Regal Raptor NAC Owner Manual PDF
Regal Raptor NAC Owner Manual PDF
Regal Raptor NAC Owner Manual PDF
The manual introduces to you basic operation and method of maintenance of this
motorcycle. Please read the manual carefully before driving the motorcycle. Proper
operation and maintenance of the motorcycle will ensure less trouble and optimum
performance and service life. The authorized service dealers at various areas will take
their pleasure in providing you with more technical consultations and after-sales
The data, instructions, specifications, and pictures demonstrated in the manual are
based on the latest design information available at the time of approval for printing.
Our company reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice of changed
parameters and other information.
Thank you for purchasing motorcycle. Wish you a comfortable and pleasant long
trip in the future.
The engine of this motorcycle rotates at high speed. In order to make sure that the engine can run
normally, prolong its service life and safeguard your interests, please operate the motorcycle accord-
ing to the following regulations:
1.During the first 1,000 km ,avoid full the throttle and never labour the engine. The rotating speed
of the engine should be strictly restricted to less than 6000rpm.
2.After the first 500km,and every 3000km in the future,please clean the engine and change engine
oil in accordance with the requirements of Operation and Maintenance Manual.
Special Attention
If you operate the motorcycle without following traffic regulations and instructions in
the manual, or under abnormal conditions such as driving on terrible bumps or
overloaded, safety accidents or equipment damage may occur.
This manual should be considered a permanent part of the motorcycle and should
remain with the motorcycle when resold.
The company reserves all rights of the manual. No part of this publication may be
reproduced without written permission of the company, and any violation will be
brought to justice.
When riding your motorcycle, you must pay attention to traffic safety. Only after
you have checked your motorcycle can you drive it.
A motorcycle rider usually has his/her head injured in an accident. In order to ensure
personal safety, the rider should wear a helmet, goggles, boots, gloves etc. The
passenger should wear the same right gear.
The temperature of the muffler is very high when the motorcycle is ridden. The
passenger should wear boots or shoes high enough to cover his/her ankles to prevent
his/her feet from being scalded. The rider should wear close-fitting clothes to prevent
loose clothing catching the handlebars, kick starter, footpegs and tyres.
Modification of the motorcycle or change of original equipment may render the
motorcycle unsafe
unsafe of
of illegal.
illegal. Obey
Obey all
all traffic
traffic regulations
regulations stipulated
stipulated by
by the
the local
local traffic
If you have any better suggestions, you can inform us through correspondence. It is
advisable to modify your motorcycle only after being agreed by us. Otherwise, you
will be responsible for all consequences.
The motorcycle is sensitive to changes in weight distribution. Improper loading of
cargo can impair the motorcycle's performance and stability.
Keep cargo weight low and close to the center of the motorcycle. Load weight equally
on both sides of the motorcycle to minimize imbalance. As weight is located further
from the center of gravity, handling is proportionally affected.
Properly adjust the tire pressure and the spring of the rear shock absorber according to
the load weight and road conditions.
Firmly Mount loads on the motorcycle in order to ensure stable handling.
Av o i d f a s t e n i n g l a rg e o r h e a v y l o a d s t o h a n d l e b a r s , f r o n t f o r k o r d a s h b o a r d
Otherwise it can adversely affect stability and handling. NEVER exceed the
maximum weight limit of 171kg.
Accessories produced by our company have undergone special design and test,
and can render the motorcycle safe. They are optional for users. Users will take
responsibility for their selection, installation and use of accessories not produced by
our company. Please obey safe riding rules and follow the next points:
Carefully check your accessories, make them out of sight line, reduce distance
between them and the ground and side dip angle, and keep suspension or steering
device from moving or affect handling.
Avoid attaching any electrical equipment. Otherwise it can bring trouble to the
electrical system.
Headlight Front left turn signal Electric horn Gearshift lever Main footrest
Kickstand Engine number Engine Left exhaust muffler Secondary footrest
Rear shock absorber Rear left turn signal License light Taillight
16 Radiator cover
Front right turn signal light Front Shock absorber Front wheel Front brake disc
Front brake pump Frame name plate Raditor Rear Brake padel Carburetor
Right muffler Rear brake Rear right turn signal light Seat Fuel tank
left right turn signal indicator
trip meter reset
tripmeter odometer
right turn signal indicator
high beam indicator
neutral gear indicator 9
[Ignition Switch]
The ignition switch is on the front right
Side of the fuel tank
The circuit is cut off.The engine Ignition Switch
can't be operated.Key can be removed.
The circuit is closed. Engine can
be operated. When in neutral position, the
neutral gear inducator is on and the key
can't be removed
The lock is below the steering
stem.To lock the steering, turn the
hangdlebars all the way to the left,
steering lock
turn the ignition key clockwise to
lock while pushing in, and then
remove the key.
Caution: Always lock the steering
when the motorcycle is not run.
1. h orn b utton
2. t urn s ignal s witch
3. p assing s witch
4. h eadlight d immer s witch
5. c hoke v alve h andle
[Horn Button]
Press the horn button
to sound the horn if necessary.
[Headlight Dimmer Switch] select D for low beam and D (blue) for high beam.
[Turn Signal Switch]
The turn signal switch has three positions. Move to to signal a left turn with
both front and rear left turn signal lights on, and to signal a right turn with both
front and rear right rurn signal lights on. Press to turn signal off with both signal lights
off.The switch will automatically return to mid.Position.
[Passing Switch]
The passing switch is on the left handlebar.
Select for low beam and press the passing switch,and then both low beam and highbeam
lights are on. Release the switch and only low beam light is on
When the motorcycle overtakes at night, use the passing switch instead of constantly
turning on and off the headlight dimmer switch. Therefore, the operation becomes so
simple to ensure safe riding.
[Choke valve handle]
The choke valve handle is on the left handlebar.
To start a cold engine, turn the choke valve handle
downwards to close the choke Valve.
To start a warm engine or ride normally after
starting, turn the handle upwards to open
the choke valve.
Electric starter button
Headlight switch
Engine cut-off switch
[Electric Starter Button]
The starter button is one of the right handlebar controls
1. Make sure that the gear is shifted to neutral and the fuel switch is in the position
of or grasp the clutch lever to separate the clutch when the motorcycle
remains in any other gear.
2.Push in the ignition key and turn it to
3.Turn the engine cut-off switch to and press the electric starter button At
the same time,slightly opening the throttle can crank the engine.
[Headlight Switch]
The headlight switch has three positions P and.
headlight,taillight,meter lights and license plate light on.
P front position light,taillight,meter lights and license plate light on.
headlight,taillight,front position light,meter lights and license plate light off.
Note: Front position light is in the front turn signal light.
[Engine Cut-off Switch]
Engine Cut-off Switch is one of the right handlebar controls.
meaning that the whole circuit is cut off, the engine can't be cranked or to stop
the running engine.
meaning that the whole circuit is switching-in, the engine can be cranked. To
the engine cut-off switch must be turn to .
[Rear Shock Absorber]
FUEL TANK AND CAP rear shock absorber 1~5 adjusting position marks
Don't overfill the tank (there should be no fuel in the filler neck). After refueling,
After refueling,make sure the fuel cap is closed securely.
While refueling,fuel should he filtered through the filter at the mouth of the tank or
specially filtered before.
Engine oil quality is the chief factor affecting 40
engine performance and service life. So the 30
engine oil should be selected according to 20
requirements, not superseded by general 20W 40
engine oil, gear oil and vegetable oil. 20W
The motorcycle uses engine oil SAE10W/40 15W 40
API SG when being sold. If you want to 15W 30
change the oil for other engine oil, use only 15W
quality engine oil certified to meet or exceed 10W 30
requirements for service SG. The viscosity 10W 20
grade of engine oil should be based on the 10W
atmospheric temperature in your riding area 5W 30
as the picture attached shows. To change 5W 20
engine oil, you should drain existing oil out 5W
of crankcase, clean the case with detergent -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 C
kerosene and then refuel new oil according to The selection of viscosity of oil to be
the provision. sued at various atmospheric
temperatures in different areas
Proper air pressure will provide maximum stability, riding comfort and tyre life
Load Tyres pressure(kpa) Tyres pressure(kpa)
Driver only Front:225 Rear:225
Driver and one passenger Front:250 Rear:250
Operatio n with excessiv ely worn tyres is hazardou s and will adversel y affect traction,
stability and handlin g. Imprope r tire inflatio n will cause abnorm al tread wear and
create a safety hazard. Underin flation may result in the tyre slipping on or coming off
the rim and causing an accident .
Tyre pressure should be checked before you ride while the tyres are cold. Check
tyres for cuts, imbedded nails or other sharp objects. Check tyres for dents or
deforma tion. If there is any damage , see your authoriz ed service dealer for repair or
replace ment. Replace tyres before tread depth at the center of the tire reaches the
followin g limit:
Insp ect your moto rcyc le befo re you ride it. The item s liste d here will only take a few
minu tes to chec k and can save trou bles hoot ing time whil e you are driv ing and ensu re
your safe ridin g
Oil leve l---c heck the leve l and if nece ssary,add oil. And chec k for oil leak s.
Fron t and rear brak es--- chec k oper ation and if nece ssary,adju st free play.
Tyre s---c heck cond ition and pres sure of both fron t and rear tyres . If nece ssary,char ge
or repa ir.
Thro ttle- --che ck for smoo th open ing and full closi ng in all steer ing posi tions ,
conn ectio n of steer ing line, and free play of hand le. If nece ssary, adju st or chan ge.
Ligh ts and sign als-- -che ck that the head light , tailli ght. turn sign als and horn func tion
prop erly. If nece ssary, adju st or repa ir.
Chai n---c heck that the chai n func tion s and is lubr icate d prop erly. If it is seve rely
worn or dam aged , chan ge it.
Stee ring- --che ck the flexi bilit y and stabi lity of steer ing. If nece ssary, adju st.
NEV ER run the engi ne in a narr ow area lest the exha ust shou ld not easi ly diffu se.
NEV ER start the engi ne whe n the engi ne is in gear, othe rwis e it will caus e equi pme nt
dam age and an accid ent.
[Preparing to ride]
Push in the ignition key and turn it to the position of turn the fuel switch
handle to and engine cut-off switch to and pull up the choke valve
handle to close the valve (not necessary if the engine is warmed up). Shift the gear to
the neutral position with neutral gear indicator on (green), or shift to any gear, grasp
the clutch lever and start the engine.
(Electric Starting)
Press the electric starter button and open the throttle slightly to start the engine.
1. Don't use the electric starter for more than 3-5 seconds at a time,
otherwise the battery may be discharged quickly.
2. Release the starter button immediately after the engine is cranked
3. Don't press the starter button while the engin is running, otherwise it may
adversely affect the engine.
4. Release the starter button for 2 minutes when the engine is not able to start for
three consecutive times, otherwise the battery may be discharged quickly
and used for a shorter period of time.
[Shift ing Gears ]Warm up the engin e.
1. While the engin e is idle, releas e the clutch , put your foot on the gears hift pedal
to shift into a low gear( first gear) ;
2. Gradu ally accele rate the engin e and slowl y loose the clutch handl e. Coord inate
them to start riding steadi ly.
3. When the motor cycle rides steadi ly, feedb ack oil enabl es the engin e to slow
down , releas e the clutch again and pull the gearsh ift pedal up to shift into secon d
gear. It is the same for chang ing to any other gear.
RUN NING -IN Runni ng-in speed table
Durin g initial runnin g-in of 1000k m, avoid
full thrott le use and never labor the engin e by Gear Speed
shiftin g gears. Strict ly restric t the engin e to
less than 6000 rpm. Durin g initia l runni ng-in First 0-15k m/h
of 500 km, the maxim um speed shoul d not be
more than 55 km/h and during the first Secon d 10-30 km/h
500-1 000 km, no more than 70 km/h. . Timel y
Third 20-45 km/h
perfo rmanc e of the runni ng-in maint enanc e
will ensur e optim um servi ce life and Fourt h 30-55 km/h
perfo rmanc e form the engin e. Runn ing-in
speed in every gear is show n in the Fifth 50-70 km/h
right table.
NEVER shift gears when the clutch is not released and the throttle is
not decreased. Otherwise it will bring damage to the engine, the
driving chain and other components.
While slowing the motorcycle down, decrease the throttle first and then apply both
front and rear brakes together to slow down or stop.
To apply an emergency brake, close the throttle first, release the clutch and promptly
use both front and rear brakes at the same time.
Independent use of only the front or rear brake reduces braking performance. Rapidly
applying brakes may cause the front or rear wheel to lock immediately, resulting in
loss of control of the motorcycle and bringing about an accident.
When approaching a corner or turn, close the throttle fully, and slow the motorcycle
down by applying both front and rear brakes at the same time. Otherwise it may cause
loss of control and a skid or overturn.
When riding on wet or loose surfaces, maneuver steadily. Immediately speeding up,
rapidly applying brakes and turning may result in a loss of motorcycle control.
Gradually close the throttle, decelerate the motorcycle, and then gently apply both
front and rear brakes together to stop steadily, turn off the ignition switch and lock the
head. In case of emergency, press the engine cut-off switch to cut off the engine. At
last use the center stand to support the motorcycle and turn the fuel switch to .
[Engine Oil Level Check]
Check the engine oil level each day
before riding the motorcycle. There
is a dipstick behind the left
crankcase cap for checking the oil
level. The level must be maintained
between the upper and lower
level marks on the dipstick.
Put the motorcycle on the center
stand on level ground, remove the
dipstick, wipe it clean, and reinsert
the dipstick without screwing it in.
Remove the dipstick to check the oil
If required, add the oil certified to
meet requirements for service
SAE10W/40 API SG. up to the
upper level mark. Don't overfill.
Reinstall the dipstick. Check for oil
Leaks. Dipstick Upper level mark Lower level mark
Running the engine with insufficient
oil can cause serious engine
[Engine oil change and oil filter clean]
Warm up the engine and drain
the engine oil after cutting off the
Place an empty container under
the engine. Unscrew the drain
screw to drain the oil
completely and then tighten the
drain screw. Add about 1.6L
kerosene. After that, cut off the
engine, press the starter button
for several times to clean the
components in the crankcase and Drain screw
then unscrew the drain screw. Tilt
the engine for 2 to 3 hours. Add
1.9L new oil after the oil in the
case is drained completely. If you
go to a specified service dealer,
you can require servicemen to
open the right crankcase and
remove the oil filter screen for
When riding on dust road, you
should change the engine oil and
clean the oil filter more frequently.
Oil filter screen
[Spark Plug Selection]
1.When riding usually at low speed or
under low temperature in winter, you are recommended to select A5RTC spark
plug of which center electrode is black
2.When riding usually at high speed or under high
temperature in summer, you are recommended to
select A7RTC spark plug of which center
electrode is gray.
3. You are recommended to select A6RTC
(furnished in the factory) under normal
[Spark Plug Inspection and Replacement]
Disconnect the spark plug cap from the spark plug.
Clean any dirt from around the spark plug bases.
Disassemble the spark plug using the spark plug wrench
in the tool kit and clean deposits or carbon fouling
with a wire brush. Inspect the electrode and
central porcelain for damage or erosion. If the
erosion or damage is heavy, replace the plug.
Check the gap of spark plug side electrode
using a feeler gauge and adjust the gap to0.6-0.7mm
Make sure the plug washer is in good condition Side electrode
Thread the spark plug in by hand to prevent cross-threading and then tighten it with a spark plug
Carburetor Idle Speed Regulation
Start the engine and have it warmed up, then do as follows when the temperature rises.
Turn the idle speed bolt (see the picture on the next page) to 1500 150rpm. And turn this bolt
clockwise to increase the idle speed, while turn it anticlockwise to reduce the idle speed.
[Throttle Cable Inspection]
Check for smooth throttle grip full opening and full closing in all steering positions.
Check that the throttle cable between the throttle grip and the carburetor is proper. If
the cable is twisted or improper, replace the cable or put it in proper position.
Free play at the tip of the throttle grip is 2 to 6mm. If necessary, unscrew the lock nut
¢Ùand turn the upper adjusting nut ¢Ú. If not enough, adjust the adjusting nut a and b
until it is proper.
Adjusting nut a Adjusting nut b
Carburetor cover
¢ÙIdling Screw
The air cleaner should be serviced at regular intervals. Service more frequently when
riding in unusually wet or dust areas.
Remove the frame cover, unscrew all bolts ¢Úand remove the air cleaner cover ¢Ù.
Take out the locator, remove the air cleaner element ¢Ûand install a new air cleaner
element¢Ü. Use new air cleaner or high-quality air cleaner specified for your model in
the service manual. Using the wrong air cleaner which is not of equivalent quality
may cause premature engine wear or performance problems.
Install the removed parts in the reverse order of disassembly.
[Brake Fluid]
Pay attention to the fluid level in the
brake fluid reservoir of the right brake
lever. If the level descends, add the
brake fluid specified by our company.
If the brake shoe wears, the fluid level
will descend as the fluid automatically
flows into the fluid tube. Checking and
adding brake fluid is an important part
of fluid disc brake regular
The brake fluid has strong corrosion. If
it is drunken wrongly, force to spit it
out. If eyes or skin are contacted with
it, clean with plenty of water and see a
1. NEVER use the fluid that has been used or that in
an open container .NEVERuse the fluid lftlast time
or that having been stored for a longperiod of time
a s t h e f l u i d h a s a b s o r b e d w a t e r f r o m t h e a i r.
2. The brake fluid is strongly corrosive. NEVER have the Brake calipers Brake disc
fluid spattered on paintd or plastic suiface .
[Brake Disc]
The brake disc will be worn after being used for a period of time. In order to ensure
that the brake system can function properly and reliably, replace the disc when it is extremely worn.
The limit of motorcycle brake disc is 3.5 mm, the same marked on the brake disc.
Wear mark
Don't ride your motorcycle after you have
just replaced the disc with a new one. Grasp
and release the front brake lever several
times until the brake disc fits the brake
calipers well, thus returning the front brake
lever to normal free play.
Brake dise
[Brake System]
Pre-ride inspection must be WARNING
performed every day on the 1. The fluid disc brake operates under
following items: high pressure. To make sure of safe
A)Check the fluid level In the fluid reservoir; riding, replace the fluid tube, the
reservoir and the fluid at the frequency
B) Check the brake system for fluid leakage;
interval no longer than that has been
c) Check the fluid tube and the reservoir for leaks or cracks; established in the manual.
d) Check wear of the brake disc; If it is necessary to maintain the brake
2. system or the disc, go to your
e) Ensure the right and
authorized service dealer for the sake
A. unchanged free play for the front brake lever at any time. of Safety.
B r a ke F l u i d
[Brake Fluid]
Pay attention to the fluid level in the rear brake
fluid reservoir. If the level descends, add the brake
fluid specified by our company. If the brake shoe
wears, the fluid level of the rear brake fluid reservoir
will descend as the fluid automatically flows into
the fluid is an important part of fluid tube. Checking
and adding brake fluid is an important part of fluid
B r a ke Pe d a l
disc brake regular maintenance.
The brake fluid has strong corrosion. If it is
drunken wrongly, force to spit it out. If eyes or
skin are contacted with it, clean with plenty of
water and see a doctor.
1.Never use the fluid that has been used or that in an open container. Never use the fluid left last
time or that having been stored for a long period of time as the fluid has absorbed water from the air.
2.The brake fluid is strongly corrosive. Never have the fluid spattered on painted or plastic surface.
[Brake Disc]
The brake disc will be worn after being used for a period of time. In order to ensure that the
brake system can function properly and reliably, replace the disc when it is extremely worn.
The limit of motorcycle brake disc is 3.5mm, the same marked on the brake disc.
Brake calipers
Don not ride your motorcycle after you have just
replaced the disc with a new one.Grasp and release
We a r m a r k
the front brake lever several times until the brake
disc fits the brake calipers well, thus returning the
front brake lever to normal free play.
Brake disc
[Brake System]
Pre-ride inspection must be performed every
day on the following item:
A. Check the brake system for fluid leakage;
B. Check the fluid tube and the reserve 1.The fluid disc brake operates under high pressure
air for leaks or cracks; the fluid at the frequency interval no longer than
C. Check wear of the brake disc; that has been established in the manual.
2.If it is necessary to maintain the brake systemor
D. Ensure the rear brake step pole unchanged
the disc, go to your authorized service dealer for
free play for the front brake lever at any time. the sake of safety.
Screw off the lock bolt ¢Ü. Remove the odometer cable ¢Ûand axle nut ¢ß. the front wheel axle ¢Ù,
The front wheel (involving the brake disc) and the Speedometer¢Ú.
To replace the front wheel or brake disc, unscrew the brake disc lock bolt ¢Ý and remove the brake
Disc ¢Þ. Install a new wheel in the reverse order of disassemble.
¢ÙFront wheel axle ¢ÚSpeedometer ¢ÛOdometer cable ¢ÜLock bolt ¢ÝBrake disc lock bolt
¢ÞBrake disc ¢ßAxle nut
Use a jack to raise the motorcycle's rear wheel off the ground. Screw off the real brake disc adjusting
nut and disconnect the brake arm unscrew the drive gear adjusting nut and adjusting nut ,hitch
the otherside of real axle with a wrench, remove the real wheel axle nut tack out the real wheel axle,
move the real wheel axle forward and remove the driving chain from the drive gear ,
thus taking out the real wheel.NOTE: Installation is in the reverse order of removal Rear brake disc
adjusting nut Rear axle nut Rear wheel axle Drive gear adjusting nut Adjusting nut
Front/rear wheel axle nut torch:40-50N.m, Apply the brakes for several times after adjusting the rear
brake and the chain and installing the front and rear wheels, and then release both front and rear brakes
to check that the wheels rotate properly.
The motorcycle is supplied with 12V9A.h DC by a lead-acid accumulator.
When riding the motorcycle, insufficient electrolyte in the accumulator will cause
sulfuration and damage to its polar plate.
If electrolyte in the accumulator runs out quickly, insufficient electrolyte will lower
strength of current thus making it hard to start the engine or bringing other trouble to
the electrical system. See the authorized dealer for repair.
Regularly check electrolyte in the accumulator that is under the right side frame cover.
The electrolyte level should be between the upper and lower levels marked on the
front side face of the accumulator. If the electrolyte is below the lower level, take the
accumulator out of the motorcycle, remove its cap and add distilled water carefully up
to the upper level.
1. When checking electrolyte or adding distilled water, make sure that the air tube
is well connected with the air outlet of the accumulator.
2.Use only distilled water. Tap water will shorten the service life of the accumulator
3.Remove the accumulator from the motorcycle to prevent its discharge and
leakage when you are not to use your motorcycle for a long period of time. When
Removing, take the negative wire apart first. After charging, store the
accumulator in a well-ventilated area free of direct sunlight. If you want to store
The accumulator in the motorcycle, you should remove the negative wire.
4.Regularly clean both positive and negative posts after removing the accumulator.
To reinstall the accumulator, put the positive wire on the accumulator first and
Then negative wire. Make sure that both positive and negative posts are firm.
5.Replace with an equivalent specified accumulator.
[The coolant]
The coolant consists of refrigerant and distilled water,has the function of antifreezing, The coolant
will prevent engine from overheating produced in neutral rotation or rotating in low speed, It also
prevent radiactor from harmful substance.
[inpouring of coolant]
Place the motorcycle on flat ground, unfold the side stand.
Unscrew the temperature control cap, and pour the coolant into the radiator until it is filled.
Screw the cover on the radiator tightly.
Start the motorcycle. When the temperature of the coolant reaches about 80 , stop the engine
for 5 minutes, then open the radiator to pour into the coolant until it is filled, and screw on the
cap tightly. Pour the coolant circularly in this way until the radiator is filled. Then the total
capacity of coolant will reach 1600ml.
Open the cap of reserve tank(kettle), and pour 400ml coolant into it. The position of these 2
caps is as indicated in picture 1 and picture 2.
Remove the right guard board by loosening the cross screw on it and open the fuse
box(white) to replace the fuse. There are 2 spare fuses for your motorcycle. Reinstall
the guard board in the reverse order of removal and fix it after replacement. The
specified fuses are 15A.
When frequent fuse failure occurs. it usually indicates a short circuit or an overload in
the electrical system. See your authorized service dealer for repair.
Replace with the specified fuse. Never use other conductive materials for replacement.
Turn the ignitin switch off ( turn to " ") before checking or replacing fuses to
prevent accidental short-circuiting. To replace the fuse in the fuse box, remove the
fuse box cover. Pull the old fuse out of clips. Push a new fuse into the clips and install
the fuse box cover.
Clean your motorcycle regularly to protect the surface finishes and inspect it for damage,wear and oil seepage.
High pressure water can damage certain parts of the motorcycle. Avoid spraying highPressure water
at the following areas: ignition switch, handlebar switches, instruments,muffler outlet and underseat.
Prevent water from flowing into the muffler, spark plug and
1. After cleaning, rinse the motorcycle thoroughly with plenty of clean water. otherwise, these repairs
may be forgotten by the time the motorcycle is removed from
2. Dry the motorcycle thoroughly. Start the engine and let it run for several minutes.
3. Lubricate the driving chain.
4. Test the brakes before riding the motorcycle in traffic. Several applications may be necessary to restore
normal braking performance.
WARNING:Braking performance may be impaired immediately after washing the Motorcycle.
Extended storage, such as for winter(exceeding one month),requires that you take
certain steps to reduce the effects of deterioration form non-use of the motorycle. In
addition,necessary repairs should be made BEFORE storing the motorcycle;
1. Clean and dry the motorcycle. Wax all painted surface.
2. Drain the fuel tank and carburetor. Spray the inside of the tank with aerosol rust-inhibiting oil.
3. Remove the spark plugs and pour a tablespoon (15-20 ml)of clean engine oil into each cylinder Press.
the starter button for several times after turning off the ignition switch to diffuse the engine oil evenly in
the cylinders, and then reinstall the spark plugs.
4. Remove the accumulator. Store in a well-ventilated, dry, and cool area protected from direct sunlight.
NOTE: To remove the accumulator,dismantle the negative wire and then positive wire.
When installing, fix the positive wire first and then negative and close the ignition switch
5. Inflate the tyres to their recommended pressures. Place the motorcycle on blocks to raise both tyres
off the ground.
6. Cover the motorcycle using cloth or other strongly air-permeable materials and store in a
well-ventilated area, free of rain and direct sunlight with a mininmum of daily temperature variation.
1. Uncover and clean the motorcyle.
2. Check the accumulator voltage. When the voltage is 12.3V below,slowly charge
the accumulator as required. Install the accumulator.
3. Drain any rust-inhibiting oil from the fuel tank. Fill the fuel tank with fresh
4. perform all pre-ride inspection checks. Test ride the motorcycle in a safe area
from traffic. Check that the motorcycle functions properly.
Clean the motorcycle off dust and mud with dry cloth regularly. Dry the motorcycle
when it is wet. Apply a little rust-inhibiting oil on zinc-coated and chrome-coated
parts. Wax the painted parts to keep them bright and elegant. Lubricate every movingPart.
Inflate both front and each tyres properly. Measure the pressure with a gauge and make
it in accordance with the specified requirements
Check for bolts, nuts and screws to prevent a safety hazard resulting from loosening
or falling-off of parts.
Check for both front and rear brakes. Immediately adjust and replace if they are
excessively worn or don't function properly.
Perform the pre-ride inspection at each scheduled maintenance period. Symbols in the
table stand for as follows:
Should be serviced by your authorized service dealer unless the owner has proper
tools and parts or is mechanically qualified.
In the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced only by your
authorized service dealer
Service more frequently when riding in unusually dusty areas.
At higher odometer readings,repeat at the frequency interval established here.
Adjustment of the timing chain tension and the air valve clearance should be
made only by your authorized service dealer for the sake of safety.
First replace the engine oil when the bike runs
ENGINE OIL EVERY YEAR R for 500km, and then replace it every other 3000km
ITEM 1000km 4000km 8000km 12000km REMARK
Part name Item Unit Model or technical parameters Part name Item Unit Model or technicalparameters
Overall 2135 825 1140 Model DD244MI
mm Single cylinder 4 stroke,
wgeelbase 1480 Type
Overhead camshaft
Kerb weight 165 Displacement ml 125
Complete Vehicle