Cement Treated Sub-Base For Bituminous Pavement: Conference Paper
Cement Treated Sub-Base For Bituminous Pavement: Conference Paper
Cement Treated Sub-Base For Bituminous Pavement: Conference Paper
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Abstract: In India, due to massive infrastructure construction activities are taking place both in rural and urban area have
caused scarcity of construction materials. The pavement industry looks for ways of improving lower quality materials that are
readily available for use in road way construction. Cement /lime treatment has become an accepted method for increasing the
strength and durability of soils and marginal aggregates, reducing quantity of aggregates. Indian roads congress (IRC)
developed a special publication for mix design of base/ subgrade. No pavement design guideline is presently available cement
treated sub base. To overcome this problem, the objective of present research work is to develop a pavement design chart using
cement and lime stabilized sub base for rural and urban roads with light and medium traffic (up to 50 MSA). It not only saves
money but also helps to increase life cycle of roads.
II. Methodology
This chapter briefly summarizes the findings of studies performed at the Center for Highway Research and by other
investigators in two major areas pertaining to cement-treated materials: factors affecting the tensile strength of cement-treated soil
and shrinkage characteristics of cement-treated base materials. In addition, two mix design procedures are reviewed. The findings
concerning tensile strengths are evaluated in more details.
Figure1: Methodology
The sub-base and the base layer can be unbound (e.g. granular) or chemical stabilized with stabilizers such as cement, lime, fly
ash and other cementitious stabilizers. In case of pavements with cementitious base, a crack relief layer provided between the
bituminous layer and the cementitious base delays considerably the reflection crack in the bituminous course. This may consist of
crushed aggregates of thickness 100 mm of WMM conforming to IRC/MORTH Specifications or Stress Absorbing Membrane
Interlayer (SAMI) of elastomeric modified binder at the rate of about 2 litre/m2 covered with light application of 10 mm aggregates
to prevent picking up of the binder by construction traffic (AUSTROADS).
Sub-base materials may consist of natural sand, moorum, gravel, laterite, kankar, brick metal, crushed stone, crushed slag and
reclaimed crushed concrete/reclaimed asphalt pavement or combinations thereof meeting the prescribed grading and physical
requirements. When the sub-base material consists of combination of materials, mixing should be done mechanically either using
a suitable mixer or adopting mix-in-place method. The sub-base should have sufficient strength and thickness to serve the
construction traffic.
Specifications of granular sub-base (GSB) materials conforming to MORTH:
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works are recommended for use. These specifications suggest close and coarse graded
granular sub-base materials and specify that the materials passing 425 micron sieve when tested in accordance with IS:2720 (Part
5) should have liquid limit and plasticity index of not more than 25 and 6 respectively. These specifications and the specified
grain size distribution of the sub-base material should be strictly enforced in order to meet strength, filter and drainage
requirements of the granular sub-base layer. When coarse graded sub-base is used as a drainage layer, Los Angeles abrasion value
should be less than 40 so that there is no excessive crushing during the rolling and the required permeability is retained and fines
passing 0.075 mm should be less than 2 per cent.
Strength parameter
The relevant design parameter for granular sub-base is resilient modulus (MR), which is given by the following equation:
MRgsb = 0.2h0.45 X MR subgrade
Trials: CTSB - Cubes casted at different moisture contents for Determining OMC & MDD.
Trial No.01 Cement - 2 % and Moisture Content - 2%.
Six numbers of trials were taken for Moisture content 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12% and in each trail percentage of cement is
varied from 2% to 6%. The graphs are plotted for all the combinations. Complete set of tables are not produced here due to
limited space.
For 4% cement content and 8% water content, We get,
Maximum Dry Density: 2.388 gm/cc
Optimum moisture content: 8%
Maximum compressive strength: 5.8 MPa.
Table 8 Thickness and width comparison
The following conclusions can be drawn from the study:
Longer Life of pavements.
Speed of the Project Completion is accelerated.
Reduced Use of Aggregates.
Less local construction traffic due to fast construction.
Transportation/haulage is reduced.
Reduced Project Cost (approx. 15 lakhs per KM)
Reduced thickness of pavement.
Reduction of bitumen consumption due to strong Sub Base.
Aggregate consumption is less for the case of stabilized base compared to that of the conventional method.
Uniform distribution of Load in Cement treated service road as compared to conventional road.
Resistance against cracking and fatigue cracking.
Best option in low lying water clogged area.
[1]. Suphat C., et al, Shrinkage behavior of cement modified base course materials for western Australian pavements, (2013).
[2]. Amiruddun B. I., et al, Laboratory Investigation on the Strength Characteristics Of Cement-Treated Base, (2004).
[3]. Indian roads congress Standard specifications and
[5]. Tentative guidelines for the design of flexible pavements, IRC: 37-2012