An Overview On Evolution of Mobile Wireless Communication Networks: 1G-6G

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3130 – 3133

An Overview on Evolution of Mobile Wireless Communication Networks: 1G-6G
Ms. Anju Uttam Gawas
Lecturer,Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications,
Maratha Mandir's Babasaheb Gawde Institute of Technology,
Mumbai, India
[email protected]

Abstract- There has been a huge advancement in mobile wireless communication since the last few decades. This advancement consist of several
generations and is still going on. The journey of mobile wireless communication began with 1G followed by 2G,3G,4G,and under research future
generations 5G,6G,7G. In this paper an attempt has been made to provide an overview of evolution of mobile generations by comparing the
challenges and features that have evolved from each generation and explaining how improvements have been made from earlier generation to the
next one.

Keywords-1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G,CDMA,GSM,UMTS.



In the last few decades, Mobile Wireless Communication

networks have experienced a tremendous change. The
cellular wireless Generation(G) generally refers to a change
in the nature of the system, speed, technology and frequency. Figure 1.Architecture of AMPS
Each generation have some standards, capacities, techniques
and new features which differentiate it from the previous one. III. 2G OR SECOND GENERATION
The first handheld mobile cell phone was demonstrated by TECHNOLOGY (DIGITAL)
Motorola in1973.The 1st commercial automated cellular
network was launched by NTT in Japan in 1979, followed by The second generation wireless mobile communication
the launch of Nordic Mobile Telephone(NMT) system in system is a digital technology introduced in late 1980s.It uses
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, in 1981.After this digital signals for voice transmission and has a speed of
begins the development in generations for mobile wireless 64kbps.The bandwidth of 2G is 30-200KHz.2G provides
communication. The first generation(1G) mobile wireless services such as short message services(SMS),picture
communication network was analog used for voice calls only. messages and multimedia message services(MMS).It uses
The second generation(2G) is a digital technology and digital modulation schemes such as Time Division Multiple
supports text messaging. After this was 3G which provided Access(TDMA) and Code Division Multiple
multimedia support along with higher data transmission rates Access(CDMA).TDMA allows division of signals into time
and increased capacity. The fourth generation(4G) integrates slots. CDMA provides each user with a special code to
3G with fixed internet to support wireless mobile internet, communicate over a multiplex physical channel.TDMA
which is an evolution to overcome the limitations of 3G and technologies like GSM, PDC, iDEN, IS-136 and CDMA
also raises the QoS, increases the bandwidth and reduces the technology like IS-95 are used.
cost of resources. The 5G brings forward a real wireless GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication) is the most
world-Wireless World Wide Web(WWWW) while 6G is widely used 2G mobile standard.2G was commercially
proposed to integrate 5G with satellite networks for global launched on GSM standard in Finland, in 1991.GSM
coverage. 7G deals with space roaming. technology was the first one to support international roaming.
This enabled the mobile subscribers to use their mobile phone
II. 1G OR FIRST GENERATION TECHNOLOGY connections in different countries of the world with better
(ANALOG) quality and capacity.

The first generation wireless mobile communication system

is an analog technology developed in 1980s.It was used for
voice services and was based on technology called as
Advanced Mobile Phone System(AMPS).The AMPS system
was frequency modulated and used frequency division
multiple access(FDMA) with a channel capacity of 30KHz
and frequency band of 824-894MHz.It supports a speed up to
2.4kbps.In 1988,AMPS was allocated with additional
10MHz bandwidth called as Expanded Spectrum, which was Figure 2. GSM System Architecture
first deployed in Chicago, with a service area of 2100 square
miles. AMPS was first launched by US in 1982. IV. 2.5G TECHNOLOGY
The GSM technology was continuously improved to provide
better services which led to development of advanced
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3130 – 3133
systems called as 2.5 Generation(2.5G) systems.2.5G lies VI. 4G OR FOURTH GENERATION
between 2G and 3G technologies. In addition with circuit TECHNOLOGY
switched domain of 2G system, 2.5G implements a packet The fourth Generation mobile system was introduced in the
switched domain, and provides a data rate of 144kbps.2G late 2000s and was all IP based network system. The main
used technologies such as General Packet Radio goal of 4G technology is to provide high speed, high quality,
Service(GPRS) and EDGE(Enhanced Data rates in GSM high capacity, security and low cost services for voice and
Environment).GPRS provides packet switching protocols, data services, multimedia and internet over IP.The reason for
short setup time for ISP connections and the possibility to the transition to all IP is to have a common platform to all the
charge the subscriber according to the amount of data sent technologies developed so far. It has the capability 100Mbps
rather than connection time. GPRS supports flexible data and 1Gbps of .To use 4G mobile network, multimode user
transmission rates and provides continuous connection with terminals should be able to select the target wireless system.
the network. GPRS is the significant step towards 3G. To provide wireless services anytime and anywhere, terminal
mobility is a key factor in 4G.Terminal mobility implies
automatic roaming between different wireless networks. The
4G technology integrate different existing and future wireless
technologies(e.g. OFDM, MC-CDMA, LAS-CDMA and
Network-LMDS) to provide freedom of movement and
uninterrupted roaming from one technology to
another.LTE(Long Term Evolution) and WiMAX(Wireless
Figure 3. Architecture of GPRS Interoperability for Microwave Access) are considered as 4G
technologies. The first successful field trial for 4G was
V. 3G OR THIRD GENERATION conducted in Japan, in 2005.

Figure 4. WCDMA Network Diagram

The third generation wireless mobile communication system
was introduced in 2000.The goal of 3G systems was to offer
increased data rates from 144kbps to384kbps in wide
Figure 5. 4G Network Architecture
coverage areas and 2Mbps in local coverage areas.3G offers
advanced services to the users as compared to 1G and
2G.Along with voice communication it includes data VII. 5G OR FIFTH GENERATION
services, access to TV/videos, Web browsing, e-mail, video TECHNOLOGY
conferencing, paging, fax and navigational maps. It has a The fifth generation mobile and wireless communication
bandwidth of 15-20MHz used for high speed internet, video network is the real wireless world which would be supported
chatting, etc. A 3G mobile system was defined by an by LAS-CDMA, OFDM, MC-CDMA, UWB,
organization called 3rd Generation Partnership Network-LMDS, IPv6.5G can be called as the perfect real
Project(3GPP) which fulfils the IMT-2000 standards. It was wireless world or World Wide Wireless Web(WWWW) as it
called as UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication has no limitations. The basic protocol for running on both 4G
System) in Europe, which is TSI driven.IMT2000 is the and 5G is IPv6.5G aims to provide unlimited access to
ITU-T name for the third generation system, while information and the ability to share data anywhere, anytime
CDMA2000 is the name of American 3G variant. Also the by anyone for the benefit of the world.5G technologies
IMT2000 has accepted a new 3G standard from China, i.e covers all the advanced features which makes 5G mobile
TD-SCDMA.WCDMA is the air-interface technology for technology most powerful and will be in huge demand in
UMTS. The first commercial 3G network was launched by future. The 5G mobile is all-IP based for mobile and wireless
NTT Do co mo in Japan, in 2001. network interoperability. The standardization activities for
5G have already started this year which may lead to
commercial availability around 2020.
IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3130 – 3133
The sixth generation mobile and wireless communication
network can integrate the satellite communication networks
and 5G to provide global coverage. The satellite
communication network may consist of telecommunication
satellite networks, earth imaging satellite networks and
navigation satellite networks. The goal of 6G is to integrate
these kinds of satellite networks to provide network position
identifier, multimedia and internet connectivity, and weather
information services to the mobile users. The four countries
which have these satellite systems are: The Global Position
System(GPS) by USA, the Galileo by Europe, the
COMPASS by China and the GLONASS by Russia. If 6G
integrates with 5G with these satellite networks, it would
Figure 6. 5G Mobile Network Architecture have four different standards. So handoff and roaming will be
a big issue in 6G.The radio over fiber system is already in
TABLE I. OSI layers in the 5G Mobile Terminal Design existence, but with the advent of 6G technology, mankind
Application Layer Application(Service) will be more close to any extraterrestrial civilization in the
Presentation Layer universe.
Session Layer Open Transport Protocol(OTP) Features
Transport Layer  Ultra fast Internet access.
Network Layer Upper Network Layer  Data rates will be up to 10-11 Gbps.
Lower Network Layer  Smart Homes, Cities and Villages.
Data Link Layer Open Wireless Architecture (OWA)  May be used in the production of Energy from
Physical Layer galactic world.
 Home automation, Space technology, Defence
applications will be modified with 6G networks.
In 5G network, the Physical and Data Link layer defines the
 Satellite to Satellite Communication
5G wireless technology indicating it as an Open Wireless
 Natural Calamities will be controlled with 6G
Architecture(OWA).The 5G technology also maintain virtual
multi-wireless network. To perform this the Network layer is
sub-divided into two layers; upper network layer for mobile  Sea to Space Communication.
terminal and lower network layer for interface. Here all the  Mind to Mind Communication may be possible.
routing will be based on IP addresses which would be
different in each IP network worldwide. In 5G technology the IX. CONCLUSION
higher bit rate loss is overcome by using Open Transport The world of mobile wireless communication is rapidly
Protocol(OTP).The OTP is supported by Transport and developing. The last few years have experienced a
Session layer. The application layer is for quality of service remarkable growth in wireless industry. Attempts are being
management over various types of networks. made to reduce the number of technologies to a single global
Features standard resulting in 5G,6G and 7G. 5G aims a real wireless
 5G provides large broadcasting of data in Gigabit. world with no limitations while 6G integrates 5G with
satellite networks. Due to variable technologies and
 5G terminals have software-defined radios.
standards, with 6G handoff/roaming will be an issue. This
 5G uses different modulation techniques and
drives the 7G of mobile wireless networks which aims to
error-control techniques.
acquire space roaming. Trials have already started on 5G
 5G provides hundreds of channels without which may lead to its commercial availability around 2020.
streaming. The world is trying to become completely wireless,
 5G technology offer transporter class gateway with demanding uninterrupted access to information anytime and
unparalleled consistency. anywhere with better quality, high speed, increased
 5G technology supports virtual private network. bandwidth and reduction in cost.
 5G offers bidirectional bandwidth and less traffic
 5G provides 25Mbps connectivity speed with data
bandwidth higher than 1Gb.
 Remote diagnostics is a great feature of 5G.
 The uploading and downloading speed of 5G is very

IJRITCC | May 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 5 3130 – 3133

TABLE II: Comparison of all Generations

Generation→/Features↓ 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G

Year 1970-1980 1980-1990 1990-2000 2000-2010s 2015 onwards After 5G

Speed 2.4Kbps 64Kbps 2Mbps 200Mbps to 1Gbps and 10 to 11Gbps

1Gbps Higher

Technology Analog Cellular Digital Cellular Broadband Unified IP & 4G+WWWW 5G+satellite
CDMA, IP seamless
combination of


MA,WCDMA MC-CDMA, Galileo systems
S, IPv6


Packet Packet Packet
Switching Circuit Circuit & Packet Packet except
circuit for air

Core Network PSTN PSTN and Packet Packet Network Internet Internet Internet
Handoff Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal & Horizontal & Horizontal & Horizontal &
Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical

Services Voice only Digital voice and Integrated high Dynamic Dynamic Ultra fast
short messaging, quality audio, information information Internet access
packetized data video and data access, access,
wearable wearable
devices devices with AI

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