COM2604 Feedback On Assignment 01
COM2604 Feedback On Assignment 01
COM2604 Feedback On Assignment 01
• In the declaration you state that the work is yours and yours alone. The
correct format is supplied in Tutorial Letter CMNALL-E.
• The table of contents supplies the headings, subheadings and page
numbers to the sections of the assignment.
Assignment 01 - Introduction
Provide a concise introduction to the themes that you are examining. The purpose
of the introduction is to introduce the reader to the theme of your assignment and
to make him or her curious about the themes that you will be dealing with.
Imagine that the reader does not know a great deal about mass media theory.
Introduce your reader to the themes or issues that you will be discussing. You
should also explain the importance of the issue, that is, why you are spending
time and energy on the specific issue and why it is important for the reader to take
note of what you have to say. You can also give background information on the
nature of the problem or issue you intend to discuss, in order to give your reader
an understanding of the context of such an issue. You should also explain the
purpose of your research or argument, or indicate your standpoint on the issue.
Assignment 01 - Discussion
• After your introduction, the rest of the assignment (the body) continues
under its relevant sections and subsections. After you have discussed the
theory and explained it (using your own examples), the conclusion
follows. The discussion is not a mere listing or copying from the study
material. You must be able to discuss the theory in your own words,
making use of your own examples to explain or relate your discussion to
the world in which you live.
Assignment 01 - Examples
• The examples you use to explain the theory must be your own. If you
repeat the examples from the study material (prescribed book, study
guide, tutorial letters), you do not prove your understanding of the theory
or your ability to apply the theory to practice.
• In the examination no marks will be awarded for examples from the
study material.
Assignment 01 - Conclusion
• No academic paper or report should come to an abrupt end without any form of
conclusion. You should end your assignment with a conclusion, whatever themes you
chose. Remember, however, that the conclusion entails more than a mere summing up
of your discussion. The conclusion is a brief summary of the essence of your discussion
and/or the most conspicuous or important issues you have identified. You should also
make clear to your reader that you have done and said something of importance. In the
conclusion you can also make various recommendations arising from your study and/or
• However, please note that it is not acceptable to introduce completely new information
in this last section of your assignment. Everything that you write in the conclusion
should refer back to what has been discussed in the previous sections.
Assignment 01 – In-text references and list of
sources consulted