FTP Pitch Deck 2021
FTP Pitch Deck 2021
FTP Pitch Deck 2021
Average online article length- ~700 words (2.5-3 mins consumption time)
5-10 mins average time spent with online news daily, <1 mins for 18-35s =
Average consumption of only <1-<4 articles a day
In the US and UK 70% of people get their news primarily from online
Social Media ~65% of this, Written News Sites ~11% of this
Traditional news outlets are NOT accessible enough, especially for 18-35s
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By using quantitative data as the source rather than as a supplement
information is easy to verify, and has a high level of objectivity
Average time to consume FTP chart ~ 20 seconds
5-10 mins average time spent with online news daily, <1 mins for 18-35s =
Average possible consumption of 3-30 charts
Quick read time = more engagement
Easily understandable charts = more easily accessible
Visually based = appeals to an ever increasinly easily distracted consumer
0M $0B
Users Revenue
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Written-Qualitative Visual-Quantitative
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Competitive Advantage
Internal External
Cost Market
Content production involves two elements- Research By making graphs using quantitative info
and Graphics- easy to teach anyone. Keeps training there is a very large market of possible consumers
costs low and talent pool large (not affected by factors like political preference)
Time Time
Time taken to write a news article on traditional Time taken to consume 1 FTP graph is ~ 7x less
platform~1-3 days+ than time taken to read average-length online
Time taken to research + design FTP graph~ 60 news item
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Current MVP uses 3rd party application service, need to develop independent application
Need to integrate pattern recognition as to offer tailored graphs and sponsored content
Need to integrate web crawler into work-flow process to speed up research
Need to hire dedicated researcher/graphics producer to produce total~25 charts a day
Need to bring on board 20+ advertisers to rotate sponsored content
Need to begin integration of animated charts