Intact Stability: Session 1 Forces and Moments Centroids Gravitational Stability
Intact Stability: Session 1 Forces and Moments Centroids Gravitational Stability
Intact Stability: Session 1 Forces and Moments Centroids Gravitational Stability
Session 1
Forces and Moments
Gravitational Stability
An Overview of Stability
• Why do we study Stability?
• What is being stable means?
• What are the basis of stability?
A vessel must provide adequate buoyancy to
support itself and its contents or working loads.
It is equally important that the buoyancy be
provided in a way that will allow the vessel to
float in the proper attitude, or trim, and remain
upright. This involves the problems of
gravitational stability and trim. These issues will
be discussed in detail in this chapter, primarily
with reference to static conditions in calm water.
Consideration will also be given to criteria for
judging the adequacy of a ship's stability subject
to both internal loading and external hazards.
It is important to recognize, however, that a ship or
offshore structure in its natural sea environment is sub-
ject to dynamic forces caused primarily by waves, wind,
and, to a lesser extent, the vessel's own propulsion sys-
tem and control surfaces. The specific response of the
vessel to waves is typically treated separately as a ship
motions analysis. Nevertheless, it is possible and advis-
able to consider some dynamic effects while dealing
with stability in idealized calm water, static conditions.
This enables the designer to evaluate the survivability
of the vessel at sea without performing direct motions
analyses and facilitates the development of stability
Another external hazard affecting a ship's
stability is that of damage to the hull by
collision, grounding, or other accident that
results in flooding of the hull. The stability
and trim of the damaged ship will be
In Subdivision and Damage Stability
Finally, it is important to note that a floating struc-
ture may be inclined in any direction. Any inclination
may be considered as made up of an inclination in the
athwartship plane and an inclination in the longitudinal plane.
In ship calculations, the athwartship inclination, called heel
or list, and the longitudinal inclination,
called trim, are usually dealt with separately.
Intact (Flooding &
(motion analysis)
Transverse Stability
(Heel and List)
Small Angles
Large Angles
Longitudinal Stability
A force can be defined as any push or pull
exerted on a body. The S.I. unit of force is the
Newton, one Newton being the force required
to produce in a mass of one kilogram an
acceleration of one metre per second. When
considering a force the following points
regarding the force must be known:
(a) The magnitude of the force.
(b) The direction in which the force is applied.
(c) The point at which the force is applied.
The resultant force. When two or more forces are acting at
a point, their combined effect can be represented by one
force which will have the same effect as the component
forces. Such a force is referred to as the ‘resultant force’,
and the process of finding it is called the ‘resolution of the
component forces’.
Example 1
Whilst moving an object one man pulls on it with a force of 200 Newtons, and
another pushes in the same direction with a force of 300 Newtons. Find the
resultant force propelling the object.
Example 2
Example 1
A force of 3 Newtons and a force of 5 N act towards a point at an angle of
120 degrees to each other. Find the direction and magnitude of the resultant.
(c) Resolving two forces which act in parallel directions
When two forces act in parallel directions, their combined effect can be
represented by one force whose magnitude is equal to the algebraic sum of
the two component forces, and which will act through a point about which
their moments are equal.
Example 2
In Figure 1.7 the parallel forces W and P act in opposite directions through
Aand B respectively. If W is again greater than P, their resultant (W P) acts
through point C on AB produced such that P y W x.
The moment of a force is a measure of the turning effect of
the force about a point. The turning effect will depend
upon the following:
• (a) The magnitude of the force.
• (b) The length of the lever upon which the force acts, the
lever being the perpendicular distance between the line
of action of the force and the point about which the
moment is being taken.
2. The centre of gravity of a body will move directly away from the centre of gravity
of any weight removed.
3. The centre of gravity of a body will move parallel to the shift of the
centre of gravity of any weight moved within the body.
4. No matter where the weight ‘w’ was initially in the ship relative to G,
when this weight is moved downwards in the ship, then the ship’s overall
G will also be moved downwards to a lower position. Consequently, the
ship’s stability will be improved.
5. No matter where the weight ‘w’ was initially in the ship relative to G,
when this weight is moved upwards in the ship, then the ship’s overall G
will also be moved upwards to a higher position. Consequently, the ship’s
stability will be decreased.
6. The shift of the centre of gravity of the body in each case is given by the