Originally what we call Confirmation was part of the developed Baptismal rite. Yet,
there is a certain scriptural basis in distinguishing the bestowal of the Holy Spirit
through water-Baptism and by the “laying on of hands.” When they heard this, they
were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. As Paul laid his hands on them,
the Holy Spirit came on them, they began to speak in tongues and to utter
prophecies (Acts 19:5f; cf. 8:14-17).
Through the centuries, because of the increasing number and size of dioceses,
parishes, and infant baptisms made it a practical impossibility for the Bishop to
confirm all, the anointing and laying on of hands were separated from water-
Baptism to form a separate sacrament. In the East it is called “Chrismation,”
meaning “anointing with chrism.”
Thus Paul VI described the origin of Confirmation in the revised rite as follows:
The Apostles, in order to accomplish the will of Christ, passed on to the neophytes,
by the laying on of hands, the gift of the Spirit which brings to completion the grace
of Baptism . . . . This laying on of hands is rightly considered by Catholic Tradition
as the origin of the sacrament of Confirmation which perpetuates in a way the
grace of Pentecost in the Church (DCN; cf. CCC 1288).
A. Effects of Confirmation
The main effect of Confirmation is to strengthen and confirm the grace of Baptism
(cf. CCC 1302-3). This means a more intense sharing in the mission of Christ and of
the Church, empowering the confirmed to be public witnesses of the Faith:
• witness to the Kingdom of God and God’s power present in the new age begun in
• witness to Jesus the Christ, as the unique Savior of all;
• witness to the freedom from the slavery of sin brought by God’s presence through
Christ and
the Spirit;
• witness to the love of God, Father, Risen Incarnate Son, and Spirit, by loving service
of others
in the Spirit; and
• witness to Christ’s real presence in the Christian community, the People of God, the
This witness flows from the permanent “character” imprinted on those confirmed
by the Sacrament (cf. CCC 1304-5). In the Gospel of Luke, the Risen Christ
explained to the apostles that “the Messiah must suffer and rise from the dead on
the third day. In his name, penance for the remission of sins is to be preached to all
the nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of this. I send down upon
you the promise of my Father [the Spirit] (Lk 24:46-49). The introduction to the
Rite of Confirmation explains the origin and function of this “character,” originally
included in the baptismal ritual: Signed with the oil by the Bishop’s hand, the
baptized person receives the indelible character, the seal of the Lord, together with
the gift of the Spirit, which conforms him more closely to Christ and gives him the
grace of spreading the Lord’s presence among men (RC 9).
More important than endless arguments among the “experts” over what age is the
best time for the administration of the sacrament is the careful preparation
needed. Both the candidates for Confirmation and their parents (as well as
godparents and sponsors) have to be prepared well if the Sacrament is to be truly
efficacious. Without such careful preparation a fruitful celebration of the
sacrament is simply not possible.
We meet this Spirit of the Lord in his Body, the Church. Christ’s Church is the
“Confirmed Church,” the Church of the SPIRIT, precisely because of Christ’s real
presence within his Body. Pentecost affirms the active presence of the Spirit in the
Church from its inception. Viewing Confirmation in terms of Christ and the Church
helps to see it as a prayer event, a celebration making explicit what God has done
and is continuing to do with and among His People. The communal, ecclesial
dimension of Confirmation is essential; not the age of Confirmation, but the
presence of the Spirit is the true point of focus.
Today the Church recommends that the godparents at Baptism be present and
even be the sponsor at Confirmation, though it is always possible to choose a
special sponsor for Confirmation.