Comparison of GC MS and FTIR Methods For
Comparison of GC MS and FTIR Methods For
Comparison of GC MS and FTIR Methods For
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / ch e m o s p h e r e
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The extraction of bitumen from the oil sands in Canada releases toxic naphthenic acids into the process-
Received 4 April 2008 affected waters. The development of an ideal analytical method for quantifying naphthenic acids (general
Received in revised form 8 July 2008 formula CnH2n + ZO2) has been impeded by the complexity of these mixtures and the challenges of differ
Accepted 10 July 2008
entiating naphthenic acids from other naturally-occurring organic acids. The oil sands industry standard
Available online 26 August 2008
FTIR method was compared with a newly-developed GC–MS method. Naphthenic acids concentrations
were measured in extracts of surface and ground waters from locations within the vicinity of and away
from the oil sands deposits and in extracts of process-affected waters. In all but one case, FTIR measure
Oil sands
ments of naphthenic acids concentrations were greater than those determined by GC–MS. The detection
Analytical methods limit of the GC–MS method was 0.01 mg L¡1 compared to 1 mg L¡1 for the FTIR method. The results indi
Tailings water cated that the GC–MS method is more selective for naphthenic acids, and that the FTIR method overesti
Alberta mates their concentrations.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction discharge OSPW to receiving water. Thus, huge tailings ponds have
been developed to hold and clarify OSPW, allowing a portion of
In northeastern Alberta, Canada, there are vast deposits of oil the water to be recycled in the extraction process. Ultimately the
sands that are now considered to be the world’s second largest OSPW will be discharged to receiving waters or reclaimed as sus
reserve of petroleum. Many international oil companies are invest tainable ecosystems. Consequently, there is considerable interest
ing and developing this valuable resource. These deposits contain in understanding the toxicity of the OSPW.
a biodegraded, viscous, tar-like material, known as bitumen, which MacKinnon and Boerger (1986) reported that the “main toxic
is associated with clay and sand particles. There are currently two components have been tentatively identified in the polar acidic
methods used to recover this energy supply. The first method fraction of the dissolved organic matter.” The materials in the polar
involves surface mining to remove oil sands from the ground, and acidic fraction are referred to as “naphthenic acids”. The current
bitumen is recovered using an alkaline hot water extraction pro industry standard method for quantifying “naphthenic acids”
cess (Schramm et al., 2000). The second method is known as steam involves a dichloromethane (DCM) extraction of an acidified water
assisted gravity drainage (SAGD, Butler, 2001) in which parallel hor sample, concentrating the extract and then measuring the absor
izontal wells are drilled into the oil sands deposit. Steam is injected bance that is characteristic for carboxylic acids by Fourier trans
into the upper horizontal well and released into the deposit to form infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy (Jivraj et al., 1995; Holowenko
reduce the viscosity of the bitumen. The fluid bitumen drains to et al., 2001).
the lower horizontal well where the bitumen and co-produced The definition of naphthenic acids is vague. Lochte and Littmann
water from the condensed steam are collected. Water recovered (1955) defined naphthenic acids as “carboxylic acids containing
from the alkaline hot water extraction, called oil sands process one or more alicyclic rings”, and the examples that they gave were
water (OSPW), is contained within tailings storage ponds for reuse monocarboxylic acids. Similarly, Hunt (1979) defines naphthenic
in the extraction process. The majority of the water recovered from acids as “petroleum acids containing naphthene or cycloparaf fi n
the SAGD process is recycled. structure”. Brient et al. (1995) described naphthenic acids by the
OSPWs are toxic to aquatic organisms (MacKinnon and Boer general formula CnH2n+ZO2, where n represents the number of car
ger, 1986; Nix and Martin, 1992) and oil sands companies cannot bon atoms in the molecule and Z specifies hydrogen deficiency in
the case of cyclic naphthenic acids. This formula implies the pres
ence of one carboxyl group, and the general formula has been used
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 780 492 3670; fax: +1 780 492 9234. widely in mass spectrometry studies to characterize naphthenic
E-mail address: (P.M. Fedorak). acids from various sources (see Clemente and Fedorak, 2005 for
0045-6535/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.C. Scott et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1258–1264 1259
review; Bataineh et al., 2006; Lo et al., 2006). In other studies, fulvic acids (2 mg L¡1) or Merichem naphthenic acids (0.1 mg L¡1).
naphthenic acids are considered to have more than one carboxyl Suwannee River fulvic acids reference material (cat no. 1R101F)
group. For example Smith et al. (2007) and Lutnaes et al. (2007) was purchased from the International Humic Substances Society
described tetraacids that form calcium naphthenate precipitates (University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN). Commercial refined naph
during crude oil production. In this paper, we consider naphthenic thenic acids were provided by Merichem Chemicals and Refinery
acids to be those compounds that fit the formula CnH2n+ZO2, and we Services LLC (Houston, TX).
refer to the polar acidic fraction measured by FTIR as “naphthenic Free fatty acids and naphthenic acids were extracted from
acids” (i.e. in quotation marks). water samples using a modified method of Merlin et al. (2007).
Qualitative or quantitative analyses of naphthenic acids pres Briefly, 10 lg of 9-fluorenecarboxylic acid (9-FCA; Sigma–Aldrich,
ent challenges that have yet to be solved. Because of the vast array Milwaukee, WI.) dissolved in dichloromethane (DCM; HPLC
of isomers for each value of n and Z in the formula CnH2n+ZO2, and grade, Fisher, Fair Lawn, NJ) was added as a surrogate standard
the inability to separate or identify individual naphthenic acids, to 1 L of water sample or 1 L of diluted sample. This solution
the exact chemical make-up of a naphthenic acids sample has not was acidified to pH 2 with concentrated HCl and 150 g NaCl was
been determined. Several analytic al methods have been used to dissolved into the sample. The water sample was then extracted
estimate the total concentration of naphthenic acids in a sample. with three 60-mL portions of chloroform (HPLC grade, Fisher).
Examples of these methods are: (a) FTIR analysis of the absorption The free carboxylic acids were recovered by extracting the chlo
intensity of the carboxyl group in the solvent extract of an aque roform phase with three 10-mL portions of an alkaline aqueous
ous sample (Jivraj et al., 1995; Holowenko et al., 2001), (b) deriva solution containing 4% (w v¡1) Na2CO3 (pH 11.6). The free carbox
tization of the carboxyl group followed by high performance liquid ylic acids were recovered from the alkaline solution by acidifying
chromatography (Yen et al., 2004) or gas chromatography (Jones with concentrated HCl to pH 2 and extracting three times with
et al., 2001) and integration of the resulting hump of unresolved 10-mL portions of DCM. The combined DCM extracts were dried
naphthenic acids, and (c) pre-concentration of acids from aqueous under nitrogen and the residue was transferred to a 2-mL glass
samples followed by negat ive-ion electrospray mass analyses, vial using fresh DCM. The extracts were again taken to dryness
monitoring the areas (intensity) of selected ions (Headley et al., under nitrogen and then stored at ¡20 °C until derivatization for
2002). GC–MS analysis.
Merlin et al. (2007) described a gas chromatography–mass
spectrometry (GC–MS) method to detect naphthenic acids in 2.2. Derivatization and quantification of naphthenic acids by GC–MS
aqueous samples. Chloroform extracts from acidified samples
were derivatized to yield t-butyldimethylsilyl esters of naphthenic The extracted naphthenic acids were derivatized based on the
acids. Reconstructed ion chromatograms for m/z = 267, correspond protocol of Clemente et al. (2004) using the N-methyl-N-(t-butyldi
ing to the t-butyldimethylsilyl esters of the C13H22O2-isomers (i.e. methylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) reagent, which contains
n = 13 and Z = ¡4 in the formula CnH2n+ZO2) gave a hump that was 1% t-butyldimethylsilylchloride (Lot 04115TC, Sigma, St. Louis, MO).
indicative of the presence of naphthenic acids. Young et al. (2007) The naphthenic acids were dissolved in 50 lL of DCM and mixed
used the same approach and GC–MS method to detect naphthenic with 50 lL of MTBSTFA. The solution was then incubated at 60 °C
acids in fish that were exposed to commercial naphthenic acids or for 20 min, dried under nitrogen, and the residue was dissolved in
OSPW. Despite the high background of naturally-occurring fatty 500 lL of DCM. The t-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives were analyzed
acids in fish, monitoring specifically for the m/z = 267 ion proved by GC–MS as follows.
to be very selective for naphthenic acids. More recently, Young The instrument used was an Agilent 6890N GC with a model
et al. (2008) developed a GC–MS method to estimate the concen 5973 inert mass selective detector. A 30-m HP-5MS capillary col
trations of naphthenic acids in fish. We have combined procedures umn (Agilent) was used with He as the carrier gas. The GC tem
from the reports of Merlin et al. (2007) and Young et al. (2008) perature program was 100 °C for 3 min, 8 °C min¡1 to 300 °C, and,
to develop a method to estimate naphthenic acids concentrations finally, holding at 300 °C for 5 min. The injection port temperature
in aqueous samples. The results from the newly-adapted GC–MS was 250 °C and the instrument was run in single ion monitoring
method were compared to the results for “naphthenic acids” (SIM) mode for m/z = 267. The dwell time was 100 ms and the
analyses by FTIR. resolution was low (peak width 0.7–0.9 amu). Samples (2 lL) of
derivatized NAs were injected in splitless mode with the splitless
time 2 min. The surrogate standard, 9-FCA, was chosen because
2. Materials and methods it yielded a major ion with m/z = 267, and it had a retention time
of about 21 min. The total area of the unresolved “hump”, corre
2.1. Sources and prepar ation of water samples sponding to the t-butyldimethylsilyl esters of C13H22O2-isomers,
eluting between approximately 15.5 and 20.5 min was integrated
For this study, water samples were collected from 18 loca and the area of the 9-FCA peak was also determined. The ratio of
tions within Alberta, Canada. These included samples of waters the “hump” area to 9-FCA peak area was then calculated and com
from seven oil sands tailings ponds, two SAGD operations, six pared to values from a calibration plot.
rivers in the vicinity of the oil sands deposits including one A calibration plot for GC–MS was prepared with commercial
location upstream of the oil sands operations (at Fort McMur naphthenic acids as follows. A concentrated stock solution of
ray), in addition to samples from one river and two domestic Merichem naphthenic acids was made by dissolving the acids in
wells located several hundred kilometers southwest of the oil 100 mM NaOH. The stock solution was then diluted with North Sas
sands. katchewan River water to yield calibration standards with concen
Tailings pond samples that contained suspended solids were trations ranging from 0 to 0.5 mg naphthenic acids L¡1 in a final
clarified by adjusting the pH to »10.5 with 2 M NaOH and centri volume of 1 L. Each 1-L standard solution was extracted using the
fuging at 15000g for 20 min. The supernatant was recovered and protocol described in Section 2.1. The recovered naphthenic acids
analyzed. Water samples that were predicted to have naphthenic were derivatized and analyzed as described above. The ratio of the
acids concentrations >0.5 mg L¡1 were diluted with doubly dis unresolved hump area to the 9-FCA peak area was then plotted
tilled H2O to a final concentration <0.5 mg L¡1 prior to extraction against naphthenic acids concentration to generate a calibration
and analysis by GC–MS or FTIR. Selected samples were spiked with plot.
1260 A.C. Scott et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1258–1264
2.3. Extraction of free fatty acids and naphthenic acids from water 3. Results and discussion
samples for FTIR
Currently there is no absolute analytical method for the deter
In the absence of 9-FCA, each 1-L portion of a water sample mination of naphthenic acids in environmental samples because
was acidified to pH 2 with concentrated HCl, then 150 g NaCl was there is no procedure that can separate each compound in a naph
dissolved into the sample. Each sample was then extracted with thenic acids mixture. Furthermore, authentic standards of each
three 60-mL portions of chloroform. The free carboxylic acids were of these compounds are not available. Thus, for the estimation of
recovered by extracting the chloroform phase with three 10-mL naphthenic acids concentrations in aqueous samples, it is assumed
portions of an alkaline aqueous solution containing 4% (w v¡1) (1) that a commercial mixture used to calibrate the method is rep
Na2CO3 (pH 11.6). Then the free carboxylic acids were recovered resentative of the naphthenic acids in the mixture being analyzed,
from the alkaline solution by acidifying with concentrated HCl to (2) that the solvent extraction efficiency is high and consistent, and
pH 2 and extracting three times with 10-mL portions of DCM. The (3) that the response factor of the detector being used is the same
combined DCM extracts were dried under nitrogen and the residue for all of the compounds in the mixture. In addition, if a derivatiza
was transferred to a glass vial using fresh DCM. The dissolved car tion reaction is used, it is assumed that the efficiency of the deriva
boxylic acids were again dried under nitrogen and then dissolved tization is the same for all compounds in the commercial mixture
in 5 mL DCM and stored at 4 °C prior to analysis of the DCM solu used to calibrate the method and for all of the compounds in the
tions by FTIR as described below. sample being analyzed. In the industrial standard FTIR method,
naphthenic acids from Kodak (Eastman Kodak Company, Roches
2.4. FTIR quantification of naphthenic acids ter, NY) are typically used for calibration (Jivraj et al., 1995; Holo
wenko et al., 2001). However, Scott et al. (2005) demonstrated that
FTIR quantific ation of naphthenic acids was done by the the estimated naphthenic acids concentration in two OSPWs was
nalytical and Instrumentation Laboratory (Department of Chem
A influenced by which commercial naphthenic acids preparation
istry, University of Alberta) using the method developed by Jivraj was used for calibration of an HPLC method. For our study, Meri
et al. (1995). The instrument was a Thermo Nicolet Magna 760 chem refined naphthenic acids were used to calibrate the FTIR and
FTIR operated in transmission mode. Omnic Software (version 7.1) GC–MS methods.
was used to acquire and process the spectra. The baseline used In their liquid or solid states, most carboxylic acids exist as
for the peak height measurements was from 1900 to 1513 cm¡1. a dimer due to hydrogen bonding between neighboring COOH
The absorbances at 1743 and 1705 cm¡1 were summed. For each groups (Lin-Vien et al., 1991). The dimer gives a single, sharp,
spectrum, 64 co-added scans were obtained. The solvent (DCM) intense CO stretch band near 1700 cm¡1. For example, cast film FTIR
background used for all spectra was obtained using 64 scans. analysis of the Merichem naphthenic acids gives a strong band at
The spectral resol ution was 4 cm¡1 and the spectral range was 1708 cm¡1 (data not shown). However, in dilute solutions, an equi
4000–400 cm¡1. The pathlength of the varia ble pathlength liquid librium exists between monomers and hydrogen-bonded dimers.
cell was 3.0 mm. The bench was purged continuously with dry N2 The monomer CO stretch band is at a higher frequency than that
and was allowed to re-establish the purge for 3 min after a sam of the dimer. In our dilute DCM solutions of naphthenic acids, the
ple was placed within the sample compartment and before the monomer absorbs at 1743 cm¡1 whereas the dimer absorbs at
spectrum was obtained. 1705 cm¡1 (Fig. 1). In the preparation of calibration plots for the
Naphthenic acids in samples were quantified based on com FTIR analyses, the peak heights at 1743 cm¡1 and 1705 cm¡1 are
parison to a calibration plot prepared as follows: a concentrated summed (Jivraj et al., 1995; Holowenko et al., 2001) to account for
stock solution of Merichem naphthenic acids was made by dis the contributions of both the monomers and the dimers present
solving the acids in DCM. Aliquots of the stock solution were then at equilibrium.
diluted with DCM to yield calib ration standards with concentra When applying our calibration plots for the GC–MS analy
tions ranging from 0 to 300 mg naphthenic acids L¡1 in a final ses of naphthenic acids, it was also assumed that quantifying the
volume of 5 mL DCM. The standards were analyzed in the same C13H22O2-isomers would be representative of all of the isomer
manner described above and the peak heights at 1743 cm¡1 (for classes of naphthenic acids from the oil sands. For this to be true,
monomers) and 1705 cm¡1 (for hydrogen-bonded dimers) were the proportion of the C13H22O2-isomers in the Merichem mixture
summed and graphed versus naphthenic acids concentrations in used for the calibration plot should be the same as the propor
the standards. tion of C13H22O2-isomers in the oil sands naphthenic acids. From
data presented by Bataineh et al. (2006), we calculated that the
2.5. Analyses of free fatty acids in river water samples
some river water samples showed the presence of free fatty acids.
Dodecanoic (C12), tetradecanoic (C14), hexadecanoic (C16), and oleic
0.08 S
(C18:1) acids were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich, and octadecanoic
(C18) acid was purchased from BDH Chemical Ltd. (Poole, England). 0.04 R
Calibration plots were prepared by derivatizing these standards
with MTBSTFA. The derivatized extracts of the river water samples 0.00
obtained from sites within the oil sands region (excluding the Fort 1850 1800 1750 1700 1650
McMurray site) were then reanal yzed by GC–MS using full scan Wavenumber (cm -1)
mode. Peak intensities corresponding to these fatty acids were
compared with the calibration plot to determine their concentra Fig. 1. FTIR spectra of extracts from tailings water (T) from company C, Merichem
naphthenic acids (M), SAGD water (S) from company C, and Athabasca River water
tion in the waters. In cases where fatty acids eluted with an unre (R) from near two oil sands companies. In the dilute DCM solutions analyzed by
solved complex mixture, the baseline was adjusted to integrate FTIR, the monomers of the carboxylic acids absorb at 1743 cm¡1 and the hydrogen-
only the fatty acid peaks. bonded dimers absorb at 1705 cm¡1.
A.C. Scott et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1258–1264 1261
Table 2 Table 3
Results from GC–MS and FTIR analyses of samples from the Athabasca River and its Results from GC–MS and FTIR analyses of water samples from sources at four oil
tributaries in the area of the oil sands deposits sands companies (A to D)
Sample Total free fatty Naphthenic “Naphthenic Ratio: FTIR/ Sample Naphthenic acids “Naphthenic Ratio: FTIR/
acidsa (mg L¡1) acids by GC–MS acids” by FTIR GC–MS by GC–MS (mg L¡1) acids” by FTIR GC–MS
(mg L¡1) (mg L¡1) (mg L¡1)
Athabasca 0.003 <0.01 0.26 >26 A – fresh water reservoir 0.099 ± 0.045a 0.53 ± 0.06a 5.4
Riverb A – tailings pond I 17 45 2.6
Jackpine 0.002 <0.01 0.43 >43 A – tailings pond II 6.4 25 3.9
Creek A – aged tailings water 2.9 11 3.8
Ells River 0.005 <0.01 0.45 >45 B – tailings pond (2004)b 4.0 17 4.2
Muskeg River 0.004 0.014 0.57 40 B – tailings pond (2007)b 12 34 2.8
Mackay River 0.012 <0.01 0.55 >54 C – CT pondc 4.9 18 3.7
Sum of the C12, C14, C16, C18, and C18:1 fatty acids. C – tailings pond 53 ± 15a 78 ± 1.5a 1.5
Sample taken downstream of two oil sands processing plants. C – SAGD 21 120 5.7
D – SAGD 110 ± 57d 100 0.91
Mean of three replicates ± one standard deviation.
3.2. Analyses of natur al water samples from locations near the oil Samples from the same tailings pond taken in different years.
sands CT = consolidated or composite tailings.
Mean of two replicates ± one standard deviation.
Many rivers and creeks flow through the area of the oil sands
deposits. In some cases, the oil sands are exposed in the river extraction process. The mean concentrations were 0.099 mg L¡1 by
banks, and susceptible to erosion and dissolution of materials from GC–MS and 0.53 mg L¡1 by FTIR. The latter value is in the range of
the oil sands into the river (Headley et al., 2001). Five natural flow “naphthenic acids” found in surface waters in the vicinity of the oil
ing waters were sampled from various locations within the region sands (Table 2).
of the oil sands deposits, upstream of current mining operations The “naphthenic acids” concentrations determined by FTIR
(Young et al., 2008). Extracts of these samples were analyzed by ranged from 11 to 110 mg L¡1 in all of the sampled tailings waters
GC–MS and FTIR (Table 2). Naphthenic acids concentrations in four and the SAGD waters (Table 3). These values are consistent with
of the samples were below the limit of detection by the GC–MS previous values based on FTIR of tailings waters (Clemente and
method. That is, no hump from ions with m/z = 267 was detected in Fedorak, 2005). Both the GC–MS and FTIR methods showed that
the extracts of these four samples. the lowest concentration was found in an aged tailings water sam
FTIR analyses of extracts of the same five samples measured ple. Schramm et al. (2000) also reported that “naphthenic acids”
“naphthenic acids” concentrations between 0.26 and 0.57 mg L¡1 concentrations decreased with natural aging. The highest con
(Table 2), based on the absorption of carboxyl groups. These con centrations from FTIR analyses were found in the SAGD waters.
centrations fell within the range of about 0.1–0.9 mg L¡1 reported Although Jennings and Shaikh (2007) observed organic acids and
by Schramm et al. (2000) who quantified the “naphthenic acids” salts of organic acids in heat exchangers used in the SAGD process,
in eleven Athabasca River water samples collected from 100 km to our knowledge, this is the first report of “naphthenic acids” con
upstream of Fort McMurray to the delta of Lake Athabasca. Thus, centrations in SAGD waters.
although our extraction method was different than the oil sands In all but one case, the GC–MS method yielded lower concentra
industry standard method (Jivraj et al., 1995; Holowenko et al., tions than the FTIR method (Table 3), and the ratios of FTIR/GC–MS
2001), the “naphthenic acids” concentrations in Table 2 agree with concentrations were all <5.7 (Table 3). These ratios were markedly
the results of Schramm et al. (2000). As was observed with the lower than those for the river water samples (Tables 1 and 2), sug
river waters in Table 1, the FTIR method gave higher concentra gesting that the use of this ratio is a good indicator of the presence
tions than the GC–MS method (Table 2). The ratios of FTIR/GC–MS of compounds with the formula CnH2n+ZO2.
concentrations were >26 (Table 2).
GC–MS analyses were done to quantify the five most abundant 3.4. The future of OSPW and analytic al challenges
free fatty acids in waters from the samples listed in Table 2, as well
as in samples from the North Saskatchewan River and the Athaba After the industrial activities in the oil sands region conclude,
sca River (upstream of the oil sands operations). The total concen the environment that has been disturbed by the mining and extrac
trations of these free fatty acids ranged from 0.001 mg L¡1 in both tion processes must be reclaimed. As part of the reclamation, the
the Athabasca River (upstream of the oil sands operations) and toxicity of OSPW must be mitigated and the contents of the vast
the North Saskatchewan River, to 0.012 mg L¡1 in the Mackay River tailings ponds must be able to support viable ecosystems. Even
sample. Data on free fatty acid content in fresh waters is scarce, tually, these waters may be released to natural water-courses in
however Fatoki and Vernon (1989) reported free fatty acids concen the region. The “naphthenic acids” content of OSPW is the major
tration between 0.022 and 0.165 mg L¡1 in samples from three riv component associated with toxicity (Nero et al., 2006; Peters et al.,
ers in the United Kingdom. The concentrations that we found were 2007). However, there are still major challenges in understanding
lower than those reported by Fatoki and Vernon (1989). The free the make-up of “naphthenic acids” and their toxicity. For example,
fatty acids concentrations in Table 2 represent only 0.4–2.2% of Bataineh et al. (2006) demonstrated the presence of hydroxy-naph
the “naphthenic acids” that could be detected by the FTIR method. thenic acids in OSPW using capillary HPLC/QTOF-MS and GC-high
Thus, these naturally-occurring free fatty acids are not major com resolution MS. In addition to the reactive hydrogen atom on the
ponents of the “naphthenic acids” in these surface water samples. carboxyl group, hydroxy-naphthenic acids have a reactive hydro
gen atom on the hydroxyl group. Both of these reactive hydrogen
3.3. Analyses of water samples from oil sands companies atoms react with MTBSTFA yielding a di(t-butyldimethylsilyl)
ester. Clemente et al. (2004) illustrated how the presence of this
Ten water samples were collected from four oil sands com second reactive hydrogen atom leads to a 130-amu increase in the
panies, and Table 3 summarizes the GC–MS and FTIR analyses of molecular mass as a result of the addition of the second t-butyldi
these samples. The lowest concentrations were found in a fresh methylsilyl group. GC-low resolution MS (as used in the current
water reservoir that is used to collect and store water for use in the study) cannot distinguish between di(t-butyldimethylsilyl) esters
A.C. Scott et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1258–1264 1263
of hydroxy-naphthenic acids and the mono t-butyldimethylsilyl were actually in the river water samples (i.e. in samples spiked
esters of higher molecular mass naphthenic acids. For instance, with Merichem naphthenic acids) the ratios fell to 1.8 and 3 (Table
after derivatization with MTBSTFA, the di(t-butyldimethylsilyl) 1). These were closer to the range of ratios (0.91–5.7) observed
esters hydroxy-naphthenic acids with n = 13 and Z = ¡4, cannot with OSPW samples (Table 3).
be distinguished from the t-butyldimethylsilyl esters naphthenic The development and validation of analytical methods for
acids with n = 24 and Z = 0 using GC-low resol ution MS (Clemente studying naphthenic acids continues to be a formidable challenge.
et al., 2004). GC-high resolution MS can distinguish between The results presented in this paper show that the FTIR method is
MTBSTFA-derivatized hydroxy-naphthenic acids and MTBSTFA- reasonable for the analysis of OSPW, but it appears to overestimate
derivatized naphthenic acids (Bataineh et al., 2006). Hydroxy- the naphthenic acids in river waters. This will present a major prob
naphthenic acids contain three oxygen atoms and fit the formula lem for monitoring or regulating naphthenic acids concentrations
CnH2n+ZO3, rather than CnH2n+ZO2. These can be distinguished by in natural water systems. Although the GC–MS method described
capillary HPLC/QTOF-MS (Bataineh et al., 2006) or by negative-ion here has its limitations, the specificity of the method makes it more
electrospray high-field Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance suitable than the FTIR method for measuring naphthenic acids in
mass spectrometry (Qian et al., 2001). natural water systems. Nonetheless, the ideal method for character
The hydroxy-naphthenic acids are measured as “naphthenic izing and quantifying the toxic organic acids in OSPW and nearby
acids” by the FTIR method, but are not quantified by our more river waters remains to be developed.
selective GC–MS method that monitors the m/z = 267 ions. The dif
ferences between the results from the GC–MS and the FTIR method Acknowledgements
shown in Table 3 are likely due, in part, to hydroxy-naphthenic
acids. At present, there is no analytical method available to specifi Funding was provided by the Canadian Water Network and
cally quantify the hydroxy-naphthenic acids, nor is there any infor NSERC. We thank W. Moffat for the FTIR analyses and valuable dis
mation on whether the hydroxy-naphthenic acids are more or less cussions during the preparation of the manuscript. We also thank
toxic to aquatic life than naphthenic acids. J. Hopping for providing the Athabasca River water (Fort McMurray
OSPW contains a myriad of compounds, including polycyclic sample), and D. Coy and S. Ebert for providing the domestic well
aromatic hydrocarbons. However, because naphthenic acids are water samples. We also acknowledge the willingness of oil sands
much more water soluble than hydrocarbons, these acids are excel companies to supply samples of OSPW and we thank F. Kuzmic for
lent indicators of OSPW seepage into waters courses. It is now collecting river samples in the oil sands area.
clear that regul atory agencies will stipulate that naphthenic acids
be monitored as a key indicator of OSPW in receiving waters near References
the oil sands operations. Thus, an accurate, sensitive, and specific
method for analyzing naphthenic acids must be developed. Bataineh, M., Scott, A.C., Fedorak, P.M., Martin, J.W., 2006. Capillary HPLC/QTOF-MS
Some of the current tailings ponds are adjacent to rivers and for characterizing complex naphthenic acids mixtures and their microbial trans
formations. Anal. Chem. 78, 8354–8361.
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