Vocabularies: B. Exercise 1

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1. Terminal = Terminal 1. Street—road = Jalan—jalan besar
2. Airport = Bandar udara 2. Highway = Jalan Tol
3. Harbour = Pelabuhan 3. Pavement = Trotoar
4. Railway station= St kereta api 4. Pedestrian = Pejalan kaki
5. Park = Taman 5. Traffic = Lalu-lintas
6. Market = Pasar 6. Traffic light = Lampu lalu-lintas
7. Hall = Aula 7. Turn left/ take left turn = Belok kiri
8. Hospital = Rumah sakit 8. Turn right/take right turn = Belok kanan
9. Cinema = Bioskop 9. Straight ahead = Lurus
10. Office = Kantor 10. Turn around = Berputar
11. Building = Bangunan 11. Crossroad = Perempatan
12. Post office = Kantor pos 12. T-junction = Pertigaaan
13. Traffic Jam = Macet
13. Mosque = Mesjid 14. Slight right/left = Merapat ke kanan/kiri
14. Church = Gereja
15. Temple = Pura/ candi
Sutdy the following expresions
16. Place = Tempat
1. Then/after that = Kemudian
17. ward = Bangsal RS
2. Take the bus = Naik Bus
18. City = Kota
3. Ride a Motor cycle = Naik Motor
19. Village = Desa
4. Go there = Pergi kesan
20. Bridge = Jembatan
5. Reach the point = sampai tempat
21. Factory = Pabrik
6. Right side of the road = sisi kanan jalan
22. Palace = Istana
7. Left side off the road = sisi kiri jalan
23. Gassstation= Pom bensin
( The Hospital is in the left/right side of the road)
24. Prison = Penjara
(After that tale the bus to reach that point)

Match The items onte right with the itmes on the left


Below are some photos/pictures you should name what they are called
 Route takes 3 hours and it takes you up to the lake and back to the village.

 Signposts on it, wooden posts which point you in the direction of where you have to go in.

 markings, arrows and coloured lines are painted on the ground and on some of the trees which show you
which route you are on and where you have to go.

 bridge that crosses the river. The route starts after the bridge. You have to leave the road here and start

 path is only for people to walk on, so no cars

 Steps are like the stairs in a house that people use to go from downstairs to upstairs.'

 footbridge you can use to walk over the stream. It's not very wide because it's only for people, not cars,
to use.

 A track is like a big path, which both people and vehicles can use to travel on.'

D.QUIZ: Street directions

Listen to the recording in English of a man giving directions to the 'Yorkshire Insurance Building' in Leeds.

1. Yeah, it's in the centre on the other side of the river. Right, from here ....................
2. Then when you ..................... the end of the street,  
3. 3. you need to ...............again
4. ............................ the road until you reach the bridge.   
5. It's best to ........................ the road before the bridge.
6. Then .......................... the bridge.   
7. Then carry on until .................... you is a roundabout.  
8. At the roundabout, ........................ first street on your left.     
9. Then ........................ that street.  
10. .......................... the church called Leeds Minster. Then, at the end of the street you'll reach a junction.
11. Cross over the road and go up the street in front of you on your right. At the end of the street, turn left
and then take the first road on your right, then ............................ until you reach the end of the street. 
12. The Yorkshire Insurance Building is in front of you,.................... a square.  
13. The Yorkshire Insurance Building is located at marker  ....................


Find (...........)in your hometown. Make the map and explain the direction.

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