Course-Syllabus Calculus1 Obe

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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal


College of Agriculture

COURSE TITLE Engineering Calculus 1 COURSE CODE Math 2

PRE-REQUISITE Mathematics in the Modern World CO-REQUISITES None

I. VISION The leading university in human resource development, knowledge and technology generation and environmental stewardship
II. MISSION The University of Rizal System is committed to nurture and produce upright and competent graduates and empowered community through
relevant and sustainable higher professional and technical instruction, research, extension and production services

III. Goals
National To train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for the national development for the quality of human life
Regional To train the nations manpower with the skills required for the regional development
Institution To develop the full potential of an individual in academic and technological discipline for an empowered, productive and morally upright citizen

IV. Core Responsiveness, Integrity, Service, Excellence, Social responsibility

V. Graduate Globally competitive, Innovative, Adaptive, Nationalistic, Trustworthy, Service-Oriented
VI. Program BSABE
outcomes a. Articulate the latest developments in their specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor)
b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino languages
c. Work efficiently and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
d. Demonstrate professional, social and ethical responsibility, especially in practicing intellectual property rights and sustainable
e. Preserve and promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage

URS-TAN-COA-1SY-OAEN-058 Rev. 00 Effective Date:

f. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of the physical and natural sciences and
g. Apply analytical critical and problem solving skills using scientifically recognized method
h. Interpret scientific data and reflect on relevant scientific and ethical issues
i. Carry out basic mathematical and statistical computations and use appropriate technologies in (a) the analysis of data; and (b) in
pattern recognition, generalization, abstraction, critical analysis and problem solving
j. Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions both, orally and in writing to other scientists, decision makers and the public
k. Connect science and math to the other disciplines
l. Design and perform techniques and procedures following safe and responsible laboratory or field practices
m. Accepts and critically evaluates input from others
n. Appreciate the limitations and implications of science in every day life
o. Commit to the integrity of data
p. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems.
q. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
r. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints in accordance with standards.
s. Function in multidisciplinary teams
t. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities.
u. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
v. Engage in life-long learning.
w. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
x. Apply engineering and management principles to projects in multidisciplinary environments

VIII. Program 1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve complex AB engineering problems
outcomes 2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
addressed 3. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints in accordance with standards
by the 4. Function on multidisciplinary teams
course 5. Identify, formulate, and solve complex AB engineering problems
6. Understand professional and ethical responsibility
7. Communicate effectively complex AB engineering activities
8. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
9. Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
10. Know contemporary issues
11. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
12. Know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments
13. understand at least one specialized field of ABE practice

URS-TAN-COA-1SY-OAEN-058 Rev. 00 Effective Date:

IX. Course At the end of the course, student must be able to:
outcomes 1. Differentiate algebraic and transcendental functions
2. Apply the concept of differentiation in solving word problems
3. Analyze and trace transcendental curves
X. Course An introductory course covering the core concepts of limit, continuity and differentiability of functions involving one or more
Description variables. This also includes the application of differential calculations in solving problems on optimization, rates of change, related
rates, tangents and normals, and approximations; partial differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
XI. Course Outline


1 Lecture, a. URS Handbook
 Recite and Recitation/Group  URS VMGO, Policies Group b. Comandante, F.L. Jr. (2005)
analyze the Report  Introduction discussion/brainstorming Blackboard/ Differential Calculus Made
URS VMGO white board Easy. Metric Edition. National
Chalk/marker BookStore. p

2 – 2.5  Reviewed Written examination, 1. Coordinates and lines Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ a. Peterson, T.S. (1960).
and Seatwork/Boardwork 1.1. Introduction Small Group Problem white board Calculus with Analytic
developed Assignment/Problem 1.2. Number System Task Chalk/marker, Geometry. A Harper
mastery in Set 1.3. Rectangular Discussion of Board references International Edition. Harper
solving Coordinates work Output (books etc), and Row Publishers. Pp.13-
trigonometry 1.4. Distance between Giving of Assignment/ Formula 38
and analytic two Points Problem Set Booklet
geometry 1.5. Point on the Line
problems Joining Two
1.6. Area of a Triangle
1.7. Inclination and
1.8. Parallel and
1.9. Angle Between
two Lines

URS-TAN-COA-1SY-OAEN-058 Rev. 00 Effective Date:

1.10. The locus of a
1.11. Equation of a
Straight Line
1.12. Standard
Equations of
1.13. Intersection of
1.14. Distance from a
Line to a Point
1.15. Family of Lines
1.16. Line through the
Intersection of
two Line
2.5-4  Identify Written examination, 2. Variables, Functions, Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ a. Peterson, T.S. (1960).
variables in an Seatwork/Boardwork Relations and Limits Small Group Problem white board Calculus with Analytic
equations Assignment/Problem 2.1. Rate of Change Task Chalk/marker, Geometry. A Harper
 Differentiate Set 2.2. Concept of Area Discussion of Board references International Edition.
functions from 2.3. Constants and work Output (books etc), Harper and Row
relations Variables Giving of Assignment/ Publishers. Pp.41 - 60
 Determine the 2.4. Relations Problem Set b. Comandante, F.L. Jr.
limits of a 2.5. Functions (2005) Differential Calculus
functions 2.6. Limit of a Made Easy. Metric Edition.
Functions National BookStore. Pp. 2
2.7. Continuity - 83
2.8. Infinity
5-8  Appreciate the Written examination, 3. Differentiation and a. Peterson, T.S. (1960).
use of Seatwork/Boardwork Applications Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ Calculus with Analytic
differentiation Assignment/Problem 3.1. Increments Small Group Problem white board Geometry. A Harper
in solving Set 3.2. Derivative Task Chalk/marker, International Edition.
complex 3.3. Derivatives of Discussion of Board references Harper and Row
mathematical Powers work Output (books etc), Publishers. Pp.61 - 90
problems 3.4. Slope of a Curve Giving of Assignment/
b. Comandante, F.L. Jr.
 Differentiate 3.5. Velocity and Problem Set
(2005) Differential Calculus
algebraic Acceleration
Made Easy. Metric Edition.

URS-TAN-COA-1SY-OAEN-058 Rev. 00 Effective Date:

equations 3.6. Maxima and National BookStore. Pp.
using the 4- Minima; Critical 94 - 141
step rule Points
 Graph 3.7. Higher
functions by Derivatives
applying 3.8. Points of
differentiation Inflection;
3.9. Applications of
Maxima and
3.10. Differentials
3.11. Approximations
and Errors
9-10  Memorize and Written examination, 4. Differentiation of a. Peterson, T.S. (1960).
apply different Seatwork/Boardwork Algebraic Functions, Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ Calculus with Analytic
differentiation Assignment/Problem Exponential and Small Group Problem white board Geometry. A Harper
formulas Set Logarithmic Functions Task Chalk/marker, International Edition. Harper
 Differentiate 4.1. Differentiation Discussion of Board references and Row Publishers. Pp.135 -
implicit formulas work Output (books etc), 211
functions 4.2. Differentiation of Giving of Assignment/ b. Comandante, F.L. Jr. (2005)
Implicit Functions Problem Set Differential Calculus Made
4.3. Derivatives of Easy. Metric Edition. National
Exponential BookStore. Pp. 222 - 258
4.4. Derivatives of
11 - 12  Differentiate Written examination, 5. Differentiation of Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ a.Peterson, T.S. (1960).
trigonometric Seatwork/Boardwork Trigonometric and Small Group Problem white board Calculus with Analytic
and inverse Assignment/Problem Inverse Trigonometric Task Chalk/marker, Geometry. A Harper
trigonometric Set Functions Discussion of Board references International Edition. Harper
functions 5.1. Limits of work Output (books etc), and Row Publishers. Pp.187 -
Trigonometric Giving of Assignment/ 211
Functions Problem Set b. Comandante, F.L. Jr. (2005)
5.2. Derivatives Differential Calculus Made

URS-TAN-COA-1SY-OAEN-058 Rev. 00 Effective Date:

5.3. Maxima and Easy. Metric Edition. National
Minima Involving BookStore. Pp. 260 - 309
5.4. Derivatives of
13  Differentiate Written examination, 6. Hyperbolic and Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ a. Peterson, T.S. (1960).
Hyperbolic Seatwork/Boardwork Inverse Hyperbolic Small Group Problem white board Calculus with Analytic
and Inverse Assignment/Problem Functions Task Chalk/marker, Geometry. A Harper
Hyperbolic Set 6.1. Derivatives of Discussion of Board references International Edition. Harper
Functions Hyperbolic work Output (books etc), and Row Publishers. Pp.379 -
Functions Giving of Assignment/ 390
6.2. Inverse Problem Set b. Comandante, F.L. Jr. (2005)
Hyperbolic Differential Calculus Made
Functions Easy. Metric Edition. National
BookStore. Pp. 310 - 329

14-16  Identify a Written examination, 7. Parametric Equations, Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ a.Peterson, T.S. (1960).
parametric Seatwork/Boardwork Curvature and Small Group Problem white board Calculus with Analytic
equation Assignment/Problem Indeterminate Forms Task Chalk/marker, Geometry. A Harper
 Differentiate Set 7.1. Derivatives of Discussion of Board references International Edition. Harper
parametric Parametric work Output (books etc), and Row Publishers. Pp.212 -
equation Equations Giving of Assignment/ 225
7.2. Curvature Problem Set b. Comandante, F.L. Jr. (2005)
7.3. Indeterminate Differential Calculus Made
Forms Easy. Metric Edition. National
BookStore. Pp. 340 - 356

17 - 18  Understand Written examination, 8. Functions of Several Sample Problem Solving Blackboard/ a. Peterson, T.S. (1960).
partial Seatwork/Boardwork Functions Small Group Problem white board Calculus with Analytic
derivatives Assignment/Problem 8.1. Partial Derivatives Task Chalk/marker, Geometry. A Harper
 Mastery in Set 8.2. Chain Rule and Discussion of Board references International Edition.
the Implicit work Output (books etc), Harper and Row Publishers.
application of Differentiation Pp.419 - 452

URS-TAN-COA-1SY-OAEN-058 Rev. 00 Effective Date:

chain rule Giving of Assignment/ b. Comandante, F.L. Jr. (2005)
and implicit Problem Set Differential Calculus Made
differentiation Easy. Metric Edition. National
BookStore. Pp. 374 - 390

XII. Course policies

1. Attendance
2. Submission of Problem Sets and assignment
3. Classroom House Rules
4. Policies as indicated in the Student manual

XIII. Grading system

Quizzes 30%
Seat work/ Board work 20%
Assign/Problem Set/Lab Ex 10 %
Term Examinations 40 %

Prepared by: _ROSALINDA G BRASOS _____________________


Reviewed __ENGR ELEONOR F SANTIAGO______ _____________________

Program Head Date

Approved _DR__ALEXANDER M ABRAZADO_____ _____________________

Dean Date

URS-TAN-COA-1SY-OAEN-058 Rev. 00 Effective Date:

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