Module 4 Business Ethics
Module 4 Business Ethics
Module 4 Business Ethics
Aldersgate College Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Business Management and Accountancy
Aldersgate College Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Business Management and Accountancy
• be actively concerned with the difficulties and problems of subordinates, treat them fairly and by example, lead them effectively,
assuring to all the right of reasonable access and appeal to superiors;
• recognize that his subordinates have a right to information on matter affecting them, and make provision for its prompt
communication unless such communication is likely to undermine the security and efficiency of the business;
• fully evaluate the likely effects on employees and the community of the business plans for the future before taking a final
decision and
• cooperate with his colleagues and not attempt to secure personal advantage at their expense.
In an article, ’‘Ethical Challenges in Today’s World” written by Ms. Mercedes B. Suleik published in the Business Mirror on
February 13, 2018 the author expressed her insights on “Business Ethics” where an inherent conflict between ethics and the
pursuit of profit is more pronounced.
Cited in this article is the message of Pope Francis in his Ecumenical, Evangeli Gaudium
“Humanity is experiencing a turning point in its history as can be seen from the advances occurring in the sciences and
technology. We are in age of knowledge and information and that this has led to new and often anonymous kinds of power. We
have today an economy of exclusion and inequality”.
“In a system that idolizes increased profit, everything that stands in its way is pushed aside. Behind this attitude lurks a rejection
of ethics. Ethics has come to be viewed with derision as being counterproductive. Ethics is felt to be a threat because it
condemns the manipulation and debasement of the person and that ethics leads to a call for a committed response, which is
outside of the categories of the marketplace”
She also quoted Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclical Caritas in Veritate
Humanity has a mission and the means to transform the world in justice and love in human relations, even in the social and
economic field. Market economics must be underpinned by commitments to particular moral goods and a certain version of the
human person if it is to serve rather than undermine humanity’s common good. The economy needs ethics in order to function
correctly - not an ethics which is people- oriented.”
Post Test
1. What does business ethics mean?
2. What is the main objective of observing ethical behavior in business?
3. Name the other purpose of business ethics.
4. What is the scope of business ethics?
5. Explain the economic impact of observing business ethics.
6. What is the impact of business ethics to society in general?
7. Explain how business managers could act ethically.
8. Describe the inherent conflict between ethics and pursuit of profit.
9. Explain and give example “Humanity has a mission and the means to transform the world in justice and love in human
relations, even in the social and economic field.
Aldersgate College Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Business Management and Accountancy