of this study was to measure the correlation and impacts of purchasing
beauty products and the behavior of the Senior High school students toward beauty products.
As well as it will also helpful for the other students and teachers to analyze the thinking of
students about the buying of beauty products. Therefore, the research purpose of this study is
to explore factors affecting students’ purchasing behavior of CCNHS. Our research question is:
What are the factors affecting the purchasing intention of senior high school students?
To answer the research question, the study organized as: chapter 1 the introduction,
chapter 2 relate review literature, Hypothesis are demonstrated in Chapter 3, the research
methodology is explained in chapter 4, and chapter 5 contains analyses and results of the study.
Life style
intention of
Advertisement Beauty
Brands Qualities
analysis can cover whole societies or groups defined by criteria such as education, nationality,
Quality- is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its
ability to satisfy given needs. And an inherent or distinguishing characteristic, a degree or grade
of excellence.
Packaging- The wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, identify,
describe, protect, display, promote and otherwise make the product marketable and keep it
Price- the amount of money that has to be paid to acquire a given product.
Brand- is an identifying symbol, mark, logo, name, word, and/or sentence that companies use
group, or culture.
Fashion Trend- is a particular style, or clothing popular at a certain point of time or a particular
period of time.
Advertisement- is how a company encourages people to buy their products, services or ideas.
Advertising is one element of marketing, which also includes design, research and data mining.
different variables.
Demographic could help and find the right target market to match with consumer.
Social culture could know customers’ think, spending behavior, and feeling to use. Demographic
information is the method that the business could appreciate the target group and revenue
Quality is not only means characteristic of product or service but it is also reliability that
people measure the product or service form deficiencies, defects, and significant variations. It is
work in process of building and sustaining relationships by evaluating, forecast, and respond
the demand of consumer. The product and service made satisfaction to consumers when the
cost of operation is proper. Therefore, the satisfaction of consumer can lead them to make
their decision.
Packaging is not only materials that could use to wrap or protect goods but packaging could
importance because the design of package may affect to goods and consumers by attraction,
comfortable, durability, useful, and keeps it clean. Label of packaging is for adding name,
information, usage, and size of products that consumers can determine to purchase.
Price is very important for customer’s decision to purchase cosmetics before making
actual purchase, customers make a comparison and evaluate price with alternative brands
because customers have a tremendous belief or faith in the value or benefit they get from their
favorite brand. Comparing price with value and perceived cost is the best method to build
customer satisfaction. It is observed that consumers are willing to purchase a product if the
Brand plays an important role in creating a positive image among customers. Brand
name has the ability to create loyal customers as well as to retain market share of the company.
Loyal customers always remain faithful or loyal to a brand, they repurchase it and through word
of mouth they recommend it to others. Therefore, consumers have a belief that well-known
brands can increase their satisfaction level and decrease purchase risk.
Advertising can be considered as a subset of marketing mix (4P) that are place,
promotion, price, and product. For promotion of a product, one of the main strategies used is
advertising such as TV, commercials, vlogs, magazines, billboards even the social media’s
advertising is an important tool and it influences the customer’s decision to buy a product.
Different Lifestyle has a different influence on purchase behavior including the purchase
of cosmetics. Lifestyle is the format that people live their life, take time and spend money. The
way of lifestyle have many format, it depend on experience, characteristic, environment and
the way of life. Each of consumer’s lifestyle is integrate between behavior, character,
Fashion product industries are variety design, new model creation, and respond
customer needs in the market. The fashion and color trends are very important for consumer
goods. The marketers, planners, designers have a deep knowledge and understanding of
There are many factors that consumers will look for before buying a cosmetic/beauty
products and it was identified that the factors are quality product, product price, brand name,
product packaging, fashion trend, lifestyle, demographics and advertising have greater impact
In this chapter the result of data and analysis are presented finding from one hundred
respondents completed by the Grade 12 students in Beauty Care students in Cauayan City
National High School Main. The purpose of this study is to know what THE FACTORS AFFECTING
In the gathering data, the researcher started identifying the result of the response of the
respondent. Descriptive statistics analysis was used to identify the frequencies and percentage
to answer all of the questions in the questionnaire. Most of the respondents preferred not to
write their names and remain anonymous. The data are presented using tables in accordance to
the sequencing of the sub-problem enumerated under the statement of the problem portion in
Chapter I to 3
This respondents were asked is How important is beauty products to your appearance?,
How important is the beauty products to your self-confidence?, How important is the right
beauty products to your comfort in social situations?. The response of are respondent is in the
Table 1 And table 2 the question we asked is what situations are you most likely to wear
makeups Or use beauty products; And table 3 Which of the following factors have an influence
on what beauty products you purchase? And the table 4, who do you typically look to purchase
beauty products? That all questions we asked is we want to get answers to have more ideas to
Table 1
Never 0
Rarely 5
Sometimes 15
Often 8
Always 22
The above indicates that 22 students answered that its always important to have a
beauty products for their appearance while, 8 students answered often, 15 students answered
Table 2
Never 0
Rarely 5
Sometimes 15
Often 8
Always 22
The above indicates that 22 students answered that it’s always important to have a
beauty products for their self-confidence while, 8 students answered often, 15 students
Table 3
How important is the right beauty products to your comfort in social situations?
Never 0
Rarely 5
Sometimes 8
Often 15
Always 22
The above indicates that 22 students answered that it’s always important to have a right
beauty products for their comfort in social situations while, 15 students answered often, 8
In what situations are you most likely to wear makeups or use beauty products?
Class 23
Out of friends 7
Running errands 8
On a date 12
23 respondents answered class while, 12 on a date, 8 for running errands, and 7 for out
Table 5
Which of the following factors have an influence on what beauty products you purchase?
Cost 10
Brands 6
Quality/ Effectiveness 24
Social medias 10
Sometimes most of the students will ask or copy their family and friends on deciding
with their purchased beauty products hut the table above indicates that 24 of the students
answered Quality/ Effectiveness while, 10 of the students answered social medias, 6 students
15 of the respondents realized that they typically look to purchase beauty products on
The interpretation of the research findings against the above-mentioned tables was
based on the belief of the students. The null hypothesis was accepted at both the 35% of the
respondents that the factors affecting purchasing beauty products was by blog's, 20% typically
look on their friends, 15% in advertisements, 12% in website's, 10% in families and relatives
while, 8% in magazines. When it comes to beauty products, it is even more intense that all the
The research mainly focuses to understand the buying pattern of consumers for
cosmetic products. Through this paper an attempt was conducted to identify the different
factors that impact and influences the customers for buying a product. This study reveals that
various factors like quality, brand, price, advertisement and packaging have tremendous
influences on consumer purchasing behavior. This research paper helps to contribute an extra
idea and knowledge to cosmetic companies so that they get to know more about the
The Grade 12 TVL HE-C students of CCNHS buying behavior is a decision process as well
as an attitude of the people involved in purchasing and using products. Students make purchase
decisions for buying small as well as large products. After recognizing a need or a want,
That fit their requirements. Their decision depends upon many criteria. However,
consumer purchases have happened much before their actual purchase. Marketing plays an
important role in this. Marketing & Advertising have a strong positive impact on buying
behavior of consumers, and they directly influence consumer buying a product from a company
that she/he is well aware of. In ancient days, students were not bothered about the attributes
before buying a product. But there comes a tremendous change in the consumer buying
Students purchase decision has now become a complicated process and is related to
the attitude, perceptions and behavior of consumers. Students considered purchase behavior
as a key point to access and evaluate specific product. Ghosh (1990) state that, to predict
buying behavior of consumers purchase intention is an effective tool. Due to the influence of
price, quality and value there is a possibility for changing purchase intention. Also during the
buying process of the students are influenced by external as well as internal motivations. They
have an intuition that products that are little known, low cost, and simple packaging have a high
chance of risk because the quality and value of these products is not trustable.
This research point out about most students will make decision according to their self-
image. In the past, lifestyles of consumer are different to present because at that time internet
is not famous and do not have online marketing. But in the present time internet and online
marketing make more attraction and brand awareness from consumer. Luxury cosmetic
company can promote their product in many channels by use internet and they can provide any
information to there. Each of lifestyle of consumer will become one of factor that can motivate
2. Recommended by beauty blogger, they will make a review about each product that can
motivate and separate word-of-mouth to consumer. The consumer will trust and follow them
because there are a lot of product in the market and consumer don’t have enough time to test
all brand. So, the will choose to trust beauty blogger because they assume that the beauty
blogger will choose only quality product to make a review. Moreover, some consumer will lack
of knowledge about make-up so they will do and act as beauty blogger do in internet.
3. Internet in present time makes different lifestyle of consumer. The consumer can easily check
or search the product that they want everywhere and every time around the world. This
technology will make the world smaller and easy for consumer to gain a lot of information
before purchase.
The researcher should study and focus about beauty blogger for better understand
behavior of consumer not just in the students. This result of data in this research can affect a
company’s, purchase decision and product image. The product image could be positive or
The researcher should study about event to satisfy students/consumer needs. Events
are outstanding way to stimulate and attract customers. It helps to get the word of mouth and
The researcher should study about media platform and social media. It allows users to
share information, content and communicate with friends and others. This movement one step
further and just debuted a section specifically for Trending News on its social media.