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School of Engineering & Sciences

Department of Aerospace Engineering

CFD Analysis of Combustion Gas Gun for Projectile Acceleration

Group Code: UGAE 2317 Topic: Extension Course Code:
Roll No. Div. Enrollment No. Name of Student
2201033 A2 MITU20BTAE0052 Saptanshu Ingale
2201063 A3 MITU20BTAE0064 Vishal Bhoknal
2201070 A3 MITU20BTAE0066 Vrinda Patil

Name of Guide Prof. Dinesh Kumar Bajaj

Industry Mentor Mr. Tribikram Chattaraj and
(Avex Technologies) Mr. Sidharth Kamble

1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 1


"We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to our esteemed mentors, Professor Dinesh Kumar Bajaj and
Professor Dr. Devabrata Sahoo from MIT ADT University, for their invaluable guidance and unwavering support
throughout our research endeavour.

We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to our external mentors, Mr. Tribikram Chattaraj and Mr.
Sidharth Kamble from Avex Technologies, for their significant contributions and steadfast support throughout
the course of this project. Their expertise and assistance have been instrumental in the successful completion of
our research."

2 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 2


• Introduction
• Literature Survey
• Identification of Gaps/Scopes of Work
• Problem Statement
• Objectives
• Numerical Methodology
• Computational Methodology
• Results
• Conclusion
• Future Scope
• Reference

3 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 3


A projectile accelerated system refers to a situation or physical setup in which an object, called a
projectile, is accelerated and then projected into motion through the influence of some external force.

Figure 1- A light-gas gun a Figure 2- DD(X) U.S Destroyer

university of rice.

4 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 4


A combustion Gas gun is a device which in contrast of the traditional guns use gaseous propellant for
combustion and propelling projectiles. Fig 1
Major difference between constant volume process and the constant pressure process is in constant
volume, volume is constant and hence work is done by pressure or temperature.

Figure 3- Combustion gas gun schematics(Ning Liu)

5 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 5


Premix combustion refers to a combustion The computational domain has been reduced to a 2D
process in which the fuel and oxidizer domain because effects of friction or other factors can be
(typically air) are thoroughly mixed before ignored and to reduce the computation time.
entering the combustion zone. Fig 3

Figure 4- Computational domain

Figure 3- Types of combustion(THESIS)

6 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 6

Literature Survey
Ref. Paper Title Author Names, Name of Findings
No. Journal/Conference, Volume
No., Year of publication etc.
1. Performance of a 40mm M.E. Lord The major finding of the paper was that the pressure loss due to heat
combustion-heated light gas "Arnold Engineering Development transfer was very less, and the sonic speed was presenting some
gun launcher. Centre" limitations on projectile velocity. the main loss was associated with
1985 the diaphragm.

2. Modelling of combustion and Ning Liu et al The increasing amount of hydrogen enhances the initial pressure,
propulsion process of a new "Journal of theoretical and applied maximum pressure and muzzle velocity of the projectile, while the
concept gun using a gaseous mechanics" temperature significantly decreases in the process.
propellant. 2015

3. A Comparative SH. Zarei et al "Combustion Maximum projectile velocity according to the study is obtained at 1
And Experimental Study Science and Technology", 2020 equivalence ratio. It provides various advantages of using natural gas
on Performances Of over helium-hydrogen, and other gases like natural gas is
Natural Gas-Air Combustion, economical, easy to handle, safe, and environmentally friendly. It
Helium And Air As also outperforms hydrogen-helium at higher pressure
Propellants in a Gas Gun

7 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 7

Research Gaps and Scopes of Work

After conducting a literature review on combustion in the light gas gun combustion chamber, following potential research
gaps have been identified -

 Need to investigate the effect of different combustion chamber geometries and fuel on performance factors like
projectile velocity and chamber pressure.

 Lack of experimental data on the ignition characteristics of different fuels in the light gas gun combustion chamber.

 This project therefore has a scope to extent on the knowledge of the effect of using different thermodymanic and
geometrion the performance and ignitions characteristics of a gas gun.

8 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 8

Problem Statement

CFD Analysis of Combustion Gas Gun for Projectile Acceleration System with different
fuels and combustions chamber geometry.

 To perform a consistent Computational study on the constant volume chambers of combustion
 The objective is to ascertain the optimal fuel mixture to enhance the performance parameters
of a gas engine using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation and analytical
calculations, while also assessing the potential fuels.
 To get the results validated with previous studies and analytical calculations.
 To validate the dimensionless number which will be calculated using the method of repeating
variables as well as the Buckingham pi theorem.

9 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 9


Study With Performing CFD Validating
Literature Selection of
CFD and GIT study using the study
survey, potential
Method of with
Research gaps, Validation fuels trough
repeating variables analytical
Scopes study with available
and Buckingham Pi calculations
Topic Selection Numerical literature

10 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 10

Numerical Methodology

(Equation for adiabatic temperature​)

(Abel-Noble Equation with co-volume)​

(Stomate equations from Nist)

11 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 11

Numerical Methodology

H2O(gas) O2(gas) He(Gas)

Temperature (K) 500 - 1700 1700 - 6000 Temperature(K) 100 - 700 700 - 2000 2000 - 6000 Temperature(K) 298 - 6000.
A 30.092 41.96426 A 31.32234 30.03235 20.91111 A 20.78603
B 6.832514 8.622053 B -20.23531 8.772972 10.72071 B 0
C 6.793435 -1.49978 C 57.86644 -3.988133 -2.020498 C 0

D -2.53448 0.098119 D -36.50624 0.788313 0.146449 D 0

E 0.082139 -11.15764 E -0.007374 -0.741599 9.245722 E 0

F -250.881 -272.1797 F -8.903471 -11.32468 5.337651 F -6.197341

G 223.3967 219.7809 G 246.7945 236.1663 237.6185 G 151.3064

H -241.8264 -241.8264 H 0 0 0 H 0

12 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 12

Numerical Methodology

Reactions Tad(K) Pf(bar)

4H2 + O2 + 2He => 2H2O + 2H2 + 2He 2572.733415 3258.795659

8H2 + O2 + 2He => 2H2O + 6H2 + 2He 1290.394615 1634.499846

12H2 + O2 + 2He => 2H2O + 10H2 + 2He 1155.699209 1463.885664

13 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 13

Numerical Methodology
Dimension Less Number
Po = Initial Pressure
Pset = Set Pressure
Pmax = Peak Pressure
Xc = Chamber length
M = Projectile mass
To = Initial Temperature
u = value for projectile velocity at the barrel length
t = time at which the barrel length is reached – time at the start of the projectile the

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

π1 0.001125 0.001125 0.0001125
π2 0.0050625 0.0050625 0.00050625
π3 0.005165321 0.00516997 0.000516488
π4 15.02201 14.9482642 18.77035383

14 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 14

Computational Methodology

Methane Combustion

Static Temperature

Mass Fraction of CH4

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Computational Methodology
Objective 1

Geometry Mesh

Top Chamber

Bottom Chamber

16 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 16

Computational Methodology
Objective 1

Mesh Quality Set Up

Global Mesh Size 1.5mm Solver​ Density-Based Implicit​

Number of Elements 15334 Model​ Epsilon, Standard RNG (with
compressibility effects on)​
Element Quality 0.9925
Hydrogen-air (Real gas Peng-
Fluid Type​
Skewness 8.4049e-003
Pressure​ 380 Bar​
Aspect Ratio 1.0123 Temperature​ 300K​
Courant Number​ 1​

17 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 17

Computational Methodology

The Comparison Between the values from the research paper and the simulation performed.

18 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 18

Computational Methodology
Objective 2 using method of repeating variables and
Buckingham Pi Theorem

Chamber Barrel Barrel Ignitor’s Initial Projectile

Chamber Set Pressure
Diameter Length Diameter Distance Pressure Mass
Length (mm) (bar)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (grams)

150 200 1200 50 25 10 45 100

150 200 1200 50 25 15 67.5 150

120 160 1200 40 20 10 45 51.2

19 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 19

Computational Methodology
Objective 2

Parameters Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Global Mesh Size 1 mm 1 mm 0.8 mm

Number of Elements 15000 15000 15000

Element Quality 0.9925 0.99947 0.99923

Skewness 2.4049e-003 2.7849e-002 2.1938e-002

Aspect Ratio 1.0023 1.003 1.0004

The geometry along with the dimensions we used to do further projectile simulation.
20 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 20
Computational Methodology
Objective 2

Dynamic Mesh
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Technique Layering Layering Layering

Set Pressure 45 bar 67.5 bar 45 bar

Projectile Mass 0.1 kg 0.1 kg 0.512 kg

Projectile Rigid Body Rigid Body Rigid Body

Moving Domain Deforming Deforming Deforming
Chamber Radius-Moving Stationary Stationary Stationary
Stationary Domain Stationary Stationary Stationary
The geometry along with the dimensions we used to do further projectile simulation.
21 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 21
Results & Discussion

By analyzing the comparison plot between different mesh sizes, it was concluded that 40,000 mesh size is
optimum for our set-up.

22 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 22

Results & Discussion

These are the results of Objective 2 simulation using method of repeating variables.

23 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 23


1. Different mixtures like methane-oxygen, hydrogen-oxygen-helium, and hydrogen-oxygen-
nitrogen were studied further. A conclusion was drawn that the hydrogen-oxygen-helium mixture
would be suitable for initial work. ​
2. A study on 2D planar methane combustion was carried out.​
3. From the latest simulations were method of repeating variables and Buckingham Pi
Theorem were used conclusions were drawn-
A. When geometry is kept same projectile acceleration doesn’t changes but the maximum
velocity is increased slightly also the change of projectile mass doesn’t any significant difference in
projectile velocity.
B. The maximum projectile velocity showed a significant change when the geometry is changed.
C. The maximum pressure reached changes significantly if set pressure and initial pressure is
D. If the thermodynamic parameters changed are changed pressure peak is shifted.
E. The geometry doesn’t causes any significant effect on the peak pressure.

24 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 24

Project Work Action Plan

August 2023

Sept. 2023

Sept. 2023

Nov. 2023
Oct. 2023

Jan. 2023

Feb. 2023
Oct. 2023
July 2023
Sr. No. Activity

End Term / Phase II Assessment

End Term / Phase I Assessment
Project Overview Assessment

Project Overview Assessment

Literature Survey
on Fuels

Mid Term Assessment

Mid Term Assessment

2 Validation


Simulations on
5 Projectile

Report and
6 Manuscript

25 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 25

Future Scope

 Finding optimum fuel mixtures for Gas Guns.

 To optimize the CFD setup for maximum projectile distance and acceleration.

 The results obtained by method of repeating variables and Buckingham Pi Theorem are crucial in fabrication of
large physical models.

26 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 26

1. Lord, M. E. “Performance of a 40mm combustion-heated light gas gun launcher.” Arnold Engineering Development Center, 1985

2. Stephen R. Turns "An Introduction to Combustion" Second edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000

3. Ning Liu, Fei Deng, Xiang-yan Zhang, Liu-yi Zhang "Numerical Analysis Of Hydrogen-Oxygen Combustion In Combustion Light
Gas Gun With Detailed Kinetic Mechanism" IEEE Workshop On Electronics, Computer And Applications, 2004

4. SH. Zarei, GH. Majzoobi & H. Ahmadikia "A Comparative And Experimental Study on Performances Of Natural Gas-Air
Combustion, Helium And Air As Propellants in a Gas Gun" Combustion Science and Technology, 2013

5. Huilai Sun, Ruichuan Li,Mingming Huang, Zhi Li, and Jikang Xu "Numerical Simulations of the Influence of Inert Gases (N2/CO2)
on Combustion Characteristics of Laminar-Premixed Biosyngas Flame" ACS Publication, 2000

6. Haiyan Miao, Qian Huang, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, and Deming Jiang "Premixed Combustion of Diluted Hydrogen-Air Mixtures
in a Constant Volume Bomb" American Chemical Society, 2008

7. Zuohua Huang, Yong Zhang, Ke Zeng, Bing Liu, Qian Wang, and Deming Jiang " Natural Gas-Hydrogen-Air Premixed Mixture
Combustion with a Constant Volume Bomb" American Chemical Society , 2006

27 Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering & Sciences 27

8. Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang, Chun Jin, Jiajia He, Jinhua Wang,Xibin Wang, Haiyan Mia "Explosion characteristics of hydrogen–
nitrogen–air mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures" Elsevier, 2008

9. Ning Liu, Fei Deng, Fei Zhou, Xiangyan Zhang "Modelling Of Combustion And Propulsion Processes Of A New Concept Gun Using
A Gaseous Propellent" Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics, 2015

10. D. Kruczynski, D. Massey, R. Milligan, E. Vigil, B. Landers, M. Meneguzzi "Combustion Light Gas Gun Technology Demonstration"
UTRON, 2006

11. Anthony J. Kotlar "The Thermodynamics of Interior Ballistics and Propellant Performance" Army Research Laboratory, 2013

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