Response Evaluation: Part 3 - Izet MEHMETAJ
Response Evaluation: Part 3 - Izet MEHMETAJ
Response Evaluation: Part 3 - Izet MEHMETAJ
Part 3 Izet MEHMETAJ
6/17/17 1 Incremental Dynamic Analysis
4.6.2 Static Analysis Equivalent Static Analysis Pushover Analysis
4.6.3 Simplified Code Method
4.7 Performance Levels and Objectives
4.8 Output for Assessment
4.8.1 Actions
4.8.2 Deformations
4.9 Concluding Remarks
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The analysis process, which leads to the evaluation of seismic actions and deformations,
invokes knowledge from several sub-disciplines in engineering.
6/17/17 4 Incremental Dynamic Analysis
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The steps for obtaining a single earthquake record IDA are:
d) Define a set of scale factors to apply for the selected intensity measure in (b);
e) Scale the sample record in (a) to generate a set of records that will test the
structure throughout is response range, from elastic response to collapse ;
f) Perform response history analysis of the structural model subjected to the scaled
accelerogram at the lowest intensity measure;
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Contd. 500
0 50 100 150 200
Max. Top Lateral Displacement in x (mm)
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4.6.2 Static Analysis
Static methods are generally used to assess the capacity or supply of the
structural system.
R F t
where R is the vector of restoring forces and F(t) the vector of the
applied earthquake loads.
6/17/17 9 Equivalent Static Analysis
Methods of structural analysis are used to solve the equilibrium equations for
a MDOF system.
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The steps required to assess structures by equivalent static analysis are:
6/17/17 11 Pushover Analysis
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Conventional Pushover Analysis
Conventional pushover is an inelastic static analysis method in which the idealized representation
of the structure is subjected to constant gravity loads and to monotonically increasing lateral
force or displacement pattern of a constant shape .
The pushover analysis is a capacity estimation method under a set of functions that represent
inertial effects from the earthquake .
This method is capable of shedding light on design weaknesses that elastic analysis cannot
The pushover analysis solution commonly utilises an incremental-iterative solution of the static
equilibrium equations.
The results of pushover analysis are often expressed in terms of global base shear V base versus top
lateral displacements dtop
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500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
Model #1 Model #1
Model #2 Model #2
100 Model #3 100 Model #3
Model #4 Model #4
0 0
-200 -100 0 100 200 -200 -100 0 100 200
Top Lateral Displacement in x (mm) Top Lateral Displacement in y (mm)
Model #1
Model #2
Model #3
Model #4
Capacity curves for the SPEAR frame: pushover along the x-direction (left) and y-direction (right)
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The steps required to perform pushover analysis are:
d) Determine the vertical distribution of lateral forces V i, if the displacement vector F has been selected in (b).
Conversely, determine the vertical displacement distribution F i;
f) For structures that are not symmetric about a plan perpendicular to the applied loads, the lateral load or
displacement pattern should be applied in both positive and negative directions ;
g) Determine the base shear V base, top displacement d top, the storey shear Vi and storey drift d i;
h) Plot the system (Vbase versus d top) and the storey (Vi versus d i/hi) pushover curves.
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For both 2D and 3D analysis, at least two vertical distributions of lateral
forces or displacements should be employed since the actual dynamic
force distribution, which may be far from constant, is not known.
The choice of at least two load distributions along the main axis of the
structure is a practical and viable solution to partly overcome the
limitations associated with using a static analysis method to solve an
inherently dynamic problem.
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Adaptive Pushover Analysis
3.0% Drift
2.0% Drift
1.0% Drift
Base Shear (kN)
0.9% Drift Changes of the distribution of inertial forces in a regular
framed building (adaptive force distribution)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Total Drift (%)
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The steps required to perform adaptive pushover analysis are:
Compute the modal storey forces at each floor level for the N modes deemed to satisfy mass participation of
at least 85%-90% of the total mass;
Perform a static pushover of the structure subjected to the storey forces computed in step (d) and
corresponding to each mode independently;
Estimate element and structure forces and displacements by means of SRSS combinations of each modal
quantity for the k-th step of analysis. Add the above quantities to the relevant quantity of the (k-1)th step;
Compare the values established in step (f) to the limiting values for the specified performance goals at both
local and global levels. Return to step (b) until the target performance is achieved.
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4.6.3 Simplified Code Method
The simplified code method is intended to replace dynamic earthquake loading by
equivalent static loads acting horizontally.
The equivalent static load is expressed as a percentage of the total seismic weight of
the structure WEQ,t.
The basis of the method lies in modal decomposition of the response of MDOF systems.
The total horizontal force or base shear VB acting on a structure is given by:
where the total seismic weight WEQ,t includes the total dead loads and part of the live
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The effective modal weight W
i mode is given by:
of the i-th
Wi g
M i
L2i M i
where is the effective modal mass relative to the i-th
i 1
i WEQ,i WEQ,t
i 1
L2i N WEQ,i WEQ,t
and M
i 1
i 1 g
in which N denotes the total number of modes of vibrations, determined from eigenvalue
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Different codes attempt to estimate the value of seismic base shear coefficient C such
that the obtained base shear VB, and its distribution over the structure represent a safe
yet economical upper bound to the earthquake load.
The evaluation of the seismic base shear coefficient is dependent mainly on the
following parameters:
Whereas (iii) and (iv) above are clearly linked, they are treated separately in codes,
with a degree of justification.
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The parameters listed above are considered in different ways in seismic codes:
The Zone Factor accounts for the anticipated seismic activity at the construction site.
The Site Factor represents the effect of the different foundation materials on the
strong-motion characteristics and the probability of high amplification or resonance.
The Material Factor reflects the ability of the structural material to dissipate energy and
respond in a ductile manner.
The Importance Factor accounts for the importance of the building by decreasing the
probability of damage or collapse for important, environmentally-sensitive or
exceptionally heavily populated structures.
The Design Spectrum accounts for the coupling between structural periods of vibration
and earthquake characteristics as well as travel path.
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The fundamental period of vibration T of a structure is essential to compute
the base shear VB.
N 2 N
T 2 i i
W i i
g F
i 1 i 1
where Wi is the storey weight, Fi the force applied at the i-th storey and i the
corresponding lateral displacement.
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The distribution of seismic loads along the building height depends mainly on mass and stiffness
distributions and the building configuration in plan and elevation.
The contribution of higher modes in the dynamic response of the structure also affects the load
A common expression for the seismic lateral force Fi at the i-th storey of a building structure is:
Wi H i
j Hj
where N it the total number of storeys, Wi and Wj are the weight of the i-th and j-th storeys,
respectively. Similarly, Hi and Hj are the heights from ground level to the i-th and j-th level,
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The steps required to perform the simplified code procedure are:
h) Estimate the seismic coefficient C and hence compute the design base shear V B;
i) Distribute the total seismic shear VB computed in step (h) over the height of the
j) Perform a static structural analysis to evaluate the response quantities;
k) Scale the horizontal displacements computed in (j) by using an amplification
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Seismic design codes allow the use of the equivalent lateral force
procedure for relatively regular structures.
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Analysis Type Input Mechanical Geometric Accuracy
Horizontal force
Equivalent Static Static distribution
Conventional Horizontal force/displacement
Pushover Static distribution
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4.7 Performance Levels and Objectives
Performance objectives are defined by limit states (LSs), which may or may not be
structural, since the use of a structure can be impeded by non-structural issues.
In a broader socio-economic context, LSs may be related to repair costs that are in
excess of a desired amount, opportunity losses, or morbidity and mortality.
Numerous analytical approaches based on multiple LSs have been presented in the
literature. The seemingly different approaches exhibit common features.
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Performance assessment employing a three-level limit state format is the most
suitable means of assessing the earthquake response of structural systems.
Serviceability Nonstructural Frequent 50% in 50 yrs 0.2 < d/h < 0.5
Damage Control Structural Occasional 10% in 50 yrs 0.5 < d/h < 1.5
Collapse Prevention Rare 2% in 50 yrs 1.5 < d/h < 3.0
Commonly used values of inter-storey drifts for the seismic performance assessment of framed structures
4.8 Output for Assessment
Output quantities are sub-divided into actions and deformations.
Local and global indicators are used for accurate and reliable assessment of
seismic response.
The evaluation of local and global parameters depends upon assumptions made
regarding the level of discretization adopted for the structure.
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Local Global
Local Global Local Global Indicators Indicators
Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators
Stresses Forces
Damping Energy Hysteretic Energy
Storey Drift (di)
Axial Forces (N)
Equivalent stress (seq)
Roof Accelerations (atop)
Torque (T)
Storey Accelerations (ai)
Storey Shears Storey Moments
(Vsx, Vsy) (Msx, Msy)
Shear forces Bending Moments Members
(Vx, Vy) (Mx, My) Rotations
Base Shears Base Moments
(VBx, VBy) (MBx, MBy) Connections
They are useful because they indicate the occurrence of stiffness and
strength degradation at different structural resolutions.
Insight into seismic behaviour may also be derived from the energy
balance between seismic input and energy absorbed.
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Output for actions may be at the local or the global level.
Local actions generally include stress and strain outputs at Gauss points within FEs
of the discretized system.
Moments, shear and axial forces should be assessed when performing three-
dimensional analysis.
In planar systems, output internal forces include only axial forces N, moment and
shear force.
Base and storey shear forces and moments may also be used to detect the
occurrence of both local and global LSs.
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Assuming that lateral force does not increase as the
displacement increases, weak storey behaviour occurs when
the capacity curve shows a descending branch. The ground
storey loses its strength ahead of the second or third storey
failure. Therefore the failure occurs at ground floor.
500 500
1st level 2nd level 3rd level 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
400 400
Shear Force (kN)
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Top Lateral Displacement (mm) Top Lateral Displacement (mm)
Storey pushover curves: positive X-direction (left) and Y-direction (right) of the sample frame
(top displacement @ the centre column C3)
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Deformation parameters provide a better indicator of damage of structures
subjected to earthquakes than actions do.
Normal and shear strains, e and g respectively, can be obtained only from
detailed geometric discretizations of the structure.
Strain values are used to ascertain the likelihood of local buckling in steel or
composite sections and buckling of reinforcement bars in RC members.
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30 600
20 400
10 200
Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)
0 0
-0.015 -0.010 -0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 -0.014 -0.010 -0.006 -0.002 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.014
-10 -200
-20 -400
Strain Strain
Hysteretic response of normal strains within RC sections discretized through fibre elements in
the model frame: confined concrete (left) and steel rebars (right)
150 1st level 2nd level 3rd level 150 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
50 50
0 0
0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0
-50 -50
-100 -100
-150 -150
-200 -200
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Interstorey drift time histories (top) @ column C3 of the SPEAR frame and deformed
shapes (bottom) at 4.64 sec of the 1986 Kalamata earthquake
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Final Project (continued)
- The RC building shown in figure is to be constructed close to an active fault.
- In the given table provides the dimension of the cross-sections of the structural
members. The characteristic concrete strength is 30 N/mm2 and the characteristic
yield strength is 420 N/ mm2 for both longitudinal and transverse steel.
Columns Beams
70 70 60 60 50 30 30 80 30 60 30 60 14
Member cross-sections
Sample structure
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Final Project
A construction site is at an epicentral distance of 8.0 km from a thrust
fault. A seismic hazard assessment for the site was carried out and a
design earthquake with magnitude M w = 7.65 and focal depth of 7.0 km
was obtained. A number of borings drilled at the site indicated that the
subsoil is rock with a shear wave velocity of 800 m/s.
The seismic hazard assessment recommended the following attenuation
relationship to derive the peak ground acceleration (PGA) of the site:
Values of coefficients G
Final Project
- The elastic acceleration response spectrum derived in the seismic
hazard assessment is shown in below.
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
Period (sec)
Framing System Load at external col. (kN) Load at internal col. (kN) Load at cut-of col. (kN)
80 100 10
External Frames (F1)
where htot is the total height (in metres) from the foundation level.
- The design base shear (V) and the storey seismic forces (F i) can
be estimated by employing the relationships given below:
V CW (4)
h x Wx
Fi n
V (5)
W h
i i
where W is the total load (dead load and 25% of the live load); hi
and hx are the height from the foundation level to floor i and x; Wi
and Wx are the portion of the total gravity load W located at level i
or x; and n is the total number of stories. The seismic base shear
coefficient C is the spectral response acceleration (expressed in
g) obtained from the design spectrum multiplied by the
importance factor (I), which should be taken equal to 1.1 for this
Final Project
It is required to:
1. Model the two lateral resisting systems in the X-direction (F1 and F2) using any finite element
program and distribute the gravity loads on the two frames;
2. Calculate the actions of frame F1 from gravity loads;
3. Calculate the total base shear and distribute it along the height for the two lateral resisting systems
F1 and F2;
4. Estimate the actions and deformations of frame F1 using the equivalent static force procedure.
Modulus of elasticity of concrete, E c, is 26 KN/mm2 and Youngs modulus of steel E s is 200 KN/mm2.
Use 50% and 70% of the un-cracked stiffness of beams and columns, respectively, to estimate the
effective flexural stiffness;
5. Estimate the periods of vibration and plot the first three mode shapes of frame F1;
6. Estimate the actions and deformations of frame F1 using the response spectrum analysis procedure.
The response modification factor and the design PGA should be used to scale the elastic spectrum
given in Figure 2 to obtain the design spectrum for the analysis;
7. Use the earthquake record relative to the horizontal component of the Loma Prieta earthquake
(Northern California at Saratoga Aloha Ave., USA, 1989). Scale the record to the PGA derived from
the attenuation relationship for the construction site given in eqn.(1). Perform elastic response
history analysis for frame F1 using the scaled record. Modern seismic codes allow for a reduction in
base shear demand from elastic response history analysis by using the response modification factor
(q- or R-factor);
8. Compare the results of different elastic analysis procedures;
9. Inelastic pushover analyses were conducted using Zeus-NL (Elnashai et al., 2003) for the structure
using the following lateral force distributions:
Inverted triangular load (code-pattern);
Lateral load distributions calculated from combinations of the first three modes of vibration (multimodal
Uniform lateral load distribution .
Final Project
The results from these analyses are provided in figure below. Comment on the
results obtained from the lateral force patterns considered in the inelastic static
Compare the ultimate strength of the building estimated from the inverted
triangular load distribution and the design lateral force. Comment on the
difference between the actual and the design strengths.
Base Shear (kN)
0 150 300 450 600
T op Disp. (mm)
Inelastic pushover analysis results for the entire structure in the X-direction
4.9 Concluding Remarks
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Thank you!
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