List of Books For Gate Mechanical: Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson

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Subject Book Author Publisher

Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal. S. Chand Publication. Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson

Reasoning & Aptitude 2015 Nem Singh. Made Easy Publication. Linear Algebra and its applications Gilbert Strang

GENERAL APTITUDE Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Arun Sharma Complex Analysis Complex Analysis Gamelin
Internet for concepts and books from
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal Made Easy for numericals. Complex analysis for mathematics and engineering J. H. Mathews

Aptitude & Reasoning & Maths Solution Made Easy Solution Made Easy Publication. Foundations of complex analysis S. Ponnusamy

Higher Engg. Mathematics B.S Grewal Real Analysis Real Analysis Royden H.L., Fitzpatrick P. M

Advanced Engg. Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig Introduction to Real analysis Donald R. Sherbert Robert G. Bartle

Gate Engg. Mathematics Made Easy Solution Elements of Real Analysis Shanti Narayan, M D Raisinghania
Erwin Kreyszig for concepts and B.S.
ENGG. MATHEMATICS Grewal for sums.
Higher Engg. Mathematics B.V Ramman Ordinary Differential Equations Ordinary Differential Equations Purna Chandra Biswal

Advanced Engg. Mathematics R.K Jain An introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations Earl A. Coddington

Advanced Engg. Mathematics H.K Dass Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations M. D. Raisinghania

Engineering Materials Material Science and Metallurgy U. C. Jindal Partial Differential Equations Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations M. D. Raisinghania

A Text book of Material Science and Metallurgy O. P. Khanna , S.K Mondal, Willam Callister Elements of Partial Differential Equations Ian N. Sneddon

Amitabh Ghosh Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Sankara Rao

Production engineering
A.K. Malik  Algebra Topics in Algebra I. N. Herstein


Industrial Engg.
Industrial Engineering
O P Khanna Ravi Sankar Linear Algebra Ian N. Sneddon, Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson

Operations Research Man Mohan, P. K. Gupta, Kanti Swarup Functional Analysis Functional Analysis Rudin

Manufacturing Science & Production Tech. SK.MONDAL Mikell P. Groover Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications Erwin Kreyszig

GHOSH AND MALIK Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis Francis Scheid

S. Timoshenko, S.K Mondal Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis S. S. Sastry

Engineering Mechanics
S S Bhavikatti, Sukumar Pati, D. H. Young, J.V. Rao Numerical Methods: Principles, Analysis, and Algorithms Srimanta Pal

B.C Punamia, Sadhusingh, S.K Mondal IIT ROOKEEE NPTEL Mechanics Classical Mechanics Herbert Goldstein, John Safko, Charles P. Poole

Strength of materials Beer and Johnston

S.S Rattan, R.K Rajput Engineering Mechanics S S Bhavikatti

APPLIED MECHANICS AND R. S. Khurmi IIT KANPUR NPTEL Topology Topology James R. Munkres
Theory of machines Robert Norton

S S Rattan Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis S S Bhavikatti

Vibrations G. K. Grover William J. Bottega Probability and Statistics Probability and Statistics John J. Schiller

V. Bandhari
Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design by Richard G. Budynas and J Keith Nisbett. Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and scientists Sheldon M. Ross

A Textbook of fluid mechanics and Hydraulic Machines R. K. Bansal Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes S Pillai, Athanasios Papoullis

Frank White Linear Programming Linear Programming G. Hadley, J.G Chakraborty &
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics S.K SOM, Biswas P. R. Ghosh

Cengel For Practical things

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics P. N. Modi
P.K Nag Linear Programming And Network Flows Mokhtar S. Bazaraa John J. Jarvis Hanif D. Sherali

J.P Hollman Calculus of Variation And Integral Equations A Introduction to the Calculus of Variations Pars

Heat and Mass Transfer R.K Rajput Calculus of Variations Gelfand, I. M. Gelfand, Wendy Ed. Silverman

R. C. Sachdeva
Fluid Mechanics And
Thermal Science
Yunus Cengel

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach Yunus A. Cengel, Micheal A. Boles Integral Transforms, Integral Equations, and Calculus Of Variations P. C. Bhakta

Thermodynamics Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Michael Moran and Howard Shapiro

Engineering Thermodynamics P. K.Nag

Internal Combustion Engines V. Ganesan

C. P. Arora

Applications Refrigeration and Air Conditioning R. S. Khurmi, J. K. Gupta

R K Rajput

Gas Turbines and Propulsive Systems P. R. Khajuria, S. P. Dubey

Mecatronics And Robotics Principle And Application Godfrey ON

THERMODYNAMICS This is the sequence I followed along with time dedicated :-
FLUID MECHANICS 1. Thermodynamics - 30 days
PRODUCTION ENGG. 3. Engg mechanics - 4 days
MANUFACTURING SCIENCE 4. Strength of materials - 20 days
ENGG.MATHEMATICS 5. Theory of machines - 15 days
OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 6. Machine design - 15 days
INDUSTRIAL ENGG. 7. Heat and mass transfer - 15 days
GRADE B HEAT & MASS TRANSFER 8. Manufacturing science and production technology - 45 days
THEORY OF MACHINES 9. Material science - 5 days
MACHINE DESIGN 10. Industrial Engg, OR and metrology - 10 days
ENGG. MECHANICS 11. Fluid mechanics and machineries - 20 days
Linear Algebra Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra and its applications Gilbert Strang
Complex Analysis Gamelin
Complex Analysis Complex analysis for mathematics and engineering J. H. Mathews
Foundations of complex analysis S. Ponnusamy
Real Analysis Royden H.L., Fitzpatrick P. M
Real Analysis Introduction to Real analysis Donald R. Sherbert Robert G. Bartle
Elements of Real Analysis Shanti Narayan, M D Raisinghania
Ordinary Differential Equations Purna Chandra Biswal
Ordinary Differential Equations An introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations Earl A. Coddington
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations M. D. Raisinghania
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations M. D. Raisinghania
Partial Differential Equations Elements of Partial Differential Equations Ian N. Sneddon
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Sankara Rao
Topics in Algebra I. N. Herstein
Linear Algebra Ian N. Sneddon, Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson
Functional Analysis Rudin
Functional Analysis
Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications Erwin Kreyszig
Numerical Analysis Francis Scheid
Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis S. S. Sastry
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Methods: Principles, Analysis, and Algorithms Srimanta Pal
Classical Mechanics Herbert Goldstein, John Safko, Charles P. Poole
Engineering Mechanics S S Bhavikatti
Topology James R. Munkres
Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis S S Bhavikatti
Probability and Statistics John J. Schiller

Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and

Probability and Statistics scientists
Sheldon M. Ross

Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes S Pillai, Athanasios Papoullis

Linear Programming G. Hadley, J.G Chakraborty &
Linear Programming P. R. Ghosh
Linear Programming And Network Flows Mokhtar S. Bazaraa John J. Jarvis Hanif D. Sherali
A Introduction to the Calculus of Variations Pars
Calculus of Variation And Integral Equations Calculus of Variations Gelfand, I. M. Gelfand, Wendy Ed. Silverman
Calculus of Variation And Integral Equations
Integral Transforms, Integral Equations, and Calculus Of P. C. Bhakta

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