Water Quality Indices As Tools For Decision Making and Management
Water Quality Indices As Tools For Decision Making and Management
Water Quality Indices As Tools For Decision Making and Management
NSFWQI additive model NSFWQI Oregon WQI (OWQI) Unweighted Minimum operator (MOWQI)
(AWQI) multiplicative multiplicative WQI
model (MWQI) (UMWQI)
Purpose Assessment, Communication Assessment, Trends, Comparison with Provide index that captures lowest
Planning, NSFWQIs quality parameter
Performance Evaluation,
Basis (Horton 1965) model, which Developed to resolve Need to account for most Need to minimize BWeakest Link^ – WQ is defined
was the first attempt at issue of AWQI sensitive parameter ambiguity between the by most impaired
numerical indices to describe insensitivity to low (addressing weakness in overall index and parameter/indicator
water quality. subindex values. AWQI and MWQI). subindex values
Ranges/Interpretation/ 90–100: Excellent (5) 90–100: Excellent (5) 91–100: Excellent (5) 90–100: Excellent (5) 100–80: Eminently suitable for all
Assigned Ratings 70–89: good (4) 70–89: good (4) 85–90: good (4) 70–89: good (4) uses (5)
50–69: Medium (3) 50–69: Medium (3) 80–84: Fair (3) 50–69: Medium (3) 60–79: Suitable for all uses (4)
Water Quality Indices as Tools for Decision Making and Management
25–49: Bad (2) 25–49: Bad (2) 60–79: Poor (2) 25–49: Bad (2) 40–59: Main and/or some uses may
0–24: Very bad (1) 0–24: Very bad (1) 10–59: Very Poor (1) 0–24: Very bad (1) be compromised (3)
20–39: Unsuitable for main and/or
several uses (2)
0–19: Totally unsuitable for main
and/or many uses (1).
References Brown et al. (1970); Lumb McClelland (1974); Dunnette (1979); Cude Landwehr and Deininger Smith (1990); Swamee and Tyagi
et al. (2011a); Lumb et al. Lumb et al. (2011a); (2001); Lumb et al. (1976); Gupta et al. (2000); Poonam et al. (2013)
(2011b); Poonam et al. (2013) Lumb et al. (2011b) (2011b); Poonam (2003); Lumb et al.
et al. (2013) (2011b)
n = number of parameters; Wi = relative weight of the ith parameter; Qi = quality rating (subindex value) of the ith parameter