Prepared For:: ST - Ann's College of Engineering and Technology
Prepared For:: ST - Ann's College of Engineering and Technology
Prepared For:: ST - Ann's College of Engineering and Technology
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2G was based on Digital Signal Processing It extended the 2G with data service
(DSP) techniques and regarded as a and packet switching methods, and it was
revolution from analogy to digital regarded as 3G services for 2G networks.
technology, which has gained tremendous Under the same networks with 2G, 2.5G
success during 1990s with GSM (Global brought the Internet into mobile personal
System for Mobile Communication) which communications. This was a revolutionary
is based on Time Division Multiple Access concept leading to hybrid communications.
TDMA(Time division Multiple Access). A 2.5G networks such as GPRS (Global
brief view of TDMA: Packet Radio Service) are available in
Third Generation:-
3G is deploying a new system offer
multimedia transmission, global roaming
across a cellular or other single type of
wireless network. 3G technology supports
144 Kbps bandwidth, with high speed
movement (e.g. vehicles), 384 Kbps (e.g. on
Time Division Multiple Access campus) & 2 Mbps for stationary (e.g.: in
(TDMA) improves spectrum capacity by building). Based on intelligent DSP
splitting each frequency into time slots. techniques, various multimedia data
TDMA allows each user to access the entire communications services are transmitted by
radio frequency channel for the short period convergent 3G networks. 3G still leaves
of a call. Other users share this same some unsolved problems that it does not
frequency channel at different time slots. concern or concerns only partly.
The base station continually switches from
user to user on the channel. TDMA is the
dominant technology for the second
generation mobile cellular networks.
The limitations and difficulties of 3G communicate with several base stations at
include: the same time.
Limitation of spectrum and its ARCHITECTURE OF 4G:-
allocation. One of the most challenging
Difficult to roam across distinct problems facing deployment of 4G
service environment in different technology is how to access several different
frequency bands. mobile and wireless networks. There are
Lack of end-to-end seamless three possible architectures for 4G.
transport mechanism spanning a Multimode devices
mobile sub-network and a fixed one. Overlay network
Common access protocol.
However, the demand for higher
Multimode devices:-
access speed multimedia communication in
today's society and the limitations of 3G This architecture uses a single
communication service wave the path for 4G physical terminal with multiple interfaces to
mobile communication. access services on different wireless
CDMA:- networks. It may improve call completion
Code Division Multiple Access in and expand effective coverage area. It
3G is based on "spread" spectrum should also provide reliable wireless
technology. Since it is suitable for encrypted coverage in case of network, link, or switch
transmissions, it has long been used for failure. The user, device, or network can
military purposes. CDMA increases initiate handoff between networks. The
spectrum capacity by allowing all users to device itself incorporates most of the
occupy all channels at the same time. additional complexity without requiring
Transmissions are spread over the whole wireless network modification or employing
radio band, and each voice or data call are inter working devices. Each network can
assigned a unique code to differentiate from deploy a database that keeps track of user
the other calls carried over the same location, device capabilities, network
spectrum. CDMA allows for a “soft hand- conditions, and user preferences. The
off”, which means that terminals can handling of quality-of-service (Quos) issues
remains an open research question.
Common access protocol:
This protocol becomes viable if
wireless networks can support one or two
standard access protocols. One possible
solution, which will require inter working
between different networks, uses wireless
asynchronous transfer mode. To implement
wireless ATM, every wireless network must
Overlay network: allow transmission of ATM cells with
additional headers or wireless ATM cells
In this architecture, a user accesses
requiring changes in the wireless networks.
an overlay network consisting of several
universal access points. These UAPs in turn
select a wireless network based on
availability, QOS (Quality of Service)
specifications and user defined choices. A
UAP performs protocol and frequency
translation, Content adaptation and QoS
negotiation-renegotiation on behalf of users.
The overlay network, rather than the user or 4G MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES:
device, performs handoffs as the user moves
1. Open Wireless Architecture (OWA)
from one UAP to another.
2. Spectrum-efficient High-speed
wireless mobile transmission
1. Open Wireless Architecture:-
The open wireless platform requires: and also dramatically increase range and
reliability. The challenge for wireless
Area and power-efficient broadband broadband access lies in providing a
signal processing for wideband comparable quality of service for similar
wireless applications cost as competing wire line technologies.
Highest industry channel density
(MOPS pooling) in flexible new
BTS signal processing architectures
BTS solutions scalable to higher
clock rates and higher network
Waveform-specific processors
provides new architecture for
platform reuse in terminals for
The target frequency band for this
multiservice capability
system is 2 to 5 GHz due to favorable
Terminal solutions achieve highest
propagation characteristics and low radio-
computational efficiency for
frequency (RF) equipment cost.
application with high flexibility
Powerful layered software Advantages
architecture using virtual machine
Spatial diversity and coding gains for
programming concept.
large link budget gains (>10 dB).
2. Spectrum-efficient High-speed 4G Features:-
wireless mobile transmission:-
High usability: anytime, anywhere,
Wide-area wireless broadband and with any technology. 4G
systems spectral efficiency can yield a networks are all-IP based
system capacity that allows that experience heterogeneous networks that allow
to be delivered simultaneously to many users to use any system at any time
users in a cell, reducing the cost of service and anywhere.
delivery for this mass-market broadband Support for multimedia services at
service. These systems are optimized to low transmission cost.
exploit the full potential of adaptive antenna Personalization, integrated services
signal processing, thereby providing robust, Entirely packet switched networks.
high-speed connections for mobile users All network elements are digital.
with a minimum of radio infrastructure. Higher bandwidth, tight network
The spectral efficiency of a radio
Coping with the expected growth in
system ¾ the quantity of billable services
Internet Opening new spectrum
that can be delivered in a unit of spectrum ¾
directly impacts network economics and
4G networks expected to support
service quality. Spectrally efficient systems
real-time multimedia services that
have the following characteristics:
are highly time-sensitive.
minimizing capital and operating costs is suggested that 4G technologies will allow
associated with base station sites, 3D virtual reality and interactive video /
subscriber and per covered population high-resolution images (better quality than
The Future:-
With the rapid technological
advancements in Artificial Intelligence,
Integrated Circuitry and increases in
Computer Processor speeds, the future of
mobile computing looks increasingly
exciting. With the emphasis increasingly on
compact, small mobile computers, it may