Conventional Ammonia Plant Revamp With Purifier: Rajesh Aggarwal
Conventional Ammonia Plant Revamp With Purifier: Rajesh Aggarwal
Conventional Ammonia Plant Revamp With Purifier: Rajesh Aggarwal
Revamp with Purifier
KRIBHCO has operated two identical ammonia plants since 1986. These plants originally used
legacy Kellogg conventional design and are revamped to use KBR’s PurifierTM ammonia synthesis
technology as a means to increase the plant capacity by over 25% of their current capability. At the
same time, the plants have reduced the unit energy consumption. This paper describes the merits of
PurifierTM in revamp applications and the major modifications made, including a change from a
potassium carbonate based CO2 removal system to one using BASF’s activated MDEA (OASE White)
solvent. Implementation on the first plant was made late 2011 and the second unit in 2012.
Rajesh Aggarwal
Krishak Bharati Co-Operative Ltd, Hazira, Gujarat, India
Meghji Shah
KBR, Houston, USA
case was about 8.03 Gcal./MT -New LP Scrubber (Common for Plants 1& 2) Yes Yes
- New HP Scrubber & NH3 Distillation System Yes No
(28.9 MMBtu/ST). Hydrogen recovery In Revamp Scheme No Yes
Modified or Replaced 9 10
Figure 2 represents conventional revamp New 4 3
Estimated Cost $/ Delta MT NH3 Production 229,000 180,000
schematic with a revamp capacity of
1800 MTPD. The major revamp features Table 1: Salient changes in process scheme for
included addition of parallel process air revamp options
compressor, reformer convection coil changes,
Conventional Purifier TM
change from two stage potassium carbonate CO2 Revamp Revamp
removal process to two stage activated MDEA Ammonia Production MTPD 1800 1890
Total Reformer Duty Gcal/MT 2.93 2.64
system, modification of the synthesis gas HP Steam Production T/T 5.1 5.3
compressor, addition of a single bed ammonia CH4 Slip exit 101-B
CH4 Slip exit 103-D
%dry mol
%dry mol
converter in series with the existing converter, CO Slip exit HTS %dry mol 3.9 3
CO Slip exit LTS %dry mol 0.3 0.3
and replacement of ammonia recovery system. CO2 for Urea MTPD 2210 2321
Also, to maximize the CO2 production with as CO2 slip from Absorber ppmv
500 500
Front End Pressure drop KG/CM (A) 6.6 11.0
little impact on energy consumption as possible, 2
Synthesis Loop Pressure Drop KG/CM 16.2 11.2
the existing hydrogen recovery unit was deleted. H/N Ratio inlet Converter 3.00 3.00
Inerts inlet Converter %dry mol 9.00 4.97
Synthesis Pressure KG/CM (A) 182 179
Figure 3 depicts the revamp with PurifierTM NH3% outlet Converter %dry mol 20.50 18.75
technology. The revamp capacity for this case Energy Savings, LHV Basis Gcal/MT 0.52 0.34
was fixed at 1890 MTPD (2084 STPD), which Table 2: Comparison of parameters for
was limited by the refrigeration system load. revamp options
Plant #2 was shut down for revamp Uneven distribution of the combustion air
implementation at the end of January 2012. The between the radiant section and the auxiliary
plant returned to ammonia production at the end boiler has limited steam production capacity.
of March 2012, fifteen days after the The plant operates with less than design steam
introduction of feed to the primary reformer. export. The auxiliary boiler cannot be fired to
Currently, the plant is producing about 5% over the required capacity due to a lack of
the design revamp production. combustion air. KBR is working with Kribhco
to resolve the issue.
Most of the problems experienced during startup
of Plant #1 were avoided because of lessons
learned; however, the expander pressure drop
Performance Test Runs
was once again higher than expected. Other The performance test run (PTR) for Plant #2
problems that were experienced are as follows, was successfully completed in November of
most of which were corrected during a 10-day 2012. The test run passed ammonia and CO2
outage. quality and capacity requirements along with the
energy guarantee as shown in Table 3. The
Mole Sieve Support energy consumption includes cooling tower
energy requirement.
The major problem experienced in Plant #2 was
passing of alumina balls and the sieve material
from the bottom of the molecular sieve dryer Conclusion
into the downstream filters. The dryer bottom
collector was not sealed properly and the screen Conversion of the CO2 removal system from the
around the collector opened. hot carbonate system to OASE solvent requires
considerable attention during the start up pre-
The bottom collector was repaired and screens commissioning to clean the system. Once the
were tack welded. The sieve material was system is free of old system deposits, the CO2
reused as per guidance from the sieve material removal operation is trouble free. In this case,
supplier. the CO2 slip from the absorber runs less than
100 ppm versus the design slip of 500 ppm.
Surface Condenser Vacuum
Despite several delays in completing the
During the shutdown, the cooling water piping performance test run, capacity of the unit
around the surface condensers was modified to quickly exceeded the target values.
improve the vacuum. The new header was
installed to supply cooling water directly to the These projects are the first application of a
syngas compressor and the new parallel air PurifierTM revamp in a conventional ammonia
compressor surface condensers instead of plant. The Purifier was able to increase the
through the ammonia refrigeration condenser. capacity by 100 MTPD (110 STPD) more than
conventional revamp. Combined with a lower
Synthesis Gas Compressor Speed Control capital cost per incremental tonne of ammonia,
it provided a greater payback than a
The plant experienced unstable speed control of
conventional revamp.
the synthesis gas compressor. The problem was
resolved by the compressor/turbine vendor by
correcting the software.
Kribhco and KBR management are
acknowledged for their leadership in bringing
such a first of a kind revamp project in an
ammonia plant to reality. Further, contributions
of the specialists and engineering team members
of both Kribhco and KBR as well as the
contributions of the operations and maintenance
teams and related suppliers are highly
appreciated and acknowledged.