Sacrament of Confirmation

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The Sacrament of



Sacrament of Initiation
Described by the Vatican II in terms of its 2
essential characteristics:
- closer union with the Church
- strengthening and empowerment by the
Holy Spirit to actively spread the Faith

What is the Sacrament of


is the sacrament in
which, through the power of the Holy
Spirit, a baptized person is drawn into
closer union with the Church and
endowed with strength to actively
spread the Gospel.

What is the Sacrament of


Confirmation primarily brings to mind and

renews the Pentecost event in the life of the
Christian and of the Church. The meaning and
the effect of this sacrament centers on the
person of the Holy Spirit and his/her role in
the on-going saving works of Christ continued
in and through the Church in the world today.

What is the Sacrament of


Confirmation is a celebration of the gift of

the Holy Spirit and the gifts He bestows on
us and of the Church.
Confirmation initiates the baptized into a
more mature people; witnessing in Gods
saving Love for all People.
To receive Confirmation one must be in a
state of grace. One should receive the
sacrament of Penance in order to be cleansed
for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Origin of the Sacrament of

Confirmation: According to Pope
Paul VI
The Apostles, in order to accomplish the
will of Christ, passed on to the neophytes,
by the laying on of hands, the gift of the
Spirit which brings to completion the grace
of Baptism This laying on of hands is
rightly considered by Catholic Tradition as
the origin of the sacrament of
Confirmation which perpetuates in a way
the grace of Pentecost in the Church.

Origin of the Sacrament of


was originally part of

the expanded rite of Baptism. But
as the Church grew in size, the gift of
the Spirit by the laying on of hands,
which in a way perpetuates the grace
of Pentecost in the Church, was formed
into a separate sacrament.

The Celebration of

Who administers the sacrament of Confirmation?

The Bishop *However, for grave reasons, the

Bishop may delegate to priests the faculty to
administer the sacrament
Who can receive this sacrament?
Every baptized person not yet confirmed can
and should receive the sacrament of

The Celebration of

the Roman Rite the bishop extends

his hands over the whole group of
the confirmands. Since the time of
the apostles this gesture has
signified the gift of the Spirit. The
bishop invokes the outpouring of the
Spirit in these words:


All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus

Christ, by water and the Holy Spirit you freed
your sons and daughters from sin and gave
them new life. Send your Holy Spirit upon them
to be their helper and guide. Give them the
spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit
of right judgment and courage, the spirit of
knowledge and reverence. Fill them with the
spirit of wonder and awe in your presence. We
ask this through Christ our Lord.

The Celebration of Confirmation: How

is the sacrament of Confirmation

The Essential Rite:

Confirmation is conferred by the laying on of
hands over the head of the candidates, the
anointing of the forehead with the holy
Chrism, and the prayer: Be sealed with
the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Each anointing is accompanied by the
formula: "the seal of the gift of the Holy

Effects of Confirmation

roots us more deeply in the

divine filiation which makes us cry,
"Abba! Father!
it unites us more firmly to Christ
it increases the gifts of the Holy
Spirit in us


renders our bond with the Church

more perfect
it gives us a special strength of the Holy
Spirit to spread and defend the faith by
word and action as true witnesses of
Christ, to confess the name of Christ
boldly, and never to be ashamed of the

Effects of Confirmation



strengthen and confirm

the grace of Baptism


A more intense sharing in the mission of

Christ and of the Church, empowering the
confirmed to be public witnesses of the Faith:

to the Kingdom of God and

Gods power present in the new age
begun in Christ
Witness to Jesus the Christ, as the
unique Savior of all
Witness to the freedom from the
slavery of sin brought by Gods
presence through Christ and the Spirit


to the love of God, Father,

Risen Incarnate Son, and Spirit, by
loving service of others in the Spirit,
Witness to Christs real presence in the
Christian community, the People of
God, the Church

Qualities of Christian

knowledge, awareness, and

experience of Christ in their daily lives;
Strong and enthusiastic Christian
convictions and active commitment to
Christ and the Church
A basic grounding in Scripture, Church
teaching and fundamental human

Qualities of Christian

human leadership qualities of honesty

and integrity that inspire confidence and a
The communication skills needed to present
Christs challenge to the Filipino of today in
an attractive and persuasive manner; and
The courage to suffer and risk for the
Kingdom of God

What is the proper age for

conferring Confirmation?

the ongoing discussion regarding the

best time for conferring the sacrament, there
are good reasons for confirming around the
age of discretion or later, which is the more
common Church policy in the Philippines.
More important than the exact age at which
to confirm is the careful preparation
needed, for both the candidates and their
parents and sponsors.

Godparents/ Sponsors

for Confirmation, as for

Baptism, fittingly seek the spiritual
help of a sponsor. To emphasize
the unity of the two sacraments, it
is appropriate that this be one of
the baptismal godparents.

How are godparents/ sponsors

for Baptism and Confirmation to
be chosen?

the Philippines, social relations between

families often play a dominant role in the
choice of godparents and sponsors. While
natural in a predominantly Catholic
country, is secularizing tendency must
be balanced by an equal insistence on
proper Faith norms for choosing
godparents and sponsors.

How are godparents/ sponsors

for Baptism and Confirmation to
be chosen?

norms indicate sponsors should

- sufficiently mature persons, at least 16
years old
- good-living Catholics who have been
- capable and sincerely intending to help
the newly confirmed to faithfully live out
the duties of Christian life.

Thank you to our Friendly

Source :


for Filipino Catholics (CFC)


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