CAT - G3516H Configuration Parameters - 3516H

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G3500H Generator Set Engine

Media Number -M0074324-05 Date Updated -06/01/2020


Configuration Parameters
SMCS - 1900

Use this procedure if the following diagnostic code is active.

Table 1
J1939 Code and Comments

The engine Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects that one or more
of the programmable parameters have not been programmed.
Calibration Memory :
The ECM may use a default torque map or the ECM may limit the
Erratic, Intermittent, or
engine to low idle.
The code is active only.

Note: Refer to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting, "Electronic Control System Parameters
(Configuration Parameters)" for the descriptions and available settings for the parameters.

The system configuration parameters must be programmed when the application is installed. Program
parameters before the initial engine start-up. Incorrect programming of parameters may lead to complaints
about performance and/or to engine damage.

Data from a gas analysis is required for determining the correct settings for the fuel quality and for the
specific gravity of the gas. The data must be entered into the Caterpillar Software , "Gas Engine Rating Pro

If the Electronic Control Module (ECM) is replaced, the appropriate parameters must be copied from the
original ECM. Copying can be done with the "Copy Configuration" feature of Cat® Electronic Technician
(ET). Alternatively, the settings can be recorded on paper and then programmed into the new module.

Certain parameters are unique for each engine application. The parameters are programmed into the
Electronic Control Module (ECM) via the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). The values of the
parameters can be viewed on the "Configuration" screen of Cat ET.

Changing the parameters during engine operation can cause the engine
to operate erratically, resulting in engine damage.

Unless the instructions are different, only change the settings of the
parameters when the engine is STOPPED.

Copyright 1993 - 2020 Caterpillar Inc. Wed Jul 01 2020 16:06:52 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília)
All Rights Reserved.
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