Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 37, 1, 35-44, 2017 J. of Thermal Science and Technology ©2017 TIBTD Printed in Turkey ISSN 1300-3615
Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 37, 1, 35-44, 2017 J. of Thermal Science and Technology ©2017 TIBTD Printed in Turkey ISSN 1300-3615
Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 37, 1, 35-44, 2017 J. of Thermal Science and Technology ©2017 TIBTD Printed in Turkey ISSN 1300-3615
Abstract: The solutions of internal ballistics in addition with the transitional ballistic equations are very important for gun
design. During the design phase of a gun, some of the main parameters decided on are the selection of the propellant chemical
structure and the grain geometry which may be spherical, tubular or multi perforated tubular. In this study, the Résal equation,
which is one of the basic internal ballistic equations, is solved by means of Runge Kutta method for spherical and perforated
propellants. The propellant chemical structure, propellant geometry, projectile mass properties and barrel geometry are the
main inputs for a typical gun design. The pressure distribution and the linear and tangential velocity of the projectile in the
barrel are predicted depending on time along the barrel length. The friction force between barrel and projectile, resistance
force created by the rifling against the motion of projectile are taken into consideration. Thermodynamic and heat transfer
parameters required in order to solve heat transfer problems of barrel such as cook-off problem are also obtained. The
calculation of erosion at the inner surface of barrel is another problem solved for the life prediction of the barrel. To design a
gun, solving internal ballistics is not enough, transitional ballistic of the barrel after the shot ejection has to be also solved.
The computer code of “Internal Ballistic AKÇAY” is generated for the solution of universal gun design problems.
Experiments are carried out with test barrel of 7.62x51 mm M80 ammunition at MKE ballistic test facilities. The theoretical
results are compared with the experimental results. The agreements between them are quite satisfactory.
Keywords: Gun barrels, interior ballistics, propellants, thermodynamics.
caliber weapons and motion mechanism for small caliber Combustion equation
weapons. Our interest in transitional ballistics in this study is n
Ba z
the prediction of the thermodynamic properties like pressure, dz
density and temperature versus time along the barrel during dt Pa
the intermediate ballistic period. This interest is rather
different from the information given above literature about Energy equation
transitional ballistics. Here the theoretical solutions that have 2
1 * dx
QK W x dx Wd
PV x
been carried out for spherical and multi tubular propellant
grain geometries have given pressure time history, projectile
mBx QB m
2 dt 1 0 (3)
mBx mB z (5)
Figure 1. The geometrical interpretation of a small caliber gun barrel. V is the volume behind the projectile in which the
combustion of the propellant occurs at time t;
Governing equations
1 z mB
The balance equations for mass, momentum, energy, V VB Ax mB z (6)
propellant burning and flow of combustion gases in the
barrel are given as follows; where VB is the initial volume used for propellant storage,
x is the location of the projectile in the barrel at time t, is
Equation of motion
the covolume of the combustion gases and is the
d 2x
m* 2 PA (1) propellant density. When equation (1) inserted into
equation (2), the new combustion equation is obtained as a If Eq.7, Eq.11 and Eq.12 are rearranged, the linear burning
function of projectile acceleration. rate for multi perforated propellant grains is obtained as;
n n
m * x d R 2 Na 2 LB m* d 2 x (13)
Ba z
(7) Ba 2
dt APa dt
2 R Na LB R Na
2 2
Pa A dt
Equation (1) and Equation (4) can be combined as; More comprehensive information about the form
function of multi perforated propellant grains and its use
d 2x A 1 in propellant burning has been given in Akçay (1992).
dt 2
VB Ax m B z
1 z mB
The pressure of the combustion gases at any point of the
(8) barrel can be calculated as
m Q z 1 dx 2
A 1 1 * dx (14)
B *B P mB zQB m
m 2 dt
VB Ax mB z
1 z mB 2 dt
In order to obtain ballistic parameters of a specific gun,
equations (7) and (8) have to be solved simultaneously. For the The temperature of the combustion gases is given as follows;
solution of this set of equation, form function of propellant grain
(z) has to be known. Form function is expressed as follows; 1 z
P VB m B z Ax
AP (9) nmol mB z
and the density of the combustion gases is given as follows
here APo is the initial surface area of the propellant
grain; AP is the surface area of the grain at any time
mB z
during combustion. Form function has a value of 1 z
VB mB z Ax
between one and zero. Propellant grains have wide (16)
variety of geometrical shapes, like cubical, spherical,
strip, solid cylinder, tubular or multi perforated. The Transitional Ballistics
value of the form function for tubular propellant grains
is equal to one. The form functions of different grain When the projectile in the barrel, the parameters like gas
geometries and their effects on burning rate can be pressure, gas temperature and density of the gases have
found in the literature (Corner 1950, AMCP 1964, been examined in the context of internal ballistics. As
Akçay, 1992). Form factor is a very important soon as the projectile leaves the barrel, the combustion
parameter which effects the burning rate, burning gases inside the barrel starts to move towards
duration, combustion pressure and velocity of the atmosphere. The evacuation of gases takes rather
projectile in the barrel. A geometrical representation of longer time than the projectile movement duration in the
a multi perforated tubular propellant grain is shown in barrel. The evacuation of combustion gases from the
Fig.2. At any time t during burning there is a barrel is examined under the name of “transitional
relationship among the parameters of a grain; ballistics”. During the gas evacuation period, barrel
starts to function like a rocket motor and it moves the
3a 4 R (10) gun in the reverse direction. This occurs up to the time
when the value of the gas pressure in the barrel
decreases to the value of the atmospheric pressure. In
fact, transitional ballistics covers the events between the
internal ballistic period and the external ballistic period.
2( N 1) ( N 1)L
B (11)
4( R Na) 2 2 ( R Na) LB ( R 2 Na 2 )
( R 2 Na 2 ) LB
Continuity equation: 2
Po t To t 1 1 B
1A RG To 02 t
1 1
Here, 1 (28)
o 0 2 V
V VB AL (19)
Efficiency problem for internal ballistics
Energy equation:
The two types of efficiencies are described in internal
dQ dW d P (20)
0 o VCV To m CPTo ballistics. One is the piezometric efficiency
dt dt dt RGTo piazo=Paverage/Pmax reflects the shape of the pressure curve
P(x). In our case the low piezometric efficiency means that
By combining Eq.17 and Eq.19 and defining: thinner barrel wall thickness, less recoil, lighter and more
Considering mobile weapon, low muzzle pressure, less flash and less
1 1
dispersion. The second one is the ballistic efficiency
2 2 1
b=½mU2/mBQB which shows the ratio between the kinetic
B 2
energy of the projectile at muzzle of the barrel and the total
energy stored in the propellant.
The pressure change in the barrel becomes
dPo A RGTo (22)
B dt
Po RGTo V In order to solve the set of the differential equations
P t through Eq.1 to Eq.8, forth order modified Runge Kutta
dPo A RGTo
V 0
dt (23) method (Kopchenova et al., 1975) is used in the computer
program written in visual Fortran. The original code was
developed in 1977 during the development of 155 mm
So that at any time t , the pressure in the barrel can be gun barrel, recoil cylinders and recuperator (Akçay,
given as follows; 1981). The total internal ballistic cycle is completed
around one mili second for the small caliber guns, so that
Pt Poe V
(24) the time step is set to 0.00000001 second. Boundary
conditions are
The duration of gas evacuation period lasts until the pressure
in the barrel becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure. If For internal ballistics;
this time period considered as t , from Eq.23
Initial condition t = 0 x = 0, P = Pa
P Final condition t = t1 x = L, P = Pe
ln a
Po (25)
t For transitional ballistics;
Initial condition t = t1, P = Pe
obtained. Here A is the cross sectional area of the barrel Final condition t = t2, P = Pa
and V is the total volume including the combustion
Here t1 is the calculated time, Pe is the calculated pressure
chamber volume or the cartridge case volume and the of combustion gases at the time that the projectile leaves
barrel volume given as in Eq.19. the barrel muzzle. These two values are the initial
conditions for transitional ballistic calculations. The
The temperature of the combustion gases at any time t calculations are over when the gas pressure in the barrel
during evacuation period becomes becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure Pa.
To t 1A RG t
1 1B (26)
T 02 2 V
o The interior and the transitional ballistic tests have been
carried out for 7.6251 mm M80 and 919 mm Parabellum
The relationship between the pressure and the cartridges by using the test barrels at MKE internal ballistic
temperature during the evacuation period is test facilities. Length of the barrel in which projectile moves
along is 508.8 mm. According to NATO standard,
ammunitions to be used for internal ballistic tests have to be
conditioned at 21°C for two hours for normal conditioning.
All the ammunitions are conditioned at the specified
temperature and duration before the tests. The pressure
inside the barrel is measured at two points on the barrel, first
one just at the head of cartridge case, second one at 32.7 cm
ahead of this point. Piezoelectric probes are used for the
measurements of the pressure. The timing and the velocity
of projectiles are measured at 23.7 m ahead of the barrel
muzzle. The air temperature was around 20°C and air
pressure was 0.898 Bars during all tests. At least twenty
ammunitions have to be used to statistical evaluation of
velocity and pressure test results. Not only the mean values
of velocity and pressure are considered during test
evaluation, standard deviation, that means homogeneity of
the samples tested is also important parameter for internal Figure 4a. Pressure time history during internal ballistic phase in MKE
ballistic tests. With the technical information given about
7.62x51 mm M80 cartridge by Cronemberger et al., the
internal ballistic equations are resolved with the current
method in order to compare the experimental results given
in Cronemberger’s study and the results obtained by this
method. Although MKE cartridges have spherical
propellant grains, the cartridges used in Cronemberger’s
study has single perforated tubular propellant grains.
barrel in the discharging gases from barrel muzzle during
intermediate ballistic phase is shown in Fig.7.
One of the most important parameters for gun design is the Figure 8a. Gas temperature and gas density time history during
pressure time function for a considered barrel during the internal ballistic phases.
evacuation of combustion gases after the projectile leaves the
barrel. It is necessary to be known for design of recoil and
requperator mechanisms. The gas evacuation goes on until the
gas pressure in the barrel becomes equal to the atmospheric
pressure where the test is carried out. Here, the pressure
measurement of the gases was carried out depending on time
at MKE facilities. The calculated time during the intermediate
ballistic starts at 1.109 milliseconds and lasts up to 14.27278
milliseconds. The duration of intermediate ballistic phase is
thirteen times greater than the internal ballistic phase. The
experimental measurements cover the pressure values up to
3.22 milliseconds. At this point, the pressure inside the barrel
drops from 551 Bars to 69 Bars. The agreement between the
theoretically obtained values and the experimental values are
quite good for both internal and transitional ballistic phases as
shown in Fig.6a. The results of the theoretical and the Figure 8b. Gas temperature and gas density time history
experimental values of the gas pressure versus time history for during internal and transitional ballistic phases.
Cronemberger’s case are shown in Fig.6b.
The gas temperature drops from the maximum value of 2822
In Cronemberg test’s the intermediate ballistic cycle was not K to 2050 K and the gas density drops from a maximum value
examined so that no comparison was possible. The calculated of 392kg/m³ to 85kg/m³ at the time when the projectile leaves
time during the intermediate ballistics for Cronemberger’s the muzzle. The change of the gas temperature and the gas
case starts at 1.213 milliseconds and lasts to 14.40304 density with the time during transitional ballistic period are
milliseconds. The motion of a flying projectile in front of the shown in Fig.8b. The gas temperature in the gun barrel drops
from 2050 K to 477 K, the gas density drops from 85kg/m³ to
0.66kg/m³ during transitional ballistic period.
Figure 10. The percentage of the burned propellant along the barrel Figure 11. The projectile position by the time along the barrel length.
Table 1 Unburned propellants for 7.6251 mm M80 and 919 mm Parabellum Cartridges.
g g g
7.62x51 mm M80 SPHERICAL 0.275 +21 1 0.057 20.88 - -
TUBULAR 0.268 +21 1 0.034 12.64 - -
9x19 mm +21 60 4.98 19.30 3.6 14
PARABELLUM SPHERICAL 0.43 +52 105 8.80 19.50 2.9 6.4
-54 105 8.49 18.80 5.8 12.8
Table 2 Piezometric and ballistic efficiencies of 7.6251 mm Cartridges with experimental barrel.
PMAX (bar) PMEAN (bar) VO (m/s) piezo bal
MKE-AKÇAY 3526 3487 1326 1322 833.7 835 %36 %37.9 %29 %29.5
CRONEMBERGER 3197 3240 1338 1325 839.4 839 %40 %40.9 %31 %30.3
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