The Ammonia Process - A Challenge For Materials, Fabrication and Design of The Components
The Ammonia Process - A Challenge For Materials, Fabrication and Design of The Components
The Ammonia Process - A Challenge For Materials, Fabrication and Design of The Components
Past failures caused by some of the above mentioned damage mechanisms in the ammonia plants of
BASF and remedies which were taken, have been reported. In this paper some basic principles will
be referenced, which need to be taken into account when judging the remaining life of reformer
tubes, and some unusual failures which occurred in the high temperature converter and the boiler
feedwater preheater of the CO shift unit of one of our plants.
he development of the industrial ammo- lem was solved by the right conclusions drawn
nia process by Fritz Haber and Carl from metallographic sections, which indicated
Bosch 100 years ago was based on the the loss of pearlite and internal fissuring in the
solution of a materials problem caused steel’s microstructure after the short service.
by hydrogen attack on the pressure bearing
shells and tubes of the reactors and heat ex- Figure 1 demonstrates the changes within the
changers. Initially Bosch and his coworkers microstructure that occurred during the short
The metallurgical investigation identified that Figure 5. Creep curve with damage develop-
the failed tube ruptured due to creep damage as ment
can be recognized in Figure 4. No indication of
a fabrication defect was detected that could have In stage II the slope of the curve is more or less
contributed to the failure. constant, and here the Norton equation is some-
times applied in order to express the creep ve-
locity as a function of the applied stress.
min = K x Ơn
0,1 mm
Figure 11. Design of a weld lip seal In case of a weld cladding, hard martensitic is-
lands appear along the fusion line in the ferritic
When hot hydrogen-containing gases at higher steel in areas which are partly molten and also
pressures play a role, steels resistant to hydro- in areas where austenitizing has occurred during
gen attack are applied such as P12 and P22 for the welding process. The high hardness is
the gaskets. The problem in this case is that caused by carbon diffusion in the direction of
these steels need to be heat treated after weld- the higher chromium alloyed austenitic steel.
ing, therefore the weld lip seal is cladded. The
blocks in direct contact with the gas atmosphere An explosion cladding does not exhibit such
consist of the P12 or P22 material. On top of hard areas and seams. The explosion causes a
this, relatively thick claddings made of austenit- very high energy release rate and acceleration of
ic steels are applied. In this way the sealing the clad steel. In the collision point of the two
weld can be made with low heat input and it can sheets, an extreme high temperature arises due
be assured that the base metal is not affected by to internal friction by which surface layers at the
the temperature of the welding process. This interface are removed so that the two materials
design also allows these sealing welds to be come into an intensive contact and are bonded
opened and rewelded several times. together. Undesired carbon diffusion leading to
hard spots and seams (such as for a weld clad-
In the specific case of the high temperature con- ding) cannot develop in an explosion cladding
verter, the inlet and outlet nozzles are connected during fabrication, because the time temperature
to the piping system by flanges with weld lip cycle even at the fusion line is not sufficient. It
seals. The gas temperature in the converter in is therefore believed that the explosion cladding
service is about 475 °C (887 °F) and the pres- is safer against disbonding.
sure is 33 bar (478 psi). The gas has a high hy-
drogen partial pressure, which made the selec- During a shut-down of the plant, the gas lip seal
tion of a P12 for the metallic gasket necessary. was opened at the gas exit pipe flange in order
On top of this, a 10 mm thick explosion clad- to conduct an internal vessel inspection. At that
ding of 321 SS (material no.1.4541) was ap- time the weld lip sealing was about 10 years in
plied. This design is shown in Figure 11. The service. After the shut-down the seal was re-
seal weld with a bevel preparation of 3 mm welded. During the leak testing, a leak was de-
depth will not affect the base material. The ex- tected not in the seal weld, but in the cladding
plosion cladding was selected in this case to interface between the two materials. The whole
provide a higher safety margin against disbond-
0,05 mm
Figure 13. Fusion line in the explosion clad-
ding with hardness values