Need To Optimise Infant Feeding Counselling
Need To Optimise Infant Feeding Counselling
Need To Optimise Infant Feeding Counselling
Eastern Uganda
Corresponding author
E-mail addresses:
LTF: [email protected]
IMSE: [email protected]
JKT: [email protected]
The choice of infant feeding method is important for HIV-positive mothers in order to
optimise the chance of survival of their infants and to minimise the risk of HIV transmission.
The aim of this study was to investigate feeding practices, including breastfeeding, in the
context of PMTCT for infants and children under two years of age born to HIV-positive
mothers in Uganda.
survey involving 235 HIV-positive mothers in Uganda. Infant feeding practices, reasons for
stopping breastfeeding, and breast health problems were studied. Breastfeeding duration was
Breastfeeding was initiated by most of the mothers, but 20 of them (8.5%) opted exclusively
for replacement feeding. Pre-lacteal feeding was given to 150 (64%) infants and 65 (28%)
practised exclusive breastfeeding during the first three days. One-fifth of the infants less than
6 months old were exclusively breastfed, the majority being complementary fed including
breast milk. The median duration of breastfeeding was 12 months (95% confidence interval
[CI] 11.5 to 12.5). Adjusted Cox regression analysis indicated that a mother’s education,
Median duration was 3 months (95% CI 0–10.2) among the most educated mothers, and 18
months (95% CI 15.0–21.0) among uneducated mothers. Participation in the PMTCT program
and being socio-economically better-off were also associated with earlier cessation of
breastfeeding (9 months [95% CI 7.2–10.8] vs. 14 months [95% CI 10.8–17.2] and 8 months
[95% CI 5.9–10.1] vs. 17 months [95% CI 15.2–18.8], respectively). The main reasons for
stopping breastfeeding were reported as: advice from health workers, maternal illness, and the
Exclusive breastfeeding was uncommon. Exclusive replacement feeding was practised by few
off and PMTCT-attendees had the shortest durations of breastfeeding. Further efforts are
needed to optimise infant feeding counselling and to increase the feasibility of the
However, transmission of HIV through breast milk has made breastfeeding counselling more
Every year, more than half a million infants become infected with HIV. These infection rates
of antiretroviral prophylaxis is below 1% in Europe and the USA, but exceeds 30% in many
poorly resourced countries, with Sub-Saharan Africa carrying the highest burden [2, 3]. The
incidence of HIV infection among children has fallen in many areas, but this seems to be
more related to a reduction of the HIV prevalence among mothers than gains in the PMTCT
program [4].
In many countries where HIV is prevalent, the infant mortality rate is high. Considering the
risks of both infant mortality and HIV transmission, breastfeeding is strongly correlated with
a higher HIV-free child survival rate compared to formula feeding where the infant mortality
rate is above 4% [5, 6]. Exclusive breastfeeding can be associated with higher HIV-free
survival at 6 months than mixed feeding [6, 7]. Post-natal vertical HIV transmissions increase
with a longer breastfeeding duration [8]. Cessation of breastfeeding at the age of 6 months has
feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe [8, 9]. Failure to sustain replacement feeding and re-
child transmission of HIV [10]. Infant feeding recommendations for HIV-positive mothers are
confusing and have resulted in disadvantageous feeding patterns and mixed feeding in
particular [11]. Mixed feeding is associated with a higher morbidity and mortality risk than
exclusive breastfeeding for infants of both HIV-positive and HIV-negative mothers, and with
increased HIV transmission from HIV-positive mothers [6, 7, 12-16]. Exclusive breastfeeding
The frequencies with which exclusive breastfeeding, mixed feeding, prelacteal feeding and
replacement feeding are practised differ widely throughout Africa [18]. Region-specific
We have investigated infant feeding practices, including breastfeeding, for infants and
children under 2 years of age born to HIV-positive mothers in Mbale, Eastern Uganda.
Study area
The study was conducted during 2005 in Eastern Uganda in collaboration with The Aids
The study area included Mbale district, together with areas accessed through TASO Outreach
Clinics in adjacent regions in the districts of Sironko, Pallisa and Kumi. Mbale district has a
farmers in rural environments. The overall literacy rate is 64% for men and 49% for women
[19]. Uganda has an HIV prevalence of 7.5% in women aged 15–49 years (2005) [20]. In the
period of the study, introduction of routine HIV counselling and testing was starting in
Ugandan hospitals [21]. The acceptance of testing had increased substantially. The national
PMTCT program was introduced in Uganda first as a pilot in 1998 and more widely in 2001
This cross-sectional study collected information from 240 HIV-positive mothers with children
aged 0-23 months. All mothers were recruited from TASO by consecutive sampling, and they
interviewee refused to participate. Five mother-infant pairs were excluded from the study
because of missing information or the child was over 23 months old. Accordingly, 235 HIV-
positive mothers were included in the study. Three pairs of data collectors who were fluent in
Lumasaba (the local language), Luganda (the language of the central region) and English
To check the reliability, 15 mothers were re-interviewed by another pair of data collectors 2–4
weeks after the initial interview. The answers showed only minor discrepancies and a high
degree of consistency.
The structured interview contained topics concerning breastfeeding and feeding habits,
feeding knowledge, mother’s and father’s education, occupation, household assets, time of
HIV diagnosis, self-rated health [23], mother-rated health of infant and PMTCT program
participation. A list of 30 liquid, semi-solid and solid foods was utilized with 24-hour recall,
1-week recall and recall since birth. Using a symptom-based semi-quantitative approach, we
examined breastfeeding problems and reasons for stopping breastfeeding. The questionnaire
Data handling
Double entry was done in EpiData 3.1, and SPSS 14 was used for data analysis.
Feeding information was based on World Health Organisation (WHO) definitions and
recommendations [24], as follows. Exclusive breastfeeding: giving breast milk only, except
for medicines and vitamin or mineral supplements; predominant breastfeeding: breast milk is
nutritionally dominant, but with the possible addition of water-based fluids, fruit juices, tea
without milk or oral rehydration salts; complementary feeding including breast milk (often
referred to as mixed feeding): non-human milk, semi-solids or other solids given in addition
to breast milk; replacement feeding: breastfeeding stopped or never being given any breast
milk. Exclusive replacement feeding was defined as never having given any breast milk. Pre-
lacteal feeding was defined as any food item or liquid other than breast milk given to the
Ethical approval was obtained from Makerere University, Faculty of Medicine Ethics and
Research Committee, and the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology.
Baseline characteristics were examined with frequency tables. Feeding patterns were
The participants were grouped socio-economically into quintiles based on wealth assessment
using principal component factor analysis [25]. Housing characteristics and assets including
toilet facilities, number of rooms and beds, roof material, lantern, radio, television, bicycle
and vehicles were included in the model. The quintiles were based on the first principal
component, a recognised method as a good proxy for household wealth [26]. Breastfeeding
duration in this cross-sectional study was estimated using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis with
a Mantel-Cox log rank test to compare the estimates. Self-reported breastfeeding duration is
used in the model. Cox regression analysis was used to estimate the independent impact of
each factor on breastfeeding duration. Co-linearity, hazard plots and residual plots were
checked. A backward “conditional” regression model was used in the multivariate analysis
The median maternal age was 30 years (inter-quartile range [IQR] 28–35) (Table 1). The age
distribution of the infants and children was: 0–5 months: 37 infants; 6–11 months: 53 infants;
12–17 months: 65 children; 18–23 months: 80 children [see Additional file 1]. Median
maternal education was 5 years of schooling (IQR 3–7). Fathers were more educated than
mothers with a median of 7 years of education (IQR 5–10). Half the mothers were widowed.
Feeding practices
Of 235 HIV-positive mothers, 215 (91.5%) initiated breastfeeding while 20 (8.5%) never
breastfed their infants. Among 128 mothers who attended the PMTCT program, 18 (14%)
avoided breastfeeding completely, while 2 of those not participating did not breastfeed
(p<0.001). Among the attendees and non-attendees in the PMTCT program, the proportions
opting for exclusive breastfeeding during the first three days were not significantly different,
28.1% versus 27.1%, respectively. Ten among the 46 mothers in the better-off quintile did not
initiate breastfeeding within the first three days. Nine of these 10 (90%) mothers continued
with exclusive replacement feeding. Among the poorer 189 mothers, 11 (42%) out of 26
mothers who did not initiate breastfeeding within the first three days continued with exclusive
Within the first two hours after delivery, 131 (56%) had initiated breastfeeding, with 178
(76%) having done so within the first day. Pre-lacteal feeding was given by 150 (64%) while
65 (28%) practised exclusive breastfeeding during the first three days. Replacement feeding
was practised by only one of the 85 mothers diagnosed with HIV after delivery.
One-week recall and 24-hour recall gave similar results for the infant feeding patterns, giving
a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.96 among infants below 6 months of age and 1.0
above 6 months of age (Table 2). Among the infants less than 6 months old, one-fifth were
exclusively breastfed and most were fed complementary including breast milk. Two-thirds of
the infants older than 6 months were fed complementary including breast milk and the
remaining third were replacement fed. The rate of replacement feeding increased with age.
Among children aged 12–17 months, 37 (58%) were replacement fed, while 75 (93%) of
Breastfeeding duration
The median duration of breastfeeding was 12 months (95% confidence interval 11.5–12.5).
Education was associated with a marked reduction in duration of breastfeeding, with a median
duration of 3 months (95% CI 0–10.2) among mothers with more than 12 years of schooling,
and a median of 18 months (95% CI 15.0–21.0) among mothers lacking education (Figure 1).
This effect was seen both with and without adjusting for other factors with Cox regression
with a 4.5 and 6.4-fold increase in hazard ratio for breastfeeding cessation, respectively
(Table 3). The level of the father’s education, whether the mother was a farmer, and the
timing of HIV-diagnosis in relation to birth had similar effects on the crude analysis, but not
in the adjusted Cox regression analysis. Breastfeeding duration differed substantially among
mothers in the poorest and least poor quintiles. The median duration was 8 months (95% CI
5.9–10.1) among the least poor and 17 months (95% CI 15.2–18.8) among the poorest (Figure
2). Mother’s age, marital status, rural or urban life, self-rated health of the mother and mother-
rated health of the infant were not significantly associated with breastfeeding duration.
Mothers counselled in the PMTCT program stopped breastfeeding earlier than those who did
not attend the program. Duration of breastfeeding was shorter among mothers who had
discussed breastfeeding with someone compared to those who had not. Those who considered
exclusive breastfeeding to be beneficial for the infant, stopped breastfeeding earlier compared
months of age, the median duration of breastfeeding was 12 months (95% CI 11.4–12.6).
Reasons for cessation of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding had been stopped by 116 mothers at the time of the interview. Advice from
health workers, illness of the mother, and the fact that the mother was HIV-positive were
reported as the main reasons for stopping breastfeeding (Table 4). Other reasons for stopping
notion that the child was “old enough” or “big enough”, and that the child could eat without
help. Family pressure, work and new pregnancies were reported by only a few mothers. Those
stopping breastfeeding before the infant was six months old gave similar reasons to all the
Fewer than half the breastfeeding mothers experienced problems relating to breastfeeding [see
Additional file 2]. A fifth had problems with breastfeeding related to illnesses, such as
generalised pain, frequent fever and a feeling of weakness. Breast pain, sore and cracked
nipples, and swelling of the breast also burdened 40 (19%) mothers. Three mothers (1%) were
This study shows that exclusive breastfeeding was uncommon among the HIV-positive
women who opted to breastfeed. Thus, most infants received complementary feeding
including breast milk from a very early age, which is an unfavourable situation. Our findings
in Uganda agree with studies in other parts of Africa among both HIV-positive mothers and
the general population [18, 27]. A positive finding is that breastfeeding duration is shortened
by many HIV-positive mothers, especially among the well educated, the socio-economically
better-off, and those who have attended the PMTCT program or discussed infant feeding with
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someone. Well-educated mothers breastfed for ~1 year less than their uneducated peers.
Whether the shortened breastfeeding duration had any negative effects on the children was not
assessed in our study. A recently published randomised study from Zambia indicates that
early abrupt weaning of breastfeeding does not significantly reduce HIV-free mortality rates
[28]. In addition, prolonged breastfeeding gave a higher survival rate for HIV-positive
children compared to those weaned early. HIV screening using a dried blood spot from infants
was a feasible approach to the early identification of HIV-positive infants who may benefit
Exclusive breastfeeding of infants under 6 months old was less commonly practised among
HIV-positive mothers than among the general population reported in the DHS-study in
Uganda – 24% of HIV-positive mothers and 63.2% of the general population mothers
according to the 24-hour recall data [18]. Similarly, a study of the general population in the
same area also reported higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding [30]. Is this an effect of
information about the risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding reaching the HIV-
Uganda, has been reported to be suboptimal and may be one of the important reasons for the
widespread practice of complementary feeding including breast milk [31]. Health workers
often overestimated the risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding and many gave the
impression that HIV transmission from mother-to-child is nearly universal [22, 31]. Based on
key informant interviews, our impression was that replacement feeding was promoted more
strongly in the national PMTCT program, whereas exclusive breastfeeding seemed to be more
Although breastfeeding duration was shorter among participants in the national PMTCT
program than those not participating, we did not see differences in the rates of exclusive
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breastfeeding. Another explanation for the dominance of complementary feeding including
breast milk may be the fear of making the infant totally reliant on breast milk, which could be
In rural and semi-urban HIV-positive mothers in Eastern Uganda, replacement feeding was
uncommon. This agrees with a Tanzanian study where replacement feeding with infant
breastfeeding after initial replacement feeding was common except among the socio-
increased viral loads of breast milk, and consequently could be hazardous [10].
Only 56% of the mothers initiated breastfeeding within the first two hours after delivery and
76% initiated it within the first day. A study in Ghana indicated a 2.4-fold increase in risk of
neonatal death among infants for whom breastfeeding was not begun within the first day
compared to those for whom it was [15]. The authors of that study calculated that 16.3% of
neonatal deaths could have been prevented if all neonates had been breastfed within the first
hour. Pre-lacteal feeding was given by 64% of the HIV-positive mothers in our study. Not
breastfeeding exclusively during the first days has also been shown to increase neonatal
Although being HIV-positive was a major reason for stopping breastfeeding by 64% of the
mothers, the median breastfeeding duration was 12 months. Breastfeeding duration among
HIV-positive mothers was clearly shorter than among the general population, which in the
DHS-study in Uganda was 19.9 months [18]. It may seem counterintuitive that mothers
perceiving exclusive breastfeeding to be beneficial were breastfeeding for a shorter time than
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mothers considering exclusive breastfeeding to be harmful. We interpret this as an indication
that counselling had some impact, both in terms of increasing knowledge of infant feeding
Self-reported breastfeeding problems were similar to those given by mothers in the general
population in the same area of Uganda, and were slightly more common than among HIV-
positive and general population mothers in South Africa [17, 34]. The low rate of exclusive
Mothers with breast health problems have a greatly increased risk of infecting their children
with HIV [17, 35]. Data from South Africa indicate a greater than threefold risk of
transmitting HIV from mother to infant when the mother had a serious breast health problem.
Similarly, any breast health problems show an increased hazard ratio for HIV transmission
The cross-sectional design of the study inherently left out diseased children. A similar cross-
sectional study in 2003 provided a comparative group in the general population [30]. A
limitation of this study is that Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses were conducted in a
population where half the infants were censored at the last time-point due to ongoing
breastfeeding, which may limit the precision of our estimates and could introduce bias.
18 month follow-up, and with much lower censoring rates. A third of the HIV-positive
mothers acquired their HIV-status after delivery, which might influence the Cox regression
analysis compared to the situation where all mothers were diagnosed HIV-positive before
delivery. A restricted analysis excluding the mothers acquiring their HIV-diagnosis after
delivery gave similar results in the Cox regression compared to when all mothers were
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included (not published). The use of anti-retroviral medicines was not recorded, but was not
common even if roll-out started approximately at the time as the study in Mbale. The recall
setting in this study was not optimal, and there may also have been socially desirable answers.
It has been suggested that dietary recall once a week has high sensitivity and specificity for
exclusive breastfeeding and other feeding patterns to a given age [36]. In our study, recall
periods of 24 hours and 1 week yielded similar results. Some studies have indicated that
breastfeeding duration is overestimated to an escalating degree with increasing age [37, 38],
while others have stated that breastfeeding duration is accurately reported [39]. The fact that
there was full agreement about breastfeeding duration between the initial and re-interviews
reduces the likelihood that this measurement was significantly biased. The fact that all
mothers were recruited through TASO may have caused a socio-economically skewed
selection. We still feel confident that the data are representative of a large proportion of HIV-
There was a wide difference between the infant feeding practices in this group and WHO
confusing [11], which might explain the shortcomings of the practices. More beneficial
practices among the well educated is a reason to increase the level of education, while also
Well-educated mothers breastfed for a substantially shorter time than their less well-educated
peers. Mothers who were socio-economically better-off or had participated in the PMTCT
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Except among a limited group in this population, replacement feeding was not considered a
realistic option in this rural setting. Complementary feeding including breast milk was the
dominant practice for infants under 6 months old among the HIV-positive mothers.
There still seems to be many obstacles to optimal infant feeding. Further efforts are needed to
Competing interests:
Authors’ contributions:
LTF: design, implementation, analysis and writing. IMSE: design, analysis and co-writing.
HW: analysis and co-writing. JW: implementation of the study and co-writing. JKT: initiation
of the study and co-writing. TT: initiation of the study, design, implementation, analysis and
C.I., confidence interval; DHS, Demographic and Health Surveys; HIV, human
Transmission; SPSS, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; TASO, The Aids Support
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We thank Nulu Semiyaga, Herbert Mugooda, Harriet Mukiibi, Faith Kakai, Edward Kutusi,
Sarah Wayero and Philip Kabiri for their efforts in collecting the data; TASO-Mbale
including counsellors and administrative staff for their collaboration; and all the mothers and
The study was funded by The Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and
Education (NUFU) by grant no 43/2002 "Essential nutrition and child Health in Uganda."
LTF, IE and TT were employed and funded by the University of Bergen. JKT was employed
and funded by Makerere University. JW was employed by TASO. HW was funded by the
Norwegian Quota Programme – Scholarship for Studies in Norway. The funding bodies had
no influence on the study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing
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Figure legends:
Figure 1: Breastfeeding duration in months (x-axis) for different groups of mothers based on
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Table 1: Median breastfeeding duration with Kaplan-Meier analysis including all the infants
(n=235) and a Mantel-Cox log rank test to compare ranking of the estimates
- 21 -
Quite healthy 138 (59) 12 11.4 – 12.6
Not very healthy 64 (27) 14 9.7 – 18.3
Mothers’-rated health of child c
χ = 0.4 (1 df )
Very healthy 37 (16) 9 5.1 – 12.9 p = 0.54
Quite healthy 111 (48) 12 10.1 – 13.9
Not very healthy 83 (36) 12 10.8 – 13.2
Belief about 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding c
χ = 9.2 (1 df )
Sure it would be good 29 (12) 7 5.6 – 8.4 p <0.01
Think it would be good 42 (18) 12 8.6 – 15.4
Think it would hurt 104 (44) 12 11.0 – 13.0
Sure it would hurt 59 (25) 15 12.0 – 18.0
df (degrees or freedom)
could not be measured (only 3 stopped among 14 cases and 151 months of follow-up)
linear trend assumed
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Table 2: Recall comparison of different feeding patterns based on 24-hour, 1-week and since
birth recall. N (%) of infants in age range feeding in particular pattern based on specific recall
6 – 11 months
Exclusive breastfeeding 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0)
Predominant breastfeeding 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0) 0 ( 0)
Complementary feeding incl. breast milk 36 (68) 36 (68) 36 (68)
Replacement feeding 17 (32) 17 (32) 17 (32)
0–5 months: n = 37; 6–11 months: n = 53.
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Table 3: Cox regression of breastfeeding cessation, unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratio
(HR). Only factors in the final adjusted model have HR estimates (right-hand columns).
Father’s education
None 1
Stopped in primary 1.7 0.6 – 4.8
Completed primary (7 years) 1.7 0.6 – 4.9
Secondary education 3.0* 1.1 – 8.4
Higher education (≥12 years ) 3.0 1.0 – 8.8
Mother’s age
≤ 24 1
25 – 29 1.8 0.8 – 3.7
30 – 34 1.7 0.9 – 3.5
≥ 35 1.8 0.9 – 3.7
Marital status
Married/ cohabiting 1
Widowed 1.2 0.9 – 1.8
Divorced / separated or single 1.5 0.8 – 2.6
Socio-economic status
Bottom quintile, poorest 1 1
2nd quintile 1.8 1.0 – 3.2 2.4* 1.2 – 4.8
3rd quintile 2.2* 1.2 – 4.0 2.6* 1.3 – 5.1
4th quintile 1.3 0.7 – 2.4 1.1 0.5 – 2.3
Top quintile, least poor 3.1* 1.7 – 5.5 3.0* 1.5 – 6.0
Mother’s work
Farming 1
Do not farm 1.8* 1.1 – 2.7
Living area
Rural 1
Urban 1.5 0.9 – 2.5
After delivery 1
Before delivery 1.7* 1.2 – 2.4
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Quite healthy 1.0 0.7 – 1.4
Not very healthy 1
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Table 4: Reasons for stopping breastfeeding
a a
Main reason Additional reasons Total
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Health workers advice 32 (28) 22 (19) 54 (47)
Illness (weakness, body pain etc) 29 (25) 23 (20) 52 (45)
HIV-diagnosis 20 (17) 54 (47) 74 (64)
Not enough milk 10 ( 9) 16 (14) 26 (22)
Breastfeeding difficulties 10 ( 9) 5 ( 4) 15 (13)
Custom related (e.g. grown “big enough”) 9 ( 8) 11 ( 9) 20 (17)
Family pressure 2 ( 2) 0 ( 0) 2 ( 2)
New pregnancy 2 ( 2) 0 ( 0) 2 ( 2)
Work situation 1 ( 1) 4 ( 3) 5 ( 4)
Other reasons 1 ( 1) 4 ( 3) 5 ( 4)
Total 116 (100)
Reasons other than main reason reported to be important for the choice to stop breastfeeding. 16 (14%)
reported main reason only, 66 (57%) reported one additional reason, 28 (24%) reported two additional reasons
and 6 (5%) reported three additional reasons.
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Additional files
Additional file 1
File format: PDF
Title: Infant age histogram; age in months.
Description: Age distribution of infants at the time of the interview represented with
Additional file 2
File format: PDF
Title: Reported breastfeeding problems among 215 breastfeeding mothers.
Description: Frequency of breastfeeding problems among 215 breastfeeding mothers.
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Breastfeeding duration, Kaplan-Meier-plot
Poorest quintile
Middle quintile
Least poor quintile