Chapter I

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A. Background of the Study

Speaking is an important skill which has to be mastered by students in
learning English. Speaking is an essential tool for communicating.
Communicating is the human way to give and take information with each other,
therefore it needs a language to communicate. Language is also the most
important aspect in the human interaction. People communicate and interact using
language. In Indonesia, not all of people can speak English, but Indonesian had
been studying English from elementary school to university.
There are four skills in the language. Brown (2001: 232) classified the
English skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. But the most
important skill is speaking. One of those language skills that influences the
language ability is speaking. Speaking skill is the part of communications and one
of 4 productive skills that must be mastered in learning foreign language. Good
speaking skills are the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners.
There are some difficulties of English language learning, such as spelling,
homework, some pupils do not appear interested in English, disruptive (upsetting)
behavior, pronounciation difficulties, writing composition, terrible (very bad)
hand writing, learning vowel letters, and etc. As a professional teacher, teacher
has to know what kind of the difficulties faced by students in learning English and
then find the solution to solve the problems.
The students feel difficult in speaking English because the environment
does not support the students to speak English. The environment here means the
people outside the class. Those people may think that the students just want to
show off when they speak English for daily conversation. The response that the
students get makes them loose their self-confidence to improve their speaking.
The students sometimes face many problems in learning speaking because many


factors such as shy to speak, have low motivation, afraid of making mistakes and
The solution is a way for the teacher to do. It is considered necessary for
the teacher to force the students only to speak English during the class. The
teacher must be able to convince his students to be brave to speak English. It
doesn’t matter if they have very bad grammar. The students are given chance to
try speak English whatever they want. And the teacher must convince his students
that making errors is a normal thing in learning. This way will raise students’
confidence to speak English. It will be better if the teacher does not give
correction every time his students make errors, but teacher should give feedback
and give explanation for every error after the students finish their speech.
The researcher is interested in analyzing the problems and finding out on
how to solve it. The reason why the researcher chooses speaking skill because
speaking is the basic skill that has to be accomplished before going to the next
skill, and it is very necessary for the teacher to find out the problems and find out
how to solve them.
Based on the background above, the writer tried to raise the case research

B. Scope of the Study

The writer focuses on the problems faced by teacher in teaching speaking
to the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 SIMO.

C. Problem Statement
Based on the previous description, the researcher formulates the problem
statement as follows:
1. What are the problems faced by teacher in teaching speaking in English
class in SMP N 2 Simo?

2. How does the teacher overcome the problems in teaching speaking to the
seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Simo?

D. Objective of the Study

Based on the problems statements, the objectives of this research can be
formulated as follows:
1. To describe problems are faced by teacher in teaching English speaking to
the students of the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 SIMO in 2017/2018
academic year,
2. To describe what the teacher does to overcome the problems in teaching
English speaking to the students of the seventh grade students of SMPN 2
SIMO in 2017/2018 academic year.

E. Significance of the Study

The researcher expected that the research will bring significance:
1. Theoretical Significance
Theoritically, this research gives reference to other researchers who are
interested in observation about the problems faced by teacher in teaching
2. Practical Significance
a. For the Teacher
The result will also be advantages for the English teacher to minimize the
problem in the teaching learning process fo the English speaking in Junior
High School.
b. For the Students
The writer hopes that this research will be good for the advancement of
student learning activities, especially in receiving the knowledge of

c. For the Other Researcher

This finding can be used as a reference and other considerations to
investigate the problems in further research.

F. Research Paper Organization

This research paper is divided into five chapters as follows:
Chapter I is introduction. It covers background of the study, scope of the
study, problem statement, objective of the study, significance of the study and
research paper organization.
Chapter II presents review of related literature which consists of previous
study, notion of teaching speaking, principles of teaching speaking, and problems
often faced by teacher in teaching speaking.
Chapter III is research method. This chapter deals with the research method
covering type of the study, subject of the study, object of the study, research data
and data source, method of collecting data, technique for analyzing data and
credebility of the data.
Chapter IV explains the research result and discussion. It consists of
research finding and discussion.
Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion.

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