RK19H Hydrostatic Sub-Compact Tractor Manual

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Rural King Supply
4216 Dewitt Ave.
Mattoon IL 61938


Thank you for purchasing our tractor. We are confident it will give you many years of reliable Service.

The introduction in this manual sets out the correct manner of operating, maintaining and checking the tractor
to ensure long-term durability.

Please ensure correct operation of the tractor as incorrect operation can cause substantial mechanical damage
as well as cause accidents with the associated injuries.

Please note that in some cases differences can exist between this manual and your tractor due to the manu-
facture’s policy of constant product improvement.

In the event that you encounter a problem not covered by this manual please contact your nearest RK Trac-
tor store who will assist you in resolving your problem.

CALIFORNIA Proposition 65 Warning

The Engine Exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the
state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 1 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:10


The following warning signs in this manual draw additional attention to items of importance for the safe and
correct operation of the tractor.


This indicates that a condition may result in harm, serious injury or death to you or oth-
er persons if the warning is not heeded. Follow the advice provided with the warning.

WARNING Hazard or unsafe practice that can lead to severe injury or death.

CAUTION Hazard or unsafe practice that can lead in injury or death.

Instructions for the correct operation of the machine which, if followed, will ensure
IMPORTANT that it performs at it’s best.

All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on latest information available at the
time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 2 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:11


The engine number is stamped on the left hand side of the engine block. WARRANTY OF THE PRODUCT
The chassis number is shown on the left hand side of the tractor as shown in The manufacturer warrants this
the drawing. product and full details of the war-
ranty are provided on a separate
warranty schedule.

Carved position of the Service is available from any RK
Engine type or Number Tractor store in the country.

To obtain spare parts please contact
your nearest RK Tractor store and
give him the details listed below.
 Tractor model
 Tractor serial number
 Tractor engine number

Carved position of
 Part number and description
the chassis number R19O001A  Quantity required

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 3 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:12



This manual has been prepared to Read this Manual carefully and
assist you in following/adopting the keep it in a convenient place for fu-
correct procedure for running-in op- ture reference. If at any time you re-
eration and maintenance of your quire advice concerning your trac-
new RK Tractors (Here in after re- tor, do not hesitate to contact your
fer to RK) tractor. Authorized RK Tractor store. He
Your tractor has been designed and has trained personnel, genuine
built to give maximum performance, parts and necessary equipments to
with good fuel economy and ease undertake all your service require-
of operation under a wide variety ments.
of operating conditions. Prior to de- Manufacturer’s policy is one of con-
livery, the tractor was carefully in- tinuous improvement, and the right
spected, both at the factory and by to change prices, specifications or
your RK Tractor store, to ensure equipments at any time without no-
that it reaches you in optimum con- tice is reserved.
dition. To maintain this condition and All data given in this book is sub-
ensure trouble free performance. it ject to production variations. Dimen-
is important that the routine servic- sions & weight are approximate only
es, as specified in this manual, are and the illustrations do not neces-
carried out at the recommended in- sarily show tractors in standard con-
tervals. dition. For exact information about
  any particular tractor, please consult
your RK Tractor store.


RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 4 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:13



TRACTOR AN INTRODUCTION are kept informed of the latest meth- easy reference, we suggest you to
ods of servicing tractors. They stock write the number in the space pro-
The word, ’tractor’ has been derived genuine spare parts and are backed vided in the owner’s personal data.
from ‘traction’ which means pulling. by the Company’s full support.
A tractor is required to pull or haul Through this manual. The use of Right turn Left turn
an attachment, implement or trol- the terms LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT (Counterclockwise)
ley which are coupled to the trac- and REAR must be understood, to
tor body through suitable linkage. avoid any confusion when follow-
A tractor can also be used as a ing the introductions. The LEFT and
prime mover as it has a power out- Right Rear
RIGHT means left and right sides of
let source which is also called Pow- the tractor when facing forward in
er Take or PTO shaft. the driver’s seat, Reference to the
In this book the operating, mainte- FRONT indicates the radiator end
nance and storage instructions for of the tractor, while the REAR, indi-
all models of RK Diesel tractors has cates the drawbar end.
been complied. This material has When spare parts are required, al-
been prepared in detail to help you ways specify the tractor and engine
in the better understanding of main- serial number when ordering these
tenance and efficient operation of parts. (See illustration A).This will
the machine. Front Left
facilitate faster delivery and help en- R19O002A
If you need any information not giv- sure that the correct parts for your
en in this manual, or require the ser- particular tractor is received. The
vices of a trained mechanic, please tractor serial number is punched on
get in touch with the RK Tractor a plate attached to the left hand side
store in your locality. Tractor Stores of the engine body (Illust. A), For


RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 5 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:13

▶General construction ▶Engine ▶REAR AXLE & WHEELS
The transmission case, Engine and The tractors are fitted with vertical, This is mounted on ball bearings
Front Axle Support are bolted to- Water-cooled 3-cycle and spherical and is enclosed in removable hous-
gether to form a rigid unit. chamber type YANMAR ing which are bolted to the transmis-
ENGINE(3TNV74F-SDKTF2) sion case. The rim & Disc fitted with
▶Front Axle & Wheels Rear tires are bolted to the outer
The 4WD front axle is a center-piv- ▶Transmission with HST (Hy- flange of Rear Axle.
ot, reverse Eliot type. The front drostatic Transmission)
wheel drive mechanism is incorpo- The Tractor is fitted HST with 2 ▶HYDRAULIC SYSTEM & LINK-
rated as a part of the axle. Range and can be selected Speed AGES
The front wheel drive power is taken range by HIGH-LOW selector lever. RK Tractors are fitted with Live (i.e.
off the rear transmission and trans- The Tractor has Two pedals for for- system is in operation) independent,
mitted to the differential in the front ward/reverse control . Tractor with very touch of hydraulic System.
axle where the power is divided into Independent Power Take Off is fitted Three point Linkages can be used
right and left and to the respective with electro-hydraulic Clutch Assy. for category 1 type of implements.
final cases. The Rear PTO and Mid PTO can be
In the final cases, the transmitted operated both or separately by a le- ▶STEERING
revolution is reduced by the level ver.
gears to drive the front wheel. The It consists of Hydrostatic Power
RK tractors are provided with inde- steering system, which has a hy-
4WD mechanism with level gears pendent disc brakes operated by
provides wider steering and greater draulic cylinder and tandem type hy-
two road travel. A foot brake lever is draulic pump.
durability. fitted for parking.


RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 6 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:14


We at RK Tractors and your RK  Your name, address and tele-
A 12 Volt Lead Acid Propylene Bat-
Tractor store wants you to be com- phone number
tery is used to activate the Engine
pletely satisfied with your invest-
through the Starter Motor and the  Model and tractor serial number
ment. Normally any problems with
Electrical system comprising Horn, RK Tractor store Name & Address
your equipment will be handled by 
Head Lamp. Side indicator Lamps,
your RK Tractor stores Service De-  Machine purchase date and Hours
Plough Lamp, Brake Light, Gauge
partments, however, misunder- used
lamp, Hazard Lamp. Generator or
standing can occur. If you feel that Nature of problem
Alternator, Fuse box also from part 
your problem has not been handled
of the Electrical system. Before contacting RK Tractors of-
to your satisfaction, we suggest the
following. fice, be aware that your problem will
likely to be resolved in the RK Deal-
When operating the tractor at Contact the owner or General Man-
 ership using the RK Tractor stores
ager of the Dealership, explain the
High speed, Do not attempt facilities, equipment and person-
problem, and request assistance.
to make sharp turns by using nel. So it is important that your ini-
When additional assistance is need-
the brakes. This may result in tial contact be with the RK Tractor
ed, Your RK Tractor store has direct
overturning of the tractor caus- store.
access to your office. If you can-
ing serious injury or DEATH.
not obtain satisfaction by doing this,
contact the RK Tractors Office and
provide them with;


RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 7 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:15


5. ROPS (Roll Over Protective Structures)

RK tractors are equipped with a DANGER As the ROPS frame or cab together
frame for the protection of opera- with the seat belt was designed to
tors. • For ROPS frames to be effec- meet certain standards, they must
tive and protect the operator,
In the case of cab tractors the frame be maintained in good order and
the seat belt provided must
is incorporated in the cab structure. condition. To achieve this objective,
be worn in order to keep
The objective of the frame or cab both the structure and the seat belt
operators within the ROPS
structure is to protect the operator in should be inspected on a regular
protected area in the event of
the event of a roll over basis. (Every time the tractor is ser-
a roll over. Failure to use the
and they are designed to support viced)
seat belt can still cause seri-
the entire weight of the tractor in ous injury or death. In the event that the seat belt is
that event. damaged or frayed, it should be re-
On some models the ROPS frame placed and in the event that the
Each RK ROPS frame or cab struc-
has a fold down feature, which can ROPS frame or any part of the
ture is designed and has been test-
ed to meet industry and or govern- be used to enter low buildings etc. mounting structure is damaged or
ment standards. Take care when lowering the upper cracked, the faulty component must
section of the ROPS frame and take be replaced with a new unit. Such a
Included in these tests were all unit must meet all of the test criteria
mounting bases and bolts or other extreme care while driving the tractor
of the original unit. Fitment of an in-
fasteners. with the ROPS frame lowered.
ferior item or items affects the certi-
Do not wear the seat belt with fication of the entire ROPS structure
the ROPS lowered and please and the effectiveness of the struc-
remember that the fold down facility ture in the event of an accident.
is for special circumstances only and Drilling or welding of the ROPS
must not be lowered for general use. structure is forbidden.

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Seat Belt
 Never attach chains or ropes to
the ROPS for pulling purpos-
es; this will cause the tractor to
tip backwards. Always pull from
the tractor drawbar. Be care-
ful when driving through door
opening or under low overhead Forward / Backward
adjustment lever
R19O003A T19O004B
objects. Make sure there is suf-
ficient overhead clearance for
If the tractor has rolled over or the Before operating a tractor it is im-
the ROPS fatal injuries.
ROPS has been damaged (such portant to adjust the seat to the
as striking an overhead object dur- most comfortable position & check
ing transport), It must be replaced whether it is properly locked in its
to provide the original protection. Af-  If the ROPS is removed or re- position.
ter an accident, check for damages placed, make certain that the NOTE
to the 1.ROPS. 2.Seat. 3.seat belt & proper hardware is used to re-
seat mountings. Before you operate place the ROPS and the rec-
 Do not use solvents to clean
a tractor, replace all damaged parts. ommended torque values are the seat. Use warm water with
applied to the attaching bolts. a little detergent added.
 Do not weld, drill or straighten WARNING CAUTION
the ROPS.  Always wear your seat belt if  Do not put a hand between the
the tractor is equipped with seat and the slides when ad-
ROPS. justing the seat position. You
can get injured unexpectedly.

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 9 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:19


To select Seat position, move Ad-
justing lever and slide Seat closer to RECOGNIZE SAFETY INFORMATION SIGNAL WORDS
or away from Dash panel and con-

• Check whether the seat prop- WARNING

erly locked in its position be-
fore driving the tractor.
T74O201A T74O202B
• Always use the seat belt
when the ROPS is installed. This symbol means ATTENTION! A signal word "DANGER, WARN-
Do not use the seat belt if a YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED. The ING OR CAUTION" is used with
foldable ROPS is down or message that follows the symbol safety alert symbol. DANGER identi-
there is no ROPS. Check the contains important information about fies the most serious hazards. Safe-
seat belt regularly and re- safety. Carefully read the message. ty signs with signal Word "DANGER
place if frayed or damaged. OR WARNING" are typically near
specific hazards. General precau-
tions are listed on CAUTION safety

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T72O203A T72O204A T72O205A

Carefully read all safety instructions Keep children and others away from The Roll Over Protective Struc-
given in this manual for your safety. the tractor while operating. ture (ROPS) has been certified to
Tempering with any of the safety de- BEFORE YOU REVERSE: industry and/or government stan-
vices can cause serious injuries or  Look behind tractor for children.
dards. Any damage or alternation
death. Keep all safety signs in good to the ROPS, mounting hard-ware,
condition. Replace missing or dam-  Do not let children to ride on trac- or seat belt voids the certification
aged safety signs. tor or any implement. and will reduce or eliminate protec-
Keep your tractor in proper condi- tion for the operator in the event of
tion and do not allow any unauthor- a roll-over. The ROPS, mounting
ized modifications to be carried out hardware, and seat belt should be
on the tractor, which may impair the checked after the first 100 hours of
function/safety and affect tractor life. tractor and every 500 hours there-

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after for any evidence of damage,

wear or cracks. In the event of dam-
age or alteration, the ROPS must be
replaced prior to further operation of
the tractor.
The seat belt must be worn during
machine operation when the ma- T72O206A T72O207A
chine is equipped with a certified
ROPS. Do not drive where the tractor could Before working on the tractor;
slip or tip. Lower all equipment to the ground.
Failure to do so will reduce or elim-
inate protection for the operator in Stay alert for holes and rocks in the Stop the engine and remove the
the event of a roll over. terrain, and other hidden hazards. key.
Slow down before you make a sharp
Driving forward out of a ditch or
mired condition could cause trac-
tor to tip over backward. Back out of
these situations if possible.

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T72O208A T72O209A T72O210A

Do not allow riders on the tractor. Handle fuel with care; it is highly Entanglement in rotating shaft can
Riders on tractor are subject to in- flammable. Do not refuel the tractor cause serious injury or death.
jury such as being stuck by foreign while smoking or near open flame Keep PTO shield in place at all
objects and being thrown off of the or sparks. times.
tractor. Always stop engine before refueling Wear close fitting clothing. Stop the
tractors. engine and be sure PTO drive is
Always keep your tractor clean of stopped before making adjustments,
accumulated grease, and debris. Al- connections, or cleaning out PTO
ways clean up spilled fuel. driven equipment.

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Securely support any tractor ele-
ments that must be raised for ser-
vice work.
Keep all parts in good condition and
properly installed.
Replace worn or broken parts. Re-
place damage/missing decals.
Remove any buildup of grease or oil
T72O211A T72O212A from the tractor.
Disconnect battery ground cable(-)
Use of hazard warning lights and Understand service procedure be- before making adjustments on elec-
turn signals are recommended when fore doing work. trical systems or welding on tractor.
towing equipment on public roads Keep the surrounding area of the
unless prohibited by state or local tractor clean and dry.
Do not attempt to service tractor
Use slow moving vehicle (SMV) sign when it is in motion.
when driving on public road during
Keep body and clothing away from
both day & night time, unless pro-
rotating shafts.
hibited by law.
Always lower equipment to the
ground. Stop the engine.
Remove the key. Allow tractor
to cool before any work repair is
caused on it.

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T72O213A T72O214A T72O215A

Escaping fluid under pressure can Keep sparks, lighted matches, and Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte
penetrate the skin causing serious open flame away from the top of is poisonous. It is strong enough to
injury. Keep hands and body away battery. Battery gas can explode. burn skin, cause holes in clothing
from pinholes and nozzles, which Never check battery charge by plac- and cause blindness if found entry
eject fluids under high pressure. If ing a metal object across the termi- into eyes.
any fluid is injected into the skin. nals. For adequate safety always;
Consult your doctor immediately.
1. Fill batteries in a well-ventilated
2. Wear eye protection and acid
proof hand gloves.
3. Avoid breathing direct fumes
when electrolyte is added.
4. Do not add water to electrolyte as
it may splash off causing severe
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RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 15 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:24

If you spill acid on yourself;
1. Flush your skin with water.
2. Flush your eyes with water for
10-15 minutes.
Get medical attention immediately.

T74O224A T72O216A

1. When working with your tractors Do not wear a necktie, scarf or

electrical components you must loose clothing when you work near
first disconnect the battery ca- moving parts. If these items were to
bles. get caught, severe injury could re-
2. To ensure that there are no acci- sult.
dents from sparks you must first Remove rings and other jeweler to
disconnect the negative battery prevent electrical shorts and entan-
cable. glement in moving parts.

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RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 16 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:25

1. The tractor can start even if the 1. Brake operated safety switch is
transmission is engaged posi- provided on all tractors which al-
tion causing tractor to runaway low the starting system to be-
and serious injury to the people come operational only when the
standing nearby the tractor. Brake pedal is fully pressed.
2. For additional safety keep the pull 2. Do not by-pass this safety starter
to stop knob (Fuel shut off con- switch or work on it. Only Autho-
trol) in fully pulled out position. rized RK Tractor store are recom-
T72O217A Transmission in neutral position, mended to work on safety starter
Foot brake engaged and PTO le- switch.
Do not start the tractor in an en- ver in disengaged position while 3. On some models Safety Starter
closed building unless the doors & attending to Safety Starter Switch switch is provided on transmis-
windows are open for proper venti- or any other work on tractor. sion High-low shifter lever and in
lation, as tractor fumes can cause PTO shifter lever. The tractor can
sickness or death. If it is necessary be started only if High-low shifter
to run an engine in an enclosed
area remove the exhaust fumes by CAUTION
connecting exhaust pipe extension. • Safety Starter Switch is to be
replaced after every 2.000
hours/4 years, whichever is

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RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 17 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:25

Emergency exits Safety precautions when using the loader
If exit from the cab side doors is
blocked (following an accident or ve-
hicle overturn) the alternative safety
exits are indicated by decals.

T74O225A T74O226A

Never let anyone get in the loader Do not stand under the lifted load-
and use the loader as a workbench. er or get close to it. Also, lower the
Otherwise, it may lead to a fatal in- loader arm onto the ground before
jury or even death. leaving the tractor. Otherwise, it may
The possible safety exits are: lead to a fatal injury or even death.
• Rear window hatch (All tractors)
• Front window (for versions with
openable front window).

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T74O227A T74O228A T74O229A

When attaching or detaching the IMPORTANT Do not allow loader arms or attach-
loader, fix all parts which are con- ment to contact electrical power
nected to the bucket and boom. The
 ROPS (Roll Over Protective lines. Electrocution will cause seri-
bucket or boom can be accidental- Structure), sun canopy or cab- ous injury or death.
ly dropped down, leading to an inju- in are not a FOPS (Falling Ob-
ry or even death. ject Protective Structure).
It never can protect the riders
against falling objects.
Avoid driving the vehicle into
a dangerous area such as fall-
ing rocks zone.

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T74O230A T74O231A

Never carry a big object with the When attaching or detaching the
loader unless a proper implement loader, fix all parts which are con-
is attached. Keep a carried object nected to the bucket and boom. The
low during driving. Otherwise, it may bucket or boom can be accidental-
lead to an injury or even death. ly dropped down, leading to an inju-
ry or even death.

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The manufacturer of your tractor For full details consult the manufac-
has made every effort to make it as turer of the chemicals.
safe as is humanly possible. To avoid lengthy exposure to noise
Beyond this point it is the responsi- ensure that ear protection is worn.
bility of the operator to avoid acci- If adjustment to the tractor or ma-
dents and we ask that you read and chinery need to be made ensure the
implement our suggestions for your tractor or machine are turned off be-
safety. forehand.
Ensure that only trained and com- Use of certified Roll Over Protection
petent operators use this tractor and Structure (ROPS) is a must while
ensure that they are fully conversant operating a tractor.
with the machine and aware of all it’
Use of seat belt is a must while op-
s control and safety features.
erating a tractor.
Operators should not operate the
In summary, ensure at all times that
tractor or associated machinery
the safety of the operator and any
while tired or untrained.
other worker is paramount.
To avoid accidents please ensure
Ensure no one is between the tractor
that the operator wears clothing
and a towed vehicle (trailer or imple-
which will not get entangled in the
moving parts of the tractor or ma-
chine and protect him or her from
the elements.
When spraying or using chemicals,
please ensure that clothing and pro-
tective equipment is worn which pre-
vents respiratory or skin problems.
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RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 21 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:30


1. At least on a daily basis check all Where a tractor is started in a engine to prevent being scald-
oil levels. Water level in the radia- confined area, ensure that the ed by steam or hot water. Do not
tor and electrolyte level in the bat- area is well ventilated as exhaust add water in the radiator when
tery and perform services accord- gases are very harmful, and can the engine is hot. Add water to
ing to the service schedule. cause death. the radiator only after the engine
2. Ensure tire pressure are even 6. Do not work under raised imple- cools down completely.
and the correct pressure for the ments. 11. To prevent fires keep the tractor
job being done is maintained. 7. When changing wheels or tires including the engine clean and
3. Check to ensure that the all con- ensure that a suitable wheel free from inflammable materi-
trols and preventative mech- stand is placed under the axle al and well away from fuels and
anisms of the tractor and im- prior to removing the wheel and other inflammable material.
plement work correctly and the wheels are chocked.
effectively. 8. Where guards or shields need to
4. Ensure that an adequate set of be removed to perform a service
the correct tools is available for or repair, ensure that the guard
maintenance and minor repairs. or shield is correctly reinstalled
5. Ensure that all service work and before starting the tractor.
repairs are carried out on a flat 9. Never refuel near a naked flame
area with a concrete or similar or with an overheated engine.
floor. Ensure to turn off Engine before
Do not carry out service work on refueling.
a tractor until it is switched off, 10. The cooling system operates un-
and the parking brake applied der pressure, take care when re-
and wheels choked. moving the radiator cap on a hot

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RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 22 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:31

6. Only the driver should ride on 11. When traveling on a public road
1. Ensure that all mounting and re-
the tractor with the ROPS ensure that the tractor and driv-
moval of implements is done on
frame fitted and with the seat er both meet all laws relating to
safe flat ground. Ensure no one is
belt properly fastened. safety and licensing. When trav-
between the tractor and implement
7. Where young children are pres- eling with wide implements use
and do not get under the implement
ent, particular care should be red flags on the extremities and
to avoid accidental injuries.
taken and the tractor should not observe all legal including es-
2. After mounting the implement, en- cort requirements.
be moved until the whereabouts
sure that all stabilizers are correct-
of all children is known. 12. When operating under adverse
ly adjusted and, where PTO shafts
8. Only trained operators should op- conditions, hilly terrain or on
are used that the shaft is fitted and
erate the tractor and so taking bad ground adjust the speed
secured correctly.
care to ensure that other workers of the tractor to suit the condi-
3. Where heavy implements are tions, safety comes first. Nev-
are not injured. In particular they
used, ensure that the combina- er drive down hill at high speed
should take care during dusty op-
tion is well balanced or use prop- or with the transmission in neu-
erations, which will reduce visibili-
er ballast to achieve balance. tral. Use of the braking capacity
ty substantially.
4. Before leaving the tractor at any of the engine as well as the ser-
9. Never start the tractor unless the
time, lower the implement, stop vice brakes.
transmission is out of gear, the
the PTO shaft where applicable, Do not try to change gear go-
operator is in the seat and all
set the parking brake and switch ing up or down a steep slope,
round safety has been checked.
off the engine. select the correct gear before
10. Only operate the tractor seat-
5. While operating the implements with starting.
ed in the drivers seat and nev-
the PTO keep all bystanders away 13. Take care when traveling uphill
er turn or brake suddenly at
from any moving parts and do not with a heavy implement to en-
high speed as this can cause
attempt to make adjustments while sure that it does not overbal-
a roll-over and serious injury or
the machine is running. ance and tip up the front end.
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14. Never remove or modify the ▶The following precautions 4. Fiberglass canopy does not give
seat belt. are suggested to help pre- any protection.
15. Never remove, modify or repair vent accidents 5. To prevent falls, keep steps and
the ROPS frame. A careful operator is the best oper- platform clear of mud and oil.
ator. Most accidents can be avoid-
Please remember that a little bit of ed by observing certain precautions. 6. Do not permit anyone but the op-
extra care can prevent serious injury Read and take the following precau- erator to ride on the tractor. There
or teath and avoid damage to your tions before operating the tractor to is no safety place for extra riders.
tractor. prevent accidents. 7. Replace all missing, illegible or
Tractor should be operated only damaged safety signs.
by those who are responsible and 8. Keep safety signs clean of dirt
properly trained to do so. and grease.

<servicing the Tractor>

1. keep the tractor in good operat-
1. Read the operator’s manual care- ing condition for your safety. An
fully before using the tractor. Lack improperly maintained tractor can
of operating knowledge can lead be hazardous.
to accidents.
2. Stop the engine before perform-
2. Use an approved rollover bar and ing any service on the tractor.
seat belt for safe operation. Over-
turning of a tractor without a rollover 3. The cooling system operates un-
bar can result in death or injury. der pressure, which is controlled
by the radiator cap. It is danger-
3. Do not remove ROPS (Roll Over ous to remove the cap while
Protective Structure). Always use the system is hot. First turn the
the seat belt. cap slowly to stop and allow the
- 24

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 24 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:32


pressure to escape before re- <Operating the tractor> starting circuit. Do not bypass the
moving the cap entirely. 1. Before starting the tractor apply safety starter switch. Consult your
4. Do not smoke while the refueling the parking brake, place the PTO RK Tractor store if safety- starting
the tractor. Keep away any type (Power Take Off) lever in the “OFF” switch malfunctions.
of open flame. position, the hydraulic control le- 4. Avoid accidental contact with the
5. The fuel in the injection system is vers in the downward position, the gear shifter lever while the en-
under high pressure and can pen- remote control valve levers in the gine is running. Unexpected trac-
etrate the skin. Unqualified per- neutral position(If fitted) and the tor movement can result from
sons should not remove or at- transmission in neutral. such contact.
tempt to adjust a pump, injector, 2. D o not start the engine or con- 5. Do not get off or climb the tractor
nozzle or any part of the fuel in- trols while standing besides the while it is in motion.
jection system. tractor. Always sit on the tractor 6. Shut off the engine, remove the
Failure to follow these instruc- seat when the engine or operat- key and apply the parking brake
tions can result in serious injury. ing controls. before getting off the tractor.
6. Keep open flame away from bat- 3. Safety starter switch. 7. Do not operate the tractor in an
tery or cold weather starting aids to In order to prevent the acciden- enclosed building without ade-
prevent fire or explosions. tal starting of the tractor, a safe- quate ventilation. Exhaust fumes
7. Do not modify or alter or permit ty switch has been provided. The can cause death.
anyone else to modify or alter this starting system of the tractor is con- 8. D o not park the tractor on a
tractor or any of its components or nected through this switch, which steep slope.
any tractor functions. becomes operative only when
the brake pedal is depressed. On 9.If power steering or Engine ceas-
es to operate, stop the tractor im-
some models shuttle shifter lever
and PTO button should also be in
neutral position for completing the

- 25

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 25 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:32


10. Pull only from the draw bar or 13. Do not leave equipment/imple- 3. Lock the tractor brake pedals to-
the lower link drawbar in the ment in the raised position. gether when transporting on
down position. Use only a draw- 14. Use the flasher/ Turn signal roads to provide proper wheel
bar pin that locks in place. Pull- lights and Slow Moving Vehi- braking.
ing from the tractor rear axle cle (SMV) signs when driving 4. Keep the tractor in the same gear
carriers or any point above the on public roads during both day when going downhill as used
rear axle may cause the tractor’ and night time, unless prohibit- when going uphill. Do not coast
s front end to lift. ed by law. or free wheel down hills.
11. If the front end of the tractor 15. Dim tractor lights when meet- 5. Any towed vehicle and/or trail-
tends to rise when heavy imple- ing a vehicle at night. Be sure er whose total weight exceeds
ments are attached to the three- the lights are adjusted to pre- that of the towing tractor, must be
point linkage, install front end vent the blinding on the eyes of equipped with its own brakes for
or front wheel weights. Do not coming vehicle operator. safe operation.
operate the tractor with a light
6. When the tractor is stuck or tires
front end.
<DRIVING THE TRACTOR> are frozen to the ground, back
12. Always use hydraulic posi- 1. W atch where you are going es- out to prevent upset.
tion control lever when attach- pecially at row ends, on roads, 7. Always check overhead clear-
ing equipments/implement and around trees and low hanging ance, especially when transport-
when transporting equipment. obstacles. ing the tractor.
Be sure that the hydraulic cou-
plers are properly mounted and 2. To avoid upsets, drive the trac-
will disconnect safely in case of tor with care and at speeds
accidental detachment of imple- compatible with safety, espe-
ment. cially when operating over
rough ground, crossing ditches
or slopes, and when turning at
- 26

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 26 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:33


<OPERATING THE PTO> <Diesel fuel>

1. When operating PTO driven 1. Keep the equipment clean and 9. If the original fuel tank cap is
equipment, shut off the engine properly maintained. lost, replace it with genuine cap.
and wait until the PTO stops be- A none approved cap may not
2. Under no circumstances should
fore getting off the tractor and be safe.
gasoline, alcohol or blended fu-
disconnecting the equipment. els be added to diesel fire or ex- 10. Do not drive equipment near
2. Do not wear loose clothing when plosive hazard. Such blends are open fire.
operating the power take-off or more explosive than pure gaso- 11. Never use fuel for cleaning pur-
near rotating equipment. line. In a closed container, such pose.
3. When operating stationery PTO as a fuel tank. DO NOT USE 12. Arrange fuel purchases so that
driven equipment, always ap- THESE BLENDS. winter grade fuel are not held
ply the tractor parking brake and 3. Never remove the fuel cap or re- over and used in the spring.
block the rear wheels from front fuel the tractor with the engine 13. USE ultra low sulfur fuel only.
and rear side. running.
4. To avoid injury, always move 4. Do not smoke while refueling or
down flip part of PTO. Do not when standing near fuel.
※N.B: I t is suggested that after
clean, adjust or service PTO 5. Maintain control of the fuel filler repairs if any of the Safety
driven equipment when the trac- pipe when filling the tank. Decal/sign is peeled/
tor engine is running.
6. Do not fill the fuel tank to capaci- defaced, the same should
5. Make sure the PTO master shield ty. Allow room for expansion.  be replaced immediately in
is installed at all times and al- interest of your safety.
7. Wipe up spilled fuel immediately.
ways replace the PTO shield cap
when the PTO is not in use. 8. Always tighten the fuel cap se-

- 27

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 27 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:33



DO’S-For Better performance
DO - Ensure that safety shields are DO - Keep the radiator filled with DO - Shift into low gear when driv-
in place and in good condition. clean water and in cold weath- ing down steeps hills.
DO - Read all operating instructions er use anti-freeze mixture. DO - Latch the brake pedals togeth-
before commencing to oper- Drain the system only in an er when driving on a highway.
ate tractor. emergency and fill before
DO - Keep draft control lever fully down
starting the engine.
DO - Carry out all maintenance tasks when not in use.
without fail. DO - Ensure that the transmission
is in neutral before starting the
DO - Keep the air cleaner clean.
DO - Ensure that the correct grade
DO - Keep all fuel in clean storage
of lubricating oils is used and
and use a filter when filling the
that they are replenished and
changed at the recommend-
ed intervals. DO - Attend to minor adjustments
and repairs as soon as neces-
DO - Fit new sealing rings when the
sity is apparent.
filter elements are changed.
DO - Allow the engine to cool before
DO - Watch the oil pressure gauge
removing the radiator filler cap
or warning light and investi-
and adding water, remove the
gate any abnormality immedi-
radiator cap slowly.

- 28

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 28 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:33


Don’ts-For safe operation

DON’T - Run the engine with the DON’T - Run the engine if it is not
air cleaner disconnected. firing on all cylinders.
DON’T - Start the tractor in an en- DON’T - Use the independent brakes
closed building unless the for making turns on the high-
doors and windows are way or at high speeds.
open for proper ventilation. DON’T - Refuel the tractor with the
DON’T - Operate the tractor or en- engine running.
gine while lubricating or DON’T - Mount or dismount from the
cleaning. right side of the tractor.
DON’T - Allow the tractor to run DON’T - Temper the hydraulic control
out of diesel fuel other- levers’ upper limit stops.
wise it will be necessary
DON’T - Use draft control lever for
to vent the system.
lifting of implements.
DON’T - Temper the fuel injection
DON’T - Start the engine with the
pump, If seal is broken
PTO engaged.
the warranty becomes
void. DON’T - Use the governor Control
Lever (Hand throttle) while
DON’T - Allow the engine to run at
driving on roads.
low idle for a long period.
DON’T - Move the hydraulic levers

- 29

RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 29 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:34


RK19-영문-01A(안).indd 30 2017-05-19 오전 9:41:34













RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:37:56



1. EXTRRIOR VIEW . ......................................... 1-2 1. Precautions for handling implement...... 4-2
2. SAFETY SIGNS.............................................. 1-5 2. General implement................................. 4-2


1. INSTRUMENT AND SWITCHES..................... 2-2 1. Opening covers........................................ 5-2
2. OPERATION THE CONTROLS.................... 2-12 2. Inspection items....................................... 5-2
3. OPERATING THE 3 POINT LINKAGE (TPL).... 2-24 3. Inspecting and changing coolant... 5-4
4. Checking and changing oil.................. 5-5
5. Replacing filter and cartridge........ 5-9
6. Fuel system...............................................5-11
1. Engine starting........................................ 3-2 7. Checking and cleaning air cleaner.... 5-12
2. Engine Stopping....................................... 3-3 8. Greasing................................................... 5-13
3. Engine idling.............................................. 3-3 9. Checking hoses...................................... 5-13
4. Running-in period.................................... 3-4 10. Checking electric system............... 5-14
5. Starting off, shifting and driving.... 3-4 11. Check and adjust each part............ 5-18
6. Stopping and parking............................. 3-4 12. Routine maintenance schedule..... 5-21
7. Driving on slope...................................... 3-5
8. C
 autions for driving into / out of
field........................................................... 3-6
9. Loading to / Unloading from truck... 3-6 1. Tractor storage . .................................. 6-2
10. Cautions for driving on road.......... 3-7 2. Usage and disposal................................. 6-3
11. Operation check during driving..... 3-7

RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 2 2017-05-18 오후 6:37:57


1. Engine SYSTEM........................................... 7-2 1. Index........................................................... 10-2
2. Brake system............................................ 7-6
3. Steering system...................................... 7-6
4. Hydraulic system.................................... 7-7
5. Electric system....................................... 7-8 1. ENGINE WARRANTIES.................................11-2
2. EMISSION SYSTEM WARRANTY.................11-5
3. RK WARRANTY...........................................11-13
1. Instruction before use........................ 8-2
2. Checkup list before operation......... 8-3
3. Cautions during the work.................. 8-4
4. Cautions when driving on the farm road... 8-5
5. Instruction after use .......................... 8-6
6. Cautions for inspection and maintenance.... 8-6
7. Tractor....................................................... 8-7

1. Major specifications............................. 9-2
2. Major consumables............................... 9-4

RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 3 2017-05-18 오후 6:37:58


RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 4 2017-05-18 오후 6:37:58


1. EXTRRIOR VIEW . .................................................... 1-2

2. SAFETY SIGNS......................................................... 1-5

RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:37:59


1. extrrior view

Turn signal lamp (R)


Tire (Rear)

Tire (Front)



RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 2 2017-05-18 오후 6:38:00


Steering Wheel

Turn signal lamp (L)



Muffler Pipe



RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 3 2017-05-18 오후 6:38:00


Brake lamp
Top link

Turn signal lamp

PTO safety cover

Check link
Lower link

Towing hitch PTO shaft T19O136B



RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 4 2017-05-18 오후 6:38:01



 In order to work with the machine safely, safety decals are placed on the machine.
 Make sure to read and follow the directions.

■ Keep the safety decals clean and undamaged at all times.

If a safety decal on the machine is dirty, wash it with soapy water and wipe it off with a soft cloth.
Never use solution as thinner or acetone because these can erase characters or pictures.

■ If washed with high-pressured water, a decal may be peeled off.

Do not apply high-pressured water directly onto decals.

■ If a safety decal is damaged or lost, order a new one immediately and place it on
the machine.
When putting a new decal, wipe off the place to post the decal thoroughly and wait until it is dried. Then
post the decal.
Each decal has a part number on the bottom.

■ When replacing a part attached with a decal with a new part, replace the decal as


RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 5 2017-05-18 오후 6:38:01





RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 6 2017-05-18 오후 6:38:02






RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 7 2017-05-18 오후 6:38:04





RK19-영문-01B(가).indd 8 2017-05-18 오후 6:38:05




1. INSTRUMENT AND SWITCHES............................... 2-2

2. OPERATION THE CONTROLS............................... 2-12


RK19-영문-02(나).indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:35



Tachometer & speedometer

Turn signal switch

Light switch

PTO ON/ OFF switch

Main switch


RK19-영문-02(나).indd 2 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:37


OFF "START" position

The engine can be started in
this position. When releasing the
Start key, the switch is returned to the
"ON" position.

"GLOW" position

The engine's combustion chamber

T19O108B T19O109A
is pre-heated in this position.
► MAIN SWITCH ► Tachometer
It is used to start and stop the en- It displays the revolution of the en-
gine. gine or PTO shaft per minute.
 "OFF" position

The ignition key can be inserted

and removed in this position.
When turning the switch to the
OFF position with the engine
running, the engine is stopped.
 "ON" position
The engine is kept running and
the switch is energized in this


RK19-영문-02(나).indd 3 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:37


T19O110A T19O111A T19O112A

► Hour meter ► Fuel gauge ► C oolant temperature

It indicates the total time of use. The This indicates the amount of fuel LAMP
last digit indicates one tenth hours. while the main switch is in the This indicates the temperature of
(decimal place) While the hour me- "ON"position. coolant while the main switch is in
ter on the leftmost section is in op- F - Full the "ON" position.
eration, the lamp below it blinks. If the needle is in the red "H" zone
E - Empty
during driving, the coolant is over-
NOTE heated. In this case, stop driving
and take any necessary action ac-
• Poor fuel quality can damage
cording to the troubleshooting in-
the engine. Make sure to use
only the specified genuine Die-
sel fuel. ☞ Ref to the page 7-4 for “Trouble-
shooting” section.
• Use fuel for winter season in
winter to enhance engine start-
ing performance.

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 4 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:38


NOTE Turn signal(RH) WARNING
• The engine can be damaged if Turn
• The high beam can obstruct the
increasing its speed too fast. signal view of other drivers coming
switch in the opposite direction on a
road, leading to an unexpected
Turn signal(LH) accident.
Light switch


► Combination switch
(1) Light switch operation
The light switch can be operated
with the main switch in the "ON" po-
「OFF」 - All light OFF
- Instrument lamp, tail lamp
and low beam lamp ON.
- Instrument lamp, tail lamp
and high beam lamp ON.


RK19-영문-02(나).indd 5 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:41


(2) Turn signal lamp operation NOTE

The turn signal lamps can be op-
erated with the main switch in the
• This lever is not automatically
returned to the neutral position.
"ON" position.
Therefore, set it back to the
neutral position after turn.
• Left turn
Turn the turn signal switch counter-
Hazard flasher switch
clockwise. Then, the left turn signal
lamp and the left turn signal indica- T19O114A
tor on the instrument cluster blink.
• Right turn ► Hazard flasher switch
This switch can be used to warn
Push the turn signal switch clock-
other vehicles when malfunction oc-
wise. Then, the right turn signal
curs in the tractor while driving on
lamp and the right turn signal indi-
a public road. When pressing the
cator on the instrument cluster blink.
switch once, the left and right haz-
ard warning lamps blink. Pressing
the switch again turns off the lamps.


RK19-영문-02(나).indd 6 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:41


► Monitor Lamp 1

Left turn signal indicator Right turn signal indicator 2

Low beam lamp PTO indicator

Engine oil pressure

warning lamp

Charge warning
Preheat indicator
Engine warning
Parking indicator

Fuel level warning Water

lamp temperature
warning lamp T19O115B


RK19-영문-02(나).indd 7 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:41


Left turn signal indicator Low beam indicator Fuel level warning lamp
(1) Left turn signal indicator (2) Low beam indicator (3) Fuel level warning lamp
This lamp is used to indicate This comes on when the low If keeping driving with the
the intended turning direction of beam is turned on. needle of the fuel gauge
the driver. When pulling down pointing at 'E,' the warning lamp
the turn signal switch, the left comes on which means there is
turn signal lamp blinks. When only approx. 5 liters of fuel left
pushing up the turn signal in the tank.
switch, the right turn signal
lamp blinks. These lamps are
operated when pressing the
hazard warning lamp switch as
PTO indicator

(4) PTO indicator

This comes on while the PTO
shaft is rotating.


RK19-영문-02(나).indd 8 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:42


Parking indicator Charge warning lamp Engine oil pressure warning lamp
(5) Parking indicator (7) Charge warning lamp (8) Engine oil pressure warning lamp
T h i s c o m e s o n w h e n t h e This comes on when the main T his is illuminated when the
parking brake is applied. switch is turned to the "ON" engine oil pressure or oil
position, and goes off as soon amount is insufficient during
as the engine is started. driving.
• If the charge warning lamp • When the oil pressure warning
comes on while driving, the bat- lamp comes on, this indicates
tery is not properly charged. malfunction of the lubrication
Therefore, turn off any unneces- system. Check the engine oil
sary electrical devices and have immediately and have your ve-
your vehicle checked by your hicle serviced by your workshop
Preheat indicator workshop immediately. as necessary.

(6) Preheat indicator

This comes on while the engine
preheating function is activated. It goes
off as soon as preheating is completed.

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 9 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:42


Coolant temperature warning lamp Engine warning lamp

(9) Coolant temperature warning lamp (10) Engine warning lamp It comes on switch
If this lamp comes on, coolant when the engine is malfunctioning.
is overheated. T19O116A

NOTE • When Engine warning lamp is ► PTO ON/OFF Switch

it, ensure that you operator the PTO ON/OFF switch is situated on
• When the coolant temperature tractor only after the engine the right hand side on the instru-
warning lamp comes on, cool- RPM reaches at the normal ment panel and can be identified
ant is overheated so check the speed if this instruction is not easily with its built in yellow colored
coolant. kept, it may cause a perfor- indicator.
mance degradation or accident When the switch is pushed down
due to a system error. to start the PTO indicator glows to
indicate that the switch and the PTO
are in ON position.
If the switch is pushed down and
turn counter clock wise the indicator
goes off signaling that the PTO is

2 - 10

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 10 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:43



 PTO operation indicator

ON - The PTO shaft is rotating.
OFF - The PTO shaft is stopped.

2 - 11

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 11 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:44



Throttle lever
Steering wheel

Brake pedal
Joystick lever

Driving speed control pedal

Parking Brake Pedal

Front wheel drive lever


Sub shift lever

P.T.O Shift lever
Position lever
Power Socket

PTO Switch
Fuel Tank Cap


2 - 12 2 - 12

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 12 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:45


Driving speed
Driving speed control pedal (forward)
Brake pedal control pedal (backward)

Throttle lever

T19O119A T19O120A T19O121A

► THROTTLE LEVER ► BRake pedel ► driving speed control

It is used to adjust the engine speed The brake pedal is located on the pedal
like the throttle pedal. LHS of the operator. When depressing the forward driv-
It is used for two functions. ing speed control pedal, forward
driving is selected. Reverse driving
Pushing : increasing speed - To stop the tractor
is selected by depressing the re-
- To release cruise control verse driving speed control pedal.
Pulling : decreasing speed When releasing the speed control
pedal, it is returned to the neutral
WARNING position and the tractor is stopped.
• Never use it unless working in
a field. It can lead to speeding
and an accident.

2 - 13

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 13 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:46


(High speed)
• When switching the driving
direction (forward/backward) Parking Brake Pedal
directly during driving, a shock
due to inertia can lead to an in-
jury. Therefore, switch the driv-
ing direction while the tractor is
stopped. (Low speed)
• Switch the driving direction only T19O122B

while you are on the driver's

► ParkING brake pedal ► Sub shift lever
1. To engage the parking brake, at • The driving direction can be se-
first depress the brake pedals lected between forward direction
down, and push the parking brake and reverse direction using the
pedal down. At this time, Release shuttle shift lever and range shift
the brake pedal first, then to be lever.
locked the parking brake pedal. • Use the throttle lever to increase/
2. To release the Parking brake, de- decrease the engine speed.
press the brake pedals again.

• The brake discs can be worn

prematurely if driving the ve-
hicle with the parking brake en-
gaged partially.

2 - 14

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 14 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:47


• Never use the differential lock
Sub Shift Lever when driving on a road. A colli-
sion or rollover can occur.
• Make sure to release it during
turning. Otherwise, it can lead
Differential lock pedal
to an injury or accident.

T19O123A T19O124A

NOTE ► Differential lock pedal • When using the differential lock,

The differential lock is a device to run the engine at a low speed.
• Operate the range shift lever only lock the differential system in order
after the tractor is completely to rotate the left and right wheels at
• If differential lock is still not
stopped and with the brake pedal disengaged after releasing the
the same speed. This function can
depressed. Shifting the lever dur- differential lock pedal, gently
be used when the rear wheels slip
ing driving can damage the gears. depress the left and right brake
or one wheel spins.
pedals alternately.
Engagement - Depressing pedal
• When the range shift lever is
placed in the position "H," the Disengagement - Releasing pedal
driving speed increased. There-
fore, never put the range shift
lever in the position "H" during
driving backwards.

2 - 15

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 15 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:49


< Examples of useful conditions of Front wheel drive < Examples of useful conditions
differential lock > lever (4WD) of 4WD >
① One wheel slips or tractor cannot The 4WD can be used under the
be driven forward when moving following conditions
into/out of a field. ① When cultivating in a field.
② A wheel slips during work requir- ② When traction is required on a
ing traction, such as plowing. slope, in a wet field or for towing
③ One wheel is stuck into a soft a trailer.
field and can't escape. ③ When working in a wet or sandy
④ When When cultivating on firm
Front wheel drive lever is located soil with a rotavator to prevent
below the LHS of the Operator. the tractor from being pushed
In the ON position the front wheels
are engaged and in the OFF posi- ⑤ When driving into/out of a field or
tion they are disengaged. going over a field bank.
Engage & disengage the front wheel
drive with the front wheels in the
straight position and at low speed.

2 - 16

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 16 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:49


NOTE (2) Seat belt
Before driving, adjust the belt's 2
• Before operating the 4WD lever, Seat sliding
length to fit to your body and
make sure to stop the tractor.
insert it into its buckle. When it is
• To avoid damage of transmis-
sion, when front wheel drive engaged properly, a clicking
lever is not smoothly shifted, sound is heard.
slightly step forward or rearward
on speed control pedal.
• Tires will wear quickly if front
wheel drive is engaged on
paved roads. ► Seat and safety belt
(1) Seat sliding
The seat can be adjusted by moving
it forwards and backwards with the
seat sliding lever on its front pushed
to the left. After adjustment, make
sure that the seat is firmly secured.

2 - 17

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 17 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:50


Both of the rear and mid PTO are
provided for variable utility. They
can be engaged simultaneously or
separately at same time.
The engine will not start if PTO
switch is ON position.
The engine will shutoff if the op-
T19O127A erator leaves the seat with parking T19O128B
brake released and PTO engaged.
(3) Folding seatback CAUTION
The seatback can be folded down
when it is raining or for long-term • Toavoid damage of transmis- PTO
sion and implement, do not
engage PTO with the engine
running at high speed.
• Make sure to wear your seat
belt to protect yourself from a
possible rollover or crash acci- T19O129B
• Never adjust the seat during

2 - 18

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 18 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:52


The tractor has one speed 2
PTO(540rpm). Use the PTO lever Mid
to engage. The PTO switch must be N
OFF before PTO is engaged. Mid+Rear
1. Decrease engine speed to near N
idle. Rear
2. M ake sure that PTO switch is
OFF. T19O128B T19O130A

3. Engage rear PTO using the PTO

lever. • MID PTO
4. Turn on the PTO switch. The speed of mid PTO is 2.500 rpm.
5. Increase engine speed to desired Use the PTO lever to engage. The
speed. PTO switch must be OFF before
PTO is engaged.
REAR PTO SPEED 1. Decrease engine speed to near
2. M ake sure that PTO switch is
T19O142B OFF.
3. Engage mid PTO using the PTO
4. If rear PTO is needed to engage,
shift the PTO lever to correct po-
2 - 19

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 19 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:53


5. Turn on the PTO switch. DANGER

6. Increase engine speed to desired
• Ifcaught by the PTO shaft, a
PTO severe injury or even death
cover can occur.
• Stay out of the PTO shaft
2.500 RPM while it is rotating.
Rear PTO shaft Cap
• When the PTO shaft is not
in use, place the cap over it.
Also, never remove the PTO
► PTO SHAFT CAP safety cover.
When the PTO shaft is not in use,
grease the PTO shaft and install the
cap to it.
• It is dangerous to use an imple-
ment at a high speed if it is de-
signed to be operated at a low
• Before using an implement,
make sure to read its owner's

2 - 20

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 20 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:54


► OPERATING TIPS FOR POWER (4) Turning the steering wheel to
STEERING WHEEL its end unnecessarily (with the 2
(1) Operate the power steering tractor stopped) can wear tires
B A wheel only while the engine is rapidly.
running. You may feel the steer- (5) In winter, warm up the engine
ing wheel heavier with a low en- sufficiently before use.
C gine speed.
(6) When repairing components,
(2) When an implement, such as a such as a pipe, make sure that
Loader Lever loader, is attached to the front,
T19O133A no foreign material enters the
the steering wheel may be felt system.
(1) Loader lever operating directions heavy with the tractor stopped.
(7) The steering wheel can be op-
- Boom down (D) If so, operate the steering wheel
erated with a small amount of
while driving the tractor at a low
- Boom up (C) force. Therefore, operate it with
care and keep your hands on it
- Bucket up (B) (3) W h e n t h e s t e e r i n g w h e e l i s at all times.
completely turned to one end,
- Bucket down (A) the safety valve is activated to WARNING
output the audible signal (relief
NOTE sound). When this sounds, avoid • Releasing the steering wheel
during driving can result in a
• Do not operate the boom cylin- using the steering wheel (O.K.
collision and rollover. Never re-
der and bucket cylinder at the only for a short time). Also, never
lease the steering wheel during
same time. A loader may mal- turn the steering wheel com-
function due to insufficient oil pletely continuously.

2 - 21

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 21 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:57



DOWN • When leaving the tractor, make Hydraulic lowering

sure to lower the implement and speed control knob
stop the engine. Others may
operate one of the controls,
leading to a dangerous situa-
UP Position lever tion.

T19O134B T19O135B

► Implement lift control ► Hydraulic lowering speed

system control knob
(1) Position lever This can be used to adjust the low-
This lever is used to lift and lower ering speed of the implement.
an implement to a certain working Adjust the lowering speed according
height freely and maintain it. to the implement type and working
「Lifting implement」 <Operation>
Pull the lever back to lift the im- • Rotavator- Slow the lowering
plement. speed.
「Lowering implement」 • Plow - Speed up the lowering
Push the lever forward to lower speed.
the implement.

2 - 22

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 22 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:58



Set it to the Lock position under



the following conditions to prevent
falling of the implement :
• When driving on a public road
• When replacing the rotavator

blade or removing straws and


• When servicing the implement
• Decreasing lowering speed
Turn the knob clockwise (slower).
• Increasing lowering speed
Turn the knob counterclockwise
• Lock
Turn the knob clockwise (slower) to its

2 - 23

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 23 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:59



Brake lamp
Top link

Turn signal lamp

PTO Safety Cover

Lift rod
Lower link

Towing hitch
Check link

Rear PTO Shaft T19O144A

2 - 24

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 24 2017-05-18 오후 6:22:59


Top link

Lower link

Check link
T19O137A T19O138A T19O138A


(1) The angle of an implement can The check link can be adjusted to An implement can be attached to
be adjusted by extending or re- relieve vibration and shock of an this. The installation type is Catego-
tracting the top link. implement. ry I.
(2) After adjustment, fix the adjust- NOTE
ing lever with its mounting nut.
• When no implement is at-
tached, fix the lower links with
the left and right check links so
that they do not touch the rear
• Engage the top link with the

2 - 25

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 25 2017-05-18 오후 6:23:00


• Make sure to use the towing
hitch for towing to avoid roll-
over. Never tow anything by
connecting a rope to the top link
bracket, axle or safety frame.
• When using a rotavator that
Towing hitch draws power through the uni-
T19O139A R19O203A
versal joint from the PTO shaft,
remove the towing hitch from
► TOWING HITCH the tractor. Otherwise, the uni- ► Safety frame ROPS
Install only an implement applicable versal joint hits and damages The safety frame is intended to reduce
to this tractor. the towing hitch, leading to an damage of an accident in case of a roll-
accident. over, so it cannot prevent an accident.
Always have the safety frame installed
securely for driving to ensure your
safety unless going under an area
with a low ceiling such as a garage.
• If a rollover accident occurs
without the safety frame, the
frame cannot protect the driver,
leading to a severe injury or
even death. Never drive with
the safety frame detached.
2 - 26

RK19-영문-02(나).indd 26 2017-05-18 오후 6:23:01

1. Engine starting................................................... 3-2 33

2. Engine Stopping.................................................. 3-3

3. Engine idling......................................................... 3-3
4. Running-in period............................................... 3-4
5. Starting off, shifting and driving.............. 3-4
6. Stopping and parking....................................... 3-4
7. Driving on slope................................................. 3-5
8. Cautions for driving into / out of field... 3-6
9. Loading to / Unloading from truck........... 3-6
10. Cautions for driving on road.................... 3-7
11. Operation check during driving................ 3-7

RK19-영문-03(다).indd 1 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:12


1. Engine starting
► How to start engine WARNING NOTE
① Make sure that there is no ob-
stacle around the tractor. • Never start the engine by con- • The engine will not start unless
necting the start motor terminal the brake pedal is depressed.
② Seat on the driver's seat and
or safety switch directly. The • Do not turn the main switch to
confirm that the parking brake is
tractor may move suddenly and the "START" position while the
cause an accident. engine is running.
③ Check that each shift lever and
PTO switch are in the neutral • Avoid running the start motor
position. over 10 seconds. It consumes a
lot of current.
④ Pull the throttle lever halfway.
⑤ Insert the key into the main
• If the engine cannot be started
within 10 seconds, wait for 30
switch and turn the switch to
seconds and try it again.
the "ON" position. Check that
the engine oil lamp and charge • The engine cannot be started
warning lamp come on. unless the driver is seated on
the driver's seat. Start the en-
⑥ Tu r n t h e m a i n s w i t c h t o t h e
gine on the driver's seat.
"START" position. When the
engine is started, release the
⑦ Confirm that all monitoring lamps
go off after the engine is started.


RK19-영문-03(다).indd 2 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:13


2. Engine Stopping 3. Engine idling

► General engine idling ► Engine idling in cold condition
ON After starting the engine, idle the en- Hydraulic oil in this vehicle is also
gine for 5 to 10 minutes so that oil is used as transmission fluid.
delivered to each part of the engine. If the temperature drops in winter so 33
NOTE oil gets cold, its viscosity rises and
the hydraulic pump cannot suck oil
• If the engine is loaded right af- in, causing malfunction.
ter it is started, it may cause en-
Make sure to idle the engine in
gine stalling and failure. Make
T19O301B winter according to the following in-
sure to idle the engine first.
► Stopping • If neglecting to idle the engine,
① Idle the engine. it can cause: Temperature Idling time
② Tu r n t h e m a i n s w i t c h t o t h e - Seizure of the hydraulic pump 0°C or higher
At least 10 min
"OFF" position. (32ºF or higher)
- Filure in the hydraulic system. 0 ~ -10°C
③ Remove the key from the switch. 10 ~ 20 min.
(32ºF ~ -50ºF)
NOTE WARNING -10 ~ -20°C
20 ~ 30 min.
(-50ºF ~ -68ºF)
• Do not stop the engine at a high • Make sure to apply the parking -20°C or less
speed. brake while idling the engine. (-68ºF or less)
At least 30 min.

• If the engine has been running • Never idle the engine in a poor-
for an extended period of time, ly ventilated area. It can cause
stop the engine only after idling carbon monoxide poisoning by
it for 5 to 10 minutes. emissions.


RK19-영문-03(다).indd 3 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:14


4. Running-in period 5. Starting off, shifting and driving 6. Stopping and parking
Make sure to keep the following in- ► Starting off
structions for the initial 50-hour use.
(1) Avoid abrupt starting and abrupt ① Lift an implement.
stopping. ② Place the main shift lever, range
(2) Do not use excessive speed or shift lever and shuttle shift lever
load. into the desired positions.
(3) Drive the tractor only when the ③ D e p r e s s t h e b r a k e p e d a l t o
engine is sufficiently warm. release the parking brake.
(4) D o not idle the engine at the
maximum speed. ① Operate the throttle lever to set
(5) Check each part and change oil • The driving speed in the reverse the engine at a low speed.
and fluid after 50-hour use. direction is almost the same to
the speed in the forward direc- ② Release the forward driving (HST
(6) Refer to the section Maintenance tion. Make sure to check the type) and accelerator (mechani-
for adding and changing engine surroundings carefully when cal) pedals slowly. Depress the
oil. driving backward. brake pedals for abrupt braking.
• Especially, never drive back- ③ When the vehicle is completely
wards with the range shift lever stopped, set the shift lever in the
in the position H. The driving neutral position.
speed becomes faster and it ④ Apply the parking brake.
can cause an accident. ⑤ If an implement is attached to the
vehicle, lower it.


RK19-영문-03(다).indd 4 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:15


7. Driving on slope

⑥ Remove the key from the switch ► Starting off on steep slope NOTE
after parking vehicle. ① Depress the brake pedals.
② Place each shift lever in the low
• When the needle on the coolant
☞ Refer to the page 2-13 for opera- temperature gauge is pointing
tion of the parking brake.
speed position. at 'H,' the engine is overheated. 33
③ Set the engine at the mid speed If running the engine under
with the throttle lever. this condition continuously, the
WARNING ④ Release the brake pedal slowly engine parts can be severely
at the same time. damaged. Make sure to take an
• After parking, make sure to ap- appropriate action immediately.
ply the parking brake.
• Avoid parking on a slope if pos- ► Tips for driving on slope
sible. If it is absolutely neces- (1) Set the main shift lever in the
sary to park on a slope, chock low speed position on a slope
the rear wheels. to prevent the engine from stop-
(2) Keep the driving speed low on a
downhill road.


RK19-영문-03(다).indd 5 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:15


8. Cautions for driving into / out of field

(1) Check that the left and right brake pedals are connected.
(2) It is dangerous to drive into/out of a field if the field is deep from its bank.
Use ramps.
(3) Move in the perpendicular direction to the bank.
(4) When driving out of the field, lower the implement so that the front wheels
cannot be lifted.
(5) It is recommended to drive into a field backward to utilize full power.
• Be careful to keep the tractor's balance when working on a slope. The
tractor may become out of balance and roll over.
• It is very dangerous to ride a person as a front weight.
☞ For detailed precautions, refer to the page 0-23.

9. Loading to / Unloading from truck

(1) When loading the tractor onto a truck, drive backward.
(2) Be extra careful when using ramps.
(3) If the engine stops on ramps, depress the brake pedals immediately and
release them slowly to move onto the ground. Then, start the engine again
to climb the ramps again.


RK19-영문-03(다).indd 6 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:16


10. Cautions for driving on road 11. Operation check during driving
(1) When changing the direction on a Observe that every part is properly ► Engine coolant
road, use the turn signal lamp to in- operated during driving. If the needle of the coolant gauge
form other drivers. points at "H," stop the engine and
(2) Use the low beam when there is any check the followings: 33
► Engine oil pressure
vehicle coming on the other side at • Radiator coolant
If the engine oil level
nighttime. • Radiator fin for clogging
warning lamp comes on
(3)C heck that the left and right during driving, the lubrica- • Fan belt for looseness
brake pedals are connected. tion system may malfunction. Check If necessary, have your machine
(4) Keep the work lamps off when the engine oil immediately and have checked by your workshop.
driving at night. your vehicle checked by your work-
(5) Follow any applicable laws and shop.
drive safely. NOTE
(6) Never let anyone ride the tractor, ► Charging
except yourself as a driver. If the battery charge warn- • When the coolant temperature
ing lamp comes on dur- warning lamp comes on, the
WARNING ing driving, the battery is engine is overheated. If running
• If driving on a road with an im- not properly charged. In this case, the engine under this condi-
plement attached, the front side check the battery condition, and if tion continuously, the engine
of the tractor tends to lifted and necessary, have it checked by your parts can be severely damaged.
the vehicle may not steer prop- workshop. Make sure to take an appropri-
erly. ate action immediately.


RK19-영문-03(다).indd 7 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:17



RK19-영문-03(다).indd 8 2017-05-19 오전 9:45:17

Work Procedure

1. Precautions for handling implement....... 4-2

2. General implement............................................ 4-2

RK19-영문-04(라).indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:26:02


1. Precautions for handling implement 2. General implement

(1) When driving the tractor to at- WARNING ► Rotavator
tach or detach an implement, <Safety precautions for rotavator>
make sure that there is no one • Read instructions on warning de-
cals on each implement thorough- • Never remove the safety cover
in between or around the tractor of the rotavator.
and implement. ly before work.
• To avoid an injury due to mishan- • Do not remove the PTO shaft
(2) Install and remove the imple- cover and safety cover on the
ment only on safe and level dling of an implement, read the
universal joint.
ground. user's manual of the implement
thoroughly and work safely and • When adjusting each part, disen-
(3) When installing a heavy imple- gage the PTO and stop the en-
precisely with caution.
ment, install weight on the front gine in advance.
to keep balance. • Installation of an improper imple-
ment can lead to an injury. Install • When driving on a road, keep
(4) When adjusting an implement, the PTO disengaged. Also, keep
only implements specified by the
apply the parking brake, stop the the rotavator lowered on a road
engine and set the PTO switch as long as it does not hit the
in the OFF position in advance. ground.
(5) To tow anything, use the towing • For the universal joint, its inner
hitch only. shaft and outer shaft should be
overlapped at least 5,9 in.(15 cm).
• Check that the universal joint is
firmly fixed to the tractor and ro-
tavator shaft.


RK19-영문-04(라).indd 2 2017-05-18 오후 6:26:03


<Effective plowing pattern>

(1) Sequential returning plowing ⊙ Turning: Moving direction Reverse driving
• This pattern can be useful in a
well-planned field in a good con- (13)
dition. (17) 44
• The border shown in the figure is Start (1)
the effective plowing width of the (2)
rotavator and should be set a lit- Finish (10) (14) (18) (3)
tle narrower than three times of
one plowing width.
• The starting point is the ending (16) (12) (8)
point. (6)

• Plow in a sequential pattern from (15)

(1) to (6) and in a circular pattern (11) A: Border
from (7) to (18). (7)
• When driving forward to plow,
have the bank on the right side. A

• Be careful not to press already- 995E001a

plowed soil with the wheels.


RK19-영문-04(라).indd 3 2017-05-18 오후 6:26:04


(2) Alternating returning plow-

ing pattern
• This pattern is useful for narrow ⊙ Turning: Moving direction Reverse driving
or short fields or poorly planned
fields in which are not easy to
• In the figure, the plowing width Start (1)
for (1), (2), (3) and (4) should be (9) (13) (17) (7)
overlapped with the one for (5),
(2) (19) (15) (11)
(6) and (7) for approx. 10 cm. (6) Finish
• For the sections (1) to (7), per- (3)
form plowing in an alternating (5)
pattern. For the sections (8) to (4)
(19), plow in a circular pattern. (18)
• Refer to the sequential returning (14) A: Border
pattern for other details. (10)



RK19-영문-04(라).indd 4 2017-05-18 오후 6:26:05


(3) Land leveling pattern

• The land leveling work may be
performed after crushing soil or ⊙ Turning: Moving direction Reverse driving
• The vehicle speed can be set (14)
faster when performing the land (10) 44
leveling work with soil crushed (4)
already. Finish (5)
(9) (13)
• When working in a wet field, fill (3)
the field with a sufficient amount (6)
of water so that the trace of (15) (11)
plowing cannot be seen. (7)
• The border shown in the fig- (1) Start
ure should be set a little narrow- (8)
er than two times of one plowing A: Border
• Refer to the alternating returning A
pattern for other details.


RK19-영문-04(라).indd 5 2017-05-18 오후 6:26:06



RK19-영문-04(라).indd 6 2017-05-18 오후 6:26:06

1. Opening covers................................................... 5-2
2. Inspection items.................................................. 5-2
3. Inspecting and changing coolant............. 5-4
4. Checking and changing oil............................ 5-5
5. Replacing filter and cartridge.................. 5-9
6. Fuel system........................................................ 5-11
7. Checking and cleaning air cleaner........ 5-12
8. Greasing.............................................................. 5-13
9. Checking hoses................................................. 5-13
10. Checking electric system.......................... 5-14
11. Check and adjust each part..................... 5-18
12. Routine maintenance schedule............... 5-21

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:12


1. Opening covers 2. Inspection items

To prevent any possible failure,
some items should be checked
Make sure to perform inspection be-
Hood lock lever fore driving.

► Inspection items
Inspect each part in the following
T19O501A T19O502A order:

► Opening hood ① Check the items that were

① Slide the hook to the side. Then, ② Lift the hood with hands. Then, faulty yesterday.
the hood opens with a clicking the hood is automatically opened ② Go around the tractor and
sound. and fixed by its damper. check:
- Lamps for proper illumina-
tion and damage
- Tires for inflation pressure,
crack, damage and wear
- Rotating parts for loose
bolts and nuts
- Transmission fluid level
- Implement attachment sta-


RK19-영문-05(마).indd 2 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:13


③ Open the hood and check: ⑤ Start the engine, drive the
- Engine oil level tractor slowly and check:
- Coolant level - Emission color
- Fan belt for looseness and - Brake pedal operation
damage - One brake pedal operation
④ Sit on the driver's seat, turn - Steering wheel for heavi-
the main switch to the "ON" ness and vibration
position and check: - Coolant gauge operation
- Fuel gauge for proper op- - H y d r a u l i c o p e r a t i o n o f
eration 3-point link
- Fuel level
- E n g i n e o i l a n d c h a r g e
warning lamps for blinking
- Turn signal lamp
- Horn operation
- Brake pedal free play


RK19-영문-05(마).indd 3 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:13


3. Inspecting and changing coolant

(2) Antifreeze
If coolant freezes, the engine can be Radiator grill
Radiator Check hoses • Clean the radiator thoroughly
before adding antifreeze.
• The mixture ratio of antifreeze is
different by manufacturers and
temperature. Refer to the manu-
T19O503A facturer's manual. T19O520A

► Engine coolant inspection • Mix antifreeze with water suffi- ► Cleaning radiator and
ciently before adding it.
and change Radiator grilles
(1) Inspection • Adding antifreeze When working in a grassy field or
Open the radiator cap and check If evaporated - Add water for the working at night, the radiator or
that the radiator is filled with cool- reduced amount. condenser grille may be clogged
ant up to its filler inlet. If the coolant If leaked - Add mixture of anti- by grass, straws or bugs, reducing
amount is insufficient, add more freeze and water with the same cooling performance.
coolant. mixture ratio. In this case, clean the grille. If dust
is stuck between the fan and tube,
flush the area with clean water.
• Do not open the cap when the • If engine coolant gets on your
engine is hot. Otherwise, hot skin, it can irritate the skin and
steam can burn you seriously. cause a skin condition. Make sure • Do not clean the radiator fin with
Wait until the engine is suffi- to clean your skin with soap and water jet. It can deform the fin.
ciently cooled down. water or hand cleaner thoroughly.


RK19-영문-05(마).indd 4 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:16


4. Checking and changing oil

Engine oil
► Checking and changing
gauge engine oil
(1) Inspection
Engine oil
cartridge ① Pull out the dipstick, wipe its tip
and insert it again. Then, pull it
Engine oil out and check that the oil level
filler is between the upper and lower
Engine Oil Drain
② If insufficient, add oil. 45
T19O504A T19O505C

(2) Changing
Engine oil
 Unscrew the drain plug on the
lower section of the engine to
drain contaminated engine oil.
Upper limit
Since hot oil flows out of the en-
gine first, be careful not to get
Lower limit
 After draining oil, tighten the en-
gine oil drain plug.
 Add the specified amount of the
specified engine oil through the
filler hole.


RK19-영문-05(마).indd 5 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:17


NOTE (3) Oil specification

Diesel engine oil:
• Do not add engine oil over the
upper limit level. (API : CD/CF grades 10W/30)
• Check the engine oil before CAUTION
starting the engine or at least Oil filler hole
in 5 minutes after the engine is • If engine oil gets on your skin, it
stopped. can irritate the skin and cause
a skin condition. Make sure to
• When trying to use new oil from clean your skin with soap and T19O506A
a different manufacturer or oil
water or hand cleaner thorough-
with different viscosity, drain ► Checking and changing
used oil completely before add- transmission oil
ing new oil. • Make sure to cool down the (1) Inspection
engine sufficiently before drain-
Perform inspection with the engine
ing oil. Oil is very hot and can
cause a burn if changing oil
right after the engine is stopped. ① Check the transmission fluid lev-
el through the sight glass to see
if the level is between the upper
and lower limits.
② If insufficient, add oil.


RK19-영문-05(마).indd 6 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:18


Upper • Do not add fluid over the upper
limit limit level.
Lower • Check the fluid before starting
limit the engine or at least in 5 min-
utes after the engine is stopped.
• When trying to use new fluid
from a different manufacturer 45
Drain plug T19O507A
or fluid with different viscosity,
(2) Changing drain used fluid completely be-
① Unscrew the drain plug on the fore adding new fluid.
lower section of the transmission
to drain contaminated transmis-
sion fluid. Since hot fluid flows (3) Oil specification
out of the engine first, be careful THF 80W
not to get burnt. (API GL-4 Grade, Gear Oil 80W)
② After draining fluid, tighten the
transmission fluid drain plug.
③ Add the specified amount of
the specified transmission fluid • If transmission fluid gets on
through the filler hole. your skin, it can irritate the skin
and cause a skin condition.
Make sure to clean your skin
with soap and water or hand
cleaner thoroughly.

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 7 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:19


► Checking and changing (2) Changing

Front axle
front axle oil ① Unscrew the drain plugs on the
oil filler (1) Inspection bottom of the axle and left/right
① Pull out the dipstick, wipe its tip final cases to drain engine oil.
and insert it again. Then, pull it Since hot fluid flows out of the
out and check that the oil level engine first, be careful not to get
is between the upper and lower burnt.
Front axle limits. ② After draining oil, tighten the oil
oil drain ② If insufficient, add oil. drain plug.
plug T19O508A
※ There is one front axle oil drain ③ Add the specified amount of the
hole on each side of the front specified oil through the filler
axle. hole.
Lower limit • Do not add front axle oil over
limit the upper limit level.
Level gauge • Check the front axle oil before
starting the engine or at least
in 5 minutes after the engine is
T254O514A stopped.
• When trying to use new oil from
a different manufacturer or oil
with different viscosity, drain
used oil completely before add-
ing new oil.


RK19-영문-05(마).indd 8 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:20


5. Replacing filter and cartridge

(3) Oil specification
Gear oil SAE 90W
(API GL-4 grade or higher)
• If oil gets on your skin, it can ir-
ritate the skin and cause a skin HST filter
condition. Make sure to clean 45
your skin with soap and water T19O509A T19O510B
or hand cleaner thoroughly.
• Make sure to cool down the ► Replacing transmission ► Transmission strainer
engine sufficiently before drain- fluid filter cartridge cleaning
ing oil. Oil is very hot and can ① The HST oil filter is located under ① When changing transmission
the floor. fluid, clean with diesel fuel.
cause a burn if changing oil
right after the engine is stopped. ② Remove the hydraulic oil filter ② Unscrew the filter body support
element by turning it counterclock- bolt from the right lower section
wise with a wrench. of the rear transmission case
③ Apply a thin film of oil to the O-ring and gently pull the filter with pli-
of a new cartridge and install the ers to remove it.
new cartridge by tightening it with
a hand. When its packing touches
the sealing surface, turn it approx.
2/3 turns further with a wrench.
④ Add hydraulic oil to the specified level.
⑤ Check the oil level with the dipstick
again. If still insufficient, add more.

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 9 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:21


④ Run the engine for approx. 5

Engine oil minutes and check for proper
operation through the engine oil
Engine oil warning lamp. Then, stop the
Filter Cartridge engine.
(This warning lamp should be
turned off while the engine is
T39O512A ⑤ Check the oil level with the dip-
T19O511A stick again. If still insufficient,
add more.
► R eplacing engine oil
filter cartridge
① Remove the engine oil filter car-
tridge by turning it counterclock-
wise with a filter wrench.
② Apply a thin film of oil to the
O-ring of a new cartridge and
install the new cartridge by
tightening it with a hand. When
its packing touches the sealing
surface, turn it approx. 2/3 turns
further with a wrench.
③ Add engine oil to the specified

5 - 10

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 10 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:22


6. Fuel system
► FUEL SYSTEM (3) F u e l f i l t e r c l e a n i n g a n d
Use only low sulfur or ultra low sul- element replacing
fur diesel fuel. This filter is to remove foreign mate-
(1) Fuel tank rial and water from fuel.
① Set the fuel filter cock to the 'OFF'
Bleeding screw position.
② Loosen the ring screw on top of
Fuel tank
the cap to remove the cap. Then, 45
cap T19O513B ③ Flush the element with diesel fuel
to remove any foreign material
(2) How to bleed fuel system from it.
It is necessary to bleed the system ④ If the element is severely contami-
under the following conditions. nated, replace it with a new one.
- The engine is stopped due to the NOTE
NOTE empty fuel tank.
- The filter or pipe is removed. • Clean or replace the fuel filter
• If foreign materials, such as every 100 hours of operation.
dust and sand, or water are ① Unscrew the bleeding screw.
mixed in fuel, it can deteriorate ② Start the engine.
the performance of the fuel in- ③ When clean fuel flows out of the
jection pump. Make sure to add bleeding screw, tighten the screw.
quality fuel through the strainer. ④ Repeat the procedure if the system
is not bled completely.

5 - 11

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 11 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:23


7. Checking and cleaning air cleaner

Check and clean the air cleaner ac- < Cautions for inspection and ► Air cleaner cleaning
cording to the following instructions: service of air cleaner > ① Blow compressed air from the
(1) Use the standard element and fil- inside toward the outside of the
ter and do not apply oil on them. element. Keep proper distance
(2) Remove any dust in the cover between the air nozzle and ele-
Air cleaner body thoroughly. ment.
(3) Install it firmly so that dust does
not enter below the cover. ► Air cleaner replacing
After cleaning the element 5 times
(4) Never drive with the element and
filter removed. or if it is damaged, replace it with a
new one.


• Do not hit the element with

a rock or concrete during its
► Vacuum valve cleaning cleaning.
• Pull out the valve with a hand and
remove dust from its inside. If it • Make sure to install the element
is dirty or watery, wipe it with a firmly.
dry rag thoroughly before fitting it • Tighten each part of the air
again. cleaner securely to block dust

5 - 12

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 12 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:24


8. Greasing 9. Checking hoses

► Greasing points Rubber parts, such as the fuel hose
For general greasing points, refer and radiator hose, are aged by time
to the fuel, oil and fluid specification even when the tractor is not in use.
chart. (See page 5-23.) Therefore, such parts should be
However, add grease before work replaced with their tightening bands
if the tractor is to be used in a wet every 2 years or when they are
field. damaged.

► Greasing brake arm
Remove the rubber caps on the • If any fuel hose is damaged,
floor and dash panel to access to fuel leaks and it can catch fire.
the grease nipple. Make sure to check the fuel
hose and take a necessary ac-
Add grease with the supplied grease

5 - 13

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 13 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:24


10. Checking electric system

► Checking and charging battery


• When charging the battery af- • If the battery electrolyte gets

ter removing it from the tractor, on your eyes, skin, clothes
it produces hydrogen gas, pre- or object, rinse it with water
senting a fire risk. Charge the thoroughly. If you swallowed it,
battery only in a well-ventilated drink a lot of water. Also, get
area. medical attention immediately T19O514A
• The battery produces highly if acid contacts your eye or is
flammable hydrogen gas swallowed. <Checking>
which can explode. Keep flam- ① Checking battery charging level
mable items and spark away  If the battery is not used for over
from the battery.
two weeks, it may become hard to
• The battery electrolyte is sulfu- start the engine. Charge the bat-
ric acid so can burn your skin tery in this case.
and eyes. Be careful not to
② If the battery terminal is corroded,
spill any. it cannot deliver current. If it is
corroded or contaminated, wipe it
with sandpaper or a brush.
12V 45AH (20HR)

5 - 14

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 14 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:26


Negative (-) ④ Firstly, start the engine of the vehi-

terminal (black) cle with the normal battery. Then,
start the engine of the tractor with
the discharged battery.
⑤ After the engine is started, discon-
Positive (+) nect the negative cable first. Then,
terminal (red) disconnect the positive cable.
⑥ Charge the discharged battery for 45
T254O531A T254O532A approx. 30 minutes after the en-
gine is started.
<Charging> ► Jump start
① Turn the ignition switch to the WARNING
① Turn off all electric devices.
"OFF" position and remove the • Make sure to connect the posi-
battery from the tractor. ② Connect the positive terminal of
the normal battery to the positive tive terminal first and connect
② Charge the battery in a well- the negative terminal to the en-
ventilated area. terminal of the discharged battery
with the jump cable. gine body of the tractor with the
③ Charge the battery with the nor-
mal procedures and avoid quick discharged battery.
③ Connect the negative terminal
charging. of the normal battery to the en-
④ Turn the charger switch OFF and gine body of the tractor for the
connect the cables to the nega-
tive and positive battery termi- discharged battery with the jump
nals correctly. cable.
⑤ When using a charger, its charg-
ing current should be below 10 A.

5 - 15

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 15 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:27


► Checking electric wiring ① Remove the cover of the fuse box.

(1) Loose wiring terminals can cause ② Remove the blown fuse.
contact failure and damaged wir- ③ Fit a new fuse with the same ca-
ing can lead to performance dete- pacity.
rioration of electric devices, short
circuit and fire. Replace or repair ④ The function and capacity of each
Fuse Box
aged and damaged wirings. fuse are indicated on the cover of
the fuse box.
(2) If wiring sheath is peeled off, wrap
wiring with insulating tape. WARNING
(3) If fasteners or bands to fix wir- • If using fuses other than the
ings are damaged, fix wirings with specified, wirings can be over-
clamps. heated, leading to a fire. Never
(4) Have wiring checked by your use a fuse with different capac-
workshop once a year regularly to ity. Also, never use a steel wire
avoid fire. Normal Open circuit or foil instead of a fuse.

► Checking and replacing

(1) Body fuse box
Fuses are installed in this tractor
to prevent any possible accident in
case of wiring circuit malfunction.
If the electric system is malfunction-
ing during driving, check for any
blown fuse.
5 - 16

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 16 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:28


► Replacing lamp bulb

If a lamp does not come on by oper-
ating the corresponding switch:
① Check the corresponding fuse.
② If the fuse is intact, remove the
bulb socket from the lamp.
High-capacity Normal Open circuit ③ Remove the bulb from the socket
fuse and check for blown filament. 45
T19O516A T9406
④ If the filament is blown, replace
the bulb with a new bulb with the
(2) High-capacity fuse (50 A)
same capacity.
This tractor is equipped with three <Inspection>
fuses for wiring. Bulb Specifications
Check the fuse through the trans-
Headlamp 12V H8 35W
These fuses are blown to cut cur- parent window to see if it is blown.
rent to the electric circuit in order to Turn signal lamp 12V 21W
protect wiring. Find the cause for
Turn signal lamp
blown fuses and replace them with 12V 21W
the specified genuine parts.
Position lamp 12V 5W

5 - 17

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 17 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:29


11. Check and adjust each part

Pressing Mounting bolt

Turn buckle

11,8 ~ 15,7 in.

(30 ~ 40 mm) Fan belt
Lock nut
0,28 ~ 0,35 in.
(7 ~ 9 mm)

T19O517A T254O525B

► Checking and adjusting ► Brake pedal play ► Checking and adjusting

brake pedal Depress the pedal lightly with a fan belt
The brake pedal's play increases as hand to check its play. Check and adjust the fan belt's ten-
it is used for an extended period of sion periodically.
time. If its play is excessive, adjust it. DIVISION SPECIFIED VALUE ① Unscrew the alternator mounting
<Adjustment> 11,8 ~ 15,7 in. bolt slightly and move the alterna-
① Unscrew the lock nut and turn the (30 ~ 40 mm) tor to adjust the tension.
adjusting nut to adjust the play (left ② Check the belt's tension.
and right). Press the middle of the belt with
② Turning it counterclockwise in- • Afteradjustment, confirm the
13,2 ~ 15,4 Ib (6 ~ 7 kg) of force.
creases the play while turning it operating state.
It is okay when the belt is deflect-
clockwise decreases the play. ed for 0,28 ~ 0,35 in. (7 ~ 9 mm).
③ After adjustment, tighten the lock
nut firmly.

5 - 18

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 18 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:31


Air cleaner hose Clamp

Radiator hose
Fuel hose Clamp
T19O518A T19O521A T254O528A

► F u e l h o s e c h e c k i n g ► AIR CLEANER H O SE ► RADIAT OR HOSE CHECK-

Check the fuel hose as follows : Check the air cleaner hose as fol- Check the radiator hose as follows :
① Stop the engine. After the engine lows : ① Stop the engine. After the engine
is sufficiently cooled down, open ① Stop the engine. After the engine is sufficiently cooled down, open
the hood. is sufficiently cooled down, open the hood.
② Check if the fuel hose is dam- the hood. ② Check if the radiator hose is
aged or leaks. Replace it if nec- ② Check if the air cleaner hose is damaged or leaks. Replace it if
essary. damaged or leaks. Replace it if necessary.
③ Tighten the clamp. necessary. ③ Tighten the clamp.
③ Tighten the clamp.

5 - 19

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 19 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:32


Insufficient pressure

Excessive pressure


► Tire inflation pressure

Check if the inflation pressure of the front and rear tires is correct. If not, ad-
just it to the specification.
Tire Standard
Pressure (kg/cm²) / psi
Item Specifications
Industrial Front BAR F 16x6.50-8 (1,9) / 27
Industrial Rear BAR R 24X12.00-12 (2,4) / 34
Turf Front TURF F 16X7.50-8 (1,6) / 23
Turf Rear TURF R 24x12.00-12 (1,4) / 20

• Make sure to keep the specified inflation pressure of the tires to avoid an
accident or even death due to tire's rupture.

5 - 20

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 20 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:33


12. Routine maintenance schedule

► Routine maintenance schedule
CAUTION ○ : Check, Add, Adjust
• Check or adjust each part only when the engine is stopped. △ : Clean, Wash
• When any hot part should be serviced, wait until it is cooled down. ● : Change
★ : Service by workshop

Hourmeter display Remarks

Inspection part Remarks
Item Daily 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 page 45
Replace Every
250 hours or 12
Engine oil & cartridge ● ● ● 5-5,9
months after first
50 hours.
Replace Every
Cleaning fuel filter
○ ● 1000 hours or 12 5-11
and replacing element
Check every year and replace as necessary (check coolant level
Radiator coolant 5-4

Air cleaner element △ △ ○ △ ● 5-12
Fan belt Check tension every 50 hours and replace as necessary 5-18
Battery Check and replenish every 50 hours and replace as necessary 5-14
Radiator and air cleaner Hoses Replace
○ ○ -
hoses and bands every 2 years
Checking fuel hose Hoses Replace
○ ○ -
and band every 2 years

5 - 21

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 21 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:33


○ : Check, Add, Adjust △ : Clean, Wash

● : Change ★ : Service by workshop

Hourmeter display Remarks

Item Inspection part Remarks
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 page
Replace Every 500
Transmision Oil
● ● hours or 12 months 5-6
& HST Oil Filter
after first 50 hours.
Front axle oil ● ● 5-8
Strainer △ △ 5-9
0,07 ~ 0,24 in.
Toe-in ★ ★ (2 ~ 6 mm)
Greasing each
Add every 50 hours, daily if working in watery field 5-23

Check frequently before driving (check simultaneous operation of Play: 11,8 ~ 15,7 in.
Brake pedal play 5-18
left and right parts) (30 ~ 40 mm)
Tightness of front /
Check frequently before driving -
rear wheels
Adjusting throttle
○ ○ -
Rubber hoses ○ ○ -
Checking electric
○ ○ ○ ○ Every year -
Hydraulic hoses &
○ -

5 - 22

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 22 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:33


► Fuel, oil and fluid specification chart gal(ℓ)

No. Applied part Oil
Engine oil 0.9
check hole 1 Coolant Antifreeze
Engine oil Transmission Drain hole
fluid oil Engine oil
check hole drain hole Every 250 hours
filler hole 2 Engine 0.53 (2)
Engine Oil
(API GL-4 Grade)
Tractor transmission and
● hydraulic oil
3 Transmission Below -4ºF(-20ºC) ISO VG32
Above -4ºF(-20ºC)
between ISO VG46 and
Engine oil Grease nipple 68
Transmission filler hole Gear Oil
fluid oil filler Engine oil Drain 4 Front axle API GL-4
Front axle (2.5)
hole SAE 90W
oil filler hole
5 Fuel tank Diesel fuel 6.6 (25)
亅 Filler hole ● Grease nipple ▲ Drain hole ■ Check hole

5 - 23

RK19-영문-05(마).indd 23 2018-12-11 오전 8:44:16



RK19-영문-05(마).indd 24 2017-05-18 오후 6:35:34

Storage and Disposal

1. Tractor storage .............................................. 6-2

2. Usage and disposal....................................................6-3

RK19-영문-06(바).indd 1 2017-05-19 오전 9:47:27


1. Tractor storage
► Daily storage ► Long-term storage (7) R emove a weight. Detach or
(1) Store the tractor after cleaning it. Clean the tractor thoroughly and lower an implement.
Especially, clean it thoroughly af- store it as follows: (8) Chock the rear wheels.
ter harrowing or working in a wet (1) Change engine oil with new oil (9) R emove the battery from the
field. and run the engine for 5 min- tractor or turn off its switch to
(2) M ake sure to lower an imple- utes to distribute oil to each part cut power connection.
ment. evenly. (10) P lace wood blocks under the
(3) Store the tractor indoors if possi- (2) Drain coolant from the radiator. tires to protect them.
ble. Then, make a label indicating (11) C harge the battery every 2
(4) If storing the tractor outside, cov- "No Coolant" and fix it onto the months during long-term stor-
er it. steering wheel. age.
(5) For better startability, it is recom- If antifreeze is already added, it (12) Store it in a dry place to avoid
mended to remove the battery is not necessary to drain coolant. rain or snow and cover the
from the tractor and keep it in- (3) A dd oil, fluid and fuel to each body.
doors in winter. part according to the mainte-
(6) If the outside temperature is be- nance chart.
low 32℉(0℃), add antifreeze or (4) Apply a thin film of grease of oil
drain coolant completely to pre- to body parts that are apt to rust.
vent the engine from freezing (5) C heck each bolt and nut for
and bursting. looseness and tighten any loose
(7) R emove the key and store it bolt and nut.
separately. (6) Set the tire inflation pressure a
little higher than the specifica-

RK19-영문-06(바).indd 2 2017-05-19 오전 9:47:27


2. Usage and disposal

► Use after long-term storage It is recommended to keep the fol-
Keep the following instructions lowings to protect the environment:
when using the tractor after its long- (1) Avoid overloading work as it can
term storage. lead to incomplete combustion
(1) I nspect the tractor thoroughly and emissions that can pollute
before driving it. the air.
(2) To keep performance and life of (2) When changing oil, including en-
the engine, idle the engine for ap- gine oil, transmission fluid, hy-
prox. 30 minutes after starting it. draulic oil and coolant, be careful
not to spill it and discard used oil
NOTE according to the applicable law. 6
• For engine lubrication, run the en- Used oil should be treated with
gine at 1.500 ~ 2.000 RPM for 5 care and discarded properly as it
to 10 minutes once a month. can contaminate soil and water.
• Remove the key from the tractor (3) When this or other machine's life
and store it separately. is expired, do not neglect or dis-
card it on your own, but contact
CAUTION your RK Tractor store so that the
approved service provider can
• If leaving the battery connected to discard the machine according
the tractor, turn off its switch to cut to the laws.
electric power.
• If wiring is damaged by rodents,
its short circuit can start a fire.


RK19-영문-06(바).indd 3 2017-05-19 오전 9:47:29



RK19-영문-06(바).indd 4 2017-05-19 오전 9:47:29


1. Engine SYSTEM...................................................... 7-2

2. Brake system....................................................... 7-6

3. Steering system................................................. 7-6

4. Hydraulic system............................................... 7-7

5. Electric system.................................................. 7-8


RK19-영문-07(사).indd 1 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:58


1. Engine SYSTEM


• PTO switch set to ON position • Set the PTO switch to the OFF position
• Defective safety switch • Have it repaired or replaced by workshop
The start motor does • Battery discharged • Charge the battery
not run even when
turning the main • Loose terminal • Check for looseness and corrosion. Clean, tighten and apply
switch. grease
• Faulty switch • Have it repaired or replaced by workshop
• Defective start motor • Have it repaired or replaced by workshop
• Weak battery • Charge the battery
The start motor runs

but its speed cannot • Poor ground • Clean the contact and connect the ground firmly
be increased
• Incorrect viscosity of engine oil • Change engine oil with proper viscosity
• Air in fuel system • Bleed the system
• Clogged fuel filter • Clean or replace the filter
The start motor runs
but the engine cannot • No delivery of fuel • Open the cock to add fuel
be started
• Defective engine • Have it repaired by workshop
• Defective key stop unit • Have it repaired by workshop
• Air in fuel system • Bleed the system
The engine runs irregularly
• Clogged fuel filter • Clean or replace the filter


RK19-영문-07(사).indd 2 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:58



• Clogged injection nozzle • Have it repaired by workshop

The engine runs irregularly

• Fuel leak at pipe • Tighten the clamp, replace the pipe and machine and attach
the copper washer
• Poor fuel injection quality • Have it repaired by workshop
• Defective injection pump • Have it repaired by workshop
Engine stops at low • Incorrect clearance of engine valve • Have it repaired by workshop
• Low idle speed • Adjust it to the standard speed
• Faulty nozzle • Have it repaired by workshop

• Restricted governor • Have it repaired by workshop

The engine overruns
• Oil rise • Have it repaired by workshop 7
• Low fuel level • Add fuel and bleed the system
The engine stalls sud- • Faulty nozzle • Have it repaired by workshop
• Engine seizure by insufficient oil or • Have it repaired by workshop
poor lubrication
• Insufficient coolant amount • Add coolant
The engine is over- • Damaged fan belt • Replace the belt
heated • Clogged radiator • Clean the radiator
• Insufficient engine oil • Check and add


RK19-영문-07(사).indd 3 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:58



• Clogged air cleaner • Check and clean it
The engine produces
white smoke
• Excessive engine oil amount • Check and set it to the proper amount
• Insufficient fuel supply amount • Have it repaired by workshop
• Low quality fuel • Add the specified fuel
The engine produces
black smoke
• Excessive fuel amount delivery • Have it repaired by workshop
• Insufficient nozzle pressure • Have it repaired by workshop
• Clogged or carbon on nozzle tip • Have it repaired by workshop

• Insufficient compression or gas • Have it repaired by workshop

leak from valve seat
The engine does not
produce sufficient • Improperly adjusted valve clearance • Have it repaired by workshop
power • Incorrect injection timing • Have it repaired by workshop
• Low fuel level • Add fuel
• Clogged air cleaner • Clean the element
• Low engine oil level • Add to the specified level
The oil warning lamp
comes on during driving
• Low viscosity of engine oil • Change engine oil with proper viscosity
• Faulty pressure switch • Replace the switch


RK19-영문-07(사).indd 4 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:58



The oil warning lamp • Defective oil pump • Have it repaired by workshop
comes on during driving • Clogged oil filter element • Replace the oil filter
• Defective wiring • Check for loose or missing terminal, short circuit and poor

ground and repair as necessary

The charge warning
lamp comes on during • Defective alternator • Have it repaired by workshop
• Defective battery • Replace the battery
• Damaged fan belt • Replace the belt



RK19-영문-07(사).indd 5 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:58


2. Brake system


• Excessive brake pedal play • Adjust the play
The brake won't operate.

Also, only one-side brake • Worn or burnt liner • Have it repaired by workshop
• Different play amount on left and • Set the left and right play amount the same

3. Steering system


The steering wheel • Improper toe-in • Adjust

feels heavy
Steering system

The steering wheel vi-

• Incorrect tire inflation pressure • Set the left and right tires to the same specified pressure
brates • Vibration from each connection • Tighten or replace connection
• Worn steering wheel shaft • Have it repaired by workshop
The free movement of
the steering wheel is • Worn metal parts • Have it repaired by workshop
• Free play from each connection • Tighten


RK19-영문-07(사).indd 6 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:58


4. Hydraulic system


Oil leaks from the pipe • Loose clamp • Tighten

or hose • Cracked pipe • Have it replaced by workshop
• Lowering speed control lever fixed to stop position • Set it to the lowering position

The hydraulic pressure • Defective valve • Have it repaired by workshop

won't be decreased • Damaged cylinder • Have it repaired by workshop
Hydraulic system

• Damaged and seizured lift shaft rotating part • Have it repaired by workshop
• Insufficient engine RPM • Set the speed to 1.000 to 1.500 RPM
• Insufficient transmission fluid • Add to the specified level
• Air sucked into suction pipe • Tighten the connection. If any pipe or hose is
cracked or O-ring is damaged, replace it
The hydraulic pressure 3
won't be increased • Clogged oil filter • Clean
• Defective hydraulic pump • Have it repaired by workshop
• Defective valve • Have it repaired by workshop
• Damaged cylinder • Have it repaired by workshop


RK19-영문-07(사).indd 7 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:59


5. Electric system


• Blown fusible link • Check the wiring and replace the fusible link
• Defective wiring • Check for loose or missing terminal, short circuit and poor
ground and repair as necessary
The battery won't be • Defective alternator • Have it repaired by workshop
• Loose or damaged fan belt • Adjust the tension or replace the belt
• Defective battery function • Check for loose or corroded terminal and insufficient elec-
trolyte and take any necessary action
Electric system

The headlamp does • Low charging level of battery • Charge

not produce enough
light • Contact failure in wiring • Check, clean and re-tighten the ground and terminal
• Blown bulb • Replace the bulb
The headlamp does
not come on
• Blown fuse • Check the wiring and replace the fuse
• Contact failure • Check and clean the ground and terminal
• Defective horn switch • Replace
The horn does not operate • Defective wiring • Repair
• Damaged horn • Repair or replace


RK19-영문-07(사).indd 8 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:59



• Blown bulb • Replace the bulb
Electric system

The turn signal lamp

does not blink
• Defective flasher unit • Replace
• Poor contact • Check and clean the ground and terminal

The work lamp does • Blown bulb • Replace the bulb

not come on
• Contact failure • Check and clean the ground and terminal



RK19-영문-07(사).indd 9 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:59



RK19-영문-07(사).indd 10 2017-05-19 오전 9:48:59

Safety standard for farm work

1. Instruction before use................................... 8-2

2. Checkup list before operation................... 8-3

3. Cautions during the work............................. 8-4

4. Cautions when driving on the farm road...... 8-5

5. Instruction after use . ................................... 8-6

6. Cautions for inspection and maintenance.... 8-6

7. Tractor.................................................................. 8-7


RK19-영문-08(아).indd 1 2017-03-07 오후 4:24:14


SAFETY MARK 1. Instruction before use

Excerpted from general information system of agricultur- Operator must attend his/her health and should get

al mechanic research center (August, 2002) 8.) enough rest.

Agricultural Mechanic Research Center, an affiliation of Before using the machine, check it and repair if there

is a malfunction.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry stipulated "safety in-
structions" when working with agricultural equipment for - Check if the assembly of front and rear wheels is
safety purpose.
- Check the tightening of bolts and nuts in each unit.
Please read carefully the contents as the user’s manual.
Try to work safely.
Do not drive if you are mentally unstable, drunk, preg-

nant, under the age of 16, not trained, overworked,
 Always make sure to check the operating condition of sick, under the influence of drugs, and any other rea-
the safety lamp (such as turn signal lamp) before op- son that may affect normal operation of the machine.
erating the machine.
Please wear the appropriate working clothing.

※ If any lighting system is removed※ - Put on a hard hat to protect your head.
- Put on a hat and a working clothes, to prevent an in-
 It may lead to an unexpected accident because it
jury such as being twined into the machine.
is not possible to give signals to people or machine
- Protective measures to prevent any injury on foot or
nearby. slipping - Put on an appropriate non-slippery shoes
to prevent a fall from the machine, scattering soil,
and slippery surface.
- Measures against dust and toxic gas.
- Wear an appropriate protective gear.
- Measures against the herbicide – wear protective
gear to protect respiratory system, eyes and skin.

RK19-영문-08(아).indd 2 2017-03-07 오후 4:24:14


2. Checkup list before operation

- Measures against noise – wear a protective gear to Before using the machine, check it and repair if there

protect your ears. is a malfunction.
- Handling protective gear – Do neither let children
get on the machine nor get close to the machine. Check engine oil.

- Pull out level gauge, wipe off any fuel leak, put it back
 If it is not possible to park the agricultural machine in, and pull it out again to see if the oil level is be-
on a road either due to a breakdown or any other rea- tween「upper limit」and「lower limit」.
son, operator must take an action such as moving the
equipment to a place other than a road.
Before any operation, check for any foreign materi-

als caught on the engine, muffler, battery, and the fuel
 Also, put a signal that there is a broken car, 100m be- tank. Remove them immediately.
hind and 200m at night in accordance with Automo-
bile Regulation Article 23.
Covers that are removed during the maintenance

work should be reinstalled to their original positions.
 When starting to drive, make sure to check around
- Attach the cover correctly and firmly.
- Do not let anyone such as a child get close to the ma-
chine, keep them away and then drive the machine. 49
 Do not load flammable, explosive material (diesel,
gasoline , etc) on the machine.

 When getting on and off a truck, have a helper give

you signal and follow his/her lead.

 Refer to chapter 1 in user’s manual regarding the decals

on the machine. 8-

RK19-영문-08(아).indd 3 2017-03-07 오후 4:24:15


3. Cautions during the work

 Do not load anything that can interfere driving. When two people are working collaboratively, ex-

- Always keep the driver’s seat clean. change signals each other.

 Always buckle up when driving.  Prevent injury

- Do not touch power transmission gear, rotating unit,
and other dangerous parts.
 Opening radiator cap when heated can spring out the
steam to have the operator burned. Open the cap af- - Pay special attention if you are working with the ma-
ter it is sufficiently cooled down. chine with blade or sharp projection
- Be careful not to injure from the work where soils
and stones are scattered around.
 Do not drive with depressing the differential gear pedal.

 Prohibit anyone to get on the machine.

 Safety in inspection, adjustment, etc.
- Prohibit anyone to get on the machine other than - Make sure to stop the motor and carry out the work
the designated place. in a safe environment.
- Even thought there are some designated place, do - When leaving the machine for a break, or other rea-
not let people more than capacity get on the machine. son, leave the machine in a safe place and descend
the working unit to keep them in a safe stopped state.
- Never let any passenger mount on the machine.
Also, do not put any object on the machine. Keep
people away from the machine. Removing and installing should be carried out in a

- Do not jump on/off the operating machine except for safe place and with a safe method.
Do neither stay nor insert foot under the working units.

 Be cautious not to let anyone touch the belt . Always

check the connected area of belt.


RK19-영문-08(아).indd 4 2017-03-07 오후 4:24:15


4. Cautions when driving on the farm road

 Driving on roads  When entering paved road
- Drive safely observing the relevant regulation. - Use a ramp to cross a ditch or a bank.
- Drive at safe speed. - Make sure to use a ramp to enter/exit a high foot-
- Be careful not to disturb other drivers. path Be careful with fall and not to overturn.
- When driving a machine with sharp blade or bump, - Check the safety around the surrounding before
put on a warning sign or detach in advance to pre- starting to drive.
vent any injury.
- Do not drive fast particularly on winding roads with  When driving on a slope
projecting rocks. - Drive at the minimum speed, lower the operating ma-
- When driving at night, do not detach lighting device. chine as low as possible and low the center position.
(headlight, turn indicator, work light, brake light, etc)
- Do not drive fast, abrupt starting, abrupt accelera-
tion, sudden stop, and quick turning.
- When driving at high speed, do not slam on the
brake. Never slam on the brake especially when
turning at high speed.

 When loading/unloading the machine
- Choose a place with a leveled and safe ground.
- Drive at low speed.
- Use a ramp with anti-slippery.


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5. Instruction after use 6. Cautions for inspection and maintenance

 When the work is completed, stop the engine on a Do not refuel either when the engine is still hot or

leveled ground, check the machine to clean. (remove while driving.
any foreign materials)
- Remove straws, dirt, etc and clean around the en- Measures against a fire: Every working place with a

gine, silencer, and fuel tank. risk of fire should be provided with a fire extinguisher.
Prevent a fire by taking measures such as making a
smoking area.
 Lay a cover on the transplanter (equipment) after the
muffler and engine cool down.
Always wipe off the leaked fuel.

 Get a regular inspection after the season is over. Be seated in the cab when starting the engine.

- When discarding a part (battery, oil, etc) or scrap a
machine, consult to a RK Tractors and proceed ac- After refueling, tighten the fuel cap and check if there

cordingly. is any fuel leakage from tank or pipe.

 For long-term storage, remove the battery from the When opening a cap to supply water to radiator, be

machine and store it or disconnect the negative battery careful because steam or boiling water may spray due
cable. to overheating.

When getting off the cab, turn off the engine, lock the

parking brake and remove the ignition key.

If it is inevitable to park on a slope, choke the wheels.

Park on a leveled and safe ground safely.

Check if the wiring code is in contact with other parts,

peeled, loose or having spacing.

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7. Tractor
 Manage PTO  Do neither modify nor remove the safety device.
- Stop PTO before stopping the engine.
- Do not remove the PTO protective cover or protec-  When checking and replacing the blade to plow the
tive panel for operating machine. ground.
- Do not use PTO adaptor in order to extend the POT - Stop the engine.
coupler or universal joint to outside of PTO protec- - Prevent the rotary from falling by turning the fall ad-
tive cover. justing handle to stop hydraulic pressure.
- Apply the parking brake.
 To repair, secure the wheel width, or changing the - Do not stand between tractor and rotary.
wheel under either tractor or trailer, with the tractor or
trailer raised, choke the wheels that are on the ground.
 When working with rotary
 Do not use hydraulic jack for operating machine or - Do not put your hands near the rotating part such as
tractor. Instead, use block or stand. blade axle and universal joint.
- Do not ride on the rotary.
 Safety frame - When driving backward or turning quickly with the rota-
ry raised up, make sure to check behind the machine.
- Do neither weld nor drill a hole on the attached safe- 3
- Adjust the rear cover.
ty frame. Also do not modify it.
- Replace the damaged safety frame with a new one.
- If the safety frame was removed for specialized
work, restore it immediately.

 Be careful to touch dangerous area such as power

transmission gear, rotating unit, etc. Put on a protec-
tive cover.


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1. Major specifications........................................ 9-2

2. Major consumables......................................... 9-4

RK19-영문-09(자).indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:39:50


1. Major specifications

Model rK19 Model rK19

Engine Manufacturer Yanmar Single Gear Pump with
Pump Type
Flow Divider
Engine Model 3TNV74F-SDKTF2 Implement pump cap.gpm
4,17 [15,8]
Engine Type Natural Aspiration [L/Min]
Steering pump cap.gpm
2.11 [8]

Hydralic System
Engine HP-Gross 19 [14,2] [L/Min]
Rated engine speed 3.000 Max Total flow gpm [L/Min] 6,97 [26,4]

Number of cylinders 3 Category, 3 Point Hitch 1 [N]

Displacement-cu.in.[cc] 60,6 [993] Hitch Lift capacity, lb. [kg] 1.100 [499]
Air Cleaner Single Dry at 24 inches behind link ends
679 [308]
Alternator 12V 40A
Lift Control Type Position
Fuel System Type Indirect Fuel Injection
PTO Type Independent
Transmission type HST
PTO Control Electric/Hydro
Number of Speeds 2 Range
PTO Mid-Option [rpm] 2.500


Max Travelling Speed,

7,8 [12,5] PTO rear [rpm] 540
Brakes Wet Disc PTO Shaft Diameter
1 3/8 [35]
Steering Hydrostatic


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Model rK19 Model rK19

Fuel Tank U.S gal.[L] 6,6 [25] Agricultural Front BAR F 16X7,50-9

Standard Tires
Cooling system U.S. qt. [L] 3,7 [3,5] Agricultural Rear BAR R 24X12,00-12

Crankcase [witd filter] Industrial Front TURF F16X7,50-8

2,1 [2]
U.S. qt. [L]
Trans & Hyd. System, Industrial Rear TURF R16X12,00-12
3,6 [13,5]
U.S gal. [L] Rollover Protection


Front Axle U.S. qt. [L] 2,6 [2,5] Standard
Overall length, with 3P Total Weight. lb [kg] 1.433 [650]
94,2 [2.394]
in. [mm]
Overall with, in. [mm] 44,5 [1.130]

Wheelbase, in [mm] 53,1 [1.350]

Height to top of ROPS,
86,6 [2.200]
in. [mm]
Min. Ground Cleareance,
F/A 8,3 [210]
in. [mm]
Min. Turn Radius, w/o brakes
86,6 [2.200]
in [mm]


RK19-영문-09(자).indd 3 2017-05-18 오후 6:39:51


2. Major consumables


T254O901A T253O902C T19O901A

Element SET V-belt Fuel filter

T19O905A T254O903A T19O905A

Engine oil filter Filter Cartridge Transmission Strainer
1 Element assembly 1 Air cleaner
2 V-belt 1 Engine fan belt
3 Main Fuel filter 1 Fuel filter
4 Pre Fuel filter 1 Fuel Filter
5 Engine oil filter 1 Engine oil filter
6 Filter cartridge 1 Transmission hydraulic oil
7 Strainer 1 Transmission element

RK19-영문-09(자).indd 4 2017-05-18 오후 6:39:52

1. INDEX.........................................................10-2


RK19-영문-10-인덱스.indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:50:05

a Checking and changing oil..........................................5-5
Air cleaner cleaning...................................................5-12 Checking and changing transmission oil..............5-6
AIR CLEANER HOSE CHECKING.......................................5-19 Checking and charging battery..............................5-14
Air cleaner replacing.................................................5-12 Checking and cleaning air cleaner.......................5-12
Appendix..............................................................................9-1 Checking and replacing fuse...................................5-16
Checking electric system.........................................5-14
B Checking electric wiring..........................................5-16
Brake pedal play............................................................5-18 Checking hoses..............................................................5-13
BRake pedel......................................................................2-13 Checkup list before operation.................................8-3
Brake system....................................................................7-6 Cleaning radiator and Radiator grilles...............5-4
Combination switch........................................................2-5
C Coolant temperature LAMP........................................2-4
Cautions during the work..........................................8-4
Cautions for driving into / out of field................3-6 D
Cautions for driving on road....................................3-7 Daily storage....................................................................6-2
Cautions for inspection and maintenance...........8-6 DESCRIPTION OF TRACTOR CONTROLS...........................2-1
Cautions when driving on the farm road.............8-5 Differential lock pedal..............................................2-15
Charging.............................................................................3-7 Driving on slope..............................................................3-5
Check and adjust each part......................................5-18 driving speed control pedal ..................................2-13
CHECK LINK.........................................................................2-25
Checking and adjusting brake pedal....................5-18 E
Checking and adjusting fan belt............................5-18 Electric system...............................................................7-8
Checking and changing engine oil...........................5-5 EMISSION SYSTEM WARRANTY........................................ 11-5
Checking and changing front axle oil...................5-8 Engine coolant................................................................3-7

10 - 

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Engine coolant inspection and change.................5-4 Greasing points.............................................................5-13
Engine idling......................................................................3-3
Engine idling in cold condition.................................3-3 H
Engine oil pressure.......................................................3-7 Hazard flasher switch.................................................2-6
Engine starting................................................................3-2 Hour meter........................................................................2-4
Engine Stopping...............................................................3-3 How to start engine.......................................................3-2
Engine SYSTEM...................................................................7-2 Hydraulic lowering speed control knob..........2-22
ENGINE WARRANTIES........................................................ 11-2 Hydraulic system............................................................7-7
EXTRRIOR VIEW....................................................................1-2
F Implement lift control system...............................2-22
FRONT WHEEL DRIVE LEVER (4WD)................................2-16 Index...................................................................................10-1
Fuel gauge.........................................................................2-4 Inspecting and changing coolant...........................5-4
Fuel hose checking (mAIN FUEL FILTER)...................5-19 Inspection items...............................................................5-2
Fuel system...................................................................... 5-11 Inspection items...............................................................5-2
FUEL SYSTEM...................................................................... 5-11 Instruction after use...................................................8-6
Fuel, oil and fluid specification chart................5-23 Instruction before use................................................8-2
INSTRUMENT AND SWITCHES.............................................2-2
General engine idling....................................................3-3 J
General implement.........................................................4-2 Jump start........................................................................5-15
GENERAL INFORMATION......................................................1-1 10
Greasing...........................................................................5-13 L
Greasing brake arm ...................................................5-13 Loading to / Unloading from truck.........................3-6

10 - 

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L PTO ON/OFF Switch ........................................................2-10
Long-term storage........................................................6-2 PTO SHAFT CAP..................................................................2-20
LOWER LINK........................................................................2-25
M RADIATOR HOSE CHECK-ing............................................5-19
MAIN SWITCH .......................................................................2-3 Replacing engine oil filter cartridge.................5-10
Maintenance......................................................................5-1 Replacing filter and cartridge................................5-9
Major consumables.......................................................9-4 Replacing lamp bulb.....................................................5-17
Major specifications.....................................................9-2 Replacing transmission fluid filter cartridge 5-9
Monitor Lamp.....................................................................2-7 RK WARRANTY.................................................................. 11-13
O Routine maintenance schedule...............................5-21
Opening covers................................................................5-2 Routine maintenance schedule...............................5-21
Opening hood....................................................................5-2 Running-in period............................................................3-4
OPERATING THE 3 POINT LINKAGE (TPL)........................2-24
OPERATION............................................................................3-1 Safety frame ROPS........................................................2-26
Operation check during driving...............................3-7 SAFETY SIGNS......................................................................1-5
OPERATION THE CONTROLS............................................2-12 Safety standard for farm work ...........................8-1
Seat and safety belt....................................................2-17
P Starting off......................................................................3-4
ParkING brake pedal.....................................................2-14 Starting off on steep slope......................................3-5
Precautions for handling implement....................4-2 Starting off, shifting and driving............................3-4

10 - 

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Steering system..............................................................7-6 V
Stopping..............................................................................3-3 Vacuum valve cleaning................................................5-12
Stopping and parking.....................................................3-4
Storage and Disposal....................................................6-1 W
Sub shift lever...............................................................2-14 Warranty.......................................................................... 11-1
Work Procedure.............................................................4-1
Tachometer ......................................................................2-3
THROTTLE LEVER...............................................................2-13
Tips for driving on slope.............................................3-5
Tire inflation pressure..............................................5-20
TOP LINK ADJUSTMENT.....................................................2-25
TOWING HITCH....................................................................2-26
Tractor storage.............................................................6-2
Transmission strainer cleaning...............................5-9

Usage and disposal.........................................................6-3
Use after long-term storage...................................6-3

10 - 

RK19-영문-10-인덱스.indd 5 2017-05-18 오후 6:50:05

RK19-영문-10-인덱스.indd 6 2017-05-18 오후 6:50:05
1. ENGINE WARRANTIES..............................11-2

2. EMISSION SYSTEM WARRANTY.............11-5

3. RK WARRANTY........................................11-13


RK19-영문-11-보증서.indd 1 2017-05-18 오후 6:46:03



What is Covered by this Warranty?

ENGINE warrants to the original retail purchaser that a new ENGINE TNV common rail series industrial engine
will be free from defects in material and/or workmanship for the duration of the warranty period.
Note: ENGINE engines may be equipped with external components including, but not limited to: wiring
harnesses, electrical devices, control panels, radiators, air filters, fuel filters, and/or exhaust systems
that are supplied and/or installed by manufacturers other than ENGINE. For warranty information on
such external components, please contact the machine or component manufacturer directly or see your
authorized ENGINE dealer or distributor.
This warranty is provided in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied. ENGINE specifically disclaims
any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, except where such disclaimer
is prohibited by law. If such disclaimer is prohibited by law, then implied warranties shall be limited in
duration to the life of the express warranty.

how long is the Warranty Period?

The ENGINE standard limited warranty period runs for a period of twenty-four () months or two-thousand
(000) engine operation hours, whichever occurs first. An extended limited warranty of thirty-six () months or
three thousand (000) engine operating hours, whichever occurs first, is provided for these specific parts only:
the cylinder block, cylinder head, crankshaft forging, connecting rods, flywheel, flywheel housing, camshaft,

11 - 

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timing gear, and gear case. The warranty period for both the standard limited warranty and the extended limited
warranty (by duration or operation hours) begins on the date of delivery to the original retail purchaser and is valid
only until the applicable warranted duration has passed or the operation hours are exceeded, whichever comes

What is not Covered by this Warranty?

This warranty does not cover parts affected by or damaged by any reason other than defective materials or
workmanship, including, but not limited to, accident, misuse, abuse, "Acts of God," neglect, improper installation,
improper maintenance, improper storage, the use of unsuitable attachments or parts, the use of contaminated
fuels, the use of fuels, oils, lubricants, or fluids other than those recommended in your ENGINE Operation
Manual, unauthorized alterations or modifications, ordinary wear and tear, and rust or corrosion. This warranty
does not cover the cost of parts and/or labor required to perform normal/scheduled maintenance on your ENGINE
engine. This warranty does not cover consumable parts such as, but not limited to, filters, belts, hoses, fuel
injector, lubricants and cleaning fluids. This warranty does not cover the cost of shipping the product to or from
the warranty repair facility.

Warranty limitations:
The foregoing is ENGINE's only obligation to you and your exclusive remedy for breach of warranty. Failure to
follow the requirements for submitting a claim under this warranty may result in a waiver of all claims for damages
and other relief. In no event shall ENGINE or any authorized industrial engine dealer or distributor be liable for
incidental, special or consequential damages. Such consequential damages may include, but not be limited to,
loss of revenue, loan payments, cost of rental of substitute equipment, insurance coverage, storage, lodging, 11
11 - 

RK19-영문-11-보증서.indd 3 2017-05-18 오후 6:46:04


transportation, fuel, mileage, and telephone costs. The limitations in this warranty apply regardless of whether
your claims are based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability) or any other theory.
Any action arising hereunder must be brought within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues or it shall be
barred. Some states and countries do not allow certain limitations on warranties or for breach of warranties. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state and
country to country. Limitations set forth in this paragraph shall not apply to the extent that they are prohibited by

Warranty Modifications:
Except as modified in writing and signed by the parties, this warranty is and shall remain the complete and
exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to warranties, superseding all prior agreements, written and
oral, and all other communications between the parties relating to warranties. No person or entity is authorized to
give any other warranty or to assume any other obligation on behalf of ENGINE, either orally or in writing.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this warranty, please call or write to the nearest authorized
ENGINE industrial engine dealer or distributor or other authorized facility.

11 - 

RK19-영문-11-보증서.indd 4 2017-05-18 오후 6:46:04




Your Warranty Rights and Obligations:
The California Air Resources Board (GARB), the United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
ENGINE CO., LTD. hereafter referred to as ENGINE, are pleased to explain the emission control system
warranty on your industrial compression-ignition engine. In California, model year 000 or later off-road
compression-ignition engines must be designed, built and equipped to meet the State's stringent anti-smog In
all states, 1 and later non-road compression-ignition engines must be designed, built and equipped to meet
the United States EPA emissions standards. ENGINE must warrant the emission control system on your engine
for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect or improper maintenance of your
Your emission control system may include parts such as the fuel injection system, the air induction system, the
electronic control system, EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system and the diesel particulate filter system. Also
included may be hoses, belts, connectors and other emission-related assemblies.
Where a warrantable condition exists, ENGINE will repair your off-road compression-ignition engine at no charge
to you including diagnosis, parts and labor.

11 - 

RK19-영문-11-보증서.indd 5 2017-05-18 오후 6:46:04


Manufacturer's Warranty Period:

The model year 1 or later certified and labeled non-road compression-ignition engines are warranted for the
periods listed below. if any emission-related part on your engine is found to be defective during the applicable
warranty period, the part will be replaced by ENGINE.

And its
If your engine And its rated
maximum Then its warranty period is
is certified as speed is
power is
1 ,00 hours or two () years whichever comes first.
Variable speed In the absence of a device to measure the hours
or constant kW < 1 Any speed of use, the engine has a warranty period of two ()
speed years.
1 ,00 hours or two () years whichever comes first.
,000 rpm or In the absence of a device to measure the hours
Constant speed 1 ≤ kW <  higher of use, the engine has a warranty period of two ()
,000 hours or five () years whichever comes first.
Less than In the absence of a device to measure the hours
Constant speed 1 ≤ kW <  ,000 rpm of use, the engine has a warranty period of five ()
,000 hours or five () years whichever comes first.
In the absence of a device to measure the hours
Variable speed 1 ≤ kW <  Any speed of use, the engine has a warranty period of five ()
,000 hours or five () years whichever comes first.
Variable speed In the absence of a device to measure the hours
or constant kW ≥  Any speed of use, the engine has a warranty period of five ()
speed years.

11 - 

RK19-영문-11-보증서.indd 6 2017-05-18 오후 6:46:04


Warranty Coverage:
This warranty is transferable to each subsequent purchaser for the duration of the warranty period. Repair or
replacement of any warranted part will be performed at an authorized ENGINE or distributor.
Warranted parts not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the owner's manual shall be
warranted for the warranty period. Warranted parts scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the
owner's manual are warranted for the period of time prior to the first scheduled replacement. Any warranted
parts scheduled for replacement as required maintenance that are repaired or replaced under warranty shall be
warranted for the remaining period of time prior to the first scheduled replacement. Any part not scheduled for
replacement that is repaired or replaced under warranty shall be warranted for the remaining warranty period.
During the warranty period, ENGINE is liable for damages to other engine components caused by the failure of
any warranted part during the warranty period.
Any replacement part which is functionally identical to the original equipment part in all respects may be used in
the maintenance or repair of your engine, and shall not reduce ENGINE's warranty obligations.
Add-on or modified parts that are not exempted may not be used. The use of any non-exempted add-on or
modified parts shall be grounds for disallowing a warranty.

Warranted Parts:
This warranty covers engine components that are a part of the emission control system of the engine as
delivered by ENGINE to the original retail purchaser. Such components may include the following:
(A) Fuel injection system
(B) Electronic control system
(C) Cold start enrichment system 11
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(D) Intake manifold

(E) Turbocharger systems
(F) Exhaust manifold
(G) EGR system
(H) Positive crankcase ventilation system
(I) Hoses, belts, connectors ans assemblies associated with emission control systems
Since emissions related parts may vary slightly between models, certain models may not contain all of these
parts and other models may contain the functional equivalents.

Failures other than those arising from defects in material or workmanship are not covered by this warranty.
The warranty does not extend to the following: malfunctions caused by abuse, misuse, improper adjustment,
modification, alteration, tampering, disconnection, improper or inadequate maintenance, or use of non-
recommended fuels and lubricating oils; accident-caused damage and replacement of expendable items made
in connection with scheduled maintenance. ENGINE disclaims any responsibility for incidental or consequential
such as loss of time, inconvenience, loss of use of equipment/engine or commercial loss.

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Owner's Warranty Responsibilities:

As the off-road compression-ignition engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required
maintenance listed in your owner's manual. ENGINE recommends that you retain all documentation, including
receipts, covering maintenance on your off-road compression-ignition engine, but ENGINE cannot deny warranty
solely for the lack of receipts, or for your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance.
ENGINE may deny your warranty coverage if your off-road compression-ignition engine or a part has failed due
to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance or unapproved modifications.
Your engine is designed to operate on diesel fuel only. Use of any other fuel may result in your engine no longer
operating in compliance with GARB and EPA emissions requirements.
You are responsible for initiating the warranty process. You must present your engine to a ENGINE dealer as
soon as a problem exists. The warranty repairs should be completed by the dealer as expeditiously as possible.
If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, or would like information on the
nearest ENGINE dealer or authorized service center, you should contact ENGINE America Corporation.

Website: www.ENGINE.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Toll free telephone number: 1-00--, 1--1-01

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Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a piece of non-road equipment violates
Federal Law (0 CFR10.10()), subject to fines or other penalties as described in the clean air act.

Installation of Non-road Engines into Equipment

To ensure engines operate under the certified configurations, ENGINE has established defined application
requirements when installing any certified engine into a piece of equipment. The instructions outlined below are
included in our certification process and any failure to comply will be considered tampering.
ENGINE certifies engines to operate under variable speed or constant speed conditions. Engines certified as
constant speed are prohibited from installation into variable speed applications. The emission control information
label will identify an engine certified as constant speed.

Allowable Air Intake Restriction and Exhaust Back Pressure

Resistance to intake airflow and exhaust gas flow is generated in the intake and exhaust systems.
Exceeding the limitations will affect the operation of an engine and its certified configuration. Refer to the
installation requirements and limitations of the TNV series Application Manual for the engine being equipped with
these systems.

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Allowable Air Intake Restriction

Allowable air intake restriction ≤ kPa (mmAq)

Engine model
Initial upper limit Upper limit for air cleaner replacement
All TNV models , (00) , ()

Allowable Exhaust Back Pressure

Allowable air intake restriction ≤ kPa (mmAq)

Engine model
Initial upper limit Upper limit for exhaust system cleaning
All models
(TNVF) ,1(1.000) 11,(1.00)

In-Use Testing Requirements

Exhaust systems should be designed so that a 0 cm (, in.) extension can be installed to the end of the
exhaust pipe for purposes of sampling emissions. For equipment that does not allow installation of an extension
pipe, a connection must be designed into the exhaust system for temporary attachment of exhaust sampling
equipment. An example of an approved connection would be internally threaded with standard pipe threads of a
size not larger than one-half inch, and shall be closed by a pipe-plug when not in use.

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Emission Control label

If you install the engine in a way that makes the engine's emission control information label hard to read during
normal engine maintenance, you must place a duplicate label on the equipment, as described in 0 CFR 10.10.

Fuel Inlet label

Unless otherwise specified, ENGINE will also provide a supplemental fuel inlet label with each certified engine
for installation on the equipment. Permanently attach this label to the equipment near the fuel inlet.

Installation Evaluation
ENGINE CO., LTD. and its regional headquarters will determine approval of applications to the guidelines of the
Application Manual, including these Emission-Related Installation Instructions.
To ensure engine performance and exhaust emissions compliance ENGINE will review net rated output based
on engine build, intake air restriction, exhaust back pressure, engine heat balance and any other operational
characteristic required under the Engine Installation Evaluation process.

Engine Maintenance
Equipment manufacturers are responsible for relaying all emission-related service intervals to the final consumer
of the product.
For equipment manufacturers who prepare their own warranty cards, owner's manuals, service manuals,
operation manuals and any related documents; they must reference the emission-related service intervals and
procedures indicated in Y ANMAR's technical documents: Warranty Statement, Operation Manual, Service
Manual and Application Manual.

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All products manufactured and supplied by RK have been designed and manufactured in
compliance with all laws and regulations concerning agricultural equipment. If maintained
and used in accordance with the inspections, regular maintenance and usage guidelines
specified in the user's manual, this product is guaranteed to always safely maintain its

optimum state and performance, as well as being guaranteed as follows.

1. Scope of Warranty
※ (Tractor Non-Rental & Non-Commercial)
If the agricultural equipment which you purchased is maintained and used normally in
accordance with the inspections, regular maintenance and usage guidelines in the user's
manual provided by our company, our company shall provide repairs and replacement at our
expense for any parts which are revealed by technical analysis during the warranty period
below to be defective due to a flaw in the materials or manufacturing.

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※ (Tractor Rental & Commercial)

If the agricultural equipment which you purchased is maintained and used normally in accordance with the
inspections, regular maintenance and usage guidelines in the user's manual provided by our company, our
company shall provide repairs and replacement at our expense for any parts which are revealed by technical
analysis during the warranty period below to be defective due to a flaw in the materials or manufacturing.

2. Warranty Period and Relevant Parts
The warranty period is applied as of the date upon which the agricultural machine was
provided to the end user. The warranty period is considered to have ended when either the
usage period or usage time expires.

① 36 months or 2000 hours of use from the date of purchase for the engine (excluding fuel
devices and electronic components) and power transmission devices.
Power transmission devices refer to the interrupter, transmission, brakes, differential and
reduction gear. Engines which have been replaced for free are guaranteed for 12 months.
② 24 months or 1500 hours for parts other than those listed in Section ① (not including
consumables.) Replaced parts are guaranteed for 3 months or less; they are seen as
expiring at the end of the regular warrantee period.

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This Limited warranty is limited to RK repairing or replacing, at RK's option, warranted
parts by an authorized RK RK Tractor store at no charge for either the parts or services.
Parts replaced under this Limited Warranty are only warranted for the balance of the

warranty period.

1. RK shall have no obligation or liability under this warranty.
(1) for normal maintenance or operation services for Products, including but not limited to,
providing lubricants, fuel, tune-up inspection or adjustments.
(2) for any consumable parts when such parts are replaced as a part of normal maintenance or
operating services.
(3) to any exclusions and limitations contained in the Limited Warranty.
2. Options, accessories, attachments installed by RK Tractor stores which are not
manufactured by RK will not be warranted in any way by RK. For information about
the warranty or to obtain warranty service on such parts, RK Tractor stores should
contact the manufacturer directly

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3. The Limited Warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether
written, Oral, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness
for particular purpose.

The liability of RK under this warranty is expressly limited to the provlsions in the
Limited Warranty and in no event shall RK incur any Iiability(including liability for

general, special, incidental or consequential damages, or economic or moral loss, arising
out of any failure of the Products) which is not expressly assumed by RK under this

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4. PDI Checklist

Item Inspection Description Confirm Item Inspection Description Confirm

(v) (v)
1. Engine start and stop 1. Hydraulic lifting/lowering opera-
Hydraulic tion of implement
2. Operation sound (noise) 2. PTO operation
3. Amount of Oil and Leakage Steering system 1. Power steering operation
4. Operating throttle lever and pedal 1. Engaged with Batter terminal
5. Operating choke handle 2. Ignition Safety Device
6. Air conditioner & fan belt tension Electronic 3. Status of Headlight Lighting
1. Front axle oil level and leakage 4. Independent PTO operation
Transmission 5. Work lamp illumination
2. Transmission fluid level and leak-
1. Instrument flash and light
1. Shuttle shift lever operation 2. Warning alarm and lamp operation
Driving and 2. Each lever operation 1. Status of bolts and nuts in all units
Control Device
3. Front/rear tire inflation pressure Other 2. Checking oil leakage in all units
Brake Device 1. Applying parking brake 3. A/C and heater operation
Warning Decal 1. Status in the attached location Additional Tools 1. tools,
Availability of user’s manual,
and parts

It is confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the product before delivery.
Year Month Day
Inspector: (Signature)

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