A Study of Productivity of Precast Concrete Installation
A Study of Productivity of Precast Concrete Installation
A Study of Productivity of Precast Concrete Installation
Postgraduate Conference
Abstract— In order to shorten project duration and attain - Adverse impact of weather can be mitigated
higher quality projects, Precast Concrete (PC) elements such during PC manufacturing.
as beams, columns, structural and non-structural walls and - Varied surface textures can be produced by
slabs are generally used. Currently, these elements are widely
specific surface treatments at the production
installed in high rise residential and commercial buildings
with repetitive floor plans. However, there are many factors
affecting productivity of PC construction which should be - Environmental benefits such as reducing wastage
considered to provide more accurate estimates of activities of materials and minimizing site debris and dust.
such as production and erection of PC elements. The main - Overall increase in productivity due to the
objective of this study is to analyze precast erection cycle times combine effect of the above mentioned benefits.
for four different components namely: walls, columns, beams, However, there are several factors that affect the
and slabs to show the productivity rates which will be helpful productivity of PC projects both in terms of off-site
to general estimators and managers for more efficient production and on-site erection and installation. Problems
planning of onsite precast erection. Primary data of the study
such as inclement weather condition, lack of worker’s
were collected from a school project. Some of the delay causes
observed by the research team are discussed and direction for experience, site storage capacity restrictions, tools and
future research is presented. equipment mechanical problems, equipment operator
efficiency, poor site layout planning, and massive size of
precast components are common in precast projects. These
Keywords — Precast Concrete; Productivity Analysis. problems together with general construction problems and
issues, greatly affect the productivity of precast concrete
I. INTRODUCTION erection process.
Productivity” is one of the most important areas of interest There are several papers on production planning and
in the construction industry especially among some Asian scheduling practices in the precast industry. Li et al. [2]
countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong that developed a model using genetic algorithms to meet the site
highly invest on construction projects using prefabricated construction demands for precast elements, satisfy internal
and precast elements. resource constraints, and optimize total production costs of
Precast Concrete (PC) products are typically produced production resources. Chan and Hu [3] provided a flow
by casting concrete in a mold at the precast manufacturing shop sequencing model for specialized method of precast
companies or in the temporary precast plants which are set production which was optimized using genetic algorithms.
up near the construction sites. These components are Flowshop sequencing model was also designed for bespoke
produced in a controlled environment which provides the precast concrete production planning to deal with several
opportunity to be properly cured and monitored by plant concerns such as the reliability of the product delivery
labor. As a result, there are some advantages of precast program and efficient usage of precast molds [4].
concrete systems over traditional cast-in-situ concrete In the last decade, Information Technology (IT) has
(Allen and Iano 2009) such as [1]: played an important role in effective management of
- High quality products can be produced because of precast yards as well as efficient component tracking for
close monitoring of the production process. better supply chain management. Akinci et al. [5] discussed
- Components production is performed on the the utilization of radio frequency identification technology
ground level, therefore, more safety can be (RFID) for tracking precast concrete elements from
provided. production to erection on site. Ergen et al. [6] combined
- A mold can be used many times in the precast RFID with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to
production process (with little or no changeover at develop an automated system with minimum labor input.
all) which ensures cost savings in terms of mold Scholars have also discussed the use of Building
per unit of production. Information Modeling (BIM) which is among the latest
- PC production can proceed while the foundation technologies for the construction sector, in the PC design
works are underway. which had led to clear improvement in error-free drawings
- The project time can be reduced because of faster
erection time.
Management in Construction Research Association (MiCRA)
Postgraduate Conference
Type Number of Length (range Width (range in Height (range Weight (range
Cases in m) m) in m) in Kg)
Wall 19 3 – 4.4 0.15 3.575 3732 - 5428
Column 27 0.4 – 0.8 0.4 – 0.5 3.020 – 3.550 1233 – 3398
Beam 20 5.6 – 9.2 0.3 – 0.8 0.320 – 0.600 2064 – 5664
Slab 39 2.4 – 8.7 0.375 – 1.6 0.100 – 0.265 919 – 3088
Table 2. Statistics of erection cycle time
one pair of elements differ significantly in terms of mean of temporary support of a precast wall.
installation time. To know that, the test of homogeneity of
variances is performed which is shown in Table 4. Research team has recorded the timing of initial
adjustment, props installation, alignment and unrigging for
Table 4. Test of homogeneity of variances total of 36 cases. Statistics about these tasks are shown in
Table 6.
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
11.966 3 101 .000
The productivity rates are calculated based on the of the PC elements that were used are very common in most
mean installation time shown in Table 2 and for 50 min per of the precast projects. Therefore, the calculated
hour efficiency. The results are shown Table 7. productivity rates can be used by construction managers for
Table 7. Productivity calculation
more efficient planning of PC installation process which
will lead to better resource utilization. Based on the
Type Mean Productivity limitations of the study, suggestions and directions for
(min.) (Cycle/Hour) future research were discussed.
Wall 27.69 1.81
Column 21.74 2.30 REFERECNES
Beam 11.37 4.40
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This study analyzed precast erection cycle times and
productivity measures for four different types of PC
elements namely: walls, columns, beams and slabs that are
frequently used in most of the PC projects. The results
showed that there is a significant difference in terms of
mean time for installation of these components which is due
to props installation and alignment for vertical elements
which is not required for horizontal components. One of the
main causes of delay in the precast installation process was
recognized as rebar spacing modification and practitioners
should properly rectify this issue in order to increase their
erection process productivity. The studied sample was quite
small in terms of total number of cases, however, the range