Rational Approach For Computing Long-Term Deflection of Reinforced Concrete
Rational Approach For Computing Long-Term Deflection of Reinforced Concrete
Rational Approach For Computing Long-Term Deflection of Reinforced Concrete
1 − βts cr 1 − cr 1 − cr 1 − cr and Δi,L(sus) equals the immediate deflection from the portion
Ma Ig Ma Ig of live load sustained. The ACI time-dependent factor ξ
assuming βts = Mcr/Ma after cracking. Ie equals Ig before depends on the duration of sustained loading and is equal
cracking. Restraint to shrinkage from the internal reinforce- to 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, and 2.0 for loads sustained over a dura-
ment and supports causes tensile stresses to develop in the tion of 3, 6, 12, and 60 months or more, respectively (ACI
concrete, leading to a reduction in the external moment Committee 318 2019). The compression reinforcement ratio
needed to crack the member and additional time depen- ρ′ = As′/bd acts to reduce time-dependent deflections, where
dent cracking that reduces tension stiffening. Scanlon and As′ equals the area of compression reinforcement, b is the
Bischoff (2008) recommend using 2/3Mcr for the reduced member width, and the effective depth d is taken from the
cracking moment to give the expression for Ie adopted by compression face of the section to the centroid of the tension
ACI 318-19 (Bischoff 2020). reinforcement area As.
An alternative, more detailed approach permitted by ACI
I cr 318-19 is to compute the additional time-dependent deflec-
Ie 2 (4) tions from creep and shrinkage separately (ACI Committee
2 435 1966, 2020; Branson 1965, 1977), where
M cr I cr
1 3 1
M a Ig Δt = Δcp + Δsh (5b)
when Ma > 2/3Mcr. Ie equals Ig when Ma ≤ 2/3Mcr. A reduced The deflection Δcp caused by creep of the concrete under
cracking moment of 0.8Mcr is recommended for FRP rein- sustained stress is given by
forced concrete because the FRP reinforcement provides
less restraint to shrinkage than steel reinforcement (Bischoff Δcp = krCtΔi (6)
and Gross 2011). ACI 318-14 and earlier editions have used
Branson’s (1965) equation for Ie at full Mcr with Ie = (Mcr/ where kr = 0.85/(1 + 50ρ′); Ct is the creep coefficient (related
Ma)3Ig + [1 – (Mcr/Ma)3]Icr ≤ Ig. to strains); and Δi is the immediate deflection from sustained
loads. The reduction factor kr is needed because the rela-
Computing deflection with Ie tive increase in curvature and corresponding increase in
Short-term (immediate) deflection Δi under service loads deflection is less than the relative increase in strain when
is calculated using either a linear elastic deflection equation the neutral axis depth shifts towards the tension face as the
such as Δi = K(5/48)MaL2/EcIe or by integrating curvature compressive strain increases over time from creep (Branson
M/EcIe along the member span L where Ie depends on the 1977). kr also accounts for restraint of creep strains from the
moment M at each location. For the deflection equation, Ma is presence of compression reinforcement. Time dependent
the service load moment at the critical section (located at the expressions for Ct that can range in complexity are readily
support for a cantilever and at midspan for simply supported available and depend on several factors that include the age
and continuous members), and the elastic deflection factor of concrete at loading, duration of loading, curing conditions
Ash ε sh
φ sh = (7b)
with Ash = 0.7(ρ – ρ′)1/3[(ρ – ρ′)/ρ]1/2 for (ρ – ρ′) ≤ 3% and Ash
Fig. 2—(a) Long-term response of flexural member
= 1 for (ρ – ρ′) > 3%. For this case, the tension reinforcement
(including short-term response); and (b) zoomed-in long-
ratio ρ = As/bd and compression reinforcement ratio ρ′ = As′/
term response of flexural member (initial part).
bd are expressed as percentages, and h is the member thick-
ness. Time-dependent expressions for the free shrinkage on the reinforcing ratios ρ and ρ′, ratios d/h and d′/h, concrete
strain εsh are readily available and depend on factors like compressive strength fc′, which affects the elastic concrete
those affecting creep (ACI Committee 209 1992, 2008; modulus, and creep coefficient Ct. ϕsh,cr/ϕsh,tr is greater for
ACI Committee 435 2020; fib 2013). A convenient expres- lower values of ρ and Ct and for higher values of fc′. The
sion relating the shrinkage strain to the ACI time-dependent relative difference between ϕsh,cr and ϕsh,tr is not affected by
factor ξ is given by εsh = (ξ/2.0) × εsh,ult. ACI Committee the shrinkage strain, although shrinkage does reduce the
435 (1978) recommends a value of 400 × 10–6 for the ulti- cracking moment. Figure 2(b) provides a zoomed-in view of
mate shrinkage strain εsh,ult while ACI Committee 209 (1992, the initial part of the long-term response.
2008) suggests using a value of 780 × 10–6 under standard For long-term calculations, an effective elastic modulus
conditions when more detailed information is not available. of concrete E̅c = Ec/(1 + Ct) that includes the immediate
and creep components of strain (Gilbert 1988) is used to
PROPOSED LONG-TERM DEFLECTION MODEL compute the long-term moments of inertia of the uncracked
The short-term deflection model for Ie is extended to transformed section I̅ tr and cracked transformed section I̅ cr.
include time-dependent deflections from creep and shrinkage The long-term (effective) modular ratio n̅ = Es/E̅c = n(1 + Ct)
based on an approach described by Bischoff and Darabi is used to transform the reinforcement in the uncracked and
(2012). This approach gives the total deflection Δtotal which cracked sections, where n = Es/Ec is the short-term modular
includes short-term deflection. ratio and Es is the elastic modulus of the reinforcement.
From Fig. 2(a), creep reduces the stiffness of the long-term
uncracked response E̅cI̅ tr which is offset by a curvature ϕsh,tr Model development
caused by shrinkage. Similarly, the long-term response of Referring to Fig. 2(a), the tension stiffening moment ΔMts
the fully cracked section has a reduced stiffness E̅cI̅ cr arising is added onto the long-term cracked response E̅cI̅ cr of the
from creep and is offset by a shrinkage curvature ϕsh,cr that is flexural member (similar to the approach used for short-term
typically between 1 to 6 times greater than ϕsh,tr depending deflection) which is offset by ϕsh,cr
Fig. 6—Long-term deflection comparison with tests using ACI 318-19 B 1.17 0.079 6.8%
proposed approach and Eurocode 2. A+B 1.23 0.241 19.6%
A 0.68 0.278 41.1%
ACI 318-14 B 0.76 0.229 30.0%
A+B 0.73 0.244 33.4%
Note: Test Series A: Jaccoud and Favre (1982); Test Series B: Gilbert and Nejadi
A rational approach is presented for computing long-term
deflections of reinforced (nonprestressed) concrete. The
proposed approach is based on the same principles used
to formulate an effective moment of inertia Ie adopted by
ACI 318-19 for computing short-term deflection. Separate
components are developed for creep and shrinkage deflec-
tion using a coherent model for tension stiffening that
encompasses both phenomena as follows:
Fig. 7—Long-term deflection comparison with tests using • Creep causes a reduction of stiffness in the concrete
ACI 318-19 and ACI 318-14. with time that is reflected by a decrease in stiffness of
Figure 7 provides a comparison of test data with ACI the load-deformation response for the member in both
318-14 using Branson’s (1965) equation for Ie at full Mcr the uncracked and cracked states. This leads to a long-
and with ACI 318-19 using Bischoff’s (2005) equation for term effective moment of inertia I̅ e used to compute
Ie at 2/3Mcr. ACI 318-14 underpredicts deflection by 27% deformation that includes both the short-term (imme-
on average for both sets of tests while ACI 318-19 over- diate) deformation and long-term deformation from
predicts deflection by 23% on average. ACI 318-19 gives creep under sustained loads.
a more flexible response and hence more deflection than • Shrinkage causes a shift in the member response modi-
ACI 318-14 because of the reduced cracking moment and fied by creep (in the direction of increasing deforma-
problems associated with Branson’s equation for Ie giving tions), in addition to a reduction of the effective cracking
too stiff a response for lightly reinforced members (Bischoff moment because of tensile stresses in the concrete that
2020). The accuracy of the two ACI 318 approaches is obvi- originate from restraint to shrinkage by the internal rein-
ously also dependent on the long-term deflection multiplier. forcement and supports. The reduced cracking moment
Using a single multiplier for the combined effects of creep decreases tension stiffening, which affects both creep
and shrinkage has been criticized in the past as the multi- and shrinkage deformation.
plier value is influenced by numerous factors that include Current ACI 318 provisions for time-dependent deflec-
the creep and shrinkage characteristics of the concrete, tions apply a single multiplier to the immediate deflection
curing and environmental conditions, age of concrete at first caused by sustained load. This approach is simple and easy
loading, level of sustained load, and nρ, which is a func- to apply but does not account for the mechanics of sectional
tion of the reinforcing ratio and elastic modulus of the rein- behavior nor the many factors affecting long-term deforma-
forcement (Gilbert 1999; Gilbert and Nejadi 2004; Marí et tion such as environmental conditions, the many types of
al. 2010; Torres at al. 2012). Others have commented on the current concretes (compressive strength, type of cement,
influence of the Ig/Icr ratio, controlled primarily by nρ, on the dosage, and so on), age at loading and level of loading,
deflection multiplier (Walkup et al. 2019). reinforcement ratios, and relationship between the moduli
of elasticity of the reinforcement and concrete. While
creep deflections depend on the sustained load for which
long-term E̅cI̅ cr response shown in Fig. 2(a) gives which gives the same computed value of curvature as Eq.
(A3a) and (A3b) when the same tension stiffening factor βts
Ma and reduced cracking moment Mcr′ are used. The ΔMsh term
φa = + φ sh , cr − ∆φts (A1)
Ec I cr which results from shrinkage is an added complication of
using Eq. (A3c), and the relative proportions for deforma-
where Δϕts = βtsΔϕcr and the maximum tension stiffening tion caused by load and shrinkage are not the same as those
curvature at cracking Δϕcr is defined as in Eq. (A2a) and (A2b) because of the ΔMsh term.
Equation (A3c) forms the basis of the Eurocode 2 (CEN
M′ M′
∆φcr = cr − cr + φ sh , cr − φ sh ,tr
Ec I cr Ec I tr
) (A2a) 2004) and fib Model Code 2010 (fib 2013) expressions for
computing long-term deformation. However, this requires
setting ΔMsh = 0, which is another approximation leading to
with (Mcr′/E̅cI̅ cr – Mcr′/E̅cI̅ tr) = ηMcr′/E̅cI̅ cr and η = 1 – I̅ cr/I̅ tr.
a more conservative estimate of deflection as demonstrated
Alternatively, Δϕcr can be expressed by factoring the ratio
in Fig. 5. Assuming βts = Mcr′/Ma and Mcr′ = 0.5M cr =
Mcr′/Ma out of the first pair of terms in Eq. (A2a)
0.71Mcr (compare with Mcr′ = 2/3Mcr for the proposed
approach), along with setting ΔMsh = 0, gives
M cr′ M a M
∆φcr = (
− a + φ sh , cr − φ sh ,tr (A2b)
M a Ec I cr Ec I tr
φ a = 0.5 M cr Ma M cr
or as a third option M E I + φ sh ,tr + 1 − 0.5 M + φ sh , cr
a c tr
a Ec I cr
M ′ + ∆M sh M a (A4)
∆φcr = cr (
− a + φ sh , cr − φ sh ,tr
M a + ∆M sh Ec I cr Ec I tr
Equation (A4) is identical to the Eurocode 2 and fib Model
(A2c) Code 2010 equations for long-term deformation under
sustained loading
This third option is based on similar triangles with the
vertex located at the idealized origin positioned at ΔMsh as M M
φ a = (1 − ζ) +ζ + (1 − ζ) φ sh ,tr + ζφ sh ,cr (A5)
shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), with Δϕcr/(Mcr′ + ΔMsh) = [(Ma/ Ec I tr Ec I cr
E̅cI̅ cr + ϕsh,cr) – (Ma/E̅cI̅ tr + ϕsh,tr)]/(Ma + ΔMsh).
where ζ = 1 – β(Mcr/M)2 with β = 0.5 for a sustained load.
Substituting Eq. (A2a) into Eq. (A1) with Δϕts = βtsΔϕcr
The concept of a reduced cracking moment equivalent to
leads to
√βMcr was introduced in the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990
(CEB 1993) and applies in Eurocode 2 when M > Mcr as
Ma M cr′ shown in Fig. 5.
φa =
Ec I cr 1 − βts η M + βts φ sh ,tr + (1 − βts ) φ sh , cr Similar to the proposed approach in this paper, the
shrinkage curvatures are defined using ϕsh = n̅ (S/I)εsh for the
uncracked and fully cracked sections, where S represents the
first moment of the reinforcing steel area about the centroid
which is the same as Eq. (9b) and forms the basis of the
of uncracked and cracked sections (Ase̅ tr and Ase̅ cr for the
proposed model for long-term deflection assuming βts ≈ Mcr′/
tension reinforcement), and I is the moment inertia of the
Ma and Mcr′ = 2/3Mcr.
uncracked and cracked sections (I̅ tr and I̅ cr) based on an
Substituting the alternative expression for Δϕcr defined by
effective elastic modulus of concrete E̅c. Refer to Balázs et
Eq. (A2b) into Eq. (A1) leads to a slightly different expres-
al. (2013) for a more detailed explanation.
sion for ϕa given by Eq. (A3b) which is identical to Eq. (A3a)
Specific differences between the proposed ACI approach
except for the first two of four terms in Eq. (A3b) which
and Eurocode 2 approach for long-term deformation are
represent a rearranged form of the first term in Eq. (A3a).
summarized in Table A1. In general, the tensile strength of
concrete used to compute the cracking moment is between
M ′ M M ′ M
φ a = βts cr a + 1 − βts cr a 10 to 25% greater using the ACI equation for fr (except
M a Ec I tr M a Ec I cr for slabs and shallow beams), while the elastic modulus
(A3b) of concrete is between 10 to 30% less with the ACI equa-
+βts φ sh ,tr + (1 − βts ) φ sh , cr
tion for Ec depending on the concrete strength. Using an
M cr′ M′ M cr′
M′ 2
ϕsh,e φ sh ,tr + 1 − cr φ sh ,cr φ + 1 − cr φ sh ,cr
M a M a
sh tr
Ma M a
Flexure fr or axial fctm tensile stress fr = 0.62√fc′ in MPa fctm = 0.3(fc′)2/3 in MPa
used to compute Mcr† fr = 7.5√fc′ in psi fctm = 1.58(fc′)2/3 in psi
f ′+ 8
increased value of the cracking moment compared to Euro- curvature ϕsh,e arise from the approximation made by setting
code 2 decreases the computed value of deformation but ΔMsh = 0 in the Eurocode 2 approach. Figure 5 shows the
this is counteracted with using a lower value of elastic effect this approximation has on the difference between
modulus of concrete which increases deformation. Differ- deformation values computed with the two approaches.
ences between the expressions for the effective shrinkage