Chapter 1: Integers and Its Properties
Chapter 1: Integers and Its Properties
Chapter 1: Integers and Its Properties
discuss the basic concepts of integers, divisors, divisibility and linear combination,
deduce properties and related facts on integers and divisors,
apply the properties of integers, divisibility, divisors, linear combination, in solving problems
and proving statements,
discuss and prove the Euclidean Algorithm,
discuss and prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic,
solve problems involving linear Diophantine equations
determine whether a given a positive integer is prime or not using definition and Sieve of
discuss twine primes, Fermat’s primes and Mersenne Primes.
deduce and prove properties of primes
The set of integers consist of the set {…, -3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}. We shall denote this set by Z. This set
consists of 3 subsets.
Hence, the set Z is the union of positive integers, zero number and the negative integers.
Well-Ordering Principle
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Illustration 1.2 The set of all counting numbers greater than 2 has 3 as the least element. Why do
you think so?
Let P(n) be a statement involving the positive integers (counting numbers). If we can prove that
The mathematical induction can be used to prove some statements and its proof has two parts,
1. Verification
2. Proof of induction
Exercise 1.1
a. 1 + 3 + 5 + . . . + (2n 1) = n 2.
b. 2 + 4 + 6 + . . . + 2n = n 2 + n
n(n 1)(2n 1)
c. 12 + 22 + 32 + . . . + n 2 = .
n(2n 1)(2n 1)
d. 12 + 32 + 52 + . . . + (2n 1)2 = .
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n(n 1)(n 2)
e. 1.2 + 2.3 + 3.4 + . . . + n(n+1) =
Given any two positive integers, a and b, there exist unique two integers q and r (0 r b and
0 q), called respectively quotient and remainder, such that
a = b .q + r
Illustrations 1.1
1. Consider a = 870 and b = 84. Now, if we divide 870 by 84, we get 10 and a remainder of 30,
Hence, 870 = 84 (10) + 30 where q = 10 and r = 30.
2. Let a = 836 and b = 25. Dividing 836 by 25 gives 33 and a remainder of 11. Therefore,
836 = 25(33) + 11.
Exercise 1.2
1. a = 329 and b = 16
2. a = 768 and b = 253
3. a = 480 and b = 60
4. a = 2905 and b = 117
5. a = 5237 and b = 125
In this case, 70 is an exact divisor of 280. Notice that if the remainder is 0, b divides a exactly but
this is not the case as we can see in illustrations 1 and 2, if the remainder is not 0.
The above idea about a number being divisible by exactly by another number is given by the
following definition.
An integer a 0 is called a divisor or factor of an integer b if there exists another integer c such
that b = ac. The integer b is called an integral multiple of a.
a b is read as “a divides b”
iff is read as “if and only if”
is read as “there is/there exists”
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Illustrations 1.3
3. For any a Z, a 0 since 0 = a(0). However, it is not the case that 0 a since there is no
integer x such that 0(x) = a, unless a is also zero and in which case x could be any integer,
and, therefore, can’t be unique. Hence, if a 0, then
0 a is meaningless. We say that a 0 is undefined.
Suppose that 4 10 (4 divides 10). Then, there must be x Z such that 4(x) = 10.
Now, we know that 10 is between 8 and 12 but there is no integer x between 2 and 3. Hence, there
is no way we can get the 10 in 4(x). Therefore, it is not true that
Exercise 1.3
1. Prove that 6 18 (6 divides 18) but 6 14 (6 does not divide 14).
2. Prove that 7 21 (7 divides 210 but 7 30 (7 does not divide 30).
Proof. Let m and n be two even integers. By definition of even integers, m and n can be written as
m = 2s, s Z
n = 2t, t Z
mn = 2s(2t)
= 2 (2st) by associative property on product of integers.
mn = 2r, r = 2st Z (by closure property)
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Exercise 1.4
Illustrations 1.4
Exercise 1.5
1. If a = 3, b = 8 and x, y Z, then what is the expression for which a and b is a linear combination
of 2 and 3?
3. Is x + 4y a linear combination of two integers? If yes, for what two integers will x +4y a linear
combination of?
4. How about 3x? Is it a linear combination of two integers? If yes, what are the two integers?
5. How about -8y? Is it a linear combination of two integers? If yes, what are the two integers?
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Illustrations 1.
1. Since 2 6 and 2 8, then 2 (6x + 8y). This can be shown using definition 1.1.
Proof of Property 3:
Given: c a and c b
Since c a and c b, then there exist integers m and n such that a = mc and b = nc.
ax + by = mcx + ncy = c(mx + ny). This shows that c (ax + by) by definition 1.1
Corollary 1.1
If a number c divides a sum of two numbers, m and n, and if it divides one of the two numbers,
then it also divides the other. In other words, if c (m + n) where m, n Z and c m, then c n.
Illustrations 1.5:
Suppose 3 divides the sum of x + 9, since it divides 9, the corollary says that it must also divide x.
Let us verify this by few examples.
We have noticed from values of x that only for those divisible by 3 is the expression x + 9 also
divisible by 3.
Common Divisors
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Remarks 1.1
The above remarks show the existence of the greatest common divisor.
Illustration 1.6
Consider 18 and 42 as two integers. We say that 6 is the gcd of 18 and 42 since
We shall denote the symbol, g = (a, b) or (a, b) = g the greatest common divisor of a and b is g. In
other words, the symbol g = (a, b) or (a, b) = g is read as “the greatest common divisor of a and b is equal
to d.
Euclidean Algorithm
The Euclidean Algorithm is a process for finding the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two
integers with repeated application of the Division Algorithm.
Theorem 1.2
b = aq1 + r1 0 r1 a
a = r1q2 + r2 0 r2 r1
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r1 = r2q3 + r3 0 r3 r2
rk-2 = rk-1qk + rk 0 rk rk-1
rk-1 = rk qk+1 + 0
The above theorem implies that the last nonzero remainder gives the gcd of a and b.
Example 1.2
243 = 96(2) + 51
96 = 51(1) + 45
51 = 45(1) + 6
45 = 6(8) + 3
6 = 3(2) + 0
Using continuous division we obtain the same gcd of 3 for 243 and 96 as shown below.
96 243
51 96 1
45 51 1
6 45 7
3 6 2
Example 1.3
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657 = 306(2) + 45
306 = 45(6) + 36
45 = 36(1) + 9
36 = 4(9) + 0
Since the last nonzero remainder is 9, hence, the gcd (963, 657) = 9.
The above process can also be performed using the continuous division as shown below.
657 963
306 657 2
45 306 6
36 45 1
9 36 4
Exercise 1.6.
1. Find the gcd(39, 91), gcd(153, 201), gcd(132, 231), gcd(264, 824), gcd(217, 1484).
2. Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find integers x and y satisfying the following:
(a) gcd(7, 84) = 7x + 84y
(b) gcd(16, 92) = 16x + 92y
(c) gcd(26, 182) = 26x + 182y
(d) gcd(54, 81)=54x + 81y
(e) gcd(117, 2107) = 117x + 2107y
1. An integer N is divisible by 3 if and only if 3ai (3 divides the summation of ai’s) where ai’s are
digits of the decimal expansion of N.
Illustrations 1.7:
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2. An integer N is divisible by 9 if and only if 9 ai (9 divides the summation of ai’s) where ai’s
are digits of the decimal expansion of N.
Illustrations 1.8:
b. N = 9288, a0 = 8, a1 = 8 a2 = 2 and a3 = 9.
ai = 8 + 8 + 2 + 9 = 27. Since 9 27, therefore, 9 9288.
Illustrations 1.9:
b. N = 41414, M = 14. In this case, 4 does not divide 14. Hence, 41414 is not divisible by 4.
5. If an integer N is divisible by 2k if and only if 2k M, where M is the number formed by the last k
digits of N. This means that if the last k digits of N is divisible by 2k, then N is divisible by 2k.
Illustrations 1.10:
a. Let N = 3157892.
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Since the difference between 18 and 17 is 1 and 1 is not divisible by 11, hence, 3157892
is not divisible by 11.
b. Let N = 3156802.
c. Let N = 509190.
7. A number is divisible by 7 if the difference between twice the units digit and the number formed
by the remaining digits after truncating the units digit is a multiple of 7.
Illustration 1.11
Illustration 1.12
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Note: The process may be repeated thereafter if the difference between the remaining digits and
twice the last digit is still a big number.
Exercise 1.7.
A. Without performing the division operation for the following integers together with corresponding
divisor, determine whether the divisibility holds true or not. If not, explain why.
1. 207 by 3 6. 246600 by 9
2. 12016 by 4 7. 216910 by 3
3. 122345 by 6 8. 4010022 by 4
4. 123110 by 8 9. 2301200 by 8
5. 289905 by 11 10. 2505801 by 11
Historical Notes:
Linear Diophantine Equations is an honor of Diophantus. His life comes from an epigram found in a
collection called the Greek Anthology: “Diophantus passed one sixth of his life in childhood, one twelfth
in youth, and one-seventh as a bachelor. Five years after his marriage was born a son who died four years
before his father, at half his father’s age”. From this the reader can infer that Diophantus lived to age of
ax + by = c
Note: The equation describing this line has infinitely many solutions.
The equation ax + by = c is a Linear Diophantine Equation if and only if the solutions are
restricted to integers only.
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Example 1.4 : 4x + 3y = 5
Observe that the above equation has a solution x = 2 and y = 1 which are integers.
Example 1.5. The linear Diophantine equation, 4x + 10y = 11 has no solution which are integers or
integral solution. Why do you think so?
What is the gcd of a and b in equation 1? How about the gcd of a and b in equation 2?
Theorem 1.3
The equation ax + by = c has a solution (integral solution) if the greatest common divisor of a and b
divides c or c is divisible by the gcd of a and b.
Observed that Example 1.4 (4x + 3y = 5) has an integral solution because (4, 3) = 1 (gcd of 4 and 3 is 1)
and it divides 5. On the other hand, Example 1.5, 4x + 10y = 11 has no integral solution since (4, 10) = 2
does not divide 11.
Theorem 1.4
If x0, y0 are particular solutions to ax + by = c, then the general solution are given by
x = x0 + bt/d, t Z
y = y0 – at/d, t Z
d = (a, b)
Example 1.6
Let us consider the equation 33x + 14y = 319. What are the integral solutions of this equation?
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We begin by examining whether the equation has solution(s). The greatest common divisor of 33
and 14 is 1 and it divides 319 or (33, 14)319. Hence, the equation has a solution.
33 = 14(2) + 5
Using the Euclidean Algorithm or repeated application of the Division Algorithm, the above
equation can be expressed as follows:
14 = 5(2) + 4
5 = 4(1) + 1 1 = 5 – 4(1)
= 5 + 4(-1)
4 = 1(4) + 0 = 5 + [14 –5(2)]( 1)
= 5 + 14( 1) + 5(2)
= 5(3) + 14 ( 1)
= [33 – 14(2)](3) + 14 ( 1)
= 33(3) – 14(6) + 14( 1)
= 33(3) + 14( 6) + 14( 1)
1 = 33(3) + 14( 7)
We see that using backward approach as shown in the right side of the above, the g(33, 14) = 1 is
a linear combination of 33 and 14.
What do we do to equation (*) so that the right side of this equation will become 319?
Hence, we have
Let us denote x0 = 957 and y0 = 2233 be the particular solutions of the equation 33x + 14y = 319
Recall that the general solutions of the equation are of the form,
So we have,
X = 957 + 14t/1 and Y = -2233 – 33t/1
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Hence, the general solutions of the equation 33x + 14y = 319 are expressed in the following:
Thus, for every t Z, the solutions for 33x + 14y = 319 can be obtained using the above general
Exercise 1.8
Determine whether each of the following linear Diophantine equations has solutions. If yes
determine all the solutions, otherwise, explain why.
The famous application of the Linear Diophantine Equation is the problem on “The Spider and the
Beetle”. The problem is stated this way,
Example 1.7
How many spiders and beetles are there in cage if there are 46 legs?
If you have not heard what we call the Diophantine Equation, you might do it by trial and error.
This is to consider the number of legs both a spider and a beetle have and to assume possible
number of spiders to determine the number of beetles. However, this involves tedious work. The
Euclidean Algorithm and above two theorems can be used to solve the problem.
If we let x be the number of spiders and y be the number of beetles. The equation would be
8x + 6y = 46
Do you think the above equation describes the given problem? Why
Now we evaluate whether the above equation has a solution. Notice that
(6, 8) = 2 or the gcd of 6 and 8 is 2 divides 46, we say that the equation has solution.
8 = 6 (1) + 2
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6 = 2(3) + 0
Hence, the greatest common divisor can be expressed as linear combination of 8 and 6 as follows:
2 = 8 – 6(1)
2 = 8(1) + 6( 1) (*)
Note that the given equation is 6x + 8y = 46, so we multiple (*) by 23 to make the quantity in the
left side of the equation equal to 46 and to obtain the desired solutions of this equation as shown below.
[8(1) + 6( 1) = 2] 23
8(23) + 6( 23) = 46
Therefore, the particular solutions are x = 23 and y = – 23. However, we cannot say that there are
23 spiders and – 23 beetles. Hence, we need to consider the general solutions of the equation. Based on
these particular solutions, the general solutions can be obtained from the following equations:
X = 23 + 3t and Y = 23 – 4t
The values of X and Y must be positive, that is, x > 0 and y > 0. Why do you think so?
In the Number Line, the solutions of the two inequalities can be obtained.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
If t = 6, then X = 5 and Y = 1. This means that there are 5 spiders and 1 beetle. The other
possible solutions of t will give corresponding number of spiders and beetles.
Exercise 1.9
1. How many 25-centavo and 10-centavo coins are there if the total amount is
2. A grocer orders apples and oranges at a total cost of P241.20. If apples cost him P7.50 each and
oranges cost him P5.40 each, how many of each type of fruit did he order?
3. A theater charges P180 for adult admission and P75 for children. If the total receipts were
P36,375 on a particular day, how many people attended the show. Assume that more adults than
children were present.
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An integer p is prime iff (if and only if) p > 1 and the only positive divisors of p are p and 1.
An integer p is prime iff (if and only if) p > 1 and there exist no divisors d such that
1 < d < p.
Every integer n > 1 is a product of primes in one and only one way, a part from the order of
Illustrations 1.13:
A. By definition
B. Sieve of Eratosthenes
Theorem 1.6
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Notice that 2 does not divide 91 and so with 3 and 5 but 7 divides 91.
Therefore, 91 is not a prime number since there is a p = 7 which is prime such that it divides 91.
The prime numbers which are less than 15 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13.
Exercise 1.10
Determine whether each of the following is prime or not prime. Explain your answer.
1. 701
2. 977
3. 1009
4. 2119
5. 3023
B. Sieve of Eratosthenes
Eratosthenes is a Greek scholar who discovered a convenient procedure to determine the prime numbers.
This method is called Sieve of Eratosthenes and it is done in the following manner.
After performing the above procedures, the prime can now be determined given the first 50, 100,
1000, 2000, etc. positive integers.
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 2 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 3 36
37 38 39 40 41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Thus, the prime numbers in the set of the first 50 integers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,
37, 41, 43, and 47.
Exercise 1.11.
Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to determine the prime numbers from the first
1. 100 integers
2. 150 integers
3. 200 integers
4. 250 integers
5. 300 integers
Two primes are said to be twin primes if they are separated by just a single composite number.
Example 1.10
The prime numbers, 17 and 19 are separated by only the composite number 18. Hence, they are
twin primes.
Let us investigate the conjectures of Mersenne and Fermat concerning prime numbers.
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2n – 1 where n ≥ 1
This set of numbers is invented by Father Marin Mersenne (1588-1648), a French monk. A subset
of this set which are primes is said to be Mersenne primes. He asserted that
2n – 1 is prime if n is prime.
n = 3, 23 1 = 7 is a prime
n = 5, 25 1 = 31is a prime
n = 7, 27 1 = 127 is prime
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Explore and discover the next Mersenne primes! Who knows you will discover the next Mersenne
Any number of the form 2n +1, n ≥ 0 is called Fermat numbers. This is denoted Fn. In symbol, we
write the set of all Fermat Numbers,
Fn = 2n + 1 where n ≥ 0.
F0 = 21 +1 = 3
F1 = 22 + 1 = 5
F2 = 24 + 1 = 17
F3 = 28 + 1 = 257
F4 = 216 + 1 = 65,537
He claimed that
2n + 1 is prime if n is a power of 2.
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1. On the table below, indicate the number of primes and the proportions of primes between the two
2. Observing the last digits of prime numbers, answer each of the following:
2.1 What numbers appear as the last digits of prime numbers? List them
2.2 Are some last digits appear often than others in the first 100 primes? What about the
first 200 Primes?
3. Consider the possible remainders when primes are divided by a particular number.
3.2 How about if you divide them by 3. Do some remainders occur more frequently than
4.3 What do you observe about the frequencies of various separations as you proceed through
the set of primes?
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