Renal Concept Map

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Calamba Shaira Ann V.

37-year old, M
BSN 3Y1-3S Diagnostic Test
 Peritoneal dialysis effluent

 down. Man with chronic renal failure who was secondary

Pathophysiology: caused by bacteria, the physiologic response is to chronic glomerulonephritis had been on
determined by several factors, including the virulence of the peritoneal dialysis for approximately 6 months
contaminant, the size of the inoculum, the immune status and overall
without any episode of peritonitis. In December
health of the host and elements of the local environment, such as
necrotic tissue, blood, or bile
2019, he was admitted to the hospital for fever,
vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and cloudy
dialysate several hours after eating stinky tofu. The
peritoneal effluent culture yielded Aeromonas
Sobria. The patient was given levofloxacin for 10 Medications:
Dx: Peritonitis days. The patient symptoms such as diarrhea,  Levofloxacin
abdominal pain were relieved and the cloudy
effluent turned to be clear. Unfortunately, peritoneal
Medical history: chronic renal dialysis catheter was blocked because of fibrin clot
failure who was secondary formation in the setting of inflammation, and finally it
to chronic was removed.

Risk for decreased cardiac output related to excessive loss

of body fluids
Risk for fluid volume deficit related to losses through
Risk for imbalanced nutrition less than the body
normal routes as evidenced by vomiting and Diarrhea
requirement related to vomiting
Vomiting & Diarrhea

Vomiting & Diarrhea Vomiting & Diarrhea

 Monitor BP and HR.
 Observe ECG or telemetry for changes in rhythm.
 Auscultate heart sounds.
 Assess and document dietary intake  Assess color of skin, mucous membranes, and nail
 Prepare for IVF replacement
 Provide frequent, small feedings. beds. Note capillary refill time.
 Monitor Input and Output.
 Give patient/SO a list of permitted foods or fluids  Note occurrence of slow pulse, hypotension, flushing,
 Provide allowed fluids throughout 24-hr period.
and encourage involvement in menu choices nausea and vomiting, and depressed level of
 Monitor BP (noting postural changes) and HR.
 Offer frequent mouth care or rinse with diluted consciousness.
 Note signs and symptoms of dehydration: dry mucous
acetic acid solution. Give gums, hard candy,  Monitor for GI bleeding by guaiac testing all stools for
membranes, thirst, dulled sensorium, peripheral
breath mints between meals. blood.
 Weigh daily.  Investigate reports of muscle cramps, numbness of
 Monitor laboratory studies
 Monitor laboratory studies fingers, with muscle twitching, hyperreflexia.
 Provide high-calorie, low to moderate protein  Maintain bed rest or encourage adequate rest and
diet. provide assistance with care and desired activities.
 Prepare for/assist with dialysis as necessary.

 The patient will Display I&O near balance

 The patient will Maintain peripheral pulses strong
 The patient will maintain usual weight and equal with adequate capillary refill time

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