Application of Eye Patch, Eye Shield and Pressure Dressing To The Eye
Application of Eye Patch, Eye Shield and Pressure Dressing To The Eye
Application of Eye Patch, Eye Shield and Pressure Dressing To The Eye
Eye covering to be used (shield,
oval patches)
1. Wash hands. 1. Prevents contamination.
2. Explain procedure to patient. 2. Allays fear and ensures cooperation.
3. Verify patient and eye to be patched. 3. Prevents error.
4. Instill ointment, if directed, prior to patching.
4. May be ordered to protect cornea from abrasion
or prevent infection.
5. Shave the male face and apply tincture of 5. Enhances ability for tape to stick and protect the
benzoin, as indicated. skin from tape.
1. For eye patch:
a. Instruct patient to close both eyes. a. It may be difficult to close only the affected
b. Place patch over affected eye. eye.
c. Secure the patch with two or more strips of b. May need two or more patches, depending on
tape applied downward and diagonally the depth of the eye compared with the
from midforehead to cheek. surrounding bones.
c. Although transparent tape is easy to remove
and adhesive tape is most secure,
hypoallergenic tape should be used if patient
has had reaction to tape in past.
2. For eye shield:
a. Apply over dressings or directly over the a. Used primarily to protect the eye. Some
undressed eye, fastening with two or more shields may be bent to rest over bony
strips of tape. prominences. Tape placed around edges of
b. Be sure there are no rough edges against the shield will not obstruct vision through holes
the skin. in the shield.
a. c. Secures dressing and applies pressure. b. Prevents abrasion. Use skin protectant, as
1. Trim tape and monitor for security of patch or 1. For patient’s safety and comfort.
2. Advise patient that because depth perception 2. Prevent accidents or corneal abrasion if eyelid
will be impaired, he or she should perform opens and patch rubs against cornea.
activities carefully and report any foreign body