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1. Receptionist : Family restaurant, can I help you?

Braga : Yes Please, ... for next Saturday evening.
Receptionist : I’m afraid we can’t. We’re fully booked this month.
A. I really need your help
B. I want to book a ticket
C. I need to reserve a room
D. I’d like to reserve two tables
E. I’d like to cancel my reservation

2. David : Did Ken join the futsal competition last week?

Clare : No, he broke his leg, so he didn’t  take part of the contest. If he hadn’t broken
his leg, I’m sure he would have ... part of it.
A. take
B. took
C. takes
D. taken
E. taking

3. Lala : Dian, you are a chef in an Italian restaurant, aren’t you? What are your duties
Dian : I supervise the preparation and the service of the food from the kitchen to the
dining room, arrange the menu, and........
A. carrying away the dirty dishes to the pantry
B. takes care of the cleanliness of the kitchen
C. taste the food for correct seasoning
D. served drinks to the table in the bar
E. accompany the guest on the table

4. Receptionist : Good afternoon Wijaya Air, can I help you?

Tomi :..........
Receptionist : When would you like to go sir?
Tomi : Tomorrow afternoon.
A. Can I book a table for tomorrow afternoon?
B. I would like to confirm a flight to Medan.
C. I would like to reserve a single room.
D. I need you to help me.
E. Can I help you?

5. Guest : Would you do me a favour, please?

Manager : Yes, sir.............
Guest : I ordered lunch an hour ago, but I haven’t got it yet.
A. I’ll call room service.
B. Would you like to have lunch?
C. What seems to be the problem?

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (1)

D. How do you like your food, sir?
E. What would you like to order, sir?

6. Clara : Would you like to join us for dinner?

Alika : I’m sorry I have to go now. I wish.........
A. I cannot have dinner here
B. I could stay longer
C. You tell me first
D. I couldn’t stay
E. I can cook

7. Customer : Excuse me, I have my handphone repaired last week. But it still didn’t
Shopkeeper :..........
Customer : Thank you.
A. Why don’t you check it yourself?
B. Don’t come to me please!
C. I’m sorry to hear that.
D. I’m not sure about it.
E. Let me check It.

8. Ani : Which painting is exhibited tomorrow?

Bebi : We don’t know yet, they ... by a team now.
A. are going to
B. is going to
C. have been
D. has being
E. is being

9. Risa : Will Hasya buy the book?

Lutfi : If the book ... very expensive, she won’t buy It.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. had
E. has

10. Alfi : Hi Dimas, where are you going to spend your holiday?
Dimas : I have not decided yet! But I ... to Denpasar.
Alfi : That’s great.
A. might have gone
B. might be going
C. might be gone
D. are going
E. may go

11. Ms. Diah : Good afternoon. May I help you?

Chandra : My name is Chandra and I have an appointment with dr. Tika at 4
Ms. Diah : Wait a minute, . . .

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (2)

A. she is treating a patient at the moment
B. she was off duty today
C. I am still on the way
D. He is out of town
E. He is not well

12. Melia : Chandra, what does your mother do?

Chandra : She is a nurse. She
A. examines patients
B. makes medicine for patients
C. performs surgical operations
D. supervise the doctor’s work
E. helps doctors take care of patients

13.Hanny : Century travel, Hanny speaking. Can I help you?

Rian : Hello, Ms. Hanny. This is Rian.........because I have an urgent
Hanny : Okay, Mr. Rian. But I have to remind you that you will get the fine for
Rian : Ok. Never mind. Thank you.
A. I am sorry, but I have to complain about my vacation
B. I am disappointed with the service last night
C. I felt terribly sad for having bad holiday
D. I want to cancel my trip to Makassar
E. I am confirming my trip to Bunaken

14.Nadita : What should I write in the first paragraph of an application letter?

Rina : Talk about why you are writing the job you’re applying, and.......
A. talk about the reasons why you are the right person for the job
B. tell your employer your plan if you get the job
C. tell the employer about your personalities
D. tell the employer your qualifications
E. how you know about the vacancy

15. Adi : Stacey, who taught you to make this kind of presentation?
Stacey :............
Adi : You made it on your own? It’s awesome!
A. I learned it from the internet.
B. I copied it from you.
C. I just think about it.
D. I never made it.
E. I don’t like it.

16. Manager : Did our company get more profit from sales this year?
Supervisor : I’m afraid not, sir. But we could have promoted the products if…
A. people had not been more familiar with the product
B. we had hired more sales representatives
C. people hadn’t bought other products
D. we hadn’t produced more products
E. we have to fired some of the sales

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (3)

17. Linda : Do you have any plans this holiday?
Carla : . . .There will be a family outing sponsored by my dad’s company.
A. I have gone by plane.
B. I will stay in a cottage.
C. My family are at home.
D. I am going to go to Bandung.
E. I have a barbeque party in my house.

18. Vera : The air conditioning in my room is broken. What should I do?
Danny : You should ... an electrician to fix it.
A. called
B. calls
C. call
D. calling
E. has called

19. Isma : What are the things we need to prepare when we want to apply for a job?
Leo : . . .
A. An application letter and a business letter.
B. A curriculum vitae and a business letter.
C. A personal letter and an application letter.
D. A business letter and a personal letter.
E. An application letter and a curriculum vitae.

20. Tomi : I don’t think jokes are needed in a presentation.

Boy : . . . It’s a good tip to make the presentation fun.
A. They are undeniable.
B. I’m afraid I disagree.
C. I agree with you.
D. I’m on your side.
E. I don’t doubt it.

21. Raisa : Isyana would . . . lay on the beach go swimming.

Ayunda : No wonder, I’ve seen her lying on the shore.
A. to
B. than
C. rather
D. prefer
E. better than

22. Lucy : You look terribly ill. Can you continue your hill walk?
Nani : If I had ... the strength, I would have continued walking.
A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having
E. been had

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (4)

The text below is for number 23 – 26!


A chef’s job is much more than a job. Food is much more than a biological necessity.
In the right hands, it’s an art form mean to be savoured. You can’t taste a photograph
or smell a symphony, but good food is meant to be consumed and appreciated with
all your senses.

The culinary artists, or as we call them chefs, have mastered the medium of food,

producing dishes that can comfort us and remind us of our dear moms, or energize
and inspire us. A good chef can nourish the body and please the palate, leaving us
satisfied and wanting more at the same time.

Of course, it is not easy to be a good chef. Specialized training and dedication are
key ingredients in the recipe for success. The time you spend in a culinary school will
help you develop your natural talents and prepare for successful culinary career.

23. The main idea of the text above is...........

A. A good chef
B. The work of chef
C. The art of culinary
D. It is not easy to be a chef
E. Food is not a part of biological necessity

24. The culinary artists have mastered the medium of food.

The synonym of the underlined word is...........
A. tried
B. taught
C. skilled
D. learned
E. studied

25. The time will help you develop your natural talents......
The antonym of the underlined word is........
A. supernatural
B. unnatural
C. artificial
D. made
E. magic

26. Based on the text, what is the key to be a successful chef?

A. Cleaning the pantry
B. Preparing food well
C. Developing natural talents
D. Spending time in a culinary school
E. Having specialized training and dedication

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (5)

27. X : “Here we are. Let’s see the menu.”
“There is a tomato juice and an orange juice.”
Y : “What do you prefer?”
X : “….”
A. I prefer orange juice better
B. I prefer orange juice than tomato juice
C. I like orange juice better to tomato juice
D. I like orange juice to tomato juice better
E. I’d rather have orange juice than tomato juice

28. X : “Would you like milk or sugar in your coffee?”

Y : “Neither, thank you.”
X : “Excuse me, what do you want?”
Y : “….”
A. coffee not tea
B. tea not coffee
C. nothing to drink
D. black coffee without sugar
E. either not milk or sugar in the coffee

29. X : “Could you tell me when I can see the director, please?”
Y : “….”
A. I will give you some money now
B. You can give me your schedule tomorrow
C. Yes, you could tell me now
D. He will have a holiday tomorrow
E. Let me check the schedule first

30. Devi: I saw Mr. Sofyan come by bus this morning. Where is his car?
Aldi: His car is broken so he asked the mechanic to repair it.
Devi: I see.
From the dialogue we can conclude that….
A. Mr. Sofyan had repaired his car
B. Mr. Sofyan had his car repaired
C. the mechanic asked to repair the car
D. the mechanic asked Mr. Sofyan to repair the car
E. the mechanic and Mr. Sofyan repaired the car

31. Although the telephone was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, the first
transatlantic telephone cable went into operation eighty years later.
When did the transatlantic telephone cable go into operation?
A. When Alexander Graham Bell was still alive.
B. Soon after Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
C. Before Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention.
D. In 1796
E. In 1956

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (6)

32. A : Have you heard that Uncle Joe will come next weer?
B : Oh, really? When did he tell you?
A : Last week.
The italicized sentence is used to express….
A. happiness
B. pleasure
C. surprise
D. enjoyment
E. curiosity

33. A : What a beautiful voice! She is a talented singer.

B : She…. since she was a child.
A. sang
B. sings
C. is singing
D. had been singing
E. has been singing

34. Mary introduced me to her former lecturer….

She married after she had graduated.
A. of whom
B. whose
C. of which
D. whom
E. who

35. Febby : When will your sister finish her study?

Mirna : I hope she…. by July next year.
A. will have graduated
B. has graduated
C. will graduated
D. is going to graduated
E. intends to graduated

36. The manager always comes early to the office. I wonder where he lives. I often
see him driving his car to Jalan Pakubuwono Kebayoran Baru. So he leaves not
far from the office then.
What is the text about?
A. The manager’s car
B. The manager’s office
C. The manager’s house
D. The manager’s address
E. The manager’s driver

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (7)

37. Mr. Anwar : Are you pleased that your son wants to be a dentist?
Mr. Rahman : No, not really. I wish my son became a manager of my shoe store.
The italicized expression means that….
A. Mr. Rahman’s son is a manager
B. Mr. Rahman wants his son to be a manager
C. Mr. Rahman’s son is running a shoe store business
D. Mr. Rahman’s son was not a dentist
E. Mr. Rahman’s son was the manager of the shoe store
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: Mr. Rahman menginginkan putranya menjadi manajer took sepatu

38. Ferdy : Why are you still here? Didn’t you tell me that you would go to Jakarta
Eric : I would have been In Jakarta if the bus had not got an accident.
The italicized utterance means….
A. Eric is in Jakarta
B. Eric went to Jakarta
C. the bus was safe
D. Ferdy want to Jakarta
E. the bus got an accident
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: Bus tersebut mengalami kecelakaan.

39. Student 1 : Dion is late again.

Student 2 : He is never on time. I think he …. earlier.
A. could have woken
B. ought to wake
c. should have woken
d. might have woken
E. would have woken
Jawaban: c

40. Ina : You look pale, Dita. Are you OK?

Dita : Suddenly I got a stomach ache.
Ina : I see. You should she the doctor. Come on I’ll accompany you.
The italicized sentence expresses….
A. disagreement
B. satisfaction
C. obligation
D. offering
E. advice
Jawaban: e

Renny Christina, S.Pd. (8)

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