Rational Structural Design of Nile Barges: Alexandria Engineering Journal
Rational Structural Design of Nile Barges: Alexandria Engineering Journal
Rational Structural Design of Nile Barges: Alexandria Engineering Journal
Alexandria University
Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Department, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract This paper has demonstrated the design aspects for inland water units working in the
River Nile. The acting loads and stresses induced within the structural elements of Nile barges
Nile barges;
are still water bending moment and stresses, local hydrostatic pressure and local stresses. The objec-
Rational design;
tive of this work is to rationalize the design procedure using the actual data of loads, weights and
Strength estimation;
Modes of failure design procedure. The rational structural analysis includes the elastic and plastic stresses analyses of
a unit. It composed from different stages of analyses such as primary, secondary and tertiary anal-
ysis in addition to the plastic analysis. Applied this approach on an existing barge will lead to sig-
nificant reduction in steel weight of the barge without violating the safety of the structure.
Accordingly, the cargo carrying capacity will increase which can economically have an effect on
all terms of transportation business.
Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
1. Introduction
1110-0168 Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1026 M.A. Shama et al.
material deterioration due to corrosion
Fig. 1 Design spiral (Ref. No. [3]). 3.2. Buckling of structural members
and major structure. Proper choices assure the attainment of If a structure is subjected to a compressive load, it should sud-
the mission necessities like sensible seakeeping performance, denly deflect once a critical value is reached by the load. This
maneuverability, the desired speed, endurance, loading capa- critical value is called the point of buckling. When a big deflec-
bility, and deadweight [3]. The procedures of design are illus- tion occurs, even once the load is removed, the structure may
trated within the Design Spiral, Evans (1959) (see Fig. 1). not recover its initial shape [5].
In this paper, a redesign of the Nile barges on the basis of
the rational structural analysis is applied. The rational struc- 3.3. Fatigue
tural analysis includes the elastic and plastic stresses analyses
of a unit. It composed from different stages of analyses such Small loads can fracture the structure when repeated fre-
as primary, secondary and tertiary analysis in addition to the quently. The fracture occurs due to fatigue. Sometimes fatigue
plastic analysis. Applied this approach on an existing barge comes from reduced loads than yielding strength, particularly
can result in decrease the building materials that needed for where there is a very big amount of cycles. Sometimes vibra-
this unit. tion causes this sort of fracture, particularly when the fre-
quency is very high [5].
2. Structural analysis for inland water units Fatigue doesn’t have a great effect in the case of Rive Nile
units because there are no waves, so the structure is subjected
The hull structure was initially planned by the designer in a only to cyclic loads resulted from the machinery which could
strategy that will efficiently withstand the most likely load esti- be neglected in that case.
mated from past failure modes knowledge [4]. Consequently,
once damage happens in the structure, the following facts 3.4. Material deterioration due to corrosion
are indicated:
It is the gradual destruction of fabric by chemical reaction with
The magnitude of the failure load is greater than or equal to their surroundings like sea water. This must be considered as a
the load anticipated. mode of failure. Deterioration is not expected to be severe for
Specific failure occurs in a very distinct mode from the Nile barges because the vessel is working in fresh water.
assumed one.
3. Modes of failure
This case study is a self-propelled Nile barge, which was con- (3) Calculation of section modulus for the midship section
structed in 2015. of the unit.
The following particulars are as follows:
Zb ¼ 3:64 m3
Zd ¼ 1:35m3
Fig. 11 Modification of structures.
Compounding of stresses at bottom plate after modifica-
tion = 1.72 MPA
The acting stress that affects the structure should be less
than the yield stress of the material and the Euler buckling 7.3. The plastic section modulus of the mid ship section for the
stress. unit is given by:
The thickness of the plates used in the structure shouldn’t
be less than 6 mm.
ZP ¼ 10:31 m3
It is to be noted that the acting bending moment on the
MP ¼ 2577500 KN m
structure due to still water, cargo and various loads will pro-
duce tensile and compressive stresses on structure members. Here, the plastic moment that required to spread plasticity
in the whole section of the inland water unit is
Tensile stresses will cause yielding of strength members. (2,577,500 KN m). This a greatest value of plastic moment
These stresses are less than yield stress of the material. can never reached, because the still water bending moment that
Compressive stress will cause buckling of strength members. can affect the unit in the River Nile is very limited, it is about
These stresses are less than Euler buckling stress. (6155.368 KN m).
Rational structural design 1031