SM-1-UNIT-1 (1) Basics of Structural Mechanics - Introduction
SM-1-UNIT-1 (1) Basics of Structural Mechanics - Introduction
SM-1-UNIT-1 (1) Basics of Structural Mechanics - Introduction
Basic Concepts
1.1. Introduction to mechanics. 1.2. Basic definitions. 1.3. Rigid body. 1.4. Scalar and vector
quantities. 1.5. Fundamental units and derived units. 1.6. Systems of units—Highlights—
Objective Type Questions—Exercises.
Engineering Mechanics
Statics Dynamics
Physical science of
bodies in rest
Kinematics Kinetics
Fig. 1.1
(a) ‘Kinematics’ which deals with the motion of bodies without any reference to the cause of
(b) ‘Kinetics’ which deals with the relationship between forces and the resulting motion of
bodies on which they act.
The branch of science which deals with the study of different laws of mechanics as applied to
solution of engineering problems is called Applied Mechanics.
Mass Weight
1. It is the quantity of matter contained in a body. 1. It is the force with which the body is attracted
towards the centre of earth.
2. It is constant at all places. 2. It is different at different places.
Torque. The action of a force which causes rotation to take place is known as torque. The
action of a belt on a pulley causes the pulley to rotate because of torque. Also if you grasp a piece of
chalk near each end and twist your hands in opposite directions, it is the developed torque that
causes the chalk to twist and, perhaps, snap.
Work. The energy developed by a force acting through a distance against resistance is known
as work. The distance may be along a straight line or along a curved path. When the distance is
linear, the work can be found from work = force × distance. When the distance is along a circular
path the work can be found from work = toque × angle. Common forms of work include a weight
lifted through a height, a pressure pushing a volume of substance, and torque causing a shaft to
Power. The rate of doing work, or work done per unit time is called power. For example, a
certain amount of work is required to raise an elevator to the top of its shaft. A 5 HP motor can raise
the elevator, but a 20 HP motor can do the same job four times faster.
60 N 60 N
45° 45°
Force vector Force vector
quantities. The units of these quantities are called fundamental units and are developed by L, M
and T respectively. The units of all other quantities except above are derived with the help of
fundamental units and thus they are known as derived units. For example, units of velocity,
acceleration, density etc. are derived units as explained below :
Displacement L
Velocity = = LT –1
Time T
Velocity LT 1
Acceleration = = LT –2
Time T
Mass M
Density = = ML –3.
Volume L3
1. (i) Statics (ii) Dynamics (iii) Kinematics (iv) Kinetics (v) Length
(vi) pressure (vii) mass (viii) Work (ix) power (x) magnitude.
2. (i) Yes (ii) No (iii) Yes (iv) No (v) No (vi) Yes
(vii) No (viii) Yes (ix) No (x) No.